英語版 2016.3 LIVING GUIDE IN HIKONE Revised in March 2016 Living Guide in Hikone 1 ≪Contents≫ Emergency (5)Koho Hikone, Community Newsletter in Foregin Lanugages・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (1)Disaster(Earthquake・Flood・Typhoon) 17 ①To know about the information・・・・・・・・・ 1 (6)Hikone’s Website in Foregign Languages・・・・・ ②Contact with your family・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 10 ③Prepare a rescue bag・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 (1)Citizens’ Affairs Division or Each Branch Office・・・・18 ・・・・・・・・ 2 (2)National Health Insurance and Pension Division・Insurance 2 Premiums Division or Each Branch Office・・・・・・ 20 (3)Ambulance・Fire Engine ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 (3)Living Environment Division・・・・・・・・・・・ 22 ④Take emergency card with you (2)Police ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 Gas・ Electricity・ Water Supply (1)gas ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ (2)Electricity Procedures at the Window of the City Hall (4)Sanitation Center・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 23 3 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3 (3)Water supply ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3 3 17 Procedures at a bank (1)Opening a bank account ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3 (5)Architectural Administration Division・・・・・・・ 23 (6)Tax Division・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 23 (7)Tax Collection Division・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 24 (8)The City Water and Sewage Bill of Customer Service Center・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・24 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3 (9)School Education Division・・・・・・・・・・・・ 25 4 Procedures at a post office・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 (10)Life-long Learning Division・・・・・・・・・・ 25 5 Work (11)Health Promotion Division・・・・・・・・・・・ 26 (2)Payment (1)Hello work 6 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 Disease (12)Medical Welfare Promotion Division ・・・・・・ 28 (13)Children’s Welfare Center・・・・・・・・・・・・29 (1)Medical Institutions in Hikone City ・・・・・・・・・ 4 (14)Early Childhood Division・・・・・・・・・・・・29 (2)Telephone number which you can get information about (15)Child & Youth Affairs Division・・・・・・・・・・30 hospital ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 10 (16)Challenged People’s Welfare Division・・・・・・・31 (3)Technical terms regarding hospitals and disease ・・10 (17)Development Support Division・・・・・・・・・32 7 Consultation Windows・・・・・・・・・・・・・11 (18)Social Welfare Division・・・・・・・・・・・・・33 8 Residence card・Residence status・・・・・・・15 (19)Seniors’ Welfare Division・・・・・・・・・・・・33 9 Services provided for foreign residents (20)City Library・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・33 (1)Interpreters・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16 (21)Residents’ Association・・・・・・・・・・・・・34 (2)Coordinator for International Relations・・・・・・・ 16 ************************** (3)International Lounge ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・16 Rescue bag / Stored items (4)Studying Japanese・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16 Emergency Card Medical History Questionnaires Internal medicine Surgery Pediatrics 1 Emergency (1)Disaster (Earthquake・Flood・Typhoon) ① To know about the information It is important to receive accurate and up-to-date information during a disaster. Please confirm the situation of Hikone City on the radio. Radio Broadcasting NHK Radio 2 FM Hikone(78.2MHz) When a strong earthquake happens, you can get the information in English, Korean, Chinese, and Portuguese. NHK TV Satellite Broadcasting Please switch the TV sound to the SAP audio channel and listen. Foreign language broadcasting such as English is available. Evacuation sites are elementary schools, junior high schools, and community centers (Kouminkan). When a disaster occurs, please go to a safe facility near you. In Hikone City, we create disaster prevention manuals (Portuguese, English, Chinese, and Korean) to compile all evacuation areas. If you need this manual, please ask the Human Rights Policy Division. You can also access it online at the Hikone City website. Inquiries Multicultural Coexistence,“TABUNKA-KYOSEI-KAKARI” Human Rights Policy Division“JINKEN-SEISAKU-KA”(City Hall 3F) 0749-30-6113 ②Contact with your family *It might be difficult to get through on the mobile phone when a disaster happens. Please make a decision on how to contact with your family and friends beforehand. NTT ”Disaster Emergency Message Dial 171” Only fixed phone is available. You cannot use it from abroad. Leave messages ① Dial ☎ 171. ② Press “1” when you hear a guidance. ③ Dial your phone number starting with area code when Listen to messages you hear guidance. ④ Leave your message. ① Dial ☎ 171. ② Press “2” when you hear guidance ③ Dial the phone number that a person you wish to contact with when your hear a guidance. ④ Listen to the message. NTT Disaster Emergency Message Dial web 171 (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean) Leave messages ① Access ② Enter the phone number that a person who suffered from a disaster starting with area code. You can also use your mobile phone. See messages ③ Type your messages according to the screen. ① Access ② Enter the phone number that a person you wish to contact with. ③ Read messages and type your messages according to the screen. 1 ③ Prepare a rescue bag(a bag you bring when you escape from a disaster) The contents of a rescue bag vary according to each family. Please talk about what items to put inside the bag with your family. Please put the items in your rucksack and place it to carry it immediately. Please put the bag at a safe place and carry it immediately so as not to be stolen your valuables (Passport, Residence card (Zairyu card), Health Insurance card, bankbook). The list of a rescue bag is written on the back side of this living guide for your reference. You can get an emergency food and various evacuation tools at the DIY stores. Since food has an expiration date, please do not leave it inside the bag but replace it to a new one. Please prepare and check the list for what items to put inside the bag. ④ Take Emergency Card with you and always put it in your purse. Emergency card is on the last page. (2)Police Police Contact Number <How to call the police> 110(Free of charge:24-hour system) Dial 110 and explain the situation. I had a traffic accident. An incident happened. My current location is ・・・. KOUTSU-JIKO DESU. JIKEN BASHO My address is ・・・. JUUSHO My name is 。。。. WATASHI NO My phone number is ○○. DENWABANGOU DESU. WA WA ・・・DESU. ・・・DESU NAMAE WA WA ・・・ ・・・ DESU. DESU. Or contact a police officer at the Koban. (3)Ambulance・Fire Engine Emergency Fire Please call an ambulance if you get injured or illness for an immediate treatment. Please call a fire engine as soon as you can when you find a fire. Contacting an ambulance・fire engine 119 (Free of charge:24-hour system) <How to call an ambulance・fire engine> Dial 119 and tell the operator if you need “emergency (Kyukyu)”or if there is a “fire (Kaji)”. We need emergency. KYUUKYUU-DESU There is a fire. The location is ・・・. KAJI My address is ・・・. JUUSHO My name is 。 。 。. WATASHINO NAMAE WA My phone number is ○○. DENWABANGOU DESU.BASHO WA 2 ・・・DESU. WA ・・・DESU. WA ・・・ ・・・ DESU. DESU. 2 Gas・ Electricity・ Water Supply (1)Gas There are two kinds of gases: city gas and LP gas (propane gas). First, please make sure which kind of gas you use because the areas of jurisdiction and gas appliances are different. You can request starting or stopping gas service by telephone call. ・City gas Inquiries Osaka Gas ・Inquiries for the procedure and gas bill・・Customer only 0120-8-94817 ・Gas leak only・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0120-8-19424 ・LP gas(propane gas) Inquiries A store written on an appended table of meter or gas cylinder (2)Electricity You can request starting or stopping electric service by telephone call. Please call your local office of Kansai Electric. <Business hours> Weekdays 9:00~17:00 Inquiries Kansai Electric Hikone Office Toll-free telephone service 0800-777-8062 (3)Water Supply You need to apply for starting or stopping water supply service. <Business hours> Weekdays 8:30~19:00 Saturdays・Sundays・National holidays 9:00~17:00 ※Excluding from Jan. 1 ~ Jan. 3 Inquiries Water and Sewage Bill Customer Service Center 3 0749-27-2802 Procedures at a bank (1)Opening a bank account You need to apply for the counters of a post office or a bank when you open an account. Things you need to open an account ① Seal (Hanko)(Alphabet, Katakana, or Kanji will do.) ② Residence Card (Zairyu card)(Present your name and address.) You can have a cash card when you open an account. If you have a cash card, you can withdraw, deposit, and pay money from ATM. (2)Payment You can pay and send money at a post office, a bank or ATM. Also, you can pay electric, water supply, gas fees, municipal tax, and national health insurance premiums and others.(Your payment of the City Hall can be done at a convenience store.) 3 4 Procedures at a post office (1) Please follow the same procedures at page 3 when you open an account and pay money. (2) If you send a moving-out notification card (tenkyo todoke: a post card that tells the change of your address), you will receive mails that sent at your previous address for a year with no charge. 5 Work (1)Hello Work(Public Employment Security Office) This is a national organization that you can get services on work consultation and introduction with no charge. The staff at Hello Work can tell and introduce work places around Japan by using a computer system. ① Things to bring:Residence Card (Zairyu Card) 6 Disease Before you go to a hospital, please write your health conditions on “medical questionnaire (is the document which you need to write about where you feel a pain or a sick)”, and submit it to a doctor. You can get several divisions’s “medical questionnaire” from below URL address. Contents of “medical questionnaire” will be update occasionally. So, please make sure to download, make a photocopy and use newest “medical questionnaire”. 【MULTILINGUAL MEDICAL QUESTIONNAIRE】are prepared by International Community Hearty Kounandai and Kanagawa International Foundation (1) Medical Institutions in Hikone City When you go to see a doctor, you need to show your health insurance card (hoken shou) once a month. You can go to any hospitals below. Name of Medical Phone number Types of Available Treatment Languages Hassaka-cho 22-6050 General English (depends on department) Takegahana-cho 23-1800 General Nishiima-cho 23-1211 General Ikeda Clinic Daito-cho 24-3555 Adachi Ladies Clinic Sawa-cho 22-2155 Nishiima-cho 27-3317 Nose, Ear, and Throat Nakayabu-cho 24-4187 Nose, Ear, and Throat Institution Hikone Shiritsu Byouin (Hikone Municipal Hospital) Yujin Yamazaki Byouin (Yujin Yamazaki Hospital) Hikone chuou Byouin (Hikone Central Hospital) Ikeda Jibi-Inko-ka (Dr. Ikeda for a Nose, Ear, and Throat) Ishikawa Jibi-Inko-ka (Dr. Ishikawa for a Nose, Ear, and Throat) (Area Code Address 0749) 4 Internal Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology English Name of Medical Institution Ishijima Iin (Dr. Ishijima’s Office) Iseki Shinryo-jo (Iseki Clinic) Ito Seikei-Geka (Dr. Ito’s Office for Orthopedics) Eryu Hifu-ka (Dr. Eryu’s Office for Dermatology) Ohashi Nai-ka Junkanki-ka Clinic (Dr. Ohashi’s Clinic for Internal Medicine and Circulatory Organ) Okada Iin (Dr. Okada’s Office) Ogawa Jibi Inko-ka Clinic (Dr. Ogawa for a Nose, Ear, and Throat) Okuno Nai-ka (Dr. Okuno for Internal Medicine) Kasai Seikei-Geka (Dr. Kasai’s Office for Orthopedics) Kitamura Nai-ka Iin (Dr. Kitamura’s Office for Internal Medicine) Kitsuji Iin (Dr. Kitsuji’s Office) Kobayashi Iin (Dr. Kobayashi’s Office) Phone number (Area Code Address 0749) Types of Available Treatment Languages Shiro-machi 2 Chome 22-0598 Internal Medicine・ Neurology Daito-cho 26-0761 Eye Nishiima-cho 23-7787 Orthopedics Gosanjo-cho 23-7815 Dermatology 30-3800 Internal Medicine・ Circulatory Organ Hashimukai-cho 22-1505 Internal Medicine・ Circulatory Organ・ Pediatrics Furusawa-cho 22-8799 Nose, Ear, and Throat Hon-machi 1 Chome 21-3355 Internal Medicine Chuo-cho 22-2201 Orthopedics・ Rehabilitation Nagasone Minami-cho 22-9617 Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Gosanjo-cho Sakae-machi 2 Chome Kyo-machi 2 Chome 23-2057 English Internal Medicine・ Orthopedics Internal Medicine・ 22-0247 Pediatrics・ Digestive Organ Internal Komori Iin (Dr. Komori’s Office) Asahi-machi 22-2714 Medicine・ Pediatrics・ Stomach Sakata Seikei-Geka (Dr. Sakata’s Office for Orthopedics) Kiyosaki-cho 28-3737 5 Orthopedics・ Rheumatism English Name of Medical Institution Shimizu Clinic Joto Ganka (Dr. Joto’s Office for an Eye) Shiraishi Ge-ka (Dr. Shiraishi’s Office for Surgery) Shiraishi Jibi-Inko-ka (Shiraishi for a Nose, Ear, and Throat) Jinno Ladies Clinic Jinno Ladies Clinic Alice Jinno Ladies Clinic Sophia Phone number (Area Code Address 0749) Treatment Languages Chuo-cho 21-3525 Sawa-cho 23-4097 Eye Hida-cho 43-5651 Surgery Kanazawa-cho 43-6500 Nose, Ear, and Throat Chuo-cho 22-6216 Gynecology・ Obstetrics・ Anesthesia Hassaka-cho 29-9025 Gynecology・ Obstetrics Kawase Baba-cho 25-5566 Obstetrics・ Gynecology Daito-cho 21-0840 Sugimoto Seikei-Geka Higashinonamicho 30-0055 Koizumi-cho 30-1835 Kyo-machi 3 Chome 27-1521 Sei Iin (Dr. Sei’s Office) Available Internal Medicine・ Digestive Organ Sugawara Mental Clinic Sumiyoshi Clinic Types of Soga Iin (Dr. Soga’s Office) Kiyosaki-cho 28-2925 Takasaki Iin (Dr. Takasaki’s Office) Nishitsuzuracho 28-0210 Takahashi Seikei-Geka (Dr. Takahashi’s Office for Orthopedics) Nagasone minami-cho 27-6296 6 Portuguese English Psychiatry・ Neurology・ Internal Medicine・ Psychosomatic Medicine Orthopedics・ Rheumatism・ Rehabilitation Internal Medicine・ Digestive Organ・ Stomach・ Pediatrics Nose,Ear, and Throat Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics・ Gynecology Orthopedics・ Rheumatism・ Rehabilitation English Name of Medical Institution Takahara Eye Clinic Takamura Ge-ka (Dr. Takamura’s Office for Surgery) Phone number (Area Code Address 0749) Nagasone minami-cho Chuo-cho Types of Available Treatment Languages 27-1956 Eye 22-0650 Surgery・ Orthopedics・ Radiology・ Rehabilitation Internal Medicine・ Circulatory Organ・ Respiratory Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Internal Medicine・ Anus・ Stomach・ Rehabilitation ・Surgery Takayama Nai-ka Junkanki-ka Clinic (Dr. Takayama’s Clinic for Internal Medicine and Circulatory Organ) Hinatsu-cho 28-7007 Taguchi Sinryo-jo (Dr. Taguchi’s Office) Hikotomi-cho 43-6600 Tatsumi Iin (Dr. Tastumi’s Office) Nishinonamicho 22-1180 Tanaka Clinic Kaideima-cho 27-1611 Kawase Baba-cho 28-8801 Pediatrics Matsubara-cho 22-2780 Pediatrics Tanaka Shoni-ka Iin (Dr. Tanaka’s Office for Pediatrics) Tamiya Kodomo Shinryoujo (Dr. Tamiya for Pediatrics) Tsukamoto Iin (Dr. Tsukamoto’s Office) Gosanjo-cho 27-0101 Tsuji Hinyoki-ka Clinic (Dr. Tsuji’s Clinic for Urology) Nishiima-cho 23-7714 Kyo-machi 2 Chome 22-2448 Tsuchiya Iin (Dr. Tsuchiya’s Office) Tsutsumi Iin (Dr. Tsutsumi’s Office) Hara-machi 24-0533 Tokuda Iin (Dr. Tokuda’s Office) Decchi-cho 43-7001 Kawase Baba-cho 29-0981 Nakatsuka Nai-ka Iin (Dr. Nakatsuka’s Office for Internal Medicine) 7 Internal Medicine・ Digestive Organ Internal Medicine・ Urology・ Dermatology Dermatology Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Internal Medicine・ Stomach・ Pediatrics・ Radiology Circulatory Organ・ Internal Medicine・ Respiratory English Imperfect Name of Medical Institution Nakanishi Iin (Dr. Nakanishi’s Office) Nakahashi Seikei-Geka Clinic (Dr. Nakahashi’s Clinic for Orthopedics) Phone number (Area Code Address 0749) Types of Available Treatment Languages Seribashi 2 Chome 22-1152 Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Takamiya-cho 26-5088 Orthopedics Surgery・ Anesthesia・ Circulatory Organ・ Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Internal Medicine Internal Medicine・ Stomach・ Surgery Narumi Kinen Clinic (Dr.Narumi’s Office) Katayama-cho 28-1323 Nishikawa Iin (Dr. Nishikawa’s Office) Toriimoto-cho 22-3887 Baba Iin (Dr. Baba’s Office) Takamiya-cho 28-3360 Nishiima-cho 21-3090 Kaminishikawacho 43-2207 Takegahana-cho 26-0528 Hirata-cho 27-2473 Nishiima-cho 21-1112 Dermatology Takamiya-cho 23-2233 Pediatrics Fujino Kodomo Clinic Toga-cho 47-5311 Fuse Clinic Jizo-cho 46-3711 Hirata-cho 22-5185 Hashizoe Ganka (Dr. Hashizoe’s Office for an Eye) Hashimoto Iin (Dr. Hashimoto’s Office) Hayashi Fujin Clinic (Hayashi Ladies Clinic) Himawari Shinryo-jo Hirota Hifu-ka Iin (Dr. Hirota’s Office for Dermatology) Shoni-ka Fujiseki Iin (Dr. Fujiseki’s Office for Pediatrics) Matsuki Shinryo-jo 8 Eye English Internal Medicine Gynecology・ Obstetrics・ Internal Medicine Internal Medicine・ Circulatory Organ・ Pediatrics Pediatrics・ Circulatory Organ Internal Medicine・ Digestive Organ・ Pediatrics Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics・ Rehabilitation English Name of Medical Institution Phone number (Area Code Address 0749) Types of Available Treatment Languages Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics・Eye Psychiatry・ Neurology・ Psychosomatic Medicine Matsumoto Iin (Dr. Matsumoto’s Office) Hinatsu-cho 28-0633 Minami-Hikone Clinic Nishiima-cho 24-7808 Seribashi 2 Chome 22-0383 Internal Medicine Gosanjo-cho 27-5151 Eye Miyashita Nai-ka (Dr. Miyashita for Internal Medicine) Mekata Gan-ka (Dr. Mekata’s Office for an Eye) Yasuzawa Nai-ka Shinryo-jo (Dr. Yasuzawa’s Office for Internal Medicine) Yamazaki Ge-ka (Dr. Yamazaki’s Office for Surgery) Yamashita Iin (Dr. Yamashita’s Office) Yamada Clinic Hifu-ka Clinic Yamamoto (Dr. Yamamoto’s Clinic for Dermatology) Yokono Iin (Dr. Yokono’s Office) Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics・ Surgery・ Digestive Organ・ Stomach Orthopedics・ Surgery・ Internal Medicine・ Rehabilitation Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics・ Gynecology Surgery ・ Internal Medicine・ Neurosurgery Takamiya-cho 22-0954 Kawara 3 Chome 22-1888 Nagasone-cho 24-5290 Nishiima-cho 22-7005 Kawase Baba-cho 25-4116 Dermatology Oyabu-cho 24-1515 Internal Medicine・ Pediatrics Sunday・National Holidays・New Year’s holidays Clinics Hikone Emergency Clinic “HIKONE-SHI KYUJITSU-KYUBYOU-SHINRYO-JO” (Kusunoki Center1F Hassaka-cho Next building of Hiknoe Municipal Hospital) 0749-22-1119 Department Time Internal Medicine・Pediatrics 10:00~19:00 (Reception ~18:30) Attention : Make sure to bring your health insurance card. 9 English English (little) (2) Telephone number which you can get information about hospital Consultation Available Telephone Contents Date Window languages number NPO AMDA Kokusai Iryou Jyouhou Center Association of Medical Doctors of Asia Medical institution guide Portuguese Monday・ Wednesday・ Friday 9:00~17:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays English・Chinese・ Thai・Korean・Spanish Everyday 9:00~20:00 Filipino Medical telephone interpretation Vietnamese English・Spanish・ Chinese (3) Wednesday 13:00~17:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays Thursday 13:00~17:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays Monday~Friday 9:00~17:00 Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays 03- 5285-8088 (Center Tokyo) 050- 3598-7574 (Center Osaka) Technical terms regarding diseases せんもんい English Internal medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics and gynecology Dermatology Medical Specialist (Senmoni 専門医) Japanese English pronunciation NAI-KA ないか Surgery (内科) SHOONI-KA しょうにか Dental (小 児 科 ) SANFUJIN-KA さんふじんか Plastic surgery (産婦人科) HIFU-KA ひ ふ か Neurology (皮膚科) 10 Japanese pronunciation GE-KA げ か (外科) SHI-KA し か (歯科) KEISEIGE-KA けいせい げ か ( 形 成 外科) SHINKEI NAI-KA しんけいないか ( 神 経 内科) Orthopedic surgery Urology Cardiac disease ENT Otorhinolaryngology Anesthesiology SEIKEIGE-KA NOUSHINKEI-GE-KA Brain neurosurgery せいけい げ か ( 整 形 外科) HINYOUKI-KA のうしんけい げ か Psychosomatic Medicine ひ にょうきか (泌 尿 器 科 ) SHINZOUBYOU-KA Respiratory しんぞうびょうか (心 臓 病 科) JIBIINKOU-KA (耳鼻 咽 喉 科 ) MASUI-KA こきゅうきか がんか (眼科) HOUSHASEN-KA Radiology ますいか (麻酔科) しんりょうないか ( 心 療 内科) KOKYUUKI-KA (呼吸器科) GAN-KA Eye Ophthalmology じ び いんこうか ( 脳 神 経 外科) SHINRYOU-NAI-KA ほうしゃ せ ん か (放射線科) けんさ X-ray Electrocardiogram Blood test Urinalysis CT scan MRI 7 Examination (Kensa 検査) RENTOGEN れ ん と げ ん Ultrasonography (レントゲン) SHINDENZU しんでんず Endoscope examination (心 電 図 ) KETSUEKI-KENSA けつえきけんさ Colon examination ( 血 液 検査) NYOU-KENSA にょうけんさ Stool examination ( 尿 検査) CT/SHI-TI SUKYAN す き ゃ ん Electroencephalography (CTスキャン) MRI EMU-AARU-AI けんさ Mammography (MRI検査) CHOU-OMPA-KENSA ちょうおんぱけんさ ( 超 音 波 検査) NAISHIKYOU-KENSA ない し きょうけんさ ( 内 視 鏡 検査) KECCHYOU-KENSA けっちょうけんさ ( 結 腸 検査) KEN-BEN けんべん (検 便) NOUHA-KENSA のうはけんさ (脳波検査) MANMOGURAFII ま ん も ぐ ら ふ ぃ (マンモグラフィ) Consultation Window Consultation Window (Public Foundation) Shiga International Association “SHIGA-KEN KOKUSAI KYOKAI” Hello-work Hikone Contents General Consultation Working Consultation Languages Place Day & Time Portuguese Spanish PIAZA OHMI 2F (Otsu-shi) Monday~Friday 10:00~17:00 Tagalog English PIAZA OHMI 2F (Otsu-shi) Monday~Friday 10:00~17:00 Japanese Nishiima-cho, Hikone-shi (JR Minami-Hikone) Portuguese 11 Monday~Friday 9:00~17:00 Monday・ Thursday 13:00~17:00 Telephone Number 077- 523- 5646 0749- 22- 2500 Consultation Window Contents Languages SHIPS Multicultural Coexistence Supporting Center “TABUNKA KYOSEI SHIEN CENTER” General Consultation Portuguese Spanish Gender Equality Center of Hikone “WITH” “HIKONE-SHI DANJO KYODO-SANKAKU CENTER(WITH SOUDAN-SHITSU) Prefectural Gender Equality Center (G-NET SHIGA) “SHIGA-KENRITSU DANJO KYODO-SANKAKU CENTER” Prefectural Central Children’s Family Counseling Center”CHUO KODOMO KATEI SODAN CENTER” Prefectural Central Children’s Family Counseling Center “CHUO KODOMO KATEI SODAN CENTER” Prefectural Central Children’s Family Counseling Center “CHUO KODOMO KATEI SODAN CENTER” (Spousal Violence Counseling Support Center) General Consultation Place Day & Time Kusatsu-shi Monday~Friday 10:00~17:00 Hirata-cho, Hiknoe-shi Japanese General Consultation (Gender discrimination, Couple, Family, Divorce, DV) Child Consultation Hotline for Child Abuse Women(DV) Consultation Japanese Omihachiman-shi Japanese Kusatsu-shi Japanese Kusatsu-shi Japanese Kusatsu-shi 12 Wednesday・ Thursday・Friday 13:00~16:00 ※Excluding Sundays, National holidays, New Year’s holidays Tuesday ・ Wednesday ・ Friday ・ Saturday ・ Sunday 9:00~12:00 13:00~17:00 Thursday 9:00~12:00 17:00~20:30 ※Excluding New Year’s holidays and the following day of national holidays and so on Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays Telephone Number 077- 561- 5110 0749- 21- 5757 0748- 37- 8739 077- 562- 1121 24 hours 077- 562- 8996 8:30~22:00 077- 564- 7867 Consultation Window Prefectural Children’s Family Counseling Center of Hikone “HIKONE KODOMO KATEI SODAN CENTER” (Spousal Violence Counseling Support Center) Children’s Family Counseling Room of Hikone(Children’s Youth Division) “HIKONE-SHI KATEI JIDOU SOUDANSHITSU (KOSODATE SHIEN KA) Otsu Regional Legal Affairs Division “OTSU CHIHO HOMU-KYOKU” Otsu Regional Legal Affairs Division “OTSU CHIHO HOMU-KYOKU” Hikone Branch of Otsu Regional Legal Affairs Division “HIKONE SHIKYOKU OTSU CHIHO HOMU-KYOKU” Osaka Legal Affairs Division “OSAKA HOMU-KYOKU” Osaka Legal Affairs Division “OSAKA HOMU-KYOKU” Contents Child Consultation Women(DV) Consultation Child Consultation Women(DV) Consultation Hotline for Women’s Human Rights Children’s human rights 110 Languages Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Place Day & Time Telephone Number Koizumi-cho, Hikone-shi Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays 0749- 24- 3741 Hirata-cho, Hikone-shi Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays 0749- 23- 7838 Otsu-shi Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays 0570- 070- 810 Otsu-shi Human Rights Consultation Children’s Human Rights Consultation Human Rights Consultation Human Rights Consultation Nishiima-cho, Hikone-shi Japanese English Osaka Chinese Osaka 13 Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays Monday~Friday 9:00~12:00 13:00~16:00 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays Monday~Friday 9:00~12:00 13:00~16:00 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays 0120- 007- 110 0749- 22- 0242 0570- 090- 911 0570- 050- 110 Consultation Window Shiga Prefectural Police Headquarters “SHIGA-KEN KEISATSU HONBU” Contents General Consultation to the Police Languages Japanese Place Day & Time Otsu-shi Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays Telephone Number 077- 525- 0110 Speed dial #9110 Monday~Friday 9:00~17:00 Hikone Labor Standards Inspection Labor Japanese Nishiima-cho, Office “HIKONE RODO Consultation Portuguese Hikone-shi KIJUN KANTOKU-SHO” Hikone SUNPALACE Prefectural Consumer Center “SHIGA-KEN SHOHI SEIKATSU CENTER” Prefectural Consumer Center “SHIGA-KEN SHOHI SEIKATSU CENTER” Living Environment Division Hikone City Hall “HIKONE-SHIYAKUSHO SEIKATSU-KANKYO-KA” Labor Legal Consultation Consumer Consultation Multiplex debts 110 Consumer Consultation Koizumi-cho, Hikone-shi Japanese Moto-machi, Hikone-shi Japanese Moto-machi, Hikone-shi Japanese Moto-machi, Hikone-shi Japanese 14 Portuguese basically Wednesday 9:00~16:30 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays 1st Friday of every month (- Not available on Jan. and Apr. - 2nd Friday on May) 18:30~20:00 ※ Resevation is required. ( Limited to first booked 3 persons ) 9:15~16:00 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays ※Saturday and Sunday are also available. 9:15~16:00 ※Excluding national holidays and New Year’s holidays ※Saturday and Sunday are also available. Monday~Friday 9:00~12:00, 13:00~16:15 0749- 22- 0654 0749- 26- 7272 0749- 23- 0999 0749- 23- 1181 0749- 30- 6144 Consultation Window Contents Community Relations Division Hiknoe City Hall “HIKONE-SHIYAKUSHO MACHIZUKURI -SUISHINSHITSU” 8 Administrative Consultation Legal Consultation Place Day & Time Telephone Number Moto-machi, Hikone-shi 【Administrative Consultation】 The 2nd Monday of every month in principal 13:00~15:00 【Legal Consultation】 The 4th Friday of every month in principal 13:00~16:00 Charge 30 minutes 5,400 yen Reservation is needed 0749- 30- 6117 Languages Japanese Residence Card (Zairyu Card)・Residence status Inquiries 9:00 ~ 16:00 ( Excluding Saturday ・ Sunday・National holidays) Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau “OSAKA NYUKOKU KANRIKYOKU” 06-4703-2100 06-4703-2262 (FAX) 9:00~12:00 13:00~16:00 ( Excluding Saturday ・ Sunday ・ National holidays) Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau Otsu Branch Office “OTSU SHUCCHOU-JO” 077-511-4231 077-524-8903 (FAX) 9:00~12:00 13:00~16:00 ( Excluding Saturday ・ Sunday ・ National holidays) Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau Kyoto Branch Office “KYOTO SHUCCHOU-JO” 075-752-5997 075-762-2121 (FAX) Immigration Nationals Information Center for Foreign Monday~Friday 8:30~17:15 0570-013904 *Osaka Immigration Information Center for Foreign Nationals provides an interpretation service in Japanese, English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and Korean. 15 9 Services provided for Foreign Residents (1)Interpreters In order to receive proper service for foreign residents, Portuguese, English and Chinese interpreters are available. ● Interpreters at the window ※ Below table is based on the information as of April 2016. It can be changed. Weekdays 8:30~12:00、13:00~17:15 (Thursdays~19:00) City Hall Weekdays 8:30~12:00、13:00~17:15 City Hall Tuesday and Friday Portuguese City Hall English Chinese Inquiries 8:30~12:00、13:00~17:15 Multicultural Coexistence “TABUNKA-KYOSEI-KAKARI” Human Rights Policy Division “JINKEN-SEISAKU-KA” (City Hall3F) 0749-30-6113 (2)Coordinator for International Relations There is a CIR from Brazil who offers information through FM HIKONE in Japanese and Portuguese. (3)International Lounge The International Lounge is opened to citizens. You can borrow foreign books. And you can use a computer with internet access on free of charge (0 Yen). Inquiries International Lounge “KOKUSAI-KOURYU-SALON” (Civic Center 1F) 0749-22-5931 Closed on Saturdays and Sundays (4)Studying Japanese Japanese classes organized by volunteer groups in Hikone are listed below. Day Time Place Organizer・Contact Fee Wednesday 19:00-20:30 Closed from December to February Civic Center 2F Meeting Room Hikone International Friendship Association 0749-22-5931 100 yen/class 14:00-16:00 Nakachiku Kouminkan Hikone International Exchange Organization VOICE 090-7118-5250 100 yen/class Saturday 16 Sunday Monday to Friday 10:00-11:30 ① 10:00-11:30 ② 13:30-15:00 ③ 15:30-17:00 ※ Nishichiku Kouminkan Smile 0749-24-7241 Innovation Smile Office 0749-29-5077 “Nayashichi” They may be closed occasionally. 100 yen /class 100 yen /class The Bank of Supporting Japanese Study If you cannot attend any classes, private lessons organized by “The Bank of Supporting Japanese study” are also available. Available languages are given below. Call the number below if you want to know more. English・・・・・・・ Weekdays Portuguese・・・ Weekdays Chinese・・・・・ Thursdays and Fridays Inquiries・・・Multicultural Coexistence “TABUNKA-KYOSEI-KAKARI” Human Rights Policy Division “JINKEN-SEISAKU-KA” 0749-30-6113 0749-22-5931 ・・・ International Lounge Closed on Saturdays and Sundays (5)Koho Hikone, Community Newsletter in Portuguese, English and Chinese The community newsletter, Koho Hikone, is issued in Portuguese, English and Chinese once at the beginning of every month. It is issued to announce important news to the public. You can get it at Hikone City Hall, the International Lounge, shopping centers, hospitals, etc. within the city. (6)Hikone’s Website in Portuguese, English and Chinese Hikone’s website is written in Portuguese, English and Chinese. Information from the City Hall such as the contents of Koho Hikone is published on these websites. 【Website in English】 【Website in Portuguese】 【Website in Chinese】 chinese/index.html 17 10 Procedures at the Window of the City Hall (1)Citizens’ Affairs Division “SHIMIN-KA”(City Hall1F)or Each Branch Office 0749-30-6111 (Citizens’ Affairs Division) Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Residence Card “Zairyu Card” Foreign nationals will be issued a “residence card” at the airport when they come to Japan not for sightseeing. This card is to identify you in Japan. Foreign nationals with sixteen years old and over are supposed to bring this card all the time. When you change your job or status, please notify a Regional Immigration Office. Inquiries:Immigration Information Center for Foreign Nationals (Weekdays 8:30~17:15) 0570-013904 (IP・PHS・from abroad 03-5796-7112) Residence Registration “JUMIN TOUROKU” Residence Record “JUMIN HYO” Nickname “TSUSYOU MEI” Seal Registration “INKAN TOUROKU” When you enter the country Foreign nationals with residence card who are going to live in Hikone need to do the procedure at the window of Hikone City Hall with “your passport” within 14 days of the entrance day. This procedure is called “residence registration.” The name written in residence card is your official name. (Furigana is non-official name) (Note) Furigana is Japanese letter like HIRAGANA or KATAKANA. These letters tell Japanese people how to pronounce your name. You can receive various services when you register as a residence. When you move your place Whenever you change your address within or out of the city, you need to report your moving at the City Hall of your registered place. Please get a “moving-out certificate (TENSHUTSU SHOUMEI SHO)” from the City Hall of your previous registered place. Please report your moving-in within 14 days of your new residing place at the City Hall and bring your “moving-out certificate” and “residence card.” For details, please inquire at the Citizens’ Affairs Division. When you leave the country Please report your leaving at the Citizens’ Affairs Division even if you come back to Japan again “SAINYU KOKU.” It is related to tax and insurance. Foreign residents who register Hikone City will be issued a “residence record” to a proof of living in Hikone. For details, please inquire at the Citizens’ Affairs Division. In order to resister your nickname, you need to prepare and show certificate documents which prove that you are using your nickname in your daily life. You can use Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana. Your nickname needs to be divided into first name and family name. Those who registered in Hikone City and who are 15 years old and older may register one seal (INKAN) for each. The “Registered Seal Certificate” is necessary when signing serious contracts such as the purchase of land, a house, or a motor vehicle. Everyone with your Seal Registration Card “INKAN TOUROKU SHOU”, can get your Seal Registration Certificate. You can register a seal with your name written in your residence card. If you have resistered Nickname ”TSUSYOU MEI”, you can register a seal with your Nickname ”TSUSYOU MEI”. 18 My Number (Individual Number) All people living in Japan since Oct. 2015 will be notified My Number, 12 digits number. It will be necessary for you in the scene of the procedure at City Hall or your working company. My Number is very important for you, because you need to use My Number forever. Notification Card “TSUUCHI Card” Your “My Number” is written in this card. Keep it with caution. My Number (Individual Number) Card You can apply My Number (Personal Number) Card. You can use it as your ID Issue at Convenience Store “KONBINI KOUFU” Registration of a Birth “SHUSSHOU TODOKE” Registration of a Death “SHIBOU TODOKE” card. You can get certificates below at convenience stores (SEVEN ELEVEN, LAWSON, CIRCLE K SUNKUS, and FAMILY MART) around the country if you ask for it at the Citizens’ Affairs Division when you make a My Number Card (Individual Number Card). KONBINI KOUFU will start from around February 2016. ○Copy of Residence Record ○Seal Registration Certificate ○Tax Certificate・Income Certificate・Certificate(Used for Child Allowance) Please register the birth of your baby within 14 days after the birth. You can do this procedure even on the days when City Hall is closed. For details, please inquire at the Citizens’ Affairs Division. Please register a death within 7 days at the Citizens’ Affairs Division after you receive a document to submit City Hall from your doctor. You can do this procedure even on the days when City Hall is closed. Registration of a Marriage Necessary documents differ depending on the country. Please inquire in advance at the Citizens’ Affairs Division. “KONIN TODOKE” Report of Divorce “RIKON The procedures taken based on each country’s law. Please inquire at a consulate. TODOKE” Request of a Copy of Family Register “KOSEKI SHOU It may be required when you renew residence status. The forms are available at the Citizens’ Affairs Division. TOUHON SEIKYUU” Temporary License Plate “KARI NANBAR If you need to check and fix or to do an automobile inspection for your car or motorcycle, you can borrow a temporary license plate. PLATE” Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) 19 (2)National Health Insurance and Pension Division “HOKEN-NENKIN-KA”・Insurance Premiums Division “HOKEN-RYO-KA” (City Hall 1F)or Each Branch Office 0749-30-6112(Medical Insurance Clerk “IRYO-HOKEN-KAKARI”) 0749-30-6136(Pension Clerk “NENKIN-KAKARI”) 0749-30-6145(Insurance Premiums Division “HOKEN-RYOU-KA”) Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113(Human Rights Policy Division) Everyone needs to join health insurance. When you go to see a doctor, you only need to pay medical expenses partially. Procedures National Health Insurance “KOKUMINKENKO-HOKEN” Medical Care for the Elderly “KOUKIKOUREISHAIRYOU” Major Medical Treatment Expenses “KOGAKURYOYO-HI” Overseas Medical Treatment Expenses “KAIGAIRYOUYO-HI” Contents When you are a member of health insurance, you will only have to pay 30 % of the medical expenses to see a doctor. If you are living in Japan for more than three months, you need to join health insurance. If you are not a member of your company’s social insurance, you should become a member of national health insurance “KOKUMIN-KENKO-HOKEN.” You need to apply at City Hall for national health insurance. You can get your “health insurance card “KENKO-HOKEN-SHO” to present your card at a hospital. You will only have to pay 30 % of the medical expenses. If you join the national health insurance, you should pay your national health insurance premiums. If you fail to pay the premiums within the due date, there might be additional payment. Please ask the things below at City Hall. ・a calculation method, payment method of premiums ・difficulties in payment ・joining health insurance of your workplace ・resigning your job of your workplace “Medical care for the elderly is a health insurance for people joining in 75 years old and over. Please show your insurance card at the counter if you see a doctor. You only need to pay 10 % of your medical expenses. If your income is large, then you need to pay 30 % of your medical expenses. The aged 75 or over needs to pay the premiums. If you fail to pay the premiums within the due date, there might be additional payment. For details, please inquire at City Hall. “Major Medical Treatment Expenses” is to receive a reimbursement the allotted money you paid exceedingly at a hospital with your health insurance card. Please inquire at the National Health Insurance and Pension Division when you paid large sum of medical expenses. When medical expenses are expected to become expensive, please ask for further information. 【Inquiries】 ・National Health Insurance・Medical Care for the Elderly ⇒ National Health Insurance and Pension Division, City Hall ・Health Insurance of your workplace ⇒ Your workplace If you pay medical expenses while staying overseas, you might be able to receive reimbursement for the overseas medical treatment by applying either at City Hall or your workplace. This rule does not apply to the persons who go overseas with the purpose of receiving medical treatment. Please ask for further information. 【Inquiries】 ・National Health Insurance・Medical Care for the Elderly ⇒ National Health Insurance and Pension Division, City Hall ・Health Insurance of your workplace ⇒ Your workplace 20 Public Nursing–Care Insurance “KAIGO-HOKEN” Welfare Subsidy for Medical Expenses “FUKUSHI IRYOHI-JOSEI” (MARUFUKU) Childbirth Expenses “SHUSSAN IKUJI ICHIJI KIN” Funeral Expenses “SOUSAI HI” Child Allowance “JIDO TEATE” National Pension “KOKUMIN NENKIN” You should pay “public nursing-care insurance premiums” to receive services necessary for your living when you become ill or disabled. The aged 40 or over must pay the premiums for public nursing-care insurance. If you fail to pay the premiums by the due date, there might be additional payment. For details, please inquire at City Hall. ・a calculation method, payment method of premiums ・impossible in payment ※If you would like to receive this nursing –care service, please see page 33. Welfare Medical Expenses Support (Marufuku) is provided for infants aged 0 ~6 years old, severe mentally/physically challenged people (or children), the elderly and single parents. When you see a doctor with marufuku, your medical expenses will be either no charge (0 Yen) or less than your actual payment. An application is required to receive a subsidy. There are cases where there is a limit on the amount of your income. “Childbirth expenses” is a subsidy for helping your child birth. (This is covered when you lost your baby after 85 days.)When you do the procedure at a hospital, National Health Insurance will pay your childbirth expenses to the hospital directly. Or you can receive your childbirth reimbursement after you give birth by applying for National Health Insurance. The application period is 2 years from one day after childbirth. Please inquire about how to apply. 【Inquiries】 ・National Health Insurance・Medical Care for the Elderly ⇒ National Health Insurance and Pension Division, City Hall ・Health Insurance of your workplace ⇒ Your workplace You can receive funeral expenses when one of your family members passed away by applying it from the chief mourner. The application period is 2 years from one day after funeral. Please inquire about further information. ・National Health Insurance・Medical Care for the Elderly ⇒ National Health Insurance and Pension Division, City Hall ・Health Insurance of your workplace ⇒ Your workplace Child allowance will be paid to those who are taking care of children who have not yet graduated from junior high school. Please ask for further information. All citizens aged 20 to 60 including foreign residents should join the National Pension System and pay the premiums. You can receive pension when you get old if you pay the premiums of national pension to qualify to receive a pension. When a person who pays the premiums can receive a pension when he/she becomes disabled. The survivors can receive a pension when the death of your dependent family pays the premiums. People from countries below will be able to add your payment of the premiums in Japan to your country’s pension. Germany・United Kingdom・Korea・the United States of America・Belgium・ France・Canada・Australia・Holland (Netherlands)・the Czech Republic・ Spain・Ireland・Brazil・Switzerland・Hungary Hikone Pension Office(Tomachi) National Pension Division ☎ 21 23-1114 Fax 23-9033 Secession Payment for Pension “NENKIN DATTAI ICHIJI-KIN” Disability Pension “SHOUGAINENKIN” If you are a foreign resident who has paid Pension premiums for more than 6 months, please receive a request form of determined secession payment for National Pension “DATTAI ICHIJIKIN SAITEI SEIKYU SHO” at the Hikone Pension Office or National Health Insurance and Pension Division before leaving Japan.(You can download the request form at: Please send the request form together with ①②③ to the Japan Pension Service (Nihon Nenkin Kikou) after leaving Japan. 【Address】 3-5-24 Takaido-nishi, Shuginami-ku, Tokyo Japan 168-8505 Nihon Nenkin Kikou Gaikoku Gyoumu Group Call from Japan 0570-05-1165 Call from overseas 81-3-6700-1165 【Required documents】 ① Pension Booklet (NENKIN-TECHO) ② A copy of passport (You need the page that has the date you lastly left Japan, your name, date of birth, nationality, signature and resident status) ③ Documents to confirm your bank name, branch name, address, account number, account holder (can only be the applicant) You can receive disability pension when your doctor has diagnosed that you are severely intellectual and mental disability. If you are a member of National Pension, please ask the National Insurance and Pension Division. (If you joined the Social Pension System, please ask the Hikone City Pension Office. 0749-23-1116 If you are the member of the mutual-aid society pension, please ask each mutual aid association.) (3)Living Environment Division “SEIKATSU-KANKYOU-KA” (City Hall 1F) 0749-30-6116 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Sewage Disposal “SHINYO-SHUSHU” Traffic Disaster Mutual Aid “KOTSU SAIGAI KYOSAI” Registration of a Dog & Rabies Vaccination・ “INU NO TOUROKU & KYOKEN-BYO YOBO SESSHU” Contents If your home is not equipped with a flush-type toilet, you must apply for sewage disposal. Please apply as soon as possible because if the schedule is busy, you may have to wait. This system pays insurance money in the event that you are injured or killed in a traffic accident involving an automobile, motorcycle, etc. in Japan. You pay ¥500 a year per person as part of your insurance premium. If you would like to join this insurance, please come to the Living Environment Division and each branch office. When you have a dog, you need to register your dog.(Money is needed.)When your dog died and you moved with your dog and change the dog owner, please submit a notification.(Money is not needed.) Your dog must receive a vaccination once a year.(Money is needed.) This is determined by law. Please ask for further information. 22 (4)Sanitation Center “SEISOU-CENTER”(Nose-cho 279-1) 0749-22-2734 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures How to dispose your garbage “GOMI-NODASHIKATA” Contents Collection days and places differ according to the type of garbage and the area. Please refer to the “Garbage Collection Calendar.” Garbage collection days differ by elementary school district. Please sort garbage properly, put them out on the designated collection days before 8:00 am and put them out at designated place in your living area. You can get designated bags at the supermarket. As for the garbage disposing places, please ask your neighbors or people who maintain your housing complex. If you need “Garbage Collection Calendar”( Portuguese, Chinese, English), ask the Living Environment Division(City Hall 1F), sanitation center, or each branch office. Oversized garbage such as furniture and electronic appliances cannot put your garbage collection place. You need to drop your oversized garbage directly at the sanitation center, or apply for paid door-to–door collection. When you dispose your garbage, you need to pay some money. Please call the City Hall how to dispose electronic appliances. ( 5) Architectural Administration Division “KENCHIKU-JUTAKU-KA” (City Hall 1F) 0749-30-6123 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Municipal Housing “SHIEI-JUUTAKU” (Rental House managed by Hikone City) Contents Advertisements for residents are held three times a year (January, June, and October). Please check the Community Newsletter, Koho HIKONE about the recruiting housing and qualification for the application. You can visit the website below to check the Koho HIKONE. Please ask for further information at the Architectural Administration Division or the Human Rights Policy Division.(Portuguese・English) 【Website in English】 【Website in Portuguese】 【Website in Chinese】 (6)Tax Division “ZEIMU-KA”(City Hall 2F) 0749-30-6140(Citizens’ Tax “SHIMIN-ZEI-GAKARI”) Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) 23 Procedures Inhabitant Tax “SHI-KENMIN-ZEI” Automobile Tax “KEIJIDOSHA-ZEI” Municipal Tax on Real Estate “KOTEI-SHISAN-ZEI” Contents This is the tax you pay in order to receive benefits from the municipal services in your area. The amount of tax calculated from your income of the previous year must be paid the municipality of your residence as of January 1 of the current year. In Hikone City, the tax assessment notification will be mailed during June of each year. The certificates necessary for Visa proceeding will be issued at the municipality where you had the registration as of January 1 of the current year. These certificates will be issued at the tax division in the City of Hikone. This is a tax levied on persons who own a motor vehicle or a motor bike as of April 1 of each year. The City of Hikone will send the tax assessment notification during May of each year. If a vehicle owner has not paid this tax, his/her vehicle may not be able to undergo inspection. ① When a vehicle owner loses the possession of a motor vehicle or a motor bike ⇒ Please notify the tax division. ② When you change address ⇒ You might need to notify us. ・ The procedures differ depending on the size and type of vehicle, so please ask at the tax division. ・ If the proper procedures are not made, the ex-owner will pay tax continuously. ・ Please complete all necessary procedures before returning to your home country. This is a tax levied on those who own land, a house, or other fixed assets as of January 1 of each year. The city of Hikone will send the tax assessment notification every year in May. (7)Tax Collection Division “NOUZEI-KA”(City Hall 2F) 0749-30-6109 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) ・Inhabitant tax(This is a tax levied on those who have total income (Money you got by works) of the previous year. You will pay the tax to the place you registered as of January 1.) ・Automobile tax for small cars(This is a tax levied on motor vehicle or motor bike of less than 660 cc displacement. Those who have such vehicle on April 1st need to pay this tax. Automobile tax for regular cars is for the prefecture.) ・Municipal Tax on Real Estate(This is a tax levied on those who have land and a house as of January 1. ) The Tax Collection Division is collected a municipal tax as above. If you fail to pay the tax on the due date, Delay Payment Charge (depend on how long did you delay to pay your taxes) and Reminder Fee (to inform your Delay Payment) are added to your tax amounts. (8)The City Water and Sewage Bill of Customer Service Center “JOUGESUIDOU-RYOUKIN-OKYAKUSAMA-SERVICE-CENTER” 0749-27-2802 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) 24 Procedures Turning on and off of Water Supply Contents If you want water supply to be turned on or off, please contact the Department of Water Supply. The Center checks their meters and conducts operations based on the fee of water supply and sewage. <Operation Hours> Weekdays 8:30~19:00 Weekends and Holidays 9:00~17:00 ※Except January 1 to 3. (9)School Education Division “GAKKOU-KYOUIKU-KA” (Civic Center 2F Osue-cho 1-38) 0749-24-7973 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Contents Elementary School “SHOGAKKOU” Junior High School Elementary school is for six years and junior high school is for three years. Children attend the school of their district. The school starts in April every year. If you move into Hikone city in the middle of the fiscal year, please inquire at the School Education Division. An education guide (in Portuguese) is also available. “CHUGAKKOU” School Expense Subsidies “SHOUGAKU ENJO” In the case that you have financial difficulties and that your child is attending elementary school or junior high school of Hikone City, you might be given money partially for using school supplies. Please inquire to your class teacher. (10)Life-long Learning Division ”SHOUGAI-GAKUSHU-KA” (Civic Center 2F Osue-cho 1-38) 0749-24-7974 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures After School Children’s Club ”HOUKAGO JIDO KURABU” Contents After school children’s club is a service of taking care of elementary school children whose guardians are not at home because of their working conditions or unavoidable reasons. For more information, please inquire at each after school children’s club or life-long learning division. Please take a look at the December issue of the community newsletter “Koho HIKONE” about applying for the new school year and spring vacation. You will be able to check the community newsletter “Koho HIKONE” at the city official website. 【Website in Portuguese】 【Website in English】 【Website in Chinese】 25 (11)Health Promotion Division ”KENKOU-SUISHIN-KA” (Hikone Health and Medical Complex Kusunoki Center 2F Hassaka-cho 1900-4) 0749-24-0816 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Contents Maternal and Child Health Handbook “BOSHI KENKO TECHO” Medical Checkup for Expectant Mother “NINPU KENKO SHINSA JUSHINKEN” Visit and Advice for Your Newborn Baby “SHINSEIJIHOUMON” Medical Checkup for Infants “NYU-YOJI KENKO-SHINSA” (Check the growth of the children from 4 monthes old to 3 years and 6 monthes old) ● Please submit a pregnancy notification at the Health Promotion Division when you are pregnant. In order to keep records of the developments of the baby during pregnancy as well as after the delivery, a maternal and child health handbook (BOSHI-KENKO-TECHO) and a separate volume of it attached coupon tickets for maternity checkups will be issued. Maternity checkups are performed at a medical institution. Your health insurance does not cover the fee; however, you can receive a subsidy by submitting a coupon ticket. If you move in Hikone City, you cannot use the coupon tickets besides Hikone City, so please come to the Health Promotion Division to change these coupon tickets. Please fill out the separated request card of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook and send it to the Health Promotion Division. A public-health nurse will visit you to consult about breast-feeding, weight check, baby-raising etc. If you are a foreign resident, please consult us beforehand, so that we are able to visit you with an interpreter. Medical checkups for infants are held at 4 months, 10 months, 18 months, 2 and a half, 3 and a half years old. Please bring Maternal and Child Health Handbook and the filled out questionnaire sheet with you. For further information, please inquire at the Health Promotion Division or check the community newsletter Koho HIKONE. The contents of the community newsletter Koho HIKONE are also available on these websites. (English, Portuguese and Chinese) 【Website in English】 【Website in Portuguese】 【Website in Chinese】 Vaccinations “YOBOU-SESSHU” Procedures Contents Vaccinations We will send you a letter of vaccinations and medical history questionnaires after your baby became two months old. If you need a translated version, please come to the Health Promotion Division. If your child receives vaccinations, please make an appointment in advance at the designated institutions. If you have any questions, please inquire at the Health Promotion Division. ※Vaccinations designated by the national government are free of charge. However, if you do not receive them at the recommended ages, you will have to pay for it individually. If you have any concerns, please inquire at the Health Promotion Division. 26 ● Medical Examination for Cancer “GAN-KENSHIN” Medical Examination for Cancer (Check wheather your body have cancer or not) Procedures Contents Medical Examination for Cancer “GANKENSHIN” You need to make an appointment for a medical examination for stomach, colon, lung, cervical and breast cancer. The medical examination for lung cancer is held at a place for medical checkups (group examination). (No need for appointment.) You can take a medical examination once a year for stomach cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer, while you can only take once every two years for cervical cancer and breast cancer. Medical examination for uterine cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer are also held at medical institutions. Please inquire at the Health Promotion Division for further information. Targeted Name of Contents Fee People※ Examination Stomach Stomach X-ray Examination 500 yen Cancer Occult Blood Test in the Feces 40 years old Colon (Collect the feces for two days in 500 yen ~ Cancer advance and bring them on the examination day) Lung Cancer Chest X-ray Examination 200 yen Cervical Cancer 20 years old ~ Cervix Cytodiagnosis Examination 500 yen Breast Cancer 40 years old ~ Visual Inspection and Palpation by a doctor Mammography 500 yen ※Age at the end of the fiscal year ● Medical Checkup “KENKOU-SHINSA” Procedures Contents ●Medical checkup Medical Checkup “KENKOSHINSA” Following persons can receive medical checkup. (1)Those who receive livelihood protection (2)Those who are from 19 to 39 years old at the end of the fiscal year The contents are as given below. Body measurements・urine analysis・blood pressure measurements・blood tests・ medical examinations, etc. ●Examinations for Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C Following persons can receive medical checkup. Those who are 40 years old or older at the end of the fiscal year and who have not received an examination for hepatitis in the past The examination fee 1,000 yen is needed. The medical examination fee for the following people will be free. (1)Those who are age of 70 years old or older on the examination day. (2)Those who are eligible for medical service of the elderly (65 ~69 years old) →Please show a health insurance card for the elderly on the examination day. (3)Those who receive livelihood protection →A certificate proving you are receiving livelihood protection is required. (4)Persons from the household with exemption from the inhabitant tax 27 → Medical Checkup Payment Exemption Certificate is required. If you do not have it, please bring your seal and apply for it at the Health Promotion Division by the day before your examination. *In certain cases, examination fee will be exempted (0 Yen). Please inquire at the Health Promotion Division. (12)Medical Welfare Promotion Division (KUSUNOKI Center (Hikone city Health・Medical Service Complex Facility) 0749-24-0828 Second floor Hassakatyou 1900-4) Inquiries Portuguese・English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Division “JINKENSEISAKUKA”) We help and rend our hand for those who became demented (brain disease) or those who need somebody’s help because of diseases and injuries and their family to live through difficulties. We think what citizens can do in household and community in order to they live cheerfully and enjoyably even if they get older. Procedure Contents Dementia is brain disease that everyone can get. Those who get dementia become tending to forget many things and are less able to do things that they have been able to do ever and works of their brain cells get worse or dies because of several reasons. What is Dementia You may have already become demented if you have difficulties to live through daily life for over six months. It is important to notice that you are getting disease early and to go to hospital. You may be able to delay the disease gets worse if you start cure at an early stage. Consultations about Dementia welcome to Hikone City Regional Comprehensive Support Center “Hikone shi Chiiki Houkatsu Shien Center” Anxiety・ Questions・ Counseling of Elderly person (Hikone City Regional Comprehensive Support Center “Hikone shi Chiiki Houkatsu Shien Center” ・If you have worries or questions about nursing elderly family members, health, abuse and etc, do not consider inside of you, please ask us consultation. 【How to consult】 ・TEL・Visiting to window service・Ask visiting of staff members 【Money】 ・Consultation is free (0 Yen). ・Our staffs will not tell that who was visiting to ask our consultation. It measns that our staffs will keep the secret of your visitng. 【Place】 ・Place is determined by where you live. 28 (13)Children’s Welfare Division “KOSODATE-SHIEN-KA” (2F Hirata-cho 670) 0749-26-0994 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 Procedures Childcare Allowance “JIDO FUYOTEATE” (Human Rights Policy Division) Contents Childcare Allowance is given to mothers or fathers who do not live with the child’s father or mother, respectively, due to divorce or other reasons, guardians who are raising children in place of the children’s mother or father, or mothers or fathers of children who are severely mentally/physically disabled. ・A person who is raising his/her children because of divorce ・A person who is raising his/her children instead of a single parent The target children are up to the 31st of March following their 18th birthday. If a child suffers from moderate or severe disabilities, childcare allowance will be provided until he or she is 20 years old. For more information, please inquire at the Children’s Welfare Division. You can ask consultation for worries about women and children. You can ask consultation for everything like raising children, child abuse, and domestic violence (DV). 【When you are going to ask our consultation】 Please make a telephone call in advance, before you go to the consultant room. Hikone Domestic Preschool consultant room 【Day&Time】 ・Monday~Friday (Not available on Saturday, Sunday, national holiday, Vacation from ending of December to beginning of January.) ・AM8:30~PM5:15 【Money】 ・Consultation is free (0 Yen). ・Our staffs will not tell that who was visiting to ask our consultation. It measns that our staffs will keep the secret of your visitng. 【TEL】0749(23)7838(Direct in number for Domestic preschool consultant room) (14)Early Childhood Division (2F Hirata-cho 670) 0749-23-9597 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) 29 Procedures Contents Nursery School is the place for the children whose parents can not afford taking care of their children in their home due to the job, disease or equivalent. Nursery schools are taking care of children for longer hours than kindergartens. The eligible ages for entering a nursery school are from 0 years old to the years old before entering elementary school. Eligible ages and available hours are depending on each nursery school. It takes a time to complete a preparation for your children’s items or documents. For further information, please ask each Nursery School or Early Childhood Division. If you would like to enter your children to Nursery School from April, the start of new fiscal year, please read the article about application in “Koho Hikone” October issue. The contents of “koho HIKONE” are also available on these websites (English , Portuguese and Chinese) Nursery School “HOIKUEN” 【Website in English】 【Website in Portuguese】 【Website in Chinese】 chinese/index.html Kindergarten “YOUCHIEN” Kindergarten is the place for the children in 3 years old to the years old before entering elementary school as of 1st April in this year. The eligible ages for entering a Kindergarten are from 3 to 5 years. Kindergarten’s 1st term begin from April. For further information, please ask Early Childhood Division. KYOUIKU GAIDO (Education Guide), a book which has an explanation in Portuguese, is available. If you would like to enter your children to Kindergarten from April, the start of new fiscal year, please read the article about application in “Koho Hikone” November issue. The contents of “koho HIKONE” are also available on these websites (English , Portuguese and Chinese) 【Website in English】 【Website in Portuguese】 【Website in Chinese】 chinese/index.html (15) Child & Youth Affairs Division (The City Health & Welfare Center 2F Hirata-cho 670) 0749-49-2251 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) 30 This division’s job is supporting the activities to grow well children and young people, and make the environment which children live in comfort by the cooperation of the family with children and the members of local community. Procedures Contents The fact that there are many signs of “House of Children 110” in a local community, which shows all people that there are many people who is watching over the children in House of such area. It helps to create the atmosphere which stop possible criminal from commiting Children the crime. 110 Please explain your children that if your children feel danger, your children should ask a help to the people at the place with this plate. (16)Challenged People’s Welfare Division ”SHOUGAI-FUKUSHI-KA” (at the Challenged People’s Welfare Center Hirata-cho 594) 0749-27-9981 FAX 0749-26-1767 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Challenged people can be consulted and helped for their secure life. ① Identification Booklet for the Challenged This identification booklet is to prove that you have disabilities. You can receive each kind of assistance and welfare services. There are three kinds of identification booklets to prove that physical, intellectual, mental disabilities. Please inquire at the challenged people’s welfare division if you need to apply for this identification booklet. There is the case that you might not receive this booklet. Procedures Contents Identification Booklet for the This identification booklet is to prove that you have physical disability. If you have this booklet, you can receive each kind of assistance and welfare services. According to the degrees of physical disability, there are from class 1 to class 6. This identification booklet is to prove that you have intellectual disability. If you have this booklet, you can receive each kind of assistance and welfare services. There are four classifications of A1, A2, B1, and B2. This identification booklet is to prove that you have mental disability. If you have this booklet, you can receive each kind of assistance and welfare services. According to the degrees of mental disability, there are from class 1 to class 3. Physically Challenged “SHINTAI-SHOGAISHA TECHO” Identification Booklet for the Intellectually Challenged “RYOIKU TECHO” Identification Booklet for the Mentally Challenged “SEISHIN-SHOGAI-SHA HOKEN FUKUSHI TECHO” 31 ② Allowance for the challenged people There is the case that you might not receive this booklet. Procedures Contents The allowance for Physically and This is provided for the citizens who are 20 years of age and over and are physically or mentally challenged requiring 24 hour nursing care at home. Mentally Challenged “TOKUBETSU-SHOUGAISYATEATE” The allowance for Challenged Children “SHOGAI-JI FUKUSHI TEATE” Special Childcare Allowance “TOKUBETSU JIDO FUYO TEATE” If an applicant and your family earn a lot of money, then there is the case that you might not receive this allowance. This is provided for the children under 20 years old who are physically or mentally challenged and who need 24 hour nursing care at home. If an applicant and your family earn a lot of money, then there is the case that you might not receive this allowance. This is provided for the citizens who are raising a child under 20 years old whose physical or mental disability is at the higher level. If guardians earn a lot of money, then there is the case that you might not receive this allowance. (17)Development Support Division (at the Challenged People’s Welfare Center Hirata-cho 594) ☎ 0749―26―8282 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113(Human Rights Policy Division) This division’s job is supporting and consulting the people who have Developmental disease about the trouble or worries. Procedures Contents 【Eligible People for this Consultation】 People who live in Hikone City and who are 4 years old or over with Developmental disease. People who are anxious about above mentioned people. People who are in the same family. 【When you are going to ask our consultation】 Please make a telephone call in advance, before you go to the consultant room. 【Day&Time】 Consultation ・Monday~Friday (Not available on Saturday, Sunday, national holiday, Vacation from ending of December to beginning of January.) ・AM8:30~PM5:15 【Money】 ・Consultation is free (0 Yen). ・Our staffs will not tell that who was visiting to ask our consultation. It measns that our staffs will keep the secret of your visitng. 32 (18)Social Welfare Division ”SHAKAI-FUKUSHI-KA” (The City Health & Welfare Center 2F Hirata-cho 670) 0749-23-9590 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Contents Livelihood This public assistance system is designed to assist you during these difficult times so that you are at least guaranteed a minimum standard of living. We aim to provide you with the support necessary to remain economically independent. However, there are various rules that one must follow when you are decided to receive livelihood protection. Protection “SEIKATSU HOGO” (19)Seniors’ Welfare Division ”KAIGO-FUKUSHI-KA” (The City Health & Welfare Center 2F Hirata-cho 670) 0749-23-9660 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Contents Public NursingCare Insurance “KAIGO HOKEN” This is provided for the citizens who need nursing-care can receive this service. 40 years or older become policyholders and pay the premiums. You can receive nursing care services such as home-visit care, outpatient care services, and inpatient care services. If you would like to receive nursing care services, you need to apply for it at the window of the Seniors’ Welfare Division for certificated as necessary conditions of nursing care. If you are certified for the application, in principal, you will be able to receive services by paying 10 % or 20% of total expense. (20)City Library ”SHIRITSU-TOSHOKAN”(Osue-cho 8-1) 0749-22-0649 Inquiries for Portuguese and English 0749-30-6113 (Human Rights Policy Division) Procedures Lending Service of a Library Contents When you borrow books, you need a library card. The card can be issued at the reception of the library. You need public certificates which can be checked of your address. Please bring things that prove for your address such as health insurance card, driver’s license, and Zairyu card. <Opening hours> 10:00~18:00(Tuesdays~Sundays) <Closing days> Mondays, the 4th Thursday, national holidays, New Year’s holidays, and special tidy-up holiday period in February 33 (21)Residents’ Association “JICHIKAI” Residents’ association is a group based on residing places within the city. This group is for residents to communicate and help each other. When you join the association, you can make acquaintances from neighbors. Each member cleans the town and enjoys festivals and exchanges greetings by cooperate with join their forces and manages the area to live in comfort. When you have a trouble, everyone helps you. Each member pays a membership fee to maintain equipment and to take place events. Let’s join this group, and get more acquaintance from neighbors. When you wish to join the association, please contact an official of residents’ association. 34 ひ な ん ぶくろ 避難 袋 Rescue bag List of putting things in a rescue bag Rescue bag Male for 15 kg, Female for 10 kg Valuable items □Passport □Zairyu card, Alien card □Cash □Emergency contact list Emergency medical items(Medicine etc.) □First-aid kit □Medicine (A copy of prescription) □Insurance card □Bankbook・Hanko(Seal) □Denture・Hearing aid □Extra glasses Emergency provisions(Food you can eat without gas, electricity, and water, food that lasts long)・water □Canned food etc. □Mineral water □Canned bread, Sweets Other things you need □Portable radio □Flashlight □Extra batteries (one for each person) □Portable charger (Electric battery style) び ち く ひ ん 備蓄品 Stored items Stored items Three days you can spend from a disaster Please put a place you can bring these items from home. Emergency Food・Water □Rice (retort-packed rice, alpha rice) □Water(3ℓ per person a □Canned food, retort-packed food, sweets, seasoning day) □Polyethylene tank for water supply Fuel □Tabletop stove □Gas cylinder(one cylinder □Food for elderly people and babies(powdered milk, baby food) □Disposable wooden chopsticks, paper plates, paper cups, knife, can opener, wrap, match, lighter, plastic bag for two hours) Clothes □Cotton work gloves □Rain coat □Boots, Sports shoes □Underwear, Socks □Mask □Ear plug・Eye mask □Tool kit □Portable toilet □Rope □Paper diaper Other items you need □Wet wipes □Shampoo you can use without water □Toilet paper □Sanitary items □Any kind of outdoor goods きゅうきゅうあんしん か ー ど 救 急 安心カード Emergency Card いま びょうき 今 かかっている きゅうきゅうあんしんカード Your current illness 病気 が ん □ ガン Cancer のう びょうき 脳 の病 気 Brain disease □ Emergency Card しんぞう びょうき □ 心 臓 の病 気 Heart disease けつあつ たか 血 圧 が高 い High blood pressure □ とうにょうびょう □ 糖 尿 病 Diabetes □ びょういん なまえ なまえ Name いつもいっている 病 院 の名前 うまれたひ Date of Birth Name けつえきがた Blood type Department Your hospital びょういん 病院 か A B AB O いしゃ なまえ 医者の名前 じゅうしょ Address 科 の Your doctor くすり なまえ いつも飲む 薬 の名前 Medicine you take regularly でんわばんごう Phone number けいたいばんごう CELULAR きんきゅう でんわ ひと 緊 急 なとき電話してほしい 人 Emergency Contact Information なまえ Name アレルギーはありますか No ない Yes ある ( きゅうきゅうたい いしゃ で ん わ 緊 急 電話 Emergency number119 ① Dial 119. ② There is an emergency situation. ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ There is an accident. or There is a disease person. My address is.... My name is .... My phone number is .... か year month ねん がつ 年 じゅうしょ Address きんきゅう か ー ど つた ことを医者に 伝 えてもよいです。 I agree that emergency staff use this information and tell at a medical institution. かんけい けいたいばんごう Mobile phone ) 救 急 隊 がこのカードに書いてある あなたとの 関 係 Relation to yourself でんわばんごう Phone number Allergy 月 day にち 日 Signature さ い ん サイン 災害用伝言ダイヤル Message Dial for Disaster Dial 171. You hear the guidance. Leave your message Press 1. Listen to the message Press 2. Press the phone number you wish to contact. The guidance will be on. You will feel secure to keep the card in your purse all the time after you make a copy of this card and write your personal information. INTERNAL MEDICINE English えい ない か もんしんひょう ねん Check □ all corresponding answers. あてはまるものにチェックしてください な まえ おとこ せいねんがっぴ ねん がつ year 年 にち month 月 day 日 にち month 月 day 日 おんな □Male 男 Date of birth 生年月日 がつ year 年 Name 名前 ご 英 語 内科問診票 □Female 女 でん わ Phone 電話 じゅうしょ Address 住所 けんこう ほ けん も Do you have health insurance? 健康保険を持っていますか? □Yes はい □No いいえ こくせき こと ば Language 言葉 Nationality 国籍 What are your symptoms? どうしましたか ねつ いた ℃) 熱がある あたま いた □sore throat のどが痛い □cough せき □chest pain 胸が痛い □rash 発しん □heart palpitation 動悸 □swelling むくみ □dizziness めまい □tightness in chest 胸が苦しい □abdominal pain お腹が痛い □fever( むね ほっ いた い いた □stomachache 胃が痛い たいじゅう むね こうけつあつ □headache 頭が痛い どう き くる なか くち □high blood pressure 高血圧 □numbness しびれ なか へ おう と は け □nausea 吐き気 □weak だるい □excessive fatigue 疲れやすい □others その他 しょくよく けつべん □diarrhea 下痢 つか かわ □loss appetite 食欲がない げ り □vomiting 嘔吐 いた □excessive thirst 口が渇く は □weight loss 体重が減っている □abdomen feels swollen お腹が張る いき ぎ □shortness of breath 息切れ □bloody stool 血便 た How long have you had these problems? それはいつからですか ねん がつ year 年 Since にち month 月 day 日から くすり た もの で Do you have any food or medication allergies? 薬や食べ物でアレルギーが出ますか くすり た もの た □Yes はい → □medication 薬 □food 食べ物 □others その他 □No いいえ げんざい の くすり Are you currently taking medication? 現在飲んでいる薬はありますか □Yes はい → も み If you have any with you now, please show them to me. 持っていれば見せてください □No いいえ にんしん か のうせい Are you pregnant or is there a possibility of pregnancy? 妊娠していますか、またその可能性はありますか かげつ □Yes はい → months ヶ月 □No いいえ じゅにゅうちゅう Are you currently breastfeeding? 授乳中ですか □Yes はい □No いいえ いま びょうき What illnesses have you had in the past? 今までにかかった病気はありますか いちょう びょうき かんぞう □stomach and intestinal disorder 胃腸の病気 じんぞう びょうき けっかく びょうき しんぞう □liver disease 肝臓の病気 □kidney disease 腎臓の病気 □tuberculosis 結核 □diabetes 糖尿病 □high blood pressure 高血圧症 □AIDS/HIV エイズ □thyroid problems 甲状腺の病気 こうけつあつしょう た びょうき □heart disease 心臓の病気 とうにょうびょう こうじょうせん びょうき □asthma ぜんそく ばいどく □syphilis 梅毒 □others その他 げんざい ちりょう びょうき Are you currently under medical treatment? 現在治療している病気はありますか しゅじゅつ □Yes はい □No いいえ う Have you ever had any operations? 手術を受けたことがありますか ゆ けつ □Yes はい □No いいえ う Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 輸血を受けたことがありますか □Yes はい □No いいえ こん ご つうやく じ ぶん つ Can you arrange an interpreter by yourself for your next visit? 今後、通訳を自分で連れてくることができますか □Yes はい □No いいえ c ⃝ NPO法人国際交流ハーティ港南台& (公財) かながわ国際交流財団 〈2014.1〉 SURGERY English 英 語 外科問診票 ねん Check □ all corresponding answers. あてはまるものにチェックしてください な まえ ねん がつ year 年 にち month 月 day 日 にち month 月 day 日 おんな おとこ □Male 男 せいねんがっぴ がつ year 年 Name 名前 Date of birth 生年月日 ご えい げ か もんしんひょう □Female 女 でん わ Phone 電話 じゅうしょ Address 住所 けんこう ほ けん も Do you have health insurance? 健康保険を持っていますか? □Yes はい □No いいえ こくせき こと ば Language 言葉 Nationality 国籍 What are your symptoms? どうしましたか ねつ なか いた ℃) 熱がある □stomachache お腹が痛い □fever( □injury けが □burn やけど □lump しこり □sprain ひねった □weight loss 体重が減っている □itching かゆい □gallstone 胆石 □swelling 腫れ □hemorrhoids 痔 たんせき たいじゅう □numbness しびれ へ は けつべん □bloody stools 血便 こうじょうせん じ だっちょう (甲状腺) □hernia 脱腸(ヘルニア) □throat(thyroid gland) のど た □others その他 くび □neck 首 にゅうぼう はい □lungs 肺 い □stomach 胃 □breast 乳房 ちょう □Umbilicus(Navel,BellyButton) へそ □Intestine 腸 How long have you had these problems? それはいつからですか ねん がつ year 年 Since Circle on the picture. まる しょうじょう にち month 月 症状のあるところに丸をしてください day 日から くすり た もの で Do you have any food or medication allergies? 薬や食べ物でアレルギーが出ますか くすり た もの た □Yes はい → □medication 薬 □food 食べ物 □others その他 □No いいえ げんざい の くすり Are you currently taking medication? 現在飲んでいる薬はありますか □Yes はい → も み If you have any with you now, please show them to me. 持っていれば見せてください □No いいえ にんしん か のうせい Are you pregnant or is there a possibility of pregnancy? 妊娠していますか、またその可能性はありますか かげつ □Yes はい → months ヶ月 □No いいえ じゅにゅうちゅう Are you currently breastfeeding? 授乳中ですか □Yes はい □No いいえ いま びょうき What illnesses have you had in the past? 今までにかかった病気はありますか いちょう びょうき かんぞう □stomach and intestinal disorder 胃腸の病気 じんぞう びょうき びょうき しんぞう □liver disease 肝臓の病気 けっかく とうにょうびょう □kidney disease 腎臓の病気 □tuberculosis 結核 □diabetes 糖尿病 □high blood pressure 高血圧症 □AIDS/HIV エイズ □thyroid problems 甲状腺の病気 こうけつあつしょう た びょうき □heart disease 心臓の病気 こうじょうせん びょうき □asthma ぜんそく ばいどく □syphilis 梅毒 □others その他 げんざい ちりょう びょうき Are you currently under medical treatment? 現在治療している病気はありますか しゅじゅつ □Yes はい □No いいえ う Have you ever had any operations? 手術を受けたことがありますか ゆ けつ □Yes はい □No いいえ う Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 輸血を受けたことがありますか ま すい □Yes はい □No いいえ なに Have you ever had any trouble with anesthesia? 麻酔をして何かトラブルがありましたか □Yes はい □No いいえ しょうかいじょう かた か If you have a letter of referral to this hospital, please answer the following questions. 紹介状のある方だけ書いてください も Do you have a previous X-ray with you? レントゲンフィルムを持っていますか ない しきょう □Yes はい □No いいえ も Do you have a previous endoscope with you? 内視鏡フィルムを持っていますか こん ご つうやく □Yes はい □No いいえ じ ぶん つ Can you arrange an interpreter by yourself for your next visit? 今後、通訳を自分で連れてくることができますか □Yes はい □No いいえ c ⃝ NPO法人国際交流ハーティ港南台& (公財) かながわ国際交流財団 〈2014.1〉 PEDIATRICS English えい しょう に か もんしんひょう ねん Check □ all corresponding answers. あてはまるものにチェックしてください こ な まえ おとこ ねん がつ year 年 にち month 月 day 日 □Female 女 ねんれい さい day 日 Age 年齢 じゅうしょ にち month 月 おんな □Male 男 せいねんがっぴ がつ year 年 Child’s name 子どもの名前 Date of birth 生年月日 ご 英 語 小児科問診票 years-old 才 でん わ Address 住所 Phone 電話 けんこう ほ けん も Do you have health insurance? 健康保険を持っていますか? □Yes はい □No いいえ こくせき こと ば Language 言葉 Nationality 国籍 What are your symptoms?(your child) どうしましたか いた ねつ ℃) 熱がある □fever( げん き □cough せき □spasm ひきつけをおこす □irritable 機嫌が悪い □swelling むくみ □headache 頭が痛い □rash 発しん □stomachache 胃が痛い き げん □moody/inactive 元気がない なか □sore throat のどが痛い いた わる むね □abdominal pain お腹が痛い □chest pain 胸が痛い おう と □vomiting 嘔吐 あたま いた ほっ いた い しょくよく は □loss of appetite(low milk intake) 食欲がない □diarrhea 下痢 た け □nausea 吐き気 げ り たいじゅう ぞう か ふりょう □insufficient weight gain 体重の増加不良 いた けつべん □bloody stool 血便 □others その他 How long have you had these problems? それはいつからですか くすり た ねん がつ year 年 Since もの にち month 月 day 日から で Do you have any food or medication allergies? 薬や食べ物でアレルギーが出ますか くすり たまご ぎゅうにゅう た た もの た □Yes はい → □medication 薬 □egg 卵 □milk 牛乳 □others food その他の食べ物 □others その他 □No いいえ げんざい の くすり Are you currently taking medication? 現在飲んでいる薬はありますか □Yes はい → も み If you have any with you now, please show them to me. 持っていれば見せてください □No いいえ しゅるい くすり の What kind of internal medicine can you (he. she) take? どんな種類の薬が飲めますか こなぐすり じょうざい □syrup シロップ □powder 粉薬 □tablet or capsule 錠剤またはカプセル しゅさん とき How was the delivery? 出産の時のようす あか たいじゅう ははおや baby's weight g 赤ちゃんの体重 mother's age せいじょうぶんべん いじょうぶんべん □normal delivery 正常分娩 □abnormal delivery 異常分娩 せっしゅ ず ねんれい 母親の年齢 ていおうせっかい □Caesarean section 帝王切開 よ ぼうせっしゅ vaccination(history) 接種済み予防接種 はいえんきゅうきん □Hib(Haemophilus influenzae type b) ヒブ □Pneumococcus 肺炎球菌 さんしゅこんごう □DPT(triple combined vaccine) 三種混合 □polio ポリオ よんしゅこんごう □DPT-IPV (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine) 四種混合 □BCG BCG □Measles-Rubella Vaccine(MR) 麻しん・風しん混合 □chicken pox 水ぼうそう □mumps おたふく風邪 □Japanese Encephalitis 日本脳炎 □Rotavirus ロタウィルス □others その他 ま ふう こんごう みず にほんのうえん いま か ぜ た びょうき What illnesses have you had in the past? 今までにかかった病気はありますか ふう □rubella 風しん ま みず □chicken pox 水ぼうそう か ぜ □measles 麻しん ひゃくにち ちゅうすいえん □asthma ぜんそく かわさきびょう □mumps おたふく風邪 □whooping cough 百日ぜき □appendicitis 虫垂炎 □MCLS(Kawasaki disease) 川崎病 □severe rash 突発性発しん □Japanese Encephalitis 日本脳炎 とっぱつせいほっ ねつせい にほんのうえん た □seizures 熱性けいれん □others その他 げんざい ちりょう びょうき Are you currently under medical treatment? 現在治療している病気はありますか しゅじゅつ □Yes はい □No いいえ う Have you ever had any operations? 手術を受けたことがありますか ま すい □Yes はい □No いいえ なに Have you ever had any trouble with anesthesia? 麻酔をして何かトラブルがありましたか こん ご つうやく じ ぶん □Yes はい □No いいえ つ Can you arrange an interpreter by yourself for your next visit? 今後、通訳を自分で連れてくることができますか □Yes はい □No いいえ c ⃝ NPO法人国際交流ハーティ港南台& (公財) かながわ国際交流財団 〈2014.1〉