Harvey Area COMMUNITY CARES - St. Aloisius Medical Center
Harvey Area COMMUNITY CARES - St. Aloisius Medical Center
July 2016 Erickson chosen Social Worker of the Year Tonia Erickson was chosen as Social Worker of the Year by the Long Term Care Social Workers of ND (LTCSWND) and was awarded this honor at the Long Term Care Convention this spring. Tonia has been a social worker at St. Aloisius Medical Center in Harvey since May 1995, the spring in which she received her social work degree from Mary College. She had completed her 4 month internship there and was hired following her graduation. Tonia is responsible for admission and discharge planning, and all aspects of providing for the psychosocial needs of residents on her 45 bed unit, in addition to providing coverage in acute care, swing bed and the liaison role for the Rural Mental Health Consortium in the absence of that social worker. She actively promotes her facility in the community. During a recent 18 month long renovation project, she was instrumental in determining creative temporary relocation of residents. She played a major role over the years in three residents applying for and being granted their wishes under the NDLTCA’s Cherished Hopes program, most recently celebrating the awarding of an IPAD to one of her younger residents. From taking a resident for a ride on the Scrambler at the county fair, to helping a resident cheer on her Bison football player grandson, to assisting in the transition to life in LTC, Tonia is consistently an involved and persistent advocate for residents and their families. She has been mentioned by name multiple times by family members in our Pinnacle Surveys. Tonia is truly an advocate for the residents at St. Aloisius. She is very passionate about her work and is committed to her profession. She exhibits leadership and is very instrumental in educating staff on the right thing to do regarding resident rights, social needs and ethical issues. She’s even willing to don a bear suit to achieve that end! She is actively involved in community education and you can find her answering questions about h e a l t h c a r e d i r e c t i v e s a t St . Aloisius’ annual health fair. Tonia has been a member of LTCSWND since her hire in May 1995. In May 2015, she was elected as her region’s representative. She was a consultant for a social service designee at a Devils Lake facility for more than 10 years. She recently mentored a social work student from UND in a 4 month internship. Tonia is a member of her community’s area interagency group and also participates in the area’s Child Protection Team. She and her husband, Kenny, have been married nearly 25 years and have four children -- Samantha, Nicole, McKenzie and Alex. Congratulations Tonia and thank you for caring so much for our residents and the communities we serve. Harvey Area COMMUNITY CARES Harvey area COMMUNITY CARES About Suicide Prevention began in October 2013 when Harvey business leaders asked St. Aloisius Medical Center to lead this group. The group’s focus is to bring education, awareness and hope to the Harvey area regarding suicide prevention. How did it begin? St. Aloisius has spent the last 13 years focusing on strengthening our community with mentoring and activating the community. Today we continue to lead our community and share the information we have acquired. Wells County Mentoring, Grief Loss class (offered three times), 3,000 magnets have been distributed with 211-suicide hotline and text 741-741 and a 2nd COLOR DASH event that was held July 2, 2016, are just a few of the activities the COMMUNITY CARES group has been involved with. Harvey students, 7th through 12th grade, completed a youth risk behavior survey that indicated significant mental health concerns. Culture change and changing the conversation within our communities is happening. It’s not a disease we have brought on ourselves. In comparison, mental illness is the brain needing help, just as diabetes is the pancreas needing help. There is HOPE . . . just reach out and ask health care professionals, counselors, support systems, friends, faith communities or your family. Anyone interested in being involved with COMMUNITY CARES contact Ann Adams at the Harvey Chamber of Commerce Office, 324-2604 or Beth Huseth at 341-0756. About 15 regular members are involved with COMMUNITY CARES About Suicide Prevention and everyone is welcome. From the Administrator . . . Great Times at St. Aloisius These are great times at St. Aloisius Medical Center and I’d like to take a couple of minutes to recap all we’ve been up to. We’ve upgraded our hospital. We’ve received incredible support from the community. We’ve nearly completed our Community Health Needs Assessment. Our employee and resident satisfaction scores are high and we’ve been involved in some healthy competition with our friends at the schools. We’ve installed a new nurse call system in our acute hospital. This system gives the patient much more control over their environment and improves the response time for our nursing staff. We are also installing a new nursing station. This new area will give our nurses the space they need to work and improve their work environment. We’ve installed new televisions in the rooms and continue to update the look. Over on the long term care side, we’ve upgraded all beds and mat- ForeWord is primarily published for the friends and family of St. Aloisius Medical Center. Editor Pam Stewart Contributing Writers Beth Huseth Donna Corneliusen Board of Directors Dan Stutlien, Chairperson Susan Shearer, Vice Chairperson Jason Schneider, Harvey Chad Ziegler, Harvey Sr. Marlyss Dionne, Valley City Sr. Elizabeth Rose Muscha, Mandan Sr. Margaret Rose Pfeifer, Fargo Greg LaFrancois, CEO, Harvey St. Aloisius Medical Center 325 Brewster St. E Harvey, N.D. 58341 St. Aloisius Medical Center is an equal opportunity provider. Complaints of discrimination may be sent to: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 Greg LaFrancois tresses. We’ve installed a state-ofthe-art audio system in the common areas, updating our dining and dayfurniture, and built a deck in our garden area. Speaking of the garden area, you really need to see this beautiful area. Isolde Graumann created an incredible space full of the most beautiful flowers. It is such a relaxing spot for residents and staff. Long Term Care received a significant gift from the George and Ruth Litke Estate. Much of the improvements mentioned above were made possible from this incredibly kind gift. Additionally, we ran a golf tournament and raffle to raise funds to purchase a piece of equipment for the fitness area. The turnout for the event was great and we are grateful for the support. We had two events at the Eagles Club in preparation for our Community Health Needs Assessment. We also used a survey tool to gather input. I really enjoyed this process because it gave me a chance to meet many community members. We also went out to Drake, Anamoose and Fessenden. I am pulling the final report together this week and will set up meetings to review our action plan. We offered a community first aid class during the spring. The goal was to give community members the skills they need to be that immediate support. We think it was very successful and hope to do more in the future. We also had the chance to work with the Harvey Ambulance Service as they worked to develop options for staffing the service. I was so impressed by the passion and commitment of our Ambulance Service. These are truly special folks. In the end, the community demonstrated their support for the service by approving a Mill Levy. I am personally grateful to the community for this because I would not want to live in a town where you are not sure if an ambulance will show up when needed. We have been working very hard, this year, to improve staff health. From January to April we challenged ourselves with diet and exercise programs. Based on this success, we were bold enough to challenge the schools in a step and weight loss challenge. I was sure we would CRUSH the competition. It was a great challenge and when the dust settled, the school won both the step and weight loss challenges. You will see their trophies at the school. They earned the win this year. Next year we hope to broaden the challenge to include other community organizations. All the best, Greg 2016 Health Fair: “Creating a Healthier Future” “Creating a Healthier Future” was the theme of this year’s 33rd h e a l t h f a i r s p o n s o re d b y St . Aloisius Medical Center. Our goal for each health fair is to pull together community and healthcare services in one place in order to provide services and information to our local communities, schools and medical center service area. In 2016 there were approximately 438 attendees and 49 different booths. Previous years we have had as many as 802 attendees and 70 booths. Some of the free services provided were vision testing, blood pressure test, colorectal screen and child finger printing. Other services provide information and advice for low cost women’s exams, mental health counseling, elderly or disabled assistive devices, healthcare directives, sleep study clinics and county district health services, just to name a few. A lot of attendees agree that this can be a one-stop-shopping experience for health information and School children happy to share the Health Fair fun! free services provided in one place. This is an event that the community really looks forward to each year. We try to make it fun with a lot of colorful decorations, balloons, ice cream and there is always a clown or two. But, along with the fun, we provide the education aspect for every age group with learning games (especially popular for the school children), specialty services provided and available to our local communities and many free items available at each booth. By pooling the resources in one place attendees can be better informed regarding their health and safety needs. “Creating a Healthier Future” to benefit the whole community is our top priority at St. Aloisius Medical Center. ROCK STAR highlights from CEO publication “The Way I See It” • A resident’s family member recognized two LTC employees because they truly appreciated the professional care they so willingly provided. • One of our parent employees praised our Daycare for all they do for our kids. We are so lucky to have our daycare and it makes coming to work so much easier knowing our kids are so close and will be well taken care of. Things such as taking the kids to school and picking them up every day are such big benefits that most facilities do not have. We are so blessed to have a wonderful group of ladies taking care of our children. • Another staff shared . . . I am so blessed to work in a place where all the staff rallies around each other -- whether to support each other in such things as a fitness program and promoting healthy life choices or getting through a health crisis. Everyone really stepped up to cover shifts and pray for a speedy recovery when a co-worker had a health issue. There is such amazing support here! • We recently had a group prayer for one of our co-workers, which we do often, and our CEO made this observation. “I have to take a m i n u t e t o t e l l yo u w h a t yo u already know because I do not think you know how rare it is. A huge group of employees came to the Unit A common area to pray. That is impressive. What’s more impressive is that some of those employees came in, on their day off, to be part of the prayer ceremony. Someone, near me, looked around the group and commented, to the person beside them, “why would you want to work anywhere else?” I have to agree. The sense of caring here is awesome. This is not something I can create or take credit for. It is the result of incredible people being themselves.” • One patient’s family shared that “The staff are so wonderful here . . . you guys do excellent work.” • We are so proud of two of our employees who quickly went into action, on the streets of their hometown, and performed CPR to someone in need. Many bystanders witnessed the power of competency and professionalism as they took charge when others did not. Another LTC employee assisted a gentleman who had fallen on the street until help arrived for him. It is great to work in a place where everyone cares so deeply for one another. • One family stated that this is a very nice facility and it is nice to see that it is so clean. We are so fortunate to have a housekeeping staff that takes pride in their work. • Lately, we have been visited by fam i l y m em b ers o f d i fferen t patients on our acute floor. Every single one complimented the incredible caring touch of our staff. Without exception, they spoke with amazement at how you could care this much. No machine, renovation, or supply item will ever be as significant as a caring touch. Our community is so fortunate to have you delivering that touch. • Another family said thank you so very much to everyone who cared during a family member’s recent visit to the hospital! It is a Graston Technique offered in Physical Therapy Dept. We are proud to announce we now offer the Graston Technique at St. Aloisius Medical Center in our Physical Therapy Department. Graston uses specially designed instruments to help the clinician identify and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. As the instruments are moved over the affected area and come in contact with the adhesions, they help break up scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The goal is to reduce or eliminate the adhered fibers, restoring range of motion and eliminating the associated pain. Graston Technique is clinically proven to achieve faster and better patient outcomes in treating the following, among others: achilles tendinosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, tennis elbow, back pain, knee pain, plantar fascitis, and rotator cuff tendinosis. Talk to your doctor about a referral, or if you have BCBS as your insurance carrier, a referral is not required. Make an appointment with Brenda at 324-5119. great comfort to see familiar faces when you are hurt and also worried and anxious. Staff went out of their way to make me and our kids feel better also. I am proud to work in a facility that takes such excellent care of people, not just the physical needs but the whole person and families as well. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! • When our Pastoral Care visited with a former patient they shared that the care and love received from everyone at St. Aloisius was so great. They also said the love in this place is so great, that it is all over and in everyone, no matter who they are. They said the good care and love received while here, helped them to get better faster. • Every week there are many of our staff at St. Aloisius who get to see their names in bold print in “The Way I See It” weekly publication from our CEO. This information is submitted by co-workers, supervisors, patients or patient families which highlight something that our employee did that was noticed and noted by others. It is humbling to see your name in bold print and realize that something you did to help someone without question or hesitation is so important and appreciated. We truly love our patients and residents and hope it shows! Employees of the Month Our Employee of the Month program has evolved over the past several years from Nemo of the Month to Angel of the Month, then Angel of the Quarter and now we choose several Employees of the Month. It’s always fun to celebrate and see the surprise on the faces of those who are chosen. Currently we choose several employees who have done something that was noticed and noted by others as extra special, caring and/or compassionate. It is an honor to be nominated. Since January 2016, the following employees have been chosen as Employees of the Month: J a n u a r y: L a r r y R e g a l a d o , Michele Frank, Sara Balfour February: Melanie Long, Christy Arends, Karen Bienek March: Brianna Weinmann, Melissa Vollmer, Nancy Meland April: Kelsey Watson, Dianne Lageson, Heather Lematta, Brenda Finley M a y: A n n E n g h , D o n n a C o r n e l i u s e n , Lyn n C r e v i e r, Brittney Schmaltz We currently celebrate the Employee of the Month with snacks and punch in the front lobby during the day shift and again sometime during evening shift. Thank you all for your service at St. Aloisius and for making a difference for our residents and families at St. Aloisius. And, thank you to all of the employees at St. Aloisius for taking special care of our patients and residents. We appreciate you all! Thank you for thinking of us! We gratefully acknowledge the gifts and memorials we receive. Your supp o r t h el p s m ak e i t p o s s i b l e f o r u s t o co n t i n u e o u r m i s s i o n o f “H eal i n g Hospitality” and quality care to the communities we serve. Thank you again for your generous donations: Memorials and Contributions Donation of flowers/supplies for Serenity Garden from Schmaltz’s Greenhouse, Anamoose Donation for the Serenity Garden imo Don Keller from Don Keller Family Donation for a new lefsa griddle imo Lorraine Brye from Ivy Brye Donation in memory of Ruth Skiftun from Mark and Marilyn Demory Donation for LTC dental or oral care products from ND Dental Hygienists’ Association Donation of Bingo prizes for several sessions from Videll Lloyd Family Donation to Community Needs Events expense from Harvey Eagles Club I f w e h a ve f a i l ed t o m en t i o n yo u r d o n a t i o n , p l ea s e a ccep t o u r a p o l o g i es a n d contact us so we can correct our records. Thank you for caring! 7th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 22, dawned a bit cloudy but still promising for a great day of golf. Eleven teams arrived with anticipation, ready to begin playing a fun day of golf. Each team played two rounds for a total of 18 holes. Later in the day, when the heavy mist started falling, the weather turned colder and a little miserable but they continued and golfed to the end. First International Bank and Trust sponsored hole #5 with two full sets of golf clubs, one for men and one for women who shot closest to the hole which were won by Brad Kline and Lanae Strand. Our prize winning teams are: 1st place: Steve Kourajian, Shaun Kourajian, Steve Fike and Brian Fike; 2nd place: Steve Kittelson, Curt Krahler, Kelly Krahler and Clay Houchin; 3rd place: Joe Volk, Steve Felchle, Steve Aljets, Rocky Zastoupil and Greg LaFrancois. We are so grateful for our hole sponsors and those who donated amazing prizes. Hole sponsors: First International Bank and Trust, Arthur Companies, Warehouse Foods, Harvey Eagles Club, First State Bank of Harvey, JW’s, Hinrichs Super Valu, Ripplinger Motors, ProSeed, KHND 3-Way Broadcasting, Dakota Heritage Bank, Tom’s Home Furnishings, Buechler Oil (Nicholson), Villa Maria-SMP, Dr. Clinton Miller DDS, Central Dakota Family Physicians, Dr. Delvin Hansen DDS and For Goodness Sake (Health & Wellness Store). Prizes were donated by: State Farm Insurance, Lemer’s True Value, Mid-Dakota Lumber and Supply, NDTC, Lautt’s Feed and Supply, Harvey Motor Service, Mack’s Farm & RV Center, Credit Collections Bureau, Double E Designs, Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, Rosa’s Pizza (Fessenden), CHI Care at Home and Pizza Ranch (Harvey). Donations were also received from Hertz Funeral Home and we received a $1,000 grant from Verendrye Electric’s Operation Roundup. Along with the tournament this year, in order to involve more people, we held a raffle with three prizes: Golf themed quilt (sewn and donated by Christy Arends), $50.00 Cash and 2 Medora Musical tickets. The drawing was held at 3 p.m. on June 30, 2016. Winners: Trisha AustinQuilt, Lorie Sieg-$50.00 cash and Joan Martin-2 Medora Musical tickets. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. We plan to have a raffle again next year! Since the summer of 2010, St. Aloisius has hosted an annual charity golf tournament, raising funds for different special projects each year. Some of the projects have included a new gurney for ER, Hoyer lift, 2nd floor nurses station project, Adopt a room on the 2nd floor and this year’s project was the purchase of a Skifit Pro2 Recumbent bike for our Wellness Center. With the generosity of our local residents and businesses, we have met our project goal each year. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated and participated in our 2016 tournament. Verendrye Electric presented St. Aloisius with a check for $1,000 from their Operation Roundup Grant program. First place team, from the left: Steve Kourajian, Shaun Kourajian, Brian Fike and Steve Fike. Raffle winners, from the left: Joan Martin, Lorie Sieg and Trisha Austin. Professional Services Available We are pleased to have a variety of professional services offered in this region, making your medical choices more convenient and economical. Rural Mental Health Consortium, Zane Zuleger, MSN, MSA, RN, Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist on Tuesday and Wednesday every other week at St. Aloisius. Call Donna Corneliusen for appointment at 324-4651. Professional Hearing Services Dr. Andrea Larson on second Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. - 12 noon at St. Aloisius. Call 1800-735-5866 for appt. Wells County Public Health Immunizations Only. Call 547-3756 for appt. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Dean Dienslake. Call 1-800-639-6292 for appointment. General Counselor, Tim Hart, LICSW, Tim Hart Counseling Services. Call for appointment at 1-800-260-1310. Minor in Possession and DUI Counseling, Eleanor Dossenko, BAAS, call her at 701-324-4362 for appointment. Surgery Services - Dr. Ronald Skipper - Outpatient Services Center the first Thursday of the month. Call (701) 324-5117 for appointment. NOTE: Surgery day is the third Monday of each month. Cataract Care/Surgery - Dr. Monte Leidenix sees patients at Dr. Kourajian’s Office in downtown Harvey. Call 701-324-2154 for appointment. Sleep Studies - provided by Winmar Sleep Center and available at St. Aloisius. Call 701-235-7424 for an appointment. Endoscopies offered with anesthesia - Available at St. Aloisius with Dr. Nyhus, 701-324-4856 or Dr. Skipper, 701-324-5117.
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