Research Proposal Presentation
Research Proposal Presentation
Catalyst of Knowledge Tradition PhD. Islamiyyat Research Proposal Presentation By: SITI AWA ABU BAKAR 13PI01004 Sem 2: Session I/2014/2015 SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS DR. MARIAM BINTI ABDUL MAJID (HEAD) [IIUCS: AI (DAKWAH)] DR. HAJJAH AINI BINTI AHMAD [OUM: FNHS (NURSING SCIENCE)] ASSOC. PROF. DR. MOHD. BASRI BIN MD. NOR [IIUM: KULIYYAH OF MEDICINE (ANESTHESIOLOGY)] Content Outline: • Introduction • Literature review • Methodology • Data analysis • Conclusion Research Title Effects of Holy Quran Listening on Physiological Stress Response of Mechanically Ventilated Muslim Patients In Intensive Care Unit Background of the study Problem statement Research Objective Introduction Significance and Contribution Limitation and scope Theoretical Framework Background of the study About 25% experienced anxiety & stress (Davydow, Desai, Needham, Bienvenu, 2008; Davydow, Gifford, Desai, Bienvenu, Needham, 2009). Many factors contributing to these psychological disturbances (Hopkins, Key, Suchyta, Weaver, Orme, 2010). Problem Statement ICU Stressors Adverse effects of sedations Muslim Believes and Practices Increase LOS Nurses cannot prescribe medication Increase expenses Research Objective To examine effects of Holy Quran listening on physiological stress response of MV Muslim patients Research Questions 1. Are there any relationships between demographic data with stress physiological response of MV Muslim patients of three study groups? 2. Are there any relationships between clinical characteristics with stress physiological response of MV Muslim patients of three study groups? 3. Are there any means difference in physiological response parameters of MV Muslim from intervention group compare to the other two group of the study? 4. Are there any effects of listening to Holy Quran recitations on physiological stress response parameters of intervention group compare to the other two group of the study? Hypotheses (Ha) • Intervention group will exhibit greater means difference in physiological stress response parameters than placebo and control groups. • Intervention group will exhibit greater effects on physiological response parameters than placebo and control groups. Operational Definition • Holy Quran Listening Listen to Al Fatihah & Ya-Seen recitation via headphone. • Physiological stress response Heart rate (HR), Systolic BP (sBP), Diastolic BP (dBP), SaO2, PaO2, Serum Cortisol, Blood Glucose. • Mechanically ventilated Muslim patients Muslim patients who are alert and receiving ventilation through mechanical respirator either via endotracheal tube, tracheostomy or mask. Significance of the study Reduce stress & anxiety Atari,Sajedi & Heydari S.M. (2000). Grant (2004) 9/26/2014 Promote weaning Stanley (2009) Al Bukhary Reduce complication Dossey(1996) Promote Comfort Kolkaba (2003) Limitation & Scope of the Study • Small population, mechanically ventilated Muslim patients. • Listen to readily recorded identified chapters of Holy Quran via headphone. • Only to examine the effects of listening of Holy Quran on physiological stress response • Limited access of research grant • Researcher have limited knowledge and skills in tafsir al Quran and Hadith Theoretical Framework Listening to ⁺⁺ Al Fatihah and Yaseen (Duraseh & Mohd Doha, 2007) MV Muslim patients with Stress (Chlan 2013) Intervening Variables: Age Gender Ventilation Mode Category of patients Medication Type of disease SIRS SAPS SOFA APACHE II RAS Procalcitonin level Date of intubation Relief Normal physiological parameters: HR, BP, MAP, RR, SaO2, PaO2, (Yucel 2008) Stress biomakers serum cortisol & blood glucose (Nelson, 2009) Ease Transcend ence Early extubation Date of extubatiom (Chlan 2013) Shorter length of stay in ICU: APACHE II score, Date of discharge from ICU & Length of stay (Chlan 2013) (Modification of Kolkaba’s Theory of Comfort (2010) Comfort Literature Review Holy Quran Listening Islamic Perspective Holy Quran Hadith Nursing Perspective Related Research LR: What Holy Quran have said? Allah is As-Shafi; The Healer: َقا ِتلُو ُه ْم ٌ َُع ِّذ ْب ُه ُم ه ٌِن ُ َِّللاُ ِبؤ َ ٌْدٌِ ُك ْم َوٌ ُْخ ِز ِه ْم َو ٌَنصُرْ ُك ْم َع َلٌ ِْه ْم َو ٌَ ْشف َ ور َق ْو ٍم م ُّْإ ِمن َ ص ُد Allah have said that: • “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and satisfy the breasts of a believing people” (Q9:14) ُ َْوإِ َذا َم ِرض ٌِن ِ ت َفه َُو ٌَ ْشف Allah have said that: • “And when I am ill, it is He who cures me” (Q26:80) Allah have said that: • ور َو ُه ًدى َو َرحْ َم ٌة ُّ ٌَا أَ ٌُّ َها ال هناسُ َق ْد َجا َء ْت ُكم م ْهو ِع َظ ٌة مِّن ره ِّب ُك ْم َو ِش َفا ٌء لِّ َما فًِ ال ِ ص ُد ٌن َ لِّ ْلم ُْإ ِم ِن • O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers (QS10:57) • َُّللا َت ْط َمئِنُّ ْالقُلُوب ِ َّللا ۗ أَ ََل ِب ِذ ْك ِر ه ِ ٌن آ َم ُنوا َو َت ْط َمئِنُّ قُلُو ُبهُم ِب ِذ ْك ِر ه َ اله ِذ • Allah SWT said that: • Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured. (QS13:28) ٌن ۙ َو ََل ٌَزٌ ُد ه ٌن إِ هَل َخ َسارً ا َ الظالِ ِم َ آن َما ه َُو ِش َفا ٌء َو َرحْ َم ٌة لِّ ْلم ُْإ ِم ِن ِ َْو ُن َن ِّز ُل ِم َن ْالقُر ِ • Allah have said that: And We send down from the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe (QS 17: 82) ..ۚ َّللا ِ ُث هم َتلٌِنُ ُجلُو ُد ُه ْم َوقُلُو ُب ُه ْم إِلَ ٰى ِذ ْك ِر ه • Allah have said that: …and then their skins and their hearts soften for Allah's remembrance..(QS 39:23). • The Quran itself is referred to as a ‘cure’ and ‘mercy’ : ٌِن ُّ ٌَا أَ ٌُّ َها ال هناسُ َق ْد َجا َء ْت ُكم م ْهوعِ َظ ٌة مِّن ره ِّب ُك ْم َوشِ َفا ٌء لِّ َما فًِ ال َ ور َو ُه ًدى َو َرحْ َم ٌة لِّ ْلم ُْإ ِمن ِ ص ُد Allah have said that: • “O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believer” (Q10:57) ٌِن ۙ َو ََل ٌَزٌ ُد ه ٌِن إِ هَل َخ َسارً ا َ الظالِم َ آن َما ه َُو شِ َفا ٌء َو َرحْ َم ٌة لِّ ْلم ُْإ ِمن ِ َْو ُن َن ِّز ُل م َِن ْالقُر ِ Allah have said that: • “And we send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy to the believers; but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss" (Q17:82) • Effects of reciting and listening to the Quran ٌن إِ َذا ُذ ِك َر ه ْ ٌَ ِت قُلُو ُب ُه ْم َوإِ َذا ُتل ْ ََّللا ُ َو ِجل ت َعلٌَ ِْه ْم آ ٌَا ُت ُه َزادَ ْت ُه ْم إٌِ َما ًنا َ ون اله ِذ َ إِ هن َما ْالم ُْإ ِم ُن ون َ َُو َعلَ ٰى َرب ِِّه ْم ٌَ َت َو هكل • The true believers are those who, when Allah's name is mentioned, their hearts quake, and when His verses are recited to them their faith grows, and who put their trust in their Lord (Q8:2) • Effects of reciting and listening to the Quran: ص ًّما َوعُمْ ٌَا ًنا ُ ت َرب ِِّه ْم لَ ْم ٌَخِرُّ وا َعلَ ٌْ َها ِ ٌِن إِ َذا ُذ ِّكرُوا ِبآ ٌَا َ َوالهذ Allah have said that: • who do not behave like the blind and the deaf, when the Revelations of their Lord are recited to them for admonition ;(Q25:73). ٰ ِ ث ِك َتابًا ُّم َت َشابهًا هم َثانًِ َت ْق َشعِرُّ ِم ْن ُه ُجلُو ُد الهذٌِن ٌ ْخ َش ْون ر هب ُهم ُثم َتلٌِنُ ُجلُو ُد ُهم وقُلُو ُب ُهم إلَ ٰى ِذ ْكر ه ه ك ِ ٌَِّللا ُ َن هز َل أَحْ َس َن ْال َحد َ َِّللا ۚ َذل َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ه ِ ْ ِ ِ َّللا ٌَ ْهدِي ِب ِه َمن ٌَ َشا ُء ۚ َو َمن ٌُضْ ل ِِل ه َّللا ُ َف َما لَ ُه مِنْ َها ٍد ِ ُهدَى ه Allah have said that: • Allah has revealed the best teaching, a self-consistent Book *43 which repeats its contents in manifold forms whereat shiver the skins of those that hold their Lord in awe, and then their skins and their hearts soften for Allah's remembrance. That is Allah's Guidance wherewith He guides whosoever He pleases. And he whom Allah does not guide to the Right Path has none to guide him. (Q39:23) LR: What Holy Quran have said? • Yucel (2007) : When Muslim perform worship (salat, du’a, holy Quran recitation, dhikr) it will ease the patient’s (if that is what is best for him or her): • the pain. • worry and fear. • anxiety • increases psychological comfort and enhances coping skills. LR: What Hadith have said? • Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) have said that: ما أنزل هللا داء إال أنزل له شفاء “Allah has not sent any disease without sending a cure for it” (Sahih al Bukhari: no 5354) • Al Fatihah • Ash-Shifa – Messenger of Allah (sallallahu „alayhi wa sallam) said: “The Opening of the Book is a cure to every poison.” • Ar-Ruqyah – It is also named Ar-Ruqya, the Spiritual Cure due to the hadith of Abu Sa‟id reported by Bukhari that after he had recited it to cure a person who had been bitten by a scorpion, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu „alayhi wa sallam) asked him, “…And what made you to know that it was a ruqya.” LR: What Hadith have said? • Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) have said that: ما أنزل هللا داء إال أنزل له شفاء “Allah has not sent any disease without sending a cure for it” (Sahih al Bukhari: no 5354 LR: What Hadith have said? • Surah Yaseen • Maqri (Rahmatullah Alaihi) said, “If Surah Yaseen is read by one who fears the ruler or an enemy, one gets rid of this fear.” LR: Nursing & Other Related Research Rath (2008) Chlan, (2013) Pre-test/post-test design Intercessory prayer 42 pre-term neonates no statistical significance between the groups for any outcome measures, outcomes were noted for salivary cortisol, behavioral state and acute complications for the prayer group. Salivary cortisol Behavioral state 70 MV patients3 groups RCT Self-initiated music Urine cortisol NIL No significant reduction in cortisol level Quasi=experimental Recitation of Al quran verses and du’a 60 adult patients Quasi experimental Recitation of holy Quran before cesaerian section 80 women RR, HR, BP Self reported surveys prayer session reported that they experienced a greater degree of spiritual comfort and strength. Urinary free cortisol Yucel (2008) AjorPaz & Ranjbar (2010) NA NA Related Research Author Study Design & aim Study Sample & Design Findings Woodmanse e, M.F. (2000) quasi-experimental, pretest, post-test Examine effects of intercessory prayer on stress level of individual prayors 50 prayors; 12 male AND 38 One group • Prayors not experienceing significant stress Han, L. (2010) Randomized placebocontrolled trial to examine effects of music on physiological stress response and anxiety level of mechanically ventilated patients in Chins 137 participants • Short-term randomly assigned therapeutic effects into 3 groups; of music listening music , placebo result in substantial and control group. reduction in physiological stress responses arising from anxiety of mechanically ventilated patients Related Research Author Study Design Study Sample & Design Fimdimgs Dijkstra, B.M. Randomized (2010) controlled trial to determine the effects of music on physiological response and sedation scores in sedated mechanically ventilated patients. 20 subjects were randomly assigned to experimental and control group. The exerimental group listened to music for 30 minutes over 2 days. • No significant difference on physiological parameters for both study groups but the sedation score significantly increase in the experimental group Mir Bagher AjorPaz, N. & Ranjbar, N. (2010) 80 women expecting LSCS randomly selected and assigned into 2 groups : control (30 members) and experimental (50 members) • Anxiety level decreased significantly n experimental group after intervention Quasi-experimental study to study the recitation effects of Holy Quran recitation on anxiety of women before cesarean. Related Research Author Study Design Study Sample & Design Fimdimgs Azar Avazeh, (2011) Quasi-experimental pretest-posttest to determine the effect of reciting the word “Allah” on the pain and agony of dressing change in burn patients 30 hospitalized • Reciting 100 burn patients who times word of recited 100 word of ‘Allah before and “ Allah” before and during burn during the dressing indicate procedure. successful effect in alleviating pain and anxiety. Mottaghi, M.E.; Esmaili, R. & Rohani, Z. (2011) Quai-experimental to investigate the effect of hearing to Holy Quran on the athlete competitive anxiety 80 female students • Listening to who attended sport Quran verses events were significantly assigned into reduced anxiety experimental and in athlete before control group. competition Related Research Author Study Design Study Sample & Design Fimdimgs Ko, Y. & Lin, P. (2011) One group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design to investigate the effect of a relaxation tape on level of anxiety in surgical patients. 80 surgical patients were given relaxation tape the day before scheduled surgery. • Relaxation tapes can significantly reduce the level of anxiety and vital signs of surgical patients. Nilson, U. (2008) RCT To evaluate the effect of bed rest with music on relaxation for patients who have undergone heart surgery on postoperative day one. Forty patients undergoing open CABG and/or aortic valve replacement surgery were randomly allocated to either music listening during bed rest (n = 20) or bed rest only (n = 20). • Listening to music during bed rest after open-heart surgery has some effects on the relaxation system as regards • s-oxytocin and subjective relaxations levels. Related Research Author Study Design Study Sample & Design Fimdimgs Sharifi, A.; Alipour, A. & Baharloei, S. (2012) Experimental pretestposttest with control group to compare the effect of music and holy quran voices on anxiety of women before cesarean. 45 women waiting for cesarean were assigned randomly into 3 groups (music, holy quran & control) • Voices of Holy Quran reduce anxiety greater than music before cesarean. Zulkarnain, N.A.; Abdul Kadir, R.S.S.; Murat, Z.H. & Isa, R.M. ( ) Experimental study to investigate and compare the effects of listening to Al-Quran and classical music on human brain wave using ECG. Participants were listened to Surah Yasin of Al Quran and Pachelbel’s Canon D major of classical musics. 28 healthy UiTM students • Listening to al Quran recitation increases the alpha band more than listening to the classical music. Related Research Author Study Design Study Sample & Design Fimdimgs Saadatmand, Randomized placebo-controlled V. (2013) trial to identify the effect of nature-based sounds intervention on agitation, anxiety level and physiological stress responses in patients under mechanical ventilation support. 60 ICU mechanically ventilated patients were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. 90 mins NBs were played to experimental group. • Experimenta l group had significantly lower sBP, dBP, anxiety and agitation levels yhan control group Chlan, L.L. et .al (2013) 65 particiants were assigned randomly into experimental, placebo and control groups. • Music not significantly reduce urine cortisol level. Randomized controlled trial to determine the effects of music listening on anxiety during ventilatory support and urine cortisol is an integrative measure of stress beside other demograhic and physiological parameters. Methodology Method & Study Setting » Experimental Design: Randomized Controlled Trial » Sampling (n=120) distributed randomly into 3 groups. Sample calculation is based on Nilson (2008) » Will be ethically conducted at Intensive Care Unit, Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang by having registered to National Medical Research Registration (NMRR). 36 9/26/2014 Sampling Criteria Inclusion • • • • • • Exclusion Muslim • Understand Malay and English language • Alert, mentally competence (RASS=0) Free from: Corticosteroids drugs Inotropic drugs 37 Hearing impairment / skull injury Mental health disorder 9/26/2014 Study Procedure Eligible and enrolled in the study (n=120) Pretest measures: SBP, DBP, MAP, HR, RR,SaO2, PaO2, Sr.Cortisol, Blood Glucose Intervention Group (n=40) Rest & Listen to Al-Fatihah & Ya Seen for 30 minutes via headphone Placebo Group (n=40) Rest & Listen to MusiCure for 30 minutes via headphone Control Group (n=40) Rest without listening to Al-Fatihah & Ya-Seen and MusiCure 30 minutes session quiet rest without prayer Monitor SBP, DSB, MAP, HR and RR, SPO2 at 5 minutes interval throughout the 30 minutes session Posttest (5 minutes after the 30 minutes session) SBP, DBP, MAP, HR, RR, SaO2, PaO2, Sr. Cortisol, Blood Glucose Posttest (5 minutes after the 30 minutes session) SBP, DBP, MAP, HR, RR, SaO2, PaO2Se. Cortisol, Blood Glucose 38 9/26/2014 Data analysis • Data will be analyzed by using SPSS software for window; will use: • Descriptive statistic • Parametric or non parametric statistic pending to the data distribution either normally or not normally distributed. • Will use Repeated Measures ANOVA to examine changes of physiological parameters and anxiety level within and among group. 21 DECEMBER 2011 39 Findings • Response rate will be descriptively analyzed. • The findings will be presented by following topics: • Demographic and clinical characteristics • Effect on physiological stress responses • Changes of physiological stress responses 2 DECEMBER 011 40 Implications » Nursing practice » cheap and convenient non-pharmacological complimentary nursing intervention. » Nursing research » More research on spiritual needs for the Muslim patients of Malaysia » Nursing education » prepare nurses for holistic nursing: integrate Islamic practices in nursing care for Muslim patients in the curriculum. » Health organization » Reduce cost and trusted by public, provide required material to support patients’ spiritual needs » International Islamic University College of Selangor » Give impact on IIUCS related to health science empirical research pertaining to Islamic Study. 9/26/2014 41 Conclusion • This RCT should be able to identify the therapeutic effects of listening to holy Quran recitation in reducing the physiological stress response of mechanically ventilated Muslim patients. • This study findings should be able to generalized as a relevance nursing intervention and into nursing body of knowledge. • This is a non-pharmacological nursing intervention that can be used as complementary adjunct in the care of patients those requiring mechanical ventilator support and critically ill. 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Nonpharmacological Interventions to Manage Common Symptoms in Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: Critical Care Nurse. Vol. 31(3): p.19-29. Study Gantt Chart Year Month 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2015 8 9 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2016 8 9 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 0 1 2 Topic Proposal Preparation & submission Ethical application Data Collection Data Analysis Write up Presentation Submission 2 DECEMBER 011 45