THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER VOLUME 48 • ISSUE NO. 8 THE EASTON AREA CORVETTE CLUB, INC. • OUR 48TH YEAR • AUGUST 2016 OF From Behind The Wheel - The President’s Message CLUB OFFICERS President - Tom Warrelmann Home - 610-867-8947 Cell - 610-653-3806 Email: [email protected] Vice President - Earl Bartha 610-588-2611 Email: [email protected] Secretary - Lorraine Lodics 610-759-1120 Email: [email protected] Treasurer - Brad Orey 610-762-3165 Email: [email protected] Newsletter & Membership Brad Orey 610-762-3165 Email: [email protected] Visit us online at: [email protected] ©2016. The Blue & Gold is published monthly by: The Easton Area Corvette Club, Inc. P.O. Box 3969 Easton, PA 18043-3969 CLUB MEETINGS Club meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. Meeting dates might be changed depending on holidays. All meetings are held at Nicolosi’s Pizza in Forks Township. Outdoor meetings have been discontinued. All meetings start at 7:00 PM and are subject to change depending on weather conditions. To find out the status of a meeting, check email prior to the meeting. Hello Easton Area Corvette Club members and friends. The month of July sure was a HOT!! one for sure with many of the days into the 90’s. Even with the heat on, there were many events for the club members to take part in. We started with our best Cruise since relocating to Forks Township. There were over 125 vehicles and the weather was perfect for a cruise night. Let’s hope it continues for our upcoming Cruise on August 6th. The club picnic on the 10th was once again a great event starting with a nice ride up to Mauch Chunk Lake. When we arrived there was plenty to eat for the next few hours along with great socializing with other club members. A very big THANKS! to the committee for a great Day. The club also participated for the third year with the Wheels for Meals show. The total amount raised was a fantastic $8,200 which will be equally divided between the Northampton & Monroe County Meals on Wheels organizations. This was a fun day working with the other clubs all for a good cause. There were several other shows and cruises and several members won awards over the month of July. See the Victory Lane page. Sunday, August 14th is our own car show “Vets for Pets” and as always the more members we can get to help that day the better. Enough help is very important to the success of our great show. As always, we also need items for the Bake Sale, Tricky Tray and Door Prizes. It would be fantastic if more club members were to pick up something for either of these. We take great pride in our Tricky Tray and Vettes for Pets so please consider helping out. Our TV & Tablet Raffle is doing better than last year but some of the club members have not returned their chances so please get them back in so we can include them in the pre-show sales. Everything is coming together nicely and from what Brad tells me, we have over 110 Pre-Registered vehicles with 2 weeks to go before the show. Even if you can’t attend the show, please think about registering your Corvette anyway. You would still get the T-Shirt, Dash Magnet and the other items in the Goody Bag if you are among the first 200 to register. You can find the application in this newsletter and is also on the club web page. Remember every dollar raised at Vettes for Pets is donated to The Center for Animal Health and Welfare. I hope I see many of the club members over the next few weeks at events so stay tuned for emails with details for the show and events going on in the month of August. The list is on the next page as well as additional events and shows on the club web page. Those of you who haven’t checked out the EACC web page should take a look. Our web master Steve Jurczyk is always updating the information as well as posting some very interesting information. The EACC also has a Facebook page for those of you who are on FB. Saturday, August 6, 2016 - Cruisin on The Trail - 5 to 8 PM Sunday, August 7, 2016 - 39th Annual Stoudt’s Corvette Show Stoudt’s Auto Sales Reading, PA 10 AM to 2 PM - FREE! Saturday, August 13, 2016 - Christmas in July Show Dairy Queen - Palmer Township 3 to 9 PM for Dream Come True - Hosted by LVAACA Come on out a nd sup por t The Ce nter f or Anima l Hea lth a nd Wel fare Pre-Regis tr ation - $20 Day of S how - $25 Sunday, August 20, 2016 - Cops and Rodders Car Show 9 AM to 3 PM - Wendy’s & Lowes Parking Lot Hackettstown, NJ Sunday, August 20, 2016 - Hellertown Lower Saucon Community Day Car Show Hellertown’s Dimmick Park - Show Starts at 10 AM Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 17th Annual Sticks Reunion Mountain View Drag Strip - Wind Gap - 10AM to 3PM - Application on EACC web page August 25th - 28th Adult Admission: Daily Thu.- Sat. $15 / Sun $10 / Event Pass $35 Gate Times: Thur: 10-6 , Fri-Sat: 7-6 , Sun: 7-3 More Shows & Events Listed on The EACC web page Our web page is updated regularly My interest in driving cars instead of tractors started at the age of 15. I purchased my first Corvette in 1988. It was a 1968 Candy Apple Red Convertible with a black interior that came from California. The previous owner had it customized to look similar to the car in the movie “Corvette Summer”. My second Vette was a 1992 Brilliant Red Pearl C4. I saw it at Carlisle and after a test drive, I purchased the car from Duane and Marianne Mosher who I later found out are members of the Allentown Corvette Club. I wanted a 50th anniversary car, but not in red. So in 2003, I purchased the anniversary model in Millennium Yellow. I had that Corvette until I traded it in to purchase my current and favorite Vette, a 2012 Velocity Yellow Grand Sport. Of my 4 Corvettes, this one is my favorite. Here are the EACC members who brought home some awards from the July shows. Brad Orey Best Corvette Monroe County Cruisers Cruise Night 1993 Coupe Jim Peters 2nd Place - C6 Jim Peters Top 50 Pick 2007 Convertible Len Feinberg 3rd Place - C7 2015 ZO6 Convertible Len Feinberg Vendor’s Choice 2015 ZO6 Convertible Jack Williams Top 50 Pick 2007 ZO6 Coupe 28 16 23 15 22 30 9 8 29 2 1 31 24 17 10 3 25 18 11 26 19 12 5 27
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