Vol. 9 No. 1 - Eternal Gospel Church


Vol. 9 No. 1 - Eternal Gospel Church
VOL. 9 NO. 1 - “Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3
30 Million Euro Fine for
Violating Sunday Law
Ikea France convicted for illegal Sunday openings
Retaildetail.eu | July 9, 2014
A court has convicted Ikea's French
branch for violations of the Sunday
rest. It has been
fined 120,000 euro
in damages which it
has to pay 8 employees, but the
cost could surge to
30 million euro.
Montmorency's labor court has convicted Ikea France to 120,000 euro in damages destined for 8 employees as the company did not follow the Sunday rest laws. It has only
been since 2008 that France has had a rule that allows furniture stores
—continued on page 4
Pope Francis pushes for
Sunday Law
Pope: No-work Sundays good, not just for faithful
Associated Press | July 5, 2014
Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning
of the traditional Christian practice of not
working on Sundays,
saying it has a negative
impact on families and
Francis on Saturday
traveled to Molise, an agricultural region in the heart of southern Italy
where unemployment is chronically high. While he said poor people
need jobs to have dignity, he indicated that opening stores and other
businesses on Sundays as a way to create
—continued on page 4
Church leaders lobby to
keep Sundays special
Jersey Evening Post | June 29, 2014
ISLAND churches
have expressed united
opposition to plans to
allow unrestricted
Sunday opening of
An 18-month trial,
which would allow
larger shops to open
on Sundays has been
proposed, but the
leaders of eight churches have now launched a late attempt to try to
persuade the States to reject the move,
—continued on page 4
Will Obama’s Executive Order
against Gay discrimination
Affect Adventist Institutions?
On July 21, 2014 President Obama signed and issued an executive order to
protect lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered [LGBT] from being discriminated in the workplace. This order forces all federal contractors to accept the gay agenda which includes religious groups and faith-based organizations that partner with the federal government [US Aid] and receive federal money to address hunger, poverty, diseases, and disaster
and relief services in the developing
Some of these faith-based federal
contractors that receive government
money include Catholic Relief Services, Adventist Development and
Relief Agency, United Methodist
Church Relief, the Salvation Army,
Lutheran World Relief, Christian Reformed World Relief, and several other
Evangelical, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, and non-denominational groups.
President Barack Obama’s executive order prohibiting workplace discrimination against lesbian, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered is the devil’s perfect plan to force the Christian churches, including Seventh-day Adventists,
to accept homosexual behavior.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency [ADRA] is the Seventh-day
Adventist humanitarian relief organization that contracts its services with
the US Government. According to ADRA’s 2012 annual report posted on
Adra.org, only 8% of their total budged comes from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 62% comes from the U.S. Government [$81 million in
2012 alone] and the rest comes from other non-U.S. Governments and private donations. What does this mean for ADRA and all of these Christian
organizations? The options are very clear: (1) They will either lose the hundreds of millions of dollars that they are given or (2) they will not be able
to discriminate against the LGBT lifestyle in
—continued on page 3
Pope Francis revives the old
hard-line, traditional form of
We are living in a hour of intense prophetic activity. Pope Francis is on a
crusading frenzy to revive the hard-line positions of Roman Catholicism
under the guise of peace and unity, toleration and inclusion. It is hard to
find any other time in history where so many breaking headlines have had a
direct relationship to Bible prophecy. What we see coming out of the Vatican today is a revival of the traditional, hard-line, medieval doctrines of
Rome’s apparent bygone days. We see a dangerous situation that is threatening the very freedoms that we have enjoyed in this land of liberty. There
is a major crisis that is being developed. Dark storm clouds are forming and
are about to explode upon the world, and Rome is leading the world into
this unsuspecting crisis.
No Salvation Outside Roman Catholicism—Pope Francis has spoken
clearly on his world view of Christianity. He stated that one must be part of
the Catholic Church in order to be a true Christian during a recent sermon
on June 25, 2014 entitled “The first and last name of a Christian” published
by L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s official newspaper. The Pope
Francis’ message is also his vision for the future of the world. A world in
which all global power and faith resides upon him as the head of the universal church for the new world order. He is on a mission to fulfill Bible
prophecy (Rev. 17:12, 13). In his own words, look at what the pope said:
“No one becomes a Christian on his or her own! Is that clear? No one becomes a Christian by himself or herself. Christians are not made in a laboratory. A Christian is part of a people who come from afar. The Christian
belongs to a people called the Church and this Church is what makes him
or her a Christian, on the day of Baptism, and then in the course of catechesis, and so on.”
Becoming a Christian is the most important
—continued on page 3
page 2 the eternal gospel herald — volume 9, no. 1
God’s Blesses Our Peru Mission
—Pastor Raphael Perez
There are so many events happening in our world right now
that are confirming that we are
nearing the close of probation.
The signs of the times are telling
us that we are quickly approaching the end of the ages and that
the coming of our Lord is at the
door. Amazing things are happening on a global scale and we
must remember what Jesus told
us to do when we see all these
events taking place.
“And when these things begin to
come to pass, then look up, and
lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke
I praise God that on June 12-19,
2014 we had the privilege of going on a 7 day mission trip to
Peru. We had two separate meetings in two different locations in the
country. I had the opportunity of preaching the gospel message, the
three angels’ messages, and sharing with the brethren, our experiences and work that the Lord continues to do through the Eternal
Gospel Ministry.
One of the main reasons why we chose to go to Peru is because for
the last 12 years our radio program has been played there. Also, we
have sent over 750,000 copies of our Earth Final Warning tabloids to
be distributed in Peru during the last few years. We were able to secure a public community hall to hold our meetings. The presentations
we both evangelistic and revival & reformation in nature. People
were asking us for Bible studies and we met with some of the visitors
during the week. There is such a great need there. Most people don’t
even know about Seventh-day Adventism. We were asking different
people we would run into during our stay, and it seemed that the general public wasn't aware of Seventh-day Adventism, let alone the
messages that we believe as a people. The people were so appreciative with our visit that people traveled from 12 to 15 hours by bus to
hear our presentations. People came from other countries to meet
with us and to have fellowship with the saints.
No doubt God’s blessing was felt during our trip. Yet the devil had
been active too during our visit to Peru. The devil’s agents were there
to disrupt and interrupt the meetings. Unfortunately, there some who
came to oppose us from the start. At one point someone tried to stop
the meetings by tampering with the electricity, so that we wouldn’t
have power to conduct our presentations. But in spite of all the setbacks and delays and attempts to discourage the people the Lord prevailed and we had a wonderful time. Praise God!
One point of interest which I believe is significant about our trip to
Peru was the location where the meetings were held. We conducted
our evangelistic/revival and reformation services just a short distance
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Ministry Needs—Our ministry is always in great need of your
prayers and your financial support. The radio programs that we
are conducting at large in English, Spanish, and French, the work
of the billboards in different parts of the country, the full-page
newspaper ads, the literature work, the prison ministry, the Okalahoma Projects, the foreign missions, the Eternal Gospel Herald,
and all other missionary activities—all these require a lot of funds.
It is by the grace of God and the help of all of you that we are still
moving forward with the proclamation of Three Angels’ Messages. May God help us all to remain faithful until the end. God
bless you.
away from two of the most famous
Catholic institutions in all of Peru. The
Cathedral of “Saint” Francis (San Francisco) and the famous Museum of Inquisition both in Lima, Peru. The Cathedral of “Saint” Francis (San Francisco)
is the heart of Roman Catholicism in
Peru. “Saint” Francis of Assisi was the
French monk who founded the Francis- The Cathedral of St. Francis in
can Order. This is the name from which Lima, Peru.
the current Pope derived his name, Pope
Francis, after “Saint” Francis. Founded
in 1209, the Franciscans were the forerunners to the Jesuits who founded in
1540. Why is this significant?
The Roman Catholic faith was brought
to Peru at the time of the Spanish conquest in about 1532 through the Franciscan monks. The Jesuits later arrived in
1568. During these early colonial days, The Museum of Inquisition in
Lima, Peru was the capital of South Lima, Peru.
America and the seat of Roman Catholicism’s control over all of Central and
South American territories. And as the
seat of Roman authority, there is located
in Lima today the headquarters of the
office of the Inquisition that was in operation from 1570-1820. The Franciscans and the Jesuits led out in the torture and murder of all people suspected
of heresy and blasphemy throughout
all of the Americas from their base in
Lima, Peru. You can actually visit the
Museum of Inquisition today. They
proudly and without shame offer free
guided tours. They have wax figures undergoing all types of abuse and torture,
including water-boarding, [now we
know where it comes from] which were
was used against the enemies of Rome,
which included many of the true faithful
Bible-believing saints of God. If fact
Roman Catholicism was the only official religion in Peru until the 1920 Constitution guaranteed religious liberty.
Is it just a coincidence that the first Jesuit Pope chose the name of St. Francis,
the founder of the Franciscan order?
“Saint” Francis was considered an ecumenicist by today’s scholars. The truth
is that the Franciscans were first used to
enforce submission to Rome on pain of
death. Is possible that another inquisition is about to begin under the new
Jesuit Pope Francis? Will this apparent peace-loving Jesuit pope soon reveals his true colors? One thing is certain, God is in control of His work
and He will ensure that His message gets to all the world, including Peru.
“The opposition the enemies of truth will be restrained that the third angel’s message may do its work.” Great Controversy, p. 610.
We are praising God for the opportunity to visit Peru for the second time
and to give witness to the precious children that God has in darkness. Keep
us in your prayers so that we can be an instrument in God hands.
Dear Eternal Gospel Church, Thank you all for the work
that is being done so that we may go home. Please send the camp meeting
videos because they mean so much. We share them with other believers.
Our prayers are with you. In Christ, Betty Armstrong, Colorado.
Dear Eternal Gospel Ministry, Thank you for all you are doing to get the
message out. Someone has to be bold enough to tell it like it is. Thank you
so much, Charlyne Humphreys, Oklahoma.
Dear Brethren in Christ, I am writing to request a subscription to your
monthly paper. A friend of mine shared a copy with me, and I would like
to have my own. They are very informative, and I thank God for the work
you are doing so that people can be informed on what is going on in the
religious world. Thank you and God bless you. Doreen Richards, Florida.
Dear Eternal Gospel Church, May God continue to bless you and continue
keeping you and your ministry in His guidance. Mary Grafton, Illinois.
the eternal gospel herald — volume 9, no. 1 page 3
—continued from page 1 “Pope Revives Hard-line Catholicism”
—continued from page 1 “Obama’s Presidential Order for Gays”
decision you will make in this life. But we don't become Christians by
joining a church and following a man made rules. We become Christians
when we give our hearts and lives to Christ and when we follow Him. We
must read the Bible and not the catechesis or the Catholic Catechism.
the workplace. Now if we don’t want to have to hire lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered, then we can’t be doing business with the federal government. But if we are going to take federal dollars, then we must hire them
in our institutions or face federal lawsuits for discrimination. We can’t have
it both ways. This is why Jesus nor any of the apostles sought for public
funding from Caesar. They didn’t want to compromise the sanctity of the
gospel with the policies of this world.
The Pope continues: “You cannot love God without loving your brothers,
you cannot love God outside of the Church; you cannot be in communion
with God without being so in the Church, and we cannot be good Christians if we are not together with those who seek to follow the Lord Jesus,
as one single people, one single body, and this is the Church.”
Sadly, this papal mentality has been introduced into the minds of many of
our people which also believe that our relationship with God depends
upon our relationship to a church structure or organization. This is the
bottom line and the end result of Pope Francis message. He wants the
Catholic Church to have world dominion over everyone else. The sad
news is that people are buying into this agenda. The world sees an amazing man who is bringing peace and unity among all the nations and religions. But this unity is not based upon the truths of the Bible, with Jesus as
our only mediator. It is based on human tradition that will not bring people to Christ. Our last day prophet in a very simple yet profound way described who and what constitutes God’s church on earth.
“God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national
establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who
love God and keep His commandments. “Where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).
Where Christ is even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, for
the presence of the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone
constitute a church.” Upward Look, p. 315.
Virgin Mary and Spiritualism—In a June 20, 2014 National Catholic
Reporter article entitled “Christians without Mary in their life are orphans, the pope says,” Pope Francis told a group of young people to never
let go of their mother Mary. He said that we have two mothers and without them we are Orphans. Francis said: “A Christian without Our Lady is
an orphan. Also a Christian without the church is an orphan. A Christian
needs these two women, two mothers, two virgins: the church and Our
Please notice that when Pope refers to the “church” he is referring to the
Catholic church, which he calls a “virgin.” But in reality, God calls that
Roman institution, not a virgin, but the “mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Rev. 17:5), “the man of sin (2 Thesa. 2:3), the
“antichrist” (1 John 4:3), the “little horn” (Daniel 7:7), the “beast” (Rev.
13:1), “Babylon the Great” (Rev. 17:5) etcetera.
In this same article Pope Francis said that the best thing to do was to pray
to Mary and to keep her close. This would allow them to be able to rely
on her when making important decisions in life, like choosing one’s vocation. Pope Francis explained that there is a test to apply to see if we are
heading down the right path and that is to ask yourself: “How is my relationship with these two mothers I have? With the mother church and the
mother Mary? This will do you good; do not ever leave her and don't go it
Yet God tells us to “come out of her, my people” (Rev. 18:4) The concept
that the dead are not really dead, but are really helping and guiding us
opens the door to modern spiritualism so that demons can have access to
our lives. Instead of seeking the Bible truths for guidance and salvation
Pope Francis tells people to pray to the dead and to seek for the dead for
guidance. Again, let’s not forget what God says: “When they shall say
unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that
peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the
living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony. If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isa. 8:19, 20.
Pope Pushes for Sunday Rest—Pope Francis is an ardent proponent of
Sunday sacredness. He is pushing for Sunday rest for both the religious
community and for the secular public.
The Associated Press reported on July 5, 2014 in an article entitled “Pope:
No-work Sundays good, not just for faithful” that Pope Francis was lamenting the abandonment of not resting on Sundays, saying that this has
“a negative impact on families and friendship.” In other words Sunday
Laws would be good for society and for our families. He went on to say
that Sunday opening of businesses was not beneficial for society and continued to suggest that we are not truly a “free” society as long as Sunday
rest was being violated. The pontiff asked: "Maybe it's time to ask ourselves if working on Sundays is true freedom."
Pope Francis emphasized that Sundays should be spent with family and
friends for this was an “ethical choice” for the faithful and the non-faithful
alike. The “ethical choice?” What moral system of truth is his ethics
based upon? The Bible? God’s law? No! The pope’s “ethics” are based
upon man-made doctrines which will one day revive the flames of perse-
Adventists, in an attempt to circumvent this dilemma and guarantee their
government funding added their signatures to a petition to President Obama
pleading with him to provide religious exemption for church groups with
regards to the Presidential order. Dwayne Leslie, Director of Legislative Affairs at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists added his name to
a long list of Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Baptists, Methodists, and other religious organizations pleading with President Obama to exempt religious organizations from having to hire people from the LGBT community. Of
course President Obama ignored them because he believes that gay rights is
the most important agenda of the day that that gay rights are above every
other right in America, including religious liberty. With the stroke of the pen
President Obama denied the request of the churches and signed an executive
order denying federal money to contractors who are unwilling to openly hire
gay employees.
But this is just the beginning. The militant gay agenda will not end there. The
gay lobby is working to impose their lifestyle upon every organization in
America, religious or otherwise, and anyone who does not go along with the
program will be cut off from all earthly support. Remember Jesus said that
His coming would be just like in the days of Lot (Luke 17:28-30). Seventh
day Adventists are the largest non-profit Protestant healthcare provider in the
United States. And guess what? Our hospitals also partner with [Caesar] the
federal government to accept Medicaid and Medicare, both governments issued the insurance. The federal government can refuse to reimburse hospitals
for Medicare or Medicaid claims if they believe that the hospital in not in
compliance with whatever new policy the government implements. And
don’t think for a second that the gay lobbyists are going to sit back and not
push for these issues too. The gay lobby in America is far more in advance in
their work that we can ever imagine.
Take for example Gordon College in Massachusetts, which is currently in a
struggle to retain its accreditation because of its Biblical position of not hiring gay faculty at its Christian institution. The Boston Globe, in a July 11,
2014 article entitled “Accrediting agency to Review Gordon College,” reported that: “The region’s higher education accrediting agency will review
whether its standards are being violated by Gordon College after the Christian school’s public opposition to hiring protections for gays and lesbians
shed light on its longstanding policies prohibiting gay activities among students, faculty, and staff.”
The Boston Globe reported that the reason for this accreditation review is
that it turns out that the President of Gordon College, Dr. Michael Lindsay
also wrote President Obama asking for exemption from his executive order.
As you can also imagine, Seventh-day Adventist institutions of higher learning also partner with the government to accept federal grants for its student
body. Because we have departed from God’s blueprint on how our schools
should operate, most Adventists colleges and universities would not be able
to operate without federal funding. Will Seventh-day Adventists institutions
become the next target of the “Gay Inquisition?” These things happen when
we have worldly accreditation and worldly recognition and when we partner
with the world and receive “secular” dollars to fund our “sacred” institutions.
We are coming to a crisis in which we will either have to accept the culture
of Sodom and Gomorrah by hiring them or we will eventually have to depend solely on the Lord to sustain our institutions.
“In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan those who are loyal
to God will see every earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to break
His law in obedience to earthly powers.” Desire of Ages, pp. 121, 122.
—The Editors
cution. Let us not forget that God says that “Rome never changes” (Last Day
Events p. 130).
“Let the restraints now imposed by secular governments be removed and
Rome be reinstated in her former power, and there would speedily be a revival of her tyranny and persecution .” Great Controversy, p. 564.
Brethren, we had better wake up. There is no time to lose. Would to God
that we too could return to our historical roots and restore the Seventh-day
Adventist movement back to its former glory and beauty so that our work
could be cut short in righteousness and so that our Lord may come and take
us home. If there ever was a need for God’s people to openly bring the
Three Angels’ Messages to a perishing world, that time is now. Pray that
God will multiply the means so that souls can be awakened for heaven.
—The Editors
page 4 the eternal gospel herald — volume 9, no. 1
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” Luke 21:28
Reuters News, July 15, 2014—The Church of
England voted on Monday to allow women to
become bishops, a historic decision which overturns centuries of tradition in a Church that has
being deeply divided over the issue.
Six planes go down in 1 week. (1) On July 17,
2014 Malaysian Flight 17 was shot down, 298
people died. (2) On July 23, 2014 a plane flown
by a father and son went missing in the South
Pacific. They were flying around the world. (3 &
4) On July 23, 2014 two Ukrainian fighter jets
were shot down by missiles fired from Russia.
The pilots are missing and presumed dead. (5)
On July 23, 2014, forty-seven people died eleven
injured in a Taiwan plane crash. (6) On July 24,
2014, an Air Algerie plane with 116 aboard
crashes in Mali. All died.
GayStarNews.com, July 17, 2014—Mexican
Catholic bishop says homophobes are the sick
ones not gay people. Raul Vera Lopez, Catholic bishop of Saltillo, Mexico, when asked
what’s his stance on the issue of homosexuality was, Lopez replied, “That is a topic that
we have refused to address. The people who
say homosexuals are sick are sick them-
AllenWest.com, July 15, 2014—The Federal
Communications Commission is considering
an emergency system that gives the President
universal access to broadcast nationwide. He
would be able to speak to the entire country
at the flip of a switch. The concern is that
any dissenting voice or the voice of the minority will be cut off.
Catholic News Agency, July 11, 2014—
Catholics, Jews and Muslims sign an agreement to work together towards peace. Catholic, Jewish and Muslim representatives in
Colombia has signed a historic joint statement for peace in a July 1 ceremony at the
residence of the Archbishop of Bogota.
The Guardian, June 11, 2014—US Scientist
Create Deadly, Dangerous Flu Virus. Scientists have created a life-threatening virus that
closely resembles the 1918 Spanish flu strain
that killed an estimated 50 million people in
an experiment labeled as "crazy" by opponents. US researchers said the experiments
were crucial for understanding the public
health risk posed by viruses currently circulating in wild birds, but critics condemned
the studies as dangerous and called on funders to stop the work.
—continued from page 1 “$30 Million fine for violating Sunday”
—continued from page 1 “Pope Francis Promotes Sunday”
to open on Sunday, but Ikea had been doing it since 2003. Eight employees, from its Paris Nord 2 stores, finally took the company to court
and got FO's support, a socialist labor union. The judge has now agreed
with the plaintiffs and awarded them 3,500 to 34,000 euro each,
"depending on the number of Sundays they had to work".
jobs wasn't beneficial for society.
"Ikea has breached the Sunday rest law up until 2007. Depending on the
number of employees involved, the court's decision could cost the
Swedish chain more than 30 million euro", the labor union stated in a
press release. According to the organization, even more people have
now taken Ikea to court with "rulings to be expected in the upcoming
Ikea has always said the "Sunday work was only on a voluntary basis"
and that there was an internal agreement about Sunday openings. "Ikea
employees who voluntarily worked on Sunday, were paid an additional
125 % for each hour, even more than the 100 % that the labor laws prescribe."
The Sunday rest laws became a hot topic in France at the end of 2013,
beginning of 2014 when French DIY stores complained that they were
not allowed to open on Sunday, while furniture stores and garden centers were. Eventually, a transitional measure allowed Sunday openings
while all-encompassing legislation will come into effect on 1 July 2015.
—continued from page 1 “Churches Push for Sunday”
describing it as a 'grave mistake'.
The church leaders behind the move include the Dean of Jersey, the
Very Rev Bob Key, the head of the Catholic Church, Monsignor Nicholas France, Methodist Superintendent, the Rev Graeme Halls and John
Stewart-Jones from the Freedom Church.
The trial has been proposed by Economic Development Minister Alan
Maclean and is due to be debated by the States next week.
Francis said the priority should be "not economic but human," and that
the stress should be on families and friendships, not commercial relationships. He added: "Maybe it's time to ask ourselves if working on
Sundays is true freedom."
He said that spending Sundays with family and friends is an "ethical
choice" for faithful and non-faithful alike.
Francis, 77, appeared to have bounced back from a spate of illnesses
which have caused him to cancel several appointments recently. He flew
by helicopter to Molise for a full day of activity, including a lunch appointment with poor people and a visit to a prison.
The pontiff moved energetically and smiled often as he greeted crowds.
The Vatican had described the health problems as "mild" but did not
At one point, the pope, speaking off the cuff, encouraged parents to
spend more time with children. He quipped: "Waste time with your children!" He said he liked to ask parents, "do you play with your children?"
As we can see in this publication, we are documenting with current
news and facts how the push for Sunday Laws is becoming more and
more aggressive. We do this, not just to bring you a good report, but that
each of us can wake up and get ready for the soon coming of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. The world is changing rapidly before our eyes and we must
respond with wide-spread evangelism. The Three Angels’ Message is
the only solution for the crisis that we are facing. May we take anew this
challenge and work for our Lord while we still can. Soon a National
Sunday Law will be enforced and all of our religious freedoms will be
taken away. May God help us all to be ready for His coming.