yamma koi kichi - Southern Colorado Koi Club
yamma koi kichi - Southern Colorado Koi Club
http://www.socokoi.org! ! YAMMA KOI KICHI NEWSLETTER OF THE SOUTHERN COLORADO KOI CLUB COLORADO SPRINGS, CO SPECIAL NOTE: Hope everyone got through the fire OK. I know that two of our member families were evacuated and are back home safely and all is well with them. JUNE/JULY 2012 CHECK your air pump filters - Chris reports his was clogged from the smoke and ash. THANK YOU in a huge huge way to everyone - firefighters to next door neighbors to complete strangers - who helped out so generously and capably in this community emergency and disaster. HAVE (OR HOPE YOU HAD - got late ...) A SAFE AND HAPPY 4TH OF JULY !! NEXT MEETING ! WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 - 7 PM - HOME OF RAY AND BARB - 1005 Garlock Lane, 80918 Steve Seder will give us his pond rebuild presentation - what he did and why. I hear this is an outstanding presentation - hope everyone can make it! We are also doing another Kodama Koi Food Buy - see page 3 for details. Will take orders and payments at the meeting - or by emailing me at [email protected]. AUGUST MEETING Wednesday, August 1 - 7 pm at Ray and Barb’s - we will talk about nets and medications - what you need, and where to get them - and Jerry will demo use of the microscope to diagnose the problem ... We will try to show you how to catch and bowl a koi - and maybe even sedate them! SEPTEMBER POND TOUR Set for Saturday, September 22 - details on time and ponds to follow. This will be in the Northeast part of town - include 5 or 6 ponds, some brand new - and end up with a pot luck feast. Barb Dawson is in charge - she has contacted some of you about having your pond on tour. She is also interested in possibly hiring a bus to take us from site to site - we are wondering how many would be interested in using a bus service, and what you would be willing to pay for it. http://www.socokoi.org! 2 AUCTION WRAPUP This was a great year for our auction! We sold 68 koi and many, many goldfish and baby koi. We took in over $4800, and after splitting sales prices with koi owners and expenses, we cleared about $2400. That is plenty for the club to keep up the good work for this next year. THANK YOUs are definitely in order - everyone pitched in and helped and it went smoothly! Where to start ... Definitely with Phelan Gardens - the entire staff was so accommodating and helpful. Mark and Monica made sure we had plenty of room - and even after the hail disaster the night before setup, they were cheerful and helpful. We couldn’t do this without them - THANK YOU SO MUCH !! Earl Brown was the chairperson, and did a great job of keeping track of tanks and fish, and making sure all the volunteers had what they needed. He worked with the Phelans to make sure the space was adequate for all our stuff! He also drove that big truck all the way to Denver to pick up and return tanks, and hauled our new trailer all over town. It was NOT his fault that the Hot Dog Guy did not come - Earl had a commitment, and tried and tried to reach him with no luck. Thanks to Barb Dawson, we didn’t starve - she made the pizza run! Jerry and Carol Hunter, our auctioneers, did a GREAT job. I do believe some of us that weren’t going to buy any fish did it anyway because of them! Kika Ellingson and Felicia Ruths were our scribes - hovering by Carol to make sure the right bidder number got on the right fish, and the price went correctly to our cashiers. They did a great job! Up in the pergola, Peggy Botos and Karen Seder collected money, handed out receipts, and supplied bidder numbers, club information, water and goodies. This is a complicated process, and they really did a good job. It was easy to tally up everything when it was all over. Lee Steavens ran the goldfish and koi sales - next year, Lee, we’ll get those tanks up off the ground! He brought smiles to a lot of young faces! Phil Goulding ran the bagging station - except for one big fish that didn’t want to stay upright, it went smoothly and we had no problems. There were a couple of mixups and we think we know how to fix that next year. Those involved were very patient with us, which we appreciated! Sarah (yes, me) provided all the printed materials, and made sure the early donations of fish made it to auction from her garage. Having a place to put them ahead of time turned out to be a very good idea, and we plan to do it again next year. Thanks to all the help, moving them on Friday was pretty easy! Tom Taylor was a huge help, and drove all the way across town to pick up our sun shade that Lee bought - without that, I think our floating bags in the sold tank would have cooked in the heat. Loren Yukawa was so busy helping out I couldn’t keep track of him! And our five teenage helpers, Malia, Dayne, Joe, Josh and Nathan did an outstanding job! Gregg Steadman took some great pictures - I’m including a simple on page 4, and hopefully we can show all of them at the meeting next week! I KNOW I am forgetting one or more - so many people really pitched in this year. It made it lots of fun! If you are one of the “forgotten” I fully expect the wet noodle beating the next time I see you! http://www.socokoi.org! 3 KODAMA KOI FOOD GROUP BUY WHEAT GERM and COLOR UP To get the following prices we have to order 400 lbs total. We will start now and as soon as we reach that number we will let you know and set a deadline for ordering and paying. After the order is placed it will take about two weeks to get it here - I know some of you are running low so we need to do this ASAP. All food will be in 11 lb bags - if you don’t need that much, consider splitting with someone else. Email me and we’ll set up a list ... Both types come in floating and sinking, and in two pellet sizes. ORDERS TAKEN AT THE MEETING JULY 11 OR CALL (599-8349) or EMAIL ([email protected]) New Pellet Sizes WHEAT GERM 11 LBS COLOR UP 11 LBS Both Wheat Germ and Color Up now come in two sizes: Medium size pellets (.6 cm) for koi 6" or larger, and Large size pellets (1 cm) for koi 16" or larger. $78 $102 This price includes shipping and a small profit for the club. It is a 20% saving over retail - more if you add shipping! More information: http://www.kodamakoifarm.com/lover/supply_kkfood.php New Look Wheat Germ pellets Color Up pellets The year 2012 brings a new look to the food pellets. With improved manufacturing processes, we are able to produce a more solid Wheat Germ pellet that will give your koi a fuller feeding. Also due to improved manufacturing techniques, the shiny coating that was used to hold the ColorUp pellets together have now been removed allowing for an even faster absorption rate. Your koi will benefit from the same great ingredients that have always been used to produce Kodama Koi Food — the same great food that Kodama Koi Farm has always used to raise the highest quality koi from Japan Picture of old and new pellets: http://www.kodamakoifarm.com/ lover/supply_kkfood.php http://www.socokoi.org! 4 AUCTION ! THANKS, GREGG !! LISTED BY MEMBERS Have something you would like to sell? Something you want to buy? We will list it here for free !! Just email me at [email protected] or call Sarah at 599-8349 YELLOW IRIS ! Phil Goulding has bunches to give away. Please call him at 632-0685. RUBBERMAID TANK. 150 gallon in excellent condition, complete with filter and net. $75 or best offer. Won’t fit in my little red car so you have to pick it up. Call Sarah at 599-8349 or email at [email protected]. CLEANING OUT THE KOI NURSERY FOR NEXT YEAR - some large PVC fittings, a hedge trimmer and weed whacker (battery) and other stuff. Please call Sarah - 599-8349. http://www.socokoi.org! 5 PUT YOUR AD HERE and ON OUR WEBSITE KOI OR POND RELATED BUSINESS OR SERVICE email for details [email protected] www.BADGERKOIGARDENS.COM GRACIOUS HOSTS FOR OUR ANNUAL KOI AUCTION ! 4955 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 http://www.phelangardens.com/ PUT YOUR AD HERE and ON OUR WEBSITE KOI OR POND RELATED BUSINESS OR SERVICE email for details [email protected] http://www.socokoi.org! 6 OFFICERS 2012 PRESIDENT Jerry Hunter ... 331-9537 VICE PRESIDENT Earl Brown ... 596-4665 TREASURER/SECRETARY Sarah Garrison ... 599-8349 MEMBER AT LARGE Barb Dawson ... 330-7041 MEMBER AT LARGE Phil Goulding ... 632-0685 AKCA REPRESENTATIVE Phil Goulding ... 632-0685 NEWSLETTER Sarah Garrison ... 599-8349 WEBMASTER Sarah Garrison ... 599-8349 LIBRARIAN Open REHOMING AUCTION Earl Brown ... 596-4665 ANNUAL POND TOUR Barb Dawson ... 330-7041 PHOTOGRAPHER Gregg Steadman email any of the above at [email protected] CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS JUNE 11 - MEETING - SEE PAGE 1 KODAMA KOI FOOD BUY ONGOING NOW AUGUST 1 - MEETING at Ray and Barb’s. Nets, medicines, sedation and microscoping ... AUGUST 18-19 - ROCKY MOUNTAIN KOI CLUB ANNUAL KOI SHOW AT TAGAWA GARDENS see website for details http://www.rmkc.net/KoiShow2012.html This is a “must” event for all koi lovers. They can use some volunteer help - if you are interested please email Dave Pepper [email protected] SEPTEMBER 22 - our annual members only pond tour. Stay tuned for more details. OCTOBER - Regular meeting at the library. Elections for Board of Directors. NOVEMBER - annual member party - details ELECTIONS - COMING UP SOON All volunteer clubs need PEOPLE to keep going. Our aim is to make serving on the board a good experience - unlike some other clubs you may know about. We also REALLY DO want new people, and new ideas. So please think about serving on the board for a couple of years. We need you, and we hope you enjoy us enough to make the bit of extra time involved very worth while! No experience required we are all learning as we go.!
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