Analysis 1-4
Analysis 1-4
m ., tfr. previous octivity you investigoted how the speed of the cort ontr*. ffi o collision. In this octivity, you will investigote whether the moss of the cort offects the force it con opply during o collision. Moss describes the omount of motter in on object. For exomple, o smoll cor hos less moss il thon o big truck. Does the moss of on obiect offect the force cH.&n_,_fiN it opplies during a collision? What are the properties of it the this hammer that gve potential to apply a lot of force? E-19 Activity 77 . Massand Collision MATERIALS ffi.;p ffi& For each group offour students 2 L 1 I L 3 trockpieces romp cort block meterstick metol cylinders ( tl PROCEDURE of how chonging the moss of the cort will offect o collision between the cort ond o wooden block. L. Write down your prediction 2. Write out o moteriols list ond procedure for on experiment to test your prediction. CHA 3. Prepore o doto toble for recording your meosurements. 4. Show your plons to your teocher ond get the necessory equipment. 5. Corry out your experiment ond record your doto. ANALYS IS ffi.# # #. 1. Did the moss of the cort offect the collision? Exploin how you know this. 2. Why do you think moss did or did not hove the effect you predicted? 3. Whot port(s) of the experimentol design: q. increose your confidence in the doto? b. 4. decreose your confidence in the doto? If your cor were in o collision, would you rother be hit by Vehicle (2,027 kg) or Vehicle 2 (1,4L5 kg) from Activity 73? Exploin. 1 Th, g4 rt"d thory rs E-2o, fiit wi