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(775) 777-7110/fax (775) 777-7119
CITYOFELKO CITY MANAGER 1751 COLLEGE AVENUE ELKO, NEVADA 89801 (775) 777-7110/FAX (775) 777-7119 The Elko City Council will meet in regular session on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Elko City Hall, 1751 College Avenue, Elko, NV 89801, at 4:00P.M., P.D.S.T. Attached with this notice is the agenda for said meeting of the Council. This notice is posted pursuant to the NRS as amended by the 2015 Legislature. This notice is to be posted at the following public places: ELKO COUNTY COURTHOUSE-57! Idaho Street, Street, Elko, NV 89801 Date/Time Posted: September 2, 2015/8:50 a.m. ELKO COUNTY LIBRARY-720 Court Street, Elko, NV 89801 Date/Time Posted: September 2, 2015/9:00 a.m. ELKO POLICE DEPARTMENT-1401 College Avenue, Elko NV 89801 Date/Time Posted: September 2, 2015/8:40 a.m. ELKO CITY HALL-1751 College Avenue, Elko, NV 89801 Date: Time Posted: September 2, 2015/8:30 a.m. Posted by: Kim Wilkinson Name Administrative Assistant Title ~21~~ Signature The public may contact Kim Wilkinson by phone at (775)777 -7110 or email at kwilkinson(itci.dko.nv.us to request supporting material for the meeting described herein. The agenda and supporting material is available at Elko City Hall, 1751 College Avenue, Elko, NV or on the City website at www.clkocitv.com . Dated this 2"ct day of September, 2015 NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Members of the public who are disabled and require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to notify the Elko City Cou I, 1751 lege Avenue, Elko, Nevada 89801, or by calling (775) 777-7110. Curtis Calder, City Manager CITYOFELKO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MEETING 4:00P.M., P.D.S.T., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 ELKO CITY HALL. 1751 COLLEGE A VENUE, ELKO. NEVADA CALL TO ORDER The Agenda for this meeting of the City of Elko City Council has been properly posted for this date and time in accordance with NRS requirements. ROLLCALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC Pursuant to N.R.S. 241, this time is devoted to comments by the public, if any, and discussion of those comments. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item on the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on a successive agenda and identified as an item for possible action. ACTION WILL NOT BE TAKEN APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I. II. Regular Session PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation of a Retirement Plaque to Galen (Gus) Rackely, Public Works Department for his thirty years of service. NON ACTION ITEM INFORMATON ONLY B. Presentation of a plaque by NNRDA Director Pam Borda to Councilman John Rice for his service on the NNRDA Board. NON ACTION ITEM INFORMATION ONLY PERSONNEL A. Employee Introductions: 1.) 2.) III. August 25, 2015 Ms. Kara Vera, Part-time Minutes Clerk Ms. Margaret Earthman, Part-time Spay/Neuter Clinic Manager APPROPRIATIONS A. Review and possible approval of Warrants. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION B. Review and possible approval of Print 'N Copy Warrants. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 09/08/2015 City Council Agenda 1 C. Review, consideration, and possible approval for the Elko Regional Airport to apply for a Nevada Commission on Tourism Marketing Grant (2015 2"d Cycle), and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION The airport in coordination with Delta Air Lines and the Elko Visitors & Convention Authority would like to reapply for a digital "Explore Elko" campaign in the Denver and Salt Lake City markets for the period May 1-May 31, 2016. The grant application is for $5,000 with a local match of $5,000 from the Airport Enterprise Fund. MG D. Review, consideration, and possible approval for the Fire Department to accept a Local Giving Grant of $2,500.00 from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to assist with cost associated with fire prevention education, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has established grants to assist local agencies fund public education. The City of Elko Fire Department Prevention Bureau has been selected as the recipient of a $2,500.00 grant for community fire prevention education materials. Wal-Mart has been a great supporter of the Elko Fire Department's fire prevention efforts for many years. MG IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Review, consideration, and possible approval of a proposed revision to a release, hold harmless, and indemnity provision in the previously approved professional services agreement (PSA) with Manhard and Artisan, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION City Legal Counsel drafted the initial PSA. This draft was sent to Manhard and Artisan for comments and feedback. Feedback was provided and reviewed by legal counsel. The proposed two word change was approved by legal counsel; however, I mistakenly did not include this change in the final document. RL B. Review, consideration, and possible approval of a Second Amendment to the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Elko and Elko Sanitation Company dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014 for sanitation service in the City of Elko, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Elko Sanitation Company current! y provides sanitation service in the City of Elko pursuant to an agreement dated June 11, 2015 and amended on April 22, 2014. Elko Sanitation is requesting that the rate schedule be amended by adding a service and adding one additional fee. The additional service would be an eight yard bin. The additional fee would be a rollout fee. In reviewing the proposal and the existing agreement it was determined that additional definitions were required in The proposed amendment requires an amendment of Section 14.01 allowing the addition of services under the agreement prior to Council considering an 09/08/2015 City Council Agenda 2 amendment to the rate schedule. The proposed amendment is identified as the second amendment to the agreement. SAW C. Review, consideration, and possible approval of a Third Amendment to the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Elko and Elko Sanitation Company dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014 for sanitation service in the City of Elko, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Elko Sanitation Company currently provides sanitation service in the City of Elko pursuant to an agreement dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014. Elko Sanitation is requesting that the rate schedule be amended by adding a service and additional fees. The additional service would be an eigbt yard bin for commercial accounts. The additional fees would be for the 8 yard bin service fees and a rollout fee. In reviewing the proposal and the existing agreement it was determined that additional definitions were required to address approved fees. Additionally, Elko Sanitation has several fees for non-typical services, all of which were potentially charged under generic provisions of the agreement. The amendment provides clarification. The proposed amendment is identified as the third amendment to the agreement. SAW VI. PETITIONS, APPEALS, AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Review and possible consideration of a request by Towne Place Suites by Marriott-Elko to waive the late fees currently pending on a delinquent transient lodging tax payment (room tax) reporting for June 2015, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Transient lodging tax is due on the tenth day of the month; payment is delinquent on the sixteenth day of the month. Marriott's June 2015 payment was postmarked on Friday, July 17, 2015 resulting in a penalty fee being charged pursuant to City Code 4-6-12 which states, "If the room taxes are not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which they become due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty of fifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent room tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs of collection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees. " SO VII. 6:00P.M. A. 09/08/2015 PUBLIC HEARINGS Review, consideration, and possible action in response to an appeal of the Elko City Planning Commission's decision recommending that the Council adopt a resolution which approves Rezone No. 9-15, filed by Bailey & Associates LLC, for a change in zoning from AG (General Agriculture) to R (Single-Family and Multiple-Family Residential) for the development of residential lots, the property being located generally west of Sagecrest Drive approximately 665 feet north of Mountain City Highway (APN 001-01F-318), and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION City Council Agenda 3 The Planning Commission considered the subject zone change request on August 4, 2015. Subsequently, an appeal was received of the Planning Commission's decision. Staff is in support of the zone change as it is in conformance with the Master Plan. Additionally, density allowed for in the AG zone, one residence per five acres, will not be feasible as any development will require public improvements along the frontage of the parcel, approximately 295 feet. This parcel was annexed into the City on July 31, 2015. All property annexed into the City shall be zoned AG until the zone change process has occurred. The AG district is intended to constitute a "hold" district. RM VIII. REPORTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Mayor and City Council City Manager- Nevada League of Cities Conference Assistant City Manager Utilities Director Public Works Airport Director- Update on Runway Rehabilitation Project City Attorney Fire Chief Police Chief City Clerk City Planner Development Manager Administrative Services Director-Annual Sales Tax Report Parks and Recreation Director Civil Engineer Building Official COMMENTS BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC Pursuant to N.R.S. 241, this time is devoted to comments by the public, if any, and discussion of those comments. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item on the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on a successive agenda and identified as an item for possible action. ACTION WILL NOT BE TAKEN NOTE: 09/08/2015 The Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore, or other Presiding Officer of the City Council reserves the right to change the order of the agenda, and if the agenda has not been completed, to recess the meeting and continue on another specified date and time. Additionally, the City Council reserves the right to combine two or more agenda items, and/or remove an item from the agenda, or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. City Council Agenda 4 ADJOURNMENT Curtis Calder City Manager 09/08/2015 City Council Agenda 5 ,City ofEiko County of Elko State of Nevada ) ) ss ) August 25, 2015 The City Council of the City of Elko, State of Nevada met for a regular meeting beginning at 4:00p.m., Tuesday, August 25, 2015. This meeting was called to order by Mayor Chris Johnson. NOTE: The order of the Agenda has been changed to reflect the order business was conducted. ROLLCALL Mayor Present: Chris J. Johnson Council Present: Councilman John Rice Councilwoman Mandy Simons Councilman Robert Schmidtlein Councilman Reece Keener City Staff Present: Curtis Calder, City Manager Scott Wilkinson, Assistant City Manager Ryan Limberg, Utilities Director Shane!! Owen, City Clerk Jonnye Jund, Accounting Manager Dennis Strickland, Public Works Director Aubree Anderson, Human Resources Manager Mark Gibbs, Airport Director Ben Reed, Police Chief Jeremy Draper, Development Manager Matt Griego, Fire Chief Rick Magness, City Planner Bob Thibault, Civil Engineer James Wiley, Parks and Rec Director Dave Stanton, City Attorney Diann Byington, Recording Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC Pursuant to N.R.S. 241, this time is devoted to comments by the public, if any, and discussion of those comments. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item on the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on a successive agenda and identified as an item for possible action. ACTION WILL NOT BE TAKEN 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 1 of13 There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 11, 2015 Regular Session The minutes were approved by general consent. I. PRESENTATIONS A. Reading of a Proclamation by the Mayor in recognition of Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Day. NON-ACTION ITEM -INFORMATION ONLY Mayor Johnson read the proclamation and presented a copy of it to Lovia Larkin with the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2350. II. PERSONNEL A. Employee Introductions: 1.) 2.) III. Erika Herrera, Part-time Records Technician, Police Department Present and introduced. Austin Hughes, Entry Level Firefighter, Fire Department Present and introduced. APPROPRIATIONS C. Review, consideration, and possible approval to award a joinder contract to Rush Truck Center ofldaho to purchase a 2016 International 7500 Cab and Chassis for Biosolids Hauling, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION At the June 9, 2015 meeting, Council allowed Staff to solicit for the biosolids truck replacement. Rush Truck Center has agreed to a joinder contract. FPS Ryan Limberg, Utilities Director, explained they try to use the joinder provision whenever they can because it saves a lot of time and effort. Legal Counsel has reviewed the agreement. We will be purchasing the Cab and Chassis and the dump bed separately. Councilman Keener asked about heated mirrors. This truck will be housed in the new storage building. Are they still required? Mr. Limberg felt it was worth the money. It is part of a package deal for $585. Councilman Schmidtlein said there is a lot of moisture in the shed it will be stored in and this will clear the mirrors off as they pull out. 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 2 of13 Dennis Strickland, Public Works Director agreed. This will be an International tractor that will match what we have in the existing fleet. ** A motion was made by Councilman Keener, seconded by Councilwoman Simons, to award a Joinder Contract to Rush Truck Center of Idaho to purchase a 2016 International 7500 Cab and Chassis with options specified in the amount of $100,075. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) D. Review, consideration, and possible direction to Staff to obtain an appraisal on approximately 15 acres of land for possible acquisition for a future tank site, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION This land is currently owned by Jerry Jones and the owner has contacted the City with an interest in selling to the City for the appraised value. The property is located above Elko Mountain Village in section 19, Township 34 North, Range 56 East. This location is described on the Elko Mountain Village Utility Master Plan as a tank site. A tank at this location could serve both the Elko Mountain Village Project as well as across Lamoille Highway to higher elevation property in the vicinity of Errecart Boulevard and Northern Nevada Regional Hospital. RL Mr. Limberg explained the owner approached the City of Elko with an interest in selling this property to the City. We felt it would be prudent to pick it up. The first step is to obtain an appraisal. He felt the appraisal would be fairly low. ** A motion was made by Councilman Schmidtlein, seconded by Councilman Rice, to direct staff to obtain an appraisal on approximately 15 acres of land owned by Jerry Jones for a future tank site. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) E. Review, consideration, and possible authorization for Staff to apply for various grants and donations for the construction of the Elko Sports Complex, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION The City of Elko is considering a bond to pay for a portion of the Elko Sports Complex, in an effort to provide the remaining funding for the project Staff has identified several potential organizations that may provide grant opportunities for the project. Staff is requesting authorization to apply to these organizations for the additional funding needed for the project. JD Jeremy Draper, Development Manager, explained we have identified several foundations that could be potential donors. We would like to make the application to each of these donors so we could move forward with this project. They have a list of 40 or 50 donors. They have been building relations with some of the donors and the feedback has been positive. 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 3 of13 John Carpenter wondered when we are going to get some information on this bond issue. How will this be funded and maintained? It seems to him that the donors want to know what is going on out here. Councilwoman Simons asked if the two cents will make the payment. Curtis Calder, City Manager, answered the bond is proposed at a maximum of $8 million. Part of the $8 million is a refinance of the California Trail Bond which if the interest rate is low enough to justifY it, it would be just a little over $1.5 million to pay that off. The term for the California Trail Bond would still remain with a payoff of ten years. Your net from the bond for the sports related functions (Sports Complex and Golf Course Irrigation) would be roughly $6.5 million. The delta between what is bonded and what would be available for Phase I would be through large foundation donations. Those all have to happen in order for us to let a contract but they seem plausible at this point. If you want any specific information regarding the bond issue we have those documents available and we can make them available to you electronically or however you want to receive it. Mr. Carpenter said we hear that the sports complex will be paid off with tournaments. He isn't against the project but we wants more information in order to make a good decision. He thanked council for getting him the warrants this morning rather than right before the meeting started. Mr. Draper said the minimal goal for this fundraising efforts will be $5 million. We would like to raise more if we can so we can get more phases of the project completed. ** A motion was made by Councilman Keener, seconded by Councilman Rice, to authorize staff to file applications with various organizations in an effort to raise additional funds for the Elko Sports Complex. All successfully funded applications should be accepted by Council prior to acceptance of the funding. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) F. Review, consideration, and possible approval to accept a $292,000 grant from the Nevada Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for the Redevelopment Agency Downtown Storefront Improvement Program, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION In January of 2015, Council approved sponsoring a CDBG Grant for the Redevelopment Agency Downtown Storefront Improvement Program for a 50/50 matching grant program with property owners for storefront improvements within the Central Business District. The Redevelopment Agency took action at its meeting on July 22, 2014 regarding application by the City of Elko for the grant. The grant has been awarded in the amount of$292,000. RM Rick Magness, City Planner, explained this is similar to another item that RDA has worked with. We have great interest in the community and look for approval. 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 4 of13 Councilman Schmidtlein wondered why this would fall under prevailing wage. Shane!! Owen, City Clerk, answered this is a Davis/Bacon project which requires anything over $2,000 to pay prevailing wages. Councilman Keener asked about the date of the grant award, is that June 5'h. Mr. Magness answered yes. You will see the letters stating it was granted but it requires our acceptance. Then that starts that trigger. Ms. Owen noted there are different time frames. Some start with the notice to proceed and some start from the notice of award. ** A motion was made by Councilwoman Simons, seconded by Councilman Rice, to accept the $292,000 grant award from CDBG for the Redevelopment Agency Downtown Storefront Improvement Program. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) G. Review, consideration, and possible authorization for the City of Elko Street Department to utilize a joinder bid through the City of Tempe, Arizona for a Tymco 500X Street Sweeper, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Per NRS 332.195, the City is allowed to join or use contracts by other government agencies. The City Attorney has reviewed all the supplemental information and found it meets the requirements to utilize a joinder bid through the City of Tempe, Arizona. DS Dennis Strickland, Public Works Director, explained these joinders provide us some time saving. When we budgeted for this earlier in the year we decided we were going to look outside the box and make sure the street sweeper is a smart purchase. The Tymco has a high dump feature that the others do not. It is about the same price as the Elgin we have bought in the past. Councilman Schmidtlein asked how many hours per year do you put on these. Mr. Strickland answered for 6 months out of the year they run full-time Monday through Friday. Last year they swept a majority of the winter. There have been high maintenance issues with the sweepers. It seems that the Tymco sweeper has fewer maintenance issues than the Elgin. Councilman Schmidtlein asked how many years of use do we get from these units. (7 -8) Dave Stanton informed Council when the City of Elko purchases a piece of equipment through a contract entered into by a city in another state we become subject to the laws of that state for purposes of that contract. If we have a contract where we purchase a piece of equipment that is defective, worst case scenario you would have to go to court in that state to enforce the contract. He didn't see anything to worry about in this contract but some other contracts are referring to 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 5 of13 laws in another state that might not be comparable to the laws of the State of Nevada. A thorough review of the contract would have to be made by an attorney from that other state. ** A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilman Keener, to authorize staff to enter into a joinder contract with H & E Equipment for a Tymco SOOX High Dump Street Sweeper with the City of Tempe, Arizona in an amount not to exceed $237,000. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) IV. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Review, consideration, and possible acceptance of the design drawings for the Shared Use Pathway connecting Pinion Road with Errecart Boulevard along Lamoille Highway, and discussion of a strategy to equitably distribute the construction responsibilities for the project, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Council took action February 10, 2015 to complete the design of a shared use pathway along Lamoille Highway. Previous action by council placed the public improvement requirements for both sides of Lamoille Highway to be fulfilled by contributing to a portion of the construction of this project. A cost estimate is included in the packet as well as a breakdown of the adjoining parcels and the amount they would be required to contribute once they trigger the requirements for public improvements. Staff is recommending that once a property owner has triggered the requirements for the public improvements they complete their proportionate share of the project at a location along the pathway to be determined by Staff. JD Jeremy Draper, Development Manager, explained this is a shared use path from Errecart Blvd. to Pinion Rd. It will be along the west side of Lamoille Hwy. Along there we have several properties that are either developed or not developed at this time. When those properties do become developed, that is one of the triggers of the required public improvements. We don't want to see the Hospital do their little piece and have it there in the middle of nowhere that no one can get to until there is a connection. He proposed a process where we meet with all of the developers and talk to them about how they can get the project done for us. He felt they would do all the mass grading first and then add the base material. There are some culverts that need to be extended and some slope stabilization. We will save the asphalt pavement until the end so we can do it at one time. Because this is NDOT right-of-way we have been talking to NDOT about some possible grants to pay for a portion of this pathway. Thirty-three percent of this frontage is developed, leaving 67% that is not developed. With the three properties that are currently developing, that will capture another 21% of it. Councilman Schmidtlein asked are you going to wait until all properties are developed before you start paving. 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 6 of13 Mr. Draper answered he would like to see this done as fast as we can. In the meantime, if a developer triggers those requirements, we make them do the work. We have had a lot of interest in this area as oflate. ** A motion was made by Councilman Schmidtlein, seconded by Councilman Keener, to accept the design of a shared use pathway from Pinion Rd. to Errecart Blvd. as presented and authorize staff to work with the adjoining property owners to complete an equivalent portion of their project along the length of the project as determined by the Development Manager. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) V. NEW BUSINESS A. Review and possible approval of a request by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2350 for a monetary donation of $250.00 to assist with the program to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION In accordance with Public Law 110-181 SEC. 598; the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act authorized the Secretary of Defense to conduct a program to commemorate the soth anniversary of the Vietnam War and in conducting the commemorative program, the Secretary shall coordinate, support and facilitate other programs and activities of the Federal Government, State and local governments, and other persons and organizations in commemoration of the Vietnam War. SO Lovia Larkin, President of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, thanked council for their support in the form of the Proclamation for the Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Celebration. They have been working diligently to organize this event since August 2014. The day of celebration will hopefully include a parade and reception at the Museum. There will also be a dinner at Stockmen's. The Vietnam Veterans will have their dinner paid for but all others will be charged $20 apiece. Everyone from the surrounding areas have been invited to join the celebration. Mr. Calder said his budget has room in it for this donation request. If council chooses to make the donation it will come out of the City Manager's budget. ** A motion was made by Councilman Keener, seconded by Councilman Schmidtlein, to grant the $250 donation to the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2350 for use in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) B. 08/25/2015 Review and possible approval of a request by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2350 for the Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Celebration City Council Minutes Page 7 of13 Parade to be held on September 26, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION This one-time event parade is being requested to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. SO Lovia Larken said she has contacted the DOD and there will be a flyover for the start of the parade by the Air Force. Shane!! Owen, City Clerk, explained they have all the information in the packet. We also have their insurance. This would be a one-time only event. ** A motion was made by Councilwoman Simons, seconded by Councilman Rice, to approve the request from the Ladies Auxiliary for a one-time parade held on September 26,2015 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) C. Review, consideration, and possible approval of an Interlocal Agreement for Administration of the Senior Center Energy Efficiency Project between the City ofElko and the Elko Senior Center, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION The Interlocal Agreement outlines the management and administration responsibilities for the Senior Center Efficiency Project. This is a Community Development Block Grant Project. The City of Elko sponsored the grant for the Elko Senior Center. SO Ms. Owen went over a few key points in the agreement. The Agreement is a lengthy document with a lot of CDBG required documentation, exhibits and information. The Senior Citizen Center has reviewed and approved the agreement. ** A motion was made by Councilman Keener, seconded by Councilman Rice, to approve the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Elko and the Elko Senior Center. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) D. 08/25/2015 Review, consideration, and possible authorization for Staff to remove on-street parking on the north side of Silver Street between 11th Street & 12th Street; approximately 200 feet on the south side of Silver Street between II th Street & 12th Street; approximately 200 feet on the north side of Silver Street between 5th Street and 6th Street; on the north side of Silver Street between 4th Street & 5th Street; approximately 300 feet along the south side of Silver Street between 4th Street & 5th Street; and along the west side of 12th Street from Court Street southerly to the alley, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION City Council Minutes Page 8 of13 Dedicated right turn lanes at these three locations significantly improve traffic circulation. DS Dennis Strickland explained the map in the packet illustrated the proposal. He visited with all the affected business owners. This should help immensely. Councilman Schmidtlein asked if they are going to move the stop bar because everyone keeps encroaching the intersection at 12"' and Idaho and the other two intersections. Mr. Strickland answered that is what will happen. Our traffic engineer is going to ascertain where that turn radius should be. Councilman Keener thought it looked like a good plan. ** A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilwoman Simons, to authorize staff to remove on-street parking in the three locations referenced on Silver Street and Court Street. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) E. Review, consideration, and possible approval of an lnterlocal Agreement for Administration of the Downtown Storefront Improvement Program between the City of Elko and the City of Elko Redevelopment Agency, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION The Interlocal Agreement outlines the management and administration responsibilities for the Downtown Storefront Improvement Program. This is a Community Development Block Grant Project. The City of Elko sponsored the grant for the City of Elko Redevelopment Agency. RM Rick Magness, City Planner, explained this was considered earlier today by the RDA. He was looking for Council's approval. ** A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilman Keener, to approve the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Elko and the City of Elko Redevelopment Agency. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) VI. PETITIONS, APPEALS, AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Ratification of the Police Chief issuing a 30-day Temporary Packaged Beer/Wine License, and issuing a Packaged Beer/Wine License, changing the current location of Cucina Fresca to 780 W. Silver Street #110, Elko, NV 89801, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Licensee Mandi Ratliff, previously completed a background check for her Packaged Beer and Wine License associated with her kitchenware and home 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 9 of13 accessories business, dba Cucina Fresca. She has requested a change of address due to moving her business to a new location. BR Chief Reed explained this is the one from two weeks ago that he made an error on the action sheet. This is strictly a change of location on this one. ** A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilman Keener, to ratify the Police Chiefs issuance of a 30-day Temporary Packaged Beer/Wine License and issue a Packaged Beer/Wine License, changing the current location of Cucina Fresca to 780 W. Silver Street #110, Elko, NV 89801. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) B. Ratification of the Police Chief issuing a 60-day temporary Retail Liquor License and issuing a regular Retail Liquor License to Jose Monzon, Diego Zamudio, and Jonathan Bailey, dba Himiko Steak House and Sushi, located at 780 W. Silver Street, Suite 108A, Elko, NV 89801, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Chief Reed explained this is a new one application for a new restaurant, Himiko Steak House and Sushi. Three different people are involved in management and ownership. Mr. Bailey was present. They have no issues on this one. ** A motion was made by Councilman Rice, seconded by Councilwoman Simons, to ratify a 60-day Temporary Retail Liquor License and issue a regular Retail Liquor License to Jose Monson, Diego Zamudio and Jonathan Bailey, dba Himiko Steak House and Sushi, located at 780 W. Silver Street, Suite 108A, Elko, NV, 89801. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) VIII. REPORTS A. B. 08/25/2015 Mayor and City Council Councilman Keener thought it was exciting to see the progress of the New Police Station. He asked about the power lines and Jeremy Draper answered they were completed already. He felt the RAC meetings wander and they take a very long time. He felt it would be helpfUl for Rick Magness, Scott Wilkinson and the RAC Chair to get together and look at scheduling the meetings when it is more convenient for business owners. Councilman Schmidtlein said he requested that about a year ago. It is difficult for him to attend those meetings at 1:00pm. Councilman Rice felt there should just be joint meetings because it doesn't make sense to sit through the RAC meeting and attend the RDA meeting going over exactly the same stuff He is grateful for the advice they are giving them. City Manager City Council Minutes Page 10 of13 C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. III. Curtis Calder reported LASSO is holding their fundraiser to benefit the local Animal Shelter. That raffle for the motorcycle will be held on Monday, Labor Day. There are still some tickets available for $20 apiece. Assistant City Manager Utilities Director Ryan Limberg reported that WRF staff intent to apply this winter for reclassification of reuse water from Class C to Class B. Public Works Dennis Strickland reported on the Cedar Street public outreach meeting held last night. Preventative maintenance/micro slurry work is going on this week. Airport Director City Attorney Fire Chief Brian Burgess, Deputy Fire Chief, reported that the Chief is away in training. He passed out a copy of the Fire Watch Newsletter. (Exhibit "A'') The firefighters are currently working the MDA "Fill the Boot" fundraiser. Police Chief Chief Reed reported the Firearm Automated Training System that has been on loan to us goes back next Monday. There is some availability for councilmembers that would like to participate. City Clerk City Planner Development Manager Jeremy Draper reported on the progress at the Police Station, the Tennis Courts and the Jennings Way project. Administrative Services Director Jonnye Jund, Accounting Manager, passed out a printout of supplemental budget transfers that were made for FY 2014-2015. (Exhibit "B") Parks and Recreation Director - Brian Mickels, Golf Superintendent National Certification James Wiley complimented Brian Mickels, Golf Superintendent, for achieving and maintaining his National Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Certification for the last 20 years. Brian Mickels thanked council and the city that has allowed him to continue with his education. Without continuing education he would not have been able to keep up. Civil Engineer Building Official APPROPRIATIONS (Cont.) A. Review and possible approval of Warrants. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION Councilwoman Simons asked about payments to New World. Jonnye Jund, Accounting Manager, answered those are annual fees. 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 11 of13 Councilman Keener asked about a "cone stencil" payment. Dennis Strickland answered that was for the traffic cone and the stencil. ** A motion was made by Councilwoman Simons, seconded by Councilman Keener, to approve the warrants. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) B. Review and possible approval of Print 'N Copy Warrants. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION ** A motion was made by Councilwoman Simons, seconded by Councilman Rice, to approve the Print 'N Copy warrants. The motion passed. (4-0 Councilman Keener abstained.) Councilman Keener asked how the Airport Project was going. Cnrtis Calder, City Manager, answered the project is right on track and even a little ahead of schedule. Everything is going well and Jviation is on site daily since this is a 24 hour a day project. Mayor Johnson asked about the airport billboards. Mr. Calder answered they are scheduled to be up about the same time as the runway opening. BREAK VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Review, consideration, and possible action to adopt Resolution No. 27-15, a resolution of the Elko City Council adopting a change in zoning district boundaries from GI (General Industrial) to C (General Commercial), involving approximately 0. 772 acres of property located generally on the southwest corner of the intersection of Railroad Street and 12th Street, filed by Petersen Holdings LLC and processed as Rezone No. I 0-15, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION The Planning Commission considered the subject zone change request on August 4, 2015, and took action to forward a recommendation to City Council to adopt a resolution which conditionally approves Rezone No. 10-15. The conditions of approval were normal City Code requirements. RM Rick Magness, City Planner, explained this zone change is considering 2 properties. They will be zoned commercial and that will give it more compliance to the proposed use as an automated 08/25/2015 City Council Minutes Page 12 of13 car wash. The owner and the engineer were present in the audience. Planning Commission has recommended approval. Councilwoman Simons said she drove past one of those car wash facilities in Utah and she is excited that we will get one too. Mayor Johnson called for public comment without a response. ** A motion was made by Councilwoman Simons, seconded by Councilman Rice, to adopt Resolution No. 27-15. The motion passed unanimously. (5-0) COMMENTS BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC Pursuant to N.R.S. 241, this time is devoted to comments by the public, if any, and discussion of those comments. No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item on the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on a successive agenda and identified as an item for possible action. ACTION WILL NOT BE TAKEN There were no public comments. There being no further business, Mayor Chris Johnson adjourned the meeting. Mayor Chris Johnson 08/25/2015 Shane!! Owen, City Clerk City Council Minutes Page 13 of13 Agenda Item# _ _ _71_7_1_-_-_C-.____ Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet 1. Title: Review, consideration, and possible approval for the Elko Regional Airport to apply for a Nevada Commission on Tourism Marketing Grant (2015 2"d Cycle), and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 2. Meeting Date: September 9, 2015 3. Agenda Category: APPROPRIATION 4. Time Required: 5 Minutes 5. Background Information: The airport in coordination with Delta Air Lines and the Elko Visitors & Convention Authority would like to reapply for a digital "Explore Elko" campaign in the Denver and Salt Lake City markets for the period May 1May 31, 2016. The grant application is for $5,000 with a local match of $5,000 from the Airport Enterprise Fund. MG 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: $5,000.00 Budget amount available: $5,000.00 Fund name: Airport Enterprise Fund 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental: NCOT Grant Application for 2015 Grant Cycle 2 9. Recommended Motion: Authorize Elko Regional Airport to apply for an online marketing grant through the Nevada Commission on Tourism in the amount of $5,000. 10. Prepared By: Mark Gibbs, Airport Director 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: None 12. Council Action: 13. Agenda Distribution: 9/1!2015 PH::::vauct \._,oJ mm~~IUH 011 1 uunsm - l'>ievaua \JranL .:':!)'~!em Nevada Commission on Tourism l'age t m L PRINT Marketing Grant 2015 2nd Cycle Grant 10: Project Tille: Grant Submilted: CC-15-42 2014 Utah Marketing Grant 911112014 11:02:03 AM Organization Information Organization: Address: Phone: CEO I Director: City of Elko, Elko Regional Airport 975 Terminal Way , Elko, 89801 775-777-7192 Mark Gibbs Submitting Applicant Name: Title Phone: Email: Questions Total amount of maichlng funds. $10,000.00 were used as matching funds on this NCOT grant. Number of volunteers utilized for this project No volunteers were utlllzed for this project. The funds were directly used for marketing/advertising space on digital media. SkyWest Airlines did provide "in-house" media design for the digital advertising media used on the campaign that was an "in kind" donation towards this grant. Total number of volunteer hours for this project No volunteers were utilized_ Number of tourists your organization expected as a result of this project 5,000-10,000 additional business air travelers. Number of visitors traveling more than 100 miles because of this project All of the visitors were more than 100 mifes away from Elko. Sa!t Lake City, UT and Denver. CO were the target markets for this campaign both are outside Nevada and both a far more than i 00 miles away Number of visitors who stayed at least one night in a hotel/motel as a result of this project. 5,000 stayed at least one night in Elko. Total number of hoteVmotel visitor nights spent in your area as a result of this project 5,000 stayed in hotels in Elko due to advertising E!ko as an air destination. Project Total Amount (total expended for this project). $20.000.00 was the total project/grant cost. Was this project more or less successful than anticipated or as expected? More Successful VVhy was this project more or less successful than anticipated or as expected? We obtained a significant amount of synergy and cooperation between Delta Air Lines. SkyVI!est Airtines, The Eiko Convention and Visitors Authority and Elko Regional Airport. Design elements and marketing strategies pooled resources and talent to provlde a high quaHty digital medla campaign advertising Elko as a tourism destination in both Denver and Salt Lake City. SkyWest also assisted in the campaign by creating an air fare sale during the promotion http://grants.travelnevada.biziprint.aspx?gid=28&orggid=2R l O&qtype=2 6/li20 15 period. Normally the one way airline fare is $220.00 bet\lveen Salt Lake City and Elko on a CRJ-200 passenger jet aircraft. Due to the NCOT grant SkyWest initiated a reduced promotional one way tare of $176.00 between Salt Lake City and Elko. This translated into a fare savings for all of the passengers of $88 per each round trip flight booked during the promotion. Overall, do you feel your project results compared favorably with your project goa!s? Yes Why do you feel your project results did or did not compare favorably with your project goals? The effort made to coordinate between Delta Air Lines and SkyWest Airlines un a marketing grant that allowed additional advertising exposure for these companies led to additional good wl!l actions taken_ SkyWest Airlines donated "in-kind" advertising design services and Delta Alr Unes agreed to an airline fare sale tor fllghts to Elko, NV. Both of these measures !everaged the $10,000.00 grant provided by NCOT and created a positive business climate for encouraging tourism to the "Cowboy Territory". Oo you have any recommendations on the administration of Marketing Grants? Do not cut funding to the NCOT Marketing Program these grant dollars are critica\ to rural Nevada and are viewed very favorably by private enterprise who are vita! to increasing tourism to Nevada. If this -grant is associated with a fam tour, who were the partidpants? No FAM tour participants were associated with thls grant. !f thfs grant is associated with a fam tour please describe itinerary. Not Applicable http://grants.travelnevada.b!z!print.aspx?gid=28&orggid'c28l O&qtype=2 6!1/2015 Agenda Item # Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet 1. Title: Review, consideration, and possible approval for the Fire Department to accept a Local Giving Grant of $2,500.00 from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to assist with cost associated with fire prevention education, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 2. Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3. Agenda Category: APPROPRIATION 4. Time Required: 5 Minutes 5. Background Information: Wai-Mart Stores Inc. has established grants to assist local agencies fund public education. The City of Elko Fire Department Prevention Bureau has been selected as the recipient of a $2,500.00 grant for community tire prevention education materials. Wai-Mart has been a great supporter of the Elko Fire Department's tire prevention efforts for many years. MG 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: N/A Budget amount available: N/A Fund name: N/A 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: N/A 9. Recommended Motion: Recommend approval for the Fire Department to accept a Local Giving Grant of $2,500.00 from Wai-Mart Stores Inc. 10. Prepared By: Matthew Griego, Fire Chief 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: N/A 12. Council Action: 13. Agenda Distribution: Created on 09/01/2015 Agenda Item# --~'-"'""----'/l'-'-----Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet 1. Title: Review, consideration, and possible approval of a proposed reviSion to a release, hold harmless, and indemnity provision in the previously approved professional services agreement (PSA) with Manhard and Artisan, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 2. Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3. Agenda Category: JlimlWBUSINESS 4. Time Required: 5 Minutes 5. Background Information: City Legal Counsel drafted the initial PSA. This draft was sent to Manhard and Artisan for comments and feedback. Feedback was provided and reviewed by legal counsel. The proposed two word change was approved by legal counsel; however, I mistakenly did not include this change in the final document. RL 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: N/A Budget amount available: Fund name: 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: Professional Services Agreement showing the proposed revisions 9. Recommended Motion: Move to approve proposed revisions to language in professional services agreement 10. Prepared By: Ryan Limberg, Utilities Director 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Council Action: 13. Council Agenda Distribution: Jack Reynen jlreynen@:artisan-homes.us Created on 08/27/2015 Council Agenda Action Sheet AGREE\IENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMEI\T, nude thi:, .1Ltlby A~· t __ , '01 'i (hcrcina!tcr the '·Effective Date·). between the Citv of Llko, a political tbclivision <1f the Suttc of Nevada. hereinafter referred to a:, "C:ity.'' Man hard Consulting LuL an lllinuis corporation, llcrcinafkr referred tons "Consultant'' and Artisan Easi LLC, a Nevada Limited Liabilitv Company, hereinafter referred to as ";\rlis:m.'· r,,,. I. The ( 'ity desires tn nhwin pmfessiunal services the following project: Preparrtl iQt)rtnd_Gcll11J1JeUoit \l f Engim:.e.rsd l'I:Jns Allll.Dr;Jvvingsjj lr \\~aJcrMriill Installationjn ii]e Vic:initV1li'F•.xit29({, hcrcinal:cr referred t!l as the' ''Project." 2. The City rcquir..::-: ccnain profcssilmal design sen-ices in connection \vitll the Project, hereinafter referred lu as Lilc "prufcsc;icHJal services.'' 3. Consultant i~ able and dc:--.ircs in perform ~uch prnfcssinnr-d scrv!Ct'S be required by City upon the krms <~nd conditions set forth in this Agrccmctll. ~~s n1ay 4. Artisan has. to date procured professional services fnnn Consultant in relation to the Pn>JCCt and will convey to City all right, tilk and interest in tll1d 10 <,uc·h profcssional.scrvicc'> provided, to include <lilY and all drawing-; and dc,ign plrms prepared in relation thereto. 4. The budget f,rr tile proiecl as devt·lupcd hv City anJ acknuwkdgcd by Consul ian! and Ariisan is $15?5,922.25 (hereinafter tiw "Budgctc·d !\tmlunt"). Consultant !las made site ittS[kCticrns. consul led with ilw City and is fullv ac'quaintcd with the requirements and scope of wr,rk of 'he Project. 5. TIIEREFOR.E. City, Consnlwnt and .\rtisan. lor and in consickrali<Hl of compensation lll be paid by City to Consultant and 1,1 Artisan a,; pn1videJ below, and in further consideration of the nHl!lnd covenant~ contained in lhis Agrccnletn, agree as fol!ow.s: ARTICLE I GENEHAL PROVISIONS Section Ll Consullam agrees to perform the prulcssinnal >ervicc:; in conncs·lion with the Project and comply with the terms and conditions set fonh in this Agreement, which shall be performed in a lliligcnl manner in acL:nrdancc wilil the cuncnlly :~cccptcd standard~ of pmfession~ls in the ::tpplicabk field nr industry. and shall provide Cit\ and its cuutractor(sJ with infonnatir•n and dncumc·nrs rc·quircd in rllcm in order l<l minimize potential delays iu the Project, resulting from circumstances within Ctl!F-ulranr·s control. Section 1.2 The panic·.s unckrstand and agrcl' Jh,Jl ihls Agreement is for the provi~lon or professional St'rYicc~, and Cunsult;ml agrees not tu assign or lr:lll'-fer it~ interest in or rc'>ponsibilitics under rhi;; Agreement. ( :onsullanl agree;, Jl<)t tu delegate lr• those outside Con>rilranr's firm •he duties required to he pcr!nrmcd under llris Agrccmcn!. except that Cunsubmt shrill haw the nghl r<• cn,:agc· other qurlliiied <lllthtil:ruth. architects, engineers, and drrJftspcr:;on'i It' assist til tile prcparali•>tt ol the requir~J wnrk in the manner provided herein. Consultant rcpresenh that at least one principal memiter uf Consultant's firm shall be licensed to practice in the Sialc r>l Nevada )(1r the cmire h'rm ni this Agreement. Consultant lunhcr agr<rcs thai if, at .my time· alter r.he commencement of the s~rvicc:o; under thh AgrcerncnL ihL' firm -..;hal! t:casc to be cng<:!gL'-d in licensed engineering. architecnm: or any other professional praclice in the Stale ni' \!c\·adn wltic·h requires licensing in order tu perform the ptokssiunal 'crvicc,. ur otherwise shall he unable to perform lhc profe ..;;sion;d ~crvio.;s under /he i-\greemcnL or if any of !he principal members uf the firm shall die or become insolvctll. City will then ltrrvc ;Jw right and option to tcrminme this Agreement and rile cmploymcni ni Con:;ult:mi undn thi' Agr~emc:nt. In the cvcnl of such a termination. Consultant shall be Cili11Jl<'nsatcd for service, performed to the date of such 'crminarion in accordanc·c with the provisinns Artick X PI this /\grecmem. City acknowledges thai Cunsull;mt is liccoscd as a Professional Engineer and Survcyot in the St;llc of 1'\cv<:ldi-l, Prufl'ssion;-d Engineer License No. (>747. ,,f Section 1.3 All time limih -,uted in this ;\grccnwnr t<rc of the essence. Scdion 1.4 Conwltanr. in designing tire Prujcct. shall usc its pmlcssiun:Ji cl't'orts to lake into considcnrr.ion the Prnjcet. 's rclatiDn (IJ cronmwnil) inlcr'l's\s and iiLljacc·m developments, and its cnvirorllncntal impact. These c!'t'o:ls shtll be rli ur ;r[lllVC indu:,trv standards. To this end. Consultant shall :!'.sis! Ci'y in making r,rpcH'h rtnd prcscrltations in conncciion with these ibpects nl :ilc l'rnjcc·t tc• all i'cdcr,rl. stale and louli pub lis· agctrcics having jurisdiction nnd;or other cummunitv ,,r related intcrc·sr groups. ;rs ''pplkabk and outlined in the Consul!:wt'.s Scope of \Vurk. Consulr:ml sh:illuiilize ami im:urpurntc imu the Project, to lite maximum cxlcnt pn<rsilclc. ,t!l clncumccnts. clcsie:n plans. drawings. schematics, data or any written ur digital materinl preprned by Consul tam :md acquired by City from Artisan pursu0nt to this :\grccmcnt. Section 1.5 Ciry reserws tlw right ro cmpluv other cPnlractors. c·nginccrs and consulrants in connection wilh the Pro_k'-'1. Sedion 1.6 City will have the right to re:Nmahly disappm1·c m rcjcc'l any ) portion of Cunsultanrs prnrc:s~ional scrvit.'C'-> on the Project, !nc!ndlng: hul nnt !imik'd 1u, schcmatiL· design studies._ de<;,ign s!udics and cnn~tnll'tiun document~ for any rca;-;cHL including. but not lilnit~u to, aesthetic>. nr becmsc. 111 City's opinion. tile cnnstructiun cost is likely In exceed the maximum construction budgc:t fnr the f'n,jcct. Section 1.7 ;\II As-Built drawin_c'> -;ilalllw prepared and -.u!lmiucd to City 1n an eb:tronic !\utoCAD lonmll. S~el'tion I.R Redesign Resp,msibilitcc>- The Ccnsul'canl shall be required IP makcneces:-;ary conec1ions allh) costtu lhc City ~)l i,lk11 \Vhcn the desi~ns, dra\-ving...,, specificiltions, or any other ilcms ur services undc1 tin,; ;\grcunenl, either from Consultant or Artban. contai11 t-n<Jrs. clcr!cicJK'ics~ in,ldcquacics. ,)r dn not meet n1inimum requirements of local, state and federal agencies aml1or OSHA standmds. AUTICLE H OTHER CONStJl:rANTS Section2.l Unless specifically dirccJecl otlll'rwisc Cicy, Cl•nsullanl shall. suhjccttG City's prior wrilten approval llltlie smnc, rllain and administer rlw wcnk of lmtsidc consultants cnga~·-":t'! by C\,nstdtanl tn pcrf,_Hm portion:-. ,)f Cnnsultant's Scope oi' Work. Section 2.2 Lxcc·pl as l•llwlwisc provided herein, C<'nsu!trmr shrrll not cngdt;c :mv outside consultants for Hw PrnjccL Section 2.3 Consultant will CllUrdinCJic and cPopcratc with other consHilrlnls retained directly hy City, ARHCLEHI CONSTJLTANT"S SERVICES Section3.1 The profcssion;rl c;ervices to be rendered hy Consultant as prc1vidcd in this Section shall constitwe and collectively be Cillkd lhc "·\V(lfk." The Work is set fonh more fully in the Scope ol Work att1rchcd hcrl'lo at Exhibit"!," which;,. incorporated herein by til is rdcrcnce_ Con,;ultant :,hall JKrlorm the \Vork '" '>cl forth and described in this Agreement, Section 3.2 Consultant's ScrvicTs sh<ill include prc•kssioual disciplines required by the nature pf the PrujccL Omsultant shall alsn prepare and supply lu City the 0Jnsultant",; engineer's npinitlJh llf prol1abk Cllsts as lmihcr del'illcd in this Agreemem. so as to a<;sist City with City's dfons !Cl prevent the tot:tl cost of the Pruject lrnm exceeding the Budgeted ;\mounL .) Section 3.3 Any and all consullants retained hy Con'>ttltanl f,>r Services 'illal! he first approved in writing hy the C:itv. ARTICLE IV TIIVIE OF SERVICES The services of Consultant shall begin within lour (4) c·alcncbr days of being notified to prncced I'Y the City Public Llilitics Dircctrn nr his dcsignilted rcpre<,cnlative and shall be prosecuted to eotrrplction with tlw necc·<,scrrv. documcllts delivered to the Citv. in no case more than ninl'lv ('JO) calendar days a tier the l'llcdivc Date'. AIHICLE V ClTY'S RESPO:'\SrBIUTIES City will, as neccsr<tr y, pruvidc Cunsullant with inlurmation rmd criteria outlining City's ubjecrives and functinn~rl requirements for the Project. Section 5.1 Section 5.2 City has, by this Agr~cmer:t. informed l\irbultanl of tire Unclgcted Amount for the Project. Any runhcr costs will require· additional iippruval !'rum Cirv ~md will be Set forth in an appropriate addendum to litis Agreement. l\otwithstanding the foregoing, nothing hcr~in shali be interprcll':d as a \Vt!ivcr o! Consultmt·s obligation \o complete the Project in such a HMHth:r rhr1t lhe total cust fCI ;he C'iLy i~ ks;-.. than or (;qual :u the Bmlgctccl Amount Section 5.3 City \vill m;1lntaln c1~1sc li:ti'-:nn \Vilh Cnn~ultanL and through Consultant. City will designate, when nccrcssmy. rcprcscn:nrivcs :tulllllrizcd l1r act in rh behalf. City will examine documents submirkd bv Cunsultant arrd sh1lil tender ckcistotrs pertaining To the Project lt1 Consultant promptlv tr> avc1icl tnncchnnablc llelav in !he progress uf Consultant's services. City will dcsigrtalc its representative for Ihe Pn,jecl. which representatives may c!nngc fn1m rimc~tcHime. ARTICLE VI CONSULTA.NT'S COMI'ENSATIO:\ City will compensate Consull:rnl in accordance with the !cnns and conditirHJs nl this Agrccn1C-nt as CoJ]o\VS: For CnnsullaTl1 '~basic ~crviCc.":-, a<; th:·scribl'cl in :he Scope or \Vnrk rlltachcd hcrclu a! Exhibit "I," City will pay to Co!NliLlllllhc fcc (in this rdcrrcd to as the "basic fee'') on a Time ~rnd materials basis with t.lll' kc lntalnt't to~c·xccc·d of S3X,2HJ.OO. ARTICLE VII PAYMENTS TO CONSULTA.1\TS Payment for lite Prukssioinl Services in ',he. manner set fr111h in this A§!:rccn1cn: will be made by Ci1y to Consul Jan! and will he· c·nnsidcrc·d as full CDmpcn-,:uicmlnr ;Ill personnel, materiah, supplies and equipment usc:d in C<~<rving clul the \Vnrk. I. Consullanl shall pruvidc I he City with a monthly dctaikd invoice indicaling the perccntrtgc of work compiell:d for c'ach usk lu date and 1iw u "t nl wurk cmnpktcd, as outlined in !he Scope: elf Wmk :ctiachd lwrc:o :l\ Exhihit "I.'' City agrt.'c·s to pay' correct];,. submitted Invoices \ViLidn 45 day:-. of lhL: dall' o! rcc·cip1. C:onsultm1i may su-.pCIId profcsc.iunal services 111 the t:\'c·nr th;tt an invoice remains delinquent Ct)f 7~ LLJ_ys fH>nl date llr in\'t)icc. 'fhe budget fen ro1al charges fiJr services owihoriLeJ by this Agn:cmcnl ~~ established un the: IJJcctivc Dale and sliailn<>l he exccccdcd withom prior authorization by Cit\. The hud).!cl llldl. lx inc1utscd h1. anh:ndmc!ll hcre<<l . ·if nce-csst1ry t(l cumpklc tlw S<f>pe nf Vv'ork or in the cvl:nt or tt <.~hange in the Scope ur \Vurk. pwvidcJ all City appnhai requirerncntc, are meL Cmsultam shallnPiify City prior to c'.xpenditure ,,f eightY percent (Xfl''i,) ol the bmlgct if the need fur a budgcl innccasc is anticipated. " 3. Citv 11ill have the right to wilhht,ld from prtymcnh due Cnnsull<~nl any sun1s nccL·ssary to prntect City from and against any ln(,~ or d;m1;1ge \\'hich nw:y re-su!1 from r11.:gligcnc.,., or nnsmlsl"aclilfY ~cn,ices nf (\msu!t(l!ll l"ailurl' by ConsulLlllllll perform his obligali<JnS, or inb fikd against Cunsullanl or ( ·ily relating to Ct)f1Sui!:mr's negligent pcrft;rmancc t)f :--:crvict.::--; t.lf \\'Ork. AIUH LE VHl SI.ISJ>ENSIO:\ OR TERc'vHNATION OF PERF<HL'\1ANCE Section Kl City may, at any 1imc and fc,r an\ rc<N'll, dirccr (ntbuiLml In stop Consuitant's performance under this ;\grcc:mcnt a period nf time. Thi'> dirccli<111 \viii he in writing and will spccil'y the period during which the service<. arc· il' i'c s!nppcd. r,,r Consultant slwil rcsuJnc services un the dale spe;.:[fk.d rhc din::i.·.tiurL or on any (lih(·r date as City mav subsequently -;pcci l'v in wnting. The period during which services siwll have been stopped shall be deemed added to the time fixed J,l!, perfonn;mce. Stoppage of services under this Section shall not _, :?iv'": rise lo anv cb!Jn ;il.:_~lin:;.t CitY. '-" ~ ' Section 8.2 City may. ai any time, \Vilh or wilhoul e<tLN'. terminal\' this Agreement hy wriucn nmicc to Cnnsul!nni specifying the !erminalion cb:c. wllid1 will he not less than s~V\lll (7) d~oys from the cbie notice is given. In Ihe event ;1! tcrmin;:Jinn in lhis manner, Consultant shall he paid '-Udl anwunl as shall et'lnpcnsa:c it !'or the por:inn nf !he servh:c~ ;)tlti:.:;f"actorily performed prior tt) the Lt'rminrllinn da c. Tcrn1iuation upun this Section shall not give rise to any cl:um against Ciry. Section 8.3 L In the event that: Consullalli shall for any reason or :hrnugh ctny caw;,· nnclc;r Cnnsuitanl's cnntrol. nor have CtJmpleted perlt>lllHlltcc within tlw time fixed f"t performance under hi~ Agrccmcn:: nr l Consulwm shail olhcrwisc he in dcLnrlttlfldcr this 1\grc'<.Oment: 4. llr City will give Consultant written notice thrtt in i:s opinion. the C<1nduct td Consultant is sudr that the: interest ur Cit\ arc: ·likely tube impaired ur prcjudic·ed. slating the fach un which the upinion is based: then Citv may. on writlcn nutke IU Consullanl irnmcdiatcJy lcrmin.!lc rltis i\grccrncnl lt>r cansc. On Lc:nninaiion. Consultant shall be· entitled lcl payment or such arnounr, 10 be dercrmlncd by City, as shall f;~lrlv cnmpL·nsak it for tllL: SL·n--iccs Section 8.4 satisfactorily performccl10 the tcrrninati<ln delle: pn>vidcd. howewr, :l>at: 1. Nothin~ in this Secion i:) lobe cunslrucd :--,0 a::, 10 \c!;,C\T CtmsulL:Jll! lr~lrn liahi!itv ~~nd/or damaPCS ~ustaincd hv Cl1v a~ a rc"iul! of anv hrc<k'h hv Consultant of !hi~ :\gnxm~nL and payment hy City to C\Jnsu!tant nf any monks pursuant to chis Sccthlll shall not brH Ci:y from :lll\ and iii! renwdics it may urhcnvisc ha\'l' a~l<linsl C:on~ultant ror anv L1ilure of C\)n:>ultanl 10 ptTfurm his :)e rv ice.~ in <lC~:tJrd(t:lCc \Vi r.h !h l~ ;\gn,'L"l11Cl1 t: ~-111v -' ~- :") " - w " 2. No amouut slnll be paid tn C\>nsullanl umkr :his Scuion un:il the services re4uired to he performed to the agreed pcint of srtspctbiOil or ternrinaiion has b.:en salisfaclorily con:ple:ed as rca ..,onubly dclcnnined bv Ciry: 3. Payment by City W ( 'om:ui(ant ,rf ilny munics pursuant to :Iii,., Scc:iPn shall not bnr Clty fro111 any and ~dl remedies ii may nthc-rwisc ba\T againsl Consultant for any [;,iltrrc uf Ct>nsultani ln pcrfpnn his scrvic·cs in accordance with this Agrccmcr11· and (, '+. In the event of terminatlun of this Agreement fc1r any reascm. CcHhul':lnL upon being paid in lull lm all 'erviccs completed under this Agrcc·mcul. shail ch;Ji\:cr !u City the unnplete sc:r u( all llriginal dr:nving~ prcparl'd In the dntc o.f 1L'rn1inatiu1L Clty wi!l lwve Iht right 1D U'-ie !he ide~JS <-JtH.l design~ contnincd in tlii' Agrccrncnl licr tile cPmplction <ll the Project: in Ihe event of termination crf this Agreement Pr upon completion of the Projccl, C:il) rna_y, at all tirnes; rclaiu the uriginals of all such drd\Vings~ ori~innl~ i.d. renderings, special arl \vork or mchlck All drawings, plar"'· spccificatinns, renderings and rnmlcls, crtc., arc the propertY or Cily. Tlrcv ar,, not to be used by rHry person or her than City nn other pWJCCh unkss expresS!) authnriLcd by City. City agrees :hat Crnr,ul:ant shall tlllt be· rC"JWn,.iblc [,n any work which In' nut been c'Omplctcd :rs !l! the tLI'c nl:crmination unrkr thls Agrce-n1cnL. ARTIClE IX CONSULTANT RECORDS Consultant shall keep, and c,hall require each consultant c'ngagcd under this Agree-ment to kccrt (K'Ctnale hopks nf record~ and accnunh in a1..·cordancc with sound accmmting principle'>, of aJI cxpemliurres made and all projcc'l u•sts, liabilities and ohligations incnrrL·d under this /\grccmcnL T'hl~sL: acL·nunl~ shall be :tvailabk un reasonable request to City for cxamin:rlirrll and audit. ARTICLE X INDEMNITY Section 10.1 ConsuLant shall her liable co and a:c,rccs lc1 indemnify, de tend ami hold harmil:ss City. each officer. ac:,cnt. attrmlr'y-in-lact and cmpi<Jycc uf City, Cit\' against all claims against any or then1 flfr PL'f'-'l)!Wl injury: l)r wrongful death l)f JX;_JpL·rty da1nagcs to lhe extent cau-.:cd by the ncgligcn: acl, error cw omission tn rlci in the pcrfornwncc of Cunsultant)s Professional Servit:c~ or by any ncglige1l1 act, cnur or oniission !o act in the performance of an). l:on:-.u!lani tu Con~u!lanL in the exccu!iPn ur performance of this !\greemenL This prnvist<lil applie' econornic dan1agcs. ill bntlr eCUIH!il1ic' and uun- Section Hl.2 ln the event that both City ami Cow.ul:anl are jointly the pruximrrlr cause rJf any liability or damages. then in :,uch event eacl1 pHty will I''' liable for that portion of the damages rtnd claim c·osts rc:,ulting tlrcrd'rum which is in an amuunt cquul1r1 such party's comparative 'hare of the con1hinGd negligence of the panics. Section 10.3 Consultant will indemnify and dcknd the Ci:v ag:Jilhl all claims, darnages, h)sscs and expense) including at!orncy's tees~ :o the (~•::tcm causc.d by Consulmnl';; negligcm performance of the Work ur resulting i'n1m CPthuHnnt"s failure lcl perform its contractual ohligmir,ns In City. except for the damages rcH!Iting frum the negligence of Ctry ARTICLE \J Il\iSURANCE Scdion 11.1 Cc1rhtdtmt shall insure and sh;dl require each of his cunsttltants "' insure agninst ilte fclllowing risks :or he ex lent ,luted: l. Consulrant shall mrjm,!in the l'o\lowlng insur(llh.:c, :tl i1s own expense: a. b. c. d. e. Worker"s Compensation and Employers J .icJhility in the sum of S I ,OOO,OOOJIU; Cummen:ial general liability insurrmc·c including hlankt'l contrctc'lual lbhility-·, hroad form property damug~. pc,r;:.orLJl injury, cnvcring dS insured Cc'ttsull<tnt and City wi:h nol kss than the lil!lnwing limirs n1 liability: Bodily Injury :.nd Property Damage' ($1 ,iJ(IO.OOIJ.OIJ) combined singic limit ill1d $1 .OOO,O(lU per occurrence fen· bodily injury. pwpcny dam<1gc and pc:r'C'ILd injury. Consull:nll shall maint:-tln a ~imilar pn!i~_.·y of insurance (XJVerlng a~ in>;ure-d each cunsultanL City :md;or City's lcmkr, if so dirtrcrcd by City, willlw spcciiically nmned as rtdditional inc,urccb un:lresc policies: Comprdk'ns]>,;c awomoblk !i:1hil!t_v covering all o\vned, nnn-.o\VJ1l:d or hired au:omnbiks to be· used bY Consultanl :utd Cdc'h ol Consultant's consulumrs in :he amounts ul $1 ,IJOO.illl(I.O(J ,_·ombincd single limit and $1,000.000 pc:r rJccuncncc for bndilv injun and property damage: Cun~ultant's prolessionalllt.~bi!ily in~ur~-HlCl~ U)\.'cring kg,al !idhility cauSL'd hy error') and umissinns ;-trl'-'ing tHJt of pt·-rforrnance and profc7-si,Hwl "crvict..'S in l\JH!ll'L'tit)\1 \Vilh the Project and covering as insured Ol!hultant with (S I ,OOO,Ufl(WU) limit of liability, ilm! tltird party consultan:s which shall he cuvcrud r"r an mnuunt ''f lirrhilitv approveJ by City in l·acl1 case. lf the agret:d cuv~:n.1gc pru\'~~ !HJ11o be available for any reason, C'onsuliam shall rcquL'Sl approval from City l'c1r a revised amou;rl as apprnprialc, whkh approval will Ill' I be unreasonably witlihuld; and Consullanl and each ul its consuliruds shall pro\ ide nul k:,s Ihan S I ,OIJO,IJ(li).I)(J n,:ess of I he limits rrs noted in Suhseulii•n (b) cotnrrchcn~lve genera! liability in~urancc :tiH.l (':) cumpt\'hcnsivc automobile li::bili:y< In addition ',o 'J1c above, Cuusultanl shail main:;,in such i!Nlfllflc~cc limits :u or above that which is reasonably required lor 1 he type' :md Sc'OJlC wrtrk performed. Before h;ginning work. C'tltbtdtant sl!alllurnisli 1tll im.urancc certilindcc; pert;,ining to tlw Project to City and shall provide: proof oi' c·,,v,:rag,; upon request by Ci;y at nnv time during the term ol1his Agrcc·menL Sedion 11.2 All required ill'tlfatlCC slullhc maintained with rcsponsibll: insurance carri;;;rs qualiried to do bu~incss in 1hc State Nc\<tda. /\s :-;UC!ll a:--: prt-Jl'til...':lhle tm execution nr this Agreun~nt and hclore mmmcncing :my performance' umkr tlus Agrc.:ment, Consul1.an1 :1h;ill dc.pusi1, and slwd cmJS(: each DJ" hi~ ~.,_:pnsuJ1aJJL"' rn dcpnsiJ certificaie.s of insurance h.:.:aring notations or accon1panicd by other r.:vldclh.:e ~atisLtc!~;ry to City of lhc pavment or premiums. Tllcrcal!cr, ccrtirication ,)[premium payment and ccrtilicatcs or insurance cvidenc·ing policv rcncw;d shall he dcpchitcd with City rhrl lc,s than ten (Hl) days hdorc the expiratiun dates ol the cxpinng pulicics. In the case of valuable paper~ insurance, odgin;,J! pt)!ick:.;. not \..'t~rtificues. musl hL· dcpuslkd. Section ILJ Riders providing sub:-tan:iaily a'i J(,Jiows slialll•c nude: a pan Plthc insuranc'c policies described above in :hi:< Agicemcntl L The lnsurancc company agrees lhal it \\'i!l gi\'t' f! :hiny (30) day priot wril!cn notice of any lllll'.cri;II change in or cancdhrl.illtl of rmv uf the covcr:-tgcs shdwn in thi~ Ct.~-rtificatL:; Notice of accident sha[! he given hy Con:::.ullant tollle insurance cumpany ;h required under tile lcrmo, oil his pc:licy, or rwticc of cktim shr\ll be· given by Ciry to the insurance company''' required undn tile terms of rhc p<dicy. Notice to tire insurance· curTtpany by ci:hcr party shall be dc·emed suf'ficicnt notice umkr tlrc policvr 3. The presence or rcprcsent:Jtives ul' Citv· '.ll uthcr autlwri/cd persons ntl the Project site shall not incalid:Hc this policv: 4. Violation of any ul the terms ilf amo:ircr pnlin !:;sued bv the insuratlcT company shall m:l hy itself invalidate this policy: rmcl Save and except for worker's cornpl'lhation, employer's liability 01 proicssional liabilitv insurance, City is named and recognized r1s additiPrlill insured to the \\,--!thin insunnll'C puiicics a~ required hy !his r\gn;(:fllt'nL Section l 1.4 Tile insurance polici;:s licscnhcd ahoYc in rhis At:rcuncnt slnll he kept in force lor the periods specified below: L Comprehensive gcncr:li li;lhililv insurance shall he kept in furc·e until formal VvTittt'H acceptance of the \\Ork bv Cun~ultwf and ( 'lty; 2. Vtdtwblc papc;rs insurance· shall be kept in Ioree until furmal writtcn acceptance by Consultant and City; l Workers· compensation amh)r c·mplovcrs liability insu;ancc shall be kepi in force until fnrmtli wntlcn acceptance of the work by LHl'iultant ami City: and 4. Consultant's professionalli;rbility imcuranca siJ<dl he kept in force fnr two (:2) yt:ar~ after final pay. mcnl fnr the prdfc~si(;nal ~ctviccs. ARTICLE XU NOTICES All notices shall he made in writing and may he given by personal delivery or by maiL Notices sent by mail shall be addressed to the design~tcd responsible person or office: To City: City ol Elko 1751 College Avenue Elko, Nevada 898Ul To Consultant: Manhard Consulting Ltd. 3476 Executive Pointe Way Carson City. Nevada 89706 and when so addressed, shall be deemed given upon deposit in the United States Mail, postage prepaid. lu all other instancr:s, notices and invoices shall be deemed given at the time of actual delivery. All payments are to be mailed to: ~;~~~ ~;~ (ltvd/t'?t~:J 6£? '?5?65 cj:q:f( 10 unless otherwise informed on the face of the invoice. ARTICLE Xlll OWNERSHII' OF DOCUMENTS Section 13.1 i\11 drawings, plans, specifications and other documents prepared by Consultant in connection with the Project arc prepared as "work made for hire,'' <JS the phrase is defined in Section I 01 of Title 17 of the Lnited Stares Code. and all title, ownership and copyright privileges are and shall at all times be in City, upon Consuliam being paid in full for all services rendered under this /\greernenL Section 13.2 Consultant agrees, when requested by City, to immediately execute any reasonable documents evidencing and acknowledging the ownership of all drawings, plans, specifications and other documents in City. ARTICLE XIV PROFESSIONAL COT\SULTING SERVICES Consultant shall not engage any engineers and other consul rants without the prior written approval of City. Consultant shall be responsible for the performance of the Work of all engineers and consuliants engaged by it. ·rhis shall include the maintenance of schedules, coordination of their work and resolution of difference between them. Consultant shall pay to any engineers employed to design any pari the Project fees commensurate with the professional services rendered by such engineers. It is understood that all engineers and other mnsultan:s engaged by Consultant arc independent contractors to Consultant and not to City and Consultant alone is responsible for their work. or ARTICLE XV ARTISAN; PATENTED ANUIOR PR<WRIETARY ITEMS Section 15.1 Artisan shall and hereby does assign, transfer and convey to the City all its right, title and interest in and to any documents, design plans. drawings, schematics, /}1: data or .any writren or digital mater..ial prepared by Cons.·ultant in any. nu·r.nner pertaining to lhe Project, to mcludc any mtcllcctual or propnetary nghts tlrcrcto~and.shallr/~~ ~ indemnify and hold harmless the City with respect to any clair11:rim~/g'fro~ smd /"' assignment, transfer and conveyance. In exchange !'or the foregoing, the City shall pay to Artisan the sum of S 120,712.25, which amount shall be due and payable to Artisan twenty (20) days from the dale Artisan delivers to the City all written and electronic material described in the preceding sentence. /J II 1 Section 15.2 Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, Consultant shall not, without the prior written approval of City, specify for the Project or necessarily imply the required use of, any artick, product, material, fixture or form ol' construction, the use of which is covered by a patent, or which is nthuwise cxclw;ively controlkd by a particular firm or group of firms, ARTICLE XVI MONIES WITHHELD Section 16.1 When City has reasonable grounds for believing that Cunsultant will be unable to perform this Agreement fully and satisfactorily within the mutually agreed time limit fixed for performance, then City may withhold payment nl any amount otherwise due and payable to Consultant under this Agreement. Any amount so withheld may he retained hy City rm any period as it may clcem advisable to prokcl City against any loss, Section 16.2 This Section is intended solely for the benefit of City, and no person will have any claim against City by reason or City's failun: or refusal to withhold monies, No interest will be payable by City on any amounts withheld under this Section. This Section is not intended to limit or in any way prejudice any other right or City. ARTICLE XVII ACCEPTANCE OF Fll\'AL PAYMENT The acceptance by Consultant, its successors or assigns, of any payment made under this Agreement, or or final payment due on termination of this ;\greemcnt, shall constitute a full and complete re.leasc ol City from cmy and all claims, demands and causes of action, including lien claims and demands for payment for labor and material which Consultant, its succes<;ors or assigns have or may have against City under the provisions of this Agreement, ARTICLE XVIII LIAJHLITY Section lli.l Any claim made by Consultant arising out of any act or omissinn by any officer, agent or employee of City, in the execution or performance of this Agreement will be made against City and not against the officer, agent or employee. Section 18.2 Consultant shall require each consultant to agree in its individual contract with Consultanlnotto make any claim against City, irs agents or employees by reason of that contract. 12 Section 18.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to give any person. other than City and Consul taut, any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under this Agreement, but it shall be held to be for the sole and exclusive benefit or City and Consultant. ARTICLE XIX ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Section 19.1 Integration. This i\greemcnt shall constitute the sole understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, statements, instructions. representations or agreements, either written or oral. As between the City and Consultant, this Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both City and Consultant As bclwcrcn the City and Artisan, this Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both City and Arlisan. Section 19.2 .Choice of Lny,Jmi~dictiorJaridVentrc. This Agreement shall he governed by the laws or the State of Nevada cmd jurisdiction and venue for any legal action shall be in rhc Fourth Judicial Diqrict Court in and for Elko County, Nevada. Section 19.3 f:l\'.i!Ili!lg:i. The Section headings are for convenience and reference only, and in no way define or limit the scope and contcnr.s or this Agreement or in any way affect its provisions. Section 19.4 Waiver otJ.myTri;Jl. The pmti<:s hereby uncondiiionally 1vaivc their right to a jury trial of any claim or cause of action based upPn or arising out of, directly or indirectly, this Agreement. any dealings between the parties relating to tlr<: subject matter hereof. and/or the relationship that is bccing established brtween the parties. The scope of this waiver is intended to be all encompassing uf any and all disputes that may be filed in any court (including, without limitation, contract claims, torl claims, breach of duty claims, and all or her common law and statutory claims). This waiver is irrevocable, meaning that it may not be modified either orally or in writing, and the waiver shall apply to any subsequent amendments, renewals. supplements or modifications to this Agreement. In the event of litigation, this Agree men! may be filed as a written consent to a trial by the court. Section 19.5 Attomcy's Fees. In the event of any litigation between the parties hereto arising out of this Agreement, or if one party seeks to judicially enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be enti:lcu wan award of all reasonable fees and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees. Section 19.6 Successors <md Assigns. The parties may not assign any of their lJ rights or obligations undn this Agreement. ·rhis Agrc>cmcnt shall be binding not only upon the parties but also upon their respective heirs, personal representatives, assigns and other successors in interest. Section 19.7 Time. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. In the event that any date specified in this Agreements falls on Satnrday, Sunday or a public hc,Jiday. such date shall be deemed to be the succeeding day on which the public agencies and major banks are open for business. Section 19.8 License Required. The Consultant must obtain licenses required by law applicable to Consultant's Scope, of Work. Section 19.9 Submj~si()rtQ[R<:9onLQ,rawings BcJorc Finf!!J:\1Y[I1~nt. Before any final payment is made the Omsultant shall submit a ser of record drawings for the project to the City for approval, i[ preparacion of record drawings is within Consultant's Scope of Work. Submit one hard copy set and one electronic copy in AutoCAD .dwg format. Section 19.10 fmce Majeure. Should performance of professional services by Consultant be prevented hy causes beyond irs reasonable control, Force Majeure results. Force Majeure includes. but is not restricted to: acts of God; acts of a legislative, administrative or judicial entity; acts of contractors other t11an contractors engaged directly by Consullant: fires; floods; labor disturbances; epidemics; and unusually severe weather. In the event of a Force Majeure, Consultant will be granted a time extension equal to the amount of time during which per[ormanee is prevented and the parties will subsequently rwgotiate an equitable adjustment in good hith reflecting the reduction in price of any pmfcssional services which were prevented by the Force Majeure. Section t 9.11 1\l! signiJ!uresre_qujred, This Agreement silaU become effective upon the last signature of the three parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pmtics have executed this Agreement on the dale first written above. (Signatures 011 next page) MANIH.RD CONSULTING LTD. 14 ARTISAN EAST LLC CITY OF ELKO, a Municipal Corporation and Politkal Subdivision of the State of U (l Nevaf/7 V By:~,; Title: mIA'JOI' ATTEST: 1 )vCL"'JfJ (f)~ SHANELL OWEN, City Clerk 15 fxh,b~+ r·.t" Manhard July 6, 2015 Mr. Ryan Limberg City of Elko, Utilities Director 1751 College Avenue Elko, NV 89801 RE: PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CATTLE DRIVE WATERLINE PROJECT LOCATED IN ELKO, NEVADA. Dear Mr. Limberg: We appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal to provrde engineering services to the City of Elko, NV (Client). Services arc in connection with the development of the Cattle Drive waterline project located near Interstate 80 Exit 298. The proposal assumes that Manl1ard will have full use of the previously prepared plans and designs for the Cattle Drive waterline t11at Artisan East, LLC had prepared. Manhard Consulting, Ltd. (Manhar·d) alters to provide the fuliowing services for fees as detailed below: TIME& MATERIALS Lump Sum I. CATTLE DRIVE IMPROVEMENT PLANS (01) Task 1 shall include the preparation of Civil Improvement plans for the Cattle Drive waterlrne project in Elko, NV. Manhard, utilizing the previous plans and designs that were prepared for Artisan East. LLC, will prepare a set of improvement plans for subrn,ttal ancl approval to the appropriate state agencies. This task shall include the following scope off work: A. Civil Improvement Plans a. Title Sheet b. Index Sheet c. Typical Sections d. Plan and Profile Sheets e. Construction Details f. Erosion Control Plans B. Water Model for submittal to NDEP C. Submittal to NDEP for requrred review D. Submittal to City of Elko at 90% and Bid Set E. Phone meeting with City of Elko and NDEP F. (1) Site Meetrng 1 City of Elko Meeting ·rn Elko, NV G. Response to City of Elko and NDEP Redlincs i Comments. It is anticipated that the 90% plans can be submitted to the City of Elko and NDEP within two weeks of authorization to start the design. NDEP $17,500.00 will take up to 30 days to rev·lew t11e plans and provide comments. It is anticipated that the City of Elko will also respond w;th any comments or plan redlines with'n this time frame. An additional week will be needed to correct any comments and re-submit the plans to the appropriate agency. TIME& MATERIALS Sugg·J5tcd Buugct II. BIDDING ASSISTANCE (BA) $8,500.00 This task shall include the preparation of bid documents that will be incorporated into the bid package for the pro;ect The City of Elko Will provide the base language for the bid documents and Manhard will use those documents to prepare a project specific bid package. The scope of work for this task shall include: A. Pre-Bid Meeting in Elko, NV. B. Preparation of Bid Documents to include Bid Item Clarification and any required Special Provisions. C. Bid Tabulation D. Contracto1· RFI's E. Addenda F. Bid Package to be provided in both hard copy (7 copies) and digital format (.pdf and .doc) on CD s. Work on this task will begin once the City of Elko authorizes tho contract A preliminary copy of the bid documents w1ll be provided with the 90% submittal to the City of Elko. F1nal bid docurnents will be prepared once the City of Elko and NDEP have approved the plans for construction. TIME& MATERIALS Su~nle<;ted IlL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION (SUBGl Task 3 shall include the preparation of a Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation to support the grading design ! construction and the trenching construction. Man hard will hire Resource Concepts, Inc. as a sub-consultant to prepare the geotechnical Investigation. RCI wil! provide the following scope of services: Pre-Field Activities • Perform a site reconnaissance to review project lirnits, determine exploration equipment access and mark out exploratory locations for subsequent util1ty clearance. • Notify subscribing utility companies via Underground Service Alert a rninimum of 48-hours (as required by law) prior to performing exploratory excavations at the site. Field Investigation Budqtol $11,210.00 • Perform from ten to fifteen test pits ranging from approximately 5 feet to 15 feet below the existing surface • Obtain representative samples from the test pits. • The samples obtained in the field will be submitted to our geotechnical laboratory for soil engineering characteristic testing and classification according to tho Unrfied Soil Classification System Laboratory Testing Program Soils classification tests will be performed for representative soils encountered on tho Site. We anticipate the following laboratory tests at a minimum: • Moisture Contents/Dry Density, ASTM D2937 • Soil Gradations, ASTM C117 and C136 • Attcrbcrg Limits, ASTM 04318 Engineering Analysis/Report Preparation RCI will analyze the field investigation and laboratory data and prepare the requ;red report summarizing the geotechnical aspects of the proJect. The report will include (but not be limited to) the following: • Site pian show1ng the exploration locations. • Logs of the exploration excavations • Laboratory test result reports • Prevailing subsurface soil and groundwater conditions within the proposed development area including identification of any geoiog1c hazards (excluding environmental) • Conclusions and recommendations regarding the following: ') Site clearing and grubbing . .., Utility excavation methods. bedding and backfill. " Road grading and gravel section recommendations. o Slope grading and stability recommendations for larger slopes (can they be steeper than currently slwwn?). u Suitability of natrve matenals for structural (read fill). c· Geologic Hazards: , Seism1c hazards r Liquefaction potential , Potentially Expansive or Collapsible Soils Manhard will bill all sub-consultant fee with a markup of 118%. The above quoted price includes the prescribed markup. Work on this task can begrn within 3 client. 5 days upon aut11orization from ,- TIME & MATERIALS SugQc~_;t('d 81_,d~]l:t IV. REIMBURSABLES S1,000 00 Task 4 shall include reimbursable items such as reproducibles, meetings not accounted for in previous tasks, sales/marketing exhibits, and other administrative expenses. This budget is not to be exceeded without written authorization from client. It is anticipated that nee plans bid docurnects. and geotechnical inves:igation will take bet.veen 60 and 90 days to compiete for bicl acivertisement Tim lfl~J agencies and their wor<load and capacity. 1S fJiqtlly dt)pt::nden on t!le rcviewin~J governrnental We have included ''Exhibit A", wl1ich detalis services not inclucied in tne scope of this ProcosaL If you would like to add any of the listed additional services. please notify us a'ld we will revise this P;oposal accordingly. The terms of H1e attached ·'Generu! Terms & Conditions· dated ..January 1. 2015, \•\d·11ct"1 Client hereby acknowledges receiving. are i1corporated and nB.de a part ot ttlis Proposal. Tl1e tiPle and material fees for all services to be completed that are not outhorrzed to begin by Jc:;nuar)' 1, 2016 wi11 be increased by 10 percent per annum If the above is acceptable, please have this Proposal executed. We will begin work as soon as we receive an executed c:opy of this proposal or upor1 yuJr a,J111orizatlon. Th"1s Proposal wW1 be null and vo·,d if not accepted by September 1, 2015. A new proposal can be provided at that iiroe. Thank you again for the opportunity· to subtrit H1is Proposal Sr,ould you !lave any questions, piea.se do not flesltate to contact us Yours truly, MANHARO CONSULTING, LTD. M<lii<A.~Fia:ter P~E- ··~·· Senior Project ~./;anager ArBa Mana~1er The undersigned is the (a) actual owner of record of the property; (b) ____ authorized agent of ihe owner of the propertyc (c) contract purchaser of ihe Property; (d) general contmctor (e) uncertain If (b), {c), (d) or (o) is checked. t!~r; property owner"s nEtl18 an<i address is ACCEPTED By: Title Date: City of Elko GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS J(HllJ9()'" 1 2015 1. ONE !NSTBVMENT.'!NCONSISTE_N_CIES l"l2C:P c,=r·,f:J.. i\l E8MS A.f\!C C()~,Dil nr<.J;-;, _;r·ri a·"~ Msr·h;:;r(J Pf!0°QS/l.l_ t;J w/lriiC•C'SC :ern~. we CJ.i!GiC! ._,iJ !,C<J!ie.-:11\J•iy ITS -A~)riJDTFPr:; i S.'lal h~ decc'n'td ;Jrl?· I'Sti:J{))Ci'/_ \ViiGTC'V0' ther-e IS a cort:~-::t ;-,r ,fiCC'iSIStcncy :,ch·,,~c·-, tl'w L1 !t'()::,,; GEV g,\i_ ~LRMS M\C C0:'i01Ti0\k;_ t!O~o' f-'ROFOSAL, dnJ an',- P'3r~~, v sp;;-'.;lf<.dti•l'G, a<.; t>e :urv-~ oro, bill• :i ...::::t; Gfr-.ER.i\:.. TLR~,_!:) ,-'\ND COI-..UITIONS ;-;hal!, m ·111 im·,cz;!1~ r<:>. C•Jn~l ol nn;! i'' cva1L rt·<:s<J G2N[ F,/" A;-.JD G= Y·-i~TT tr)'.JS sh,s;l <1pply to \'Ei:: W'1fl< G!(_1·.:1~irod h the PPOPO~;t\l "-' w~\1•--;'", 'iw; I''· ':lftc-ct.ec pr <tr: 8n'H'dmcnt u r \"l:J i:; ;t:.o·l l<>ci,Jd!~,q .cH' 1">(-lf''Li.' H!.:.'i-n f-OR .ADOiliOt·-.:AL S[f:,.'J!C ;-:, ENTIRE AGREEMENT spcc.h:::atilmf~ rep;e:::-ent t'l8 or::re J\qrccrnc:;· oc-:•,v·>>"1 :~1c: P~~;-tlc··.> E'F1C"! Ln<.ierstaP:.Yl~JS :.H:twe¥, tt~f: f-l.Jr',lt:S. z.:tnnq<' ro th~.CS,;, G!:;\;[·~F.I,l_ 1 <''lh; <'>'1V 0 -_t"f':l •Y "''"''"''d''' ;:Hl'.l' ,:::!JI c-r wnl:er /\ND COMJI r ,()e\S ~'!';;-;'! <)n'y t:c h1nci;n~; w·wn ·n v.-ritir-q ~'-'lli J.:J!0ed '<l ov D·f'· p~,rt;tJs 3. .Aii disp,JlC's l•''~'h0C'l 'C'ifUUj 1\, th,c, '\-JirJfTlent ')'it'" f--';qect 1<~~: c;d11:uj m !ho; Pr<.I\)OS"i:: ~-ha! fir~-.: be ITh;~JicOtiG\1 'fo"ith Z\ i''i>JJidlt;l sc:z•r::(cr; bv· lC!iJ l''i;l:C:toS fi•c• (,OS IS Of lbf.' :lh,r.Ji?;'C) c·'n i [ I' s~IJt A" '"-f'+' !wh' >~01' CI18Fl :o.n(J ti3r)'li:Vd If lt:i' CLent Y1-.l lvi~;r·iJa:d (;:n;v_,; d~F'..':· C!' a nHJ:dluL thc·~l• Cdl'' (:11-:.~,; i~JI'/~~~-:l',;~;c;r;i ;,:ldli nommatr: J rncdr8.1o! 3:-Ed :he· twu no:r;r,zl!td mc~d•~-•~c,':> >-,;,li ;;o'er~· the ,!il,mdtc: meck~tcr Cilf'nt C~nd \-1rF1hc<rd ;-;rv·d! incivle c, s~rnii.Jr mecia,·or p:.--.visi.')n ,r: i:\d (•f J:J-:)'1 ··cs~,cc1HI-:. ~1c1re8rner'·s 1"-:it:. ::::mer [JBf:;cs il.cprd,nq ~:,;; r·'rr';sc; <r.rJ v-; 11 MEDlATION S!Jlnllte;i t:• ·:;f· fRQUif8 ;J.d Sv::il othc p2tS(li)S C: C"'t.t>CS 1.0 ;nc:u<:ft• a SlY ;,v f:'ledkll:•J'l f->i'JVIS';)n if: ;·dl :1(j!C'("'ki!l~ '.VIii' :!itJI' [b&pt<.ln'8 sut.lCO!Jtractvis_ sutr,urot~'\8'-,ts h,D~J·rcrs 2ncJ !Jbf!C3l;>rc, Sll(;i; werJ·:~;i\;n ;,!':ali tH-: :--1 ~;un-.;,~i(;r· pr(,;:.;dc-nt ;n :; p tr:v 1rii11':J any JUdltl<"li O! ctnc; rr,;c.:.·L-cu:u Ct;}'W':~t the o~hc'· PX\:t7pt w._h tMt;81lJ: 'c8 Vot:;: ~'nt fcC'> •1'1-.r:r.l i.u fvlanilarC:. 4 A_l)l"J::IOHt:ZATJQN T(}_S_IGN Tl ,: ,.r.'s~n !\qrecrncr-l r:r1 bc:lia'! (,f t11o CI!C'!l d•ll ;': <;u\t 5, Oto'<OC'BC>h :~;·c ,vm--'-1, to U·,Jf he:s 1•3 "' >fQ'lf::q I'IG !i"FS A;J!0('('1V" Iu , _; ll J' icltr) th~ Vi U!O ~;I; ·:nl :' lJ~--n:;. r· lh'} vv0nt r :i.~·~~t tccc,r_" C", '!>::· :ornn d :r-rs -'"'.q:c0rYwn1. V:arhad sh::;lllle adCition tCJ :1"10 soecrrL:: ;,;rY,cC:rc;:~ fJI'l'·:i080 'CJ\ n t!"i;, Al;r~,dnen~- tu al: rmnt;dle; av:c.iiablc-; 3.l b·~; ,; u: equ:ty, C.rsnt fJrlhu aqrszs h;a. fvb.·lhard shaii be ent;t:eG tc, :ocv·) ail c,\:-sts i:~ C'l'l ·;rein~ ar:y prc.J;-·;SHm ol tt-!·; BREACH AND COST OF COLLECTION ent;th.:d_ w ~~rt~~,:~~:;~-~~~~·:c~i1', ~,;:~~:tc~;~~~-~, f"~~i:/:~~~~;Jlr:~t:'~:-~'t~;:;:·;';c~·~:-~:~~rr~,:.~;~;,;:~~·~-~-,t;l:~~~'i'~:;J 1 f:dl u~c : :hr'r't Nil I t•tC cr ejitcd 6, CHANGES IN REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT "'f;e ;,;Ji'N;c~: ~HU\h~l,;-:i ~;;: Li~f:-:t!,-;;d u•;d;o; t!ci;, \'il'!•; dererr'1if10d o~t:od IJJ(}"l :nc 8pDi'·;;~b:e mv1irip:JI. r::<Jur(V. sistc :-l'fd,: 1 lr;d:-~~t;l rt~J<J.St'ITiS, C:loo:o_,, ~1wo; l!idt 1/if!fG 1n 0xiswnu: ~J'l t•·,e date-(' ths ,:.,:Jreo::;:-wnt A.1~y n':i~•;'i-?11 rlU],tl('i1:•, c1•·'~~\:.Yl<:> ry d.<·'iPf!OS 1ih~ r(·q:_li;Jt['l\' f:f~ViiOfl!liH1i WIIICf! rt:q0F0 il:i lr\t;l ~;.;,,;:_: ;'i [hV ~cq:.;<.' ('•f ,,_-.,VI('('~, ~-, ~·~· iJ'-'1~0' :r'e:J. ,1,j'l be '::1!'. A.d:J!t :JF•' S,c:viu: 8. CURE PERiOD if du•inq tho ;''018~-t ~0ril1, Cl '"nl ~~b~,er ·(~s nr bh j'li!'_'S CW!'_CI~' G' lf~lprn~le' s>::HviL8 v'/f ,d'l !'ss bee•1 pr Jvidsd IJy !\1a;ol--8.,"d, Clier-t d'JfCJO,:; hl ln':-'"'8fLi:t'y f'i!\ilj t,i:OH1k,;rj df h1' ··,iff!(), H i-:hl'iiUrLi S!1a!l !' U'1 1!;::-,,c· f VC wo:kin] days 1,; c:.•,;rc 'li t:cq,n to cu·~ :'1 2 d:lqc-m .r-0nr:"'r -':',/1 ir-lprDpn c:p·v;c:,, >' \JJP r·:iw'll n::-,y t;:<f: r;;r;;:> :t::; r:r;:.t:·, und:::;J ''"Y d(:'"ault and ro•T>'!dy p-i•-,'ISiC'l fJOYH1o:: 'm 1n thi,_ the, 'iphl t1: .o>.•J ..::one-::11V8 :OlC11•.)f1 Pr'u to tr:e tecror:;:;ti:Jr, rJ ilk cure per;oo I[ Cl~c:nt Lw;; rv n:.J'.:iv 'A-:th:n tr, :t)' (~~C') w:d<,~ICJ <'l:w·-; d ;,rry tl~~ ;L/u;gcs ~~~~~i~l~ ~-:~~~1~ ~:~P~~~;~:,::~?,.;~;b~~~~~~~.~c\~c::~~~·~~,:~~~:~c~~r~ f~::~':,,~rr~ ;·;~:~~~)!p~A~'t, '~:~~-:'·~:~1 r_;·;::~ r~~y 9. Q_I;L,_~_Y_$ Cl.cnt agH'('S tin: \-h.,rL:1·d ~;tkllnullhJ <e<:~-nsiblc !u iu rl':lHkJb ~:~~;r~;~s~~~;:~~l~d~:,:~:rZ'~;c7~~~~; ~:-~;,';~;;~.~~ 3°~ ti~~:~_1;~1r~:~~~',:r~; ;,;~~~i,:r~c,rt;r~ ·~ :~;~;;J(~~,ar :·: .~~r~:c: c',", "'" , , '" 0 1 ·~0 ,-;vs Ul dlltJi failwE d any uover:-,rf1or.t a·;erKy tz; -"-1:! If;;; CH'el·y ~-,,zvwe, bfk;T :-•: yuricrn'G.:I<::e b; ·,h<> Clwnl v or consJI!oms. cr d:$t:<l':Gfy uf 21!V hc~Zc'tr:Llus s,V:;' -"•G2~ -y dif!r>r.n:J sd\! c:;nl!lli'."JI•"' 1:·· 3f::O:hJ;' anv suc!1 c OLI'<~s ;cuc?.sc: H--e cu.;t r:r lirn(- L;1:-_nred b/ "/dnr.,,,: h; f'i8!fvm ;ts c;,OI\';cv; n <ill -l:d·:aly c.n:i M,-:lnh,'J.r·-:1 ·>n;.-\11 \_1,'J C:-'M:u~ ~0 sn 8'.1lJi'>l~•le dd) ;;;('1'CGt "';l.l•~;l'itil·; cV'I'.l.'O' r ~,i!Ji;r;:;··:,:l:wr· 10. 11, ENGINEER'S OPJNION Of:' PROBABLE COST VmJmrd·~; 0!-Jil-,i·:l'l~: ni; •c·ktL:It: (;vs~ p1 Ci'-''";c-J i:·· 'VU:"'r'. f a;:::); .:o~t-'•' are to be m,:::.dc- en tr·e b?..:m; :A rvLomr.ar\iS -exp•'r,onv' d.-:;i qu;i!;c:1tiJ1:> ;u~c 'c;pn_.JI:': ':o .'·A-11:nu"'l's; 1udrimcnt ,"1'·~ <'Ji oxr:a;nencni arH) •>W:.f:c-ci p:cf£·~-:.s:c . :;::i C)PfHi'a-ly f:;--r,l•:~r ,v,[i> ~t1e :--:•noo'r:r-ti(l'l I!KiUSl!y 1--·o.ve\·Sr. '~iX2'1S.S \4anhard 'la~• no con~wl f:'1H l!~·3 c.u:ot ui ·'lacc't21s cqu,prr'enr_ or :;Di'JiCCcS L!i--: -shcc b·; otr•ers lhs C:;'![r,o;c\or- '' il"ethod:;; uf tJGI.GfPl:lll!i<J DriC%. vr \''.l'l•Pf:'IE•t'i.' tJ;ddi'IQ iJ! T;<o1 f<_,;;t C'-JI'di;H;,lS. i\LWh8".:i ·~;::,nncl ?.rid dOteS Wlt WCifl~1f'1 :hot l''•)pcsc!!': c:d:; .;r 011~1u,1i c<:~'_;t:uc 101 ;T:>I \':iii !"',;1 'jar·, irJO \i&'lt:a;:_L, Ou. HJ'h :1[ P'u:..:JI" v1i-sncs ~;t':'a~et z,ssurcn~;:; ;1s tu ;-,r;Jt;~~t;ie ,.,,nstruGtnr "iY<: C'icm :::-!~8!! c~rnrol:;v ::;p indc:pc· ·:c~-,[ ;'uSt INDEMNITY ·r (; tf'r> ''_i lr; '' .;;xCcli pWITlitkd Vi ~;!'.\'. tr1:: Cil('rr~ sl'li~:i •>"il-V(: ;;'li f•l;H :11 cr.wlfii:LJ\ur ~;:'1l: S'UII ,,, ''"""'' an~d -~_:--Q!CJ:)2umiN'-S ivt:-:nhCJrd k: "J8n1S r:mp;:;vee_.~ cwd t~'JIF 1':-"i.'l!·,~ irN~·~ c:;xpenses. inci·Ji.L>g but :·,o; ; rntcc u ::tt~;-~;-::evs pf~r;,-mnar,ctJ lA !h., wc-rk wh;c.lc ;,_::~,ults trr:!!' :_:; ,;~;! s r-e:.fiq'..'llCo> o• JK f1()1 r;,quru: ttv: C.FcH tp .nr_Je,nr/y ~iar"··,FrJ !u 1t:r, n·.~·JI cwnt cl.''l~' of ,'l.fl!'1 r-;t c;; ::;if'~:;_~ ms n'dnaq.:c;_ lr.'<''S0S 'r~ C")rner;t:Jr' ··h:lf1 UE ct;J,;1·ts ·: tl1s ;'1•_!onr;ity st~a'l Tclheiuil~ot s<; J,Ji\<:· _-m• rtoi<t \Il c ':c:tw.u:-lw :-li!~l- ''l<lil ntii'!l'·'lily '-'•~,d hn!o !1.-:Urr.ll.':;', the Cltcnt its but not KJ 21\--l<C·\,<13\ arl ~- k111'·'1S h1~1:ud 'CS30o, CIIY: ;•xpcr Si:S, inclt.rlinr; h~ [::Cf\JUJ:~lnCCC d)CI 12. MA~JHARD'S INSURANCE C..Q1'_ERAG£;: c;ur Tl ;--; \,\J\:C: d•JC :< r<-oy cu:·_,Jr- •)rn i}8!1]'<11C :; "J<;lhfJ--:w.o: ' C:.1:11?.CF~ ~rm •-::t H<: >h'f": 'NIHU' sl"«ii 11'.1\ r;:q._,t;e !J\/urc .vo'l· IS c:•mmcncec: r•n tn-2 ,-_,,_,., /1.f'd t~r<CiJ ;f':(;UI fJHlj2Ct r\irlnili'Jd Si"flll fT13JtC:.L(I the 'ni]U•t!-fl\; !! cr orvpe·;y .!ln!llty 1 ;\l::trd<~J<J !i) tt·-s- GU~~!t'm :J: \[H; l!'(lC·r; r,]y ( i•::;:'i_li•)ln ,oil GU!I .'0· ;,J f·o•d;:y !fi)U' y a \Nud-:rll(·'l-S C():l'fJ81iSdif'.'!l ;m(j 'J!XlL.!i'di~J •31 :Jt:>•-'.?.f_W ,:·: ,UI diiCC· ( 0\'('~1:1:J e<!! Drnp:(J'(C<":'~ "I' Sldtdl''i)' ifmil.S >\i\1' r·Drior:l' ;~r:y nLitg,-Lidrh ." ·'~t.n 'ld :_mdu C:,· u x· tJ p,.Ji.lk; llri:;iiJ\,; ,;:nt:l pr;Jf-' ;;ty d·: -nJJ0 b1b 1\'i i:l,s, '<'I'Ci' CC"..•d ,-,G :!li q":r:.lk•n;:.. •n~j~;r ccntuc.:: trw ·, '111:~ ;u t)(;:l!iy jr,;ury o: d,-::;;th n-:( 'c·:·:s 1!<;>,:·, S >,'j0(1 (1( (J fv to<\('' ";·c·:Je1!l fer !~'(;pc-rlv cJ.rno,q·' 'l•)t .c;ss tt·;.~rl S ,(!U \JOO fot 'lddl ;tccrk~n t~ulorn•)bile liatJt·,1v 1 b.liitr c~' v; :,tl: ' di -r ··;r;< i!r d ·;ut·,clu~·, 1;,;eJ ''l .:,J;;nc<:t·en Wit!' t:;e ·--=>r( i'"~: .•v;;Hher l),vnnd 'lO!i--ownc<'l nr !'lirt-<i pub< li:~!)il!tv liYIII:' r i 1nt :e:.;>; !hBr: S 1 :-f,\J.G\:•n t:::· one' ;v;c ci,Jn' c. /1.: lhe Citonts rt<;ue~l Md·-,t~_'lrd Fhd \1) plov;;_LJ 2 CC:;liflcdz: o! ln:-d:,;nce ,-cv;d:·"'1C.Ing 0i1·">n 1~1-,J·s compl·a.nce \'Jill" t\iB (;f' !iVO t:IS~;';t;'C -. ;.'UIIC'f 8b(i\;(; f('<NI!'C'!l".<;l1:~-; (lq{j (i;) '~l•-:;1-J:i;; ( ::;-:nt ci'·~ -'.r· :.lrJd:'l(•'!:i ;i;':;IJI'·)(f 13, UM!TATION OF MANHARD';l___ !,._LA~UILLD' .,, t;;,; ,:;h;rt df'U 'k<. :h~~ d t:v ls.\N, to '11~11\ t!;~ :v~anh.srd omC ~L1fi~Gr5s cn!'SJ't:Jnt~ to Ciict'1 lil Cu:u:_l<.:hn anr; aT; ::ut c;_·f<lr :.lCtr:r~ 011 H,c F'1oici o d.'lri ',) ;nu-;e D'; nr Ul!Clliqh C 1ie"ll inr 2-'Y ''rh; <IIi c ;\:'l•C': .-,;~~:)'-; cn:;h -:IJm;>fF> ;-,1 cia;m .-;:.pci~c;.-J:; fr:>nl etPf ':'-3,_;';;Mann,~rrf<; or !v1anlkli'C f,- ··r<,'-'i!,)r.u t:, .:til of the's;" ~~;t:n0;! ht;-"0;r '!;i1~- 1\JC':V~~;~ 1c- the r ·oj•X1 st-·"1' "Dl ')>I>'•O'i ·3:,0 U •Jr Ute UD•J'i ::..e:u1:~e'; !tee, ,.,.r,•c"U·/'Cf j,~ ~.n0:~ d (',; t';nt j.J:· rc d C)lt:.~•tor inn,tat;rm ,){ i!B.Utl ty 1: i:-:; h,; d'> :qrt:i·.-;-J l J ;;- l':ritinq t.: ldrd aw lr, rt:co;cn:tnn nt tlv> 'Biativ..:. ,. ''ks oi ;•·,,: 'n tl'w 1LI ():-,[ txcent fi>Ck5 t·uvc bt.:CJI ({;).y_;g,,)cj S'-'1vh that tr:"' Cll\lf'l ~'-:J''-'' C.~! ent d:)<n(>Wit;dq•:S i;CfV!V.:;S is :;:,•,c: :~n.J<,~q;_wr:ls tr;;;,t L':.ldl;:tU; ' ·;;~:;:U\· '.!~-r!Go;ur,., Lr p:lV nl.a: Cii:ll'f\'0' ; E·iG~ed u· Is ~Jr:'rfum<lnce d be!.l<J -~;k.~iiiG?.il)-' lintdf:d l>/ this ·"'<Jftit';f'"'W'~ i\f;(j Ul3.1 Ciit· "l::, !J'~~C'--1:;8.' r•xt 'H"V 'il :>_ ,~l;ll'n Slk.'i:l ;n IS \(' 1:lc: 8nuun! ren::in Clie1\ a;;:w:e..:; nw; Dc1'i•~i q;un f._.J:u,"'::lfd ~ ke d.z: ~,r_'rv::;" respunsib:o :u liZ!bi:ity 'l>Ti' ·d:c q'C-'l.tr-r th;n ~h" """~ i-wi! 14. INf:ORMAT!ON Tq BE PROVIDED TQ MANHARD (;1~-lf bt.' rr;edeutc) t>n:1.,1;\:' 1:.; u:•; l'fbOIHbi0 :,rni!C<: li1 hcc·d ~.'Lo,nt1ad ~;l:cP\ M:~r,.,<if'd 1~, :)'2"futr,-; it;; ,,,~f\.':U·" ~~'H ·\II f!C!I t;<.' 11'11,tt;>r1 a>>o: ]:>81 of rf:'cmC: L.\Hr•)'ll td;c, re~v,;;- Jrd tro d;,curr'i':lt'' con~;, l<:'r; t'l8! f' I' '': (;-.·.,Jv:; r0purts. H 1- u :orcr' 1epciT!.c;l!,;i 1 .::A-ttU;:; unct:n~en:s ,-np,es c! e:w:; r.ll'iH·,,·,ra· P''Pl:ts reg1sc -.1\;,; 1, . Lcr.:, ··r c•'-':41~ 1p -.;'i>Yd'-: rv t!, _, w•;p-,:_>r1'! ,;r,i_i :-::r•;ci'H.::lti:Jr~:,_ iucakJn. dcvd\ (,,, y-w ~;;n-~. d d<:' tric,:;i '=trocl ,[,,,_~ !me,, ,;ro.,;;tt: &nc c/f-sik; ll':JI·nddry sc,r\'l"i. ;;:"' to·.. ndatl::;n plan end sud' ;,[nc· ir·:tU'nati<)n ;,s l"lrctV lJc :"qJe,;tud by ·'<:'f, !tiS\ '](',,il :/ui n :l t)' 'I'"'',,,, 1 t.r:,r· Cl•ui\ ro:q.FY1S·Ut: (Oi fl!OJ;Jj:q ~Ill.' t;",f(l!fT;,-i(IC'1 \1in:Ci~ VJ:i"•WO ~:8S Spt-c:tc,o<;l-,· aqre~C \') ;;rGv.d.:· If It:; F'iOp~S~-11 15, MAN HARD S RH lANCE ON lNFORMAT.LQN_P_R_QI£LDED ~!,J:1h;wJ 'rt'll t:n EH: :r: cc:·c,cy and c:·· T•it·lc;'"'"'' uf JJTorr"l.:n:vtt k':ltSC'c<J trJ r/c.rt·,dr--d lhl w •m Ciicnrs !;~ha!t f'urFtcrr-Y p ,'?!;;rC'C':' tc t'li)!c1 t\'l.'trli .-"r: r~.~rrn!s: :, from ~H .y cnqtn<::-enn:; arn; s n·'iud;r ~; r,u ro: iw ;·k:U to, 0d'"U1~;11fh dr:a ·;s;s dnd (;'t ·>·1>: ste;nnw:>lr'r (JUt '('l~s rw;,JL:nq 'wm ir~~cr:urat:o• ~,;1c in'orrn:'<!ir,n v;f i J' !S pru.-idf':i' i1iduding top~J~:ra;:; ,,c;;;;,, i:'l,rvi:')':, -Nhtch ''lA,,,. be•.:• prepared by r;on';u;unt~ IJtlt•;r 111<'\'l Mc;dL;rr! a.ny 16. PAYMENT hvu.,;ps -NiL t0 :2i"l· >dl >i 1z.; the, \:ire:l fu1 8re due vv trE!r: ;fmtv d8ys nt rnr1:ir- ''"(: \lf!i•w tiw:y ~:'1'(; Si~\:~,!y H1E~I'~'Hvn;; ;:;,; tc t:s 8CU1rac-, anr: rogaramq ths :r'-·voi~.(, vdhF> :hiS :h rt-;·G.?\v ;;:1 in ;;J;::c-s :Ot 'd>~mt!'; •n Jdc1'l to ;~no sr,<-J;i '0!~,· 31~; "lldf t1:-Nl' ;'.t'> :;:xly (("(l_: dD/S 1r·1rn rc; '~'!'1 :<' ,r"Jck:c· l<,r< \<;~;:·::···' ;lJ•)' r~u>~liCil' Dr obj('<;l'011 l:) thr' 'f1\'U-Cc· nc,\ p·evl'.'llt'IV r2:c:;;; J il ·:;;:t;r,! '~11!'· o n,;;;.._c- Y ·; p;;vnv.'n·_ i.i.;t; i'vl.J.n:i~\:d i~,, '-~"rv ere; anc nwp011Sv; illithin ct;iny (J;ly-'' at1cr !-.-::cPirt d ;vbr1: 1;_-,_, d--. 1'1\ .y_:.~ ti,c·cfv,; \!-te ?t'\ >.nb •Ju,; I,Lwh:f;(~ ,,.,_.. q t-.s ti'<:rt:.;:-'t; J ;_,l trw 1.JU' ·') 1 <J /.>U'>On! ;>:~r ,, __)0\h ;c.r rhco •n:->:1:n,,~- ::;.rc, r:i lf;1>!26l p~r!Ht'.;~r.i :;:,"v 1f !c·~,;), fe::m s:Jid !li!'l ~;::, r.i:,w :rt 3r_lji:n;r· fvb,;h<'lrd a.';.e-;- q-vHlCJ nr;k '' tn l.:l•c<l. su::~pPr'iJ SH':>>>; t::-ri\> 'IY'' .w,L'' f,;Jimh:-Hl '1,-;~. hc;;n T: fuii at: arnu;mto- c1ue t.:S 8:~d ·::hXJCb tn tll0 0v,ent ~..1?,P<a :i c er:i:> til n,;- ;,,,:~(1 -r~, ·;__:,rvic•<> :ll~d rer:mpt 01 r•)ymc·r-c Fl :,'H:i ;e::;;r: 2 -:;e:·.w.:;,.os "';,-- lin~, Ag'·2enr:r•t. ?n•~ tik t:rne ,;d.,-;cJu:,: ;Jr-,o c.cmp•Jns?Jun sLaii bei\) c-:'n•r,,_c:,<ltc kr ti:o pt:nc<l uf: _,s;,;ew,;(lr ;J!us --u i f'l·": s·c~"'" F1lJ;:-- t;wc a.;~J f'x;yJnso ne:::::c<;sa;/ i:: 8C:riilnn, r;r or 1r.1 :~o i'!i1PI c:;ni:; '''Jdl ':es fv1;,1 Hid sna_!i i'<lVB che ti']ht. irc;n: tin10 en !·In'=' ,, :z~odl'•.' ~·-.-ic·;; ~""~; nf;' pay ncr< r~,, sf-f-,"cr:~; ',} !.>," •~-·-Jcer,_:c: i'vl.: n~-.::utJ <;h::~ii lv:;v.:: n(~ lis.liYv :n Cl!•)ri\ f( r :'nv ('CJ::::t~_, or C"-I""'>F'· 'ili'JHr:U :F-a r,;.:-:Jl c' s:! '" ---'--':<l8ri&'' --· tk1! ~ •:c,,E ,,_ uv CH•r't ''l'' ,. 17. PER~1iTS & £~!i? nnu <iPnl;c~it,on Gri:::ss ;r,c p::-1;:-;sa! :_;f:-0Ctf-cCJ!:-,; r· ""•!rn :;the,·-.. ic.e c·~hent leGS d~C 0: 1-,)_,r;:ng :Ji: ~~,; ··1·:::., fvldd 8.1 "i JC•r.:•·; I'Gl 'i.<:Ui-:t'lt O;l :'!! <"•C rt:spo::nsiL C! fqr ;;:.''-it:\; :;li (:'()12 'Crn ;.<'! (;;:-Hrb. 'bn <:i~)":·, ii'Ssc:s sr'd ,'vper::;c,; Hl';Ud·r.q IL·-:;~;v d~)i<; C<tlurneys· icc:, <end cos:s ,vrsmq lrorn (:koi'•'.S tJ'H,;~'1C'rL':Cd uc;c- rr.lei'IS•C: nuJif:c.si•l'il c•: ITHr-:;,tf,n::nt;\Jrx n: ti'c d:J.:Uif.tJn:•o Y 1Tpres;:x!cJli•Jn;_; 24, WAIVER Of CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE GIPr•l -::nc C.-tnh;ni !'lUVJ<Ji:y >t:Jh- :- tr; '"·'" ->: c;f t.!'.< n; c.>f C;.Ji'•''t<q;_H}I'il:dl dam3qES ari:;'WJ trtJ!T; \li':'pUlBf. da:rns ;:_;· <J!"W' :n'irtr· ;r,latin;]lt: ti':>, 1'\rfs,~ment 25. MANHARO'S SITE ViSITS ;i ;ecuc:;:e:d !::>v C:rN.l : . r ac- r·_'~iL<irt;J b'; 1_!,( ;:'r:; 1 n~;a!, ~ :di1]·,aci st"i3il v1s:, lhs :,i:(~ 3~ rnterv.:+: apprc•r·r:ate ;:othr~ -;~mn·.:s :o•a~es of c:"lrs;rcc:tit:n etc. [\·LrnYd (.Ju:rn;-~ q;\>;~·!32cC 1 :n vdt;; tq un:.-Pn·<: d::; ;;:1 '-'>".p0!i(~r;cu1 and quct!!'.r_'d dt:si,;n v·');C'-:>:dOilC.· n--.•~ ;:lfnq't:)'.<: :.li1d q,rol-:·i d rhc· ~-,-,ri,,t;c· d c:,,:otr::;r.til'',, -.,;or'-.. Cu:<>t,u:~l:un 'O!J.~hn£.] w ~•urw;y ron:rr); ~;tz1kin~ 1!:- r~c~ ( ,_,rr:s·dtoie'"i =1 ':de vr:;:t_ :::ud' \·;c;:" ;;; b-; u,~nhc,rd G''~ n.';lln~n:rJ;;!cJ tO be iO'~tH;J~tl'•h; "'CO '~Xlr-u; ;c, '';'.<':'/ i:-L-);:)CC: {d t!;:; 'A( r!• n·: pr;)'_lfC!"S '11 !n F~vf' \:c; TS(:-•Xl!CW' nf 1!1.-! ·,-,r •?·. (JCV lfld tiK r,x,;.•c•Jt:it'd·:;es sr,e A:c31iv· 2C'SilJW·.l r·; CA,;n'1::vd :r T"' A,-_;rGEoW"r'l. :_-,~' niP!'I -:!'t- t _, f'c 1·;:11\<U to C'f.JC·l cr:E;c~<:n~J- ,,;ld obs>~ ·::;'e,;r' :.i :he "'',r\' \J,-:ed r-p \/,:.,,-,,,.1,-cf:. c->-,)fC-IS8 ,_;[ prr:'::. ,,·;;c;rni :U<<,j'l·:ent G;t~.:r;r; nfonn:<1t•:~·, duro:~:-1 ,_,u, ·/:<oit;:, 0'!d ~,A:f· •lrs,:: ,..,1tiUih, L~~;~1~nr:i sen=: E<:(;::u Tr !n c ,,,-:_:rr u1c- n 11 q,<J; vmrk :s prcr:e.,dinJ rn acco1dcu ce 'h:lh til;; ,;-)n'r~-;r' :i<)C.;ii':Ci'•ts drd \L::,r .kn..i sk;'' t,(:q; c:,r_· ~t nfU!Ii'L'd '"'- p:-O(JI (:Ss ot the 'Norf< Th_: pu!po3c of Manharc·s v,:_,lt·,: tu tl:': ;;1[() v,;JI t -~ 10 ,~:1a.bie ~v1;~r·:vwJ tu tY'tt.t::! ~~,-~w; 'JIJ: t:w ctS~iQN'O 1P 3!ld :Jndi:'f•:{f<Pn by· ~/cmt.:JO~ h0'f0i.i ii;(}' ddli'Hl!J, biH !lcJ\ ;'\'!\<;<\'G. VlSd; CU'ii,;:J Me:nhm::J :;.h;:;11 nDt rfur·n~-; Slid~ ·.j,".:t-:; o ciu: t,;~; ,'l. >"i tl\ :-l!C!C '''~ n r:<AJ't vt s:Jdl cLY;t<vJ.!:~;:;o. ut y,:l•k c·1 iJiut;r,:,'" 3UPETVI"C, dil'ect :Jr t:&'J6 Cllf' c;;! C:r·JV ih-' ~\Qfk ! :_,; st,:Jii !vhnhe\rd 1';:;-,·c 0',ti;t•fit·; ;,")~'8' ~)' n:•:?-;,VH'\c;,t)!j,Jy fi:t 1h8 n-;;,;'(t,:: mn~1:>:h techr!q;Jr,~-~ ~--eqc;c-r'<.J~> v >f ,~ur·;t:u;U ;r: ,;el:,c't·ci ,,, :.:cr.v,,_cts\s) fnr s::uny r_,,c:::-3.uri:;rn -1rd urc of \,:;rw;-,cc,.r(,.:i {;) C(·I-I'IJIV ,,-,i:f- ·J'hS. ·uk-o :e<gu!::,:wnc; 'qiic;;-.nc,:'~. su:lcs proiJ'arns inc;tr.Jer,l to 1'\t; ·:;orr: i:~r any 01 or c:ets app~tcabi5 to tht:· J;;·n~·•ir':::J ar··J ouf,J·n"i -LJ ch2 v-,qr;.: '1r ,· .~:hmt·,· t•> ':>1:·p t!;,; _,__.,,1 ~. !'vl'\f·'•.Jid i •\:>tf'IH guamntees the pe•iorrn:~:lt·e d &>r r·,c' a~·S\H'lPS lu 2.'1',- i.''.n:rc:u:':'· l•l f;Fr:,,-;h ~li'\'J porfurrn cts wcr"' n: dccurca;'~;t: ''ilif1 titc ·.-;;:·. ;;cl !i1e C :cE C')J·•,~ww ·f'i~t str:h ::;c v1c,o :·s '"~·_:,;';"' 'v !Vlsnilard wr:l vo·~i.Je ~, h~r, ·::srvcr:~, iF I w 1'">!Gent o eke! r::tJ: ~;;,:,; ,t;·,uvc 83 .) ·, t\r1ii!\Jt: ldl ~-'';rv:~:c· 111•: 3U''/8',Ulq pr--,a.s'.' f'vhnh3.!:.i sha!i r:.JC :l:Jv•.: th8 <'.utf:uny t-:; ,,1sm cl anv c,: ::;:w:1y w s~soc·n:J {F' \\;-1--,-1'18\r· i.,, \';VI· en lhc· Prqr:,ct 1-.1~ 'li'-.<rd o.11nli 1101 b~· tr<'OP<)n:;:d" f:.Jr :>·,~, J.c:s or mni~-c-,,;::-: uf ;_11y •>Jnt!::l':iC :-;) . ...:1 -my .:;ub, ~;:lt'<'~:'1~·r;s: :v1v S:JPI-'I:e•· :): .-,{ 3J·V r,rt·,,;r ~~us•'Jn cr ·X,J8'l··zhU;-:.r, perf:!ff'llriC '-'! iurn:c;i,·n(j J.l'l)' •Jf lhP \,,,_.,[ 26. DESIGN \f{!J_H__QI,JJ__(QJ:L$TR!)CT!ON ADMINlSJHATJQN ! •:; l_;nd2'-S1C<c ClN:1 !ii,Cl'r th;e- l~qrpen;o:wJ de r'r" lfl':·udc Pfii;u: t C•L·sr.r ·;<:1tit;n \J' '"VI\: ·r. (J' !lltl C!'>"'lt'~ c.cclo•;l'''' :nj !nil; _--;,;,~h Sl.'• .--c% W.'! :•c ; r•: ·id;:-> ..1 fur Lhil C·i:cnl ·-hE- (':I!Pilf <~:·,v crnlract dccu: • :-~, ano J,;l' .. ,~,-,,1',:;-::nn ;>.r'd :•-,, C!,u"<! W:J:vc·-~ '-'-!'l'f "''--'J.:-;st ::u;' >t<tr<J Uk"Ck :n y·J:]II>c' I he .--,·;c;nt ''lf•?P~' • J rt'rf it:'i;•"' "·;;t:'~li (ot~r rni :'"0 i:h': turmbs'~ idcwho1'='· ;;sdk;;;·;:_. l;1'>2c\VS, 0'11!11-i'/f'C·s and sc;;,c,;nsul '·1:~h ':r·c-;l:,e--::r;vsl\-;if 'r'JS(S, i:·rcJc, '!!'l(.' fi>.1SU .. ··.~J't; ill or:'.('-;:,-' ft: ;S <l:Hi ;;c-ic.'li•·>' ('CS!s 'l!'IS' \1 ')Ut nf (A t;• <l'Pf scr·_.i,:es t; :'<r-v 3'1'} i1H t:::;.-rr·;, i-\i!';lri;J , .. ""P:.:1 dc.:unF-'I.c• U rsl~: Cl Ch:lrJj(:"<:i tid{') r:r ;;'IPi: ''1':~·!:\JI·'' tJr;cpt i<JI ciains ;;;~;sql(; r,\.Xi' thto' ::ck· 1 '~qlrqH:C~ r~r <\ilnc.i: 1'-5-.::-.:nlLc: or t·Ad'li-I<W.i 'i ti'IP Cl:<;n'tn W!Jl::l(; :1~~1} ~J12:1b8rd Y'W:t:r) ;,,r:y :;p._::if,,~ ('(;I:S\'>iCC!Yi ;:J,;;s:..· ,;c·,ir·;_os :-=t;·,_-t 'I \.12.1' i<:\iG w1 il'H\1 lo 3U<h :-;e•,·,c·-:s tr<?-n ~-Ad;·,rJa·o :''kili be cOTf-+'nswcJ im /Ud:t-on::l' S•O>! .,,r:l':; i:l:, pruvidcc: ;I' ~ t, l'<'l'/ ~-uiiPCl: 0d ·,-::t!l :"18 frorl: n:udrf:c:J!IDn::; l•f sw:h '_lll;';' p;-''; ;·,·; Cf' ,-~11\'tk':i ;;rv: ·. ,.,1 r!l~·rpre!:~.tk•:,o., 3Cil_,s.,~:2;>1:; r'r ,·:r.rlr:de:,: 0\.Jc tc- ;~:1y EXHIBIT A ADDITIONAL SERVICES Add!Unnal St'!VIces !!nclu:J!nq_ bu: r;J! :;.T,· !;-:a ic, ' :v;e !iS!f:n ,'f· n.r-) shan ili' p:Hfc 1'1\'d by fhlni;,,l(;. ,, 'C) ;c-~t,;d '"t em 3dd,riu:z;: C•Jst {' AdDihmal Sen; ::eo,"). Tn·'" flPC'h:'FJ sPrv -~''"; · itwn~. 8k '1-'l: i <~ludu: vvrth n n r-, ~<co::- f ,·,-or~ oul<·r·:<: :" th ... :·J;'i(F'\X!AL tc which tr:is IS ,-.,tt;):;f'.ed Vllcss SP0•:::k::n·ly :,t;l_ fr;rtr 'lPif:lll s., ;t1 i\cLJ:it~lr;:-'!.' S'''T-:L;c,~ o.l.:,li t'!O f-"'i\c"d~':i ,;:tht:.- fy ,·w ~~)f('i:Jd upct' L•nnp Sum FPe ,/r orr?. .,..r:ns ;_;nq tv'at'~!lal 8,1sr•; sul+s:._: u >h:· r 1\:>; :.:s i;slr;<j ociC''-'·· NEVADA OFFICES SCHEDULE OF TIME AND MATERIAL RATES FOR 2015 CATEGORY Prssi:Jen1 f:x•?::::ut;vc Vi•>:' P•c ·3tfkn· V1co ?residu 1 CURRENT HOURLY RATES SFl5 08 Sj")"L(J(l :D1 !}') 00 :O.,rerl M-1n:~qDI ;3 I S8Jl;or Pmjr.'cll\bnsqo: Son'or Pc(;je:t Mctr-aqu \18n'ipr:r nf CclflH~!Jrlfi 1' De. :)urvc·y \-L01n<:1~1:::<' S1 ?0._00 JO s 1 :;;._o;:-1 ;<;'q-;rP'' jj.O.(>J);'J :)1:-:i'l (<] s:2;J oD :...~roi8GO f-..1di1Dq?r Cnq1n<<" ~; 1 jfj t:nqmeu 0C: S'fG ,)(; :.,cr;icr Planm-:r li Senior Pi·:Jr.w;r I -~: -+o ~\:' :Si2C 00 Jir.-:;~:tm Senir:-r ConS!ItJt..tk;r tds_rL>J''' C:Jnstruct:•_:r: Manaqer'/CoGrcli.'li~tc,r Lan:l FL:mr·erlFr!V'fOP"l cntztl P·BJHIUI LandSCCJfE! c:;,,,,;vor·Arc hit;~;;; Pr~';\:Ct ~)drvi>f\'Jr Stafi S•Jr·<evor Senior Design T c-c+nit:~ ;I; Deo;;gn T8C""t:-~;(;,flfl il ::;L::i i)-.l Sl/S ryJ S1 '()_OJ $90 co SRO 0:1 'b 1 :o !)0 S'l: 1 0U S'11i1_Zn $~l,) .an I Swvr;y:Cci•Strucl :H1 fee 1rh:·-111 t'n(;·0DO!'r,~l Ci\DD;(i S ec:n·i\ :n Ce~>ign "f,x_cl~:c Intern C/\JJi.J ;~, ()() $~Yi OC '$)0.0(; :wooo Stir;JG ··t.'ur~. ~ila\ !~P,w::on ur , ..• ~- '_10 s: l:>ew 2,P::HSOO Cro2w Ad;r::n1<:>:1 ative .Ass1stanl Expert l est1:-;~::my & Uopo!;;V)PS 10 o:; S 1 ,:o.o:; SG<) 00 CURRENT SF RATE F:int::r~: F'"if'h'g pr;r;l!'1~: Pape1 Voi!un; h-1yi,:r, C::i!m C":w;;r '?C I A.>.::ah~ ALL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE$ II< 8,_l.:,_b__jy.8IER AND WASTEWAJER~SYSTEMS SERVICE£ Ill. ALL .WETLANDS SERV!CES !V. LAND PLANNING SERViCES VI. TRAFFIC SERVICES VIL TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING SERVICES A ·' St ?S PreparaiiOf' r.1f ::-Jff-s,:e-tnpographi:; ;,urvrJys sc ;c;_,•_ D VIII. '/erik~;_r.·on r;.· ch:lerrn;•;ah;n uf SK;sung •.nd:c-::you;c~ crt:li!JC!S th. \ ccwn.)l ;J,; li2tSf'lli:wd ::-en \.·;:.iDiG 'Al:;iy•:'lti•)n c:::c sne :opo~ra;.hy rl11s v:,wk:: rndyk A<CIWtJ.r·r· ;;"r:<c(~ :lf :;ui;r· ''f\)"d :;fl IGtiil"'~, r:r :'d' piet~tl;) d J U Ll.!: lo:::~L; · ';r.c.tl(lf ~' o! C'\!C!l 'q doer ,wo ::;lrwps,:: nu c.;uw ievei vr bas·::"''' r f!rJ_·,. ,,:\;v:1[.z·;::; 1\;r :_-x::s!T;.._; cu::cr~~CJ~· SURVEYING SERVICES A Prop<:IiCJtitY1 d a f:3,)Utdctry Su v·~~ or an/\. i /;.Ac~:;r,-li .. <:H''·' 1tk.- ;,:r:'/CV, :ut.:::":Ju,;cnt red~·lur~~ :q r 1(' A~ fA. 1-\C~ ivl SU:v':''/ a['c; 'rst ri -.·'·)cV. CenJic;JtltW. 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Title: Review, consideration, and possible approval of a Second Amendment to the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Elko and Elko Sanitation Company dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014 for sanitation service in the City of Elko, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 2. Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3. Agenda Category: NEW BUSINESS 4. Time Required: 15 Minutes 5. Background Information: Elko Sanitation Company currently provides sanitation service in the City of Elko pursuant to an agreement dated June 11, 2015 and amended on April 22, 2014. Elko Sanitation is requesting that the rate schedule be amended by adding a service and adding one additional fee. The additional service would be an eight yard bin. The additional fee would be a rollout fee. In reviewing the proposal and the existing agreement it was determined that additional definitions were required in The proposed amendment requires an amendment of Section 14.01 allowing the addition of services under the agreement prior to Council considering an amendment to the rate schedule. The proposed amendment is identified as the second amendment to the agreement. SAW 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: NA Budget amount available: NA Fund name: NA 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: Proposed amendment 9. Recommended Motion: Move to approve an amendment to the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Eiko and Elko Sanitation Company dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014 for sanitation service in the City of Elko. 10. Prepared By: Scott A. Wilkinson, City of Elko Assistant City Manager 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: Legal 12. Council Action: 13. Agenda Distribution: 03/05/2015 SECOND AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AND THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DIVERSION OF RESIDENTIAL CO-MINGLED RECYCLABLES This SECOND AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AND THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DIVERSION OF RESIDENTIAL CO-MINGLED RECYCLABLES ("Second Amendment") by and between the CITY OF ELKO, NEVADA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and ELKO SANITATION COMPANY, a Nevada corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), is entered into as of September 8, 2015 (the "Effective Date"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City and Contractor entered into that certain Exclusive Franchise Agreement for the Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and the Collection, Transportation and Diversion of Residential Co-Mingled Recyclables on June 11, 2012 (the "Agreement"); WHEREAS, the Agreement does not provide for the addition of a particular service or the inclusion of those services in the rate schedule; and WHEREAS, Contractor and City now wish to amend the Agreement to allow for the addition of services and inclusion of those services in the rate schedule pursuant to Section 14.01 of the Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES AGREE TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT, AS FOLLOWS: 1. Effective Date. Effective Date. This Second Amendment shall become effective as of the 2. Amendment to Section 14.01. Section 14.01 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "Section 14.01 Services Added and Maximum Rates to be Charged Contractor shall not charge or demand rates for such refuse collection service in excess of those set forth in the current approved rate schedule attached hereto as Exhibit A. A copy of the current rate schedule shall be on file at City Hall and available for inspection by the general public. A modification of such rates and/or the addition of a particular service may be initiated by Contractor SECOND AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 1 or City, but must be finally approved by the City Council before going into effect. Contractor shall inform the City, at its request, of the rates charged on any particular individual or business. If a particular service is not included on an existing, approved rate schedule, Contractor and customer may negotiate a rate after written notice to, and upon written approval of, the City Council. The City Council may reduce any rate(s) for services provided under this Agreement in the event the Contractor's services fall below the City's reasonable expectations with respect to quantity or quality of service; provided, however, that, prior to any such rate reduction, Contractor shall have a reasonable opportunity to cure any such failure with respect to quantity or quality of service. Counterparts. This Second Amendment may be executed in one or more 3. facsimile or original counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and both of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 4. Ratification. All terms and provisions of the Agreement not amended hereby, either expressly or by necessary implication, shall remain in full force and effect. From and after the date of this Second Amendment, all references to the term "Agreement" m this Second Amendment and in the original Agreement shall include the terms contained in this Second Amendment. 5. Conflicting Provisions. In the event of any conflict between the original terms of the Agreement and this Second Amendment, the terms of this Second Amendment shall prevail. Authorization. Each party executing this Second Amendment represents and 6. warrants that it is duly authorized to cause this Second Amendment to be executed and delivered. 7. Execution in Triplicate. This Second Amendment, consisting of four (4) pages, shall be executed in triplicate, and each executed copy shall have the full force and effect of an original. [Signature Page Immediately Follows.] SECOND AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this Second Amendment as of the date first written above. CITY: CITY OFELKO ATTEST: By: ------------~-------------- Chris J. Johnson, Mayor Shane!! Owen , City Clerk CONTRACTOR: ELKO SANITATION COMPANY By: Name: Its: Jeff Brewster Divisional Vice President SECOND AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 3 ~-{! Agenda Item# ---=~=-------- Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet 1. Title: Review, consideration, and possible approval of a Third Amendment to the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Elko and Elko Sanitation Company dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014 for sanitation service in the City of Elko, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 2. Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3. Agenda Category: 4. Time Required: IS Minutes 5. Background Information: Elko Sanitation Company currently provides sanitation service in the City of Elko pursuant to an agreement dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April 22, 2014. Elko Sanitation is requesting that the rate schedule be amended by adding a service and additional fees. The additional service would be an eight yard bin for commercial accounts. The additional fees would be for the 8 yard bin service fees and a rollout fee. In reviewing the proposal and the existing agreement it was determined that additional definitions were required to address approved fees. Additionally, Elko Sanitation has several fees for non-typical services, all of which were potentially charged under generic provisions of the agreement. The amendment provides clarification. The proposed amendment is identified as the third amendment to the agreement. SAW 6. Budget Information: NE'WIUSINESS Appropriation Required: NA Budget amount available: NA Fund name: NA 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: Proposed amendment 9. Recommended Motion: Move to approve an amendment to the Exclusive Franchise Agreement between the City of Elko and Elko Sanitation Company dated June 11, 2012 and amended on April22, 2014 for sanitation service in the City of Elko. 10. Prepared By: Scott A. Wilkinson, City of Elko Assistant City Manager 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: Legal 12. Council Action: 13. Agenda Distribution: 09/01/2015 THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AND THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DIVERSION OF RESIDENTIAL CO-MINGLED RECYCLABLES THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT FOR THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE AND THE COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION AND DIVERSION OF RESIDENTIAL COMINGLED RECYCLABLES (this "Third Amendment") by and between the CITY OF ELKO, NEVADA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), and ELKO SANITATION COMPANY, a Nevada corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"), is entered into as of September 8, 2015 (the "Effective Date"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City and Contractor entered into that certain Exclusive Franchise Agreement for the Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and the Collection, Transportation and Diversion of Residential Co-Mingled Recyclables on June 11, 2012 (the "Agreement"); WHEREAS, Contractor and City have amended Section 14.01 of the Agreement to allow for the addition of services and fees and inclusion of those services and fees in the rate schedule; and WHEREAS, Elko Sanitation wishes to add a particular service and is proposing two additional fees. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RECEIPT AND SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH ARE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED, THE PARTIES AGREE TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT, AS FOLLOWS: 1. Effective Date. Effective Date. This Third Amendment shall become effective as of the 2. Amendment to Section 2.01. Section 2.01 of the Agreement is hereby amended to add the terms "Additional Tipper Cart Fee", "Extra Material", "Delivery Fee", "Direct Burial", "Haul Fee", "Monthly Rental Fee", "Redelivery Fee", "Reinstatement Fee", "Relocate fee", "Return Trip", "Rollout Fee", "Special Pick Up Fee", "Trip Charge", "Wait Time Charge", "Walk Out Fee", and "Wash and Sanitize", to Section 2.0l.B., with corresponding definitions, with the subsections in Section 2.01 to be renumbered accordingly, as follows: Section 2.01 1. Scope of Work; Definitions The following definitions shall be used in this Agreement: THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page I 1. Additional Tipper Cart Fee: "Additional Tipper Cart Fee" means a fee that is charged when a customer request an additional tipper cart for MSW or recyclables. 2. Bulky Items: "Bulky Items" means furniture, household or industrial appliances, shipping crates and containers and other large bulky or heavy objects not normally discarded on a regular basis at Residential, Commercial or Industrial Premises. 3. City: "City" means the City of Elko, Nevada, a municipal corporation, and all of the territory lying within the municipal boundaries of the City as presently existing or as such boundaries may be modified during the Term. 4. Collection: "Collection" means collection of MSW and Recyclables and transportation of such to Disposal or Recycling Sites. 5. Commercial Premises: "Commercial Premises" means any premises occupied by stores, offices, and other commercial facilities providing goods or services. 6. Construction and Demolition Waste: "Construction and Demolition Waste" includes waste building materials, packaging, debris and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition operations on pavement, houses, apartments, condominiums, commercial, industrial or institutional buildings and any other structures. 7. Contractor: "Contractor" means the contractor to whom this Agreement is granted. 8. Delivery Fee: "Delivery Fee" means a fee charged by Contractor for delivering container(s) to a location specified by a customer. 9. Delivery: "Deliver" of MSW by a Waste Generator or residential household recyclables shall be deemed to occur when MSW is deposited in a receptacle or at a location that is designated for Collection pursuant to the City's Municipal Code, or is otherwise discarded. 10. Direct Burial: "Direct Burial" means a process by which the disposal site immediately buries refuse upon being unloaded from Contractor's vehicle. 11. Disposal Charge: "Disposal Charge" The portion of the rates in Exhibit A included to cover payment of landfill or transfer station tipping fees. 12. Disposal Site: "Disposal Site" means the solid waste facility or facilities designated by the City for the ultimate disposal (by Contractor) of MSW collected by Contractor. The Disposal Site may include, but is not limited to, a solid waste landfill, a solid waste transfer or processing station, a materials recovery facility, or a combination thereof. Unless otherwise designated by the THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 2 City in wntmg or unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the term "Disposal Site" shall mean the Elko Sanitary Landfill. 13. Environmental Laws: "Environmental Laws" means all federal and state statutes and county and city ordinances concerning public health, safety and the environment including, by way of example and not limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C Section 9601 et seq.; the Federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C, Section 1351 et seq.; the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. Section 651 et seq.; the Nevada Hazardous Waste Law (NRS Chapter 459),; as currently in force or as hereafter amended and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. 14. Extra Material: "Extra Material" means MSW set out for Collection by a customer which exceeds the customer's subscribed service level. Contractor will charge an additional fee to remove the Extra Material. 15. Garbage: "Garbage" means all kitchen and table food waste and animal or vegetable waste that attends or results for the storage, preparation, cooking or handling of food stuffs. 16. Haul Fee: "Haul Fee" means a fee charged to haul a roll off container from a customer's location to the Disposal Site. 17. Hazardous Waste: "Hazardous Waste" means a waste, or combination of wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may do either of the following: (1) cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; (2) pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or environment when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed of or otherwise managed. "Hazardous Waste" includes all substances defined as hazardous waste, extremely hazardous waste or acutely hazardous waste identified and listed as hazardous waste by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C, Section 6901 et seq.). 18. Industrial Premises: "Industrial Premises" means premtses occupied by manufacturing operations and other industrial facilities. 19. Institutional Premises: "Institutional Premises" means premises occupied by governmental, educational, health care, correctional, research and other similar facilities. 20. Monthly Rental Fee: "Monthly Rental Fee" means the monthly charge to customers for use of roll off containers. 21. Municipal Solid Waste: "Municipal Solid Waste" or "MSW" means any Garbage, Refuse or Rubbish, Construction and Demolition Waste, discarded THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 3 home and industrial appliances, manure, vegetable and animal solid or semi-solid wastes, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from institutional, industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from residential and community activities. The term "Municipal Solid Waste" or "MSW" shall not include: (1) Hazardous Waste; (2) low-level radioactive waste; (3) untreated medical waste which is regulated pursuant to the Medical Waste Management Act; (4) Recyclable Materials which have been segregated from other Waste Material by the Waste Generator; (5) solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage; (6) solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows; (7) industrial discharges that are point sources subject to permit under 33 U.S.C. 1342: or (8) source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 923). 22. Officer: "Officer" includes any elected or appointed, member of the City of Elko Government. 23. Owner: "Owner" means the Person holding legal title to the real property constituting the Premises to which MSW and Recycling collection service is to be provided under this Agreement. 24. Person: "Person" means an individual, limited liability company, association, partnership, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, or any other entity whatsoever. 25. Premises: "Premises" means any land or building in the City where MSW or recyclables are generated or accumulated. 26. Recyclable, Recyclables, Recyclable Materials: The terms "Recycle, " "Recyclables," and "Recyclable Materials" all mean materials generated by residences which are reasonable capable of being processed into new products or materials at a Recycling Site and which are designated by Contractor, subject to approval by the City, to be Segregated From Other Waste Material for collection and Recycling, rather than collection and disposal at MSW. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, the following materials are Recyclables: aluminum, tin and aerosol cans; flattened cardboard boxes (except boxes with food residue or wax coatings); paper products; cardboard egg cartons; magazines; junk mail; books; newspapers; cereal boxes; and other paperboard materials; milk and juice cartons; plastic bottles and jugs with smaller openings than bases which do not contain oils or oily fluids. These terms do not include materials generated by businesses. 27. Recycle/Recycling: "Recycle" and "Recycling" mean the process of collecting, sorting, cleaning, treating and reconstituting materials that would otherwise become MS W and returning these materials to the economic mainstream in the form ofraw materials for new, reused or reconstituted materials or products. THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 4 28. Recycling Site: "Recycling Site" means the facility or facilities designed to accept and process Recyclable Materials 29. Refuse: "Refuse" includes Garbage and Rubbish. 30. Residential Premises: "Residential Premises" means single-family homes, townhouses, multi-unit buildings such as apartments and condominiums, and mobile home parks. 31. Redelivery Fee: "Redelivery Fee" means a fee charged to return a container to a customer's location after the account has been reinstated from a suspended status. 32. Reinstatement Fee: "Reinstatement Fee" means a fee charged to restart an account after a customer has been suspended for non-payment. 33. Relocate Fee: "Relocate Fee" means a fee charged to travel to a customer's site and move a roll off container from one location to another on that site. 34. Return Trip: "Return Trip" means returning to a customer's location on the customer's scheduled service day to empty a container that was not placed out for service in time or was not serviceable for any other reason out of the control of the Contractor. 35. Rollout fee: "Rollout Fee" means a fee that is charged when Contractor must roll a refuse collection container out of an enclosure or building or away from hazards that prevent the collection vehicle from accessing it. The fee will be charged per applicable occurrence. 36. Rubbish: "Rubbish" means all waste wood, wood products, printed materials, paper, paste board, cardboard, tin cans, straw, yard clippings, bedding, crockery, plastics, rubber byproducts, used and discarded clothing, packaging materials, ashes, floor sweepings, glass and other materials not included in the definitions of Garbage, Construction and Demolition Waste, Hazardous Waste or Recyclable Materials. 37. Segregated From Other Waste Material: "Segregated From Other Waste Material" means (1) the placement of Recyclable Materials in separate containers by the Waste Generator; (2) the binding of Recyclable Materials separately from other waste material by the Waste Generator; (3) the physical separation of Recyclable Materials from other waste material by the Waste Generator; or (4) the physical separation of Recyclable Materials from the MSW stream by a recycling franchisee selected by the City. THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 5 38. Special Pick Up: "Special Pick Up" means a Collection in response to a customer's request for service on day other than a regularly scheduled service day. 39. Term: "Term" means the time from the commencement through the termination of this Agreement. 40. Tipper Cart: "Tipper Cart" means a residential trash and recycling container with wheels attached that is supplied by Contractor only. 41. Ton: "Ton'" means a short ton of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois. 42. Trip Charge: "Trip Charge" means a fee charged when the Contractor has traveled to a customer's location for scheduled service but is unable to provide service for any reason out of the control of the Contractor; provided, if the Contractor is unable to provide the service for a reason out of the control of the Customer. then the fee shall not be charged. 43. Wait Time Charge: "Wait Time Charge" means a fee charged when the Contractor is at a customer's location and waiting for the customer to prepare a container for pickup. 44. Walk Out Fee: "Walk Out Fee" means a fee charged the Contractor enters the customer's premises upon request to service the customer's tipper carts. 45. Wash and Sanitize Fee: "Wash and Sanitize Fee" means a fee that is charged when the Contractor washes, sanitizes, and redelivers a customer's container upon the request of the customer. 46. Waste Generator: "Waste Generator'" means the owner or occupant of a Premises which initially produces and delivers to Contractor MSW for removal. THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 6 3. Amendment to Exhibit A The Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Exhibit A City of Elko Rates Elko Rates I ,;} §' ij! "-!!' ;.r;;.; I ~1 ~s;, ~~- ~/;. '1.1 1 X Week ;# orr:i ;# oQj ~ ":i $13.60 <J~(Jqj ,:.;; J/ tC $16.90 2 X Week h ~ ~ ~ b ~ ..l:.: ~ 0 ....l:.~ ~ 0 --\.~ ~ ~ 0~ ~ ~ 0~ ~ $61.13 $92.27 $123.05 $154.11 $20.92 $24.46 $82.02 $123.05 $245.76 $284.13 $33.03 $424.24 $34.83 $64.76 3 X Week $123.05 $184.52 4 X Week $164.65 $246.16 $369.05 $492.29 .$205.08 $308.48 $615.04 $559.29 $694.09 $69.70 5 X Week 6 X Week $246.16 $369.05 $738.02 $888.31 $104.74 $4.76 $4.76 $87.22 Other Fees Rollout Walk Out Snecial Pick Un Wash and Sanitize $4.76 $4.76 $10.26 $25.00 825.00 $25.00 Delivery $15.06 $20.07 $40.12 $80.24 $5.23 $6.12 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $25.00 $25.00 $10.25 $10.25 $10 25 $10.25 $10.25 $10.25 Extra Material: $3.00 per can/baQ; $5.00 per yard Return Trip: $7.00 Reinstatement: $10.00 Redelivery: $15.00 Waitino Time: $1.50 oer minute Additional 65 oallon cart: $2.00 Additional 95 gallon cart: $5.00 Direct Burial: $75.00 plus $100.00 landfill fee Bulky Items: Case bv case basis I I Approved: September 8, 2015 THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 7 --------------- Exhibit A (cont.) CITY OF ELKO ROLL OFF RATES Delivery Fee I I Monthly Rental Fee Waiting Time (after 5 minutes) $25.60 I $75.35 I l$1.50 per minute I Trip Charge I l$30.00 per container Relocate I l$30.00 I Fee will Wash, Sanitize, Redeliver Tires I(per tire) L l$15.00 I I I be on a case by case basis I ROLL OFF HAUL FEES (per haul 10YD $69.76 15YD $69.76 18YD $77.40 20YD $82.32 30YD $125.58 Disposal Fee I l$31.00/per ton I Prepayment for all boxes is $200.00 A signed damage release and credit info sheet is reQuired on all roll off accounts. Approved: September 8, 2015 THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 8 4. Counterparts. This Third Amendment may be executed in one or more facsimile or original counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and both of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 5. Ratification. All terms and provisions of the Agreement not amended hereby, either expressly or by necessary implication, shall remain in full force and effect. From and after the date of this Third Amendment, all references to the term "Agreement" in this Third Amendment and in the original Agreement shall include the terms contained in this Third Amendment. 6. Conflicting Provisions. In the event of any conflict between the original terms of the Agreement and this Third Amendment, the terms of this Third Amendment shall prevail. 7. Authorization. Each party executing this Third Amendment represents and warrants that it is duly authorized to cause this Third Amendment to be executed and delivered. 8. Execution in Triplicate. This Third Amendment, consisting of four (4) pages, shall be executed in triplicate, and each executed copy shall have the full force and effect of an original. [Signature Page Immediately Follows.] THIRD AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 9 --------------- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties execute this Third Amendment as of the date first written above. CITY: CITYOFELKO ATTEST: By: ~--~~~~~~------- Shane!! Owen , City Clerk Chris J. Johnson, Mayor CONTRACTOR: ELKO SANITATION COMPANY By: Name: Its: Jeff Brewster Divisional Vice President THIRD.AMENDMENT TO EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT Page 10 Agenda Item # _ _,~,P=I=----_,_1/L____~ Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet 1. Title: Review and possible consideration of a request by Towne Place Suites by Marriott-Elko to waive the late fees currently pending on a delinquent transient lodging tax payment (room tax) reporting for June 2015, and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION 2. Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3. Agenda Category: APPEAL 4. Time Required: 5 Minutes 5. Background Information: Transient lodging tax is due on the tenth day of the month, payment is delinquent on the sixteenth day of the month. Marriott's June 2015 payment was postmarked on Friday, July 17, 2015 resulting in a penalty fee being charged pursuant to City Code 4-6-12 which states, "If the room taxes are not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which they become due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty of fifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent room tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs of collection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees." SO 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: N/A Budget amount available: N/A Fund name: N/A 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: Request, Envelope with postmark, City Code 4-69 & 4-6-12, previous Council actions 9. Recommended Motion: Pleasure of the Council 10. Prepared By: Shanell Owen, City Clerk 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Council Action: 13. Agenda Distribution: Steven Davis: steve.davis((ddhg.com Matt McCarty: matt.mrcarty(ivmaniott.com Created on 9/2/15 lODGING+DYNAMICS Hospitality Group City Of Elko Elko City License Department 1751 College Ave. Elko, NV 89801 RE: June 2015 Transient Lodging Tax Return We ask that you strongly consider that a one-time waiver be given on the notice for delinquent transient tax for June, 2015 on the Elko Towneplace Suites by Marriott. Earnest intent and action were given to make this payment on time. The date on the check was 7/15/2015. The check was postmarked on the company's postage meter on the 15th and delivered to the post office to be mailed. The delinquency was due to an error by the US Postal Service which did not postmark and deliver the payment based on metered postage already indicated. The U.S. Postal Service proceeded to stamp over the original postage metered stamp of 7/15/2015. We ask that you not penalize the Elko Towneplace for an error by the USPS. On time payments have occurred for over a year. To prevent further error by the USPS, we have arranged for future payment to made by another carrier. In allowing this waiver, Elko City will show that the Elko Towneplace was earnest in their efforts to make payment by the scheduled due date which is true based circumstances indicated. We would like to make arrangement make payment byE-Check or ACH transfer which would secure that we are not penalized for the error of a chosen carrier. Thank you for your time and consideration. It is appreciated. Sincerely, ~()~ Steven Davis Property Controller 5314 North River Run Drive, Suite 310, Provo, Utah 84604- ph 801.919.3440- fx 801.919.3441 -= -= ;_f", & -= 4-6-9: PAYMENT OF TAX, INTEREST AND PENALTIES:f:: 0 Every licensee shall pay the transient lodging tax to the city clerk on or before the tenth day of the month when such tax shall accrue. Payment of the transient lodging tax shall become delinquent on the sixteenth day of the month. Such tax becomes payable to the city clerk by the licensee pursuant hereto. (Ord. 627, 11-9-2004) 4-6-12: PENALTIES AND INTEREST:f!: 0 1 If the transient lodging tax is not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which it becomes due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty of fifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent transient lodging tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs of collection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees. (Ord. 627, 11-9-2004) Agenda Item# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet I. Title: Review and possible consideration of a request by Hilton Garden Inn to waive the late fees currently pending on a delinquent room tax reporting for December 2003, and matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM 2. Meeting Date: January 27, 2004 3. Agenda Category: (Please highlight) PERSONNEL UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS SUBDIVISIONS_ APPROPRIATIONS REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES SPECIAL PRESENTATION APPEALS 4. Time Required: 5 minutes 5. Background Information: Mr. Ruben Abeyta submitted payment on January 16, 2004 resulting iu a penalty fee being charged pursuant to City Code 4-6-12 which states, "If the room taxes are not paid on or before the ftfteenth day of the month in which they become due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty of ftfteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent room tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs of collection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees." CC 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: N/A Budget amount available: N/A Fund name: N/A 7. Business Impact Statement: Required I Not Required (If Business Impact Statement is required, please attach) 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: N/A 9. Recommended Motion: Pleasure of the Council. I 0. Prepared By: Curtis Calder II. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Council Action: (to be completed by City Clerk) A motion was made by Councilman Guttry, seconded by Councilman Hoffman to deny the request by Hilton Garden Inn to waive the late fees on the delinquent room tax reporting for December 2003. Motion carried 4-0. Councilman Johnson was absent. ** 13. Agenda Distribution: Ruben Abeyta; Hilton Garden Inn 3650 E. Idaho St., Elko, NV 89801 Created on 7/29/15 VI. PETITIONS, APPEALS, AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Review and possible consideration of a request by Hilton Garden Inn to waive the late fees currently pending on a delinquent room tax reporting for December 2003, and matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM Mr. Ruben Abeyta submitted payment on January 16, 2004 resulting in a penalty fee being charged pursuant to City Code 4-6-12 which states, "If the room taxes are not paid on or before the fifteenth day ofthe month in which they become due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty offifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent room tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs of collection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees. " CC General Manager of Hilton Garden Inn, Ruben Abeyta stated he was before the Council to appeal a penalty assessed to his organization in the amount of $1,081.92 for failing to pay the December room tax by the 15'h of the month. He did not deny being late. Abeyta stated he ritually delivered the tax to City Hall to avoid such penalties, but that day got away from him in the heat of his busy schedule. Abeyta noted he was given the option by staff to address the Council about the penalty. He asked the Council to consider waiving the penalty. Abeyta also asked the Council to reconsider the percentage of the penalty. Mayor Franzoia stated the 15% penalty had been in place for years. Franzoia asked if the payment would have been late if it was postmarked for the 15 1h. City Clerk Lynch stated the postmark stamp would have been accepted. She also stated if Abeyta would have put the payment in the front drop box outside of City Hall the payment would have been accepted. Lynch noted that the room taxes were actually due on the JO'h of the month. Businesses were given a 5-day grace period. Councilman Guttry stated the Council had gone through this type of situation several times and they never granted a waiver. ** A motion was made by Councilman Guttry, seconded by Councilman Hoffman to deny the request by Hilton Garden Inn to waive the late fees on the delinquent room tax reporting for December 2003. Motion carried 4-0. Councilman Johnson was absent. City Council 01-27-2004 16 Agenda Item# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet I. Title: Review and possible consideration of a request by Econo Lodge Inn & Suite to waive the late fees currently pending on a delinquent room tax reporting for September 2003, and matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM 2. Meeting Date: November 25, 2003 3. Agenda Category: (Please highlight) PERSONNEL UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS SUBDIVISIONS_ APPROPRIATIONS REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES SPECIAL PRESENTATION APPEALS 4. Time Required: 5 minutes 5. Background Information: Mr. Patel hand delivered his August room tax report on September 16, 2003 resulting in a penalty fee being charged pursuant to City Code 4-612 which states, "If the room taxes are not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which they become due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty offifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent room tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs ofcollection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees. " LL 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: Budget amount available: Fund name: 7. Business Impact Statement: Required I Not Required (If Business Impact Statement is required, please attach) 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: 9. Recommended Motion: denial 10. Prepared By: Lori Lynch 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Council Action: (to be completed by City Clerk) ** A motion was made by Councilman Guttry, seconded by Councilman Hoffman to deny waiver of late fees currently pending on a delinquent room tax reporting for Econo Lodge Inn & Suite. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Agenda Distribution: Chuck Patel; Econo Lodge Inn 3320 E. Idaho St., Elko, NV 89801 Created on 7/29/15 B. Review and possible consideration of a request by Econo Lodge Inn & Suite to waive the late fees currently pending on a delinquent room tax reporting for September, 2003, and matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM Mr. Patel hand delivered his August room tax report on September 16, 2003 resulting in a penalty fee being charged pursuant to City Code 4-6-12 which states, "If the room taxes are not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which they become due, or if such day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, on the next succeeding day not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the licensee shall pay a penalty offifteen percent (15%) of the unpaid, due and delinquent room tax, and the licensee shall also pay the costs of collection of the tax, penalty, court costs and attorney fees. " LL Mr. Patel stated he had to leave his office August 28, 2003 because of a family emergency. He was not able to get the bill into the City until September 16'h. Councilman Guttry stated that the City had no flexibility with room tax collection. ** A motion was made by Councilman Guttry, seconded by Councilman Hoffman to deny waiver of late fees currently pending on a delinquent room tax reporting for Econo Motion carried unanimously. Lodge Inn & Suite. City Council 11-25-2003 24 Agenda Item# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City of Elko Board of Supervisors Agenda Action Sheet I. Title: Reconsideration, discussion and possible action pertaining to a request for a waiver of late penalties assessed for the late payment of room taxes from Champak Lal, representing Days Inn, and other matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM 2. Meeting Date: February 11, 2003 3. Agenda Category: Appeals 4. Time Required: 10 minutes 5. Background Information: Mr. Lal has reported that he was out of the country when room taxes were due for the Days Inn. He is asking that the City Council waive the late penalty of $215.97 charged by City Code. Mr. Lal has reported that he did not receive notification regarding this item being on the January 281h City Council meeting. He has asked that he be given the opportunity to provide testimony regarding this issue, thus, staff is placing this on your agenda for reconsideration. LR 6. Budget Infonnation: n/a Appropriation Required: Budget amount available: Fund name: 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Infonnation: Room Tax Delinquency Notice 9. Recommended Motion: No recommendation offered, however, this could be a matter of precedence and the Council is asked to proceed cautiously. I 0. Prepared By: Linda Ritter II. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Council Action: (to be completed by City Clerk) ** No action was taken. Days Inn President, Champak Lal presented a copy of his passport to the Council proving that he had been out of the Country for 6 weeks. He had a manager watching his businesses while he was gone. The manager was expecting a tax form from the City and did not know that he already had the form and had to mail it in. Lal stated this was the first time in 20 years that he had ever been late on his room tax. ** No action was taken. 13. Agenda Distribution: (Please list the name, address, fax number or e-mail address for anyone needing to receive a copy of this agenda) Champak Lao, Days Inn Created on 7/29/15 V. PETITIONS, APPEALS, AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Reconsideration, discussion and possible action pertaining to a request for a waiver of late penalties assessed for the late payment of room taxes from Champak La!, representing Days Inn, and other matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM Mr. La! has reported that he was out of the country when room taxes were due for the Days Inn. He is asking that the City Council waive the late penalty of $215.97 charged by City Code. Mr. La! has reported that he did not receive notification regarding this item being on the January 281h City Council meeting. He has asked that he be given the opportunity to provide testimony regarding this issue, thus, staff is placing this on your agenda for reconsideration. LR Councilman Hoffman inquired if the Council should make a motion to reconsider this item. Mayor Franzoia suggested having Mr. La! address the Council under the Public Comment Period. If the Council wanted to reconsider their motion they could do so under the agenda item, but if they did not choose to reconsider the item the existing motion would be left standing. Councilman Johnson understood City Code to state reconsideration could only be brought by the prevailing party at the same meeting. Councilman Hoffman thought that section of code applied to readdressing an agenda item during the same meeting. City Manager Ritter stated when staff first brought the issue to the Council the person appealing for the waiver was not in attendance. Mr. La! had asked if he could approach the Council and personally state his case. Mayor Franzoia suggested Mr. La! make his comments under the pubic comment period. (see public comment period for Mr. Lal's comments) After hearing Mr. La! comments under public hearing the Council continued with the item. Councilman Guttry stated he was not in favor of reconsidering the item for the simple reason that if the Council waived the fee anyone who was ever late could come to the Council requesting waivers also. It would be hard for the Council to grant one waiver and they deny another. Guttry noted that the denial was not personal. Mayor Franzoia agreed with Councilman Guttry and empathized with Mr. La!. ** No action was taken. City Council 02-11-2003 19 C. Request for a waiver of late penalties assessed for the late payment of room taxes from Champak La representing Days Inn, and other matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM Mr. La has reported that he was out of the country when room taxes were due for the Days Inn. He is asking that the City Council waive the late penalty of$215.97 charged by City Code. LR Councilman Guttry had an issue with waiving any type of penalty. He stated there were ways a person could have others take care of a business if they were away. Guttry suggested the Council stick to its policy. Mayor Franzoia inquired if a person over paid a month if the City would give a credit back. City Clerk Lynch explained that people did not overpay room taxes because they were based on room rentals. Mayor Franzoia stated if he knew he was leaving and knew his room tax was due he could mail a check for an estimated amount just to make sure the bill was covered. City Manager Ritter stated the City would settle the credit. She did not see that event happening because people had employees who kept business running in their absence. ** A motion was made by Councilman Guttry, seconded by Councilman Conner to deny the waiver of late penalties assessed for the late payment of room taxes from Champak Lao representing Days Inn. Motion carried 4-0. Councilman Hoffman was absent. City Council 01-28-2003 13 Agenda Item# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City of Elko Board of Supervisors Agenda Action Sheet I. Title: Consideration of a request for a waiver of penalty imposed pursuant to Elko City Code 4-6-12 by the Elko City Clerk for room taxes received from AmeriTel Inns, Inc., and other matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM 2. Meeting Date: 3. Agenda Category: June 13, 2000 (Please highlight) PERSONNEL UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS SUBDIVISIONS APPROPRIATIONS REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES SPECIAL PRESENTATION 4. Time Required: 5. Background Information: Pursuant to Elko City Code 4-6-12, room tax payment 1 are due on or before the 15 h day of the month, for the month immediately prior. The payment made by Ameritel Inns, Inc. for the month of February, 2000 was received in the City Clerks office on March 21, 2000. The payment was not mailed, however, was dropped in the Clerk I Finance drop box on the north side of City Hall. It is the contention of Ameritel Inns that the payment was mailed on March 15, 2000 from Boise. They are asking that the Board waive the penalty fee of $1,155.30. LR 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: Budget amount available: Fund name: 15 minutes n/a 7. Business Impact Statement: 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: Letter of request from AmeriTel Inns, Inc., dated May 23, 2000 Letter to J. Scott Ableman, CFO, AmeriTel Inns, from Linda Ritter, dated May 18, 2000. Letter from J. Scott Ableman, CFO, AmeriTel Inns to Lori Lynch, dated May 9, 2000. Letter from Lori Lynch to AmeriTel Inns, dated April17, 2000 Penalty notice to AmeriTel Inns dated March 22, 2000 Elko City Code 4-6-11 9. Recommended Motion: I 0. Prepared By: 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Required I Not Required Deny waiver Linda Ritter Council Action: (to be completed by City Clerk) ** A motion was made by Supervisor Guttry, seconded by Supervisor Myers to deny the request for a waiver of penalty imposed pursuant to Elko City Code 4-6-12 by the Created on 7/29/15 Agenda Item# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Elko City Clerk for room taxes received from AmeriTel Inns, Inc. Motion carried 4-1. Supervisor Ellison voted nay. 13. Agenda Distribution: J. Scott Ableman, CFO AmeriTel Inns, Inc. FAX 208-375-3434 Created on 7/29/15 E. Consideration of a request for a waiver of penalty imposed pursuant to Elko City Code 4-6-12 by the Elko City Clerk for room taxes received from AmeriTel Inns, Inc., and other matters related thereto. ACTION ITEM Pursuant to Elko City Code 4-6-12, room tax payment are due on or before the 15th day of the month, for the month immediately prior. The payment made by AmeriTel Inns, Inc. for the month of February, 2000 was received in the City Clerks office on March 21, 2000. The payment was not mailed, however, was dropped in the Clerk I Finance drop box on the north side of City Hall. It is the contention of AmeriTel Inns that the payment was mailed on March 15,2000 from Boise. They are asking that the Board waive the penalty fee of$1,155.30. LR Elko City Clerk Lynch explained that the AmeriTel payment was received in the Water Department payment drop box on March 21, 2000 and was not postmarked. Lynch informed the Board of the delinquent process and that AmeriTel did not comply. She stated this was the first time the penalty was asked to be waived. Other companies who have made the same mistake pay the fine. Supervisor Guttry did not want to set precedence by waiving the penalty. ** A motion was made by Supervisor Guttry, seconded by Supervisor Myers to deny the request for a waiver of penalty imposed pursuant to Elko City Code 4-6-12 by the Elko City Clerk for room taxes received from AmeriTel Inns, Inc. Motion carried 4-1. Supervisor Ellison voted nay. Board of Supervisors 06-13-2000 10 /!'-'-------- Agenda Item # _ _.JZZI""='==------'- Elko City Council Agenda Action Sheet 1. Title: Review, consideration, and possible action in response to an appeal of the Elko City Planning Commission's decision recommending that the Council adopt a resolution which approves Rezone No. 9-15, filed by Bailey & Associates LLC, for a change in zoning from AG (General Agriculture) toR (Single-Family and MultipleFamily Residential) for the development of residential lots, the property being located generally west of Sagecrest Drive approximately 665 feet north of Mountain City Highway (APN 001-01F-318), and matters related thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION In consideration of this item, the Council may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Planning Commission. 2. Meeting Date: September 8, 2015 3. Agenda Category: Jrcl.)BUCilEAIUNG 4. Time Required: 15 Minutes 5. Background Information: The Planning Commission considered the subject zone change request on August 4, 2015. Subsequently, an appeal was received of the Planning Commission's decision. Staff is in support of the zone change as it is in conformance with the Master Plan. Additionally, density allowed for in the AG zone, one residence per five acres, will not be feasible as any development will require public improvements along the frontage of the parcel, approximately 295 feet. This parcel was annexed into the City on July 31, 2015. All property annexed into the City shall be zoned AG until the zone change process has occurred. The AG district is intended to constitute a "hold" district. RM 6. Budget Information: Appropriation Required: N/A Budget amount available: N/A Fund name: N/A 7. Business Impact Statement: Not Required 8. Supplemental Agenda Information: Appeal letter, P.C. Action Report, draft August 4, 2015 P.C. Minutes, Staff Reports, and application 9. Recommended Motion: Pleasure of the Council 10. Prepared By: Rick Magness, City Planner 11. Committee/Other Agency Review: 12. Council Action: 13. Agenda Distribution: Bailey & Associates LLC Attn: Jon Bailey 780 W. Silver Street #104 Elko, NV 89801 Created on 8/27/2015 Ms. Linda Morse PO Box 135 Elko, NV 89803 Linda Morse POBox 135 Elko, NV 89803-0135 August 14, 2015 HAND DEUVERED City of Elko Attention City Council 1751 College Avenue Elko, NV 89801 U~©~UV~ n AUG 1 4 20lS ~ li.:J 9..0· Ladies and Gentlemen: RE: Appeal of August 4 Decision to Rezone No. 9-15 for Parcel No.3 of Parcel Map No. 280346 Morse family has lived on Sagecrest Drive since May 24, 2001. This property became our choice for rural retirement because it offers a natural resource of underground water, plenty of sunshine, land to develop, and stars at night. We have embraced our simple rural life-style with our two neighbors, but most definitely with the remaining wildlife that ventures on/off our acreage without threat-deer, coyote, rabbits, migratory birds, quail and Swainson's hawks. We produce apples and pears that we can and freeze. Our property is low density with a pump house and log home. The rezoning of Bailey and Associates 2.8 acres from AG (General Agriculture) toR (Single-Family and Multi-Family Residential) should be reversed to AG because the Morse family will bear the brunt of changed conditions of living to include light pollution, noises, music, odors, visual intrusions of one's peace and privacy, and pollution from petroleum-laced products that can potentially affect the aquifer of underground well water. Reasons for Appeal June 2 and July 7 Audio recordings from your June 2 and July 7 planning meetings regarding annexation of Bailey's 2.8 acres have an urgent tone of concern from commissioners questioning "Whv are the other property owners not here?" Your office was not transparent in notifying adjacent property owners of Bailey's application for city annexation of 2.8 acres of county property. Therefore, I am appealing your current rezoning decision of August 4. August 4--Pianning Commission/Regular Meeting/New Business/Public Hearings/2/Pianning Discussion and Deliberation. Commissioner Joe Becker noted " •.• wished you had been here for the annexation portion. I think that that would have been appropriate .. .. " When I asked, "Haw would we have known? Would we have received a little yellow card? • .•• n Rick Magness responded, " ••• annexations are noticed . .. posted agendas ond advertised in the Elko Doily Free Press • •. follows NRS code and city code . .. 1 do see where that is not satisfactory." Therefore, I am appealing your current rezoning decision of August 4. August 4-Pianning Commission/Regular Meeting/New Business/Public Hearings/2/Pianning Discussion and Deliberation. Being rezoned from AG toR opens a path for multi-family units which are not in the best interest for medium density. Bailey and Associates should be held to the 11 custom home lots for single family residential as written on page 3 of 6, Project Information form and written on page 2, Application for Annexation filed by Bailey and Associates on April 28, 2015. Medium density with 13 single-family and multi-family units will engulf the entire front of adjacent Morse property. Therefore, I am appealing your current rezoning decision of August 4. Please reschedule a public hearing for Rezoning No. 9-15 with mailing notices to all property owners on Sagecrest Drive. Sincerely ~ ~(u,_ Y? 1{jU" Linda Morse \ -<....__ pc: Owen Boyack and Kathy Pennington Diana Van Norman CITY OF ELKO DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 COLLEGE AVENUE ELKO, NEVADA 89801 (775)777 -7210 (775)777-7219 FAX To: From: RE: Date: Elko City Council Jeremy Draper, Development Manager Appeal of Rezone 9-15 filed by Bailey and Associates August 26, 2015 The City of Elko has received an appeal of the decision of the Elko Planning Commission to forward a recommendation of approval for rezone 9-15. The appeal appears to have been filed in accordance with City Code 3-2-25. The purposed of this memo is to assist the City Council with the review of the appeal as filed by Linda Morse and to provide the City Council with the position of Staff on this matter. Background • • • • • • • • The property is located generally adjacent to Sagecrest Drive, North of Mountain City Highway The property is identified as APN 001-01 F-318. The property is currently undeveloped The property was annexed into the City of Elko at the July 28, 2015 City Council Meeting on recommendation from the Planning Commission and its meeting on July 7, 2015 The applicant requested the property be rezoned from Agricultural to the R Single Family and Multiple-Family Residential Zoning District The Planning Commission considered Rezone 9-15 at the August 4, 2015 meeting and took action to "forward a recommendation to City Council to adopt a resolution which approves Rezone 9-15 as presented." Legal notification in accordance with NRS 278.260 requiring notification of each owner of real property located within 300 feet of the portion of the boundary being changed was completed on July 23, 2015, and the notice was published in the Elko Daily Free Press on July 24, 2015. The Land Use Component of the Master Plan identifies the use of this property as Residential Medium Density. In accordance with the Master Plan the following are applicable: o Corresponding Zoning District includes R-Single Family and Multiple Family Residential o The Residential Development Density is five (5) to eight (8) units per acre o A conditional use permit may allow for higher densities o The zoning meets Objective 1: Promote a diverse mix of housing options to meet the needs of a variety of lifestyles, incomes, and age groups. Created by Jeremy Draper Page 2 of 3 Appeal In accordance with City Code, 3-2-25-A, Any decision of the planning commission ... may be appealed in writing to the city council by any person aggrieved by such a decision. Ms. Morse identifies the following reasons for her appeal of the Planning Commission's decision. • • • • • • • • Notification to adjacent property owners for the annexation of the property into the city were not completed properly for the Planning Commission meetings on June 2 and July 7, 2015. Staff responds as follows: o It does not appear that this is a valid argument for the appeal of the decision for the rezone. The annexation is a separate matter and the time for the right to appeal the annexation has passed. o The annexation was noticed in accordance with NRS 268.610-668, with a publication in the Elko Daily Free Press o The annexation was completed prior to Mr. Bailey filing for a rezone of the property At the August 4, 2015 Planning Meeting, Planning Commissioners expressed concern that residents in the area were not at the hearing for the annexation. Staff responds as follows: o Again Ms. Morse expresses concern regarding the notification of the annexation, but the annexation decision is separate and apart from the rezone decision and is not properly before the City Council. Rezone from AG to R ... is not in the best interest of Medium Density. Staff responds as follows: o In accordance with the Master Plan, Medium Density Residential allows for construction of multiple-family housing, row houses, town homes, and single-family units. It does not appear that this is a valid argument for an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision, but this issue is within the discretion of the City Council. Bailey and Associates should be held to 11 custom home lots for single family residential, not the 13 proposed. Staff responds as follows: o The planning commission has not considered a subdivision for this property at this time. Rather, they have only considered a rezone of the property to R-Single Family and Multiple Family Residential. This does not appear to be a valid reason for an appeal. o Bailey and Associates conducted a Stage 1 meeting with city staff and the Planning Commission Chairman on July 30, 2015 to review a proposed subdivision on this parcel. The proposed subdivision includes 13 lots, which equates to a density of 4.64 lots per acre. This is below the Page 3 of 3 • • development density as recommended in the Master Plan Land Use Component. o Placing conditions on a rezone that restrict the principal uses or conditional uses as allowed by the City Code, including restrictions on density, are not appropriate during the rezone of a property. Ms. Morse requests a public hearing for rezone 9-15 be rescheduled and notices be mailed to all property owners on Sagecrest Drive. Staff responds as follows: o As noted in the background information all property owners within 300 feet of the property being considered for rezone were notified in accordance with NRS 278.260. This does not appear to be a valid basis for appeal. It appears that proper procedures were followed by City Staff and the Planning Commission in considering the property in question for rezone from AG-agricultural to R-Single Family and Multiple-Family Residential. All notifications to the adjacent property owners were completed in accordance with NRS and the Elko City Code. In reviewing the points for appeal by Ms. Morse, Staff believes that there are no valid arguments presented in the appeal for rejecting the Planning Commission's recommendations regarding rezone 9-15 filed by Bailey and Associates. CITY OF ELKO Website: !hww.elkocity.com Planning Department 1751 College Avenue Elko, Nevada 89801 · (775) 777-7160 Email: [email protected] Fax (775) 777-7119 CITYOFELKO PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION REPORT Regular Meeting of August 4, 2015 WHEREAS, the following item was reviewed and considered by the Elko City Planning Commission on August 4, 2015 under Public Hearing format in accordance with notification requirements contained in Section 3-2-21 B. I. of the City Code: Rezone No. 9-15, filed by Bailey & Associates LLC, for a change in zoning from AG (General Agriculture) toR (Single-Family and Multiple-Family Residential) for the development of residential lots, and matters related thereto. The subject property is located generally west of Sagecrest Drive approximately 665 feet north of Mountain City Highway. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, upon review and consideration of the application and supporting data, public input and testimony, forward a recommendation to City Council to adopt a resolution which approves Rezone No. 9-15 as presented. The Planning Commission's findings to support its recommendation are the zone change is in conformance with the City of Elko Master Plan Land Use and Transportation components, the City of Elko Redevelopment Plan, the City of Elko Wellhead Protection Plan, and City of Elko Code Sections 2-13-3, 3-2-4, 3-2-5(E), 3-2-21, and 3-8. Rick Mag Attest: Rebecca Hansen, Planning T~chnician CC: Applicant Jeremy Draper, Development Manager (via email) Shane!! Owen, City Clerk Upon issuance of an occupancy permit for the conditional use, signifying that all zoning and site development requirements imposed in connection with the permit have been satisfied, the conditional use permit shall thereafter be transferable and shall run with the land, whereupon the maintenance or special conditions imposed by the permit, as well as compliance with other provisions of the zoning district, shall be the responsibility of the property owner. 3) The property owner shall shield the lighting in the parking areas from shining into the adjacent residential district. 4) The property owner shall extend the public improvements Ruby Vista Drive to the western boundary of the property. 2. Conditions in the City of Elko Staff Report dated August Development Department's conditions) listed as 1) A Landscape Plan will be submitted at time of Landscaping will be provided per code. 2) Compliance with all staff conditions. Commissioner Negrete's findings are the ~or"lifiKr' Master Plan Land Use and Transportation co1npon(:nt:s; the City ofElko Wellhead Protection Plan, and City of (B), 3-2-17, and 3-2-18. ofElko Moved by Jose Negrete, Seconded by ***The motion passed 9-15, filed by Bailey & Associates LLC, for _..""-'~)toR (Single-Family and Multipleresidential lots, and matters related 2. Linda Morse, 3750 Drive, PO Box 135, wasn't in favor of rezoning the property. Putting a dozen or right there compromises the agricultural value of her property as well as taking away the very front view of her home. She sent in a letter because she was concerned about a flood plan to handle the drainage of snow pack that comes in behind her property, onto her property, and then down into Bailey's property, and if it would be structural or non-structural. She was informed by Mr. Magness that the civil plans will take place after rezoning, so she can wait. She was also concerned about safety with the speed ofthe vehicles coming off of Mountain City Highway. It needs to be posted showing there is construction going on both on the 2.8 acres as well as at the other end. It also needs to be posted for Children At Play. City ofElko Planning Commission 08/04115 3 Mr. Bailey explained they try to address issues that could be concerns to neighbors, for example, they will provide fully enclosed fenced yards and landscaping in the front yard. They want to build a quality product that the neighbors also feel brings home values up. The homes for this cul-de-sac are quite a bit larger than the ones down below. He is very sensitive to the drainage, and will include a catch basin. He is building a 30 foot paved road all the way up to her property which would be impractical with a single house. He was also willing to do signage for the children's safety. Other than that he'll give her his business card that way if there are issues during construction they can address them right away. Ms. Morse wondered if the houses would be one-story or two-s;to~ Mr. Bailey said both. He understood her view issues bec;au1se~ southeast, and was willing to draw the elevation of the a good 15 feet from where her property is to the as impactful as she thinks. mountains on the That land slopes it might not be Ms. Morse was willing to work with Mr. Bailey. Vice-Chairman Freistroffer wondered easement. (no) Cathy Pennington, 3732 Sagecrest Drive, rezoning opposition because there are only was changed from County to City, so now 13 parcels. She actually will no longer be nursery, or a pig one parcel from om~~'''' parcels up ~clestJre<ld show of 7'h the parcel in question against their three County bring their values down. They properties such as having a business, a ~aytess to the City. She felt changing this zoning. There are four 2.8 acre t§i,denctial with a plan to build 13 homes it ecJsw'n about the lifestyle that they've lived for of them. It is the price of progress, she understood iil'have that convenience of living out of town away the things they bought into when they built their approve the zone change she wanted it to at least consider that a two to one ratio is plenty high enough. Along Mountain City Highway population, and as you move into Boulder Creek and Autumn Colors you get into dwellings. As you move further away from the main road up into the County the population should become less dense not more dense. She understood 13 homes 2.8 acres is considered medium density, but to her it's pretty heavy density. She hoped the Commission would consider the smaller number of homes where they can negotiate. She knew Bailey & Associates wouldn't make as much money that way and it all comes down to money, but those were her personal feelings. Mr. Bailey clarified that all their parcels already had a City boundary. A medium density residential development is in conformance with the neighborhood. Their larger concern should probably be the property to the east because it is commercial and could be developed as big box City of Elko Planning Commission 08/04/15 4 retail. As the city grows they may also decide to develop their properties and have them brought into the City. Limiting what's done to your neighbors would also limit what you would be able to do on your own properties at some point. He does want to be a good neighbor. Mr. Magness pointed out the Master Plan identifies this area as medium-density residential. This was approved for annexation and already is in the City. He appreciated the neighbor's concerns. When we annex property it comes in as agricultural, and that's the designation it has until the use is established. That is what the applicant is here to do tonight. We also appreciate that the applicant is proposing larger lots than what is found in Autumn his willingness to work with the adjacent homeowner. He recommended approval. Mr. Draper explained the medium-density residential de:;ig1nat. acre. We also look at the surrounding uses, so changing this recommended approval. as 5 - 8 units per appropriate. He Mr. Thibault and Mr. Wilkinson recommended Commissioner Martinez wondered if staffs rec:orr1m1~r R zoning district (yes). Was there any consideration Mr. Magness explained R2 has the about the product or the flexibility this so if there's a concern of the way. Commissioner Martinez was mitigate the density from a zoning perspective to a conditional use permit. In zoning of single-family detached product and that is itself does of design, but it is possible talking about is 4.5 units per acre. The zoning when you start to consider multi-family there are elements , etc. that come into factor. We can say that's not feasible, Commissioner yes, but it also reduces the density because of those tight confinements that yo1fdiscuss which then confines the parcel to a smaller buildable area. Commissioner Becker appreciated the neighbors' perspectives, and wished they would have been here for the annexation. That would have been a better time because agricultural property inside the City is not practical, and not in conformance with our Land Use and all these other aspects. We will see this again as we divide the lot, and a lot of those other concerns can be addressed at that time. What stands before us is pretty matter of fact and straight forward. City ofElko Planning Commission 08/04115 5 Ms. Morse wondered how they would have known about the annexation. Would they have received a yellow postcard? They didn't. Commissioner Becker wondered if that was a matter of them being in the County versus the City. Mr. Magness said no it just has to do with how annexations are noticed. The way the annexation was noticed is we have our agendas that are posted prior to the meeting, and then it was our City Codes. advertised in the Elko Daily (Free Press). That's standard through N We're complying with City Code, but I do see where that's kind of Ms. Morse said it's definitely not. Commissioner Martinez noted during the annexation single-family lots the entire time. All of us looked at that development that's already going on right that perspective, moving forward it was always have from a condition standpoint to ensure that the this process? Vice-Chairman Freistroffer wondered if Mr. Magness said it does when you go to There was a review of Mr. Wilkinson notedl!l duplexes, and then nr;n,;no 1 through four up the chain. Here you have one and use (permit). Then you get into R. One or more you have to have a C.U.P. Either up there it's going to have to come back for was that the area has a huge saturation of multi-family already. a stage one (subdivision) meeting with Mr. Bailey which is He felt Mr. Bailey was focused on single-family dwellings. Commissioner (none) ***Motion: Forward a recommendation to City Council to adopt a resolution which approves Rezone No. 9-15 as presented. Commissioner Becker's findings are the zone change is in conformance with the City of Elko Master Plan Land Use and Transportation components, the City of Elko Redevelopment Plan, City ofElko Planning Commission 08/04/15 6 the City ofElko Wellhead Protection Plan, and City ofElko Code Sections 2-13-3,3-2-4,3-25(E), 3-2-21, and 3-8. Moved by Joe Becker, Seconded by Jose Negrete ***The motion passed with Commissioner Hooiman voting nay. 3. Review and consideration of Rezone No. 10-15, filed by Petersen Holdings LLC, for a change in zoning from GI (General Industrial) to C Commercial) for the development of an automated car wash tunnel, and thereto. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION The subject property is located generally on the of Railroad Street and 12'h Street (APNs 00 Commissioner Negrete sat out for this item. Lana Carter, Carter Engineering, representative commercial zone. It also conforms a little better because Mr. Magness explained this application downtown into better conformance with within the redevelopment area. The By having it designated as commercial, it the downtown. The use · off vehicles on 12th is of a commercial use. uses that can happen within there won't be stacking of Mr. Draper, Mr. ·oF'Portunity to put more of a commercial buffer industrial uses that we wouldn't particularly like in approves Commission I. Landscape 2. Comply with 3. Comply with nCI<ltlOn to City Council to adopt a resolution which conditionally to the conditions in the August 4, 2015 Planning will be per code. Department Memorandum dated July 21, 2015. other Department conditions. :IO]Jm,~nt Commissioner Martinez's findings are the zone change is in conformance with the City ofElko Master Plan Land Use and Transportation components, the City ofElko Redevelopment Plan, the City ofElko Wellhead Protection Plan, and City ofElko Code Sections 2-13-3,3-2-4,3-21O(B), 3-2-21, and 3-8. Moved by Aaron Martinez, Seconded by Joe Becker City ofElko Planning Commission 08/04115 7 City ofEiko 1751 College Avenue Elko, NV 89801 (775) 777-7160 FAX (775) 777-7119 CITY OF ELKO STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUl\ffiER: APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICANT: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS: August 4, 2015 I.A.2. REZONE9-15 Bailey & Associates Sagecrest Drive, North of Mtn. City Hwy. N/A A Rezone from (A) Agriculture to (R) Residential. Vacant parcel will be developed as single family detached homes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMEND APPROVAL, subject to findings of fact, conditions and wai,ers. Page 1 of -1 REZONE 9-15 Bailey & Associates APN's 006-09C-008 PROJECT INFORMATION PARCEL NUMBERS: 006-09C -008 PARCEL SIZE: ± 2.80 acres EXISTING ZONING: (A) Agriculture MASTER PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential- Medium Density EXISTING LAND USE: Undeveloped NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS: The property is surrounded by: North: Residential/ Developed I County East: Residential/ Developed I County South: Residential/ Developed (Autumn Colors) West: Residential/ Partially Developed (Autumn Colors) PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS: The property is comprised of one lot of record. The property is currently undeveloped. Applicable Master Plan Sections, Coordinating Plans, and City Code Sections are: • • • • • • • • • City ofElko Master Plan- Land Use Component City ofElko Master Plan- Transportation Component City of Elko Redevelopment Plan City ofElko Wellhead Protection Plan City ofElko Code- Section 2-13-3 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Construction City ofElko Code- Section 3-2-4 Establishment of Zoning Districts City of Elko Code - Section 3-2-S(E) - R (Single-Family and Multiple-Family Residential) District City ofElko Code- Section 3-2-21 Amendments City of Elko Zoning- Section 3-8 Flood Plain Management BACKGROUND INFORMATION I. Planning Commission approved the annexation of this parcel (Annexation 2-15) at the July 7'\ 2015 meeting. 2. The property is located at Sagecrest Drive. 3. The applicant is requesting Residential zoning classification. Page 2 of4 REZONE 9-15 Bailey & Associates APN" s 006-09C-008 MASTERPLAN: Land use: I. The Master Plan Land Use Atlas identifies this area as Residential Medium Density. 2. Objective I: Promote a diverse mix of housing options to meet the needs of a variety of lifestyles, incomes and age groups. The proposed rezone meets an objective in the Master Plan. Transportation: I. The property is accessed from Sagecrest Drive. 2. Sagecrest Drive is classified as a Residential Collector. The proposed zone change is commensurate with the surrounding transportation infrastructure. ELKO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: I. The property is not located within the redevelopment area. ELKO WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN: I. The property is located within the 30 year capture zone. SECTION 2-13-3 SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER CONSTRUCTION l. Compliance with this section is required at time of development. SECTION 3-2-4 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS I. Section 3-2-4 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS states that no yard or lot area can be reduced below the minimum requirements set forth in Title 3 (zoning). SECTION 3-2-5 (E) SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT i. Conformance with the section is required. SECTION 3-2-21: Conformance with the section is required. Page 3 of4 REZONE 9-15 Bailey & Associates APN's: 006-09C-008 SECTION 3-8 ], The property is not located in a designated Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). FINDINGS I. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Master Plan. 2. Development under the proposed rezone will not adversely impact natural systems, or public/federal lands such as waterways, wetlands, drainages, floodplains etc., or pose a danger to human health and safety. 3. The proposed rezone is consistent with the existing transportation infrastructure. 4. The proposed rezone is consistent with surrounding land uses. 5. The proposed rezone is consistent with City of Elko Wellhead Protection Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends this item be approved with the following conditions: CONDITIONS: I. Compliance with all staff conditions and applicable City Codes. Page4of4 CITY OF ELKO DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 COLLEGE AVENUE ELKO, NEVADA 89801 (775)777 -7210 (775)777-7219 FAX To: From: RE: Date: Elko City Planning Commission Jeremy Draper, Community Development Manager Rezone 9-15, Bailey and Associates July 21, 2015 The City of Elko Development Department is providing this correspondence to aid the Planning Commission's review of Rezone Application 9-15 filed by Bailey and Associates. Background • • • • The City The The The property is located generally adjacent to Sagecrest Drive, North of Mountain Highway property is. identified as APN 006-09C-008. property is currently undeveloped applicant is requesting Residential zoning classification Master Plan Land Use: • The Land Use component of the Master Plan identifies this area as Residential Medium Density • Objective 1: Promote a diverse mix of housing options to meet the needs of a variety of lifestyles, incomes, and age groups. Elko Wellhead Protection Plan • The property is located within the 30-yr capture zone. Section 3-2-5 lEI- Single Family and Multiple Family Residential District • Conformance with this section is required Section 3-2-21 • Conformance with this section is required Created by Jeremy Draper Page2of2 Findings 1. The proposed rezone is in conformance with City of Elko Master Plan Land Use Component 2. The proposed rezone is in conformance with City Code 3-2-5 (E) 3. The proposed rezone is in conformance with City Code 3-2-4-B and C Recommendation The City of Elko Development Department recommends that the proposed zone changes be approved STAFF COMMENT FLOW SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DATE: j } >ff'/1/5 **Do not use pencil or red pen, they do not reproduce** Title: Kezo{)e ~La..,·~ LLC ~p ~~i; ~ ~Z5;J1) ;£ db'· CitfdJ':il;t Zoning: ..;.t4:...!,..;G=----- Applicant(s): Site Location: Date Received: COMMENT: ,11/o. 9-/..s:r:J- .tl_ssaCc.tfo-t_,.,s_ zl;:l: Date Public Notice: Tiu.s Is /Jc_ a.. zo4e---:: h~ fV/"Jb;o?e-~: . w ReJeAhaJ) £;: ftL _,7c..t,__,a.,~L!,_,h'-'='5'------- f._ {:,,·,Je-~ r ;,:d&{;;n£; :Ps.'?IJ:.[;M.ff **If additional space is needed please provide a separate memorandum** Assistant City Manager: nate: City Manager: nate: 7t/z 7,/:;.q ll) ¥> Initial Initial Rebecca Hansen Sent: To: Subject: John Kingwell <[email protected]> Friday, July 24, 2015 1:22 PM Rebecca Hansen RE: Rez 9-15 Bailey & Assoc Thank you Rebecca. I have no commets. Sincerely, John W. Kingwell Planning and Zoning Supervisor Code Enforcement Officer Phone: (775) 748-0214 (775) 934-4094 Cell: (775) 738-4581 Fax: E-Mail: [email protected] Website: \NV.'w.elkocountynv.net Mail: John W. Kingwell Elko County Planning & Zoning Dept. 540 Court Street, Suite I 04 Elko, NV 89801 From: Rebecca Hansen [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 11:33 AM To: John Kingwell Subject: Rez 9-15 Bailey & Assoc John, cirst of all, I must deeply apologize! I forgot to send the notification to you for a zone change which abuts County property. The property in question is the soon to be annexed parcel that you commented on for Bailey & Associates located north of Mountain City Highway on the west side of Sagecrest. Please see the attached related documents. A response by email is fine if you have any concerns. Thank you! 1 CITY OF ELKO PLANNING DEPARTMENT • 1751 College Avenue* Elko *Nevada* 89801 (775) 777-7160 phone* (775) 777-7119 fRECEIVED JUL 1 4 20\5 APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGiutfaJ: _ __ FILING REQUIREMENTS: An application for Zone Change must be complete and signed. Please check off the following additional items to ensure you have a complete application. Any missing information or plans will result in your application being tabled or denied. Note: Ten (10) sets of plans, preferably pre-folded, must accompany the application along with one (1) set of reproducible plans either 8 W' x 11" in size or 11" x 17" in size. A completed application must be received by the City Planning Department at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Elko City Planning Commission. Fee: A $300.00 non-refundable filing fee. Area Map: A map of the area proposed for this zone change must be provided. Plot Plan: If the property is developed or improved, a surveyed plot plan depicting the existing condition drawn to scale showing property lines, existing and proposed buildings, and information must be provided. Legal Description: A complete legal description of the property proposed for zone change must be provided. Other Information: The applicant is encouraged to submit other information and documentation to support this Rezone Application. APPLICANT(s): 'b\11.-H S 1\s~.o< I"' :c-2 (If the applicant is different from the property owner, property owner's consent in writing must be provided.l MAILING ADDRESS: -:1_"00 t..v '=-' L-Vf-((... :),PHONE NO. (Home) ?lis.--)(..., 51 (Business) ·n I - 777$ NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (If different): ---'",q..r.;:"'----------- ADDRESS:~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~=-~~-~~-- LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED (Attach if necessary): ASSESSORPARCELNUMBER: _ _~OO~~~~~C~OOZ~~--------Lot(s): Block: 3'-1 AI SUBDIVISION: ,.J{tr ADD RE:::S:::S-:---":....L-:."-;?A-:--:-Ct-:-(-:f2-t$:--:---r._.,.D,...,.t.-:-ltfc=:-- Revised 08/0 l/12 1. Identify the existing zoning classification of the property: M.f¥:i:.mo.-J t\oo Yf<\l sv ?:A' ''c:O (pvt-J 7'7 Ofk" .5o.-t;tt-'>S. -;<It;" C.vtf.fU-,J-;-L '( '>J ·mt&-.f-t>\?f vQ<>~J 2. Identify the zoning Classification being proposed/requested:--"-"=--------3. Explain in detail the type and nature of the use anticipated on the property: _ _ _ _ __ .S"vZp,v,<.,,c...;; or f1fUtL Tv t~ i.,o"'C'S],OODt-.:;.E (--t"C-i+-. 4. Explain how the proposed zoning classification relates with other zoning classifications in the area: .51"-''-L£ P'\'"'lt-'r To ntt vJhT ~ SD-"T7"f w/,N nre c' c-z 5tNf,Lf rA"-"11 y rv ·nrf 1\J.')•'Z-Th- AA>O CAS=r- vJ/7.'... I ·Tltt' cOr-J"-'··:--r. 5. Identify any unique physical features or characteristics associated with the property: _ _ :1\·.V~ 'j)(r[W B,\"S·"-> rP :nH $i> -07-r. Slti,&r,u-sr: orz,vt· (Use additional pages if necessary to address questions 3 through 5) Revised 08/01/12 Page 2 fuee. By My Signature below: E) I consent to having the City of Elko Staff enter on my property for the sole purpose of inspection of said property as part of this application process. D I object to having the City of Elko Staff enter onto my property as a part of their review of this application. (Your objection will not affect the recommendation made by the staff or the final determination made by the City Planning Commission or the City Council.) D I acknowledge that submission of this application does not imply approval of this request by the City Planning Department, the City Planning Commission and the City Council, nor does it in and of itself guarantee issuance of any other required permits and/or licenses. D I acknowledge that this application may be tabled until a later meeting if either I or my designated representative or agent is not present at the meeting for which this application is scheduled. D I have carefully read and completed all questions contained within this application to the best of my ability. ,_J_--;_~_- =--- Applicant 1 Agent ____br.:._l")='L=c-r_,_-:-cc---:tf_<?-:-5_c=--c_· (Please print or type) ' >"". Mailing Address ____7'--'"fL?--'d.?--_-=..V"' ___:_S_1_'--_~_c_--'-&"C:_.---'#'----'-f_c_L"-/Street Address or P.O. Box 6 L-/C o !Jv 'P7cz,;o 1 City, State, Zip Code Phone Number: SIGNATURE: ---3~-u'bL'.....s'--·-~3"-.6:=:...5=--.7<-G-- --~9~.-,.L~~..:.,4.-~--========:::::;:7'----FOR OFFICE USE ONLY File No.: 9-/.5 Revised 08/01/12 - I .I Date Filed: _7-L.'/t:..L:s;=-<:0'-'-'5""'----Fee Paid: :t t!- 3()0 c); .e~ )2/()30 Page 3 ( I LAND DESCRIPTION I The description hereon was prepared by Farr West Engineering on July 15, 2015 at the request of Bailey & Associates, LLC and the City of Elko for the purpose of describing a Parcel of Land for a Zone Change Application. The authorized users of this description are Bailey & Associates, LLC and the City of Elko. Unauthorized use of this description is prohibited. Farr West Engineering will not be responsible for errors committed by others if this description is not reproduced exactly as written below. The author of this description is Corey L. Rice, PLS Nevada No. 12468. Portion of Land A parcel ofland situated in a portion of the SW \4 of Section 8, T.34N., R.55E., M.D.B.&M., located in the County of Elko, State of Nevada, being Parcel No. 3 of Parcel Map No. 280346 also being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West \4 comer of Section 8, T.34N., R.55E., M.D.B.&M., thence on the westerly line of the SW Y. of said Section 8 S.00°02'54"E. I ,328.85 feet; Thence N.89°38'12"E. 1,529.23 feet; Thence S.00°2l '48"E. 295.40 to the True Point of Beginning for this description; Thence N.89°38'12"E. 412.38 to a point on the westerly Right-of-Way of Sagecrest Drive; Thence on said westerly Right-of-Way S.00°2l '48"E. 295.40 feet; Thence departing said Right-of-Way S.89°38' 12"W. 412.38 feet; Thence N.00°2l '48"W. 295.40 feet to the True Point of Beginning for this description. Said portion of land embraces an area of2.80 acres more or less as calculated om said courses and distances. Land Description Prepared By: Corey L. Rice, PLS 12468 421 Court Street Elko, NV 89801 ---- ( ;;: "' 8 ~ ~ 0 W ~ CORNER SECTION 8, T.34N., R.55E., M.D.B.&M. 100 300 200 SCALE: 1"=100' ·"; "' I ·.- ' NB9'38'12•E _ I t\_ -· · · - 'is29.2.i·- · · -\1 ---1 .. ~ I I I I I "8 I u "'I 0 I (0 I APN 006-09C-006 0 0 z ... 0. I I I -\I 412.38' I I I I CX) 0 PROPOSED PROPERTY FOR ZONE CHANGE APN 006-09C-008 PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP No. 280346 2.80 ACRES -I ( '- 0 I u "'0I (0 0 0 z ... 0. -. [)l SB9'J8'12·w 412 ..38' I I I I L __ I AUTUMN COLORS SUBDIVISION I I EXHIBIT A BAILEY & ASSOCIATES, LLC PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE 421 Court Street Elko, Nevodo 89801 PARCEL3 OF PARCEL MAP No. 280346 ~ 1";100' ~"""'- CLR c.,. -~~ 7274.005 ~...- 07115:2015 ""~ ClR ~·~ CLR ..... 15011 B. Hearing: 1. On appeals of planning commission decisions granting or denying conditional use permits or variances, the city council shall hold a public hearing prior to rendering any decision. After the time and place for the public hearing has been established by the city clerk, notice of the hearing shall be sent by mail at least ten (1 0) calendar days before the hearing to the appellant, applicant, property owner, property owners located within three hundred feet (300') of the exterior boundaries of the property involved, and any person who presented oral or written testimony, if any, before the planning commission. Said hearing notice shall also be published one time in a newspaper of general circulation at least ten (1 0) calendar days before the hearing. 2. On appeals of all other decisions regarding the use of land, the city clerk shall give notice of the time and place of the hearing by mailing a notice of hearing at least ten (1 0) calendar days prior to the hearing to the appellant, applicant, property owner, and any other person who presented oral or written testimony . ..::i. 3. The procedures pursuant to which the city council will hear an appeal are as follows: a. The appellant shall be first to provide comment and present the grounds for appeal. b. Other persons shall be given an opportunity to speak and provide comment. c. The city may respond to appellant's appeal, after which appellant may present any rebuttal argument or evidence. d. Appellant and the city are entitled to be represented by counsel, present testimony, evidence and argument on all issues raised on appeal. e. The city council may, if it appears helpful to a clear understanding of the issues, consider evidence or other matters not raised at the planning commission level or with the administrative officer. C. Conduct Of Hearing; Decision: The city council shall consider all evidence presented to the planning commission or administrative officer at the original hearing, including oral and written testimony, and any recommendations and findings of the planning commission or administrative officer as shown by the official record, and may affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the planning commission or administrative officer. In reviewing a decision on an appeal, the governing body will be guided by the statement of purpose underlying the regulation of the improvement of land expressed in Nevada Revised Statutes section 278.020. Decisions of the city council shall be considered the final decision for the purpose of judicial review. NRS 278.020 Regulation by governing bodies of improvement ofland and location of structures for general welfare. I. For the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, or the general welfure of the community, the governing bodies of cities and counties are authorized and empowered to regulate and restrict the improvement ofland and to control the location and soundness of structures. 2. Any such regulation, restriction and control must take into account: (a) The potential impairment of natural resources and the total population which the available natural resources will support without unreasonable impairment; and (b) The availability of and need for affordable housing in the community, including affordable housing that is accessible to persons with disabilities. [2:110:1941;A 1947,834; 1943NCL§ 5063.01]--{NRSA 1973, 1241; 1995 2225)