ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 130th Anniversary Celebration 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 April 3, 2016 Divine Mercy Sunday MASS TIMES Monday through Saturday 8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am * 9:30am * 11:30am 7:00pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday, 3:30 to 4:30pm DEVOTIONS Rosary Mon.- Sat., 7:30am First Friday Adoration after the 8:00am Mass with Vespers at 5:30pm followed by Benediction Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesday after 8:00am Mass Rev. George Alengadan, Pastor………510-995-9421 [email protected] PARISH OFFICE HOURS 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday Office closed for lunch Noon to 1:00pm Rev. Thi Van Hoang, Associate Pastor……510-995-9475 [email protected] Volunteer coverage Mon. & Tues. 4:30 to 7:00pm Sat. & Sun. 8:30am to 1:00pm Parish Office phone: 510-522-0181 Parish Office fax: 510-522-2864 Parish Office email: [email protected] Facebook.com/sjbalameda Website: www.sjbalameda.org Mary Kovalitsky, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor 510-995-9420……[email protected] OUR MISSION: TO LIVE AS JESUS TEACHES “His mercy endures forever.” The Second Sunday of Easter, now known as Divine Mercy Sunday, is such a powerful affirmation of God’s unquenchable mercy. In the words of Pope Francis: “ In today's Gospel, the Apostle Thomas personally experiences this mercy of God. ... Thomas does not believe it when the other Apostles tell him: "We have seen the Lord." ... And how does Jesus react? With patience: Jesus does not abandon Thomas in his stubborn unbelief ... He does not close the door, He waits. And Thomas acknowledges his own poverty, his little faith. "My Lord and my God!": with this simple yet faith-filled invocation, he responds to Jesus' patience. He lets himself be enveloped by Divine Mercy; he sees it before his eyes, in the wounds of Christ's hands and feet and in His open side, and he discovers trust.” Homily on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 7, 2013 This Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis causes all of us to refocus on God’s mercy and our experiences of it. At our Lenten Mission we heard some unusual but meaningful descriptions of God’s mercy: Dr. Margaret Turek spoke of unlimited mullligans (a golfer’s do-over), and Fr Mark Wiesner suggested a reset button that allows us to start over again and again. I have been happy to see the number of people who have participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation over the past month, those who have chosen to accept God’s mercy and start over, ready to share his mercy with others. I pray that all “may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name.” I want to add that my heart is filled with gratitude for the lovely celebration of our parish’s 130th anniversary. Everyone was impressed and touched by the lively and inspiring liturgy, and many were moved to tears. A special thanks to the Knights of Columbus, Flicka, our choirs and musicians, the students of our two schools, and the many clergy who came to assist the celebration of the Mass, including those from the Chancery (and our primary celebrant Vicar General Fr. George Moeckel), the Alameda Deanery pastors, past parishioner Deacon Tom Martin, and in particular Fr. Pat Goodwin who served here as pastor for many years. The lunch afterwards with its international food fair was a tremendous example of so many people coming together. Thanks to all who organized, decorated, brought food, cleaned up or attended. God has blessed us since this parish’s founding. I can’t wait to see what the next 130 years will bring… Fr. George CONGRATULATIONS, BROTHER MATTHEW! The Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Oakland has announced that seminarian Matthew Murray is one of two men who will be ordained as transitional deacons at 2pm on May 28 at Mission San Jose Church in Fremont. We are delighted that he will remain with us for another year, continuing as SJND Campus Ministry and also serving as a deacon in our parish. May God bless him as he proceeds on the path to priesthood. NEW PRINCIPAL APPOINTED FOR ST JOSEPH NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL The search for a new principal has come to a successful conclusion with the appointment of Ken Jennings, who will start effective July 1. He comes to us from De Paul Catholic High School in New Jersey with many years of experience in secondary education, and will be moving here with his wife and two young daughters. In accepting his appointment as principal, Ken said: "I could not find a more welcoming and outstanding Catholic college preparatory high school, and I am both blessed and honored to serve as the next principal of Saint Joseph Notre Dame High School. SJND is a very hospitable community, and I am looking forward to working with the entire Pilot community." Welcome aboard, Ken, and many blessings on this new chapter in your life! And many thanks to the Search Committee and all who participated in this yearlong effort. FATHER SIVY MUST SAY GOOD-BYE FOR NOW. We thank Fr. Sivy for his help during the month of March and hope to see him again. God bless you and safe travels. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKAST NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 10 IN NOTRE DAME HALL after 7:30 and 9:30am Masses $5 Adults/$3 12 and under. Please stop by and support our parish. UPDATE ON REFUGEE CRISIS FAITH IN ACTION meets this coming Monday, April 4th, at 7p.m. at the Parish Center on 1119 Lafayette St. Major updates from the Refugee Support Team and discussion of other pertinent social concerns. Please join us in prayer, enlightenment and refreshment. Learn to Create The Change in Your Community. For more information contact [email protected] TO All who assisted in creating the Liturgical Environment from Ash Wednesday through the Triduum and Easter… All who shared lilies and all who generously contributed through the Easter Flower offering envelopes… All Ministries who led our Stations of the Cross and who hosted our Lenten Soup Meals All the musicians and choirs who provided music throughout Lent, Triduum and Easter services… All who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to assist with the preparing of the most blessed Easter Season. Gratitude and blessings to all of you! AN EVEN BIGGER THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SO GENEROUSLY DONATED THEIR TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE OVER EASTER. SUCH GENEROSITY ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS IS OVERWHELMING. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY MASS JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY CELEBRATION, April 3 Praise, worship and liturgical music with Dr. Jaime and Rosina Galindo Confessions, 1:30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet, 2:50pm Divine Mercy Mass, 3:00pm Fr. George will preside at Mass. COLLECTION FOR MARCH 26/27, 2016 EFT Collection $27,900.12 $1,417.75 Total Parish Collection $29,317.87 Plate Collection Rice Bowl $3,312.52 Lenten Soup collection (benefits Oakland Catholic Worker) $3,127.00 2016 BISHOP’S APPEAL INFORMATION Some parishioners ask why should I support the diocese when I support my parish? The word “Catholic,” means “universal” in Greek. We are a “universal” Church who work goes beyond any one parish. There are certain ministries and services which only a diocese can provide and they are funded through the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. Only the diocese can fund seminarian education. Only the diocese can fund priests’ retirement benefits. These are but two examples of the work which only the diocese can do. Please remember that all of what we have comes from God. Please return your pledge envelope by mail, or place it in the offertory collection basket at your parish. Or, if you prefer, go to the diocesan website, www.oakdiocese.org and make a donation using your credit or debit card. “What benefactor has enabled you to look out upon the beauty of the sky, the sun in its course, the circle of the moon, the countless number of stars...Who has blessed you with rain the houses… With a life, humanity and culture, with friendship and family? Who has given you the animals for your use and protection… Who has endowed you with all the gifts that make you superior to all other living creatures? Is it not God who asks you now in turn to show yourself generous above all other creatures?” ~St. Gregory of Nazianzus. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY At the Easter Vigil last Saturday we welcomed two adults to our Catholic faith. Andrea Ruport was baptized as her children assisted as altar servers, and Killian Mancera (already baptized in a different Christian tradition) made a profession of faith and was received into full communion of the Catholic Church Then both received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. In preparation, Andrea participated in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and also assisted her husband in teaching in our children’s programs. Killian prepared through a combination of RCIA, Adult Confirmation classes and the JustFaith program. May God bless them as they continue to grow in the faith in which they have been fully initiated! Many thanks to all who assisted in their formation or helped with the celebration that night. (RCIA is offered year-round; whenever someone is interested in becoming Catholic we are here to help. Contact Anne Marie at 995-9409 or [email protected].) GOD BLESS THE NEWEST MEMEBERS OF OUR PARISH Anthony Nguyen and Cecilia Cuero, engaged to be married; Silvestre and Killian Mancera; Jesse and Gina Brown; Leonardo Ponce; Brian and Danielle Meachum and their daughters, Amiralin and Kailani; Shauna Vaughan; Alexes Naces; Chauncey Jackson; Eric and Daniela Fox and their daughter, Desireé; Jennifer Salazar and her son, Xavier; Richard Doan; Larry Coros and his daughters, Elaria, Kaye and Nicole; Caren Vance and her sons, Shane and Wyatt. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING TO BE A PART OF ST. JOSEPH BASILICA. GOD BLESS OUR NEWLYWEDS Alexander Warkentin and Marie LaRiviere (married on Feb. 20) Michael Deskins and Jennifer Skiba (married on March 12) Jason Villaruz and Cindy Lampa (married on March 12) Grady June and Shannon Sullivan (married on April 2) Please keep these couples in your prayers as they journey MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, April 2 8:00 a.m. Liliano Lupetti † 5:00 p.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. Sunday, April 3 7:30 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. 9:30 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. 11:30 a.m. Marget Romes † 7:00 p.m. Amelia Valenzuela † Monday, April 4 8:00 a.m. Patricia Rhodes † Tuesday, April 5 8:00 a.m. Nick & Dolores Novicky † Wednesday, April 6 8:00 a.m. Amparo, Terestita, Paquito, Felina † Thursday, April 7 8:00 a.m. For the people of the parish, liv. & dec. Friday, April 8 8:00 a.m. Alfonso & Teresita Colobong † COFFEE AND DONUTS ARE BACK. If you would like to help out please contact Karen deRobinson at [email protected]. GO We congratulate both our St Joseph Notre Dame basketball teams: the Women's Basketball team had a fine season, making it to the Nor Cal semi-finals, and the Men's Basketball team won their 6th State Championship! Congratulations to the Men's Basketball team on their thrilling triple overtime victory over Stuart Hall on Saturday (67-58) Saturday, April 9 8:00 a.m. Robert Rhodes † 5:00 p.m. For the people of the parish, liv & dec. Ana Aguirre † Sunday, April 10 7:30 a.m. Frances Delagado 9:30 a.m. Harnett family 11:30 a.m. Aracely Selk 7:00 p.m. Dr. Michael Dobbins † Let us remember...All those who have died, especially Trinidad de Leon Mamaril, Patricia Jackson, Dolores Hickey (Vigil 4/4 @7pm and Funeral Mass on 4/5 @10am, both at St. Joseph) and Penny Pendola. DO YOU BELIEVE? A Leprechaun and his Fairy stopped by the Parish office on St. Patrick’s Day to remind us that—According to the book "The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures," by John and Caitlin Matthews, the leprechaun legend can be traced back to eighth-century tales of water spirits called "luchorpán," meaning small body. The legend eventually evolved into a mischievous household fairy said to haunt cellars and drink heavily. Recognize them? PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Marge Smith, Hermie Camerino, Fred Letiz, Sandy Anderson, Carola Devlin (Ireland), Clemente Frez,Numeriano Jamir Balza, Kekoa Leo Mahina O’Hoku Love Balculpo, Lori Agazzi, Martinez Espinoza, Elisa Lee, Kyle Anthony, Jennifer Lizardo, Doreen McAfee, Chris Davis, Ernesto Sanchez, Jennifer Manchester, Carrida Ward, Dianne Nobriega, Jake Paradiang, Fred Davis, Herb Robles, Jovita Giron, Dr. Benjamin Reyes, Ramon Tirona, Fr. Jim Sloan, Patricia Glynn, Gail Crichton, Lily Hansen, Sherry Crevani, Gina S. Corral, Baby Leo, Charles H. Thomas, Jim Lynch, Joey Camacho, Iong & Fong Che, Mr/Mrs. James West, Patricia Becker, Alejandro Elopre, Robert Santos, Billy Caver, Juner Valencia, Florence Anne Cordray, Juana Valenzuela, Rachel Sutherland, Carlie Bell, L. Corral, Blanca Herzog, Juanita Estrellas, Tom Hall, Jim Langowski, Ofelia Osalbo, Christopher Herrera, Nimfa Banzuelo, Richard Avila, Robert Torres, Amelia Miguel, Juanita Estrellas, Edis Rodriguez, Anna Cheung, Kirk Miller, Vincent Gueverra, Maria C. Sanchez, Lucy Ramirez, Fred & Jo Leitz, Vicky Rosen, Nico Stavrianopoluos. For prayer requests, please call the Parish Office, 522-0181 Please let the office know when you want your name removed from the list. Thank you. ST. JOSEPH BASILICA 1109 CHESTNUT STREET PHONE: 510-522-0181 — FAX: 510-522-2864 Email: [email protected] website: www.sjbalameda.org SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE PARISH STAFF Preparation for registered, active parishioners should begin at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Please contact Fr. George, 995-9421 or Mary Kovalitsky at 995-9420. Anne Marie Fourre, Director of Faith Formation 995-9409…………………[email protected] SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please stop by the Parish office or check our website under “Sacraments” for information, schedule and registration form for infant baptism (6 or younger) or contact Mary, 995-9420. Julie Pond, Coordinator Finances, Facilities/Events 995-9411 ………………[email protected] David Howitt, Music Director 995-9403………………[email protected] Michael Chinnavaso, 7 PM Music Coordinator 522-0181………………[email protected] St. Vincent de Paul………………24-hour hot-line 995-9471 ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? St. Joseph’s is an active and diverse parish. If you are new, please fill out a registration form at the Parish Office, in the church’s vestibule or online at www.sjbalameda.org PLEASE SUBMIT BULLETIN INFORMATION TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT ST. JOSEPH MINISTRIES Newcomers are welcome to join Monday, 7:00-9:00pm Wednesday, 7:30-9pm Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am Thursday, 10:00-11:30am 1st Monday, 6:45-8:00pm Thursday, 4:00-5:00pm 1st Wednesday, 7pm 3rd Monday, 7:30-9:30pm 2nd Thursday, 7-8:30pm Wed.,8:30-10:00am Sat., 8:30-10:30am Sister Kim Nguyen, Youth Ministry Coordinator 995-9574………………[email protected] Melissa De Boer, Wedding Coordinator 418-1042 …………….. [email protected] For adults or children over age 6 please contact Anne Marie, 995-9409. All God’s Children Charismatic Prayer Group Basilica Choir rehearsal Bible Study Bible Study Boy Scouts Children’s Choir Girl Scouts Grief Support Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Legion of Mary Eric Bertelsen, Liturgy Coordinator 995-9404…..…………[email protected] COMMUNITY STAFF Milt Werner, Interim Principal of SJND High School 523-1526 ..................... ……[email protected] Marilyn Marchi, Principal of SJES 522-4456 .............................. [email protected] Matthew Murray, Campus Life Minister……… ...995-9444……………………[email protected] Pastoral Care Team RR BAS SJR RDR SJR BAS SJR DR SJR RR RR Rite of Christian Initiation / Inquiry Scripture Reflection St. Vincent DePaul Society Taize Prayer Service Young Ladies Institute 7pm Spirit Ensemble rehearsal 1st Sat. , 8:45-9:30am SJND Classroom #106 Wed. 7:30-9:00pm Tuesday, 7 to 8:30pm 4th Thursday 7:00-7:30pm 4th Friday, 8:00-9pm 2nd/4th Mon., 7:00-8:30pm Thursday, 7:30-9:00pm FDR SJR SJR BAS SJR BAS BAS/ Basilica SJR/ St. Joseph Room (in Parish Center) DR/ Damien Rm. (in Parish Center) RR/Reconciliation Room FDR/ Faculty Dining Room (San Jose Hall) BULLETIN NUMBER 421600 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Basilica 1109 Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 94501 TELEPHONE: 510-995-9420 CONTACT PERSON: Mary Kovalitsky EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE: MS PUBLISHER 2007 ADOBE ACROBAT 9 ADOBE READER X ADOBE DISTILLER 0 WINDOWS XP PRINTER: Ricoh Aficio 2800 Super G3 TRANSMISSION TIME: Wednesday, 10am BULLETIN FOR SUNDAY: 04/03/2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 THROUGH 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: All Color Bulletin, eff. 8/31/14
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