Untitled - Lennard AG
Untitled - Lennard AG
ttl rrl rrl ttl | | frgrms i{rnd Conditions t] rr,:']rruct< ."Iorrf .r,1,.", ,o ,,.rlrof,,,, [n" o,J,lo"uu d*scribed rrom origin to o"'lin,ti. ti deltinafion address in efoo co'lf ttion in time for earty marke,t on ctltiuen I ft cq'n:;ignee , rir .u,.{,orn,i has represen,-, ,l.,rl ,0" ofl,ouuu described herein is ins,ureo Jy vari riShts and rerriredies of Truck com[and brf reaso{ of any insurance on said carso orirr.o shinfter; but il it should rievelop that Jny loss of oamage to such propertv for wlricl-, co Ir Thr': ufrder the gsuarform ol carglo tnsur]ance is rrot so insured, the companv shal lhinner I 1 I I I I 3' Jr,".t inthll:;amearin,lunttotlhesameexteilta]sitwoi]rtobeprotectedunderavalicpolir:ycrf usLal and starf dard form, anvthine trereil to the I I I c and to deliver t date shown. am€l f Cargo Insurance, re hererbr/ assitgn to ection c[ruld b,e be liablep to The Shi Insurarrce in notwithstanding. lcontrary u{lrete used iri the Bill of Lading contr;!,:t, *re w{lro comnany or Truck company is unders to ntean the rrlirn corporPtilon opelating the potpr possession of thA property under th s contract; aijd in and the tr lruct ,:".::".n srrarr oir,|ip jointry and seve rau{ the said perstn, fir or cOrF,Oration | orl :j,..:J,]::: Tlfsf operatine ::,i 'fhe 1o'n.,jv saicl comlparlv r,erei{v assurres full resprrrlsibitity for any and I niil:ufe whateierirJ trlick' property to said irl pcr{lsession and untit detiirery to Con:;ighee a its ryhiti I arlv t1s-r occasiloned by any detay. I f ing ll los:; r:r damage o rnu destination, as fs I , I yil,,,n o-riu",v f,r,nJ *"|.n."0,," i" ,.|.,"|.0,".J1n","",,,h and upon ,l,.,^uno.,. to rle shir oli thr: 1-riplica -fruck puylto it yviil *," cornp,any the transp,lrtatic I cnarge:i set out in lfate!flhisbilllottlariling;providedhc,wlevfrthattheshipperishereLryauthorizedt,rwitni pityment crf trdtt:;frortationlcharees, or any parl tnlre{r, unr;iilrutt and -l-hre comptete ,ultt"r"nt of a1 c:taim I of Silhipperr cottv hereof I drfrly signed rry Consignee, Trur::k ComOanf tras been made in thr: latipfactior.f he of The Shipper" t | .+ -rir.t co,'lnrnui'^uo,f,r"n,s urat it ,[r, ."n,'o,il=o with the tu,r, unl ..uqri.uruni, or, wtli::h or couldlaffe{t thi:;contract or tihe tr"nsd{:rtation providectfor herein, that it is I n, laws,, Iltatel and lrar, t a co'mrlton carr ano ltnf*'lhasnotfonegroririttedanvthirlelJt,r.ricrrcl{rroaffectthevatiditJofthiscontrfct. -i.t"l 5' tf consign{e/Buyer ri:fuses c,r rele]cts oeliv,el'[ by therTruck conrpany of rhe prbpert, or merc;llrandise anv reil:;cth, the TrLlck:Company shallimnrediately nofifythe:ihipper of the refusalor r,:ir:ctio . Shipper r;hall ; fu ll risht atrd 6qntroi to desisnatef i].[ sote discrerion, wletirer the propertl will ber returrred I l:i''f, Ine "fiu"rin deliJered to.afr alternate toiatipn. ulf n sucrr designation, fhe shipper shlal iss a new Bill of Lad I llT':J'':t 8to witri the same tefrnis and and subj{ct to the :;arhe m ofc ,n: | fonditions -:on]o:nu the or:iginal deliveqf. Due to the perishable naturA property, the lUCK Itraf^rsportation lcharges f,or 'f ret{rn ort delir,,ery to ttre alierfrate lQ{:ation nrust be.,rrr,ft"t*d r,rrithin ja hor s of tl"re time the lcoftotnv's cof ltnv receife:; the def;ienation by t{re prrippeil. The freight rate (i.g. luck cost p,er hurJareu I [ol eq for tc) the sfippei or to an al]ernateltocatior,, shail not,:iceed the frei]ht ra staled for I t]tter ::jLl]:* l"''i',''lullll lretPrn 7' the ftetivery or lrnejrr:],reno*f,tnuniius,,rxpressorir[ti,fo,in,rtl]aingthewarrantyof Merchantabiritvo Fitnerss, concr:rni ne of the aBrilcultural products provide{ or thF possiLrle efiects r:f such agricul{ural ucts, Alt luse ne orof.ucts.have been washerl, thev arrl providerd "AS ls" and no warranty,)r re resentation of any ind lagri(:-l'tural n1'rdl3 concerrfrirr8 tleir present filnesl frfr hurn4n consunrprion. eu,ier assurmes,,it to per$cin ancl pr lis usr, handrinslor',ir""1. ttl lin I ttl ttl _! I _-t t_ '.,rt, _t_ _ r____- t_l__ t__ _ _