Tour Special South Africa 2012: Ons gaan in die Kaap krieket
Tour Special South Africa 2012: Ons gaan in die Kaap krieket
( SPECIAL ( Tour Special South Africa 2012: Ons gaan in die Kaap krieket speel! AUKE SMITS PUBLICITEIT ONTDEK... Globe Reisburo Bring out the best in yourself Globe en HCC gaan beide nét even verder! Globe Reisburo is niet zo maar een reisbureau! Zij geven de perfecte voorzet voor een onvergetelijke vakantie en geven u graag persoonlijk advies. Daardoor behoort Globe Reisburo tot de eredivisie van Nederland en wonnen ze verleden jaar zelfs de Consumentenbond-titel: Beste reisbureau van 2010! Van weekendje weg tot wereldreis, van stedentrip tot zakenreis: bij Globe scoort u altijd de beste deal! Uw vertrouwde reisbureau om de hoek: DEN HAAG [email protected] van Hoytemastraat 57 070 – 324 45 55 Tel. 070-3248025 [email protected] 200 winkels 0900 - 8090 (0,20 p.m.) The king of sports loves to dine at of der otheid So have your 3rd inning at the Lof Breitnerlaan 84 Den Haag Tel: 070 324 17 82 2 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 Herenstraat 16 Voorburg Tel: 070 3877799 December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 3 INDEX 3 Letter of Mr Peter Goosen, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Netherlands 4 Index, advertisers and baie dankie… 5 Life Lessons: Jeroen Smits 6 Two captains on a strip: Tonny Staal & Hidde Overdijk 7 Operation Croissant a huge success 9 Player profiles & staff 10 Team Photo HCC U16 touring squad 12 Player profiles 14 Sports clothing deserve a second life! 16 The Royal Hague Cricket Club: a brief history 17 Die konneksie met Holland 18 Tour itinerary South Africa 2012 INTERVIEW 6 Interview with Tonny Staal & Hidde Overdijk They are sworn friends, classmates and made their maiden century on the same day. As captain and vice captain, they carry a big responsibility when they lead the 13-man squad both on and off the cricket field. Knabbel and Babbel have their say... HIGHLIGHTED 14 ADVERTISERS 3 3 3 3 7 8 8 8 8 13 13 13 13 19 19 19 19 20 Auke Smits Publiciteit De Lof der Zotheid Globe Reisburo Havana Orange Community PR Stills Adviesbureau Nijgh Chromazone Kokelenberg en Ouwehand Transearch Buongiorno Burger van Leeuwen Garantiemakelaars Eclectic Security Schippers Business Intermediair Bella Bellezza Businessclub de Groote Haagsche Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi Inter Vastgoed Nederland Intertrust Sports clothing deserve a second life! A report by Rod Lyall, CricketEurope In June 2011, the Zuid Afrika Sport campaign towards the cricket tour to South Africa was launched. The aim of the initiative is to fill a container with surplus sports equipment and to send it to Cape Town early next year to be used by less-privileged children there. BAIE DANKIE… COLOPHON Editors Tour Special Jacob-Jan Esmeijer (chief editor), Peter Entrop, Fred Staal, Bernard Loots, Bart Kuipéri Design and printing De Swart BV, The Hague Photography Robert Heezen Fotografie Cover photo The U15 team raising the cup by beating Hilversum CC in the 2011 season’s final 4 Two captains on a strip TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 Die toer na Suid-Afrika in 2012 word ‘n krieket belewenis wat die spelers, sowel as die begeleiers, verewig sal bybly. ‘n Onvergeetlike ervaring dus, waarvan hulle nagasate seker sal hoor. Om hierdie rede is ons dan ook innig dankbaar aan die vele mense wat hierdie toer ‘n werklikheid maak. Ons vind het juis daarom toepaslik om al die persone wat ons so fantasties ondersteun en bygestaan het, in Afrikaans te bedank. Diegene wat die Suid-Afrika Sport projek moontlik maak: Fred Beekman (DBN), die familie Rijkens (Stichting World Child Fund), Willem Velthoven (Stills) en die Besigheidsklub van De Groote Haagsche. Sonder hul ondersteuning was dit onmoontlik om die projek op so ’n groot skaal suksesvol uit te voer. Mnr Peter Goosen, Scholte Verhuisgroep, Euromovers, Verhuisbedrijf ‘de Aandacht’, RF Shows, Erik Smits, alle adverteerders in die spesiale bylaag van die Diepput Echo, Roeland Engelen, Rob van Weelde, die vrygewige bydraers van die HCC koffie-oggend, Jeroen Nagtegaal, Walther Wind, Nic Joose, Seatrade, Topfinish, Maarten Hanraets, Jaap Quarles van Ufford, Dunlop, Hockeyclub Laren, DMHC, Albertine Overberg, Ali Staal, Maurits Chabot, de KNCB, Jeroen Smits, Derick Mekking, Screenhouse, Rod Lyall, Robbert-Jan Brugman, Bianca Trijzelaar, GerardJan Sprey, Frank Bijloos, Dita, Frank van der Weijden, Drukkerij de Swart, Durbanville Cricket Club, the Maurits van Nierop Foundation en al die Suid-Afrikaanse skole wat ons so vriendelik ontvang. ’n Verdere spesiale woord van dank aan Robert Heezen, wat grootendeels verantwoordelik is vir al die foto’s. Life lessons JEROEN SMITS The wait is almost over, and it’s time to find out where you really stand as a team. You’ve been dominating the Dutch leagues in the last couple of years, but now you will experience cricket in a totally different culture and in a country where cricket is one of the main sports. A nd what a country! October 1992… it feels like yesterday. As a 20-year old, it was the first time to really be away from my parents. To a country what – to say the least – at that stage was unstable but as a cricket nation the top of the world. It took me only a few days to settle and I can now easily say that year made me not only into a useful cricketer, but the lessons of life I have learned in those months made me the person that I am nowadays. It opened my eyes and it made me realize there was more in the world than our safe environment of Benoordenhout and HCC. The competition for places in a team is totally different to us, mainly because of the amount of talented players in South Africa. You only get one chance and probably that’s not only the case in cricket. When I played a full South African summer in its premier league with reasonable successes, it gave me enough confidence and belief to try to reach the next level. Not just for that reason it was fantastic to return in 2003 for the big Cricket World Cup and to catch up with old friends. The dedication, hospitality, friendliness and above all the great spirit from all the South Africans is something I will never forget. I sincerely hope you will all experience the same as I experienced in 1992 and most of you will return to ‘SA’ in 2022 for another Cricket World Cup. It’s time now for all of you to enjoy every minute and look back on this trip as the best time of your lifes. I am sure you will all benefit from it! Smits catching Tendulkar during CWC 2003 December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 5 Two captains on a strip: Tonny Staal & Hidde Overdijk An interview by JACOB-JAN ESMEIJER T hey are sworn friends, they are classmates, they even made their maiden century on the same day in 2011 and they love sending Tweets and playing a game of FIFA on any console. No wonder the nicknames Knabbel and Babbel (the Dutch version of Chip and Dale) were given to them… But there is a huge responsibility for the captain and vice captain ahead when they lead the 13man squad both on and off the Capetonian cricket fields. “Fun, everlasting friendship and playing some proper cricket are our team objectives.” It will be a massive experience in their early years as HCC cricket players to be away from home to play the best game in the world. Under totally different circumstances, that is. “In Holland, we’re used to play on artificial strips. It’s a different game than playing on turf”, says captain Staal (15). “Not all Dutch clubs have turf wickets. But when we play on grass, batsmen will play of the front foot most of the times. That will be a different story in Cape Town where fierce bowling and rock hard strips will tell us that the game is a different league in a country where cricket is one of the main sports. A great challenge for the entire team facing some genuine pace under a blistering sun! Our cricket can only improve in the two weeks of cricket that’s ahead of us.” Vice captain Overdijk, also 15 years of age, adds: “We are very united team. We know each other through and Tonny Hidde through. Not only during the soccer season we see each other a lot, but also in our free time we catch up and enjoy each other’s company. Our strengths are definitely the good atmosphere and the will to win. We aim to win every match we play and we have all the artillery to do so. But playing school and club teams in South Africa will be a real tough challenge. They play cricket as soon as they’re able to walk, and in Holland it’s the soccer ball that’s dominant. It’s going to be a test of character as well: how will our bowlers reply when a batsman takes him on? Or when a batsman scores less runs then he is used to? At these moments, a captain a vice captain should help teammates out and motivate them. Therefore, the tour will then be more than ‘just’ cricket.” proper pacers as Floris de Lange and Douwe Schoemaker. As a spinner, Folkert Beerens has put a lot of effort in his bowling and has had a great season! Daniel Trijzelaar, Pieter de Buck, Hidde and I hope to be able to contribute with the bat. Laurens Jan Lagas is very experienced with the gloves. But also to other players will do the talking with either bat or ball. I prefer to bat first when we win the toss, but it also depends on the weather and the strip we’ll play on.” “We became Holland’s U15 champions last year, which was the icing on our cricketing cake”, Tonny adds. “But playing a local Dutch team or a South African club team is a huge difference. We do have a well-balanced side with 6 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 It goes without saying that ‘Knabbel & Babbel’ as well as the rest of the touring squad are counting the days before they finally jump on that plane to South Africa. Tonny: “It’s going to be a massive experience, and I think that I can speak for all my team mates that we feel very privileged being part of this tour. I hope it will make us realize that not everything in life is as logical as it seems. We hope that with the special Zuid Afrika Sport container project, we’ve been able to do something back for our fellow sporting friends in the Cape region.” Operation Croissant a huge success WHAT A FRENCH ROLL CAN DO TO YOUR CRICKET… A t the beginning of last season, the current U16 team came together and went through various topics that would bring them the title at the end of the 2011 season. What are your personal objectives? Want do you want to achieve? How does for example nutritious food contribute to your performances? Or are you happy by going through the motions and make it a mediocre season? In other words: do you want to be some half-baked bread, or a genuine ‘croissant’ (in French, la croissance means growth)? The French roll became the metaphor for the season. The players did everything they could in order to make things happen. Winter trainings were well visited, they worked hard and the hunger for the red leather grew by the day. HCC club coach Rasheed Lewis was impressed when he arrived in Holland. “I don’t know, but they’re definitely something different about this team. They’re organized, punctual and hungry… Great to see.” The result at the end of the national competition was the silverware, as the front cove of this magazine shows you! And successes should be celebrated with everyone. That’s why all players got a tin of croissant dough to bake their parents some tasty croissants on a Sunday morning. In the end, the parents have been of great value to their son’s achieved successes. And to make sure all players did prepare za French rolls, a photo was a compulsory proof (…or it never took place). Operation Croissant was a success. Mission accomplished. Daniël Trijzelaar December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 7 DE Holland + WensKaarten Specialist TRANSEARCH wishes everyone a great South African experience! Minervaplein 40-II 1077 TV Amsterdam Adviesbureau voor administraties en belastingen Koninginnegracht 38 2514 AD Den Haag (T) +31 (0)70 - 33 88 717 (F) +31 (0)70 - 33 88 718 (E) [email protected] Apollolaan 133 – 135, 1077 AR Amsterdam Telefoon: 020 – 34 22 444 Uw vastgoed adviseurs voor winkels op A1 locaties door het hele land 8 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 Player profiles Tonny ‘Babbel’ Staal (c) RHB and RH leg spin Favourite players: Alistair Cook & AB de Villiers Facebook friends: 500+ Looking forward to in SA: Playing on turf Lucas ‘Luc’ Boissevain RHB and RH medium Favourite players: Stuart Broad & Jacques Kallis Facebook friends: 250+ Looking forward to in SA: Playing on South African fields Hidde ‘Knabbel’ Overdijk (vc) RHB and RH medium Favourite players: Kevin Pietersen & AB de Villiers Facebook friends: 250+ Looking forward to in SA: Everything! Folkert ‘Beertje’ Beerens RHB and RH off spin Favourite players: Shahid Afridi & Jacques Kallis Hyves friends: 300+ Looking forward to in SA: Playing against fellow SA cricketers Floris ‘Duuf’ Duvekot RHB and RH medium Daniël ‘Daantje’ Trijzelaar RHB and RH leg spin Favourite players: Paul Collingwood & AB de Villiers Facebook friends: 250+ Looking forward to in SA: Being there with HCC team mates Favourite players: Eion Morgan & AB de Villiers Facebook friends: 150+ Looking forward to in SA: Seeing the ‘Big Five’ Axel ‘Ekkie’ Wind LHB and RH medium pace ‘Gouwe’ Douwe Schoemaker RHB and RH medium pace Floris ‘Shaggy’ de Lange LHB and LH medium fast Favourite players: Robin Pietersen & Jonathan Trott Facebook friends: 275+ Looking forward to in SA: The voyage, weather and cricket Favourite players: Stuart Broad & Stephan Myburgh Facebook friends: 400+ Looking forward to in SA: Playing against quality opponents Favourite players: Mitchell Johnson & AB de Villiers Facebook friends: 450+ Looking forward to in SA: Playing under different conditions December 2011 TOUR T SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA Standing (from left to right): Harry Sheahan, Laurens-Jan Lagas (wk), Lucas Boisse Seated (from left to right): Floris de Lange, Axel Wind, Douwe evain, Floris Duvekot, Volkert van der Gun, Hidde Overdijk (vc) and Pieter de Buck Schoemaker, Tonny Staal (c), Daniël Trijzelaar and Folkert Beerens Player profiles & staff Volkert ‘Volkie’ van der Gun RHB and RH medium pace Harry ‘Potter’ Sheahan RHB and RH medium pace Pieter ‘Piet’ de Buck LHB and LH medium fast Favourite players: Shahid Afridi & Herschelle Gibbs Facebook friends: 350+ Looking forward to in SA: Getting to know South Africans Favourite players: Alistair Cook & Hashin Amla Facebook friends: 300+ Looking forward to in SA: Charity activities & sight seeing Favourite players: Kevin Pietersen & Jacques Kallis Facebook friends: 200+ Looking forward to in SA: Donating our collected equipment! Laurens-Jan ‘LJ’ Lagas RHB and wicket keeper Peter Entrop Fred Staal Favourite players: Slinga Malinga & Stephan Myburgh Facebook friends: 150+ Looking forward to in SA: Engaging with a new culture HCC I appereances: 343 Most memorable cricket moment: A six on the last ball Favorite Afrikaner word: Paalkiewagter HVV I appearances: 25 Most memorable cricket moment: HCC I national champions in 2008 Favorite Afrikaner word: Krieket Jacob-Jan Esmeijer Bernard Loots Bart Kuiperi HCC I appearances: 117 (15 T20) Most memorable cricket moment: Winning the ICC Trophy in 2001 Favorite Afrikaner word: Hoofpynpoeier HCC I appearances: 79 (26 T20) Most memorable cricket moment: Playing SA during CWC 2011 Favorite Afrikaner word: Verkleurmannetjie HCC I appearances: 14 (7 T20) Most memorable cricket moment: Eng vs Nth during T20 WC 2009 Favorite Afrikaner word: Grondboontjieboter 12 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA Dec December ember 2011 Enjoy this fantastic cricket trip! S PER IP H C S BUSINESS INTERMEDIAIR Wassenaarseweg 5 2596 CD Den Haag Stevinstraat 157, 2587 ED Den Haag T 070-350 23 04 E [email protected] ´*EMOETJEDAKREPAREREN ALSDEZONSCHIJNT´ %ENOUDEMAARWAREWIJSHEID$IEGELDTOOKVOORDEBEVEILIGING VAN UW WONING EN UW BEDRIJFSPAND $OE VOOR DE ZEKERHEID DE GRATISCHECKOPWWWECLECTICSECURITYNL%NKOMTIJDIGINACTIE "ACHMANSTRAAT$EN(AAG T EOF½CE ECLECTICSECURITYNL )NDUSTRIEWEG:OETERMEER T EOF½CE ECLECTICSECURITYNL E C L E C T I C S E C U R I T Y Z E K E R H E I D V O O R A L L E S December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 13 Sports clothing deserve a second life! A REPORT BY ROD LYALL, EDITOR WITH CRICKETEUROPE There was a party atmosphere at De Diepput on Tuesday afternoon 14 June 2011 as the combined sports club Koninklijke HC&VV launched its ‘Zuid Afrika Sport’ campaign towards the 2012 cricket tour to South Africa. The formal inauguration was followed by coaching sessions for the youth players, led by New Zealand overseas pro Dean Brownlie, Dutch international Tom de Grooth, and by HCC’s South African contingent, Stephan Myburgh. Fred Staal is very clear about the pressing need for sports clothing and equipment in South Africa. The massive economic and social inequalities, which existed under apartheid, cannot be eliminated within one generation, and huge numbers of children have limited opportunities to take part in organised sport. The aim of the initiative is to fill a container with surplus sports equipment and to send it to South Africa to be used by lessprivileged children there. The campaign is linked to the U16 cricket tour to South Africa, which will take place at the same time that the container is due to arrive. Enlivened by the presence of a samba band and an enthusiastic bunch of HCC’s junior cricketers, the launch included HCC and 14 former Dutch international captain Jeroen Smits bowling a ball into the empty container. This was followed by a football, kicked by former HVV star Derick Mekking. Smits also presented the chairman of the appeal committee, Fred Staal, with a unique and evocative item, the shirt he wore as he led the Netherlands to their remarkable victory over England at Lord’s in the 2010 World Twenty20 tournament. TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 “The idea is that our youth players themselves take the initiative in this project,” Staal says, “with the assistance of their parents where necessary. In that way, we aim not only to help young people in South Africa, but also to raise the social awareness of our members.” Staal hopes that other clubs will join in the appeal by donating clothing and equipment for a range of sports. That includes just about anything apart from Alpine skiing, although he does not rule out water skis. The container, donated by sponsors Van Weelde Shipping, will be housed at De Diepput in the coming months, and will be open for donations between 16:00 and 17:00 every Friday. Staal’s son Tonny is captain of the touring side that will, it is hoped, hand over the materiel from the container in South Africa next year. The tour will be his first experience of cricket outside Europe, although he has been on Dutch Lions tours to England. “I know it will be very different, and a real challenge. The weather and the playing conditions will be different, and the approach of our South African opponents will be different as well. Playing on turf pitches will be a novelty in itself, and we’ll learn a lot about the South African approach to the game, and about how it feels to play in a country where cricket is a majority sport.” The HCC side will play against school teams in various parts of the country, and the programme will include a match against a national development squad, which may well prove to be their most testing challenge. tional side, warming up for the World Cup qualifier, ran a coaching session at the township of Khayalitsha, near Cape Town, and HCC’s own exchange programme, launched last year, had as one of its goals the provision of opportunities for young South African cricketers to gain experience in Europe. But this campaign is something different, and the Den Haag club and its sponsors deserve full support from the Dutch cricketing community. Dutch teams have been involved in social programmes in the past: the 2009 na- December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 15 The Royal Hague Cricket Club: a brief history Established in 1878, it was HCC that took the initiative five years later in forming the Nederlandsche Cricket Bond (Dutch Cricket Association). By this time, the club had already pioneered international cricket - 22 of HCC taking on an Uxbridge XI in 1881 but losing by an innings and 48 runs. T he club won the first-ever national tournament in August 1884 retaining their title the following year and again in 1886. These early matches were played on the Malieveld (near The Hague Central Station) but in 1898 the club moved to De Diepput, the complex in the Van Hogenhoucklaan which it has shared with HVV, its footballing sister-club, ever since. The ground was rented at first, but was purchased outright by the club in 1947. HCC did not take part in the inaugural season of the Dutch league in 1891, but joined the following year, finishing third. They won for the first time in 1895, and from about 1910 onwards they were without question the dominant team in the competition, winning twelve championships in eighteen years (including five in a row between 1919 and 1923). The club was so strong that from 1925, the Second XI was also a regular participant of the top division, taking the title for the first time in 1928 and retaining it the following year. Key players in the years leading up to World War II included Tonnie de Beus, Auk Schill, Willem van den Bosch, Jan Koeleman and Leen Sodderland. The club remained strong after the Second World War, and between them the first and second teams won twelve national titles in the fourteen years between 1955 and 1968, missing out only in 1962 and 1965. The mainstays of these sides included wicketkeeper-batsman Rob Colthoff, Peter van Arkel, Loutje de Villeneuve, Ernst Vriens and Koos van Staaij. Through much of this period, HCC regularly provided the nucleus of the Dutch national side. Photo: Daan Rhijnsburger HCC 2 in 1973, the club was much less dominant than it had been up to the 1970s, despite the presence in the side of internationals like Auke Smits and Peter Entrop. The Second XI dropped down to the Tweede Klasse, and for the first time in the club’s history, HCC 1 joined them in 1993. After two seasons, however, HCC returned to the top flight under the leadership of Jeroen Smits, and in 2008 the club claimed its first national title for more than twenty years, crowning the feat by completing the double of championship and Twenty20 Cup. In that winning team, (former) Dutch internationals like Feiko Kloppenburg, Bernard Loots, Jacob-Jan Esmeijer, Tom de Grooth, Mark Jonkman and Stephan Myburgh played a contributing role. Gradually, though, the balance shifted. And although there were further successes for HCC 1 in 1972, 1976 and 1985 and for Great names have represented HCC in the past such as Gary Kirsten (current SA coach), Chris Pringle (NZ), Simon Doull (NZ), Neil McKenzie (South Africa, Highveld Lions and Hampshire CCC), Johann Myburgh (Nothern Titans, Hampshire CCC), Chris Nevin (NZ) and Dean Brownlie (NZ Twenty20). national champions 1884 national champions 2008 16 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 Die konneksie met Holland T he Dutch relation to South Africa commenced in 1652, when Jan van Riebeeck arrived in Table Bay with his three ships: De Reiger, De Drommedaris and De Goede Hoop. His mission was to establish a supply station on behalf of the Dutch East India Company (the ‘Verenigde Oost-Indische Company’, shortened to VOC), where fresh produce was to be cultivated to supply the ships passing through. Originally, the VOC did not intend to establish a colony at the Cape, but it committed itself when it gave nine Company servants their freedom in 1657 to establish private farms in the Rondebosch area below the eastern slopes of Table Mountain. This was done in an attempt to combat a wheat shortage at the time. When Simon van der Stel became the new governor in 1679, around twenty settlers were granted land beyond the dunes in the area that is today known as Stellenbosch. The population at the Cape grew even larger as the granting of property to private citizens encouraged the immigration of women to the area and servants and seamen were recruited from the hinterlands of Europe. During the early years of the Dutch occupation, the focus was primarily on agriculture. With the growth of the population, more and more people started cultivating agricultural products, which, before long, resulted in a surplus of products such as wine, wheat and vegetables. This overproduction of agricultural products forced the free citizens to explore other avenues, such as stock farming. Soon the stock farmers began to move deeper into the interior in their search for better grazing. Young men married and set up their own farms and the resultant large families caused the number of stock farmers to increase rapidly. The lack of sufficient space for proper stock farming prompted the farmers to pack their possessions into their ox wagons and move deeper into the interior. The migrant farmer – the Trekboer – was born. Until 1750, there was nothing to prevent the Trekboers from advancing into the interior. There was plenty of water in the interior and they employed Khoi people to tend to the cattle. However, the VOC became worried about the Trekboers moving so far because it became difficult to exercise any authority over them. In order to maintain its authority, the VOC was forced to follow in their tracks. This constant moving also resulted in the VOC having to continually change the boundaries of the eastern frontier of the colony. Eventually, in 1778, the Great Fish River became the eastern frontier. Apart from an intriguing three-century history, the Dutch influence in South Africa can nowadays still be experienced in various ways. Not only areas with their Cape Dutch architecture, cities with typical names such as Dordrecht and Middelburg but also Afrikaner words such as boontjie (‘boon’, bean), hysbakkie (‘lift’, elevator) and apteek (‘apotheek’, pharmacy) indirectly derive from the Dutch influence that started 360 years ago. December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 17 Tour itinerary South Africa 2012 Wednesday 22 February Sunday 26 February Friday 2 March Departure Schiphol Airport Arrival at Cape Town Airport & Shuttle to Nine Oaks (Paarl) Cape Cobras vs Dolphins (Boland) Masterchef Competition Township Tour Match Dinner: Masterchef Final Monday 27 February Saturday 3 March Depart for Durbanville Match vs Durbanville High School (35) Clifton Beach activities Hiking Table Mountain Tour-end dinner, quiz and awards Thursday 23 February Net session at Paarl Boys High Action cricket Team meeting and a SA braai! Friday 24 February Drakenstein Lion Park Match vs Paarl Boys High School (35) Soccer match: Ajax CT vs Santos Saturday 25 February Depart for Durbanville Cricket Club Twenty20 match vs Western Cape Development Team Super Rugby: Stormers vs Hurricans Tuesday 28 February Hout Bay, Lunch & Chapman’s Peak Match (35) Players sleep at opposition families Wednesday 29 February Visit Cheetah Farm & Lunch at Spier Estate Match vs Paul Roos Gymnasium (35) Players placed with local families Thursday 1 March Visit to Robben Island Additional cultural activities 18 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA December 2011 Sunday 4 March Depart for Crystal Pools Newlands Cricket Stadium: T20 Cobras vs Titans Depart for Cape Town Airport Monday 5 March Arrival at Schiphol Airport Good luck with the cricket, Instituut voor huidverzorging Bella Bellezza wenst het cricketteam HCC-U16 veel succes in Zuid-Afrika! and make sure to enjoy every Wij werken met de nieuwste Anti-Aging apparatuur om de huid te verjongen. single second of your SA trip! I.V.N. INTER VASTGOED NEDERLAND Nassau Dillenburgstraat 3 2596 AB Den Haag Telefoon (070) 314 30 50 20 jaar gespecialiseerd in ontharen Laser en IPL therapeute Erkend door zorgverzekeraars Depositair van Valmont, Neoderma en Sothys. Westduinweg 125 | 2583 EE Den Haag 070 - 358 59 46 | 06 - 427 516 93 | VOLG ON S OP: JOU WB ELLA B EL JOU WB ELLABEL Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi Begrafenissen Crematies est. 1934 The Hague Rentals Hodie Mihi, Cras Tibi is gespecialiseerd in uitvaarten volgens persoonlijke wens. Uw wensen kunnen in ons archief worden vastgelegd. Wij bieden een uitvaartverzekering en beschikken over rouw- en ontvangkamers in de gehele regio 's-Gravenhage. bazuin partners I.V.N. INTER VASTGOED NEDERLAND Willemspark Fiscaal Advies Kantoor: Jan van Nassaustraat 110, 's-Gravenhage Tennispark Hanenburg 24 uur per dag bereikbaar: 070-3246651 December 2011 TOUR SPECIAL SOUTH AFRICA 19 Igjhildgi]n!gZa^VWaZ VcYegdVXi^kZ I]Vi¾hi]Z`^cYd[hZgk^XZndjcZZY[dgndjgWjh^cZhhidi]g^kZ#Idhj^indjgeVgi^XjaVg\dVah! lZldg`l^i]i]ZÆcZhiaVlnZghVcYÆcVcX^VaZmeZgihidYZkZadeVcYYZa^kZgi]ZbdhigZaZkVci hdaji^dchVii]ZXgdhhgdVYhd[ÆcVcXZ!iVm!aVlVcYVXXdjci^c\#L^i]djggddih^cWVc`^c\VcYV aVg\Z^ciZgcVi^dcVacZildg`!lZ]VkZi]Z\adWVagZVX]VcYadXVa`cdlaZY\Zid]ZaendjhjXXZZY# I]Vi¾hl]nlZ¾gZhi^aaVaZVY^c\eaVnZg^cIgjhiVcY8dgedgViZHZgk^XZh!V[iZgbdgZi]Vc*%nZVgh# lll#^ciZgigjhi\gdje#Xdb
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