UN-GGIM: User case studies
UN-GGIM: User case studies
UN-GGIM: User case studies BRAZIL Brazil – Processo de regularização ambiental de imóveis rurais The Brazilian MMA Project need to provide the environment diagnosis and others geospatial information that support the government decision making and technical team, while implementing its strategies and management process to promote the sustainable use of natural resources in Brazil taking in account many projects in different segments sharing geospatial information. O projeto visa integrar as informações ambientais das propriedades e posses rurais, compondo uma base de dados para controle, monitoramento, planejamento ambiental e econômico e combate ao desmatamento. Using Erdas Apollo information systems supported in a database of 18.000 RAPIDEYE satellite images with spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal resolution that are adequate to the analysis and studies performed in a systematical and continued way by different programs, projects and actions executed by MMA, specially the Rural Environmental Cadaster. Source: xxx Brazil – Processo de regularização ambiental de imóveis rurais The web solution Benefits: All Federal, State and City agencies, will access a single source of geographic information, plus access to a methodology established by the MMA that allow different types of users to obtain information concerning the use and occupation of Brazilian territory, and perform Environmental Cadaster of farms, generating a thematic database that served as support for legalization of properties as well as for environmental monitoring projects. Source: xxx Contact information Coordenação dos Contatos no Brazil: Valéria Oliveira Henrique de Araújo – [email protected] Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE Comitê para a Infraestrutura de Dados Geoespaciais para as Américas - CP-IDEA Rua General Canabarro, 706, Maracanã , Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil - Tel.: + 55 21 2142-4751 Imagem Geosistemas Ltda Lucio Muratori de Alencastro Graça [ [email protected] ] Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate a Fome – MDS Secretaria de Avaliação e Gestão da Informação - SAGI Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi ([email protected]) e Caio Nakahima [ [email protected]] Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE Valéria Oliveira Henrique de Araújo , Moema José de Carvalho Augusto [ [email protected]] e Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes [ [email protected]] Santiago e Cintra Geotecnologias Iara Musse Felix [[email protected]] Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgoto - CEDAE Ricardo Ramalho [[email protected]]