Funeral Home - Church of the Holy Spirit
Funeral Home - Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of the Holy Spirit 1969 Crompond Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Holy Spirit is a Eucharistic Community, formed by and in the Holy Spirit, to enable our Community to come closer to God and to each other. Rev. John DeBellis Pastor MASS Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00noon Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 9:00am PENANCE Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30pm, Other times on request. BAPTISM Baptisms are scheduled for 1:30pm on specific Sundays. Catechesis for parents is required. Please call the Parish Office to register for Catechesis. Baptisms may only be scheduled after attending Catechesis. Rev. Karl Lindblad In-Residence Rev. Renny Abraham In-Residence Rev. Kevin Mackin, OFM Weekend Associate Deacon Ray Parchen Parish Office: 737-2316 Fax: 737-6882 [email protected] Mrs. Kathy Parish Parish Secretary Mrs. Susan Cacciottoli Parish Secretary Mrs. Joan Rojas MARRIAGE You must meet with a priest at least one year beforehand to schedule the date and time of your wedding. The wedding date is finalized only by meeting with the priest. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Those who are sick, homebound, or in the hospital are a vital part of our Parish family. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Music Director Religious Education: 734-9243 [email protected] Mrs. Elizabeth Kogler Coordinator of Religious Education Food Pantry: 737-2111 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 9, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Sunday, March 9 5:00 Domenick Campagna 8:00 Victor F. Badding 10:00 Thomas McCarthy 12:00 Thomas Coogan Monday, March 10 9:00 Tyler Seger Tuesday, March 11 9:00 Antonio Reda & Angela Ferentini Wednesday, March 12 9:00 Bonnie Montour (living) Thursday, March 13 9:00 People of Holy Spirit Parish Thank you for your generosity Offering $9,272 Buildings and Grounds Maintenance $2,396 Please mark your envelope with the amount of your contribution, your name and address, so that we are able to record it for your year-end statement. If you are not a registered Parishioner we will gladly send you a registration form. Friday, March 14 9:00 Christian Ortiz Louis Saturday, March 15 5:00 Domenick Campagna The sick are comforted just knowing that we pray for them. Please remember these members of our Parish Family, who are ill, in your prayers. Please also remember the deceased members of our Parish Family in your prayers. Sunday, March 16 8:00 Iolando DiNardo 10:00 Debbie Miller 12:00 Gabriel Mancuso First Reading Second Reading Gospel CELEBRANT SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, March 15th 5:00pm Fr. Renny th Sunday, March 16 8:00am Fr. Kevin 10:00am Fr. Kevin 12:00 noon Fr. DeBellis Genesis 2:7-3:7 Roman 5:12-19 Matthew 4:1-11 Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. PRAYER INTENTIONS For foregiveness READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY Genesis 12:1-4a 2 Timothy 1:8b-10 Matthew 17:1-9 The 2013 tax contribution statements are available. Please call the Parish Office to request your copy, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You may fax or email us as well. Thank you. Congratulations to Mr. Robert Dagnino, the 50/50 Maintenance Club Winner for the month of February. Thanks to all of you the amount of $255.00 was shared. The Religious Education Program would like to thank Grace and Reno Romagnoli for hosting the family breakfasts throughout the year. We appreciate the hospitality they provide our families with this wonderful gathering time. Thank you! Page Two From the Desk of Fr. John DeBellis I’m looking forward to the Parish Mission this week. As I welcome Msgr. Joe Martin to our parish, he will provide us with the opportunity to renew and deepen our personal relationship with Christ, the Church and with one another. Please know that Msgr. Martin has expressed that I invite all of you, including the children. Be with us. We will take a short break from our Lenten practices and come together for the St. Patrick’s/St. Joseph’s Dinner on Saturday, March 16th, at 6:15 in the Parish Activity Center. I know we will have a good time together as it also affords me the opportunity to spend time with fellow parishioners and to enjoy each other’s company. Of course, I know the food will be very good as well. Reservation forms are available in the Rectory Office and at the Church exits. Please join us. After a very successful initial gathering, Catholic in Real Life will be gathering once again for a lite supper and faith sharing on Saturday, March 22nd following the 5:00pm Mass in the Parish Activity Center. If you are 30 or 40 something, please join us. Additional information is available at the Rectory Office and at the Church exits. Please join us. I want to repeat here my note about parking at Holy Spirit. Some parishioners have mentioned to me recently that finding a parking space can be difficult for certain masses. Of course, we have lost some spaces due to the great amounts of snow. While this may be a “good” problem for us to have since it reflects greater church attendance for our parish, I would like to explore ways to increase parking space. On Monday, April 7th, a meeting is scheduled for the Finance Council and I will add this item to the agenda. Thanks for your patience with the parking, but I’m grateful that more people are making their way to Holy Spirit on the weekend. God Bless. The Cardinal’s Appeal Update. So far we have raised $17, 500 in pledges as we make our way to our goal of $54,000. We are currently running ahead of last year’s totals at this stage. Yet, we need everyone to participate if we are to reach our goal. Please consider making a gift, especially if you have not made a gift in the recent past. Your support is vitally important to the well-being of the Archdiocese. Cardinal Dolan is a great shepherd for the Church in New York. Let’s show him our enthusiastic support. Extra pledge cards are available at the Church exits. In all these things, I am aware and very grateful for your generous spirit both in your readiness to help by volunteering and in the sharing of your resources with us. God Bless you always. A Word from Pope Francis As many of you know, I have been especially encouraged by the words and example of Pope Francis as shepherd to the world. He reminds people and priests that we must help people to reconnect with the source of joy and salvation who is Christ. Every opportunity can become a moment of grace. Therefore, he writes: “Do not lose hope; St. Joseph also experienced moments of difficulty, but he never lost faith and was able to overcome them, in the certainty that God never abandons us.” As we begin Lent, the great season of grace, these words are truly encouraging and a reminder of the great hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. Have a great week and a great Lent. Page Three Sometimes young teens can have a difficult time finding positive role models. But not here at Holy Spirit. Confirmation candidates had to look no further than the many saints who have gone before us. The hard part was choosing one saint’s name for their Confirmation name. Candidates researched when and where the saints lived, what they did for a living, why are they a saint and what are they the patron of? Many candidates chose names based on their hobbies (sports, music), the career they hope to pursue (police, teaching, armed services), the name of a cherished family member or even their Baptismal name. Through essays, power point presentations, posters and drawings, they explained why they choose a particular saint and what they learned about the saint. Among the names chosen by this year’s Confirmation candidates are: James, Seraphina, Agnes, Luigi, Blaise, Silas, Augustine, Cecelia, Sebastian, Victor, Colette, Francis and Peregrine. When you are in the Parish Activity Center for Coffee Sunday or the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, please visit our Hall of Saints to see their work. Birthright of Peekskill Birthright of Peekskill now has a phone! If you know someone who needs assistance with their pregnancy, please call 914-420-5576 or 1-800-5504900. Volunteers are available to help Mondays and Saturdays from 10:00am to 12 noon and Thursdays afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The Franciscan Sisters Present: “Come Closer to Jesus This Lent” Reflection Day Monday, March 10, 2014 Time: 9:30am to 2:00pm Donation: $10 – Bring Lunch Tea & Coffee Provided Registration: Please contact Sr. Sheila Kelly, RGS by March 3, 2014 (914) 962-5050 ext. 19 The Franciscan Center 250 South Street Peekskill, New York 10566 A Healing/Anointing of the Sick Mass will be celebrated here at Holy Spirit on Wednesday, March 26th at 7:30pm. Please plan on joining us for this very special Mass. More information will follow in the weeks to come. Try something new Do you find that your prayer life feels stale or dull occasionally? Try learning a new prayer. Look in the missal at church or the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website ( under “Prayer and Worship.” Sometimes learning something new to say to God can refresh your time with Him. - Growing in Faith Need Mass times, information on the Cardinal’s Appeal, a registration form, St. Patrick’s Party form, bulletin copies, etc. Visit our website at for all the latest information of what is going on at Holy Spirit. If you would like prayers for someone who is ill or recently deceased, please call the Parish Office. The ill are prayed for during the weekend Masses for two weeks (their name will be announced). After that, their name is added to the list in our bulletin for an additional four weeks. The recently deceased are prayed for during the weekend Masses and added to the list in our bulletin for an additional week. Please call the Parish Office if someone needs to be placed back on the list that is ill. The Holy Spirit Discount Cards are back. They can be used multiple times at local shops like Cold Stone Creamery, Dunkin’ Donuts, Model’s, Payless and Valvoline. The cards are $10 each and are available in the Parish and Religious Education Office. Thank you for your support. Page Four; 476-CHS Quality Installations GEORGE E. MCCOMBE ROOFING Licensed DIESEL FUEL • FUEL OIL KEROSENE • GASOLINE HEATING CONTRACTORS 914-739-6484 UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Assumption Cemetery Steam / Hot Water / Warm Air 936 WASHINGTON ST. PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 Est. 1943 Insured (914) 737-1583 Serving All Catholics Regardless of Parish Affiliation In-Ground & Above Ground Burial Options Including Interment of Cremated Remains. Feature Areas Including Sacred Heart & Padre Pio 1055 OREGON RD. • CORTLANDT MANOR, NY 10567 SALON ENCORE PROMPT FREE ESTIMATES Complete Home Remodeling & Improvements A FULL SERVICE SALON MR. FRANK MGR. OPEN SUNDAY GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Inc 914.739.1004 Bakery & Cafe Formerly Country Cafe Recently Renovated Breakfast • Bagels Bakery • Lunch • Grill Catering Open 7 Days 3535 Crompound Rd. Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-737-8542 J’sBEAUTYUnisex SALON MON-SAT: 10AM-8PM SUN: 10AM-6PM 1101 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 (914) 739-2653 Find out how far your heart can reach. Millions of people overseas depend on you. Please help. 1-888-354-0060 CRS.ORG/cb Catholic Relief Services serves poor people in 91 countries 2120 CROMPOND RD., RT. 202 CORTLANDT MANOR (OPP. GYMNASTIC CITY) ADDITIONS • RENOVATIONS MASONRY • STONEWORK • PAVERS DRAINAGE • SEPTIC NEW/REPAIR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Licensed/Insured • WC-19739-H07 • PC-6086 “Exceeding expectations... not your budget.” WWW.SDGCINC.COM • 914-402-4167 Dr. Vernon Peryea OPTOMETRIST Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards • Lasik Co-Management • Contact Lenses • Accepting Most Insurances • Designer Eyewear • Comprehensive Eye Exams ~ Now Accepting New Patients ~ Beach Shopping Ctr. 1865 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 914-737-0437 “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” 914-737-2071 Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! CORLISS LAW GROUP Full & Half Day Programs AGES 2-5 YRS OLD OPEN 7AM-6PM Special Ed.Teacher, Speech Pathologist, & RN on Staff Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! PARKSIDE CORNER SHPG. CTR. 3565 CROMPOND RD. • CORTLANDT MANOR (914) 402-1149 Services include: Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides Care Management Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Care Transitions Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care 1-855-488-2149 Penny Carino Elder Law Medicaid Probate Estate Planning Marie A. Corliss, Esq. Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker 914-953-9449 Houlihan Lawrence Town of Yorktown Route 6, PO Box 650 Jefferson Valley, NY [email protected] 26 Pump House Road Cortlandt Manor, NY [email protected] 914-930-8400 $99 Simple Will for parishioners 75 and older 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (I) R John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • CORTLANDT SELF STORAGE Rent With Us & Receive A Free Month Or Free Move Call For Details 313 North James Street • Peekskill, NY 10566 Rt. 202 Parkside Corner Plaza, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-736-6767 • “Serving All Faiths” Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner • Casual Dining • Convenient Take Out Delivery After 5PM • Extensive On & Off Premise Catering 914-737-0083 914-734-1556 Tax Preparation 1100 Cortlandt St., Peekskill Delicatessen • Butcher & Catering Gift Baskets Quality Foods At Neighborhood Prices 2 Westbrook Drive Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 914-526-4260 • Fax: 914-526-4912 House & Garden Plants Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Fruit Baskets Made to Order OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK APRIL-DECEMBER Rt. 202, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-739-0686 Quality Design 737-1363 942 South St., Peekskill, NY 8 John Walsh Blvd Suite 326, Peekskill 914-930-1919 Sign up for a Carol Velardi Licensed Real Estate Salesperson GUMBO REALTY PATTI TALBOT [email protected] County Termite & Pest Control Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Rand Realty 354 Downing Drive Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise 1870 East Main Street Mohegan Lake, NY 10547 (914) 526-8380 728-30 NO. DIVISION STREET PEEKSKILL Parishioner 845-265-3333 Clinton Inc. “THE FUNERAL HOME” James Clinton, Sr. 1932-2006 • James Clinton, Jr. • Todd Morrill, Sr. Pre-Arranged Funerals • Preplan Trust • Burials & Cremations Family Owned & Managed Affiliated With Yannantuono Funeral Home “Where the Difference is in the Caring” Anthony J. Guarino 945 East Main Street • Shrub Oak, NY 10588 914.962.0700 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (B) R Vinny & Anita Savastano 2121 Crompond Rd Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Servicing Westchester-Putnam & the Bronx FULL SERVICE PEST CONTROL 24 Hr. Svc., Unmarked Vehicles, Cert. Tech. (914) 737-0474 1 (855) BUGS-END (284-7363) ATTORNEY AT LAW MEMBER NY, CONN & FLORIDA BARS CORNER OF PARROTT& PINE STREETS COLD SPRING 914-737-0128 NYS D.E.C. Cert# 12339 Commercial • Residential • Industrial ROBERT E. COSENTINO O’CONNER, MCGUINNES, CONTE, DOYLE & OLESON [email protected] ONE BARKER AVENUE WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. 10601 MS. DANCEWEAR INC. 914-737-0505 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 914-588-4526 cell 6 Broadway PO Box 439, Crompond, NY 10517 Valhalla,NY 10595 Your neighbor, working harder bringing clients up to our Cortlandt area. [email protected] Fax: 914-739-6822 WE BUY GOLD 914-282-3340 Mobile EST. 1999 Cell 917-559-7162 Office 914-293-7776 Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches & Sterling Silver Call Joe TRI CAT ELECTRIC Choosing The Right Realtor Does make a difference, Commercial & Residential Licensed & Insured 737-3333 Expert Jewelry & Watch Repair FREE TRIAL CLASS Licensed • Fully Insured 400 Central Avenue Peekskill 20 Years Experience ALL WORK GUARANTEED 914-737-6675 Landscape Design & Construction Custom Masonry Unilock Walks, Patios & Walls Water Features Ponds & Waterfalls Outdoor Kitchens & BBQ/Fire Pits Low-Voltage Landscape Lighting Property Maintenance Services Landscape Materials ARTHUR WEEKS & SON Jewelers Since 1896 PAINTING & WALLPAPER REMOVAL 414 Washington Street, Peekskill, NY 914-737-0848 Cortlandt Farm HOME MASON Market SUPPLY CORP. JOSEPH F. NARDONE FUNERAL HOME VISIT us on the Web at Funeral Home MATTHEW F. CARLONE • STEPHANIE K. CARLONE ITALIAN SPECIALTIES (914)734-1769 (877)321-BROS D CELL: (914) 552-8469 TEL: (914) 948-4500 FAX: (914) 948-0645 [email protected] PAINTING Eagle Painting Co. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR POWER WASHING DECK STAINING PETE GILLEN Over 20 Years Exp. FREE Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured 739-8799 914-299-0328 Painting • Paper Hanging John Ettere - Parish Member Sponging & Glazing Techniques Plaster Repairs & Taping FREE Estimates 12 Cedar Knoll Lane [email protected] Cortlandt Manor John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • (914) 734-1616
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