Volume 37, Issue 22 November 7,2012 VOTE Inside This Issue Membership News all Statistics & Serving Lists Youth News 2 4&5 Ministry News all Committee news Notices 3-6 4,5,6 Prayer Concerns 7 The Advance is the official publication of Azle Christian Church 117 Church Street Azle, Texas 76020-3107 Ph 817.444.3527Fax 817.444.4537 Office Mon-Thurs 8:00 am—3:30 pm Website www.azlechristianchurch.org Senior Minister Rev. Dr. Alan Lobaugh [email protected] C: 817-781-2346 Youth Minister Will Ryan 515-326-1255 [email protected] Church Secretary Susan Hoffman 817.444.3527 [email protected] Music Director Holly Davis [email protected] Organist Gini Chesney 817.597.7185 [email protected] Kids Hope USA Director Diane Weger [email protected] Parents Day Out Director Jana Howell [email protected] Board Officers: Rick Seeds Jan Flavin, Heidi Hudman Jennifer Ipser Elder Chair Dollene Price Nancy Robbins, Dannie Davis Mark Hiles, Diane Weger, Sondra Williams, Lisa Lingo Chris Piercy, Rick Seeds Elder Emeritus Wendal Hoover, Paul Reed That’s the last thing you expected me to write these several days after the election. As I write this, it is Tuesday morning. I don’t have a crystal ball to tell you the outcome of the election. No matter which candidates you voted for, I hope you will join me in prayer for the future of our nation and the world. After the election, the real work begins. That’s why I’m inviting you to “vote” now. It’s not just a “once every few years” decision. I believe it’s important, in the political realm, to create a dialogue with our representatives. Have you ever written one? Ones you voted for and ones you didn’t? Could you write a letter offering prayers, encouragement and hope for what could happen in the next legislative session? Forming a relationship not based on issues, but on mutual hope, could be a life changing thing for you and your representative. Vote today, and every day. But today I’m more interested in your “vote” in the spiritual realm. What does it mean to wake each morning as a follower of Christ? How do you vote with your decisions, your words, your actions as you move through the day? Can people tell, by your behavior, your spiritual “party” affiliation? Maybe you have yard signs, bumper stickers, pins, wristbands and headbands proclaiming your allegiance to God, but I hope you also spend some time each day talking with, and listening to, your Lord. Developing that relationship can be the most important decision you make, ever. Today I vote for love to win over hate. Today I vote for justice to triumph over oppression. Today I vote for compassion to win by a landslide over complacency and indifference. I pray that my actions today reveal these choices I am making. I hope you will join me in this most important campaign. And as a last nod to this political season, I’m fond of what several friends of mine decided to do with their churches. They arranged for a communion service to be held Tuesday night after the polls closed. It is a reminder that we are united in our love for God; united in our reliance on forgiveness and grace; and united in our hope for all of God’s children everywhere. Let’s make a date to do that in four years. Wait, I vote we do that every Sunday. See you at the table. I vote for Grace and Peace, Alan Page 2 Volume 3 7, Issue 22 November 11, 2012 Budget Needs Per Week $3,650.89 Received October 21, 2012 $2,979.00 Received October 28, 2012 $4,042.00 Received November 4, 2012 $4,301.00 Worship Leader Susie Hiles Table Will Ryan Bread Elder Dollene Price Wine Elder Diane Weger First Greeter Matthew Hudman Second Greeter Linda Gardom Received Year to Date $169,659.34 Deacon Jennifer Pastre Actual Expenses Year to Date $177,484.42 Deacon Leah Saurenmann Jr. Deacon Lindsay Schlueter Acolyte Madison Howell Children’s Moment Alan Lobaugh Children’s Church Heidi Hudman Visitation Nancy Robbins Home Communion Nancy Robbins/Jennifer Pastre Income Over (Under) Expenses -$7,825.08 Attendance Report Sunday, October 21, 2012 Sunday, October 28, 2012 Sunday, November 4, 2012 Average Year to Date Sunday School 37 Worship 100 Sunday School 43 Worship 95 Sunday School 39 Worship 89 Sunday School 44 Worship 95 Stewardship Commitment Sunday, November 11 Recycle Reminder Cans—Aluminum ONLY & rinsed No Styrofoam containers Thanks! November 18, 2012 Worship Leader Sondra Williams Table Alan Lobaugh Bread Elder Diane Weger Wine Elder Sondra Williams First Greeter Chelle Jacbos Second Greeter Jennifer Ipser Deacon Sandra Gallatin Deacon Linda Gardom Jr. Deacon Kale Sweet Acolyte Blake Saurenmann Children’s Moment Jana Howell Children’s Church Chelle Jacobs Visitation Dannie Davis Home Communion Dollene Price/Sandra Gallatin Page 3 Superstorm Sandy Update Josh Baird serves as Director of Disciples Volunteering. He provides the following thoughts on responding to the flooding and other damage caused by Sandy. Disciples Volunteering and Week of Compassion are assessing needs as they are identified in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. We ask you to join in prayer for those who have been affected by this storm, for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones, and for the safety of first responders who are saving lives and restoring critical infrastructure to communities in the United States as well as in many Caribbean nations. There will come a time when help will be needed with clean up and rebuild efforts—and many communities hit by past disasters do need help now. In the immediate aftermath of any disaster, but especially one as wide-spread as this, the best gift anyone can make is a f financial donation. Gifts designated through Week of Compassion will be used 100% for the response and recovery. Another important response is assembling kits or clean up buckets through Church World Service (CWS). It may seem like a small thing, but receiving a clean-up bucket lifts a huge burden as people struggle trying to figure out how to even begin restoring their home. CWS has already shipped several thousand blankets, kits, and buckets to affected communities in the United States, and thousands more to the Caribbean. CWS is specifically appealing for blanket donations, due to the large number that have been sent all over the world in response to a series of recent disasters. Your payers and support are greatly appreciated as we the Church offer hope and healing in times of need. See the Youth News about ACC Youth Hygiene Kit project for CWS. And, checks to Azle Christian Church marked Hurricane or WOC will be sent for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) effort mentioned above. The Prayer Ministry is offering mugs at $16 each. Proceeds will go to buying large print New Testaments to give to those who need or want one. Please check with Eileen, Dollene, Leslie, or with the church office to purchase one. Thank you. Page 4 My heart and prayers go out to those persons who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy. It is important to remember that the hurricane hit not only the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, but also Haiti and Cuba where the storm killed over 60 people. With this in mind, the youth of Azle Christian Church are starting a hygiene kit drive for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Church World Service, an organization that helps people in need, gives out different kits to the victims. One of these kits is the hygiene kit. The intent of this kit is to keep people from getting sick as a result of not being able to have access to clean oneself. The youth are asking that all who are willing to donate items that go in the kit or monetary donations so that we can buy the items ourselves. We will be collecting until December 2nd. That afternoon we will be putting the kits together to send off to CWS so that they can get the kits to those who need them. The items in the hygiene kit are: One hand towel measuring approximately 16" x 28" (no fingertip or bath towels) One washcloth One wide-tooth comb One nail clipper One bar of soap (bath size in wrapper) One toothbrush (in original packaging) Six standard size Band-Aids There is a box outside my office outside my office to place the items in. If you want to donate money to the cause, we accept both cash and check. If you want to send us a check, just fill it out for Azle Christian Church with “for hygiene kit” in the memo line. Let’s do our part to help those in need after the wake of Sandy. God Bless, Will 8 AM All Church Workday Gather to spruce up, clean up Or Whatever up 8 AM Page 5 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS NOVEMBER—6:30 PM Menus November 7—Prepared by Hudles Catering Entrée: Cheese Enchilada Beef Enchilada Rice Refried Beans Salad Chips with Salsa and Guacamole Desserts: Sopapilla Cheesecake November 14—Prepared by Hudles Catering Entrée: Biscuits and gravy Bacon and sausage Hashbrowns Scrambled Eggs Fruit Dessert: Streusel Coffee Cake Please come out and share a meal with us and share in wonderful fellowship and visiting. These are the last two meals that will be catered until January. Words cannot express how much we thank you for your expressions of sympathy, and all the help you provided us during our moment of sorrow. We are truly grateful for your friendships and support. The Clay Family COATS AND BLANKETS Cold weather coming, cool nights already here. There are folk who can use your old coats and/ or blankets. We are still collecting coats and blankets for the Union Gospel Mission. Jerry Miller picks them up and delivers them for the glory of God. You may leave your donations on the PB&J table at the back of the sanctuary on Sunday or bring them by the office Mondays through Thursdays. Thank you. PS: Don’t forget your PB & J foodstuffs. Needs some chores done in and around Your home? Let our youth help! Contact Will for scheduling: [email protected] 515-326-1255 When they help you, you help their mission projects. Page 6 Dear Friends, Our Thanksgiving Special Offering, which will be received November 11 and 18, supports Disciples Theological Institutions and Disciples Colleges and Universities. The theme in 2012 is Vision Voice Vocation. What do you want to be when you grow up? Some people ponder that question into their fifth or sixth decade, but the question is nearly universal for college students and seminarians. Disciples have a long, remarkable history of post-secondary and theological education. Gifts from the Disciples Mission Fund Thanksgiving Offering continue a Disciples tradition of helping emerging leaders find their vision, voice and vocation, supporting all of our 14 colleges and universities, 4 seminaries and 3 seminary foundations/divinity houses in our common ministry of education. Our congregation’s gifts to the Thanksgiving Offering help provide a nurturing environment where students form their vision of the futures, find their voice in the exchange of ideas, and prepare for their vocation. Our schools share with our churches attention to the spiritual formation of students at this critically important time. Our congregation’s gifts help shape lives for leadership and service. It helps give your Disciples access to educational opportunities that form them spiritually as well as intellectually. Because of your gifts, the lives of thousands of students will be changed through their experience at Disciples-related colleges, universities, or theological institutions. Please prayerfully consider how you can support this year’s Thanksgiving Offering. Sincerely, Outreach Ministry DID YOU KNOW…. Habitat for Humanity Facts…. The TBA is building a Disciples house in Fort Worth under the Habitat Program. The average family size for HFH is 3-4 persons with annual household income of $27,269. They are families with low-income but must have the ability to pay for housing because these families purchase their homes. Their average monthly house payment is $400 to $450, including taxes and insurance. They also have to work 250 “sweat equity” hours on their house or other Habitat projects. Several of our members at ACC have been working on our Disciples house the past few weeks and the house is expected to be finished around the first of December. The house will improve a neighborhood and improve the life of a very deserving young man who is pictures here. Habitat is not a handout but a hand-up. Outreach Ministry wants to thank everyone who participated in the HFH TBA build. We had workers, site hosts, and lunch workers. There will be a dedication December 6th at 6 p.m. at TCU [watch Advance for more information]. A landscaping day will be scheduled soon and you can participate in that as well. Thanks go out to the following for their willing participation: Henry Burks, Dollene Price, Jeremy & Kristy Scott, Lynda Scott, Alan Lobaugh, Joni & Mike Mote, Joe Bob Porter, Tina Flavin, Pat West, Nancy Robbins, Linda Clark, Sondra & John Williams, Susie Hiles, Diane Weger, Dannie Davis, Jan Flavin. Sincerely, Outreach Ministry The Adva nce Page 7 New Prayer Requests Mark Behle—Global Mission Partner, Lesotho Scott Nicholson—Global Mission Partner John Tipton Al Sears LaDonna Tipton Lori Pendery VanLeeuwen Mexico Family and friends of Marcus Grogan Alice Walker Dick Stultz Paul Bales Sally & Bob Montgomery Family and friends of Cliff Hale Diana Leslie Watson On-going Prayers Requested Family and friends of Jerry Clay Family and friends of Dorothy Morgan Disciples Habitat Workers Family and Friends of Pat Tillman Family and Friends of Lois McBride Madison Howell Sandra Gallatin Karon and Chad Ben McAda Ted Jones and family Adrian Grogan Martinez David Araujo Teresa Cassity Gloria & Chuck Harrison Linda Rodreguez Trisha McCrea Jaylee Murr Williams Faith James Corey Meyer Julie Chambers Carol Webb Hannah Fisher Bryan Shape Revay Bullock John Huffman Rannie Bates Brianna Griffith *Gay & Harry Dekin Carole and Travis Pederson Rick Sek *Julia Gardom *Bob & Barb Upchurch *James Daughtrey *Raymond Smith *Lodema Botts *Don Fowler *Vancil Trammell *George Morrow *Leah Vann *Russell Eagleton *Sandra Bishnoi *Ricky Stults *Jack Cowan *Georgia Lamb *Patsy Clay *Pauline Cowan Homeless Persons Victims of Natural Disasters Parents Day Out Program Debt Reduction Campaign Serving in the military: Ryan Stults’ friend, Sam Hollis, Afghanistan; Chad Tidwell, Colorado; Spruill’s grandson, David Collins, San Diego; Brandon Carroll, Persian Gulf Iraq; Matt HudNotice: We will list family and friends for one month, unless notified otherwise. If you feel they should be listed longer than that, please let us know. dleston, Korea; Jonathan Hendricks, Afghanistan; Jared Curry, Afghanistan; Shirley Brown and Lita Tidwell Roby serving with military contractor in Afghanistan; Brandon Franklin, Japan; Jonathan Davis, Afghanistan; Nick Schultz, Afghanistan. All Church Workday Saturday, November 17, 2012 8 AM Thanksgiving Meal Don’t Forget: Wednesday Night Meals 6:30 PM Congregational Meeting Hudles Catering, November 7, 2012 Nobember 14, 2012 Sunday, November 18 After church Azle Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 117 Church Street Azle, TX 76020-3107 Return service Requested Sharing our Christian Community “We are a Christian community that loves God and our neighbor, where everyone is welcome at Christ’s table. God accepts you just as you are and so do we.” Lectionary 11.11.2012 Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 & Psalm 127 1 Kings 17:8-16 & Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 Lectionary 11.18.2012 1 Samuel 1:4-20 & 1 Samuel 2:1-10 Daniel 12:1-3 & Psalm 16 Hebrews 10:11-14, (15-18), 19-25 Mark 13:1-8 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION PERMIT #12 U.S. POSTAGE PAID AZLE, TEXAS 76020
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