Presidents Thoughts - Altoona Corvette Club
Presidents Thoughts - Altoona Corvette Club
May 2016 Presidents Thoughts By Club President Randy Johnson Hi Everyone As I sat down to the computer to write my president’s thoughts, we are getting closer to the warm and sunny days of summer so we can get out our Corvettes and enjoy driving them. Just as many of you have done already, I have polished and waxed my Corvette so it is ready for my driving experience for all the events that are scheduled for this year. Coming up on Saturday, May 7th at 9:00 am is our Kick Off Breakfast at the Prime Sirloin restaurant in Duncansville. I enjoy this event very much because of the good food and conversation among Corvette owners and friends. It is my hope that the weather cooperates and gives us a nice sunny day so everyone will want to drive all those beautiful Corvettes to this event. Also, this will be the time to sign up for the Most Miles Driven fun contest the club is having this year. At the breakfast, just find Jeff Ingram and give him your odometer reading and one dollar for Waly Warmth. At our club Pizza Party and Election you will give him the odometer reading again and he will total up the miles. The most miles driven will win two free meals at our club Christmas Party. This might even be a little incentive to go to Bowling Green again this year. As always I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for giving me the position of president of your Altoona Corvette club. Have a nice day Randy Birthday’s 3rd—Bob Wiley 7th—Alice Good 25th—Cindy Dillow 13th—Bob Stangl 16th—Jim Wainwright 26th—Kent Carothers 29th—Bill Creek 29th—David Smith HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Page 2 Altoona Corvette Club Upcoming Events ACC Officers Meeting Tuesday, May 3, 2016 7:00 p.m. until ? Hoss's Corporate Office, 170 Patch Way Road, Duncansville, PA (Hoss's Corporate office is behind the Marzoni's and Hoss's Restaurants in Duncansville.) Kick-Off Breakfast Saturday, May 7, 2016 9:00 a.m. Prime Sirloin Buffet, Duncansville, PA Cost: $12.19 per person (includes tax and gratuity) After the breakfast, those interested may join us for a cruise to Windgate Vineyards & Winery, 1998 Hemlock Acres Road, Smicksburg, PA Click here for more information about the winery: Club Members Meeting Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:30 p.m.—Social Time ● 7:30 p.m.—Business Meeting Begins Marzoni's Restaurant in Duncansville, PA Please come out for a great social evening with wonderful food and good friends. Grabiak Chevrolet 6th Annual Detail Clinic and Auto Show Saturday, May 21, 2016 Detail Clinic from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - Q & A Session until 2:00 p.m. Meet for breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Altoona and head to Grabiak Chevrolet at 7:30 a.m. Contact Bill Creek at 814-215-3902, with questions. Click here for more details on the event: 23rd Annual Jaffa Car Show Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 10:00 am DelGrosso's Asusement Park, Tipton, PA For details or questions, contact Rick Moore at 814-935-1651or [email protected] Boalsburg Memorial Day Celebration - AACA Car Show Monday, May 30, 2016 PA Military Museum, 51 Boal Avenue, Boalsburg, PA Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at noon. Click here for more Information: or call Scott at 814-238-4031 Page 3 Altoona Corvette Club ! Join ACC President, Randy Johnson on the following Saturdays at Dunkin’ Donuts in Altoona at 8:00 a.m.for coffee, donuts and interesting conversation! May 14 June 25 July 9 August 13 September 17 *Afterward, take the cars on a run* Page 4 Altoona Corvette Club We will meet at the Giant Eagle in Roaring Spring at 12:30 p.m. and travel over the mountain to Lake Raystown. The cruise is scheduled for 2:15 pm. - Tickets are $9.95 per person. After the boat cruise we will have dinner at the Resort. If you would like to attend, please contact Sherry Wells by Sunday, June 5, at 814-937-7106 or 814-934-9472 or email [email protected] Sherry needs to give a count so the cruise boat is not overbooked. Page 5 Altoona Corvette Club Saturday, April 23, 2016 We had a beautiful day of sunshine, baseball & Corvettes as 19 members enjoyed an afternoon at the Altoona Curve game. The highlight was the 10 Corvettes taking a lap around the warning track prior to the game! Page 6 Altoona Corvette Club I remember riding my bike to the car dealership it for a test drive. However, there were 127 in Highspire to see the Corvette. That was in miles on it. 1953. When I saw it I thought it was pretty cool but that I would never have one. I gave up on getting the car for two weeks. Then decided I would go back and see if it was About three years ago I sat in the new C7 at the still there. If it was, I would buy it. It was still auto show in Harrisburg. I thought, wow, these there, cleaned up and ready for Mr. Sutliff to mirrors are awfully small! I was used to a pick make his own that afternoon. I talked to the up truck. The car was really nice, maybe I salesman, got him to knock off $1000 and could get used to those mirrors. Again, I figbought it! Believe it or not, I traded my nice ured I would probably never have one. 2012 Chevy Cruze that was the same crystal red tint coat color as the 2014 Stingray. I started reading about the C7 in car magazines. The things they said about it were all I went to the Ron Fellows driving school in Pagood. I went to look at some at the dealers. rump, near Las Vegas. It was a fun and a great They were not giving any discounts. Some experience. I learned a lot about my car there. were charging $5000 over list price. That was discouraging. This is my first Corvette and I am really happy I own it. It has exceeded all of my expectations. At Sutliff in Harrisburg, I saw one that was going for list price. They would not let anyone take ~Dick Page 7 Altoona Corvette Club Shown below is some Altoona Corvette Club memorabilia acquired by Jeff Ingram. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1954 Corvette Inline 6 Red in color 1965 Corvette 327/4 spd. Dark Green in color Both Corvettes are part of the personal collection of Bob Zeigler of Zeigler Chevrolet. He has owned them since the late 1960’s. Contact Bob at 814-329-0704 for more information. The Altoona Corvette Club was founded in 1969 with the purpose to promote and improve fellowship among Corvette Owners. Altoona Corvette Club PO Box 2346 Altoona, PA 16603 Our goal each year is to bring a variety of activities and events to club members, not only to celebrate the true American Sports Car, but also to enrich our lives with new and interesting people and places along the way. 2016 Club Officers Randy Johnson—President 814-224-5222 [email protected] Tom May—Vice President 814-695-9206 [email protected] Don Imler—Treasure 814-695-0712 [email protected] Jim Wainwright—Secretary 814-942-2758 [email protected] Sherry Wells—Social Director 814-934-9472 [email protected] Bill Creek—Events Director 814-569-7804 Jeff Ingram—Publicity Director 814-696-1260 [email protected] Cindy Mighells—Newsletter Editor 814-946-4096 [email protected] Help us to Drive Membership this year by seeking out Corvette owners. Tell them about our great club and all of our fun events! Please Support our Club Sponsors David Holtz, CFP Division Manager 322 Frankstown Rd., Altoona, PA 16602 Phone: 814-940-5600 or 800-863-8381 [email protected] Zeigler’s offers a 10% discount to ACC Members for parts and labor Dennis L. Olewine Contractor 408 Alta Vista Drive Altoona, PA 16601 (814) 946-9277 ~ In Business since 1979 ~ Does all phases of remodeling and new construction; both residential and light construction. Works only with quality subcontractors, to provide a complete job package. Fully insured and provides free estimates. MEMBER FINRA AND SIPC
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Members with parts to sell should contact Don Imler at 814-695-0712
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delicious cake and for the use of the facility, and to Nancy Imler for her now famous