Spring 2012 - Pine Village


Spring 2012 - Pine Village
Christian Corner Gazette
Winter 2012 • Volume 19 Issue 1 • www.pinevillageks.org
Upcoming Events:
March 3 – Legislative Coffee with Representative Schroeder; 10:30-11:30 a.m. - Wellness Center
March 5 – Caregivers Support Group;
2:30-4 p.m.
- Wellness Center classroom
March 6 – Annual Corporation Meeting; meal 5:30 p.m., meeting 6:30 p.m.
- Wellness Center
March 19 – American Red Cross Community Blood Drive; 1:30-6:00 p.m. -Wellness Center
March 24 – Anchor’s Banquet; 6 p.m.
- Wellness Center
March 26 – Grief Support Group; 3-4 p.m.
- Wellness Center classroom
PineVillage Fun Night; 6:30 p.m.
- Krehbiel commons
Annual Volunteer Appreciation
Luncheon in April TBA
April 2 – Caregivers Support Group;
2:30-4 p.m.
- Wellness Center classroom
April 14 – Legislative Coffee with
Representative Schroeder and Senator Emler; 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
– Wellness Center
April 23 – Grief Support Group; 3-4 p.m.
- Wellness Center classroom
April 25 – Chimes Choir Spring Concert;
3 p.m. - Wellness Center
Anchors Banquet featuring
Ventriloquist Greg Claassen March 24
You are invited to attend the annual Anchors
Banquet, fundraising event,
to support the mission of
Pine Village, on Saturday,
March 24 at 6 p.m., in the
Goering Activity Wellness
Center. Tickets for the banquet are $100 per plate, and
proceeds will help grow the
Memorial Home Endowment Fund and continue to
produce income into the future - "The Gift That Keeps
On Giving.”
The dinner will be prepared and served by Melissa Bartel and her Panhandler’s Catering
group. The entertainment will be provided by
Ventriloquist Greg Claassen who does national
performances. Prepare for fun, laughter and
Annual Corporation
Meeting March 6
By Jim Huxman
Tuesday evening, March 6, 2012, all
May 22 – Moundridge Senior Singer Spring Pine
Village and Memorial Home Endow
Concert; 2 p.m. - Wellness Center
Foundation Corporation members
May 28 – PineVillage Fun Night; 6:30 p.m.
are invited to the Wellness Center to do the
annual business of the corporations.
Pine Village and Memorial Home Endowment Foundation corporation membership is extended to any individual who has given $200 in their lifetime to either
Pine Village or the Memorial Home Endowment Foundation. Should you have a
question as to whether you are a corporation member or not please contact Jim
Become part of the Pine Village Community!
Reservations are required and tickets can
be purchased by contacting Pine Village at
620.345.2901 or dropping by the front office at
86 22nd Avenue.
Reese, Director of Fund Development, at
620.345.2901 or jim.reese@pinevillageks.
Prior to the Pine Village Corporation
meeting which will begin at 6:30 p.m. and
the Endowment Corporation meeting that
will follow, the corporation membership is
invited to a soup, sandwich and Auxiliary
homemade pie supper with the serving to
begin at 5:30 p.m. The cost of the meal is
a donation of your choosing.
Look forward to seeing everyone there!
Available Independent Living Homes:
1901 Carnation (Duplex) – 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1 car garage, wrap-around porch, 1,290 sq. ft.
1806 Magnolia (Duplex) - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage, full basement, 1,200 sq. ft. main floor
1706 Magnolia (Sixplex) – 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 car garage, 1,080 sq. ft.
1708 Magnolia (Sixplex) – 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage, 900 sq. ft.
Krehbiel Apartment #5 – 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 830 sq. ft.
For a tour or more information on any of these units or information about Assisted Living, Health Care, Skilled Care, or Memory Lane, please do not hesitate
to contact Shelby Shaw, Director of Marketing, at 620.345.2901 ext. 257, cell 620.951.4664 or [email protected]
Page 2
A boat doesn’t go forward if everyone is rowing his own way. — African Proverb
Mother – Daughter Paths Cross at Pine
Village 25 years Apart
By Dennis Huxman
Let me introduce the mother, Veronika Warkentin, 21, Brazilian.
In 1987 she came to the States to learn English in an exchange program. She spent six months in Colorado, and the last six months in
Moundridge with Perry and June Krehbiel. She worked as a volunteer
at Memorial Home from January – June. She took residents to the
Beauty Shop; at that time Joyce was in the Beauty Shop. She also
helped with the Activities Department under Clint Stucky. She liked
the most being with the “Grandpas and Grandmas” and making spontaneous theater for the residents. Today she is a stay home mom who is
very active in her church.
Forward 25 years:
Let me introduce the daughter, Heidi Bender, 17, Brazilian. In 2012
she came to the States to learn English, because of an invitation by June
and Perry Krehbiel when they were visiting their son Joel in Brazil. She
spent one weekend in Colorado. The last seven weeks were spent in
Moundridge. She worked as a volunteer at Pine Village from December
8 – January 19. She wheeled residents to the different programs, played
table games with the residents, and undecorated Christmas trees. She
also celebrated her 18th birthday here on January 19.
Looking back, I asked Heidi what it was she enjoyed most while
in the States. She was disappointed. She wanted to see snow. Yes
she saw some in Colorado, but she had been told that last year we had
three snow storms in Kansas in December and January. As of January
2012 we were still waiting for snow. I asked her what she liked best in
Moundridge. She said the experience of extremes - the old people and
the young people. Volunteering in Pine Village with the residents and
going to school with the young people in High School for eight days
and helping in Grade School.
I asked her if she had saudades de casa (homesickness). At the
beginning “Yes, but then I read Philippians 4:4. “Regozijai-vos sempre
no Senhor; outra vez digo, regozijai-vos. Rejoice in the Lord always:
and again I say, Rejoice.” I missed my family at Christmas time. I was
surprised by all the family gatherings here. I missed the beach on New
Year’s. Every year at New Year’s we go to the beach for ten days, and
we go to church before midnight.
Heidi said the last few weeks here have been wonderful.
“I really enjoyed my time here and I had a lot of fun,” Heidi said.
She said her last day at Pine Village was special, as we celebrated
the birthday of our oldest resident, Dorothy Stucky, 100. They surprised me by celebrating my 18th birthday. The experience of extremes. 100. 18.
Employee Highlights!
Congratulations to MDS (Minimum Data Set) and Care Plan
Coordinator, Julie Parker, on becoming certified as an MDS Coordinator through the American Association of Nurse Assessment
Coordinators! This certification is a nationally recognized nursing
specialty field that requires tests from 10 resident assessment areas.
MDS 3.0 is a State and Federally regulated process of professional assessment, which occurs on all patients in long-term care
Bowling Party
By Dennis Huxman
Twenty residents, staff and nursing
students went bowling to Starlite Lanes in
McPherson. Three nursing students from the
Marie Wedel gets ready to bowl, as Activities Assistant Marsha Stucky cheers her on.
facilities in order to develop individualized care plans for each resident. It also
drives quality of care, reimbursement,
consumer oversight, state survey focus,
and improved transparency to limit fraud
and abuse.
Hutchison Junior College not only helped with
the residents but also formed their own bowling team. We had three residents from Assisted
Living bowl, three from Memory Lane and
six from Health Care. We had a great cheering section from Don Miller.
They were such a good group of
bowlers – no gutter balls. The
management had put gutter protectors in the gutters. The staff
at Starlite served us very well.
Several residents bowled
a strike including Bill Stucky,
Betty Wedel, Maurine Vogts,
Karen Jones, and Dan Jaso.
Merle Schmidt bowled two
strikes and had the high score of
the morning with a 132.
Dan Jaso getting ready to bowl a strike!
Page 3
The light of a hundred stars does not equal the light of the moon. — Chinese Proverb
Centennial Corner
Happy 100th Birthday to the following
Pine Village Residents:
Dorothy Stucky – January 19
Rose Breit – February 15
Ivan Sexton – April 23
Dorothy Stucky celebrates her 100th Birthday
New Face Around
Pine Village
Jim Reese - Director of Fund Development
Jim Reese has been named the Director
of Fund Development. Reese’s main functions include raising funds for the Memorial
Home Endowment Foundation
as well as funding to assist with
the operations of
the community.
He also oversees
the annual giving
goals and some
Jim Reese
special fundraising events, including Benefit Day.
Reese has a Bachelor of Arts from Southwestern College in Winfield, Kan. He is a native of Newton and his career portfolio consists
of real estate brokerage, insurance and finance.
He and his wife, Katie, have two grown children and five grandchildren.
McPherson Quilt Guild Presents Quilts to
Pine Village’s Memory Lane Residents
On November 17, 2011, members of the McPherson Quilt Guild presented handmade quilts to the residents of Pine Village’s Memory Lane. The
quilts had a special meaning for not only the Guild members, but also a
Memory Lane resident, Jean Silverstrand. Jean, who is from McPherson, is
a former Guild member.
Jean’s husband, Bill, had donated all her quilting scraps to the Guild
to use however they preferred. Doris Santee, current Guild member,
said the group wanted to give back
to Jean as she had given so much
during her tenure with the group, so
they decided to make quilts for Jean
and the other Memory Lane resiJean Silverstrand receiving her quilt dents.
from Doris Santee as her husband, Bill,
“Jean has left quite a legacy of
and neighborhood coordinator, Jenna quilters,” Santee said. “She was alLehrman look on.
ways eager to teach someone to quilt
Legislative Coffees
– Mark Your Calendars!
Pine Village will host two legislative coffees this spring – March 3 and April 14.
On Saturday, March 3, Representative
Don Schroeder will be at the Pine Village
Wellness Center at 10:30 a.m. to discuss
current issues. Then on Saturday, April
14 Representative Don Schroeder will be
joined by Senator Jay Emler for another
coffee at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited
to attend to learn more about current issues
going on at the State Legislature.
For current information on legislative
bills, please visit www.kslegislature.org.
Reese says he is looking forward to visiting with existing and potential donors about
how their gifts of financial funds, real estate,
commodities, investments, etc., can benefit the
betterment of the Pine Village community.
and always gave back. This was an opportunity for us to give back to her.”
Jean taught many quilting classes through the years and she also
worked with the Resource Council of McPherson County to donate quilts
for the Angel Tree every year. Santee said they usually donated around 100
quilts each year and have continued that tradition. Additionally, Jean worked
closely with the Lindsborg Millfest and Santee said because of Jean more
than 1,000 kids have received quilts.
McPherson Quilt Guild members with quilts they presented to each resident
of Pine Village’s Memory Lane. Pictured left to right includes: Raymond
Santee (quilter’s spouse), Mary Kornhaus, Donna Burke, Julia Campbell,
Doris Santee and front row Bill Silverstrand.
Pine Village Welcomes New Residents to The Village!
Pine Village welcomes long-time Moundridge resident Lorraine Kaufman to Krehbiel Apartments. Lorraine’s husband was Dr. Willard
Kaufman, who practiced in Moundridge for many years. Other new faces to the community this past quarter include Ruby Unruh. She also
moved in to Krehbiel Apartments, but is a familiar face as she lived here a few years ago. Last, we welcome Jerry and Eloise Holman from
McPherson, who moved into a sixplex. Jerry is a retired fund development director and tennis coach from McPherson College. The Holmans
still enjoy spending the Kansas cold winter months in Texas and New Mexico! Please help us in welcoming all the new faces to campus!
Page 4
When a man moves away from his nature, his heart becomes hard. – Lakota Proverb
Beyond the Cards
By Adam Peterson
It is 6:30 in the evening, friends are gathering around a table commenting and laughing about the previous week and asking about everyone’s health and family while waiting for the cards to be shuffled and dealt,
Milo Goering (far left), Bus Kaufman (far right) and Martin Goering
enjoy a game of Pinochle one Tuesday evening in January with Dana
Bauer (white shirt).
Pine Village to Be the First
in Kansas for New Memory
Care Program
This year, Pine Village will implement a new
program into its memory care division, Memory Lane, called Behavior-Based Ergonomics
Therapy (BBET). This innovative therapy program improves the quality of life for residents
with Alzheimer’s and dementia, and it received
two national awards in 2011. The BBET program helps to manage residents’ falls and behaviors by reducing mental stress using customized activities tailored to each individual’s
interests and cognitive level. Pine Village will
be the first and only facility in Kansas to have
the BBET program, which was developed by
Dr. Govind Bharwani, a professor at Wright
State University (Dayton, OH) and his daughter, Meena Bharwani, a healthcare consultant.
More information will be coming out on this
program as it gets implemented in the coming
months, so stay tuned!
Pine Village New Signage Update
sound familiar? No, this is not a scene from the days of yesteryear; it is
just a typical Tuesday at Pine Village where Dana Bauer has been gathering
with residents for nearly four years. Soon after relocating to Moundridge
to take a position with the Citizens State Bank, Dana mentioned to coworker Keith Goering that he missed playing cards with friends in Burdett.
Keith put Dana in touch with Mary Cross and soon after, Dana began playing ten point pitch with residents. After just a few short weeks of playing,
Dana was hooked, but do not call him a volunteer - “I don’t think of it as
volunteering…I just love to play cards!”
Although the faces and the game have changed, from pitch to pinochle, the atmosphere is the still the same as it was when he first came out, “it’s
not a duty; it’s not a responsibility; it’s fun.” The group gets together nearly
every week, only missing about five Tuesdays a year, and generally plays
for two hours before calling it a night. Dana encourages anyone with a love
of games to consider coming out and volunteering an hour or two a week to
spend with the residents.
“There’s an old adage about getting back more than you give when you
volunteer, and that is so true here,” said Dana. “This isn’t volunteering.
This is getting together with friends.”
For more information or to begin serving as a volunteer, please contact
Adam Peterson at 620-860-4142 or at [email protected].
2012 Resident Council
By Jim Huxman
Elections for the 2012 Resident Council were held at the November 2011 Pine Village
Potluck, and officers were elected in December. Here is your 2012 Resident Council and officers:
Marlin Kym – Duplex Representative – President
John Roberts – Duplex Representative – Vice President
Lenora Gehring – Single Home Representative – Secretary
Julaine Goering – At Large Representative
Art Krehbiel, Jr. – Krehbiel Apartment Representative
Kathy Flickinger – Single Home Representative
Mabel Goering – Krehbiel Apartment Representative
Dorothy Tillock – Six Plex Representative
The Resident Council By Laws state the purpose of the Council as:
The Resident Council shall be composed of residents of The Village and Krehbiel Apartments. The purpose of the Resident Council is to serve the resident community. It shall study
(and give opinions) on the concerns / problems presented by residents. It may create a committee
to study proposals and then make suggestions to the Council. The Council shall serve as a sounding board to help committees determine the wishes and concerns of the residents. The Resident
Council may make proposals to the Administration and the Board of Directors on behalf of the
A big THANK YOU to all those who have contributed to the “Put Your
Mark on the Pine Village” signage campaign. More than $15,000 has been
raised so far, but we still have about $8,700 left to raise to finish the project.
If you would like to contribute to the general signage fund or underwrite a
specific sign (there are two of the five left) to have your name or family’s name
commemorated, please contact Jim Huxman, Administrator, or Shelby Shaw,
Director of Marketing, 620.345.2901.
The main sign has a digital sign on it for announcements and birthdays,
so if you have something you would like announced, please let Shelby Shaw
know (620.345.2901 or [email protected]). Also, the directional
signage around town has been recently updated to Pine Village.
Page 5
Who does not thank for little will not thank for much. – Estonian Proverb
Resident Highlights
By Shelby Shaw
Independent Living – Gwen Schlender
Gwen Schlender grew up in College
Springs, Iowa, and then attended Sterling College in Sterling, Kan. Little did she know that
Kansas would introduce her to her future husband, Fred, or that it would soon become her
permanent home.
Gwen and Fred moved to Pine Village in
2001, and although he has since passed, Gwen
said they very much enjoyed their time here together.
“We had both individually decided we wanted to move to Memorial
Home upon retirement and one day I mentioned that to Fred and he said he
had been thinking the same thing,” Gwen said with a laugh. “Moundridge
has always been home, even after we moved to Burrton.”
Gwen taught history in Moundridge, before the family moved to
Burrton where she taught English for 25 years. In fact, some of her former
students live in The Village today!
Gwen says her favorite thing about living at Pine Village is that it’s
friendly and comfortable. She enjoys her neighbors and regular visits from
the Miskimen’s dog, Harvey. Gwen also enjoys reading and keeping house.
Gwen and Fred enjoyed traveling and those were some of the best
times of their lives. Specifically, a trip to Europe when they revisited Fred’s
time in prison camp during the war; they traveled with another group of
veterans and it was healing for Fred and good for Gwen to be able to get a
little insight to his time there. They also traveled to the U.S.’s east and west
coasts and Canada.
When asked if she has any advice she’d like to pass on, Gwen says
to enjoy life and each day as it comes. Gwen has four children and three
Assisted Living – Dan Jaso
Dan Jaso has been a member of the Pine Village family since February
2011. A native of Kiowa, Kan., he also has lived in Beloit and Lyons, where
he retired from Southern Star Pipeline. Dan says his favorite part about living at Pine Village is the food, supper in particular. He also said the nurses
are very nice and everyone here is so helpful in answering his questions.
Dan enjoys fishing and is looking forward to
warmer temperatures so he can fish at the Pine
Village pond. He also loves to bowl on the Wii
and at the lanes when Pine Village goes to the
bowling alley. And, for those of you who don’t
know Dan, will know that he’s a Giants baseball fan when you see him in his Giants cap and
Dan says one of the most exciting and interesting trips he’s ever taken was when he was a kid. Dan grew up Catholic
and the Church took all the servers on a trip to Carlsbad Caverns in New
Mexico and also to Mexico. He says that trip still sticks out in his mind,
because they saw a poverty stricken area of Mexico, and were reminded of
their daily blessings.
Dan has two children and four grandchildren.
Health Care – Gladys Goering
Gladys Goering has been a member of the
Pine Village community since 2009. A native of
Fremont, S.D., Gladys attended Bethel College,
where she met her future husband, Elmer…..for
the second time. Elmer grew up in Moundridge
but had relatives in Fremont. When visiting those
relatives he met Gladys one time on her front
porch. Then, after she moved to Bethel College,
Elmer’s step-mom invited her over for dinner.
Gladys says looking back it was a set up, however she didn’t realize it at
the time. Gladys has since called Kansas home.
Gladys favorite part about living at Pine Village is the freedom from
having to solve problems alone. It’s a pretty worry-free lifestyle with excellent care, she said.
In her spare time, Gladys enjoys reading, doing puzzles and word
games. She also participates in Bingo and most of the other events here.
Gladys said some of the best times in her life were the travels she and
her husband took, which include every state in the United States, including
Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. They also traveled to Manatoba (Canada),
France, and Japan. Alaska ranks as one of her favorite destinations because
it’s so different. Vacations became very special to her and Elmer.
Gladys has two sons.
Memory Lane – Shirley Loganbill
Shirley Loganbill has been a member of the
Pine Village community since late 2011. Born in
Newton, Shirley was raised in Goessel and then
raised her family in Moundridge, with her husband
Leonard “Junior”. Shirley says her and Junior met
at her church in Goessel when he was singing in a
men’s choir. She said it was not love at first site for
her, but it was for him! Junior admits it was, he said
he saw her sitting with a group of girls and asked Shirley’s cousin, Richard
Huxman, who she was – from then on it’s history!
At the time Shirley met Junior she was the School Mom at Meadowlark School, then she later taught first grade in Hesston. Junior says they
have always liked kids, in fact they have a license plate on their car that
reads “We Love Kids!” Besides enjoying kids, Shirley also enjoys reading.
Some of her favorite things to do at Pine Village include sleeping, exercise
classes, attending parties and celebrations, and also the meals.
Shirley and Junior enjoy traveling. Some of their best memories are
trips they took in their pop-up camper when their kids were growing up.
They traveled to Michigan, Rhode Island, New York, Washington, D.C.
and Portland. Junior said their camper was popped up at least 17 times –
which was more than enough to wear it out. But they had great fun every
time they got that camper out!
The couple also has fond memories of going to Arizona to teach Sunday School on a reservation. Shirley went about three times and Junior
went once. After they raised their family, Shirley and Junior continued traveling and have enjoyed trips to San Antonio to see the Riverwalk and the
Alamo, as well as Albuquerque, N.M., for the balloon festival. They also
went to Rhode Island and rode a ferry to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Junior recalls that the ferry was seven or eight stories high carrying 200
trucks and hauled shrimp on it; he said, with a laugh, “it was a stinky mess
but very exciting to see!”
Shirley and Junior have four boys, two of which are twins, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Page 6
He that jokes confesses. – Italian Proverb
Tidbits From The Past
These are excerpts from Memorial Home
Newsletter archives
34 Years Ago
(taken from the inaugural issue)
Did you know there are 42 residents 27
women, 15 men and three couples that live at
Memorial Home?
The annual Bazaar held in November
brought in more than $1,000 - a major portion will go to fund a new projector.
25 Years Ago
Two Memorial Home employees, Violet L. Stucky, dietary, and Sandra Waltner,
CNA, put their talents to work and wrote
music and words to a song as a tribute to Memorial Home. (copies are available)
Construction of the eight-bed addition to
the west wing of our Health Care center has
10 Years Ago
New village residents Leo and Lola Miller joined our family of residents.
Administrator, Sheldon Klassen ends his
six year tenure at Memorial Home.
5 Years Ago
Carolyn Goering, RN, joined the staff at
Memorial Home as the Community Mentor,
a new position
Benefit Day totals were $30,933, a new
tractor for the maintenance staff has been
purchase with the funds.
Rod & Ida Huebert were the featured residents. They moved to Pine Village in 2005
from rural Galva.
By Jim Huxman
This year Kim Sweely, Director of Human Resources, and I decided to break from the
tradition of giving out years of service awards in public settings like in-services, Christmas parties and employee get-togethers, etc. Instead, I had the individual recipients come to my office
where I personally was able to thank them for the years of service and give them their pins,
certificates and financial bonus. I liked this approach and it proved especially rewarding for me
and once again underscored what former administrator, David Schrag, observed many years ago
– Pine Village is its people – very CARING PEOPLE.
Following are the employees who received years of service recognition:
35 Years of Service
Ruth Gehring
15 Years of Service
Catina Pitts – nursing
Pat Rupp – nursing
10 Years of Service
Teresa Stahl – receptionist
Connie Graber – clerical
Jim Huxman – administration
Carol Stucky – social services
Debra Ratzloff – nursing
Caryl Tieszen – wellness center
Rebecca Stetzer Clark – wellness center
Kolene Sugars – beauty shop
Julie Wedel – beauty shop
5 Years of Service
Carolyn Goering – nursing
Stacie Kasper – nursing
2 Years of Service
Debby Gustafson – maintenance
Wendell Becker – maintenance
Minerva Munoz – housekeeping
Rosemary Balzer – dietary
Mary Vogts – dietary
Lynette Johnson – activities
Shelly Hushbeck – nursing
Stephanie Hushbeck – nursing
Taylor Schrag – nursing
Brad Jantz – nursing
Elicia Forbis – nursing
Annie Sieber – nursing
Ivy Fattig – nursing
Kay Funk – nursing
Dawna Schmidt – wellness center
Without this dedicated staff, Pine Village would not be the special caring place it is!
A Look Back In Time: Christian, Kansas
and the Christian Corner Gazette
By Becki Yoder
Everyone who travels to Pine Village on 22nd Avenue has seen
the large limestone monument at 22nd Avenue and Arapahoe Road
that reads “Christian, Kansas 1875 –1887”. So what does that sign
cut from limestone represent? What is Christian, Kansas? Why the
name Christian, Kansas? Was there really a Christian, Kansas?
According to the book, Century One: History of Moundridge
Kansas 1887-1987, prior to the establishment of the town of
Moundridge, Kan., in 1886, the first settlement in the area was located one mile south of the present city of Moundridge. That original
site is located on the Pine Village campus. At this location four farmers owned land who all, coincidently, shared the same first name of
Christian; Christian Voran, Christian Krehbiel, Christian Hirschler,
and Christian Stuckie (spelling as it appears in the book). This cre-
ated a rectangle of land
one mile wide and 1 ½
miles long associated
with the name Christian.
There was one common corner, or point,
where all four tracts of
the “Christian’s” land
intersected. It stood to
reason that the most appropriate name for the
settlement would be Christian, Kan.
Today that common corner is located on the Pine Village campus in the backyard of Neva and Howard Kaufman. It is that bit of
history that generated the current name for the Pine Village Gazette
- the Christian Corner Gazette.
Page 7
A true word needs no oath. – Turkish Proverb
As the “new” kid on the block I look forward to meeting all Pine
Village’s Board of Directors, staff, residents, donors, and volunteers all
of which are a part of this wonderful retirement community. The combination of these dedicated individuals make Pine Village a source of
caring and community pride.
For those individuals who are reading our quarterly “Gazette” for
the first time, come take a tour of our retirement village, or join our current family of financial donors by becoming a giver. Pine Village and the
Memorial Home Endowment Foundation have many opportunities for
sharing your treasure throughout the year and into the future. We count
on your financial generosity for the continuance of the wonderful care
that is provided to the Pine Village community of residents.
Thank you for your gifts!
To Pine Village
Abate of Kansas District 9
Rosetta Auernheimer
Aline Bachman
James and Elaine Baker
Rosemary Balzer
Robert and DeLonna Barnett
Cindy Bartell
Darleen Bartell
Duane & Sharon Becker
Bob’s Body Works
Velma Boehs
Gib & Kay Burgan
Stanley and Janice Claassen
Digital Office Systems
B.C. & Joyce Dirks
Michael & Kathy Neufeld Dunn
Kenneth & Leona Dyck
Margie Dyck
Eden Mennonite Church
Gerhard & Vonnie Fast
First Mennonite Church of Christian
First Mennonite Church, Halstead
First Mennonite Church, McPherson
Lee & Kathy Flickinger
Arlo & Geneva Flickner
Doris Flickner
Fernetta Fundenberger
Garden Community Church
Ruth Galle
Lenora Gehring
Marlo Gehring
Robert & Sharon Gehring
Darlene Goering
David & Margaret Goering
DeAnna Goering
Homer & Dorothy Goering
Jay & Linda Goering
Joan Goering
Julaine Goering
Keith & Judy Goering
Kirby & Christine Goering
Leland and Leona Goering
Lloyd Goering
Lorene Goering
LuVerna Goering
Mabel Goering
Myron & Carolyn Goering
Randy & Annette Goering
Randy & Kathy Goering
Susan Goering
Tim & Nancy Goering
Toby & Erma Goering
Verne & Ruth Goering
Virgil & Verna Goering
Reva Goodwin
Clark & Connie Graber
Harvey & Mary Graber
Andy & Lillian Harms
Irvin & Evelyn Harms
John and Candace Harris
Gary & Bonita Howard
Rod and Ida Huebert
Jim & Alice Huxman
Richard & Margie Huxman
David & Cindy Janzen
Dennis & Rhonda Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Allen Kaufman
Brian Kaufman
Del & Ann Kaufman
Elsie Kaufman
Howard & Neva Kaufman
Jerome & Bonnie Kaufman
Lorraine Kaufman
Margie Kaufman
Ruth Kaufman
Verlene Kaufman
Virgil & Vernell Kaufman
Keith Schrag Insurance
Rita & Patrick Kirkpatrick
Jeff & Becky Koller
Ken & Cheri Krehbiel
THANK YOU to all who have supported our events this past year
and to the volunteers and staff that made the events happen!
Please contact me for information on how you can “share your treasure” and support this wonderful community.
I Look forward to meeting you!
Jim Reese
Director of Fund Development
Memorial Home Endowment Board of Directors
Randy Goering
Chet Roberts
Susan Schrag
Robin Schrag
Rod Huxman
Marie Krehbiel
Melva Krehbiel
Rick & Pat Krehbiel
Richard Kruse
Barbara Lehmberg
Larry & Karen Loganbill
Leonard & Shirley Loganbill
Varden & Luella Loganbill
Don Miller
M Leo and Sheryl Miller
Charles & Dona Miskimen
National Cooperative Refinery Assoc
Clara Ortman
Dale and Janet Ortman
Frederick and Helen Ortman
Shaun and Kaitlen Ortman
Dorothy Otte
Pathfinders Physical Therapy & Consulting
Kenneth & Marilyn Preheim
Marlan & Marvella Ratzlaff
Bryan & Sharon Reber
Kathy Regier
Ruth Ann & Chuck Ritthaler & Chuck
John and Karen Roberts
Orville & Naomi Rutschman
Gwen Schlender
Dawna Schmidt
Fred and Polly Schrag
Gordon & Annie Schrag
Keith & Connie Schrag
Kyle & Robin Schrag
Milo & Anne Schrag
Neva Schrag
Randall & Marilyn Schrag
Wilda Schrag
Landon and Shelby Shaw
Merle and Bonnie Speer
Alfred & Ellen Stucky
Ben & Jeanette Stucky
Bruce & Mary Kay Stucky
Clair Stucky
Clarene Stucky
Connie Stucky
Phil Lorenz
Jay Goering
Joe Zerger
Duane Becker
Eugene Stucky
Harlan Stucky
Herb & Denise Stucky
Hulda Stucky
James and Barbara Stucky
Jason and Leigh Stucky
Marjean Stucky
Marvin & Marjorie Stucky
Phyllis Stucky
Orville & Mary Ann Waltner
Randall & Rita Stucky
Richard & Betty Jo Stucky
Robert and Cheryl Stucky
Stan and Marsha Stucky
Wesley & Ashley Stucky
Harold & Esther Thieszen
Dorothy Tillock
Doreen Unruh
Lloyd & Sue Vogt
Daniel & Jeanette Wedel
Dave & Zettie Wedel
Dennis Wedel
Florene Wedel
Gerry Wedel
Homer & Marie Wedel
Norman & Nadine Wedel
Melva Wiebe
Ferd & Lurline Wiens
James Will
Becki & Evan Yoder
Eldon & Tillie Zerger
Gifts In Memory
Dean and Rita Allmon
Elaine Froese-Walstrom
Stan & Judy Guyer
Chester L & Leola Koehn
Joyce Lindenberger
James R & Rachel Lohrenz
Larry and Delores Morgan
Moridge Manufacturing
Clara Ortman
Dorothy Otte
Merle and Marilyn Schrag
Brian & Marlis Wilcox
Becki & Evan Yoder
Non-Profit Org
Postage Paid
Permit No. 26
Moundridge, KS
Pine Village Inc.
86 22nd Avenue
Moundridge, KS 67107
Phone: 620-345-2901
Fax: 620-345-2937
Wellness Center: 620-345-2900
Holidays at Pine Village
Christian Corner Gazette Committee
Jim Huxman - Administrator
Becki Yoder - Director of Wellness Center
Shelby Shaw - Director of Marketing
Board of Directors
Allen Seeber, President
Randy Stucky, Vice President
Jeff Koller, Secretary
Tim Goering, Treasurer
Yvonne Fast
Lou Fensky
Ruth Oltmanns
Dale Ortman
Ken Preheim
Robert Swan
Dave Wedel
Top left – Santa with Dorothy Stucky
Bottom Left – Shelby Shaw &
Pamela Janssen with Santa
Top Middle – Moundridge
Elementary Students performed their
annual Christmas Concert.
Bottom Middle – Santa with Clara
Right – Pine Village’s service dog,
Fizz, pulled Santa’s sleigh. Also
pictured is Jim Huxman, another one
of Santa’s helpers!
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Supporting Churches
Eden Mennonite Church
Emmanuel Bible Church
First Mennonite Church–Halstead
First Mennonite Church–McPherson
Moundridge Evangelical Free Church
First Mennonite Church of Christian
Garden Community Church
United Methodist Church
West Zion Mennonite Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church