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Hertz Funeral Homes of Harvey and McClusky Services, Monuments & Markers 324-4374 St. Cecilia’s Holy Family Society Harvey, ND New York Life Ins. Co. Doug & Brad Olschlager 546 Brewster St. E Harvey 324-2737 Tom’s Home Furnishings 801 Lincoln Ave. 324-4282 Harvey Right to Life 324-4456 Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Chad & Amber Ziegler 701-324-2227 MicroEndo PLLC 210 E. 8th St. E 324-2281 Come Check Us Out! Knights of Columbus Council #5217 NORTHERN FAMILY WELLNESS & CHIROPRACTIC Amy J Felchle, DC Harvey ND 58341 701-324-4722 Warehouse Grocery 321 W. 10th St. Harvey 324-2509 Harvey Tax, Accounting & Financial Services Rick Darvis CPA 324-4615 Colleen Wipf Manager 209 E. 10th St. [email protected] Natural Family Planning Billings Ovulation Method Instruction by appt.: Elizabeth Leier LPN This space available 324-2802 [email protected] Doug’s Auto Body Doug Helm, owner 693-2804 or 324-5257 Tastee Freeze 609 E. Brewster St. 324-4423 Penny Pinchers 920 Lincoln Ave. 324-4611 TJ Plumbing Travis Olschlager Harvey, ND 324-1584 One Call does it all! Buechler Oil Company, Inc. 2316 Hwy. 52, Harvey 324-2462 Vondal Electric 116 E. 8th St. Harvey 324-2412 121 W. Brewster St. Harvey 324-4671 CDA Court Sacred Heart #1908 Delores Helm 604 E. Brewster Harvey 324-2551 H A R V E Y F A R M E R S Mack’s Farm & RV Center ELEVATOR 2346 Bus. Hwy 52 10 E. 71TH ST 324-4627 324-2248 OF ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH Harvey Sand & Gravel, Inc. Hinrichs Supervalu The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Caring beyond prescriptions. 722 Lincoln Ave 324-2295 ST. CECILIA’S CHURCH Frey Insurance Agency, Inc. 822 Lincoln Ave 324-2375 Dr. Steven Kourajian Optometrist 901 Lincoln Ave. Harvey 324-2154 This space available Northern Appraisal & Realty, Inc. Rhonda Knudtson 917 Alder Ave. 701-324-4799 Fax: 701-324-4798 Hurley’s Religious Goods 1417 S University Dr, Fargo 1-800-437-4338 & Anamoose 324-2285 St. Aloisius Medical Center 325 Brewster E Harvey ND 324-4651 HARVEY OF SELZ Rev. Franklin Miller: Pastor OFFICE HOURS 413 Brewster St. E [email protected] Mon. Closed Harvey, ND • 58341 mobile: 701.388.9826 Tues. 1-4 pm Rev. Mr. Jeff Faul: Deacon Wed., Thurs., Fri. Sister Miriam Braun: Pastoral Ministry 9 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm Rosalie Axtman: Secretary PARISH OFFICE: (701) 324-2144 Elizabeth Leier: Bookkeeper E-MAIL : [email protected] Amber Ziegler: DRE WEBSITE: Meghan Graumann: Music Dir.324-5295 Joan Grossman: Housekeeping Irene Keller: Maintenance Jacki Young: Maintenance Michael Waldoch: Maintenance LAY DIRECTORS ST. CECILIA PARISH Steve Eckart & Carol Vondal ST. ANTHONY PARISH Jerry Axtman & Robert Hager MASS SCHEDULE Mon, Wed., Fri. 7:30 am Tues. & Thurs. 12 pm Sat. 2 pm NH, 4:30 pm Harvey Sunday 8:30 am Selz 10:30 am Harvey SACRAMENT OF RECONCILITION Tues. & Thurs: 11:30-11:50 am Sat.10:30-11:30 am & 3:30-4:10 pm Harvey O God, who in this wonderful EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Sacrament have left us a memorial Mon. 8 am-Midnight of your Passion, grant us, we pray, Tues.12:30 pm-Midnight so to revere the sacred mysteries of Wed. 8 am-8:00 pm your Body and Blood that we may Solemn Benediction 8:00 pm always experience in ourselves the PRAYER CHAIN fruits of your redemption. Who live Lola Faul 324-2905 and reign with God the Father in the Kathy Kennedy 324-2328 Jessie Wentz 324-2400 unity of the Holy Spirit, on God, for ever and ever. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Anna Schneibel 324-2374 June 22, 2014 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) TV MASS SPONSOR Keller Family In memory of Wilda Keller Father, I lift my voice to You in praise of the beauty I see all around me in Your creation. How marvelous is Your handiwork. Daily Readings Monday, June 23 7:30 am St. C Barney & Margaret Bischoff By Steve & Elizabeth Leier Monday, June 23 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 Ps 60:3-4, 12-13 Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday, June 24 12:00 pm St. C Martin & Minnie Stumpf By Ray & Jessie Wentz Tuesday, June 24 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Is 49:1-6 Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:57-66, 80 Wednesday, June 25 7:30 am St. C An end to abortion By CDA Ct # 1908 Wednesday, June 25 2 Kgs 22:8:13, 23:1-3 Ps 119:33-27,40 Mt 7:15-20 10:00 am NH Sean Deck By Rose Krenzel Thursday, June 26 2 Kgs 24:8-17 Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9 Mt 7:21-29 Thursday, June 26 Note time change 7:30 am St. C Katherine Schall By Schall family Friday, June 27 Note time change & No Mass at Senior Housing 12:00 pm St. C Melvin Zerr By Marvin Zerr family Saturday, June 28 2:00 pm NH Charity Schmidt By Dan & Donna Brossart 4:30 pm St C The people of St. Cecilia’s & St. Anthony’s. Sunday, June 29 8:30 am St A Peter & Anna Wack By Andy & Ann Axtman 10:30 am St. C Thomas Marchand & Monte Marchand By Lisa Wentz Friday, June 27 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Dt 7:6-11 Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 10 1 Jn 4:7-16 Mt 11:25-30 Saturday, June 28 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 Ps 74:1-7, 20-21 Mt 8:5-15 Sunday, June 29 Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles Acts 12:1-11 Ps 34:2-9 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18 Mt 16:13-19 OFFERING FOR 6-15-14 ENVELOPES PLATE TOTAL CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES $ 2,740.00 $ 170.50 $ 2,910.50 $ 6.50 Rose Krenzel, Eva M. Keller, Dave Folden, Marlys Piatz, Helen Degenstein, Helen Burgard, Chrissie Hager, Quenten Fabiano, Betty Holzer, Tammy Vetter, Haley Reitz, Delores Hager, Donny Schmidt, Tim Held, Peter Schall, Annie Schmidt, Jerry Young, Judy Lemer, Sherwood Nutz, Becca Kourajian, Francis Seefeld, Carol Henne, Math Prom, Cindy Volk, Larry Krueger, Dallas Marchus, Larry Hager Please notify the office when a name is ready to be removed. Thank you. Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul Saturday June 28 St. Cecilia’s 4:30 pm Sunday Sunday June 29 June 29 St. Anthony’s St. Cecilia’s 8:30 am 10:30 am Leo & Joan Grossman Donna Marthe Ally Haluska Francis & Sally Seefeld Mark & Julie Knudtson Meg Hoffart Barbara Zuther Linda Knudtson Sylvia Grad Carol Vondal Amber Ziegler EMHC Linda Knudtson Ally Haluska Vern & Delores Helm Leon Seefeld Mary Roerich-Fix Sylvia Grad Bob & Julie Keller Roger & Carol Vondal Leo Rutten EMHC HMBND Eric & Ericka Hager Brett Muscha Kayla Wolfe USHERS READER ALTAR SERVERS Beverly Vetter Christyn & Braden Knudtson SONG LEADER Deb Kourajian Adult Choir MUSIC VIDEO Steve Kourajian June Prom Doug Olschlager COUNTERS SACRISTANS Liza Case Leo & Ruth Rutten Bob & Julie Keller Love and Life Celebration Hosted by Couple to Couple League An evening for engaged and married couples will be held July 20 at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 520 6 St., No., Grand Forks. The annual NFP Awareness Week Love and Life Celebration will begin with Holy Mass at 5 p.m., followed by a potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share; meat, buns and beverage is provided. Fr. Jason Lefor, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, will provide a presentation on male/female complimentarity following the meal. Childcare provided during the presentation. For more information contact Cheryl Granger, 701-847-3093 or [email protected] Sponsored by the Couple to Couple League Grand Forks Chapter. Trinity Youth Camp 2014 “Mission Possible.” For students entering 4-8th grade. July 9-13 Pelican Lake I Bottineau, ND July 16-20 Camp of the Cross, Garrison, ND July 23-27 Pelican Lake II, Bottineau, ND Catechist Retreat Saturday, Aug 16, Park River Bible Camp or Friday, Aug 22, Presentation Center Valley City Fr. Andrew Jasinski will direct us on retreat with a series of talks on the joy of the catechist taken from Pope Francis’s exhortation the Joy of the Gospel. This is a retreat for anyone who is involved in catechesis; so all those who direct or coordinate religious education programs, those who teach children or adults including youth ministers. There will also be time for Mass, lunch, sharing and reflection time with the chance to enjoy the beautiful grounds. The day will begin at 9:00am and end at 4:00pm. Deadline to sign up: Park River Bible Camp – August 1 and Valley City on August 7th. Registration is on-line at $20 per person. Contact Mary Hanbury at 701-356-7909 or [email protected] for more information Women's Retreat at Maryvale, Valley City: This retreat is entitled "The Woman at the Well" and will be held July 18-20, 2014. During this weekend we will mediate on the experience of the Samaritan woman who comes upon the man, Jesus, at Jacob's well. As we pray the gospel of John 4:4-42, we will, along with this woman, declare Jesus as the Messiah and Savior of the world. Sister Anne Germaine Picard and Sister Dorothy Bunce are co-presenters for this retreat. It begins Friday, July 18 at 7:00 p.m. and concludes on Sunday, July 20 at 12:00 p.m. The suggested donation is $85.00. Registration deadline is Friday, July 11. You may register by contacting Sr. Dorothy by phone: 701-845-2864 or e-mail: [email protected] Tuesday, July 1 Knights of Columbus BBQ 6:00 pm Meeting to follow Fr. Miller will be away on retreat June 18-27. Fr. Michael Hickin will be here in his absence. No Catholic Daughters Meeting in July. Various areas of help is needed for the 4th of July Luncheon. Please help by doing whatever you are able by volunteering to bring a pan of bars, or help with set up of tables, chairs, decorations, etc, on the evening of July 3rd, or with the serving and/or cleanup after the lunch. Sign up sheets are available at the entrances of the church, or contact Steve and Kathy Eckart. 324-2978 Feedback Requested: You’re invited to take survey regarding New Earth St. Cecilia’s is only one of two parishes in the Diocese selected to be part of an important survey. Please do your part by volunteering to complete the form and aid in the process of the following request: The editorial team for New Earth, the Diocese of Fargo’s monthly publication, is evaluating how it can better meet the needs and expectation of the people in the diocese. Please take time to complete a survey regarding your opinions. Deadline is Friday, July 4. To access the survey online visit To request a paper copy for completion, contact us at (701) 356-7900 or [email protected]. Thank you! A paper copy is available at the parish office or at either entrance of the church. St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church will host an Following the parade at Harvey City Hall until gone. Hamburger, Brats, Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Chips, Bars, & Beverage. Pre-school –11: $4.00 12-Adult : $7.00 Proceeds to go toward the Seminarian’s Retreat held at St. Cecilia’s in August. For those who missed this article previously printed on Palm Sunday, it is fitting for this Sunday, as we celebrate the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. A MUST READ! PLEASE take the time! From the website, Pope Francis’ Eucharistic Miracle in Argentina Easter is a beautiful time to deepen our devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Pascal Mystery which we celebrate in a special way during the Easter Triduum—the Passion, death and bodily resurrection of Christ—is daily present to us in the Eucharist. The Church teaches that Jesus is really, truly, and actually there—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity—in the Holy Eucharist. Unfortunately it is all to easy, due to human weakness, to begin to lose our sense of awe, wonder, and adoration of Our Lord in the Eucharist. A great way to reinvigorate our belief and to encourage devotion to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is by reading accounts This year marks the 15th year Anniversary of of Eucharistic miracles that have occurred throughout the ages of the Church, from the earliest years to modern times. In fact, Jesus gives us these miracles throughout the centuries so that our love for him in the Eucharist will not wane or grow cold. If you haven’t had the chance to visit a Eucharistic Miracle exhibit, I highly recommend it. You can read many of the accounts online at the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association website. Click on the “English” tab and scroll down until you see “Miracles by Country”. Each of those hyperlinks opens to a PDF document of various documented, Church-verified accounts of Eucharistic Miracles. One recent account of a scientifically analyzed Eucharistic Miracle was witnessed by our own Pope Francis while he was Cardinal Bergoglio. We’ve included two accounts for you below, a blog article written about the miracle as well as a YouTube video by one of the witnesses. Hopefully reading and viewing these accounts will deepen your awe and reverence when receiving Holy Communion, and also encourage you to spend more time in Eucharistic Adoration. Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires Author: ks. Mieczysław Piotrowski TChr The weakening of faith in the real presence of the Risen Christ in the Eucharist is one of the most significant aspects of the current spiritual crisis. Jesus wants to strengthen our faith in His Eucharistic presence. That is why from time to time in the history of the Catholic Church He gives us signs–Eucharistic miracles that clearly underscore the fact that He, the Risen Lord Himself in the mystery of His Divinity and glorified humanity, is truly present in the Eucharist. The most recent Eucharistic miracle recognized by the Church authorities occurred in 1996 in the capital of Argentina–Buenos Aires. A consecrated Host becomes flesh and blood At seven o’clock in the evening on August 18, 1996, Fr. Alejandro Pezet was saying Holy Mass at a Catholic church in the commercial center of Buenos Aires. As he was finishing distributing Holy Communion, a woman came up to tell him that she had found a discarded host on a candleholder at the back of the church. On going to the spot indicated, Fr. Alejandro saw the defiled Host. Since he was unable to consume it, he placed it in a container of water and put it away in the tabernacle of the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. On Monday, August 26, upon opening the tabernacle, he saw to his amazement that the Host had turned into a bloody substance. He informed Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, who gave instructions that the Host be professionally photographed. The photos were taken on September 6. They clearly show that the Host, which had become a fragment of bloodied flesh, had grown significantly in size. For several years the Host remained in the tabernacle, the whole affair being kept a strict secret. Since the Host suffered no visible decomposition, Cardinal Bergoglio decided to have it scientifically analyzed. On October 5, 1999, in the presence of the Cardinal’s representatives, Dr. Castanon took a sample of the bloody fragment and sent it to New York for analysis. Since he did not wish to prejudice the study, he purposely did not inform the team of scientists of its provenance. One of these scientists was Dr. Frederic Zugiba, the well-known cardiologist and forensic pathologist. He determined that the analyzed substance was real flesh and blood containing human DNA. Zugiba testified that, “the analyzed material is a fragment of the heart muscle found in the wall of the left ventricle close to the valves. This muscle is responsible for the contraction of the heart. It should be borne in mind that the left cardiac ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body. The heart muscle is in an inflammatory condition and contains a large number of white blood cells. This indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken. It is my contention that the heart was alive, since white blood cells die outside a living organism. They require a living organism to sustain them. Thus, their presence indicates that the heart was alive when the sample was taken. What is more, these white blood cells had penetrated the tissue, which further indicates that the heart had been under severe stress, as if the owner had been beaten severely about the chest.” Two Australians, journalist Mike Willesee and lawyer Ron Tesoriero, witnessed these tests. Knowing where sample had come from, they were dumbfounded by Dr. Zugiba’s testimony. Mike Willesee asked the scientist how long the white blood cells would have remained alive if they had come from a piece of human tissue, which had been kept in water. They would have ceased to exist in a matter of minutes, Dr. Zugiba replied. The journalist then told the doctor that the source of the sample had first been kept in ordinary water for a month and then for another three years in a container of distilled water; only then had the sample been taken for analysis. Dr. Zugiba’s was at a loss to account for this fact. There was no way of explaining it scientifically, he stated. Only then did Mike Willesee inform Dr. Zugiba that the analyzed sample came from a consecrated Host (white, unleavened bread) that had mysteriously turned into bloody human flesh. Amazed by this information, Dr. Zugiba replied, “How and why a consecrated Host would change its character and become living human flesh and blood will remain an inexplicable mystery to science—a mystery totally beyond her competence.” Only faith in the extraordinary action of a God provides the reasonable answer—faith in a God, who wants to make us aware that He is truly present in the mystery of the Eucharist. To read more about this, visit the website:
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