REAL ESTATE - Bacon Library
REAL ESTATE - Bacon Library
iWcufn) 8 BUSY WEEK Nuptials of r o a r Wall Known ( ' J P a o p U CalebraMd. Van AlaSjrn«-Laejr. C©Y\ IK BLACK AND WHITE r Yvaaa "fall T^mt ,of Bapronjw Court p e n s i o n In ,., ^ ^ M t r l c Light Cases 1 . 1 \ , T H E H E K A £ » purposely refrained list The Second-Class from the £cor*e High * Mr, Frederick Easton Van Alstyne, week from making ariV extended ref< r- That We are hei iiijtarteis for assistant cashier oft (be Wyandotte Sav ftnee to'thesuprenje court s decision lu 8chool Held Commencement lugs bank, and Mb)s Blanche Ehzabeti the cases of Win. Cami^elletal^vs. t le Eitrtiset Last Might. Licy, only [daughter of M r aud Mrs. .Western Electric company aud t&e elfcy and all other irticles t leeessttSry for a Wiu.-'HV»atbr. were joiued lu marriage) «f Wyandotte, not having seen a copy of complete stock u that line. ' •• | at en. btebheu's church on Tuesday! the decisions. We are1 now able, \o v B O B HALL WAS-CBOWDED Evening Having just received a new lot of Able bodied Men or Womerr-to buy lots in our at Sfo'clock. Rev.)Dr. John Mc-» «v«r, to lay the opinions of the qouht In Carroll, pastor of Grace church, Detroit, the two cases before our renders in ,fulW Fine Box Note, 'nper, wp cordlully ask 1 ; you to step lu ujitl ^aiuluo them. <M>rrf»«, of 4*—rhvtn A d d m M d l h » |erforiued toe ceremony iu the presence? Both'opinions were tiled on the satire N W Subdivision opposite .the Depot. Lots front on ojf ik com pa nly that completely tilled tliej ' y, and are'as fotlbwim Our Nations N< e ajt 30c per box *• •fffwfcpra H a d T h « l r I n n i n g * , r e Itllee. r At "the hour set, to the strains; I^orutt Doono'm ,,.1 .8,V' per box OaK\ S^ffft. j Superior Avenue and Vine Street. OM Wvdnfcarfajr S i g h t * Moiititomery, .1 of Mendelsohn's weddlug tuarpli. wlav-1 Homeihlng Nice itt. . ; 80c per box U (>««« 1* « POlllllllllillll 011«» 10 lliu UHVD o f I (Hi by Mr. Walter ftiug «1 Detroit, the. tile IKrtHiu Anotlfor-very gi od kt lSo per box title ik'ctdJtil ai HID prMent lunii, In Ortktelsrt bariairaVer offered in Wyandotte lots. ' The «e<'«>iui, class u>grn<liiutu froni the bridul wartyf proceeded up the aisle in! W rll|tl M 1)111 Wilt Itlljll III Hill 1)1 UXVIMItlOII )>' and one extrnoi llnftry f* r . , . . 10c it box fallowiMg order First wiuie thei Can't be outd no by 111 y one, ll rat VOIU|)|IIIIIHIIIN T h e |)ro«uiit trill m ' U c i i t Eeorse High serif NillUIij c*i'mtiu«U4'fliii<»nt tlio Sidewalks, laid, streets graded. Sell on easy payflur d m iltturvu l|i tlio iirtKliinl'oiKi' In t ID M M w at Bmtrt?»<nlt In that village llKlHM'1, Ml*Mrs. J till 11 s Van .Alstyne, I'Itl »1,111 In Our TIHHIIQ «iul ( renrt w« offtjr t'MIt t'liiirt, In whk'h ititt ODIIII iltwitm t h s t 1 jt> ItM evening. Pop's lar Interest hi I Re Jr , htunit „ Courtis, AliHJith Hurst, i[i iitrsi't lyrnrnul u> In HID I'BXII o f r*mj>t>ol| ' % tho lnrgt'Ht itHiiorjuuMit in tlii» city. ments. \. • j Uiuttey •Doyle x y "t Wysudoiti). UM .Mii'li. 1,1 HUN Vftdii nmJ I «• ; * C t l « o l au<l fltWIi W » « Uiftlllf.tptttni b y HII Jauiex A. !Hiust. J ifii r« tlnit i!H«t( W,HKtulteii t o ttilH uiMirt ilm W« it Theyi •di mitooiirliig off neonle that coiiiJifolely and Ktt B Neilft, In filtl drow 1 KliM'lfld 1'OIII|IHII)' IIIDIIUIII n mill In SMIIIII i) lUlltH. were fo(iow<k| by (he brW*attendants, Write or ealQ on ml 1» Hill circuit court of tfio I'ulKxJ t \ Slieti every availablis foot of atitiiigaml Misses tyi»t«fii dlmrifit of MIchlKiiu, i i u s l i mttinion Hi« clir Kt«,irtd Klili* Hurst, Then oaitioi t l *Wyaiirfotti); Aandiog rowfA/ The stnge was hmulttist tho city sitoruuy ^u* <llr«(t> ircrSUjjfii ufakliMmi, uiuklimoii, Tluirtivr Tliiirtivr mwl Hint NU<V<*II*<|III I jWnwIj decorated with (lower* uml the tin* brine,'-9IHT »a» met at tile altui' byj m io:r«|i«hi, It 1« hardly leeMsaryj for us to say 1**1 ' sttiiriiuyit who In ttio origin nl ? %tfM* colore* while sixl olil gold The the ifrtwui, wlio emerged from a side;I *,M> it<^ii»M$in>lt», ntwriitiicil to WU*I«III tho uoutmct. 110 anything about rlr«!work», Every one room. The liuprwslvo mutilage cere* I ti ilel" tliliiflMiitt* verdict was rsniivrsdI'liimi V ruutto, "We have, (trussed the harbor. furtlie aware of' tin " ful«il that we are the the ocean 1 lies beyond." was ronsplcu- Miouy of tiiif ttliuicli was then perfotw : •Dlfcliitlrrforlft.isM.Mi.Mjsliiii ili« HIIIOIIIK of mo is "only pebbles u the ibfmch" lu that etf by Dr. M M I T O I I . tl^ ring Ijelug used y lliu duor 1» I ^v ' 1 , uiusly displayed.' Mis* Alive Odette, \ . docl^eillii line. I i Louis ht-avltt, Albert J. Kenoaud Frauk and the bride given away by lie** father mt, HJIKIK The Interior^of the ciiuioh about the v ' slid xxfii I X. Oram acted a* ushers. withe tli iresftcr (Se money wn» paid. It 1* cliargvil ..u -f» I The six. member* of the class, Levi M. altar waif tastefully tdecorated, u ur ttib bill tbifi fids WAN the renuit of a fimudiile it \ Salllotte. Estella Mootie. Frank Bundle, palms', syriugaiiand red'roses. T 4 M nrfHiiKeme (iniid coii»i'lr«eyio secure a colluKl'e " Mart Marrter. Kill* Salliotte aud Alice Was radiant in 4beautiful gqwnvfiwlute ' 1«' [r,fsvorof the defendant, tbe W'este, d VI ji*"?. SKSlimt' the defendant, t&e ' Maylotle, occupied seats upon the stage. organdie over jweaiu satiu, with accor- vi ictrio, 1 ot,Wy«udotte. entered luto by the eowpni >' Alt of the graduates received beautiful deou pleated| chiffon trimntlugs. She, ai il Cerulu offlcen of the city. Carried a large Ibouquet of her favorite lefeiaforiti tola bill aud from 1 n _ . . . . . . . ; i demurred to -floral gifts front their friends. Beauty roses, tied Or lee overruling tbe demuriler appeals. The program opeuedwilh an entrance iloWer, American 1 b e mune[coa«lderatloua which control the march played by Misslrfwisa Furgadoii with b u g ijed ribbons. The^1 bride's 6a"w'bctweefa t h e m i n e parties determine t h k Iuivltes your Inspection of M s and George; Vellinure. followed bv ah mother, Mrs. Wm. H. Lacy, wore j'a Tlfe order dverriitlng the denturrer le atHrmed C'<>Diplaluant will iet h e Case remanded. invocation. Levi Salliotta gave the gown of black satin,.trimmed with duch- «nn Large and! complete line of $*u Cover costs, t c.'aw history. Alice Mayiotte spoke of ess lace, while the groom's mother. Mrs. h e other Justices concurred] Contracts takJ. H. Van Alstyue, *vas attired in black 'Pleasant Hours," EllisSailiotte orated I en for evety I ¢0 the "Opportunities of the American velvet, embroidered in white tuarguer* Montgomery, J. kind of I will moje on or about June 39 into Her ortiameuts were rubies stnd Complainants, who are residents a'nd citizens IJOT." EsielEaMontietoIdof "TheGold- ites anjj tazpayars hi ... the'Clir . . . . . U * of[ Wyandotte, W died the tine, commodious store iu the . *rt£V4," Frank Boudiegavesonte good pearls. The bride's atieudaikts, Misses, their bill to to have have,1,a {con,tmct made between the One iRaijibli binktion Tan"ahalan block, recently occupied by "Advice to Undergraduates," and Mary Eva and EtBe Hurst, were attieed iu CiV a n d the *-'• W " —*'— est* "•Ajfrtc'comparty d e c l a n d Schutfart & Beattie, where I shall open i k ^ - . . - , * .«17. Uat thlTtaioiieye paid t y deui. ' I Harrier recited a class prophecy. • The white batiste, trimmed with yal thb c(ty to t h e WefteruKlectrlc company, ai »• jp with a nice fresh stock of bazaar One Gent's Complete i 1 Jdreu to the class was by Stipt G. \V. cieunes lace, and Kile green ribbon. :.piintUig to K.9W, b e r e p ^ W l m o t h e c i t y tre«j»f roods. I |W6tdon of Dearborn/ In his remarks They carried bunches of pink ,sweet ur)- aud that n o more m.4u&/> be paid V> il e One Kent's electric eompatiy npon t h e c o i i i w c t . 6"i>on tl e , Thanking the public fpr pj&st favors, lair. Gordon gave expression to some *»- peas. One Kent's $1 submission of line'ca«^iu-ifcis court a dsI hope to meet'all in the new home 4 s soon as the cereiuony was over, •&ial Roedingly sensible and helpful thoughts, crfe In-'accordanceL whtMlba^rayer o f the hilt One Lady's P »• jwhere I will be able to wait upon custhe i wedding march from Wagner's wStfeniere&i See CampbUi t«>°City of Wyaii'p a t c h were well received. One Lady's iardii. I. T h e western Electric c o n omers with better satisfaction to all * iuterspersed among* the oratorical Lohengrin was struck up and the bridal dottej'iOSMldh. pany did »at comply with UIQ terms of the d ;• loncerned. 1 One Gieht'tf J$ri ( R u b e r s was some excellent music, in- party left the church. Carriages were cree, and o n niotloii o f 'colaplalnaute aud upolu From nownntil the time of removal tiding-; a violin solo by Frauk Lafferty, iq waiting and soon transferred the r order of the. court a wrtr o f Deri facias was Is- One jient's Va^wick. faniished-f-'j 1 \ 1 placed (lu t h e hands o f the sheriff and levoods will W s o i d at the old stand at ical solo by Miss Utilise Maurice. party to the home of the bride's parents, au|d, Steam. Hot Air t ied iipofi the iB plant,' plant which had been delivered educed prices.! ;artette bv .Messrs Frauk Lafferty. Kl- 299 Hiddle avenue, north, where a reeep- MiWe" " or Hot Wateg., litter thte infract between t h e city and the uine b{ rgajus, r GoodelL Daniel Lafferly aud Alfred tlou was helti lasting from 8:80 until 11. Western Eleijtrlllcpmpaujr, This levy was perWBW S T O R E - N E W PRICES. t / ? ' condition and g6n„le)ctrlc company coy subieq, instrumental duet by Miss o'clock. Thedtffereutapartineutti ware fected, . Till fl fragrant with the odor of dowers and plafit belongs to the city llitues toclijifin thjU'tbe Call and see them. uise rurgasou and George Vellinure, ofiWyandotlf "; ,' tag by E. E.Dnhany. instrumental solo brilliant in] their display of color, 'She bill seta o u t that Uw defendant, the etijy wlifte paiuuias, red roses and of|W]laudulte, lias ,110 right, title, interest ilr WYANDOTTE. ; Hiss Eleanor Riopelle'uud an inflru- syringas, beipgj 1 Usett ill the decoratiou of chorn to or upon lije machinery 'and apparatus *ntal number by Prof. E. P. Vaurey- palms rfrdresald, uniesx ft has,sonfe «<>rfof ctalm ot «|i J f. tiie reception rooms, aud smifax, red F"eck. ' equitable nature, mtlueys e»pe»i,deii lu mal roses aud caijualious lu the diuiug room. liilt a few sdditlebs s whl^b ma: " " "" "" — may have been ri The exercises closed with ;the presenATTOR llEY-AT-tAVy, bridal couple stood before a1 pier q u f ed or may have•aiapubjktsd use Placed uecessary lu uslnb :r.on of diplomas, following which the Tbe ; juachln'eryr ana and Ippmratus slncfltho saui glass trlmmbd with lung sprays of SUIBI juachlneryr Wynudotte, Sends of the graduates crowded upon smilax aud {Werhuug with bUuches of c a d e Into the po^xesstoJr o f ttirf defetidaut, 1I1 NOTAMV WjSLIO a stage and extended congratulations syiinga to receive, the congratulations cli; of Wjandotte, and>uui« t'laiiu of au «t|iili 101) Bidille'Ave. Mich. al;l 1 nature utKiDisald niw»iiii«ry and appiirntlis 1 tbe youug people who had finished ofj their friends. V • as; lecurtty for the repayment of the mom'}'" *b ; Co|llections) |tuade | n'otuptly. k> course Witlileredii totbemselves.aud • s i foresaid |«lo|by tbe cite Of Wyandotte to Urn OFFICE Atrp-'MSHDENCf/ , ' About 7& guests were present at tbe We leriifileotrlcwemusuy. 1 ' 1 the school which they naprtweut. : tf bill Is tiled to nave tbt.rlKhMof the rtireceptiun^tuoseifroiiioutof town being: spjTflls ' #9 OAK &iREEX itlvs d e f e i i d!S|iU s u u ileU'riirfiiuit deU'riirfiiu «ii'l the rt«chb> orto the properu/ ! llMtmembers of the Juolor class held MY au.l M M . W. U. Pierce of Toledo/ 0of{ he J,- city ..I.., of ../ wyandotur U C . , . ! ! . , , , ^ in . Kig|it aoor* weni-ef Methodist Ohm Mjis. Mary Ciuupodl, Mr. aud Mrs W. which the levies have1..twei) nmd,e delineif. i.'e«sful exercises at- Band hatl o n UpJll Hist tbe property be sold slid U'S puwliaum J_ sin! M. Courtis, jMoster Reginald C'ourtU. anesdayeveniug. The following ex(b« vof given an absolute title, m« liiid' the tue)>roc«ui{s lu satisfaction of the SirtmintM lll« di UliO i't to receive diplomas next year: Ai- Miss Olga Courtis, Mr. aud Mrs. George* DK. H . LAMBEHl:, rss and writ of sxseuiiim, and t1h1a t It " rt Reno. A. l<oui* Seavltt, Alice Ai Johuson, Mr, aud Mrs. Levi Eaton, dut|rmln«.r tfiatCthe city of Wyandot ia» s b Mir. aud MrsjParHliMll, Mr.T. D, Evan, llstte, Frank X. Grant and Alphouse tsbleilis)! uiHiti tbs vtoWtli, preber©', ami>tie lis* t u r , The latter came from Germany and Hiss Li/ile Evans of Detroit, Mr. um issds 1 uroperly be ilicd sit*torus11 iiuw and Mrs, David Cat'ley of Saudwioh, ifjun" ' "" —'••'-•-' be 'iittta, <iullsftfe amf Junt, In tbs sstis/sutiloH sml• «1-J ly a few meuihs ago, but has already 1 prrrce* ulslinleiitnfofsuch suchHsu., Hsu , ' *,,,,,„,-) ulshiiisitt .. , , ired a ukastery of the English Ion- Ohi-., and Mrf Wm. Haitiiltoit of Wlfeel-. 1 tin 1h)i K thew bill MUTI ting out tb«ne fsi'ts tils rfefundAtrssld4nee,ldoor»nortb orpyssbrtsrisa oboisr lux. W. Va. JDuriuirtheeveuIUHB < l n « | « It tige and I* one of the brightest memill lbs western rKlsctrlu coiupHiiy dsmurrsil oji -»<**tho (rounds, Itrwt,[, thai ._. lbs coaiplalnanU _ do nqi YfTfiXp&m, MICH j fh of the class. Thejtiniorshave sho«- cMllutlou wa« served. mr to have any stuHt hitiriAit lit the uisiter 1, >teta«3.f.tstidrugg(sts. The gifts were Jitttiiorous and costly, spi ns their class flower the moss rose, •ui lied tliem to brln» their bllrof eowplnli^ I as their colors the pjalriotlc coin- requiring am enrtie room for their dis- still second, that It does not «T. isybytbeslliiKs .jail dru«BJl*Ussllirijr. lilies' Kervs PIust#raV(S Estimates Cheerfully 01 vMoh ail kinds con(iii|ilsHuii)t'» lull thin ihef «ontaiii«<i iticoninUhiiMi! M\LQtK cured bjr< (ion of red, white aud [blue. Their play. 'Jhere were tunny beautiful aud tlarjs PAB of BuddlnAm . 1^ wot . Id be either ludlvtiidballyftrcollectively Iti i.erve VI jatsrs ilSa. »t aildruaaisek. »slf! "Oueoent aaos*/ flhop over Wm.*K.^Laosy's m i l , *•• is, '•Laboring for the future." At valuable things iu silverware, cut'glass, Jun it by tbe action to I' . « - « v ' « ftilfth* Will ,A ci Holland and baud painted china, a ResldsnosoornslrPourtn si else* Wednesday night I<et| Maiandltlrlrd, tbs general i 1 . , nut sis, ^ number of very choice pictures, emrtisdsor itatcita cuss entitling, them to roller llot le. Ellis Sailiotte, Stella Montle aud WYAHOOTT1 TbMeumrrer #*« overiuled and freiu this or _ -Jhdemurrer was overti Alice llaylotte. acted as ushers aud the broidered articles, etc., aud a cash;gift der a n apiieal Is taken by defendant 8Syl tor which tlut Jutter at least ot tiie two j ) I +folu wing program was reudered: AI to the ,uouieiitlou jtbai the .coispWiistlm qualifying Adjectives; herewith used HsviruotslioVutheuise v o s t o have uii interest Entrance march, count could a p p l y / One of the presents was a in (he decrds, We think the ruling uf thee «011111 fu vocation. jiin the hearing tiitl|e former cane is resjiullc*ui dlc*Ui, *"•••• c the ' Oiatlon—"Cigarettes,"Albert E Reno title unitlureHa to siiiejd i>yyoM.uK > This proceeding Is suppjeiuentsl to that case Asc ;11 held that the complialHants'were proper *fWInstrumental solo, Miss Mabel Mackie. couple ftoui tbe storms of life. Tbe 1"was 'd buy goods i4 w h e n they are cheap* llavftig.. J c s . t o that proceedltd, nud t h e court lis' l u V J n l t d m l n n U ttecelved' v m t ' gifts ivlfltf |^J[ akeu Jiirlsdii'tlou of tBc matter and bftsed a iiejuration—"Sandwiches," Frank 'r X , brfiieV'attemiauts low is the tinjie. J j * j * J j * <* %. tiraiit. } S bill Died eiuersi^ e t n n fram Ufa anMU. . . „ . creeupuu .-..„ ™ lily ., these complainants, It " • - « 1 1 ' 1 •> , \ , ] V.>cal solo—Mist Ella Marrier After July 1 Mr. hud Mrs. Van AK would follow that the} have tbe right iu take {•proper proceedings for h e euforcemeut of that »"—«"»~ '«* l lOiation— ,- i)ur Ameiican Flag," A. stytie will be at ho«tejat,!J91» BkhiJe ave- i«™~» -degrne, • uue, north. Louis Seavitt. Coik^entibn that tbe complilUautJi have •Kg" d. In the), not sbowiii themselves 6onceTnei, . „ matter fustrumental solo-r-Miss Mary Mnr-—r-j— ^- , in dispute to the extent of o n e hundred dollars rier Lacyi.H»tt^»w»y. is subject to the same rqnsideratjtons, aind it may Vacant Lois, also Houses and Rtcitation—"The Owl Critic," AlOn Weduesday ovejnipg ^tt the home be added that,if does not appear upon tue face of the bill that tbe amount In controversy la less LK>t e in the First, Second and Third jjhorse Jager oft the bride's parents! Mr. and Mrs. L. than o n e hundred doll ira See Bridge; Co tg. vards, Ci^r ot Wyandotte, Vocal solo—Miss Maud Boudie. N.'Hatha Way, 15W Chestnut street, was 1 Van jStten. 36 Mich. -.'to. o n the contraryit does ^ t p e k of Hardware is complete^ tom prices. Oration—"Flowers," Alice Odette. solemnized themarriaigeof their daugh- appear ttmt 'Cost* Were Wxed iu favor of com, Hooves and Lots in South De> In the sum of tM TO Address—Charles H. Rio pel le, clerk ter. Miss Nettle Adeuaaud Mr. Moses piaiuants It is further urged tt at a s s t t ^ x e c u t i o n will -I iroit. * |" fev of the board. W'idner Lacy. The cjoremony was per- not Me agalnit a municipal 'corporation on Houses and Lots in New Jernsa* formed at 8 O'clock by Rev. R. A. Carunds of public policy, it should follow that interest Of a mtraici pal corporation in prop"em, ^ ,' nsfhau of Detroit, a former pastor of the e1rthe t y Used for public pur wees should not be held jf 1 * '' k. • 1* ^ SCHOOL COMMXHCEMBHT Presbyterian cbunuYof this city* in the subject J Vacant Lots on Eureka i v e . to levy said salt on execution, e v e n un-, You fhoulaae^bur Ua^ of Choline Stolvea and Range$t presence of r siatives and a few friends. .der the clrcUmsUUices 11 thW,c«se. It is said irest of railroad. 1 jtbat t h e plant ty'Cbarge 1 wltfa tuibltc uses, and Eefrigoralora, Ice Croam freezers^ gforeeni ]|Joors, Window H»xt W««fe 1» WjrstsMtatt* Olrea O r t r t o Miss Frances Clark presided at the or Fit la essential for reasqn 1 of public necessity that .Houses to rent. 1 gan. Miss Lizeie Lacy, sister of Sci eeop, E lammocks, etc.' Wd can, save you money if1 you'Will tk« Warld Coaqncrora. these not diver* d or destroyed. But we ' Money to loan on improved farm grjioui, was bjridesmaid and Mr. Linus .think It.-woula be carry! jg t h e rule of protection caljl on us, j I 1 Next week Will see the completion of Cole of Detroit best liisju. The bride f w ]iroperty. M, ' #| 1 another year by the Wyandotte schools. w i s attired i 1 a dainty gowJi of white {?'' trldt The exercises incident to the occasion organdie, wttb trimimugs of jyalen- |in this property cannotl be. subjected to a sale « will begin a n Sunday evening, when ciannes lace 1 nd iUseriloQ. The wridesr i d e s - 'T o so hold would be, i n ^ffSCt, - , to , . bold tbat thfcr > </ > 1 I 1 * Rev i . Humtfey* will deliver- a bacca- maid wore aiown of [white inulirtrim} laureate f.ddress to the Migb school ~».i ...:.1. i . J ' u ki.L',ii.i..i i**.k^« icrees. Indeed, tbsS^^^SSP^S^^lS^SiS^»i: }<* I -, ' V reluotaoeeMobserve tbe dented with lac* and blue ribbon. | Alter £„* o f t n e e^ut ta madj altogetbeit toO.mauifes t kradDatiag class at the Congregational congratulation.* aud {good wishes had m this record. & 1 ,^ . We .are igents for the B. Pi 8. Paints, undoubtedly the Tabernacle.' been besttowejd upon the bridal couple, 1 A n .•ddJMonkl. grouud o£ ejrrrfr^has bean aug bedt paint sole. We also carry a complete line of Leads and . Oraduto ofths V a l m m r ot Ml 1 4 Tbe promotion and commencement a ijredding lui cheou ijras served. Air. O S w and Rssldeaot. 1W, l i s Bli Oils, Dry J?0l>r8{ Tinting Colors, Enainels, etc. We wil| |W<nk_dan; la sll ftnju af exercisea will all be hekt at Arbeiter and Mrs. Laiy.begiu! housekeeping at awsas quote jrjautoritea;hat are the lowest. [loti nnsatitfied for want o r property upoi hall Monday morning at 10 o'clock the once in their ^ w houie 0 » Poplar t o m a l e a levy. Cottnae;! cite tbe case 0 primary grade* will hold their promo* street, where they will be at home to btcb udley vs. Abn Arbor Satnjfgs Mstok. I Det Leg tioa evereuea. The grammar grades their frieuds 1 iter July I e*a, tMS-.WM. W.,Ttep, « 6 . But tWs case fi a, neat Selear dlstfugtjiUbabie Irom Uut Tile bill in tbii will h-jkl their* on Tuesday morulng at c u t doe* atjer ( hat a levy «a* Ojadqunon tb< 1 lu o'clock. A TsU»U* r We|ait)a|enia for the Crescent, Sunol, Americau Bang bropenr andipsffeeted so rtriu the situatton 01 •WBEBRs Tbe commencement exercises will be Editor Morrisoo of rorthttrkton.Ind-. Jb* pN^ertr nenahied. Tblsii^0 and Qttieei o? Scorchers, Reliable Crown King and Qu^eu jeredWar bilfbnt a bUI In «Md of tl held at the same place Wednesday eveu> ••Skin." writes: "Yod,hav^|ivaluable i Tbe order in^ndins; tbe-demurrer leafflrtuei! BicycUta, rouging in price from 830 to 17^. A full line)Of log, m hea the class of 'Vi wi II receive their prescription in Electric Bitters, and I kitd the fast reiHSnded. Complainants wjU re Fishing T<i tpkle, Amuaunitiou, Bicycle Suijtdries^ etc. diplomas. There are eight members in can cheerfully recommend it for coosjti- borer1 COM*. , ' , ^.1¾¾ x' Oold Msdallst In Poroels4 Work, TJnir, H o , A ',? V' ?&>l ' rehuw. at follows: Mary Louise Clark, pation and sick headavhe, and as a gen- [ The oths* jjustiess coveuitsd. OFFIOB ovar First Cominsrcial andSsrliian •? j , 1 1 1 ( 1 ' ^ K i i ,1 ^ rnadetta f. Drennan. idaMay Trites. eral system tonic it has 110 equal.". Mrs. Banki Wyandotte. «-»«a» Gertrude Hammell. Eliaabetb SuoeV Annie Steble. SM05 CotU ge Grove Aveft, wiiwwuyo* i;tcsit(es». <" Oas and tooal •nsMtbsttos on haaH to# l a s etrom. Amelia M. Block, Harry H, Chicago, wa*' all run < own. eouSd not patnlssseztraetlonoftestti. j FraJ '" Van A l W n e . W, Wyaudotte All work smsrsnusd. Modsrsis prises. 1 We i)n»ke aaUcialty o|f Tinning and Plumbing, Hot Air, . C'oomer and Horace F e n n S y k e s 'Of eati,nor digesjt food, h i d a oackactbe t**fJ 85. stole; , these, two, Misees Hammell and Sand- which never left her. |at d felt tires) afid l^ot W»to'and ofeoio Heating. None bht nrBt-olasftl workHe»rj FJ Brown, M, Sojrthvllle; Jen rom, reside ID Trenton. Ttjis Is the weary, but six bettlesiif Electric Biuersi te I t Babbitt, «7, sarae. men elpployed. Estimate* cheerlully glyen, , .-;•:'• resjtored her Jbealth in\ renewed 'ber HMoses W; U c y . M. Wjrando,tte; Kettle rogran for the evening: ; Mr^ngth. PrleeSOcajifl 11. Getabot^ r Overture—Wyandotte orchestra. llathaway. U , satue. " , Attornejr-at f Piano doet—Miss Emma Clark ^nd tie,at Cahalanl Bros, awl A. B. 3uil|hs, I •• . J'i>l TiS I i. Crolleltor In Chancerjr*" 'Crfnton. drug store. I • Mrs. K. B. Borrell. aWw»s4isws>aitaUtara>lisw KAtss " . 11.1,—i—I « " L 0 A W I A N D OOLLROTrONI, JovocaUon—Rev. Alex Wouters. 1 Ott Jul* 8, 4 and 8, account; National We hkve juiit added to our huilnewi a machine ihop tbegoulp like the Ch«rnawHI|li8ch«oL (Met otsr Bifler's Karksi, beeaoseshe luoatibnal AssoclsUon meatlng, tbe •iBIdslsArei ; Addres*-"N6 Royal Road." Heary carries a etiu Inbertalt, equipped«4th the |>e«t andflatest improved machinery, under ke Shore 4 Michigan Soufheru Ry, •I-" ssstnLw MICH, j, WWUQff, M. Cb*ever. M. A. the inanagiimehttitaflrst*cla«imeohiiiifo, j»o that we Are, now 'III sell excursion ticket iat all (u t h e r e is nbthlug i !b some pedlgi Vocal solo—Mtos Emily Crassweller. prepared! >do all kludn of heavy and! light work, agricultural tktlont to MltwaakeejVVli. sJnU return v Pretentalioo >of diplomas—Supt. A. except leitgthl repair«rort.eto. ' I i ''. ' ' * ball fare, plui WW. Tickers good W. Dasef. \ , Ba«al|Ms- Avaleii eaifs. 1 1 retura, leaving Milwaukee, uutll f£ Violin solo—Miss Hattle Smith. Ahto Jioyclel Repairing, Bicycle euamellng, brazing, eto. the best MdVe ia tfcfe worldfor;cuts ugust 81«t. Apply to ticket agetiti or liarch—WyaBdotte orchestra. Why not have your Bloycle\re-enameled and made to look aa , STATIONERY f V»,> IYM J FIREWORK?. E L C h : BROTHERS, M Hammond Building:^ bETRfclT. MICH. MWIvWWWMrW sMarx 1 ^ u t ^ ^ t h e 6id he House "Iim New-" h 1 HAND k A {lEATINQ pupni: I Ba;acr irotheri f£^Y nvgbaop Opera House Block, Biddle Ave, is s. |P|EARL, DRe Je c p S I N G E R , Physician and Surgeon, j PRDM » f POM JttGHT AlKfHfc nm^vmm&vm r «f»» Physician and Burgeon HERALD OFFICE. J.W.EATOif k^ j 1 Buildsrlft Gonuaotor f men. R SALE AT 1^13¼. rYANdOTTl? f > REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. OEIV m. p. P. H J jl, 1 ' CHARLES H. MARR, !ACHINE SpOPl 100,000 frfte to A. J. Sdlltfi, 0. P, siiif T. A , bruises, sores] ulcers. ;ssK rheum, ^fevei ^evelsnd,O, lor p^tnohlet of Inform ITIaiata rails. tloo about thlitnd other cheap excur It h estlflaatad by competent author!- •ores, tetter, dhapped ib»nds, obllblalns, •tous. - , das that Mjm tone of water tumble corns and all *kln_eru(p^ons, apd noel aver Niagara svery minute, lay [Most graduates employ a •emlcotoa [box. SoMby'CablalanBros.aOdA, Smith, Trenton;. rjhere a period ehoud be used. gdodaanev? • t \ r . When [Ju need of anything In the above lines do not forget to cal on .Gartner, jBrojfr. and be convinced to your pwti Mtii4eUo4l^^4 ^-"' ' HICCi DRY uira , . F0»3AU V AT HOPKIISIS; f Sash, Poor apdG8lind faptoria i 7 #"! a :z>«• Is-. :<^z- :U's•4.4 mdM^^.dh^^k^m N ^ ^1 1 <; - *a*-A .4.. : irfA A.. .¾.¾ ^ ELSCHJr. DENTIST. ^ i i r n V ' i n l Pkirribifig. v 1ST, Bi|^(jf|s apd Spiortiiiig Goods, ; <* jniwttum!._ PrVlNTS A N D OILS, K s ¥•:,) :»>> *m r ' • & Uf • .£' :'*« •4% , ' 1 ^!'i' ,: THBlHERALE» BY J. D. HAVEN. m - M 1^1 :«g| *rr C' H ' ^fNviNi on, oy wopp KiMi A - r . ^ . U - . " ^ ^ " " ^ i||i rlt»4fJoa •'• <; fbe •Uyel*. . 1* I • > ' a . "1 )H I' 11,1),1 I Mil 1 in iM TCn i ^ — I VUIMMOM C « P * V i L tauVSKQlliue. 1 B— , .Wyandott*. Mlafe., Jona ». IHW, Rsgnmr iwnon uf tlis counon council, the IwjBojpWsBiei!*, Dr. W 0. UiJl^p»»idliJ«T K Mumbjtn pwent-lllt.bop. aormsn, Oullmorf' Klltiy, Krenw, Muloeb,. Abteiit, nous ' Juunisl 01 the rt'giiljtr tvMuti, of Msy W, \m, wtif resdHiid »n|irovod M resit? 1 Tb« llqiwr dsslen' tMndur Kutluli^Ub- M&A^Rfeger the |wlic« funq, , ibsliioob. Placed in _ _ .,.,^.. Vo&on the motton: Ycas-Oermsti. QullsW>rrk Kregir-a Nays-Bishop, Ktlsy, Maloch-a. The A bicycle without a wood «*lm, in thia mayor voted yea Itaolared carried country, aiya the N|sw York tribune,' TWENTt/lfrH SBASOlI HUMOfl FROM OHIO. Moved by Aid Kreger that II,000 be placed In teaw,;« 1 Interast la a rarity, r«t only a few: yiiara ItgO tb« tlt# espenae fund, _ ^ and a food Amended b> Aid Hl»h«i> that the Word UJ& A Oalsjae- M l « f K a l M la a Batkeie B # g a n la lllljia w,ood rim lira* unheird of ID tbit'eon* rik*' la ' L be Inwrteil instead of tl W» , . : wifrfl bla own ttidswfll, Hots*, '1 i BJactlon, anl when it' waa liifrod^d it, ; VirtsiHi the Hiiiendmeiit Vnas-lil*hpP,Xiltr> *"'i.'i »•**••» F i a W . 1 tka yjaas,ias,H«|/»i))i-!i .jjih'-a Nayn-WorniHii, NH>»-«ormHii, ouiistorf, Ouiistorf, RlWlf Rraftff' j) chances to ffe b j g A _ _ , r. .. „ -,,To'ibslmiiursblsvoininotivuuualluf the viw ifaa graat«< I with ridicule on nl^aftlaa. The# were sitting; In ta« lobby 41 an* at Th.t riaie Wa* The mayor voted infy " uba.but hl» many frfondj In Cltv Tb<» wood : im la strictly an! Abierlcan (if IWysndAUv. «|ar«du«i Utmjaredlnsi ^Hurpby's, talking about the HUrtklqa iMivwIth Mibmll my rnwiri HI city itvutvw Hie original nrlgiiiHl motion nKitlon 11 ritabiry V 01» o l s on Hie i, t > ata4?l» trrat likifjff for lb M lt» Idaa, anb 'ju Cbaa, f, Harrington I* duo fAr th« month ending MfiyjU, ISWT, peculiarities of soma of MM hotelstnt* ...Vtas-UiiruiHii <tuiis«wf, K r o g e r - * . Mjr*-< M IfWIflpfo, btt adoption lf«ep him hart. I »1 U tna cr#4lt|(f Introducing It. Mr. HAT* Mttyl By tmlHuce im Immi bad been up sgalnst in tht court* ¢1 ,rt tm0 r „, tim\r> k"fT5»t. "boW« fitVprlte sn/l bat bi|» liy «'H«II r»i'il frdtiiumnty ti*tti', rlngton's eirly llffl waa spant M^tht their travels, isyetbe Naw York Htf. OHN lhUR% „ iwr,dslliwiwHius „ „ , , , irtTW) tht r»clpl«nt of msny prosfntg fro n idworkl »K buslhasa In Vermont and „Nity H1 It) aid. <'HKII tw'i\ itttm oity olerk. i*d>l ViMp 0I1 tlm hint inn 1 "*? ^, 'Mi***,hi Zlmitm trUtnds In this city, A law dtyi wood tllvr'ti lU'vimv ,„ „„,„,.> •••JU DM) Igttr, wboii ba andraged In tb« bicycle y«WrlM»i»'l'. Uornifm. (inllMorf, Kllay, %nCli Ia tb« party Vara a rad-headed droni. f v "* • • RgQ^etioh was takan byMcPbat p lo(yU rhatjufacturilni bMln#ss, It waa natural K»r M»itff)i-« Nays, in %"& n»er from Arkansaa, * traveling raill)4'c)« red»'«1 rlfil 1 • ' rat. famliUfly mm/ idmlyers for th« purpoia of praajntkiif for him to tbinf# ^ using wood for a Moved Uy Aid Kr<-n«.f UIHI n,m ti« p| M «d lu ' * >T road man aad! a splndlf-shanked maW . T11 I'ltlil wurrimiH drnwii 1« pi»r it* tiooni lis*" blm « suimtantlHl testimonial in jscbf n n i » Hit' (Mjt#ri-»t and unking fund I * ^ j*' •< Hiy < |»'fk> ordsm ; I rwxki who tells oil 1 out of Pittsburg. Th;« V(it«>(in.llie 11111II0I1 .* • a n of tb» C»Mr' "• ultlon of bla long and faithful 11 rvlct Mny ill 'I'** iml «11 hiiiiil iti ihii tollo*tlii(( Yrak-|||»liop,i<oriiiNtl. UuiiMotf, Hilar, Kr«- "• d«aJ got around to the man from Arcity fund*! > Hundred mt patents for special fcaDfttlitds, 1« *?*•»• wliih ithe Cincinnati team, ger, M a l m ' h s $N|T*I untie. 1 Nouil fiiml 1 .,.(,/., . . . . , . , „ m ;N kansas, and what ba bad to lay wu ll«t'Ur«d carried ures pert* rllng to bicycles are granted o'rdiprtaksi tit] *•• Circ fund .»] ., Wl (W by Aid Kreger thai b i n In Yplaced i n "*' this: I w u ,n I'olk'S fund J .t, 1K7 IV Moved ««h year »y ths united fltatts patent teaffraofi«a»H4«<W> Tastiwealal to Mel'toe* ' electric light fund , lliRTe»t(lil(f clnMliK fund ,,. IM7 /7 theVole on the HIOIHMI t , office, but he majority of them die a diamond, i»,l|»'«» "!fv« had to stand for sortie queir BulwcrlpUone^ to this, are now pourlUnK di'ixitil fund . ., r lb\\ m Yeair-Hlshop. (.orinan. (lultstorf. Kiley, Kre-' • , ia big auivalDt for ing Inj, the Chamber of Comme^ e, W natural d«)th; few pay any money to 1 rules and regulations In my time, but f?' I gcr. Ma1och-« Nsys. none ¥• IMIt IA Declared carried { the moat uaiqae code of raletj governM Spla|fB«/Hlb:|lrB- W. Pdkbody, viee-prealdfent of the BJ 0. the Inventtar. The Wood rim is undoubtI <M funlior report Hint the c x p e n w , |mor mid Moved by Aid tiorman tlmi the (hairappoint ing a hotel I ever bad sprunk on ma gagemeit tor this season p>*k'/» tkren- S. W.| R. R.; Samuel flalley, furmei edly ^ h e 1 most valuable contribution «l«(!trtc light fund* brc fxliHtmi^d. a committee of tlireftftiwiiit on Melody Bros iti • UKIWtY lloKHItKi, c i t y Trcnonrcr regard to towering tlierisfidewalk waa at the Tajlewanda hotel.'ln Coll- ty >'•«/. f that be has been ^«gt wrl* en- United States stib-treasurer, andj nan|America has given to the bicycle; near? T h e tepurf vtit r«c«lved mid placed o n 111« Mo^ed by Aid. «ormsn that the i ege Corner. QJ I remember tach one gaifcd In the sport He/nas outstr^ other Ipromlnent persons taking i n ac Iy everything else that has stood the lStroet ciiinuiliw otier'i report, 1 missioiier be Inatructiffl to clean rirrt street-. ITo I lie couituoi council at the city o f WyiinCarried hy«n dnaiiitooua yei-vole. of them distinctly to thia day. They several gteierailotns of nmy^m. an< hastive.pkrt In theiftalr. Substantli 1, in- teat of actial use, has come .from "the dotte ,.'•] "»IDqY" M T H B I ENTERS HIS •*+ aiwwH ••—*•«« -j Tftrftfefe V" ' >™ J'PlLt" I********.*** .fta^S i Moved by Aid. Bishop that the street commiswere posted la this order: "* ; played rlta ail of th«> l«adln* basBbal-' deed, Will be the testimonial, as luttoi other side.' France Introduced the bi- I herewith unbuilt the follinvliig «« my report sioner be inslrucled to notify j.roiierty owner* An (Ireei coiniiiln*loiier of the City o f Wyandotte whose sidewalks Inibad condition to repair Hsu of his ilme. cycle, but England improved, it, and "V. Board. ISO per week, metis extra. for the two week* prior to the vth day o f June, the same at once. are has it j that a house and lot will hi 1.1 re--/. .! v ISW: ' | ..••"• , Carried by ah unanimous yea vote. '' "*. Breakfast at 5, dinner ai *, "up- He wis borniin Massena. N. Y.,l*ov. sented to him- For many; yean I Jlci gave to risers the suspension wheeji, Mike Yop«, 6dnytJat«l IK per dny..,.. ,.J 7 50 MoVed by Aid. (lonnan that the marshal " 1. 18(9. His fiiAer was a Scotch man, ball bearing, pneumatic tire, tubular per at 7. . John Haubriek. «!«<*» .:.!.;......'...... 7 SO deputies be Instructed to enforce the bicycleand IPhee waa recognised as the only i layei orHenry Pocock, 6^Bye;,......i.........;.: .'.:...;.. 7 50 and bis mother'came from a prom! bent frarn^ and the ordinary and, safety dinance.: , > ; . X ".v "a. Guests: are requested 'not In the league; playing an infield pOBiMcOlHde, 6id«y(|l .i..i...,.v........... 7 50 by an unanimous yea vote. Tan|ea fanUlf) of Puritan stock, tohn ttob \jrho did not use a glove,. It |iat types," ,. . ' r . John Enient Pepke,fl<tays,.Li...,...,... "..v.......... 7 w Carried speak to the dumb waited * by Aid. Kiley that the clerk be Instruct- '•' Hat Hanbrlcb,',^ dars at 11.50... H 25 edMoved T.-Bjrusb/president of the Olncifnafl to have the bicycle ordinance printed in tho "4. Quests willing to get up wfi beeh lb the last season or two onr.' thai America, has, held her own In wood- John Kluiup and teain» 3 daye at ta 9 00 next Issue of the Wyandotte Herald. also boVn in Massena, f. Y. he resorted U the use of a globe, < rhlck working; i\ fact, she leads the world, being called can' have self-raising; Carried by ail tiuauimoua yea vote. J ; '•'.••' 160.76 h aboot the same age. Brush y,3x Moved by Aid. Bishop Ojat we now adjourn. for supper. FRANK l^VHPHY, i\ was brought about by an injury 10 his and the ligl it, strain-resisting American Carried by an unauimous yea vote. t Mk;t?bee never knew each < tlher ,' Street Coinmlraioher "5. The The hotel la surrounded; by buggy alwa ys has been a marvel to forby * c. J. tkHWEise, city Clerk. 08106 t h e The report/wag referre to the committee^ 011 »,.'. , ;. •• '•. owner ol the leftjband wh ch left that member ten- eigners. Its wheels are so light that the clalmn beauti I cemetery. Hearses'to htaf* Until!Brush t^ and aciounte. ' . 1 ; der. Whiie h 9 has been for. many yean '"'; .!"." New York'Fashion Letter. . 'CincjUu iati club. Keport from county treasurer. 16 cam looked upon as the "King" *»conc foreigner Wonders how they hqld toNow that the outing season has come j iDetroit, June 1,1897. :\ W^eirjMePhee was "seven yeari old «. Guests < wishing «• «0« aa*ttttpe city of Wyandotte: the subject of suitable [gowpB for travelbaseman, he Is so graceful and ac« uraye gether, but the much [talked of resist- , To half amount of liqtron tax collected dur1 his ifai illy moved to Kaitbsbulg, a driving will find a ance Is the secret of 'ft. It 1* the com- ingOne in his position that many plays from month of May, 'IW.Jepe percentage, 18.«5.00. iug, yacht lug and cycling is uppermost W sijaall jajnlet of 1,700 Inhabitants in to the closet. bination qf wood and steel that makes I hereby certify that the above statement in in ttte world of fashion. wcaterii Illinois, where Park Wilson, McPhee are not called great btcauss the Americin buggy possible ^ the wood correct, A. I McLKOD, taowa/a*0i4n' Fojr traveling eoBtunies, tweeds and ' his action is <j|ulet and unassumin t and ' rtr-wyi > County Treaaursr. Ira escape. I the grtat backstop of the New York the baseball public baa become ui ed tc absorbs thn shock or vibration—is re- The report waatreceived and placed on file, j chen^ts^lii grey and brojwn shades, are/ Hit wln/ow Bills and accounts. more popular than any other materials.! *ft athletics and club, va^t born and reared. Wilson's silient. Tlie same principle applied to The ,l following bills were read and referred to They are made with plain skirts rather' the steel n 11 and the wood ties of the the committee ou claims and accounts. i&ttt-m ayd father was ipinnlng a dry goods |tore them. ,^ in the town, and McPhee was for some water works and electric light.. .1310 75 narrower than last year. The bolero is railway. 'Without the wood ties, the Salaries, Labor pay .roll, water w<>rk*,;.........I.......,..:., 252 75 almost universally used for these .cosPitcher Win* B. M4rc«r. time a clerk and an all-around hilper Immense si rain would tear something Gartner Bros.......i.:... .........,...... 6034 tumes and pretty silk blouses are worn take'a Nem».."..»"i :...,............;.....„...,...... 6300 |under {hem. Many of oar large bouses* Winf red B. Mercer,' wh«J i^ np# tht to lieces. A steel rimmed wheel with- Krrank « * | e l thVpiBoT; oat's lijrtt in the store. Both Wilson and McPhee J Guilfoil.:'......,../, i , . 1 : . . . ..... MOO played with a local team called] the star pitcher of the Washington club. out f tire s virtually a solid, which Prank 'Murphy...... .......«v J..J—-..,., 4UO0 are trimming these suits with a narrow^ •» --»..+• 'enough for any too Ictoria 1.' They were called by thejjfaiw Win Koberta.. ^„..,.„.;.V:..... ...J >•• -^ 27*P braid of decidedly contrastiBg color.' feels Jars nil through; the wood rim PostoB ice;.,.. ;.................;, **!« Any oka troubledI with a i.i4|t1135 The seain's sod h'ems of the skirts, alsd \ < v bears Jars, as it Is the nature of the HA Eoerta . . . 4 s u r e will t n f a halter 0» the bedpost the "fl Catchers." 10 26 the collars, revere and cuffs of the jack] H D Ellwarda: 1>. :.......:..., The team sent east for uniform* and 12 «0 wofd to bear jthem, saving the,wheel W <J I. LUbert J........ "11 DiB't! pick a «U|frrel with the i'("••• BOO els are outlined with braid. Some of' ,^........1 .,„.{ and the whole, structure, and not suf- C J Scpwelss.. clerk. His brother lathe eb|ef of pol- played aljl the clubs of the surrounding HW the lioleros ire cut up in the back, bul\ & Garrison 600 ice and his father the mayor of 'he towns, being a leading feature fo| the fering itself. It is lighter than the Dorrance mosl of thefn reach to the waist line a i l ^ Labot .pay roll, electric light.......... <S0 county fairs at-that time. This fclub • ! town. \ steel rim, t nd it permits the frame al- Philijb Koberts .,....„...„...'...„....'.;. 6 00, areund. -\ . Mrs Burgeis......... 200 "12. Don't worry about pa ring your we^n tl e first prise in the district leaso 1J0 be mi de lighter. There are some Mrs B! ne and white serge are always the Wh> Donaldson UJ 126 bill. The house la supported by its gue. The prize w^Sr a nickel-plated Incidental tdvantages, also,.and-some H * O Thon....J...iC .....;.„...... 176 thinif foryachtiDg. The water does not Helody Bros ..............i , ...;...., «80 spot or shrink them and theyare warttri bat., aicPhee was at tjbat time ^liying" foundation." I 1 not so inc dental, For instance, the Oartner Bros..L.i..„...J. :. «6 83 withtiut Wng, t 0 ° heavy. Mariy of these] behind t^e bat, and was a good catcher, wood sprligs back and rlgh,ts itself Jos Cramer........:..:«..' 3 00. commissioner's pay roll..../.,.. «0 76 skirts are made without any lining and/ He was'the youngest player In] the from strain while the steel stays sprung Street Theo Hegges .........., A BORING ALLIOATOR. 6140 are finished around the bottom with si «0 00 tean, telng only sixteen years of! age. and buckle 1; the wood does hot rust Henry Scliauuiberg..j...... John Mobring.... : 1 4000 triple hem about six inches deep. Tb» U> • Mew In 87 f be and Elmer Rockwell Were *o B * T « (Sad* and dent, ind cementing the!'' tire is Alex Loselle.......;..... * 4000 idea of making these hetns triple islto OjH—a Lave*. On motion o f Aid. Kreger the council then, keep the feet from showiiig between the signed by the club at Davenport, |owa, easier. ' V,: took a recess of ten minutes. The btgb wind that prevailed did and! tley constituted What was.Hhen o n reconvening the same number answered bottom of the petticoat and the lower edge\of the skirt. 1 " C roll call a* before; 1 1. ' , considerable damage, to tbje levees known as a crack battery^ with RockCommittee reports. i We are indebted to A] McDowell A BURMESE OIRL8. along the Algiers shore, says [the New well ID the box and McPhee behind the Claims and accounts. We your committee on clabns and account)!, to Co., 4 West 14th Street. New York, for Orleans Times-Democrat of late, date. bad ' Uoealplas; a id rilrtlnc M tb»y rill Tbrtr w h o m was referred the bills of We above information. This tirrn pubThe wind aft*r sunset blew especially rtalarfes, water works, and electric lliiht In" the Davenport c^ub McPbeeUlso 1310 76 lishes the only cheap imported fashion ISM »t th* Wall, j Labor pair roll, waterworks , 2ft2 75 Journals sold in this country. "La PITCHER MERCER, hard against j that side of tihe rive*. played seeond; base and in the fight In every household the" daughter baa MarinerPros .....,¾. „; 6084 The* waVas, were blown over the re- Held Ii 187». In 187» McPhee did] not waa born June 20, 1874, at WhWallng lode de Paris" is I8J50 a year, 85c<jnt* Frank Nellie.. 6300 her appointed .work. In a|l but the K J Guilfoil ...... T. 100 a copy, and "French Dressmaker'] ia vetment, and In some places did mu<h play ball, but secured 'a position as W. V4.,> but learned to play bill Prank Murphy,, 12 00 richestme:-chants' houses £be daugh$8.00 a year or 80cents a! c.>py. ^Esch ^^ damage to the earthworks. The guards clerk 11 a commission house In Ddvan- JBast Liverpool, O. He soon mil teres Win Koberts...... 60 ter's 4uty is to bring the water from Pos tofllce ,v... 111 86 Journal gives uionthlv a l^s^n on were vary fctlve. They reported port. [n the spring Of 1880 be went^to the arjt of curving the ball and jslnec 1 v» 10*5 tical dressmaking which: it> very A Kbertt...':... the well erening and| >morning, says H Jl-,J Ill)'Edwards..., promptly all .washings and where the Akijon, 0., and played second pale In considerable local renown as, a pi «her JBflO able to both the professional' and W C Lambert.:.., black wood' B_ Magazine. It is the gosahia*00 occasion demanded It the damage was the semi-league club w^ich played toe His first professional engagement wai tHOO teur dressmaker. r with the, Dover (N. H.X club, witl^ Blplng place of the village, this well, CJSCbwelss. Dorrance & Garrison (600 promptly repaired.' Clefeh nd club |on off dayat{[ I 1 and as the tun sets there come running Labor pay roll, electric light,. ^160 One of the curiosities of thefloodIn III tlie, autumn of 1880 Oj|p/ciy(or whSfih club he began the seaspp ol Saered r i r e o f jtba Ii«h«ra>SB. Koberts... .. r . .*...<.:. 600 down all % ia girls of the village. As Philip •w 1893. . It was not long, however, befori Mrs Burgess..; 2 00 this section developed at the Morgan formed! the American Association^ a id In a temple in the eecluded villas* thiy All their jars they lean over the Mrs VVm I)oii*ldsou........... ..........:. 1 25 railroad whaiff early one! morning. aen^ Charlie Jones, the old left flfiher his good work In tb,e pitcher's ppfit{loi H 4 C Thou.,.......,...;..*::.....;. ......... 175 of Oodwada, India, there bunts a nra purb and t ilk. and it is here that are Melody Bros. ;., ,'. «,'30 Tnere has been trouble then for'some ^f the keds, to Akron, to sign McRh >e, tiigan to attract e attention jaf th* which was first kindled about ,1^09 told the latest news, the latest lilrta6086 Oartner Bros.......,..'.. ...5. with seepage and a tone oi men fanj wise and Kemmler^the two l i t er club managers of the New BJijland 300 years ago, and has been burning conJos Cramer:..;..............*., ..... tlon, the atest marriage, the little 60 75 seat employed closing t|ie crevices being nefw out of the business, i|h He league, and Bbortly afterward h< \ee commissioner's j ay roll....j.:. 5100 tinuously ever since. It Is the saered scandal of the place. Very fewmen Street Theodore Mekges ..uJ. , and Cfacks through wHlch the water Mclfhefe is s'tiH playing with Clncintos ti. ceived a flattering offer from th« 1'al 4000 fire of/ Beheram, consecrated by the Henry Schaumbetg..... J ^,........ come,. Wa ter carrying is nott, their du4000 parootated. There'waa am unusual Phee lives in Cincinnati witli h<B River club of that > league'andfluteJedty, and the •« is a proper time and place Jobji llobrln^V— • •••••— • ancient Plarsees in commemoration of 4000 Ale*Lbselle.iv. ...,.,....1, .: the Season with its team*. Toward lh« anaatity at 'one place Thursday night he same and the voyage they, had just safely comfnts, who have resided here for, flirt^tii in. " 80 the girls [have the would report that 1 bavle examined , r close of the season of 1893 the Wash' aad Use forenian of the gang, in going And them correct a n d would recommend' the pleted in their migration from 1 . -te (s a man of excellent same be paid. Ington club signed him for 1894. Sinci1 well a!lnW to themselves. over tbespqtjthe other morning td as1 1 tjakes good care of hi; to India. Thefireis kept going in AI4. 'Uf. j . GORMAN, Jommittee. certain, the reason, announced \t$e anujket fnd drinks very little [|and that time he haa been a memberI of th« Almost fcrery girl will weave. In Claims andaccouhts Ailment of a row. It is fed at five every hbusi •• there will be a loom, where Washington team and has made sUcl hole had been caused by an {alligator, spends most of bis time at home! nitt on claims an< > accouiite to statid times during the day. "The fuel We your committee the girls w >ave their dresses and tnose rapid strides in his profession that hi 1 whom was referred the bills of 1 gbt which had burrowed through from1' MlcFh«a «n H*w t * PUy. I ¾ ¾Jiay . ^ !roll, * ? .water ' ^ .£ 1works ^ 2_ ¾. 4.¾. ^. . . . f j 3 | 0 7 5 is cGtmpoeed of sandalwood, bensoine now ranks as one of the best pi chert of their patents. And very "many girls ^ under |the wharf. Ha trail]could «a Labor . 35275 and other odorous materials, eaeh of Whe 1 asked how to play second Will have italls in the bazaar. Other base, Gartner'Broa. *rh in the National league. Mercer is » piainfji a£en in the mud and- the,work' : 6034 which is first subjected; to a peculiar !4>ent Frank Nellis...... hard and conscientious worker, u d ai duties are be husking at the rice and E J Guilfoil...... w 68 00 aaeBv f» speakteg of it to Scjrgt. Co- McPbe) paid he played it nb diffi »6100 term ol r-Mfioijs cere: iony. During thah ai iy, one else-'i He said that a making of aheroots. Of course, in the Kranki " "ri a Murphy l " SJL".... companionable, a young* man as he Ii •t•"r locna, commanding the Alajtere sta, 42,00. certaini mofitlltt of the year. specially Wm Robert*.. •s-\a fine pitcher, and Is very populajr) bota richer houieholds there will be ser Postofflce ... i 27 50 tl«a, aal'i that they lodged;he must ahoftst »ri is a great help to the . 11 35 allotted to 'he worship f the genius of ; beeenu ni and when the two, ui vants to d*! all this, but even in them H A Rbertr. on and off the field. ;ta*w .tee.)" at leaat four Wet long. 10i!6 fire the little village of II 0 Edwards; ia;eo dwada is the b-'Xl staild < iach other well they can the daughter will, frequently , weave,j A* C Lambert ,...1,....,.....4.., Tlkay thlab the water covered all the Mecca 6t thourand8 of pilgrims.' mu^h 1 lore ground and dp It safel; either for herself or for her parents. CJ schweis*. ........:. „........: -m> liMSjug pta?esUhat he might pave had J Seortog a Ifjrror*.' & Garrison ..:. Almost evrry" girl, will do something, Qorratfce Of course, there is much depei "\ ;»W Labor pay roll, electric light. ., ondW tbc wharf and he decided to 500 "I conjfess that l a m near-sigh|tjed U if it be only to paaa the, time. 1 Philip KobertsiJ.v......:.....^i..„ ..,..^:.4 On all members of the team pi 6 50 Wit HtWdUlm. 'bore a ioie .'through the bank and Mrs BurgeBB.:...;............;;,tt,.... that proposition, of Ed., Hanlon'11 at «00 welt to setber. but no two men, not An instance of wit serving as a Mrs Wm Uoualdson .:1...., 2,00 thnrn m > his-time between dry land scorlag," says Manjager Schmelx "Ed H ACTbon ....,.......... the ba teries, can mutuaRy help, 125 buckler is mentioned by the Buffalo; and '#a «r I \ "ThrsMi 4)t»eeiiB a,n<| • Trie;er." Melody Bros..,.,..:. believes that the endless disputd thai 17S othor ibore than the second ba . Gartner Bros..., ..,........ 030 Enquirer: , The ^ir^tng Wind made the water ran arise over the question, of hit iv an* As to the origin of the use of the Jon Cramer.......1... ........J..... and th i shortstop. McPhee said jtoKi A man was up before a Judge the t a n , * : ha cracks In. the wharf In errors would be arldicated |f the 1 iorert word '"tiger" in tne [-phrase "Three Street commitjBioiier's pay roll..... .......-:(075 other day for stealing coal. The rail? he 'VU8 playing ball be always tri< Theo Merges, .: ....,,., 1160 I, ' .large ,:i 1 titles and' the nearjest track gate a hit on every, groujnd ba 1 1 thai ch«eif8 and a tiger!",the^following story would recommend that ther be paid. And wiiuld road detective said he caught the felfurther* recommend that the bills of Henry wa> •••«•• .xf'ged. A1 gang of 'men was avod accidents. While he al is fumbled by a fielder. , If tb4 1 elder is :oldT It 1822 the Boston Light In Kclmuinberg, wanted to win, yew be would pref< 1 Alex Loeeile and John Mobriu 5 be low In a coal car but the man said put aj w•,,!•* MoppingHt with sacks of 1 makes an overthrow give him an >rror fax try visited Sallem, Mass.," and en- laid over, until we get a decision from tiu 1 su- that, he was .only sleeping there, bebe cred ted with an error than wit preme court. ".• • '•• ?-. i: -v . •'! i dlr: i-i. hey succeeded in [shutting injury J md fojr that reason hesbas^— but confine the errors to n^uffs ai i wild caiiped in Washington square. They Signed, Aid. HENRY O, MkLOC Ar cause his wife had locked him out. , aw t. * it *r». , W. W. BISHOP, ,( been- out of the game on accoujht ofidls throws. That, at least', I is ^uilon'i indulged In a great many rough? and I *and he had no money to go,to a ho- ' i ^ ' ' " : - Y I ,, Cottimitue abil Itiej for three weeks during! | his suggestion. If this suggestlod Wert tunble spcrte, and ote day a visitor Mptlon Aid. Maloch that the majority repo: t be tel. .".' made a rule the value of the lmttlftt extlaimed to one of them:- "Oh, you adopted and warrants ordered drawn upon the lonj career of twenty years. ' P—citptlo—. "Pretty h a i d h e d , wai in't i t r aBked treasurer for the several amounts. and fleldirig averages would be{ b >tall> Amended by Aid. GoruuUi that the word ,#iu- the judge.' l :* "^ f > . A la ]H t sa| fa the batters are getting tt lags destroyed. A batsman might tid cred- tigir!" Tie phrase became a sort of Orlty , 1 >*s under a loan of viands In place of maj )rity. playful rej roach, and on the way to Votetieonsubstltnted bat no ' \^han you do under t<imi- down-Si fine" now that they can fool the amendment: Yeas—(loruuan, (tjiil " "Oh, no, sir," he answered. "It waa ited with an average of .360, vhc. Boston some musical member1 cf the storf, reger-3. Nays-Bishop, Riieyi 'Mii|tbct soft coali' ' ' :¾ lar cir P '\ijces. * :je mayor «<>tea yea. reached first scores of tin>s on company sung a line: "Oh, you tigers, - 3 . And the judge was to struck with, Declared carried. . A f > \ 4S is recommended tp the fumbleB of jinfielders or weacly-hil don't you I now?" Thus they acquired Vote on the original motion as ar tended: 1 'eas the joke that bj^let hi: in go. consk - '• •' 1 [of danseuses; whe^i bi^Uullstorf, Kreger—3. 1 »}»—Bio, top, ground balls. Then there woull bs a the name ipd they soon began to Im- —Gormau, Klley, Maloch-3. '1 he mayor volei 1 yea: ay says the story, jrou' must t*Wt»; grievance, and a Just one, frcm tb< itate the gfoWl of that beast Then at Declared carried." iIM;, many dancers neither die daact Recently Experienced. f of committee on bonds. pitchers. Whose record would fcrsn-nc the end of three cheers, a "tiger" Waa Report To the honorable, mayor and chm|mon couricil • o r d« "What is jberedity, mamma?" ashed kind of a criterion of their abllj .teatl I always cal; ed for.1 This compan^r vi We yo'Or committee on official an I other b< nda f *> rA^ten «-r U the method by which conto whom was referred the liqnoi bond of Hu the little; girl, spelling the word out. ,> it , will admit there is room for in pWe- ited New Vork1 In 1826,, and at tl pub- dolph Lehmann, would report thai wehav<iex- through her falling tears, and waiting traets '*-•*• !o*4 orranat a loss. ment In the scoring rules, espejclally lic festival they atstonlshed the] New.' amined the. same and found it-cirrect iu form .; n ' A tkaat>r is the place where you go substance, with sureties sufficient, and to write down the meaning. the ruling on earned runs, buy Hel- Yorkers by givng' fhe growl, -which and would recommend lie approval. to sea.aad) h4ar what you cannot see "^t ls^-'em, how shall 1 explain it? T ton's idea Is altogether too radical." > tie! tied the fancy; of the hosts'so much , Aid. WM. KILEY, nor -kaar at- a] music hall. Oh," said the mother, "something you ' ' «1 W.W1B18UOP tha[t the cqstom became fixed. ' H. ¢(. MALOCH, get from your itather or me." A time ia that which you 10, with,a '•*•'•' ' •'. ••' Co'in'mitUiej BawebsiU In EnaUnd. And the small child wrote down on watch kept upon your movenfents, but Moved'by Aid. Klley that the rep »rt be ad Opted aa read. 1. ' 'Though base ball Is never lnVdly t« her paper of home lessons: "Heredity - whjeh you seRlom keep. In spite of the Cbai4has and Smokeijtiwka. Carried by an unanimous yea vol e. , become a serious rival to cricket an« —spanking."—Illustrateid Bits. . < movements of your watch.-rPick-MeMany statisUes .show that of .10,000 ' : Wyandotte, lune », 16 »7, ' To the honorable, mayor and cot imon cou icil. foot ball in (Swat Britain, the iKindoi sm rteatacl S only 3 are struck by light- Resolved, that all property owne 1 owning corttP-', ?. Telegraph atlmits thkt it lk Ui»kin| niig dhring the,year, while of 10,000 ner property, who build concrete walks tf the The Business Blaa. same, lye it resolved, that the stree, cfimmisi ton converts rap dly In that* codntr; r^ II church spi 'es,' 67, and of 10,oi)0 wind- er of roMS^M. 1 \ Mother: , i wonder What we cap do* lie and is hereby instructed t i see thai .the says': "It hai ope great adva£tag< I'ovei mills, '89 s re struck by lightning anr leaders to the same be constructe. I of the s ime Ith Johnnie, he has BUch a way of Soap has been In. use tor 8[000 years ^ \ Aid. X 'm. KILiiY. the English summer pastime, Inas- nui il|y. It has been endeavoredtoex- mSterial. and Is twice mentiebed In th* bible. A Moved br Aid:,- Maloch-' we susi iend the r ules exaggerating everything. He is always much as) the game occupies but 1 vat- plsin this condition by thf fact that and.adopt the resolution as read. J. A. MPHEB. -f I making .a mountain out of. a mole hllU few years age] a soap boiler's! shop whs ' . tion of an afternoon;'and many /oiini th« smoke discharged from the smoke- Vote ou the motion: all the fielders, usually bitting thelball discovered in Pompeii, hajlng been Yeas—Bishop, {Uorman, QiiilBtoiff, Kiley, ttre- Father:' I think, my dear, we had batmen who cajinoi spare the tlm« Jfoi stacks takos the'electricity [assembled gfer, MaJoch—fl. , ijays—none, ter make him a real estate agent. " buried benealb the terrtbtoj rain of as ther please and driving it where carried. cricket can ensily*escape' from btbiinesf anund tho buildingmtaong and dts- Declared least.* ipected—formerly the flemers New business, } ashes Unit fell upon that city 79 A; D. - - / • v I — ' '•'•-. 1^/ for a baseba) match; Today thi Ciya- tri rates it in the air, whereby the Moved by Aid. Kreger that heaD<!uni <6(0of t h e soap found in the shop hail not last weald take certain positions for] the r i.}\. , ' • a«ir# * h i * ^ , , •„•-.• the liquor money received be . pract d injhe 1 pad tal Palace aid Remingtons inaii u'at% ( sot rce of lightning is iot only dimin- fund. • 1 .:••[/ V.v. . 1 ; \ a.,,all ita efflcack although it bad been right-! and men and other positions for "Bluffer says that he was a good the season on the picturesque) *t >und 'j,lshed; but almost 1 disappears. This After some disfcusston Aid. Krtier.witbdxew buried 1,8001 years.—flan Francisco the lei -*arid men, but now there la-no deal put 'out at your meeting j- last his motion. •—••••> 1 such, 1 ling as catching the battef by at Sydenham, aid doubtless 1) \ "' 01 als> explains'why people In the eoun- Moved by Aid. Uorman that »500 if the ll<iu News Letter. night" , : ,.; • ,{' .: ''. \> mloney be placed in the road fund. . fihifUn 1 around in this maiiner. Ttiere the visitors Yrom the State* try kindle a large' fir,e in the fireplace "I should say he was. We kicked Amended by Aid. Mttloch tballhe word 5300 be was a BO much interest in/ studying London will '1 ake advantage of this op- whLK a thrinderstorm Is approaching, inserted instead of ISflO. "; , him to the bead of the stairs and then »ia* Aloac. ! - _ 1 certali batters who were knownf to portunity to renew tbei$,acquMit*nc« 1 Vote on the amendment: Yearf— ilshop, Kiley, 1 "fired bim down bodily."—Detroit Maloch—3. Nays—aorman.Qullsk rf, Kreger—3. w Ftletld—la tt true that yon [sell sonqe drJvO" be ball in given directionsj hut with this;, thj national game of \f^ The mayor voted nay. s, Preaa. J. Qnilte Proper. Declared'lost. ' cooaf,tower in London tbaii lb- NeHr nowlt e batter bite to dodge the leld- tc*. Vote on the original, motion: llrs. Brcwn-Jonfes—There Is some Yorltfi PTOtwked Mawufwetu;ref^-Yei^ ers, ai 1 this part jot-the sporjt i s almost t< Ort Mloruslly Yeas-Gorman, Ouiistorf, Kregir, Bishop—I. tal c of re (taring 'the Venus de Milo. Says—Klley, Maloch-8. we make very little on what {we sell In dowb 10 afli^eari, so much sb thaf tne Tfte raw materkU uaed "Your husband died ai year ago? Too Dq y^u think it would be advisable? Declared carried. tondoo. 'iSorna day wa ma> get tne field*) 1 are tjmab^e to keep «p with i t manufacture of the' world' Moved by Aid. Kreger that be place t i n must' miss him greatly." "Not so government t o pay ok a bounty on the Mel 1 tee haa held the second-basef rec- rags. pulp, waste, etc., represents an Mr Or^n)ituff^Wm--yes--toh, yes! t the fire fund much. His mother throws a cup at ufat on the motion: good* wj^ WPort, bat tks tt** lao't ord ijir'anff on forniany/yeara aiid is annda) investmetfc «f 1100,000,00¾: fnd think wb-isyer hai it ought to give It Vote Yeas—Gorman, Uullstorf. Krege'-B. Sajhead occasionally now."—NeW YorX ibatk to. whoever it belongs to. '• withoit doubt at) the b,ead of thefillat the ohemicalf used of 150,000,000 Bishop, Kiley, Maloch-3. The ma|yOr voted rea. lournaL1 , 1 *paf«fh}yat S • •! 3 i 5E: J n • 1 , - • W IP ! 1 i if I i :^ f :1 .i.+JMto&^r :*»,** ; :< b^iuk 2^h tm:^kkbAMii^£,k I f -A A u)< n k w. WfSl.^ <»'••?'' ' ' • • ' • • ' - ^ I, #".<. *i»i" grief apietlon. — _ r causes that work upori the tloiu, and dementia 1B as muci prejaking down of the physical n the mental. Whatever; happens i to i o p e moat l under their observation tfter madness ensues, uponjtnat something; tbejr^dlitorted fancy recoils/ and q u i of the chaos create* grotesque isjiagl natipns. \ , W HtTE TOPAZ. Old Annt Bacaaei, aa old an*jiaeceWal r ^ toaa*j. to be' Seast n a m , » year* old. * J'* "wnerieaxaSi'» Suw'aoimadi Mm«nt after by I auh&Hrtd* ^ Dlasoond Palaea, UtlSANE B U S V WITH a < of familtea. bay tor * ^ ™ 1 ^L %fti*J GREAT PROBLEMS moat effective for roughs and colda brtae Every dap; In the; week and e^ery Each Relieved of Periodic Pain and WK of ante* with Aecaapaae Roofsad hour in tht day one can'see crowds toe Herb HorVnound. Public *p&s*rsand ache. A Trio of Fervent Utters. S w r T a S It It la perforutlagTwono^ra, around the 'sbojw windows of TrIE THAT lOIK^TUTfl ABE SoldbyaruK^t-*. IXG CHICAGO DIAMOND PALACE. The f r — I —. V Li. *OKMM flV PBOOBKOs. cavlse of it 1 i l fe the now widely known Before using Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Vo man ever bought bin way Into Heaven by leaVtas" »1» ip''n«y to the needy after he Wbjite, Toptif T h t White Topaz, or Compound, my health was gradually being undereadatartedtbift way r carbonated diamonds, have cometobe « • * * « ) 4 « the Wonderful Idas* on mined. L suffered Untold agony from painful recognized 1». the | nearest thing on Traailt Evolved* Vroaa BUatfa menstruation, backache, pain on top of n y - Uafarspented CosBsnaalop jrias*. NAUQ earth to gei ittine diamonds, so near inAlfred Sneer of New Jersey-jthe eele. l i l l l head and ovarian trouble. I concluded t o Okljr the Ideal—Cycllna; br»ted»To}rt:r'»f foreign (frape* ipreserve* try Mrs. Pinkham's Compound, ahd found Dfaak Chanapagnft I sites deed is it that the proprietors of the ••ort.ii r*vd. the uBfermentml juice of the jtrAtte for sapDIAMOND PALACE do not hesitate to raiments!tt"-'It bj* b<.>en adopted and i{t* that it was all any woman needs who suffers aad .Therefore Bad to Expeii MJ. usW sanCtloni-il by the prominent} divine* Of place real d iartionds in their windows with painful monthly periods. 11| entirely Weflesley (Spaas.) Corn po^aenie , of tSn cottatr> It Is altu u»ed fir invalids amidst their display jof. ,White_Topaz, N SAN ITT. !it with reaarlcable effect for blodo-mxkiag. cured me. MRS. OEOBOIB WACH, 4 Chicago Chronicle: Three of' the most aud alio.iv t]ie public Wpick tbem out •or tale by dr--i«gl»u». i ' seen s, keeps j ice 923 Bank St., Cinclnkati, O. popular Students of Wellesley cdilpge .at the selliti g price ot the Topliz. , j , with ,thjp times ,nd have heeii1 expelled for conduct i nbe I The lattei • stones hjave all the lovely •dentine ttrtearcb show that ideats. n«h. $ll is i n some of ilk, and -oilier animal f<»irli <jo«t three coming by the woman faculty.- They brilliancy 0 the diafnoads,, sparkling' Ilea more <iiian Hour mt-al aind, other For years I had suffered with painful men* ^f phaies easentiilly • " tJble food* to get the' same nuare MisSjfyiary Kirby, a freshman !rom steadily ant with wonderful fire. The strualtion every month. At the beginning of ^ up ,to date. T" Cfooos result Wisconaitti Miss Tower, a\ sbphol nore thousands af,these stones in| the winmenstruation ( i t was impossible for me to Wherever I ttud a ijreat '«W of lirratttude was a time w from Albany'and Miss Helen Ordway, dows forms one of the most gorgeous stand up for more than five minutes, I fe'lt so misI In a poor mar') I u i e It'fur (?r inted there 1 peo|le went Jf I would be a^ ii • :> <eti«n»i.t) frf be were a a senior from Boston. Th£}\ are tl arg displays ant. has proven an attraction arable. One day a little book of Mrs. Pinkham's waa fico.mai l'*:* ! , east|and west ed with .drinking champagne, vpl lsky which is one of the features of Chi- thrown into my house, and I sat right down and read i t the 'puzzle of and beer and smoking cigarettes. They cago. * 4* I then got some of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corng a t w r v n Heed T i m e and H a r v e s t d5<ftiLii«> p e t u a I m o t l o n pound and Liver fa 'a »•") i •»];>io»'"' -.» t\ to ( pi'iu(re about CR^if Pills. I can heartily say that to-day I were summarily dismissed Wodneiduy, In order id find out tlie advertising far ml IK l.ii'ii Vi «• milt D.ikut »..>nly mi* I t h e mad-hw woman; mymonthly suffering is a thing the fact being kept a sre et"until o medium best suited;to their business, feel like a new' day. n V i->tn iti ii... II JT t Iful were usually the final sanctuary o( shall always praise, the Vegetable Compound Ofwhrtt ( .r Ihi m iml !•'. i\ rvuatd the day. The three young women! >oeci p|ed' this enterprlsiujj concern oftters to send of the pajst. 1 /tli'i r c, tri v».l \-> l >t'»i k llnl iliiry iOun- unfortunates who endeavored to ft&»--, done for me. rooms in the village some dlsiarce a genuine iVhite Topaz tfr all those for what i t has tr> bo ti .'i« >tt trail* nl tni- » jrlil First Cii-w i< n.i ni'l^ w.Mi n< irlii markets ian ,out this baron of all bfain breaklrs, •from the college ahd w^re often sesn who wjll cu ; out ahd seod tliein their * . n 1 Mas. MABOARET ANDERSON; 363 Lisbon S t , Lewiston, Me. a -w b- hough t fs>r rt-»in t!-i. ill, fl». ,uid up out now new and more modern enigon their'ticjcles on the road to Natlnk. advertisemeat, which appears elseI,- , 1 • . v " ". i warii». tier .UT^. .Hid tliN.ii the time to In. vev •> ir lurth'-r pirtti itl i n write to Geo mas •hdie taken its place. "We B*d They are'said to have made fr^qmnt where in th s paper,,together with 25c Lyd,ia ft Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has durid me of painful menH H.-iSord?Ue:»eral I'a^fiiKcr Agent. 1,1¾ two, pailents* here some time aejd." purphases of liquors and cigarettes At in stafdps. 1 struation ejnd backache. The pain in my back was dreadful, and the agony ra«" Mi!»auke« i St. Paul Italfway. Ol* said SAperlntendent Ha'rAion of Ihe a drugstore In that town and on 1 u >s bulo.iy-jBnli'liiu. (hiiatfo. IHln.iin. j ,^T H ^ DUJJIOPTD TALACE, like all I suffered jdurihg menstruation nearly drove me wild. 1 LongvieW (Ohio) Hospital for Inslne day were followed by the matron, The 1 Now this is all oyer, thhnks to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and advice.—Mas. \ successful i jstitutiorjjS, has many imir»nt plant treen where they » not be the oth|r day, ''who had lost tapir discovery of their dj-inking prodiyi . > tators, who endeavor to isell cheap CABRIB V. WILLIAMS, Soutih Mills, N. C trantifi Ahen «r-i»n togttoil size. balance i n the perpetual motion prpb- ties jlojllowed, it is alleged, the matron rhinestones andtother pastes claiming The great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pmkham'a Den't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. lemj bui they are both dead, and ^we findi^i an empty flask which had con- they are top az. ' We caution thepub^.; Vegetable Compound, is a Sato, sure and almost,,infallible remedy in cases of o q JittobacroeSHUvan 1 torevev. be mag- don't s e • n to get any more who coane tained! whisky in the lavatorj ol-the lie to be cireful, a s T H E j3)IA»I0ND traegVlarity, suppressed, excessive or painfuli monthly jperioda. • . Jc.f'iUof life.nerve and rigorUalte Ko-To- o\er that route." ' * . l«»»-a»MMBMM»MM«-J«-«. , |jj .^ | ' , , ' ' ' li. \ ' I • railroad station from which the girls PALACE, American Express building, • i ' l ' t l ' . II! J, . IJ ' I -. the womler n-firlter. that makes weak. men Strong AH druffuSts, soc OT|»I. Cure Taklni! a key from his pocket had just emerged. The < bottle was Chicago, are the sole importers'of these uaraoteed B->oklet and sample free. Ad. l!!t. traced to the druggi**. and he is atones. terliaKflleaieilv Co,. Cb.icaj{o;or %ir y o r t Harmon proceeded through the vi otis war} s, noting here and there & have revealed, the .acts of , frequent Ai In Days of Old. -; j Drnv* at Cat Price*. gularcajes where the subject's imi sales to the trio. When the Hisck sure ee to anyone our ou [complete nations -an after modern fajila W» «111 mail free •' "I can undoubtedly clear you, my was made the next day 'the girls pa sited Catalogue,'and and Gut-Bate Cut-Bate Pptce IjsL Oiim L „ th^lr trunks and bicycles and lef, for dear fellow," said the lawyer, "but It lit wlH *ave vou moner on ever+thlng. in crazjea, '^There Is no question in IllCt lOracs. Patent Medicines. Kubber G«od» mind.j' jl r. Harmon was saying, "t their homes. ' | i will require a considerable sum of ,Wlae«.etCj Kvery family ^h»ul<l have one. perfect your defense.!' jPaul V. Finch 4 Co.. liraad ltapilds., Mich. Intense mger is one phase of Insi "I have <nly a small amount with *»*• If : ou would like to have a Utile -1 ' j ' T r y t o b ^ e p tl'>ds law andi you iwlll soon troujble |ust corns in here." A djfcr ANiQRY WIPE GOES 1 CUfdNfljl^ me." replied the scion of a wealthy I, imrt> adarit. aad *v*ry *•* u eoaWe have And out that He maJe It: 1 •.' f< , .._ White fopai canaot b* dMecwd from real viaetd that fcasi unlocked, which opened iptdja St. Louis Actress* Kills Her Husband ind family, Who had wandered away from dlaaiMfds. WaHeTTopax Is th* UMM yon nav*_r«ad so Ssads home and the path of integrity, "but ward on either side of which sat a l^kg abeat. Ta«eMthatJuwfeoMth*paw*»rrtU)r*. Placstbea *Jd* • Batl't Catarrh tare j ' ,^ Wounds His Charmerj , 4 by sld* with MSUIM diaawnd* aad ao oa* caa Ml th* dH>| my father a ill honor my draft f^r an;' row of men recently received andidil Mrs. Thomas J. Campbell ' of | 1006 fweac*. Wa haia sold thoMjaads of tbase stones, at from osw b a constitutional cure. Price, 7^0. sum within reason." toteadoUara, bat la order U latroduc* th«a quickly as wsll of whom rare as yet practicably i Chouteau avenue. St. Louis, Bred bu,l as to Had «a| ths sdvsrUsiog aMdlaai best snltod to «w bust"Then/' returned , the disciple 0 ToseekOoil it evefv man's hlgnest duty manageable. Their eyes glared l l i e - - - - - - ts ia and greatest privitexe,I . • thos^» cf iurouchlng panthers, amd lets through her husband's head ai)d Coke, Little on et al., promptly, "drav left lung aqd wounded Maud peve *e in and* defendj ' yourself."—New York burned rlth the Are of awfuj insdiieTo Curfc Conntlpatlon Forever. World. ' ra^e; Entering a ward for females!la We will iepd you s beautiful, brilliant, Take CaScareKCandy'Cathariic lOcorHc genuine " .™~-«-^ White Topar.twhich *-- J --i»hich can be mounted «.kfC.CCfalUtiicure.d.ruiciel-tts! refund money young voman waa pointed dut. wfn.o tie pin, stud, cufl buU •a a ring, tcarf or necktie BCUMtCKl CABftyOr' BLANKETS. . ions, locket or'-pair tarring*, like any articl* sat all ( ay ldng on a chair with 4*r Blunkets w Ulch hafi> been used all winThe Cttcnmber was orli;lna'.lr af tropical in this border,on receipt of!—__ -. arms extended, working vher feet las ter, no matte r how white, are never clean,, <Yege tab(e. These »ione» are eiactly the fame u thosa aud,Hhould b > washed before putting away. we have advertised ak^ne dollar f _,: - ^ - — ' r - Jthough «ley were upon tne pedals! of kfea. WlB-dow'uSoothliis;*. . Many boufiek lepers liatisfy themselves by a blcycle| She Is possessed of the VnrehUdran f»..«hlnir.«>ft*ii« Ui« «uiit*.n~!*isM mp This offer for a -few days only shaking and >|nug khelr Waukets' rather f» p*in. curv* wind volivil a vetii* * bo^tla. fancy th it she is riding around the than risk sno Hug thleiQ 'in -washing. But Cut out thi» advertisemenf andiepd it to us this in a mist ike, fotl if the work is fbroptogether * ith 2Sc in coin or ttampi and we world on a wheel. R Apricots a r e Indigenous erly dond no ibrinking will takia place, and will send-you a white Tonas by return mail: _ , ,T . the plaln^of Armenia. m a ttone that you canlbe jujtly proud ol and one that positively cannot the fleecy fof: api>earaiice may be retuiued, "By the way, doctor," said a yoiirig be" detected from .a real diamond, t n ordering, be jure and Mate as well the\c( lor; for years, The necestiary -+Whether small, mediam or large stone i» deaired ' S t » e » a a a a > CatasiHar l e « « r < : a Cllhreertmt>. man who) bore the symptoms in his Adthing in was! ing.blankets is to have plenty t^motUriamimnil only tt^nalne. l')u*'* l'lta{fetl Htutdt dress of I avlng once bj?en very intetilHO OROEH FILLED 1&NL6SS ACCOMPANIEO BY THISApVERTISEMENT. of soft water and good pure soap. Inferior •ad lata. uoM Honrf. as. c.a. ti»rk co. y)u»u.OL soap is realty the 1cause of the damage gent/ "I have got nearly all the trick GENUINE WHITE TOPAZ [ done woolen roods in wphing. It hardens bean no relation to other" so-called Imitation diantondi no matter Same people get no higher man i tower- laid, j It Will ,be the. biggest incline the'fibre and yellows ,tlie fabric. When under Whatnsmetheyare advertised. 'They are-the hardest of - semiInn rage. ihth]e. wi rid. There is yet some triaready to begipi the work shake, the blanpreciou* stones, impossible to detect from real diamonds and warranted , kets fret? of d list, fill a tjub half full' of hot to retain]their briiliaicy. All otoan pale to insijnincance.when compared PtWsCure for CoTlvithv:! in is tlJe best of ble ih'ge ting the electrical appliances r«T.; water. Uiesj We a tl ird of a cake of Ivory with WbHe Topat. all cough cures'. -<JeJ>rge W. Lotz. FJjbucher, to woAl ig right, but I'll promise yant Soup in it. I'ut one blanket in at a tiuie. wwsiMvy>>^vw»yvMVW I A . August 11. n» now>tha by negtt Sunday 1% will hll Dip up and d own a id w,ash gently with DIAIIBNMDI)PUCATUII the bands. B ever rib soap on blankets, ^ - A moderate'drinker Is t!ie devil s, travel-. be oompl ite, 'and you can have a pleas* Eoyi Uj aad th* fonr baadraS or wash them on tlie I washboard. After jiihg.wjn. ^ ant little trip to the moon. The trot* the blankets c re clea 1, rinse in warm water waa 1 wa ettforatsd MRS. T. J . CAMPBELL. 7 j MHI*t. Buckwheat and other setd»P l^w- leys nev* r slip on the moon route," and * until free of suds. . Vdd a little blueing to j» est prices. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse. Wis. you neec' not be afraid of accidents. the knee at 1» Center street :he dtlier the last water. Shake land squeeze; then' mbrning. Campbell and his ^ife 'v>re hang on the line' until dry. Take down, 1 Searly everybody smokes in Ja^ian. mrfn. We will i take the trial trip to the mobn vaudeville actors, and former! r liv« d at , fold; lay undi r a weight for a day or two, and women The girls begin when they ate' from! t h i earth termibal, in Japifu, 52, Diud ley street, Cincinna L J\ay and pack sect rely in atookand cover. ten years of age. and thetooys a yraF^arller. starting db^| Sundai alt 8 o'clock fin Bttough Blankets thug washed will retain their <t ijame^ to St. i Louis several wieks a 50 0 Hog* KXowrt under cleanly condittyns-mafce Yoal ^ TV* the mori ing. We will have breakfast bp3nd^bad jusf entered upon ai engage .-original frest ness a* ^ell as Wear three -..-1.^-, i Clean and wbioiesom.e p.>tk times as long as if put, away soiled year LIFETIME a!&1 at; the m >on at 12:38. \ Don't you think ment at one of the local theatsrs. Mrs. after year. ~ EUZA R. PAaKsa. I JTOE,;OP^irnji«iTY' that kill be n»4k1Tng; pretty good tim«|?" Campbell became suspicious of her hi isr .*pr| H trmon, as-' usual, thought j i t band and traced him to the Dever? y 0 Elrer^r wattr sav«^ that at springs con•. Bwad'«. t w t a t r - « v * ' esnttlla cola or staaips and y o a w t n b* n n - T t l f f t w h - ° the b l o o d i e would. The ifoor fellow is crazy on man's house. tain s animal fife, but (it is not necessarIHT ^ d*ll|tM*4 with taw WMte Topas ts^ajTyoa rscalv* , w ily injurious to b,ealth on* that account. |TK'T* * weak, thin »nc, fmpore electrlciu. There IM another felliw , | - H , Monar RefuhdasJ"W flood* a r e H o t tatl*4Batory. appetite faUs. Hood's Sarsai arilia ie who is i eep into the mysteries of tne ," '—'" r * — 7 ^ •'•'•• V '; v fi IS DIABIONO PALACE. laderfut medicine for creating an ep- airship t uslness, and in talking abejut i A'WHOPPING BEAR STORV, llfMIIIOAH t J ^ U t nUIUMHa, i 91119400, It pariAei and enrkibea tl ie blood, his etpc -imenta mixeji logic and de- ' • "A'^kyour 1 rocer toe ay tp show you I ——*-.,. . the stomach, givea strengtlt to the mentia j 1 rgether Into |a strange coii- An Oceurreaee-of the Uppar Peninsula a package oi GRAIN-O, the.hew*; .food' drink that tikes the place of coffee. and health to the whole syi item. It j - 1 -of HleUlgan. pound. j ' , • ,! T ^The'children may drink^'it) withptit t is Joat the medicine needed now. ~ 'They were ipinnipg yarns of "tjhe In sp aking about bis exploits be injury as well as the 1 adult- j All, who' f^iV^ ^tt^ said:; "Tib trouble with all the air- chase, and this! was the contribution of try it liife it, GRAIN-0 has t,hat rich ft ship bull lers* is that they do not reck* tne congressman: "After a pretty hard seal! brown 1 »f Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and; tjie most i«e«J: . : •— - » on righ;." : which Is 4evidently trujel campaign I went with a hunting paity^ delicate stomach recjeives lfe;S»vithout Is taw batt-in fact the One True Blood Plainer.; "They must drop the bird. Idea, for to the Upper IPeninsula. I'm not a^ ,M. •.WILLSO.NAOO.,Wuhdistress. X the price[ of .coffefe^;. ,ington. D. O. No fee till pat«ns' Hrwv1*a P i l f c are UM^less. n lid. effeo- you knov nature herself gave? it up in Leather ^tockilngi nor. a Daniel Boone s 15 cents at d 35 cents per package. »«"•4 r l H S ^ Te , ^iitrH^gjst*. Mc. aa-Mse ba«k n«e. this fine, a s birds were in the course with a rifle, but I am'far from having Sold by all « rocera t a s t e s like coffee. Bxainlnation and Advira W t<> ratentablllty of InNEW DISCOVERY; n ~ Bend for •liiventDM' flulije, 4r How to •"" of Vttfne. srea,tqd too big to fy. mt to go Inside|and close tht-i doors ,tngir- Looks Uke »ift*ee. ' l; ...»>'" •••• : ^-- vention, quick riilluran'lcun-s worst PatWt." brAHHELL A WIN: Wa.hUHfton, D. C •a*c». Send /or book of tvstliuoniala and 10 days' _' | ^ . >yii<f- • ttfTfti aeetna th t nature made- a stagger |it der To hit a-|barn. I'd brought down a treatments free, pr, B.a,>iHMii'»aoa». AUMUVJUS. . i. uuoBiitn. wtosiax having t em do so, for they have deer and bagged any amount of i m i l l A<neWftUo\ in Pittsburg has a bank OAT* M *•» hl«k Uradw'MaioaVlLi TST -c 3" Cullj •uataatetstjSI I to (U. wings. Take the pstrlch for Instand^, game, but wanted a bear., One njoi n- account of IK ,()0(1, accumulated entirely SiMeial Vltmrlkg Hat'. iSlp snywhwa o* «ppro»»l. but. with all abet/ assls ance natuN Irig I had tramped, an unusual distance on newspaper sales dupnjr last 10 years, k 'si"— from cafmp, and suddenly came upin • ^ W . r t l ^ . . M M S M . M M could len I the qairlch cannot fly; titan 'S"Spi' 0B u^ n *" *P* *jil•U'^Misj l A f l S W e g will |d« \*ivlfnnmtm* awati nm\ i f l n a i r i a t o Your Shoe* ; '. , , h Hm*m item Oai mplmf% a how ran nan ex)^ict to build a ma- ttree half-grown cubs rolling a i d AlleifWrVw tiEase, a powder for the] chine on ' he bin i, prlnolple, thouih- tumbling over each other/In play. I, feet, i t epn » pairifuL nwollon. smart-) U. N. MKAD A P H K N T W h , Cblcii •lot) one gad tba other two beat a jtlll jargur than my bird living, thkt lngfejHand nutahtly takes the sting t i I'I i i ' i - .ill will carry ui? I la,1 not! the aama in clum.y retreat, . Sitting my ginthxt of corn* and bunlorw, It I* the Beautifiei arid rootorea JGfay the coae of tht big, Here yojj have;* aja|n»t |' tree I reached my oub wh le reateat comfort dlsopWy of tlie aire. weight, which, actimting to the flyiaf he was -till kicking, Hearing af noli*, Hen's root Kane \M\tm tlgh^ftltlhg; flair' to iti ofiginil color and % whjrlml arovnd to »nd thn'motUer or new alioea f«»i pfts.v), It U & oertevln faollltlat, • much 1 hi*vtor than in tyy lltallty,;'. pr-oyaotf ba)drt|ig| W I L L »»AY tlOO a-OW Ar.JfK.CA0I odmtnK at mV, her month wide bpjin eiife for nwiiattntf o^lloun and hot. tired, auhiufr feet Try It loday. Hold curei itching and darWruff. aiid liar *y«g Daring.; Therei,wa ho Of WaabaeM. la Mea T N f T m i and oNane* &;fcweh,th» rifle. [I'm no by «11 druggl »tn and #lio«f stores Hy A fine hair dfoMing.' | J' % .' -'rail to Care. • i •, •*-• for ')&« In ntflmpw 'I'rlal nttokeke •drlnter, *nf loik the only «rb*rnativfl nmil V AavOmaba Company plaoes for the flnt Addons Alluu H, Oiui»t«(l, U timeMbefure the yiklm a _M*iii«*ii THS*Tby iklnnlng up • Ull pine tree, jlhe I'MtKK Hoy, N, V, I ' I' . - ; f ' w " Potato • « • • , . CabbaB« Wormi, MSMT for the cur* of I^wt Vitality, Nwrrous stopped > mlnrtte to exnmine the vie•ttd HaiualrW«akabM, and Restoration of tim of my eitot, And wan more en- Onty from fhc solid ground of ' 0 ne *-— ulfe Korre In,old auti young inpu- No Qr«y Mlnaral Ash •»rn-out Vtntwh remedy; i-ouuio* no r.t*a>*t*tff'**t»»tM raped than ovtff M ihe eame ollmbinf oitiitr «re«il h ive men done good, strong ••nd boMphoru* of other karaful <lru|*. It Is affer me. Once ih the tufted top' df work lii the, • vorid. Only out' of cor, W<miisMriJt„TM**TMa>T < majrUal ibJts r t talniy gomes puw^r.-^l'hIIlips Brooks thjftt pine I did faster th miring, g« u . bffet<t*-po«UI»» in .ita^duarbt'' All feaaift., R n VilltniJNIMftf Mi Mlinit, 0»., ••Illmsr., N 1 Who are fufferlog from a- weakuimui tbat men, than I ever did, on any aueation llriuss plus were first made by the (hfijMla, ttouk by iai liMttinar wholnkiht droit Knfn. [.llthu their lit*.^omlua that tbeltat and Saracens In r ptiln In A. D. H00and were erf state, The betr! vae coining kid buy> sufferlag^Lltt Mau, , FROM 1 loijing no time,' 1 wW-without weap< n first Introritul' »i, In liingland by Catherbebdifaould write to theWTATK HKUIUAL LijSPAXY. Oroaba. Net., and thd* wtjl On a red hot ^^ of'*ny kind/ It looked as thOuih ibe of Arragc|n, wife of Henry VI1L j i«tid yon absolutely J-'RKH, a raluahle day Hire* ^ nruln hod the drop. But a man in n,y I'sper on these di«ea»e«rattil posUi^oiprbon The editor, of this paper advises his Rootbeer ^, predicament oyer^doks no chances.!j In readers^hat 9f tbeir truly «t*!0ie*L TMS*T¥SNT.; Thousa free package of Peruviana * '* At'the time of the Christian ttui* of-men, who bare lout alt, hope of a my vest pocket I had a well-fljhd stands be:¾ Jf EitdeavorConreniionln JuWi the best kldriiy aqd liver cure on earth, pur*i are being restored by them to a per- K * ., Above rute will also apply to match-safe.' In my hip pocket wai a wlli;iie|delivered FREE to any sufferer, tween ieet eondftlon*' ^ ^ ¥ Intermediate Points, and ui pint , of brandy, minus one, modeija :e if Avrittefl 'for proitaptly. * PKBITVIANA j . the reverse direction and "the this Maau *«. T«S4Txe»T may be takea nip. ]In my hinting bag w a e a b u u h RifMEDy Co., e^tjith St.,Cincinnati, O. t home under tbeir directions, or they wii" N tressingci-, J OVER tHH ly railroad fare and bote! bills to! ail who of toW. I saturated that With, brandr, iec|s of the heat prefer to. go there for treatment^ if they Tl>e eigkUyeaVjold child of D. M. and, |as the bear approached, it ahol n :• sil to cu;re. i They*are parfectly reliable: ed her wtth the repja^ndei*. Dividing Hillyard, of Junction City, was crim*»• no Freo Pre.«criptioa». Fra# Cure, inally assault ed« it fs claimed, by James / t e a Sample, or C. O. U. fake They have the tow so as to h^ave-two shots, \ lit SutU|is,Ja far mer aged 43. £ t Though made for a speob L jfc£u,O0O capital, and guarantee to cure the first half and dropped i t on -It J k occasion, It will be •Very case they treat or refund every dolAmanlat lltauiford, N. y . , has the "ER FAD AND THE MOOJ lar ; or their charges may be deposited in a hear. I didn't need' the .othdr" hilf, watoh Mjajor Andre offered as a ransom bank to? be-paid to them when*Jcura is il navigator. Theaucceasfu) there was a flash at light a s thougl t a to his carpton. H e has documents to effected «WrftK ( »hem today l :hlne must be simply a blji pan of powder had beel» lgnltid. l i e prove that it is genuine. , -,,.1¾¾ J I f you have waiteh ror a tosij rou. get the Idea?" We go^ air was filled with ,the odor of [burn n g ra( anyt pkrt th ' ' w>' i m_ T rateWest, to visit vlait nWrt of of thi?i] cools the blood, far thiss nfs vbur opport C0«YWJ«tElF! hair.' The bear let go and fell d o n . Rich and pnor alike suffer MHto tbi^' tunity For full particulars . 0s» 81« « tor iDDStaral tones the stomtjhe most-remarkable cases of because It was quicker! < Then she 1 s t tnres tijat^CDme with that .terrible dischsta^s. laoan iBtatbna, apply to unv agent of the Irrllatiun* or ulwrsUoos up-to-datfej insanity is that of a llttfoj ach, inivigorates S a p t a Fe Route. 6r to pUgue, Itc^lbg Piles; rich and poor a,fiery streak toward ^he horizon, a pa of aittcloai DMntwana*. theibddy, fnlly Pslokai sad o. I utria-, graph arUJat who .sits all day making; made more noise than any ordlni^y alike find; ins s n t relief and permanent W. J. BUM, «. P. l , L , T | s 8 . l . . y j , '-tSe? a^twl^lsMoajs. -' . cure in Doan' % Ointment. Your dealer r l satisfies the thirst. gorgeous put grewaom^ 'posters.' Hd thunderstorm.", • « • IK ttk utt JaekaiaSlmla ' A7 ^-| keeps ih \ \ AtieHcious.sparkis humbtra In his manias to an extent: fonu, UI. r. f ling, temperance He f«ncl<«| oe is Mr, Aubrey Beardsleyi AHIsator* for Moral rnrpoM*. , i « . f. t , & i It is na*dvan tage for the farmer to keep few Ult 8r«at Rortkars U4gv although h e bicks the acute phase o i drink of the highBuck A Swain of Welaka, Pla,,^ =e- poor horses bet auae they are cheap :%, ofitma the diste naper which Is sO vividly poH cently received a unique order for a < ax est medicinal value. , Ko-To- Bae for riftjr Cent*. trayed tyi the posters made by the're-i' load of alligators, young, and old, from t»#*«««a>a>g. **•>«-•>* »*»•>«*•>••< Quatanteed tc baado habit cure.makes weak * -SAe «tta1i»l.airas%a. PMsa, nowned A ibrey. a New Castle, Ind., firm, it is said tl at A aatsmastsaknttsasa*. menstronjr.blo tdpure. 50c. IL Alldrungists. 1 W. N. U . — D B T R O I T — I I V O . I I S - T ' O T asHevatfaast*. Of coprae. theafe are only rare eases.' the ministers there hav» ordered tb< im QVrk plenty 0' food and a good chance to pat,in the ponds to keep bad. boys ^ no The gria'ter part of the insanity' Hltan Aa«werln« Advartlsentaato Pleaa* exercise to all 1 lomestlc animals. Mastioa This Paper. bathing Sundays: houted f t | Longite f. a "*• • • • a W WH> OS *>mmmm m 1* i. r' f S m - '-4 CJIQANTIC OFFER V AC*od 1 ^ ¾ ¾ •C%K-;V'- ^ ^poiitt m H ^^-Jf SaikaU U U O parilla it Pi u Saved g ; m< $100 ToJny Mao, X a^i»#S , xt^A^r^»^ HALL'S! Vegetable Sicilian HAIRRENEWER IMI «S»^ Only m j Chicago to California JZ %£# v taref-, V7HH J * Santa Fe Routtd. | Open to AH £< mm 105^1^^^1 ¾¾.¾. ,( -1 -1 i ..^^¾.¾¾ 1 ^ 1 t/ ! ... , . - . , . r > - < *• r n -M- M Jl_ t U a U i & ^' •WA..* -.(•', MdUllLttl £ ^ )| ^aKiwli'f** & IT KILL8 "ft , ^ t ih kaatti lasa. _ BBBBSI I ' assssssS JrWM /l* f •* 1 .,1 HERALD. B Y J . D . HAVXM. EtTAlUtMED 187«. JVie«, $1.00 mWmr jpagMeofilM, Senti. JbiftRUngratesmsd* known on application. Card* of thanks, resolution*, extended death MMeea and obituary poetry will be charged tot t the rat* offtcents a line, and will not under tmf drtnautaoMfl be inserted (tee. Cornttpon"~ "• fonrardiijg tnch matter will send pay with rtoininre publication. In comparing price, __ ce strren words to the printed line. Address ail commutations to the poblUher M Wyandotte. Mich. • FRIDAY. JUNE 18. 18»7. THE CtTY. . BcbmfdMf St. Jobn'a church rd»y to attend tn# conference German Evangelical iynott at . After the conference h e ' * ! 11 week Visiting friends in Hint. , to wbtch place Mrs. Scbnjildt has already gone. N,e*lt Thursday a .celebration of St. John the Baptist1 wiit be held at Ec< rae in conriection with St. Francis Xaftef church] There will be a mam at |the churcjhjiu the morning and a picnic in the al^rnoon^ A big excursion is^ex- whoseadnitntloiai dot Worth fUniinf. Tilt adniiraUle tijarwonette ii cpM«« from an exohnnge. ; j/ . The Mlcblg in Central rallroati com' iany recently Issued an order auJt|6ri2* ng bicycles t» bej, carried -as balg i age, There are car alnt conditions, horn i ver. These are thai bells, t lamps, todl >aga and any othei attachments must it a removed or the owrier of the wheel ftiust sign a release relieving the railrjo il.of, all responsib,i ity in case the baggage* man at the s*te tioii or on the train sees tit to smash or appropriate any or i llol pectejl from Toledo'. " ^\ Ov< rclouded skies and the. prospect these' attachments. There is alsc an of a r liny day cnt doqftn the attendance exception in regard to tandems, liag at tht Maccahee excursion to Belle Isle gage will be charged op these ii;les*f Tues* ay to less than a hundred. The there »re two peitsons and twoti< k etsfti sky * >0U cleared, however, and tliose each taiuletn It. is alstf Ordered tl: it'to %TVE IN WOCJL ' who i ttended had a fine time at the eel- ail points out >idej of Michigan bj»| j;age rhatges shall be iBade for carrji i{ of is: 61 rd. It's taking, place noW ebrat oh on the island. | wheels. Evidently the company In: mda iftjtheiucrejasing rush for^our summer Get rke Holke and Peter Lach have to do*4ll it ca i to persuade jts palrons skits. ^ No need for'any one'to be left been i omplained against by the prosecu- to leave their wheels at bomi at {,he post jr come out unsuited> We, - H. Rosenthal spent Wednesday in ting attorney for non-pay ment of linuor Toledo. f„ tajn. Holke was required to give $400 Ur J. B> Rieg has hung out bis shingle bonds am) Lach was released on his perat 27 Sycamore street sonal recognisance. Both will be exitm,Four children" were baptized at th ined t dfore Justice DeLisle next MonMethodist church Sunday morning. day: | ' j . - . . •• •_; | The board of education advertise for Cha r|ie Neitzel, a young son of Jacob 90 ton* of hard coal for the city,-schools. Neitz«l| was attacked by a viqiousfljog Flag day was observed in Wyandotte Sudds jj night and bitten in the corner Monday by a general unfurling of old of tb« |eye, over ihe'nose and on ;the moutl. It was feared at first that blbod glory to thecbreeze. poisoi ing wonld set \S. but Dr. DrcwilThe Ladies* Arbeiter Aid society will lard s ijd yesterday th&khe thought]the' give an ice cream social aud entertain- dfing*r was past. ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ; ment July 10 at Arbeiter, ball. r. I*. P. Nelson reports a fine time The regular meeting of thej W. C.. T. ie flieetiug of the State Dental aisoU. will be held next Friday, June 2% at ciatio i l p Battle Creek last week. L urthe home of Mrs. Alpin Miller. i n e their stay the members, were en er• T h V repojrt"publwbed in a Detroit lainet «nd dined at the sanitarium; an paper, that a pistor-had been engaged iustiti tion giving. employment t o sTdO lor St. Stephen's chrtrch, is incorrect. peopl), and said to be the largest ofj its The Junior ?>. P. $ . C. E. of the Pres- kind u the world. :>-_ , I byterian ctfurch will give a lawn social Sun Jay morning there Was a gbod June 25 at {he borne of Mrs. 1>. A. Bab- turn-( ut of Maccabees of bothjsexekAi cock' ••' . ; • f • ••. the memorial service at the PresbyterMore than a carload of Wyandotte ian church. Rev. Alexander Wouters people attended the cycle path concert preached an eloquent address, The serft Anderson's hall, Trenton, Wednesday vice w i s attended by members of ;the ¾ 3k. f MEET1NQ& Mawoiiic—'R. A . M.—RiguiAri |eoriJ vocation of Wyapdotte chapter, J[o. 1135, Friday evening,- June 18. V isitqn Wei come. T. J. Langlpis, H. If. jjohn E Youd, Secy. Wyapdotuuent. No. 4§6, rjl. O.IT. meets Monday evening, Juh$2tt, at K\ T.' M J hall,, corner BiddK and Elm streets, at 8 O'clock sharp.; ' T. C G K A V , Sdrite Iron Ciiy lodge, No. 78. AVO.'U. W.. meets every Thursday at 8; p. m. Over August Loeffler's store. Members of sister lodges are welcome. L. P Mill e r , ^ . W., W..D. Benjamin' R. , A. W. Brindle post, No, 413, Department of Michigan, meets the firs t and third Mondays I n each month;, at Bank hall, at 7:80 p. M.| J. R. Ha^en, (lom., W., W. Bishop, Adjt. 1 SPECIAL A SHOWER OF 8 P E O I 5AR&A ^ OUll A11WAY8 qONVIXCING »1 OW P R I C E S * * Compel1 recognition of our leadership- People oine here and expect to buy, cheaper than anywhere else,,1 and it's Realise their ixpectations are always reaiized that our business grQWa larger every day. 01 K CUSTOMERS ARE OUR 'BEST ADVERTISERS* We make special concessu ns to bring you here. Coine; you'll find bargains every day. '" ' 3IEN* SUITS for evening wear-suits that are well] made and trimmed in' bluet i n d black cheviots Cheap!at $5. Special price. $1/75 Men's good serviceable,, and dress-up "Suits, suits of the c in make i \ all right for you on form very latest Scotch dheviots, with fits as perfect as a square. Our high grade cassimerqs.plaids s o c k inclulfes^suits'of every description and homespuns. Well tailorfir work;a-qay, business, or vacation ed and finished. Usual price v ear. ,W1 atever the suit, it's marked 88:00. Special price . . . . . . . af'a bottflh; figure. We smile at oppos |ioiC defv competition, and court com-, BOYS?f S U I T S . parisonofl hese offers with ethers: Boys' Wool Suits injlong pants. 91 30 411-w DOI Suits for i 85.00 Colors gray, blue and black. 810 00 SiUti v nobby 8tytes,,'for 7 50 Made hrst class )nnd perfect m QOSdit* for, . , / : . . . , . , ) . . . . 1 0 80 fit, cheap at 84. Special price '-J. J f i8l-wo01 Ilnported W/orsted Suits ' I 1 fOlr...... 1 J . $ 1 5 0 0 a n d l 8 00 BOYS* SUITS Qbildren's; Reefer Stjits, ages 3 to ; , i » » l f Wool cheviots. Colors years, l r b m . : . . ; i . ' . . . 8 e 0 0 t o 5 00 blue, blafck. gray, tan color Children's Double-Breasted Suits , from 4 to 15 yrs., fjrom. .81 00 to 1 00 and plaids. Well made and , perfect fit. Great value at Young Mei's Suits from 15 to 20'1 IjTTt yrs., f r o m . . . : . . . : 88 50 to 14 00 811.,50, Special price, .J Children's (bee Pants from 4 yrs. C H I L D R E N ' S SUITS to 15 vrs.i from . . 1 \ .15c t o 75c ood serviceable Children's i Men's d i d Pants, aallI grades, from , ,50c to 5 00 Su^ts, ages 5 to 1JJ, a t . . . r... 69c ME? S S P R I N G S U I T S made of gel nine imported all 1 wool cla worsteds, exfel-' lently m Ie and trimmed in the lates styles, well worth 410 aud $}2. Special price.. I i LIEN'S SUl' The kind we sell you aire exclusive ^tprles. This storo is differ mt from other stores.IT'B en's Spring Suits in very lundsome nut and tobacX'O mown, checks and : plaids, su ts with the very i latest styhk pants in medium and narrow legs, vests, cut with fl/ fronts, positijvelv 81400, anil 815.00 s|aits. Special prilce r 'i;-BoY&»...sur Boys' Fine 'Worsted Suit* :inr long paiitsjnice enough (for any boy to wear for Sundays; in all colon? Elegantly mtsde, and trininied and guaranA teed a pei'ftct fit.- Same suits are selling anywheres < at 88 00. Special pVice. . . . ; . . %\. B 0 Y S ' SUITS. Boys' Long Pants Suits, verv dressy, In worsteds, cassiFree Silver I C H I L D R E N ' S SUITS. The members of Wyandotte tent, 480, I Free Silver! meres, trlots, homespuns K. 0 . f. M . and of Millie S. hive, b. O. With eveYy dollar's worth of goods. Good Children's Sults,size 5 to and pjalds. Elegantly made #1 flfl T. M , wish to extend their si icere bjonght af our-store tovi?Ca»h we will 115, In different shades, well and trimmed. Cheap at fl'UW thanks ta Key. Alexander Woutei a for give a five 1 ent money order, and when |!niad«.^.... IIOJOO, (Special price..,.] . orderlfrom Eqorse, and In the afternoon the excellent sermon preached b; him twenty art presented tq us ati any time olght. C H I L D R E N ^ HUITM. Hoot. B.> Lawrence ami Aberle Mar- the Wyandotte Maccabees returned lllie at the Presbyterian chuioh last Sum lay. \ye will caqji them, giving ^MllN'S PANTS. I 1 11 r < , ebot of St. Louis, Mo., are guests of the * w t . T ; •-.' • Good Cheviot Suits, «li?o5to 15 Men'*tmrvU'tmblt Ptintu si, .;.. ' Card of Tfiankt», 1 tte Mwi's|food PsiititSt. , v .,,,,......., .j .«» former'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8, J. In audition to the requirements ofithe Oijie Silver Dollar ! In allshadoi anil different Mali's wool 1»»IIUI wvll worili W.i», upsets) ^ . The iiiemberi of, Hope lodge, N > 87, Lawrence. , , ' onlloknce. City Marshal Murpb/has makes, at , . , , . . , , , 1 , , , . , . , , . prtofc.,,,,. irtcs.,J,,.1,1,. ,.,. ,.. J ,,,/11 «ft Star M Bethlehem, desire to eMend <*• We will 1 icoept them as part-payment root tbsvlot ftnltstftipsoml , MVII'S all wo Joseph Foster baa bought the building potted cards notifying bicyclists that no thdr v on Ua- bill if goods raAging from fifty grateful thanks to al thou Win* 1M) wheety {will be allowed abreast on Jthe Off ILDltKN'H HClTH. In South Detroit occupied by Ueorge n, 1», we will accept Men's Wtirsniit l'i oik v»rr drevsy for Hun. by their services! to th< •««• •e silts upwajds—that •»»»*•—HIIMW m i jv»w " s a s nv«>w|il Hanecke ai a cigar factory.' The hitter walks.] and that fidertion the walkikre contributed Elegantly made Suits In ''all o|nt tort a flfty cent purchase, two on a •Inr.slJ T.i,,.,.......„• 1» not allowed to exceed! a speed of six cess of the recent concert. | ;; / : lea vet town. ] yti'« Kit wool cheviot* and cassi meres itoUar or te 1 on a Aval dollar purchase/ Meti'« Klne sua KHtDrmi . ,fsaiit . , , , ) . ,in (bevlou ,....... tnller an hour. The Wheelmen and Won-U'd Card of Thanks, , WIII*1«4Ss). . Ales, Bourassa, an ofllcer, wan con- wheeiwoiuen are toeing the mark pretty 'r we will 1 Ive your choice of any of In light itnd dark shade*. lbs Anost kind*,;ofs ........ wor- 8J». M«II'K t>nUH« t's»0,];,/,,,},,.,,,,.,.,., Vory dressy, at ,..1. The undersigned wishes to express ur handsc 1110 premiums In exchange Motln suit iilsldsf r"(JK"iTs,f"»4. n»c0lsl prim, a do ; stated of technical assault and battery v before Justice DeLisle and assessed It). her thanks to the Arbeiter loclety for fort twenty >f these money orders. • 1w . , . , ,\HHOK MALE created lor a sin1 lhemln our h0,f W,U: 6n He will appeal. Commencing tomorrow,, the stealer their.prompt payment of the death] pengle'ttiirpds*, and that our purpose ¥. 8. McBurney, Pittsburg; John W^|art|l|pue leaving^ will fun on the' Is to bFing you to this store.'; We want WWaumrjaer ettt Of her dead husband. Wyand L I ANNA ADOI.^M. Buhl. Toledo; and J. B. Child*. jr.. schedule, Men's and Hoy«' Dreoa Shirts, to do aj large she e business, and if we on ly north, on week days, at 7:45rtotte A. M Chicago, were guests at the Arlington and0:(15r. V , Card of Thanks, fancy fronts, laundered, attached hmakc a small profit m ate aatiqfita." M. antfon Sundays at ):00 boiiMt this week. ; You will Hnd Bll the Choice and nobby We desire to thank the public and and5:lap. M.S Going south, on week rid detained collara and cuffs, .t„i„Ji, '•There will be no service in] St. John's days, J boat will leave Wyandotte, at those who so cheerfully took'part iU the n »„ a» ""'"<>•'that1 are uns,urart t* Ha 111 J.I 1^ 1 . . . < 60-71-78 Biddle Ave ices reasonable; 4i>o and ttpoh't buy a thing church next Sunday, but the following 10:13;.. M. aud 4:45 r. M, Sundays, 1S):20 entertainment Friday, June 11, andjaid ards. , |ne our Immense stock. Sunday Revs. Beutler and Eiisen of Def- A. M: ilid 3:SQ t>. M|. ' j . ed in making it the success it was. ray will conduct a service, t .• COMMITTEE CHOSEN FKIKN»8. : H. r. Rafter has sold his residency On Torona Oliver Labadie and Won. « - "Ogo, Superior avenue between Second, and to Geo. V. Clark, whoJddll arrestiejd for the aBeged larceny of a Third sjr«jets n»0ye <n to ' town. The new owner)- is horse and buggy, were acquitted on the , CLAIRVOYANT,, mikingj extensive improvements. Mr. can be seen at 96 Biddte live. 14s trial beforejjnatice DeLisle. ; : X O L T T S I V B hXjQ' IBK, ' , TKS . The con4regation of St. Joseph's Rafieri ^is having plans', prepared i by haye but a short time to stay, ladiesjjand and Biddle, Aves., WYANDOTTE, >f Catholic cnoren are arranging for a big Mason & Rice of Detroit for a fine new genu take advantage. Price only 85c Near Corner Eitre I A 1 • pienic to be h«W at_ Arbeiter hall and residence, in the colonial style, wHich he wiir build on the northwest corner The woolen mill at Monroe is how 0-0 garden on Mbnday.'July ¢. on custom Work, doing (ard F. C, Seefred, wife and cbiitl.of De- of Superior avenue and Second street. running Wednesday evening, while the fam- ingi spinning, weaving and colo'ing troit have been stopping at the Ailingsent by express or] freight tjo| be ton botwe since Monday. Mr. Seefred ily hereaway attending the Lacy-H4th- Wejol u!n or woven if large buhch 1 will imy away wedding., the residence of Pelter > la spending the week fishing. o^ct arges one way. J. PLEW£S; .An advertisement of Grummond's Lacy on Chestnut street wa» broken!jin- d !23w3 Detroit and Cleveland line will be to by burglars. Neighbors discovered ExcuMljQils 4th Jni;y fo€nd! in this hwuei Commencing; June the fact by seeing dark lanterns ins|de * Wi On July 3. « anld 5 the \\ake Shof«( & the house, and gave an alarm. Befbre Ife,ftijtaflyaervice is being given. officers could arrive the bUcglars,! of Michigan Southern! Ry. wi 11 sell el :c ur l An attempt is.being made to organize there were t vo, made their escape sion tickets at veryl low rates at a I its a base ball club, bat the lack-of bar-/ whom without having ime to secure any stations to points within 200 miles of mooy is so great that slow progress is station," «ood returning n til \my- \ -.-1.- •'• : ,selling being jjiadesA Pull together, poyV July 0th inclusive. 25|w8 The members of Marlon Baxter Re, Wiseman7 Bros, have added one of bekah 16dge, I. O. O. F , went to RdckFor Sale cheap—Canvajs from dloop Nat a qi lestion of \rorth, but jiVhat jKoch's hydraulic revolving and reclih.price will »ill them. See if this figure ing chairs to their tohsorial parlors and wood] Tuesday n ight anil instituted a Laurel. {Apply A. B. Clajrk. vyon't move what are left. It! will pay ba?e secured the tervioea of another ar- lodge at that plac<. The party had con- g*£ffi. •• :^TJ\,- • > Card of Thank*. \ «3?°°' V " I " ^ Fitfui^hing Depigment; A ELpDY BROS. qty r ' MADAME NEELON, 4 •' 1 11 1 1 - • 1 Spclial Chinas. tog cm E One Dollar H. ARE TOtJ SATISfIEI)€^ $1.75, $^.00, $2.50 and $3.00 t!h. t h e are buying b o y s and . wi v^ . • why not try shoes? They tracted with a man to bring them back' you to be ai nong the first. TJhepidk is I. by team after the installation,; but fthe , WANTED. worth some thing. by t h e m Jehu drank too mt ich sprudel water ifid Four new milch cows. Jerseyb or went away with another crowd. The Grades preferred. Call «t Sboem aker Short Digtbs of Conott. Wyandotte contingent were compelled Bros'. Model Farm Dairy.'•Eureka aveIt's the k nd you have always paid 8c t o u g l h e s t , 1 to remain all night, returning homd at nue, three miles out. 24jw3i' f >r. We'll sell , this as long as it lasts a n d most six o'clock Wednesday morning, f )r, 5c per yjl. j WHEELS., Patrick Murph; a l13 i year year old boy schoolshoes who e4joys' an nsayory reputat&oQv The American R a m b l e * anld its M m Special. was arrested Tue aynlght,;and lodged 1detachable tires are up to date an 1 tihe StandardftH cloth at 3Jc per yd. Regin jail. "Young! irphyIs charged witbj highest grade. 880.00 list. 1807 I teals ular price a pair. It a nameless crime gainst Gordon Ahn- with the G. & J . tires, for men for strong, 'the seven ear old son of Fred woiiien, for boys, for girls; $35.00 and vince you Armstrong, allegi to have been corn- up.' I can suit you in sty! e and pr ce. CAPES.* •$!1 ti»t. Ms •• ;. ' ,. Jghto Qarlet, a laborer at'the Michigan Alkali Co.'s works No. 3. was painfully but not dangerously hurt about the head by a piece of iron falling upon him. f ; , •'. Jerome Weir of this city died June 4 last, leaving a will distributing his estate between two daughters. Frederick ijinzel, a grandson of deceased, is named |execator. * \ The Iron City Gun club scored a success at their ball in Arbeiter hall Saturday night. The floor was well filled and everything passed off pleasantly. The club about MO. ; The lawn social at the home, o r Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H Oenthe, Jr., on Oak street Tuesday evening, given under the auspices of the ladles of St. John's cburch,>as well attended add a success x h 1 1 shoes ' y o u for your girls? If not, tittle Giant are in a c l a s s selves. Th4* strohgest satisfying made. Try iwill c o n - mlttedOn May 8|iest. The delay in 1 P. E. ATCHINSON, local Agent. conttnencing pi ledlngs was dud'to Bicycles cleaned and repaired., ! will the father,'f absei « iron) town. Jus- be glad to take your order i for B i c y c l e tice DeLisle fixed hei prisoner's, bonds SultH and sundries. I am also pro We lia^e just received a fine new line of the celebrated JENKINS at tl.OtW, which re not furnished. |An pared to furnish and put up door Jells, & WALTKR8' LADIES' 8HQE8, which we offer at] f examination will held next Monday, electric bells, house i-uinbirs, alum nutn *~iA Maccabee 1 ture awl entertain- 'etters, signs, etc Come and see ,i ne. . at;Barjd!Hall.Kcorso, P. K. ATbHiNson mlent will be give Juue 21, udder s. 101 Biddle Ave.; M„ Wyandofte next Monday Monday ey»olng< m n J of' th>L,"tT.M,of Kc6rse Suhday last, realty the first summer the auspices ' P . R. JollUHJUll, Tliln Hhoe In made on the new coin toe and niivkcH a very nrettyj Ajri excellen : piogram of song knd 1 day of 97, came opportunely for the |rhlve. ' concluding concludinj Dealer In milk and creaijin 100 Fifth nhoe. We have th«;m in Litem and Button, Dong, anjd Cloth Top *on (,j 'recitation will be' (rendered, obftervimce of Children's day. in sev- with aj Maccabee lecture by Rev, J. street, north. D, E rtiul r|E liiHtrt. LiulieH, do not fail to »ee tfiem, They will pleattej eral of the churches special »ervU>es Humfreys of this city. Concerning Mr For Sal*. , ]1 you., - 1 v were,held, with abundance of flowers, Humfriys' abllltljes as a lecturer,,the House and lot on Su leflor nvunue, birds and «ong. (. presa speak as follows: "Abounded In No. 70, also vacant lot on Superior ave• The members of the National Union ood Jense - - - . - - :/i/and - jj humoV."—[Mlchtgnn nue, between Third aud J'ourtji streets. had!;s big- blowout at their hall last IgCu.. f'VViJt mid Msdom Apply on my premises. . .night, when they entertained the Wayne FCongregatlonallstl ,, hton Aivus.i '\WIUX Loittcjizo BAIIJKY. ' county cabinet from Detroit] The pro- combin(Bd. --(Bri| au(led."-[Mukkeh 11 HlDiM.E AVENUE. gram included speechmakirig and: the and frequently 1 Je. "A man of clear Less Than Half Hi>t«s'tosWn KjiiOcUco, gop DWify Chfonl serving of a fine spread. On June 28, 8» and ^0 and Jill tt 1, ker and of urn aunt-. mitid. Afrelady thi The Chosen Friends of Michigan had ed courage. In tl expression <f, his, and 8 the ' Lake Shor 9 & Mic iigan a tine aridlence at their entertainment thought."- [Granj Haven Daily ^ws. Southern Kyj w|)l sell ex< itu'sion tl ikets to *>an Francisco and rett rri at les whan InMnrx's opera house las"t Friday evenThe time i«r house-cleaning will soon be here, and you will need Wall Paper Aldemen Bisb p, Kiley and M iWh, half rates, tickets will lie gooi^, 0 re ing. The house was well tilled and the and Curtains. Come and see what we (have. We have the largest atribrtt^ 1 .„ members . . of t| ie council who *ere turn to leave1 San Franuhco unii Aug program all that could be desired. The the selected stock we have ever carried. Our Curtaiqs are all mounted on b e i r opposed to the reorganization of t ,e fire ust 0th. Stobover prlvihges a >i ly at ladies cleared over «20. v C0MPASIE8 REPRESENTED: <f spring rollers, ' \J depart! nent .have} served City 'f re; surer ceitain,,points in the wen both going ;Gus Schweiss rescued young: Willie Best Felt Curtains, Plain , J i... j . .1 "A 1 5 c each Roehri\ with •%{ notice warbinj |!bim and returning. For full | larticu a's call W^ORTH HRinSH & MERCANTILE , Potts, the four year old son of E. W. .. .. !•' P^iagel ! .,'......... 20C " , Potts; fnjm a wkterv grave Saturday again* paying any warrants for salar- on ticket agents or write to A. J t niith, NORTHERN " Opaque 6 ft. Curtains, Plain * , ,. j..... . 2 5 c " „y , afternoon. Thelboy fell off a dock and ies toliremenSh|aumberg, Losellvand G. P. and T. A., Cleveland, 0..f^r paniCONCORDIA ! ' ," " Oft. " Fringe ,4,..+ . .".. 3 5 e " Mohring. the recent appoinlipes i/jiose phlet of imfojrmation. had gone down twice when pulled but 1 COOPER i .35c " 7ft " ( P l a i n . . . , first monthly^ payment of'$40 lead [ Was t of the wet by Mr. Schweiss. \i HLWAukEE MECHANICS 40c " • C. E. Kationat ConWentlonj 7 ft. Fringe.^ alioWe 1 at the last council meeti g by 1CITIZENS « Thi* High (school commencement in- Mayor Lambertjs casting vote : So , For the C. E.> national'convention at We have a full line in jfilf ^he^iifferent shades f ' THE GRAND RAPIDS vitations this year are Copper engraved. when the firemen : presented] wa 1 janta San Francisco, the Midhi tan Cent ral R .TEUTONIA /r They were furnished by THBHEKAXD signed by the ma*or amt^lerl:. Tr isurv R. will rnn^a special t^iin Of Wagner job office. This office also turned jout er Roe brig refused t<> honor [thei j tof palace cars and M. C. sta idaru Co iches ! some' handsome programs for the jun- thctei son that he felt impelled t< ipro- leaving Detroit qn Tu&d»y, Juile to, at Pickled Pigs'Feet, per l b . .,.1. . . . . . 5c 8 cans Boston Baked BeriOs in Toior exercises and commencement at tect hiuBelf, his bondsnien atumt i city 0 L M. - Passengers can I lave stbi il-over *1 mato Saucei for "J ,. .25c New England Cooked Ham, per lb. .18c p F F I c f e s C A H A L A N B L O C K . Ecors*. •• f None Such Mince Meat, per package.0c against possible loss until the! caw *jnow pijivileges for one day) at Colorado 3 cans Boston Baked Beans. Plain While he1 was attending the ball at in the rapreuie court is decided. 'The Springs, Denver and Salt lLafce. F< r !ur SadCe for'; • <. 2.5c Santa Claus'Mtnce Meat, per pkge. 9c Arbeiter haH Satnrda* night. Fred Mil- hremea talked of[ getting a mand tnius, thBr particulars ^nquiije of-1 station 4i lps Pure Kettle Kend. lard for.. .25c Best Shredded Cocoaiiut, per pkge. .18© - lerVsaloon in South Detroit was broken but no thing lias been done to dab .f Holland Herring, per doz 15c, agents. into and the till relieved of *S. In a box The girl Who gives away to a ttesire White Hoqp Holland Herring, per nearby there wastl2 in small change' to gad about the street and strifes, to keg ' ..... 600 which the burglars failed to discover. cultivate .the aquaitttahee i of aadish 15c [Try our 25c Tea and our 25c Coffee. , Lion Corfee, per lb T No-ciue. .. i 8c young men and (he simpering spiph) ''Extra Prime Corn Beef, pet-lb. ff<*:5».^ m -^----^ • Marshal Murphy on Wednesday mofn- ton, is laying theIfonbclation for af' 1 1 , * ' i ' * ; ing notified Wagner, the Detroit baker, less lile. Ten tolto one that wh The board of, Ed iatioji <iMhe Pub, to cease selling bread in Wyandotte '. marri< is she will develop into a All kinds of Pleasure Boats to ' without procuring a license in accord- if no v o n e misfortune befalls herl \ It lie schools of the oi of^yandpt ewlll fqnt 6y t|ie hour or day. ance with the requirements of the* ped- the girl of good sense; the girl}who receive bids for nipety tojasof siuifil E; 1 Foot of QheBtnut street. dlers' ordinance recently passed by the loves I ler home slnd helps her iflpther coal of Hrst (Quality, to Ijw Jdefiyeji binsrat the Mverai sc'hodj bulldiigs ai council. i that w ins a njodejl man ancLbeconjis an directed by the boardi 4jJo»l to HdillvThere will /bo a shooting match thhfj ornan ent to the Sphere of womaimood. eredlurlng jthe mowthilbf July, Bids aww -1 afternoon between John Roehrigand A girl who does this and devotes* Borne willfeerediyed notiattt than 8 IP M. " —% Albert Zaddack 09 one side and Hugo time to good Bound reading and ffrives " Board ol rxlucatii.n reMehthose and Wni. Miller on the other. for the graces of' mental culture,! jconiht to reject ihy or mand4 the respedt and esteem of p e r y The shoot is billed: to come off at the f. E. WELCH, Boutb Detroit schttetaen park between 8 one, white the street-gadlng ornament anddtte. only I wins the* admiration- of ' «nd i o'clock. $2.00 AND $2.50 PER PAIR. Roehrig^ Mcllner .WeryW v;.; WM. GARTN1R' K Real Estate^ WALL PAPER AND CURTAINS. r V TAR1ES PUBLIC. Bids for V e Boat Livery Edsbn & Whitmill. AHT^N U- *i si ] "* f, -i/ - A ,1 * t] ,OUR; GROCERY LIST. iDiunssea. Corner Eureka and Biddle Aves. 1\ V flfy '•A , ¢=11.¾ « I?! <, •iwM • I Bo^kiifpOa. James' Mi mrison, who has been very i l l for some vine, h able to be out again ; . The races oft | h e "15th called out a Monday last was flag day a6d was la^rge c r o w d s ! people- Everythi^j was well observed in this town '' ift fine shape and, everybody geenjed to . * 89 and 90 In the shade is very com- have a good time. fortable summer weather. 'The Ladies' Aid and Home Missionary A large crowd from, here took in the s'jcietyAvilt meet it the home of Mrs Jacob Burton on Wednesday, June 23, big rav-es at Rockwood last Tuesday Ed. Lcyreridge is engaged it. selling instead of Thursday, Juue 24, as pre, . Singerjseiwiug urachiues, with a good viously announce; 1, St Horey is ptirchaMug lots* of >!,:.pafing /row 14 to '.'0 eeuts per v poon.<3, washed IKUIIwashed, acLonliug •.,; t o quality. K. b. Shove i* now handling a full hue. Of blevcles ol different varieties, namely, the SpnriKtleUl for ladies and gentlemen, the Alton and Cmit-onl. James Gault. a farmer living ott« mite a.»nh of Flat 1 W I S , is tying, seriously ill with a complication «1 diseases, ,; resulting from a severe attack of the measles. It lit «iuite/a eotiimon thing to »*« half M doxen strawtMirry wagoti* iu town at one ti'ue Mlliug berries, and prices are Coming do*ii rapidly. • The Daughters it Kebekaft organized a lodge here last TuesiBky evening in con|\ecjiion ^lih fShil^h^lotige. 1 , 0 . O Fj^Kpout ^4$ liifembers. were initiated. Ladies-from \Vy; itdotte. p,ertormed the work Supper ws* served at Van Pelt's hall, and after t h ; wn-rk fas completed the balance of t le nigiit was daufedi awaV Willard Chambjerljn and his brotherlu law, Mr Hum of Berlin townsliip, liad a narrow eionpe last Tuesday by being run down by a fractious horse driven by Win Martin, jr.. and Jule Neldermler of Newport,, The buggy wa* tipped over and ffce men spilled out ilown an eiiibaukimJtU and severely Injured • It Is understood that tlie young meti culled to settle up the affair the next day. [ fa' ^ Don't forget the grand fe»tlv*l at the « / A . K. bail on Jmie 14, under the auT h e I d e a l t'sjiiMeea spice* of the M. K church. A big time James L. FiaiuiiM. Alderman,Chicago, says. "1 regard Dr. King's New Dlscov* Is expected. Forty reserved seat*. ery-jis an "Ideal, Panacea for coughs. The Utiles' Aid society of the M K. <-i»Id» iind lung compliilnts. having used church gave an ice cream swetal itt the it in my family tyr the last live years, to 1 parlors of th% church Tuesday evVniog. the «\« IUslo|rl-of, ohysU'lau's prescriptions or ot heir preparations" j Several freezers of cream w<ire dished Rev. John Biugiis, Keokuk, Iowa, oat and the usual good receipts takeu writes - 1 haveibeeu a minister of the Methodist Eplscdjpal church for SO years' la. or more, and have never found anything The postmaster general at Washing- so bekienVial, or that gave me such ton has seen tit to change postmasters >peedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovat the Flat r W k office. W. B. Li(tie- ery " ] Try this ideal cough remedy field has been appointed to the place uow < Trial bottles free at Cahalan Bros, and A. B. ^n.ith's, Trenton, drug «nd will take possession of the o p c e in stores] ! 6 a short tiule. W1U Not Perform Miracles M It Fill Cure tl> you * 5 Saved in footwear P 4<$\\ cv; ously ill at this wi Itiug. she divided up her eirthiy possessions among her live r married daughters. j Mr>. Emma Smith and little daughter returned from Chicago Monday'evening, where she had been on, asix weeks" Visit with her husband, T. l)ell Smith, I agent, for the Champion and other maj chinery in Chicago and vicinity. They ; will probably remove there in a short time. Children's day was well observed at this place last Sunday—at the M. E. '. church in the morhlngi and at the Congregational chiirc| In the evening,' Both services were largely attended by the little people and t|«f exercises were first claw. -1 '-\ . •- i • f > It XXO^QtS T A B L f B WlJKK »4^8 Leave, Guink North—City Time. H In noon p m Lv Bu«ar Inland L 6 30 18.00 5.45 Aiuheratburg ., i ..7.()0 pa 5.20 GroM« tie : L.~ 7.3J ' i i . 4 0 1 00 Wynndutte '... U .lZ.*&~, At Detroit i., *. ....-8.40 - !•?*•'.'• L*»Ttj (>olnK South. -^, •;•»;. Detroit .'; „ ../..,.. ,. ».30 ; : ; p m >Vy»ndolte _ f 10i(5. ' 4.U) Growe lie.. ........ 10i30/ 4.4* 5.(10 Hug«r Itldiul ...... , 6,45 At A m h e n t b u r g . " !f ' i Sl'NDAVH : 4 Going North. Leave phf 8ugsr b l a n d . iOO Growe 11...... 12.40 pm5 25 Wyandotte.... 1.0 5.45 " " ».'40 A r Detroit O ilnjj Houlh Leave km Detroit . 6.80 Wyandotte......... Ur<»»e l i e ....;.,. . 10.» * m ; 7,s» .11.15 Ar Hiigar Island.. ts i < \ .•'•'.. 11 :: ¾ ,¾ iteei letl seleet«»A » al ways assured you-.(js? here Y)BU at <Saft 0tid in price. • titvy timeahything and ait any , j ftW^l l"^* Ak'^Mltt rtS' ^iVhWV i i m h n v « I - | A.+ A n «1 IVe have them in Ladies', Misses' ii)d Children's, both in 'high shoes and low shoes, lace shoes and but in shoes, black shoes and tan shoes njhd fancy:walking shoes, needle' toes, razor toes, coign iocs and patent lea^ptl|ps.,withhftnd-turned soles dainty enough for dress or heavier band-sewed sultW for street wear. i Adding to this our extensive spring stock of Men's and Boys' "Up-to-Uatto" Shoes, running from a plow shoe up to the Uncut dress shoes iu black and tan aud nil the new toes, places us in a position to meet nil the demands of the trade In this; department during the coming season. We tyave made extensive preparations In our • ~ , s, '*• | N R . MILES' BE£{TOBATrV|i NEEVl MB 1 ML, cu*^8 nervous prostration". Not. tatm ~*1 raculously, but splentiflcally, by^ Irst xemOvlng the genus of disease, and t lien supplying/healthy nerve food, mcreailng the appetite, helping digestion and atren [thening the ehtlre system. Desperate CJ ises require prolonged treatment ss shows by tbstof Mrs. Ml B. Heed, of Delu, Iowa.[ rho writes? '!As the result of a lightning stn ike, the physician') said I bad a light strole \ of paralysis, m^ limbs would all draw u|. I would have throbb: ngs In mj chest that seoi nsd unendurable. For tires months I could not si esp and Mr three wseks! did not clots my syes X prayed tor sleep, and ••••t* felt that If relief did not come I would be dead or Insane. I took Or, Hi\n' Jtosttyra* tlvs Nervine and the second night sleptjjtwo hours and frork that time on my bsaltwlm* proved) slowly at first, hut steadily And surely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I csinot express how grateful I am, for!I am low perfectly well, and have taken nb modi ijlne tor over (our, months." Dr. Miles' Nerj dne Is sold by druggists on guarantee thatpmt bottlebene&tfjor money refunded. Dress Goods Department... Dr. Ncrvijie Restores Health i On examination you will find we deserve "credit" for the elegants Itnoof now Mlack Dress Ooods, Brocades, Sittln Bolell, Htorm Serges, Hunrit^ias, Colored Novelty Press Goods in cotton and all wool, Hatlnes, 'White Dross Goods and Luces | h d Km broideries, Wash Shirt Waists and lovely Hllk Capes." Jn (his line Wo!are "the only pebble on the'beach," l'lcnuo exiinilne, t+-4 1 i, i«e our Fast JHtillln WALL1 PAPERS. See our Fast S e l l i n g . , . . , . , ' , ; , CUOTHING. I See our elegant Hue of QUEENSWARE. depart in ., •'.n To Moonlight Trip Across Lake Erie. A report having been circulated throughout the country that 1 hadjor Lv. Detroit . ¾ 1 Dailyi , 1).00 E. M. was going out of thjKcarriage, harness - ' - «.30 A. M. and machine business, I wish to state Ar. Clevelaad, that it is untrue and must have been BICYCLEJS CARRIED FREE. done to hurt my business. I am still ' 4>>»9-»4lsr«t>e>* " .' > doing business at the Flat Kockcarriuge and harness repository and expect to do X T - O - . p-R.XJlVERd:03Sr3b so as long as I reside iu Hat Kock. ! OEH't MOR , Tbaukidg the/Miners for their continOffice and Dock. Foot first St ued patronage in the past 14 years uml Tel Mo, 162. DETROIT, MICH. ' > soliciting a continuance of the same, I remain, yours respectfully, ' -• E. IX SHOVE, HOW TO I NO W H A T TO DO. sere is comfort in the knowledge! so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's , BwaaYp-Root, the great kidney remedy fuhiQsevery wish in relieving pain in the ""back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the uri nary passages. It corrects inability to hchi urine and r scaldlng pain Injatssing it, or bad effects following : use of iiqour. wiue or beer aud bvereoiu;es that unpleasant necessity' of !being compelled t o get up many times during the' night to urinate. The mild -mpd extraordinary effect .of Swamp.^Bodt. Is soon realized. It stands the ^kigheat, for i u wonderful cures of the 1 *—irA»|si T M « — • m Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours;, a sediment or settling indicates^ diseased eonditiou of the kidneys. When urine stains linen j t is positive evidence of kidney trouble. T o o . frequent desire to nrinate or pain in the back, is also , convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder tg£e out of order. ' The Coast Line to MACKINAC most distressing cases. If you neejd » medicine, yon should have the beatSoli by, druggists, prie> ttfty centsf and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pantpbkt both sent free by mail. iiMnnon the HBKALD and-send, your roll post-ojice address to Dr. Kilmer Ht Co., Hajhamton, N T . The proprietor of this paper guatanteei the genujine i of this offer. '' TO MACKI|MAC DETROIT PETO8KEY CHIOAQO New Steel Pasgeoger Steamers . Th* Orealest I H H t c t l M . y s t a t U l s w d l a tea* C o n r t r s K t i o a - l ^ x a r l d w Eqidrasent, Artistic P i m i M k l M , D s c a W l a a s a d Bfhe> t m t Service, insuring the highest degree of COMFORT. SPEED AND SAFETY . r"ou» Tmra| rtat W i n 4}tTWEIN Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PEJTOSKEY, 1*THE 8 0 0 / » MARQUETTE , , AMD 0UL0TH. U m ^ RATES to l ^ i u « s ^ M M s x k l * a « a n d Kct«rn. liNdsidlagnealaa^dBertliSt Pnm ClevstaM «ieV| froaa Tsttda, « 1 » I n s * Datralt, $ 1 3 . 9 0 . pAV AND NIQHT SERVICE. Between Detroit and Cleveland _ CrinfeecUpg at Cievelaod. with BarHett Trains IbrAttptHnto Bast. South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North asd < Vorthjs&st. * M a t * T r i p Jssa, Isrf, to|«sl a N t s a i p«h> CVCllV DAY B t T W H N Cleveland,Put-in-Bay/Toledo •aadforlUnatnlted Paaphlat Addrrn A. A. • O H A M i r * , • . m. a., sMTRtHT. MMM. - TH Mlllt i OtTttill tttm In. Gtu •4dk4«ft?^ AK , AA -k ai^.l\MAAMtViXS&M Respijctfiilly yours, la^auaaawwwa^wUtai^aaaa^aw^wUwUwaiaaawiiaaai Bullock, A t t o r n e y s , t>«trott, M i d i . I By an |order of the passed at a meeting held June &> city! majrshal and deputies were structed to I enforce 'rigidly the visions of the following ordinances GLORY, America's^ Best Axis Grease 'OJHTGAC E SALE,—Whereas, defau't baa been n ade In t h e condition, of a certain j a g e beating date t p e twenlietti day o f Au* ufatJA. P. JtHW/made, b y Christian May and i ehMI Fin tbeiner of the city or Detroit, coun: y of (Wayne und Mate of Michigan, t o Catherine SECTION l. t h e City of WyandoMe ordaiiis U Hr'.of the same i-lace, and recorded, in t h e No pkfreon shall run a velotijpedfe, bKvcle <^ ««jrt < ifl carol i b e l egister of deeds of Wayne county, on t h e aldewalk o n Bldale avenge *>«!»' ! H elilgan, on August 22.118U2. in liber 811 of m o t l ('lieetnut and g r a n g e itreeWi, o r in front rii g a [es. o n pi g e 502, ai|d which said mortgage •tore scboolhouiie or church in a n y part c ' , fc-i s on Apr: 1 20. 1893, bv said Catherine Rose city, or o n Oak street twtWeen the hours a ' S; duly assigned by an.instrument i n w n t i n g of A. M ami 5.001- M of any, day during t h e i n it date, which was Recorded in the oit-ee of between September first .of o uiee year y e * to r 4ft d register -f deeds on. AiMril 20.1893, i n liber 36 thirtieth of the t e x t , nuthin the city of V yan of assignmeita o f qiortgages, o n page 42U, t o ^^^'-sfj, H H f1 ." 4w» sat w ia? w done. Lc uis A. Hue It of Detroit, Michigan, and which £ • > * S < " 1" 'V < 9 • • t SECTION 2. A n y violation of the provisions of ta d mortgag B was on December 9, A D 1896 by this brdinance aliall be pun s h e d b y u i H n e t n t e x . La d Louis A.. Ruch d u l y assigned to Elise Qsius 1*1 T T A T5 A TVT'l'Li'Li » Clean yonr axle from all grease IUK twenty dollars ai d costs, and the of I >etroit, > ichigan by a written instrument qf V J U / V I V / \ 1 N 1 C E * and dirt and then apply O L D imposition of any tine and jmsttr lire court may th it date w tfch WHS recorded on December 10, w aik; k e a further sentence < hat t h e otfendfer be 18 «, in said) egistjer of deed*' office >n liber 42 of G L O R Y . If your vehicle does not run easier aud go arthef comtnitted in the Delroit House of Correcttoi M lignmente >f mortgages oh page 64% [ until the psymerit o f such line and costs. I,,., tnd it beli g e i p r e s s l y provided i n said mortvvTuTon^reasinff than it ever did before, take the papkage Of yideU. safdj term of Inprise onient shall no|t e x KB ft that should any default be made In the pay. O L D GLORY" back to the dealer you bought it of and "your eriod of thirty di ys. fat int of the interest, or any part thereof. on any (lay wliereoii the same is made payable, and TOonSy'will tie refunded, "and no charge for what was used in \: C. J. SC'HWEISS, City Clerk. shotuld the Same remain unpaid and'ln arrears for , the trial. I t h ; space of! thirty days, tfiep and from tbenee forth, that Is t o say, affier the lapse of said thirty lays the uri lolprtl Hum of t w o thousand dollars nentloned ii isald mortliage, with all arrearage >f interest th ireon, should St the option of said nortgagee, ler executors, I administrators and wstgns, beeo ma Slid ba waits; fdrf np llatcly therejlter. .-..' a I' W.¥ ¥,_ GLO^Y A X L E OLD .ai • < GREASE \t \ 15 WADE ONLY BY Ana defaul { having l>een made In the payment if o n e InstallimmHif interest of Slity dollars, s-bioli by t l * term* of said mortgage, became why should Jue andjiayi ible.on t b e l w e n t l e t h day of Februtry, A. D W 7 a W more than tlilrtVUaya having man d'« l a y ulapsed sinet isald lustaltmeilt of infeiest became tue.ttiMl navi hie, anil the same or any part thert)' <; about buying a ofnbl navtni > \mn p»im the salil sjslgne* of the { mortgage bj virtue of the optiuu ith sahl nuirtiiiinlaliinil ilnm oonsidBr, elect and dec are 'For sale by all dealers. Including atiWyJindott«, G e n t l i t ; A G l r a r t l i i i ; time-piece, to age lie prinnlna 111111 «tf two thousand dollars sc JtilrM«|fUi L o B l a i i v , a n d a t Trenton, Jo^tii tfuUler. aiwU 1 by MM n inrtgage and all arrearage «f Ii ««f•issis>ss^ssBsakss«ssasis«BSaBBBSBSiaBaBs keep even 1 sit tnsfbtin 111 he d a * and payable IminedlsU y ! Thsre Is <lalmw}l4> be d u e at t h s dsUt e f llila Ilia hi notlDS th« m n i of t w o tlUMissnd s l s t y duliara; insdtt In tint Uruis and ooudlllons1 of. of a oar t suitt no \mm «dln|pi«t law (»r *H|<tlty hsviiig bwni MORTC'ACIK H A L R i D a f s n l t "Having jw«n Mortgage (Iwliuf a purohase money., nuirt* , iirn (boint T ibi^ltMted tti rwHivsr th* sanis 01* any part llisrs 4 * 4 . inad^1 hi the ('(ii\rtltUin» of^s. mortaags, bea£r usda by Kdgar H Ifcan of the city of Dsg " lins a full IIn<- of Watches wxl CI | k s "' ' i i i g t l a l f t h s iwaiity-aightli d w O L . . . . . . . . . . . . . nails Kilgar Mhililg^n, U»J(i»int),itoodi y Vlsyjiabywnmlyi 0 . ' Now, N o w , tlw>r«)for«, lio>l«* 1^ hersttr '" that Belt, value fof l«a»t uioney. A l s o .'full itir mads by Mtmry K, Vlsgsr uinuisrrlpd), of tlw virtue of Ibe |M»waii|W HSI*n «ioiitsin»d ijalsd Ihy slgwentli (li. . r .. r . Hay W i s n s i t w v a in ll|i»HI & tnwimlifp *rf KotirsSt Wayn« county, Mich,, 10 u ortgagti SIMJ o M l i s ^ t s l u t »r on* thousand tilgbt liundrsd ai iiiiiii e l y . 5 1 llnft <if spectacles. Ksiwclal atte itlon _ id A -tirovililtt % / ' L. InsinhtiMHi iwstl Jossphlnti Kivtuhlaii of tha fsiua plao*. aiid ra., imi eight hundred and 11 slid nrovMilefl, the utitteiMlj will sell at pulilio glvlen UJ repair work. ngiitar of davds det-di Mr a id foil to lie , „ . , , . . _ - . — _ .Isr . , on Tuesday, , ths corded li| tha offic* of' tli« nglstar j, III. 1» aiid l l l wreoordwt r-m mortgages the Ifllh on daypage of Mi ' Miohlgati, . .... aud Stswof Michigan on the Mglster f ^ i l t v n l n t 1 day 0/ Jiii»«,|A I), WW, a t t w s l v s of ofHti*. for tha tNiitnly «NI of page'OH <nf WayliJB and sU«t# . ulouk tioot, l o c a t t l i d * . at t h e we»wrly front tha Oth day of July, IMI& 1» lllnr'iartatatpage"'' of lilgan, which iiort. , . tlnlilgan, whlohj diort. lug bujii o*t! MM- gage *n» by the said .I0I111 C. UmidrlMisaid 1 tor of t h e i Ay hall in the oily of Umrolt tioutity uiori|iagvs, The snld iu6rtgage,fiAviiig duly asWttyni. ai|d Michigan, (that being UM) Signcfl by the said Jo»spli|ne tHeaub|eii lo jKred • gned by ail Instruuieiit In writing t o Wary O. I haveBa^HPgaln In WyandotU real :II> illdliig i'lifango and fanlii* Torango 01» the I nth dky of W l l k l K d s l e d th* iWlh day of May, A, D. I«m, In which Hie (rfruuit uourl for the oouif _ _ . j y t .IsBrt, aud reitordedf on said last data lit said and retoirttail t h e W t h day of May, A, D, ISM, In estate'i - a lot 50x140 feet, find 2i 26 feet t; of \Vay11e 1» lield) t h e preinlsea described In May, ~ il at at page 01 register's office, Ih Hilar «1 MSI o f '• tha said raglstejr of deeds' oflloo, In liber 42 of assign. al Id uioftKage pr « 0 much thereof s s may be off unjoining itdjolnlug lot, Jtlflflir a, total on and having besn re. meutslof mortgages, on page 3»3, on whloh niortHi (cesnary to! Halmfy; the sinount due and unpaid assignments of mortgM(t< frontage of 70 feet. Splendfld cl nnpe o isald mortgniw fiif iirinclu|tl, Interest, install' assigned by the said Frvd and Pannla Torango lh# Said Kr*< iaKo there Is olaiincd to h o due at the date o f p T -- - said • • Joiscpbine • 'Ivaubten uvaubien o n the tiii Mill this notice the 'sum of live hundred aiid thirtyfor making of a cheap home and n ent t w e n t y live dollar attdrney, fee and Int4r- baeC t- o the 'day. of n a y , 1MW, aa also appears appears of redord redo* In one dollars and s l l t y cents <J53l.80-10p> principal e it thereon And the expenses of saw! side, fur spbctilatlon would be of the and Interest on said .tnortgagti, and no suit o r Paid jprenilses are deseHbrd In said mortgage said register's office In liber 44 at page S7A of l»y the non-payn non-payment proceedings at law or in equity having been Ina > all that certain piece or parcel of land situated assignments of tuortgages, by - , . . . jreln provided If l * stituted t o recover the moneys secured byi said it the city [of Detroit^ In the Ooimty o f 1 Wayiie _. mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therefore, a id state of Michigan, aHddeser,lbftf a s fallows, paid, and, because thereof the power of salei 1 . ialned therein has heootne operative, and a# well by virtue o f the power of sale contained in said t< -wit: Lots [numbers sixteen (16) and seventeen Owner wishes to realize od same at ( 7) In A l b e n Cranes' subdivision of lots seven b y t h e said Josephine.Bcauhlen exercising'her mortgage, a n d the statute In such cases made , once—by the middle of Jute if (' 1 to slxteeh 0 6 ) Inclusive i d section twentynrfk Lion, aa she hereby does, to declare the entire and provided, notice Is hereby given that o n the principal of said mortgage to be wholly Tuesdav, the sixth day o f July, 1897. a t t w e v e , I possible — and author Ires n e to (20) of DeatJindre farm. o'clock noon, city time, the undersigned will able. "" Detroit. March 27,1897 ' : ',, I ' make a bargain price on it. Must jDated B U S H OSItlH, Assignee of.said Mortgagee. Is claimed t o be d u e at the date o t l h i s notice the sell at|public auction to the highest bidder s i t h e I have at l«asf three-fourths caBb It's GEO. V. C, KYIUJ, Attorney for said Assignee. sum of One thousand, ninety-eight and 14-100 westerly front 1*loorof- the - city hall In the city o f ($11098.10-100)dollars, and that no suit or proceed- Detroit (that being Uwl3' > a, good thing. >lng the, 1place ' where t"h e circuit ings at law or in equity has been instituted to recourt, jfor Wayne , i c county count; is holdeh), ths prem—2 1 ,, cover the sa|d amounts due or any part thereof. ises1 described dbscrlbed in said n mortgage, o r s o .much OMMr«8lO*EK»' NOTICE.-IJI t h e matter Notice is therefore hereby given that oni Satur- thereof as may be neceaairy to to pay IIhe amount of tb 9 estate of George Butler, de- day, the fourteenth d a y of August, 1897. al 12 due on said mortgage, With seven pf r cent) interctased W< the itnderslgped having bee|i jap- o'olock noon (Detroit city time) <Jf said day, est and all legal costs, t h e premises being den>intefl bv t h e probate court for the county of th.ero will be sold" at the westerly or GrlswoTd scribed In said mortgage as the parcel of land V s y n e , sltat B of Michigan commissioners t o re- street entrance to the city ball In the city of De- situate in the city of Detroit, in t h e county o f • ceive, exaniine and 1 adjust all claims and de* troit, in suld'counly, (that being the building in Wayne, slate of Michigan, described as follows, n lands of «11 persons against said deceased, do wjilch tl e Circuit etturt for the comity of " s y n e tb-wiu I^ot ntunbered twenty-eight (28] in Wllhereby give notice Ihat We i t i l i meet St the store is held) a t public vendue t o the highest bidder, kins a n d ' Willette's subdivision of the north 0 Alfred A l l e y , in t h e v|li«ge o^ Trenton) in the premises del cribed lb raid mortgage or so t w e n t | ! [20] acres o f 'the south half [%] of .quarsi Id cou t y , o n Friday, thefsecond day pf July, mpch thereof as may be nece-sary to satisfy the ter [>4] section twenty-flvo [25] of the ten thou A. D 1897 taid on Tjliursday. the fourth' day j of 'amount duejpri the hsme - a above set forth, with and and (10,0001 (10,000] acre - -being acre tract. tract. Bald Bald lot sttua V ovefuber, \ . D.jlSflV, a i ten o'clock A,:W, ofeslch th« interest theroim and the costs, chitrgts and on the " i lortherly side of Webb avenue. 0 'said days, for t h e pufpose of examining a n d -exbenses allowed by .law and provided for in DateU April 6." 1807. a lowing W d claims, andi that six months fwjm said mortgage.) Suia premises being situated in ! M S T U Y G WI triLKIKS, Assignee of Mortk-ageo. t b e foutthc ay o f May, A D . IMB7J. were allowed the lownsnipVof .Ecoriie, ooiinty "^>f Wavne and • H. Hi RADCMFFK, Attorneyrfor for AssigneeT : * b 1 said com t for credltors'to present their claims state of Michigan, and described a s lots number• ', . • ' 15wl8 • ' • .. , l \ " ed thirteen (13)and|murte«ntl4>orT. H . Welch's 1 us for ex imination and"allowance. ' 1 Grand Central subdivision of part of private Dated Ma r 21st, JS97.1 ORTGAOE SALE. - Default hfevlpg been claim l M o f the toWiisblpof Ecorse. And also TRADI MANOW , WILLIAM PARK, _ , made in the terms and conditions of a cor the folloMtig described piece or parcel of land, lain mortga. ^ A L F R E D BAILEY. e. made by Theodore Qraetbor aiid DKMONI, vis- Beginning at a point in the south easterly Lillian Graether, (fc-i Commissioners. i s w i f e u of Detroit. Wayne O O P V I I I O H T S {dto. line ol private claim 497, distant 3,030 90-100 feet county, Micliigui. h t o John Copelssid. dated t h e Anyone ^^ i n « , * r t ^ b a n d d e a e r t p t l o t from the intersection of said line w^lh Ihe center quicklyr twenty-liftb (25ih) day nf April, in the year o n e rhBt ,e of the Dearbornfrosd, on acdurse south twenty-I • i-c .*^!*™JVrawo * » a n i n v e a o p n l_ Clink H . M^rr, Attorney. nine -degrees f o i r iiliinutes west; thence on n line thousand eight hundred aud ninety-three (1893), r^otabiy patOTtabli Communicatlotn sti ctly , and lecorded In the oftUwof the register of deeds S S , t i l T A T E OP Mlf'HIOjAN, County'of Wavne,ss parallel to raid'Dearborn road tw the north.west- for the county of Wayfieand state \ of Michigan t 7 At a s Msion of t h e Probate Court /or, the erly Hue of said private claim; thence a h i n g t h e on the 27th(day of Apr " " " A- D. 1«9S. »j>d recorded c iiinty of Wayne, held at the probate office in north westerly 'linf south twenty-nine degrees In liber 880/of.mortgag tl le cfty of Detroit, o n the ,fourth day ol June west 291175-100 feet t o a p o i f I; thence oh a l i n e mortgage there i s olali o h page 103, o n Which ted to be lue at the date parallel to said Dearborn road t o the South eastIi 1 t h e yes* o n e thousand eight hundreU and o r t h l s notice the sum < one hundred andjsixtyn inely-seven. Present, EdgartJ. Durfee, JtMge of erly line of said private e aim; and thence along five dollars and.twe venlythroe cents (8165 23 100), r robate. Itn the matter ot iHe estate of Edward Said aoutb-easte|rlyT line to) t h e plate of."" „ „ . . _. real ontsald mortgage, and n o C onfey tab a called Connelly and Conely.) de» nihg, containing three and eighty hundredths principal and .Interet suit or proceedingeitber at law or 'in equity three and eightyJ hi HuMni idUrS ep d*ti h """ ' 'ty hav1 sent free. Address" ' s > e med. An instrument in wrltii g purporting to lug been instituted t o recover the m o n e y s and flfty-seven thousandths » « — . « ~ . sie c u r acres [3 857-1000) of b ; tmt last' rill Slid testament of Said deceased MUNN A CO., ed bj-aaidl Mortgage or any part thereof. N o w . I teas. h i v i n g fbecn dwlvered Into this court forpro- land more or less.! M l Braa4w*T. Maw Tat*. thervforellby virtue of t h e power of sale containDated Wyandotte. May 1». 1897. i " \ b i t | . i t i s ordered that thsj six-b day of July ed lb said mortgage s n d the statute in such cases JOSEPHINE B E A V B I E N l r n »xt a t ten Vch»ck in, the lorenoon at said prpmade an« prjttvided, notice is hereby given that AB a iI EJS.- WOOI.HUFK, Attorney for Mi H b tie, office t & appointed for1 proving said lnstrO0ii Tuesday, t h e sixth day of J u y , 1897, at t w e l v e M a r s Biock, Wyandotte^, Mlch^. n ent. A m i » Is further ordered that a copy of I>R M A K C H A U X ' 8 o'clock noon, aity time, the uudcrsignexl will t f i s ordefj to published three successive weeks •ell a t public auction U> the highest bidder jat the *¥>PpPULAR*** 'evtous t o said day of hearing in the Wyandotte E . T. W o o d , Atior w e s l e f y frontdoor 01 the city ball in the city o f erald, a lewspaper printed and circulating in Detroit, [that being the place where the circuit, 3 8 Moftut Built Detroit. a ild county or W a y n e , court for Wayne county Is holden] .the' preniisrit , ~ EDGAR O. DURKEJE. O M M I B M I O N E R F ) ' NOTIt!E.-'tn t h e matter described in said mor g s g e , or any' part thereof », ' Judge of Probate. of the>esiajt« of Pred R i i t k o ^ t k l , deceased a s may be necessary to pay the amount d u e o n (A true Oopy.) , We the utid,ersi(rned having* been appoltited by said mortgage, with seven p e r c e n t interest and HENBYfi, Hvi.Bxar, Deputy Register. 31« the probata const for Ibe county of Way tie. state all legal costs, the premises being described i n of Michigati, comniisalonerK t o rece. re, axaitaine said mortgage as the lands, premises and prop, and adjust all oHaleus aW demands of all persons erty situated Iu t h e city of Detroii.' onuulv against said deceased, d o hereby give notice thai of Wayne a n d state of Michigan, dcacfilird »H The Heat ar« Always Cheapest. w e wilt'meet at tJ>ia Varney House, In the villager follows t o wit: Lot numbered ten [10] of Ou o x Uniform Price »ao each. of Rockwood, ' —«•« i—t» o —. « j _ i _ _ _ i _ . . and Whittaker's subdivision of lot twelve [I j , 'sat« county, n Wednesday. Ah«iulut#l]r Viirm. • J h e 14th day « „ u l y ; A. t>. 1897, and on Thurs quarter section fifty-eight [IW] and part of qn rand have them trtada Into durable ami orns> Perfectly fuiiabtd. r day, November, A D. 1897, at ten* ter section forty-three [48] of the Ten Tlinix- — the • " - 18jh • ^ h ddajyfol i 1. wantal j1! Acre traei Hald lot being situate on the r 1 o'clock A. M " ' ' ' " ' .' , . . . „ „ . ancf north side of Whttaker avenue and east of iliisdfexamtiiinfe a n d a l l o w l n g a a l d c l a i m a . a n d tliat sell, ' . v. "" Kth ""'" day "urof . 1897, six months from the of Ma) May, .' A. D . Any vise from half yard to- three yards wide, ware allowed b y said court for creditors liters t oo preDatW April fltb. 1897. a V A.O.stwtni ircoton.'' •> ton 710 per square yard, bend for circulars, sent their claims to us for examination and al\ JOHN COPELAN0, Morlgaiii*. H. H. RAbCUPVg, Attorney for Mortgagee. l i t * 1.. M,,petars tstaatn Power Carp*! lowance. Dated May ,2Mb, 1897. 15WI8 ^1 Cl«wrilnat and Bug Jtntc. Co.v , Dyhareba. , • J, L 0 T H E S Otoe wislthy fr 7 Clinton (Ave., ^ DETROIT, MICH, ' CIROftaB. «3w4 ^ ~ * man, therefore ; , The Superior Rbfining C ^ ; GRtUP/lWOMD^ DETROIT^ AND ^CLEVELAND A. F. LIMBRICHT C. s are a(l 6b att, extensive scale. FLAT ROSK. tik) xt Three hundred people witnessed the $. N. CLARK, Mansgsr. greatest ball game ever played in Michigan, bttween the brick yard nine and rabble Hollow team « t t Monday. J a n e 14, near (bis place. At the end of the s l o t h inning the score stood ,'J to 1 ^: :::-n^"^tlNtidf ,8TI*MllM|,.-.^.»,~.-^ la favor of the brick yard boys. ,'i lieorge Beaublen was called to Mon: roa on Saturday to attend the funeral of * bis father, Madore Beaublen., who died pome in Monroe last Thursday, irly. 80 years. He lived 4? day* t' food or nourishment of 'any not even" water., as some throat truubfe prevented his swallowing anything and he actually s U r v M jb-idea^b, b a v i n | beeu a stout, healthy man up to A DELIGHTHIL tbeffme he was takeu sick. Thefuueral was held from St. Mary's CuUrdlic church. | : pi; " ^CTna^nT" 1 " 6 * fc|W" H a l f Kstujs—IF o u r t h J u l y . John Stoflet, who is now employed on Excursion tickets at xety low rates the Lake Shore road, will move his fam- will b$ sold by tile Lake Shore & Michily into one of Mrs. Pierson's residences igan Southern Ry. at alt statiouson July 8. 4 and 5 to poirits within 200 miles of on Erie street la a few days. selling point, good'returning until July The present growing crop of wheat 6th inclusive. and grass in this vicinity is now nearly 17^ ready for cutting, and is supposed to be the heaviest known fur a number of yeara. / C. H. CURK, Clerk Mrs. Henry vjfarner of*Hurou is seri- JOHN 0ESANA, Matti r 1/¾ T "' 'stocMp perfection fn iUn "iuagnitiide the Wtipp™- 1 „ .' ;iwB*rRpix,i » | c i o w / v.x; 1 • r.^ • Aji^^i WoortrufT, AttoriKiy. mvn* m r:^ |Wrt Cheap. 10 ' 4 II. t A Good Investm^n :. € 3 ? S 3 IBS K WK^B^ 8GIENTIFI0 sMEBlOMI, ,a Household I Remedies 8 C \\nm\ OLD C A ^ F?UQS AND MATS. wtUiHFQR|Ml^rs ,throu(tnpat«nt»7 mynotvouf j faiarflclfcpay largely: Wtfta for hv „ _ „ of iovmtlons wanted 1 sent frssv AKCpfUlt, ' — r - * * MlCUKvi, » U Bros>«wajf, ^ ^ 1 aswu ¾ B \ 1' ,^ \ \-4 .V K Af *H ^¾ rtosify B«f stood by tfie fifceatim "Inn*.* th* racsr, que (ruttTplc ijng; ° t v t r t W QfTsTITQ ' ttfiTtlP 1> '> bwt&* brought his action against His Ul Jorces that were hidden ft*, -ajgda Who - 1 -- drove •*"' a spike through tlte head YVlJMli I5JL1LK9 I t l L L l f i F . w1fi ,, on t e 8 U m o B y ^£1^4 by private » n * | o wheels, antfWera. jond #tt^a. Hit Slieraf'the warilor; o Esther, who detectives In fills, em ploy, and'he. with ":\ ''-f •-•,•. J^ -^ and shuttles—fore* "thatflyi-the/air';or ovarc^n,e realty of Ubigall, Who C^IAI^TER IN A MILLION AIRE'S o n e o f the detectives, was arrested and l Eip««re la Okwae*M« |wim the aea, or <Uve the mountain, stopped a aost by her (iwn beauM'ul, later |ndlcted for conspiracy. Mr. .\nd BonetMt DOMESTIC LIKE. Weather Brloa* on RheanwUaai until the earth jars, and "roars, 3Mi ;prow«J8s; of Wary who pursed 'the!; Mrs. Costello) were married in 1881. ' and iJllrvans [Proatratiea. r&fgs, and crackles, and bpoms with, worldl's savior; of Grandmother • UHs, '-• Fomi^, $»w _ . From the : ew Brt, Qreenatmrf, lad. COSTELtO TOpNO strange mechanism, and ships with immortalized In her? grandson Tliuo L E A P S IRON! 13TH FLOOR. t h e Tree W H qojwl tor" To6&^'4n& Miss 8a-ah dones who live* about threa CHABOKS CBCKI.TY. nostrils of hot steam and yokes of fire,, thy; bf Charlotte C p d a r , who drove north west of Aurora. Ind., is, well Dealsn'wl t » Make <|he Wlae, She Par* .draw the continents together. Chicago Man rirea • Ballet Into BU miles ** the dagger, through the heart of J the and popularly' known., Mix* Cones is a .',**«* v ( thm riralt l f h « n « f — « e n . 8 J « "' ' r say nothing against healthful cm assassin qf her lover; or of Marie An- She DMlaras That Hair Biubahd Mad* vi , Br»ln tnd rail* ISO Feet. school teacher, having charge of a country •-•-• - > . i ^ : £ / - about two mile* from her \ home. • "* rtosltyi May it have oth^r ,, ijeydeu. toinette, who by one look from the palWdllkm P. Mittman. a Chicago danc school Ll»4 a Burden'—W»nt« jAl'lmoay,'•» 8h© driven to and from her school «ach day. iiw J j*— cony, of her castle quietel a mob, her jars, and other eleetrlc M>attjr She in stout 4ud and' in the bast . 8h« Baa Ifo U n m of ' Support—A Ing'masteT, tteod on a narrow railing f J IS the first Sat- other voltaic pifes, and olhei? Own 8,ca,ffoJtd t h e throne-(f forgiveness surrounding the interior couYt on the of health, as the ruddy glow on her plump , SuiMttanal Caisa. teitlftes..if • .T "•'••, «. urday afternoon in lnjgrglassesV with which to *i* And Womanly couruge. I speak n o i of thirteenth f|(pr Of the Chamber ot cheeks The, reporter happened to meet this young •i tne world's exis- barred castles of the natural ?w< these j extraordinary persons, but of Commerce fetiUdllng the other morning lady'H mother in Aurora a few day* a g o OHN ft. CoBtello, and fired a ' b i l l e t Into,his brain. His and teamed that although her daughter la tence. Ever since til it shall surrender '.'Its I W . . , those 1 who, unambitious fj>r polltlcajl tb0 m lilpnaire tan- body lunged forward, and, gathering now in the beit of health, la«t wihter aha sunrise Adam I has We thank God for the geological cu- powerl as wives ai|d mothers and s|s^ ne|r of Costello, Pa., momentum is It dropped, whirled was suffering uutpld agony, from troubles watching the riosity of Professor Hitchcock, and t h e ters and daughters, attend to the thouf r«im exposujre. • ' is Delng'eued by his through thd ; ffi tej&tt between the / a i t *ftHKlnif \ UlanjU pageantry mechanical, curiosity df Lieblg, and the sand iweet offices c f home. ^Mrw^Cones said: "*<arau has been teacbwife," Sarah Caro- Ing and the DioBaiW,|lilor"be,low. A mo- Ihg for*f our'year*, itegiuuing when i u ' h e r off wings »»ff Males zoological curiosity of Guvlqif and t n e When at last wo come to calculate Uite, for a limited ment later^ the humdii ?i^r|h struck the ixt*i'ntli yiBHi- Hho has uhvny* taught at ai|df;^ipuds<^|jJd In inventive curiosity of Edison!;' but,we the forces that dec ided th« i ^estipy of t Ka:ne (Qfevol ami Rot, alon^ well until r divorce ( on i the pavemlant am the crash' aiurni^d every Jhe K1bvflrst letfsons In must aklmltthat unhealthfur'and Irreg- natlonj», it will be found thktfhe raiibt- 'B Tt 0w«| " $B6r, wlnoi the weather was of cijuelty zoology and^rnlth- ular has rushed, thou- lest and grandest lifluejncja cam^ from' - - - . - . ' occupant of the bnlldlng. -TlA^'rushed'''wjiailv d »itu«'"l'l<'. uuil i'lie tifok a ttevere coid iv'lilcli (invi'lii|)i»(l into lliv ;'Krlp.t' She , oiogyanJ Jeh^oN sands and t'eiig ql thousand* fhto ruin. hotpe.t where the v l f e l b ^ t r e d up de,+--. .a|W\> abgndonment. b( l, d y d j d n o t Quiver, for ilto }jad fled. was coCiltift'd to the Mou«oabout two Weeks, ogy lie hl«>notlqed ttat the rot»ins?fiy Eve Just jtiufed the fruit. She was spondency and fatiguelaju: sorrow by Mrs, Coitello »Uo A no1le f o u n d ,ft t h e , , ^ n , t t '„. g nBrtd whim i>h.«*;K'ot out mid "cut to her 4(1)101)1 «Kiilni?Hlii> had it i'i*la|<.<u. ami tlil» time Jbeialr In twos, andtffc&tthe fish swim jeurlous to And out how it tasted, arid l * f own sympathy and <h,efi mother iisjis forcustody alimony ,,t,fttl u 8 moMfU: WUNcohiiuml to tin; lioiire <tivi<rnl weeks, ' i andi, tho of lUl Ue tijolnejl her child far h e « y m , startling ^•^K^l**?' T \ , " M / ^ h a t curiosity "blastodhevaha blasted u "May 25, 1807,—Now. Flo n, you s»e to iftve up l>ilkMpi<,"'l. -' ,,, tire l l m ^ f r e t i n n the pntli'to tlte p * - IlCT'chfWnin., T h f pajjers were served riuiviMlonu juMt what I HIIII 1 wa» go- >buying t wall,, t h . fields in tjwoa, and In t l ^ , , 8() ^ a r o c l l J P g y n n } n in "rtlie wan troiilil»'!^P§Ji.>li«!tisinti«m and warm r««olence of tllat Satttrauy a r t ^ j , , , , ,, , , d „ u n h M l t M a l „j. lertlttlt OHyr ' f n n f t i e slu^pt* by tli«*if on (lie dtttundant tin''dtlior.iltiy In-line 1 Inn to do. I liu'inli'il to "dn this A'f* iier.vj^iikuesH, uud HU<r«^'itd^kTOu£««r»iiy,,hor g«iitloh(«Hg I'pfinod he |ni nnom of. It ho •%r<«n« coui't'ofiomngi* comity ,; at itfi'duy, but 1 thouulil 1 would give you iii'i'vtm being iili|io«t vtlnijih«^fetdi«ttere<l.ijr. could wurcety ('rtt. ntiiilfu|w5ci cimidl;^ f b ^ s l ^ r y to t U h „11 ages that g ^ JM j ^., luotlifji", una ilurdiiiglitfl'i w<ir«/i|lll- NeWburg, N, V. ( whore Mr, 'Cosioilo ,011» iu<m< clioiu'o; but you went just us Him Hot lutiiln xnllil food on li«i "tiiiimi'li At a l b Mi^K§ , , w v gnni In their.kfndHe*H t i tho adod, lidd «ono to aiiMW^r u writ catlhig upon (ttubbohi UH evt'i', 1 Miiw thcrojwuM no "W11 tiled live diltttl'fht pliynlcluus but the greainitt. of curtlwy bleMHtugs • Is rleH->my«terle» 'that were barred and with little itviiil. > sound a'Uiop;* this purudUajcul goiniio- IvoHwi from all htlnuiu Insinjctlon, and throwing wreaths iif hleMlng* on {the lil;» to pt'odiic" the chlldi't'ii. Two mora hope left. "One day oui' driurttM advised us to try l«n|e eruU with thVtfIscoijery on tho road, that lead* fjthor bt:id i rrotm-r months ago •MrM.H'oMtcllo brought haDr. Williams' i'lnkJ'lllh for l'aie I'eople as part of Adnm of a corresponding lnt«>t- t wy huve wrenclied-thfir whole moral down the »t#ftp o f ' year*}1 OUd blievt beas corpus prot'Ci'dliiKM ngiilost her * T h l n Is a case of donn'stlc trouble they RiH'iiieci to UIMIIU many person about which WIIM brought about six years ago. I ttturo out of Joint by tryt1)g t « ftluck llgence Just landed o!n ^ i n e # p l a n e t . our, homes! An'ft-muy t{|ii home Ion husband to siHure tltu poKHetafon of her Aurora. • "', Not Ilnunplal, because 1 had plenty of f ruiv from brnnche* bcytyid their reach "Hiirali u-etl one IMIX of the pills with Of th« mother off aiill i tho llvliiitWifWalc ciWhsvf* c6me out on ll.mliu of | h ^ tree eaj^h be tlra ventlljiile ot\\)ir hofnol in 0-year-old turn, Robin, and her 8-year- money. MJy dancing class was a suc- satisfactory results, and by the time two —Eve; (he first,. tueifairesOiud the I from' wolch thoy have tumbled into heaven,,,in f f l c h place jbiay we jail ipld son, f liomug A. Costellu. Mr. Cos- cess, but 1 did [hot pay any . bills,t be- hoses were taken she was able to go about it : |tello. hadthe, W o little boys In his posmeet—Wth#f,;,mothBif, son, daughter, the house, Hevcu boxes were used, the last .h**.'*.".]; > -:K v , & ^ - 'V cause U was no use. I spent the money I ruin without remedy. A tifou»and trees In July. Hhe was entirely relieved of ? I make mo a garden. I Inlay the at religious knowledge ?ft)m which ^re brother, sister; grardfattifejf and grand- s e s s i o n and placed them in' a boarding on account of my hpthe troubles. My ue II bains or signs of rheuniatiniu, and nervpaths with mountain moss, and I bor- j may ear and get advantage; but from mdther and grandchild, ant the entire school at Cornwall Heights, with strict wife knew I made lots of money, hut ousness ' and ha¥ since felt as well a s she orders tq *he principal not to let, his der them with pearls from Ceylon and-) „,_(_•_ traes of mystery how many group of precious <nes, cjf whom w e she did not khowi where it went, ahd ever did aud has not missed a d»y of her diamonds from Golcdntta. Here and blave <*"*mp l u & e d thetft ruth! -Klecttoh, must say in the wordB^of It unsporting (Costello's) wife see them; After try- neveruwlll.' I Said, to her if she keeps school this winter." , • '?'• '• / . ing In vain several times to s e e her Miss Sarah, who entered at this time itheri are fountains tossing in the sun- freiagenCT,'- trinity^ resurrection—In Charles Wesley: ^ ' ^ J f , up her h l 6 h &v,per she would be sorry verified all her mother haU said, as d U little b o y s ^ l r s . Costello brought this light; and ponds that ripple under the the discussion of these subjects hunthe druggists, of Aurjrai The drug ''^Sf) H</ suit. When it- first came up Mr. Coa : for It, but she did not care, and roasted also firms of A- J- Marshall & C jrTJ. A. Riddell log of the swarfs. I gather me dreds and thousands of people ruin the me aimosit every day, and made the exOne family w e dv ell in In I m , - ^ : tello was absent in Mexico, and Judge & Co. and John M. Ullrich, said- the mediII Ilea from tthe A ma: in, apd orange soul. There are m e n ' w h o actually 0 n e church aboire, beneith; "' Hirschberg postponed argument t o al- pense very heavy. Every time we had cine was a constant feller with them, and groves from' the tropick and tamarinds nave been keptf6ut of the kingdom of Thodgh nqw d|videc by the: it reamuniversal satisfaction^ "People who low him an' opportunity of being pres- a fups it cost me | 1 to ¢10 a fusB. I gave Buy once come and puy again)" they aaid. fronrGoyaz. There are woodbine and heaven bfeqause they could not under* ' The narrow stream of d^ajth; managed to keep my life insurance paid ent. Judge Hirschberg ruled that as Dr, ^1111^111^ Piak Pilbi for Pale People honeysuckle climbing.' over the'wall, stand *^ho, Melchlsedec was not! , One army of the living up. That! I did on account of my pretty contain, in a condenHed form,'all the elethe children are In the possession, of 1 and starred spaniels sWrawling themnecessary to give new life and richOb, /b^ij^taiiy have been destroyed ^ Tq nis command i e bow Mr. Costello. and there! hasjjeetf n o d i - little girl, Ruth. I am sorry that I 1 ments nesb to the. blood and restore shattered selves on the grass.. I Invite amjd these ' ^Zn ilthful lnquisltiveness! It Partj»f the host have cros^el the JflojJMl,vote* proceedings b e t w e e n j h e Couple, have to' do tbis .for her sake, but i t is nerves. The)'are also a specific for troubles . trees the larks, and the brown thrushes ' J ? AnSpart are crosdng mjity. f ^< directions. There are Mrs. Costello could not bai|e possession better for me. I can't live with her peculiar* to females, such as suppressions, and the robins^. and*|ftl the brightest [ I t ^ . " i -, • •• 'i -' • * ' ' irregularities and all forms of weakness. ', id with the eye-stare and^. of-thejr^, but that she eoulcrsee her boys mother. They build up the blood,'and restore the birds o< heaven i and b e s t i r the a|r j J J ^ J . occasion -illy, while they werewit school. "I hope,"Flora, you will be satisfied glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. LORD 'J4V M pel f curfoslty. Thfey are the?' 'with infinite cti In men they effect a radical cure in all They cluhg to ^heir mother a? long as •led » ?l*witli t ^ tdark'f* fl"« t&filujar! a falsehood, butld it an D i t l E L ^ O N ' S K I ^ ^ N E S S i&T* . <.i . .two wings to It. A Charpilns AnetUo|e Show DK HU ^te- posaible w title )b> was in the court the place Is a crises arising from nientalworry, overwork other m iry >u 'hlg^-and or excesses of. whatever nature. Pink PUIS 1' lpared the ^hquLy her people's appare,!, about ness and death-as mfkrkabl« B a m a n JTelkif ifehlp, t m with th« room. W'ule ii opurt sir. Costello was ar.e|sold in bpkes (never in loose bulk) a t 1 residence of tlje woma r my ten, tne p^, i*' business, about other Capt. Mahan, In bfa "Lifb >1 Nelson, Sulcents or s i i boxes for ¢3.50, and! served v/Uh a ; njmoasl and complaint M p 8 maV be had of alt druggists, or direct toy » u b ^ o | m i stojr.^ever «mce haver nave| p ^ p , ^ ^ ^ c o n d*li~rer since ^^JSJl^A l t i < , n > a-i-.,» b f l u t ^0J ,^J just published, claims the <f< Mowing! as in a suit for limited dlyortte.^ It is almail teom Dr. Wiliiauas' Medicine Comsuch s k i e t l o o k e d d b ^ through such ^ r ^ p l e , s * k ^ . „ ^ r - an original sto*y Blowing {lie inherent leged that Mra. Costello's lawyers had th pany, Schenei-tadyjN. Y. ,w ',.»- -i leavea Into such wa^rs! Never has . ^ , ^ \ By> , ^ ^ n ce kindness of the grealsaiion.' The ^"leet been trying to serve the 'papers orf her .j ' * '.;.»-• ' ' : j -"* ifl:', •• ' • > > 1 , river wave had curve and sh^en ^ ^ , doQr ^ , ^ ^ ^ * letterSj had Just been sent off, tyhen husband for some time; but could not :••'"£'%• ~' ^~* ' ""^ '^V'J ' i ' , ^ ) ^ 1 The Wlilnwt of • Mormon. - s Nelson saw a midshipman come up and catch him, sand ^hat thej habeas corpus ^J^JT^TiLf'Z&SStJfci Havllah, the Gihon. apd the Hlddek'el. '«S»rlate in tbe endless round of iSe speak v to .Lieut.'^aa co, tn^ ilgnal offlJ" proceeding" ..waV merely 1 a clever ruse iHepo'rter: * You look worried. What's' world of tittle-tattle, {They Irkthe-matter? Utah Congressman: One even the pebblea^jbeii^g bdellium and grteat htm where .he v|te and/sumptuously eatertalp attheU cer. whdCupon hearing w l a : Was said, for the purpose of getting olf pay constituents haa just died. He o n ^ ' ^ f t n e ! : W M t fiults, with i n o house Colonel Twaddle a n d ! ESlquiife^ stamped^ his foot i n evidi^t 'venation could b|a, served. ' / •,wa${a' soldier in tjhe Civil War T and nH ;cureullo to sting the rind! What flow- Chitchat a n d Governor Smalltalk. I and uttered an eielamaticit T h e adof jhis tWelve widows want .w^iona. ers, with no s l u g ' t o gnaw the root? Id lj,e|amdavit Mrs. Costello tells/ a F asco w a s "What atmosphere, wltti no frost to chlU- Whoever hath an innuendo J whcW^r | mirat, of whose nej irness l a iked what long srory of abuses and suffering durhath a scandal, whoever hathta valua-, unaware, called bin and ing her married life. The defendant' Is l a n d w|th no heat to consume! Bright ; ble secret, let him come and! sacrifice w | * t'*"" h e maftee. ~-jAi4 son Sf Patrick H. -Cost'elio,, who colors tangled in the grass. Perfume it to this Goddess of Spluttel. Thou"Nothing that Ixted trouble ycjur founded the toWn of Costoll}), .Pi., and l i n the air. Music- in the sky. Great sands of Adams and Eves dJ nothing lordship." waa the eoly. j died wc|,th $2,000,000.- H>> Is a) large, The Trials and Tribulations of a Bat. scene of gladness and ove and joy l Ypu; are not the man u lose your towe? 'at'leaf M « * % « " that does not Mong to handsone"> man of forty: Mr». Coitello Right there under IL tie Creek Citizen-How He f ,™?!\K° jled quite well known!*, math- temper for ^nothing.' rejol tx< >d Nelson. is six yoars his junior. His home Is in and .vine and shrub' o-curred the »!!f first Fnem, iematlciahs falling In this coiiputation 'What was ItT" . ' J Comes to Tell This Story. Niagara; Mrs. Costello came from Cam(marriage. Adam took the hand of this jot; mora j algebra: good sense frus good WILLIAM F. MITTMAN. "Well, if you mus: knov \ my lord,. Il iFYomih* Bd(il* Creek Moon.) den. N,. J„ a n d is at present living in Immaculate daughter of God and pro- breeding, minus curloSJty, equfls mi: ' wllljtell you. You s t e that cpxawalnf" Newhurt. The Costelfos wfere married and when you get the money from the Among the rapuldorsiit the works of nou'need the ^ceremony when he said; Ing your owhiaff4trs|l pointing td obe of the m i s i exacting In Camden, N. J., in 1881 and had neven lodge. National Union a n * Royal the Michigan foiimlryj company can be "fione of my bone, and flesh; of m y of the petty officers. / * W e l a v e not a children, only three'of whom are liv- League, you w|l| be aple to buy a horse found Mr, Amos Maylmrdi he nai lived flesh." A forbidden tj-ee stood In the •I /• •".-' •( • * \ and carriage-, plenty of dresses and In Hattb Creek for [over ten yean, h) 'Observe also In this s u b l e e i h o w re- bettor man on.^boan /the v'utorla, ahd ing, These three are boys. The eldest everything you,['want. I could have honored and respecutd by all Who know .midst of that exquisite, par*. B v t the raeisage which p it me &ut wad tilts, ts 14 years of age; this youngest la 0. sauntering out one day slope looks up p i l i n g sin Is when appendecito great done a great <MI more for you If you Jilmj, audi far the mun who makoa' tula • t the tret and sees the beadtlful fruit, actrafitivenlets. Since Rve's deith there I was to|d that ho,« as so lit *y rsceiy. All three are at sohool, one In Buffalo would only agree, with me, but you ao- statement, ho says: t *]' I have had kidney Ing and getting off, the m|il bag* that and the others In Cornwall. In liar And wonders If It Is iweet, and won- has been no tutih perfection o f womani cunejl life of something I was not guilty trouble, for years, on<l It has made my 1 .iters If it Is tour, and standing there, hijiooV You «OIIId not s u g g e a an at- b t forgot t o drop bin own lettor Initio oomplalnt Mra. Conieilo allegei that of. f You thought I was always giving Ilk* mist*rublu, The heavy lifting, neoetone of them, and U» has lujst dlsuov* aho always has oonduetsd herself t o - m o n V to my nlnter, which was not nary In' my biKtlmm inndit me wone. I f l a y s : "I think I will JM« put my hand tractiveneiis to the body or sufgeit a n y have iwen comiiMllt>r| Ito llo In bed In a help* , ward the defendant a«[ a frithful and tru»." •rod It In his Jxlewoi!" rsflnement to the manner. & u oould upon the fruit; It will do no damage to 1UM4. condition for an long ua nine days at a ouedlsnt wife, but that ho, disregard"Holsf tho ilgnal tj) |»ring i«r »r b a c k / t h e trte; I will not t*k« ^b* fruit to add no g W e f i i l n t s * to tho ga% no lusAt ilia Mittman home It was denied time j tho gnmUmt pitii) Was from my back, ing tils diitiss ag a huntmnd ahd father, tra to the eyo, no s w e e t n * * to th* was N«lMon'« instanj ofimma id. "Who 1. > t t , but I will Just l»k« It down to has, during nearly the WJIO»« courie of that ther* had I w n quarrels between which 'Hometiine* folf M though a Uafonet •> >nimlne It," 8h« cxalnlned the fruit; vttlite. A perfect Ood made* M r a per- knows t h a t h e may not fill 14 aotlon thalr married life. £rent«d h<*r In a cruel the suiuitle and hU Vita. Mrs, Mitt* was M u g run throii^h mu la the A g i o s Hhs said: "1 do not think there osn fect woman,, to be tho com pa l i o n of a tomorrow? i His lotior slijil go with and Inhuman manner, nud rendered it i n a n w a s too much .prostrated to talk, of my klilncyti; mitity citizens of Battle M knew how imtl f was. I ooufd not !>• sny harm in my Ju*t breaking ths mhn i n a perfect home, aud'S'r entlra the rout," * And tlio ffl«t>»U*H b s s e l was unsafe and 1mpro'»flr< foe hor to live but hermotltfr, Mis, Maria Mutnlt. who Creek move without the .greatest caution., for nature vibrated In accord iftth the brought book for thift alone. f rind of It." She pnt the fruit, to her with hlin. Soon ijifteiv tho marriage, llvwd witli the Miitiitans, said she and in soon n« I attciiipti'dvt() stoop «ver; bend ' btjauty and gong of Paradloe. M j u t she i teeth, she tasted, shel allowed Adam nays Mrs. Costello, she,moved to Olean, her daughter wore' firmly chnylnced u> oi|u .jdde, or oven turn hr bed, th« pain was slinply iinlwurrtbK'. I wore porous utito to taste the fruit, the door of the rebelled against God's government, The Stmiigwic ItliiHeK N„, Y„ putting up at a1 hotel at which that Mlttnian had been Insane, world opened, and the monster Sin en- and with the same, hand w l & which 1 Mittman |va« 38 yrars old and for plastcrii constantly for * the little temPerhaps the niost 'emarl;a)le dinner her huslbami's inotlien |tlster, brother terer|, Let tbeheavertu gather lilack- she plucked the fruit she lauuffred *ip* on record was that liven lij an atttl- j}nd s>ter-ln-low Were] stopping. many ye>rs^had tnpght dancing. He porary relief thoy brought me. WhenI cailght tlic slightest cold It went v ness, and the winds sigh on the bosom on the World the'crimes, the # i r s , the quary named Goelul, In the citv d|f , When Mr, Costello arrived at Olean, taught 'classaftfiiit Kretsc^mar'si 031 ever Htruight,. to nijr kidneys and made mtf ( of the bflls, and cavern*, and desert, and tumults, that set the un tetne a- Brussels. , At the d nner vrre appl North piark street, and, gave private he Insisted on his wife's "moving oat worse.) ,'I was advised ^> try Down's Kid- ^ _^ earth, apd sky ]oia Ini one long, deep, walling . that ripened more t h i n 1,801 years a; of her co|ftifor)t»ble"apartnl',ni'? jnd tak- .lessons at his home. He married Miss hey Pills, and gn(t some. I liave taken 1n <•'' hell-rending howI-M'The' world ls» JA terrible Offset to all her attractive bfead made from w l e a t grown befoije ing rooms in another hotel, which was Flora lilundtalx years ago in the house allfotir boxes of them, ami I now feel a s 'lost!" . ... '. ;J : j ness. W e are not surprised when wo 'the children of Israil pasied through cheerless and uncomfoiftable.C 11» said where I the family still resides. For active as ever. A few months ago I would Beasts that before [were harmless find men and women naturalli vulgar the Red Sea, and s;tread wlth.buttdr that his [mother objected to hid wife's about tho BOme length of jtlme he has huve ridiculed thee idea of being cured; so ahd being able to work as I can •and full of play put. forth claw,, and gcjing Into transgression, w j expcot that was made w h e i Elizabeth' was presence (in the same h'ji/o. C'^tellp, been employed by Bunge 'Bros. The quickly, now. 'All, the longstanding pains are sting, and tooth, and'tflsk. * Birds whet that people who live In the dirah shall Queen of1 England. The repast was in 1884, without provocaMon, she al- members of the firm sky his accounts gone, and the former traces of kidney dWtheir beak for prey. Clouds troop In have the manners of .the ditfph; but washed down with v i n e that waft old leges, serzed and threw at her a wooden are all right. Mlttraar h a s one child.^ orders found in! my urine have disapthe sky. Sharp thorns shoot up through how shocking when we flndlsin ap- when Columbus was play ink with the bracket, ''sorely wounding and bruising Ruth, who Is beautiful, and seems to peared. I have recommended Doan's Kidacy Pius to manyj friends who were trou1 the soft grass, Blas^nks on the leaves. pended to'superior education ami t o the boysj of Genoa. The applei were from her head | and causing itj to b,leed." In have been almost worshiped by him. bled as I waa, and in every case I havo AO the chords of th%;|reat harmony refinements of social life! . Thelaccom- an earthen jar t a k e i from the ruins 1892, when her youngest child Was two learned they proved as beneficial as with are snapped. ^Ron the brightest home pljshments of Mary Queen of Scots of Pompeii. T h e *fheat praa .taken months o^ld. "he caught her around the Another Vic :1m. me. , Doan s Kidney Pills would be cheap 1 this- world ever saw our first parents make her patronage.of Darnley, the from a chamber in one of the pyramids, neck land nearly choked her." In 1894 Romantic Lover (to himself)—She to me at almost any price." turned their back andj ted forth on a profligate, the morejjappallipg. T h e the butter from a (tone nblelftin an lie th|rew a brick at her, She "dodged For sale by all dealers, price 60 cents. path of sorrow the broken-hearted myr genius of Catharine It. of Russia only old well/ in Scotland, where for sever the brick and it tore a hole in the w a i t " has refused me. She (hall suffer! I riads of i ruined race, p , ;t seta forth in more powerful contrast al oanturies It had lain in a i earthen Mrs. Costello furthermore 1 accuses, her will darken-her life at the cost of my Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, N. %i solo own. Ah, ha, proud beauty! You agents for the U. S. Renumber the name,' . DQ. you not see. In j the first place] her unappeasable ambition. The trains*- crock fn ley water, i nd th > wine was shall drag through thu coming years Doan't, and take —»other. latjlons from the Greek and the; Latin the danger of a poorly regulated lnrecovered from an 011 vault i a the city knowing that a suicide s blood is upon qulsltiveness? She wapted to know b y Elisabeth, and her Vonderful quallr of Corinjth.i There v ere s i t guests at T h e first n e w s p a p e r in t h e m o d e r n your head.4 flcatlons tor a queen, make the mora how the fruit tasted. She found out, s e n s e Was issued m o n t h l y a t V e n i c e i n disgusting h e r , capriclousn<ss'of af- the table, and each t a d a inouthful of (Shoots himself. Cuitain.') 1330; t h e first<English n e w s p a p e r w a s -but six "thousand years have deplor|d fection and her hotness of i temper. the bread and a teajpoonftul of the , The Proud Beauty (r< lading from the published in 1022; t h e first A m e r i c a n /that unhealthful curiosity. Healthful The gTeathesa of Byron's mi id makes wine, and,was permitted tA, help himpaper the next day)—ftr, A. S. S. Soft- in 1704J •' jj. .cariosity has done a great deal for let- the more alarming the Bylron.'L'sensual- self bountifully to th<r butter there' beihead, a boarder at, Mrs. SUmdlet's ters, for art, for science, and for rell-j N o need t o fear the approach o f ing several pounds pf I t Tl ie apple jar {boarding house. No. 31333 Avenue X, . 'l,r gton. It has gone tkiwn into the «yj croup iif y o u have 1 Dr. T h o m a s ' liclecheld about two-thlrdf of a j a Ion. The committed au'eide laat evening in his tric Oil *ih the? house. N e v e r w a s depths: of the earth with the geologist! Let no one think that refinement of fruit w$S sweet and as &m\y flavored room. He had appee^ired unwell for case, t h a t it w o u l d n ' t cure if used a t and seen the first chapter of Genesis manner or exquislteneas of |4a3te or as lot it had been pr«jserveq[ljiut a few jseveral dayflj Thus one more case is t h e ouj|set§: written In the book of nature Illus- superiority df education can! in 'any months added to the long list of suicides from trated with engraving an rock; and I wise apologize for Ill-temper^ tor an i Mrs. Patrick Mu rrav. pf Black m a n la grippe. stood with the antiquarian while h oppressive spirit, for unkind ness, for township;' Jacksoja c o u n t y , has died In Sweet 8li iiplleit; *. blew the trumpet of resurrection over any hind of Bin. Disobedle ice Oodfrom tMdriesrect'ivedi in a r u n a w a y . . Truth' i^ sweet simpucit' expressi buried Herculaneum aid Pompeii, unit. 'wajrd and transgression man vard can 1 Shoots t o Have I l l s tVrfe. the thoughts that jbiijid and] ijhe worqs til from their seputcbn there came up givje no excuse. For^ bronchitis, a s t h m a or k i n d r e d Accom tlshment Crazed with drink, Clinton Rouck, •haft and terrace and amphitheater. heaven-high is no apology for rice hell-, that burn Conviction in huinun under^ t r o u b l e s of \he throat or l u n g s , ' t a k e Newton Fritz (and Harr) ufford enterstanding, land steadilr, w l t t unfailli Healthful curiosity ban enlarged the deep. edi the house' of Henry an Busklrk, Dr. Wood's No'rwav Pine S y r u p , a house* eye, detects and disci ises t< < :he brave telescopic vision of the astronomer unnear, Bast Btroudsburg, W., tbe t other hold Specific forafl of these complalota, y subject also Impresses, me with spirit that 8tand8 by what It believe*. til worlds hidden In thejdlstant heavens regal influence of woman. When I One- has said that M truth, lay, and attempted to aiisahlt hlfl wife, A p a c k i n g house w i l l be e s t a b l i s h e d I he light. have trooped forth and have joined the Eve. with this powerful'Influence The husband was in bad with pneu at Fenijivilie. -' -1^.. •.'-'•• JOHN H. COSTBLU). trtfvelB in straight Hies"—fib it It is a choir praising the Lord. Planet! r Adam and over the g< lerations divine ' nonia; Hearing his ^ rlfe^i cries for essenee.Phil idelph a Metho- hasbojnd of calling her offensive names weighed against planet and wildest! Rev, Wm. Stout, VVlarton. Onfci w a s t have followed, It sUggei ts to me dtst, In the! presence of her children and the lelp, he secured a r e o v e r i a n d fired completely cured of Mrrofiila after IT comet Isssooed with resplendent law. great power ail women havo, for ? ' The ball' entered Rotck's stomach, , r r^ servants, and of making'" allegations physicians had fallad taglve him relief. ,. Healthful curiosity baa [gone down and or for evil. I have no i rmpatby, The latter fired four si iota In return, Burdock Bloodi-Hlttcr* did It ^ about! her character. Mr. Costello has found the tracks of the eternal God in Taken frnn Mr*, have you, with the hollo r flatterthe polypi and tho starfish trader the ies! showered upon woman t -om rthe n Manager—I wish to congn tulato ydti. twice |sued his wife for an absolute d|- i « e striking Van HUski'k in the right Both Peopli Ulk little III* Into, great ones, hut sea and tb«/nijetty ol the great ta platform and the stage. Tleyntaan y o u have managed to draw >icturetf vorceii Ho brought hia first action in jroost, penetrating the lungs. ure dead, Rouck and Frit* are ,iow •eldom talk, HttMsiHidH into «rtfiii oi\e4' . hovah encamped unde' the gorgeous nothing;, they are accepted at nnthlng. Absolutely conwfnmifte IrejjiiUlvenert 1891, knd discontinued It. He hagan under arsist, put Hnffprd has ao far second action la 1803, she says, and ftfaP*rm*ff«BU>Ourf4,NoAUom«rfi>af|tt«arUe curtains of. the dahlia. It has studied Wdmnh'i nobility consists li the «>• (for your villain. - Author-^! jtunka, awl his fttr tt trl sroiflST'lJ"** »' Or> Wisn's Umsl N«r»«K«« (jus to mb \ * a Jury In Coil olvded capturo; [fully; bl^ the oompHn)«nt li . , „ , ,..„ , ,,» i ° -I * ' before w n the ipofs on the sua, and the larva In of a Christian Influeiios; and Pa., a vejjllct w a s renderod a beach leaf, and the ill ht under a fire- hjen I see this powerful Ini uebc« of batter half. It to a <J«*ei<lrni m of ma ,dorsp^rt, n \ Hapher* Harder Man irift, her favor, allowing bar 1300 a month fly's wing, and the teriible ey«-glance Bve upon her htisband and ipon the by my wife when I rffuisd to buyr h«r Fsith |M the thing that mike* the Christian Mr. a n d Mra. W. T. liok*ll, Hying In rich alimony. He paid ths alimony for,'a Sftsrdiw ban nnt eyerythlng •!•«. ] \ of a condor pitching fri m Chlmboraso, whole human race, I make up my mind a now honntt.—Tit-QIts, few rnonthi, according to h*r affidavit, the country near H o w a d j L a k e , Minn,, It has studied the myr ads of animal- thai the frail arm of woman ( mitrilts but dllscontlnued It after that, ana sine* were robbed of #400 anc murdered last Kdaeate Ymi llowe^s With ^as culae that make up tpe phosphores- a blow wtjlmh will resound th oiigh all I Melaphorleally •ueaii|li «< that, aha fay*, ihehai been living on funday night, T h e Instrument of! OiiidyfJatliartli'.ciirt'cim^tlpatumfursvsr. cence in a ship's wake, hnd the mighty j •teblty dowa among the dur goons or 81(1110(-80 you traded youjr pld honb 10c, IfU rU«0. e.fall. difugitMU F«efond—owner, borrowed bohey, and olwes a bfll at rnasa of suns, and splieres, and con*- an among t » thrones, for this ph«, did your Whjalj .did yoi the Fifth A.v#nu« hotel, in Now York, death WM an ax. wh(<ili waa found Iq I h« yard oovered with blood., There Twoutarn keep n d their motion inyae itellattous, and galaxl* t that blase on! | Of course.B am not sppakln [ of rep- get to boot? SkUtle-M)|*iU -N«w ( sphere. -»h»ke»pcare. amounting jtb |500. Costello, it la al- • bo d e w to the murdirera. la MM march of Ood, Healthful OH- •a«entatlvt-#)men—of Bve, w|o ruined York Tribune, ! r ; 'f A T ^ W Experience' w. X • >r ~& ; * f i: -% S •t- • f >• 7' M •*•' Sc ••-'• fk ±y ¢1:-- V *i ' L 1 m % J, U** I . s - ! j , R . £ i- A / <A . / i ;• '• > • • > . tmWM .' ;•• . ••-": . .'I < ' • . . - • • ' — ™ : I N ;*••«/ />fi *" 'la* ¥, '(, < "{mi t'i :P> c* i ,v -A,<~ 'h/-Ad "fki .'r. 1/ ,n ^ j^gwq W^sWfyF - f ^'Wj -,,1-- j U ! ,< " , A'-*>:^ - " "i '{>.' if -~ w tf^/WTT?1^ , ' • ? •' i * I IJT . ,*t ,V, I ' i 1 i. .. ' ' i 335X1 - *fS-i^~.i«»* efir^ff ii^r^n^r mw < 11 S T iiiwn'i/'iKill,; i|,«,i,n» THE WTTLK GABPENi, A KIRS AKTRAY ;• J* TOEATMM r S Mm »»HI7» iHWi MHft Miwfj/f Ml* IMiwa M«'' j .MMiM 111« |»H«N«» ' 1 'ililft tlPlltflffi MtUV, mill l%ii* It '»!»' i i , » • ;.II . " , S - V ' y j ' i l «i i iilii I f Ihopa oM'fashtoned n>e|oiJr|g»aa TOPICS brimming, with brave ppwehw *nd new, too, Ronvfei» of Rowers went to Th> ninld'«i)|d.ilia v/aj draislRg, the old women at t?e home, and the old ^™ ii iwsstbla W«i»||l lea «4 M ew>n| men.were glad w| have a. buttonhole irwrnf j * • ••j-v'T' - - * : - <•'-. p*" n)y mmglj faaftlQAJJ W«Dt UfAfV bouquet »Plwef and the mairun nf tb#l >nHe iter?, WO man W«F« nil* ter PPjmRW 1 mm 'iAVINOi A N P R P I N O S Qf THR ^ I Hi©I! plftnp, PWWI Dad oomaj HftlM hid »WWf |#ftl tveijr 4»jr from (Inn »tftMrMf In m\Mmn» »t is! Km*! the loverf' am PWAVBRPptK, U»» ItrflPowF wal AMi/'s garden, ««!»»mpffgf'ffl m* A M w I p n tM}f\m MIFN ttllve. T V '"'" PUP «f fl»8 »f fM I WW) liltjw,ftid H mm* In fit (he »n-! Mim nm« fi/'U/HiMi Msllprfil fir Hr * N M tfl*ll»» away dt ft A4,|«»t foldwmi Mr p»m« *win itrwr 9»t F»M, pnit *H *»rd*Rl«J wag nier Ifif KWMI", RIH Hpttiwn ln»Mmh nii( f n, lArWlwWr W6JWPFP imrm »llv* IHH lid' F-lffl Hf 1» ItFMfflMlf fffiff kill" A ROMftW'lfUtifli RMfflBM MM J»hn tft (a|p a |HMw Will m»\t "l N»w Vwk , M miifi In Hi» M»p m m Templenw mm* W {m ifwlHwwi I *»rfr imm \ m hm i n f i l1l t'iifw pfm MID hifffflvDFi"»»*»MriiwiHir)»•"••« a ifo* RM K» f j j ^ H W f t i f t H i ' ii'ln "r#P W * F P H«pif UfiMWt WlRWr WMtiM I pffl iKr»#i 1 jm m m m iH IIIMOII- l l l l l , rrll|«^F>f """' " ' alHlM FflHIRlJfrflHrf fRty www D#?K ui m e m OF fy«HP/ Nflfllftly I fill p M'frl frfffWif FH irm »mi»F IHKM*/ IPfinMHI* Mf WlWIftf, Iftll AMiV Kffflbl M\M m» lip P MWnbMMm tfrMl l||ft •IfUsM'li' '' wiifii (flf/t w»wl Kiwi M I M > I A , MNI mm m{ WMHi MM In M I M I M ifu«,««Wrii|>' FWlimilM /iw,/i|y »i«4i4r »w f "t**i# • "MM* Mf »MH»f fl/llf NWlfff BlftflM WW bMM FMfrjftff 4'""" IN tyMH lit HljIlM ItHfkp, ftlilf III HW III/ .,. .. , WlllM H W » , " Mill fill |/|f*lV|M ihmw 1, hm lifw, mmw wjii| if MI, wm («/'«* (|l/|f'if|l!HfrWil iRrwiMd Uflil Ifl^H . , IrM* f)p«f 'MflMl 'M»* OjftllWMr f'lll (i III* | rttlMlffflfr II k til M fWrtBHI ilf'H fetf »»»WM» ll«f III* fflfflfc |H*llH If fnW'll III llfn |<|| fn^lf |fftf' |il( ff|#f«H' 11 nifi mw\)«i* mmm(Mm i mm 1 \k mim mm I Uw 11/«« /1/ iMIll ll'W «i»HHW W* f»»f will ; 1 1(/Wrf iHfll llriVlU IHifll ffWlP mil IfrfllfKiWttf II WIBWWWJ I M w i J KlH'l. far |i||<f (ill* |>/IWn t e f l M i l l hi M i :t lll 'FWWll |H»rf»F# \M |HJ"PFI««»' Mtflll rVHIl MFRNIIOPMI i i -n ' ^>* ' JlrWUH W» fmiHlflH Itllllfff |» r» f ifffnMwl \hi\< m\\ ill In Im v i l l u s ' frifi n»( iliu mm iw|/nl«i' jmiiiH HMW-' MllllWWHI IllHHlIt* Willi n>U *WM llMll^HHIIflHIilll \)m\M H W i l l HlH ; ( t#lllH/ II lU.IWi '' 'w ' «>i*£•J •w t V. i (* I "iV a* *?* '^!,5] l" s. ( jhr-tfm* •My „^>" $*' * S 'rS^*.V it i V ,[ T liSt^.I^.I, '.<:b .AI ,.r,, \.. I n -UL .VMVrVdg, •;:,-. jtr?.. -JLA. <%, 4 i: Hr •-1 >: "li " 7.>v M £• 'J .-i^jiM.-.a'i-Agi'.-.j. ...1 ^t.i- i- ^i <i iVhr->< '•?. t |i/ii l nf a llil/'f Alo/iii I I)'/'IMI'H '<n iiii'iiiiiiiifiMiiiii/ii fin wi'iii mi m \ m liven m mm/ 'i* ii uifwlim ftVHifilHiV i\mmi i i lie Mi\ llMM/iH It/ fHIIHll IKII lni/1 liilli iii (iiiiiHi('>)iiii vinU)m lltf/lfc III/' 1*111/11' M ill* m i m til ih» Mini'i <wu IIHIH a nif w mm m\ 1« MM mm \b mi'/, mm m m \m MtWr f ^ Mlljj i\ im, mm \mm mi mmww* Willi'] MI m(ijlifIWIIUIII lli'l II I I , l/lll IlKI urn .^t In HIP m»lfldr»mn, ht PlR»y WAm," Miw 1¾ BuFBinlffpiwAFfIn»pn»p»pMp (HI 1'^ Wlllf'll In llMirilllHlllF KHHUllllllll mmi Mi' Fiw MI iir» full »f Hii PHPiilrti mum M l HIM w/'iiiii/'f HF it k m fiii/il^; /1/I Mf», Nn^ii/fi. Umnii IHU* mtilf mtihuw wtfi «1 1 lwi*\ ' i ^ ' »fr> »'"*ir IIMIP «111 *l)i/f/i HHU UM umit' it mi/itii^ taw. nodi m v mmm Mill km** wflii ftwr i<amm<\ \m-m k f^if m UM 11* Mil/ ItW Willi littd wll/ii'jueil ill/) liKifi/CHiJ fti* \tti\* Ilka e l/«/iD»iH //HI (if * I/"Hi, "M» llH(l|^ 1^ H H"^l//'ld /IKNII, tHt Nil ll/zlllllll - im in (nil ^MM, tf»f Mini " ' ilii/'didi (lUMhi nii/M//«iMf, l CoiiiliHi p i , inn llii(l« (Ilf IIMUedlilM (in;* liiid liml Hit'' I^M« aft fariM*. flh, »|atr"* Miid lll»ii .-,J . l _ . M)M\ (I H*le/I til 11, Hilt tl!e\IU«t >W^ iifid MK\? *M\tt<ri Willi , .. „,, _ Ifilijnr'fttMM. #1111 (I* fKfllfll \H frKhJlHKM Hilll UHlty llitmirtrfllwifly itinilitiHi'il HIH iii'ibF, tiMW \rm» («««1 MrtKlftft Hwfi. NOVhL ULASS UWftfeH, ««f i HWWHHy him* Mnml Mi(» Mmit IM/III »l(illllll*-l.||)| Nil KliK* 0/ till* f«JU-a." '->• c af/iili/ilei., riMrfjly IJIKHIHI UUI m^.v of j-ointi Hif|iiil<>tf>l^ iiiiini|i/iN'/l tu w«F«i i'tmimiu^t, Mmt, (Jin yiuiiiiii'^ * iietife WM«H Nitr u« l'««fiii in Mw« mini IM emiflilt'tu'i*,' /tmi w MUMM iltmiile-tl.vwl l/ltot, g| 1 will . fth>limn, Vlgofi bllYllahi'y, and Milt* i'*t'lnli«^f, /'hook, f^ifliio, lun't tiiat "f h«>r wattt (if pl(!k\ Up ill* «*«!»/' | Ilka Hay» I[HMH Om , couliif mi Uim t confidence; 1111( fwl* i-dldii'il hiij)w4i^viw~-rwui'a «Hiiit 4if« nrV and nimtfn liavo iiwii UU> (lllllf Of iHHt Higlltf "Pw Un(•<•<*l" • da Id th#> mtntytint, lllllll tJr. rcMiikllti U. Halley of ll/.Ntoii IIMM 1 ,r "JrVho did yuu thlrih it waa?' ; (he eliitna'tei'lsti •» of Miss Oogtoi'^ ntisworcd l^iillio, "It is, Indeed, Met Wh«» are you going to dig my gar' a M«r*(i| dfirli'g of /MHtlilg gltitR. Wrllr "t|hnt won mi the old lady aald| bti( tirtlng. The«(t (lujilltlos are upveV Inok] t^igiit'e thief," Two (tateftlves, who den, J Jobhf A« aaked, *it#>r a while, ' ina HlHiitt thla device in (lie Jouciiul of «iil)uo*ltt« tM*»nlt« litt iiiittisft'M,'« "fhia iiterooon/' aild John, "and Hduiaiion he »t»yg| nifatigV W.oiild m«y,tli*t th«fe) would aheljNald It With a nbrth pole mH of lug In flitything that aim 4does. They* were stnhdlflg n^ar, heard these words your ma nay* you «an have all th»» be |l(U« to chutme betwetin fh«m In the deadly lt/tti|ioi,iir» thkt net me shiver- are reimhlnji, ttki, In these days wheti and at once followed the cctor, whose length of that fence for your gardet) I "To eut a'bottle, or an^ cylindrical *yes,;of the oth«r ten, singe one wan ing 0 my vlUl* with a cold perspira- a rather bloodl^ea' manher of stage strung* dress and cleiih shAven face thla year. And Ml make It good an«i object with a diamond or Mteel wheel quit! as attractive ai the other, and' tion, l saw ^ an instant that l had performance inu l^k apostles, audi made him look not rtltogetlior unlike a cutter, even If one, la .provided with betrayed every thing], so 1 plunged stranger yet, its admirers. Miss CogHj convict, |They soon overtook and Arrich, and1 not tdo rich, either. I'll plant Much a tool, It «n {exceedingly drfflcult botnlwould pass for fine-looking, aweet peaa from there to there, an<! taak. . The old method of applying u ally the one who, wiki to tell the deep Br Into complete Imbecility, My Ian never lackedMo naturalness, either! rested him. The .astonished actor wM> when they bloom you muet pick *wy hot pojeer to a de«ip groove made with stor*! Interrupted |he exchange of dear! Mrs, fe,mpleton| 1 didn't exactly | and If some of th t nejrer comers oh th Competed to accompany them to the lhat fower off every day, or you won't have. - I'm sure Ijdldn't mean any- j stage could1 kee^ their unconventlohj police station, where he had to waif trivial remarks;with this, apropos''of ni<W thin i, but If waa sd)' startled-1—I- alfty, which Is no better than hera until the Inspector had finished, his any more. Sweet peaa were made 1 ^ ! 2 1 ¾ . ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ " "V"*** nothmg that hall gone before1 It: be generott. with; thly won't bloom for ' just ^ 1 as ¾ ¾ . ^and i J * .in ! ! 0much] ^!?.^ . . ^tlmt .^1 "Well, of course/ thla enlds me' with faci Is, I'm 4ot at a'jl well this even- and could add td it some of the vigoi lunch—that was' not* until half past neatly less lngf Please give miy compliments to which she learned froin the iild-foshf three o'clock. The mystery was tlwn atlngy folk. Lotas, ot flowera are like by rotating it underneath a common Jet the Templetons.!' * that? r 'Mlsi Templeion,' an<{| notj lcn.ed actors with whom1 she was assot speedily solved) and "last night's a<f say I was not "Oh¥l don't see why, Jack," waa the of gas and close to! the burner. A still ."Well, I like to give Howere, to I ant more Interesting method, by means of answer, taken' up evidently where It feel' sg well, !and< had! to leave without elated, it would be better for the thief," hungry, thirsty, half angry and" half atnused, was, at length able to glad." aald Ftoeey. "Plan^ lota and ' .which,Just as good work can be done, had Men "left unfinished on some for- seeing her. (ilood e^efnlng!' With that, theater of today 'proceed to his hotel. Iota of the flowers that like ua to be ; Is by holding the bottle over the point mer dfceaaton. "You'll hove to go there, 1 fa1 rly ran out of the room and the gonerodSj John. Itajpo splendid to be of a cojbmon eandle blase. With' a all toe same. Once In a while, any- hodie. By t;he way. I left that cane „_ „.„..»——. a - leader „.—y. ~ As „.. Madam Montbazon, One of the clever women In the cast going to have a great, big garden llk« snn\ll wax candle I succeeded In leading way, just as If nothing had happened." ydtj like so mulch at tjhe house, but I'm the MFronde," ih the ill-fated comi! thai, twice'•a big as I Vver had before. • i cut five times around the bottle, spb> ' "N# this ends the whole business. atk fled so long as ('l got out 4llve. *opera' "The Wedding Day," at' th of Messrs'. De' Longe and Arthur's Ob! how nice everything le!" why; but ex> you No>, do you thl^k I Shall do any'more pwlnb, Mies Luejille S.aunders did som^ rather j ailing It like ajwlrej colled into a apring, NatuMlly you don't seewas "Kor some folks, Miss Flossy." aal^ and did not use quite an inch of the wouldflf I told you jsverythlng. j creditable singing and acting. Mlsi ^mt month, It's and calllbg at the Templejton's?" John; "and you are one of them." Xm ot t h e well, though, ( M excuse I need " Jack was expecting either symj Saunders appeared Mn "The Qipsjj .__ . .w . i . .1. . - . J #* bottle, the width or the to go abroad r or adylce, nojr that his story 1 Queen" last fall, and previously bek Jostthin »t that moment a pale face, guuw In the spiral being but a little with cheeks and closelittle cropped shall have/all t told, he certainly got neither ar- j good engagements In various coml< more than Its thickness. Bottles are , hair, waa poked In at the gate. It was easily cut with a line jet of burning gas g at one Uch) from Archie, who broke out into opera companies in London, as clean as possible, and the hair was sa follows: Scratch the bottle with a she—-'in that quarter for good a wal of latighter that attracted the nyself brushed until It shone, but ihe big file along the edge Qf a atrip of paper. no matter abdit her. I've flfl- wojnlerlng aitentibnof every one in Miss Alice Evans, known In,private apron and the thick llt,tle shoes told tied around it for al guide. Remove the Even so. Why sbduld you the\oon;, an^l even startled the sedate , life as Mrs. Wilton Lackaye, 1B aii that the child lfved at the Poor HorneL paper, and. rolling the bottle, best ft walf ers. ( j aetress who has won some' favor In the Her fiame waa Abby. She waa the along the scratch j to a little distance at'8 the use <i springing that I, really hek your pardon, old man," [eyes of critical metropolitan audiences^ only child there of any siae. The rest ahead before the crack starts, or the old stSpff about 'other] fish in the sea' he tald, when he cfoiild finally speak, j Bhe has had-an extended and varied ' were bablss. Besides there were sev- latter may leave the mark. With thin on m|? This isn't tlikt sort of an af- but there Is a trenWndous funny side j experience on the) stage, and at differl eral old men and women. glass the crack will follow the gas jet fair feith, me.; Like «ln infernal s|sa I to y >ur adventure. Honestly, my dear ent periods in her career has essayed The Poor Home waa a bare place, quite steadily witjhout much heating couldn't keep It to myself, not from Jacli, I'm not laughing at you, but just roles that were both Importaiftvand without tyrees or flowers, except one or ahead, but thick gl isa is liable to creek you, anyway. But 1 |can trust you. thlnt of mating such an awful break-,-popular. Her best worlf hfta^paps two potaf in the matron's window. by 'fits and starts' After some prac- ,Whatf|dld those old Temple'tone want with old lad] Ten(ipleton! Why, shel i been in the way of character^Mprpref Ploray»fa her lovely little dress, with tice you! can dispense with th* scratch, to Interfere with It 'or? I've been a the main,brake and ihlef pjllar in Dr. tatlons. She is a woman of engaging her fair hair tied with a blue* ribbon, except an Inch or two where the1 ereack trifle ffttBt; I've spent a pot of iponey, Bartjon's ehul-ch, and| this is her first | presence, and has given much of her was a great contrast to little Abby. la to be started. Sharp edges rare I've & ne -heaps of things I'm nofpax- scandal in *r lpng and highly re-, time to the sincere-study of her art. " She always felt sorry for the little' smoothed with a wet file. Thin battles , tfcul y proud of rfmembering. But spec able career!'* j girl, and now she smiled at her and may be cut with a flat wick oil lamp,, with er 1° would be )nly too glad to Jaik gazedi ruefully'at Archie. , "] AC1NES FINDLAY. , Eleancjr Dulse was enthusiastically called: but the line must be scratched en- settl own. I don'i suppose I could '"Vrell:** he Rlghed, \ daresay there Is received'In Russia. There were neve} comedir, "TheI Guy Mr. Llghtfoot,?' "Come In. Abby; we are planting our tirely around, and even then the glass ' n-ak uch of a fist o|f working' for a sonv lining ftlnny abbut It—for some- less than Aye/ thousand rouples In th which was rJecefttly put on the stage garden, and mamma says ^ am to have will not always crack where dealred. ow. I.ueMly I* J<lon*t —** — need to, bod] else. I lut hovf about me—and theater at each performance. In Berlli of the| Bijou theater, is Miss Agnes , there was at leant forty-eight h'.indn all that place beside the fence f o r a y With little practice bottles may- be„out and I could be a decent cltl- her? What hall I do?" Findlay. An English actress, Miss own." I ;* "lo? Do 1 nothing} old man," Was marks in the house at every represen' Findnfy made her Initial appearance Into spirals from end to end, after ny rate. But tjhOMe Templetons "How nice, Miss Flossy!" aald Ahbyj, which they can be stretched considerahave an Idei, that I'm a kind the hilarious' rejoinder. "You're all tatlon. She was most successful In In this country in the play just named. fomiag timidly through the gate, and bly without breaking; when released dressed tough, and-they let me rlgh :',• and; I' 1 bet a hat on ft. You "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray," and In She p ays her role acceptably/ and making a courtesy aa she did so, first1-glass will resume Its original length hrough mutua|l friends—con- just keep qu et and wait. Meanwhile "Makda." Sudermann was enthusiastic seems to be a good character actress to TfcMMgr and then to John. "How with'a shaTp click, showing Its great h,eir friends- 'hat I wouldn't tiusi to me t|> keep mum." in his praise of her. "You are the real of the' Alice Fisher stripe. In other * i fe , • •' • • author of the play," he said to her, words, | she is not'afraid to transformA, wonderful It must be to have a gar- elasticity. Teet tubes, lamp rhlmneya, y chanee with her if they' could •,' Wiien Jac^ reacbejd his bachelor after he saw ter in his drama. den of your own. I think I should go thin glass tumblers and breakers are It, Still, I'V) Ijept on calling herself| Into a feature hideous and unqujai ters that! night hie found this note wild If there was a garden at the home/, very; easily spiralled. Both tumblers retty often. I couldn't • I ' lovely. She does not hesitate to hide ' and particularly if I had | little place and breakers! the mthor has so cut as awayi itnd finally' one day I told |her a wafting him, If the theater managers are to be be- h>r personality under a covering ot to be stretched to twice their original how an >ch I felt toward ,her," ot my own." [West Fifty-first Street. lieved, and they should be trusted for tllck words,: rags and painted wrinkThcti i Was a long silence her^, but /Dear J< ,ck:—What did you do tb the statement the bicycle is playing les. Bravest eff< rt of all, however, on "Should you, Abby?" ashed Floss/!. length, and the snaller part of'an arShe/thought of what Job* bad said^ gand chimney he has cut Into a spiral Arch^lniade no atten pt to end It Jack man n.a the < ther, night? I came down-, havoc this apring with the attendance Miss Findlay's part, she makes herthat the world was a nice place for of sixty coils within a length of eight took li s; p fro: his glkss, whirjted it stalls and fckind her in the drawfhg-' at most ot the big playhouses. The self ap >ear ugly in the interest of pure inches. The gas flame used waa butaroui!( pack and fohb half a doten roofxi i Instead of {you. Tb{g gentleman Jtolk, and, she was one of them, comedy and rollicking fun. one-fourth inch in length, and with It timesj n jthe table by the stem, find at ybd Ball Jacs (rather familiar it seems mild evenings ot late'have enticed outily ahe realized how different of-doors the majority of, persons who was also cut In twe evenly and smoothlast w nt on without looking up. \lt mast be for Abby. An idea rushed ; tb he) is ill,' Bh6 said. "At least, he Tide wheels, and who might otherwise Wait Ington's Weak^iew »t th* Bat. "I jslppose I may ait well tejl you told me so, a id he asked^ me to present be counted on as purchasers of theater tatoher mind and she said:" j ly a bottle three^elghths of an inch Ther! is no one that fts more fully thick. Any one possessing gas, Bunsen the Wholfc thing/ We went on 'after- hlsj apologlei for not, waiting to see r " 8 l t down, Abby, and wait here, anf burner, a little glass tubing and suffiaware )f the fact than 3. Earl Wagner «11 ward [Just the same its ever, as far as yoif.' Of exurse, I Was dreadfully seats. r|l t*t you a piece of cake." that the Washlngtons are weak at the cient patience can!make his own cut• 6f course ahe Intended to get the ters. To do so held the end of, a glass the Templetons saw, They prqbably frightened, t it mamiria, eaid she was Mrs. Selena Fetter Royle Is a south- bat, and there Is no one that will do eaJte, but ahe also meant to do som*!> tube, about one-fourth Inch in' diame- took {ne to be a prett:' industrious call- suije the ills :ss was not in any way ern woman who has attained consid-l more lo correct this evil than Mr. thing else, and when she had asked the ter, In the blase df a Bunsen]burner, er, bdt nothing more. They took good dam erous, 1 ecauue she knew' what erable celebrity on the stage. She is Wagne *. i He' knows full well that the cook for cake she ran to the library, and rotate it till the opening jbecomes rare, though, not to leave us together caused It. i Ifere you really very .lfi, the wife, of" Edwin MUton Royle, who Washiigron enthusiasts will stand by where her mother was writing letters, so small as to be | almost or, quite in- much sftill we founl neans of keep- Jaat ? Do -j ou know, mamm.a was ie best known as the author of the him, and he feels it his duty to give and cried out: visible to the naked eye. If, however, ing oj^r affair going, »ml she promised Just' as sweet as she could be about It. play '"Friends," which was seen ,two them a good team .and with this vjlew "Oh, mamma! May I do what I like the. tube is held in the' fire a second to wajlt, dear girl,'as 'ong as necessary, Shi comforti d me, and said I should or three seasons ago. Mrs. Royle is a solely 1 ie has lines out for several well .with the lovely big garden 'ypu said too long the hole clloses entlrelv. The or until Her father and nother get into wrjts this no e to you, "witb^her comi- member of her husband's company, known players who fire bard, hitters, cutter can, of .course, be used on any a different frame of mind about me. pllnients,"—( le'was, very pairlcular *f which is now "on the road." She made and if 11 will and money can land them abdit my pulting that in—to you, her greatest "hit" as the kittenish they w 11 soon be in the fniform ot the table by connecting it with rubber tubto ci II at the bouse tomorrow, morning. I widow in' Brbnson Howard's play, Waehir gtoh club. With two good hard, ing to a common gas burner." J Shi says she vants to talk to you about "The Henrietta." „ , hitting players Washington will give '' youi iljness she told me to be surclo them all a close cal. While the local underline word J. And, Jack, she Composite Photographs. I Emily Bancker is an English actress, enthusiast^ are disposed to roast> actb illy sdidV she has been looking up A composite photograph Is a very who began her American cireer in Messrs. Wagner, at the snowing of the youj recbrd, ind she-is convinced you Interesting study, and is often used to Rosina Vokes' company, and first team at ,th|e prejsenr time,' they are do•rAi'i much letter young man than she Illustrate a class, aa, for. instance, strove for stellar honors in thedomedy ing th4m ja great injustice,, aa no one bis; been led to believe. scholars In - a certain class are phoknown as "Our Flat," in which she appreciates thejcondltlon ot things any tographed one after the other on the Y<« will cii.ll tomorrow, as early as played successfully for Several seasons. better. than Messrs. Wagner, and same plate, and the picture Is imppossible, wor t you, Jack? I shall have H,er{ recent metropolitan appearance, they will leave no stone disturbed unposed to bring out the prominent lotf to tell j em. Always yours, i whlth occurred Starch %1 'last, at the, til the whole evil is corrected, and they characteristics of ,the, class. In the December 16, 1885. GRACE. Murray Hill "theater, was made in "A assurances axej given that It will be same way, a club of athletes, a team of i rajther i;ies8> there will be a good Divorce' Cure," which served to Intro- done and early at that, so just wait and football or baseball rtayefs, are pho> deil tc tell tJl around in that house duce hc-r most idvanuigeoosiy, and for give th em the opporunlty, and the local tographed. The child,en Jof one fanv suppor era of the game will have no whlei I get tljere," thought Jack, as he ly make a good composite photo*/ cause to complain. peifirmed same 'foolishness over the graph; and Francis Oalton, the ntan lHtl<> note. 'I don't understand, a bit who originated the plan of making whit Mrs. T;n?leton|Is driving at, but pictures In this way. said tbkj if a j _ Wroiern Aaiootetlon fjnlforini. "GLAD YOU'RE : IN DUMB Hcimcm. I'll ;all to'si'is; her tomorrow, with my picture of a ihlld should' be made at I atfght have for my own this sumf The annual spring meeting of the the rate off one each six months or a Ton kriow that way I Have of drum- lift In niy hands, if the heavens don't mer'r Western Association waa! held at Peming out tubes on the piano?'* / fa! Mn the n Han time." year, the Wsult, after a number of "I suppose so." said mamma. "I'd years, w°u>d make a most Interesting orla.^ 1. The ^delegates'! adopted the The* question seemed so Irrelevant • ' • '* • • , » take John's advice/ though, if I were study df the srowth of a family type that Archie looked, up amazed. schedn e of championship games for ifsck, at th'e p'resent Writing, Is a . you. as to what to plant In itj," the coning season and referred minor "Wb. ye*," he answered, hastily, "d<j*ent eltlai-n. at any fate." ai|d a or characteristic. To make a composmutte/ii to the president, with power "1 do not mean that." said Floo»y. "I ite picture the heads must ajfbe posed "What's 4hat *ot to do with it?" me "led one, He recovered that cane to act. Un]forms*were selected as folwant, to know if I may give half of It in the same position and oit'tbe samo "Everything, everything.. When I fron the T-vi,)jeton house some time lows: Rockford, gray and blue; Duaway to a little girl who has none. She line, and of course at the/name dis- c tiled On her I often used to sit down age, by the M.janl Archie is carrying buque, blue and red; Cedar Rapids, would come every day to enjoy It. and tance from the camera. A- full-faO at the piano while watting for her id Hi uw as a jtejille reminder thatcerwhite and block; Qulncy, gray an A ahe would be so happy. It Is little view or a perfect profile la the beat eomefdifwnstatrs and p^ay sonw mel- tal i thjnj,- (iie n^t to be discussed outbrown; pes Moines, gray and black*? orphan Abby from the Poor Home." position^ for a composite photograph, ody she liked. 1 was Intlntatfc etiough sirfj of ceittiln circles. Arch \ also, St. Jos»phv gray and rod; Burlington, wjth thd family for that.' t .yd a fool Mamma put down her pen and and the full race is to lie preferred. har a 1* A ^( rip than usual In his colgray, I due and white. The Peoria (bought a moment. "What a rtrnngi aa when the picture la taken/in- profile Idea,. I juppose, that my plailng ^ur lects un tit 'ruigeor, ulub wis allowed to make Its own seIdea." she said. "Yea, dear, If you arf the "composite" nose Is ai ffiosi pecu- a kind |)jf love message. Rubbish, of BMILY IIANCKBR, lection but It must not: conflict with sure, you shall like It all summer,, fof liar shape.. To regulate the time of course. - tBUt a fellow in my condition 1 hit creation of the principal role there- the otl era:, The schedule will appear A,* lltontusr Mentlag. 1 if you once tell the child your mus^ exposure for a composite piot'nre tbo will s)i^i[ose anything. Soaietlmes I'd in she received m>cti favorable comA feature, ^f (len.i O.O. Howard's nexj wsek. not change your mind; that would be tlmt required for a correct exposure be pWylhg louder than usual and vis l to the hglslatuite was the IntroV*1 ment. Miss Rancher Is an actress ol wouldn tjhear halt when she came Into of one picture Is divided ymong trie cruel," dwtlon of 'Mornas Maher, an old sol- E->n*id«r!tJ>!e liblllty, and has;Shown "Oh, I never, never would be so number of personsto;be photographed. the rdo nl Those;times/If the old' folks die I who prMildes over the candy and erself capable of ijuHtalnlhg with Tits A n of Hilt eitnihlQtv If'the correct exposure takes ten secweren't iniund, she would stekl up bemean." said Flossy, and ran back to Hill 'limbing Is an art which oenuoi ciedlt both emittlonujl and comedy clgi ' counter just outside the entrance onds, and there are,'ten persons to, be hind n ej and put her hands! on | my the gardes). be mastered ail at once, and reiuires . , »1JLL:"* ' to lie hall tit representatives. /'Tom" roles. photographed, then for each sitter the should* rk Then I—well, I uafed to put Yon should have seen Abby when practl'cn and perseverance. The bent Iqs his rightj arm In Ithe battle of Fair ahe hesfrd the news, and good natored plate should, be exposed one Second — my sltris) up and pull her sweet little Oaltn, June, 1862., Qen. Howard ulso rMlHH* Anna Walrd Ttffkby Is a woman way for the novice is to start ut a Harper's Round Table. ! face Uolwn to mine, and^pshaw! John, the gardener, smiled with del. Whatlis the use of remembei'ing that los his right arm on the same field. who ha* successfully taken'broad Ir^an s|eiu|y, moderate pace, and climb as fur light, i He planted the' flowers, sad i ii • — i Wl i n Capt. Jkck Ada|tns conducted Mr. roles, in wtilql? brogue and '^bulls'' ok possible without undue exhaustlon,i gave the children lot# of sweet peaa. Bsvllak M an* Ik Wr»to—la ai. Lotto, nowl'f foim the ground jWork and' rapjjd walking the remainder of the distance. Another pause which Arohle jjllled'i Maftsr down! thfc alsle| the members ap- speech.'In jlhje superstructure. Ml^s Gradually It will be possible to climb .and when all the little green point* From! the St. Louis GtobcDemocr it; ptttujled. Th iUppia^jse was Increased cigar eaate peepn* oe* of tb« grouid Ab*y There Is a barber's chair In Houltpn, up . by, lighting . . , ^a fresh ^ ^and...offer-t 8%tike veteran 0fflceri and veteran V l - iTiffany hoe a| magnetic presence on further! and further beforeidtsmounting. fc was so glad that she cried. Aid when Me,, in which Hannibal Hamlin, Fred ?« °M * ? , * * • w f !° ***** blankly^at vatf graaiMid Handsi d|en. Howard [**>* suge; and1 h»«r enthusiastic ^endl- until Mjia hill la takeh ,wijth ease. The the ptanta grew to* aad bfoooted, both Do4glM. Blaine. Oarfleld, Theodore & " T ' ****** "lth0Ut a c c « p t , n « 'V shoved pki mhchtsatjlfEeUon over the j Hon of Irish Character! are of interest. ' "clawlttg," or ankle votkm. greatly aschildren war* delighted. i Tttton and President MoKinley have„|. t n d J n !? f° n t , n u f d : . , ,. ^ ms itagas did "fomj' Miller, who was ^nat now she Is playing a small 'b^t slats hill climhing, and should be ac"Nig it Others had some ahare of p » happG- it la said, sat In. Post I merry part in "The Electrician," on> qnirtd as soon as possible. ' '*' "MI*»» before last I called on her. all imliei,-Boston I u I (// I r f U r s V M l / I W M t f f ''Irfll ffal( *$ t\m»\Y IrttPrfertiiPts, an4 OPRlRV wilful PPIHpllPliy At g«W|rJtPF»i •5J-7 rV ^ ^i*t sv "•m i_^ ''", ^•'•f't'i'FTiM IV WO&typwwf mvmmmmm BW" mm [mm mm... 'saM IllllHllllllltiNHHIIIIll'll! mm ii * M !|!|il»|i!i!Siihl!!|lt* m\ TWiMilmi . ••% A ii (i w »ni 'iiy ii \\m\ II ft HHHlMlmm III f„P«l|H |IHHHIPI« IrtMlUWHL . litpi mm nl IHH»I) ( Kill ii iiiiiiiiii mi k nil mm , M % IL * llnllllllH llHH llttlUf Hill ., WM\\\ " m 1111« oiitHi iiiimi»|iii(i w i miiiiir IfPtJlllllltlLplI lIllHHIi, iiiiil iiiiiiid llin HII mriii l|l(ll|lll llll III |ll||HHf[||ll^iil|l II iiiiii 1m ml Hif i \m>< !f r NCIMIHI Hull m timMmmm. tfHlrll) IIHWWIIIl^^i Hll ,llHliifill HW 1« lllH IlimiililHlhllllli! IVH 11« ^HIRHIlllNl'HllHllili I mm ill kliDiiiliiU* I'jfrtjh^P^M IHHHl it'll rtl)HI;lilll(J(t HN llllfllllitlhllllilll^WHlHHtf, flirt vi'iiifiti NII^H hi imiiiM ii wm'k. WmUnrtlwHHfciHHHH«Hi' llHHi ft |lll|l| 11 IIIH ..,......, » itiiihifliwui'ii w* llUlllltlllttM'lUH 1»; illJUlllljf, mm tin 4iiiiii M ilii' ii|i|iniii i>il mi; Uui JHM.MHA.HH, l , (iHliHHIHlMN iMMIIIIItlll l ' l l § Nl'lt'l ^1 iiiH. Ml|Miiii B ' iliiiiiiiilHiir liiiiWtii- HM n; \\\m ii wm\m\ wum lu » 1 H i w (Ifitl iiiitniini iiinl iifiiN Kiviiii liii iiiitiiiiHii slHU'ljItif Mmd-fHCM-HlHli till 1I Hilt I WlHli Hi' A limit", 4 tWltllt lllllllrflll fill III 1*1 MlHMt|l|lllllllll- Mil llllVlHIm HitiiWiil' III full I WiiliifHfl lit 4if <lili'iliUi'V rinm MN, t Ii, Um iiinl Mf#' iimi. I til lil» ItMH'lWlliil ID It HlllMllHil, r l l lllH l l f h l i m (Hill Hulk will ny Urn |)|I|IN«I MflUtt ii nUl'l '1'llUli' t'lllHlUIIHl liiiiHliiHiifVur iiiltl hi til! lini'iiiittH slid i hi MtMinii Hi nil m^ H W||II, WMliIII ||HH|l|jll»)Nil Wll||^ilHni«HOllHllnilniHW«|lH|^l •Hfi'fiiiiillMliiiiililMlimiin Hl^ ll^Mll HHllHHPllHll Willi lliniif IHHjjf • " iHHI||Jl!)|YlilM!|l!!l!!tf ll4!l|lllllUll|ll'lllll!lHiiHN jilti mmm n Inn fi'imi uui m ItiiiiM i^tmii'i. iM'tiiiiii llll M|D (ttlllHH Hill) llHtitflflHV IJIIHIIH IIH! II illinium! iilO^iin iiinl IMHIt f i m i i . , fl4llitiPMl« A II Ptliifll .llflfltf'ft Hlllttlr Hli'lmllHK HWpr«, ll ,V ftrttltHsllf /\lllllH!^lllll M M I'lHinIlM «i'iilMni'HHf)iliil|Ht.. ! mu\ IH nm l\\m IN MMT win Mi Miir ||nrni HHN \t \ ' w U yi)U , * IH*k 1» llf HI1f HUl'lll III yniiHiwii iHWII, ^4t^^^^^s^0^^srli04^»lJef^sl«fl^aM^ •.fl lint IlllOW II, llliil wlllft HtJMlH In »<«• IH'llill'lt iti<H KHIKMI tiMiteliiilImi''mill Hit' i|itt|i' Ulttili] Din K'Hiilli HlM Nlh I'lllllMI'•Clllliltllll t'ltftiiiitl^ HIM iiimtI, linw mil \y wim.tttill fiiiiuWii, Hut ilmllMiti'ii *lmW' iiitiipi|H HI'H Hiiu'ti, mid HiiniMli I to dm I'H'VIIHI/II n[ Ml«<iMui',v V, MllMlilttil IllU tlMill'lllifll't^llltloli^vliKU'itl Wli'ill'll !<w!ini»if» of 11111(1111 it'Ht limlliH, Itiiiw tlli'I^IU<« bi'|li«i'licll on HtO (it'oKi'MH llltttiy i|tii«lilmn itnij mum, Imvn liMliti lllllllj II, llt'KltllllllltllHI, ilt*kttiMtv. UMOfiR fni' tt MIIIII, tliiky ilhl not milium!, Ml* |ifHvt»nfi<d from I'oiiMiili'rltK tttnfl I ft Ail nlil hninn lM"li)ii)jlii|)[lii Nl(' MUMrimlly Wai'1,1 i'l'iiy hM'kMd In lii'i1 mini iliyimitM million* of'wliit^'oiinmitlnil U«»if«vjaSL>^ U of UHnuttiii' Inn noil to iKo Kinaiuf. Hut iiiliulliiWo iiiHiinm', MIM 1'niy itlvvnyjx imujll«,| tw'il Htn, mjiMi. ruflnwi iirtt|oii« Ttl W i l l i III fllMllfl 11» fllM hl< dtHlf 01 lilibeardlii'l whli M »0,1 tiKliiyuvi'iilug, It «it» in H HIH1I|*UM Psrfset <V»mlH MT i l wurv KIIIM, Tin* In f ti riHH'ivim AH init'iii'M WIMMI HIHI II|I|IOIII* III timoHMfj tftpfn, TiHD wliit* nt tile uitfrtl? Tl |.cn|i|iUi)ii l f « ni «fiul..»nl,. »t&o\ 1( Hj( iSHlnei wJlfcii will si'hi on on trial w'lil Wlii^Nptj vlitOHlty «f the wind aliow* SB A p u n of |».vptU',» wont tlii|«i|tli Hut Tii'iitoiw't iiinl llil^ wiw no nncuptloli, una, A ilifiielory, iiMmfy ndiim • n i l [WSYHSU, jrjjiuwin u»«, 1 It, theqfe DMttlp mix it with wnt*e> In, Kur «««|ti«1v« Icfrtiory, ii.mii muT|irli.'(* vvriU' villus WmlnMuy, Tlwy tvjgjitwl tw Mls^Huttlu .imlth hnlil ttiHiitidituicu V' order (o obtain th«« tui'tni'lr ncltin of W R T U N 0 MfQ 0 0 , , • • MAIN I T . , POKTUND, MIOM. glvu it »h«w hut Ph^ldi'iil Utility ruftt* riifiunud tvltji^i violin milo, mid lucoly- the ww*, M th« \mi aid in tllKttitluK ml to IMIIO it llei'iiau to tlit'in, I ' ml-tt'cinciiilutw n|)|iliitMo, ThtMoJo* bv the nol'ld food, mid not for the alcolfwll) Mis. T, '0'. i^owit ami Mr*. IJeo.lS, hol to titanium, Thcru littv» been any lll At n »|>uclitl in««tliiK "' f Moltoul Jonas wtM'ti both well i'iiiider»d ntni t)iu -nvmbet of dUcusslons, mostly on the board lust Wuduumluy uvuii|)|r the ladl^'uuelvedHhtiir shut'u i;f iipplaus*. pitrt of prohibition ^people, who, abUrni'liei'iT salaries woi« rnlsotlpSlehiih Ross M. Leggnlt fuvorud the Ufdlolice staining from the use of > l n e , prac|HM- month. Jacob Koltfer wili ru-»|with a ulmudoilii solo, and It w i# by fui* tically jknow tht» l«ftst of l t | properties. imluted truant offlcor. 't 1 * **| The young fnen and wnmeft of Fr*ftO«, Ijtu bostjuvov given lu rrentoi. Mr». In Italy and Spain'always have tt The first? row of reserved seals at the Kdward, Oeorgo and MUs Mi clean of their nfeals olaret diluted with drinkconcert Wednesday evoiilng wire "sold Detroit added to the ehjoynient of the Ing waier. They do not ivellsh or crave VQ-OUREa QUARANTEED OR NO PAY I to R. Catalan at Wyandotte, trfe seats entertaliiineiit by their servicis as ar strong dflnks. This Is the experience being Occupied by Dlek'rf |>atio|tfs. At ooiupitiiistsj.' The buluuce of tl te wnter of thousands and mlUlons of "plain tlOflfl IN fiflll) F 0 R A CASE WE the next concert Dick guarauti>» that taiuaiont Mas hiirdly In Its prop »r plage people,? who hava novei' touched a disGEORGE, Proprietor. they will be qualified to sit Inllie last Porter and Lelp'zloger are fa r come tillate and hardly ever used water SELF-ABUSE, BfllSSIONS, VARICOCANNbTC LRB0P House newly renovated through- row. straight. CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT' fj dlans, and at ilrst pleased the uudlletfoe out. Am prepared to receive Aid. Keiger Is being 'cell iu red; or vot- but toward! the last they brought it URE ULEET, 5YPHILIS, 5TUNTBD fcOOUBATH'B CURB. boarders by the day or week and PARTS, LOST MANHOOD* IMPOTBN1 1 ' ing in favor of loauiug the toad Icraper some lo(|ul Igags (?) that were a Ittle tot to serve meal's at al 1 llioure. Kept Too Uusy to Tlilufc Ahoat ;V, | NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNATto the township, but as the vl( jige.ro2 ^rouounceili, also some far fetched jokei He Wai i | t h e III* of t h e Vlesfai. - : . JRAL DISCHARGES, ETC. FIRHT CtjASS 'f°. ueires a good rental and the t< viishlp that were out of jpiace. The comiuittei His nja.Tie'wu* Ooolbath and the way f desires to tJilhkJ d)t who; assisteji. lu th* can only use It when ItUs not sed by that ma|a u>eil H'toomplain was enough the village, we thiukithutj Jake c d just eutertaluinput / • V l H - i • . • • • " . " • The New Method Treatment is t l to makk hjs_t>esi friend give hlnv the 8AND III'JUL,.TAYLOR. rights ..•;;. . /. |. ' : •- ' I' ! cold shoulder, 8..ys the Golfer. It was. Mlltom;. doati spent. Suiuiay|vitli hlls IN CONNWTKJNV Greatest Discovery of the Age 'Shis Detroit, Tribune says that i New slSte.rtnOakville.j,.,''*; . .'."•'" " "Oh. rJy-back!" "Oh. iny side!" and, A ssavovs WBWJX. v'. f; l-OR w . „ CURING THESE DISEASES Strashine ;ftud Jtvarui weothoi are the "Oh T something or other from MonCorner Eureka andtBiddle, Aves., Yoilds^udicamU going to b u | P trick Thousands young_ and J - of . . •_ ^ . .ml<jdl|e _ . . i . . . aged _•_... men are . annually .. swept „ a nfemgjtmrs titosse lie quarrjr foiythe pur iose&! topicsfor g^ujii'al^ou versa tlonf atlpres day mofntng until Saturday night. He grave through _ BARLy, INDISCRjBT IONS. EX .tiSSBiTAND "LOOD ^ __ EASES. If WYANDOtTE. ?*wi3 UBed toI go to see his family physician 'eh/t.; / •'[:'•••;**', •'$:' : : • • ! . "^ ~f' yoa have any of the following symp 0n1a.can.sult u* before His too late 1 Are you nerusiug it in connection with a s«da lisl: vous and weak, dfispojidenuand gloony, specks iMfora the eyes with darfccircles under Ut. and Mrs- Nevjn f (f Loiigof South about Mice a day on an averalge,Vand plant; and^lso siys that, it is, welijcnowi] them,, weak batck. kidneys Irritable, palpitation ot ttfe Imart. bnsliful. dreams and Ind , at% aui'ong the arrfraW this although ( the doctor was ,awap that losses, (edlmept In urltie, plmhlos oo.thf fniw,- eyos sunken, hollow <-li«ekn. careworn that )herris a good fceii of sail uudei Be'iid, expression, poor themory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and .strength,, tired mornCoolbatn Wjasj his beat patient, he also •'•.\ . ... r w e e k , > ' ••' ,''?-.'/... '"•;'' •,,'•• ings, reatlesw bights, changeable ni tods, weak'manhood, stunted .organs and' preortr] the^ island^- This' is good news, « true,| Mr. -Walters and wife of Wilt scallecl knew tpa,tr|^nere: was really nothing ture decay, bimopulns, hair loose, sore throat etc. but wh'en was the salt bed discolored? j on the lajteif'* sister. Mrs. W. ^ . Mud- the matter with him, and he resolved YOU MA VE S zMlNAL WEAKNESS/ say, l!he f»r|e part of the week. OUR NEW METHOD THBATMeW alone "can jMes3rs,;Sniith. Holz auil Kerr If Fen '; Com inun ioniser vices lii the] Presby to cure! him of his eVerlasting comcure you, and make'a man of you. t nderltS Influplaining. So one day he sa'id: "Coolence the brain hwomes active, the Mood purified li^lar lolge, A. U. U. W . , i|Brej;fii: teiiau chuich[next1 Siiuday, conducted bath, *raiat you need is outdoor ejeerf so that all pimples. blotcb»a arid utct rs disappear; Trenton Wednesday and made airaiige by Rev. Wo^uteVs offVyaftdiHte; ; j clse. li|want you io learn to play golf, the nerves bbcoiue strong as s^eel, so that nervousness, bashfUlness and despondent y disappear; tueuts for ja-yisit to Mouguagoui loWgi - W, S. Lo^g pas greatly imprt ved tlie jnd whjen ypO can play came to m«i th«eyes becpnie bright, the .lace fill and. clear, appearance; o^ hUvrtJeidence'-on .Tete'l energy returns to the body, and the a oral, physical next Friday eyeniitg.\They wilflexjyn and repbrt results, and after you have and sexual systems are Invigorate I; ali dral lralns plify thepvorkjSa both degrees aid ivi graph street by,ftfresh c<>tit of {aint { a few walks around the links see if cease—no more vital waste from the system, The 1 Paihmasters in tliis vicinity leceiveW various organs become natural anc manly. You you don't feel as If you had taken a be eutertaiued with a luuiih after th feel yourself a,man and know msrrla re cannot' be their road warrants last week so g^t new lease of life." Now, I have prea failure. jWe'lhilto all the afflicted » consult us meeting.f ^ , '^ } • ; your plow ^tnd scraper ready for a call. viously jtold you there was really nothoonfldentiallylaud free of charge. D< n't ret quacks and fakirs !rob you of you^ hard ei rned dollars. .Last Sunday was Children's dalr andj I Don,'t forget the strawberry f« r'ilval "at ing the! matter wiljh him, but' he felt Wt will ei|rs you ar no pay. ittyastittiftglyobseijVedby the tekehers! Grange haUtouight This deser es your that hejmust do as ttlie doctor ordered, patronage, ^o.come out and havi a good HAS TOUR BLOOD BEEN DI8EA8EDI and scholars of the &I. £ , Sunday School. time and help Hll the church colfers. although he grumbled so much about 5YPHILI5 is the most prevalent am I mostsejrloul It that e W y one wished him in Jericho. An entertao>ing program was, rendered BLOOO disease. It aaps the very Iff* blood of the " F L O U B A X » FEKI> C. H. NixonjpaveJ the, way for a misvictim and unless entirely eradicated from thesysby the children, the best part of jwhtch siouat'y collection jwiiidav mor dug by Well, he leafned the game, and played tefn will affect the offspringi Bewar» ot Mercury. " only alf "^seathe&^inptoms^oujr suppresses the aymptoms-r-oulr NJBW NEW M8f M8THOO was the recitation by Alice Armstrong, "preachinga missionary sermon f om the morning, noon and. F was going to say It HOD positively cure* curei it YOUNil OR' •> IDoLQ.AQeO MAN—Vou've led s gay life, or Indulged a three year old tot, who spoke' and act- .text. "Go ^e into all,the world and. night, for a while; and Anally I happen* ut of youth. Aetf-abuse or "later excesses have broken "down your system. [You feelth* ed around and said: "By the way,' jtc symptoms stealing over vouJ Mentally, physically and sexually you are not the man ed; her part better than any of4h« older preach the gospel." iS( jrou used to be or should te. Lustful, practices reap rich harvests. Will ton heed th* Poundmaster Long says he is i oing to Coolbatfe, how is it that no one hears children. Mrs. Geo. D. Jouesj sabg resign, danger signals; { as the office involves no pay, you complaining about your health D C I ft L D I Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplating marriage* "Forget all thy sorrows. {',. | H C J l l i r I) ! Has your blood beon d Iseased? Have you any weakness? Our NewHettoa very little hoobr ai^d a great deal of nowadays? Are you I better?" Treatment will cure yon. What It has done for Others It wUl do for you. ConsaltatJaa work arid expense. The horse that he Pra«. Ko matter who has treated rou, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. The Trentou ball club went t > Flat has so carefully fed aud housod1 for the "Well»" he exolalmied, "I do certainCharges reasonable. Books Free — 'The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated), on Diseases of Rock Saturday- and took the local team last six months took a notion to die one ly feel inuch better, but I,don't mind Hen. Inclose postage, a cents. Sealsd. Book on'"Diseases'of Women" Free.1 1 N 0 N fe E C0N T„-. PKIVATE. Nomsdlclm L day.last week, and as the town is too ^ *J * ^? ? ^ " ^ ^ " V . T f " ?^" -. VslVsTENo msdlclne t*itt£jjjj. telling jou, as you are' an old friend, into camp by a score bf 23 to 10. ; Reid No nimss on bows or tn*ftoptf> Evtr thing csnfdsntltl. OutlUon list and cortsl pool to meet his bill, all he has left is that the! real secret Islthit when I am mint, FREE. j • I •:,. and Morey were in the poiiits!,for; Tren- the hide and three old shoes We move ton. Flat Rock tried five pitchenp and that bis resignation be accepted. l < ' playing kolf .it keeps me I >usy thinking of the game, and busy Jt linking after' they were all slaughtered. Bert.Coon^ H , Mr. Jud-son, our ex-teacher, and Geo. the game is over, so, ybi isee, I don't geyej- did great work for Tredtbu as Little, our oil veoder. haye goue iuto have tl'lae to think of n|iy ills!' assistant back-stop. F. B. Jones uui- partaership. Judson furnishes garden And that Is the story )f Coolbath's pired and gave entire satisfaction to tmcli <fioin his extensive horticultural KOK A LOT I fields, while Little supplies the convey cute. IN both sjldes. Trenton is trying to ar an go anee, and the proceeds are to be investwith Willow for next Sati rday ed in a barrel of keroseue. Both,have I No Chicken. South Detroit or Garfield Place ataigaiite excellent luitgs, as all the neighbors can Slpcutu'a island. Mahonby City, Pa., is the home of testify, so "we expect the route will echo as the present low pricesVilfc, ' Mi^'aiid Mrs. John Uelaney, with with the cries of oil and cucumbers ail Mrs. Ka^e Dermody, who has reached last but for a shojt time1. their sou and daughter, ^"raiik Wt.i (fnd summer. If this venture proves a fail- the remhrkable age of 115. Although 1 i, natlveijof Ireland, Mrs. lermopdy has ^ 1 Miss Winnie Uelauey, left M/ouda^ ure they will both g<»"to picking rags. lived inithe United States moire than 1 morning to be present at, thei reception Minneapolis and Keturn^t Httlt l a t e s | 100 yesis, which feat slie says with Walnut Sk„ Wyandotte. of their daughter, Miss Mary b.Delaney, Account of the meeting of the B, P. | the help o* Ood, she'H duj tlcate. Qood O. E. the Lake-' Shore & Michigan Have also lots on Biddje Ave. and jo who received the habit of the Sisters of Ry. will sell excursion tickets health has always been hers and In Jerusalem. » St. Joseph on June 13 at Kalamazoo. Southern at all its stations to Minneapolis and re- her old age has not desert sd her.< With Miss Dehmey is well kpown here; was turn at half rates .plus 50 cents, en July *tWe blearing of a sound tody she alto ' ' 1 j -I • i born and raised in the village of Tren- 3 and 4, tickets good returning t> leaver | ISA good eyesight. Her eyoa are a* t .. ».,,_.._a, r..i„ Jlst o , „ write to''g,od asf they were when she was a of Wire, iNails, Fence Nails. Paints and Oils and other until July ton. She was universally beloved and Minneapolis 1 Building Material at astonishingly low prices. esteemed for her sterling christian char- A. 4. Smith, G. P. and t- A.. Clevelaud, y< ung g|rl. Mrs. Dermody lives with 0., for pamphlet pf inforniatiof about wr daughter, who herself] has passed acter and unassuming loveliness of per- this and other cheap excursions,' [or ap-j 9% and {bids fair to see the century The Detroit Disp Harrow and dtr son and mannW, She was organist of ply to ticket ageuts.' ; Sbriag Tooth Lever Drags. Plows and Rollers. Gasoline mark. [ St, Joseph's ' church. Trenton, three Shoald One Sleep After Eating^ andjBlue Flame Oil Stovssnow ready for inspection. years previous to her eutering,' the We would not now revert to this oftChild-IWIth Three E y e * Lefever institute at Kalamazoo. '• - Idiscussed question to iglVe aiybne's A| rem^rkahie birth hasjusr occurred theoretical Views or personal b« lief In In he family of John Hfega at OienGlobe Mowers and Rak«. Corn Shellere, Feed Cutters, r the matter, Or to bring forwa d the hai i, N,| Y., h'ls wife having, become and [all kinds of Hardwa*eand Tinware; Liiue, Hair and familiar argument, that because ani- the' mother of three bounding babies of Cement. Your orders'will be appreciated. mals sleep just after they have eaten, ten pounds each. What Is still more 8 &<">.' ~ hence the hjuman animal should do the nemajrkable about this eveut and a same, says the Medical Record: Doc- fact wtti&t Is puzeltng the medical protor ffahule, of Frtbourg, has, however, fession lis that one of the infants has ippijoached the sub^ectjfrom the chemi- jHbree eyes, one of them being located - . 0 * t J co-experlmental side, and his results Just above the bridge of the nose, while ROCKWOOD, MICH. t ' ,fj ' are worthy bf record. Having analysed the other two eyes are in their normal This Is M. M. MORGENTHATJ, Wyandotte'* Merchant TaUir, wboUaa been the stomach'* contents In two normal position.! mMTO-DATE here 7 yean and bae always g ven satisfaction, j subjects a few hours after meals, some v Those wishing to save mc ney order theti j i . So.fl.R. Lake Shore & clothes of him, because he coes good work, of which were followed1 by sleep and f ° TaklngefrectMay30. iffJO . v shows the latest styles, and wakes prices, so reaV jthers not, [he finds that sleep has for {Trains run on 8t»nd»rd Time.P, V^. j, sonable that It doesn't pay to buy clothes of any • Almost a Hint. j> oouto s o a m . ' •' '-*-* body else. 1.800 samples on ba id to select from; Its constant [effect the weakening of the< Snaggs—A $10 hill cannot by any tNo aas -.NO. <m fNo. 8S") . Bnnslrlnp: d<ine promptly anc neatly. stomach's motility, and at this same possibility be called a coknpl.'ment, can TRENTON, MICH. Toledo, IT...... 8 20 a mil W a mi W1 ns Monroe, IV...L.... » 15 It 3t* *54 time there is an Increase in the acidity ii, Spifflna. Splfflns—I don't know that D E A L E R I N rw-» Wyandotte, lr.._ »69 12 20 SS4 af the gastric juice/On the other hand, 11 follow ^ou, Snaggs. Suaggs—Well, I West Detroit, IvlO 15 IS 35 551 . Detroit, arr..,. . 10 45 I 03 IK,UJ» 3D S T / P L E A N D FANCY rimple repose in th£ horizontal position heard that you paid Miss jKorthslde a .,.' OOIWO 80CTH. stimulates the motive function^ of the ompliment yesterday,! and I was in ...'..No. >'o .W|*» jtomach.' but does not Increa the hopes Wi might regard In the ilame 1+3¾ 13J1 «a».Atsa y . a m pm p in ' p m acidltjy of gjas^ric^tilce. The eUncfus- light the $10 I lent you three months 800 2 30 »30 »40 I 'I ion Is heride reached that, while one ajo.—Pltjt8burg IChronlcle.' West Detroit lv... 8 28 * 48 «4» Office oortter of Mulberry Wyandotte, 17....1. 8 43 803 715 10 SO ,| _ . . , should stretch himself out fori a rest Monroe, lv.......... 9 25 8 41 7 5U 10 oil Front Streets. [ About t h e Psoal Price. In the horizontal decubitus i fter a Toledo, arr ,.1015 432 845 1130 i •- * , i -*Nos 324,317, dally except Sunday. A cyCljers' papeii says that Missouri hearty meal, he should resist the ; 11 tNos336. K ». 322.348. 321. 328 <f" TO '" I ' tempting Morpheus, especially 1:' there plaid road supervisors $600,oOO in 1896 The Lake 1 Jnore trIA Cleveland, In 001 t F<j>R{ SALE BY wlththe Erl< and P. * L. K. R. i B. be present a dilated state of the stom- t» oversee work that cost $490,000; or, qulekeat and most direct route to ach or If Its juices be hyperacid lii other [words. It cost over a million Coupon tic! teU sold to all parts of the A, J. SMITH, SMITE Q. P. A., CI dollars tp "get a half a miljjon dollars O. h. CARL. Ticket Asent L Gents* Furnishings, l i t e worth of) work done. ( WHES yoC-wAKT A bill bill to compel railroads' toj carry btejcles as baggage h«4 passed its see-< No pleasure is coaaiparable to 'the ond" reading in! the. Cfanadlan Hottse •tlanding upon the he ranitage | grohbd of I Always ob haud. wtihoUt opiposttloC TREPq-bN, M * b b ZFmwm t-uth.—BacOn. SOLD! POSITIVE QUARANTEE wX L WEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN PI i; 2fi0,000 CUHED IN 20 YEARS. piuuu in «uiu •) SAMPLE-J R O O M GROCERIES, BOOfS & £HOES Corner of E|m arid Second Sts., Wyandotte, Mich. DRSrKENHEOUlM \& C h o o s e Y o u r Location? 'T. SPRING pb.'H'r&H ALFRED STEELE, •••- \ ^OOSriTIE J ,;, Ptagjrcte&Smith';s BUY Birj^IDBJIWp T w . J. PORTER, J! 1 Jos. Anderson, COAL AND WOOD H, GRdCERES^ Dl^Y GOODS NEW COIN TOES DOWN 1 ¾ DATE PIECES S BpOTS AND SHOES !'S Trcib Butter and € g g K ^ X - jLihie, Hair, Bfick^ -j . Sand arid Plaster. . Wantea-An • 1 i \> -J- ~ 11 Atiitii'ti'rl ,ff.. \ \ ^ 1 |s. i r .i' SBSStl *fy .;..{!. n v "-£ f '-i* L m m I, '.id Ht ^ Kmi mm .1..1...,.., j.. '' i '