The President`s Message - the Easton Area Corvette Club
The President`s Message - the Easton Area Corvette Club
THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER VOLUME 46 • ISSUE NO. 11 OF THE EASTON AREA CORVETTE CLUB, INC. • OUR 46TH YEAR • NOVEMBER 2014 From Behind The Wheel - The President’s Message CLUB OFFICERS President - Bud Cole Home - 610-599-7939 Cell - 484-515-1319 Email: [email protected] Vice President - Ken Greidanus 610-509-0631 Email: [email protected] Secretary - Sally Alercia 610-248-6055 Email: [email protected] Treasurer - Gene Ujvary 610-253-2645 Email: [email protected] Newsletter - Brad Orey 610-762-3165 Email: [email protected] Visit us online at: [email protected] ©2014. The Blue & Gold is published monthly by: The Easton Area Corvette Club, Inc. P.O. Box 3969 Easton, PA 18043-3969 CLUB MEETINGS Club meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of each month March through October. November through February meetings are held once a month on the first Thursday of each month. Meeting dates may change depending on holidays. All meetings are held at the YR Club on Rt. 611 in Easton except during the months of May through September, when the first meeting of the month will be held outdoors at Hackett Park weather permitting. All meetings start at 7:30 PM and are subject to change depending on weather conditions. To find out the status of a meeting, check email prior to the meeting. As we enter November, the nominations for officers have been completed. Once again the nominations were very light (only one nomination per office) each of your new officers will assume their responsibilities January first with no election needed. Tom Warrelmann will be your next President with Gene Ujvary taking the Vice-President position. Brad Orey will be the Treasurer for 2015 and Sally Alercia has stepped up once again to continue her position as secretary. Congratulations to all the incoming officers and a big thank you for your interest in keeping the club going forward. Please support your new officers who have stepped up to the plate to enable our Club to continue its’ tradition on being the best corvette club in the area. It is a wonderful feeling when you hear from local residents about how great it is that the Easton Area Corvette Club continues to show such great support to the local charities. It is a great feeling to be able to help people less fortunate than you. I want remind you that the Club membership dues are due and payable starting with October through January 15th. The dues are $30.00 for a single person or $50.00 for couples. You can either pay at a meeting or send your dues in the mail to the club P.O. Box shown to the left under the club website. At our last count we have 100 members on the roster. The Club always welcomes new members to participate and enjoy all of our activities and events and we also encourage their friends to join also as long as they own a Corvette. If you didn’t go to the Lackawaxen brunch on Sunday, October 19th, you missed out on a fantastic buffet which included breakfast and lunch items and a very scenic ride along the Delaware and Lackawaxen rivers. There was some excitement as a bear ran across the road on Route 209 in front of Lee Mearhoff. After our Brunch, a bob cat crossed in front of Brad & Denise Orey on Route 501. Luckily no one was hit or injured. There were other numerous sightings of Wild Turkeys as well as both Turkey and Black Vultures. The Ghostly Ghost walk in Easton was conducted on Thursday evening, October 30th. The weather cooperated and the walk through the downtown area of Easton was both interesting and informative. Although we didn’t see any paranormal activity, we might have been watched without our knowing it. These types of activities are meant to keep the membership involved and connected during the Fall/Winter months. Over the past few years, the club has formed committees to plan our cruises, Vettes for Pets and other events. This has proven to be a very good way to get more people involved in the running of the club. If anyone is interested in joining one of the committees, please let me know. In most cases participation is not all that time consuming and new ideas are always welcome. I would like to thank those members who have participated on one or more of the committees this past year. If it were not for the cruise committee this past year, there may not have been any cruises at all. While the two cruises that were held at our new location had low attendance, the weather was not the best. Have a great month. The Palace Restaurant 3250 Easton Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18020 Your choice of one of the following: Roast Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Chicken Marsala Stuffed Flounder with Crabmeat Dinner includes a Tossed Salad, Vegetable, Baked Stuffed Potato, Bread & Butter, Coffee, Hot Tea and Desert. Cash Bar Available If you are planning on attending, please contact Steve Mangano @ 610-317-9057 or sign up at the meeting on November 6th Final headcount needed by November 15th 360 Route 31 South - Washington, NJ 07882 Sales: (866) 488-9196 Service: (866) 488-9196 I grew up in Ohio and lived on the Ohio/Pennsylvania state line. I learned to drive on my sister Elaine's black '57 Chevy and eventually I owned my own red '57 Chevy which was equipped with a Hurst 3 speed on the floor. Later on I owned a red '62 Chevy Impala with a 327/300 hp engine and Mickey Thompson tires with chrome reverse wheels on it. Thanks to my Dad who owned Fills Auto Body and Engine Repair Shop back in Ohio I learned a lot about cars. I went into the Navy in 1965 for a few years and got discharged in Philadelphia back in 1968. Living in Ohio I went home on leave and bought a '68 Camaro Rally Sport which was dark blue with a 327 4 speed. When I got out of the Navy I got a job working for Allegheny Airlines which is now US Airways. In 1970 that Camaro was stolen right at the airport. I went to Reedman Chevrolet in Langhorne, PA and bought a new '70 Chevelle. The Chevelle was maroon with white racing stripes and was powered by a big block 396/375 hp engine with a 4 speed transmission. It was one fast car. After the Chevelle, I bought a maroon '65 GTO with a 389/335hp engine and a 4 speed that had belonged to my former wife's cousin. Eventually I retired from USAirways after 35 yrs service. Up until that time the only Chevolet automobile I didn't own was a Corvette. A Corvette was on my bucket list and in March of 2014 I bought my '95 Polo Green Corvette with a 350/300hp and a 6 speed from Chevy21. That completed my Chevy list. I joined the E.A.C.C. shortly after my purchase and have really enjoyed all of the hospitality from all the members I have met at the cruises and car shows. A few weeks ago I went to Wildwood, NJ for the Faboulous '50s music and car show with my Corvette and won a Best Top Ten award. The cars were judged by the Wildwood Motorsports Association. I proudly displayed my E.A.C.C. dash card at the show. I really enjoyed this year with the club and look forward to 2015. Thanks to all - Rich Here are EACC members who brought home some awards from the October shows. West End Fire Co. - September 21st First Place Best Corvette Jim Peters - 2007 Convertible - Peddler’s Village - October 4th 2nd Place - Stock C4 93-96 Brad Orey - 1993 Coupe - Salisbury HS Show - October 11th Cheerleader’s Choice Award Home Depot Inv. - October 11th Best Truck Award Jim Peters Len Feinberg - 2007 Convertible - - 2014 GMC - Wildwood, NJ - October 18th Top Ten Award Oktoberfest Show - October 19th First Place 2000-2013 Rich Fill Jim Peters - 1995 Coupe - - 2007 Convertible -
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