Frank Lamson Scribner Correspondence
Frank Lamson Scribner Correspondence
Maine State Library Maine State Documents Maine Writers Correspondence Special Collections November 2015 Frank Lamson Scribner Correspondence Frank Lamson Scribner 1851Maine State Library Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Scribner, Frank Lamson 1851- and Maine State Library, "Frank Lamson Scribner Correspondence" (2015). Maine Writers Correspondence. Paper 509. This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Maine State Documents. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Writers Correspondence by an authorized administrator of Maine State Documents. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SCRIBNER, PRANK IAMSON* Prank Lamson-Scribner Born Massachusetts, 1851. Adopted by Scribner family of Wlntiirop Maine at age of three. ^ /<W Ah nsAf? /3<v»«>*4^t^,« t^tv^ &1,CC£JL> (£t<y>-\asiAst JU--n2* •r>^j " X U**£jL PjU~U* trf- 0%a^-£ Art, ^«w Ji^^ujl.. \ Jriu ^^^ a ^b- Vl2*5t <qf Qt±s~*-" *-f ?u> 4^6^ <?sfiu^ tfca&L £%L£lJ£^. ~*™~ - *f- &C^_, ?&-€*, .—, 5 au^k- ., -0L. uju #-• ~ &i "'-Tu^zt f*>- % ^ ! ^ i r d ^ r J&* Ju~. 72fe_ . tj'ftft'-. -. Ortrtu^fr CUx X**V+ a- ri in^l. jktz £_ /*<«•_'"« /£--. qCSUO^J. JJ-;^^^Ajl- &/*"%• <4\9*i_ <+~ fZcjtZ4SU*% 3 < ^ 0 A ^ "** J" /to"*- /rKM^ J-^ .7^ (UjCs fc«l^ j£Le~r<JZZ / WZShiLL **~r * <viZ /&L- _2) /2~ ^ bcrcS^mS- 40k-3Cxrxr*^^ fck*. ji.«- m^L I\XhljCJL /,, r ,* -> ^ ^ ^ "7^MtT -Ac^C^t £&£XZj t4"~ S^C~ d**±*><**XA , *+£'"'**s 5&fc />2t< ^£e, o^ ^ ^ ^ JL^ $ £cs*£* J\ySutsj-€kS%-£^ si!*-' //£<4 CisJ ^U«o<rt«^ JfejasS^^- i*0n~a. ru^>~ ^~9f~ ^«, ^ >.'< t '*7 >*£*"C-* 4^ /^" ^i*^j/<»-^***J /Ul&UAL <-V^ t 9 f*-*~ j(aA>( ^Wk- |i»i~. / At. l£—rr v •& ftj&*-^~'I*" 1 "— Pt— ™ Arrt^/ Cirt^&c^ 6-*"® L&~-^GJtdL^ *f Ti.CU^ . 2^ SWC *i» •> f - •S <>W |4*^-*CAtA f^vwvj September 22 ,1933 C O P Y Mr. P. La,som-Scrlbner, 1849 California Street, Washington, D. C. - „ Dear Mr. Lamson-ScribnerjWe have received the five autographed, pamphlets which you sent us. They are a valuable and interesting addition to our Maine Author ©o llection and we are sincerely appreciative of your kindness in sending them £o us. In accordance with your suggestion, we are sending to you to be autographed the two Maine items , "Weeds of Maine", and "Ornamental and Useful Plants of Maine".Will you please add to the latter a notation to the effect that a second part was not published'We have this information in our catalog but it will be more interesting to have it in the pamphlet in your writing. * We lave the three volumes of your work "American Grasses", as published by the U. S. D. A. Division of Agrostology,Bulletins 7, 17 and 20. Was It ever issued in book form? Very truly yours MCP MAINE STATE LIBRARY (Signed) HED We enclose an address label and postage for use In returning the pamphlets. C O P Y August 17,1933 Mr. P. Lamson-Scribner, 1849 California Street, NW. Washington, D. G. Dear Mr. Eamson-Scribner;While looking over your" Ornamental apid Useful Plants of Maine", privately printed for you in Augusta Maine, I noticed that it was your intention at that time to publish a second pamphlet.My search has failed to reveal this pamphlet. I wonder whether it was ever printed.Any information you can send me will be greatly appreciated. While you were born in Mass achusetts we feel that you really belong to Maine, Therefore, I think you may be interested in our Maine Author Colledtion. We have a special exhibition collection of works by Maine authors,giving special attention to living authors,so that it is possible to acquire autographed copies of their books.If there are any of your books or pamphlets which you are willing to autograph and send us for this collection we shall be delighted to receive them. (Signed ) HED 7Ua[~ Jefvh -%r]~ /<?3% U<U. y^<A^iy^y (&. & ***<*0*^4 . StXk. L^«y M*-' c^c.cus' a*~J- X^C^t. S?—*2_. ~r &. *~~ ' "~ / (Ui/^ru-) C«~Z<+ J ouc£*~^+*^>£xS ; ^U^uJL ^/ra^3sr ff 7>Z~~*. /oMz- tzpt*^ A*~*-, JU^AcccU<r^ T&^~ Tyuo^*{P^^-Cisd!<-*~cL / &(if <s£^»~ iU, <^-aL*~*-+*- 44^. «w, ^ ^ *"•»-**^-*'(~ *"-**(jTvi.c^<x^&Z V-/^W - rff&.' 7^14^