Terminal Blocks entrelec®
Terminal Blocks entrelec®
Main catalogue Terminal Blocks entrelec® Explosive Atmospheres Protection T07100 Terminal Blocks entrelec®: The best in connection Introducing the new ATEX certified terminal block range The following pages are meant to provide you with some basic information relative to the ATEX directive and protection methods particularly suitable for terminal blocks. We insist on the increased demand for safety required by the ATEX directive and describe what has been the design and manufacturing choice of ABB to provide you with true security products. A 1 As one of the world leaders in connection technology, ABB is pleased to introduce you to its dedicated terminal block range for safe use in explosive atmospheres. The range is certified to the highest possible certification level of the new ATEX 94/9/EC European directive and offers maximized safety to offer you true security products. Comprehensive range Safe use and Applications The ATEX terminal block range provides terminal blocks in the three main technologies: screw clamp, spring clamp and ADO system® in feed through (grey), neutral (blue) and ground versions. ABB ATEX terminal block range is available in V0 (per UL94) material. As we are constantly extending our product portfolios, please do not hesitate to contact your local sales if you would like to request an ATEX certified terminal block not mentioned in these pages. ABB’s dedicated ATEX range is designed and certified for use in all industries with potentially explosive atmospheres caused by gas or dust inflammation such as: petrochemical industries, off shores installations, mines industries, flour mills, silos … etc… T07100 Atex generalities A 1 Contents A. Explosive atmosphere......................................................................................................2 B. European explosion directives......................................................................................... 4 C. ATEX 94/9/EC conformity assessment procedures......................................................... 8 D. Protection methods in potentially explosive atmosphere................................................ 10 E. entrelec terminal blocks & accessories certifications................................................... 12 ATEX certified terminal blocks range Summary.............................................................................................................................. 13 T07100 A. Explosive atmosphere Conditions An explosion can occur if the following factors are combined: A Presence of inflammable substances Presence of an ignition source or inflammation source: fire, flame, electrical or mechanical sparks, overheated surfaces, electrostatic discharges 1 Oxygen Inflammable substances can be listed as follow: Inflammable gas Inflammable liquid Inflammable dust Liquid gas: butane, butene, propane, propylene Solvents Coal Fuel Wood dust Smoke: carbon monoxide, methane Oil Human and animal food : sugar, flour, cereal... Chemical gas substances : acetylene, acetylene oxide, vinyl chloride Heating oil Painting Plastic material Chemical substances Metal Ignition source: Protection: Electrical energy may be dangerous if used close to an inflammable substance as it is considered as a potential source of ignition. Indeed, sparks, arcs or dangerous temperature levels are generated by the electrical energy. Particular methods of protection have thus been investigated in order to allow the use of electrical equipment in hazardous areas. Concerned industries The risk of explosion is particularly high in certain types of industries, which generate inflammable gas, inflammable liquid or inflammable dust. Indeed, the new ATEX directive now considers the explosion risk caused by dust. We can list: Refineries, Petrochemical and chemical industries, Off shore installations, Mining industries, Human and food industries… T07100 A. Explosive atmosphere (cont.) A 1 The risk can be expressed as follow: Industries Risks Refineries Treatment of hydrocarbon highly inflammable Petrochemical and chemical industries Transformation and treatment processes which can generate explosive mixing Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries Use of alcohol highly inflammable like solvents Use of active material or adjuvant which can create explosive dust Paper or plastic dust Waste and water recycling industries Storage of barrels or containers partially or not emptied Gas fermentation emission during water treatment Painting facilities Over spray formation during the lacquering of surfaces with spray gun Gas distribution Transport and stocking of cereal, powder… which can create potentially dust explosive atmospheres in filters and aerators Human and animal food industries Metal dust generation during metal polishing which can create dust explosive atmospheres in collectors Wood saw mills, metal machining Génération de poussières métalliques lors du polissage des métaux qui peuvent créer une atmosphère explosible dans les collecteurs T07100 B. European explosion directives ATEX European directive consists in two parts : A ATEX 94/9/EC (generally called ATEX 95), which concentrates on the duties of the manufacturers. 1 ATEX 1999/92/EC (generally called ATEX 137), which focuses on the end users obligations. * Directive applicable to entrelec® terminal blocks The objectives of the directives "Minimum requirements" is a key phrase of the directives member states are free to introduce more stringent measures if they wish. ATEX belongs to the group of the so-called "new approach" directives. Under a new approach directive, any route towards achieving the objective is permitted. The European commission will not interfere with how a technical solution is reached, but gives all parties involved the freedom to define the best means, methods and procedures to meet the guidelines. This gives rise to a division of responsibilities between the equipment manufacturer and the end user. The less responsibility the equipment manufacturer assumes for achieving the solution, the more the end user will have to take on, and vice versa. T07100 B. European explosion directives (cont.) ATEX 95: Equipments and components ATEX 137: Installations The objective of the ATEX 95 directive is to reinforce safety aspects. It is more restricting than the former directive 76/117 EEC, as it does not only concentrate on the product but on the whole process. The addition of the new "workers directive ATEX 137" reinforces the safety level even further. The manufacturer’s quality assurance is now audited through the relevant standard NF EN 13980 Potentially explosive atmospheres - Application of quality systems. Extract of the EN 13980 §7.5.3: The manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for product identification during all the stages of production, testing, final inspection and placing on the market. Traceability is required with respect to final product and its significant parts. The "production quality assurance notification" is the highest assurance quality certification level achievable. Risk analysis: requires that the employers draw up evidence of risk analysis for their site. Area classification: area classification into zones and site inspections must be carried out where potentially explosive atmospheres may develop. Explosion protection document: Information such as written instructions, training programs, and clearance for work… must be defined in the "explosion" protection document" and respected in order to guarantee the protection of the staff. ATEX certified products must be selected according to zone. Locations where explosive atmospheres may occur and identified through warning signs. ATEX products are considered as safety devices: the entire process from the design to the installation must be strictly controlled. Product and company quality assessment which allow design, manufacturing and sales. ABB commitments versus ATEX 137 Requirements in terms of organization for designing, manufacturing and selling. Reliable product information is given to the end user: increased safety and intrinsic safety certified terminal blocks for safe installation. ABB commitments versus ATEX 95 Terminal blocks are unitary controlled - unitary dielectric control on finished product Maximized security is guaranteed through dedicated manufacturing processes, dedicated manufacturing sites and dedicated inventory locations . Reinforced traceability for accurate identification of the ATEX customers through dedicated part numbers for the ATEX range and batch number registration. Dates of enforcement ATEX 95: Equipment and components From July 1st 2003, equipment, protection systems and electrical components used in potentially explosive atmospheres must comply with the European directive ATEX 94/9/EC (ATEX 95). ATEX 95 abrogates the directive 76/117/EC and becomes mandatory for all new equipment installed after 06/30/03. Former Ex products, already in stock, can still be installed if they are to replace used parts in already active installations. Excellence of ADO system® in regards to the ATEX 137 minimum requirements (training programs, written instructions, clearance for work…): - Simplified "clearance for work": no possibility of unauthorized modifications thanks to the ADO system® dedicated tool (OUMAD, OUPAD or OUTAD) . - Maximized "correct installation and operation, qualification of the personnel": the ADO system® connection is operator independent. - No retightening maintenance: ADO system ® is a Screwless technology. Dates of enforcement ATEX 137: Installations The ATEX 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137) directive becomes mandatory for all new installations implemented after 06/30/03, in every country member of the EEC. For existing installations, three more years are given to fulfill the minimum requirements. If an old work place is upgraded, modified or extended, it must comply with the "minimum requirements" immediately. A 1 T07100 B. European explosion directives (cont.) Definitions and terms Equipment and components used in potentially explosive atmospheres are divided into groups and categories. (Atex 94/9/EC, chapter 1, art 1, § 3c) A This classification is meant to define clearly the "intended use" of equipment, protective systems and devices, which is considered of prime importance for safe operation. 1 Groups Two distinct groups according to the industry type in which the equipments or components are to be used: Categories ATEX defines "categories of equipment", specified by their protection characteristics: For Mine industries: - Category M 1: very high level of safety - Category M 2: high level of safety Group I stands for Mine industries: For surfaces industries: Underground part of mines and surface installations of such mines, liable to be endangered by firedamp and / or combustible dust. - Category 1: very high level of safety Group II stands for Surface industries: - Category 2: high level of safety - Category 3: normal level of safety All other places liable to be endangered by explosive atmospheres. ? Frequently asked question: If equipment is certified in category 1, is it certified in category 2 ? Equipment or components certified in category 1 are also certified in category 2 and category 3 since category 1 is the highest level of safety. T07100 B. European explosion directives (cont.) Equipment in category: Intended use: M1 (Mine industries) Is required to remain functional, even in the event of rare incidents relating to equipment, with an explosive atmosphere present. In underground parts of mines as well as those parts of surface installations of such mines endangered by firedamp and/or combustible dust. A M2 (Mine industries) Is intended to be de-energized in the event of an explosive atmosphere. The means of protection relating to equipment in this category assure the requisite level of protection during normal operation and also in the case of more severe operating conditions, in particular those arising from rough handling and changing environmental conditions. In underground parts of mines as well as those parts of surface installations of such mines endangered by firedamp and/or combustible dust. 1 1 (Surface industries) Must ensure the requisite level of protection, even in the event of rare incidents relating to equipment and is characterized by means of protection such that: - Either, in the event of failure of on means of protection, at least an independent second means provides the requisite level of protection. Zone 0 and Zone 20: Areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by mixtures of air and gases, vapors or mists or by air/dust mixtures are present continuously, for long periods or frequently. - Or the requisite level of protection is assured in the event of two faults occurring independently of each other. 2 (Surface industries) Must ensure the requisite level of protection, even in the event of frequently occurring disturbances or equipment faults which normally have to be taken into account. Zone 1 and Zone 21: Areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by mixtures of air and gases, vapors or mists or by air/dust mixtures are likely to occur. 3 (Surface industries) Ensure the requisite level of protection during normal operation. Zone 2 and Zone 22: Areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapors or mists or by air/dust mixtures are unlikely to occur or are likely to do so only infrequently and for a short period only. Atex 94/9/EC annex I 0 and 20 zones 1 and 21 zones 2 and 22 zones Explosive atmospheres classification example T07100 C. ATEX 94/9/EC conformity assessment procedures The ATEX certification process can be identified as two main parts: The EC type examination certificate confirms that the validity of the technical file established by ABB is in conformity with the Atex directive. Examination and test results of the product are been examined by a notified body. A 1 The inspection of quality assurance, conducted by a notified body: refers to the production or product quality assurance examination (depending upon the product level of certification). The notification has three years validity with yearly audit. As said in chapter B, ATEX directives objective is to increase the safety. Therefore, a quality assurance audit is now necessary to obtain the ATEX certification for any equipment or component. Complete conformity assessment procedure is detailed here below: Atex 94/9/EC chapter II, article 8 ABB certification conformity "Production Quality Insurance" inspection "EC type examination certificate" Notified bodies "Notified Bodies", are independant bodies which are appointed by the Member States. They have the relevant expertise and facilities to undertake the required procedures such as : "Type Examination", which involves an assessment made of the product against the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of the Directive. Report of the manufacturer's Quality Assurance procedures to ensure that the "type" will continue to comply with the requirements. These "Notified Bodies" are given a number and are listed in the OJEC by the European Commission prior to their operation; the activities of the Notified Bodies are a matter for Member States, as they are appointed under their authority. While the Notified Body has various responsibilities under the Directive, the manufacturer always remains responsible for the compliance of the equipment. T07100 C. ATEX 94/9/EC conformity assessment procedures. (cont.) A 1 Production quality assessment notification Extract list of European Notified bodies and Certified bodies: Country Name Denmark France Germany Notified Bodies (ATEX 94/4/EC) Certified Bodies (IECEx) DEMKO X X INERIS X LCIE* X X PTB X X X TÜV Italy CESI X Netherland KEMA X Norwaye NEMKO Sweden SP X X UK SIRA X X *LCIE: identification code 0081 Subsidiary of Bureau Veritas group EC type examination certificate T07100 D. Protection methods in potentially explosive atmosphere Protection methods are to be implemented so that equipment and electrical components can be used in a potentially explosive atmosphere. Safety methods: A 1 Protection types Principles Ex d: flame-proof Contains the explosion in an appropriate explosion proof housing. Ex e: increased Increases the reliability of the electrical components so that sparks or arcs cannot appear. Ex e voltage to apply is determined through severe limitations in the calculations of clearance and creepage distances. Ex i: intrinsic Reduces the energy to a very low energy level so that even sparks or arcs cannot ignite an explosion atmosphere. Ex m, Ex o, Ex p or Ex q Prevent contact between the electrical component and the explosive atmosphere Applications for Ex d, Ex e and Ex i protection types Flameproof protection Ex d Intrinsic protection Ex i Among the several protection methods, flameproof "Ex d" protection method is the most ancient and therefore represents the protection method the most implemented. Intrinsic protection is a common method of protection for instrumentation and control; it applies to an entire circuit. Non-ATEX certified terminal blocks could be installed in a flameproof enclosure: the protection against explosion propagation is ensured by the enclosure not by the terminal block itself. However, as it requires a very specific design (the enclosure must be capable of withstanding a possible internal explosion), this solution appears over costly for terminal block installations. Blue is generally the colour code for the intrinsic circuit components. It is the only protection method that can be implemented in zone 0 or 20 (permanent presence of explosive atmosphere), as the allowed voltage and current are extremely low. Voltage and current calculations are necessary to ensure that the circuit composed of its several components will operate safely. Increased protection Ex e Increased protection remains the best economical and technical choice for a safe use of terminal blocks in hazardous locations. ABB ATEX terminal block range, certified in increased safety, requires a high level of construction technology and do not require an explosion proof (Ex d) enclosure to operate safely in an explosive atmosphere. Please note that the enclosure containing the terminal blocks must offer a Dust protection (IP6X minimum) and be Ex e certified itself in order to determine the maximum surface temperature in the housing (calculations consider the number of terminal blocks in the housing and current to be applied) 10 ABB supplies intrinsic and increased protection certified terminal blocks, even if the intrinsic certification is not mandatory for components. The reasons are added benefits for our customers: it allows us to supply you with the ATEX appropriate group and category marked on the block as well as the Ex i necessary voltage calculations, which have been confirmed by a notified body. T07100 D. Protection methods in potentially explosive atmosphere (cont.) Terminal blocks use Here below are the protection methods, for which the ATEX certification applies to terminal blocks. A 1 (*certification is not mandatory for components used in intrinsic protection only) Normes EN Méthodes de protection EN 60079-0 General rules EN 60079-7 Increased safety e No sparks or arcs in normal use. Control of dangerous temperature levels : because they can generate arcs or sparks in normal use, switch or fuse terminal blocks cannot be classified in increased protection. Intrinsic safety i Control of sparks, arcs or overheating through a very low energy level EN 50020 Symbole Concepts 11 T07100 E. Entrelec terminal blocks & accessories certification ATEX Terminal block range certification level A 1 Ex e IM2 and II2GD and Ex i IM1 and II1GD The ABB attestation of conformity guarantees the end user the conformity of the product in regards with the ATEX 95 directive and applicable standards. It is generic to the whole ATEX range. Accessory certification Entrelec terminal block accessories are automatically ATEX certified. Please refer to the catalogue pages for the accessory list per terminal block. Some accessories like jumper bars or shielding connectors may declass the terminal block voltage. The detailed voltage is not indicated in the EC type examination certificate -the examination certificate, issued by the notified body, is meant to establish the ATEX terminal block conformity only-. Technical instruction sheets are at your disposal with all data for the appropriate voltage values as well as the operation and maintenance instructions. Please request them from your local sales. example of terminal blocks technical instruction sheet 12 T07100 ATEX certified Terminal blocks range A 1 Contents Screw clamp connection DIN 1 - 3 Standard and ground terminal blocks.................................................................................. 14 Double-deck terminal blocks............................................................................................... 17 Three level sensor terminal blocks....................................................................................... 18 Safety connection terminal blocks....................................................................................... 19 Thermocouple terminal blocks.............................................................................................20 Power terminal blocks.......................................................................................................21 Screw clamp terminal blocks DIN 2.................................................................................24 Spring clamp DIN 3 Standard and ground terminal blocks..................................................................................25 Spring clamp miniblocks DIN 2 and base mount ...........................................................29 ADO - Screw clamp DIN 3 Standard and ground terminal blocks.................................................................................. 30 Double-deck terminal blocks............................................................................................... 32 ADO - ADO connection DIN 3 Standard and ground terminal blocks.................................................................................. 33 Double-deck terminal blocks............................................................................................... 35 Screw clamp - ADO connection miniblocks DIN 2 - 3 and base mount........................ 36 ADO - ADO connection miniblocks DIN 2 - 3 ................................................................. 38 Index.................................................................................................................................... 39 13 T07074 MA 2,5/5...Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks Screw clamp M 4/6...Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" M 4/6.3A...Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Spacing 6 mm .238" DIN 1-3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal block's voltage ratings. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". A 1 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 32 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 PR1.Z2 V0 V0 Standard 5 mm block Standard 6 mm block MA 2,5/5.P.Ex M 4/6.P.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" Grey body Blue body Green body Yellow body Green/yellow body (without rail contact) Green/yellow body (with rail contact) 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s Accessories 1 2 4 mm2 480 A / 1 s 12 AWG grey blue yellow orange green FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 FEM6 2 Circuit separator 3 Separator end section (block) 4 Separator end section (rail) grey grey grey SCMA5 SCF6 SCFM6 8 Preassembled jumper bar IP 20 touchproof 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles BJMI5 (1) BJMI5 (1) BJMI5 (1) BJMI5 (1) BJMI5 (1) EL6 BJS5 (1) EV5 • • • • • th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 3 th. 3 P/N M 4/6.3A.Ex M 4/6.3A.N.Ex M 4/6.4A.Ex M 4/6.4A.N.Ex IEC 1SNA 146 010 R2300 1SNA 146 011 R1000 1SNA 146 012 R1100 1SNA 146 013 R1200 UL NFC DIN 22-10AWG 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 22-10AWG 10 AWG 4 mm2 10 AWG 9.5 mm / .37" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 Ib-in Exe : 750 V Exi : 375 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0014U P/N Type Type End section UL 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 10 mm / .39" 0.4-0.6 Nm / 3.5-5.3 Ib-in Exe : 750 V Exi : 90 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0025U ATEX certificate 1 IEC 1SNA 146 001 R2700 1SNA 146 002 R2000 1SNA 146 245 R0700 1SNA 146 285 R2000 1SNA 146 237 R2700 1SNA 146 023 R1400 NFC DIN 0.2 - 4 22-12 AWG 0.22 - 2.5 mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 3 UL NFC DIN Rigid Flexible P/N Type 1SNA 146 014 R1300 M 4/6.Ex 1SNA 146 015 R1400 M 4/6.N.Ex M 4/6.Ex M 4/6.Ex 1SNA 146 240 R1600 M 4/6.PI.Ex 1SNA 146 016 R1500 M 4/6.P.Ex MA 2,5/5.PI.Ex MA 2,5/5.P.Ex Standard 6 mm block One circuit and four clamps Terminal block for ground wire. P/N Type MA 2,5/5.Ex MA 2,5/5.N.Ex IEC Characteristics Wire size Spacing 6 mm .238" 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1SNA 163 050 R0400 Type Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 M 4/6.4A...Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Terminal block for ground wire. Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Standard 6 mm block One circuit and three clamps 9.5 mm / .37" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 Ib-in Exe : 420 V Exi : 190 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0028U P/N Type P/N • th. 2,8 • th. 2,8 th. 2,8 • th. 2,8 • th. 2,8 1SNA 146 259 R1500 1SNA 199 302 R0700 1SNA 199 305 R0200 1SNA 103 126 R1600 1SNA 103 125 R1500 1SNA 116 728 R2500 SCM6 1SNA 118 707 R0300 SCF6 1SNA 114 825 R0500 SCFM6 • 1SNA 113 003 R1000 SCM6 1SNA 118 707 R0300 1SNA 114 825 R0500 • 1SNA 113 003 R1000 1SNA 176 278 R1600 1SNA 176 279 R1700 1SNA 176 280 R0500 1SNA 176 281 R2200 1SNA 176 282 R2300 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 177 652 R0600 1SNA 168 629 R1600 BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) EL6 • • • • • • 1SNA 176 663 R0000 1SNA 176 664 R0100 1SNA 176 665 R0200 1SNA 176 666 R0300 1SNA 176 667 R0400 1SNA 173 627 R2100 BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) EL6 • • • • • • 1SNA 176 663 R0000 1SNA 176 664 R0100 1SNA 176 665 R0200 1SNA 176 666 R0300 1SNA 176 667 R0400 1SNA 173 627 R2100 BJS6 (1) EV6I PC6 (3) EIP CBM5 CBM8 • • • • • • 1SNA 174 784 R2000 1SNA 206 394 R0200 1SNA 113 548 R2600 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 178 745 R1400 1SNA 178 746 R1500 BJS6 (1) EV6I PC6 (3) EIP • • 1SNA 174 784 R2000 1SNA 206 394 R0200 1SNA 113 548 R2600 1SNA 113 550 R2400 EP6 VSP6 • • 1SNA 163 427 R1700 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 146 259 R1500 1SNA 199 302 R0700 1SNA 199 305 R0200 1SNA 103 126 R1600 1SNA 103 125 R1500 FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 FEM6 th. 3 th. 3 FEM3A V0 (4) FEM3A (4) FEM4A V0 (5) FEM4A (5) th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 1SNA 146 261 R0700 1SNA 126 576 R1700 1SNA 146 262 R0000 1SNA 126 629 R2400 4 9 8 10 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 not IP20 see section : accessories Connector plate Jumper bar not preassembled 20 poles Post + screw + washer Jumper bar not preassembled 20 poles Post + washer + captive screw IP20 Comb-type jumper bar 10 poles Isolating cover Shielding connector th. 0.5 th. 0.8 Protection label 4 blocks Screw for protection label • • • • • 1SNA 113 544 R1200 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 178 745 R1400 1SNA 178 746 R1500 • These accessories cannot be mounted on MA 2,5/5.P.Ex block R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories 14 PC5 (3) EIP CBM5 CBM8 • • • • • • RC 55 - RC510 • These accessories cannot be mounted on M 4/6.P.Ex block RC 65 - RC610 RC 65 - RC610 (1) A circuit separator SC is required with the use of these accessories. (2) Use of these accessories requires the cut-out of the block body (precut). (3) For other configurations of poles, see accessories.(4) For M 4/6.3A...Ex. (5) For M 4/6.4A...Ex. T07075 M 6/8...Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks Screw clamp M 10/10...Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" M 16/12...Ex Spacing 10 mm .394" Spacing 12 mm .473" DIN 1-3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal block's voltage ratings. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 32 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 PR1.Z2 V0 V0 Standard 8 mm block Standard 10 mm block M 6/8.P.Ex Standard 12 mm block with partition M 10/10.P.Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" A M 16/12.P.Ex Spacing 10 mm .394" Spacing 12mm .473" 1 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1SNA 163 050 R0400 Terminal block for ground wire. (M 10/10.P.Ex closed terminal block) Terminal block for ground wire. Type P/N Type Terminal block for ground wire. (M 16/12.P.Ex closed terminal block) P/N Type P/N Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body M 6/8.Ex M 6/8.N.Ex 1SNA 146 003 R2100 M 10/10.Ex 1SNA 146 004 R2200 M 10/10.N.Ex 1SNA 146 005 R2300 M 16/12.Ex 1SNA 146 006 R2400 M 16/12.N.Ex 1SNA 146 027 R1000 1SNA 146 028 R2100 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Green/yellow body (without rail contact) M 6/8.PI.Ex Green/yellow body (with rail contact) M 6/8.P.Ex IEC 1SNA 146 238 R0000 M 10/10.PI.Ex 1SNA 146 022 R1300 M 10/10.P.Ex 1SNA 146 239 R0100 M 16/12.PI.Ex 1SNA 146 021 R1200 M 16/12.P.Ex 1SNA 146 291 R2600 1SNA 146 043 R2000 Characteristics Wire size Rigid Flexible 0.5 - 10 0.5 - 6 mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 / - II ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 1 2 10 mm2 1200 A/1 s 8 AWG grey blue yellow orange green 2 Circuit separator 3 Separator end section (block) 4 Separator end section (rail) grey grey grey 8 Preassembled jumper bar IP 20 touchproof 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 FEM6 • • • • • SCM6 SCF6 SCFM6 IEC th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 3 th. 3 1SNA 146 259 R1500 1SNA 199 302 R0700 1SNA 199 305 R0200 1SNA 103 126 R1600 1SNA 103 125 R1500 0.5 - 25 0.5 - 16 20-6 AWG 1SNA 113 003 R1000 SCM6 1SNA 118 707 R0300 SCF6 1SNA 114 825 R0500 SCFM6 18-6 AWG 16 mm2 1920 A/1 s 6 AWG 12 mm / .47" 1.2-1.4 Nm / 10.6-12.3 Ib-in Exe : 420 V Exi : 190 V 57 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0014U FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 V0 FEM6 FEM6 UL NFC DIN P/N Type Type End section UL 0.5 - 16 0.5 - 10 12 mm / .47" 0.8-1 Nm / 7.1-8.9 Ib-in Exe : 420 V Exi : 190 V 41 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0014U Accessories 1 IEC NFC DIN 22-8 AWG 6 mm2 720 A/1 s ATEX certificate 3 UL NFC DIN 4 AWG 14 mm / .55" 1.2-1.4 Nm / 10.6-12.3 Ib-in Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 76 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0014U P/N Type P/N • th. 2,8 • th. 2,8 th. 2,8 • th. 2,8 • th. 2,8 1SNA 146 259 R1500 1SNA 199 302 R0700 1SNA 199 305 R0200 1SNA 103 126 R1600 1SNA 103 125 R1500 • 1SNA 113 003 R1000 1SNA 118 707 R0300 SCF 12 1SNA 114 825 R0500 SCFM6 • 1SNA 113 102 R1000 1SNA 114 825 R0500 1SNA 176 675 R0400 1SNA 176 676 R0500 1SNA 176 677 R0600 1SNA 176 678 R1700 1SNA 176 679 R1000 • • • • • 1SNA 179 626 R0600 1SNA 179 628 R1000 1SNA 179 629 R1100 1SNA 179 630 R1600 1SNA 179 631 R0300 BJS12 (2) • EV12 • 1SNA 177 653 R0700 1SNA 168 664 R1100 • • • 1SNA 163 429 R2100 1SNA 163 430 R2600 1SNA 163 432 R1400 th. 3 th. 3 FEM12 V0 FEM12 FEM12 FEM12 V0 • • • • th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 th. 2,8 1SNA 146 270 R1400 1SNA 128 618 R0300 1SNA 103 065 R2400 1SNA 198 618 R0200 4 9 8 10 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 not IP20 see section : accessories Connector plate Jumper bar not preassembled 20 poles Post + screw + washer Jumper bar not preassembled 20 poles Post + washer + captive screw IP20 Comb-type jumper bar 10 poles Isolating cover Shielding connector th. 0.5 th. 0.8 Protection label 3 blocks 4 blocks Screw for protection label BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) EL6 • • • • • • 1SNA 176 669 R1600 1SNA 176 670 R1300 1SNA 176 671 R0000 1SNA 176 672 R0100 1SNA 176 673 R0200 1SNA 173 627 R2100 Other accessories see section accessories BJMI12 (2) BJMI12 (2) BJMI12 (2) BJMI12 (2) BJMI12 (2) • • 1SNA 174 789 R0500 BJS10(1) 1SNA 206 394 R0200 EV6I 1SNA 163 313 R2400 PC10 • • • 1SNA 177 654 R0000 1SNA 206 394 R0200 1SNA 163 315 R2600 EP6 EP8 VSP6 • • • 1SNA 163 427 R1700 EP8 1SNA 163 428 R2000 EP10 1SNA 163 433 R1500 VSP6 • • • 1SNA 163 428 R2000 EP10 1SNA 163 429 R2100 EP12 1SNA 163 433 R1500 VSP12 mounted on M 6/8.P.Ex block R See markers section • • • • • BJS8 (1) EV6I PC8 (3) • These accessories cannot be R BJMI10 (1) BJMI10 (1) BJMI10 (1) BJMI10 (1) BJMI10 (1) RC 65 - RC610 - RC810 • These accessories cannot be mounted on M 10/10.P.Ex block RC 65 - RC610 - RC810 • These accessories cannot be mounted on M 16/12.P.Ex block RC 65 - RC610- RC810 (1) Use of these accessories requires the cut-out of the block body (precut). 15 T07076 M 35/16...Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks Screw clamp M 95/26...Ex Spacing 22mm .866" Spacing 26 mm 1.02" DIN 1-3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal block's voltage ratings. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". A 1 End stop End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail M 70/22...Ex Spacing 16 mm .630" th. 12 mm th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 32 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAEH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 PR1.Z2 V2 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 116 934 R0400 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1SNA 163 050 R0400 Standard 16 mm block with partition Standard 22 mm block with partition M 35/16.P.Ex M 70/22.P.Ex Spacing 16 mm .630" M 95/26.P.Ex Spacing 22 mm .866" Terminal block for ground wire. (M 35/16.P.Ex closed terminal block) Type Standard 26 mm block with partition Spacing 26 mm 1.02" Terminal block for ground wire. (M 70/22.P.Ex closed terminal block) P/N Type Terminal block for ground wire. (M 95/26.P.Ex closed terminal block) P/N Type P/N Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body M 35/16.Ex M 35/16.N.Ex 1SNA 146 029 R2200 M 70/22.Ex 1SNA 146 030 R2700 M 70/22.N.Ex 1SNA 146 025 R1600 M 95/26.Ex 1SNA 146 026 R1700 M 95/26.N.Ex Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Green/yellow body (without rail contact) Green/yellow body (with rail contact) M 35/16.P.Ex IEC M 70/22.PI.Ex 1SNA 146 044 R2100 M 70/22.P.Ex 1SNA 146 289 R0400 1SNA 146 073 R2600 M 95/26.P.Ex Characteristics UL IEC NFC DIN Wire size Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking Accessories 10-0 AWG 10-1 AWG 16 - 95 16 - 70 35 mm2 4200 A/1s 0 AWG 70 mm2 8400 A/1s 1 2 Separator end section (block) grey blue yellow FEM16 V0 • FEM16 V0 • FEM16 • th. 3 th. 3 th. 3 grey 35 - 120 35 - 95 00 AWG 25 mm / .98" 6-7 Nm / 53.4-62.3 Ib-in Exe : 660 V Exi : 375 V 192 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0027U / 0023U 1SNA 146 271 R0100 FEM22 V0 1SNA 199 304 R0100 1SNA 103 061 R2000 SCF22 1SNA 146 068 R0100 UL NFC DIN 4-00 AWG P/N Type Type 1 End section IEC NFC DIN 1 - 50 1 - 35 17 mm / .67" 2.8-3 Nm / 24.9-26.7 Ib-in Exe : 750 V Exi : 375 V 125 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0014U ATEX certificate UL 1SNA 146 020 R2500 1SNA 146 024 R1500 0000 AWG 95 mm² 0000 AWG 11400 A/1s 26 mm / 1.02" 8.5-9.5 Nm / 74-83 Ib-in Exe : 750 V Exi : 375 V 232 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0022U / 0023U P/N Type th. 3 1SNA 146 269 R1700 th. 3 1SNA 113 851 R1600 P/N 2 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles not IP20 5 poles see section : accessories 10 poles 6 Jumper bar not preassembled 20 poles Post + screw + washer BJM16 (1) BJM16 (1) BJM16 (1) BJM16 (1) BJM16 (1) BJS16 (1) EV16 • • • • • • 10 poles • 7 Protection label EP12 EP16 VSP16 • • • 5 Preassembled jumper bar IP 20 touchproof 5 3 blocks 4 blocks Screw for protection label 1SNA 179 613 R0100 1SNA 179 614 R0200 1SNA 179 615 R0300 1SNA 179 616 R0400 1SNA 179 617 R0500 1SNA 168 238 R1600 BJS22(1) 1SNA 179 627 R0700 BJS22(1) BJS22(1) BJS22(1) VSJ51 RDJ51 1SNA 163 430 R2600 EP223 1SNA 163 431 R1300 EP224 1SNA 173 147 R2000 VSP22 • 2 poles • 3 poles • 5 poles • 10 poles • screw • washer • • • 1SNA 173 316 R2100 1SNA 173 317 R2200 1SNA 173 318 R0300 1SNA 173 319 R0400 1SNA 173 320 R0100 1SNA 173 331 R2000 1SNA 173 327 R2400 1SNA 173 328 R0500 1SNA 173 323 R2000 BJS261 BJS261 BJS261 BJS261 VSJ51 RDJ51 • 2 poles • 3 poles • 5 poles • 10 poles • screw • washer 1SNA 177 508 R0700 1SNA 177 509 R0000 1SNA 177 510 R2400 1SNA 177 511 R1100 1SNA 173 320 R0100 1SNA 173 331 R2000 6 7 • These accessories cannot be mounted on M 35/16.P.Ex block R R See markers section RC 65 - RC610 - RC810 • These accessories cannot be mounted on M 70/22.P.Ex block RC 65 - RC610 - RC810 • These accessories cannot be mounted on M 95/26.P.Ex block RC 65 - RC610- RC810 (1) A circuit separator SC is required with the use of these accessories. (2) Use of these accessories requires the cut-out of the block body (precut). Other accessories see section accessories 16 T07077 MA 2,5/5.D2... .Ex Double-deck terminal blocks Screw clamp Spacing 5 mm .200" DIN 1-3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". M 4/6.D2.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Standard 5 mm block Standard 6 mm block A MA 2,5/5.D2.1.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" 1 End stop End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail th. 12 mm th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 32 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAEH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 PR1.Z2 V2 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 116 934 R0400 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1SNA 163 050 R0400 M 2,5/5.D2.Ex with partition Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body 1SNA 146 017 R1600 M 4/6.D2.Ex 1SNA 146 018 R2700 MA 2,5/5.D2.1.Ex 1SNA 146 019 R2000 IEC Characteristics P/N Type MA 2,5/5.D2.Ex MA 2,5/5.D2.N.Ex UL IEC NFC DIN Wire size Rigid Flexible P/N 1SNA 146 009 R0700 UL NFC DIN 0.2 - 4 22-12 AWG 0.22 - 2.5 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 22-12 AWG mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 2.5 mm2 12 AWG 9 mm / .35" 0.4-0.6 Nm / 3.5-5.3 Ib-in Exe : 380 V Exi : 90 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0026U ATEX certificate Accessories 1 grey blue P/N FEM6D V0 FEM6 th. 1 th. 1 1SNA 146 260 R1200 FEM6D V0 1SNA 128 499 R2500 FEM6D th. 1 th. 1 1SNA 146 260 R1200 1SNA 128 499 R2500 grey Beige V0 3 Separator end section (block) grey SCMA5D (3) th. 1 1SNA 116 720 R2100 SCM6D (3) SCM6D V0 (3) SCF6D th. 1 th. 1 th. 1 1SNA 113 482 R0500 1SNA 193 482 R0600 1SNA 118 495 R1700 7 Preassembled jumper bar not IP 20 9 Connector plate 10 Jumper bar not preassembled Post + screw + washer 11 Comb-type jumper bar 10 poles Isolating cover 12 Vertical inerconnection 13 Shielding connector th. 0.5 BJM5D (1) (2) BJM5D (1) (2) BJM5D (1) (2) BJM5D (1) (2) BJM5D (1) (2) BJMI5D (1) (2) BJMI5D (1) (2) BJMI5D (1) (2) BJMI5D (1) (2) BJMI5D (1) (2) EL6 BJS5D (1) (2) 20 poles EV5D PC5 EIP ITV5 CBM5D R See markers section RC510 2 Circuit separator 2 12 AWG 8.5 mm / .33" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 lb.in Exe : 380 V Exi : 190 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0019U P/N Type Type 1 End section 4 mm² 3 7 8 Preassembled jumper bar with IP 20 touchproof 9 8 11 10 12 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 1SNA 176 226 R2200 1SNA 176 227 R2300 1SNA 176 228 R0400 1SNA 176 229 R0500 1SNA 176 230 R0200 1SNA 176 736 R2100 1SNA 176 737 R2200 1SNA 176 738 R0300 1SNA 176 739 R0400 1SNA 176 740 R1100 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 177 651 R0500 1SNA 176 260 R1000 1SNA 113 544 R1200 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 176 259 R1300 1SNA 173 530 R2400 BJM6D (1) (2) BJM6D (1) (2) BJM6D (1) (2) BJM6D (1) (2) BJM6D (1) (2) BJMI6D (1) (2) BJMI6D (1) (2) BJMI6D (1) (2) BJMI6D (1) (2) BJMI6D (1) (2) EL6 BJS61 (1) (2) 10 poles EV6D PC61 1SNA 173 515 R1100 1SNA 173 516 R1200 1SNA 173 517 R1300 1SNA 173 519 R2500 1SNA 173 520 R2200 1SNA 179 668 R2000 1SNA 179 669 R2100 1SNA 179 670 R2600 1SNA 179 671 R1300 1SNA 179 672 R1400 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 168 485 R2700 1SNA 168 400 R1600 1SNA 163 311 R2200 ITV6 CBM5D 1SNA 168 962 R0400 1SNA 173 530 R2400 13 R Other accessories see section accessories RC65 - RC610 (1) A circuit separator SC is required with the use of these accessories. (2) Use of these accessories requires the cut-out of the block body (precut). (3) Except M 2,5/5.D2.1.Ex and M 4/6.D2.1.Ex 17 T07078 D 2,5/6.DA...Ex Three level sensor terminal blocks Screw clamp Spacing 6 mm .238" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". A Three level block for power without ground protection. 1 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body P/N D 2,5/6.DA.Ex D 2,5/6.DA.N.Ex IEC Characteristics 1SNA 146 098 R2000 1SNA 146 104 R2300 UL NFC DIN Wire size Rigid Flexible 0.2 - 2.5 20-12 AWG 0.22 - 2.5 mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 2.5 mm2 12 AWG 6 mm / .24" 0.4-0.6 Nm / 3.5-5.3 Ib-in Exe : 60 V Exi : 30 V 22 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 03 ATEX 0024U ATEX certificate Accessories Type 1 End section 2 Preassembled jumper bar without IP 20 touchproof - 22 A 1 3 Connector plate 4 IDC jumper 2 grey 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 20 poles 22 A 24 A FED3E BJD6 BJD6 BJD6 BJD6 BJD6 BJD6 EL61 AD2,5 P/N th. 3 1SNA 116 771 R2000 1SNA 178 024 R2500 1SNA 178 025 R2600 1SNA 178 026 R2700 1SNA 178 027 R2000 1SNA 178 032 R2500 1SNA 178 033 R2600 1SNA 177 812 R1700 1SNA 114 205 R2000 3 4 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories 18 RC65 RC65 red - blank 1SNA 103 776 R0100 blue - blank 1SNA 103 775 R0000 Power supply block for sensors/actuators - Three-wires without Led. T07080 M 4/6.RS.Ex Safety connection terminal blocks Screw clamp M 6/8.RS.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" M 10/10.RS.Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" Spacing 10 mm .394" DIN 1-3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". center of rail Compression clamp terminal for bare wire or equipped with bent lug. - 1 spring under each wire-clamp Compression clamp terminal for bare Compression clamp terminal for bare wire or equipped with bent lug. wire or equipped with bent lug. - 1 spring under each wire-clamp - 1 spring under each wire-clamp A 1 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 32 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 PR1.Z2 V0 V0 Ground wire-clamp holds 2 bent lugs, as above (not supplied) for connection of wires : 0.28 to 1.5 mm² 1.0 to 2.5 mm² 2.5 to 6.0 mm² (only for M 10/10.RS.Ex) 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1SNA 163 050 R0400 Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Characteristics Wire size Screw clamp P/N Type M 4/6.RS.Ex Rigid Flexible P/N Type 1SNA 146 350 R1400 M 6/8.RS.Ex P/N 1SNA 146 211 R2500 M 10/10.RS.Ex 1SNA 146 212 R2600 IEC BS IEC BS IEC BS NFC DIN TS 50-18 NFC DIN TS 50-18 NFC DIN TS 50-18 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 0.5 - 10 0.5 - 6 0.5 - 1.5 4 mm2 6 mm2 0.5 - 16 0.5 - 10 mm² / AWG Lugs Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 0.28 - 1.65 1.65 mm2 13 mm / .51" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 Ib-in Exe : 750 V Exi : 375 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 05 ATEX 004U ATEX certificate Accessories 1 P/N Type Type 1 End section grey 0.28 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 13 mm / .51" 0.8-1 Nm / 7.1-8.9 Ib-in Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 41 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0012U 0.28 - 6 6 mm2 14 mm / .55" 1.2-1.4 Nm / 10.6-12.3 Ib-in Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 46 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0012U 10 mm2 P/N Type P/N FEMR8 th. 2,8 1SNA 146 272 R0200 FEMR8 th. 2,8 1SNA 146 272 R0200 FEMR10 th. 2,8 1SNA 146 273 R0300 BJS6 (1) BJS6 (1) BJS6 (1) BJS6 (1) BJS6 (1) 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 1SNA 164 573 R2200 1SNA 164 574 R2300 1SNA 164 575 R2400 1SNA 164 736 R2500 1SNA 164 576 R2500 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 15 poles 20 poles 1SNA 164 581 R1300 1SNA 164 582 R1400 1SNA 164 583 R1500 1SNA 164 737 R2600 1SNA 164 584 R1600 1SNA 174 788 R0400 1SNA 174 789 R0500 1SNA 206 394 R0200 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 20 poles 1SNA 164 585 R1700 1SNA 164 586 R1000 1SNA 164 587 R1100 1SNA 168 273 R1100 1SNA 164 588 R2200 1SNA 177 654 R0000 FEMR8 4 Jumper bar not assembled FEMR10 BJS10 + PL101 + VSJ11 Post + washer + captive screw IP20 Central socket for isolated interconnection Screw for central socket 5 Assembled jumper bar not IP 20 4 BJS8 + EV6I 5 6 6 Assembled jumper bar with IP 20 touchproof 7 BJS6 (1) EV6I BJM6 (1) BJM6 (1) BJM6 (1) BJM6 (1) BJM6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) BJMI6 (1) 7 Short circuiting plug R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories RC610 BJS8 (1) BJS8 (1) BJS8 (1) BJS8 (1) BJS8 (1) BJS8 (1) 20 poles 1SNA 174 784 R2000 BJS8 (1) 1SNA 206 394 R0200 EV6I 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 1SNA 168 516 R2500 1SNA 168 517 R2600 1SNA 168 518 R0700 1SNA 168 519 R0000 1SNA 168 973 R0700 1SNA 176 663 R0000 1SNA 176 664 R0100 1SNA 176 665 R0200 1SNA 176 666 R0300 1SNA 176 667 R0400 BJM8 (1) BJM8 (1) BJM8 (1) BJM8 (1) BJM8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BJMI8 (1) BP8.A4 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 10 poles RC810 BJS10 (1) BJS10 (1) BJS10 (1) BJS10 (1) BJS10 (1) BJS10 (1) PT101 1SNA 163 181 R1100 VSJ11 1SNA 163 394 R2600 1SNA 168 520 R0500 1SNA 168 521 R2200 1SNA 168 522 R2300 1SNA 168 523 R2400 1SNA 168 974 R0000 1SNA 176 669 R1600 1SNA 176 670 R1300 1SNA 176 671 R0000 1SNA 176 672 R0100 1SNA 176 673 R0200 1SNA 173 888 R2000 RC610 - RC810 (1) Use of these accessories requires the cut-out of the block body (precut). 19 T07081 Screw clamp Thermocouple terminal blocks MTC 6.Ex Thermocouple terminal blocks Spacing 6 mm .238" ABB Entrelec's MTC 6.Ex thermocouple terminal block provides an interface for connecting thermocouple wire with virtually no loss of signal integrity. The interface design ensures positive wire continuity and allows selection and inventory of one terminal block for all thermocouple material. DIN 1-3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". A 6 mm block for thermocouple conductors. The thermocouple principle is based on the reaction of different metals to temperature. When thermocouple wires are terminated or connected, the "metal balance" must be maintained. The introduction of a foreign material (such as copper) results in loss of signal strength and integrity. 1 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 32 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 PR1.Z2 V0 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1SNA 163 050 R0400 When running extended or intermittent lengths of thermocouple wire, to a measurement instrument, two solutions are available : Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Figure 1 : MTC 6.Ex with shield connector P/N 1SNA 146 227 R2500 MTC 6.Ex 1. When signals are carried over a long distance, a thermocouple transmitter is required. The thermocouple signal, in millivolts (mV), is converted to a milliampere (mA) signal (i.e. 4-20 mA) for ease of transmission. 2. When thermocouple wire is of insufficient length, termination and interconnection, using terminal blocks, will extend its length. Universal terminal block Characteristics Wire size mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0025U Accessories Type 1 End section 2 Shield connector material being used. This requires inventory of many different terminal block types. 31 mm max. / 1.22" 0.4-0.6 Nm / 3.5-5.3 lb.in Exe : 550 V Exi : 90 V ATEX certificate 1 Other thermocouple terminal blocks are available with hardware (screws, clamps and connecting bar) which match the thermocouple 2 Rigid conductors for thermocouple (DIA. 0.9 - 1.5 mm) grey FEM6 V0 CBM5 CBM6 P/N ABB Entrelec's MTC 6.Ex terminal block adapts to all thermocouple material. This "neutral" method of connection limits the introduction of foreign materials to an insignificant level. The thermocouple wire insulation is stripped (31 mm maximum) and the bare wires are superimposed on one another. The thermocouple wires are in contact over their complete 31 mm length and tightened at two points by round tip screws (see figure 2). th. 2.8 1SNA 146 259 R1500 th. 0.5 1SNA 178 745 R1400 th. 0.8 1SNA 178 746 R1500 2 The screws, made of plated brass, have only a mechanical function, that of holding the wires together with a point contact. Thus, the pressure points are not relevant in the connection environment. One thermocouple lead connects through one terminal block. The MTC 6 requires only 6 mm of space, allowing 50 terminals per foot of rail. Thermocouple shield wire connector bar R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories 20 RC65 - RC610 The MTC 6.Ex can be field of factory equipped with a shield connector bar (see figure 1). This bar, made of brass, tin coated mounts in the lower part of the terminal block. It ensures the continuity of the thermocouple wire shield through the terminal block or to ground with no additional spacing. T07082 D 35/27.FF.Ex Power terminal blocks D 70/32.FF.Ex Spacing 27 mm 1.06" DIN 3 with bistable foot and base mounting Exe voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". D 120/42.FF.Ex Spacing 32 mm 1.26" Spacing 42 mm 1.65" 2 studs M8 2 studs M6 2 studs M10 A 1 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Type Standard block UL 94 V0 Grey body D 35/27.FF.Ex Without cover Characteristics Wire size Lug P/N Type P/N Type P/N D 35/27.FF.Ex 1SNA 146 307 R0600 D 70/32.FF.Ex 1SNA 146 308 R1700 D 120/42.FF.Ex 1SNA 146 309 R1000 Delivered with 2 covers Delivered with 2 covers Delivered with 2 covers Rigid Flexible 1SNA 146 302 R0100 D 70/32.FF.Ex Without cover 1SNA 146 303 R0200 D 120/42.FF.Ex Without cover 1SNA 146 304 R0300 IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN NFC IEC DIN (C4) 2.5 - 35 (C4) 2.5 - 35 2.5 - 50 2.5 - 35 (C6) 6 - 95 (C6) 6 - 70 6 - 70 6 - 70 (C8) 6 - 150 (C8) 6 - 120 6 - 120 mm² / AWG Rated wire size Recommended wrench Recommended torque Voltage Current ATEX marking mm² / AWG Lug / Central bolt Nm / Ib.in EN 60079-7 ATEX certificate Accessories Type 1 Rotating protective cover IP20 1 35 mm² 35 mm² H10 mm / 6 mm Allen key 3 Nm / 26.1 Ib-in / 6 Nm / 52 Ib-in . 750 V 125 A I M2 - II 2GD Ex e LCIE 03 ATEX 0034U Grey CPUF35 70 mm² 70 mm² H13 mm / 6 mm Allen key 6 Nm / 52 Ib-in / 6 Nm / 52 Ib-in . 750 V 192 A I M2 - II 2GD Ex e LCIE 03 ATEX 0034U P/N Type 120 mm² 120 mm² H17 mm / 6 mm Allen key 10 Nm / 87 Ib-in / 6 Nm / 52 Ib-in . 750 V 269 A I M2 - II 2GD Ex e LCIE 03 ATEX 0034U P/N Type P/N 1SNA 190 016 R1600 CPUF70 1SNA 190 017 R1700 CPUF120 1SNA 190 018 R2000 1SNA 205 772 R1300 BJS32 1SNA 205 773 R1400 BJS32 1SNA 205 767 R1600 DRF8 1SNA 205 774 R1500 BJS42 1SNA 205 775 R1600 BJS42 1SNA 205 768 R2700 DRF10 1SNA 205 776 R1700 1SNA 205 777 R1000 1SNA 205 769 R2000 2 Jumper bar with CHc screws 2 poles BJS27 3 poles BJS27 3 TAP for faston 6.35 x 0.8 mm and screw DRF6 2 3 R R See marking chapter RC810 (on cover) - RC810, RPC (on the middle) RC810 (on cover) - RC810, RPC (on the middle) RC810 (on cover) - RC810, RPC (on the middle) Other accessories see section accessories 21 T07083 D 185/55.FF.Ex Power terminal blocks DIN 3 with bistable foot and base mounting Exe voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory and mounted on DIN 3 rail. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". A D 300/55.FF.Ex Spacing 55 mm 2.16" Spacing 55 mm 2.16" 2 studs M16 2 studs M12 1 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Type Standard block UL 94 V0 Grey body D 185/55.FF.Ex Without cover Lug P/N 1SNA 146 305 R0400 D 300/55.FF.Ex Without cover 1SNA 146 306 R0500 IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN Rigid Flexible (C11) 25 - 240 (C11) 6 - 185 6 - 185 25 - 300 6 - 300 6 - 300 mm² / AWG/MCM lug / central bolt Nm / Ib.in EN 60079-7 185 mm² 185 mm² H19 mm / 6 mm Allen key 14 Nm / 121 Ib-in / 6 Nm / 52 Ib-in . 750 V 353 A I M2 - II 2GD Ex e LCIE 03 ATEX 0034U Characteristics Wire size P/N Type D 185/55.FF.Ex 1SNA 146 310 R0400 D 300/55.FF.Ex 1SNA 146 311 R2100 Delivered with 2 covers Delivered with 2 covers IEC mm² / AWG Rated wire size Recommended wrench Recommended torque Voltage Current ATEX marking ATEX certificate Accessories Type 1 Rotating protective cover IP20 1 Grey CPUF185 300 mm² 300 mm² H24 mm / 6 mm Allen key 25 Nm / 217 Ib-in / 6 Nm / 52 Ib-in . 750 V 520 A I M2 - II 2GD Ex e LCIE 03 ATEX 0034U P/N Type P/N 1SNA 190 019 R2100 CPUF185 1SNA 190 019 R2100 1SNA 205 778 R2100 BJS51 1SNA 205 779 R2200 BJS51 1SNA 205 770 R2500 DRF16 1SNA 205 778 R2100 1SNA 205 779 R2200 1SNA 205 771 R1200 2 Jumper bar with CHc screws 2 poles BJS51 3 poles BJS51 3 TAP for faston 6.35 x 0.8 mm and screw DRF12 2 3 R R See marking chapter Other accessories see section accessories 22 RC810 (on cover) - RC810, RPC (on the middle) RC810 (on cover) - RC810, RPC (on the middle) T07089 Power terminal blocks Drilling position for base mounting and dimensions with covers Particular conditions for mounting A 1 Type D 35/27... D 70/32... D 120/42... D 185/55... D 300/55... Mounting with 2 Screws 2 Screws 2 Screws 4 Screws 4 Screws A 100,5 120 120 135 135 B 7,5 7,5 7,5 13,5 13,5 C 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 D / / / 8,5 8,5 F 63,5 72,5 83,5 103,5 105 G1 136,5 165 197 228,5 / G2 160 190,5 255,5 295 295 H 82,5 105,7 129,7 151,5 / Dimensions in mm. Locking foot operating with screwdriver DIA. 4 Locking Between blocks with stul Center opening (to be made after jumper bar has been removed). As soon as the screwdriver is removed, the locking foot comes back to closed position Marking 2 RC 810 or 1 RC 1010 Side opening. The locking foot remains in open or closed position. RPC type setting marker, or RC 810 marker 2 slots,2 RC810 not separated or 1 RC 1010 in 1 slot With M3 screw Jumper bar M3 nut on one side M3 nut + washer on the other side - move the marker holders up - cut out the partition - screw the jumper bar Mounting of the derivative system Unlocking Locking 23 T07084 DR 4/6... .Ex Standard and ground Miniblocks Screw clamp Spacing 6 mm .238" DIN 2 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal block's voltage ratings. DR 4/6.Ex : Standard block 6 mm DR 4/6.1.Ex : Standard block 6 mm with partition. A DR 4/6.P.Ex 1 End stop Rail th. 6.5 mm 15 x 5 x 1 BADRL PR2 V0 1SNA 199 420 R2100 1SNA 164 600 R1200 Terminal block for ground wire. Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 DR 4/6.Ex DR 4/6.1.Ex DR 4/6.N.Ex DR 4/6.1.N.Ex Green/yellow body (with rail contact) DR 4/6.P.Ex IEC Characteristics 1SNA 146 199 R2200 1SNA 146 200 R1700 1SNA 146 276 R0600 1SNA 146 277 R0700 1SNA 146 201 R0400 UL NFC DIN Wire size Rigid Flexible With isolated ferrule mm² / AWG 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 18-12 AWG 4 mm2 12 AWG 9.5 mm max. / .37" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 lb.in Exe : 275 V Exi : 90 V 30 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0017U / 0024U Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking ATEX certificate Accessories Type 1 End section 1 P/N Grey body Grey body Blue body Blue body 2 Circuit separator grey blue FEDR61 V0 FEDR61 white SCDR61 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) BJM62 (1) 10 poles 3 blocks BJPD6 PC61 EPD61 VSPD61 P/N th. 1 th. 1 1SNA 146 293 R2000 1SNA 127 600 R0500 th. 0,3 1SNA 173 016 R1000 2 6 Assembled jumper bar not IP20 6 7 7 Jumper bar not assembled Post + screw + washer 8 Pivoting jumper bar 9 Comb-type jumper bar 10 Protection label Screw for protection label 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 32 A 1SNA 173 217 R2600 1SNA 173 218 R0700 1SNA 173 219 R0000 1SNA 173 221 R2200 1SNA 174 112 R1600 1SNA 174 113 R1700 1SNA 174 114 R1000 1SNA 174 115 R1100 1SNA 173 226 R2700 1SNA 173 223 R2400 1SNA 163 311 R2200 1SNA 173 206 R0400 1SNA 173 207 R0500 8 9 10 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories 24 RC65 (1) Use of these accessories requires the cut-out of the block body (precut). T07085 D 2,5/5... .2L.Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks D 2,5/5... .4L.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" Spacing 5 mm .200" DIN 2 80 End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 center of rail Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Terminal block with 2 springs 45,5 D 2,5/5.P.2L.Ex Terminal block with 4 spring D 2,5/5.P.3L.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" A D 2,5/5.P.4L.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" Spacing 5 mm .200" 1 Terminal block with 2 springs for ground wire. Terminal block with 3 springs for ground wire P/N Type Terminal block with 4 springs for ground wire P/N Type P/N D 2,5/5.2L.Ex D 2,5/5.N.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 053 R2200 D 2,5/5.3L.Ex 1SNA 146 052 R2100 D 2,5/5.N.3L.Ex 1SNA 146 055 R2400 D 2,5/5.4L.Ex 1SNA 146 056 R2500 D 2,5/5.N.4L.Ex 1SNA 146 049 R0600 1SNA 146 050 R0300 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 2,5/5.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 054 R2300 D 2,5/5.P.3L.Ex 1SNA 146 057 R2600 D 2,5/5.P.4L.Ex 1SNA 146 051 R2000 Wire size Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG With isolated ferrule Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended screwdriver mm / inches Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking ATEX certificate Accessories IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.12 - 4 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 550 V Exi : 60 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0031U 2 Circuit separator 4 Jumper bar IP 20 - 24 A grey orange orange FED5.2L FED5.2L SCD5.2L th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 orange BJDL5.2 BJDL5.3 BJDL5.4 BJDL5.5 BJDL5.6 BJDL5.7 BJDL5.8 BJDL5.9 BJDL5.10 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles 2 5 Jumper bar orange between 2 blocks, different spacing - spacing 5 and 6 mm IP 20 - 24 A - spacing 5 and 8 mm IP 20 - 24 A 6 Shielding connector BJDPL5.6 (1) BJDPL5.8 (1) CBD5.2L • 0.12 - 4 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 550 V Exi : 60 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0010U P/N Type Type 1 End section 4 Terminal block with 3 spring 40 Grey body Blue body Characteristics 1 center of rail 29 Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 38 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 1 wire per spring. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". 45,5 58 38 Spring clamp D 2,5/5... .3L.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" 1SNA 291 061 R2400 FED5.3L 1SNA 291 062 R2500 FED5.3L 1SNA 291 352 R0400 SCD5.3L 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 BJDL5.2 BJDL5.3 BJDL5.4 BJDL5.5 BJDL5.6 BJDL5.7 BJDL5.8 BJDL5.9 BJDL5.10 1SNA 291 150 R0600 BJDPL5.6 (1) 1SNA 291 160 R0000 BJDPL5.8 (1) th. 0,5 1SNA 291 077 R2400 0.12 - 4 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 550 V Exi : 60 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0010U P/N Type th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles 1SNA 291 051 R2200 FED5.4L 1SNA 291 052 R2300 FED5.4L 1SNA 291 362 R0600 SCD5.4L 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 BJDL5.2 BJDL5.3 BJDL5.4 BJDL5.5 BJDL5.6 BJDL5.7 BJDL5.8 BJDL5.9 BJDL5.10 1SNA 291 150 R0600 BJDPL5.6 (1) 1SNA 291 160 R0000 BJDPL5.8 (1) P/N th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 1SNA 291 041 R2000 1SNA 291 042 R2100 1SNA 291 372 R0000 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 1SNA 291 150 R0600 1SNA 291 160 R0000 5 6 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories • This accessory cannot be mounted on M 2.5/5.P.L2.Ex block RC510, RPC (on top) - RC55 (on side) RC510, RPC (on top) - RC55 (on side) RC510, RPC (on top) - RC55 (on side) (1) Insert an end section between the 2 connected blocks 25 T07103 D 2,5/5.I.3L.Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks Spring clamp A 1 Spacing 5 mm .200" DIN 2 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 1 wire per spring. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". Terminal block with 2 springs * Can accept 4 mm² rigid wire. End stop End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM BAM V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V2 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 103 002 R2600 1SNA 199 306 R0300 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 P/N Type Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 2,5/5.I.3L.Ex Characteristics Wire size Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG With isolated ferrule Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended screwdriver mm / inches Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.12 - 4* 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 9,5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 630 V Exi : 375 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD LCIE 05 ATEX 0015U Accessories P/N Type Type 1 End section 2 Circuit separator 4 Jumper bar IP 20 - 24 A grey orange orange FED5.2L FED5.2L SCD5.2L th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 1SNA 291 061 R2400 1SNA 291 062 R2500 1SNA 291 352 R0400 orange BJDL5.2 BJDL5.3 BJDL5.4 BJDL5.5 BJDL5.6 BJDL5.7 BJDL5.8 BJDL5.9 BJDL5.10 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 2 5 Jumper bar orange between 2 blocks, different spacing - spacing 5 and 6 mm IP 20 - 24 A - spacing 5 and 8 mm IP 20 - 24 A 6 Shielding connector 4 BJDPL5.6 (1) BJDPL5.8 (1) CBD5.2L • 1SNA 291 150 R0600 1SNA 291 160 R0000 th. 0,5 1SNA 291 077 R2400 5 6 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories • This accessory cannot be mounted on M 2.5/5.P.L2.Ex block RC510, RPC (on top) - RC55 (on side) (1) Insert an end section between the 2 connected blocks 26 P/N NFC DIN ATEX certificate 1 P/N Type 1SNA 146 352 R0200 P/N Type P/N T07086 D 2,5/5... ..2L.2L.Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks Spring clamp Spacing 5 mm .200" D 6/8... .2L.Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 1 wire per spring. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V0 Double circuit Terminal block with 4 springs with 2 electrically separated circuits. Each circuit has its own test socket and can be jumpered independently. 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG With isolated ferrule Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended screwdriver mm / inches Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking ATEX certificate Accessories 1 2 Circuit separator 4 Jumper bar IP 20 - 24 A 5 Jumper bar between 2 blocks, different - spacing 5 and 6 mm - spacing 5 and 8 mm - spacing 6 and 8 mm 1 Terminal block with 2 springs for ground wire. P/N Type P/N 1SNA 146 251 R0500 D 6/8.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 058 R0700 D 6/8.N.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 059 R0000 1SNA 146 060 R0500 D 4/6.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 253 R0700 D 6/8.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 061 R2200 IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.12 - 4 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 0.2 - 6 0.2 - 4 0.5 - 4 4 mm2 480 A / 1 s 11 mm / .43" 4 mm / .16" Exe : 660 V Exi : 90 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0015U 9.5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 110 V Exi : 60 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0010U P/N Type FED5.4L FED5.4L SCD5.4L th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 orange BJDL5.2 BJDL5.3 BJDL5.4 BJDL5.5 BJDL5.6 BJDL5.7 BJDL5.8 BJDL5.9 BJDL5.10 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles orange spacing IP 20 - 24 A IP 20 - 24 A IP 20 - 32 A Spacing 8 mm .315" IEC grey orange orange 2 Spacing 6 mm .236" P/N Type Type 1 End section A D 6/8.P.2L.Ex D 4/6.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 047 R2400 D 4/6.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 048 R0500 D 4/6.N.2L.Ex Green/yellow body (with rail contact) Wire size Terminal block with 2 springs Terminal block with 2 springs for ground wire. D 2,5/5.2L.2L.Ex D 2,5/5.N.2L.2L.Ex Characteristics Terminal block with 2 springs * Marking to make a difference between the D 2,5/5... .4L.Ex and the D 2,5/5.2L.2L.Ex terminal blocks. Same dimensions as D 2,5/5...4L.Ex Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 4 D 4/6... .2L.Ex Spacing 6 mm .236" BJDPL5.6 (1) BJDPL5.8 (1) P/N Type 1SNA 291 041 R2000 FED5.2L 1SNA 291 042 R2100 FED5.2L 1SNA 291 372 R0000 SCD5.2L th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 BJDL6.2 BJDL6.3 BJDL6.4 BJDL6.5 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 1SNA 291 150 R0600 BJDPL5.6 (1) 1SNA 291 160 R0000 BJDPL6.8 (1) 0.5 - 10 0.5 - 6 0.5 - 6 6 mm2 720 A / 1 s 12.5 mm / .49" 5.5 mm / .22" Exe : 550 V Exi : 90 V 41 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0015U 1SNA 291 061 R2400 FED8.2L 1SNA 291 062 R2500 FED8.2L 1SNA 291 352 R0400 1SNA 291 128 R2400 1SNA 291 129 R2500 1SNA 291 194 R1700 1SNA 291 195 R1000 BJDL8.2 BJDL8.3 BJDL8.4 BJDL8.5 P/N th. 2,5 th. 2,5 1SNA 291 161 R2500 1SNA 291 162 R2600 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 1SNA 291 122 R1600 1SNA 291 123 R1700 1SNA 291 144 R2400 1SNA 291 145 R2500 1SNA 291 150 R0600 BJDPL5.8 (1) 1SNA 291 170 R0200 BJDPL6.8 (1) 1SNA 291 160 R0000 1SNA 291 170 R0200 5 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories RC510, RPC (on top) - RC55 (on side) RC610, RPC (on top) - RC65 (on side) RC610, RC810, RPC (on top) - RC65, RCAL (on side) (1) Insert an end section between the 2 connected blocks 27 T07087 D 10/10.2L.Ex Standard and ground Terminal blocks Spring clamp D 35/16.2L.Ex Spacing 12 mm .473" Spacing 16 mm .630" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 1 wire per spring. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". A 1 End stop End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail D 16/12.2L.Ex Spacing 10 mm .394" th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM BAM V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V2 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 103 002 R2600 1SNA 199 306 R0300 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Terminal block with 2 springs with 1 test + Terminal block with 2 springs with 1 test 1 interconnection on one side + 1 interconnection on both sides D 10/10.P.2L.Ex Spacing 10 mm .394" Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 D 35/16.P.2L.Ex D 16/12.P.2L.Ex Spacing 12 mm .473" Terminal block with 2 springs for ground wire. Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Terminal block with 2 springs with 1 test + 1 interconnection on both sides Spacing 16 mm .630" Terminal block with 2 springs for ground wire. P/N Type Terminal block with 2 springs for ground wire. P/N Type P/N Grey body Blue body D 10/10.2L.Ex D 10/10.N.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 118 R2000 D 16/12.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 120 R2600 D 16/12.N.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 130 R2000 D 36/16.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 132 R1600 D 35/16.N.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 136R1200 1SNA 146 138 R2400 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 10/10.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 122 R1400 D 16/12.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 134 R1000 D 35/16.P.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 140 R0200 Characteristics Wire size Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended screwdriver mm / inches Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.5 - 16 0.5 - 10 0.5 - 25 0.5 - 16 2.5 - 50 2.5 - 35 10 mm2 1200 A / 1 s 12 mm / .47" 5,5 mm / .22" Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 57 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 05 ATEX 0016U ATEX certificate Accessories P/N Type Type 1 End section grey 1 3 Jumper bar 57 A - D 10/10.2L.Ex 76 A - D 16/12.2L.Ex 115 A - D 35/16.2L.Ex 4 Jumper bar between 2 blocks, different - spacing 5 and 6 mm - spacing 6 and 10 mm - spacing 8 and 10 mm orange orange spacing IP 20 - 24 A IP 20 - 32 A IP 20 - 41 A FED10.2L FED10.2L 16 mm2 1920 A / 1 s 19 mm / .79" 6,5 mm / .26" Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 76 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 05 ATEX 0016U th. 2,5 th. 2,5 1SNA 291 461 R2200 FED12.2L 1SNA 291 462 R2300 FED12.2L FED12.2L 35 mm2 4200 A / 1 s 26 mm / 1.02" 6,5 mm / .26" Exe : 750 V Exi : 375 V 125 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 05 ATEX 0016U P/N Type th. 2,5 th. 2,5 th. 2,5 BJDL1.10.2 (1) 2 poles BJDL1.10.3 (1) 3 poles BJDL1.10.4 (1) 4 poles BJDL1.10.5 (1) 5 poles 1SNA 291 472 R2500 BJDL12.2 (1) 2 poles 1SNA 291 474 R2700 1SNA 291 476 R2100 1SNA 291 478 R0300 BJDPL5.10 (2) BJDPL6.10 (2) BJDPL8.10 (2) 1SNA 291 480 R2200 1SNA 291 482 R1000 1SNA 291 484 R1200 P/N 1SNA 399 571 R0400 1SNA 399 572 R0500 1SNA 399 574 R0700 1SNA 399 563 R0400 BJDL16.2 (1) 2 poles 1SNA 399 621 R0600 3 4 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories RC1010, RC810, RCC610 (on top) RCAL85, RC65 (on side) RC1010, RC810, RCC610 (on top) RCAL85, RC65 (on side) (1) No voltage decrease EExe and EExi with BJDL - (2) Insert an end section between the 2 connected blocks 28 RC1010, RC810, RCC610 (on top) RCAL85, RC65 (on side) T07090 DR 2,5/5.2L.Ex Standard and ground miniblocks - Spring clamp DB 2,5/5.2L.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" DIN 2 - Base mount with flanges Miniblock with 2 springs Miniblock with 2 springs DR 2,5/10.P.4L.Ex A Spacing 10 mm .396" 1 33,5 30 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 1 wire per spring. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". center of rail 16,5 Ground miniblock with 4 springs End stop Rail th. 6.5 mm 15 x 5 x 1 BADRL PR2 V0 1SNA 199 420 R2100 1SNA 164 600 R1200 Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 P/N DR 2,5/5.2L.Ex DR 2,5/5.N.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 207 R0200 DB 2,5/5.2L.Ex 1SNA 146 279 R1100 DB 2,5/5.N.2L.Ex Green/yellow body (with rail contact) DR 2,5/10.P.4L.Ex 1SNA 146 263 R0100 Characteristics Wire size Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG With isolated ferrule Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended screwdriver mm / inches Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking ATEX certificate Accessories IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.12 - 4 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 275 V Exi : 60 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0031U Type 1 End section 1 P/N Type Grey body Blue body 2 Kit end section (right + left) 3 Separator section 4 Jumper bar IP 20 - 24 A grey orange grey orange grey orange orange 2 5 Jumper bar IP 20 - 24 A orange 3 FED1.L FED1.L FED2.L FED2.L BJDL5.2 (1) BJDL5.3 (1) BJDL5.4 (1) BJDL5.5 (1) BJDL5.6 (1) BJDL5.7 (1) BJDL5.8 (1) BJDL5.9 (1) BJDL5.10 (1) BJDL10.2 (2) BJDL10.3 (2) BJDL10.4 (2) BJDL10.5 (2) 0.12 - 4 0.12 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 9.5 mm / .37" 3.5 mm / .14" Exe : 275 V Exi : 60 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0031U P/N Type th. 1.5 th. 1.5 th. 4 th. 4 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 1SNA 146 246 R0000 1SNA 146 247 R0100 P/N 1SNA 291 301 R0200 1SNA 291 302 R0300 1SNA 291 311 R2300 1SNA 291 312 R2400 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 1SNA 291 322 R2600 1SNA 291 323 R2700 1SNA 291 324 R2000 1SNA 291 325 R2100 FEDB.L FEDB.L FED2.L FED2.L BJDL5.2 (1) BJDL5.3 (1) BJDL5.4 (1) BJDL5.5 (1) BJDL5.6 (1) BJDL5.7 (1) BJDL5.8 (1) BJDL5.9 (1) BJDL5.10 (1) th. 4 th. 4 2 poles 3 poles 4 poles 5 poles 6 poles 7 poles 8 poles 9 poles 10 poles 1SNA 290 281 R0100 1SNA 290 282 R0200 1SNA 291 311 R2300 1SNA 291 312 R2400 1SNA 291 102 R2300 1SNA 291 103 R2400 1SNA 291 104 R2500 1SNA 291 105 R2600 1SNA 291 106 R2700 1SNA 291 107 R2000 1SNA 291 108 R0100 1SNA 291 109 R0200 1SNA 291 110 R2600 4 5 R R See markers section Other accessories see section accessories RC55 (1) For D.....2,5/5.2L.Ex only. (2) For DR 2,5/10.P.4L.Ex only. RC55 29 T07092 D 2,5/5.ADO.Ex Terminal blocks Insulation displacement Screw clamp - ADO 1 D 6/8.ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Spacing 8 mm .315" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". Standard 5 mm block Standard 6 mm block D 2,5/5.P.ADO.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" Standard 8 mm block - * Black marking D 4/6.P.ADO.Ex D 6/8.P.ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Spacing 8 mm .315" 50 * 56 48,5 A D 4/6.ADO.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 center of rail Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 P/N Type Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact - * Black marking P/N Type P/N Grey body Blue body D 2,5/5.ADO.Ex D 2,5/5.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 071 R2400 D 4/6.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 072 R2500 D 4/6.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 032 R1500 D 6/8.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 033 R1600 D 6/8.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 034 R1700 1SNA 146 035 R1000 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 2,5/5.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 074 R2700 D 4/6.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 031 R1400 D 6/8.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 042 R2700 Characteristics Wire size Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact 25 Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking Screw IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 2.5 0.2 - 1 0.22 - 1 1 mm2 120 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 0.4-0.6 Nm / 3.5-5.3 lb.in 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 180 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 lb.in 0.2 - 10 0.22 - 6 1 - 2.5 1 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 12 mm / .47" 0.8-1 Nm / 7.1-8.9 lb.in Exe : 750 V Exe : 550 V Exe : 550 V Exi : 60 V 13,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0029U ATEX certificate Accessories P/N Type Type 1 End section 1 2 Circuit separator grey yellow grey Exi : 90 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0020U / 0021U 1SNA 199 336 R2000 FEDAD1 1SNA 199 339 R0300 FEDAD1 1SNA 199 551 R2000 SCAD FEDAD1 FEDAD1 SCAD5 • BJM (1) • see accessories BJM (1) BJMI (1) • see accessories BJMI (1) BJS (1) • see accessories BJS (1) BJB BJADO • see accessories BJB see accessories BJADO th. 3 th. 3 Exi : 90 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0020U / 0021U P/N Type th. 3 th. 3 • 1SNA 199 336 R2000 FEDAD1 1SNA 199 339 R0300 FEDAD1 1SNA 196 896 R0000 SCAD P/N • 1SNA 199 336 R2000 1SNA 199 339 R0300 1SNA 196 896 R0000 see accessories BJM (1) • see accessories see accessories BJMI (1) • see accessories see accessories BJS (1) • see accessories see accessories BJB see accessories BJADO • see accessories see accessories BJP8 EL6 PC8 • • 1SNA 174 448 R0700 1SNA 173 627 R2100 10 pôles 1SNA 163 313 R2400 EP6 EP8 VSP6 AD2,5 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA • 3 blocks 1SNA 163 427 R1700 • 4 blocks 1SNA 163 428 R2000 1SNA 163 433 R1500 • 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 th. 3 th. 3 2 6 Assembled jumper bar (without IP20 protection) 7 Assembled jumper bar (with IP20 protection) 8 Jumper bar not assembled 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 13 15 16 17 20 10 Jumper bar 11 Screwless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 12 Pivoting jumper bar 13 Connector plate 14 Comb-type jumper bar Isolating cover 15 Shielding connector th. 0,5 th. 0,8 16 Protection label 18 17 18 19 20 Screw for protection label IDC jumper Manual tool Semi-automatic tool Interchangeable head kit • 10 poles 1SNA 113 544 R1200 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 178 745 R1400 • 1SNA 178 746 R1500 • PC5 EIP CBM5 CBM8 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA R See markers section 1SNA 174 413 R1400 • 1SNA 173 627 R2100 • • 10 poles 1SNA 113 548 R2600 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 178 745 R1400 • 1SNA 178 746 R1500 • • 4 blocks 1SNA 163 427 R1700 BJP6 EL6 PC6 EIP CBM5 CBM8 EP6 VSP6 AD2,5 1SNA 179 466 R0600 OUMAD 1SNA 178 944 R0400 OUPAD 1SNA 205 284 R0300 OUTA • These accessories cannot be 19 mounted on D 2,5/5.P.ADO.Ex block RC55 - RC510 - RTM 7 • • • These accessories cannot be mounted on D 4/6.P.ADO.Ex block RC65 - RC610 - RTM7 (1) A circuit separator SC.... is required with these accessories. 30 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 • These accessories cannot be mounted on D 6/8.P.ADO.Ex block RCAL85 - RC810 - RTM7 T07093 D 6/8.ADO3.Ex Terminal blocks Insulation displacement Screw clamp - ADO Spacing 8 mm .315" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. Only 1 wire per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Standard 8 mm block - * White marking Spacing 8 mm .315" 1 Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact - * White marking Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 D 6/8.ADO3.Ex D 6/8.N.ADO3.Ex 1SNA 146 078 R0300 1SNA 146 079 R0400 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 6/8.P.ADO3.Ex 1SNA 146 081 R1700 IEC NFC DIN Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 0.2 - 10 0.22 - 6 4 4 4 mm2 480 A / 1 s 12 mm / .47" 0.8-1 Nm / 7.1-8.9 lb.in Exe : 750 V Exi : 375 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0029U Screw ATEX certificate Accessories 2 Circuit separator 2 6 8 7 grey yellow grey 6 Assembled jumper bar (without IP20 protection) 7 Assembled jumper bar (with IP20 protection) 8 Jumper bar not assembled 10 Jumper bar 11 Screwless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 12 Pivoting jumper bar 13 Connector plate 14 Comb-type jumper bar 15 Protection label 10 11 12 Type 1 End section 1 14 13 15 16 17 P/N Grey body Blue body Characteristics Wire size 16 17 18 19 A D 6/8.P.ADO3.Ex Screw for protection label IDC jumper Manual tool Semi-automatic tool Interchangeable head kit 18 P/N FEDAD1 FEDAD1 SCAD • 1SNA 199 336 R2000 1SNA 199 339 R0300 1SNA 196 896 R0000 BJM8 (1) • see accessories BJMI8 (1) • see accessories BJS (1) • see accessories BJB BJADO • see accessories see accessories BJP8 EL6 PC8 EP6 EP8 VSP6 AD2,5 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA • • th. 3 th. 3 1SNA 174 448 R0700 1SNA 173 627 R2100 10 poles 1SNA 163 313 R2400 • 3 blocks 1SNA 163 427 R1700 • 4 blocks 1SNA 163 428 R2000 1SNA 163 433 R1500 • 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 • These accessories cannot be 19 R See markers section mounted on D 6/8.P.ADO3.Ex block RCAL85 - RC810 - RTM7 (1) A circuit separator SC.... is required with these accessories. 31 T07094 D 4/6.D2.ADO.Ex Double deck terminal blocks Insulation displacement Screw clamp - ADO A 1 Spacing 6 mm .238" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Terminal block 6 mm, double deck opened. Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body NFC DIN Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking Screw ATEX certificate Accessories 3 2 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 17 grey grey DIA. 2 mm DIA. 3 mm 6 Assembled jumper bar without IP20 protection 7 Assembled jumper bar with IP20 protection 8 Jumper bar not assembled Post + washer + captive screw IP20 6 18 19 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 9.5 mm / .37" 0.5-0.8 Nm / 4.4-7.1 lb.in Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 17.5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0021U Type 1 End section 2 Circuit separator 3 Test socket 1 1SNA 146 045 R2200 1SNA 146 046 R2300 IEC Characteristics Wire size P/N D 4/6.D2.ADO.Ex D 4/6.D2.N.ADO.Ex FED2AD1 SCAD AL2 (1) AL3 (1) BJM6... BJMI6... BJS6 EV6I P/N th. 5 1SNA 199 417 R1200 1SNA 196 896 R0000 DIA 2 1SNA 163 043 R2100 DIA 3 1SNA 163 261 R0000 see accessories see accessories 20 poles 1SNA 174 784 R2000 1SNA 206 394 R0200 10 Connector plate 11 Screwless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 12 Pivoting jumper bar 13 Jumper bar for alternated jumping 14 Connector plate 15 Comb-type jumper bar Isolating cover 16 Vertical jumper bar 17 Shielding connector 18 Protection label Screw for protection label 19 IDC jumper 20 Manual tool 21 Semi-automatic tool 22 Interchangeable head kit BJB BJADO6... R See markers section RC65 - RC610 - RTM7 BJP6 (1) BJA6 (1) EL6 PC6 EIP ITVE CBD2S EP6 VSP6 AD2,5 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA 1SNA 199 466 R2300 see accessories 1SNA 174 413 R1400 10 poles 1SNA 116 541 R1200 1SNA 173 627 R2100 10 poles 1SNA 113 548 R2600 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 179 694 R0300 1SNA 178 408 R1400 4 blocks 1SNA 163 427 R1700 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 20 21 22 R (1) A circuit separator SC.... is required with these accessories. 32 T07095 D 1/5.ADO.Ex Terminal blocks Insulation displacement ADO - ADO Spacing 6 mm .238" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Standard 5 mm block Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Spacing 5 mm .200" Spacing 6 mm .238" 1 Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact P/N Type P/N D 1/5.ADO.Ex D 1/5.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 069 R0200 D 1,5/6.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 070 R0700 D 1,5/6.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 036 R1100 1SNA 146 037 R1200 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 1/5.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 075 R2000 D 1,5/6.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 040 R0100 Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking A D 1,5/6.P.ADO.Ex Grey body Blue body Characteristics Wire size Standard 6 mm block D 1/5.P.ADO.Ex Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN Screw 0.2 - 1 0.22 - 1 1 mm2 120 A / 1 s 0.34 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 180 A / 1 s Exe : 750 V Exe : 550 V Exi : 60 V 13,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0029U ATEX certificate Accessories 1 2 Circuit separator 2 5 7 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 grey yellow grey 5 Assembled jumper bar (without IP20 protection) 6 Assembled jumper bar (with IP20 protection) 7 Jumper bar not assembled Post + screw + washer 8 Jumper bar not assembled Post + washer + captive screw IP20 9 Jumper bar 10 Screwless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 11 Pivoting jumper bar 12 Connector plate 13 Shielding connector th. 0,5 th. 0,8 14 Protection label FEMAD3 FEMAD3 SCAD5 Exi : 90 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0021U P/N Type Type 1 End section 11 D 1,5/6.ADO.Ex Spacing 5 mm .200" th. 3 th. 3 1SNA 199 341 R0500 FEMAD3 1SNA 199 343 R0700 FEMAD3 1SNA 199 551 R2000 SCAD P/N th. 3 th. 3 1SNA 199 341 R0500 1SNA 199 343 R0700 1SNA 199 551 R2000 BJM5 (1) see accessories BJM6 (1) see accessories BJMI5 (1) see accessories BJMI6 (1) see accessories BJS5 (1) EV5 see accessories BJB BJADO5... CBM5 CBM8 Screw for protection label 15 Manual tool 16 Semi-automatic tool 17 Interchangeable head kit OUMAD OUPAD OUTA R See markers section RC55 - RC510 - RTM 7 BJS6 (1) EV6I see accessories BJB see accessories BJADO6... see accessories see accessories see accessories BJP6 EL6 1SNA 178 745 R1400 CBM5 1SNA 178 746 R1500 CBM8 EP6 1SNA 174 413 R1400 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 178 745 R1400 1SNA 178 746 R1500 1SNA 163 427 R1700 VSP6 1SNA 179 466 R0600 OUMAD 1SNA 178 944 R0400 OUPAD 1SNA 205 284 R0300 OUTA 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 15 16 17 RC65 - RC610 - RTM7 (1) A circuit separator SC.... is required with these accessories. 33 T07096 D 2,5/8.ADO.Ex Terminal blocks Insulation displacement ADO - ADO A 1 D 4/8.ADO.Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" Spacing 8 mm .315" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 9 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADL BAM2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 296 351 R0000 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Standard 8 mm block - * Black marking D 2,5/8.P.ADO.Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact - * White marking P/N Type P/N Grey body Blue body D 2,5/8.ADO.Ex D 2,5/8.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 038 R2300 D 4/8.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 039 R2400 D 4/8.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 076 R2100 1SNA 146 077 R2200 Green/yellow body (with rail contact) D 2,5/8.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 041 R2600 D 4/8.P.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 080 R2200 Characteristics Wire size D 4/8.P.ADO.Ex Spacing 8 mm .315" Terminal block for ground wire with rail contact - * Black marking Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Standard 8 mm block - * White marking Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN Screw 1 - 2.5 1 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s Exe : 420 V Exi : 90 V FEMAD3 SCAD I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0029U P/N Type Type grey grey Exi : 190 V 32 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0021U Accessories 1 End section 2 Circuit separator Exe : 420 V 24 A ATEX certificate 1 2.5 - 4 4 4 mm2 480 A / 1 s th. 3 1SNA 199 341 R0500 FEMAD3 1SNA 196 896 R0000 SCAD P/N th. 3 1SNA 199 341 R0500 1SNA 196 896 R0000 2 5 7 5 Assembled jumper bar (without IP20 protection) 6 Assembled jumper bar (with IP20 protection) 7 Jumper bar not assembled Post + washer + captive screw IP20 BJM8 (1) see accessories BJM8 (1) see accessories BJMI8 (1) see accessories BJMI8 (1) see accessories BJS8 (1) EV6I see accessories BJS8 (1) EV6I see accessories 6 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 Jumper bar Pivoting jumper bar Connector plate Protection label 1SNA 199 466 R2300 1SNA 174 448 R0700 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 163 427 R1700 1SNA 163 428 R2000 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 Screw for protection label 13 Manual tool 14 Semi-automatic tool 15 Interchangeable head kit BJB BJP8 EL6 EP6 EP8 VSP6 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA R See markers section RCAL85 - RC610 - RTM7 BJB BJP8 EL6 EP6 EP8 VSP6 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA 1SNA 199 466 R2300 1SNA 174 448 R0700 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 163 427 R1700 1SNA 163 428 R2000 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 12 13 14 15 R RCAL85 - RC610 - RTM7 (1) A circuit separator SC.... is required with these accessories. 34 T07097 D 1,5/6.D2.ADO.Ex Double deck terminal blocks Insulation displacement ADO - ADO Spacing 6 mm .238" DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. A For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADH BAMH V0 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V2 V0 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 1 Terminal block 6 mm, double deck opened. Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body 1SNA 146 062 R2300 1SNA 146 063 R2400 IEC Characteristics Wire size P/N D 1,5/6.D2.ADO.Ex D 1,5/6.D2.N.ADO.Ex NFC DIN Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking Screw 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 17.5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0029U ATEX certificate Accessories Type 1 End section 2 Circuit separator 1 2 grey grey 5 Assembled jumper bar without IP20 6 Assembled jumper bar with IP20 7 Jumper bar not assembled Post + washer + captive screw IP20 FED2AD2 SCAD BJM6 BJMI6 BJS6 EV6I P/N th. 5 1SNA 199 476 R2500 1SNA 196 896 R0000 see accessories see accessories 20 poles 1SNA 174 784 R2000 1SNA 206 394 R0200 6 5 7 9 10 12 11 13 14 9 Jumper bar 10 Svrewless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 11 Pivoting jumper bar 12 Jumper bar for alternated jumping 13 Connector plate 14 Vertical jumper bar 15 Shielding connector 16 Protection label Screw for protection label 17 Manual tool 18 Semi-automatic tool 19 Interchangeable head kit BJB BJADO6... R See markers section RC65 - RC610 - RTM7 BJP6 BJA6 EL6 ITVE CBD2S EP6 VSP6 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA 1SNA 199 466 R2300 see accessories 1SNA 174 413 R1400 10 poles 1SNA 116 541 R1200 1SNA 173 627 R2100 1SNA 179 694 R0300 1SNA 178 408 R1400 4 blocks 1SNA 163 427 R1700 1SNA 163 433 R1500 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 15 16 17 18 19 R (1) A circuit separator SC.... is required with these accessories. 35 T07098 Standard and ground miniblocks - Screw clamp - ADO A 1 DR... 4/6.ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Mounting rail DIN 2 th. 6.5 mm th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 15 x 5 x 1 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 BADRL BADH BAMH V0 PR2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V2 V0 DR 4/6.PI.ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Mounting rail DIN 2 1SNA 199 420 R2100 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 164 600 R1200 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Type Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Grey body Orange body Grey body (without rib) Blue body Yellow body/green (without rail contact) DR 4/6.PI.ADO.Ex Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking ATEX certificate Accessories 4 End section kit with screw locks (right + left) 5 Separator 2 grey grey grey orange grey orange grey orange 6 Test device 4 3 5 6 8 7 P/N 1SNA 146 064 R2500 DB 4/6.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 210 R0000 1SNA 146 065 R2600 IEC IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN NFC DIN 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 9.5 mm / .37" 0,5-0,8 Nm / 4,4-7,1 Ib-in Exe : 420 V Exi : 190 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0032U 9.5 mm / .37" 0,5-0,8 Nm / 4,4-7,1 Ib-in Exe : 420 V Exi : 190 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0032U Type 1 End stop (DIN 2) 2 End stop (DIN 3) 3 End section P/N Type 1SNA 146 202 R0500 DS 4/6.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 208 R1300 1SNA 146 209 R1400 DS 4/6.N.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 203 R0600 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 180 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 0,5-0,8 Nm / 4,4-7,1 Ib-in Exe : 420 V Exi : 190 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0032U Screw 1 P/N Type DR 4/6.ADO.Ex DR 4/6.ADO.Ex DRE 4/6.ADO.Ex Characteristics Wire size DB 4/6.ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Base mount with flanges DIN 2 / DIN 3 / Base mount Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail DS 4/6... ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Mounting rail DIN 3 P/N Type BADRL V0 th. 6.5 1SNA 199 420 R2100 FEAD1 V0 FEAD1 V0 th. 2.5 th. 2.5 BADL V0 1SNA 199 421 R1600 FEAD1 V0 1SNA 199 422 R1700 FEAD1 V0 FEAD5 V0 FEAD5 V0 DCJ th. 5.0 th. 5.0 1SNA 199 433 R1200 FEAD5 V0 1SNA 199 434 R1300 FEAD5 V0 1SNA 173 059 R0300 DCJ 7 Test plug 8 Screwless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 9 Comb-type jumper bar InsulatinG 10 IDC jumper 11 Manual tool 12 Semi-automatic tool 13 Interchangeable head kit 14 Pneumatic tool kit 15 Extraction tool kit FC2 BJADO6... R See markers section Top of block RC65 - RCAL85 PC6 EIP OUMAD OUPAD OUTA OUTAD EXAD2 DIA. 2 1SNA 007 865 R2600 FC2 see accessories BJADO6... see accessories PC6 1SNA 113 550 R2400 EIP AD2,5 V2 1SNA 179 466 R0600 OUMAD 1SNA 178 944 R0400 OUPAD 1SNA 205 284 R0300 OUTA 1SNA 205 710 R1100 OUTAD 1SNA 205 721 R0000 EXAD2 P/N Type th. 9.0 th. 2.5 th. 2.5 th. 5.0 th. 5.0 P/N 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 199 421 R1600 1SNA 199 422 R1700 FEAD3 V0 FEAD3 V0 1SNA 199 433 R1200 FEAD5 V0 1SNA 199 434 R1300 FEAD5 V0 1SNA 173 059 R0300 DCJ V2 DIA. 2 1SNA 007 865 R2600 FC2 see accessories BJADO6... see accessories 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 1SNA 205 710 R1100 1SNA 205 721 R0000 PC6 EIP AD2,5 V2 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA OUTAD EXAD2 th. 5.0 th. 5.0 1SNA 199 437 R1600 1SNA 199 438 R2700 1SNA 199 433 R1200 1SNA 199 434 R1300 1SNA 173 059 R0300 DIA. 2 1SNA 007 865 R2600 see accessories see accessories 1SNA 113 550 R2400 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 1SNA 205 710 R1100 1SNA 205 721 R0000 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 R 36 Top of block RC65 - RCAL85 Top of block RC65 - RCAL85 T07099 DR 4/8.ADO.Ex Standard and ground miniblocks - Screw clamp - ADO Spacing 8 mm .315" Mounting rail DIN 2 DIN 2 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop Rail th. 6.5 mm 15 x 5 x 1 BADRL PR2 V0 DR 4/8.PI.ADO.Ex 1 1SNA 199 420 R2100 1SNA 164 600 R1200 Type P/N Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body DR 4/8.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 255 R0100 Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Yellow body/green (without rail contact) DR 4/8.PI.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 204 R0700 IEC Characteristics Wire size A Spacing 8 mm .315" Mounting rail DIN 2 NFC DIN Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking 0.2 - 4 0.22 - 4 1 - 2.5 1 - 2.5 2.5 mm2 300 A / 1 s 9.5 mm / .37" 0,5-0,8 Nm / 4,4-7,1 Ib-in Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 24 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0032U Screw ATEX certificate Accessories Type 1 End stop (DIN 2) 2 End section 1 3 Separator grey grey orange grey orange BADRL V0 FEAD1 V0 FEAD1 V0 FEAD5 V0 FEAD5 V0 P/N th. 6.5 th. 2.5 th. 2.5 th. 5.0 th. 5.0 1SNA 199 420 R2100 1SNA 199 421 R1600 1SNA 199 422 R1700 1SNA 199 433 R1200 1SNA 199 434 R1300 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 Comb-type jumper bar IDC jumper Manual tool Semi-automatic tool Interchangeable head kit Pneumatic tool kit Extraction tool kit PC8 AD2,5 V2 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA OUTAD EXAD2 see accessories 1SNA 114 205 R2000 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 1SNA 205 710 R1100 1SNA 205 721 R0000 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 R R See markers section Top of block RCAL85 37 T07091 DR 1,5/6.ADO.Ex Standard and ground miniblocks - ADO - ADO A 1 DIN 2 / Spacing 6 mm .238" Mounting rail DIN 2 DIN 3 Exe and Exi voltage ratings apply to terminal blocks only without any accessory. The use of ground terminal blocks do not decrease the standard terminal blocks' voltage ratings. 2 wires max. same gage and nature per ADO connection. For the terminal block voltage rating with its accessories, consult our "ATEX technical instructions sheet for safe mounting". End stop End stop End stop Rail Rail Rail Rail th. 6.5 mm th. 12 mm th. 9,1 mm 15 x 5 x 1 35 x 7,5 x 1 35 x 15 x 2,3 35 x 15 x 1,5 DS 1,5/6... ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Mounting rail DIN 3 BADRL BADH BAMH V0 PR2 PR3.Z2 PR4 PR5 V0 V2 V0 DR 1,5/6.PI.ADO.Ex Spacing 6 mm .238" Mounting rail DIN 2 1SNA 199 420 R2100 1SNA 116 900 R2700 1SNA 194 836 R0100 1SNA 164 600 R1200 1SNA 174 300 R1700 1SNA 168 500 R1200 1SNA 168 700 R2200 Type P/N Type P/N Standard blocks UL 94 V0 Grey body Blue body DR 1,5/6.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 205 R0000 DS 1,5/6.ADO.Ex DS 1,5/6.N.ADO.Ex Terminal blocks for ground wires UL 94 V0 Yellow body/green (without rail contact) DR 1,5/6.PI.ADO.Ex 1SNA 146 206 R0100 Characteristics Wire size Rigid Flexible mm² / AWG Rigid ADO Flexible Rated wire size mm² / AWG Short-circuit current (for ground blocks) A / s Wire stripping length mm / inches Recommended torque Nm / Ib.in Voltage EN 60079-7 ; EN 50020 Current ATEX marking IEC IEC NFC DIN NFC DIN 1SNA 146 066 R2700 1SNA 146 067 R2000 Screw 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 180 A / 1 s 0.28 - 1.5 0.34 - 1.5 1.5 mm2 Exe : 550 V Exe : 550 V Exi : 375 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2G / 1G Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0032U ATEX certificate Accessories 1 4 Separator 2 grey grey grey orange grey orange 5 Screwless jumper bar to be inserted into ADO jaw orange IP20 6 Manual tool 7 Semi-automatic tool 8 Interchangeable head kit 9 Pneumatic tool kit 10 Extraction tool kit 3 P/N Type Type 1 End stop (DIN 2) 2 End stop (DIN 3) 3 End section BADRL V0 th. 6.5 1SNA 199 420 R2100 FEAD2 V0 FEAD2 V0 FEAD6 V0 FEAD6 V0 BJADO6... th. 2.5 th. 2.5 th. 5.0 th. 5.0 1SNA 199 423 R1000 1SNA 199 424 R1100 1SNA 199 435 R1400 1SNA 199 436 R1500 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA OUTAD EXAD2 Exi : 375 V 17,5 A I M2 / M1 II 2GD / 1GD Ex e/i I / II LCIE 02 ATEX 0032U BADL V0 FEAD2 V0 FEAD2 V0 FEAD6 V0 FEAD6 V0 see accessories BJADO6... 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 1SNA 205 710 R1100 1SNA 205 721 R0000 OUMAD OUPAD OUTA OUTAD EXAD2 P/N th. 9.0 th. 2.5 th. 2.5 th. 5.0 th. 5.0 1SNA 399 903 R0200 1SNA 199 423 R1000 1SNA 199 424 R1100 1SNA 199 435 R1400 1SNA 199 436 R1500 see accessories 1SNA 179 466 R0600 1SNA 178 944 R0400 1SNA 205 284 R0300 1SNA 205 710 R1100 1SNA 205 721 R0000 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R 38 R See markers section Top of block RC65 - RCAL85 Top of block RC65 - RCAL85 T07091 Numerical and alphabetical index 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 007 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 116 116 116 116 116 116 118 118 126 126 127 128 128 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 865 002 061 065 125 126 775 776 003 102 482 544 548 550 851 205 825 541 720 728 771 900 934 495 707 576 629 600 499 618 001 002 003 004 005 006 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 R2600 R2600 R2000 R2400 R1500 R1600 R0000 R0100 R1000 R1000 R0500 R1200 R2600 R2400 R1600 R2000 R0500 R1200 R2100 R2500 R2000 R2700 R0400 R1700 R0300 R1700 R2400 R0500 R2500 R0300 R2700 R2000 R2100 R2200 R2300 R2400 R0700 R2300 R1000 R1100 R1200 R1300 R1400 R1500 R1600 R2700 R2000 R2500 R1200 R1300 R1400 R1500 R1600 R1700 R1000 R2100 R2200 R2700 R1400 R1500 R1600 R1700 R1000 R1100 R1200 R2300 R2400 R0100 R2600 R2700 R2000 R2100 R2200 R2300 R2400 R0500 R0600 R0300 R2000 R2100 R2200 R2300 R2400 R2500 R2600 R0700 R0000 R0500 R2200 R2300 R2400 R2500 R2600 R2700 R2000 R0100 R0200 R0700 R2400 R2500 36 26 16 15 14 14 18 18 14 15 17 14 14 14 16 18 14 32 17 14 18 16 16 17 14 14 14 24 17 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 17 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 17 17 17 16 15 15 14 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 30 30 30 30 30 33 33 34 34 33 34 30 15 16 32 32 27 27 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 35 35 36 36 38 38 16 33 33 30 30 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 1SNA 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 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The information given is not-contractual. For further details please contact the ABB company marketing these products in your country.
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