General Rules for reservation at the Diana Theater.
General Rules for reservation at the Diana Theater.
General Rules for reservation at the Diana Theater. 1 GENERAL RULES FOR RESERVATION AT THE DIANA THEATER Section 1.- The actual rules are inherent to the Facilities at the Diana Theater in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Property of Universidad de Guadalajara. Section 2.- Since it belongs to the University of Guadalajara which is a Public Organization decentralized from the Government of Jalisco, with self autonomy ,juridical personality and self patrimony according to what it is actually ruled in the 1° section from its law, proclaimed by the Governor in the order 15,319 in the state congress of Jalisco. and according to the II fraction from section 5 from the Organic Law currently used and applied, this University AN, Organize, Carry on, Performed and expand the scientific investigation, technological and humanistic. Section 3.- Taking into account this is place belongs to a Public University, any other person can have access to Rent the Facilities at the Diana Theater in this city of Guadalajara,Jalisco only if it full fills the requirements mentioned as General Rules. It is Strictly Forbidden to give preferences or exclusivity to someone affecting others that have already applied for the use/or renting the establishment. Section 4.- The General Direction of the Diana Theater through its Director, in the consecutive as THE THEATER, will be responsible to fulfill to previously already mentioned as GENERAL RULES. 2 Section 5.- In order to consider as a candidate to RENT and/or USE the facilities at the Diana Theater in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The following requirements MUST be fulfilled: 1) Fill out the application for Renting the place, providing all the information for the event that wishes to be programmed, this application is provided by e-mail or by fax format in the first contact to whomever is interested in through the Diana Theater main offices. 2- ) It is INDISPESIBLE to mention the show to be programmed and its general characteristics: a) Name b) Type (Play, Musical, Dance, Concert, etc.). c) numer of days requested. d) Number of Performances. e) Information about Promoter. 3) Show a copy of the contract how the artist, band, or play was contracted to be presented at THE THEATER. Section 6.- THE THEATER will reply Confirming or Denying the availability to the leasing application previously presented by e-mail or on written form. And a date will be provided in the case of the first option it is completely available. IF the requested date isn’t available then you will be written down in STAND BY list and will be considered as a second option. ONLY if the first option does NOT confirm the event will pass as the first candidate. Section 7.- Once it is confirmed by THE THEATER the requested date and it has been reserved it will proceed to have the activities performed: a) The authorized application format will be asked for along with the payments rent at a 100% coverage Guarantee. With 60 days in anticipation, unless THE THEATER requests it with further time ahead. b) THE THEATER once that was done will provide an invoice or proved of payment from the already mentioned rent of the facilities which will be taken into consideration for the Final payment of the place. 3 Section 8.- In case of cancellation from the previously date, the following will proceed: a) If the event is cancelled before the 60 days mentioned as to the programming date given, THE THEATER will provide 50% from the reservation deposited. b) If the cancellation is done before the 60 days mentioned, then the DEPOSIT will be totally lost and THE THEATER will not return anything. Sections 9.- THE THEATER¨S Personnel WON¨T provide any of the information, related to events or any kinds of celebrations to anybody. Section 10.- The following rules must be given to the people who are interested in renting the facilities fro DIANA THEATER in the city of Guadalajara., Jalisco. And only THE THEATER can make any modification according to the needs of the enterprise who requests the facilities in order to agree on both sides. 4 Annexed 1 5