southern cross region 34 of sweet adelines international inc. abn 52
southern cross region 34 of sweet adelines international inc. abn 52
Southern Cross Region 34 of Sweet Adelines International Inc ABN 52 556 772 243 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015 INDEX Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2 - 3 Communications Coordinator Report .................................................................. 4 - 5 Directors’ Coordinator Report ................................................................................ 6 - 7 Events Coordinator Report ...................................................................................... 8 - 9 Education Coordinator Report ............................................................................ 10 - 12 Marketing Coordinator Report ............................................................................ 12 - 13 Membership Coordinator Report ....................................................................... 14 - 15 Team Coordinator Report ...................................................................................... 16 - 17 Finance Coordinator Report................................................................................. 18 - 19 Financial Statements ........................................................................................... 20 - 30 2014-2015 Region 34 Management Team Communications Coordinator.......................................................................... Diane Jenkins Directors’ Coordinator...................................................................................Engelina de Jong Education Coordinator......................................................................................Linda Wareham Events Coordinator..............................................................................................Debra Griffiths Finance Coordinator..............................................................................................Jan Mahoney Marketing Coordinator........................................................................................Susan Grigson Membership Coordinator............................................................................................ Val Norris Team Coordinator..........................................................................................Sharon Cartwright 1 INTRODUCTION Everyone in Region 34 had just cause to celebrate during 2014 as we achieved our 25 year milestone since becoming a Sweet Adelines region. An anniversary pin was produced by Western Australian Chorus, A Cappella West and our 25th anniversary convention logo was proudly projected on the giant screens at ANZ Stadium, Sydney Olympic Park as the Music Directors in our region led a Mass Sing on the Thursday of the Sydney Convention. Straight after the close of the Chorus contest, more than 900 Sweet Adelines let their hair down at a 25th Anniversary party, complete with special anniversary cupcakes, a fun photo booth and of course, singing! Judging by the energy in the room, everyone felt ‘25 again’. We were honoured to receive video messages from special Sweet Adelines - International President, Marcia Pinvidic and Executive Director, Kelly Bailey, as well as Ann Gooch, who was instrumental in establishing worldwide areas and regions of Sweet Adelines. Ann helped get Region 34 up and running and is a much loved figure in our history. An award is granted each year in Ann’s name to Sweet Adelines in areas and regions outside of the USA who contribute to the education and growth in their area or region. We are proud of the members who have received this prestigious award to date - Cathy Rainey, Lea Baker and Linda Wareham. The VIP messages can be viewed on the regional website at: A history making year As proof of our maturity as a region, competition history was made seven times in our 25th anniversary year: 1. Regional record score of 625 for our 2014 Quartet competition champions Hi-Jinx 2. Regional record score of 662 for our 2014 Chorus competition champions Endeavour Harmony Chorus 3. Regional first time two Quartets achieved over 600 points – Hi-Jinx and Broadband (photo below) 4. Regional first time for a Wildcard entry to the International Quartet Competition with Broadband 5. Hi-Jinx equalled their previous history-making placing of 19th in the International Quartet Competition. 6. Bathurst Panorama Chorus achieved the year’s top A division qualifying score to compete in the 2015 Harmony Classic in Las Vegas 7. Redland Rhapsody became the inaugural winners of the Audience Choice Award in our first Open Division category. 2 2014 Competition Results and Awards Choruses – Overall Small Choruses – Division A Mid Sized Choruses – Division AA 5th - 575 Brindabella Chorus 4th - 577 Northern Beaches Chorus 3rd - 597 Melbourne Chorus 2nd - 598 Bathurst Panorama Chorus 1st - 662 Endeavour Harmony Chorus (regional record) 3rd – Vocalescence 2nd – Brindabella 1st - Bathurst Panorama (qualified for 2015 Harmony Classic in Las Vegas) 3rd – Coastal a Cappella 2nd – Geelong Harmony 1st – Melbourne Chorus Audience Choice Award, Chorus Open Division Quartets Most Improved Chorus 5th – 548 Sista! – + 78 points Brindabella Chorus – Redland Rhapsody 4th – 564 Bewitched 3rd – 598 Alouette 2nd – 606 Broadband (qualified for 2014 Wildcard entry in Baltimore) 1st – 625 Hi-Jinx (regional record) Most Improved Quartet Novice Director Marian Reinsch DCP Award – +16 points Genesis – Kim Kirkman, Hot Ginger Chorus – Karen Ramirez, Endeavour Harmony Chorus Stepping down in 2015 It is with great appreciation we farewell our outgoing Regional Management Team members (L-R) Engelina de Jong, Susan Grigson, Jan Mahoney and Debra Griffiths, whose terms finished on April 30 2015. • Engelina has ensured our members gain maximum value from engaged and educated frontline directors and their teams. For two years, she has been the ‘go to’ person to ensure our smaller and emerging choruses are on a path to growth and improvement. She will retain her role as the region’s Public Officer. • Susan has reached out to our Chapter marketing coordinators to encourage ideas sharing and camaraderie through the Marketing Divas network. She has also masterminded the regional marketing strategy and the creative promotional activities for our events for the past two years as well as initiated the inaugural regional marketing award. • Jan has diligently and respectfully managed the region’s finances for four years to ensure funds are prioritised and available to deliver worthwhile member benefits. She has played a key role in providing financial advice to all portfolios as well as to our Chapter finance coordinators. • Debra arrived on the team four years ago with a mission to create life memories for members through our regional events. Through her creativity and exceptional organisation skills, she led an extraordinary team to make every event memorable and valuable for our members. Please join the RMT in wishing Debra, Jan, Engelina and Susan every success in each of their future Sweet Adelines years and all aspects of life. An introduction to our incoming RMT members can be found in the Communications Coordinator report. We offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone in Region 34 who has contributed to a successful year, volunteering for projects and teams, enthusiastically embracing the education opportunities, supporting our regional champions and responding to our communication. In particular, we applaud the Chapter Leaders in our choruses who help make it possible for members to enjoy their hobby to the fullest. We are proud to present the eight Regional Management Team reports on the following pages. Adoption of these reports will occur at the Region 34 Annual General Meeting at Wrest Point, Hobart at 10.30am on Sunday 17 May 2015. Your Regional Management Team 3 COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR REPORT This first year as your Communications Coordinator has been interesting, with a steep learning curve. It has been an enjoyable experience learning more about the organisation and how everyone who is involved, in both small and large ways, is passionate about Sweet Adelines and wishes our region to succeed. Sweet Adelines International Annual Regional Evaluation The 2013-2014 Annual Regional Evaluation (ARE) conducted by Sweet Adelines International provided positive feedback to the Regional Management Team. The evaluation conducted via Survey Monkey allows for each chorus to easily provide feedback on a range of issues that enables International and the RMT to review and evaluate as part of their plans. In 2014, twenty-seven chorus Management Teams and Boards gave feedback. For 2015 our goal is for Region 34 to have 100% participation. State of the Region Report It is the Communication Coordinator’s responsibility to compile and submit the State of the Region (SOR) report. This report keeps Sweet Adelines International informed of the plans, progress, financial and cultural health of the Region. The SOR is valuable to Sweet Adelines International as it assists in identifying significant organisational trends and needs across the all the regions. Our SOR report was well received with an acknowledgement to our chorus and quartet success and the high standard of education being provided in our region. Thanks go to outgoing Communications Coordinator, Sharon Cartwright, for preparing the SOR before handing the role over. RMT Recruitment and Appointments One of the roles of the Communications Coordinator is to monitor the nomination and appointment process for Regional Management Team positions. I would like to thank Kali Caramia (Chair), Val Norris and Trish Francis for their work on the Nominating Committee in 2014. I would also like to thank Catherine Bechaz who chaired the Tellers Committee for the ballot of the Directors’ Coordinator position. This year, four members of the RMT are changing over: Susan Grigson, Debra Griffiths, Jan Mahoney and Engelina de Jong. We say goodbye to them sadly, and thank them for all they have contributed to their portfolios and to Region 34. We are pleased to welcome Kate Hawkins as incoming Events Coordinator; Annet Wezenbeek, incoming Finance Coordinator; Anna-Marie Shew incoming Marketing Coordinator; and Lindsey Dyer as incoming Directors’ Coordinator. Your 2015-2016 Regional Management Team (L-R): Communications Coordinator Diane Jenkins, Membership Coordinator Val Norris, Finance Coordinator Annet Wezenbeek, Directors’ Coordinator Lindsey Dyer, Marketing Coordinator Anna-Marie Shew, Education Coordinator Linda Wareham, Team Coordinator Sharon Cartwright, Events Coordinator Kate Hawkins 4 Publications and Websites OzChords was published three times during the 2014-15 period. Many thanks go to Sandy O’Neill as editor of OzChords. Sandy and her team have once again done a fabulous job in producing our regional magazine during 2014. In particular thanks go to: Proofreaders • Deborah Martin (CKC) • Karen Tucker (CKC) • Wendy Rossiter (Melb Ch) • Janetta Gilbert (formerly EHC) • Kris Dodd (EHC) • Lorraine Graham (dual WHC/EHC) Honorary Photographer • Jen Squires (PHC) OzE-Notes has continued its focus as an informational medium with details on regional events, chorus shows etc. The Regional Marketing Coordinator is taking more of a lead role in producing this publication and has scheduled four editions in the 2015 plan. The Sweet Adelines Australia website continues to be Australia’s main source of information for members, choruses, and Management Teams and Boards. For the Region 34 25th Anniversary in 2014, a page featuring VIP tributes and chorus videos has been included. The Facebook pages for Sweet Adelines Australia and Young Women In Harmony continue to grow with interest amongst both members and non-members. These are proving to be a great means of reaching people and sharing current information on what is happening in the community both locally and internationally. Thanks to the team of people who keep watch for things going on in the barbershop community locally and worldwide, and sharing those snippets with our Facebook friends. Diane Jenkins Communications Coordinator 2014-15 5 DIRECTORS’ COORDINATOR REPORT Let me just remind you of the Region 34 mission: Sweet Adelines Australia is a national organisation of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of Barbershop Harmony through education, competition and performance. And what an outstanding education this organisation gives! In the month of August, almost all choruses received a visit from International Faculty Dede Nibler, an educational activity which directly supported our Region’s Music Directors and Music Teams as well as our members. 2015 Directors’ School - Step it Up! This year’s Directors’ School had a visual focus with the invitation extended beyond Music Directors and Assistant Directors to include at least one visual person from each chorus. An enormous amount of work was done by Linda Wareham, our Education Coordinator, who developed the program with our International Faculty visitor, the wonderful Judy Pozsgay, who is the choreographer of Lions Gate Chorus in Vancouver. As usual, our Regional Education Faculty (REF) had an additional day’s training before joining Judy as Directors’ School faculty. Classes throughout the weekend were varied and feedback indicated every one of the 98 participants got great value from them. The classes ranged from characterisation, the relationship between director and choreographer and many other aspects. Judy also introduced a new term to the region: PPI or Personal Performance Instruction, the companion to PVI (Personal Voice Instruction). This is a very effective and nonthreatening way of being personally coached on your personal presentation skills. Visit to A Cappella Harmony Academy (AHA) in Tulsa I had the opportunity to go to the AHA conference as part of my Directors’ Coordinator role and networked with many directors, especially at the Directors Lab given by Joan Boutilier. Since connecting there, the AHA Director’s Lab participants and Joan are now continuing their network through a Facebook page. To meet and talk with so many directors in one place is wonderful. Listening to their stories and then realising how similar they are to the ones we have here. After AHA, I visited rehearsals of the Rich Tones in Dallas and Top of the Rock Chorus in Arkansas to see how they work. 6 Chorus movement Two prospective choruses made the all important step to charter, Coastal Charisma and Canberra Harmony. Both choruses have ‘new’ directors. I mention that even though Coastal Charisma’s Jonathan Albertini is not new to barbershop, he is new to the Sweet Adelines. Canberra Harmony Chorus is under the direction of Anita Cleaver and Pam Foley, both experienced barbershop singers and now novice directors. It’s exciting that the directors of our two newest choruses are taking their members to the Hobart Convention. I wish them all well on their journey. We farewelled two frontline directors in 2014: Else Shepherd, due to Harmony in Paradise opting to become a community choir; and Lorraine Stackpoole, who retired as Music Director of Vocal Vibes, handing the reins to Master Director, Jeanette Whitmore. Director Certification Program (DCP) Carole Macintyre has looked after the Director Certification Program now for two years and all is looking well. In the past year, several new members have registered to start the program. During the year, all who are studying do their tests at their own leisure and are given every opportunity to do tests. Director School is one of them and many take this chance to do even more. Even if you do not have the inclination to become a director, this program allows you to learn all about the physiology of singing, our organisation and all about barbershop as an art form. In 2015, we acknowledge six members who have certified from various choruses. And thank you, Carole, for looking after all those who are doing DCP. Make a Difference program Talking about new directors brings me to another project I have been involved in. You may be aware we have had two different programs to help directors and/or choruses improve their skills: the ‘Musical Improvement program’ (MIP) and the ‘Director Mentor program’, which served similar purposes. In the best interest of the region, it was decided to integrate them into one, the ‘Make a Difference’ Program (MAD). The MAD program is in its final stage of completion. During 2014 – 2015, three New Directors are being mentored and they will now also have their musical product supported. Having been a recipient of the Mentor Program, along with my CoDirector, I can say first-hand that it is great to be supported by the Region and the Mentor. Thank you During my two years in this position, I have learned so much about how to work together with a very smart, organised and fun team. I learned to respect their opinions and value their friendship. We are here together to serve an ever growing region. I wish to thank all directors and the Regional Management Team for their support and I am sure that you will do the same for Lindsey Dyer who is taking over from me. Region 34 is in good hands. Engelina de Jong Directors’ Coordinator 2014-15 7 EVENTS COORDINATOR REPORT The events for this year started with all the excitement of our 25th year celebration in Sydney where we enthusiastically embraced the idea of shaping this great region for the years ahead. Three events this year that embodied that ideal for me were: The Sydney Convention 2014, 14 - 18 May Held at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre with 1,119 delegates, 24 choruses in competition and 24 quartets, this convention saw a deviation from the normal program. It started with a fun Harbour Cruise for delegates and guests on the Wednesday night, followed by a 25th Anniversary party for 911 people on the Saturday night and ended with a Sunday afternoon Showcase. It was good to see how willing everyone was to be part of creating a fitting celebration of our 25 years as Region 34, The Southern Cross Region. The Convention Planning Committee for Hobart This year we have continued the practice of the Convention Planning Committee involving choruses in the administration of the conventions. As was the model in the preparation for the Sydney Convention, the RMT asked choruses to provide expressions of interest to undertake various tasks. When appointed a task, each chorus reported regularly to myself as Events Coordinator and Kate Hawkins, the Chair of Regional Conventions. For the preparation of the Hobart Convention, the Convention Planning Committee has representatives from Hobart Harmony Chorus, Endeavour Harmony Chorus, Circular Keys Chorus, Melbourne Chorus and A Cappella West Chorus. Each has taken a responsibility for a specific aspect of the convention weekend. This model has proved successful and has continued into preparations for 2016 with Wollongong Chorus and Out of the Blue Chorus already working behind the scenes. As always, the RMT has been actively involved in the organisation of Convention for many months and Convention would not occur without their support. They continue to ensure that the interests of all members are considered and that each Convention is a memorable experience for all attendees. I would like to give them my personal thanks for their support over the past four years. Dede Nibler Down Under Tour The RMT wished to celebrate the 25th anniversary with an event that would touch every member of the region. To have such an outstanding educator as Dede Nibler visit each chorus throughout the region was going to do just that. Below is Dede with the Headliners Chorus. 8 No event of this scale is possible without the commitment of many members throughout the region. It was a very big logistical task and I would like to thank the many people who opened their homes, drove miles from venue to venue, provided transport, organised halls, acted as tour guides and just welcomed Dede into their lives. This event was a fine example of how willing we are to share our chorus lives with each other because we know how this benefits us all. These three events did confirm lessons learnt which help the RMT plan for the years ahead, including: • The convention organisation needs to respond to requirements and resources of any particular location. As a result of the feedback from the Sydney convention we saw the need to change our anticipated venue in Sydney in 2016 and we moved it to Wollongong. • We need to continue to develop strong ties between our choruses, as by working together we can achieve a great deal. The plans for this year’s A Cappella August look towards developing this. • The size and geography of our region means that we have to listen carefully and to think creatively to provide events that meet the needs of our members. Ongoing Events throughout the year As in previous years, Quartet Days were held, this year in Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane and were well attended with 92 participants overall. The annual Directors’ School was held in Sydney in January 2015 at the St Josephs Convention Centre Baulkham Hills with 98 Directors, Music Leaders and Visual Leaders in attendance. After the success of the NSW Young Women In Harmony project and their performance at the 2015 Sydney Convention, projects were initiated in both NSW and Tasmania and we continue to see activity in SA and WA. We hope that planned events in QLD and VIC will mean further development in this exciting aspect of our growth as a region. PLANNED FUTURE EVENTS 2015-16 - A Cappella August - various events throughout QLD, WA, VIC, SA and NSW - Directors’ School - 15 – 17 January 2016 – St Joseph’s Conference Centre, Baulkham Hills, NSW FUTURE CONVENTION VENUES - 2015 Hobart Wrest Point - 2016 Wollongong – WIN Entertainment Centre - 2017 Perth - 2018 Brisbane The Hobart Convention is my last in the role as Events Coordinator and as I reflect on the changes that I have seen in those four years, I once again am struck by how much would not be possible without the willingness of so many people to step up and give to support the health and growth of Region 34. So much is done with goodwill and grace and it does make the job of Events Coordinator a very rewarding role. Much thanks goes to Kris Dodd (NSW), and Wendy Rossiter (VIC), Bec Hewitt (WA) and Janet Caldwell (SA) who have been exemplary in their work as state event coordinators. Particular thanks must go to Lea Baker, as Competition Coordinator for the Hobart Convention, and to Kate Hawkins, as Chair of Regional Convention, who both work tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the Convention weekend so that it is a memorable and valuable experience for all attendees. I wish Kate the best in her new role as Events Coordinator for Region 34, confident not only that she will bring her breadth of skills and knowledge to this role but that she will also be assisted by the many talented and generous people in this great region. I urge everyone at one point in their Sweet Adeline life to take that very rewarding step and be part of a chorus or regional management team. Debra Griffiths Events Coordinator 2014-15 9 EDUCATION COORDINATOR REPORT Our education program for 2014-15 has been busy and varied and we celebrated our 25th Anniversary year with great results. We had a record number of international competitor qualifiers with quartets Hi-Jinx and Broadband, and choruses Endeavour Harmony and Bathurst Panorama doing us proud. Many other educational milestones have been reached and the education team continues to work at delivering programs according to the needs of our members. As our choruses grow in their ability to support individual needs through visiting coaches, each year planning programs in order to reach our regional goals becomes more challenging. Supporting the many activities in various states we continue to ensure a regular and stable five year program is maintained. A copy of this can be found on the regional website: Regional Education Faculty (REF) Our Education Faculty has again travelled significant distances to visit our choruses and provide coaching and mentoring to our Directors and Chapter Music Teams. They have been involved in developing our programs and provided valuable input to the RMT’s strategic planning process at the REF education day at Directors’ School. As a result, the REF is working to raise greater awareness of their skills and opportunities for choruses to utilise them outside of their regionally funded visits. ‘Getting To Know Your REF’ articles have featured in OzChords and they are working on updating their regional website profiles with information about their areas of specialities and classes offered. This work will continue in 2015/16. MUSIC FACULTY Lea Baker Kali Caramia Vicki Dwyer Lindsey Dyer Glenda Lloyd Donna Markovic Rose McGee Carole Macintyre Jo Oosterhoff Jennifer Squires Bec Hewitt (quartet specialist) Alex Morris (guest faculty) Andrew Howson (guest faculty) VISUAL FACULTY Regional Education Priorities Each year our judges provide an overall assessment of competition outcomes and our REF provides assessments and reviews from chorus visits. The direction and priorities for future education plans are based on a review of this information. Debra Griffiths Jennifer Howson Laurel Santry ADMIN FACULTY Sandy O’Neill Some of the priorities for 2014-15 included: • Vocal production and its effect on overall tuning and breath support • Synchronisation – the finer details • Vocal energy, phrase endings, breathing skills • Performance skills for quartets and choruses • Raising quartet scores in general to reflect the progress being made at chorus level 10 Specific activities in 2014-2015 were: • Offering Directors a flexible mix of coaching and workshop education options to suit their specific needs through the Dede Nibler tour. Chorus visits and workshop days in major centres included classes and coaching focusing on tuning and vocal production. • ‘Step it Up’ Directors, Assistant Directors and Visual Leaders School included classes for all on unifying the vocal and physical aspects of our craft. • Master Class with Expression Judge, Lea Beverley and Showmanship Judge, Judy Pozsgay planned for Hobart Convention. • Appointment of a Quartet Specialist, Bec Hewitt as an addition to the Regional Education Faculty. • Conducting state Quartet Schools in March with a focus on stagecraft and performance skills. • Continuing this with plans for a national Quartet School ‘Queen it Up’ with Queen of Harmony, Mary Rhea and 2012-2014 Region 34 Champions Hi-Jinx in 2015. A Cappella August Utilising our education fund resources, the Dede Downunder Tour was the focus of 2014’s A Cappella August month. A Cappella August was established in 2013 as a way for Music Directors and Teams to plan their educational activities around the timing of regionally provided ones. In 2014, the aim was for every member to receive a 25th anniversary ‘gift’ in the way of being coached or taught by outstanding educator and International Faculty member, Dede Nibler without the need to travel far to an event. What was achieved was remarkable, with all but two of our choruses and both Prospective choruses taking part. This was a huge logistical challenge and a marathon effort by Dede to keep her energy levels and enthusiasm high from beginning to end. The feedback from every chorus, with stories of how their members appreciated the individual attention and grew as a result made it all worth it. To everyone who hosted, drove, fed and entertained Dede, we offer our heartfelt thanks. Young Women In Harmony (YWIH) Lea Baker, Regional YWIH Coordinator has led a successful program in 2014-15, starting with the Young Women In Harmony Showcase Chorus at the 25th anniversary Convention in Sydney. YWIH activities, including the successful Big Barbershop Day Out program which originated in Western Australia, have run in New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia. Already scheduled for the coming year are activities in Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania. Increasingly, we are joining forces with Barbershop Harmony Australia to promote and provide opportunities in a cappella singing to both young women and men. We received a grant of almost $2,000 from the Young Singers Foundation (YSF). Also successful was an application for a $6,000 grant to the Arts Unit of the NSW Department of Education to introduce the YWIH program into the public schools system, targeted at South Western Sydney schools. Southern Cross Region Arrangers Program (SCRAP) In 2014, there were 11 active participants across the three levels of the program. There were 46 lessons marked, Four level completion certificates presented and we celebrated the achievement of Julie Southwell’s graduation in 2014. Two more graduates will be celebrated at the Hobart Convention. We are also delighted that Joey Minshall, certified arranger, agreed to take over from Lynnell Diamond as our course mentor. The SCRAP Coordinator, Lyndal Thorburn initiated a review of the program, resulting in a proposal for lesson adjustments and new aspects to be introduced. Lyndal has also raised the need to consider ‘Life after SCRAP’ to encourage arranging opportunities for our graduates. An article was placed in the March 2015 OzChords to advertise the availability of graduate arrangers and we are looking for other avenues to promote their arrangements and support their continued development. Regional Directors’ School Judy Pozsgay was our guest faculty at the 2-day 2015 Directors’ School, with a theme of ‘Step It Up’ to reflect the integration of the music, performance and visual aspects of our art form. This year, Visual Leaders also benefited from this education event, delivering on our strategy to focus on consistently high quality musical and performance skills. 37 Frontline Directors, 23 Assistant Directors, 22 Visual Leaders and 16 Music Team members attended the 2015 Directors’ School which was held at St Joseph’s Conference Centre, Baulkham Hills in Sydney. Each Frontline Director received fully funded travel to attend the School. 11 Regional Education Grant The 2013 and 2014 Regional Education Grant winners, Justine Cox and Karen Ramirez, both attended the A Cappella Harmony Academy (AHA) education event in Tulsa, Oklahoma in July 2014. They each shared their learning in the November OzChords and in live presentations at Directors’ School. As Sweet Adelines International has no international education events planned in 2015, and we allocated ICAP funding to our Wildcard Quartet, Broadband, the RMT decided not to offer an education grant for 2015. Administrative Training MARKETING COORDINATOR REPORT A Leaders’ Lunch was held at the Sydney Convention, with 115 Chapter and Regional Leaders in attendance. In response to suggestions from our post-event feedback, the 2015 Leaders’ Breakfast on May 17 will include an educational expo in addition to networking and knowledge sharing. Our Administration REF and Regional Team Coordinator provided individual advice, support and training on an as-needs basis in 2014-15. Linda Wareham Education Coordinator 2014-15 12 The year has been one of consolidation. The emphasis has been on the development of much needed marketing tools to support membership recruitment campaigns; fact sheets focusing on social media use; and guides or templates for choruses updating web and Facebook pages. Highlights • The introduction of the Marketing and Public Relations Award which aims to increase interest in the value of this important activity, with the additional benefit of capturing and sharing marketing and publicity ideas with choruses. • Building effective marketing tools with the introduction of a membership recruitment brochure which can be amended to include specific chorus contact information. • Finalising the region’s updated Marketing Strategy and fine-tuning the action plans with a campaign focus. This document supports the planning and the implementation of marketing activities across the region as well as progressing training for marketing teams. Marketing Award Strong responses were received demonstrating great commitment and creativity. The submissions were judged on the responses to the criteria especially membership recruitment activities. It was gratifying to see how active and energetic choruses are and their ability to reach the wider community. In a few cases, Sweet Adelines Australia (SAA) or Sweet Adelines International (SAI) were not referenced or used consistently across the materials submitted. This can be overcome by using our logo and the updated International slogan: Real Women, Real Harmony, Real Fun. These tools are located in our regional website Marketing Centre and in the International Marketing Centre on the Sweet Adelines International website. Another way to acknowledge the organisation is to use an endorsement statement: Proud members of Sweet Adelines International. The Marketing Chatspace, a discussion forum on Facebook for Chapter marketing coordinators, has good examples where both SAA and SAI are acknowledged. The successful campaigns will be announced at the Regional Awards Presentation and Closing Ceremony in Hobart. Building effective marketing resources Your incoming Marketing Coordinator, Anna-Marie Shew from Geelong Harmony, has produced a membership recruitment brochure which can easily be customised with individual chorus contact details. It includes energised photographs and enthusiastic testimonials which will be of great interest to potential members while making life easier for membership teams. In addition, she has produced social media guidelines and tips on key elements for web design and Facebook pages. These will be available at the Leaders’ Breakfast in Hobart and will be available from the Chorus Admin Centre on the website. Sponsorship SICO, the supplier of chorus risers, has agreed to continue their support for our organisation. Merchandise Items demonstrating the SAA logo were first introduced when the new branding for the region was launched. Much has happened since then. The role of merchandise was discussed by the RMT who accepted the recommendation that the region reduce its retail trading activities from 2016. This decision was made because the management of merchandise has proven to be overly time-consuming, especially keeping track of the inventory – special thanks to great attention to detail by Val Norris. It was considered that building musical skills and encouraging best practice in administration should be the main focus rather than the region operating a retail outlet. The regional button-down shirts and longevity pins will continue to be available both at Convention and on the website’s sales page. All other items of stock will be sold out at the Wollongong Convention. We were featured in The Pitch Pipe Our relationship with the SAI community continues to strengthen on many levels. It was very exciting to see our story in The Pitch Pipe magazine published at the International Competition in Baltimore which showcased our 25th Anniversary celebrations and the Young Women in Harmony chorus in Sydney. Acknowledgements It has been a rewarding experience being your Marketing Coordinator over the past two years. As I step down from the role I leave with the knowledge that the region is in good hands. The confident and creative AnnaMarie Shew has already proven her commitment to support both the marketing teams and the region. My job has been made so much easier by the tremendous support by several people. • Kirsten Richardson – our dedicated designer who produces such wonderful graphic work, especially the A Cappella August graphics and the ‘Step It Up’ material used for this year’s Directors’ School. • Val Norris – as always, has cheerfully managed our merchandise. • Judith Livingston – my right hand woman, has supported me with advice and help in so many ways. • Kate Brookes and Jenny Earl – for assisting with special projects. Lastly, and importantly, special appreciation to the Regional Management Team and the chorus marketing teams who have supported me. The region can only continue to achieve great things. Susan Grigson Marketing Coordinator 2014-15 13 MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR REPORT Chorus and Member Numbers Chartered Choruses As of 4 April 2015 Sweet Adelines Australia has a total of 32 chartered choruses: 1 in Tasmania, 2 in the ACT, 2 in South Australia, 4 in Western Australia, 5 in Victoria, 7 in Queensland and 11 in NSW. We now total 1,356 members (from official SAI numbers), making us still the largest region in the organisation. Newly Chartered Choruses This year we have welcomed Coastal Charisma (QLD) and Canberra Harmony (ACT) to the ranks of chartered choruses. Congratulations to you both on your rapid progress through the chartering process and welcome to Region 34. Prospective Choruses We currently have two prospective choruses: Vocal Edge Prospective Chorus (Blackheath, NSW) and Soundwaves A’Cappella Prospective Chorus (Burrum Heads, QLD). Vocal Edge are very close to chartering and Soundwaves are also well on the way. Departing Choruses Harmony In Paradise (QLD) made the decision not to renew their Sweet Adelines Charter and to take a new direction as a community choir. Chapter at Large (CAL) There are currently 62 Chapter-at-Large members, a decrease from last year, largely due to the chartering of two of our prospective choruses. I am most grateful to our CAL Coordinator, Jennie Harrison, for the work she is doing in keeping our CALs up to date with everything that is happening in the region and in ensuring that their memberships are current. There will again be a CAL get together in Hobart this year. Chorus Sizes Division A/Small (up to 30) – 8 choruses Division AA/Medium (31 – 60) – 20 choruses Open/Large (61 +) – 4 choruses Length of membership 0 – 3 yrs – 26.6% 4 – 10 yrs – 39.4% 11 yrs + - 34% The pattern has remained consistent with what we have seen for the past few years. 4 -10 year members make up the largest proportion of the membership but the other two groups are not far behind. Overall we have a fairly even distribution of length of membership. Member Awards and Recognition Sweet Adeline of the Year Following the survey conducted last year, the award previously known as Quiet Achiever is now called Sweet Adeline of the Year. We continue to recognise a nominee from each chorus by presenting her with a certificate and by displaying the testimonials on a notice board at convention. It is the work of these admirable ladies which helps our choruses to flourish as they do. 14 Member Longevity This year we will be recognising fifteen 20 year members, seven 25 year members and one 30 year member. Each will be presented with a certificate and names will be published in the convention program. First Timers At the time of writing this report, we have 100 people attending convention for the first time. All first timers will receive a special First Timer’s ribbon, to wear on their convention name badge and they will be acknowledged during the opening ceremony. Communication Communication between Sweet Adelines International, the RMT and choruses remains a vital part of positive membership coordination. The Region’s Chorus Directory is updated frequently to facilitate this, and every effort is made to ensure the details remain accurate and current. However, we do rely on you to keep us informed of any changes within your chorus. This is especially important in the coming weeks as Management Teams change following AGMs. Many thanks to those choruses who have been diligent in passing on this information. Member Contact Details Everyone should by now have heard of the changes made by SAI to the login procedures for the International website. It is extremely important that each one of you logs in to the site to change your password (previously your membership number). Please get in touch if you have any questions about this (via members@ It is also essential that any changes to your contact details are updated here. CAL members are reminded to be especially vigilant with updating their contact details as International and Regional renewal notices are now sent electronically. Keeping your details current – especially your email address – ensures that you do not risk becoming unfinancial and thus forfeiting your membership. Acknowledgements In closing, I would like to thank the chorus leaders and all chorus members for your commitment to our organisation and to making Region 34 the successful region that it is. Thank you to those who have participated in surveys, passed on requests and suggestions and helped in so many ways and I look forward to another successful year serving as your Membership Coordinator. Val Norris Membership Coordinator 2014-15 15 TEAM COORDINATOR REPORT I changed my role on the Regional Management Team in 2014, being appointed to Team Coordinator after a term as Communications Coordinator. Working with the RMT and previous Team Coordinator Kali Caramia for two years gave me good insight into the role and I have relished the opportunity to do something new. Dreaming and planning In the past year the RMT has been reviewing and revising the regional strategic plan, an activity stimulated by hearing three inspiring stories at the 2013 RMT Forum in Honolulu and a visit to Australia from Paula Davis, the current President-elect of Sweet Adelines International. Whilst still in draft form, we are shaping the strategic plan around our Vision, Mission and Strategic Pillars: Vision: To be the leading musical organisation for Australian women Mission: Sweet Adelines Australia, a region of Sweet Adelines International, is a national organisation of women singers committed to advancing the musical artform of Barbershop Harmony through education, competition and performance. Strategic Pillars: • • • • • • Pride in membership of Sweet Adelines A secure future for Region 34 Consistently high quality musical and performance skills Strong representation and participation at international organisational level Productive partnerships with external networks Best practice management throughout the region We’ve spent time at each of the past three RMT meetings dreaming of the future and possible projects to expand our thinking and create some new goals. This work will continue during 2015 and 2016, along with an update of our policies and Standing Rules. I shared our progress at the Directors’ School and Linda Wareham and I co-facilitated a workshop with the REF at their preDirectors’ School training day, to get their input. International organisation meetings and involvement Along with Regional Marketing Coordinator, Susan Grigson and Education Coordinator, Linda Wareham, I attended the 2014 International Contest in Baltimore, Maryland. Susan, Linda and I had an opportunity to share the RMT’s dreams and plans at a breakfast meeting with two members of the International Board of Directors, Anne Cargill and Fran Furtner. Both have different responsibilities for Australia as a non-North American region and showed keen interest in our invitation to meet. Anne is now making a personal visit to Hobart to attend our 2015 Convention and meet our wonderful members. L-R: Anne Cargill, Sharon Cartwright, Susan Grigson, Fran Further, Linda Wareham 16 I attended a breakfast meeting in Baltimore with nine Regional Team Coordinators and two members of the Regional Leadership Committee appointed by the International Board of Directors to oversee the work of Regional Management Teams. A Facebook page and email network is now in place to enable continued contact with Regional Team Coordinators. Susan Grigson, Linda Wareham and I represented the region three times on the Baltimore webcast, along with Annette Connolly and Jen Squires, as we congratulated our competitors from Hi-Jinx, Broadband and Perth Harmony Chorus. In 2015-16 I will work on the International Editorial Review Board, with members of the International Board of Directors and two representatives from other regions. This is a role held previously by Kali Caramia, Debra Griffiths, Anita Cleaver and Lea Baker. Project Constitution Oz The team of Kali Caramia, Susan Weston, Judy English-Ellis and Dianne James have continued consolidating and refining the region’s Constitution and Standing Rules documents. They have achieved a great deal, working together remotely and in face-to-face weekend meetings, including: • Analysing of each of the State Legislative and Sweet Adelines International documents to highlight areas of alignment and difference • Negotiating policy changes and consulting on the areas of difference in the above documents with Sweet Adelines International • Developing a Rules for Incorporation document for all choruses in the region, with versions to suit both Management Team and Board structures. This is now going to be tested with State bodies through volunteer choruses in each State before being adopted by all of our choruses The team has a clear plan for the next stage of work. In addition to testing the Rules for Incorporation, they will develop the Australian Guidelines for Standing Rules and conduct an educational webinar. They will each be talking about their work and what it means for choruses at the Leaders’ Breakfast educational expo at the Hobart Convention. Networking for productive partnerships During 2014-15 I met with the CEO of Music Australia, Chris Bowen, to discuss ideas and opportunities for Sweet Adelines Australia within the national music agenda. Lea Baker and I attended a Music Australia networking evening and made new connections to follow up in 2015-16. I also attended an Australia Council information session to learn about their new grants program and criteria. In March, I submitted an abstract for a national music education conference, and we will find out in May if we have been selected to present at it. Connections with the men’s barbershop organisation, Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA) continue to grow. Their President, Ian Mulholland, was our guest at the Sydney Convention and we have extended invitations to other BHA Executive members for the Hobart Convention. Whilst we have no formal organisational connection, we have a similar message to the community and see benefit in sharing information and resources. Susan Grigson and Val Norris met with BHA Vice President of Marketing Keith Thornton to share knowledge about membership marketing practices. Lea Baker has been working with Trevor Rootes, who coordinates the BHA Youth Program, and this has led to some joint initiatives with our Young Women In Harmony Program. In February, the BHA Executive and Sweet Adelines RMT held meetings on the same weekend at St Josephs, Baulkham Hills. This allowed us to have a joint 90 minute meeting to share plans as well as some informal time to get to know the teams. At the State level, there is an increasing amount of joint activity with choruses from each organisation working together to raise awareness of the Barbershop art form, attract members and produce concerts. I too wish to join my RMT colleagues in acknowledging the deep commitment and expertise of Debra, Jan, Susan and Engelina. Thank you, haven’t we achieved some great things together! I look forward to another fabulous Convention in Hobart, to meet more of our members and to cheer loudly for every achievement however big or small that is made over the long weekend. Sharon Cartwright Team Coordinator 2014-15 17 FINANCE COORDINATOR REPORT It has been a privilege to serve Region 34, our members and SAI as part of the Regional Management Team for the past four years. The Regional Finance Coordinator’s role could not be effective without the support and teamwork of our finance managers / treasurers of our chartered and prospective choruses and I thank you. Regional Finances Overview As at the 31 March 2015 our net equity was $128,004.85 with a net surplus of $268.96 for the year after making a provision of $12,000.00 for future education with reserved funds for education now totalling $36,000.00. Our turnover was $406,908.62, an increase of $66,183.62 from last year and our expenses were $406,639.66 for the year. The reserved funds for Wildcards and Harmony Classic now total $12,000.00 after making a provision of $2,000.00 this year. Our 2014 Convention in Sydney realised a surplus of $40,227.02 with income of 253,476.22 and expenses of $213,249.20. The charts below show our income and expenses for 2014-2015. Our 2014 champion chorus, Endeavour Harmony, received $5,000.00 being the first tier payment from the International Competitor Assistance Program (ICAP) to assist with costs to compete in Las Vegas in October 2015. They are also eligible for up to a further $5,000.00 of the second tier of ICAP which they can claim when they have registered their competing members. Perth Harmony Chorus received $500.00 as the second tier ICAP after receiving $5,000 first tier payment last year to support their quest in Baltimore in 2014. Hi-Jinx, our champion 2014 quartet, received $4,000.00 in June 2014 to assist with costs in competing in Baltimore as did BroadBand having received a wild card to compete. Bathurst Panorama Chorus has earned a worthy right of entry to compete in the Harmony Classic in Las Vegas and has been granted and received $5,000.00 from our ICAP funding. Supporting Prospective Choruses We have expended $1,592.84 to provide music and administration training to prospective choruses during the past year as well as travel funding to Directors’ School and have received $1,108.13 funding from Sweet Adelines International (SAI). 18 Workshops and Schools Our net investment, after income, for Workshops, AHA Down Under, the Directors’ School and the education levy was $7,335.95. The table below shows the income and expenditure for each educational event. Income Expenditure Net Income Education Levy $28,894.55 0 $28,894.55 Dede Down Under $12,494.18 $17,103.87 - $4,609.69 Admin Workshops $1,431.82 $7,438.81 - $6,006.99 Directors’ School $30,046.90 $45,522.95 - $15,476.05 Quartet Workshops $2,682.73 $4,970.30 - $2,287.57 REF Training 0 $8,128.73 - 8,128.73 REF Visits $8,436.31 $8,157.78 $278.53 Totals $83,986.49 $91,322.44 Net Investment in Education - $ 7,335.95 In Closing I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Annet Wezenbeek as the incoming Finance Coordinator and Kate Hawkins, Anna-Marie Shew and Lindsey Dyer to the team. I have enjoyed the ride with our continuing team and my friends who are leaving with me to move on to other things – Debra Griffiths, Susan Grigson and Engelina de Jong. I encourage all members to give some thought to joining the RMT to experience a wonderful adventure and to give back to this organisation. Your influence can have a huge effect on the success and morale of the choruses, members and management teams in our Region 34. Jan Mahoney Finance Coordinator 2014-15 19 SOUTHERN CROSS REGION 34 OF SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL INC. A.B.N. 52 556 772 243 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 20 SOUTHERN CROSS REGION 34 OF SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL INC. A.B.N. 52 556 772 243 Contents Profit and Loss Statement Balance Sheet Notes to the Financial Statements Statement by Regional Management Team Members Independent Audit Report 21 ’ 22 ’ 23 24 (a) The depreciable amount of all fixed assets are depreciated over the useful lives of the assets to the association commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. (b) Taxation The association is not liable for income tax under either Sections 50-5, 50-45 or 50-10 of the Income Tax Act 1997. Accordingly, tax effect accounting principles have not been included in the financial statements. 25 26 ’ Total Members’ Funds 27 International Inc as at 31 March 2015 and its performance for the year ended on that date. Team Coordinator Sharon Cartwright Finance Coordinator Jan Mahoney 22 April 2015 28 29 30 31