ccd news update - California Clubs of Distinction
ccd news update - California Clubs of Distinction
CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 1 CCD N NEWS UPDATE Second Quarter • 2015 THANK YOU SPONSORS Of The IHRSA REGIONAL ASSOCIATIONS’ GOLD SPONSOR RECEPTION GOLD SPONSOR Star Trac: David Summers, Rick Nelson, Nicole Harper & Mike Westcott ABC Financial: Clay Whittaker & Steve Ayers GOLD SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR Life Fitness: Brendan McGury, Paris Gaines, Mike Pooler, Nathan Green, Craig Spence & Nathan Berti SILVER SPONSOR Fitness Pak Insurance: Michael Farris, Tony Posas Ken McKay, Matt Bauer & Cody Conway SILVER SPONSOR Debit Success: Shaun Quincey GOLD SPONSOR Helix: Ken Carpenter & Scott Logan Precor: Greg Dearholt, Jason Blair, Jarred Willis & Adam Guier SILVER SPONSOR Power Systems: Jason Eason, Andrew Hunt, Emily Currence & Brian Fowler SILVER SPONSOR Sports & Fitness Insurance: Jennifer Urmston Lowe INSIDE THIS ISSUE 4 Looking Forward With Retrospective Eyes 14 What To Consider Before Acquiring That New Club 6 Club Industry Financials: A Tone Of Optimism 16 Are Your Independent Contractors Actually Employees? 8 Exploring The Service Fallacy 18 Launch A Summer Referral Program Now! 10 Marketing Yourself Out Of Business 12 How To Design A Corporate Wellness Program 20 Your Sales And Retention Software Can Save Money CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 2 2 Message From The Executive Director Lin Conrad Executive Director I encourage you to take a good look at the front page of the UpDate this quarter. CCD and our sister organizations (NEHRSA, MACMA, FitLife) are proud and thankful for the support these vendor members donated to make the Regional Reception at the IHRSA convention a success. Without their generosity, this event would not happen. When you speak to any of these vendors, please tell them how much YOU appreciate their support. In addition, I would like to remind our very loyal readers of the CCD News UpDate that this publication could not reach your club without the continuous support of our Associate Member advertisers. Please support them when you purchase products. Be sure to tell the sales people who contact you just how much you appreciate their support of this CCD publication. e UpDate has been sent to your club for thirteen years now and it is solely thanks to the advertisers in this issue. American With Disabilities Act’s Legal Requirements For Service Animals I have received several phone calls from club owners requesting information on “service animals”. It’s time to review the ADA legal requirements for service animals. Remember, the worst thing you can do is say NO to anyone. Have an interactive dialogue with the person requesting accommodation. NO is a recipe for disaster. What qualifies as a “service animal”? Under the ADA, a dog or miniature horse that “is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability” qualifies as a service animal. e “work” or “tasks” performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. For example, the service animal might pull a wheelchair, guide a visually impaired person, or assist an individual with psychiatric disabilities. Comfort animals and pets are NOT service animals. Comfort animals merely provide emotional support and are not individually trained to assist with a disability. What can you ask a customer who enters your club with an animal? Businesses and their representatives who come in contact with the public may ask only two questions of individuals regarding their service animals: 1. Is the animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform? What businesses may NOT ask (for example): 1. For proof of training or license for the service animal; 2. For the guest to explain or verify his/her disability; 3. For a demonstration of the service animal’s training or abilities. What you can and can’t ask almost makes it impossible to say anything. It’s a “catch 22” situation when you ask if the animal is required due to a disability but can’t ask the person what disability that would be (assuming it isn’t apparent). e ADA definition of a disability is complicated: qualifying mental disability; qualifying physical disability; history (record) of having a disability; condition that is perceived as a disability; or relationship (family, social, or other) with a disabled person. Yet, you don’t want you facility overrun by miniature horses or dogs. Do you have to alter your establishment to accommodate service animals? A public accommodation is not required to accommodate a service animal when doing so would result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of the business. e following examples DO NOT qualify as fundamental alterations: (1) Accommodation of a service animal at a location that serves food (even if health codes prohibit animals). (2) Accommodation at a busy sports facility. e following would qualify as a “fundamental alteration” and does not have to be accommodated: A service dog that is actively barking at a cinema or theater. Common questions and answers about service animals: 1. Allergies: Can we deny service animals if others are allergic? NO. 2. Fear: Can we deny service animals if others are afraid of dogs in general? NO. 3. Care: Is my club required to provide service animal care such as food or a place for the animal to relieve itself? NO. is information does not replace a legal opinion when you have an issue. See the attorneys who work with CCD under "Legal" on page 27. FYI: In the next few months, I’ll be moving from Northern California to Southern California. e only change will be our address (TBA). e service, email, and phone number will remain the same. Over the last 5 years I have been commuting back and forth from North to South. Now I will be commuting from South to North. ●●●● The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 3 3 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 4 4 Looking Forward With Retrospective Eyes Back in the late 70’s and early 80’s, we created and professed to be in the fitness business. We thought that, by being more fit, people would be healthier. We honestly believed that we would have a major effect on the then-growing obesity problem. We made it our mission to make America fitter. We’ve had good intentions. Unfortunately, we’ve fallen short in the “delivery system” part of the business. ere are two very By Michael Scott substantial evidence-based facts that Scudder cannot be over looked. (1) We have yet to eclipse the apparent glass ceiling of 17% of the population being members of health clubs. Presently, that percentage sits at just about 16.5% and our industry annually turns over 40% of its consumer base. Since 1991, we have sold well over 300 million memberships, but show only 16% of that number now on the national membership books. (2) Our business is rapidly being taken over by “the bigs.” Assessing membership ownership of the top 100 results in a realization that slightly under 10% of national health clubs control more than 40% of memberships. at number is advancing every year. Predictably, at the present rate, by 2017 the bigs will control one of every two U.S. memberships - leaving it to the remaining 28,000 plus independent clubs to divvy up 30 million memberships. What happened? Honestly, a lot of things. But to put it in perspective, there are really five causatives to investigate if we are to arrive at workable, going-forward solutions. (1) e original “fitness/exercise business” too rapidly became the “membership business.” (2) e membership model became broken but nobody paid attention. (3) “Build it they will come” didn’t work. (4) We restricted our operating paradigm to physicality. (5)We have lagged way behind in effective use of technology. The Original Fitness/Exercise Business Became The Membership Business Initially, industry pioneers were marketing fitness and exercise. We weren’t very sophisticated. We just believed that what we had learned for ourselves would apply to everybody. We stood on street corners and at commuter-train stations and handed out flyers and free passes and business cards. We begged people to come and take a look at what we were doing. We did most of it without the blessings of medical practitioners or other social influencers. e introduction of electronic funds transfer “EFT” changed our game from “prepaid” every-3-months or annual memberships to a monthly-debit model. While it was definitely a positive turn for the industry, at the same time we lost sight of the objective. It became about "selling memberships.” And it’s remained there for over 30 years. What’s wrong with that, you ask? Perhaps an analogy will work here. ere’s a story about the irascible automobile entrepreneur Henry Ford being interviewed by an up-and-coming national newspaper reporter. e reporter kept insisting on asking questions about car sales. Finally, exasperated, Ford blasted out: “Young man, this business is not about selling cars! It is about providing affordable transportation to the average American!” The Membership Model Became Broken As early as the late 80’s, some companies experimented with low-price memberships, non-contract agreements, and even selling short-term programs to consumers who balked at constrictive membership policies. Rather than embracing “give the people what they want”, our industry dominantly offered only “do it our way” options for consumer participation. We rode the coat-tails of other businesses that wrapped their operations around ongoing memberships at mid-level pricing. We failed to look at price points, and we set ourselves up for the early 2000’s influx of “budget clubs” that now make up better than ¼ of all facilities. Inherent in the fixed membership model was a promise of “results” that simply could not be realistically fulfilled. How can a club of several thousand members, with a ratio of members-to-staff of 50 or 60 to 1 possibly execute workable programming for each individual? How the public has obviously viewed the above is at best skeptical. And they are increasingly voting with their feet. The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 5 5 “Build It They Will Come” Didn’t Work Unfortunately, most of the major industry influencers have inadvertently promoted the building of more and more facilities as the method to get more people interested in fitness-within-4-walls. e “Field of Dreams” theory just hasn’t played out very well. Some industry experts say that our industry is in a maturation phase, where supply exceeds demand, prices decline, and an eventual consolidation occurs (many businesses close their doors). ere are more mergers and buyouts of good players causing the fragmentation of industry sectors. at is certainly evident in our business at present. A few gurus even say that bricks-and-mortar fitness is a thing of the past yet waiting to happen. ey illustrate increased usage of fitness apps, online training and exercise services, and the exponentially developing wearables industry as evidence that fitness is entering a new phase which will not be dominated by clubs. We Restricted Our Operating Paradigm One of the tenents of our business has been the insistence on “physical fitness.” While a worthy prototype, it has proven to be incredibly limiting on a longer-term basis. As America has aged, there is less and less personal emphasis on the physical and greater interest in the multiple elements that contribute to an individual being well. Our advertising and programming attest to an overall industry that is out-of-step with the masses. A recent review of the major industry magazines showed three of every four ads being about young, good-looking, fit hard bodies. Walk into just about any club in the country and you’re likely to see exercise classes and group protocols aimed at and organized around a constituency (under 40’s and fit) that now makes up less than half of national membership rolls. Way back in the late 80’s there were people trying to influence our business to include “wellness.” It seems as though we either could not comprehend the inclusion of emotional, intellectual, social, environmental, vocational and spiritual factors into our endeavors - or that we thought we had such a good thing going that we opted not to change it. For most of the last three decades, certifying agencies have concentrated 90% of their curriculum on the physical. We have notably been short-sighted in keeping up with the other factors leading to changes in the wants and needs of our populations. We’ve Lagged Behind In Technology Effectiveness As one tech expert from outside our industry noted to me in a recent call: “Michael, it appears as though your industry is technophobic! Club operators are pretty much limiting their techno-operations to checking people in and collecting money.” Club management databases came into being with the EFT revolution. Elementary LCD readouts on equipment came a little later. Tie-ins of workouts with data collection and distribution arrived in the late 90’s and is still in “captive” form rather than “open-access” across various brands of equipment. Results of recent surveys show that our industry is considerably behind in marketing to our constituents. Consider the findings in a just-completed Fitness Business Council survey of over 400 clubs. (1) Over 80% of respondents agreed that “fitness facilities must use apps and other smart technologies to grow their businesses,” but only 50% reported they presently use apps and 30% incorporate wearables into their facility offerings. (2). Less than a third of clubs have a written bring-your-own-device policy for members and staff, leaving the protection of data and identities wide open. (3) In only 30% of facilities can members buy CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 6 6 Club Industry Financials: A Tone Of Optimism Apparently, the club industry has put the thoughts of the recession behind it. Clubs of all types are seemingly pleased with recent results and optimistic about the remainder of 2015. New builds are flourishing. e ease of entry has always been there, but more current club companies are adding to their portfolio along with a variety of newcomers. Few clubs are closing. e U.S. economy By Rick Caro is improving and unemployment rates continue to decline. Consumer confidence gets stronger. e club industry is aligned with a series of positive trends and underlying factors. returned to the 2006-2007 levels. e total number of members in the overall club industry grew, as did the number of total commercial clubs in the U.S. 2014 Headlines Data from a variety of sources, including IHRSA, highlights the key club metrics in an upward direction. e comparison of same club revenues versus the previous year shows a slightly improved direction. Non-dues revenue has increased, in contrast to a year ago. Net memberships overall are improving over the previous year, with control over attrition rates playing a major role. ere is still a challenge to the predictability to a specific month’s total versus the previous year. EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) margins continue to improve, especially over the recession years of 2009-2011. However, these margins have still not Debt Financing A Major Resource For the last two years, debt financing has been very available for financing and re-financing purposes. It has still been difficult for new builds by club developers with no previous track record. Both local banks and SBA approvals have been difficult to obtain for such start-ups. Cash-flow based lending has reached to new levels of multiples of EBITDA dollars. Leverage has led more private equity firms to enter the industry and pay higher values for groups of clubs. Asset-based lending to existing club owners has been offered at very attractive interest rates and terms and with respectable loan-to-value ratios. is has been an ideal time to access debt for club operators, franchisors and even franchisees and private equity firms. ere have been several segments showing continued facility acceleration including the niche studio sector, HV/LP (high-volume, low-priced) clubs and 24-hour, 7-day a week, all-access clubs. e studio segments who showed substantial increases were the barre classes, boot camps, HITT (high-intensity interval training) facilities, yoga, Pilates, group cycling, boxing/kick boxing and small-group training. Many of these utilized the franchise concept. Landlords have continued to be attracted to the health club industry with more attractive real estate deals than previously. 2014 saw construction costs start to increase after a series of flat years. The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 7 7 Active Club Transaction Market 2014 has seen a substantial increase in the number and types of club deals. ere is always talk of the movement for serious club consolidation. But, there has never been a year where even 1% of the total commercial clubs were sold to other clubs. Often, one private equity firm buys out another. In one case in 2013, one club company (Club Corp.) went public. e past year saw the Millennium Clubs (dba Sports Club/LA), Sport & Health, e RUSH, Atlanta Fitness and Bally Total Fitness (30 Clubs) all sold to other club companies. After this Bally sale, it now may mark the shutting down of what was the largest club company going back to the 1960s and 1970s. Other sales of note included two managed companies of in-house fitness facilities (Medifit and L&T Health & Fitness), a regional franchise group of Planet Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness (2nd largest club company), two yoga companies (Yoga Works and Core Power Yoga) and some other specialty companies (Flywheel). High-end companies were sold (e Bay Club Company) as well as HV/LP companies (YOU FIT). Norwest Equity Partners, who previously owned LifeTime Fitness before it went public, has returned to invest in e Edge clubs in Connecticut. LNK Partners, who presently own Beach Body and Fitness Connection, are now buying in 2015 part of LifeTime Fitness when it goes back private. Private equity was drawn to the HV/LP segment (VASA clubs and EOS clubs) as well as the all-access clubs (Anytime Fitness). is has been a heavy period of club transactions, which has not been witnessed previously. Even local clubs are finding buyers, although the process can be difficult. Many privately owned clubs are still hoping for values, which may have been possible in 2007 but not since then. Independents still struggle to understand their practical valuation levels today and then do not know how to execute a proper sales process. is leads to favor third-party sales from this segment. ere have been no international companies investing in the club industry in the U.S. and only Equinox and LA Fitness are venturing into Canada. Equinox has only one unit in London. Several franchisors have been recently growing their market share in other countries. e market continues to be receptive to regional players expanding their footprints by both acquisitions and new builds. No strategic partners from analogous industries have been investors in the club industry. Other Relevant News e club industry always is concerned about the theoretical quick-fix solution to weight loss. But, commercial diet centers are still lacking long-term success with an exercise component. e proverbial diet pill has not been a serious threat yet, as several have garnered FDA acceptance or are still going through trial stages. Many club owners feel the threat of competition from the non-profit sector. But in recent years the components of this sector have seen little growth, including hospital wellness centers, parks, recreation centers, JCCs, military base centers and member-owned clubs. e one category which has seen major growth is the university fitness center, with typical buildings costing $60-$80 million. ey are intentionally overbuilt for today’s student enrollment. e key concern is whether they choose to open them up to the local community, at below-market rates. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 8 8 Exploring The Service Fallacy By Bill McBride I’m an advocate of great customer service and technology as a tool to solve problems. Technology for technology sake is not a strategy. Using technology to solve issues coupled with human touch can be a game changer. Don’t fall into “e Technology Fallacy” in the belief that technology in and of itself is a strategy. e old adage “What’s in it for me?” from a customer’s perspective will always hold true. I want to focus on a specific arena of customer service to shed some light on the fallacy of overly scripted “service attempts”. First, let’s review some definitions: From Wikipedia: Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al. (2002), "Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. at is the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation." e perception of success of such interactions will be dependent on employees "who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest," according to Micah Solomon. Customer service can also refer to the culture of the organization. e priority the organization assigns to customer service relative to other components, such as product innovation or low price. In this sense, an organization that values good customer service may spend more money in training employees than the average organization, or proactively interview customers for feedback. Customer service plays an important role in an organization's ability to generate income and revenue. From that perspective, customer service should be included as part of an overall approach to systematic improvement. A customer’s service experience can change the entire perception a customer has of the organization. From Wikipedia: Customer experience is the sum of all experiences at various touch-points a customer has with a supplier of goods and/or services, over the duration of their relationship. is can include awareness, discovery, attraction, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation and advocacy. It can also be used to mean an individual experience over one transaction; the distinction is usually clear in context. As the economics of customer experience hang on the 'distinct economic offer' definition, one conclusion some commentators have made is that the 'experience as everything' definition is in fact a reworking of 'service excellence'. Analysts and commentators who write about customer experience and customer relationship management have increasingly recognized the importance of managing the customer's experience. A company's ability to deliver an experience that sets it apart in the eyes of its customers, serves to increase the amount of consumer spending with the company and, optimally, inspire loyalty to its brand. "Loyalty," says Jessica Sebor, "is now driven primarily by a company's interaction with its customers and how well it delivers on their wants and needs." (2008). My take: customer service is personal. It’s about personality and wowing someone with how much you care about them and their experience. Customer experience is more global in approach. So by definition, service has to start with company culture, including who you hire, how you train and then add in the benefits of technologies to help service flourish across the customer base. “The perception of success of such interactions will be dependent on employees who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest." - Wikipedia How do you measure how well you’re doing with customer service and customer experience? We know that whatever you measure, you get more of. So, if you measure service and customer experience, you’ll get more of “it”. To get “it”, companies have started to script how they want service delivered to every customer. Let’s not forget what the data tells us, if you respond and rectify a customer complaint/issue quickly, then loyalty goes up. We survey and measure and in many cases are getting better at responding. Now that we have the background on service, experience, measurement, response, and rectifying, let’s share some examples of what can go wrong. I have long been a customer of “Big Bank”. ey are very successful and view themselves as a “business” not a “bank”. eir increased focus on customer service shows some serious issues from my experience: (1) e “system” of their customer service and (2) how they handled a branch error on my account. I realize that they are not as customer service oriented culturally as they are superficial and systematic. ey are using a strategy/initiative for customer service versus establishing a true culture of service. e ironic part of this analogy is that the employees seem to be service oriented, but the system is actually thwarting their efforts. For a long time, when you enter a branch, “Big Bank” has been over the top in scripted “service”. Someone greets you; tellers ask about your weekend and if they exceeded your expectations, but it’s always the same scripted drill and in many cases, creates an awkward, intrusive dialogue for the customer, but equally awkward for the employee. It comes off as “phony”. I just want friendly, personal interactions and accurate transactions. I detest form letters/emails and auto response email. at’s not service, that’s technology pretending to be service. It’s not natural or organic and it has no personality or specialness. e employees of “Big Bank” are trained to follow the script exactly. Tellers tell me that they were coached not to deviate into a more personal, organic, natural exchange. “Big Bank” is trying to use “service” to “sell” more bank product and to upsell products versus making sure every customer leaves extremely satisfied and happy with their encounter. Recently, I made a $3,000 deposit in one account and a $7.46 deposit into another account. My receipts were accurate as to the amounts that were deposited into each account. In checking my accounts a week later, I learned that they took $3,000 out of my account due to a “deposit adjustment”. I called the customer service line, went to the branch, called the business department for business accounts, obtained copies of my account data and was told that the $3,000 check was actually the $7.46 check. What happened (that I had to figure out for them) was they scanned the $7.46 check twice, deposited the same check into both accounts and never scanned the $3,000 check. I understand how a teller could make this mistake. What baffled me was no one could fix it until they found the $3,000 check. ey decided they could take my money out of my account even though they received it and had “lost” it. Even though I had receipts, when there was a mistake, it was CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 9 9 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 10 10 Marketing Yourself Out Of Business You have engaged on an aggressive marketing campaign, and you’re attracting a lot of interest in your club. You decide that you will follow up with all those folks who toured your facility by sending a pre-recorded invitation to their cell phone inviting them to come back in for a special offer. Next thing you know, you’re hit with a multi-million dollar class action. is type of nightmare a club owner can By Anthony Ellrod experience if he fails to comply with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). It’s crucial that club owners familiarize themselves with these laws and pay close attention to what they can and can’t do. e following is a discussion of the TCPA, and its application to different factual scenarios common to health club solicitation practices. Please note that the TCPA does not apply to email solicitation, however the California Business and Professions Code (B&P) does, so a brief analysis of those laws are included as well. Also, note that you must maintain a “do not call list” and honor any request not to be called again. When such a request is received, the requester may not be called again. One error is allowed in a twelve month period. After that you are subject to penalties. A person’s name must be kept on the “do not call list” indefinitely. 1. Missed Guests: (prospects who toured the facility and received a guest pass). We’re working under the assumption that the prospect has given express, written, unambiguous consent to be contacted. (A) Phone call from individual regarding joining club. Okay to either landline or cell phone (consent not required). (B) Text from individual regarding joining club (same rules as phone calls). Okay to text, consent not required. (C) Email from individual regarding joining club. e TCPA does not address email solicitation. Okay pursuant to B&P so long as the recipient has provided direct consent to receive advertisements from you, has made an inquiry and provided his/her e-mail, or has made an application, purchase, or transaction, with or without consideration, regarding products or services offered by you. (B&P § 17529.1 and § 17529.2). (D) Automated phone call blast to all missed guests regarding joining club. Automatic dialing to a residence is okay without consent. Artificial or pre-recorded voice to a residential landline (between 8 am and 9 pm) and either artificial or pre-recorded voice or automatic dialing to a cell require consent. Caller identity must be stated at the beginning of the message, give the address and phone number of the caller and include an interactive opt-out mechanism permitting the recipient to opt out of receiving additional calls at any time during the call. is needs to automatically add the consumer’s number to the seller’s do-not-call list and immediately disconnect the call. A record of abandoned calls must be kept. Prerecorded telemarketing messages left on answering machines or voicemail services must include a toll-free number that consumers can subsequently call back in order to connect directly to an automated opt-out mechanism. (E) Automated text blast to all missed guests regarding joining club. Okay to text cell but only with consent. (F) Automated email blast to all missed guests regarding joining club. e TCPA does not address email solicitation. Okay pursuant to B&P so long as the recipient has provided direct consent to receive advertisements from you or has made an inquiry and has provided his /her e-mail address, or has made an application, purchase, or transaction, with or without consideration, regarding products or services offered by you. (B&P § 17529.1 and § 17529.2). (G) Automated but personalized (to individual appearing to be sent by individual at club) email blast to all missed guests regarding joining club. e TCPA does not address email solicitation. Okay pursuant to B&P so long as the recipient has provided direct consent to receive advertisements from you or made an inquiry and provided his/her e-mail address, or has made an application, purchase, or transaction, with or without consideration, regarding products or services offered by you. (B&P § 17529.1 and § 17529.2). 2. Existing Members: All rules are the same as for Missed Guests above in 1. 3. Leads: Individuals who provide their information and have agreed to receive information. All rules are the same as for Missed Guests above in 1. 4. Cold Calls: Businesses offering group discounts, etc. All the rules are the same as Missed Guests, except one (D). Automated phone call blast to multiple businesses regarding group discounts. Either artificial, pre-recorded voice or automatic dialing to a cell require consent. Must state the identity of the caller at the beginning of the message, give the address and phone number of the caller during the call, include an interactive opt-out mechanism permitting the recipient to opt out of receiving additional calls at any time during the call. A record of abandoned calls must be kept. May not use an automatic phone dialing system in such a way that two or more phone lines of a multi-line business are engaged simultaneously. All of the TCPA rules apply to businesses as well as consumers. Consumer consent as discussed above must be unambiguous, meaning that the consumer must receive a “clear and conspicuous disclosure” that he/she will receive future calls that deliver autodialed and/or prerecorded telemarketing messages on behalf of a specific advertiser; that his/her consent is not a condition of purchase; and he/she must designate a phone number at which to be reached (which should not be pre-populated by the advertiser in an online form). Limited exceptions apply to this requirement, such as calls/texts from the consumer’s cellular carrier, debt collectors, schools, informational notices and healthcare-related calls. e foregoing is merely a general discussion of the law, and does not take the place of express, direct legal counsel and should not be relied upon as such. We have seen our clients engage in marketing programs that they had no idea were improper or illegal, only to find that they have subjected themselves to tens of millions of dollars in liability. It’s prudent for any business to consult competent counsel before embarking on any marketing plan. Otherwise all the years spent building your business, and indeed your own personal wealth, could evaporate overnight and leave you devastated. Anthony Ellrod, is a partner with Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester, LLP's LA office where he heads up the firm's Sports, Recreation and Attractions Litigation Team.Tony can be reached at 213.624.6900 or [email protected]. All information provided is of general nature and is not intended nor represented to replace professional, specialized legal advice, nor should the information be relied upon as same. ●●●● The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 11 11 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 12 12 How To Design A Corporate Wellness Program By Dr. Kevin Steele For years, the health club industry has been discussing corporate wellness opportunities and its potential impact on new member sales. We all have felt that our clubs are uniquely positioned to capitalize on the market but just haven’t been able to obtain the level of success that we know is possible. In 2013, 87% of employers in the United States offered some level of employee wellness. is degree of acceptance means that the time is right for clubs to finally take advantage of this trend and tap into the corporate market. Companies now know the cost of an unfit workforce. It is decreased productivity, high absenteeism, mounting workers compensation claims and an overall lack of “presenteeism”, all of which lead to a significant decrease in profitability. Corporate America and the majority of small business focus on profits. It goes without saying that a fit and healthy work force, with a robust employee wellness program, lowers health care costs and increases profitability via increased productivity with less absenteeism and reduced workers’ comp claims. is begs the question: Since various types of corporate wellness programs have been available for over two decades, why haven’t more of our clubs “cracked the code” and successfully participated in this market segment? First, the depth and scope of these programs has been limited and often not financially feasible for most health club operators to offer. Second, it has been challenging to demonstrate outcomes and return on investment (ROI) to corporate clients until recently. We now have solid financial research, improved models, and sophisticated tracking technology that can be used. Today, the macro-economic climate of the last five years has fostered significant increases in health care costs across the board; from the primary care providers; to third party administrators (TPA’s); to major insurance companies. ese costs are then passed on to employers and employees, where benefits are typically second only to payroll as an expense to all businesses. Now, more than ever, the components on both sides of this equation are in place; businesses acknowledge the importance of getting and keeping their employees healthy and clubs have the resources and motivation to focus on this very large market. ere are some fundamental steps that you must take in order to prepare for, and execute a successful corporate wellness program. It starts with the club establishing a vision. Your vision should include defining what “your” program consists of and looks like. Your vision is the beacon of your business plan and works in conjunction with a mission statement which is tactical and integrated into your club’s core philosophy. Identify your primary and secondary objectives for the corporate wellness program. Of course, these should be aligned with your club’s over-all strategic initiatives. Once you have your vision and mission statements established for your new program, it is time to draft your business plan. Your preliminary business plan should have some essential elements, these include: timelines, roles and responsibilities, budget, marketing strategies, and your evaluation process. Setting timelines will do two primary things: (1) ey will provide your plan with a structure to assign the various tasks you have identified. (2) ey will give you a mechanism for holding your team accountable for completing the necessary tasks. For this program to be successful, you will need to identify and assign “specific” roles and responsibilities to your team. Ideally, these won’t change often. When establishing your budget: it is recommended that you create a separate department within your comprehensive club budget so that you can easily assess the program’s P & L. Your marketing strategies should include: an internal club messaging plan, a business-to-business campaign in your local community, and an internal corporate client campaign to increase employee penetration. Finally, you will want to develop a protocol to assess progress and identify gaps in your program. Once you complete your business plan, it is time for you to do the research and due diligence. I recommend that you start with your local business community. ese are a few of the questions that you will want to investigate: (1) What percentage of businesses in your community provide some form of wellness benefits to their employees? (2) Of those that do, what are the components of their programs? (3) Do they offer the services that you will be providing, or some that are similar? (4) Of the businesses that don’t offer wellness benefits, do they have an interest in doing so? The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 13 13 ese are just a few of the questions that you need to ask as you dissect your market and assess your program’s potential. Although often overlooked, good research is key to your short and long-term client acquisition and the program’s success. After you get a sense of your realistic opportunities, it is equally important that you do a competitive analysis to understand what you and your team will be up against. Specifically, you will need to know the details of the products and services that your competitors are providing. Another segment of your research will include the latest health care statistics; some examples: the top five debilitating/fatal diseases; the average number of employee lost work days; the average number of employee restricted work days; bed-rest days; the average over-all cost per employee, etc. Finally; once you have identified a few prospective clients, then it is very important to research the specific details of those companies so that you can effectively prepare your proposals and eventually design their “custom” programs. While all of these “structural components” of your program are extremely important, your corporate wellness team will ultimately determine the success or failure of the program. Some considerations as you begin to formulate the complexion of your team: (1) What are your current “in-club” needs in membership sales, personal training, group exercise, etc.? (2) Can you afford to allocate any of your existing team’s time to your new endeavor? (3) Do you have budgetary parameters when it comes to compensation and/or time spent working this program? (4) What will the compensation plan for this program be: straight commission, base plus commission, or a flat salary? (5) What is your access to additional talent if you need to supplement your existing team? (6) Will your team consist of “pure sales people”, “pure personal trainers” or a blend? As you can see, a successful corporate wellness program takes a great deal of thought and planning long before you get to the execution phase. While I have touched on several of the major components and there is considerable detail behind each of them, there are many other aspects of a strong program that I haven’t mentioned. If you don’t currently have a corporate wellness program, I recommend that you consider offering one and if you do, that you regularly review your portfolio of services and assess your team’s performance to assure that you are taking all of the appropriate steps to success. Dr. Kevin Steele was the Vice President of Education and Programs at Mad Dogg Athletics. He helped design Preventive Executive Healthcare Programs for corporations throughout the United States. Dr. Steele was Director of Education, Research, and Member Services for Health at Tennis Corporation of America (now Bally Total Fitness); VP of Health Services/Corporate Sales and Sports Marketing for 24 Hour Fitness, later was VP of Research and Business Development for Life Time Fitness. Dr. Steele earned his BS in Sports Medicine/Physical Education from Pepperdine University and was on the faculty. His PHD in Physiology with an emphasis in Exercise and Nutrition was from Columbia University. Kevin can be reached at [email protected] if you have questions about a corporate wellness program. ●●●● Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 14 14 What To Consider Before Acquiring That New Club ere’s something exciting about acquiring a new club property. It’s thrilling to think about a larger portfolio, more opportunities for staff, and more income. But, there is also a lot of risk. I’d like to share some important lessons we’ve learned when evaluating a new club acquisition. We’ve not always been right, but it sure helps the decision-making to have a formal evaluation process. For the purpose of this article, I’m assuming the current owner hasn’t been successful and that’s the reason he/she is selling. By Ralph Rajs 1. Stay objective. We have found if we want it too much, we run the risk of not seeing red flags or explain them away as trivial. 2. Slow down. Take time to comb through their financials until you have a deep understanding of the numbers. Club companies report their financials in different formats, so comparisons to your clubs can be difficult. I’ll take the time to reformat the financials of the club we are researching into our format. I’ll then compare our top performing club and the mid-performer to see how they compare. is can be a tedious process but is very telling in the end. 3. Get all the facts. Why is the current owner selling? If they are failing, make an assessment as to why. Is it a condition you can fix or is it beyond your control? Knowing the background, how strongly do you believe you can run this business differently and more successfully than the out-going owners? 4. Does the current demographic of the club match your brand? If current membership is paying a lower dues rate, then what will you charge? Be realistic about what the conversion rate will be and how long it will take to ramp it back up. 5. Get a deep understanding of the demographics around the club. We’ve used a third party firm for help with this task. ey can very quickly and cost effectively put together a comprehensive demographic report. is also helps with the objectivity. Beyond household income, there are “tapestry maps” that can tell you the type of person that lives in the area. e household income may look good but if a high percentage of income is tied up CCD News Update is published by California Clubs of Distinction 5382 Coach Dr. • El Sobrante, CA 94803 Editor: Barbara Mathew (707) 483-4444 [email protected] Art Director: Corrine Lane (916) 952-7837 [email protected] CCD DISCLAIMER: CCD News Update contains facts, views, opinions, statements, recommendations, advertisements, and other content not owned or controlled by CCD or any of its affiliates. CCD uses reasonable efforts to include accurate, current information in this publication. However, CCD makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, safety or value of any content in this publication, nor shall CCD be responsible for any non-factual information. CCD assumes no liability or responsibility for errors or omissions in this publication. The content in this publication does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or recommendations of CCD, its employees, officers, or directors. The opinions expressed in the articles are solely those of the authors. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any form without express written permission from CCD. All contributors must ensure the accuracy of their claims and that they are submitting original work. CCD does not tolerate the practice of plagiarism. Any persons attempting to earn credit for work that is not their own will lose all publishing privileges with CCD. Contents of this publication cannot be reproduced without written permission from CCD. by high mortgage rates there may not be enough disposable income in the area to support a higher dues level club. 6. Do a competitor profile within a 3-mile radius of the club. Once that is done, you can go a level deeper in your due diligence. How many like properties are there to yours? How strong are they? Among the competitors in the area is there a clear space for you to differentiate your club? 7. Do your due diligence on the current membership rates and what members are actually paying. What discounts are being offered and how many members are on discounts? Further, what percentage of the last year’s sales are discounted and what percentage were sold at full rate? If a high percentage of the last year’s sales were discounted, this may make it even more difficult to assimilate members at a higher rate. You will also want to know what the sales practices have been within the sales office. Have there been strong discount policies for the membership reps to follow, or have they been allowed to discount as they wished. 8. How will the purchase affect your current staff? Do you have the bench strength to take on a new club without adversely affecting your current operation? Will you have to hire more people at the corporate office to support the new property? If so, that should be included as part of the decision process. 9. What is the opportunity cost of the purchase? at is, if you didn’t make the purchase what could you do in your existing clubs to grow revenue? What would be the rate of return on that versus the new purchase? ere are a lot of good examples of club companies that concentrated on growing their business through a single unit rather than by multiple units. It can be more cost effective and less risky to grow in this manner. 10. This last item is a big one. What does the deferred maintenance look like? ere are easy ones like carpet and lockers, but you have to look deeper. Are there any records of preventive maintenance for HVAC units or pool equipment? You can learn a lot by talking to the head engineer. If he has been there a long time he should have a good knowledge of what needs to be done to the building. If there has been high turn-over in that position or it has been out sourced, it is likely things have not been well maintained and it will be expensive to get things back in order. It may be beneficial to hire a third party to look over the mechanical parts of the building to get an objective assessment. is doesn’t necessarily kill the deal, but it’s good to know going in so it can be calculated into the deal. In the end, I think we all want to grow, create opportunities for our people, and make more money. While there are no guarantees, your chances of success are increased when you really do your due diligence in answering questions like these as objectively and thoroughly as possible before you make your buying decision. Ralph Rajs is the Senior Vice President for Leisure Sports Inc, the owners and operators of the ClubSport, Renaissance ClubSport, e Studio, and e Quad brands. You can follow him on Twitter @RalphRajs. ●●●● The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 15 15 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 16 16 Are Your Independent Contractors Actually Employees? ank you to all the CCD members who stopped by our booth at IHRSA. It was great meeting fellow members. rough our conversations, we found that the most common questions and misconceptions surrounded the use of independent contractors. By Jonathan Liu & Todd Scherwin ere are significant benefits of classifying laborers as independent contractors rather than employees including the elimination of the need to pay payroll taxes, secure workers’ compensation insurance or make unemployment insurance withholdings. Independent contractors also do not receive overtime pay, or meal or rest breaks. Not surprisingly, many employers attempt to classify as much of its workforce as independent contractors, and simply assume that the classification is defensible. Most employers believe that if an independent contractor classification is challenged, a finding that the employee was misclassified will not cause any serious harm. is assumption is wrong. Failing to properly classify workers can subject the employer to administrative enforcement actions, civil penalties, fines, unpaid wages, class-action and representative-action lawsuits, and the assessment of back taxes, premium payments, and related penalties. Employers in California are particularly at risk because its wage and hour laws allow attorneys to recover fees in a private lawsuit filed against employers who misclassify workers. Plaintiff attorneys are highly motivated to pursue claims on behalf of independent contractors either on an individual or class basis. When these claims are filed as class actions, every worker an employer hired as an independent contractor over the past few years may join in and the resulting damages can be catastrophic to a company. Although the consequences of misclassifying employees can be disastrous, it’s possible to avoid liability and lawfully classify service providers as independent contractors. In order to do so, you must be able to show that they satisfy the tests for determining independent contractor status. Various Independent Contractor Tests ere are a number of different tests used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), state agencies and courts, federal courts, and the U.S. Department of Labor to decide if the service provider is a genuine independent contractor. While the tests are all slightly different, they contain three key similarities. First, all of the tests use multiple factors to determine if someone is an employee or a genuine independent contractor. Second, the tests all agree that the existence of an independent contractor agreement will not on its own establish that someone is an independent contractor. ird, they all focus on the level of control that the employer has over the worker. If the employer has significant control over the individual, including how services are performed and treats that individual as their employee, then that individual is most likely an employee. But if the individual has a great deal of autonomy and is not subject to the control of the employer, then the person likely will qualify as an independent contractor. In conducting their independent contractor tests, courts and government agencies ask a number of key questions. No single question will decide the issue, but the answers to each of these questions will tilt the scale in favor of a finding that the individual is an independent contractor or an employee. ese questions include: 1. Does the employer control how, where and when the person performs the job? e more control you have over the way someone does their job, the more likely that person is an employee. For example, if you develop strict guidelines and provide extensive training on those guidelines, the person doing the job is more likely to be an employee. If you set the person’s work schedule and hours, this weighs in favor of an employer-employee relationship. If you control the location where the work must be performed, this too will weigh in favor of the existence of an employee-employer relationship. Specifically, if the service can be provided offsite or from home but the individual is required to work from your facility, that will be evidence of an employer-employee relationship. 2. Who provides the tools and materials? If you provide or pay for all of the tools and materials necessary to do the work, then the person performing the service is more likely to be an employee. For example, if you are providing the music, the materials, and the choreography for a fitness class, this would support the argument that the individual is an employee and not an independent contractor. The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 17 17 3. What is the length of the job? If the person performing the service is hired for one short project, the person is likely an independent contractor. But if the individual remains on staff for a long period of time, the person is more likely to be an employee. 4. How is the person paid? People paid by the job are more likely to be independent contractors. ose paid by the hour or a regular salary are more likely to be employees. 5. Does the individual provide the type of service normally provided by the employer? If the individual is hired to provide the essential work offered by the company, the person is typically going to be considered an employee. For example, if your facility hires a personal trainer for your customers, because you are in the business of fitness, this individual is most likely an employee. 6. Is the contractor working elsewhere? If those providing the service work full time or close to full time for the employer and do not work for other employers, they are more likely to be considered employees. But if a person works for several companies at the same time for just a few hours per week, that person is far more likely to be found to be an independent contractor. 7. Did the parties create a written independent contractor agreement? If there is a written agreement between the parties stating that an independent contractor relationship exists, this will help establish the existence of an independent contractor relationship. But as explained above, the fact that the agreement exists, on its own, is not enough to show that the service provider is an independent contractor. 8. Does the company mandate training? Required training sessions will be evidence of an employer-employee relationship. 9. Can the worker terminate the job without liability? Absent an employment contract, an employee is free to quit or can be fired at any time without liability to either party. A contractor can’t be terminated at any time without violating the terms of a contract or suffering consequences for the incomplete project. 10. Can the contractor lose money on the project? If the project runs longer or involves higher material costs than anticipated, a contractor can lose money on the project. Employees never have to encounter this problem since they are paid the same regardless of the material or labor costs. erefore, if the service provider takes on a financial risk by taking the job, he or she is more likely to be an independent contractor. is list of questions is not exhaustive and each classification has to be looked at on a case by case basis. Nonetheless, its a good place to start when examining if your classification of labor providers as independent contractors is correct. Todd Scherwin is managing partner of the Los Angeles office of Fisher & Phillips LLP. His practice involves representing employers in various aspects of labor and employment law, including discrimination, harassment, state and federal wage-hour matters, including class actions, employment handbook preparation, trade-secret protection and day to day employment matters. Todd can be reached at (213) 330-4450 or [email protected]. Jonathan Liu is in the San Diego office and can be reached at (858) 597-9623 or [email protected]. ●●●● Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 18 18 Launch A Summer Referral Program Now! Create some buzz in your club this summer! e summer tends to be a little slower for many clubs, but it doesn’t have to be. It is a great opportunity to combine a couple months of your marketing budget, have some fun and get a ton of fresh leads and new members. Referral promotions are nothing new to our industry, but unfortunately, too many clubs don’t put enough time and effort into By Chris Russo getting the message out to members and creating some excitement about their promotion. A bike hanging from the ceiling or a grill against the wall surrounded by posters, just isn’t going to cut it anymore. You need to market your promotion and get your members talking and wanting to be a part of it. First of all, there is a prevailing mentality among many members that "I never win anything so I’m not going to bother?” Here are a few ways to introduce a multi-pronged approach to your summer referral and get some buzz happening. Extend the time: Often a promotion runs for one month with a mediocre prize and limited marketing. It starts off strong but fades fast. By making it last for six or eight weeks you can double up your marketing budget and use the extra time to build momentum. The promotion: We used items such as B.B.Q. grills, bikes, Vespas and more. You can pick whatever you like depending on your budget, market and demographics, but here is a scenario using a grill as the prize: Work with a local retailer to make a deal for the grill and include their logo and store info on all your marketing. ey are usually willing to cut you a great deal if you offer something in return like a few thousand impressions to your member base! Once you have the grill you can plan on how to dress up the display area. For those of you with multiple clubs, here is an opportunity to create a little friendly competition between your staff at each location. One of the simplest ways to have members overcome their objections is to make it as easy as possible for them to enter while rewarding them for their effort. Enter the t-shirt as the motivation for referrals! It’s amazing how people, regardless of income, will do just about anything for a free t-shirt. Not just any shirt, this one needs to be designed specifically for this promotion. You need to have referral cards printed with room for members to put their information as well as the name, phone and email of five friends. Once completed, they get the shirt. is is the point where the fun and buzz begins. Encourage everyone to wear their new shirt when they come to work out because there will be random prizes given out every day throughout the promotion to those who are participating. Nothing too big. I suggest internal things like smoothies, juice, bars, PT sessions, coupons or small inexpensive items relating to the grand prize. en weekly throughout the promotion, offer slightly larger prizes, drawing from the names of members who have made referrals. Items like supermarket gift cards, BBQ utensils, aprons, etc. are all good prizes. e goal is to have as many people as possible wearing the shirts around the club in order to get other members asking how they can get one too, thus creating a domino effect. is will mean increased referrals while member’s excitement level builds at the club. To get your referral promotion message out, you can choose from a variety of options, but try to mix them up as much as you can based on what you can afford. e goal is to minimize your expenses while putting the majority of your budget into the shirts and prizes. Our recommendation would be to plaster the club with posters; large ones (24” x 36”) in high traffic areas and smaller ones (11” x 17”) throughout the club; stall doors, pillars, counters, doorways and bulletin boards. Whatever number you think you need, double it, as you can’t have too many. Send an email using graphics that match your campaign materials to all your members announcing when the promotion starts, telling them what they need to do to be involved and win. You should follow this up with other emails listing how many members have gotten involved: what each week’s prize is going to be while mentioning who won the previous week’s prize. Facebook is also a brilliant tool for sharing this type of information, but if you’re using Facebook, you need to have posts at least 3 times a week. If you don’t have a good database of member email addresses, or depending on the number of members, then you should look at a direct mail piece in order to get the message to them in a cost effective format. Cap Off Your Summer Referral Promotion With A "Welcome Summer 2015” Party! It’s always a great idea to cap off your promotion with a member appreciation party or welcome summer party, right when summer begins on June 21st, as the time and place for the premium drawings. is generates energy during the six weeks to two months of your promotion and importantly, the party should generate a last push for new member referrals going into the summer. All members, and newly joined referred members should be invited to the party. e BBQ grill give-away or perhaps a grand prize drawing for a hammock can help generate more attendance and more referrals right up until the party deadline. e club energy will truly buzz if it is promoted well. e point is make it fun for everybody by having a focal point "Welcome Summer 2015 Party” kick off to end your spring member referral promotion. at event will also help keep your club in the members’ minds during the summer, too. Remember, promote, promote, promote! Have little badges with the party name for each staff member to wear saying something like: Don’t miss our "Welcome to Summer Party on June 21st!” Be sure that all staff wears them at all times. Also, remember to regularly schedule announcements by PA, group exercise instructors and personal trainers to help boost attendance. is in-house promotional effort will enhance your other marketing efforts for the promotion. e best part of a club referral promotion like this is the interaction it creates between members and staff and between different members. With a little early planning and strategy, it will be simple to manage how and when you communicate your message to ensure you keep the momentum strong during the life of the promotion. Now go have some fun, fire up your staff and members, generate a bunch of new leads and make it a profitable summer! Chris Russo writes for Susan K. Bailey Marketing & Design. For help with this project, SKB can be contacted at 888-349-4598 or through Mary Beth Bradley or Deneen Laprade. ●●●● The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 19 19 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 20 20 Your Sales And Retention Software Can Save Money Every month, health clubs spend large amounts of money on lead generation. I understand that you need to spend money to make money and that bringing in leads is vital to the success of any business but do you know whether your money was well spent or not? I don’t want to waste my marketing dollars by spending on campaigns that aren’t reaping any rewards. I rely on our CRM By Rachael Lai software to tell me which marketing campaigns are working so I can make informed budget decisions. If you’re a health club manager, you can leverage your sales and retention software to save your club valuable marketing dollars. (1) Start by capturing all lead information including the lead source in your sales and retention software. (2) Set the lead source field to be a required field so that sales staff are prompted to ask the lead how they heard about your club and enter it with the lead’s details. (3) Use a drop down for the lead source field so your lead source responses are standardized. (4) You should also check if your lead management software can be hooked up to your website or Facebook page so that all web leads flow right into the software, with the lead source, pre-populated and are automatically scheduled for follow-up. Next, ensure that every lead is followed-up and proactively sold to. Use your sales and retention software to set up scheduled emails, text messages and calls to ensure your sales team is actively reaching out to each lead. On average, it takes 7-11 points of contact to make a sale, so having a follow-up plan for each new lead helps staff not let any lead that you’ve spent money to acquire, get missed in the selling process. Lastly, run reports to check which marketing campaigns are yielding the best results. Because your leads have been entered into your sales and retention software, you can pull a report which lets you see which lead source brought in the most leads. You should also be able to see which campaigns result in the most sales from your reports. By following the steps above, you'll know exactly which marketing activities are generating not only the most leads but also, quality leads that convert to sales. Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions about which campaigns to cut back on and where you should spend more money. Because your sales staff should be logging all their activities in your CRM software, you can be sure you’re not throwing marketing dollars away by generating leads that never get followed up. Rachel Lai is the Marketing Manager for InTouch Follow-Up, the leading health club sales and retention software. Rachel has over 10 years of marketing experience helping companies develop brand recognition and market share. As a social media fanatic, she specializes in using social media and content marketing to engage prospective and current customers, build community and gain customer insight. She can be reached at 206.395.3616 or by email at [email protected]. ●●●● The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 21 21 Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 22 22 Club Industry Financials... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 e key challenge for the club industry in the past 2-3 years has been to take advantage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All elements of the local community are trying to figure out the opportunities, including insurance companies and brokers, employers, medical practices and hospitals. e club industry is trying to determine its role, but it is still struggling to benefit from this opportunity. Legislative issues continue, especially at the state level. All clubs need to monitor pending legislation which may affect them. Key Thoughts From The Financial Panel is year’s IHRSA panel included York Capital, Roark Capital, Catterton (all private equity firms) and Benefit Street Partners (a debt institution). ey were highlighting that the club industry has a “tailwind” at its back for fundamental reasons. ey see the industry as attractive for so many reasons, including its membership oriented, recurring revenue basis and foundational, long-term demographics. ey like the different segments as it affords customization and choices to the consumer. ey like the stickiness of the industry and its strong word-of-mouth. e Panel thinks that the industry will drive the health and wellness movement, especially amongst local corporations. e advent of the niche studios suggests they are getting an increased share of the fitness wallet. More consumers are being wooed into the industry at large. eir key market question is how the middle segment would respond to growth at both the higher and lower ends. ey reinforced the opportunity for growth of the HV/LP segment, as it may lead to sales amongst first-time industry users as well as former club members. e elements of a convenient location and an array of fitness equipment at a minimal price is more likely, over time, to attract a middle income prospect than previously. e panel cited the value of the franchise concept, impressive unit economies, reasonable start-up costs and the opportunity to attract in the future “professional franchisees.” ey highlighted the very attractive debt environment which may become less so as interest rates begin to rise. e favorable debt climate with a reservoir of capacity and at most attractive terms is ideal for current and future club companies. For asset-based borrowers, the panel stressed the importance of screening for a real debt “partner.” When asked about the future, the panelists all talked about the need for reducing an attrition rate overall, lower acquisition costs to attract new members, the importance of making favorable real estate deals, the pressure to re-invest annually in the physical plant and equipment, proof that each of the new segments is working, the need for successful club exits and an ideal public company “poster child.” ey all saw the need for a consumeroriented, growth business over time. More predictability and better industry data will help the club industry “story” going forward. Conclusions Most of the industry is optimistic about the remainder of 2015, with continuing development of the studios and HV/LP clubs. e challenge to benefit from the ACA is still there. Expectations are that current clubs will have increasingly successful 2015 results. But, this is tampered with many outsiders reminding the industry that it still may not reach the peak levels of success from 2007. Rick Caro is president of Management Vision, a club consulting company with expertise in helping with financials, valuations, market feasibility studies, expert witness testimony and sales/purchases. Management Vision can be contacted at 800.778.4411 or [email protected]. ●●●● The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 23 23 ASSOCIATE MEMBER With the formation of John F. Kennedy’s President’s Council on Physical Fitness in the 1960s, a new era in exercise science and technology began. America’s early obsession with physical fitness had people jogging, bicycling, swimming and weight lifting. By the 1980s, the fitness evolution was in full swing and “fitness” had become an industry. Even as health clubs continued to pop up across the country, traditional Jennifer Urmston Lowe insurance providers viewed clubs as a highly speculative, niche market. As owners struggled to insure their clubs, a man named Glynne Simpson stepped in to fill the void. With a small staff of two, Simpson’s company was the original insurer for the manufacturer of Nautilus brand exercise equipment. With the help of Nautilus’ Vice President of Sales and Marketing, John Urmston, Simpson designed the first policies that would be sold by his new company, Sports & Fitness Insurance Corporation, founded in 1985. When the Nautilus salespeople began recommending this new company as a preferred insurer to their clients, Simpson began to realize the potential of this new industry. He headed to New York City and the first conference of the International Racquet Sports Association (IRSA now IHRSA) to see what other business he could SPOTLIGHT drum up. He showed up at the Hilton with nothing but a card table and a white poster board with the word Insurance written on it. at humble tactic paid off in a big way. For more than a decade, Sports and Fitness Insurance Company was the only general liability provider recommended by what is now known as the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA). Today, Sport & Fitness Insurance Company is one of the largest fitness underwriting companies in the nation. It has about 25 people on staff at the company headquarters in Madison, Mississippi as well as an office in Charlotte, North Carolina. e company is licensed in all 50 states, has over 14,000 active policies for health clubs and individual trainers and yoga instructors nationwide, and is endorsed by a number of industry partners and franchises, including Curves for Women. John Urmston’s daughter, Jennifer Urmston Lowe, remains with SFIC as their National Accounts Manager, and Simpson is still active in the business he started. For 30 years now, SFIC has focused solely on the health and fitness industry. Simpson has developed and continuously refined a unique comprehensive general liability policy for fitness professionals, as well as, fitness studios and full service health clubs that is tailored to the unique needs of our industry. Sports and Fitness Insurance Company is the Managing General Agent for Liberty Mutual Insurance for the fitness industry, working with both Liberty Agents and Independent agents across the country. For additional information, contact [email protected], 800.844.0536 ext12333 or visit ●●●● Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 24 24 Looking Forward... CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 memberships, programs, and specialty classes online. (4) While owners universally subscribe to the importance of personal training as a profit-making staple of their business, in only 24% of clubs can members buy training online. 60% of facilities report people can buy nothing online and in half of the clubs, members can’t web-schedule for club activities. Solutions (1) Offer variable options for participation. Make it easier for customers to buy. How about short-term, premium-priced programs that emphasize guided, step-graded accomplishments? (Premium price for non-members, discounts for members.) (2) Consider “unbundling” and “shrink-wrapping” various services. “Have it your way” might be a good motto to endorse. (“Have it your way” usually includes reasonably-priced and predictably-profitable program offers.) (3). Embrace wellness. It’s coming and it’s coming fast. Wellness initiatives and reimbursement programs will demand interactivity of multiple facets of individual health and well-being. (Limiting your facility programming to physicality automatically limits your potential audience.) (4) Get on the technology train and soon! ere are incredible branded apps available at low cost, some of which integrate with other databases. Scrolling websites where members can have “experiences” are becoming standard. Online buying and scheduling are a modern must have. Like it or not, wearables are here to stay and they’re just in their infancy. (Move away from “static” to “dynamic” technologies.) You’ll have to spend more time on your business and not be busied-to-death in your business. Michael Scott Scudder is founder/CEO of Fitness Business Council, the national network for independent facilities. He’ll open Wellness Business Council later this year. To contact Michael, call 575-751-1212 or email [email protected]. ●●●● 2015 Event Calendar All 1 Hour Webinars Begin At 12 PM Register Online At If you are interested in speaking for CCD via a webinar contact Lin Conrad, [email protected]." May 20 Webinar: Updates On Child Care And Kid's Programming October 14 Webinar: Make Your Club Bullet Proof To e Competitive Environment Supervisor Sexual Harassment Training CCD provides in-house, industry specific training which has been proven to be the most effective means of subject comprehension, allowing for lively discussion and questions. Contact Lin Conrad for information and registration: 510-243-1532, [email protected] Webinars are $39 for CCD members and $79 for non-members. CCD Webinars sponsored by Exploring The Service Fallacy CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 assumed to be on me, the customer. After almost two weeks, they returned it, but without any apology or explanation of why they took my money in the first place. is was an example of corporate business not customer service as a culture. e right approach would have been to credit my account when I challenged their actions (or not taken my money in the first place until they researched it), asked for my help in what might have happened and given me the benefit of the doubt since I had proof I had given them the money. Various individuals cared, but couldn’t fix it. So there was no ability to solve the issue until they found what they had lost. Had they never found the check, what might have happened? A $3,000 error against me does cause concern of “trust” and the way it was handled caused more “brand disloyalty”. Another example: For the last few years, a “Major Grocery” would ask me to donate my change or to make a donation to a charity that they chose. I still have to opt out and take extra steps to not donate money to their charities at the transaction terminal. I know their corporate leadership thought it would be great to donate millions to charity under their brand. I imagine their goal was social conscientious and community goodwill. However, the result is I have to be asked, peer pressured and go through extra steps, NOT to donate. To me, their desire to donate, is actually becoming a brand deterrent to customer service and loyalty. So what is my point? My point is you can’t completely script and use technologies with regard to customer and community service. It’s got to be personal, real, and authentic with staff. As our industry embarks on greater customer experience management tools such as NPS, Medallia, Listen 360, Retention Management, e Retention People and others, it is imperative to take their lead on the importance of service orientation and individual training. We have to first hire service-oriented individuals and then train them to understand customer service and the customer experience. At the end of the day, it’s about the customer and what’s in it for them. It all starts with leadership and company culture. I believe in the tools, but let’s remember tools are used to build on the design and the vision. Focus on the culture and then layer on systems and processes that support the goal of excellent customer service and customer experience. If you have the right culture, recruit and train the right people, then these tools can change the game. But without the culture and people, you are, as we say in the south, “paving the swamp”. Bill McBride is President & Chief Executive Officer of Active Sports Clubs & BMC3. He’s an industry veteran with over 25 years of experience leading and managing all aspects of commercial health clubs, medical fitness centers, community centers and corporate fitness centers. He owns BMC3, a health club consulting company and recently with partners launched Active Sports Clubs in 2014. Bill has served as Chairman of the IHRSA Board of Directors and is actively engaged in industry education and speaking on industry topics. You can reach Bill at [email protected], 415.299.9482,, Twitter: billmcbride65. ●●●● To be placed on the email list for notification of these events contact Lin Conrad, tel:510-243-1532 mail to:[email protected]. The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 25 25 CCD Associate Members Architects/Interior Design/Club Art Joel B. Cantor - AIA Architect 415-957-9755 • [email protected]• Serving the fitness industry since 1977, offers a full range of architectural, planning & consulting services for new facilities, additions & extensive remodeling. Fabiano & Associates • Rudy Fabiano • 973-746-5100 • [email protected] Architects and interior designers providing smart, efficient and creative designs that will help your club’s project or renovation to be successful and within your budget. Our services are affordable and our experienced staff of 20 years will develop design solutions that will satisfy your business plan as well as your programming needs. Our spaces are designed to keep people motivated, happy and most importantly healthy. Maxion Design • Cindy Maxion • 619-668-5678 • [email protected] Maxion Design has designed more than 300 fitness facilities across the country and abroad. Relying on our vast experience as artists, interior designers, graphic artists and color specialists, we make clubs real showstoppers. New technology makes it possible to present everything electronically to our clients from anywhere in the world. Clients can see what they're buying before they buy it. We have printed on vinyl, sheer fabric, paper, window film, wood, metal and acrylic. Our art can come in any size, style or color. It can be three dimensional, integrating play or fitness equipment, cutting edge lighting and movement. Associations ★ IDEA Health & Fitness Association Kelly Nakai • 858-535-8979 • [email protected] • For info visit e world’s leading membership organization of fitness and wellness professionals with over 23,000 members in over 80 countries. Since 1982, IDEA has provided personal trainers, group exercise instructors, fitness program directors, mind-body teachers, health club owners and fitness center managers with pertinent information, educational opportunities, career development programs and industry leadership. ★ IHRSA • 800-228-4277 Pam O’Donnell, Member Services • info@ • e international non-profit association of Health, Racquet and Sports Clubs. NEW! Medical Fitness Network• Lisa Dougherty • 949-378-4505 • [email protected] Medical Fitness Network is a free national referral service for those with chronic disease/medical conditions looking for fitness and health facilities. We have over 100 national businesses supporting this project. If you would like to have your facility and all those who work at it listed on our website please contact us for more details. Certification ★ ACE (American Council on Exercise) Comron Yahyapour • 800-825-3636 ext 771 • [email protected] ACE has created a path for facilities that starts with ensuring your team has the knowledge and skills to empower members to long-term change. Rooted in 30 years of science from ACE, our NCCA-accredited certifications and specialty certifications are trusted by 55,000 professionals and tens of thousands of clubs. Learn more at National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) 800-460-6276 • [email protected] Brad Tucker, VP Sales • [email protected] David Correia • 818-595-1210 • [email protected] NASM also offers a progressive career track with access to specializations in FitnessNutrition (FNS), Sports Performance (PES), and Injury Prevention (CES), Continuing Education courses, accredited Bachelor and Master Degree programs. Consulting/Training Bill McBride (BMC3) 415-299-9482 • [email protected] • BMC3 is an agency specializing in consulting, coaching and club management. We focus on operational strategy, operational excellence, sales & marketing, fitness program design, class schedule optimization and staff training. Premium Performance Training • 303-417-0653 Karen Woodard-Chavez • [email protected] Karen has owned & operated clubs since 1985 and now consults and trains club staff worldwide in marketing, selling, service and management skills. Services available on-site, online, by phone, books, tapes, and manuals. ★ CCD Partnership discount Come see us on the web at CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 26 26 CCD Associate Members Court/Club Equipment Athletix Products • 610-659-9924 John O’Donnell • [email protected] Disinfectant Wipes and Sprays (kills MRSA), Equipment Cleaning Wipes, Lubrication and Maintenance Wipes, Odor Neutralizers for locker room environments. ★ First Service • 800-227-1742 Dan Goldblatt • First Service is privileged to be a longstanding CCD associate member and preferred supplier. Look to us for top quality athletic equipment (tennis, basketball, volleyball, wall padding, gym curtains and scoreboards), specialty flooring (weight room, gymnasium, aerobic, water draining, locker room and protective floor covers), and club furnishings (lockers, bleachers, benches, stools, outdoor tables and benches). Take advantage of our 35 years of industry experience! Diet/Nutrition Communication Consultants WBS, Inc. Take It Off weight loss • Casey Conrad 401-932-9407 • takeitoff[email protected] is is a complete, turn-key, in-club weight loss program. Diet-to-Go • 800-743-7546 Lauren Hartung • [email protected] 310-701-3731 Jennifer Brody • [email protected] 818-486-9883 Diet-to-Go is a food based, turnkey, nutritional program offering everything a premier fitness club needs to launch a lucrative profit center. With commercial kitchens in Virginia and LA, we have a 23 year proven track record of providing an effective and affordable nutrition option for customers nationwide. We offer traditional, vegetarian or low carb menu options. Diet-to-Go partners with fitness clubs to deliver their food options to members at the clubs Fitness Equipment Balanced Body Pilates • 800-PILATES (745-2837) Tony Tran 800-745-2837 x 206 • [email protected] • Balanced Body believes that mindful movement can change your members' lives. We are the leading resource for Pilates and mindful movement equipment, information and training for CCD member clubs. Start or expand your programming with Pilates, MOTR™, Bodhi Suspension System™, Balanced Body Barre™ or CoreAlign®. Call and get started today. NEW! Core Health and Fitness Rick Nelson, Dir. Western Regional Sales 714-801-5527 • [email protected] Mike Westcott, Nor CA Territory Manager 714- 936-1027 • [email protected] David Summers, So CA Territory 480-584-9638 • [email protected] Nicole Hagar, Territory Representative 562-522-5548 • [email protected] Core Health and Fitness is the world’s fifth largest marketer and distributor of commercial fitness products to health clubs, community recreational centers, hotels, government, educational facilities and more. Core markets its products under the Star Trac, Spinning®, StairMaster, Schwinn and Nautilus brands. Headquartered in Vancouver, Washington, we employ over 400 people worldwide and serve a global customer base. Core maintains sales, engineering service offices throughout the U.S. (Vancouver, WA; Irvine, CA; Independence, VA as well as in the United Kingdom (High Wycombe); Germany (Munich); Spain (Madrid) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). We operate our primary warehouses in the U.S., the Netherlands and China. Visit and Helix Lateral Trainer Scott Logan • 425-526-6779 • [email protected] Helix Lateral Trainer is not only the first lateral trainer but it established a totally new direction for cardio fitness. It employs a counter-rotational "figure 8" motion. Helix delivers 43% greater lower body activation, 44% greater core activation and 23% more effective heart rate training. Keiser Equipment • 800-253-6568 Gary Klein • [email protected] Keiser air powered exercise machines create the power in human performance via strength training and functional training. We offer group cycling rear wheel drive bikes, the Total Body Trainer, M5 Strider, M3+Megnetic bike with front to back adjustable bars and back-lit display, Air Power Racks, special programs for senior training (STEP) and athletic performance plus power testing for athletes. Keiser is known for our Institute on Aging and Xpress 30 minute workouts. Life Fitness Joel Pigott, West Coast Director of Sales 949-702-1313 • [email protected] Michael Pooler, SW Regional Sales Manager 714-393-7139 • [email protected] Nathan Green, San Diego Area Sales Rep 619-550-6788 • [email protected] Brendan McGury , LA Area Sales Rep 310-753-4932 • [email protected] Nathan Berti, SF Bay Area Sales Rep 707-616-0231 • [email protected] Craig Spence, N. California Area Sales Rep. 916-705-5973 • [email protected] Over 30 years of research, development and expertise in the fitness world has put Life Fitness in the unique position to offer you what no other company can innovative products with unparalleled support. As the leader in commercial exercise equipment, we’re able to provide over 300 different cardiovascular and strength-training products, including the renowned Hammer Strength brand. Power Systems • 800-321-6975 ext 7893 Patty Daugherty • [email protected] Power Systems was founded by Bruno and Julie Pauletto over 25 years ago and we are a leading supplier of fitness and sports performance training equipment. Our product line covers over 2000 strength and conditioning products for Health and Fitness Clubs pertaining to Group Fitness, Functional Training and Personal Training. We are located in Knoxville, TN and utilize over 300,000 sq. ft. of office and warehouse space. Our Mission is to advance health, fitness and physical performance for everyone. Precor Jason Blair (Central California) 866-205-2063 • [email protected] Jarred Willis, Sr. Key Account Manager 503-528-6061 • [email protected] Adam Guier (Southern California ) 619.315.9914 • [email protected] Precor designs and builds premium fitness equipment for effective workouts that feel smooth and natural. Our equipment is chosen by health clubs, hotels, spas, universities, and individuals all over the world. For nearly three decades, we've driven fitness forward with a passionate focus on ergonomic motion, proven science, and superior engineering. We constantly study and anticipate the needs of the people and organizations we serve, and continually redefine the levels of innovation, quality, and service necessary to deliver the very best fitness experiences – all with the goal of improving the ways people improve themselves. NEW! SPRI Products, Inc. Andy Hubbard • 865-919-1696 [email protected] SPRI is the leading manufacturer of rubberized resistance exercise products. SPRI continues to expand into related markets such as functional and strength training accessories. SPRI line of products has grown to include educational materials and videos. SportsArt • Brian Jamison, National Sales Manager 405-888-3306 • [email protected] SportsArt is an established industry leader leveraging over 37 years of innovative design and manufacturing excellence. e company consistently seeks to advance industry standards, positioning itself as one of the most creative manufacturers of premium quality fitness, medical, performance and residential equipment. SportsArt is one of the largest single brand manufacturers in the world and is sold in over 70 countries worldwide. With over 500,000 square feet of state-of-the art manufacturing space; SportsArt designs, manufactures and tests all equipment to rigorous TÜV quality standards. With hundreds of patents worldwide for innovative technologies; such as the award winning ICARE™ system or the newly relaunched ECO-POWR™ Series, SportsArt is the leading green fitness partner, developing products that are instrumental to rebuilding and sustaining lives. NEW! Technogym • 800-804-0952 Northern California: Joe Harris • 925-584-5077 [email protected] Southern California: Justin Saunders • 949-679-11815 [email protected] West Coast Manager: Tony Kowalczyk 847-922-7191 • [email protected] Technogym is a fitness and wellness equipment manufacturer headquartered in Italy. Technogym is known for innovation, design and technology. Technogym has an extensive product line which includes: cardio, strength, flexability and functional training. Total Gym • Bonnie Lee • 858-764-0004 • [email protected] Total Gym® is the world's leading privately-held manufacturer of functional and bodyweight training equipment for home consumers, fitness professionals, athletic trainers and rehabilitation specialists. Founded in 1974, the San Diego-based company's Total Gym® equipment is used in 14,000 physical therapy clinics, athletic training facilities, hospitals, universities,professional sports teams and health clubs worldwide. Total Gym continues to lead the industry with innovative functional training products and the award-winning GRAVITYSystem® commercial fitness program. NEW! TRX Training • 888-878-5348 • [email protected] Created by the U.S. Navy SEALS as a means to staying fit on missions, TRX training uses tools like the TRX Suspension Trainer™ and the TRX Rip Trainer™ to leverage bodyweight to build strength, lose weight and increase flexibility. TRX is dedicated to leading the way in functional training, offering an array of high-quality products that includes the TRX Suspension Trainer™, the TRX Rip Trainer™, education courses, commercial business solutions, and comprehensive programming. ★ CCD Partnership discount The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 27 27 CCD Associate Members NEW! Used Gym Equipment, LLC Austin Hai • 310-570-6612 [email protected] New, demo and remanufactured gym equipment supplier. Bumper to bumper preventive maintenance contracts. We custom remanufacture top commercial gym equipment brands. Insurance ★ FitnessPak: CCD Endorsed Provider Jim Foley • 800-873-3725 • [email protected] Ken McKay • 800-444-4134 • [email protected] Tony Pozas • 530-895-1010 • [email protected] Matt Bauer • 800-873-3725 • [email protected] Club insurance specialists. Sports & Fitness Insurance Corp Jennifer Urmston Lowe • 800-844-0536 X 12333 [email protected] General liability, property and professional insurance. Legal ★ Bradley & Gmelich • 818-243-5200 Tom Gmelich • [email protected] Gary Bradley • [email protected] General counsel for health and fitness centers throughout California. Bradley & Gmelich specializes in membership agreements, employment matters, business counseling and litigation, and general liability matters. Our holistic approach to practicing law benefits your entire operation. Please call for a free consultation. Fisher & Phillips LLP Todd B. Scherwin • 213-330-4500 [email protected] 444 S. Flower St., Suite 1590, Los Angeles, CA 90071 We are a law firm committed to taking a practical, business-like approach to solving labor and employment problems for employers. Labor and employment law is all the firm does, offering deep and broad knowledge and experience in the area of the law their attorneys know best. We help clients avoid legal problems, are dedicated to providing exceptional client service, and are there when you need them. We have advised health clubs and fitness facilities on wage-hour related issues, including pay plans and compensation agreements, discrimination/harassment claims from employees and members and general employment policies in the industry. In California, the firm has offices in Irvine, L.A., San Diego and San Francisco. Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester LLP Anthony Ellrod • 213-624-6900 • [email protected] • Legal counsel with a focus on the health club industry, including drafting membership agreements and other contracts, providing risk management and general counsel services, advising on and litigating business, commercial, personal injury, employment, and workers compensation matters. Offices in L.A., Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, and Phoenix. ★ LeVangie Law Group: CCD Endorsed Provider 916-443-4849 • Jeffery Long • jeff[email protected] Specializing in conducting risk management analysis for health clubs, preparing valid waiver and releases, and general health club litigation. Locker Room Amenities ★ Petra Hygienic Systems: CCD Endorsed Provider John Mickelson • 775-530-7133 [email protected] Matt Anderson • 877-888-6655 ext 6 [email protected] Personal care products for the locker room and club. Royal Blue Textiles Sam Kahen • 800-693-5426 • 310-888-0156 [email protected] • Royal Blue Textiles is a family owned and operated direct importer for all types of Athletic towels based out of Los Angeles, CA. As a SPECIAL PROMO: on all purchases made for the remainder of 2014, we will be offering all CCD members a 7 % discount off our price lists for all towels used in the gym, shower and locker rooms. All orders in CA will be delivered within 24-48 hours. Please contact us for pricing so that we can show you how Royal Blue's success thrives on providing the very best to our customers! Marketing Reach Media Network • Brent Arnold • 541-915-8428 [email protected] Reach has its own digital signage network that is in over 500 athletic, health and fitness clubs, university fitness and recreation centers, ice arenas, YMCAs and JCCs throughout the United States. e advertising-supported Reach Network features large high-definition flat screen digital televisions, with flash screen technology, that inform, entertain and educate members and visitors at partner facilities. Susan K Bailey • 888-349-4598 • MaryBeth Bradley • [email protected] Creates effective direct marketing pieces that cut through the clutter and let you target market. Advertising that works out! Retention & Reward Programs Retention Management • 800-951-8048 Billy Dawson • [email protected] Retention Management helps fitness centers increase retention, ancillary revenues, sales and profitability. Our Email Services deliver automated email targeting every segment of their membership and marketing broadcast emails to promote club services and program utilization. Our Social Media Services create and actively manage a club’s Social Media presence; maximizing fan recruitment and interaction, marketing initiatives and profitability. ★ e Retention People Sophie Adams • 647-248-9831 [email protected] e Retention People are the leading providers of Customer Experience Management software & solutions to the fitness industry. We invest heavily on retention studies and research and use this to drive product development of our cloud-based technology solutions, retention consultancy, professional education and coaching. We extend membership life spans. Software/Internet Programs ABC Financial Services • 800.622.6290 ext 1166 Steve Ayers, Chief Revenue Officer 1-800-551-9733 sales • 501-515-5066 direct [email protected] ABC Financial is the leading service provider of key financial services including software, billing, payment processing, and merchant services for the health and fitness industry. In addition, ABC provides comprehensive on-site training and club marketing. Club Automation Noah Dreyer • 847-597-1758 ndreyer@clubautomation Club Automation is an innovative online club management solution that helps you streamline and automate a variety of both common and complex processes involved in running health and fitness facility. Our fully integrated solution is scaled for small to large tennis, health and fitness facilities with one or multiple locations. e Club Automation suite was designed from the ground up to help club operators reduce operating costs, grow revenues, and delight your members. NEW! Debit Success USA Shaun Quincey • 415-269-0529 [email protected] Full service billing and club management system. Credit cards and ACH In Touch Technology • Rachael Lai • 888-741-6408 [email protected] InTouch Follow-Up is sales and retention software that has been built specifically for health clubs. We help clubs capture all their leads and proactively communicate with them so they sell more memberships and personal training. Health clubs define their own lead and member follow-up to fit their own sales process. All sales activities are tracked in InTouch Follow-Up so owners and managers can hold staff accountable. Over 900 health clubs in 17 countries use InTouch Follow-Up to drive their revenue by increasing membership sales and member retention. Jonas Fitness • 801-501-9673 Jan Harms • [email protected] A comprehensive and scalable solution that combines the best of club management software, managed member data services and payment services. When these three vital club functions are fully integrated, your club reaches the peak in profitability and operational efficiency. MembersFirst • 508-310-2360 Dawn Taylor • 401-289-0745 [email protected] Internet-based marketing and member communication solutions to the Health & Fitness Industry. We build, design and manage club web sites to support all aspects of membership from acquisition, activation, engagement and retention. ★ Revvim: CCD Endorsed Provider Matt LeBaron • [email protected] Revvim is a critical component of a well run website. It continuously monitors your site and the search engine landscape, recommending improvements that not only optimize your organic search traffic, but maximize your organic search revenue. It leverages your staff and focuses them on the big picture. Twin Oaks Carole Oat • 860-829-6000 x281 • [email protected] Eric Claman • x273 • [email protected] Joanna Truong • x293 • [email protected] Brian Bugnacki • x292 • [email protected] Twin Oaks Software has been named the IHRSA 2015, Associate Member of the Year. Developed by former club owners and serving the industry since 1991. Focused on delivering reliable products and services, offering both a web or desktop software, processing billing, and following up with returns management. Come see us on the web at ★ CCD Partnership discount CCD_2nd_2015_Layout 1 5/1/15 6:18 PM Page 28 28 California Clubs of Distinction 5382 Coach Drive El Sobrante, CA 94803 Membership Application Membership in CCD is open to health, racquet, and fitness facilities which pay property taxes and do not accept tax-deductible contributions of capital or operating costs, e.g., 501 c(3)’s, government agencies and their subsidiaries. Applicant facilities must sign the Pledge below to activate a membership. Your club will be reviewed by the Executive Director upon application, change of ownership, or if a questionable ethic is brought before the Board. If you have any questions, please contact Lin Conrad, the Executive Director, at 510-243-1532. CCD reserves the right to make final decisions on applications for membership. Membership Pledge As a member of CCD, I agree to operate my club in the best interest of the consumer and the industry by: • Assuring that my club is a service driven club • Abiding by all federal, state, and local consumer protection laws and all other applicable legislation • Engaging in a positive sales approach • Opening membership to persons of all races, creeds and places of origin. I agree to abide by this Membership Pledge: Signature: Please mark the appropriate box for annual dues: Club Name: Street Address: City: State: Owner: Zip Code: Manager: e-mail address (for CCD use only): q q q q q Date: 1 club with 2,000 sq. ft. or less = $225 1-4 clubs = $360 each facility (all clubs must be members) 5-9 clubs = $300 each facility (all clubs must be members) 10-14 clubs = $280 each facility (all clubs must be members) 15+ clubs = corporate membership (contact CCD for dues) IHRSA Members receive a 5% discount. Web site: www. Telephone: Fax: Number of Clubs: Amount enclosed: $ Mail check to: CCD, 5382 Coach Drive, El Sobrante, CA 94803 CCD, a non-profit association, is the voice of the club industry in California. CCD’s purpose is to promote responsible growth of the California club industry and to enhance the professionalism, effectiveness and profitability of its members through networking, education and positive legislative change. The Trade Association of Health, Racquet & Fitness Clubs in California