Apr 12 Col Web copy - Livengrin Foundation
Apr 12 Col Web copy - Livengrin Foundation
Spring 2012 Vol. VIII #1 “Self sufficiency above all” New Board Chairman Ciliberto sets the tone for the team Time for a sports analogy: be it big business or little league, the hard-working players and good ideas in any organization rise to the top when there’s good management. Informed, creative leadership brings out the best in everyone. One key leader who sets the tone for the Livengrin family is confident that what we’re doing now has us on the right track to a bright future. The next chapter of Livengrin’s growth and service is being led and supported by its new Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bernard (Ben) Ciliberto. This Bucks County businessman joined us in 2006 and immediately brought into play his experience as a builder of more than 3,500 homes. Mr. Ciliberto was a key player in the design and completion of the rehab residences we opened last autumn. He was elected vice-chair of the Board in late 2007. He spoke recently about his role on the Board and the objectives this expanding body is pursuing. On joining the Board and the evolution of his new position: “In 2006 when I came on the board, I was fortunate to have a homebuilding company that was fully staffed. That gave me the opportunity to spend some of my time in a position of service to others. I could also utilize many resources in all facets of land planning, construction, marketing and finance to benefit Livengrin, as it faced the many challenges of a nonprofit organization providing its care to so many. cont. on pg. 4 “Livengrin’s provision of top-notch care takes place in top-notch facilities” HEALTHCARE STUDENTS RUN FOR PATIENT CARE Our clinical specialists provide a glimpse into our treatment world for many schools. Among them is the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, a hub for pharmacy and healthcare students. We were proud to accept the donated proceeds of its Run for Humanity in March. This 5K event, now in its seventh year, is organized by the school’s Omega Chi Psi chapter. Livengrin’s Shane Moes and Dave Alfe were on hand to accept the contribution and speak to students, families and university personnel about what we do and how much we value their support. photo: Scott Hewitt Livengrin Foundation, Bensalem, PA Levittown ~ Doylestown ~ Fort Washington ~ Northeast Philadelphia ~ Allentown ~ Haverford BOARD CHANGES LEADERSHIP & ADDS TALENT; NEW FACES JOIN ADMINISTRATION A private, nonprofit organization founded in 1966, providing inpatient and outpatient treatment services, education and counseling to promote recovery from alcohol and drug addiction 4833 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 215-638-5200 800-245-4746 Allentown / Lehigh Valley 610-264-5521 Accomplished Bucks County homebuilder Bernard Ciliberto came to our Board in 2006. With a tough-questions demeanor and all-out sense of support for our mission, Ben has been the ideal nonprofit Director - engaged, questioning, philanthropic. We benefited from his experience when it came to planning the new trio of rehab homes. Having served as Vice-Chair, he was elected Chair of the Board in September. (Read more in the cover story.) Steve Leckerman brings analytical and management skills to his new volunteer post as a member of the Board. This business development executive most recently managed NCO Group in Horsham, with 35,000 employees in ten countries. He will chair the new Board Development Committee. Doylestown / Central Bucks 215-340-1765 Fort Washington / Montgomery Co. 215-540-8301 Levittown / Lower Bucks 215-547-1440 Northeast Philadelphia 215-335-3419 Haverford / Main Line 610-642-4604 clockwise: Morin, Leckerman, Green, Jabbie www.livengrin.org Board of Directors Bernard K. Ciliberto Chair Michael D. Chapman Vice-Chair, Treasurer Daphne G. Floyd Secretary Michael Astringer Anne Berlin Eileen M. Bonner, MD Donald A. Billingsley Rev. Msg. William A. Dombrow Scott I. Fegley, Esq. Steven Leckerman Robert Leipziger Julie B. Negovan, Esq. Thomas Reinke Peter Rotelle David Vidovich Richard M. Pine President & CEO Honorary Directors Patricia L. Chapman David R. Johnson* Richard W. Hartmann* James M. Stewart* * Emeritus Published by Livengrin Foundation © 2012 Photographs © Keith Mason for Livengrin 2012 except as credited To receive or discontinue any Livengrin publication, call 215-638-5200 ext. 146 or email: [email protected] Charles Morin served as a Director for more than two years, including time as its Treasurer. In February he resigned to join our staff as Chief Financial Officer. A CPA, Charlie has had various ownership and other high-level business posts. His skills with both daily accounting and long-range planning will be a vital part of our strategic plans for business growth. Because employees are Livengrin’s greatest strength, we want to hire the best people and keep them. That’s the mandate for Haja Jabbie, our new Director of Human Resources, who’s come to us with more than a decade of experience in the nursing home industry. After an extensive search, Mike Green is our new Director of Development. Mike will head our efforts with individuals, foundations, corporate philanthropy, and the Board and alumni. As a nonprofit administrator and consultant for thirty years, Green has shaped the fundraising efforts of Devereux, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America. Getting the newsletter but not our email announcements? Visit www.livengrin.com and fill in the box on the homepage. Or call us at the number in the column to the left <<. Getting our emails but not home delivery of the news? Visit the website Contact page and click on the “receive newsletter” link! 45th anniversary celebration A long, meaningful day for us last September 25 culminated with a dinner for 380 (center) featuring comedian Richard Lewis. (Clockwise fr. upper left) Lewis visits with patients, and later shares his personal story onstage; honoree Dr. Thomas McLellan; Lewis tours our new rehab residences; treatment advocates Deb Beck, PA Rep. Gene DiGirolamo with CEO Rick Pine; guests at the silent auction; emcee Ed Cunningham of WHYY; Lewis with Board chairperson Dr. Eileen Bonner and her successor Ben Ciliberto. Gala photos by Scott Spitzer Board Chair Ciliberto outlines priorities continued from cover “Over the past four years we have wound down and closed out the affairs of my building company. Now that I get to be “fully retired,” this gives me a new freedom to spend additional time serving as a board member at Livengrin. “Right now I have the time and life-experience to serve this mission, and I am grateful for the opportunity and trust given me to do so.” On the role of a nonprofit Board of Directors “I think it's vitally important, first and foremost, that the board show by example how crucial it is to support Livengrin in its efforts to help those who are suffer from the devastating disease of addiction. Increased interaction between the staff and board will further the familiarity and understanding by the board members of the disease, and the challenges for those providing treatment. “Livengrin's staff and administration will continue to offer the finest in care. The Board will help facilitate these endeavors - to update and modernize the facilities for providing care, by expanding the areas geographically in which people can seek Livengrin's help, and by providing the financial support and guidance necessary to continue pursuit of these goals.” On establishing an agenda and “setting the tone” for Livengrin’s future: “In the AA 12-step program, the seventh tradition provides that each group shall be fully self-sufficient. This tradition provide some guidance to us in our operations at Livengrin. We are and have been fully self-supporting in terms of operations and patient care. “Capital expenditures, however, need to be funded to support expansion and deal with decades of deferred maintenance. This will require the additional resources of a dedicated and meaningful development program. I'm proud to say that all our board members are supportive of the fundraising program personally and in their position as Directors. “The recent hiring of a professional with lifelong experience in development will enable us to put in place a productive and professional team to pursue our future capital needs. “Getting the current facilities updated, and expanding into new uses of our buildings and property, will help ensure that Livengrin’s provision of top-notch care takes place in topnotch facilities.” New Multi-Level Framework Provides Additional Structure for Patients As reported in our last issue, Livengrin has been examining its clinical methodology. By emphasizing overlapping services, we now easily move a patient from intake to detox, on to rehab and outpatient services. A primary-care process for the medical team assigns a patient’s healthcare to one nurse for the length of treatment, providing more continuity and trust. A two-tier system is improving our ability to meet the needs of the rehab population. All patients are in the first level for approximately seven days, when we can best help them focus on understanding the concepts of disease and treatment. But, as rehab manager Jack Otto describes, “It’s not about the time element, it’s measured by specific criteria. “A patient becomes eligible for tier two when they are found to be making significant effort,” Otto says. “We want to see them following the rules, displaying emotional stability, showing increased motivation for recovery, attending all the lectures and groups, showing they are active with journals and histories. “At a certain point a patient should be able to articulate why they need to be in treatment. They can identify their past traumas and life changing events, and come to terms with how unmanageable they became. This is a time to involve the family more as well.” This concept isn’t about dangling the carrot of privilege to encourage artificial results. “We can tell when a patient is really moving ahead and who’s just putting on an act,” says Otto. “But we do encourage them with their visitor and phone privileges. Tier-two patients will also have access to the exercise room, computer center and other new amenities. And they’re expected to set an example for new patients.” Rehab’s Jack Otto . Life After Livengrin (#48 in a series) “I wanted to thank everyone who is a part of Livengrin, especially my counselor. Tomorrow I will be free of alcohol 1 yr. I appreciate all of your guidance and recommendations. I think the world of you guys. This has been an incredible journey and I will keep on living my life day by day. To go from drinking a gallon of vodka a day to not having a sip for a year is a miracle in itself.” Life does get dramatically better. - G M A pumpkinesque Harvest Festival for October’s alumni picnic, Back to Livengrin Day Media Watch A lengthy report on WHYY-FM examined the special solutions we’ve developed for targeted groups of professionals: nurses and first responders. Andy Callaghan and Bill Kennedy of our FRAT program for police, firefighters and combat veterans, along with Shane Moes from the healthcare professionals’ track, discussed the needs, challenges and remedies that inhabit the dependency problem faced by these groups. You can hear the audio file on our website: www.livengrin.org/media Callaghan also visited community station WURD for a FRAT profile. Dr. William Lorman provided perspective to a report in the Bucks Courier-Times (after the death of singer Whitney Houston) on the dangers of mixing prescription drugs. CBS-3 called on our experts for a story on how the government is dealing with the components of legal smoking materials that mimic marijuana’s effects. Alumni reorganize for a stronger Association Those who are successful in recovery agree that good aftercare and being part of a “new community” after treatment are essential. There’s no doubting the powerful impact of relationships that are formed in the therapeutic setting. “Life after Livengrin” isn’t about the end of treatment when someone heads out the driveway - it’s the start of recovery. The Alumni Association spearheads that effort. A recent re-organization ensures that this organization for former patients can operate at its most effective level. The reconstituted group is made up of men and women of all ages, in active recovery for a minimum of ninety days, who participated in treatment at Livengrin. There’s a vital role for alumni to play in the coming years here. As a clinical matter, we’re strengthening the connections between patients and those who have experience in recovery and can provide examples of success. On a practical level, they staff our events as volunteers, and are ambassadors of help and hope out in the community. The Association meets monthly on a Sunday at 7:15 PM in Shanahan Hall. (Check the website for dates, usually the “third Sunday” except for holidays.) An early-recovery topic meeting that often includes current patients is followed by business and events planning. To learn more or apply for membership, there are three options: visit the programs section at www.livengrin.org for a quick form; send an email to “[email protected];” or call Laura Donnelly, staff coordinator for alumni and volunteers, at 215-638-5200, ext. 164. Making things bright in the winter holidays, alumni (both photos) gave their time, attention and a pizza party to patients who would rather have been celebrating elsewhere but could see that rehab was the best place to be. Staffer Charles DiLuzio (below, left) played cuisine inspector on New Year’s Eve. Students at Holy Family University are donating works of art every few months for rotating exhibitions at our Northeast Philadelphia Counseling Center. Faculty advisor Pamela Flynn gave her students instruction on gallery hanging techniques for the initial installation. Sitting for an interview with a producer from NBC10, Andy Callaghan (left) is a 23-year member of the Philadelphia Police and one of the coordinators for FRAT. The First Responders Addiction Treatment program is our groundbreaking service that helps Livengrin work with law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs and combat vets challenged by dependency, PTSD and job stress. Andy has been helping shape a piece for broadcast later in the spring. clips The 3rd Run for Recovery saw a dramatic increase in competitors, sponsors and fundraising for charitable care. Stay tuned to the website for news on the next Run in September. At a business breakfast we hosted, Mark Connelly of Dow Chemical (third from right), chairman of the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce, was among those hosted by our CEO Rick Pine (left). In and Around Livengrin ~ 2012 Ride for Recovery Sunday, June 3 9AM - 4PM The Foundation for Addiction Recovery 4833 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 Allentown ~ Doylestown Fort Washington ~ Haverford Levittown ~ N.E. Philadelphia 800-245-4746 email: [email protected] www.livengrin.org Livengrin Foundation, Inc. is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Official registration and financial information (Certificate 13708) may be obtained from the PA Dept. of State by calling (within PA) 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Our annual poker run, now with a two-state route, and family picnic raises funds for patient programs. See inside. Alumni Association Sundays, monthly 7:15PM Bensalem For Livengrin graduates, a 12-step format with great ways to stay connected to recovery and pass one’s experience forward to current patients. In Shanahan Hall; for details, visit the website or the phone hotline below. Livengrin’s Big Show Coming in autumn Our 2011 gala event was lots of fun, but this one will really be laugh-out-loud. Join comedians in recovery for a big benefit for our charitable care program. Are you on our email list for early tickets? Volunteer Orientation Bensalem Regular schedule; call the Alumni Hotline below, or visit www.livengrin.org Have you visited INFORMATION LINES: 800-245-4746 or 215-638-5200 Events & Information Requests ext. 310 Alumni Association & Volunteers ext. 312 www.livengrin.org lately? Our website brings you everything you need to find help, information and understanding. Treatment details, locations and phones, news on events and alumni, special programs for recovery, and the latest Foundation news and employment posts - it’s all here. Open for business: the new website for our FRAT program (First Responders Addiction Treatment) www.responderaddiction.com
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