Sportsmate May 2016 - Corvette Club of Iowa
Sportsmate May 2016 - Corvette Club of Iowa
Official Publication Corvette Club of Iowa Corvette Club of Iowa Sportsmate Table of Contents CCI Board of Directors Calendar of Events President’s Report Board Meeting Minutes General Meeting Minutes Governor’s Report Tech Directions Odds and Ends CCI Event Flyers CCI Membership Application West Region News Expiring West Region Officer Positions 2016 West Region Competition Schedule West Region Event Flyers NCCC News NCCC Director of Charity NCCC Charity Organization and Raffle 2016 NCCC Convention 2017 NCCC Convention 2016 NCCC Convention Schedule 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 14 15 16 16 16 17 29 29 29 29 29 30 2015 Board of Directors Gary Foster, President Wayne Weidmann, Webmaster [email protected] 540-656-6947 [email protected] 223-6164 Judi Nikolish, Vice President Nan Brittain, Points Director [email protected] 250-1971 [email protected] 253-0196 Dave Howard, Secretary & Editor Paul Wyman, Competition Director Ken Wilson, Treasurer Sheila Wyman, Membership Director Denny Luther, NCCC Governor Fundraising Director [email protected] 244-1714 [email protected] 277-3303 [email protected] 999-2700 [email protected] 277-3303 [email protected] 401-8276 Vacant Jay Hommer, Member at Large [email protected] 964-0281 Calendar of Events May 7th May 17th May 28th - 30th Pella Tulip Cruise – See Flyer General Meeting – Jethro’s Lakehouse, Ankeny Memorial Weekend Low Speeds – See Flyer Jun 10th Jun 21st Jun 25th & 26th I-Cubs Baseball – See Flyer General Meeting – Hilltop Restaurant and Lounge, Des Moines Racing at the Speedway Jul 12th Jul 17th - 22nd General Meeting – TBD 2016 NCCC Convention – Omaha 3 From the President… Well, the long winter hibernation is over, it’s starting to warm up and the days are getting longer. I’ve seen a lot of Corvettes on the road and it’s exciting to think that the weather won’t necessarily dictate which car to drive anymore. We’re only a few weeks away from CCI’s first autocross event of the year. Winter bench-racing is over and the time is almost here to put rubber to the track. In this case, it’s race track. If you haven’t heard, the Chariton airport, home of our annual Memorial Day race weekend, is undergoing repairs and it is unavailable for us to use for our event. Paul Wyman has found us a new site for this year’s event. It will be May 28-30 at Marshalltown International Raceway (i.e. the go-cart track). It should be a lot of fun. The track is actually wider than you might think a go-cart track would be. I’ve raced on it before and I remember it being a good time. Judi also has some fun events planned, including a trip to Principal Park to watch the Iowa Cubs play next month. I was trying to think how I wanted to remind you, again, that the NCCC Convention is in Omaha this summer and I hope a lot of our members will consider attending. I’ll try to do so using my own personal experiences of convention and the friends I have met as a result of attending. I got my first Corvette in 1979. I first tried autocrossing in 1984 at an SCCA event in a new ‘84 Corvette. Over the years, I raced a number of different cars and owned several Corvettes as I experienced family life and raised two children. By 2002, I had acquired a new (to me) ‘99 Corvette FRC hardtop. I joined CCI specifically to be able to experience Corvette club autocrosses. I made telephone calls to CCI office holders to join the club, fill out the application and send in my dues just before the event I wanted to attend. My first race weekend was in Kearney, NE. I didn’t know anybody in CCI or anybody else racing that weekend. As soon as I walked into the hotel the night before the event, however, that changed. Despite just meeting everyone, I felt like I had a new group of good friends before the night was over with. My son, Brian, drove over with my race tires overnight, and I had a terrific day competing. I felt really comfortable and I had a great time. I think Brian did, too. Brian and I raced around the Midwest with the regular racers from CCI throughout 2002, 2003 and the beginning of 2004. We decided to go to Las Vegas and see what the NCCC Convention was like. Jay and Linda Hommer transported our race tires to Las Vegas for me in their trailer. Brian and I arrived at the conference hotel at about 9:30AM and it was already very hot. I decided to get my tech inspection over with in the parking lot at the old Stardust Hotel/Casino. They found that my battery tray was loose, so the car wouldn’t pass tech. With borrowed tools, we tore into the project. It turned out to be a challenging repair, and I found out that things in Las Vegas appear closer than they really are… after we walked about 5 miles down the street to get to a parts store I swear we could see the whole way. Drag racing at the 2004 event was held at “The Strip.” I made the first couple of passes when people started approaching me and congratulating me. I had no idea what the accolades were for until one of the club members told me that I had run a time under the National Record for my class. They asked me if I was going to back up my run. I told them, “Sure. Why not.” They explained that the “Why not” was that I would have to tear down my car to prove it was legal if I set the record. They encouraged me to go for it and promised to lend me the tools I needed for the tear-down. I made another pass and managed to break the National Record. Jay loaned me his tools, again, and my car was proven to be legal. I put the car back together, cranked it over and it made the loudest clattering noise I had ever heard from an engine that had previously run flawlessly. I was sure I reassembled something wrong and ruined the engine. After many people consoled me and offered possible simple reasons for the noise, I tried again. Eventually, the car fired and ran fine. It was the thoughtfulness I experienced from people who belong to CCI and other clubs around the country at the 2004 Convention in Las Vegas that hooked me. 4 You would think the crazy luck I had at the 2004 Convention could only happen once. Well, in 2005 in Brainerd, Minnesota, the check engine light came on just as I was about to start running at the high speed event. The end result was a repair that night by Randy Rippie at Doug Rippie Motorsports after the local Chevrolet dealership told me it would take them 3 days to get new knock sensors in. Finally, in Orlando in 2006, we towed the car and trailer down behind his Suburban. Upon our arrival in Orlando, the transmission went out and left us stranded. Again, an NCCC member (Mike Godfrey) stepped forward and let us use his tow vehicle to get our car to the racing events while ours was in the shop having the transmission repaired. (I guess Family Helping Family was practiced by NCCC members around the country even before it was an official NCCC program.) Since 2007, work and other things have kind of gotten in the way and prevented me from attending the convention. I plan on being in Omaha this July and I hope to see you there. For more details, including registration forms, go to To close this message, I just want to mention Clayton Smith, who had a nasty fall recently which caused some broken ribs and a punctured lung. Get well soon, Clayton. That’s enough for one message. I’ll see you soon. Until then, Save the Wave. Gary Foster Board Meeting Minutes, April 5, 2016 The April Board meeting was held at The Beerhouse on 86th St in Urbandale. VP Judi Nikolish called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Secretary’s report: Dave Howard reviewed the March Board meeting minutes which included approval of his minutes and Ken Wilson’s treasurer’s report, Denny Luther’s update on sanction acquisitions for our speed events and highlights from late February’s Governors meeting, followed by reports from Member at Large, Editor, Webmaster, Competition and Membership (reported by Paul in Sheila’s absence). Board meeting minutes will be published in Sportsmate. Motion to approve by Ken, seconded by Denny and passed. Treasurer’s report: Ken said the treasury was up about $1,300 in March primarily because of West Region Banquet registrations and the fact we haven’t been billed for the banquet yet by Echo Valley Country Club. Ken’s full report will be posted in Members Only on the club website. Motion to approve by Denny, seconded by Judi and passed. President’s report: Gary was not present and there was no report. VP’s report: Judi talked briefly about the Flix Brewhouse social coming up on Saturday and mentioned plans for a cruise to Pella in May. Discussion followed regarding doing this event in conjunction with the Tulip Festival rather than the weekend after. We concluded we should risk the crowds and cruise down there on May 7 th during the festival. Once we get there, people will be free to wander, eat and leave on their own. Governor’s report: Denny spoke about some new wrinkles in our annual paperwork to gain the use of the Ankeny Airport for our August speed event weekend. Among these is a requirement to pay a $200 fee for use of the facility. We then moved to a discussion of our dilemma caused by the probable unavailability of the Chariton Airport for our Memorial Weekend speed events. Several alternatives had been proposed in emails that circulated prior to this meeting. After weighing these, Ken made a motion to move the event to the Marshalltown go-cart track for the three-day weekend at a cost of $500/day, seconded by Judi and passed. 5 Member at Large: Jay was not present and there was no report. Editor: Dave H. said that the March newsletter has been submitted to the NCCC Newsletter Contest judges which leaves the May Sportsmate as the only remaining contest issue. Webmaster: Wayne W. had nothing to report. Points Chair, Competition Director and Membership Director were not present and there were no reports. Old Business: There was follow-up discussion on acquiring a digital display board for race times at our speed events. Ken said he was willing to do some research into this to give Denny an assist. New Business: A donation to The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall was discussed. The Traveling Wall is a scaled down replica of the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC. The consensus of the group was to table this item so we can take time to research and analyze the need. This concluded business. Ken made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Denny and the meeting adjourned at 8:10PM. Respectfully, Dave Howard – Secretary General Meeting Minutes, April 19, 2016 The April general meeting was held at The Machine Shed in Urbandale. President Gary Foster called the meeting to order at 7:15PM. There was one new member in attendance – Tom Treska who rejoined CCI after last month’s meeting. Tom was a member back in the ‘70s and now has a 2013 Crystal Red 427 convertible. Welcome back Tom! Secretary’s report: Dave Howard reviewed the minutes from the March general meeting. Among the items included were approval of the previous month’s minutes and Treasurer’s report and reports from the President, Vice-President, Governor, Member-at-Large, Editor, Webmaster, Points, Competition and Membership. The minutes are published in Sportsmate on the website. Jim Lucas made a motion to approve the minutes as published, seconded by Mike Wallace and passed. Treasurer’s report: Ken Wilson reported that the club treasury gained about $1,300 in March mostly from registrations for the West Region Banquet but at month end we have yet to be billed by Echo Valley for that. His detailed report is posted to the Members Only section of the club website. A motion to approve Ken’s report as posted was made by Larry Noble, seconded by Jim Lucas and passed. President’s report: Gary had nothing to report. VP report: Judi Nikolish reviewed the social event at Flix Brewhouse that took place April 9th. She then gave details on the cruise to Pella for the annual Tulip Festival. In the works is an outing to see the Iowa Cubs play at Principal Park in early June. Governor’s report: Denny said the April governors meeting will be held this coming weekend and he will be casting our vote for The Shriners International (Shriners Hospitals for Children) for NCCC’s new charity. He explained that NCCC President Dave Heinemann has received three applications for the open Director of Charity position and interviews will be conducted by the E-Board during the governors meeting as well. Denny closed with an update on our Memorial Weekend autocross events. We had a couple of options for relocating from Chariton because of construction at the airport. The Board decided to move the three-day event to the go-cart track in Marshalltown. Both Gary Foster and Alan Heggen have run there in the past and their opinion is it will be a lot of fun. Member-at-Large: Jay reported $112 in the 50/50 pot – the $56 winner’s half went to Scott Mitchell. Editor: Dave reported that May’s Sportsmate is the last of three contest issues for the NCCC Newsletter Contest. Webmaster: Wayne W. reminded the group of the litter cleanup on I-35 that we will tackle this coming Saturday. Points: Nan had nothing to report. Competition Director: Paul provided some 6 additional details on the Memorial Weekend events in Marshalltown… there is ample parking, garage space available, etc. Membership Director: Sheila said we’re at about 110 members now. Old Business: Paul had several club and WR awards to hand out, including two Bob Awards for Clayton Smith. Jay updated us on his August Hooch Run, saying he has six cars committed so far and he has extended the sign up period to May 1 st. Tom Treska asked about the proposed drivers school and Gary responded that he would still like to do it but hasn’t been able to locate a site. New Business: none. Buy and Sell: Brian Ney has tickets for race events at Kansas Speedway May 6 th & 7th… see him after the meeting if you’re interested. No additional business was noted. Larry N. made a motion to adjourn and Mike W. seconded. We adjourned at 7:50PM. Respectfully, Dave Howard – Secretary A Message from Your Governor… If you haven’t heard, we have a new venue for our Memorial weekend event. Due to construction at the Chariton airport, we had to look for an alternative site to hold our 2016 Memorial event May 28 th, 29th and 30th. Fortunately, we have secured the Iowa International Raceway in Marshalltown. Although it is a go-cart track, many autocross events have been hosted at the site for SCCA and the Mustang club. The site has a ½ mile road course track, garages (available for rent), concession stand and ample parking for trailers and motor homes. I encourage everyone to give this course a try because I believe you are going to be raving about the fun you had with your car once you have driven the course. The flyer is in this issue of the Sportsmate and it is also posted on the CCI website. We will look forward to seeing you in Marshalltown. You can bring your registration to Marshalltown or send your advance registration to Ken Wilson. We will be autocrossing all three days with a total of 21 events. I attended the quarterly NCCC Governor’s and NCCC E-board meetings in St. Louis April 22nd and 23rd. The E-board focused on naming a new Director of Charities and Grants. We interviewed three individuals who had applied for the job. All three were great candidates making the selection difficult but we decided on Michele Cantelmo from the East Region. She is already moving at full speed to get our new charity program launched and raffle tickets ready to begin selling at Bloomington Gold. We will be offering 2000 $50 tickets with the winner receiving a $50,000.00 certificate for purchase of a new Corvette. In addition, the Governors voted on the new charity NCCC will be supporting and it is St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital. You will be hearing more as this program gets underway. Finally, the E-board had an extended discussion regarding the proposed 2017 NCCC Convention that was planned for Bowling Green, KY. Unfortunately, several unacceptable clauses in the NCM Motorsports Park contract could not be resolved. As a result, we voted to cancel pursuing the Bowling Green convention for 2017. Unless someone steps up very soon to manage a shortened event somewhere else there will be no convention next year. That’s all for now and I will see you at the regular meeting on the 17th. Denny Luther 7 Brake Fluid Basics… Brake It, Don’t Break It! By Jim Jandik Brake fluid is an interesting liquid. While not caustic to skin like battery acid, many of us have discovered, often by accident, that brake fluid doubles as a paint stripper. It will also take the shine off your exterior clear coat in a matter of seconds after making contact with the surface. Most car owners know brake fluid is an aggressive liquid in that sense. Many also know that there are different types of brake fluid available to purchase but completely understanding brake fluid takes some homework. This effort will be rewarded because knowledge of brake fluid basics will help you make good decisions regarding which brake fluid is best for your Corvette. It could also prevent undesirable events from occurring (like going off track at a road course and having a close encounter with a guardrail, tire wall or worker station) and this knowledge will extend the useful performance life of your brake components. What should high quality brake fluid do in your car? Its primary function is to act as a hydraulic fluid. Brake fluid is engineered to be very non-compressible – when you push your foot down on the brake pedal, that action creates instantaneous system pressure by moving the pistons of the brake master cylinder forward. This pressure is transferred through the brake lines to the caliper pistons, which in turn extend against the backing plate of the brake pads. The pads then contact each respective brake rotor, slowing the rotation of your tires/rims. Because of its chemical composition, brake fluid does this over an extremely wide temperature range, much better than say water, another non-compressible liquid. Secondarily, brake fluids are designed to prevent corrosion inside the brake system internals (brake master cylinder, proportioning valves, lines, calipers) and to properly lubricate the seals found within the system. This is accomplished by the ratios of chemical compounds being used in a particular brake fluid and to some degree, the additive packages mixed in with a specific blend of fluid. For example, pH can be used to measure the alkalinity or acidity of the fluid. This turns out to be an important criterion, as the pH range of brake fluid has to meet a standard of 7 - 11.5. Steel will not corrode as long as the pH is above 9.5, but if the pH rises above 11.5, aluminum components will be attacked. Fresh brake fluid prevents this from happening. Let’s look at some of the terms associated with brake fluid. This will help distinguish between the different types of fluid currently being offered and therefore aid in determining which category of fluid is best for your application. First, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for establishing the criteria for brake fluid labeling. The Society of Automotive Engineers, known as SAE, sorts out the physical characteristics. Interestingly, the U.S. DOT does not actually test or approve brake fluids. Each manufacturer must have independent lab testing done on their products to validate that it “meets or exceeds” the particular DOT specification. As an additional note, all brake fluids in the USA must comply with Federal Motor Vehicles Safety Standard #116 (FMVSS 116). Dry Boiling Point: This is the temperature at which the fluid begins to boil, per DOT described test methodology. This test is done on brand-new, just opened bottles of brake fluid. Wet Boiling Point: Similar procedures to Dry Boiling Point testing are performed, except that moisture is allowed to be absorbed from the atmosphere prior to testing (most brake fluids are “hygroscopic,” meaning the fluid itself attracts moisture). The procedure is somewhat curious as the brake fluid itself is not directly tested for water content. A reference fluid is placed next to the just opened sample container of brake fluid and when the reference fluid reaches 3.7% water content by weight, the brake fluid is tested. Different classifications of brake fluid absorb moisture at different rates, so effectively DOT 3 fluids may be at 3.0 - 3.5% moisture, while DOT 4 fluids routinely contain 4.0 - 4.5% moisture content by volume when using this testing method. 8 There are several other criteria that are measured during brake fluid testing, such as high temperature stability, viscosity, compressibility values and reserve alkalinity. While all are important aspects of brake fluid, they are not included in detail with this technical discussion. DOT 3: This is a glycol based fluid. It must have a minimum dry boiling point of 401 °F and a minimum wet boiling point of 284 °F. DOT 3 will (on average) absorb 1% to 2% moisture content per year. DOT 3 is the least expensive brake fluid to purchase. DOT 4: While also containing glycol, DOT 4 is a borate ester base fluid (mixed esters with boric acid). It is slightly more hygroscopic than DOT 3. DOT 4 needs to meet a minimum dry boiling point of 446 °F, while having a minimum wet boiling point of 311 °F. Two examples of brake fluids that meet and exceed DOT 4 requirements are pictured here. Both retail for about $19 for a 16.9 oz. bottle. On the left is Amsoil Series 600 with a dry boiling point of 580 °F and wet boiling point of 410 °F. To the right is Wilwood EXP 600 Plus with a dry boiling point of 594 °F and wet boiling point of 399 °F. DOT 5: This is a silicone based fluid. Because of this, the fluid is not hygroscopic. The minimum dry boiling point has to meet 500 °F, with a minimum wet boiling point of 356 °F (I’m uncertain as to how the latter test is performed in a lab). It should be emphasized that DOT 5 is not compatible with any of the other DOT fluids. Once a brake system is filled with DOT 5 it is very difficult to remove its residue. Changing back to a DOT 3/4/5.1 is virtually impossible without either replacing every brake component in the fluid chain or completely disassembling them for a thorough cleaning. For racing purposes, DOT 5 is a poor choice. Under high temperatures it expands so the fluid becomes more compressible. That is what leads to a soft or spongy feel to the brake pedal. Plus, DOT 5 tends to form air bubbles easily under high temperature conditions, again adding to the spongy pedal feel. Because it is inert and non-corrosive, DOT 5 is an excellent choice for preserving classic cars or cars stored for extended periods of time. In addition, DOT 5 won’t eat your paint in the event of a spill or component leakage. DOT 5.1: Unfortunately, many people associate this classification with silicone based DOT 5 fluids. In actuality, DOT 5.1 is primarily comprised of borate ester. It has a minimum dry boiling point of 500 °F and a minimum wet boiling point of 356 °F. This is an excellent severe duty and racing application fluid. While common in European high performance cars, it is not readily obtainable in the USA. So in choosing a brake fluid for your street driven Corvette, you need to decide if the higher dry boiling point and wet boiling point values offered in DOT 4 or DOT 5.1 fluids are worth the extra money. DOT 3/4/5.1 fluids are all compatible with each other, so there is no problem changing classifications. Since these fluids will absorb water at a minimum rate of 1% - 2% per year, in reality the fluid should be completely flushed out and the system refilled with new fluid every two years. With Corvettes being used for race activities, whether autocross or road racing, it is easier to justify the higher cost of DOT 4 or DOT 5.1 fluids. Perhaps more weight should be given to the wet boiling point values. If fluid is changed out entirely each race season, it will still absorb some moisture during the spring, summer and fall months. At the very least, each caliper should be bled out after every race event. The greatly elevated temperatures realized under race conditions do present the reality of boiling brake fluid in the calipers which creates a gas and in turn entraps air bubbles within the fluid. Those air bubbles compress easily and if enough of them are present, a complete loss of the braking system can occur. That would be a bad thing under any set of circumstances, but particularly when racing your Corvette. Buy high quality brake fluid and change it frequently. Your car will thank you and you will thank yourself. Equally important, the corner workers at track events will thank you as well! That is a winwin-win situation. A special thank you to Carl Bush at Wilwood Engineering and Michael Wachholz of Torque Inc. for their technical help and the information they provided me concerning DOT specified testing procedures. 9 Odds and Ends… General Meeting Notice Please make plans to attend our May meeting at… Jethro’s Lakehouse 1425 SW Vintage Pkwy Ankeny See you on the 17th! Located ¾ mile north of Oralabor Road, just east of SW State Street Dinner @ 6:00pm Meeting @ 7:00pm Treasurer’s Report You will find a financial statement on the club website, Just go to the Members page and click on the “Members Only” link where you will be prompted for a Username and Password (both available from any Board member if you don’t remember them). Member News Welcome New Members! Sorry, we have no new members to report for April. Birthdays. Happy Birthday to the following members with May birthdates: Happy Birthday!! Sylvia Piper 5/1 Donna Eggleston 5/11 Dave Fegley 5/11 Mary Harrington 5/14 Jim Jandik 5/25 Get Well Wishes. Clayton Smith is on the mend from a bad fall he took recently while working on a piece of farm machinery. He suffered broken ribs, a punctured lung and numerous cuts, scrapes and bruises. Clayton, we hope your recovery goes well and you will be able to rejoin the fun soon! Charity Update At this point each year, we’ve met our early charity obligations and for the most part we’re looking towards the holiday season for our next major charitable events. We will accumulate additional monies in the Charity Fund during the remainder of the year mostly from fundraising such as 50/50 drawings and occasional auctions during meetings and events. Our next charity effort is the personal care items collection that was started several years ago by Paul Wyman to help homeless veterans. While these vets can receive assistance from the VA, there are many items that this assistance won’t provide. Toilet paper tops the list and therefore Paul calls this effort the TP Roundup. This is an early fall activity so stay tuned. Let’s see if we can top last year’s collection of over 500 items and nearly $100 in cash! 10 Events Here’s a wrap-up of recently held events along with a description of events on the horizon. Flyers for upcoming club social events follow the “Odds and Ends” section of Sportsmate. Vettes Take on the Ankeny Autobahn. Saturday, April 23rd brought out a group of just over a dozen (including two members of Cyclone Corvettes) that gathered at the DOT’s facility on Corporate Woods Drive. We had a clear, crisp morning as we rolled up our sleeves and headed out on I-35 to work the northbound ditch between there and Oralabor Road. We managed to knock out the worst of it in around 2-1/2 hours thanks in part to those grabber devices we invested in. Afterwards we departed for the Sugar Shack in Altoona for lunch on the club’s dime. Looks like a satisfied lot, don’t you think? Pella Tulip Cruise. An hour cruise on Saturday, May 7th (through wildfire smoke that drifted into Iowa overnight) brought a dozen of us in seven Vettes to Pella for the 81st annual Tulip Time. Despite thick haze and a threat of rain that never materialized, we spent several hours taking in the sights and enjoying a great meal at one of the local churches. Although we were on our own once we got there, a group of 8 or 9 of us hung together for most of the day. Ready to roll Strolling along Franklin Street 11 Boyhood home of Wyatt Earp Vermeer Windmill in the background Memorial Weekend Low Speeds. S 18th Ave There has been a lot said over the past few weeks about the loss of the Chariton Airport for our Memorial Weekend Low Speeds. Now we know where we are headed for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 28th, 29th & 30th. We recently negotiated an agreement with the Iowa International Raceway for our 21-event, 3-day Memorial weekend. Although it is a go-cart track, numerous SCCA and other car club events have been held there over the E Anson St years. The Raceway is located on the eastern edge of Marshalltown, 2.5 miles north of US Hwy 30. Take the S 18th Ave exit from Hwy 30 and as you’re rolling north, look for the water tower just east of the roadway. Once you’re past the water tower, take the first right off S 18th and the track is only a few hundred yards ahead on your left. Hope to see you there! The flyer can be found under West Region News on pages 19 & 20. 12 Hooch Run. Jay Hommer’s weeklong road trip through Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee has solidified with a total of six cars set to participate. Although the scheduled trip doesn’t start until August 22nd and runs through the 28th, Jay needed commitments by the 1 st of May so he could move forward with reservations for the stops along the way. The itinerary includes visits to the National Corvette Museum and GM Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, KY. The Bourbon Heritage Center and distilleries such as George Dickel, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam are also included. The return trip to Iowa features a stop at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Museum. Those of us who won’t be making the journey will anxiously await their return so we can see and hear the stories about the fun they had! Save the Date! Mark your calendars and look for more details in upcoming issues of Sportsmate: Friday, June 10, 2016. Get ready to “Play Ball!” at Principal Park, home of the Iowa Cubs and one of the finest Triple-A ballparks in the US. Join us as the I-Cubs take on the Round Rock (TX) Express, the AAA affiliate of the Texas Rangers. Judi will need to reserve seats for the group ahead of time so be sure to let her know if you’re willing to step up to the plate! See the flyer on the next page. Saturday & Sunday, June 25 & 26, 2016. The tenth annual “Racing at the Speedway” event comes our way at Newton’s Iowa Speedway during the last weekend in June. Featuring seven lowspeeds on Saturday and seven high-speeds on Sunday, it will have the same look and feel of our recent history with this format. We are currently awaiting the RCD’s approval of the sanctions we plan to use for the individual events and as soon as that is granted, the flyer will be circulated. Look for that to appear later in May via email and under West Region News in next month’s Sportsmate. Tuesday, July 12, 2016. The date for the July club meeting has been changed to avoid a conflict with the NCCC Convention in Omaha. Our customary general meeting night on the third Tuesday of July falls during the week of Convention so the Board has decided to meet a week earlier instead. That way those members who want to attend both the meeting and Convention won’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Buy & Sell Advertise Here Working on a project? Need tires, wheels or parts? Maybe the old Vette needs a new home… Club members can place up to 3 ads per month in the Buy & Sell section of Sportsmate at no cost Contact the Editor today at [email protected] 13 Baseball Game Friday, June 10 6:30PM th Meet on the northwest side of Principal Park near the Cub Club entrance We will enter at 6:45PM Game time is 7:08PM We need a group of 25 or more to get the reduced ticket price of $8/seat and guarantee that we all sit together To reserve your seat call Judi Nikolish @ 515-250-1971 Four Party Points 14 Corvette Club of Iowa AN AFFILIATE OF THE National Council of Corvette Clubs PROMOTING SAFE DRIVING SPORTSMANSHIP COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIP MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Date: Name: Birthdate: Spouse’s name (if joining): Birthdate: Dependent’s name (if joining): Birthdate: Street address: State: City: Zip code: Home phone: Work phone: E-Mail address: Member referred by: Corvette Information Year: Model: Color: Special Features: Reason for joining CCI: Special interests or skills: Membership in other car club(s): Offices held: Your Signature: Spouse’s Signature (if joining): Dependent’s Signature (if joining): Annual Dues-Must Accompany Completed Application (Checks payable to “Corvette Club of Iowa”) NCCC National Dues NCCC Regional Dues CCI Dues Total Member Spouse Dependent $35.00* $10.00 $10.00 .50 .50 .50 29.50 9.50 5.50 $65.00 $20.00 $16.00 $ . For club use only Date application received: President’s Signature: Mail completed application to: Board of Directors approval date: Secretary’s Signature: Treasurer, Corvette Club of Iowa 10318 NW 106th Ave Granger, IA 50109 *Annual dues for membership in NCCC for the year 2016 are $35. $10 of this amount is for a one-year subscription to Blue Bars. 15 West Region News West Region Officer Positions Terms expire at the end of 2016 for the West Region officer positions of Regional Competition Director, Regional Membership Director and West Region Treasurer. If interested in one of these positions, notify Regional Executive Larry Beebe at [email protected]. You can also let CCI’s Sheila Wyman or Linda Hommer know and they will pass your interest along to Larry. 2016 West Region Competition Schedule The West Region competition season kicks off this month with two full weekends of low speeds including CCI’s Memorial Weekend featuring 7 low speeds each day over the three-day weekend (reminder: these will take place at the Marshalltown go-cart track this year). The WR Events Calendar through June is shown below. Flyers currently available for May and June events appear on the succeeding pages. 2016 West Region Competition Schedule Date Saturday, May 21, 2016 Sunday, May 22, 2016 Saturday, May 28, 2016 Sunday, May 29, 2016 Monday, May 30, 2016 Saturday, June 4, 2016 Sunday, June 5, 2016 Saturday, June 11, 2016 Saturday, June 11, 2016 Sunday, June 12, 2016 Saturday, June 18, 2016 Sunday, June 19, 2016 Saturday, June 25, 2016 Sunday, June 26, 2016 Event Type Name of Event Location Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Peoples Choice Concours Peoples Choice Concours Peoples Choice Concours Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross Low Speed Autocross High Speed Autocross Southeast Lincoln, NE Community College Southeast Lincoln, NE Community College Southeast Lincoln, NE Community College Southeast Lincoln, NE Community College Memorial Weekend Marshalltown, IA Autocross Memorial Weekend Marshalltown, IA Autocross Memorial Weekend Marshalltown, IA Autocross Memorial Weekend Marshalltown, IA Autocross Memorial Weekend Marshalltown, IA Autocross Peers Auto Works Omaha, NE All Corvette Show Spring Fling Missouri Valley, IA Car Show Gateway to the Blair, NE West Car Show Racing KC 2016 Kansas City, KS Racing KC 2016 Kansas City, KS Racing KC 2016 Kansas City, KS Racing KC 2016 Kansas City, KS MAC Low Speeds Council Bluffs, IA MAC Low Speeds Council Bluffs, IA MAC Low Speeds Council Bluffs, IA Racing at the Speedway Racing at the Speedway Newton, IA Newton, IA 16 Hosting Club Nebraska Corvette Assn Nebraska Corvette Assn Cornhusker Corvette Club Sioux Falls Corvette Club River City Corvette Assn Corvette Club of Iowa Central Kansas Corvette Assn Corvette Club of Iowa Muscatine Corvette Club Cornhusker Corvette Club Midwest Early Corvette Club Midwest Early Corvette Club Mid America Corvette Club Central Kansas Corvette Assn Mid America Corvette Club Central Kansas Corvette Assn Sioux Falls Corvette Club Cornhusker Corvette Club Platte Valley Corvette Club Corvette Club of Iowa Corvette Club of Iowa Notes 7 Low Speeds 3 Low Speeds 1 Low Speed 3 Low Speeds 7 Low Speeds 1 Low Speed 6 Low Speeds 1 Low Speed 6 Low Speeds 5 Low Speeds 2 Low Speeds 5 Low Speeds 2 Low Speeds 7 Low Speeds 1 Low Speed 6 Low Speeds 7 Low Speeds 7 High Speeds 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NCCC News New NCCC Director of Charity During the April Governors meeting in St. Louis, the NCCC E-board reviewed three applications for the open Director of Charity position. After conducting interviews, Michele Cantelmo was named as the new NCCC Director of Charity. Michele is a member of the High Point Cruisers Car Club out of the East Region. CCI’s Denny Luther reports that all of the applicants were great candidates but he felt like Michele stood out from the others. Denny also says she has really taken off with considerable enthusiasm for the tasks at hand and many fresh ideas as well as a keen sense of organization and accountability. New NCCC Charity Organization and Raffle Also at the April Governors meeting, a vote was taken on a new NCCC Charity from among three options of Lions Club International, The Shriner’s International and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. St. Jude’s tallied the majority of votes and will soon begin to receive NCCC’s support from the new raffle program. The new format will consist of $50 tickets with a limit of 2,000 tickets to be sold. The first ticket sales for the 2017 drawing will be at Bloomington Gold in June. The raffle prize is a certificate in the amount of $54,000 that must be used towards the purchase of a new Corvette or a cash out option of $40,000. “Roar into Omaha” for Convention 2016 July 17 - 22, 2016. Registration for the 57th NCCC Convention has produced a little over 300 registrants as of May 1st when fees increased by $20 per person. A second $20 per person fee increase will take effect on July 1st which is also the deadline for requesting a refund of registration fees. Cornhusker CC has plenty in store for this year’s participants with something for just about everyone. See the complete schedule of events on the succeeding two pages. Remember that you must make your lodging reservations separately from Convention registration. Do so before June 17th to get the NCCC rate with either of the two host hotels that flank the La Vista Convention Center. They are the Embassy Suites and Marriott Courtyard. Information for that process is located at the end of the on-line registration form. To register and stay informed on the latest Convention news, visit the NCCC website at 2017 NCCC Convention A major development regarding the 2017 NCCC Convention was announced at the April Governors meeting: plans have been scrapped for the 58th Convention scheduled at NCM Motorsports Park in Bowling Green, KY. This is the result of key issues in the agreement proposed by MSP that exposed NCCC to high financial risk. The E-board considered this to be unacceptable and decided that the 2017 Convention will be cancelled. It is still possible that, as a replacement, a shortened version of convention could take place at another location but that will require quick action by any group that might put forth a bid. 29 2016 Convention Event Schedule Sunday, July 17 - Friday, July 22 Sunday, July 17 Early bird registration and tech, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Corvette Mall open 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Hospitality Room open 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Welcome Party with food at 6 p.m., entertainment from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday, July 18 Registration and Tech, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Golf, Fontenelle Hills 9 Holes, 9 a.m. to completion. Bus leaves at 8 a.m., lunch included, 2 person scramble. Michelin Ride and Drive, transportation to Werner Park will be available 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Borsheim’s Jewelry tour, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Bus leaves 12:30 p.m. Valve cover races 1:30 p.m. to completion. Hospitality room open 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Corvette Mall open 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Awards Banquet in the Convention Center following salute to Veterans Special presentation by “Heroes of the Heartland”. 6:00 p.m. Plated dinner. Hospitality room closed during Veterans Special presentation. Tuesday, July 19 a.m. session - Group 1S and Group 1 (Men and Ladies classes) 8:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 1st Run Group - all Group 1S Men minus 1SM-N class Men 2nd Run Group - Group 1SM-N Men and all Group 1 Men 3rd Run Group - all Ladies Group 1S & Group 1; 2nd Men Drivers p.m. session - Group 2 and Group 3 (Men and Ladies classes) 12:30 p.m. to completion. 1st Run Group - Group 2 and Group 3 Men 2nd Run Group - Group 2 and Group 3 Ladies; 2nd Men Drivers Concessions stand open at event. Guided tour of Boys Town. Bus leaves at 9 a.m. Guided tour of Lauritzen Gardens. Bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. Lunch on your own. Hospitality Room open noon to 6 p.m. Corvette Mall open noon to 6 p.m. 30 Dessert bar and hospitality 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Hollywood star dress up party, prizes awarded. Musical entertainment by Elvis impersonator. Tech by appointment only. Wednesday, July 20 High speed, Gates open at 7 a.m. First run group 1SM-N and groups 1 ,2, 3 a.m. second run group, women and 2 men drivers. p.m. first run group 1S CL, A-D to H-J-K p.m. second run group women and 2 men drivers. Concession stand open at event. Guided tour of Strategic Air and Space Museum. Bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. Lunch at the museum on your own. Guided tour of Henry Doorly Zoo and IMAX theatre, lunch on your own at the Zoo. Bus leaves at 9 a.m. Hospitality and Corvette Mall open noon to 6 p.m. Bus trip to Gary Kuck Motorsports Collection, Bus leaves at 5:00 p.m. dinner buffet served on site. Optional restaurant choices in the Generals. Thursday, July 21 Car show, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. People’s choice vote with your wallet, all money donated goes to Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital. Rallye, 11 a.m., entrants leave from car show. Second tour to Strategic Air and Space Museum. Bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. Lunch on your own. Second tour of Henry Doorly Zoo and I-max theatre. Bus leaves at 9 a.m. Lunch on your own. Corvette Mall open 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Hospitality room open 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Plated dinner 6.p.m. Hospitality, musical entertainment. Friday, July 22 Breakfast at 8 a.m. Awards presented. Convention closes. 3/13/2016 31 Thanks to our Sponsors City Wide Heating & Air Conditioning Cottman Transmission Center Wayne & Cheryl Weidmann Rocklyn Mobile Home Park 515 Lawn and Landscape Central Iowa Featherlite Lauterbach Buick GMC Paul & Sheila Wyman Jim & Sandy Lucas Larry & Nita Noble McIntire Electric Van Wall Group Bankers Trust Denny Luther Dave Howard Sugar Shack Stine Seed Car-X 32 Complete Car Care Car/ Light Truck Maintenance Tires, wheel balancing, & mounting regular and high performance Transmission and drive train repair specialists on location Clutches, Axles, Rear Ends, Transfer Cases, and more Domestic, Foreign, Performance Cars and Light Trucks All CCI members get a 5% discount (Tell us when you drop off your vehicle) If you’re looking for the best BBQ in the Midwest, you’ll find it at Central Iowa's place for Championship BBQ! TIM FORD Agent STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 3 convenient Des Moines locations: “In the Heart of Beaverdale” 2217 Beaver Avenue Des Moines, IA 50310 Off: (515) 277-6331 Fax: (515) 274-0042 “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” 33 5055 NW 2nd St 243-2747 1210 Locust St 288-1000 601 Locust St (skywalk level) 245-3800 POULOS’ Coney Island Mark Poulos th 100 8 Street SE, Suite E Altoona, IA 50009 34 Open Monday - Sunday Breakfast Served 7-11am BOB BROWN CHEVROLET I-35/80 EXIT 126 URBANDALE 278-7800 BOB BROWN PRE-OWNED 4730 MERLE HAY RD URBANDALE 266-8440 BOB BROWN BUICK GMC I-35 EXIT 90 ANKENY 289-5900 Shop us online at Sponsor of CCI’s 50th Anniversary Celebration 35 Dave Howard Sportsmate Editor 500 Thornton Ave. Des Moines, IA 50315 TO: