SR Bulletin - Saturn Road Church of Christ
SR Bulletin - Saturn Road Church of Christ
FAREWELL RECEPTION Sunday, March 17 4:00 to 6:00 PM Room 142 Please join us for a reception honoring Roger and Linda Owen. March 10, 2013 FAMILY NEWS TODAY - AM: Ronnie White PM: Adam Herndon LADIES’ BIBLE CLASS - Wednesday, March 13 - Spring Break - No Class. THANK YOU - A thank you note has been received from Joe Fox. You can view thank you notes on our website at LADIES’ DEVO - Monday, March 11, at 7:01 PM at the home of Ruth Jones, 3118 S. Glenbrook, Garland, TX 75041. Speaker - Ruth Jones Refreshments provided by Mary Stettheimer. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Volunteers are needed to help with the distribution of food from our Food Pantry on Tuesday’s from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Call Neal Hunter at 214.597.2607 if you are interested. MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST - Friday, March 15, at 6:00 AM in the Family Center. 49ER’S FELLOWSHIP - Friday, March 15 at 6:30 PM in the Family Center - Food will be Pot Luck - Dwight and Cleola Green and Gaylon and Terry Dabbs will be our hosts. We will play games after we eat. This would be an excellent opportunity to invite friends from outside Saturn Road. Cost will be $1.00 each. We want you there whether you have been coming or not. BABY SHOWER - All ladies are invited to a Baby Boy Shower and Brunch for Rebecca “Cawyer” Taylor, daughter of Fred and Carol Cawyer, on Saturday, March 16, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM at the home of Brenda Avance, 1821 Palomino Drive, Rowlett, TX 75088. Rebecca and David are registered at Babies R Us and Target. BABY SHOWER - All ladies are invited to a baby boy shower honoring Leslie “Galloway” Mayberry, daughter of Jerry and Alice Galloway, on Sunday, March 17, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM at the home of Angelia Logue, 318 Sotogrande Drive, Garland, TX 75044. Leslie is registered at Babies “R” Us and Target. WEDDING SHOWER - All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Whitney Dye, daughter of Howard and Sheila Dye, and Tyler Kennedy on Sunday, March 24, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the home of Nancy Bragg, 6302 Ahnee, Rowlett, TX 75089. They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Macy’s and Target. WEDDING SHOWER - All ladies are invited to a wedding shower for Amanda Miner and Brentan “Brent” Self, son of Charles and Brigitte Franklin, on Sunday, March 24, from 2;00 to 3:30 PM at the home of Vicki Looney, 5969 Campus Court, Plano, TX 75093. They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, JC Penney, and Target. T-SHIRTS NEEDED - Our Peace and Comfort Sewing Ministry is collecting new and gently used t-shirts for the street children of Nairobi, Kenya. They need solid colored shirts (no white shirts, please) in youth sizes small, medium and large.. The shirts can be placed in the basket in the Family Center. If you have any questions, please contact Laurel Blackburn at [email protected] or at 972.948.9688. SERVING IN OUR NURSERY TODAY: 8:15 AM - Amy Bacon, Laura Wade (Special Needs) Amanda Bruce 10:45 AM - Dora Leuvano, Heather Parks, Beth Vickers (One More Volunteer Needed) (Special Needs) Dwade Reinsch 6:00 PM - (No Attended Nursery This Evening) OUR RECORDS FOR 3-3-13 RECEIVING SHEPHERDS AM Assembly Attendance 1,406 Bible Class 1,149 Weekly Financial Requirement $47,088.00 8:15 AM - Clothier / Looney 10:45 AM - Bragg / Richmond Contribution $51,951.54 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM Conference YTD Average Contribution $47,205.96 Allen / Conner 3030 Saturn Road, Garland, TX 75041 2 972.271.2444 LAMINACK BENEFIT DINNER AND AUCTION Volunteers and auction items are needed for the Laminack Benefit Dinner to be held at Saturn Road on Saturday, May 4. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Johna Armistead at [email protected]. If you have an item to donate, please contact Shirley Hallmark at [email protected]. Donated items may include a craft, service, or purchased item. If you would like to be part of the entertainment committee, please contact Tama Barnes at [email protected]. Stay tuned for more details! BIBLE SCHOLAR OF THE WEEK BIBLE SCHOLAR OF THE WEEK - Congratulations to Artie Melton! He was the first person to respond with the correct answer to our Bible Trivia Question which was in our online bulletin e-mail last week. In case you missed it, the question was “The mispronunciation of what word led to the deaths of forty-two thousand people?” The correct answer was “Shibboleth.” FREE COMMUNITY PRESENTATION Grief - What helps when it hurts? - Free Community Presentation on Thursday, April 11, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at “The Branch”, 3035 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX 75234. See the online version of our bulletin for additional details. CHILDRENS/YOUTH MINISTRY EVENTS NO BIBLE HOUR MARCH 10 OR MARCH 17 March 10 - Deadline to register for DFW Girls’ Gathering. Register online or with an envelope. Cost is $35. The event will be held April 5 - 6 at Preston Road Church of Christ. March 13 - 17 - High School Family Ski Trip March 24 - LTC Drama Preview in the Teen Center March 27 - PEAK March 29 - 30 - LTC at the Hilton Anatole March 31 - 8th Grade Mission Trip Payment Due LTC PM Service RECENTLY BAPTIZED María Félix Castillo - 1319 Andrew Street, Mesquite, TX 75149 María Ramírez - 14606 Dallas Parkway, #1119, Dallas, TX 75254 Cecilia Galinda - 1520 W. Kingsley, #203B, Garland, TX 75041 Charles Soto - 865 Mimosa Drive, Garland, TX 75040 SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO: Tricia and Harold Burns and their family on the death of Tricia’s father, Ed Sapp, who passed away on March 8. Arrangements are being handled by Sparkman Crane Funeral Home on Garland Road. Mr. Sapp was a retired veteran. Richard, Frieda, and Brandon Dickson and their family on the death of Richard's sister, Betty Reid, who died on March 5 after a lengthy battle with Chronic Leukemia. Memorial services will be held at a later date. Former members Kathy and Terry Thompson and their family on the death of Kathy's mother, Dorothy Moore, who passed away on March 3. Funeral services were March 5. Terry and Kathy's new address is: 2605 CR 1444, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. 3 Marriage Ministry Events The Marriage Ministry Team is very excited about the upcoming opportunities being offered to grow your marriage. The goals and prayers of this team are that marriage can bring honor and glory to God and at the same time be fulfilling and fun. Whether your marriage needs a lift or is already great, there is something for everyone. Seize the opportunity to grow individually and as a couple. Date: What: Where: Cost: More info: 3/15 - 3/17 A Weekend to Remember Rockwall, TX $75/person through 1/27, $150/person after 1/27; Date: What: Where: Cost: More info: 4/12 - 4/14 A Weekend to Remember Frisco, TX $75/person through 1/27, $150/person after 1/27; REMINDERS • Please remember to sign your attendance card each week. • If you want to receive a daily copy of our Loveline/Prayer Requests, send an e-mail request to [email protected]. 4 MARCH BIRTHDAYS 1st Max Fecci Diego Figueroa Ruthi Garrett Andy Hendrix Nichole Knox Jack Lowry Linda Owen Ben Wells Janet Wyatt Sue Yarbrough 2nd Sally Anderson Kyle Arnold Lucy Brady Norma Chambers Caitlyn DeBord Marty Durant Brielle Mason Meredith Plunkett Virginia Titlow Tracey Wilson 3rd Kaitlyn Askins James Cawyer Cameron Patterson Eli Pine Carolyn Woodward 4th Frank Edwards Lauren Palmer Larrell Shutt Eric Wimpee 5th Nicholas Bacon Garrison Baker David Curlee Adam Herndon Chance Morgan Blake Paul 6th Karen Beene Stacey Davis Charlie Elkins Brenda Garritson Erik Gouge Abigail Green Jacob Green Cecil Hutson Julie Polasek 7th Lane Anthony Brad Blasingame Frieda Dickson Jordyn Wrape 8th Trystian Broussard Matt Bryan William Clevenger Eloisa de la Rosa Jonathan Evans Martha Hernandez Ethan Lilly Natalie Newhouse 9th Sarah Banowsky Johnny Evans Dale Pickett Jenna Rose 10th Cecelia Bingham Tom Conner Jeff Gouge Jay Green Carter Hoelzle Debbie Mason Janet Mitts Loraine Ray 11th Tim Brandenburg Hayden Hervey Caran Roberts Dorothy Stephens 12th Tyler Aldriedge Artie Davis Ron Flanagan Liz Mitchell Neil Plunkett 13th Brent Askins Mozelle Divin Jeff Ivy Marsha White 14th Scott Askins Tiffani Seeley Joey Wrape 15th Terry Britton Denise Friend Amber Hendrix Nolan McCandless Jeffery Willis 16th Addison Allen Chad Anderson Kay Felker Autumn Floyd Sandy Hare Morgan Lamb Corey Rose Sascha Terry Trey Wrape 17th Madrine Gordon Bailey Marshall Reagan Truex 18th Ray Davis Dylan McKinney Wayne Miller Logan Mitchell Olivia Persaile Pam Teel Bill Wells 19th Jeff Bynum Adam Clothier Julie Gambill Kathy Hooper D. Schieferstein Cassidy Self 20th Tameko Brigham Mitchell Bueter Carol Cawyer Patricia Davis Zoe Puckett Don Tucker 21st 23rd Sue England Raymond Haas 24th Lori Bynum Nanette Kuehne Debbie McKinney Velma Slocum Haley Truex 25th Craig Barnes Jack Kelly Gatlin Parks Kerri Persaile Gavin Preston Jacob Sebesta 26th Crystal Celsur Doris Cusic Grayson Feinglas Jonathan Foresee Michael Guthrie Thomas Kelley Grace McClendon Dorothy Peters Paul Savage 27th Brittney Baker Gaylon Dabbs 28th Ashleigh Lamb Tanner Martin Jamie Pierson 29th Sarai Loredo Greg Losher 30th Kate Barnes Andrew Campbell Denell Dennis Kim Garrett Hannah Kelley Jeff Steger Jim Harman Lee Ingram Jacob Knox Angel Meador Ruth Webb Kambell Coker Janetta Grammer Marcus Hernandez J. C. Pennington Darby Rich Chad Spence Chelsea Emberlin Brandon George Willie Moses Leslie Nice Michael Sinyard Steve Speer 22nd 31st March Events Check our online calendar for more details. Grief What helps when it hurts? Free Community Presentation: When: Thursday, April 11, 2013 / 7:00-9:00 pm Where: The Branch, 3035 Valley View Lane, Dallas 75234 GriefWorks is pleased to introduce Dr. Kenneth J. Doka as this years’ Guest Speaker. Dr. Doka is a Professor of Gerontology at the Graduate School of The College of New Rochelle and Senior Consultant to the Hospice Foundation of America. A prolific author, Dr. Doka’s books include Grieving beyond Gender: Understanding the Ways Men and Woman Mourn; Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow; Children Mourning, Mourning Children; Death and Spirituality. This special event explores the ways that grief affects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Grieving a significant loss, whether by a death or separation, affects not only the way that we feel but also the ways that we think and behave. While each of us is different, there are things that we can do to help those around us and even ourselves as we cope with loss, an inevitable though painful part of both love and life. There are signs that we should be aware of, as well, that we or those we care about may need the help of counselors, clergy, or support groups as we cope with especially complicated losses. Participants attending this unique event will be able to better understand the varied ways we may experience grief; understand the factors that make the experience of grief very individual– recognizing that every individual grieves in his or her own way. And finally, explore and utilize their own strengths and resources as they cope with loss. For more information or to register online, visit us at today. Special thanks to our generous sponsors: Guest Speaker: Kenneth J. Doka, Ph.D. Senior Consultant, Hospice Foundation of America Professor, Graduate School, College of New Rochelle For more information contact: GriefWorks Director: Larry Barber, LPC-S, CT at 972-960-9981 or by email at [email protected] Visit us: A ministry of ChristianWorks for Children. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
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