March 31, 2016 Newsletter - Bradner Elementary
March 31, 2016 Newsletter - Bradner Elementary
5291 Bradner Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2P5 604.856.3304 Principal, Ms. Paulette Collier MARCH 31, 2016 Volume #14 BRADNER ELEMENTARY NEWSLETTER Principal: Ms. Paulette Collier Secretary: Mrs. Kimberly Juulsen Website: PAC President: Mr. John Lui School Closure Info.: Phone: (604) 856-3304 Fax: (604) 856-3865 BRADNER SCHOOL GOALS Performance Goal: #1 To improve all students’ achievement in Numeracy. Principal’s Message Welcome back after our two week Spring Break holiday! Our daffodils are in full bloom, the sun is shining, and students are full of excitement and happy to reconnect with their teachers and friends here at school. It is kind of like having the family back together again for all of us here and that is a fantastic feeling! Just as the Spring Break holiday began, Ms. Lee, our grade 2/3 classroom teacher was informed that she is scheduled for knee surgery on Friday, April 1st. The surgery was expected, but the early appointment date was a surprise to us all. So, we wish Ms. Lee every success with both her surgery and recovery and hope to see her running around very soon. Unfortunately for us, however, we will have to wait until September to see Ms. Lee run around again as her recovery time will take her until the end of June. Ms. Lee’s last day this school year will be today. Good-bye Ms. Lee! All the best to you! See you in September! Taking over for Ms. Lee is Ms. Sarah Brett. Her first teaching day at Bradner will be Friday, April 1st this week. Please drop in at some point to introduce yourself to Ms. Brett and to give her that warm Bradner welcome whenever you can. Also, as the Spring Break holiday was beginning, Mrs. Christian’s last documents were signed for her official retirement from the Abbotsford School District. This means that the teaching position that Ms. Tabitha Garey has been covering in our grade 6/7 classroom since the beginning of October, 2015, had to be ‘posted’ at the district level. So, it is with sadness that we must also say good-bye to Ms. Garey today. Her extreme efforts and commitment to her students in division one and the impact that she has had on our community of Bradner will not be forgotten. We cannot thank her enough for coaching cross-country, soccer, and volleyball this year. As well, huge thank you to her for taking her students to Manning Park for their 3 day overnight ski trip. Ms. Garey has a tremendous career ahead of her and we wish her all the best. Taking over for Ms. Garey/Christian we welcome Ms. Tara Anderson to the division one classroom. Please drop in at some point to introduce yourself to Ms. Anderson and give her that warm Bradner welcome whenever you can. Our PAC President, Mr. John Lui, calls all parents to come forward to help out with our biggest fundraiser event of the year – May Day! Please contact him if you are able to give even an hour of your time on Monday, May 23rd so that our community and our students here at Bradner are able to enjoy another fantastic May Day celebration with family and friends. It is a long standing tradition here in Bradner that we want to see continue so hopefully we will see everyone out. The next PAC Meeting is scheduled for April 6th at 9:30 a.m., to talk more about the upcoming event. See you there! Sincerely, Ms. P. Collier Principal of Bradner Elementary School Bulldog Assembly Our next Bradner Bulldog Assembly will take place on Friday, April 8th, 2016 @ 9:30 am IMPORTANT DATES: Apr 1st – Public Speaking @ 1:00 pm Apr 6th – PAC Meeting @ 9:30 am Apr 8th – Bulldog Assembly @ 9:30 am/Bradner Flower Show Apr 15th – Twin Day Apr 20th – Ready, Set, Learn @ 3:45 – 4:45 pm The 88th Annual Bradner Flower Show When: Time: Where: April 8, 9, and 10 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily Bradner Community Hall 5305 Bradner Road, Abbotsford Admission: $2.00/person Flower show in Bradner Hall, tearoom for lunch, 100’s of daffodils on display, arts, crafts, music, local chefs, wineries & gardening experts. | Page 2 of 4 This year’s theme is “Jazz Up Your Garden”. Find out what is in your garden! Friday 2:00 pm - Handbells presentation performed by Bradner Elementary Div. 1 & 2 Opening Ceremony on Friday at 2:00 pm will feature Special Guest Peter Fizmaurice of Garden Works, GLOBAL TV’S Saturday Morning Gardening Expert. Tea Room – Visit the Team Room for homemade soup, sandwiches, and baking. Saturday/Sunday hot dogs 11:00 am – 2:00 pm available outside. Plant & Flower Sale – unusual varieties, perennials, cut flowers, loads to choose from! All proceeds from cut flower sales donated to Abbotsford Regional Hospital & Cancer Centre. For more info: or [email protected] or The Flower Show Committee is asking for donations of baked goods for the Tea Room. If you could help, please drop off your baking at the Bradner Hall before Friday @ 10:00 am or at Bradner Elementary School. For further information please contact Lisa Price at email: [email protected] OR call 604-856-8441 or The Flower Show is in need of Volunteers that could donate a few hours of time to help with the set-up, parking, kitchen, food stand, and clean up. For Information contact: Lisa Price at email: [email protected]. Nights of Music Students in Division 1 and 2 are busy rehearsing for the upcoming School District Nights of Music, Thursday, April 28th at 7 p.m. @ Abby Arts Centre. Our students will be playing handbells as part of a wonderful evening of music. (Students are to arrive @ 6:30pm and should wear any combination of black & white.) Nights of Music is a wonderful time for schools to share their music with each other and the community. This exciting event is put on by The Abbotsford Music Educators’ Association and supported by the Abbotsford School District. Not only do students have an opportunity to perform, but they also have the chance to see what other schools are doing. Each evening features a wonderful variety of groups; drum lines, recorders, classroom/school choirs, jazz ensembles, handbells, ORFF instruments and bands. These evenings give the students, parents, and teachers an ideal opportunity to find out what’s happening in their area, as well as help students see what is in store for them once they reach middle and secondary school. The $2.00 audience admission fees support the AMEA Music Scholarship Fund for Abbotsford Students. Mark this date on your Calendar. Kindergarten Registration 2016 -2017 Kindergarten Registration for the Abbotsford School District commenced on Monday, January 18th, 2016. If you have a friend or neighbour who has a child eligible for Kindergarten this September, please advise them to come and fill out the Registration Forms. (Complete information can be found on the district website Ready, Set, Learn for 3 & 4 year olds will be held @ Bradner on WEDNESDAY, April 20th from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Parents, and their children born in 2011 or 2012 are invited to come to a Ready, Set, Learn (RSL) event at their neighbourhood school. Every child will be given a bag of learning supplies. Parents will be given resources and ideas about how to support their child in using these materials. Ready, Set, Learn is to help parents receive valuable information for helping preschoolers experience success and provide 3 & 4 year-old children with a good head start for kindergarten. We will have activities with stories; letters; words and printing. Families will receive an information kit. Please call Mrs. Juulsen to Register (604) 856-3304 Report Cards Report Cards were sent home with your child(ren) on Thursday, March 10th. Please keep the report card for your records and sign and return the envelope to your classroom teacher. Public Speaking APRIL 1st @ 1:00 - 3:15 p.m. Our school public speaking competition is quickly approaching. Grades 4-7 students are expected to write a speech and deliver it. The deadlines are as follows: - Grade finals were conducted this week, with School finals held on Friday, April 1st @ 1:00 pm in the school gym. A breakdown of the Public Speaking expectations were sent home earlier this month, please discuss these dates with your child as there is a very tight timeline to adhere to. We are looking forward, once again, to hear excellent speeches. Parents are most welcome to attend the finals! | Page 3 of 4 Monthly Home Reading Winners Thank You to our Volunteers! Division Two would like to thank Mrs. Nicky Annecchini, Mrs. Stacey Stinson and Mrs. Karolina Rempel for organizing and operating the Division 2 Cupcake Sale. Division Two would like to thank Mrs. Val Duma for a cash donation of $25.00 (from her personal returned bottles and recycles) which has been donated to Division 2’s upcoming fieldtrips. To Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Lacey Ormel for bringing in a baby cow to help out with the 4th Annual BC Cancer Foundation Fundraiser! To all our Volunteers who help out throughout the school year to make Bradner Elementary School the wonderful rural school that it is. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful supportive community. Div. 2 – Fraser Valley Meats – Fundraiser Division Two would like to thank all the families that purchased meat to help support Division Two’s fundraising efforts, for their fieldtrip(s) to Zajac Ranch. Bradner Elementary School 2015-2016 - April 1st (Friday) – Public Speaking @ 1:00 pm - April 8th (Friday) – Bulldog Assembly @ 9:30 am / Bradner Flower Show - April 15th (Friday) – Twin Day (Dress like a friend) (New Date) - April 22nd (Friday) - Twin Day (Dress like a friend) - April 2th (Wednesday) – Ready, Set, Learn 3:45 – 4:45 pm - April 22th (Friday) – School Wide Swim 12:00 – 2:00 pm (New Date) - April 28th (Thursday) – 2 Hour Early Dismissal / Nights of Music @ Abby Arts - April 29th (Friday) - Non-Instructional Day #5 – NO SCHOOL - Pro. Dev. Day - May 2nd ((Monday) - Non-Instructional Day #6 – NO SCHOOL - Pro. Dev. Day - May 6th (Friday) – Bulldog Assembly @ 11:00 am - May 13th (Friday) – Hawaiian Day (change from Mexican Day) - May 20th (Friday) - Non-Instructional Day #7 – NO SCHOOL – Pro. Dev. Day - May 23rd (Monday) - Victoria Day/Bradner May Day – NO SCHOOL - June 3rd (Friday) – Hat Day (Change in Date) - June 10th (Friday) - Track and Field Meet at Rotary Stadium - June 17th (Friday) – Sports Day (New Date) - June 29th (Wednesday) - Last Day for Students/Year End Assembly/Final Report Cards - Jun 30th (Thursday) - Year-end Closing - (Last Day for Teachers) Monthly Home Reading Winners! Congratulations to the FEBRUARY Grade 6 & 7 winners of the $10.00 Gift Certificate, they were: January Marisa Smit – Grade 7 Olivia Smit – Grade 6 Congratulations to Division 6 – Ms. Gill’s students are the “Monthly Home Reading Champions” for the month of “FEBRUARY”. Bradner Stars Hudson Treloar Molly Atherton-Walby Jimmy Dinh Jacob Solomon Jenna Nielsen Trinity Bodenchuk Sandeep Khosa Mina Van Parker hall Hailey Lewis Taylor Federspiel Matthias Haladin Kurtis Byers Isaac Reimer Jaime Bayer Helen Wall Jack McAllister Max Hardy Claire Chung Jade Harten Megan Atherton-Walby Amy Brader Joey Goerzen Bulldog Awards Marisa Smit Georgia Hardy Katie Foss Liam R. Elijah Goerzen Emma Kinar Iza Ali Sydney Hewison Abbigail Corcoran Devon Kemle Olivia Smit Karmen Annecchini Samson Ellie Dinh Sophia Solomon Cody Baker Harpreet Grewal IMPORTANT NOTE: Bradner School Swim - Friday, April 22nd, 2016 12:00 p.m. -2:00 p.m., @ MRC Pool Any child under 7 years of age and any child who is considered a non-swimmer must have an adult (18 years or over) with them in the water and at arms length away, at all times. Any child who is under 7 years of age or a non-swimmer and not accompanied by an adult will not be permitted to swim on swim day. We encourage parents to make whatever arrangements necessary, as early as possible, so that all students have the opportunity to participate. Many thanks! | Page 4 of 4 Head Lice Spring seems to be a time for those friendly Lice to find new living quarters. Please take a few minutes to check over your child’s head. To identify nits (the lice eggs): They are small white eggs, firmly attached to the hair shaft especially around the ears and nape of neck. The adult lice are grey-white, sometimes brown, 1-2 mm long. Check your child for lice if he/she is scratching their head or if a friend/classmate has head lice Teach your child to not share hats, brushes, helmets, hair barrettes and towels Keep long hair tied back when lice have been identified in your school If you discover live lice please notify the school office and contact the Upper Fraser Valley Health Unit @ (604) 864-3400 OR 4th Annual BC Cancer Foundation! Bradner teachers take a ‘Pie in the Face” to help beat cancer research. (Bradner Staff are such good sports!) Inside/Outside Shoe Rule - IN AN EFFORT TO KEEP THE INSIDE OF OUR SCHOOL CLEAN Please Note: “Shoes are to be worn at all times. Students are required to have a pair of outside shoes and a pair of non-marking indoor running shoes for the gym and classroom. “Pie in the Face” Fundraiser! SUMMER CLOTHING On behalf of the Bradner Staff, we would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to all our students, parents and community for their generous donations during our BC Cancer Fundraiser. This years fundraiser was our most successful to date. As our summer weather arrives, we’d like to remind parents and students about appropriate dress for school. We expect that clothing be worn so that no midriffs are showing when standing or sitting, shoulders are covered (no spaghetti straps, tank tops or tube tops) and shirts have modest necklines. We also ask that students not wear short shorts. Thank you for your attention to this before the weather becomes much warmer. At Bradner we raised a total of $2,300.00 Way to Go Bradner Bradner students reached their goal and Ms. Collier, our Principal, had to “KISS a COW” in front of the entire school. Twin Day On Friday, April 15th, Bradner will be hosting a Twin Day. Dress up like each other for Twin Day, or like someone else in the school. It’s all about School Spirit and having fun. Community Listings via District Website For the most recent happenings in our community, please visit the Abbotsford School District website, and look under Community & Parent Information under the Parents & Students Tab OR go to community/parent info page on the district website, at WE hope everyone had a great Spring Break!
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