Glad Tidings from - Dunbar Heights United Church
Glad Tidings from - Dunbar Heights United Church
GOOD TIDINGS JUNE-JULY 2016 DUNBAR HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH …where meaning, justice and belonging meet Sunday Worship June 5th at 10:00am 4th Sunday after Pentecost June 12th at 10:00am Proper 6 June 19th at 10:00am Proper 7 June 26th at 10:00am Proper 8 July 3rd at 10:00am SummerSpirit 1 Dunbar Heights UC July 10th at 10:00am SummerSpirit 2 Dunbar Heights UC image: July 17th at 10:00am SummerSpirit 3 Dunbar Heights UC July 24th at 10:00am Dunbar Heights United Church Rev. Dr. Richard Bott 3525 West 24th Avenue, at Collingwood Vancouver, BC V6S 1L5 Tel: 604 731 6420 [email protected] SummerSpirit 4 Ryerson UC July 31st at 10:00am SummerSpirit 5 Ryerson UC Open Worship Wednesdays Open House Wednesdays 4:30pm on June 1st, 8th, and 15th Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS MUSINGS FROM A MINISTER... ....................................................................................................................................... 1 JUNE – JULY NEWS FOR DHUC ........................................................................................................................................ 2 NOTES FROM COUNCIL..................................................................................................................................................... 8 COUNCIL & ACM-FINANCE MINUTES ........................................................................................................................ 11 WORSHIP NOTES ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 OUTREACH UPDATE....................................................................................................................................................... 22 DUNBAR HEALING MINISTRIES ................................................................................................................................. 25 CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION ................................................................................................................................ 25 JUNE AND JULY DHUC MEETINGS .............................................................................................................................. 27 CONCERT AT DHUC......................................................................................................................................................... 28 DHUC Vision Statement We are an involved and connected community… Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey. We are nurtured and challenged by the presence of the Spirit to find depth and meaning for our lives and to engage our neighbourhood near and far in living lives of justice. Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new. All are welcome and each one enriches our whole to continue God’s unfolding story in our midst. Dunbar Heights United Church ....where meaning, justice and belonging meet. Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. MUSINGS FROM A MINISTER... Is anyone else excited? I know that I am. As you’ll hear from anyone on the Steering Committee, or on either of our Councils, there’s still a lot of work to do before we would be able to come together into a new congregation. There are a number of the “nitty gritty” practicals that have to be worked through. A lot of the “how” and “where” and “when” questions continue to be worked on in the background. It’s not simply that summer is coming, for which I am deeply thankful. Nor is it that I’ve got some holiday time that’s nearly here. It’s not even that SummerSpirit United is coming together with five congregations, this year. Right now, I am excited about the transformation discussions we’ve been having with Ryerson United Church. Really very excited. You see, it was just over a year ago that we shared our Prospectus with Ryerson United’s Council and, even in the midst of the long-time work they had been doing around the building project, they saw possibilities they needed to explore. Later our Councils got to know each other a bit better over an evening’s barbeque. With their direction, a Steering Committee was formed to see what might come into being. But I am very excited about what the Steering Committee is bringing to our congregations this month. The initial Vision/Commitment Statement for a new congregation. A Strategic Ministry Plan. A Staffing Plan. A Financial Projection. All of which point to a new way for the United Church of Canada to live into the ministry and mission we believe God has given us for the west side of Vancouver. Over the next few weeks, folks from the two congregations are going to have chances to eat together. As we head into the summer, the Steering Committee is ready to dive into preparing the rest of what needs to be considered before the congregations meet to make their decisions about “becoming God’s new thing!” The folks on the Steering Committee have worked with each other, and we’ve had participation on each other’s Councils. Different congregational committees and working groups have met to talk about the similarities and differences in our vision and mission, and how we live those out. We’ve worshiped together. Pilgrims from each of the congregations have worshipped with the other congregation, and shared their thoughts and questions. I would ask for your prayers – for the ministry team here and at Ryerson, for the two Councils, for all of the groups and people in both of these communities of faith – and for the Steering Committee. May God help us to find the joy and the wonder, the strength and the wisdom, to discern what we are to do. And the Steering Committee has met, and talked, and prayed, and written, and eaten, and talked more, and listened, and argued, and shared, and wondered, and… well, the Steering Committee has brought the Councils, and is bringing the Congregations, our best understanding of what God is calling us into. Christ’s peace – Richard 1 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 We are an involved and connected community… JUNE – JULY NEWS FOR DHUC “Good Tidings” is available in the church or on the website. COFFEE CLEANUP We will not post the usual rota of coffee clean-up names during the summer due to SummerSpirit joint worship with Ryerson, Shaughnessy, and St. Stephen’s United churches. We know that you will pitch in for set-up or clean-up if you can, when you can – be it at DHUC, RUC, or SHUC – in the usual DHUC spirit of community and service! STAFF LEAVES AND OFFICE CLOSURES Here is a list of upcoming staff absences and office closures. Additions or updates to summer leave will be posted in the weekly announcements. Should you have questions about availability or alternate contacts for vacationing staff, please contact the office at 604-731-6420 or [email protected]. Sheila Sanders Friday, July 1st (Canada Day) Mondays, July 4th, 11th and 18th Monday, August 1st (BC Day) August 2nd – 15th Monday, August 22nd Greg Caisley June 20th – 26th August 6th – September 12th Cathy Cryder August 1st – December 31st (vacation and sabbatical time) Richard Bott July 7th – 31st 2 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DUNBAR HEIGHTS? TALENT SHOW AND DANCE Friday, June 3rd, 6:00-9:00pm. Save the date so you can drop in to watch our talented youth perform – and to practice your dance moves – at this Junior Youth Grouporganized event. Entrance is by donation (both financial donations or new school supplies welcome!) and funds raised will support Shelby and Kaylyn’s pilgrimage to Guatemala this summer. Do you know a talented youth who would like to sign up to perform? Please speak with Cathy or email her at [email protected]. CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS Dunbar Heights United Church will hold two important congregational meetings in June. On Sunday, June 5th (after worship), we’ll be walking through: a Vision/Commitment Statement; a two-year Strategic Ministry Plan, based on the statement; a Staffing Plan, designed to live out the ministries in the Strategic Ministry Plan; and a Financial Projection, to show how this new ministry could be funded. After this meeting, we’ll be asking you to continue to reflect upon and pray about the documents. As questions arise, we hope that you’ll pass them on to Anne Clark, John Smith, Susan Burns or Richard Bott, so they can reflect on them for our second meeting on June 19 th. On Sunday, June 19th we’ll gather again after worship, to explore people’s questions and concerns. We’re hoping that everyone who is part of Dunbar Heights United Church will come and be part of this exploration. As part of this second gathering, we’ll be testing whether or not people are “warm” or “cool” to the direction and ideas expressed in these documents. We will not be voting on amalgamation at either of these meetings. GETTING TO KNOW YOU – RUC AND DHUC MEMBER GATHERINGS Take advantage of these opportunities for members of Dunbar Heights and Ryerson to get to know each other better! You are invited to come and share a meal and conversation at one or more of these events: Wednesday June 8th at DHUC – Potluck supper. If you are able*, please bring a side dish (salad, fruit or dessert). Main course will be provided. This is in conjunction with Dunbar’s weekly Open House. Spiritual Practices begin at 4:30pm, dinner is at 5:30pm. Following dinner, you may remain in the gym for more conversation or be in the sanctuary for worship with music led by Pneuma Voices, the Youth Choir. Thursday June 16th at DHUC – Lunch and conversation at 12:30pm, meal provided. The Stitch and Chatter Work Room will be open so that you can see what this group is up to! Sunday June 26th at Ryerson – Potluck supper at 5:00pm. If you are able, please bring a side dish such as a salad, fruit or dessert to share*. Main course will be provided. We ask that you sign up so that we will know when you are coming and to allow for a mix of Dunbar and 3 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 Ryerson folk at each event. There will be sign-up sheets at Coffee Hour following worship on Sundays, or you may call the DHUC office at 604-731-6420 or the Ryerson Office at 604-266-5377. *If you are able – If your schedule or other factors do not allow, please just bring yourself! There will be lots of food to share. MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP The Men's Breakfast group gathers again on Saturday, June 18th at 7:30am at Dunbar Heights. Good food, fine fellowship, all men welcome. This will be the last meeting before the summer break. For more information, or to get on the email reminder list, please contact Pat Burns at [email protected]. YOGA AT THE CHURCH Yoga at the Church Spring Sessions continue until Wednesday, June 29th. Classes are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30-10:45am, with an additional 8:009:15am early class on Tuesday. Join with a maximum of 15 yogis to move, stretch, build strength and meditate, under the guidance of excellent teachers in a small setting, with lots of personal attention. Classes are by pre-registration, but drop-in and other options are available. For more information or to register, contact Anne Clark at [email protected]. Summer Yoga: Currently, the plan for July and August is to hold classes at 8:00am on Tuesdays and 9:30am on Thursdays – watch for updated information on the DHUC community bulletin board. ALTAR FLOWERS The altar flower calendar for 2016 is posted in the hallway, beside the library. You may sign up for any open Sunday and inform the office by Wednesday morning if you want to dedicate the flowers to anyone. If not, they are usually dedicated to the greater glory of God. Fifteen minutes or so before service begins, put your flowers in a vase from the kitchen and place them on the pedestal. After the service, please take them home or give them to someone to brighten their day. Remember: We will be worshipping at Ryerson United (July 24th, 31st and August 7th) and Shaughnessy United (August 14th, 21st and 28th) as part of SummerSpirit and will not need altar flowers at DHUC for those Sundays. However, there are still several openings for June, July’s SummerSpirit weeks at DHUC, and of course for the autumn months. Thanks for your support, Patricia Alexis. CENTENNIAL BOOKS You can still get a copy of our DHUC Centennial Book! We have a few copies left in the office. If you did not order a book but would like to have one (full of interesting information and photos!), please see Sheila in the office, or speak with Maureen at coffee time. The cost is $40 cash or cheque payable to Dunbar Heights United Church. 4 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE SUPPORT THE CAMP SPIRIT BURSARY FUND Camp Spirit 2016 comes to DHUC (in conjunction with SHUC) July 25th – 29th! Although the Camp Spirit team works to keep the participant cost as low as possible, there are children who would like to participate, but find that finances are a barrier. We ask you to consider supporting the bursary fund for Camp Spirit, to help in these situations. You may make a donation by mail or by dropping off your donation personally in the church office, with a note that it is for the Camp Spirit Bursary Fund. Cathy Cryder will also be handing out Camp Spirit Bursary Fund donation envelopes after worship on an upcoming Sunday. QUILTS, QUILTS, QUILTS – QUILTING FOR FIRST UNITED Thank you so much to all the people who came out April 23 rd and May 14th to help put quilts together in this joint Stitch and Chatter/Outreach project. It was wonderful to see some new faces and new hands! Doreen Fraser provided the expertise in laying out and pinning them – we learn something new from her every time! Many hands made light work, and we were able to complete 17 quilts. Many thanks to Lynda Magnuson who single handedly completed all the tops and to Doris Campbell who hand sews most of the bindings. These quilts go to people at a variety of places; we have sent them to First United, Spring House and Covenant House in recent years. They are always warmly received and we hope they offer not only warmth, but hope and spiritual comfort. One of our quilts was referenced in a quote contained in Leonard, aka four oranges, seven ginger cookies, and a hot cross bun*, a collection of vignettes, memories, prayers and conversations put together by Reverend Sally McShane, the newly-retired minister from First United Ministry: “I took the quilt you gave me from that Church who made them for us and I put it on my bed in my little room. The purple is so beautiful in my room. It is like snuggling into a blessing.” HH, 45 *(A copy of Leonard is posted on the Outreach bulletin board, and will soon be posted on the First United website. You may also request a print or email copy from the DHUC office). Once again, Stitch and Chatter and the Outreach Committee thank everyone who participated in any way in this worthwhile project. Keep watching the newsletters and Sunday announcements for upcoming quilting project sessions – we are always ready to make more. And of course, feel free to drop in any Thursday to join Stich and Chatter in our regular quilting activities, or just to visit. Blessings. THE CASSEROLE BRIGADE… …is a tangible expression of our Christian faith, offering the hospitality of food when it is most needed. In giving and receiving, there is a blessing. Over the past two or more years, volunteers of the Casserole Brigade have provided food for members of our congregation, and the recipients are always very grateful for our help. If you would like to know how you can help out, Vivian Urquhart would be happy to tell you more. Likewise, if you are aware of anyone in need of support please pass that information on to Vivian. Our volunteers are always happy to be of help. You may speak with Vivian personally, or contact her at [email protected] or 604-738-6671. 5 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 6 June-July 2016 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 7 June-July 2016 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 NOTES FROM COUNCIL UPDATE MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR OF COUNCIL – JUNE, 2016 Why do we have to change? A number of people, newer to the congregation, have been asking why we would try to fix something that does not seem broken. Why are we trying to form a new congregation with Ryerson United Church? Some people who have attended for years, who were instrumental in forming our Vision and helped with the Behold Strategic Ministry campaign are impatient that we have not yet realized our goal of forming life with another congregational partner. Background on Behold: A number of years ago, we realized our building was aging and no longer serving our needs. In spite of excellent leadership, faithful donors and committed families with children, our congregation was slowly diminishing – in size, programming and funds. We were not sustainable financially without at least 40 new contributing families. We developed a new vision of who we could aspire to be. We developed a Strategic Ministry Plan that put concrete actions and tasks in place by which we could measure our success. From those documents a financial stewardship campaign was launched. Teams of dedicated volunteers visited every family in the church to talk about why were not sustainable and what we hoped for the future. People so supported that campaign that we collectively raised $525,000 for two purposes: We promised that by the end of 2016 we would have identified that partner and by 2017 we would move into ministry together. AMAZINGLY, WE ARE ABSOLUTELY ON TRACK TO FULFILL OUR BEHOLD PROMISE. Behold Funds are Coming to an End: It is tempting to think with the success of Behold and our incredible success in building ministries that we could just continue… we cannot. If we continue on our own, as of January 2017, based on the offerings made by the congregation, we have to cut approximately $100,000 in spending each year. We would need to reduce staff to former levels. Here’s what it would look like: Greg would work with the Chancel choir on Thursday nights and Sundays. The Voices choir singing the Messiah and other great choral works would come to an end. The Pneuma Voices and the Wednesday worship would end. Cathy’s time as Children and Youth minister would be curtailed – we would be left with a Godly Play program; there would be a nursery; but youth groups would not be possible. We would have to end our pastoral care position. Our minister would not be able to spend time To build and grow ministries – worship, music, children and families, outreach, pastoral care and stewardship. To find another congregation with whom to form a new and vital United church on the Westside of Vancouver. 8 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter growing ministry, he would simply be trying to juggle the demands for pastoral care, spiritual nurture and Sunday worship. deepen connection and commitment to God, each other and the church. By freeing ourselves from excess property, we free up a great deal of money to do real good in the world. Rather than sitting on our money we get to use it to bring the message of Christ to the lonely, desperate, lost and frightened (and people outside our congregation, too). We get to live Christ’s message. What do we gain from forming a new congregation with Ryerson? We get to engage in ministries that we have not had time or energy for by pairing with another group of committed United Church folk, including: June-July 2016 An expanded role for the Arts in worship and work; More worship opportunities; More curriculum opportunities for children, youth and young adults; A vital youth group; An intercultural ministry; Improved communications and a web presence to celebrate our work; A number of social, spiritual and justice opportunities within a small group to We get to be part of a brand new purpose built building that will house all the ministries we have identified. Choosing to become a new congregation with our partners at West 41st Avenue is about thriving; about choosing vibrant life. Anne Clark, Chair of Council Dunbar Heights United Voices – Messiah 2015 (photo: L. Hitchen) 9 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 10 June-July 2016 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. COUNCIL & ACM-FINANCE MINUTES COUNCIL MINUTES FOR MARCH 16TH, 2016 APPROVED AT THE APRIL 20TH, 2016 MEETING Present Present Regrets Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Regrets Present Present Anne Clark Mark Paetkau Rev. Richard Bott Cathy Cryder Fred Fawcett Cecilia Bernabe Maggie Hosgood Julie Poznanski Arthur Ross Michael Vogel Kathryn Urquhart Jessica Farrar David Harvey Barbara McLeish John Smith Paul Westwick Chair Past Chair Minister Minister of Youth, Children & Families Treasurer Secretary Outreach Committee, Presbytery Rep. Finance Committee M&P Chair, Presbytery Representative Property Committee CYFRC Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Worship Committee Chair, Ryerson United 1. Welcome, Call to Order: Anne welcomed everyone, called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, and opened the meeting with a prayer. 2. Book Review - Fishing Tips by Rev. Dr. John Pentland: Cathy discussed Chapter 4 with the group. 3. Regrets: Barbara McLeish, Rev. Richard Bott. 4. Approval of Minutes of February 17, 2016: Motion to approve the minutes moved by Michael, seconded by Arthur. Passed. 5. Minister’s Report: The CYF Minister’s Report was circulated. Cathy reported that they had a great meeting with RUC as they brainstormed on how Cathy can help the youth team of RUC. A “coffeehouse” event in April is being planned where kids, and perhaps some adults too, can share their gifts. 11 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 A Volunteer Appreciation Day in May is also being planned. Kathryn echoed Cathy’s report on how Kaylyn Munroe and Shelby Johnson, hired by Ryerson to assist DHUC with its youth activities, have been providing excellent and very positive leadership and energy to the youth group. 6. Finance: The Financial Report as of the end of February 2016 was circulated. The office computer has broken down and is now being used in Safe Mode. Motion from Julie that the $1000 budgeted for computer maintenance be augmented by $1500 to cover the cost of a new office computer; seconded by Michael. All in favour. Carried. There have been several plumbing issues with the Manse, which currently gets its plumbing from the church. Michael to get a quote for a new plumbing line and dedicated meter for the Manse. 7. Conversation with Ryerson: Pilgrim’s Progress. While this initiative has been successful, it has been challenging to get more groups to go and provide their feedback/comments on worship services at RUC. Barbara to distribute again to Council members the list of people who have gone, and council members who have not been able to lead a group will do so in the next few weeks. Representation for sanctuary enhancement. Kathryn is willing to represent DHUC and Cathy can be her alternate. A call will be raised to the congregation at this coming Sunday’s worship service. Representation for property redevelopment. Mark accepted being DHUC’s representative. Alternate for RUC council, in place of Arthur. These meetings are held every 4th Wednesday of the month. Michael accepted being Arthur’s alternate. A property presentation on 45th Ave. will be held on Sunday, March 20, 11:30am at DHUC, after worship. This will be part of the 3rd Sunday discussions on the amalgamation. Anne to draw the layout for the session for Dragan to set up. 8. Other Business: Because of age and activity level differences of the children, an additional person to assist Carmen Lee, Nursery Caregiver, during general meetings of the congregation may be required. Maggie will lead gardening volunteers; Anne to provide her with their names. The gardening budget will be used to improve the plant beds at the church front. Piano sub-committee: motion by Julie to purchase and invest in the Steinway CD piano found in Victoria for up to $62,000, to be funded from the Memorial Fund, and to encourage celebratory gifts/donations to the Memorial Fund. Seconded by David. All in favour. Carried. This will be reported at the next newsletter, which will be out on March 27, and will be discussed with the congregation on April 10. 12 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 9. Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 20, 2016, 7:00 pm, Ethel Todrick Room. Arthur Ross motioned to adjourn at 8:31 pm. Let there be light... www.dunbarheightsuc. COUNCIL MINUTES FOR APRIL 20TH, 2016 APPROVED AT THE MAY 18TH, 2016 MEETING Present Present Present Regrets Present Present Present Regrets Present Regrets Regrets Present Present Present Present Anne Clark Mark Paetkau Rev. Richard Bott Cathy Cryder Fred Fawcett Cecilia Bernabe Maggie Hosgood Julie Poznanski Arthur Ross Kathryn Urquhart Jessica Farrar David Harvey Barbara McLeish John Smith Paul Westwick Chair Past Chair Minister Minister of Youth, Children & Families Treasurer Secretary Outreach Committee, Presbytery Rep. Finance Committee M&P Chair, Presbytery Representative CYFRC Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Worship Committee Chair, Ryerson United 1. Welcome, Call to Order: Anne welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Richard opened the meeting with a prayer. 13 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 2. 3. June-July 2016 Book Review - Fishing Tips by Rev. Dr. John Pentland: Richard discussed Chapter 5 with the group. Regrets: Cathy Cryder, Julie Poznanski, Jessica Farrar, Kathryn Urquhart. 4. Approval of Minutes of March 16, 2016: Motion to approve the minutes moved by Michael, seconded by Arthur. Passed. 5. Minister’s Report: Richard’s report was circulated. Remits do not need to be in to General Council until Feb. 2017, June 2017 and June 2018. Richard will send out remits that need to be reviewed in preparation for these meetings. 6. Remit GC 42: Tabled. 7. Membership Roll: The membership roll has been reviewed. There are about 80 people whose participating membership with the church needs to be confirmed by the end of May. Richard and Anne to finalize the letter. Letters will be sent out within the following week. 8. Nominations Committee: Nominations for committees were canvassed. Anne and Richard to meet as Nominations Committee. 9. M&P Report: Cathy will be on sabbatical from August to December 2016. Sheila’s extra time is being monitored. 10. Conversations with Ryerson a. Pilgrims’ Progress: Numbers and participants were updated with Barbara. Barbara to circulate updated list; council members will review this list and report to the Steering Committee who else needs to go. Arthur to invite some members of the congregation for worship at Ryerson. b. Steering Committee Update and Proposed Timeline: The Vision Statement of Commitment has been drafted. The Strategic Ministry and Staffing Plans, as well as the Budget Proposal and Financing Plan, are being drafted. On May 12, the Commitment, the Strategic Ministry and Staffing Plans, and the Budget Proposal and Financing Plan will be sent to the 2 councils. Updates from the May 12 meeting will be discussed at the May 18 Council meeting. At the end of May, changes will be finalized and the above items will be given to the two councils again for endorsement. 14 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 In June, these will be presented to the congregation. The date of this meeting will be set. The governance model will be discussed during the summer. It is hoped that a decision will be reached by September and that the two churches can come together by early 2017. A last celebration either at Advent or Lent at DHUC is proposed. The Behold Funds are projected to be used up by December 2016. Julie and Mark will represent DHUC in the Finance planning with RUC. Arthur and Maureen will represent DHUC in the M&P planning with RUC. All present agree that an incredible amount of work is being achieved and that things are moving forward. c. Merged Music Ministry and Staffing: Values have been clarified and areas of responsibilities were defined. Staffing is still being worked out. Richard and Deb will both lead at the Wednesday and Sunday sessions, confirming to the congregations that they can work together. A suggestion regarding the Chancel Choir was tabled. d. Letters of Support of RUC Development/Petition: Anne to circulate information required for those wishing to provide letters of support for the RUC development. Council members to advise Anne if and/or when they write a letter. e. 3rd Sunday Talk on 4th Sunday – April 24, 2016. Richard to lead discussion on: What is it that you would want to know from the Steering Committee and Council to help you get to positive decision on the amalgamation of RUC and DHUC? and If you have made a positive decision, how did you get there? 11. Other Business Report on April Presentation and Piano Sub-Committee Meeting: covered by Julie’s report which was circulated. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 7:00 pm, Ethel Todrick Room. Arthur Ross motioned to adjourn at 9:03 pm. DRAFT COUNCIL MINUTES FOR MAY 18TH, 2016 FOR APPROVAL AT THE JUNE 1ST, 2016 MEETING Minutes for May 18th meeting will be published after the Congregational Meeting of June 5 th, 2016. 15 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 16 June-July 2016 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 DRAFT MINUTES ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING ON FINANCE MATTERS MARCH 6TH, 2016 FOR APPROVAL AT THE JUNE 5TH 2016 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Present: 49 in total: 41 Members, 2 Adherents, and 6 Non-Members. 1. Welcome, Prayer, Call to Order and Recording of Attendance Anne Clark welcomed attendees. Rev. Richard Bott opened the meeting in prayer. 2. Election of Chair and Secretary for the Meeting MOTION by Anne Clark that Cecilia Bernabe be Secretary for the meeting. Seconded by Barbara McLeish. CARRIED. MOTION by Rev. Richard Bott that Anne Clark be Chair for the meeting. Seconded by Michael Vogel. CARRIED. 3. Voting Privileges to Non-Members MOTION by Jill Parker to extend voting privileges on temporal matters to non-members present at the meeting. Seconded by Kathryn Urquhart. CARRIED. 4. Approval of June 28, 2015 Minutes MOTION by Julie Poznanski for the approval of the Minutes for the Annual Congregational Meeting on Program Ministry held June 28, 2015. Seconded by Maureen Paetkau. CARRIED. 5. Presentation of 2015 Financial Report and 2016 Budget Julie Poznanski presented the 2015 Financial Report including the Envelope Secretary Report. Question: Is there a budget allotment for the gardens at the south door of the church? Answer: There is a budget of up to $2000 for landscaping maintenance. Michael Vogel is in charge and needs help in completing the job. The following have volunteered to help in the gardening: Barbara McLeish, Jessica Farrar, Paul Kelley, Jean McTavish, Sabina Harper, and Maggie Hosgood, Bernard Poznanski asked for comments on the differences between the actual results for 2015 and the budget proposed for 2016, and what constituted the increase in the 2016 Budget and source of funds to cover the shortfall. Julie Poznanski outlined the comparative differences and the source of funds. Rev. Richard Bott clarified that although there is a budget of $10,000 for facilitation fees for the talks with Ryerson Church, this funding may not be required, as the steering committee and working group heads do most of the facilitation required. 6. Acceptance of 2015 Reviewed Financial Statements 17 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 MOTION by Julie Poznanski for acceptance of the 2015 Financial Statements, as reviewed by Campbell Saunders and printed in the Financial Reports. Don Hitchen seconded. CARRIED. 7. Approval of 2016 Budget MOTION by Julie Poznanski for approval of the 2016 Budget. Seconded by Michael Vogel. CARRIED. 8. Acceptance of Trustee Resignation MOTION by Anne Clark to accept resignation of Penny Jennings as Trustee. Seconded by Jill Parker. CARRIED. MOTION by Maureen Paetkau for special thanks to Penny Jennings for her work for the last 10 years as Trustee. Anne Clark seconded. CARRIED. 9. Nomination of New Trustee Emile Struyk nominated Bernard Poznanski for Trustee position. Maureen Paetkau seconded. No other nominations were made. 10. Election of New Trustee MOTION by Emile Struyk for Bernard Poznanski to be the new Trustee. Maureen Paetkau seconded. CARRIED. 11. Presentation of Draft Vision for a New Congregation Anne described to the congregation the process with which the draft vision was created. Richard read the vision the first time to the congregation; John Smith read it a second time. Comments from the congregation were gathered through the small group discussions that followed. Participants were divided into small groups; a Council member in each of the small groups facilitated the discussion about the draft vision. The following questions were used for the discussion: 1. Does it touch your heart? 2. Can you find a place for yourself here? 3. Does it call you into something new? 4. Can you lean into it for two to three years? Discussion notes and comments were collected for the Steering Committee to review. After the vision has been approved, the congregation will abide with it for the next 2-3 years. Based on the approved vision, a new strategic ministry plan will be crafted. Richard concluded the discussion of the draft vision. 12. Other Matters: None arising 13. Adjournment MOTION to adjourn the Annual Congregational Meeting on Finance Matters by Arthur Ross at 1:10 p.m. CARRIED. 18 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 19 June-July 2016 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey WORSHIP NOTES So many things are happening at Dunbar Heights United Church that it’s sometimes a bit difficult to keep track of everything. Here’s what we know is happening with worship! Date th June 5 at 10am - Pentecost 4 8th June – Open House Worship (4:30 Spiritual practice, 5:30 Supper, 6:10 worship) June 12th at 10am – Proper 6 June 15th – Open House Worship (4:30 Spiritual practice, 5:30 Supper, 6:10 worship) June 19th at 10am - Proper 7 Place What’s Happening DHUC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space Shorter worship, with communion “Getting to know you” meal with folks from Ryerson. DHUC Worship Space, and Regular worship at the church. Dunbar Memorial West Park Worship in the park! DHUC Worship Space Last Open House gathering until September. DHUC Worship Space June 26th at 10am - Proper 8 July 3rd at 10:30am SummerSpirit 1 July 10th at 10:30am SummerSpirit 2 July 17th at 10:30am SummerSpirit 3 DHUC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space July 24th at 10:30am SummerSpirit 4 Ryerson UC Worship Space July 31st at 10:30am SummerSpirit 5 Aug. 7th at 10:30am SummerSpirit 6 Ryerson UC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space Ryerson UC Worship Space 20 Outreach invites us to look outward and inward; and Pneuma Voices shares their music. Richard will be facilitating worship and reflecting on scripture this morning. Cathy will be facilitating worship and reflecting on scripture this morning. Kathleen Barber (RUC) will be facilitating worship and reflecting on scripture today. Brian Thorpe (RUC) will be facilitating worship, with Deb Bowman (RUC) preaching. Deb Bowman will be our worship facilitator and preacher. Richard Bott will be our worship facilitator and will reflect on scripture this morning. Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter Aug. 14th at 10:30am SummerSpirit 7 Shaughnessy Heights UC Worship Space Aug. 21st at 10:30am SummerSpirit 8 Shaughnessy Heights UC Worship Space Aug. 28th at 10:30am SummerSpirit 9 Shaughnessy Heights UC Worship Space September 4th at 10am September 11th at 10am September 14th September 18th at 10am DHUC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space DHUC Worship Space Camp Spirit 2015 Image: 21 June-July 2016 Richard Bott will be our worship facilitator and will reflect on scripture this morning. Debbie Blue, our special guest preacher for this summer, will be sharing her reflections this day. Marcus Moseley will be leading a gospel choir workshop this weekend for anyone interested. The gathered choir will be our music leaders for this service. Pamela Jeffery (SHUC) will be our worship leader and reflect on scripture this morning. Communion Sunday. The Open House begins again! Welcome Back Sunday. Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 We are an involved and connected community… OUTREACH UPDATE FOCUS ON FIRST: DHUC’S COLLABORATIVE FIRST UNITED MINISTRY SHELTER SUPPORT PROGRAM Photo: Photo: The DHUC Outreach team is seeking to Align First United’s needs with Dunbar’s capacity Be supportive of those who call First United home Be respectful in our relationship with First United o Respectful of what First United folk need o Respectful of resources at First United; their energy, time and processes o Respectful of the environment to reduce waste and recycle intelligently with a two-pronged program: 1. SHELTER NEEDS – Three annual Focus on First drives to support critical ongoing needs of the First United Shelter: o Focus – Feet First (January-February) o Focus – Personal Hygiene (May-June) o Focus – Underwear (September-October) 2. THRIFT STORE NEEDS – Ongoing collection and delivery of goods for the First United Thrift Store, a vital hub for both First United and the wider neighbourhood. 22 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 1. SHELTER NEEDS: FOCUS ON PERSONAL HYGIENE, MAY 22ND – JUNE 12TH Two ways to participate: A. FUNDRAISING CONTRIBUTION (GOAL OF $500). Outreach will purchase in bulk with your donation. $20 will buy … o one package discreet underwear o 2 boxes of regular sanitary pads o 12 tubes of toothpaste cheques payable to DHUC please use special Focus on First envelopes available in the office or narthex B. DONATE HIGH-NEED ITEMS. Adult incontinence products (pull-ups only) Feminine hygiene products (pads only) Dental care products Towels (gently used, please don’t purchase) Can you ask your local pharmacist or dentist for donations or discounts? All items must be dropped off in the office, or to an Outreach member after worship, by Sunday, June 12th. 2. FIRST UNITED THRIFT STORE NEEDS The Thrift Store is a vital resource hub for both First United and the wider neighbourhood. It provides a welcoming place for low-income people to have the empowering experience of selecting and purchasing affordable clothing and items that appeal to their personal tastes and needs. Dunbar Heights congregation, church user groups, and friends continue to donate Gently used Clean and in good repair, Seasonally appropriate, and Contemporarily-styled clothing and accessories. These are much appreciated. Donations are stored in two lower cupboards in the kitchen. Deliveries are made to First United once the cupboards are full. Here are some donation facts and details: A. WHAT DOES THE THRIFT STORE NEED? SMALL and MEDIUM sizes items, especially Men’s and women’s clothing Hat, belts, jewelry, purses, scarves wallets Shoes and boots suitable for city streets 23 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 March – July: summer wear (jackets, shorts, tank tops, etc.) August – February: winter wear (coats, jackets, hats, mitts) Towels, blankets, sleeping bags and backpacks (these are also used by the Shelter program) B. WHAT NOT TO DONATE? NO business suits, dress pants or dress shirts NO out of season items (see seasonal needs, above) NO out of date clothing styles NO children’s clothing Questions? Please call or email Susan Burns: 604-738-4758, [email protected]. Thank you for your support of First United! DHUC Community Outreach for First United 24 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 DUNBAR HEALING MINISTRIES Healing Ministries normally meets through all months of the year. Open Session is when members of the congregation, their friends or family and members of community can come for a healing session. Drop-in between 7:00-8:00pm. AND, it is helpful to know ahead of time if you are planning to attend so we can schedule the time more easily. Depending on the evening, there may be a wait. Contacts: Judith Ann Donaldson, 604-263-6244 or Susan Burns, 604-738-4758. Upcoming Dunbar Healing Ministry Meeting Dates in the Sanctuary, 7:00 – 9:00pm are: June 13th – Group Practice Session June 27th – Open Session July 11th – Group Practice Session July 25th – Open Session August 8th – Group Practice Session August 22nd – Open Session What’s been happening: Judith Ann Donaldson and Jean McTavish have returned from two weeks in Guatemala as part of a five-member Healing Pathway delegation invited by Artisana to offer healing energy training sessions to their clients and friends, many of whom have been jailed without charge or with trumped up charges. On May 1st during worship they spoke about their experience. The Healing Ministry team at Ryerson sponsored a Level One Healing Pathway workshop in May. Current and prospective members of the Dunbar Healing Ministry team attended. On April 25th we had a beautiful open session with 14 practitioners and 9 who came to receive. It was a sacred evening. CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION Contemplative Meditation meets every Tuesday evening in the Library from 7:30-9:00pm. We have 20 minutes of Centering Prayer, and following tea we reflect on a passage of scripture, a poem, a teaching or a portion of a book. We seek to deepen our experience of the sacred in everyday living. This is an open group. Come and see if this nourishes your spirit. Call Susan Burns 604-7384758 or email: [email protected] for more information. 25 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter 26 June-July 2016 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter June-July 2016 JUNE AND JULY DHUC MEETINGS Committee Meetings Spirituality & Group Meetings WORSHIP COMMITTEE meets the Sunday before the Council meeting (usually the 2nd Sunday of each month), at 12:00 noon in the Lounge. This has been altered for the summer months – the June meeting is on Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00pm. The committee will determine the next meeting date at the June meeting. STITCH & CHATTER meets every Thursday at 9:00am in the Ethel Todrick Room. HEALING MINISTRY usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary but occasionally this will change to accommodate holidays. The meeting on the 4th Monday is open to the community. The next two open sessions are June 27th and July 25th. FINANCE COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Lounge. The next scheduled meeting is June 7th and the committee will meet on demand in July. CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Library. PASTORAL CARE TEAM meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 10:30am in the Lounge. The next two meetings are June 15th and July 20th. MINISTRY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Library. The next meetings are June 8th, and as needed through July and August. UNIT 3 usually meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at a place to be announced. COUNCIL usually meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Ethel Todrick Room. The next two scheduled meetings are June 15th and July 20th. CHANCEL CHOIR PRACTICE is at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary on Thursdays, June 2nd and 9th, and July 7th, 14th and 21st. PNEUMA VOICES YOUTH CHOIR practice is at 5:00pm on Wednesdays, June 1st, 8th and 15th. Weekly choir practices will resume in September. OUTREACH COMMITTEE usually meets at 5:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Lounge. The next meetings are June 9th and July 14th. 27 Dunbar Heights United Church Newsletter April-May 2016 CONCERT AT DHUC THE POSTMODERN CAMERATA PRESENTS... PETER AND THE WOLFGANG Peter and the Wolfgang, the Postmodern Camerata (PMC) chamber ensemble’s third and final concert of the 2016-17 season, will take place at Dunbar Heights United Church, with two performances: Saturday June 4th at 7:00pm and Sunday June 5th at 5:00pm (note unusual start time). This familyfriendly concert (we plan to have crèche facilities available for the Sunday afternoon performance) brings together two significant pieces of music: Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf (for chamber orchestra, with narration) and an abridged version of Mozart’s comic opera Cosi fan tutte, which will be sung in Italian, but narrated in English. Peter and the Wolf (1936) was composed as a children’s “musical symphony” after a direct request from the Central Children’s Theatre in Moscow, and was intended to develop “musical tastes in children from the first years of school”. Sergei Prokofiev (1891–1953) was very taken with this invitation and completed the piece in under a week, composing both the music and preparing the accompanying narration. As well as involving Peter and his grandfather, there is also a link between animal characters and instruments. For the grown-ups, there is additionally the strong suggestion made by certain musical reviewers that the piece covertly invokes a political allegory (in the run-up to the Second World War), with Peter being Russia and the wolf Nazi Germany, with other European countries (or possibly Soviet republics) also being animal characters. This work will last nearly 30 minutes. Cosí fan tutte (1790) is a comic opera composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to a libretto in Italian prepared by Lorenzo da Ponte (who also wrote the text to Don Giovanni and The Marriage of Figaro). In this concert version of the work (prepared specifically by PMC for these performances), there will also be an English narrator engaging the audience by recounting elements of the plot, as well as commenting on it, interspersed by various arias, duets and trios from the opera sung in the original Italian (with English translation available). A very strong, experienced and vocally elegant cast of six professional operatic singers will perform this work, in conjunction with PMC chamber instrumentalists and the narrator, conducted by Lyle Isbister. This second work will take nearly one hour. Tickets are available from the PMC website: and cost 5$ (for patrons aged 5–12), $10 (for patrons aged 13–18) and $25 (for patrons aged 19+). Tickets will be sold at the door, space allowing. 28 Dunbar Heights United Church Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday June 1 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Open House Wed 5:00 Youth Choir Prac 6:30 Beavers 7:00 Worship Ctte June 2 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 10:30 Tai Chi/4:00 Music 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Chancel Choir Prac June 3 9:30 Yoga 6:00 Talent Show and Dance 7:00 PMC Dress Rehearsal June 4 10:00 Karate 7:00 PMC Concert: Peter and the Wolfgang 7 8:00 Yoga, 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:00 Finance Ctte 7:30 Cont Meditation 8 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Open House Wed & Potluck with Ryerson 5:00 Youth Choir Prac 6:30 Beavers 7:00 M&P Ctte 9 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 10:30 Tai Chi/4:00 Music 12:00 Amalgmtn Q&A 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 5:00 Outreach Ctte 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Chancel Choir Prac 10 11 13 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Chinese Dance 2:00 Voice Lessons 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 7:30 Healing Ministry 14 8:00 Yoga, 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:30 Cont Meditation 15 9:30 Yoga 10:30 Pastoral Care Mtg 4:30 Open House Wed 5:00 Youth Choir Prac 7:00 Council Meeting 16 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 10:30 Tai Chi 12:30 DHUC-RUC Lunch 4:00 Music Lessons 4:30 JYG Picnic at Beach 6:30 Amalgmtn Q&A 6:30 Lifeline 20 21 8:00 Yoga, 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:30 Cont Meditation 5 Tuesday 6 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Chinese Dance 2:00 Voice Lessons 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 10:00 Worship Communion Sunday 11:30 AGM 5:00 PMC Concert: Peter and the Wolfgang 12 10:00 Worship in Sanctuary OR you may attend: 10:30 Worship in the Woods 12:00 Amalgmtn Q&A 19 10:00 Worship 11:30 Congregational Meeting 26 10:00 Worship 5:30 RUC-DHUC Dinner AT RYERSON UNITED CHURCH June 2016 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Chinese Dance 2:00 Voice Lessons 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 27 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Chinese Dance 2:00 Voice Lessons 7:30 Heal. Min. OPEN 7:30 Monday Step 28 8:00 Yoga, 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 7:30 Cont Meditation 22 9:30 Yoga 17 18 7:30 Men’s Breakfast Group 10:00 Karate 7:00 Pneuma Choir Graduate Performance & Reception 24 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 30 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 4:00 Music Lessons 6:30 Lifeline 10:00 Karate 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 7:00 Rehearsal 23 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 10:30 Tai Chi 4:00 Music Lessons 6:30 Lifeline 29 9:30 Yoga 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate July 1 CANADA DAY OFFICE CLOSED 25 10:00 Karate July 2 Dunbar Heights United Church Sunday Monday 3 10:30 SummerSpirit Worship at DHUC Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 8:00 Yoga 7:30 Contemplative Meditation OFFICE CLOSED Thursday 10 11 12 8:00 Yoga 7:30 Contemplative Meditation OFFICE CLOSED 13 5:00 Karate Camp 17 18 25 CAMP SPIRIT 7:00 Monday Step 7:30 Healing Ministry OPEN SESSION CAMP SPIRIT 8:00 Yoga 7:30 Contemplative Meditation 8 9 15 16 5:00 Karate Camp 5:00 Karate Camp 20 10:30 Pastoral Care Mtg 7:00 Council Meeting 21 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Music Lessons 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Chancel Choir Prac 22 23 Reserved for CAMP SPIRIT Set-up 26 27 28 29 30 7:30 Monday Step 24 Reserved for CAMP SPIRIT Set-up 10:30 SummerSpirit Worship at RYERSON UNITED CHURCH, July 24, 31 and August 7 July 2 19 8:00 Yoga 7:30 Contemplative Meditation OFFICE CLOSED 14 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Music Lessons 5:00 Outreach Ctte 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Chancel Choir Prac Saturday July 1 CANADA DAY OFFICE CLOSED 7 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Music Lessons 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Chancel Choir Prac 5:00 Karate Camp 7:30 Healing Ministry 7:30 Monday Step 10:30 SummerSpirit Worship at DHUC Friday 6 5:00 Karate Camp 5:00 Karate Camp 7:30 Monday Step 10:30 SummerSpirit Worship at DHUC July 2016 CAMP SPIRIT CAMP SPIRIT 8:00 Yoga 6:30 Lifeline CAMP SPIRIT