newsletter - Spectrum Art Gallery
newsletter - Spectrum Art Gallery
FOCUS NEWSLETTER ART GALLERY fine art photography November/December 2015 Robert C. Cochran Emily Redondo & Jennifer Franklin “Hourglass” “Positively Fresno” October 29 - November 29 December 3 - 27 November will feature an exhibition by Robert C. Cochran. Robert C. Cochran December will feature a two-person exhibition by Emily Redondo and Jennifer Franklin. Emily Redondo Contours ArtHop Reception: Thursday, November 5, 5:00 to 8:00 PM. City Hall North ArtHop Reception: Thursday, December 3, 5:00 to 8:00 PM. Artists’ Reception: Sunday, December 13, 2 to 5 PM. ...Continued on page 2 Important Dates for November Thursday, November 5 5:45 pm Friday, December 4 5:00 - 8:00 PM Arthop - Emily Redondo and Jennifer Franklin 4:00 - 7:00 pm Demo by Emily Redondo 6:00 pm * Image and Idea Sharing Tuesday November 24 Important Dates for December Thursday, December 3 * Board Meeting Wednesday, November 18 ...Continued on page 3 5:00 - 8:00 PM ArtHop - Robert C. Cochran Monday, November 16 On Friday, December 4 at 7:00 PM, Emily Redondo will give a talk on her Photoshop process and demonstrate the digital emulsion transfer technique. Photoshop Workflow and Digital Emulsion Transfer Technique Sunday, December 13 6:00 - 8:00 pm Lightroom Workshop - Randy Vaughn-Dotta 2:00 - 5:00 pm Artists’ Reception - Emily Redondo and Jennifer Franklin Wednesday December 16 6:00 pm * Image and Idea Sharing Monday, December 21 5:45 pm * Board Meeting Tuesday, December 1, 8 &15 * These events are open to Active Members only. Other events are open to all. Lightroom Workshop - Randy Vaughn-Dotta 6:00 - 8:00 pm 1 Robert C. Cochran “Hourglass” October 29 - November 29 Robert C. Cochran Distant Hourglass is two distinct bodies of work exhibited together to allow viewers to draw their own conclusions as to the meaning and relationship between the figurative nude female, the fugitive nature of sand formations in the landscape and the inexorable passage of time. Robert C. Cochran Continental Drift (Abstracted from my 13 volume Manifesto on this project due to space limitations in Focus) Robert C Cochran September 19, 2015 Robert C. Cochran Robert C. Cochran Subconscious Intruding Cornered 2 Emily Redondo & Jennifer Franklin “Positively Fresno” December 3 - 27 Jennifer Franklin area. We choose to instead focus our attention to the landscapes, architecture and interplay of textures and light that make our lives here a visual treat. Come see Fresno through our eyes! Autumn in Shinzen Gardens Emily Redondo Courthouse A photographic exhibition portraying vibrant scenes of Fresno will be on display at Spectrum Fine Art Gallery from December 3 through December 27, 2015. The ArtHop reception is Thursday, December 3 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. On Friday, December 4, at 7:00 PM, Emily Redondo will give a talk on her photoshop process and demonstrate the digital emulsion transfer technique. The Artists’ Reception is on Sunday, December 13, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Artists’ Statement: Positively Fresno is a joint exhibition between Jennifer Franklin and Emily Redondo that aims to showcase the charm and splendor that we see in the place we call “home”. So often, we feel our civic pride is disparaged by way of “Top 10 Worst Cities” lists and the everyday challenges of living in an economically repressed Emily Redondo Emily Redondo Downtown Skyline Downtown David of Sassoon Artist Bios: Emily Redondo has been active in Fresno’s art scene for over ten years by showing at various ArtHop locations including Spectrum Fine Art Gallery, Fresno City Hall and the Jewel FM Gallery. Her work ranges from documentary to digitally manipulated and she employs printing methods from historical as well as modern processes. She received her A.S. in Professional Photography and A.A. in Fine Art from Fresno City College in 2013. Media representatives may contact Emily Redondo at [email protected]. Jennifer Franklin is a lifelong resident of Fresno who uses photography as a creative outlet. After moving from film to digital she refined her skills and became more experimental. Her position on staff at Fresno City College gives her the stability of a traditional job and 3 the freedom to take photographs whenever the muse hits. Her primary motivation is capturing the beauty she sees in the world around her, and sharing that with other people. Media representatives may contact Jennifer Franklin at [email protected]. Jennifer Franklin Jennifer Franklin Jennifer Franklin The Tower Gottschalks building Jennifer Franklin Tower Theatre Liberty Theatre Jennifer Franklin City Hall 4 Spectrum Information A Note from the President Curator’s Corner Just a week before the night of bats, cats and all things slinky and sugary, Spectrum members and our most generous guests will be gathering at the Fresno Art Museum for our Annual Auction the evening of Sunday, October 25th. Our primary fundraiser, this year promises to be quite a special event. Courtesy of Spectrum members and all of our other very gracious and valued donors, many unique photographic pieces will be available for bidding during the auction, as well as in our drawing. Visit the gallery this month for a preview of what makes our Annual Auction such a treat. Due to the generosity of many supporters of fine art photography we have a marvelous preview exhibition representing work from across the nation and Canada on display for Spectrum Art Gallery’s Annual Auction. As you may know already this is the largest fundraising event of the year with up to 30 volunteers contributing their time to make this event a success. Please encourage all of your friends and colleagues to attend the festive, live auction event on Sunday, October 25th at the Fresno Art Museum. It has always been a great, mutually beneficial opportunity for the attendees and Spectrum Art Gallery, bringing attention to the fabulous work of contributing artists. This event introduces or reintroduces a cross section of the collectors and supportive public to the wonderful variety of artists involved - connecting their exciting work with their name and accomplishments. Great exposure, great opportunities, and great fun! Please join us to celebrate fine art photography and its enrichment of community. For all those able and available please plan to volunteer your time and labor in moving auction items from the gallery to the museum for our live and lively auction. Not only do things move faster but, believe it or not – it’s a lot of fun! If you have not yet volunteered, please contact our Auction Chairman Jesse Merrell or any Board member to get you going! The Auction Reception Committee will also be contacting you to bring eatables for our most generous supporters and attendees to enjoy at our pre-auction reception. In November and December our walls will be adorned with the exciting and dynamic works of Robert Cochran, Jennifer Franklin, and Emily Redondo. For details please see their articles with this issue of Focus. Our Annual Auction is our major fundraiser and will allow us to continue to add to our 35 year history of bringing fine-art photography to Fresno, the Valley and beyond. I look forward to seeing you at all of the upcoming events and openings As we near the closing of 2015, please watch our e-announcements for notifications concerning our yearend activities. Please keep in mind, also, this is the year we will move our annual Members’ Meeting to the month of January. Something festive to look forward to during to the dreariness of the post-holiday winter! Richard Harrison, President Sincerely, Steve Dzerigian, Curator gggggg Auction Rehearsal Meeting In preparation for our upcoming auction in October, the final meeting of the auction committee will be Wednesday, October 21 at 5:45 at the gallery. ALL AUCTION VOLUNTEERS - Please plan to attend this meeting as we practice for a smooth running auction event. Our success depends on the efforts of all of you! Any questions - please contact Jesse Merrell, Auction Committee Chair <[email protected]> 5 Spectrum Information Amazon Smile Program Spectrum Art Gallery is now registered with the Amazon Smile Program to receive a donation of 0.5% of purchases made by those who designate Spectrum Art Gallery as their charity of choice on the Amazon site. Eligible and non-eligible purchases will be combined for orders, so no worries about having to separate them when ordering. It is very convenient! Members will need to log in to: and select their charity. They can search for “Spectrum Art Gallery” and it will populate. MOST IMPORTANT: Members MUST start their shopping at in order for the donation to work. If they simply go to “,” they will still be able to order, but Spectrum will NOT get any donations. This, combined with our Save Mart Shares program, is a wonderful way to support the gallery in a manner that is totally painless. Please make the effort to use these programs, as they offer great potential to the financial health of your gallery. gggggg Lightroom Workshop at Spectrum with Randy Vaughn-Dotta and Rich Berrett SESSION #1 runs on Tuesday nights from November 24 to December 15. SESSION #2 runs on Tuesday nights from January 5 to 26. The Spectrum Education Committee presents an 8 session Lightroom Training Workshop. Session #1, the first four classes, will be an in-depth study of the Import and Library Modules plus how to get organized before starting Lightroom. These four classes will be taught by Randy Vaughn-Dotta and they will be on Tuesday nights, 6:00 to 8:00 PM, from November 24 to December 15 at Spectrum Gallery. Session #2, the second four classes, will cover the Develop Module in-depth and you will learn how to process your photographs to get the most out of them. These classes will be taught by Rich Berrett and they are also on Tuesday nights, 6:00 to 7:30 PM, from January 5 to January 26, also at Spectrum Gallery. Cost for the workshop is $20 per session (4 classes) for Spectrum members and $40 for non-members. Students may pre-enroll in one or both sessions. Pre-enrollment is encouraged as seating will be limited to 8 students. Students who already have Lightroom and laptops are encouraged to bring and use their computers in this workshop. For more information about the workshop contact Rich Berrett at, Rich Berrett <[email protected]> or Randy Vaughn-Dotta at, Randy Vaughn-Dotta <[email protected]>. To pre-register for either or both sessions contact, Randy Vaughn-Dotta <[email protected]> gggggg Digital Challenge Workshop Series with Thom Halls You can learn more, register, and complete payment through PayPal on Thom Halls’ website: Oct 22 – The Challenge of Composition & Light •The basics of form and composition. •How content relates to design in an image. •Light and how it reveals information and affects our moods. •Controlling the light in every situation. •Techniques to ‘see’ rather than just experience a scene. •Anticipation - the art of seeing and reading what will happen in various scenes both physically and emotionally. •Knowing how the viewer will ‘see’ your image and how to maximize visual impact in capture and in print. Nov. 14 & 19 – Digital Challenge on Location (1/2 day shooting and follow up critique) •How exposure relates to mood •Filters, what they mean and how to use them. •Tripods / mono pods, your constant friend •Flash, how to use in landscape photography and still appear natural. •Makeshift solutions for difficult problems and thinking through the physical adversity of a scene. •Taking risks others just won’t due. •Using Photoshop as the interepretive tool Space is limited so reserve your spots today or if you are past participate, please send this along to some who might be interested. 50% of the proceeds to go Spectrum so you are supporting the Gallery by participating. 6 Spectrum Information We Want Your Program for Friday Photography Live Submitting Information for the Focus Newsletter and Publicity Spectrum is hosting the educational program series open to the public Who: Active members presenting. Open to the public - Admission free (donations encouraged) When: Friday (1st one recommended), each month at 7:00 PM Where: Spectrum Art Gallery What: Lecture/Workshop Series At least once a month Spectrum hosts a program open to the public, led and administered by one or more of our members. We encourage you to offer a program featuring your work or topic of greatest interest to you. Below are some possibilities (you are not limited to these): 1. Presentation on your photography a. Walk through discussion of your exhibition on view b. Projected image presentation c. Presentation of prints or finished photographic artwork d. Presentation of a project you are planning or already executing The deadline for submitting items for the September/ October issue of the Focus is December 10, 2015. When you have a Spectrum exhibition coming up, please e-mail your text in a Word document, including dates and times for receptions, biography, inspiration for the show, the show title, and any other pertinent information. Items should be directed to: Franka Gabler: [email protected] Travis Rockett: [email protected] Andrew Holden: [email protected] Tim Fleming: [email protected] Franka and Travis alternate as Focus co-editors. Andrew uses the information to update Spectrum’s website and social media. Tim publicizes your exhibit in various other media. Images must be 1200 pixels in the longest dimension. Please include several horizontal and vertical images to allow layout choices. File names must include your name and the title of the image. Image & Idea Sharing Night 2. Presentation on someone else’s photography you respect (historical or contemporary) When: WEDNESDAYS, November 18 and December 16 at 6:00 PM 3. Presentation on a style or genre of photography 4. A how-to presentation Where: Spectrum Art Gallery a. Photographic capture technique or approach Who: b. Workshop / demonstration of a photographic process c. Practical methods of preparing for exhibiting one’s work d. Computer hardware or software presentation e. Darkroom methods 5. Panel discussion 6. Member sponsored guest artist (no Gallery budget) 7. Spectrum invited guest artist (Gallery sponsored) 8. Field workshop The gallery will provide water and cups plus access to our fixed resources; however, any additional refreshments or resources must be provided by the presenter. To reserve a date for your program, please send your idea to: Steve Dzerigian at: [email protected]. Any questions - call Steve at: (559) 442-4868 All current, active members What: Bring a thumb drive or CD to Spectrum with no more than 10 images - jpg, tiff, or psd. The longest dimension 1200 pixels. Name the file with your last name, first initial, and title. Eager for a discussion (on your terms) of your photographic work or ideas concerning what to do with your work? Please join us for a sharing of images and ideas at Spectrum Gallery. Bring no more than 10 pieces (prints, slides, digital display, etc.) that you would like to discuss. Prints can be anything from unmounted works in progress to work ready to hang. Keep in mind the time allotted to you will be established by dividing up 2 hours by the number of members sharing their images. If your work requires something more than what we provide below, you must bring the necessary equipment with you. We supply: easel, tables, laptop computer, digital projector, and screen. 7 Out and About in the Art World Cruising the Subantarctic Islands of New Exhibitions by Spectrum Members Zealand - A Digital Slide Show by Helen Gigliotti Wednesday, December 16, 2015 7:00 PM for the Sierra Club The University of California Center 550 E. Shaw (across from Fashion Fair) New Zealand’s remote Subantarctic Islands (the Antipodes, the Auckland Islands, the Bounty Islands, the Snares Islands and Campbell Island) are wild and beautiful places. Most are nature reserves with no habitation and no landings, but can only be experienced by expedition ship and zodiac outings. In addition to being a birders and photographer’s paradise, these volcanic islands are home to some of the most abundant and unique wildlife on earth: their many endemic flora and fauna species indicates how long these islands have been isolated by miles of ocean. The islands are particularly notable for the large number and variety of pelagic seabirds and penguins that nest there -- 126 bird species including 40 seabirds, 5 of which breed nowhere else in the world. The Subantarctic Islands were honored with World Heritage status in 1998, meaning they represent the best of the world’s natural heritage. Running along the sea floor in this region is the boundary between two tectonic plates, the Australian and the Pacific plates. Macquarie Island, an Australian possession, lies on the ridge created by action of these two plates and is the only place on earth where mid-oceanic crustal rocks, all formed on or below the sea-bed, are exposed on the surface. Often described as one of the “wonder spots of the world”, Macquarie is said to rival Antarctica’s South Georgia in its magnificence, scenic diversity and prolific wildlife including King Penguins. Royal Penguins, Elephant Seals, Skuas and Petrels. The sights, smells and sounds are just fantastic. Be sure to join Helen as we cruise the coastline of these magnificent islands on the M.V. Orion, landing by special permit to explore the beaches and tussock-covered headlands of Campbell and Macquarie Islands. Spectrum members Vidya Narasimhan and Franka Gabler are participating in the group exhibition “Off the Beaten Path: Views From Yosemite” in G2 Gallery (1503 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, CA). The show runs through November 15, 2015. Learn more at: gggggg During the month of December, Spectrum member Franka Gabler will have an exhibition at the main Gallery of the M Street Art Complex. Housed within a 22,000 square foot building located at the corner of M and Tuolumne in downtown Fresno (1419 M Street, Fresno), the M Street Art Complex is a collection of galleries and studios. Franka will show a diverse body of her work, including her signature landscapes, photographs of Bodie, and Croatia. ArtHop Reception: December 3, 2015, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM gggggg For Sale: • • • Zenith DVD player model DVB Epson Powerlite LCD projector model EMP s4 Accolade screen model ELPSC80 All never used, new condition. All three at $500. A few misc. Minolta/Sony accessories free to purchaser. Contact Dick Haas: [email protected]; (559) 439-7727 8 Sitting Schedule Hours Upcoming Exhibitions 2016 Lorinda Salvador & Andrew Holden January 1 - January 31 Jesse Merrell & Travis Rockett February 4 - February 28 Members Exhibit (Rogue) March 3 - April 3 Guest Artists: Charles Farmer & Richard Garrod April 7 - May 1 Scott Shaver May 5 - May 29 June 2 - June 26 Vidya Narasimhan & Joan Sharma Richard Harrison & Guest July 2 - July 31 Alice Ramirez & Mahin Alibabaei August 4 - August 28 TBA September 1 - September 25 Auction Exhibition September 29 - October 30 Paul Mullins November 3 - November 27 Melinda Downing December 1 - December 31 2017 Steve Dzerigian & Sally Stallings January 5 - January 29 Avigdar Adams & Jeffrey David Nicholas February 2 - February 26 New Members Exhibit (Rogue) March 2 - April 2 Helen Gigliotti & Phyllss Irwin Contact Juergen Vespermann to sign up! [email protected] or 431-0850 ArtHop Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays and Sundays: 5:00 - 8:00 PM 5:00 - 8:00 PM First Sitter 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Second Sitter 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Spectrum Art Gallery Board President: Richard Harrison [email protected] Vice-President: Jesse Merrell [email protected] Treasurer: David Meyer [email protected] Secretary: Robert Cochran [email protected] Members at Large: Dan Dunham [email protected] Franka Gabler [email protected] Andrew Holden [email protected] April 6 - April 30 Linda Knight [email protected] Rebecca Caraveo & Zana Frownfelter May 4 - May 28 Travis Rockett [email protected] Franka Gabler June 1 - July 2 Mark Bosch & Greg Hubbard July 6 - July 30 Neil Chowdhury & Mike Phillips Lyssa Bird & Richard Mann August 3 - September 3 Auction Exhibition October 5 - October 29 Guest Artists: Donor Invitational November 2 - December 3 Spectrum Art Gallery Martin Nunez & December 7 - December 31 608 E. Olive Avenue, Fresno September 7 - October 1 In the Tower District To schedule an exhibit you must be current with your gallery dues and if you are a service member, you have to have fulfilled your service. Please contact Spectrum Gallery’s Curator, Steve Dzerigian at: [email protected] 559-266-0691 Thursday 12:30 – 5:30 PM, Fridays 12:30 - 8:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm 9
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