Currabubula Garden Party Spreads Treatment Message


Currabubula Garden Party Spreads Treatment Message
Rays of Hope shine brightly
GUNNEDAH’S Fleur Morgan and Tony and Debbie Bernays supporting the
Rays of Hope fund-raiser. Photo: Quirindi Advocate.
JENNY Barlow pictured in Korea with Australian doctor Luke Baker, left, a radiologist at Private Prince of
Wales Hospital, in Sydney, Australian professors, Michael Jackson and Carl Munoz-Ferrada and Professor TaeSik Jung, of Kosin University Gospel Hospital.
Currabubula garden party
spreads treatment message
thermia treatment machine for
a clinic on the eastern seaboard
is being manufactured overseas and will hopefully be available as a treatment option midyear – the bookwork to break
through government regulations
is incredible.”
Jenny has recently returned
Jenny Barlow has been fightfrom Korea where she attended
ing for more than five years to
seminars at Seoul and Busan
have the treatment introduced
with Sydney Professors Michael
to Australia and her campaign is
Jackson, Carl Munoz-Ferrada
starting to pay off with a treatand Dr Luke Baker, a radioloment room offered at the Prince
gist at Private Prince of Wales
of Wales Private Hospital.
Around 50 people attended the
“We visited a number of hosfunction at Currabubula where
pitals, observed treatment using
the hosts provided a sumptuous
oncothermia equipment and
meal and popular country trio,
attended advanced scientific lecThose Girls, dished out a fantastures,” Jenny said.
tic night of entertainment.
“Lectures were given by ProfesThe silent auction of donated
sor Andras Szasz, head Biotechgoods and other prizes was a
nics at St Istvan, in Budapest
great success, with guests openand CEO of Onkotherm, which
ing their wallets and hearts for
manufactures the oncothermia
the campaign.
Included in the guests at the
Jenny agreed that it takes
function were Tamworth resident
courage for the medical fraterTony Moroney and Gunnedah’s
nity to question their peers but
Tommy Burns, who have both
she is proud that two Australian
travelled to Germany for hyperProfessors, Michael Jackson and
thermia treatment.
Carl Munoz-Ferrada, have stood
by her.
Jenny told the crowd that having hyperthermia/oncothermia
“In some ways it is easier for
available as an additional treatme to stand up because I am not
ment option for cancer in commedical,” Jenny said.
“I have gone from having hardly
travelled at all to 20 trips overseas and at a world level, I am in
contact with 20 doctors by email
or phone.
“More and more Australians
are travelling overseas for this
treatment and the cost emotionally and financially is enormous.
“There should be no more
waiting – enough is enough, the
lucky country needs to become
Jenny’s next fund-raiser will be
the Rays of Hope Gold Medal Ball
(to win gold over cancer in the
Olympic year), at Le Montagu, in
Lilyfield, on May 25.
Professor Andras Szasz is
coming to Australia as guest
speaker along with Professors
Michael Jackson and Carl MunozFerrada.
❐ For further information and
PRINCE of Wales Hospital Director of Oncology, Professor Michael bookings, contact Jenny Barlow
Jackson, with a patient receiving hyperthermia treatment in a Korean on 0428 434 471 or email [email protected]
THE Rays of Hope were shining brightly at a garden party
in Currabubula last weekend
when Russell and Helen White
opened their Springfield Park
property to raise funds and
spread awareness of hyperthermia treatment for cancer.
bination with chemotherapy and
radiation is very close.
“We have an established system which certainly has results
using the three conventional cancer treatments but it’s not good
enough considering the money
invested,” Jenny said.
“It is the combination of heat
treatment (hyperthermia) with
chemo and radiation that has
the results.
“European doctors have been
treating cancer with hyperthermia/oncothermia for 30-40 years
and the treatment is rebated in
Holland, Germany and Italy – it is
not experimental anymore.”
Jenny explained, as she has
been doing for the past five years,
that radiowave therapy does not
harm normal tissue.
“It targets the tumour and
softens it, making it more susceptible to other treatment like
chemotherapy and radiation.”
Jenny also voiced the opinon of
many doctors she has come into
contact with in her travels, that
funds for treatment need to be
more evenly distributed and the
results of clinical trials shared.
“There is so much duplication
and a global waste of money, we
should be combining studies,”
Jenny said.
“As we speak, the first onco-
Jenny Barlow with Tony Moroney, from Tamworth, left, and Pam and Tommy
Burns from Gunnedah. Both men have recently returned from hyperthermia treatment in Europe. Photo: Quirindi Advocate.
Namoi Valley Independent Thursday, March 1, 2012 5