Hull Herald - Hull Middle School
Hull Herald - Hull Middle School
Volume 45, Issue 5 - April / May 2013 Hull Herald PTSA President’s Message Hello Hawk Families, I just want to take this opportunity to say that I have enjoyed serving as your J. H. Hull PTSA President for these past two years. Time really “flew” by!! Hull has a wonderful community of families, teachers and staff that truly made my job worth doing. I would like to thank Mr. Lafferty, Mrs. Okazaki, our office secretary Miss Sheila and our day custodian Roger. These ones were my constant “go to” people and they supported our needs. I especially would like to thank my PTSA board – they are an awesome group of parents whose only interest is the betterment of education for our kids. I could not have done a single thing without them! Thank you to: Inside this issue: Margie Ehlers for handling our membership drive for the last two years! PTSA President’s Message 1 Katie Saavedra and Maria Alejandrino for handling our financial matters the last two years! Principal’s Message 2 Glenda Simpson for recording minutes and handling her emergency prep duties for the last year and a half, as well as handling the book fair this year! eScrip 3 Ancient Civilizations 4 Debbie Hays for handling Secretary’s/Administrator’s lunch and always handling any request I make of her! World History 4 Danielle Nash for handling our eScrip and market programs the last two years! U.S. History 5 Mathematics 5 Lucy Sheardown for her Parliamentarian duties and various jobs that she was willing to take on! English/Language Arts 5 Rita Perez for handling the Jogathon and “Welcome Back teacher’s lunch this year and all she has always done! ELD 6 Desiree Miller for handling our restaurant nights this year! Science 7 Stephanie Gaxiola for handling Reflections and the Newsletter! Shari Kaku for handling the Corresponding secretary duties this past year! Kari Kirkwood for handling her Historian and Honor Roll duties the last two years! Rob Cochran for choosing our scholarship recipients! Eileen Lizama for handling our ‘Wonderful Wednesdays” and any request we make of her! Physical Education 8 Citizenship Honor Roll 9 ……..thanks ahead of time to: Honor Roll 10 Cheryl Sheppard for coordinating our Teacher Appreciation week! Upcoming Events 12 Volunteer Guidelines 12 Jean Welsome for handling her auditing duties these past two years! Michelle Schluchter for handling 8th grade activities and dance! May everyone have a wonderful summer and remember to stay involved – our kids are depending on us! Sincerely, Eva Blada J. H. Hull PTSA President Page 2 HULL HERALD Principal’s Message In mid-May, our students will be taking the STAR State Tests (CSTs). So, why are the CST’s important? They are a key ingredient in our Academic Performance Index (API). API is a measurement of academic performance and progress of individual schools in California. It is one of main components of the Public Schools Accountability Act passed in 1999. API scores range from a low of 200 to a high 800. We are proud of our continued improvement in scores. With this being said, CSTs and API score affect the entire community, as so much of a city’s image is contingent on the success of the school district. We expect all of our students to be successful during testing and to take each and every test seriously; it is our goal for every student to achieve, at minimum, proficiency in each content area. Our School Recognition committee will be finalizing an incentive program in which students make significant gains in scores and/or move from one level to the next will earn some rewards. As we approach the end of another year at J.H. Hull I would like to thank Eva Blada, our PTSA president this year, the PTSA Board, and all the parents who have contributed their time and energy to making this a great place for students to go to school. They really are a great and dedicated group to work with! Just a few of the activities funded by the PTSA include the 8th grade Field Day/Trip to Mulligans, Earth-dome Science Assemblies, Senior Scholarship Awards, prizes for the Jog-a-thon… and more to come before the end of the year. We were extremely fortunate to have Megan Wareham and Shari Kaku providing enrichments opportunities for some our students. Megan and Shari facilitated our “Math Competition Club/Teams – made up of 6th, 7th and 8th grade members. They will be competing in a Middle School Math Tournament on Saturday, April 27 th (J.H. Hull will be the host site) – and I am certain that the students will gain some invaluable experience. We also will continue this next year. We need to remember that more than 80 percent of tomorrow’s jobs will require skills in disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, so we want to make sure that students are prepared to take part in these in-demand fields. We had a very good turn out for our Parent Information Nights: “Motivation and Holding Middle School Kids Accountable”, “Homework Without Stress, Goal Setting, Independence”. These great presentations were made by Dr. Dave Feldman, our school Psychologist. Our Assistant Principal, Jayne Okazaki, did a wonderful presentation on “College and Beyond.” This was during our College and Career Week. We had a fantastic Career Day with over 32 different jobs/vocations – enthusiastic and passionate individuals giving their time for this event. Our students gained a lot of knowledge and information…more importantly – received the message that it takes hard work and to have goals and a plan so you can have choices and the opportunity to pursue what you are excited about. A huge thank you to the College and Career Committee: Nicole Carroll (Chairperson), Sara Golia, Kim Gauna, Cindy Gottschalk, Michelle Amundson, Barbara Waldrop, and Dave Melo. I would like to thank all of the teachers and staff for their time, effort and coordination of the Spring Festival. The students had a great experience with fun games and activities – a time to celebrate their accomplishments and enjoy! We have many things still to accomplish this year: STAR Testing, Spring Music Concert, History Day, 8 th grade Promotion, just to name a few. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please call your child’s teachers to speak with them on the phone or to schedule an appointment to meet with them in person. I welcome parent communication as well, but please remember to call and make an appointment instead of “dropping by” as I feel terrible when I can’t speak with you because of another appointment or conflict with my schedule. In the meantime, let’s keep working together to make Hull the best school possible and a place where your children are able to reach their learning goals. Mr. Lafferty Volume 45, Issue 5 Page 3 Easy Ways to Earn Money for J.H. Hull Middle School 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go To Sign in OR create a new account Click on Community Rewards Add JH Hull as your schoolNPO# 80596 JH Hull will get $$ every time you use your card 1. Go To to Take Charge of Education 2. Sign up your REDcard 3. Add JH Hull as your school ID # 36264 Money “Matters” Page 4 HULL HERALD 6th Grade Ancient Civilizations We have had an exciting year studying the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, India and China. Students have learned how the earliest humans hunted animals and gathered plants for food. As humans became more developed, we studied how civilizations, religions and governments developed. We asked many questions along the way, such as: Who were some of the important people of the time? Where did most of the people live? What were these people’s beliefs? What was their language and writing like? What contributions did they make? How do these contributions affect me? deeper understanding of Greek culture, students will participate in their own Olympic games! We will end the year with the study of Greece and how their civilization has contributed so much to our current society. As a final activity and to enhance their 7th Grade World History Our 7th Grade coverage off World History has traveled many places so far. We started in Ancient Rome, the basis of our Western Civilization. We then went on a worldwind tour of Medieval Islam, Africa, China, Japan, and Meso-America. The 7th Grade then returned to Europe after the fall of Rome, and followed the rebuilding through to the Middle Ages. Next, we are discovering how the economic success of Europe leads to the Renaissance, then Exploration, a Scientific Revolution, and ultimately, the Enlightenment and the founding of the American colonies. On the extracurricular side, we successfully fund-raised (with the help of a generous PTSA donation) for a field trip to the Renaissance Faire set for April 19th. Learning everything we can from our full day, students who have signed up for History Guilds (over a third of the 7th and 8th grade) will continue to prepare to present our own Renaissance Faire at Hull , scheduled for History Day, June 7th. In full swing already are the Medical Guild, the Archers, Drama, Alchemy & Magical Creatures, and St. Michael’s Knights. In fact, Archery practice after school for the assigned guild members starts after Spring Break! Thank you to the 40 parents who volunteered for our field trip. If your student signed up for a guild, we would also appreciate your help, Parents, to run our History Day on June 7th. Notices for meetings for parent helpers will go out in late April or Early May. Volume 45, Issue 5 Page 5 8th Grade United States History This has been a year of increased use technology in instruction. After empowering students with basic technology skills needed to utilize district based Google Docs as well as PowerPoint and Microsoft Publisher, students have been given choices on their projects to show what they have learned. Students have produced diversified projects that highlight individual students' attributes. Students learn in different styles and hence have been given the freedom to express their mastery of content in a style that highlights their individual areas of strength. For example, students have produced newspaper articles, Presentations, brochures, cause & effect flow charts, skits, and even songs and poems to express their knowledge. Due to allowing choice and access to technology needed to produce high quality products, students have shown greater enthusiasm and ownership of Mathematics Hull’s math department has some exciting events in the upcoming months. We will be kicking off our CST review with “Math Madness” on April 15th. This is an exciting way for students to review the year in small group competitions. Every grade level will be divided into 8 teams and compete in a variety of games ranging from an egg hunt to basketball in the gym. All the while, working as a team to solve some challenging math problems! Our math students will also be driving their own review by taking short quick checks each day, that help them decide which stations to work on. As they feel they have mastered a concept they will then be able to take a mastery test, which will earn them stickers on their mastery chart! It is exciting for the students to see the charts progress throughout the review unit! After the CST’s are finished, the students who won the Math Madness challenges will be rewarded with a lunchtime party in the Multi -purpose room! Students who try their hardest and show all work on the test will also be rewarded by their Math teacher. Don’t miss the fun in your math class in April and May!! their work. They are proud of their work and retain knowledge more effectively. In the coming weeks we will be working on the American Civil War (a.k.a. the War Between the States) as well as reviewing in preparation for the CST's in May. Please check the Hull Website for information such as project information and quiz dates. Ask your child what he or she is working on and be a part of your child's education. After all, parents are the child's first and last teachers in life and parents' impact on attitude toward education can not be over emphasized. Page 6 HULL HERALD English / Language Arts J.H. Hull’s English department is currently following the upcoming Common Core standards. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive education in literacy and promote critical thinking, analysis, and intellectual curiosity through novelbased literature. The English Common Core standards are based around three writing genres: narrative (story telling), argumentative, and expository. Through our teaching of the novels, we are working on skills that will help the students produce narrative, argumentative, and expository writing that reflects higher level thinking and understanding in order to foster individual creativity and develop unique student-generated opinions and perspectives. This year, our goal is to equip students with valuable thinking skills and cultivate a challenging learning environment suitable for all levels and backgrounds. One way the English department is helping our students prepare for the experiences they will have in class is through our development of a summer reading list specific to Hull that will prepare students for the reading level and topics they will encounter next year. Students will be required to complete an assignment during their English period that will also determine their abilities in English in order for the teachers to better prepare lessons based on strengths and weaknesses in each class. The reading list is available on the Hull website and books are available at the public libraries as well as Barnes and Noble. English Language Development (ELD) classes Encourages students to improve their skills in English Designed to work with English learners whose skills are low in English Focus in reading and writing as well as listening comprehension and conversation Our goal is to help English learners succeed academically The teacher keeps close communication with parents, teachers, and administrators Positive reinforcement: students are recognized for their good grades, their effort, citizenship, positive attitude, being responsible. someone to translate for them Small classes—we offer two classes: beginning/early intermediate and intermediate/ early advanced Students have textbooks and practice /grammar books as well as an extensive collection of guided reading books selected according to their English reading level. Students’ progress are evaluated every year: students must take yearly the CELDT ( California English Language Development Test) in the summer Parents are part of the program—They are invited to our ELMAC meetings, whose purpose is to keep parents informed about the program and school activities The teacher assists those parents whose primary language is Spanish and are in need of They have access to computers for school assignments After school homework club— students do their homework in a nurturing atmosphere supervised by the ELD instructor. Volume 45, Issue 5 Page 7 Science Happenings at Hull As we wind down the 3rd quarter, some very neat things are occurring in the science department at Hull Middle School. In the eighth grade, Science Survivor is up and running and the kids are having a blast. Science Survivor was developed 6 years ago and is a way to have the kids review concepts for the whole year in an engaging and competitive activity. Based off of the show “Survivor”, students are put through physical and curriculum challenges to try and win a year end party. Also in the eighth grade, the yearly “Rocket Shot” is occurring during the first week in April. The students design and build a water powered rocket that is to hold an egg. The egg must survive the launch and landing. When we come back from spring break, the eighth grade will be starting physics. The students will be learning about “Newtonian Motion”. With that comes the infamous “Egg Drop” project. This is a project where the students design a package to hold and protect an egg from a drop from the top of a cherry picker. In the seventh grade, life science is the buzz. They have been learning about genetics and heredity, through projects that include creating a family through genotypes and then showing the resulting phenotypes. Dissections are in the future, with pig hearts being delivered just last week. One of the seventh grade classes did an archaeological dig in the sand volleyball court. This showed the geologic time scale and how fossils are orientated. Additionally they have been working on geologic time lines and how to interpret events in the past from the evidence left in rocks. In the sixth grade, they have been working hard on topology. In sixth grade Earth Science we have been studying how the Earth was made and the forces that are constantly changing it. These forces change the topography of the landscape in many dramatic ways and to illustrate what these changes look like, the students are utilizing 2dimensional topographical maps to construct 3 dimensional models of some of the more unique geographical features of the Earth. The students reproduce several enlarged copies of the map of a chosen feature then use those copies to cut out Styrofoam shapes along the contour lines of the map to build up their 3D models. They use a hot wire cutter which cuts through the foam but not the paper, which acts as a template for the shape. The students then assemble the various layers of the model to form the 3D model. They have also been working on convection and density via several labs. Page 8 HULL HERALD Cardio Runs and Lunges and Bear Crawls… Oh my! As we look toward our summer vacation, Mr. Nash will be spending the final weeks of the school year focusing on increasing our fitness levels. While most students are able to run our 20-minute cardio run without walking, others are still working toward reaching this goal and earning a bonus freeplay. So get your PE shoes on and get ready to sweat through the 4th quarter. For the those students who want to take their fitness to the next level, Mr. Nash will be restarting his afterschool fitness club beginning Monday May 6th and running it every Monday and Thursday, until the end of the school year. or throwing an 8lb shot put or showing your jumping abilities in the high jump? Then mark your calendars for Saturday May 4th. The Torrance High School track team will be hosting a track and field event all day at Zamporini Field. In preparation for this event, Mr. Nash will be leading a practice or two the week prior to the event. Main Gym beginning at 5:30pm. On tap for the event will be two girl’s matches and one boy’s match. Show your school spirit and support your fellow Hull Hawks by attending the event. Tickets go on sale soon. After several unsuccessful attempts, it seems like our volleyball event against Madrona has finally arrived. The date is set for Wednesday May 1st at Torrance High School ‘s On our non-fitness days, 7th and 8th graders will be learning lacrosse and hockey, while our 6th graders will be focusing on track and field and hockey. On that note, are you interested in running the 100 meter dash or the 4 x 100 meter relays What’s Going on in Acre’s PE As we are entering the 4th quarter of our school year, many good things have been going on in PE. Our 7th graders have just completed their state mandated physical fitness testing, and did well. We have just finished a three week soccer unit that came to a competitive finish as the top 2 teams of each class battled for class bragging rights. Tuesdays and Thursdays respectively have been reserved for fitness days consisting of cardio runs, circuit training in they gym, and medicine ball work-outs. Going forward we will be starting a volleyball unit for 7th and 8th graders followed by a softball unit. As we wind down the year and will be losing some days for 8th graders as they have exciting scheduled days for field trips, field day, picnics, and much more. Volume 45, Issue 5 Honor Roll Q3 Page 9 Citizenship Honor Roll All E, with exception of 1 S Grade 6 Alzina, Hailey J Gamino, Wendy Pendrick, Katrina A Ambro, Lillee M Garcia, Hanna Perez, Cassandra Applegate, Dylan J Gonzalez, Diana E Reid Millender, Alexis Y Arredondo, Eduardo O Grubbich, Dillon D Reiss, Celeste B Artiga, Ruben E Gutierrez, Maile V Reyes, Itzel Ashkar, Duygu Ham, Kaylin Roberts, Bo D Bacigalupi, Joesph G Harper, Ethan Rogers, Ireland S Baez, Monica Hernandez, Marytona Roybal, Kristina M Baik, Seung Yeon Inhelder, Brenden R Saiki, Evan H Bailey, John Iovine, Alexa I Saks, Nicole E Ballard, Justin A Jankowski, Erin M Sampson, Hailey M Beltran, Luis A Kang, Julia Sanchez, Brittany Braaten, Kyle W Kasai, Garrett T Santamaria, Andrew M Bravo, Crystal Kher, Safiya Seeley, Kaelin R Campbell, Alyssa S King, Elizabeth R Shiroma, Julie N Casaquit, Starlena Rae T Koyanagi, Riki Shiroma, Kathleen M Castillo, Jorge J Kurosu, Kai T Sibley, Hayley A Catipon, Julia M Lim, Joshua J Sindha, Sanah Ceruti, Queen N Lozoya, Itxhel Sonico, Philip Chang, Ji Hyun T Macias, Vanessa Suarez, Sabrina Cheng, Jonathan Magee, Olivia A Syin, Chaeyoon Cho, Jenna A Martinez, Alejandra Takahashi, Tyler P Crocker, Naomi E Melissas, Hannah M Tito, Samantha C Delight, Tanner J Mercadal, Ashley C Torres, Erick R Durrani, Semail Miyazaki, Seiya Torres, Samantha N Dwyer, William J Morin, Sandy Umezawa, Sammy M Eddington, Anthony A Murillo, Daniel S Valenzuela, Noah E Endo, Nanami Nakahara, Karen Vasquez, Jose C Esperanto, Priya N Ohara, Alyssa A Won, Jane Fletcher, Charles O Pacheco, Alexis T York, Sterling H Fuerte, Alina R Palacios, Evan E Zagala, Maxwell Fujiwara, Anthony Y Paraiso, Johanna Fujiwara, Stephen H Patiag, Rionne E Grade 8 Alejandrino, David L Lopez, Tiara P Axton, Jeanna M Mason, Hannah T Ba Thaung, Shonnu Medina, Carolyn C Bonilla, Kassandra D Miral, Sierra K Cabrera, Cindy Miyake, Madison N Castaneda, Hayley A Mo, Bingrui Castillo, Jacob Molina, Joshua M Chen, Jerry Ohyama, Akane Cheng, Deborah P Onuoha, Kiara L Cho, Jacob Oto, Brooke A Chow, Joshua R Parker, Ethan H Chow, Kelly Pendrick, Aimee E Cochran, Kathryn I Pereira, Emily I DeLa Cruz, Vincent C Ponce, Arin B Domingo, Joselle Saiki, Alyssa A Edrolin, Danielle M Schluchter, Alexa N Foley, Lauren Simpson, Sarah L Garcia, John A Sloan, Ian J Garrido, Ceejay Smith, Elisa M Gaudet, Jessica T Sond, Simran K Grijalva, Bernie Sudwal, Arshnoor K Hornicek, Kacey R Suit, Kaycee Iovine, Michael A Sylvester, Amber Kaku, Michelle E Voce, Jessica A Kim, Ji Woo A Ward, Jacey L Lim, Bryant I Webb, Sara N Lopez, Denisse A Welsome, Thomas R Grade 7 Abalos, Remelene Jennife C Kimura, Rylie M Rouzaud, Zoe T Adame, Leah A Lee, Amanda S Saavedra, Kyle D Aguirre Gonzalez, John T Leighty, McKenna R Sanchez, Patricia N Balaji, Amruthaa Lerma, Alyssa M Sekine, Airi Bernal, Jessica N Lizama, Marissa L Stewart, Ronnie S Blada, Benjamin D Longjohn, Katherine R Sudwal, Sajandeep S Carbon, Kamille D Lopes, Julia K Sy, Isabelle D Carey, Kendal P Lozoya, Yaxhel Tallo, Joseph R Cochran, Kylee M Ohyama, Takeshi Tang, Allison C Cortez, Nathan I Paustian, Dylan Patrick T Thompson, Kaitlin S Cortez, Renee I Pillai, Dheya Vaage, Gwen F Gilhuys, Megan E Plagata, Orlando S Wang, Laura Hossain, Keya A Poulin, Isabel R Wickramasinghe, Rushni Y Jackson, Ti'Lar R Poulin, Stella L Yanni, Alexandra Khan, Sarah E Rivas, Alexandria M Page 10 HULL HERALD Honor Roll 3.5 GPA with only E’s and S Grade 6 Alzina, Hailey Josefine Kurosu, Kai Tadashi Ambro, Lillee Monet Lim, Joshua Jinsan Applegate, Dylan Jay Martinez, Alejandra Arredondo, Eduardo Orlando Mason, Grace Louise Ashkar, Duygu Meadows, Noah James Bacigalupi, Joesph Gregory Melissas, Hannah Megan Baik, Seung Yeon Miyazaki, Seiya Ballard, Justin A Nagao, Dylan Takashi Bishop, Kelei Jamahl Nakanishi, Kyle Yutaka Braaten, Kyle William Ohara, Alyssa Ai Casaquit, Starlena Rae Tan Pacheco, Alexis Taylor Catipon, Julia Marie Palacios, Evan Edward Chang, Anthony Paraiso, Johanna Chang, Ji Hyun Taylor Patiag, Rionne E Cheng, Jonathan Pendrick, Katrina A Cho, Jenna Anne Rivera, Justin Alejandro Colon, Edwin Rogers, Ireland Shirley Crocker, Naomi Elisabeth Saiki, Evan Hiroyuki Delight, Tanner James Sasaki, Sean Tadao Durrani, Semail Seeley, Kaelin R Dwyer, William J Sheppard, Alicia Marie Endo, Nanami Shiroma, Julie Natsumi Esperanto, Priya N Shiroma, Kathleen Mina Fletcher, Charles O'Keefe Shong, Zoe Lynn Fujiwara, Anthony Yoshiki Sibley, Hayley Alexandria Fujiwara, Stephen Hiroki Sindha, Sanah Garcia, Hanna Sonico, Philip Garrido, Jaycee Syin, Chaeyoon Gohil, Najeeb Nasrudin Takahashi, Tyler Patrick Gutierrez, Maile Victoria Tito, Samantha C Inhelder, Brenden Russell Torres, Erick Raphael Iovine, Alexa Isabella Torres, Samantha Nicole Kang, Julia Umezawa, Sammy Masanori Kasai, Garrett Tatsuro Vasquez, Jose Christopher Kher, Safiya Won, Jane King, Elizabeth Renee Zagala, Maxwell Grade 7 Balaji, Amruthaa Balestreri, Michael Ross Basile, Elizabeth R Bautista, Emily K Blada, Benjamin D Carbon, Kamille Dumaran Carey, Kendal Payten Choi, Yun-Ha Cochran, Kylee May Cortez, Nathan Isidro Cortez, Renee Isidro Dalby, Matthew G Ehlers, Maxwell Frederick Esquejo, Julia Rose Estrella, Ysabella Gilhuys, Megan E Grados, Eduardo, Jr. Green, Keemia N Hays, Grant R Hossain, Keya Amanda Jackson, Ti'Lar R Khan, Sarah Elyse Kimura, Rylie Miina Ko, Yohan Kozono, Sharon Sachiko Kuwahara, Drake M Lee, Amanda Sujung Leighty, McKenna R Lerma, Alyssa M Lizama, Marissa Lorraine Locano, Ryan Joseph Volume 45, Issue 5 Page 11 Inside Story Headline Honor Roll 3.5 GPA with only E’s and S Grade 7 Longjohn, Katherine Renee Lopes, Julia K Lozoya, Yaxhel Monge, Julissa E Morimoto, Tyler Tamao Nash, Jake E Ohyama, Takeshi Pillai, Dheya Plagata, Orlando S Poulin, Isabel R Poulin, Stella L Richardson, Makayla Jordan Rico, Therese Yvonne Rivas, Alexandria Marie Rodriguez, Christian Jesus Rouzaud, Zoe T Saavedra, Kyle David Sanchez, Patricia Naomi Sato, Shane Kiyoshi Sato, Tyler Shigeru Sekine, Airi Sudwal, Sajandeep S Sy, Isabelle Dujunco Tang, Allison Clarissa Thompson, Kaitlin S Vaage, Gwen F Valdez, Daniel Wickramasinghe, Rushni Yasodhara Wijayaratna, Joanna Krish Yanni, Alexandra Grade 8 Alejandrino, David L Lim, Bryant I Axton, Jeanna M Lopez, Tiara Pualani Balila Ba Thaung, Shonnu Mason, Hannah Tatum Battulga, Bilguun Mills, Kevin E Bonilla, Kassandra Denise Miral, Sierra K Cabrera, Cindy Miyake, Madison N Cachola, Krystal Caroline Mo, Bingrui Campos, Vanessa Molina, Joshua Michael Castaneda, Hayley A Morales, Bryan Castillo, Joseph Israel Oh, Se Hoon Chen, Jerry Ohyama, Akane Cheng, Deborah Pao Fen Oto, Brooke A Cho, Jacob Parker, Ethan H Chow, Joshua R Pendrick, Aimee Elizabeth Chow, Kelly Pereira, Emily Ivonne Cochran, Kathryn Irene Pinzon, Sarah Dadi, Sana S Ponce, Arin B DeLa Cruz, Vincent Carl Ro, Halim Domingo, Joselle Rojas, Carolina C Ebersole, Kyle M Saiki, Alyssa Akane Edrolin, Danielle Micah Sanidad, Cielo Mikaela Consignado Garcia, John Alexander Sasaki, Sara E Garrido, Ceejay Schluchter, Alexa N Gaudet, Jessica Taylor Seto, Linonn Theodore Gerges, Mira Rafat Simpson, Sarah L Hernandez, Jocelyn Marcela Smith, Elisa M Hornicek, Kacey R Sond, Simran K Iovine, Michael Alejandro Sylvester, Amber Jauregui, Serena Michelle Trujillo, Jessica Nicole Jovel, Luis A Voce, Jessica Anne Kadoi, Eun-Mi Ward, Jacey L Kaku, Michelle E Webb, Sara Nicole Kim, Ji Woo Anthony Welsome, Thomas R Kirkwood, Ryan J Xavier, Allen T Kiyuna, Jillian N Yoon, Seong Ho Ko, Caleb Takuya Yoshioka, Kayla K Lee, Allison Volume 45, Issue 5 Page 12 UPCOMING EVENTS May 21 - Spring Concert June 7 - History Day June 20 - Last Day of School HULL HERALD J.H. Hull PTSA Torrance Council of PTAs Thirty-Third District California State PTA Eva Blada, PTSA President Barry Lafferty, Principal Volunteer Guidelines and Procedures Would you like to volunteer in the classroom or at a school event; or chaperone a field trip? First, you will need to complete a Volunteer Application/Agreement form, which are available in the office. Once completed, volunteer names are forwarded to the district office for Megan’s Law background check. Second, you will need to provide documentation of a current tuberculosis (TB) test. Please plan to complete all necessary forms as soon as possible, as these steps can take some time. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Seeing parents volunteer at school helps children realize that there is a bond between home, school and community.