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PDF Version - Samuel Merritt University
Report to the Community 2013 2014 Education 2014 Board of Regents Thomas Drese · MA, Chair Marilyn Snider · MSN, Vice Chair Albert Peters · CPA, Treasurer Sharon Diaz · PhD (hc) (ex-officio) David Bradley · MBA, MS (ex-officio) Mary Brown David Frey · JD Owen Garrick · MD Cornelius Hopper · MD Meet Our Family of Icons Research Teh-wei Hu · PhD Gary Morrison · JD Chuck Prosper · MBA John Swartzberg · MD, FACP 2014 Administration Sharon Diaz · PhD (hc) Elaine Lemay · MHROD PRESIDENT AND CEO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, HUMAN RESOURCES Scot Foster · PhD, FAAN ACADEMIC VICE PRESIDENT AND PROVOST Shirley Strong · MEd EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, DIVERSITY John Garten-Shuman · MA Cynthia Ulman · MBA VICE PRESIDENT, ENROLLMENT AND STUDENT SERVICES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, BUSINESS AND PLANNING DEVELOPMENT Greg Gingras · MSB, CMA, CFM Sue Valencia · BA, CFRE VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION, AND CFO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI AFFAIRS Stephanie Bangert · MLS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS Diversity We’ve crafted a dynamic system of symbols that visually represents the essence of SMU’s most celebrated areas of achievement. Alvin McLean, Jr. · PhD Please welcome: Education Research Diversity Community Technology Globality Community As you thumb through this issue of the Report to the Community, we hope you’ll enjoy the refreshing look, thoughtfully written articles and inspirational features. In future materials, you can look forward to our introduction of companion icons that capture and illustrate the ever-evolving, wide-range mindset that is… Samuel Merritt University. Globality Technology MISSION Samuel Merritt University educates students to become highly skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals who positively transform the experience of care in diverse communities. VISION Samuel Merritt University will become nationally recognized as a premier, multi-specialty health sciences institution. Expert faculty and staff will shape an inclusive learning environment where all students experience best teaching practices and state-of-the-art learning approaches. The University will select and support students who will flourish in the rigorous academic programs, learn to practice expertly, and pass licensure or certifications examinations on first attempt. VALUES At Samuel Merritt University, we value: >> a learning environment where we challenge ourselves and our students to think critically, seek mastery, and act compassionately. >> a collegial environment where we are fair, respectful, and behave with integrity. >> a collaborative environment where we partner with one another and with others in the community. >> a n innovative environment where we take reasoned risks and move nimbly. >> a results-oriented environment where we provide and expect exceptional performance and service. Did You Know? Samuel Merritt University: >> is the largest source of new registered nurses in California, and the largest provider of physical and occupational therapists, physician assistants, and podiatric physicians in the greater Bay Area. >> e ducates students who experience some of the highest rates of employment (more than ninety percent) upon graduation. >> h as a nationally recognized, state-of-the-art Health Sciences Simulation Center (HSSC) and a Motion Analysis Research Center (MARC). >> r etains students across all programs at a rate of ninety-seven percent in their first year. >> r eceives high satisfaction rates from ninety percent of employers who hire SMU graduates. >> h as an institutional strategic goal and commitment to making its campuses more diverse and inclusive of all students, faculty, and staff. >> a ttracts students who list reputation of school or program as the top reason for attending SMU. >> p roduces alumni across all programs who indicate high levels of satisfaction with their overall clinical skill competence at a rate of ninety-two to one hundred percent. Table of Contents 04 Note to the Community 06 Passion to Diversify: The Future Healthcare Workforce 10 The Vision: University Sets Sail for New Academic Future 14 Paying it Forward: Shapiro Family Offers Scholarships for Physical Therapy Students 16 Impact in the Community: Three Students Who Aim to Transform 24 Financial Review 26 2013 Donors 4 Note to The 2013–2014 year has been one of thinking and planning about the next decade for Samuel Merritt University (SMU). At the heart of the University’s mission is the education of students who want to dedicate their lives to improving the quality of care in our communities. To sustain and grow our capacity to provide premier healthcare education, the University has been examining the type of programs we might offer going forward and the kinds of facilities students and faculty will need to enhance learning. The University has engaged in several strategic and creative initiatives. This issue of the Report to the Community (RTC) describes how the Academic Affairs division began an envisioning project under the guidance of Provost Scot Foster and the academic leadership. Remaining competitive and vibrant is critical for SMU, and these future-oriented conversations include evaluating the resources, technology, and physical spaces essential for student learning. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 the Community SMU students are fortunate to be supported by an extraordinary community of faculty and donors. The RTC introduces the Shapiro family (daughter Allyson Shapiro, DPT, Physical Therapy class of 2010) who has given generously by funding a permanent endowment for PT students. Their philosophy of paying it forward has been a legacy of the family for generations, creating educational opportunities to promising students. We are extremely grateful for their gift of scholarships. One of our many talented faculty members is Associate Professor and Chair of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, Aara Amidi-Nouri, PhD, RN. Dr. Amidi-Nouri has made it her passion and life’s work to educate students for reducing healthcare disparities, and diversifying the nursing workforce. This issue of the RTC shares her many achievements, advancing the University’s commitment to quality and diversity. We are impressed each year with the caliber of our students. Their commitment to education and giving back to the community inspires us. Take a moment to read about three of our students who embody the values of compassionate healthcare practice: Ana Mejia, Marshé Ivy, and Cassandra Chin. And, the year would not be complete without celebrations! Please join the University community in welcoming Shirley Strong, MEd, BA, as our new chief diversity officer. Her wealth of professional experience and commitment as social justice educator is highly valued as she joins the SMU community. The California School of Podiatric Medicine (CSPM) is celebrating its Centennial in 2014— an appropriate time to acknowledge decades of CSPM graduates who excel in biomechanics, podiatric surgery, and sports medicine. In June, a gala celebration in Anaheim raised funds for academic scholarships. On behalf of all members of the Samuel Merritt University community, we thank you for supporting our mission, and remain appreciative of your belief that SMU graduates will have a positive impact in transforming the experience of healthcare. Sincerely, Sharon C. Diaz, PhD (hc) PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Thomas Drese, MA CHAIR, BOARD OF REGENTS 5 6 Aara Amidi-Nouri REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Passion to Diversify: The Future Healthcare Workforce Depending on the day, Aara Amidi-Nouri, PhD, RN, can wear any number of lab coats at Samuel Merritt University (SMU). Amidi-Nouri, who graduated from SMU’s School of Nursing in 2001, is also an associate professor who teaches pediatrics and continues her clinical work at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland. She is also the chair of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at the University. the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) announced the University would receive a prestigious $200,000 grant to help pay tuition for twenty nursing students from underrepresented groups who are making a career switch into the profession. Through Amidi-Nouri’s stewardship, SMU is among a handful of nursing schools in the nation to receive grants through RWJF’s New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program for six consecutive years. Born in London, her parents moved the family to their original home in Tehran, Iran, in the late 1970s. As the Islamic Revolution unfolded outside her front door and new laws restricted the role of women in society, Amidi-Nouri’s family fled to Vienna when she was ten years old. As émigrés at a time when anti-Iranian hostilities ran high, Amidi-Nouri found herself at the opposite end of the social ladder in which she was born. Most recently, Amidi-Nouri’s work as the School of Nursing’s director of diversity—charged with recruiting underrepresented students and diversifying the nursing workforce—has gained her local and national attention. “It’s hard to overstate how valued and important Aara’s work is for the University,” said Audrey Berman, dean of the School of Nursing. “Her passion for nursing and building a stronger and more diverse workforce is unmatched.” In April, Amidi-Nouri was honored by the Alameda County chapter of Girls Inc. for serving as a “committed mentor to hundreds of women students and her positive impact as a strong, smart, and bold woman.” And in May, For Amidi-Nouri, the journey to SMU administration was anything but a straight line— and one that gave her keen insight into the challenges facing underrepresented students. “We struggled like we never struggled before,” Amidi-Nouri said. “Our first table in our apartment was an upside-down cardboard box. We borrowed the neighbor’s vacuum to clean our house. For the first time in her life, my mother struggled to find a job.” With some help from relatives in the Bay Area, Amidi-Nouri’s family moved to San Francisco when she was a teenager. At a Catholic high school, she became friends with a group of continued on page 8 ... 7 8 ... continued from page 7 “It’s hard to overstate how valued and important Aara’s work is for the University,” said Audrey Berman, dean of the School of Nursing. “Her passion for nursing and building a stronger and more diverse workforce is unmatched.” Chinese students who spoke mostly Mandarin— one of the few languages Amidi-Nouri had not picked up in her travels. Yet despite the language barrier, it was the immigrant’s experience—the outsider learning to make do—that she connected to and where she found solace. “Somehow,” Amidi-Nouri said, “I felt more comfortable talking to them than I did speaking English with kids from the US.” It was also in high school when one of AmidiNouri’s teachers offered her a new perspective through two books: The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley and Malcolm X, and The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. “Those two books gave me a different understanding of the US and the idea of social justice here,” she said. “That’s when I started to think about how important it is to have a voice and to use it.” At Occidental College in Los Angeles, an economics professor overheard Amidi-Nouri complaining about her thirty-hour work week in food services while trying to balance her studies. The professor asked her to join a movement to implement new college rules that would prohibit freshman from working at all. The campaign succeeded. “It made me realize if you’re connected with the right people who share the same vision as you, you can get a lot done,” Amidi-Nouri said. Also at Occidental, she joined a group of students who petitioned administrators to open a dorm for multicultural and international students. They won, and helped increase the percentage of multicultural admissions into the freshman class. After college, Amidi-Nouri returned to San Francisco and took a job working with pregnant teenagers at a clinic—a fateful decision that led her to enter healthcare with an eye toward advocacy. “I saw the way teenage girls were treated in hospitals and it was unconscionable,” Amidi-Nouri said. “I didn’t know the term health disparities but I saw it before my eyes. All of it inspired me to become a nurse.” She enrolled in an accelerated program at the University, where she found mentors who encouraged her to speak up, be vocal, and get involved. “I went from beyond finding my voice to becoming an advocate at SMU,” Amidi-Nouri said. “My teachers and advisors here taught us to be fierce patient advocates, to speak up for the patients.” Her work as director of diversity is a lot about speaking up for incoming students and expanding SMU beyond the campus walls. Along with the RWJF grants, she’s brought in nearly $1 million of aid for future nurses from underrepresented groups, and she’s helped bolster recruiting efforts geared toward high school students. A more diverse healthcare workforce, Amidi-Nouri said, will deliver better and healthier outcomes to a more diverse client population. “Nursing is the largest health workforce in the US,” Amidi-Nouri said. “We spend the most time with the patients in terms of community health. And if we can diversify the largest workforce in the US, then we’ve taken a huge step in reducing health disparities. It’s a priority for me, and that’s my passion.” REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 2013–2014 New Chief Diversity Officer Announced President Sharon Diaz is pleased to announce that Shirley Strong, MEd, BA, has been appointed chief diversity officer of Samuel Merritt University effective May 27, 2014. Shirley Strong has spearheaded initiatives in the fields of education, philanthropy, and social action for more than thirty years. She has been the dean of students and director of diversity at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) since 2006. An innovator and leader at CIIS, Shirley has worked to transform the university, inspire students, staff and faculty while demonstrating leadership in creating an inclusive, beloved community. She uses the concept of beloved community as a touchstone for her life and work. Prior to working at CIIS, Shirley spent ten years with the Levi Strauss Foundation directing social justice initiatives that were effective in dismantling discrimination in various communities and constituencies. She has extensive experience across a number of academic institutions including San Francisco State University, Mills College, CSU Hayward (now CSU East Bay), and the University of New Mexico. Shirley is a compassionate social justice educator, and is committed to supporting individual and social change leading to greater equity and inclusion. She deeply respects all people, places and things, and believes in an integral consciousness based on love, justice, compassion, responsibility, and shared power. Please join the SMU community in welcoming Shirley Strong to the University as executive director of diversity and chief diversity officer. 9 9 10 The Vision: University Sets Sail for New Academic Future REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 At a meeting in early 2014, a group of leaders from Samuel Merritt University gathered at a retreat in Cavallo Point to discuss the University’s academic future. The key question: how could the academic experience improve? The University continues to rank among the premier health sciences universities in California, with a growing regional and national reputation. A more competitive academic world has emerged, however, and the skill set for a growing healthcare workforce has changed, demanding of institutions critical thought about the future of education and effectiveness of learning. Even with the University’s success, the environmental landscape in the healthcare industry and higher education provokes leaders to rethink business-as-usual academic programs and set their sights on planning a new and innovative course to stay ahead of the curve. “I kept noticing in our discussions with faculty and students that everyone was proud of the great things we continued to do,” said Scot Foster, PhD, CRNA, FAAN, provost and vice president of academic affairs at SMU. “Yet it was unclear if all of our individual achievements were building in integrated ways as a whole. What we needed was a vision—a transparent road map that told us where we wanted to go and how to get there. Together.” The result of the Cavallo Point meeting is a broad new way of thinking about academics at SMU. The project is reevaluating everything from which classes to teach to how best to teach them. The goal, ultimately, is to take a deep-dive look at how the University can improve teaching for healthcare providers by understanding better how students learn, making instruction methods more contemporary, and building a more collaborative environment on campus. The brainstorm session also inspired a literal road map: a graphic artist illustrated the group’s ideas and drew a ship leaving the “Old World” to cross an ocean to reach the “New World.” Left behind on the Old World shoreline were outmoded teaching methods, departmental silos, and fuzzy ideas about the University’s academic future. In the New World, a new growth tree sits at the center of a community that prizes creativity, rewards innovation and diversity, and engages students and alumni. “There was a lot of positive energy in the room,” said Terry Nordstrom, EdD, PT, assistant academic vice president. “It was exciting to see people envision our future together, to see where we could all go if we did it as one. People were given permission to dream big.” continued on page 12 ... 11 12 ... continued from page 11 But before the metaphorical ship can set sail, the University’s academic leadership needed to reach out for feedback. Since January, the leaders conducted dozens of focus groups that included faculty, students, and alumni to ask them to describe the ideal academic future at SMU. Penny Bamford, PhD, RN, assistant vice president of academic affairs, said while the data is still getting analyzed, enthusiasm for the project has already spilled over in day-to-day activities on campus. Department heads, charged with reevaluating their tried-and-true habits, have embraced the vision as a necessary step to keep SMU pressing ahead in healthcare education. “We’re about innovation. We’re about experimentation. We’re not afraid to do things differently,” said SMU provost, Scot Foster, PhD. Already, Bamford said, signs of “silo busting” are showing up across campus as department leaders take on new responsibilities and work more closely with colleagues. Foster said that this year, as the vision begins to take shape and clear goals come into focus, faculty and students will see those manifestations come to life—and a new academic culture of learning at SMU will emerge. “We’re about taking risks right now,” Foster said. “We’re about innovation. We’re about experimentation. We’re not afraid to do things differently. We’re about strengthening relationships and doing the hard work we need to do to increase transparency and collaboration. All of this is about saying, ‘OK, we are entering a new age and moving beyond our past.’” Podiatry School Celebrates Centennial Podiatry students at CSPM gala celebration. For one hundred years, the California School of Podiatric Medicine (CSPM) has managed to persevere and educate the profession’s most skilled and brightest graduates. The school celebrated its Centennial in June 2014. “How we got here today is a testament to the dedication of a group of faculty, staff, students, and alumni,” said John Venson, DPM, dean of CSPM. “All of whom remained loyal to the college through its move from San Francisco to Samuel Merritt University.” At a gala celebration in Anaheim, funds were raised for academic scholarships for current podiatric students at CSPM through the Podiatric Medicine Scholarship fund. Since its founding in 1914, the California College of Chiropody—later the California Podiatry College, the College of Podiatric Medicine, and now known as the California School of Podiatric Medicine—has witnessed thousands of its graduates advance into successful podiatric careers as practitioners, educators, and community leaders. Known for pioneering work in biomechanics, podiatric surgery and sports medicine, CSPM now enters its second century poised to lead by innovating for the next one hundred years of educating podiatric physicians and industry leaders. “With the ongoing support of SMU, CSPM is looking forward to the next century of offering innovative education and research opportunities to attract the most highly qualified faculty and students to pursue their degree in podiatric medicine,” Venson said. Today, as an integral part of Samuel Merritt University, CSPM is attracting—through scholarships, leading edge educational innovation and dedicated faculty and staff—the best and brightest applicants to the profession of podiatric medicine and surgery. The costs of educating students for the new healthcare environment are on the rise. Contributions significantly assist students in achieving their goal of becoming podiatric medicine doctors. If you would like information on establishing a named scholarship fund, please contact Carla Ross, director of development for CSPM, at 510.869.6618 or [email protected]. 14 Paying it Forward: Shapiro Family Offers Scholarships for Physical Therapy Students REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 For the Shapiro Family, the decision to start a scholarship fund for physical therapy students at Samuel Merritt University was made a long, long, time ago—sometime around 1880. That’s when Simon Shapiro, a young immigrant from Russia made his way to the United States and took a job rolling cigars in a Brooklyn, New York, tobacco shop. Shapiro saved enough money and eventually completed dental school. He then helped his son, Raymond Shapiro, through dental and medical schools at New York University. Raymond, in turn, started an education fund that helped his son, Dr. Peter Shapiro of Santa Rosa, through Albany Medical College in Albany, New York. “It has been a family tradition,” Peter Shapiro said recently. “One generation has always helped pay the way for the next. We’ve been blessed to have our education supported by others, and now we’re proud to continue that tradition for others.” Fast forward to 2014 and the aptly named R. Shapiro Family Foundation will begin funding a permanent endowment for physical therapy students at SMU who show academic promise and financial need. The connection to SMU is no accident. In 2010, Allyson Shapiro—Simon’s great-granddaughter— graduated from the University’s doctorate of Physical Therapy (PT) program and followed in the family’s philanthropic footsteps. “It’s all about giving back,” Allyson Shapiro said. “With all the studying and clinical time, having to worry about debt can be an additional burden that keeps you from developing as a professional.” Growing up in a multi-generational healthcare family had its unique quirks, Allyson said. By age ten, she knew how to prepare a sterile field and could pronounce medical terms that would tongue-tie a second-year med student. Neighborhood friends often turned to her father, one of Santa Rosa’s few general surgeons, for stitch ups and checkups. “Wherever we went, people knew my dad,” Allyson said. “It was good to see we were a valued part of the community who people counted on.” After graduation, Allyson accepted a position as a physical therapist at California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) in San Francisco and continues to give back to SMU students through mentoring. She teaches at the free neuroclinic on Mondays, guiding younger PT students through some of their first hands-on experiences with clients. Patricia Shapiro, Allyson’s mother, said it was at SMU where she saw her daughter’s passion for helping others blossom. From left to right: Allyson Shapiro, DPT, Physical Therapy class of 2010; Patricia Shapiro; Peter Shapiro, MD; Lisa and Scott Shapiro. “Samuel Merritt University was the perfect fit for Allyson,” Patricia said. “She had great teachers, great friends, and got the one-on-one support she needed to succeed.” Even though supporting education was passed on generation to generation with the Shapiros, Patricia said the R. Shapiro Foundation was established after they watched friends in Santa Rosa fund an entire youth center through a family-run non-profit. “We thought, ‘If we all pitch in, we can do this together,’” Patricia said. “It goes to show you don’t need to be a Rockefeller or a Vanderbilt to give. Ordinary families can do this, too.” Allyson’s brother and sister-in-law, Scott and Lisa Shapiro, also play active roles in the family non-profit, which funds scholarships at ten universities throughout the nation. Scott, a financial manager, said starting scholarships at their family alma maters was a great way to support future generations of students. “We have fond memories of the institutions we’ve attended,” said Scott, who graduated from Boston College. “And we want to make those institutions accessible for those who may not have the monetary means. We want to share those places and experiences with others.” The same is true for Samuel Merritt University. “It’s a means of paying it forward,” Patricia Shapiro said. “The more people you can educate, the better the world will be.” 15 16 Impact in the Community: Three Students Who Aim to Transform REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 ANA MEJIA Nurse Anesthesia Master of Science in Nursing Program · Class of 2015 “In our work it’s important to get the patients to relax,” Ana Mejia said. “If that means talking to them in Spanish, in a soothing voice before they go into surgery, then that’s helping their well-being. Connecting with a patient provides them a better chance at healing.” It was a routine pre-operation evaluation, but Ana Mejia noticed her eighty-year-old patient rub his chest with worry. Mejia, who was born in Honduras, switched from speaking English with her Latino patient to his native Spanish. “He told me that he had had open heart surgery,” Mejia said. “It wasn’t in any of the files I was reading. It must have been overlooked or lost in translation. But that’s the critical information you need before you send a patient into the OR (operating room).” For Mejia, a nurse anesthetist student, bridging the diversity gap between provider and patient is part of her mission. In March, she was honored as the Student Registered Nurse Anesthetist of the month as part of the Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia Mentorship Program. Mejia was recognized for her scholarship as well as her role as an ambassador to help promote diversity within the field. The need for practitioners from underrepresented groups is high, according to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. The association, which rolled out a campaign to encourage nurses with diverse backgrounds to pursue the career, reported just four percent of the estimated 45,000 certified anesthetists in the U.S. were Latino or African American. Forty-six percent are male. “In our work it’s important to get the patients to relax,” Mejia said. “If that means talking to them in Spanish, in a soothing voice before they go into surgery, then that’s helping their well-being. Connecting with a patient provides them a better chance at healing.” continued on page 18 ... 17 18 ... continued from page 17 MARSHÉ IVY Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program · Class of 2014 “I love being there for people in that moment,” Marshé Ivy said. “There’s no public policy to consider, no physician, no paperwork or forms to fill out. It’s just the two of you, one-on-one, and as a nurse, you can fill some of the emotional void for the other person.” Marshé Ivy was making a good living as a high-ranking manager at an auto repair company, but there was a nagging sense inside. She wanted to do more: to help people in their moments of need. “They always tell you nurses are born and not made,” Ivy said. “And after I applied to Samuel Merritt, I asked my mom, ‘Was I born a nurse?’ And she said, ‘As a child, you would think you were everyone’s nurse.’” “I love being there for people in that moment,” Ivy said. “There’s no public policy to consider, no physician, no paperwork or forms to fill out. It’s just the two of you one-on-one, and as a nurse, you can fill some of the emotional void for the other person.” As a student, Ivy was also everyone’s mentor. She served as a class representative, a president’s ambassador who helped recruit diverse students, and a leader in the Scholars in Service program, where she helped underrepresented students maneuver through academic life at SMU. Ivy left business school and enrolled at Mills College, which partners with Samuel Merritt University for a bachelor of science in nursing degree. The program consists of two years of general education and basic science courses taken at Mills, followed by two years of nursing theory and clinical experience offered at the Samuel Merritt University. After she graduates in 2014, Ivy wants to continue her work with students at SMU to help diversify the nursing workforce. “I like being there for (fellow) students, whether it’s helping them solve financial problems or getting through mental blocks with their studies,” she said. “I want them to know, if I can do it, anyone can.” REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 CASSANDRA CHIN Entry Level Master of Science in Nursing Program · Class of 2016 “Working with people when they are at their most vulnerable is a privilege,” Cassandra Chin said. “We’re responsible for bringing comfort to someone while they’re in our care, and that’s what I fell in love with right away.” At the University of California at Santa Barbara, Cassandra Chin studied psychology and Spanish. Yet it was after graduation while volunteering at a public health hospital in Contra Costa County when she felt the career-guiding ah-ha moment. “Working with people when they are at their most vulnerable is a privilege,” said Chin. “We’re responsible for bringing comfort to someone while they’re in our care, and that’s what I fell in love with right away.” Chin, an Entry Level Master of Science in Nursing student at SMU’s Sacramento Regional Learning Center, showed an early talent for her new profession. At the pinning ceremony in April, administrators presented her with the Sutter Award, given to the student who “embodies leadership, maintains a GPA above 3.5, and embodies excellence in the nursing practice.” “Cassandra has been an outstanding student leader during her community health clinical rotation while at the Faculty Student Collaborative primary care clinic,” said Rene Clymer-Engelhart, MS, RN, Sacramento Regional Learning Center’s managing director. Chin, who is also vice president of the Student Body Association, has worked and studied closely with her cohort. “Their success helps my success,” she said. “We’re all in this together and we push each other to get better every day.” Chin has managed to dedicate herself off campus as well, volunteering at free clinics in Yolo County and serving as a nurse intern at Elica Health Centers, which provides free care to clients from underrepresented groups. She’s also doing her preceptorship in the Neurosurgical ICU at the University of California at Davis. “In the end, for all of us it’s about the patients,” Chin said. “And seeing them get healthy, and knowing that you were an integral part in their recovery.” 19 20 STUDENT SURVEY SAYS! The Office of the President conducted an informal student survey to get a sense of the student experience at SMU—both the serious side and the not-so-serious side. Nearly 100 students responded. Here are some of the editors’ favorites... What CELEBRITY would you choose to speak at GRADUATION? Ellen If SMU had a MASCOT, what would it be? ELLEN DEGENERES What is the longest number of CONSECUTIVE HOURS you’ve worn SCRUBS? THERAPY DOG 127 HOURS REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 What is the most MEMORABLE thing you’ve LEARNED at SMU? What is your favorite medical-themed TV SHOW? “THE HOURS ARE LONG, BUT THE FRIENDSHIPS ARE STRONG.” RINGS OF SUCCESS REVOLUTIONARY HEALTHCARE GREY’S ANATOMY THE CENTER OF CARE What is the name of the ART PIECE outside of the Peralta MOB building on the Oakland Campus? For full survey results and information on the SMU student experience, visit www.samuelmerritt.edu/students. UNIVERSALIS CENTRALIS 21 22 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 23 A Glance at SMU Graduates in the Workforce 89% 96% 94% 100% 100% 96% NURSING OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PHYSICAL THERAPY PODIATRY* ALL PROGRAMS 86% 80% 85% 90% 80% 84% 2008–2009 2009–2010 2010–2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 6-YEAR AVG. Percent of Graduates Employed in Specialty SOURCE: 2013 survey of graduates *Reflects 2014 graduate placement in a residency program. Employers’ Preference of SMU Graduates SOURCE: 2013 Survey of employers of SMU graduates 24 2013 Financial Review 83% 7% 6% 3.8% .2% SPECIAL-PURPOSE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS PROJECTS (OTHER) ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS (INCLUDES GIFTS-IN-KIND) ENDOWED FUNDS (OTHER) $2,572,556 $215,204 $188,033 $117,096 $4,342 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 OPERATING EXPENSES REVENUE Total tuition $ 55,637,481.00 Instruction $ 29,682,194.00 Fees $ 1,019,469.00 Academic support $ 7,785,456.00 Other revenue $ 1,834,271.00 Student services $ 4,476,063.00 Transferred for operations — Institutional support $ 7,852,169.00 Endowment income — Auxiliary enterprises $ 189,655.00 Released from restriction $ 1,682,764.00 Released from restriction $ 1,682,764.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE $ 60,173,985.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 51,668,301.00 Oper Inc/(Loss) pre allocation REVENUE DEDUCTIONS Other deductions and scholarships TOTAL REVENUE DEDUCTIONS NET OPERATING REVENUE $ 2,001,281.00 $ 2,001,281.00 $ 58,172,704.00 $ 6,504,403.00 Interest income/gains $ 7,323,556.00 NET INCOME/(LOSS) $ 13,827,959.00 INVESTMENT ACTIVITY IN RESTRICTED FUNDS* Investment income $ 1,278,560.55 Realized gains/(losses) $ 1,450,361.38 Unrealized gains/(losses) $ 3,756,041.81 TOTAL INVESTMENT ACTIVITY IN RESTRICTED FUNDS $ 6,484,963.74 25 26 Honor Roll of Donors* Geraldine “Gerri” Adams Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Fusae Abbott Dr. Penny Bamford Tamatha Bechtle Affordable Care Act and Expansion of Physical Assistants Training Program Grant Department of Health and Human Services Tom and Gena Caya In memory of Geraldine “Gerri” Adams Alter G Balance and Mobility Grant Andy Chamberlin Alter G. Inc. Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Ronda Garrett Corine Harris Lillian Lugo-Harvin In memory of Yim Chun Gong Akira “Ike” Hirota Earl Joseph Lemay, Sr. Jamie S. Hirota In memory of Yim Chun Gong Alter G Neuro/ Musculo Grant Alter G. Inc. Alumni Scholarship Fund Audrey Coombes Aiston ’45 In memory of Doris Dillon Spangler ’45 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence K. Chan Yuen Ching Chung Mary Connolly Lex Gemas Mr. and Mrs. David Hong Eric Buus Larsen Kerri Lisi Yoko Mori ’08 Colleen R. Murray John Pamintuan Jose Antonio Ramos Jacqueline Sheridan Monte E. Soza Dominic Tu Mr. and Mrs. Ryan C. Zuber Alameda Contra Costa Podiatric Medical Society Scholarship Robert M. Barnes, DPM Memorial Scholarship Heather Barton, Esq. Memorial Scholarship Melvin Barton, DPM Scholarship Tracy L. Basso, DPM Scholarship Blaine Labs, Inc. Scholarship Robert L. Brennan, DPM Memorial Scholarship Lisa Bruener, DPM Scholarship CCPM/CSPM Class Scholarship Theodore H. Clarke, DPM Scholarship Marian Backus Faszholz ’50 Burkhart Brosius Scholarship Fund Lethgo Veronica Pivec Scheers ’82 Gretchen B. Brosius CSPM Alumni and Associates Scholarship George E. Masker, Inc. Marjorie Snyder Way ’48 Velora Buscher Memorial Scholarship Fund Wes Endo, DPM Memorial Scholarship Carleen S. Trares John E. Green, DPM Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Mayo Jacqueline Peter Alejandro Rodriguez Bakotic Pathology Associates Fund Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Yim Chun Gong Bakotic Pathology Associates, LLC Blair Simmons David Daniel Beaton ’09 Memorial Endowment Award Fund Markcus Thomas Byron Weston Brian Austin Marc Brewer Brian Campbell Codingline Scholarship Sharon C. Diaz Scholarship California Foundation for Excellence in Podiatric Medicine Scholarships Scholarships given to students enrolled in the California School of Podiatric Medicine at Samuel Merritt University by the California Foundation for Excellence in 2013. Individual donor records to these scholarship funds are held at the California Foundation for Excellence. *This report reflects grants and gifts to Samuel Merritt University received between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 Morris Haas, DPM Memorial Scholarship Jon Hultman, DPM/Franklin Kase, DPM Scholarship Earl G. Kaplan, DPM Memorial Scholarship Burgess S. Kelly, DPM Memorial Scholarship Shirley Lanham Scholarship Lawrence Family Scholarship REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Bruce Lehnert, DPM Scholarship Sgarlato Med, LLC Scholarshipo Dr. Eric Stamps ’93 Dr. Alan Bocko ’94 Dr. Douglas M. Taylor Dr. Rochelle L. Bomar ’95 Los Angeles County Podiatric Medical Society Stuart Steinberg, DPM Scholarship Dr. Linda M. Thornton ’86 Dr. Bruce Booth ’88 Johanna Mednick Memorial Scholarship Douglas M. Taylor, DPM Scholarship Dr. Sharon M. Wiles ’76 Dr. Steven Brandwene ’83 Dr. Hsiao-ch’un Yu ’86 Dr. Patrick K. Briggs ’98 Aaron Meltzer, DPM/Paul Scherer, DPM Scholarship John N. Venson, DPM Scholarship Dr. Michael A. Zapf ’94 Dr. Stewart Brim ’91 Richard D. Mollberg, DPM Memorial Scholarship John H. Weed, DPM Memorial Scholarship BSN Medical, Inc. Jack Morris, DPM Memorial Scholarship Ruth Wood, DPM Memorial Scholarship Benjamin Mullens, DPM Memorial Scholarship Bennett Zier, MD Scholarship California School of Podiatric Medicine Alumni and Associates Operating Fund (Student Activities and Scholarships) Jonah N. Mullens, DPM Scholarship California School of Podiatric Medicine Alumni and Associates Endowed Scholarship Fund A Leg Up Dr. Robert J. Califano ’74 Dr. Michael P. Brooks ’76 Dr. Bruce M. Bulkin ’82 Dr. Thomas M. Burghardt ’93 Dr. B. Richard Burke ’97 Dr. Gene Caicco ’94 Dr. Richard R. Abe ’74 Dr. John Callahan ’97 American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine Dr. Thomas A. Carine ’76 Dr. Jeffery Angarola ’86 Dr. Bill Chambers Dr. Mark L. Appleton ’77 Dr. Joseph E. Chambers ’78 Dr. Steven W. Bailey ’85 Dr. Elizabeth L. Chang ’87 Dr. Richard Lee Baker ’84 Dr. John A. Chisholm ’86 Dr. Lois Fleming ’89 Bakotic Pathology Associates, LLC Dr. Cherri Choate ’90 Dr. Robert Franger ’80 Dr. Jennifer L. Barlow George Riess, DPM Memorial Scholarship Dr. Douglas T. Gillis ’86 Dr. Scott Basinger ’96 Dr. Lynn R. Johnson ’70 Dr. Tracy L. Basso ’88 Merton Root, DPM Memorial Scholarship Dr. Lester Jones ’75 Dr. Irina Bazarov ’13 Robert L. Rutherford, DPM Memorial Scholarship Dr. S. Patrick Lai ’77 Dr. Richard Bell ’80 Dr. David Morse ’74 Erica Benson Dr. Alfred Patino ’93 Dr. Gregory Bergamo ’93 Dr. Thomas G. Penman ’77 Dr. Geoffrey Bergman ’71 Dr. Benjamin Pessah ’76 Dr. Dharmesh Bhakta ’00 Dr. Paul S. Schwartz ’79 Dr. Robert V. Bindi ’84 Dr. Alan M. Sherman ’81 Dr. Richard L. Blake ’79 Dr. Martin V. Sloan ’83 Dr. James R. Boccio ’02 Joseph Oloff Memorial Scholarship Orange County Podiatric Medical Society/Santa Clara Valley Podiatric Medical Society Scholarship John D. Pagliano, DPM and John W. Pagliano DPM Memorial Scholarship James W. Ratcliff, DPM Scholarship San Diego County Podiatric Medical Society Scholarship Randall J. Sarte, DPM and Richard J. Sarte, DPM Scholarship Dr. Richard L. Baker ’84 Dr. Alan Bocko ’94 Dr. Patrick K. Briggs ’98 Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Dr. Alan Catanzariti ’83 Dr. Jeffrey V. Chou ’90 Dr. Diane Chow ’88 Dr. Robert Choy ’83 David Chuang Dr. James W. Clark ’68 Dr. Allen O. Clyde ’76 Dr. Mark Co ’09 Dr. Michael Cornelison Dr. Patrick Crawford ’83 Dr. Benjamin D. Cullen ’10 John Davidson Dr. Nathan Davis ’98 Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More Academic administrators Penny Bamford, PhD, RN and Terry Nordstrom, EdD, PT. 27 28 April 2014 medical trip to Panama. Dr. Amir A. Dehghan ’86 Dr. James Fong ’82 Dr. Anthony R. Hoffman ’95 Dr. Richard Koenigsberg ’73 Dr. Michael DeKorte ’90 Dr. Brent Allen Frame ’89 Dr. Arlene F. Hoffman ’76 Dr. Roy O. Kroeker ’70 Dr. John Del Monte ’76 Dr. Robert R. Franger ’80 Dr. John D. Hollander ’91 Dr. Chun-Sun Lai ’76 Dr. Efren De La Rosa ’91 Dr. Leslie O. Franson ’76 Dr. Vernon Holm ’53 Dr. S. Patrick Lai ’77 Dr. Jane Denton ’81 Dr. Eric Fuller ’87 Dr. Jason Homan ’13 Dr. Thuy-Trang Lam ’94 DG Instruments, Inc. Dr. Tobin Gallawa ’93 Dr. Scott M. Horwitz ’85 Dr. Frederick W. Lange ’85 Dr. James F. Dietz ’77 Dr. Gregg Gilles ’86 Dr. Rachel A. Hoyal ’07 Dr. Rae Lantsberger ’89 Dr. Michael Dinnel ’76 Dr. Douglas T. Gillis ’86 Eve Hui Dr. Clark P. Larsen ’08 Dr. Bruce M. Dobbs ’73 Dr. Albert Ginsberg ’70 Dr. Ronald Hull ’86 Dr. Clint Larsen ’08 Dr. Mitchell F. Dorris ’89 Dr. John M. Giurini ’83 Dr. Dennis Hum Dr. Stephen E. Latter ’91 Dr. Mark Drusin ’78 Dr. Bradford Glass ’73 In Care Home Health Dr. Pamela Leavitt ’88 Dr. Frank Ducato ’57 Dr. Brooke A. Goodman ’12 Jennifer Jeng-Lin Dr. Rebecca Smiley-Leis ’88 Dr. Amy Duckworth ’03 Dr. Gail Grandinetti ’86 Dr. Richard M. Jensen ’12 Dr. Ralph Lerman ’89 Dr. Diksha Dutt ’13 Dr. Donald R. Green ’72 Dr. Ronald D. Jensen ’84 Dr. Curtis D. Leviant ’83 Dr. Laksha Dutt ’13 Dr. Richard Green ’68 Dr. Harlien M. Johnson ’89 Dr. Leonard Levy Dr. John E. Ebaugh ’11 Dr. Don M. Griffith ’67 Dr. Lynn Johnson ’70 Dr. Leslie G. Levy ’79 Kathleen Edmunds Dr. James Hagan ’72 Dr. Roger A. Johnson ’66 Dr. Russell O. Lewis ’65 Dr. Charles Eiser ’84 Dr. Gordon S. Hamblin ’76 KCI, Incorporated Dr. Timothy Liddy ’88 Dr. Thomas Elardo ’96 Dr. Douglas L. Hammitt ’60 Dr. Anthony Kakis ’80 Dr. Robin Lie ’98 Dr. Joseph Ellis ’76 Dr. Elliott Handwerker ’76 Dr. Katherine Kalthoff ’97 Dr. Sandra Loving ’99 Dr. Laurence Ellner ’89 Dr. David Hannaford ’83 Dr. Robert J. Kaplan ’76 Dr. William Lowe ’57 Dr. Norman Endo ’86 Dr. Lawrence Harkless ’75 Dr. C. Craig Karrasch ’77 Dr. Carolyn E. McAloon ’97 Dr. Sonya Erickson ’00 Dr. John Harlan ’94 Dr. Jeffrey Katz ’86 Dr. Gary S. McCarter ’80 Dr. Anthony J. Errico ’71 Dr. Andrew R. Harrison ’88 Dr. Brad A. Katzman ’81 Dr. Rick McClure ’88 Dr. Michael Esber ’90 Dr. Lyle D. Haskell ’86 Dr. Neil R. Kelley ’78 Dr. Timothy McCord ’85 Dr. Richard L. Evans ’84 Dr. Darryl Haycock ’95 Dr. Pardis Kelly ’97 Dr. James F. McDonald ’94 Dr. Jerry M. Fabrikant ’78 Healthpoint Biotherapeutics Dr. Tuyen H. Kemp ’99 Dr. William D. McDonald ’96 Dr. Karen P. Farac ’87 Dr. Michael W. Heaslet ’76 Dr. Christy King ’09 Dr. Brian A. McDowell ’69 Dr. Arthur H. Fass ’79 Dr. Federico R. Hernandez ’65 Dr. Kevin A. Kirby ’00 Benjamin McGrath Dr. Christopher Fenesy ’79 Dr. Donald E. Hershman ’81 KLM Laboratories, Inc. Dr. Burr B. Mc Keehan ’67 Dr. Tracy Ferragamo ’90 Dr. Kenneth L. Hilliard ’78 Dr. Eric J. Klostermann ’76 Dr. Starlette McLean ’91 Dr. Lois Fleming ’89 Dr. Ninveh B. Hiskail ’11 Dr. Timothy S. Kneebone ’93 Dr. Rhonda V. Fleming Dr. John C. Hoagland ’62 Dr. James Knudson ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen MacLeod REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Dr. Lawrence MacTavish ’74 Organogenesis, Inc. Dr. Kathryne F. Rupley ’01 Sarah Strong Anna Maria Maglunog Dr. D. Steven Ostendorf ’71 Dr. Hani Saeed ’00 Dr. Steven Subotnick ’69 Dr. Kenneth K.S. Mah ’80 Dr. Thomas Palmer ’87 Dr. Leonard Sanchez ’83 Dr. Ricky T. Sukita ’83 Dr. Scott N. Maling ’96 Dr. Roland A. Palmquist ’91 Dr. Claudia Sands ’87 Dr. Bryan T. Sullivan ’86 Dr. Kennon J. Martin ’75 Dr. Keith Sanneman ’83 Asad Sultan Dr. Dale R. Mascari ’75 Paradigm Medical Management, Inc. Dr. Rodney E. Sanneman ’69 Dr. John F. Swaim ’99 Dr. Paul R. Mayo ’96 Dr. Alfred Patino ’93 Dr. Richard Sarte ’84 Dr. Steven Tager Dr. Victoria Melhuish ’91 Dr. Jerry W. Patterson ’72 Dr. Robert J. Scardina ’75 Dr. John W. Tam ’77 Dr. Bruce Meyers ’78 Dr. Douglas Patton Dr. Andrew C. Schink ’78 Dr. Ted Tanaka ’86 Dr. Ronald H. Michael ’63 Dr. Thomas G. Penman ’77 Dr. Beatrice Schmugler ’90 Dr. Nicholas J. Tanner ’82 Dr. Clark D. Miller ’70 Dr. Benjamin Pessah ’76 Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz ’85 Dr. William Tarran ’88 Dr. Mark F. Miller ’84 Dr. Kent L. Peterson ’84 Dr. Paul S. Schwartz ’79 Dr. Douglas M. Taylor Dr. Steven Miller ’76 Pfizer, Inc. Chad Seidenstricker Dr. Marley Taylor Dr. Joshua P. Mitnick ’04 Dr. Kenneth Kahle Phillips ’85 Seton Medical Center Dr. Yuko Miyazaki David Phuang Tina Shahin Thayer Intellectual Property, Inc. Dr. Anoosh Moadab ’82 Dr. Anthony Poggio ’84 Dr. Timothy Shea ’73 Dr. Linda M. Thornton ’86 Dr. John Morehead ’75 Jessica Potter Zeenat Sheriff Dr. Frazier B. Todd, Sr., ’72 Dr. David Morse ’74 Dr. Firanak Pourghasemi ’02 Dr. Alan M. Sherman ’81 Dr. Nicholas W. Todd ’08 Dr. Bita Mostaghimi ’97 Dr. Nancy Pourkaram ’96 Dr. Nina S. Todd ’77 Dr. David D. Mullens ’70 ProLab Orthotics Shire Regenerative Medicine, Inc. Dr. Robert D. Murphy ’77 Dr. James Ratcliff ’91 Dr. Steven Shoemaker ’87 Dr. Paul T. Tom ’87 Dr. Samuel Nava ’92 Michael C. Reed Dr. Timothy Siegfried ’92 Dr. Randall Tom ’90 Dr. Eric W. Nelson ’79 Dr. Paul Resignato ’83 Dr. Kash K. Siepert ’91 Dr. Gregory Tovmassian ’09 Dr. Larry M. Nelson ’91 Dr. Joseph W. Reynolds ’69 Dr. Alan M. Singer ’81 Beth Tronstein Dr. Lloyd I. Nesbit ’02 Brittany Rice Dr. Pamela Sisney ’83 Unetixs Vascular, Inc. Dr. Henny Nguyen ’96 Dr. Douglas H. Richie, Jr. ’80 Dr. Martin V. Sloan ’83 Dr. Tomas C. Valdez, Jr. ’92 Dr. Marilyn J. Waller-Niewold ’90 Dr. Donald Robinson ’68 Dr. Rebecca Smiley-Leis ’88 Dr. Paul Valenza ’86 Dr. Douglas Robinson ’87 Dr. Ronald Valmassy ’74 Dr. Ross Nishijima ’82 Dr. James Robison ’89 Smith & Nephew Wound Management Dr. Noel S. O’Brien ’97 Dr. Cynthia Smith ’76 Dr. Mher Vartivarian ’09 Dr. Brian F. O’Neill ’82 Root Functional Orthotic Laboratory, Inc. Dr. Frank Smith ’87 Dr. Kathryn E. Vaslet ’83 Dr. Christina Kwok-Olesky ’07 Dr. Jordan S. Rosenthal ’76 Dr. Beverly A. Spurs ’85 Dr. Stephen Wan ’76 Dr. Bruce A. Olson ’65 Justin S. Ross Dr. Eric Stamps ’93 Dr. Paul D. Weiner ’92 Dr. Kenneth Runte ’90 Dr. Michael A. Stein ’81 Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Dr. William R. Todd ’72 Dr. Neil Van Dyck ’79 Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More Alumnae gather for Alumni Reunion Luncheon in June 2014. 29 30 Students at March 2014 Student Body Association barbecue in Oakland. Dr. Brent R. Wendel ’96 Dr. Diane Chow ’88 Dr. Michael Wener ’68 Dr. Diana Werner ’08 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davidson, III Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Discretionary Fund Dr. Dennis L. White ’63 Dr. Michael DiGiacomo Rommel R. Uniza ’09 Dr. Stephen C. White ’51 Elizabeth E. Dimond Dr. Sharon M. Wiles ’76 Kathleen Edmunds Certified Registered Nurse Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. J.R. Acree Lillian B. Champagne Nursing Scholarship Fund Dr. G. Jason Wilks ’98 Dr. Carol Gilson WinVivo Corporation Dr. Elliott Handwerker ’76 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Annual Meeting Appeal Fund Dr. Mark E. Wolpa ’75 Eghosa F. Isa Shirley Arakal ’11 Dr. Kam Wong ’84 Dr. Esther Kwon ’11 Tammie Baker ’04 Dr. Randolph Wright ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mello Jacob Bayani ’01 Wright Medical Technology, Inc. Vi Nguyen David Daniel Beaton ’09 Dr. Hal Ornstein Ora Bollinger ’03 Dr. Daisy Wu ’00 Parnassus Heights Podiatric Group, Inc. Annette Chenevey ’96 Dr. Bobby Yee ’89 Dr. Christopher Y.Y. Yee ’83 Lacey Beth Peck Marc E. Code ’02 Dr. David Y. S. Yee ’89 Root Functional Orthotic Laboratory, Inc. Kevin Dolan ’10 Dr. Hsiao-ch’un Yu ’86 Samuel Merritt University Student Body Association Larell Fineren Dr. Jenny Yu ’11 Elena Sanchez Dr. Scot D. Foster Dr. Michael A. Zapf ’84 Dr. Sky Shanks ’11 Allison A. Harrison ’08 Dr. Stephen J.F. Zuber ’69 Dr. Amy Splitter ’01 Kay Manly-Hayes ’94/’97 Dr. Eric Stamps ’93 Amy Herrick ’04 Bobbie A. Adams Dr. Ross Taubman ’83 Joseph Janakes Elizabeth Tronstein Wei Yuan Jar ’10 American Endowment Foundation Dr. Fred D. Youngswick ’75 California School of Podiatric Medicine Student Medical Mission Fund Megan Allen Jacqueline Aranas Kevin Archibald Francesca M. Castellucci-Garza Samuel Cates Varun Chopra Eric Ching ’09 Laura Dusseau ’06 Dr. John N. Venson Benjamin Jorgensen ’10 Irma Walker-Adamé Amy Liang Dr. Bennett G. Zier Raji Menon ’00/’13 Yoko Mori ’08 The California Wellness Foundation Grant William Paul O’Donnell The California Wellness Foundation Celeste G. Villanueva Erick Pierce ’10 Julie Wauhab Eckroat ’66 In memory of John D. Eckroat Jane Wadsworth Johnson ’69 In memory of Susie Shalz Bourland ’69 Pradip and Rekha Choksi Endowed Occupational Therapy Scholarship Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Sharon Clark Diaz Endowed Scholarship Fund Amy Anderson Carol Ansley Judi Baker Dr. Penny Bamford Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. Joan Bard Eugenia Berdali Kristine Blanco Roberta Block REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Clinica Tepati Podiatry Clinic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bower Steve and Peggy Griffith Alejandro Rodriguez Richard A. Brown Lillian Lugo-Harvin Chris and Carla Ross Mr. and Mrs. Warren “Chip” Brown Jamie S. Hirota Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sandberg Dr. John N. Venson Dr. Arlene Sargent Dr. and Mrs. Randall Sarte ’72 Davis Street Primary Clinic Pap Initiative Fund Anne Seed In honor of Dr. Sharon C. Diaz Jennifer A. Tramutola Conchita Franco Serri Jenny B.T. Tran Loretto P. Buttimer Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Hopkins California Podiatric Medical Association Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius L. Hopper Dr. David Carlisle Dr. Tei-wei Hu Pamela Carrasco Angelina Chau ’07 Dr. Diana Wipperman Jennings ’75 Thaddeus Coberg Kava Massih Architects Lynne Costain Shirley Manly-Lampkin Geraldine M. Shields In honor of Dr. Sharon C. Diaz Ciara Cox Dr. Mileva Saulo-Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Jon Sigurdson Graciela L. Cox Lyon Medical Construction, Inc. Timothy Cranford Mildred Crear Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Dachs Nandini Dasgupta Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Barbara Smith Dr. Richard MacIntyre St. Mary’s College of California Jennifer McAdam Dr. Eric Stamps ’93 Maureen McClain Dr. Guy McCormack Dr. and Mrs. John E. Swartzberg Pamela Minarik Clyde B. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Michael DiGiacomo Aileen Moffitt Sara Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morrison Dr. David D.-Q. Tran ’98 Thomas G. Drese Lily Mow In honor of Dr. Audrey Berman Elizabeth Sibson-Tuan Peter Dunn Dr. Roberta Durham Dr. Timothy Dutra ’85 Pamela Eiselman ’96 Dr. Craig M. Elliott, II Ethnic Health Institute Dr. Fred Feuchter Follett Higher Education Group David L. Frey Dr. Owen Garrick Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Greene Keith W. Tucker Erich and Shelby Tupper Dr. Terrence Nordstrom Dr. Valery Uhl Nu Xi, Chapter at Large Cynthia M. Ulman Liza Osoteo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peters Brad Peters Margrette Peterson Barbara Piepho Dr. Barbara Puder Dr. Bruce Richardson Dr. Richard Rocco Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Royce and Sue Valencia Dr. Paulina R. Van Dr. John D. Venson Irma P. Walker-Adamé Jeanette H. Wong Susan Silva Zwahlen ’75 Dr. Rhonda Ramirez ’96 Theodore L. Deffinger, DPM Skills Workshop Series Dr. Theodore L. Deffinger ’54 Theodore L. Deffinger, DPM Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Theodore L. Deffinger ’54 In memory of Dr. Fred Drew ’51 Designated Non-Scholarship Fund Heart Shockers Education Ecker Family Endowment Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. and Mrs. Roger R. Ecker Dr. Bennett Zier Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More Alumnae at the June 2014 Alumni Reunion Luncheon. 31 32 Ava Pischel Elliott Endowed Scholarship Fund Andrew Smith Elizabeth Cook Michael Tam Employee Campaign Scholarship Fund Tamera Valenta ’07 and ’11 Kevin Archibald Veronica Wallace Dr. Penny Bamford Kathyrn Ward Debbie Sommer Canyon Steinzig Royce and Sue Valencia Dr. John N. Venson Tuan Mai Vernon C. Noble and Family Dr. Terrence Nordstrom Pauline “Nina” Patterson ’93 Barbara Piepho Chris and Carla Ross Helen M. Roth Cathie Roy John Garten-Shuman Barbara Horgan Thomas ’95 Pamela Whitman Students at June 2014 Alumni Reunion Luncheon. Kristine Blanco Alice Butzlaff Pamela Carrasco David M. and Oolah B. Evans Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund Sean Crooks Carisa Harris-Adamson Nandini Dasgupta Dr. Gail Widener Dr. Scot D. Foster Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz In honor of Dr. Patricia Evans Gregory Gingras Mary Grefal Valerie Landau Marie Ma Dr. Richard MacIntyre Elizabeth Mayo Andrea Medakovic Dr. Terrence Nordstrom Liza Osoteo Sanjay Parekh Kevin R. Reilly Dr. Bruce Richardson Saeng Saephanh Anne Scher Tal Schrey Blair Simmons Jennifer Scolari Pablo Sarmiento ’10 Erica N. Scott Sequoia Radiation Oncology Medical Associates, Inc. Leah Smith Sara Sullivan ’09 Catherine Tanner ’06 Margaret Tavare ’72 Starr Tiano Chelsea Bangert Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. Rhonda Ramirez ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Hughes In memory of Flora J. Hughes Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Barbara Melzer In honor of David M. and Oolah B. Evans 100th Birthdays Susan Barry ’97 Nicole Christensen Drs. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. Patricia Rae Evans Dr. Sharon Gorman Susan Grieve Mary Edna Harrell Dr. and Mrs. Frank Heydman Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Hughes Dr. Martha Jewell Geri Kovel Dr. Rolando Lazaro Eugene A. and Virginia Falaschi Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Susan Penna Falaschi In memory of Laveda Falaschi Minnie Reyna Alicia Torres Tamera E. Valenta ’07 and ’11 Suzanne Watts ’10 Erin C. Fry ’07 Doctor of Nursing Practice Award Fund Dr. Audrey Berman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Byer Family Nurse Practitioner Scholarship Fund Dr. Cecily Cosby Dr. Suzanne August Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Fay Patricia C. Briskin Mr. and Mrs. John Ford Mary Bunzel Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Fry Pamela Dennis ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Gorrill Susan Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Rich Gorrill Rachel Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Mike Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Couch Naomi Harada Rosanne Helpel and Family Patricia Headley Adriane Kiefling Heidi Herman Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn Kathleen Hilton Donna Lawler-Mashtare Susan Light Dr. Arlene Sargent Linda Moore ’76 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Schibanoff Karen O’Rourke REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Joan Wentland Barnett Medical Services Helen Wheeler Berta Alicia Berjarano Renaissance Rialto Incorporated Dr. Karen A. Wolf Dr. Audrey Berman Brent Rohrbach David Bunuan Chris and Carla Ross Fujo Podiatric Medicine Scholarship Fund Dr. Bronner’s Magic All-One! Solage Calistoga Marta Calvo ’95 The Treehouse Green Gifts Dr. Daniel Fulmer ’76 Carrot Fever Sasha Wang Home Instead Senior Care Scholarship Fund All 4 Wine, LLC, dba Home Instead Senior Care Home Care Options, San Francisco, Inc., dba Home Instead Senior Care Tom and Gena Caya Whole Foods Market Culinary Excellence Catering The Wine Steward Managedcare, Inc., dba Home Instead Senior Care Drs. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Graduate Nursing Scholarship Fund R. MacArthur Corporation, dba Home Instead Senior Care Eddie Papa’s Dr. Fusae Abbott General Scholarship Fund Justine Fiebelkorn Mark Abelson Fit-Lite Adelina Gage-Kelly Follett Higher Education Group Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Philip Gardner, DPM Student Emergency Loan Fund Dr. Tad Dunagan ’51 Margaret and Richard Roisman Michelle Walter Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis Mr. And Mrs. Richard L. Highsmith Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dusty Fry Gale and Scott Golden Julia Gray Ghana Medical Mission Project Fund Marcus Helbig Nu Xi, Chapter at Large Elaine Kim Lauri Paolinetti Karen Kline Samuel Merritt University Student Body Association KLM Laboratories, Inc. Dorfman Pacific Company, Inc. Marcia Husband Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Highsmith Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa Kelly Ma Gift-in-Kind Donations Mama’s Royal Cafe AISCO-Geyer Vanessa Nelson Animal Instinct Apparel Katherine Osborn Pacific Coast Brewing Company Pave’ Fine Jewelry Design Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Pegge Shuman Houser Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz M. Diane Hansen Anne Seed In honor of John Garten-Shuman John Garten-Shuman In memory of Kathryne Henderson’s mother Earl Joseph Lemay, Sr. Kevin Yun Dr. and Mrs. Frank Heydman Gordon “Skip” Huber, Jr. Endowed Geriatric Nursing Scholarship Fund Fritz E. Hitchcock, Jr. Jim and Stephanie Bangert Roberta B. Richards Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Tina Ou Debra Ramos Hitchcock Heydman Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. James Stavosky and Andrea Polites at CSPM Centennial Gala, June 2014. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon “Skip” Huber Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More 33 34 Dr. Charles Johnson Endowed Scholarship Fund Michelle Le Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund Motion Analysis And Research Center Fund Dr. Tracy Basso ’88 Llagas Foundation The FAPA Foundation Corp. Susan M. Cantrell Dr. Cherri Choate ’90 Shun Wu Laurie Rosa H. Paul Smith Drs. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Gerald Thompson Dr. Timothy Dutra ’85 Robert Wood Johnson Scholarship Fund Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students with DNP program director Michelle Hampton, PhD, RN, at May 2014 Commencement. Sarah B. Keating Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund Leslie Crane Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. Nancy Haugen Kindred Foundation, Inc. Case Management Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Eric Hubbard JoAnn Carpaneto Bergesen ’69 In memory of mother, Ruth Carpaneto Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Ruth Carpaneto Nursing Scholarship Fund Annalisa Anderson In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Dr. William and Phyllis Lowe Medicine Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Adam Landsman Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Root Functional Orthotic Laboratory, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William Lowe ’57 Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Cherri Choate’s mother Tom C. and Rose Lim Luey ’51 Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Randall Sarte ’72 Wenonah Bakke Brichetto ’52 Dr. Richard J. Sarte ’84 Carolyn Arnett Broeren ’57 Dr. James Stavosky ’83 Dr. and Mrs. John Brosnan In memory of Jean Weber Barbara Sheng Dr. Gail Widener Dr. Howard and Patricia Milliken Scholarship Fund Movement Ability Changes with Balance–Based Torso-Weighting in Multiple Sclerosis Project Dr. Russell O. Lewis ’65 Dr. Brian A. McDowell ’69 Dr. Douglas M. Taylor Kindred Healthcare Susan Kunich Memorial Scholarship Fund Nursing Education Endowment Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. Howard E. Milliken In memory of Patricia B. Milliken Melvin A. and Betty Reed Moffitt Scholarship Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Aileen L. Moffitt Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Robert N. Nelson M.D. Endowed Scholarship Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker Dr. Penny Bamford Dolores Beanland ’52 In memory of Jean Dollison Barry ’52 Jacquelyn Moran ’52 Rod Byrd In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Richard and Margaret Campiotti In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Alicia Louie Chen ’08 Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Carolyn M. Mettler Collins ’64 Dr. Theodore L. Deffinger ’54 In memory of Dr. Blair Vernon Anderson ’55 Deluxe Corporation Foundation Captain Dorothea Jean Dunn ’53 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Nannette James Dutchover ’59 Rene Clymer-Engelhart R.E. Farshler In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Dr. Inga Bones Flothow ’48 Dr. Scot D. Foster Gloria Giorgi Galeotti ’49 In memory of Anne Elizabeth Giranis Marian Melba Garrett ’48 In memory of Charles Murphy Colleen Lenahan ’96 Bernard Makowsky In memory of Jeri Ryan, R.N. Jennifer N. Nguyen Sheri Parkinson In memory of Judith Pope Johnson ’62 Catherine Phillips ’75 Judith Mell Phillips ’59 In memory of Chester and Reta Mell In memory of Dale Mell Nu Xi, Chapter-at-Large Nursing Scholarship Fund Allison G. Russell ’11 Nu Xi, Chapter at Large Peart Fund Occupational Therapy Scholarship Fund Dr. Penny Bamford Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. Donna Breger-Stanton Brad C. and Darla D. Tande Isabelle Tsien ’02 Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz In honor of Pamela Carrasco Timothy Cranford Dr. Craig Elliott, II Margrette Peterson Ron Salazar Andre Singleton Elizabeth Ching M. Diane Hansen In memory of Lois Hansen Daisy Hall Ray ’54 In memory of Caroline Smalley Janssen ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hilton In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Pamela Mae Foglia Dr. Scot D. Foster Mr. and Mrs. James W. Porter Dr. Gordon M. Giles Nicholas Sutton Misayo Kay Hoover ’64 In memory of Naomi Kor Eleccion ’64 Gloria Ishida Takarabe ’65 Joan DeProse Jacques ’60 Robert D. Janosov In memory of Gail E. Janosov ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Johnson In memory of Jean Dollison Barry ’52 Patricia McGee Kenworthy ’52 In memory of Catherine Ustick Pamela Lane In memory of Virgnia Oneto Volponi ’39 Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Patricia Turk Tuller ’52 In memory of Jean Dollison Barry ’52 Wendy McGuire Urrea ’64 In memory of Naomi Kor Eleccion ’64 Joanne Volponi In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Dr. and Mrs. John Volponi In memory of Virginia Oneto Volponi ’39 Mr. and Mrs. George S. Waite Lakeside Foundation Dr. Kate Hayner Anne Seed In honor of Rosa Alvarado Physician Assistant Scholarship Fund Carole O’Shea Endowed Nursing Scholarship Fund Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. Penny Bamford The O’Shea Foundation Dr. Michael DeRosa Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Dr. Scot D. Foster Panama Medical Mission Project Fund Dr. Gordon M. Giles Robert P. Kikukawa Marjorie Snyder Way ’48 In memory of Jim De Moss In memory of David Palmer Francisco Virgen-Giron Sarah Maxwell ’06 Theresa Haack Lauri Paolinetti Bonnie J. Joy Shun Wu Lorraine F. Petti Robert and Mary Lawrence Blair Simmons June Blodgett Lee ’52 In memory of Robert Bates Mary Colburn LeMieux ’60 Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Joselle Monarchi ’03 Lauri Paolinetti Briseida Romero Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More 35 36 Margrette Peterson, President Sharon Diaz and Dr. Paulina Van at SMU’s Black History Month Celebration in February 2014. Physical Therapy Discretionary Fund Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Jeri Noble Jennifer de los Santos Nancy Aduna Marisa DeSantis Katherine Kalar Uruashi Patel Terri A. Alesci Emily DeVere Emily A. Karr Patricia Pearson Marilyn Alford Karen Dugoni Jade Keyes ’12 Helen Phung Kristine Andref Kathleen Edmunds Sharmeen Khan Laurel P. Quarles Heather Leary-Arango Christine Egan Kelsey Kirkwold Jennifer Renell Mi Fung Kitty De La Rosa Sunita Palecanda Kathie Aylwin Edie Elder Linda Klaman Kathryn Garcia-Rivera Janet G. Babb Sheryl Ettinger Judy M. Kroeger Anna Marie Rivero Carolynne R. Barbane Michelle Fannon Carol Kurushima Julie Robbins Eileen Barr Jessica Fielder Kathy Kwok ’99 Gail Sakai Sandy Barrett Karen Felton Betty Kwong Karen Sandri Kristen Belcastro Maureen Fix Heidi Langan Karin Simpson-Schubert Sabrina Belmont Dr. Scot D. Foster Mary Larson Lydia Seely Emily Bergeron Heidi Garske Jamie Leach Suzie Seybold ’96 Carol Block Linda Gaspard-Berry Patricia Leary Patty Shijo Margaret Bray Tina Greco Brenda Lee Janice Smith Rebecca Brenner Elinor Gregory Caryn Lesko Maureen Murphy-Stanton Nicolee Brorsen Lindsay Grossman ’08 Vinita Srinivas-Levet Taryn G. Stiers Marie Bulbulla ’05 Debra Gutierrez Erica Libby ’11 Toki Strong ’99 Ellen Burke Chantal Handley Alice Louie Sara Stutz Elena Bunnell Cortney Harbick Mary Jane Lowenthal Michelle Talajkowski Marisa Camrye Michelle Harui Martha McCandless Jenny Tang Tamara P. Theodore Rachel Cansino Sarah B. Hatcher Marianne McKeon-Wedell Alexandra Castrinakis Cynthia Hogan Briana Magginetti Diane Tom Kimberly Chan Carrie Inouye Wendy Marrufo Amy Touchet Beth Chew Institute for the Advancement of Orthopedic Physical Therapy (IAOPT) Dori Maxon Diana Trainque Janice Matthews Huong Ho-Tran James Mendygal Kelli Jackman ’02 Janette Tran Peggy Shropshire-Mobbs Melissa Jeong Ellen Van Wert Arwa Motiwala Barbara Jeppson ’97 Michael Verolini Diane Nevins Katelyn Johnstone Loretta Wihlborg Julie Nidever Ana Wu Janet Cook Rosalie Covello Amy Cresswell Charles Cutter, III ’98 Tamara DeBarssi Irene DeCredico Jennifer Jones REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Karissa Yee Jennifer Bollong Samuel Yu ’00 Mrs. Bertel Borowsky Helena Zorndorf Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cadenasso Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund Jo Ann Carpaneto Bergesen ’69 Dr. Scot D. Foster Dr. Helen Christensen Mary S. Kimball Dr. and Mrs. Jerral S. Seibert Janis Sheer Ballard ’96 Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Clift Jeffrey S. Kruger Chi-Kwan Shea Dr. Penny Bamford Jennifer M. Clyne Elaine M. Lemay Dr. and Mrs. Wade Sherwood Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. James Cuthbertson Catherine K. Lohr Melvin and Anita Siegel Dr. Rolando Lazaro Lynda Dailey Dr. Guy L. McCormack Dr. and Mrs. Jon Sigurdson Vera Dami Bessanderson McNeil Mary Spear Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Deutsche Nancy Marriner Mary Strauss Linda Matson Arlene Swinderman Drs. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Catherine Matthews Royce and Sue Valencia Teresa M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lupe Vallejo Marion A. Mills Deborah Van Nest Joe Mockus Loretta M. Vanderveen Scott Murray Donna J. Nelson ’67 Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Waller, Jr. Barbara H. Cadwalader Physical Therapy Student Research Program EmpRes Healthcare Management Physiotherapy Corporation Penny B. Remiker Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. Kabaker Chris and Carla Ross Nancy Karp Maria Kiernik Dr. and Mrs. Roger R. Ecker Dr. and Mrs. James F. Eggert Picchi Memorial Education Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gordon “Skip” Huber Brooke Fancher Dr. Richard Rocco Dr. Mervyn A. Sahud Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sandberg Mark Abelson Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Feldman Dr. Lawrence M. Ng Dr. and Mrs. Carl Watanabe Dr. and Mrs. Eduardo Adamé Galloway, Lucchese, Everson and Picchi Kurt A. Patzner Dr. John C. Weaver, Jr. Dr. Paul Perchonock Paula T. Westman Amy Anderson John Garten-Shuman Dr. Glen Petersen Barbara Wiggin Robert L. Anderson Beverly Goggio Ada Lou Peterson Jennifer S. Winters Jan Askin Dr. Neil H. Gozan Carla Picchi Dr. Karen A. Wolf Laurie Bagley Dr. Teresa Gwin Joanna Picchi P. Roxann Zarchin Mrs. Robert Balfour Dr. John S. Hege Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Picchi Dr. Penny Bamford Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Herman Linda Picchi Dr. and Mrs. Malvin Barer Dr. Bernard D. Herring Podiatric Medicine Scholarship Fund Anna C. Barnard ’89 Dr. Joseph W. Hewitson ’89 Teresa Picchi ’96/ Joel Linzer Judge Mario Barsotti Meryl Himmelman Dr. George A. Pugh Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. George W. Bauer Dr. and Mrs. Cornelius L. Hopper Dr. George Queeley Dr. Theodore Deffinger ’54 Dr. Audrey Berman Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Dr. Penny Bamford Dr. Anthony S. Ravnik Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More Student volunteers at the Get to Know Your Brain! event, March 2014. 37 38 Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Pamela Lampson McPherson P’70 Dr. Michael Dinnel ’76 Carol Matthews Milano P’60 Dr. Duane U. Dyer ’54 Mr. and Mrs. John Noon In memory of Harry Hoffman Dr. Scot D. Foster Dr. Vernon Holm ’53 Dr. Clark D. Miller ’70 Dr. Larry M. Nelson ’91 Andre’ Singleton Dr. David D.-Q. Tran ’98 Representatives of the Bakotic Pathology Group at the June 2014 CSPM Centennial Gala. Mary E. Rion P’56 Chris and Carla Ross In memory of June Hardy McFaul P’44 Marie Katri Stone P’36 Elizabeth Ching Michaele Southall Crystal Crawford University Ventures Funds Management, LLC Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Celeste G. Villanueva Kathleen Edmunds Tarika Witherspoon Dr. Craig M. Elliott, II Eileen S. Yee Jill Emerson Susan Silva Zwahlen ’75 David L. Frey Dr. Teresa Gwin Dr. Blake O. Zobell ’91 Katie Joe Tom P’58 In memory of Harry Hoffman James W. Porter Scholarship Fund Alberta Smith Whalen P’51 In memory of Sister Frances Ignacius Elaine M. Lemay Betty Gibson Williams P’46 In memory of Barbara Soukup McNeil P’46 Dr. and Mrs. Alvin McLean, Jr. Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Providence College of Nursing Alumni Scholarship Fund Sheila McNally Bolin P’59 Charlotte Velasquez Bradford P’60 Richard Brown Karen Clowser Bruno P’60 Jayne Alexieff Bush P’62 Dr. Dorothy Coates De Cayette P’54 Regents Diversity Scholarship Fund Mark Abelson Michelle D. Hampton Brian Hopper Dr. Christina Lewis Kevin Archibald Dr. Penny Bamford Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morrison Tom and Gena Caya In memory of Mark K. Reynolds Dr. Terrence Nordstrom Andy Chamberlin Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peters Dr. Cecily Cosby American Endowment Foundation Brad Peters Ciara Cox Julie Poteet Edward “Ted” Curran Jim and Stephanie Bangert Dr. Gaye L. Raymond Marcus Banks Dr. Kathleen Roberts Drs. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Anna C. Barnard ’89 Alejandro Rodriguez Dr. Craig M. Elliott, II Farrell Barnett Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Earl Joseph Lemay, Sr. Adelina Gage-Kelly Anita Caratti Gandolfo P’47 Dr. Audrey Berman In memory of Wayne Williams Donald Rubin Kristine Blanco Anglyn S. Sasser Donna Rucker Healy P’58 Maurice Borden Joy Smith Carla Cerutti Kemble P’60 Mr. and Mrs. Warren “Chip” Brown Hai-Thom Sota Jean Cann Lapin P’45 Dr. Fusae Abbott Amy Anderson Juana C. Moreno Brandy Beazley Jovine Fifer Hankins P’53 Mark K. Reynolds Technology and Academic Instruction Fund Marie Ma Iris Tomasino French P’48 Anita Haigh P’47 Royce and Sue Valencia Dr. Timothy Dutra ’85 Maria Salas Dr. Sylvia Fox Ronda Garrett Christina Gray Lillian Lugo-Harvin Jamie S. Hirota Valerie Landau Yurismary Llerena REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 201 3 – 201 4 Dr. Mileva Saulo-Lewis Lillian Lugo-Harvin Dr. Pamela Minarik Lily Marquez Dr. Rhonda Ramirez ’96 Jacqueline Peter Sherry V. Reynolds Sally A. Pimentel Alejandro Rodriguez Alejandro Rodriguez Maria Ronquillo Saeng Saephanh Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Akira “Ike” Hirota Ronald Salazar Maria Salas Blair Simmons Hai-Thom Sota Michael Tam Markcus Thomas Royce and Sue Valencia Marcus D. Walton Dr. Karen A. Wolf Mary E. Robinson Endowed Scholarship Fund Department of Health and Human Services Blair Simmons R. Shapiro Family Foundation Endowed Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund Frederick D. Van Ogle Irma P. Walker-Adamé Tarika Witherspoon R. Shapiro Family Foundation Jeri E. Ryan Scholarship Fund Peter D. and Jennie Lim Shiu Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Matilda Ignacio Scholars in Service Scholarship Fund Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Kira Allen Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lew In memory of Warren Mow Dr. Aara Amidi-Nouri Dr. Penny Bamford M. Diane Hansen In memory of Kathryne Henderson’s mother Tamatha Bechtle Corine Harris Dr. Fusae Abbott Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students for Physician Assistants Grant May Lim In memory of Heinrick Glaese Rose Young Ko Ruth Yip Tom and Gena Caya In memory of Mary E. Robinson Kathryne Henderson Monika B. Deutsche In memory of Mary E. Robinson Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students for Doctor of Physical Therapy Grant Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Tanya M. Grigg Department of Health and Human Services Marilyn Snider Nursing Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lee Snider Student Emergency Loan Fund Corine Harris Dr. Fusae Abbott Pamela Harrison Allison Repinski Roberts ’00 Mary Hoang Kristi Kindberg Donors $25,000 Or More Appear In Bold Mark A. Swift, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Audrey Berman In honor of Richard MacIntyre and Robert Head’s marriage Darlene DeLancey In honor of Dr. Audrey Berman Theresa Cawthon Daniel DeLancey Russell DeLancey Dr. Sharon C. Diaz Mark A. Swift Transgender Project Fund Dr. Patricia Brennan Susan M. Cantrell Margaret Rivero-Early Pamela Eiselman ’96 Dr. Sylvia Fox Dr. Nancy Haugen Mindy Prestia Janet Rowland Sharon L. Swain ’98 Dr. William and Doreen Wong Podiatric Medicine Endowed Scholarship Fund East Bay AIDS Center Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Tavi M. Van Ogle ’88 Endowed Nursing Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. William Lowe ’57 In memory of Dr. William Wong ’64 Dr. Luis F. and Sharon C. Diaz Chris and Carla Ross In memory of Dr. William Wong ’64 Frederick D. Van Ogle Dr. Patricia Harvey Webb Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. William Wong Dr. Fusae Abbott Karen L. Wrubel, DPM Podiatric Medicine Scholarship Fund Dr. Joan Bard Dr. Karen L. Wrubel Dr. Audrey Berman In memory of Marilyn Biehl Cook Akira “Ike” Hirota Earl Joseph Lemay, Sr. Otis Tuggle, Sr. In honor of the birth of Saylor Jeanne Krahn Marquez Robles Keldon Nicodemus Yu Shears Members of the Universalis Centralis Circle $1,000 or More 39 SMU students attend a campus barbecue, March 2014. Principles of Community Samuel Merritt University is committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning community, workplace, and campus environment. We demonstrate this commitment by ensuring that SMU is a community where: >> W e affirm the value of human diversity, respecting our differences, while acknowledging our common humanity. >> W e affirm the inherent dignity and value of every person and strive to maintain a climate based on mutual respect, fairness, and inclusion, calling for civility and decency in our personal interactions, regardless of position or status in the academy. >> W e respect the right of freedom of expression within our community and value the different perspectives of others; recognizing and appreciating these differences builds trust and contributes to the excellence of the university. >> W e challenge all forms of behavior that are prejudicial, discriminatory, and detrimental or contrary to the values expressed in this document; and we take responsibility for increasing our own understanding of these issues through education and our interactions with one another. As a community, we are committed, individually and collectively, to embodying and safeguarding these principles. Samuel Merritt University 450 30th Street, Suite 2840 Oakland CA 94609 FIRST CLASS US POSTAGE PA I D OAKLAND, CA PERMIT #582 Join us in giving to Samuel Merritt University www.samuelmerritt.edu/donors 450 30th Street, Suite 2840, Oakland CA 94609 510.869.8628