MemberDirect Services - 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union


MemberDirect Services - 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union
MemberDirect Services
Direct Banking Alerts
User Guide
Version 1.9
June 5, 2013
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
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™ MemberDirect Design is a registered trade-mark owned by Credit Union Central of Canada, used under licence.
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This document is developed from the MemberDirect® Integrated Services Online Banking Tour - Version 1.0
March 2011 and updated from the MemberDirect® Alerts II Webinar documentation
® CELERO & logo mark are registered trademarks of Celero Solutions Inc.
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® eroSERVE is a registered trademark of Celero Solutions Inc.
® MEMBERDIRECT & Design are registered trademarks owned by Credit Union Central of Canada, used under license
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 1
Direct Banking Alerts Components................................................................................................................ 1
Alerts Contacts ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Alerts History ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Alert Account Nicknames ................................................................................................................................... 1
Alert Preferences ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Supported Carriers .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Available Direct Banking Alerts ...................................................................................................................... 2
Limits and Risk Management .......................................................................................................................... 2
Limits ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Risk Management ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Registration Process ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Register for Alerts ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Add Alerts Contact(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Select the Alert You Wish to Receive ............................................................................................................... 5
Create the Alert .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Modify Account Nicknames ................................................................................................................................ 7
Alerts History ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Managing Alerts ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Editing Alerts ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Modify Account Nicknames .............................................................................................................................. 10
Disabling and Deleting Contacts ..................................................................................................................... 10
Alerts Links (Hooks) ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A – Email and Text Examples...................................................................................................... 15
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Document Revision History
Version No
Release Date
Primary Authors
December 21, 2011
Linda VanDeSype
Summary of Changes/Additions
May 31, 2012
Summary of Changes/Additions
June 8, 2012
Summary of Changes/Additions
July 5, 2012
Summary of Changes/Additions
September 28, 2012
Summary of Changes/Additions
November 8, 2012
Summary of Changes/Additions
February 26, 2013
Summary of Changes/Additions
March 19, 2013
First Release
Sherry Bender
Update screen shots and transfer to new Celero template
Sherry Bender
Removed: Direct Alerts and Mobile SMS (re-registering users phone)
Added: Do not need to add phone if Mobile SMS is currently used
Sherry Bender
Added Appendix A
Linda VanDeSype
Updated document for Phase II Alerts
Linda VanDeSype
Updated document after Pilot
Sherry Bender
Linda VanDeSype
Updated document to add information to the Edit Alerts section
Sherry Bender
Marina Reimer
Linda VanDeSype
Summary of Changes/Additions
Updated Alert Hooks section and added information relating to two
new alerts [Login and New e-Transfer Recipient].
Updated branding from eroSERVE Internet Banking to MemberDirect
April 10, 2013
Summary of Changes/Additions
June 5, 2013
Summary of Changes/Additions
Sherry Bender
Updated guide (screen shots) to reflect Central 1 Release 4.29
Sherry Bender
Updated guide (screen shots) to reflect text changed for Online Login
and e-Transfer Recipient Added Alerts
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
This user guide documents and supports MemberDirect® Services Direct Banking Alerts functionality and
procedures for online banking.
The Direct Banking Alerts feature allows financial institution customers to receive notifications about security
events that have occurred on their accounts via email or text message. It is available in Internet Banking Integrated
Services and Internet Banking Online Services.
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Term / Acronym
Personal access code
An acronym for Short Message Service, which is a communications protocol that allows
the interchange of short-text messages between mobile phone devices.
Wireless carriers that provide mobile phone services to end users, such as Rogers
Wireless, TELUS Mobility, Bell Mobility, Fido Solutions, and so on.
Short Code
Short telephone numbers are comprised of four to six digits that mobile phone users
require to send Short Message Service (SMS) messages in order to receive banking and
account information.
Direct Banking Alerts Components
In Direct Banking Alerts, the Internet Banking system detects events that occur within online banking and sends
Alerts to the customer. For example, the customer can choose to receive an alert when a new bill payee is added in
online banking. When a payee is added, Internet Banking detects this and sends the customer an alert.
Please note that some Alerts are available only if the institution previously implemented these features in online
banking. For example increased authentication Alerts are only available if the institution previously implemented
increased authentication in online banking.
Direct Banking Alerts main components:
Alerts Contacts
Customers can add email addresses or mobile phone numbers, known as contacts, to receive alerts by email
or by SMS text message.
Alerts History
Customers can view all the alerts that the system has sent to them during the last thirty days and only
indicates that an attempt was made to send an alert. It does not indicate whether the customer received it.
Alert Account Nicknames
Customers are required to give their accounts short nicknames, which are used to identify their accounts in
alerts messages. The use of nicknames prevents the transmission of information that can be used to identify
individuals or accounts. Note that nicknames may be shared between both alerts and Internet Banking Mobile
Services for SMS.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Alert Preferences
Alert preferences refer to the conditions that a customer specifies to receive alerts, such as which contacts to
send alerts to, or which alerts they would like to receive. Customers can edit their preferences within the
Internet Banking system.
Supported Carriers
The alerts feature currently supports the same carriers as Internet Banking Mobile Services for SMS, that is,
Telus, Rogers, Fido, Bell, MTS, Virgin, and Sasktel.
Available Direct Banking Alerts
The following table shows the alerts that are available in Internet Banking, depending on your institution’s
implementation and the necessary host support.
Alert Name/ Condition
How This Alert Works
New bill payment vendor
account added via online
This Alert notifies clients when a new bill
payment vendor account is added to their
online banking account.
Online PAC changed
This Alert notifies clients that their online PAC
has been changed.
Increased Authentication
locked after three (3)
This Alert notifies clients that access to Online
Banking has been locked because someone
has entered an incorrect answer to the
security question exceeding the maximum
(for example, three times).
Online Login
This alert notifies members when their
account has been logged into. If they did not
log in this could be an indication of fraud
INTERAC e-Transfer† recipient
This alert notifies members when an eTransfer recipient has been added on their
internet banking account.
The institution must have the
Increased Authentication
feature enabled.
The institution must have the
e-Transfer functionality
Limits and Risk Management
There are no financial limits for the Direct Banking Alerts feature because it has no transaction or payment
Risk Management
No personal information, account numbers, login information, or any data that could be used to identify
accounts or individuals can be retrieved. In the Direct Banking Alerts messages, accounts are identified by
nicknames that the customer creates.
While a high level of security is provided, end users are responsible for ensuring authorized usage of and
access to their online banking account, email account and mobile phone.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Registering For Direct Banking Alerts
In order to receive alerts via their email or mobile phones, customers must register an email or mobile phone
contact via online banking. You cannot register for alerts on the Mobile Web or Mobile App functionality.
A customer’s registration will expire if the customer chooses not to receive any alerts for more than 13 months.
Customers will have to re-register for alerts again if their registration expires.
Before registration, customers must accept the user agreement that contains the terms and provisions for use of
the alerts feature. Customers then can proceed to register their email address and/or mobile phone to receive
alerts. Note that customers can use the alerts feature without being registered for Internet Banking Mobile SMS
Services. They can elect to receive alerts only via email, only via a mobile phone, or via both.
If a customer is already signed up for Mobile SMS they will have the option to “add phone” or “use existing” phone
that is currently being used for Mobile SMS.
Registration Process
The registration process to use the Alerts feature consists of the following steps.
Add an email and/or a mobile contact.
Select the Alert you wish to receive.
Create the Alert.
Register for Alerts
To register for Alerts, select Messages and Alerts > Get Started Today
Add Alerts Contact(s)
There are two types of contacts for Alerts:
email address
mobile phone number
Only one type of contact is mandatory but both options may be chosen.
To add contacts:
Click on ‘Add Contacts’ on the Alerts page to be taken to the Alerts Contacts and Mobile Nicknames page
- or –
Click on ‘Manage Alerts Contacts and Nicknames’ in the left hand navigation menu.
For an email contact click on Add Email to enter the email address to be registered and confirm the email
address. Once all applicable information is entered the customer will click Continue. Once the customer
enters the email address and clicks on Continue the email address will be registered and appear on the Alerts
Contact(s) and Mobile Nicknames page and the customer will receive a confirmation email.
NOTE: If this is a first time set up the customer must accept the User Agreement that contains the terms and
provisions for use of the Alerts feature before the Add Email page will be displayed.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
For a mobile phone contact click on Add Mobile Phone to add the number of the phone to be registered and
select the mobile phone carrier from the drop-down list. Once all applicable information is entered the
customer will click Continue. If the customer has added a phone number, they will receive the Passcode
screen and must enter the passcode that is sent to their mobile phone. If the user has their phone set up for
Mobile SMS they will not receive a passcode via text message.
NOTE: If this is a first time set up the customer must accept the User Agreement that contains the terms and
provisions for use of the Alerts feature before the Register Phone page is displayed.
After entering the correct passcode, customers will click Continue. Once the customer enters the passcode
the phone number will be registered and appear on the Alerts Contact(s) and Mobile Nicknames page.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Select the Alert You Wish to Receive
Users click on Messages and Alerts > Manage Alerts to be presented with a list of available Alerts. Click on
the Alert you wish to receive from the list of available Security Alerts and click on Add.
Create the Alert
The final step in the registration process is the creation of the Alert to be sent to the customer. After the
customer clicks on Add they will be presented with the Create Alert screen. Check the check box beside the
contact (the email address and/or mobile phone) to receive the alert and click Submit.
A confirmation screen will be returned, providing detail of the newly created Alert
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
NOTE: Users may choose to Add Alert Contacts first or they may choose to Add Security Alerts first. In either
instance, the user will be prompted to accept the User Agreement.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Modify Account Nicknames
After registering an email address and/or mobile phone for Direct Banking Alerts, customers can modify the
account nicknames. If your institution has implemented Internet Banking Mobile Services for SMS, customers may
use the same account nicknames for Direct Banking Alerts as they do for SMS.
By default, your accounts are given short mobile nicknames to make it easy to identify them.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
To edit account nicknames, customers will click Edit Nicknames, enter the new nickname in the Mobile Nickname
box and click on Submit at the bottom of the Mobile Nicknames page.
The Alerts Contact(s) & Mobile Nicknames page will be re-displayed with the modified nickname appearing beside
the corresponding account.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Alerts History
Customers can display the Alerts they have received in the past 30 days by clicking on the View Alerts History link
on the Messages and Alerts page to display the Alerts History page. They may also click on the View Alerts History
link on the Shortcuts menu.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Managing Alerts
After the registration process is completed, customers can manage their alerts, nicknames, and contacts to meet
their changing needs as described below.
Editing Alerts
Customers can edit alerts by clicking on Manage Alerts on the Messages and Alerts page. The Alerts page will
be displayed. Customers can edit their current alerts by:
Clicking on the Alert in the list of Your Active Alerts and clicking in Edit. This allows the user to edit
the Alert Contact information.
Clicking on the Alert in the list of Your Active Alerts and clicking on Delete. This deletes the Alert.
Activating an Alert by clicking on the Alert displayed in the list of Security Alerts, clicking on Add,
checking the checkbox beside ‘by email’ and/or ‘by text’ and clicking on Submit.
If the user adds a new contact to an active alert at a later date they must EDIT the alert and check the
appropriate contact box. If this box is not checked the new contact will not receive an email or text
Modify Account Nicknames
Customers can edit the nicknames for the accounts that will trigger an alert. See the Modify Account
Nicknames section on page 7 above for information on editing nicknames.
Disabling and Deleting Contacts
Customers can disable and delete contacts on the Alerts Contacts & Mobile Nicknames page.
To disable a contact, click Disable. The Disable link will change to Enable for the contact. Customers will click
on it to re-enable the contact.
To delete a contact, customers will click Delete. They will be asked to confirm the deletion. After confirming
it, a receipt page indicates that the Deletion Status is Complete and the contact will no longer appear on the
Alerts Contacts & Accounts page.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Alerts Links (Hooks)
Alerts links (also referred to as “hooks”) allow the Alerts feature to be cross sold in Internet Banking.
Alerts links are found on the following pages:
Add Payee Receipt
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Change Personal Access Code (PAC) Receipt
Scheduled Transfers
Users will click on the ‘Get Alerts’ link to go to the Alerts page where they can activate the new Alert.
NOTE: There is no link for the “Online Banking Account Locked Out” Alert because when you are locked out you
do not have access to unlock.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Alerts?
Alerts are a feature on Internet Banking Integrated Services and Internet Banking Online Services that allows
financial institution customers to receive notifications about banking activity and other events. The Alerts are
set up and edited in online banking.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
How Does a Customer Receive Alerts?
Customers can receive alerts by either email, text message, or both.
Is the Customer Charged for Using Alerts?
There is no charge to customers for receiving Alerts by email from an institution. However, when customers
receive text message Alerts, their wireless carrier may charge for receiving text messages. The customer is
advised to check with their wireless carrier for details.
Is Any Personally Identifiable Information Contained in an Alert Message?
Personal and personally identifiable information is not transmitted in the alert message. Accounts are
identified by nicknames. This is a convention that was adopted in Internet Banking Mobile Services for SMS.
Are Customers Guaranteed to Receive Alerts Sent to Them?
Alerts cannot be guaranteed to be received because of the potential for an unstable wireless and internet
networks in general. These networks are open to service interruptions and customers may move out of the
service range, which can cause a delay in receiving text messages. Customers can check the Alerts sent to
them on the Alerts History page in online banking, which lists all the Alerts sent within the last 30 days.
Does an Institution Need to Implement Internet Banking Mobiles Services for SMS to offer Alerts?
No, all financial institutions using Internet Banking Integrated Services or Internet Banking Online Services can
implement Alerts.
Can the Shortcode used for Mobile Banking Also Be Used for Alerts?
Yes, the same shortcode can be used for Alerts and mobile banking, but the institution will be charged a fee
for this method of delivery. Because of this charge, Alerts are sent via the “email to text” method which
currently entails no cost to the institution. This method uses a number of different generic shortcodes from
the customer’s mobile carrier to deliver the Alerts text messages, rather than using a custom shortcode.
8. What is “email to text”?
Email to text is a delivery mechanism of text messages. A user can send a
text message to any recipient provided that they know the recipient's
mobile phone number and carrier. From that information, an email address
is constructed in the following format: [email protected], and
any emails sent to this address appears as a text message on the recipient's
mobile phone. There is no cost for the sender to send email to text
messages however the recipient may be charged. The example at the right
shows what the recipient experiences:
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
When the recipient receives a text message it is coming from a set of short codes that the carrier has set aside
for email to text use. The attached image shows that it is now coming from a short code (305)-000-02.
With Rogers or Fido, the user must text “yes” to enable the ability to receive email to text messages. Then
they must text “read” in order to view the alert text message. Rogers and Fido customers can subscribe to a
paid monthly service to replicate the same experience of email to text messages with regular text messages.
Carrier support of “email to text”
The major Canadian carriers do support this method. However this is not a standardized method across
carriers and there is no motivation for carriers to standardize.
Is it possible that carriers could discontinue this method?
Since all carriers receive revenue on this service from the recipient, we do not anticipate this service being
discontinued, however this is a possibility. This is the reason the financial institution has the option of sending
Alerts via the shortcode. However 1 way text messages involve a per message charge to the financial
Email to text applications with Alerts:
There are several cases where email to text has been used with Alerts; one example is with online trading
Brokerages (trading Alerts use this email to text method as a means to deliver an alert to the mobile phone).
With Bank of America, they also have adopted this method for their Alerts offering.
Why do financial institutions choose “email to text” over the short code?
The cost of 1 way messages from the short code is currently cost prohibitive.
Can a Customer Choose to Stop Receiving Alerts?
Yes. Within online banking, the customer can choose not to receive any Alerts.
10. Are Alerts subject to an Internet Banking Data Retention Policy?
Yes. If a member has not logged into online banking within 12 months, their alerts preferences will be deleted
as part of our Data Retention Policy and the member will no longer receive alerts. The member can sign up to
alerts by logging into online banking.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Appendix A – Email and Text Examples
These are the core email and text messages. The language on these emails or texts can be customized by the
credit union.
Example of sign up message with 1 time passcode – TEXT
Example of sign up message – EMAIL
XXXXXXX Credit Union Online Banking Alert
Email Contact Added Successfully
Date: 05-Jun-2013
You have successfully added [email protected] as an email contact in mobile alerts.
Access your online banking account at
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
PAC Changed - TEXT
PAC Changed – EMAIL
-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 3:07 PM
Subject: PAC Changed
xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union Online Banking Alert
PAC Changed
Date: 2012-06-29
The Personal Access Code was changed on 2012-06-29.
If you did not authorize this change, please contact xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union at
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Account locked out – TEXT
Account Locked Out – EMAIL
-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 3:28 PM
Subject: Account Locked
xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union Online Banking Alert
Account Locked
Date: 2012-06-29
Your online banking account has been locked after failed challenge question login attempts.
Please contact xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union at to unlock this account.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Bill Payee Added – Text
Bill Payee Added – Email
-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 2:14 PM
Subject: New Payee Added
Xxxxxxx Credit Union Online Banking Alert
New Payee Added
Date: 2013-04-08
A new payee was added on 2013-04-08.
If you did not authorize this change, please contact Xxxxxxx Credit Union at
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
Account Logged Into – Text
Account Logged Into – Email
-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 15,2013 11:29 AM
Subject: Account logged into
xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union Online Banking Alert
Account logged into
Date: 2013-03-15
Your online banking account has been logged into.
Please contact xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union at if this was not you.
MemberDirect® Services
Direct Banking Alerts User Guide Ver. 1.9
New INTERAC e-Transfer† recipient added - text
New INTERAC e-Transfer† recipient added – EMAIL
-----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:29 AM
Subject: New INTERAC e-Transfer recipient has been added
xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union Online Banking Alert
New INTERAC e-Transfer Recipient Added
Date: 2013-03-15
A new INTERAC e-Transfer Recipient has been added on your account.
If this wasn’t authorized, please contact xxxxxxxxxxx Credit Union at