Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Bank of Harvey St. Aloisius Medical


Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Bank of Harvey St. Aloisius Medical
Hertz Funeral Homes
of Harvey and McClusky
Services, Monuments
& Markers 324-4374
St. Cecilia’s
Holy Family Society
Harvey, ND
New York Life Ins. Co.
Doug & Brad Olschlager
546 Brewster St. E
Harvey 324-2737
Bill Dempsey
Mike Waldoch
Chad & Amber Ziegler
210 E. 8th St. E
Come Check Us Out!
TJ Plumbing
Travis Olschlager Harvey, ND
One Call does it all!
of Columbus
Council #5217
Amy J Felchle, DC
Harvey ND 58341
Natural Family Planning
Billings Ovulation Method Instruction
by appt.: Elizabeth Leier LPN
324-2802 [email protected]
Auto & Towing
Doug Helm, owner
693-2804 or 324-5257
Dakota Heritage
Bank of Harvey
920 Lincoln Ave. 324-4611
Neil Hager 701-324-5272
Buechler Oil
Company, Inc.
2316 Hwy. 52, Harvey
Vondal Electric
116 E. 8th St.
Harvey 324-2412
Harvey Sand &
Gravel, Inc.
Hinrichs Supervalu
121 W. Brewster St.
Harvey 324-4671
CDA Court
Sacred Heart
Warehouse Grocery
321 W. 10th St.
Frey Insurance
Agency, Inc.
822 Lincoln Ave
Dr. Steven Kourajian
901 Lincoln Ave. Harvey
Colleen Wipf
Harvey Tax & Accounting
209 E. 10th St.
[email protected]
Connie Loen 693-5005
Northern Appraisal
Connie Loen
& Realty, Inc.
Ind. Consultant Rhonda Knudtson 917 Alder Ave.
701-693-5005 701-324-4799 Fax: 701-324-4798
Tastee Freeze
609 E. Brewster St.
Gary & Deb Keller
H a r v e y F a r m e r s Mack’s Farm & RV Center
2346 Bus. Hwy 52
10 E. 71TH ST
Tom’s Home Furnishings Hager Transport
801 Lincoln Ave.
Harvey Right to Life
Hurley’s Religious Goods
1417 S University Dr,
Fargo 1-800-437-4338
& Anamoose 324-2285
St. Aloisius
Medical Center
325 Brewster E
324-4651 Harvey ND
Rev. Franklin Miller: Pastor
[email protected]
mobile: 701.388.9826
Rev. Mr. Jeff Faul: Deacon
Sister Miriam Braun: Pastoral Ministry
Rosalie Axtman: Secretary
PARISH OFFICE: (701) 324-2144
Leier: Bookkeeper
E-MAIL : [email protected]
Ziegler: DRE
Meghan Graumann: Music
413 Brewster St. E.
Joan Grossman: Housekeeping
Harvey, ND. 58341-1606
Irene Keller: Maintenance
Jacki Young: Maintenance
Michael Waldoch: Maintenance
Steve Eckart & Julie Muscha
Robert Hager & Doug Wolfe
Mon, Wed., Fri. 7:30 am
Tues. & Thurs. 12 pm
Sat. 2 pm NH, 4:30 pm Harvey
Sunday 8:30 am Selz
10:30 am Harvey
Tues. & Thurs: 11:30-11:50 am
God our Father, who by sending into
Sat.10:30-11:30 am &
the world the Word of truth and the
3:30-4:10 pm Harvey
Spirit of sanctification made known
to the human race your wondrous
Mon. 8 am-Midnight
Tues.12:30 pm-Midnight
mystery, grant us, we pray, that in
Wed. 8 am-8:00 pm
profession the true faith, we may
Rosary: 8:00 pm
acknowledge the Trinity of eternal
Solemn Benediction: 8:15 pm
glory and adore your Unity, powerful
in majesty. Through our Lord Jesus
Faul 324-2905
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
Kathy Kennedy 324-2328
with you in the unity of the Holy
Jessie Wentz 324-2400
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Anna Schneibel 324-2374
Mon. Closed
Tues., Wed., Thurs.,
9 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm
Fri., 9am-12pm
MAY 22, 2016
5-15-16 TV Mass Sponsor was
inadvertently omitted.
Marlys Piatz in memory of
Ed & Doug Piatz
St. Cecilia’s
Monday, May 23
7:30 am St. C Living & deceased members of
St. Anthony’s & St. Cecilia’s Catholic
Order of Foresters
Tuesday, May 24
12:00 pm St. C † Jim English Sr.
By Betty English & Family
Wednesday, May 25
7:30 am St. C † Peter & Ludvina Volk
By Ron & Karen Volk
10:00 am NH † Sr. Bernadette
Thursday, May 26
12:00 pm St. C † Andy Axtman
By Adam & Barbara Keller
Friday, May 27
7:30 am St. C Deacon Paul Kuhn
By Anonymous
Saturday, May 28
2:00 pm NH † Sr. Yvonne Kervran
4:30 pm St C † Patrick Wentz
By Raymond & Jessie Wentz
Sunday, May 29
8:30 am St A The People of St. Anthony’s &
St. Cecilia’s
10:30 am St. C † Walter & Ann Streifel
By Streifel Family
Larry Krueger, Louie Fettig, Sophia Isaak, Marvin Wentz,
Carol Weinmann, Alice Lorz, Ella Lenz, Patty Hager, Patty
Roma, Conrad Ziegler, Emanuel Volk, Clem Vetter,
Vicki Ripplinger, Marlys Piatz, David Seldvedt
Looking for
Eucharistic Ministers
to serve homebound
Weekends only.
Contact Ann Schneibel 324-2374
or the parish office 324-2144.
The Parish Prayer List will be updated every 6 weeks.
If someone is still in need of prayers, please contact the
office to re-submit. Thank you.
Corpus Christi
Daily Readings
May 28
St. Cecilia’s
4:30 pm
Monday, May 23
1 Pt 1:3-9 Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c
Mk 10:17-27
Tuesday, May 24
1 Pt 1:10-16 Ps 98:1-4 Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday, May 25
Saint Bede the Venenerable
1 Pt 1:18-25 Ps 147:12-15, 19-20
Mk 10:32-45
Eleanor Hoffer
Charlotte Goldade
Leo Grossman
Ron Selensky
Jerod Axtman
Don & Idell
Ron & Janine
Tony Prom
Jerry Axtman
Eleanor Hoffer
Charlotte Goldade
Steve Eckart
Judy Keller
Darlene Axtman
Linus & Gladys
Jason Grossman
Nicole Armstrong
Bob & Julie
Claude Ripplinger
Nicole Armstrong
Idell Weninger
Susan Waldoch
Brett Muscha
Brooke Loen
Emma Selensky
Thursday, May 26
Saint Philip Neri, Priest
1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12 Ps 100:2-5 Mk 10:45-52
Friday, May 27
Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop
1 Pt 4:7-13 Ps 96:10-13 Mk 11:11-26
Saturday, May 28
Jude 17, 20b-25 Ps 63:2-6 Mk 11:27-33
Sunday, May 29
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
Gn 14: 18-20 Ps 110:1-4
1 Cor 11:23-26 Lk 9:11b-17
OFFERING FOR 5-15-2016
$ 1,739.00
$ 199.00
$ 1,938.00
May 29
May 29
St. Anthony’s St. Cecilia’s
8:30 am
10:30 am
Ron Volk
Tanner & Tate
Monica & Maria
Adult Choir
June Prom
Steve Kourajian
Doug Olschlager
Kathy Kennedy
Joan Grossman
Willy Schilling
Saint Rita of Cascia—Feast Day May 22
Saint Rita [1381-1457] has been one of the most popular
Saints in the Church for centuries. She is known as the "Saint
of the Impossible" because of her amazing answers to prayers, as well as the remarkable events of her own life.
Saint Rita wanted to become a nun, but in obedience to her
elderly parents, she married. Her husband was the source of
much suffering as he was cruel to her, but she repaid his perfidy with prayer and kind attention to him: he was converted
in time, becoming most considerate of others and God-fearing. Alas, he was
Rita discovered that her two sons were thinking of avenging their father's murder
and she feared that they would actually undertake such an action. With heroic
love for their souls, she begged God to take them rather an permit them to commit this mortal sin. Not long afterward, they both died, after preparing themselves to face God.
Left alone without her family, St. Rita devoted herself to prayer, penance, and
works of charity. After a time she applied for admittance to the Augustinian
Convent in Cascia. She was refused, but after praying to her three special patron
Saints--St. John the Baptist, St. Augustine, and St. Nicholas of Tolentino-----she
miraculously entered the convent and was allowed to remain, about the year
In the convent, Sr. Rita's life was marked by great charity and severe penances.
Her prayers for others obtained remarkable cures, deliverance from the devil and
other special favors from God. So that she might share in the pain of His Crown
of Thorns, Our Lord gave her a thorn wound in her forehead. It was exceedingly
painful and emitted a disagreeable odor, yet she considered it a very great grace.
She prayed: "O loving Jesus, increase my patience according as my sufferings
increase." The wound lasted the rest of her life.
She died on May 22 [Her Feast Day], 1457 at the age of 76. People flocked to
the convent to pay their respects. Innumerable miracles took place through her
intercession and devotion spread far and wide. Her body was preserved incorrupt for several centuries, at times giving off a sweet fragrance. Much of her
body is still incorrupt, including her forehead where one can see the wound. Today it is in a sealed glass coffin in a church of St. Augustine in Cascia, Italy,
where pilgrims come to pray and ask for a miracle.
St. Rita was canonized in 1900 by Pope Leo XIII. She is the patron saint of
impossible causes, sterility, abuse victims, loneliness, marriage difficulties,
parenthood, widows, the sick, bodily ills and wounds.
Prayer for today: My Jesus, in all the hustle and bustle of each day, we
sometimes forget You are with us. Help us to see You in every situation, the
joyful and the sad. Let us feel Your presence and Your love that surrounds us
at every moment of our lives. Don't ever let us lose that feeling of oneness with
You. Praise You, Jesus!
Sun., May 22: Reception for Graduates, 1st Euch/Confirmation after
Sun., May 22: Baccalaureate 7:00 pm First Lutheran Church
Sun., May 29: Graduation 2:00, High School
Mon., May 30: Memorial Day, No Adoration
On Sunday, May 22nd, after the 10:30 Mass, the Catholic Daughters are recognizing our Confirmands and Graduates with BBQ sandwiches, chips & cake.
Please come and show your support for our young people.
Confirmands: Mia Arnold, Michael Felchle, Aiden Hager, Gary
Jimenez, Wynona Jimenez, Abby Loen, Maddix Martinson, Kayl
Sieg, & Noah Ziegler.
Graduates: Parker Bachmeier, Dustin Degenstein,
Koby Goldade, Tabitha Lawson, Spencer Marchand, Quincy
Marchand, Corey McClintock,
Brett Muscha, Mariah Nitz, Walker Schmidt, & Tanner Walters.
Ordination to the Priesthood
June 4, 2016
Deacon Robert J Keller
& Deacon Patrick R. Parks
at the Cathedral of St. Mary,
10:00 a.m., Fargo, ND
First Mass of Thanksgiving
Fr. Robert Keller
Sunday, June 5
3:00 at St. Cecilia’s
Supper to follow, everyone welcome.
Lydia Muscha
Celebrates 80 Years
An open house and
Mass will be celebrated
in her honor at
St. Benedict’s Catholic Church,
(south of Fargo 4 miles on I-29 exit
56). Lydia was married to the late
Paul Muscha.
Open House Sat., June 4th 1:304:15, followed by a Mass at 5pm.
The bus
trip to
attend the
on June 4
has been
due to the
lack of a
amount of
Volunteers needed to help with dishes
and cleanup following the meal of Fr.
Robert Keller’s Mass of Thanksgiving.
Please contact Kathy Grossman at
324-4473 or Julie Keller at 324-2047
If My People Pray.....
Call to Prayer
Wednesday, May 25th, 2016 at 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Bismarck Capital Grounds South
For all Churches and people to pray for the
Community, State, & Nation.
Part of the Decision America Tour
with Franklin Graham.
We encourage our parishioners to
patronize our bulletin sponsors.
It is through their generosity that
our weekly bulletin comes to you
at no publishing cost.
Thank you to the
many people who took
time out of their busy
lives to come help give
St. Cecilia’s and
St. Anthony’s a
good spring cleaning! Each person’s
part, great or small was greatly
appreciated. The church facilities
look wonderful!
Thank you, Fr. Miller.
Stewardship Moment May 22, 2016– The Most Holy Trinity Sunday
“But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth…” (John
16:13) Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and live the truth. To prepare ourselves, we need to open our hearts to receive this gift before we can
give it. Develop a daily prayer routine to ask the Holy Spirit to help guide our
thoughts and actions.
Join us this summer at Trinity Youth Camp, a
Catholic summer camp for kids in grades 4-8, to learn
how we can “Go the Gold!” in our every day lives by
learning about the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Come discover that by having Faith in Every Footstep each one of us can truly make a difference.
2016 Camp Dates
June 22-26 at Red Willow, Binford
July 13-17 at Pelican Lake, Metigoshe
July 20-24 at Camp of the Cross, Garrison
July 27-31 at Pelican Lake, Metigoshe
for a week filled with faith, friendship, & fun.
Counselors Needed! Are you 18-24 years old and interested in being a counselor at TYC? Contact Jim Picard at [email protected] with any questions or
to request an application
WOMEN'S RETREAT, July 8-10, 2016
"Jesus Christ is the face of the Father's Mercy" (This is line
one of Pope Francis' statement calling for a Holy Year of Mercy) We chose, therefore, to name the retreat "Mercy: The Face
of God." We will pray, discuss and ponder scripture, life experiences, and
more words of Pope Francis which speak to us about the importance of mercy
and compassion in our lives and in the world. There will be conferences, time
for prayer and group activities that will hopefully open us to become more
acquainted with and more deeply realize the love of our God. In that process,
we will seek to walk closely with Jesus through the Gospel accounts of his
great mercy to the people he encountered in his journeys. For the remaining
days before this retreat let us pray that the Holy Spirit inspire us to ask for the
gift for which we are most in need right now.
The retreat begins at 7:00 p.m. Friday, July 8 and concludes by 12:30 a.m.
Sunday, July 10. Sr. Anne Germaine and Sr. Dorothy Bunce are the presenters
for this retreat. The suggested donation is $85.00 for the weekend. If you are
unable to make this donation, the Spiritual Life Center will accept any offering
within your means.
Registration is due by Friday, July 2. Register by contacting Sr. Dorothy
Bunce: [email protected] or 701-845-2864 or mail to 11550
River Road, Valley City, ND 58072.
Grand Opening of the St. Gianna Shrine
All are invited to the Grand Opening of the Saint Gianna Beretta
Molla Shrine in Warsaw, ND on Tuesday, May 31st. Bishop Folda
will celebrate Mass at Saint Stanislaus Catholic Church, 6098 County Road 4, at 5:30 PM. This will be followed by a simple meal and
then an opportunity to visit the shrine and venerate her relics. We hope you
will be able to join us for this special evening. For more information contact
Mary Pat at 701-248-3077.
Sidewalk Advocates Training Set for Sat., June 11
Have you ever felt the desire to reach out to women who are
considering an abortion? Have you ever considered sidewalk
counseling in front of an abortion facility but just don’t know
how to do it? The Sidewalk Advocates for Life Program is
geared towards local communities who wish to utilize a peaceful, prayerful method to reach out to abortion-minded women and men entering an abortion facility. This program is dedicated towards those that lovingly
want to offer an alternative - so that they may lovingly offer an alternative to
abortion to those who, ironically, may feel they have no choice. The 40 Days
for Life ND committee is offering a training for persons interested in becoming a sidewalk advocate or a prayer volunteer with the Sidewalk Advocates for
Life Program. Join us on Sat. June 11, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Pastoral
Center, 5201 Bishops Blvd.,Fargo. Registration required. $10/person. Lunch
will be provided. o register or for more information contact Colleen or Mary
at: [email protected] or call (701) 284-6601.

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