Bensalem UMC - Bensalem United Methodist Church
Bensalem UMC - Bensalem United Methodist Church
Bensalem UMC Pastor’s Message Salute May 2014 To the Church of Bensalem, When I began writing the letter for this month’s Salute I found it hard to believe that I was writing the letter for the May Newsletter and that summer was almost upon us, but it is.. We have had so many things going on in our great church this past month that the time seems to fly by. And although we have a lot of things already planned for May like our Flea Market and a Coffee Night Cafe, events for June like our church picnic, a praise band concert and a children’s night event, we are even making plans for some church socials in July and August, where does the time go? And just as fast, our Church Conference will soon be upon us and plans are already in the works for that. I have asked the heads of the various committees within our church to look for folks to take over their positions as well as help fill positions within those committees. So if you are interested in serving your church, helping it grow and are considered, please accept the position knowing that you are helping others to be led to Christ. All we do here is for one common goal and that is to, “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”. May 14th to the 17th is our Eastern Pennsylvanian Annual Conference, it is an exciting and prayerful time, please remember to keep the pastors, delegates and participants in prayer as they discern the direction of our churches that week. This year I am extra excited because on Friday May 16th at 7:00, I will be Ordained as an Elder in Full Connection. Also keep in mind and on your calendar June 8th for our Church Picnic at Neshaminy Park, with our second service held at the park. Also be aware of our summer hours of 8:30 first service, and 10:00 for second service which begin the following Sunday on June 15th. Have a wonderful May, enjoy the weather, keep on spreading the Gospel message, and may God continue to bless you and your families. Pastor Bob and Karen SERVING OPPORTUNITY Wood River 2nd Wed 1:30-3:00 WEEKLY Mondays Boy Scout 7PM Tuesdays TOPS 7PM Wednesday Bible Study 9AM & 7PM Thursdays Zumba 7PM 4300 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA 19020 Phone (215) 245-1215 E-mail [email protected] Find us on Facebook Bensalem UMC Please email Salute articles to [email protected] by 20th, Thank you. United Methodist Women The next meeting of the Bensalem United Methodist Women will be Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 9am in the church parlor. Connie Kurtiz will lead the lesson (Mother's Day). If you’d like, please bring a breakfast item to share. All women are encouraged to participate in this vital ministry. Together we can truly make a difference in our community and in the world. The mission collection items for May are: SOCKS ( for men, women or children) for United Neighborhood Services at XXX 1. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA and FLIP FLOPS (any size) for BUMC member David Karyea to send to Liberia for dis- 2. tribution. These items can be placed in the boxes marked UMW in the narthex of the Chapel/Sanctuary or brought to the May meeting. Treasurer’s Report There is $845.26 in the bank: $100.00 will go to Ingathering, $400.00 to our pledge, and $50.00 to missions for youth to attend summer camp Growth and Outreach Committee Fun Events to look forward to in the upcoming months May 16th 7:00 PM Esspreso Yourself Coffee House June Church Picnic 6/8/14 Praise Band Concert 6/14/14 12pm Kids Game Night 6/20/14 7pm JOB 19:25 I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. Congratulations!!!! 2014 College Graduates Allison Kibler, Chelsea Allen, Carrie Allen and Christina Caporale COLLEGE CARE CONNECTION A BIG thank you goes out to the BUMC Sunday School for making Lenten Prayer Pretzels. The pretzels were included in a care package to the students with an Easter message. Thanks so much! Over the next couple weeks students will be going through finals week; send a note of encouragement, it will make their day J THANK YOU! Lori Caporale, College Care Coordinator Justin Kibler 280 McElwain Hall University Park, PA 16802 Allison Kibler 30 Cartledge Lane Millersville, PA 17551 Chelsea Allen 253 Ridge Ave State College, PA 16803 Carrie Allen 4250 Knox Road Apt 1200 B College Park, MD 20740 Christina Caporale 2 Windsor Court Millersville, PA 17551 Jason Caporale Mail Box 207 Widener University One University PL Chester, PA 19013 Nate Davis 2 Morningstar Lane Apt 7 Shippensburg, PA 17257 Pastor Bob Got a green thumb? You can plant it or use it to plant. Choose wisely Anyone interested in adopting an empty garden please contact Sharyn MacMoran 215- 327-1448 or H H E A R Y E H E A R Y E DIRECTORY ADDITIONS Pictures of these folks are in your directory, but their addresses were not included Music Director -Kate Strubinger 1904 Rampart Lane Lansdale PA 19466 Day School Director – Lisa Woods (Mrs.John) 3249 Ethan Allen Court Bensalem, PA 19020 And the winner is… Mr Don Hatfield for his entry to name United Methodist’s new coffee house Espresso Yourself Coffee House Congratulations!! To Don The Salute is looking for feedback on whether there is an interest in posting a Items For Sale Items For Trade Services for Trade Section: Ex: One trades a plumbing service for a home cooked meal. If you are interested in having this type of information in Your Salute Please email Yes, I would like to see this in the Salute or No, not at this time DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST The Margaret Whyte Scholarship Is available for students who are church members and majoring in Education or Ministry. A letter of request must be submitted to Pat Cielinski by Sunday, May 25th. The Trustees will award the scholarships Donations of applesauce., tea bags and gravy are needed at the present time. Mark them for AFF and leave in the narthex..... Attention Ginny Craig or Carol Kulik. BENSALEM CHRISTIAN DAY SCHOOL Today Not Tomorrow, talk to a friend, child, family member about drugs..Save a Life Bucks commissioner: Heroin is No. 1 problem BUCKS COUNTY - The most important issue facing Bucks County isn't economic development, the expensive new Justice Center, or any of the other items regularly discussed at county meetings, according to Commissioner Diane Marseglia. It's heroin abuse. Marseglia made that case at a breakfast Wednesday at Bucks County Community College hosted by the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce. Citing statistics and friends who died from the drug, Marseglia, a former social worker, described the growth of heroin in Bucks County in stark terms. "This is of epidemic proportions," she said. More than 60 percent of admissions to county treatment centers relate to heroin and opiate use, she said. Last September, she said, 63 people in Bensalem overdosed on heroin - one fatally. And about half of the drug deaths in the county stem from heroin abuse, she said. Heroin has been in the news with the death of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman of an apparent overdose and the capture of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, accused head of Mexico's largest cartel. But officials here have been noting its rise and combatting its growth. Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said last summer that the drug had made a "strong comeback" in recent years, citing 52 heroin-related deaths in the county in 2012. And the General Assembly is considering at least a halfdozen bills drafted to address the heroin and prescription drug problem, including one from State Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R, Bucks). Marseglia urged those at the breakfast to recognize the problem of drug use, and suggested a number of ways to help such as donating to treatment centers or raising awareness about the importance of guidance counselors in schools, as they can be the first line of defense in noticing drug use. Drugs Do Not Discriminate on age, gender, religion or Sex A teenager sent a "warning" letter addressed to heroin just three weeks before she died from an overdose. Hannah Meredith, 17, vowed to say goodbye to the drug in a diary entry released by her family in an effort to warn others of the dangers of drug addiction, Sky News reports. She had overdosed on three separate occasions before her death on October 20 last year. "Dear Heroin, I never want to touch you again," Hannah wrote. "You've ruined my life, made me steal from my family… "I'm so ashamed of myself because of you." Hannah, from Llanelli in West Wales, became hooked on the drug when she was 15 after first experimenting with ecstasy on her 14th Buck County Help • General Questions about drug and alcohol services call Bucks county Drug and Alcohol Commissions, Inc (215) 773-9313 • County Wide Toll Free Number for emergencies 1- (800) 499-7455 Prayer Time For Pray that our Pastor and Pastors families will be cared for and respected and receive good consideration, so they can to grow too, as they are usually misunderstood, under-appreciated, and ignored or overworked. Pray that all the staff be committed to their families with authentic love and care, that they will be strong and learn in the midst of trials, their homes a refuge and haven of rest and not be condescending or withdrawing from their own families (Psalm 91:9-15; Phil. 4:19; 1 Peter 2:23). Funnier than Funny Boy Scout Troop 130 News EAGLE SCOOUT PROJECT Boy Scout Troop 130 News Boy Scout Troop 130 will be serving a Pancake Breakfast on May 10th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Adults - $6.00 Children (10 & younger) - $4.00 Dan Mitchell would like to thank all who donated non-perishable food items for his Eagle Scout Project. Troop 130 will be marching in the Bensalem Memorial Day Parade on May 23rd, along Rte. 13 (Bristol Pike). Come out and watch them as they carry their banner Showing that Bensalem U.M.C. is their sponsor. Bensalem United Methodist Church 4300 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 Our Mission: To experience and share Christ’s love by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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