Mar 011 work copy - Livengrin Foundation
Mar 011 work copy - Livengrin Foundation
r Spring 2011 Vol. VII #1 ehab housing ride for recovery relocation Things are in motion in a busy Spring at the main campus, our outpatient sites and (on May 15) as we tour Bucks County Rehab patients will be living in three residences on the north side of the campus, as we cap off construction that began in January, 2010. (The homes pictured here are real, all we added for this shot was the grass.) A later project will turn the previous rehab rooms (in two sections of the main building) into expanded spaces for the staff and patient services. The perfect Spring day is found at the Ride for Recovery. This annual fundraising motorcycle run and family picnic is Sunday, May 15. See inside. Bigger and better, our Counseling Center in Northeast Philadelphia has a new address, more capacity and mass-transit accessibility. The offices at 9140 Academy Road provide comprehensive outpatient treatment, assessments and DUI services. BTW UC R completely new site at (check back page!) Livengrin Foundation, Bensalem, PA Levittown ~ Doylestown ~ Fort Washington ~ Northeast Philadelphia ~ Allentown ~ Haverford THE SMOKE STOPS HERE A private, nonprofit organization founded in 1966, providing inpatient and outpatient treatment services, education and counseling to promote recovery from alcohol and drug addiction 4833 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 215-638-5200 800-245-4746 Allentown / Lehigh Valley 610-264-5521 Doylestown / Central Bucks 215-340-1765 Fort Washington / Montgomery Co. 215-540-8301 Levittown / Lower Bucks 215-547-1440 Northeast Philadelphia 215-335-3419 Haverford / Main Line 610-642-4604 Board of Directors Eileen M. Bonner, MD Chair Bernard K. Ciliberto Vice-Chair Daphne G. Floyd Secretary Michael D. Chapman Treasurer Donald A. Billingsley Rev. Msg. William A. Dombrow Scott I. Fegley, Esq. Charles Morin Julie B. Negovan Thomas Reinke Peter Rotelle Richard M. Pine President & CEO Honorary Directors Patricia L. Chapman David R. Johnson* Richard W. Hartmann* James M. Stewart* * Emeritus The early numbers are encouraging, and Charles Wolfe expects them to improve. He knows that relinquishing one behavior is difficult enough, so doing two isn’t much easier. It’s his job to help the efforts to complement each other. Wolfe (right) is one of the counselors in our new Smoking Cessation Program designed for patients (and also applicable to staff) that began in late February. This adds another dimension to our efforts to improve a person’s health. Participation is voluntary and available at the beginning of, or any time during, a patient's stay. We’ve designed this pharmacological and psycho-educational support system, with group and peer interventions, utilizing the latest evidence-based practices. Wolfe, other counselors and nursing staff provide orientation, continuing education and motivation, group support and a nicotine patch regimen. It works, and patients in rehab who follow through tell us it's great to achieve a smoke-free life along with everything else they're accomplishing. “We had twenty patients in March,” reports Wolfe. “Around 10% of the smokers among patients take part in the program, and almost 80% of those will complete it. “Those who do sign up are ecstatic that they get to give it a shot, in what they know is a safe, disciplined environment.” “Not everybody races into this when they hear about it on day one - it’s a lot to tackle at once. They're already coming into rehab motivated to quit drinking or drugs, which is huge. They may come in and out of the stop-smoking program more than once while they’re in rehab. “But they feel they’re not going to be judged if their attempts with tobacco are not completely successful. Patients are very supportive of one another, with the same peer empathy as we see for their drug or alcohol work.” Wolfe is glad to see the word about the smoking-cessation program is circulating outside our doors. “One of our longtime alumni also got off nicotine more than a year ago, and he’ll be coming back in as a volunteer to lead peer-based support groups.” DEVELOPER ROTELLE NAMED TO BOARD The appointment of Peter Rotelle to the Foundation’s Board of Directors was announced by chairperson Dr. Eileen Bonner. Mr. Rotelle heads Rotelle Development, a major homebuilder in southeastern Pennsylvania, headquartered in Barto, PA. It’s an opportune time, when construction is a keyword at Livengrin, to be able to utilize the skill sets of a past president of the Home Builders Association of Bucks & Montgomery Counties. Our Board’s strong Facilities Committee is pleased to have another experienced player added to that bench. Now living with his family in Chester County, Mr. Rotelle has been involved with Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross and the Penn State One Program for the unemployed with disabilities. He holds a BA from Penn State University. His idea of “spare time” has involved road rallies through northern Canada and intense longdistance cycling, although a quiet day of fly-fishing isn’t unusual for him. Be assured that Livengrin will keep Mr. Rotelle busy. Published by Livengrin Foundation © 2011 Photographs © Keith Mason for Livengrin 2011 To receive or discontinue any Livengrin publication, call 215-638-5200 ext. 146 or email: [email protected] Getting the newsletter but not our email announcements? Visit and fill in the box on the homepage. Or call us at the number in the column to the left <<. Getting our emails but not home delivery of the news? Visit the website Contact page and click on the “receive newsletter” link! Media Watch One of the most valued advocates for mental health in the region (and the country) is Dr. Dan Gottlieb (seated). His “Voices in the Family” on WHYY & NPR explores behavior, interpersonal dynamics, mental health and social issues. Dennis Franklin of our Fort Washington Center visited Dr. Dan’s show to shed light on the challenge of stigma - an obstacle to recovery and public understanding. The exchange, punctuated by dramatic phone calls, motivated some listeners to contact Livengrin about getting treatment. One caller, who had lost his son to heroin just two weeks before, described how he was trying to convert his pain into help for others, to overcome the stigma that might keep them from seeking help. The cover stories for two fall publications shared the theme of construction - both literally in a bricks-and-mortar sense, and in terms of how Livengrin’s building plans will improve our services to patients and families. Outlook, published by the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce, took our story to thousands of business owners. Meanwhile, our own Annual Report recapped the most recent fiscal year, set against an illustrated history of our Bensalem campus across fifty years. The Report is available to anyone through our Communications office. Michael Fitzpatrick, recently elected as Lower Bucks County congressman, was welcomed by our Facilities Manager Bobby Bruner at Bensalem’s community day. Mike climbed aboard the Harley-Davidson that we’re raffling off for the annual Ride for Recovery. clips On radio, we visited Derrick Ford (right) and his recovery-themed show on WURD-AM (and streamed worldwide), to talk up our new rehab homes, the Ride for Recovery and, as always, the importance of treatment. Livengrin responded to CBS-3 TV as they prepared a story on how the government is dealing with the components of legal smoking materials that mimic marijuana. We welcomed local vets to our door during the holiday season. Military veterans, current service personnel and their families are among those in our community who can be particularly affected at that time of year. In one of many projects conducted by our employeephilanthropic committee, a winter food drive culled contributions from the staff. The donations were then distributed by Veterans Affairs of Bucks County throughout the area. Our Bill Moore (rear) assisted the vets who made the pickup. Beyond producing products and services, the business world is about the people who supply the skills and sweat. It would be great if all owners and CEOs would maintain the human element on the balance sheet; many do. As they manage their workforce in altruistic as well as economic terms, Livengrin provides backup by working closely with employee assistance professionals. When it’s time to help an employee with a crucial behavioral challenge such as addiction (while also looking out for the interests of the company and the workforce), the business owner, HR office or union rep finds a partner in Livengrin. Because addiction is among the most painful and costly employment issues, it’s taken very seriously by management. The region’s major association of EAPs displays that emphasis each spring, when they gather at our Bensalem campus to acknowledge their industry’s best. Many at the EAPA meeting came to learn (or already know about) Livengrin’s services for employees and businesses. Our staff, including Sue Bright, Director of Patient and Referral Relations, provided briefings to Pat Dowling of Rehab After Work (top) and others. The Greater Philadelphia EAPA chapter confers a major recognition, named for the late Patricia Curran, for leadership and effective employee services. Pat’s granddaughter Regan paid a visit to the event with her mother Jamie (right); we’ve watched her grow up at these yearly breakfast events. The stars came out for the man we often refer to as being “all heart and hard work.” PA Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R., Bucks) was applauded in April by hundreds of friends and colleagues, for his long career as an advocate for addiction treatment at all levels of society and government. clips clips clips First elected to the House in 1995, Gene chairs its Human Services Committee. Capping his long list of achievements was the creation of a Cabinet-level department for alcohol and drug programs that reports to the Governor directly, and goes into effect come July. At the celebratory event, Livengrin CEO Rick Pine (left) added our congratulations, gratitude and respect to the mix of humorous and poignant stories shared by people whose personal lives and organizational missions he has influenced. We’re particularly thrilled by the state development grant that Gene initiated last year for Livengrin, to kickstart construction of our new rehab houses. Life After Livengrin (#38 in a series) “I wanted to thank everyone who is a part of Livengrin, especially my counselor. Tomorrow I will be free of alcohol one year. I appreciate all of your guidance and recommendations. I think the world of you guys. This has been an incredible journey and I will keep on living my life day by day. To go from drinking a gallon of vodka a day to not having a sip for a year is a miracle in its self. Life does get dramatically better.” - Gene M. In and Around Livengrin ~ 2011 Ride for Recovery Sunday, May 15 Bensalem 9AM - 4PM The Foundation for Addiction Recovery 4833 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 Allentown ~ Doylestown Fort Washington ~ Haverford Levittown ~ N.E. Philadelphia 800-245-4746 email: [email protected] Our biggest annual event, to raise funds and public awareness. Association of Alumni, Family & Friends Tuesday 7:30PM Bensalem Everyone is welcome (not just our own alumni) to these meetings with a 12-step fellowship format, speakers, and great ways to stay connected to recovery. Shanahan Hall; no RSVP needed. It’s always packed - come early! Volunteer Orientation Bensalem Regular schedule; call the Alumni Hotline below, or visit Run for Recovery Sunday, September 11 Horsham, PA 8AM 5K race in Montgomery County. Visit the website and sign up for email news. Livengrin Foundation, Inc. is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Official registration and financial information (Certificate 13708) may be obtained from the PA Dept. of State by calling (within PA) 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Have you visited INFORMATION LINES: 800-245-4746 or 215-638-5200 Events & Information Requests ext. 310 Alumni Association & Volunteers ext. 312 lately? Our redesigned website brings you everything you need to find help, information and understanding. Treatment particulars, locations and phones, updates on events and alumni, special recovery programs, and the latest Foundation news and employment posts - it’s all here. More features are on the way, to help patients, families and our entire community… so bookmark Livengrin and visit the site often to become informed and stay in touch.
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