HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE PROPIEDAD: Servicio Canario de Salud CENTRO: Delegación Tenerife ARQUITECTO: D. Fernando Cruz Alonso JEFE DE DEPARTAMENTO: D. Juan Jesús Núñez Concepción JEFE DE OBRA: D. Juan Jesús Núñez Concepción D. Antonio Pérez D. Patricia Fuertes Miquel INSTALACIONES: D. Angel Silva Borrego Detalle de la fachada 163 Reforma y ampliación del Hospital Ntra. Sra. de Candelaria. Tenerife Antecedentes El hospital Nuestra Señora de Candelaria (HNSC) está situado en el municipio de Santa Cruz de Tenerife y fue inaugurado en 1966. Junto con el cercano hospital de Ofra (hospitalizaciones de larga estancia), a unos 900 m de él, componen el denominado Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria (HUNSC), centro hospitalario público de alcance general, de tercer nivel. Bien comunicado con las autopistas del Norte y del Sur de Tenerife, el complejo hospitalario está orientado a la asistencia médica de la zona Sur de la isla, y es hospital de referencia para las islas de La Gomera y El Hierro. Si bien, a nivel de atención especializada extrahospitalaria, presta atención a la totalidad de la isla. Además de las poblaciones de referencia a las que asiste, anualmente afluyen a Tenerife 3,5 millones de turistas extranjeros; lo cual supone (de media) unas 100.000 personas más en la isla a diario, y ello sin contar con los demás turistas que provienen del resto de España. 164 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE Vista aérea El Plan Director de ampliación y reforma El HNSC es un complejo hospitalario formado por diferentes pabellones de distintas épocas de construcción, que se han visto afectados por continuas transformaciones. La necesidad de renovar su estructura hizo que el Insalud impulsara, ya en 1986, la elaboración de un Plan Director de Obras. Sin embargo, el citado Plan sólo atendía a recuperar el deterioro de los edificios, sin promover la renovación funcional que el hospital precisaba para hacer frente a la asistencia sanitaria propia del siglo XXI. Una vez asumidas las transferencias sanitarias, el Servicio Canario de la Salud decidió que aquel Plan Director debía ser analizado en profundidad para determinar si era capaz de desarrollar la totalidad de las misiones encomendadas a la Institución y, por otro lado, si era viable construir un hospital de futuro sobre las estructuras preexistentes. A lo largo de 1995 un equipo profesional multidisciplinar estudió las necesidades asistenciales de la población residente en las áreas geográficas cuya cobertura de asistencia correspondía al HNSC. A partir de la estimación de esas necesidades y de las otras funciones – docentes y de investigación - desarrolladas por el Hospital, se elaboró un Plan Funcional que fue aprobado en 1996. El antiguo proyecto de Plan Director no podía dar satisfacción a las necesidades evidenciadas por el nuevo Plan Funcional. El reto era encontrar el diseño que se adaptara a las exigencias de la asistencia sanitaria y que fuese a la vez realizable sin interrumpirla ni mermar sus capacidades, reduciendo en lo posible el impacto ambiental negativo sobre usuarios y personal del hospital. Para ello se plantearon unos objetivos básicos cuyo cumplimiento guió la redacción del nuevo Plan Director. Dichos objetivos fueron: • concentrar las actividades en grandes áreas, destinadas a la atención de pacientes con necesidades homogéneas, proporcionando una mayor intimidad a las áreas de hospitalización y una eficiente funcionalidad a las áreas de actividad técnico - asistencial • reducir los desplazamientos innecesarios de pacientes • acortar, en la medida de lo posible, la duración del ciclo asistencial HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE • potenciar la eficiencia a través de la estructura física del edificio que vino a cubrir una necesidad asistencial aún no satisfecha por este hospital. • favorecer el trabajo de equipos multidisciplinares para mejorar la calidad asistencial prestada, impulsando al mismo tiempo su desarrollo profesional También dispone de 138 camas destinadas al desarrollo de procedimientos de diagnóstico y terapéutica en régimen de Hospital de Día, que hacen posible la asistencia a gran número de pacientes sin ingreso hospitalario. En este aspecto, se desarrolla una actuación especialmente importante en el campo de la cirugía ambulatoria, que permite realizar casi 4.000 intervenciones quirúrgicas al año con la reintegración de los pacientes a su domicilio el mismo día de la intervención. • generar un marco confortable para el encuentro entre los usuarios y los profesionales que los atienden • adecuar las instalaciones de cara a garantizar la seguridad, ahorrar energía y respetar el medio ambiente Se abrieron 50 locales más de consulta externa (existían 87) y de ejecución de procedimientos diagnósticos y terapéuticos por parte de las especialidades clínicas que, junto con medidas organizativas y los Hospitales de Día anteriormente citados, hacen posible que cada vez más pacientes puedan ser sometidos a estas técnicas sin separarlos de su entorno habitual. El nuevo Plan Director eliminaba la concepción inicial del hospital, basada en pabellones por especialidades, dando paso a una estructura que priorizaba la concentración de las actividades afines, en estructuras diferenciadas. Así, el HNSC (es decir, sin contar el Hospital de Ofra) pasó de las 739 camas anteriores a 853 camas de hospitalización, pero gran parte del crecimiento se centró en unidades que buscaban solucionar deficiencias en áreas específicas: UCI, que afectan a los pacientes más graves; habitaciones individuales para el aislamiento selectivo de pacientes infecciosos y/o con inmunosupresión; y pacientes con patología psiquiátrica aguda, Finalmente, los servicios centrales se incrementaron considerablemente en todas sus áreas, con el desarrollo de unidades de nueva planta que permitieron disponer de: • 2 áreas quirúrgicas para pacientes ingresados y 1 para cirugía ambulatoria con 23 Planta general URGENCIAS GENERALES ASEO MINUS ACCESO URGENCIAS ASEO ASEO RESALTO LOSA ASCENSOR DESPACHO J.SERVICIO INSTAL ACIONE S ASEO ASEO ALMACEN MATERIAL ESPERA DE FAMILIARES DE FALLECIDOS ESPERA INTERNA INFANTIL ESPERA EXTERNA RECEPCION ADMISION VENDING TELEFONOS ESPERA INTERNA ADULTOS ARCHIVO URGENCIAS SALA DE YESOS DESPACHO SUPERVISION ALMACEN MATERIAL ASISTENCIA SALA DE CURAS LIMPIEZA ALMACEN EQUIPOS ALMACEN LIMPIO BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA ALMACEN MATERIAL OBSERVACION CAMA OBSERVACION CAMA OBSERVACION CAMA OBSERVACION CAMA OBSERVACION BOX PACIENTE AGRESIVO BAÑO ASISTIDO RCP ADULTOS BOX PACIENTE AGRESIVO INSTAL ACIONE S INSTAL ACIONE ALMACEN MATERIAL 112 S FARMACIA ASEO PACIENTE CONTROL VESTUA PREPARACION LIMPIA RIO VE ST ÍB ALMACEN MATERIAL FUNGIBLE Y CLINICO ALMACEN LIMPIO ASEO PACIENTE SUCIO O CAMA DE OBSERVACION VESTÍBU CAMA DE OBSERVACION TRIAJE SUCIO ALMACEN LIMPIO BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA PREPARA. LIMPIA TRABAJO PROFESIONAL CONTROL ALMACEN LIMPIO BOX ASISTENCIA ASEO PACIENTE CAMA DE OBSERVACION CAMA DE OBSERVACION ASEO PACIENTE RIO CONTROL PREPARA. LIMPIA ASEO PERSONAL ASEO PERSON. ASEO PERSON. VESTUA LO CAMA OBSERVACION SUCIO LOCAL CELADORES ASEO PERSONAL ASEO PERSONAL UL TRIAJE RCP INFANTIL ASEO PACIENTE ASEO PACIENTE BOX PACIENTE AGRESIVO +7.00 BOX OBSERVACION AISLADO VESTUA RIO CAMA DE OBSERVACION EVAC. ASCEN. CAMA DE OBSERVACION CAMA DE OBSERVACION TRABAJO PROFESIONAL APARCAMIENTO SILLAS Y CAMILLAS BOX POLIVALENTE CAMA DE OBSERVACION BOX POLIVALENTE BOX POLIVALENTE SALA DE BAÑERAS BOX POLIVALENTE SALA DE AEROSOLES BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX PACIENTE AGRESIVO BOX PACIENTE AGRESIVO BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA BOX ASISTENCIA CAMA OBSERVACION CAMA OBSERVACION CAMA OBSERVACION BOX ASISTENCIA CAMA OBSERVACION BOX PACIENTE AGRESIVO CAMA OBSERVACION VESTUA RIO VESTUA RIO FOSO ASCENS OR CAMILLA RIO ACIONE RIO ÉN CAB. INSTAL VESTUA ALMAC VESTUA S DE COCINA ASEO ASEO PERS. RAYOS X URGENCIAS PASARELA COMUNICACION URGENCIAS ALMAC ÉN COMED DE VAJILLA CONTROL RAYOS X URGENCIAS OR RAYOS X URGENCIAS CONTROL TERRAZA 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS ESTAR PACIENTES 1 CAMA 1 CAMA S LA 1 CAMA +7.00 INSTAL ACIONE CANCE 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS INSTALACIONES 2 CAMAS INST. INST. PREPARACIÓN PACIENTE SALA TÉCNICA VESCULAR-1 ASEO DE VAJILLA UTILES LIMPIEZA RAC VESTIBULO INDEPENDENCIA LENCERÍA SALA TÉCNICA TAC-1 PREPARACIÓN PACIENTE CABINA INST. CABINA ASEO PERS. SALA TÉCNICA TELEMANDO-1 ASEO ÁREA MAYOR CUIDADO CAMILLA LAVADO ASEO PACIENTES ALMACÉN CABINA ALMACÉN ALMACEN INST. CONTROL RESERVA TEC. SALA INFORMES TELE-1 Y TELE-2 IZADOR SUCIO 7 PUESTOS SUCIO LIMPIEZA LAVADO MÉDICO CONTROL VASCULAR-1 1 CAMA LAVADO CARRO S PREPAR FRIOS ACIÓN 1 CAMA 1 CAMA SUPERV. PREPAR VERDU ACIÓN RAS 2 CAMAS PREP. ESCLUSA 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS SALA TÉCNICA RESERVA TEC. CONTROL TAC-1 PREPAR PESCAD ACIÓN OS LO SALA INFORMES RM Y RESERVA TEC. EQUIPOS RADIOLOGÍA ESTANTERÍAS DESPACHO JEFE SECCIÓN DESPACHO JEFE SECCIÓN SUCIO CÁMAR VERDU A RAS HO CÁMAR CONGE A LADOS ANTECÁ CÁMAR CONGE A LADOS MARA ESORES N E F R O L O G I A (6 CAMAS) CÁMAR CARNES A T R A N S P L A N T E S (4 CAMAS) ALMAC ÉN VÍVERES D I G E S T I V O (22 CAMAS) DE CÁMAR PESCAD A OS DESPAC COMPR CABINA ESCLUSA CABINA 1 CAMA TRANSPLANTES ÉN OL DESPACHO JEFE SECCIÓN CONTROL RM CONTROL TAC-2 S ALMAC ALMAC DE ÉN DIARIO CONTR SALIDA A TERRAZA CONTROL VASCULAR-2 SALA INFORMES VASCULAR-1 Y 2 ESCLUSA VESTÍBU MONTA LO CARGA CÁMAR PRODU PREPAR CTOA ADO DE ALMACÉN CONTROL TELEMANDO-2 ASEO ASEO MINUSV. SALA DE CURAS 1 CAMA TRANSPLANTES VESTÍBU ASEO CÁMAR BASURA A S RECEPC MERCA IÓN NCIAS SALA TÉCNICA RM CONTROL TELEMANDO-2 ASEO ES ALMACÉN LENCERÍA ENFERM. 1 CAMA TRANSPLANTES PREPAR CARNES ACIÓN LACION SALA INFORMES TAC-1 Y TAC-2 ALMACÉN ESCLUSA LAVADO MATERIAL CLÍNICO REUT. LIMPIO 1 CAMA TRANSPLANTES TERRAZA CLIMAT 6 CAMAS AISLADOS OCASIONALES ESPERA CAMAS INSTALACIONES LIMPIO N3 CÁMAR LÁCTEO A S PREPARACIÓN PACIENTE PREPARACIÓN PACIENTE SALA TÉCNICA VASCULAR-2 Y TAC-2 2 CAMAS ASEO CABINA CABINA SALA TÉCNICA TELEMANDO-2 ASEO PERS. DESPACHO INFORMACIÓN ESTAR PERSONAL ASEO PACIENTES SALA PROFESIONAL ESPERA CAMA SALA TECNICA ASEO INST. INSTALACIONES ASEO ASEO ASEO MÉDICO DE GUARDIA +7.00 SUCIO P.C. LIMPIO ESPERA CAMA ESTAR DE FAMILIARES AIRE ACONDICIONADO ASEO MINUSV. CARROS CABINA VESTÍBULO INDEPENDENCIA P.C. CLIMAT IZADOR VESTUARIO MASCULINO P.C. P.C. P.C. RESERVA DIÁLISIS 16 TAQUILLAS VESTUARIO FEMENINO MONTACAMAS MONTACAMAS 46 TAQUILLAS CHIMEN EA +7.00 G.E. DORM. MEDICO VESTUARIO CAB. ALMACEN 2 OFICIO TRATAMIENTO AGUA USO EXCLUSIVO TRABAJO PROFESIONAL DESPACHO INFORMACION CABINA VESTUARIO ARCHIVO MANTENIMIENTO MAQUINAS CONSULTA HEMODIALISIS VESTUARIO F.E.A.S. NEFRO. F.E.A.S. NEURO. SUPERVISORA ALMACÉN SALA DE REUNIONES DIGESTIVO CONTROL ESPERA CAMAS (PROVICIONAL) ASEO 3 PUESTOS VESTÍBULO INDEPENDENCIA CABINA P.A. SUCIO SUCIO SUCIO SECRETARIA NEFROLOGIA ESPERA PACIENTES DESPACHO JEFE SERVICIO NEFROLOGIA CUARTO OSCURO ASEO DIALISIS PERITONEAL ALMACEN CONSULTA DIALISIS PERITONEAL ALMACEN 1 P.A. TRANSP. 2 CAMAS AGUDOS 2 AGUDOS 1 2 CAMAS P.A. P.A. SALA DE CURAS 2 CAMAS VESTUARIO CONSULTA DIALISIS PERITONEAL P.A. TRANSP. DESPACHO JEFE SERVICIO NEUROLOGIA VESTUARIO SALA DE SESIONES TECNICAS LIMPIAS ASEO P.A. N E U R O L O G I A ( 22 CAMAS ) SECRETARIA NEUROLOGIA VESTUARIO MASCULINO LENCERIA APOYO SALA DE REUNIONES NEUROLOGIA ASEO PERS. ASEO VESTUARIO FEMENINO BAÑO ASISTIDO P.A. 2 CAMAS N E F R O L O G I A ( 14 CAMAS ) CABINA ADJUNTOS Y FEAS 2 CAMAS 1 15 2 14 ASEO ASEO P.A. P.A. SALA DE LECTURA SECCIÓN MAMA ADMON NEFROLOGIA ARCHIVO SALA DE REUNIONES SESIONES CLÍNICAS 13 23 3 4 PUESTOS ENFERM. PREP. 0 2 CAMAS ASEO ASEO SUPERV. 12 4 2 CAMAS INST ASEO CABINA 2 CAMAS 11 5 2 CAMAS 7 8 9 2 CAMAS 2 CAMAS SUCIO LIMPIO 10 6 2 CAMAS INST DESPACHO J.SERVIVIO ASEO SALA DE LECTURA CABINA VESTIBULO DISPENSACION ALMACEN ALMACEN RAC VEST. FEM. ALMACEN INSTRUM. ALMACEN TEXTIL RAC LIMPIO INST VEST. MASC. COMUNICAC. VESTIBULO ESCALERA ARCHIVO SUCIO COLECTOR VAPOR 2 CAMAS DESPACHO SUPERVISOR OXIDOETILENO 2 CAMAS ASEO AMSCO MAGDATA SALA DE ESTAR 2 CAMAS SECRETARIA ASEO SALA TECNICA CABINA INST. 2 CAMAS DESPACHO SUPERVISOR CABINA 2 CAMAS DESPACHO SUPERV. MONTAJE TEXTIL 2 CAMAS CABINA 22 ASEO VESTUARIO MÉDICO MAS. 10 TAQUILLAS INF. Y SUP. 7.5 ALMACENAMIENTO ESTERIL CARROS LAVADO CARROS 10 TAQUILLAS INF. Y SUP. MATERIAL LAVADO CABINA VESTUARIO MÉDICO FEM. PREPARACION Y EMPAQUETADO ALMACÉN AMSCO MAGDATA CABINA 30 TAQUILLAS INFERIOR Y SUPERIOR VESTUARIO FEMENINO PROFESIONALES ENFERMERÍA CONTROL DESPACHO VESTUARIO MASCULINO PROFESIONALES ENFERMERÍA +7.00 AMSCO MAGDATA OBSTÁCULO EN SUELO 30 TAQUILLAS INFERIOR Y SUPERIOR ESCLUSA ESPERA 22 5 NIVEL 7 +3.50 +7.00 RAMPA EN 11.10 mts. +8.75 +5.25 2.5 22 ESPERA +9.75 N7-CE CONSULTA O C E A N O ESPERA ESPERA CONSEJERIA DE SANIDAD Y CONSUMO CONSULTA G O B I E R N 0 CONSULTA D E C A N A R I A S CONSULTA CONSULTA CONSULTA ESPERA CONSULTA 22 CONSULTA CONSULTA SECRETARIA P R O Y E C T O D E E J E C U C I O N F A S E 1C HOSPITAL NTRA SRA DE CANDELARIA CONSULTA 0 CONSULTA CONSULTA ESPERA GENERAL CONSULTA CONSULTA CONTROL CONSULTA CONSULTA ESPERA SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE CONSULTA CONSULTA CONSULTA SECRETARIA CONSULTA ARQUITECTURA. PLANTA NIVEL 7. PLANOS DE CONJUNTO COMPLEJO HOSPIT ZONAS DE ACTUACION. ES M A Y O 1999 7.5 21 F E R N A N D O C R U Z A L O N S O 165 166 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE quirófanos, frente a los 16 anteriores • 1 Servicio de Urgencias con 28 compartimentos de atención urgente • 1 unidad de Radioterapia capaz de desarrollar técnicas de braquiterapia y radioterapia externa con 3 aceleradores lineales, y espacio reservado para 1 más • 1 Servicio de Diagnóstico por la Imagen con 21 salas que incrementan notablemente su capacidad, incluyendo áreas de radiología vascular intervencionista con 2 salas; y áreas de alta tecnología con 2 equipos de escáner y 1 resonancia magnética nuclear Todos esos cambios llevarían al hospital a una superficie de 120.188 m2, siendo 51.303 m2 de nueva construcción y 66.792 m2 de reforma. Fase 0 Consistió en unas primeras intervenciones orientadas a crear condiciones de infraestructura y de seguridad que permitieran iniciar la obra principal sin riesgos. Afectaron a los Servicios de Lavandería, Cocina, Medicina Nuclear y Radioterapia. Se actuó sobre una superficie de 6.800 m2, de los cuales 2.600 m2 fueron de nueva construcción y 4.200 m2 fueron de reformas. Fase 1A • 1 Laboratorio de hemodinámica y cateterismo con 1 sala, y con posibilidad de incorporar una 2ª en caso de que las necesidades asistenciales así lo justifiquen • 1 Servicio de Neurofisiología Clínica con 7 salas Estas estructuras se completaron con áreas de apoyo, como las destinadas a depósito y tratamiento de residuos radiactivos, y nodos de comunicaciones. Algunos de esos nuevos servicios supusieron hitos en la historia médica de Canarias, ya que incluían en sus estructuras equipos singulares absolutamente novedosos. A título de ejemplo, en verano de 2007 se instaló el primer PET(1) de Canarias, siendo además un equipo con tecnología combinada de TC (tomografía computarizada), que permite obtener imágenes mixtas morfológico - funcionales de alta calidad. Estrategia de fases Vista de la fachada La realización de una transformación total como la descrita sin interrumpir el proceso de la asistencia sanitaria llevaba forzosamente a una estrategia de fases, que permitiera realizar los traslados necesarios para abordar progresivamente las actuaciones en cada sector del Hospital. 1 Tomografía por emisión de positrones • Superficie remodelada: 15.654 m2 • Superficie de obra nueva: 12.288 m2 • Fecha de comienzo: 29-11-1994 • Fecha de finalización: 30-4-1999 En esta fase se realizaron diversas actuaciones: HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE 15 135.00 14 131.50 13 128.00 12 124.50 11 121.00 10 117.50 9 114.00 8 110.50 URGENCIAS 7 107.00 6 103.50 5 100.00 99.00 4 96.50 ALZADO OESTE INSPIRATIONS NATURAL PRINTS TRESPA METEON PZ01/ST C • reforma de la antigua Escuela de Enfermería, remodelando íntegramente las fachadas, muy deterioradas; y cambiando su finalidad, que principalmente sería la de Consultas Externas, salvo el nivel 5 que seguiría siendo escuela de enfermería • reforma del pabellón Materno-Infantil, con derribo y sustitución de los 2 cuerpos laterales (Torres Norte y Sur), además de reformar el interior para adaptarlo a 2 nuevas unidades de enfermería • reforma del ala izquierda del Pabellón General, para Apoyos Médicos Con la creación de las Torres Norte y Sur el hospital pasa de tener las habitaciones repartidas por los diferentes edificios a tenerlas centralizadas en las 11 plantas de dichas torres y del Materno-Infantil, creando un bloque en forma de U que queda atendido por 2 controles de enfermería. Fase 1B • Superficie remodelada: 30.000 m2 • Superficie de obra nueva: 27.500 m2 • Fecha de comienzo: 1-10-1998 • Fecha de finalización: 31-11-2001 • ejecución de una nueva Central energética, un Laboratorio de investigación, una Unidad de Hemodinámica, un Banco de Sangre, un Bloque de 11 plantas anexo al Pabellón general con 4 ascensores panorámicos, un pequeño vestíbulo y 2 aseos Se llavaron a cabo las siguientes intervenciones: • realización del ala Norte del edificio Materno-Infantil • derribo de las antiguas lavandería y central térmica, y creación de un nuevo acceso principal al hospital • ampliación de 5 plantas del cuerpo de enlace de Apoyos Médicos • ejecución de 2 aparcamientos de 600 y 200 plazas, respectivamente • ejecución de los edificios de apoyo diagnóstico, clínico y tratamiento (Bloque Quirúrgico, Bloque Obstétrico y Radiológico) A F E T E R I A Planos de alzado 167 168 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE Fase 1C Fachada y cubierta • Superficie remodelada: 4.873 m2 • Superficie de obra nueva: 6.131 m2 • Fecha de comienzo: 12-7-1999 • Fecha de finalización: 12-9-2002 La fase 1C es básicamente un complemento de la 1B. Comprende zonas de nueva construcción destinadas a Laboratorios, paritorios y áreas técnicas; pero, principalmente, orientadas a completar la fase 1B en sus aspectos de instalaciones especiales, elementos fijos de equipamiento y tecnología de comunicaciones (grupos electrógenos, mobiliario de laboratorio, maquinaria de esterilización, brazos quirúrgicos, lámparas quirúrgicas, cabeceros de UCI, armarios móviles y un helipuerto). • remodelación de la antigua Residencia General para incluir Radioterapia, UCI adultos, pediátricos y UCIN (neonatales) Fase 1D • reforma interior de 5 plantas de la Escuela de Enfermería para adaptarlas a Consultas Externas La última etapa de obras, denominada fase 1D y que abarcará hasta 2010, tiene por objeto las actuaciones a realizar sobre los edificios periféricos del conjunto: • ampliación del edificio de Urgencias • construcción de 3 recintos (búnkers) para aceleradores lineales La concentración de las unidades de hospitalización en el nuevo edificio permitió liberar los espacios necesarios en la antigua Residencia General para desarrollar los nuevos servicios centrales, las unidades quirúrgicas y de asistencia intensiva y las de realización de procedimientos diagnósticos y de tratamiento, por especialidades. Es en esta etapa en la que se producen las más importantes incorporaciones tecnológicas a las instalaciones y a los equipamientos fijos del hospital. Por otra parte, se procede a la unificación de Consultas Externas propiciando un fácil acceso exterior a la vez que una interconexión por el interior con los servicios centrales más demandados: Radiodiagnóstico, extracción centralizada de muestras y Archivo Central de historias clínicas. • Traumatología y Rehabilitación, donde se desarrollan las estructuras de Docencia e Investigación, Salones de actos, Cirugía Mayor Ambulatoria, Rehabilitación y espacios administrativos del Complejo • Urgencias • Escuela de Enfermería, que se reforma gradualmente para destinarlo a Consultas Externas, a medida que se vayan generando nuevas ubicaciones para sus actuales ocupantes Descripción del nuevo hospital El hospital inicial constaba de un edificio central y grandes bloques a su alrededor dedicados a Hospitalización, Urgencias, Consultas Externas y otras especialidades. El nuevo aumenta en altura algunos de esos bloques, y rellena espacios interiores existentes con otros bloques nuevos, además HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE de reformar completamente por dentro los edificios, tanto estructural como funcionalmente. Hospitalización (materno - infantil, torres Norte y Sur) Son 11 plantas de unos 1.800 m2 cada una. • Planta sótano: aquí se ubica la Urgencia de Maternidad con sus paritorios, quirófano de alto riesgo, salas de exploración, salas de registro, admisión, almacenes y demás apoyos • Planta Baja: concentra la hospitalización de pediatría y cirugía pediátrica, almacén y dispensación de lavandería, central telefónica y un pequeño jardín infantil • Plantas 1ª a 9ª: en todas ellas se sitúan, por alas en L ó en U, las hospitalizaciones de las diferentes especialidades. Todas las plantas cuentan con 2 controles de enfermería, 2 salas de sucio, 2 de limpio, 2 de preparación, 2 salitas, 2 baños asistidos y 2 salas de estar para pacientes, además de un vestuario masculino y otro femenino, 2 aseos, 2 despachos de supervisor y 1 sala de juntas. Las habitaciones son dobles, con ventana al exterior, lo que las hace muy luminosas. Todas están provistas de tomas de oxígeno y vacío y poseen aire acondicionado. El número total de camas es de 790, aumentando en 50 las existentes antes de la reforma. La Ampliación de la Torre Norte es un edificio de 9 plantas situado sobre una estructura porticada, y adosado a las unidades Norte de las plantas de hospitalización a cuyo control se adscriben. En cada una de sus plantas se han dispuesto 6 habitaciones (todas individuales salvo las de la unidad de pacientes custodiados). Su creación no sólo supone un nuevo crecimiento de la capacidad de hospitalización, sino que permite el necesario aislamiento de algunos pacientes y da soporte al desarrollo de actividades específicas que requieren de condiciones de seguridad. La superficie total de este edificio es de 3.320 m2. Apoyos médicos • Planta sótano: contiene la Farmacia con sus almacenes, oficinas y una zona estéril para la elaboración de citostáticos(2) • Planta Baja: vestíbulo y entrada principal • Plantas 1ª a 4ª: oficinas de apoyo médico En la fase 1C se ampliaron en altura 3 plantas completas y 2 medias del edificio terminado y reforzado para tal fin en la fase 1A, para albergar más despachos y oficinas, de tal forma que quedó un edificio de 11 plantas; y una unidad en la cubierta de la planta 5, para terraza de Psiquiatría. Bloque quirúrgico • Planta sótano: esta planta, de 1.119 m2, está destinada a archivos compactos de historias clínicas, así como oficinas para dicho servicio • Planta semisótano: en ella se ejecutó parte del vestíbulo de entrada, la cafetería, el almacén de basuras y la salida de basuras del edificio • Planta Baja: con una superficie útil de 859 m2, comprende el servicio de Pedia2 Anticancerígenos de tipo quimioterápico Radiología 169 170 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE tría y el hospital de día pediátrico. Posee una escuela, despachos, zonas de limpio y sucio, almacenes, sala de curas, aseos, vestuarios y sala de proyecciones • Planta 1ª: en ella se encuentran el servicio de Urología, de 444 m2, y el de Neurofisiología, de 342 m2. En el primero cabe destacar los espacios destinados a la técnica de Urodinamia y sobre todo a la de Litiasis (donde se encuentra un aparato que destruye las piedras del riñón mediante láser). Este servicio cuenta además con consultas, despachos, salas de informe, sucios, limpios, almacenes, vestuarios, salas para técnicas especiales y esperas. En el segundo está la zona dedicada al tratamiento del sueño y las salas de electroencefalografía y electromiografía, las cuales tienen la peculiaridad de tener una jaula de Faraday en techos, suelos e interior de tabiques realizada con malla de gallinero y con tomas de tierra independientes, para evitar interferencias con los aparatos. El resto de la unidad está compuesto por potenciales evocados(3), despachos, almacenes, esperas, limpio, sucio, aseos y vestuarios. Zonas interiores 3 Técnicas neurofisiológicas que registran las respuestas cerebrales provocadas por estímulos sensitivos, pudiendo éstos ser visuales, auditivos o táctiles eléctricos • Planta 2ª: en ella se ubica el servicio de Esterilización, conectado directamente con la planta 3ª y 4ª de quirófanos a través de un ascensor y una escalera. Tiene una superficie útil de 859 m2, dividida en 3 grandes zonas - lavado, empaquetado y almacenado - separadas por 2 barreras sanitarias. En la zona de lavado existe una gran lavadora de carros, un túnel de lavado y una lavadora pequeña. La peculiaridad del túnel de lavado y de la lavadora pequeña es que se encuentran en la 1ª barrera sanitaria; es decir, una vez lavado el instrumental pasa a la 2ª zona ya estéril, donde se empaqueta para pasar a los esterilizadores [(5 de vapor y 1 de óxido etileno (que esteriliza a mayor temperatura para eliminar determinadas bacterias)]. Una vez pasados estos esterilizadores de doble puerta se pasa al área de almacenado, totalmente estéril, y ahí queda a disposición de ser transportado por medio de un ascensor a los pasillos limpios de las plantas 3 y 4 de quirófanos, donde será servido a través de la ventana de guillotina colocada a tal fin, o almacenado en el armario de doble puerta que tiene cada quirófano. HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE Montaje de la fachada El resto del servicio tiene área de desinfección, almacenes de productos de limpieza, almacén textil, aseos, vestuarios, zona de planchado, zona de empaquetado, sala de estar de personal, despachos y sala de colectores de vapor. • Plantas 3ª y 4ª: cada una de ellas, de 925 m2, posee 6 quirófanos. El modelo de la planta quirúrgica es el de pasillo limpio, quirófano y pasillo sucio. • Planta 5ª: una parte se ha desarrollado como sala de máquinas de aire acondicionado para quirófanos y sala de enfriadoras, y la otra alberga los despachos del laboratorio de Anatomía patológica. • Planta 6ª: tiene el laboratorio de Anatomía Patológica, y en las cubiertas anexas aparatos de aire acondicionado de quirófanos. • Planta 7ª: Unidad de Informática Un quirófano está compuesto por el quirófano propiamente dicho, la zona de preparación del paciente, la preparación médica y una zona de sucio común a cada 2 quirófanos. El resto de la planta lo componen una retención de basura con 2 ascensores montabasuras, una zona de almacén general, almacén de sucio, apoyo, coordinación, dictado, despacho, supervisión, aseo, pasillo de distribución, pasillo limpio, pasillo estéril, control de acceso, espera de camas, zona de transferencia limpia, esclusas de personal, sala de estar del personal, esclusa de ropa, espera de camas externa, espera de pacientes ambulatorios, despacho de contacto y sala de espera de familiares. • Planta 8ª: en esta planta de 478 m2 se encuentran ubicados los despachos de Psiquiatría, así como vestuarios, aseos, salas de terapia, salas de espera y de visitas, etc… Apoyos quirúrgicos En este edificio se intervino, hasta la fase 1C, desde la planta baja a la 4ª ; reformando finalmente en la fase 1D el sótano que había sido ejecutado en la fase 0. • Planta Baja: despachos para Admisión, fotocopiadoras y Atención al paciente; el resto es vestíbulo de acceso. 171 172 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE • Planta 1ª: despachos y salas especiales del servicio de Neumología. que demoler previamente el antiguo bloque quirúrgico. • Planta 2ª: en esta planta se han ejecutado 841 m2 para Diálisis, ocupando una parte del bloque quirúrgico para la sala de diálisis. La unidad está compuesta por el control, espera de pacientes, plasmaféresis, control de plasmaféresis DPCA(4), aseo-vestuario, zona de sucio, DP de infecciosos, pruebas funcionales, técnicas limpias, sala de crónicos, compartimento de agudos, preparación y pesaje, aseosvestuarios infecciosos, reparación y almacén de equipos, y sala de tratamiento de ósmosis. Este nuevo bloque entró progresivamente en funcionamiento a partir de junio de 2006. Tiene 12 alturas (sótano, semisótano, baja y 9 plantas) y 20.260 m2 de superficie, y alberga las unidades de radioterapia, medicina nuclear, radiodiagnóstico, área de procedimientos de gastroenterología, laboratorios, hematología y banco de sangre, bloque obstétrico y dormitorios médicos; así como la mayor parte de las nuevas U.C.I. y U.C.I.N. (neonatales). En su parte superior se sitúa el helipuerto del hospital. 2 • Plantas 3ª y 4ª: en los 225 m de cada planta se han desarrollado 2 unidades de reanimación post-operatoria: una de operaciones sencillas, con pocas horas de estancia; y otra para operaciones más complicadas, donde el paciente puede permanecer incluso días. También se encuentran despachos de supervisor, médico de guardia, jefe de servicio, sala de reuniones, sala de estar y almacén. Estructura y cimentación Reforma de la escuela de enfermeras Torres Norte y Sur Esta reforma ha consistido en la demolición interior total de las plantas, dejando la estructura y el cerramiento, y realizando la adecuación de las mismas en semi-alas para Consultas Externas, con un control en medio de las dos semi-alas. Tras un exhaustivo estudio del terreno se determinó que la cimentación para estos edificios fuera una losa de hormigón micropilotada, de 90 cm de canto y una longitud de micropilotes de 12 m para la Torre Norte y de 16 m para la Torre Sur, debido en este caso a una mayor cantidad existente de escorias. Ampliación del edificio de urgencias Se ejecutó la estructura de 2 edificios de 2 plantas de unos 300 m2 cada una, a ambos lados del edificio de Urgencias ya existente; el cerramiento de uno de ellos y el acabado de la planta baja del otro, donde se ubicaron los 3 grupos electrógenos, una estación transformadora para Urgencias y una sala de cuadros eléctricos. Bloque obstétrico y radiológico Zonas interiores Este helipuerto puede ser utilizado por naves de 14 m, las más empleadas en traslados sanitarios, por lo que dispone de una plataforma de 28 m de diámetro. La superficie de aterrizaje se ha reforzado considerablemente, para que sea capaz de resistir el impacto de la caída libre de uno de estos aparatos. Para poder iniciar la construcción de este edificio, entre la antigua Residencia General y la Torre Norte de Hospitalización, hubo 4 Diálisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria El tipo de micropilote realizado es el hoy HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE ellos con cruces de San Andrés; y las vigas mediante medias HEB soldadas por la parte inferior. Edificio de apoyos médicos Al realizar la demolición interior y de fachadas de este edificio de 5 plantas se analizó la estructura, y a la vista de los resultados se decidió llevar a cabo un tratamiento contra la carbonatación del hormigón de los pilares y las vigas de cuelgue. Por otro lado, y dado que en la fase 1B había que recrecer 5 plantas más este edificio, se realizó un refuerzo de la estructura. Este consistió en fortalecer previamente la cimentación mediante una losa micropilotada, pero dejándola separada de las zapatas existentes, y por otro lado reforzar éstas aumentando su canto e introduciendo micropilotes. conocido como Ropress, nombre comercial del inicial Tubfix(5). Este micropilote tiene la peculiaridad de que se efectúa con inyección de lechada de cemento a presión a través de unos manguitos que lleva el tubo de acero (esta operación se denomina obturación) y que se disponen cada metro. El sistema consiste en llenar la perforación a través de esos manguitos a una presión y con una cantidad determinadas y prefijadas de antemano, hasta que el manguito no abra más, lo que indicará que el terreno ha sido mejorado en esa zona obturada, pasando a realizar la misma operación en el siguiente manguito. Los forjados entre plantas fueron reticulares de hormigón armado, de 30 + 5 cm, con luces de 7 m. Edificio materno - infantil Este edificio tiene una estructura metálica, con forjados de vigueta y bovedilla de 18 + 5 cm de canto. Presentó la peculiaridad de que al realizar la demolición y comprobar su estado fue necesario efectuar un recálculo. Este obligó a reforzar los pilares mediante pletinas soldadas, arriostrando algunos de 5 Micropilotes con bulbo inyectado a presión Estos micropilotes tenían el inconveniente del gálibo de la planta (3 m), por lo que tuvieron que ejecutarse con una máquina especial de micropilotaje. En cuanto al refuerzo de pilares y vigas se realizó mediante un encamisado de hormigón armado, ejecutando el hormigonado a través de 4 taladros realizados en el forjado, por donde pasaban las armaduras del pilar. Bloques quirúrgico y obstétrico radiológico En estos edificios de nueva planta se realizó una losa micropilotada como en los anteriores, con la única variación de que los micropilotes llevaban un sistema de relleno con mortero en vez de con lechada. En cuanto a la estructura, cabe destacar que el bloque Quirúrgico se realizó con un reticular de 30 + 5 cm y el Obstétrico - Radiológico con losa de 30 cm de canto, debido al cambio de normativa de incendios y a los pesos de los aparatos a instalar (resonancia magnética, escáneres, aparatos de rayos X, gammacámaras, etc.). Aceleradores lineales Esta zona, en cuanto a cimentación y es- Zonas interiores 173 174 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE La fachada es ventilada, con acabado en tablero fenólico tipo trespa(6). Su sección está compuesta por una pared de bloque de hormigón vibrado de 50 x 25 x 20 cm, con un enfoscado hidrofugado exterior sobre el que se coloca una estructura auxiliar de aluminio cada 90 cm, sujeta al bloque y a los pasos de forjados con tornillería de acero inoxidable y tacos especiales. La elección del tipo de panel fenólico (existen muchos en el mercado) se debió principalmente a que era el único probado a 6.000 h de insolación en un clima similar al canario, sin sufrir alteraciones. En el bloque de ascensores panorámicos se ejecutó un muro cortina con vidrio de seguridad siliconado verticalmente y perfilería horizontal de aluminio, sujeto con soportes metálicos al canto de unas pantallas de hormigón armado exentas de 11 plantas de altura. tructura, destaca respecto al resto debido a los espesores de muros y losas de techo que emplea pero, sobre todo, por la utilización de hormigones baritados. La densidad del árido barítico, de entre 3,8 y 4,2 t/m3, conduce a hormigones de entre 3 y 3,2 t/m3 de densidad. Estos hormigones tienen un gran peso y, por consiguiente, una gran dificultad de encofrado e imposibilidad de bombeo. Por otro lado, los camiones de hormigón no pueden transportar más de 2,5 ó 3 m3, por lo que los rendimientos se reducen bastante. La elaboración de estos hormigones es bastante sencilla pero necesitan un control especial en las dosificaciones, sobre todo en lo que respecta a la cantidad de árido barítico y de agua, por lo que es fundamental pesar muestras de cada camión y comprobar su densidad. Fachadas El hospital muestra hacia el exterior un aspecto compacto y de gran volumen, con un escalonado necesario para no crear sensación de agobio. A esto ayuda la creación de patios interiores, que mejoran la luminosidad interior. Instalaciones Electricidad La demolición del anterior edificio industrial, donde se alojaba uno de los C.T. y por donde discurrían parte de las líneas a 6.000 V obligó a una remodelación profunda de la red de M.T. Se ejecutó una estación transformadora con 2 trafos de 800 kVA y uno de 1.600 kVA para aire acondicionado a 6.000 V, con posibilidad de pasarlo a 20.000 V cuando se cambiara la entrada al hospital. También se instaló un grupo electrógeno de 800 kVA. La reforma eléctrica a realizar fue pareja con la obra de adecuación de los nuevos espacios hospitalarios, pues cada modificación implicaba una nueva distribución eléctrica en B.T. Cada uno de los C.T. existentes recibía alimentación a 6.000 V, lo que simplificaba el 6 Compuesto por un núcleo de fibra de celulosa impregnada en resinas fenólicas y una superficie exterior (decorativa) también impregnada y prensada a alta temperatura (150°) y a alta presión (90 kg/cm²) HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE tendido eléctrico y el mantenimiento de la instalación eléctrica del hospital, pero complicaba el funcionamiento de los grupos electrógenos, ya que no existía posibilidad de discriminar aquellas cargas que debían conectarse a la red de emergencia. La aparamenta eléctrica de protección y maniobra es del tipo de cabinas metálicas prefabricadas, mientras que los transformadores se alojaron en celdas de fábrica, para así facilitar su accesibilidad. Respecto a las plantas de los edificios, una vez estudiadas teniendo en cuenta los servicios que albergarían, se procedió a la sectorización en subcuadros de planta por servicio. Cada uno de dichos subcuadros se divide en dos armarios: uno para red-grupo y otro para SAI(7). Del subcuadro se distribuye a las distintas dependencias a través de los pasillos mediante bandejas de rejilla, derivando a las habitaciones con tubo corrugado previa transición en una caja de derivación. La distribución en B.T. se realiza mediante 5 líneas verticales, autónomas entre sí. En cada una de ellas existen, a su vez, 3 tipos de líneas eléctricas: • alimentación ininterrumpida, conectada a una unidad SAI, de tal manera que ante un corte del suministro no exista siquiera un microcorte; estas líneas alimentan a equipos informáticos preferentemente y se encuentran distribuidas por todo el hospital • alimentación normal red-grupo (constituyen el grueso del consumo); ante un corte de suministro, los grupos electrógenos lo reponen a los 20 segundos • alimentación no esencial; ante un corte de suministro los grupos electrógenos no lo reponen de manera automática (se hará después manualmente, para evitar sobrecargas y poder actuar selectivamente); están destinadas exclusivamente al aire acondicionado y a una nueva pareja de ascensores monta - camas en el edificio de Materno-Infantil 7 Sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpida La instalación eléctrica de las habitaciones y demás áreas discurre a través de tabiques de pladur y de falsos techos, siendo el cable utilizado libre de halógenos. En la planta de quirófanos cabe destacar la utilización de paneles de aislamiento contra riesgos eléctricos, así como una batería por quirófano. En el interior de estos se instaló un panel técnico que incorporaba relojcronómetro, altavoz, control de megafonía, voz y datos, negatoscopio(8), tomas de gases y un visualizador para control de la presión, humedad y temperatura. Las luminarias interiores son pantallas estancas para ambiente estéril y focos halógenos regulables en intensidad desde el panel técnico. Este sistema de paneles de aislamiento se implantó también en el servicio de diálisis y URPAs(9). Fontanería Se encuentra concentrada en patinillos registrables de agua fría y agua caliente sanitaria por cada 4 habitaciones. La tubería utilizada en la fase 1A fue galvanizada en verticales y de cobre para la distribución horizontal, si bien se cambió en la fase 1C a tubería fusiotherm(10) para agua caliente y PVC de presión para agua fría. La recogida de pluviales y fecales se halla diferenciada, de forma que hay 2 redes independientes. La de fecales pasa por una rejilla antes de su envío al colector general, 8 Pantalla luminosa sobre la que se colocan las radiografías para observarlas por transparencia 9 Unidad de recuperación post-anestésica 10 Tubo de polipropileno sin PVC que no requiere adhesivos; idóneo para fluidos hasta una presión de servicio de 20 bares y 95º de temperatura 175 176 HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE y la de pluviales se envía a éste directamente, sin pasar por rejilla alguna. Como instalación especial cabe destacar una planta de tratamiento de agua para diálisis (ósmosis inversa) mediante equipos en línea, y bombonas de resina y depósitos de sales para el agua a suministrar a las máquinas de esterilización. Aire acondicionado Consta de 5 plantas enfriadoras, 2 de ellas con recuperación de calor, situadas en las cubiertas de los edificios e interconectadas entre ellas. Las recuperadoras de calor generan parte del agua caliente sanitaria necesaria, y el resto se genera con 2 calderas de apoyo en paralelo. En planta existen climatizadores bizona y fan-coils de baja silueta, de donde salen los conductos de impulsión y retorno hacia cada habitación. Al lugar donde se encuentran estos aparatos se le aporta aire exterior, que se mezcla con el retorno de las habitaciones. Por otro lado, existe una extracción independiente para aseos que se hace por vertical de patinillos. Todo el sistema de aire acondicionado se gestiona mediante ordenador. En el bloque quirúrgico, así como en las zonas de URPAs y diálisis, se ha instalado un sistema de aire acondicionado con enfriadoras a 2 tubos y fan-coils de pared tipo consola, con un climatizador de aire primario en la cubierta, de donde salen los conductos hacia las diferentes plantas o servicios. En los quirófanos se instaló un sistema de aire con un barrido desde la zona estéril a la zona limpia. Esto consiste en un climatizador al que se conecta en serie un regulador automático de caudal variable, y a éste una caja formada por una batería de frío, una batería de calor, sección de humectación y filtro absoluto; desde esta caja se distribuye el aire con la humedad y temperatura solicitadas por el quirófano, por medio de conductos de acero inoxidable. El sistema de control permite que el aire acondicionado del quirófano no esté siempre al máximo de su eficiencia (o sea, en modo operación), pudiendo encontrarse también en modo mantenimiento o limpieza gracias a variadores de velocidad. Gases medicinales Se ejecutó una subcentral con protóxido de nitrógeno y oxígeno, una central de vacío con bombas y depósitos, y otra de aire comprimido con 2 compresores y aire medicinal. En quirófanos se instalaron unas columnas de cirugía y otras de anestesia. Estas últimas llevan incorporadas tomas de gases, enchufes, tomas de voz y datos, soportes para monitores y un motor que expulsa el gas anestésico hacia el exterior por la red de tubos preparada a tal fin. En las unidades UCI y URPA también se instalaron columnas de anestesia como las descritas anteriormente, pero incluyendo llamada a enfermera. Transporte neumático Se desarrolló una instalación de transporte neumático, acoplándola a la ya existente en el hospital, llegando a Laboratorios, Urgencias, quirófanos, URPAs y Diálisis. Se instalaron 20 estaciones de paso y 2 finales, una en cada control de enfermería. Detección de incendios Inicialmente se dispusieron detectores iónicos en cada habitación o dependencia, así como en pasillos, quedando totalmente controlados por ordenador con un programa específico. En las habitaciones del ala Sur de hospitalización, así como en la ampliación de Apoyos Médicos se siguió con ese sistema; sin embargo, en el bloque Quirúrgico se pasó de detectores iónicos a óptico-térmicos, por lo que hubo que montar un nuevo sistema de control que los agrupara a todos, teniendo en cuenta sus distintas características de funcionamiento. HOSPITAL NTRA. SRA. CANDELARIA. TENERIFE Pie de foto 177 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE PROPIEDAD: Consorcio Sanitario de Santa Cruz de Tenerife CENTRO: Delegación Tenerife ARQUITECTOS: D. José Ángel Domínguez Anadón D. Francisco Artengo JEFE DE DEPARTAMENTO: D. Juan Jesús Núñez Concepción JEFE DE OBRA: D. Enrique García Arroba INSTALACIONES: D. Angel Silva Borrego Reforma y ampliación del Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Tenerife Antecedentes El Hospital universitario de Canarias (HUC) es un centro hospitalario público de tercer nivel, de alcance general, y data de 1971. Es uno de los dos hospitales principales de Tenerife y está ubicado en el municipio de La Laguna, próximo a la Autopista del Norte. De él depende el área sanitaria denominada Tenerife Norte, que incluye 11 municipios del Norte de la isla (342.000 habitantes), y presta apoyo a los usuarios de la isla de La Palma (86.000 habitantes) cuya atención sobrepase las posibilidades del Hospital General de La Palma. Aparte de su compromiso asistencial, el hospital desarrolla labores en el campo de la investigación desde hace más de una década, junto con la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Laguna, creando con ella una Unidad Mixta de Investigación. Entre sus actividades prioritarias se encuentran: patología molecular de las enfermedades raras, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, inestabilidad genómica y cáncer, epidemiología del cáncer colorrectal, respuesta inflamatoria en las enfermedades reumáticas, infecciones nosocomiales(1) y comunitarias, y fisiopatología y prevención de las complicaciones del trasplante renal. 1 Vista general 179 Infecciones contraídas en un hospital 180 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE Respecto a esto último, hay que destacar la acreditación concedida como Centro de Referencia Nacional para el trasplante pancreático-renal, lo que lo avala como uno de los 3 centros del país para la formación de especialistas en este tipo de trasplante. Ante el envejecimiento de sus instalaciones y la falta de espacio para implantar nuevos servicios y tecnologías, el HUC se enfrentó al dilema común a muchos hospitales de trasladarse a un nuevo edificio o afrontar un complicado proceso de renovaciones internas. Bien posicionado al borde de la principal autopista insular y físicamente vinculado a la Facultad de Medicina, optó por la renovación. El Plan Director de ampliación y reforma Para ello, hace unos años se puso en marcha el Plan Director de Obras del HUC, un ambicioso proceso de fases de trabajo encaminado a definir lo que habría de ser el nuevo hospital. Las fases y su realización actual son las siguientes: • Fase 1 (ya realizada): edificio NEA (Quirófanos, Urgencias, UVI y Esterilización) y 2 Torres de evacuación • Fase 2 (finalizando): edificio de actividades ambulatorias • Fase 3 (redactado el Proyecto de ejecución): ampliación y remodelación del HUC, actualmente en supervisión técnica El cambio, en distintas magnitudes, supone: Plano de alzado • superficie construida, pasa de 71.000 m2 a más de 135.000 m2 • camas totales, de 603 a 809 • camas de Hospital de Día y de < 24 h, de 52 a 142 • superficie sanitaria por cama, de 76 a 170 m2 • locales de consultas externas y áreas de procedimiento diagnóstico y terapéutico, de 110 a 214 • puestos de atención de Urgencias, de 9 a 23 • quirófanos, de 14 a 21 • salas de diagnóstico por imagen, de 16 a 23 • aceleradores lineales, de 1 a 3, con previsión de otro de reserva Fase 1. Edificio NEA y torres de evacuación El programa de renovación del HUC se inició con la construcción de una gran área denominada Edificio NEA, que engloba los Servicios de Urgencias, UVI, Quirófanos y Esterilización; además de 2 torres de evacuación en ambos extremos del edificio de hospitalización, y un helipuerto en la última planta de una de ellas. Esta 1ª fase del Plan Director se encuentra ya realizada y en funcionamiento. HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE 181 Se abordó, a su vez, en 2 etapas: • 1ª etapa: Anexo nuevos servicios - Quirófanos, Urgencias y UVI Planta Baja de hospitalización • 2ª etapa: Torres de evacuación Vestuarios Esterilización Helipuerto Equipamiento Aparatos elevadores Transporte de ropa sucia y basuras Edificio NEA • Bloque quirúrgico El nuevo bloque consta de 14 quirófanos, áreas de pre- y post-anestesia, control de la unidad, vestuarios, almacenes, áreas de descanso de personal, etc. • Uno para el material limpio o estéril Los quirófanos se dividen en: 10 polivalentes, destinados a la actividad quirúrgica programada; 1 para la actividad quirúrgica urgente y 3 para actividades quirúrgicas específicas (cardíaca, traumatológica y oftalmológica). Salidas: Este Bloque tiene una clara delimitación entre las zonas limpia y sucia. A ello contribuye decisivamente el intercambiador de pacientes, planteado como un sistema de doble esclusa por el que acceden los pacientes en camas y, a través de él, son trasladados a una camilla de quirófano para acceder a la zona limpia. El Servicio de Esterilización se comunica con el bloque quirúrgico mediante dos montacargas. El bloque Quirúrgico tiene los siguientes circuitos de acceso y de salida: Accesos: • Uno para el paciente hospitalizado, a través del intercambiador • Uno para el personal, a través del vestuario • Uno de recepción del Área y comunicación interna/externa • Una para el paciente hospitalizado, desde Quirófanos hasta la sala de Recuperación post-anestésica • Una desde Recuperación al exterior del Área • Una para el personal, hasta el vestuario • Una para la ropa y el material sucio El material sucio ha de salir del bloque quirúrgico sin atravesar las zonas limpias. Con el fin de reducir al máximo la manipulación del enfermo, se le transporta en su cama a la zona de recepción de pacientes. A través del intercambiador accede al bloque, ubicándose en la zona de espera prequirúrgica. Una vez pasado a la camilla, su cama es trasladada seguidamente a la sala de Recuperación postquirúrgica, donde quedará aguardándole. El control de esta Unidad está centralizado, de forma que el mismo equipo asistencial Helipuerto 182 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE atienden aparte. La disposición de los compartimentos en la zona de adultos permite diferenciar a los pacientes con patologías médicas de los pacientes quirúrgicos. El sistema organizativo es mixto, coexistiendo una estructura médica propia de Urgencias y otra en prestación de servicios desde los propios Servicios del Hospital, si bien la recepción es común para ambas. Toda la radiología convencional generada desde esta Unidad se realiza en la propia Unidad. Observación de urgencias puede acceder a todos los pacientes. Cada quirófano tiene la siguiente dotación: • 1 torreta de anestesia para gases [CO2, Oxígeno, Aire comprimido, Protóxido de nitrógeno, Vacío y Carbógeno(2) (este último sólo en el quirófano de cirugía cardíaca)] • 1 torreta quirúrgica • Sistema de aspiración de gases anestésicos • Conexión informática • Conexión telefónica En la sala de Recuperación cada una de las camas cuenta con 2 tomas de aire comprimido, 3 de oxígeno, 3 de vacío, 1 de monitorización y 6 de corriente eléctrica. La Recepción cuenta con cableado informático, telefonía y megafonía. • Urgencias El Servicio está configurado en un área de Urgencias de adultos y otra de Urgencias pediátricas, con circulación diferenciada de pacientes; las urgencias obstétricas se 2 Gas resultante de la mezcla de oxígeno con un 5-10% de CO2; es estimulante del sistema respiratorio y se utiliza en las anestesias generales, colapsos anestésicos e intoxicación por drogas depresoras (barbitúricos, opio, etc.) En base a la demanda actual, y ante la dificultad de conseguir un sistema de comunicación con el Servicio Central de Radiodiagnóstico, se consideró necesaria otra sala de escáner y una de ecografías en el área de Urgencias. Ambas dan respuesta a la demanda del Servicio de Urgencias y de la UVI, respectivamente. Toda la cirugía urgente generada desde esta unidad se realiza en el quirófano de Urgencias, ubicado en el Bloque Quirúrgico. El Servicio dispone de una unidad de Observación para pacientes con compartimentos individuales y monitorización, en proximidad física inmediata y bajo dependencia funcional del Servicio. La permanencia de los pacientes en esta zona debe ser en principio < 24 h, siempre que exista la posibilidad de drenaje. Existe también una sala de espera de resultados, con capacidad para 6-8 personas (sillones), y otra zona de observación abierta para pacientes atendidos en la sala de clasificación y distribución de pacientes, con 4 ó 5 camas. Con la finalidad de evitar el bloqueo temporal de compartimentos de atención, existe un espacio específico en el Servicio de Urgencias destinado a Exitus(3). Este espacio se comparte con la UVI y su ubicación está en una zona apartada del área asistencial. Las pruebas analíticas pueden realizarse en 3 Más correctamente “exitus letalis”, es una expresión latina que usada en el ámbito médico significa “proceso hacia la muerte”, lo que indica que la enfermedad ha progresado hacia o desembocado en la muerte HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE Pie de foto 183 184 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE Vista general de la UVI el Laboratorio de Urgencias, situado en el área central de Laboratorios, mediante comunicación por transporte neumático e informático. • UVI Es una estancia ovalada, con un patio central de luz natural y una zona central con un puesto de control de Enfermería, desde el que se vigilan los 24 cubículos individuales independientes mediante un sistema de monitorización. Da atención a pacientes críticos con patologías médicas y quirúrgicas, teniendo una comunicación fácil con los servicios de Urgencias y el bloque Quirúrgico, así como un sistema mecanizado para el transporte de muestras de sangre y resultados de Laboratorio. Los compartimentos de la UVI son de utilización polivalente, con posibilidad de ser cerrados y con visualización directa desde el exterior y entre ellos. Cada uno tiene 3 tomas de oxígeno, 3 de aire comprimido y 3 de vacío. Cada compartimento se ilumina mediante un sistema de luz de techo modulable y otro de cabecera directa e indirecta. Posee asimismo una conexión mínima para 6 enchufes, todos conectados a tierra, así como un punto de agua para el lavado de manos del personal. Existe un sistema de alarma acústica y visual que puede accionarse desde cada uno de los compartimentos, siendo detectado desde cualquier zona (sala de reuniones, habitaciones de guardia, zona de relax, etc.) dentro de la propia área. Este mecanismo se utiliza únicamente en situaciones de emergencia, tales como parada cardiorrespiratoria de un paciente. Disponen también dichos compartimentos de drenaje e instalación de agua desionizada, adecuados para tratamientos de diálisis. • Instalaciones del NEA Para maquinaria y mantenimiento se excavó una ampliación del edificio en el jardín HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE situado frente al acceso a Urgencias. Esto permite disponer a nivel del bloque Quirúrgico de salas de mantenimiento y esterilización a cargo de los servicios correspondientes, situando sobre ellas las máquinas de climatización del Bloque, alimentadas desde las enfriadoras que se ubican sobre la cubierta de la Central de Esterilización. muerto y 19 t más de estructura soporte, todo ello en aluminio. El sistema es de todo aire exterior, suministrado por zonas desde los diferentes climatizadores. Los caudales de extracción se canalizan directamente al exterior por dos conductos verticales, uno situado junto al montacargas de envíos a Esterilización y otro junto al de servicio a la cafetería. Además de la rampa, para el supuesto de un derrame de combustible seguido de incendio, la helisuperficie dispone de una vía de escape secundaria por el extremo opuesto a la rampa. Para ello se ha construido una escalera de dos tramos en voladizo, diseñada de modo que entre dichos tramos quede una plataforma accesible desde el rellano de la escalera donde se ubicará uno de los equipos contraincendios. La distribución de agua, gases y energía eléctrica se efectúa con la de aire por la cámara de falso techo. Las canalizaciones van en general por los pasillos, preferentemente por los de circulación sucia o de servicio, evitando en todo caso cruzar sobre los quirófanos con instalaciones ajenas que pudieran requerir registro. 185 En el interior de esta Torre se ha dispuesto una rampa helicoidal, que garantiza la posibilidad de evacuación de los enfermos encamados aun en el supuesto de fallo o insuficiencia de los montacamas. Esta escalera conduce desde la helisuperficie hasta el nivel de la sala de máquinas situada bajo ella, produciéndose la evacuación a través de esta planta hasta otra escalera situada en el extremo opuesto y que conecta con el nivel de la cubierta general. Torres de evacuación Para dar cumplimiento a la normativa de protección contraincendios, se proyectaron dos torres de evacuación del bloque de Hospitalización. La torre Sur es de diseño cilíndrico, de 52 m de altura y radio exterior de 9,2 m. Se trata de una estructura de hormigón armado forrada exteriormente de aluminio. En su parte superior corona una losa circular de hormigón que acoge un helipuerto de 27,6 m de diámetro, que soporta 24 t de peso Desde este nivel hasta el espacio exterior seguro se cuenta no solamente con la salida por la propia torre de evacuación Sur, sino con otras dos escaleras alternativas en el centro del Bloque hospitalario, con un recorrido al aire libre de 30 m hasta la más próxima. Como medios de extinción, se disponen equipos duplicados de proyección de espuma activada mediante chorro de agua. Cada uno de ellos va situado en el arranque de una de las vías de evacuación, la escalera y la rampa. La presión de agua es de 7 a 8 kg/cm2 y el caudal mínimo de 250 litros/ minuto. Se dispone también un extintor de polvo seco de 45 kg en el inicio de la rampa. Respecto a otros medios de prevención, la helisuperficie se descompone transversalmente en 4 faldones con pendiente del 1% hacia un canalón perimetral continuo, en el que se recogerá cualquier derrame líquido. Este canalón cuenta con 4 puntos de descarga hacia un tanque separador de aceite/ agua que está situado en la entreplanta de Compartimento de la UVI 186 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE servicios de radioterapia para tratar patologías que requieren un tratamiento urgente que no admite listas de espera, y dada la insuficiencia existente de medios materiales en el HUC para hacer frente a dicha demanda, se adoptó incluir el Servicio de Radioterapia en esta fase. Del mismo modo, la necesidad de agilizar la atención de procesos quirúrgicos y reducir sus listas de espera aconsejó igualmente adelantar a esta fase la construcción del Área de Cirugía Mayor Ambulatoria. Estos dos Servicios han podido incluirse en el nuevo Edificio mediante la construcción de una planta más, quedando con ello perfectamente integrados en las circulaciones de pacientes ambulatorios e ingresados, y sin tener que esperar a la 3ª fase del Plan Director. Por tanto, este edificio de Actividades Ambulatorias contiene: • Consultas Externas y áreas de diagnóstico y terapéutica de las especialidades clínicas • Hospitales de Día Torre de evacuación Sur maquinaria. La descarga de este separador es de 125 mm y está conducida verticalmente por uno de los patinillos de la torre hasta el atezado de piso de su planta de contacto con el terreno, por donde se desvía hacia el drenaje. Fase 2. Edificio de actividades ambulatorias Este edificio incluye las unidades destinadas preferentemente a atención ambulatoria, potenciando las áreas que prestan servicios de diagnóstico y terapéutica, y en especial aquellas que evitan el internamiento hospitalario permitiendo que el paciente se reintegre de inmediato a su medio social habitual. Ante la creciente demanda asistencial de • Servicios centrales de alta carga ambulatoria • Servicio de Radioterapia • Cirugía mayor ambulatoria El edificio consta de 13 plantas, y está formado por 2 cuerpos: uno rectangular de altura total equivalente a la del edificio de hospitalización existente y adosado a éste, y otro más bajo pero más amplio de 6 plantas, desarrollado en torno a un patio y con forma ligeramente trapezoidal. La superficie construida son 35.000 m2. Con el bloque alto adosado al bloque de hospitalización quedan aseguradas las conexiones al resto del hospital. Sin embargo, debido a que la altura entre plantas del bloque de hospitalización existente era de 3 m (insuficiente para el desarrollo horizontal de las instalaciones) y el nuevo tiene 4 m de altura por planta, sólo conectan a nivel HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE entre plantas cada 4 del antiguo (12 m). El resto de las plantas se comunican a través de escaleras. Cada planta está compartimentada en al menos 2 sectores contraincendios. La superficie de estos es < 1.500 m2 si no dispone de instalación de rociadores automáticos, y < 3.000 m2 si dispone de ellos. El recorrido de evacuación en cada sector es < 50 m (salvo para el archivo sito en el sótano 2, calificado de riesgo alto, en el que dicho recorrido de evacuación es < 25 m). Todas las plantas disponen de al menos dos salidas a escalera especialmente protegida, teniendo todas las escaleras 1,5 m de anchura. Todas las puertas de salida de los elementos de evacuación son abatibles con eje de giro vertical y llevan incorporado un ojo de buey acristalado de 40 cm de diámetro. La estabilidad al fuego de toda la estructura del edificio es de 180 min. El encuentro de los forjados con la fachada tiene una franja de hormigón armado de 1 m de altura, y en el caso de una pared que delimite 2 sectores contraincendio esa altura es de 1,3 m. El paso entre plantas de los patinillos de la instalación eléctrica está sellado con bolsas de material intumescente para evitar puntos débiles en la compartimentación. Fase 3. Ampliación y remodelación del HUC El cumplimiento de las misiones asistenciales de asistencia de área y de referencia, sin olvidar su condición de centro docente e investigador y su estrecha colaboración con la Universidad, obligaba a adecuar las dimensiones y las características funcionales y estructurales del hospital. En base a ello se puso en marcha la redacción del Proyecto que permitiera la construcción del nuevo HUC, Proyecto ya redactado actualmente y que se encuentra en supervisión técnica. Este Proyecto llevará al hospital a unas condiciones estructurales similares a las de cualquier otro de los grandes hospitales de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, situando al HUC entre los centros de asistencia especializada más punteros de España. Descripción de las obras La 1ª fase de las obras comenzó en diciembre de 1996, presentando problemas importantes que complicaban la ejecución: • interferencia con la actividad hospitalaria en diversas zonas, lo que dificultaba enormemente la planificación de los trabajos • en la planta baja de hospitalización era necesario desalojar totalmente las dependencias que estuvieran en servicio • el nivel de acabados exigido era muy alto, lo que obligaba a un control exhaustivo de la ejecución Detalle de la ampliación 187 188 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE Construccion de la torre Sur • existencia de muchos frentes de actuación simultáneos, lo que conllevaba a una gran dispersión de la obra • relaciones con proveedores e industriales internacionales (sobre todo alemanes), dando lugar a negociaciones bastante complejas En general, todas las plantas presentaban un problema común con las instalaciones, sobre todo en las conexiones con el hospital que estaba en funcionamiento, lo que llevó a realizar numerosos trabajos en horarios no habituales. En la zona de Quirófanos, además, con la dificultad añadida por la gran cantidad de ellas que discurrían por el falso techo y el interior de los quirófanos. En una 2ª etapa se ejecutaron las dos torres de evacuación. Primero la cilíndrica, para la que hubo que hacer un encofrado especial. Esta torre fue revestida de aluminio y se colocó muro cortina en una zona lateral, además de añadirle una aleta cortaviento. El helipuerto de la zona superior se realizó en un material resistente pero ligero (aluminio), para no sobrecargar la estructura de la torre. En la fase 2 se llevó a cabo la construcción del edificio de actividades ambulatorias que, además de las Consultas Externas, atiende todos los servicios ambulatorios prestados por el HUC. Su ejecución suponía una ampliación del hospital que sólo era posible previo ensanchamiento de la parcela existente. Las obras debían comenzar necesariamente por la urbanización, que había que realizar en varias fases para mantener en todo momento los accesos al hospital. Se iniciaron en noviembre de 2003, habilitando un nuevo acceso a Urgencias para poder eliminar la calle que había. A la vez se ejecutó el nuevo Centro de Seccionamiento de la línea de M.T. que sustituiría al existente, ubicado dentro de la parcela. Simultáneamente se desviaron todas las instalaciones que atravesaban dicha parcela: M.T., B.T., telecomunicaciones, telefo- nía, saneamiento y abastecimiento. Existía una dificultad, proveniente de la necesidad de compatibilizar las obras con las del edificio de aparcamientos que se estaba construyendo, y que obligaba a respetar el número de aparcamientos disponibles en ese momento. Esta falta de espacio era un contratiempo muy importante en el desarrollo de los trabajos, ya que complicaba toda la logística para el almacenamiento de los materiales de la Obra y la ubicación de las grúas y las casetas de obra. El desmonte del edificio eran unos 120.000 m3 de roca basáltica. Una vez avanzado el mismo, se planteó por parte de la Dirección Facultativa construir un sótano más. Esto implicó un recálculo de la estructura y de la cimentación. Pero además surgieron dos problemas importantes: • el aumento de la altura en la excavación provocaba un riesgo real en las proximidades del solar, ya que se encontraba una torre de 12 plantas. Para evitar el posible deslizamiento de capas por debajo de la cimentación de esta torre, se decidió colocar una pantalla de micropilotes con anclajes provisionales al terreno a una distancia aproximada de unos 14 m de la torre, y se replantearon los sótanos del edificio de modo que se separaron 14 m de la torre. Posteriormente la propia estructura arriostraría la pantalla de micropilotes, perdiendo su función los anclajes provisionales. • la altura de los muros de contención perimetrales aumentó en 5 m (un sótano HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE más), alcanzando los 16 m, y tras el recálculo de la cimentación, se decidió cimentar el muro con 4 micropilotes de 14 m de profundidad por cada metro de muro. El sistema de cimentación elegido para el edificio fue mediante encepados que transmitieran la carga al terreno a través de micropilotes. La fachada se realizó con muro cortina de paños fijos, y una pequeña cantidad de módulos practicables (16.000 m2 en total). En las fachadas expuestas al sol la protección viene dada por una doble fachada formada con vidrio filtrante de las radiaciones ultravioleta e infrarroja, separada y ventilada respecto a la interior, que es acristalada con vidrio transparente serigrafiado con una trama para impedir la visión desde el exterior. En las no expuestas al sol la fachada es sencilla, con vidrio también serigrafiado. En todos los casos, el vidrio es doble con cámara de aire para impedir las ganancias o pérdidas debidas a la transmisión por radiación. Edificio de actividades ambulatorias. Instalaciones Instalación eléctrica El edificio dispone de estación transformadora propia, conectada al anillo existente que alimenta el actual edificio del hospital. Se instalaron 3 transformadores de potencia, 2 de 1.000 kVA y 1 de 1.600 kVA, con relación de transformación de 20.000 / 400-240 V, ubicados en el sótano 2 en recinto propio. Para casos de emergencia se dispone de 2 grupos electrógenos de 1.250 kVA cada uno, a 400 V, ubicados también en recinto propio en el sótano 2. En el centro de gravedad del edificio, en el sótano 2, se dispone en local propio el cuadro general, desde el que se distribuye a los cuadros secundarios distribuidos por vertical y planta del edificio. Para los suministros especiales existe un sistema de alimentación ininterrumpida de 100 kVA, ubicado junto al cuadro general en local independiente. En los locales donde se practican intervenciones y en las camas de hospitalización con pacientes anestesiados la alimentación eléctrica se realiza a través de un transformador de aislamiento. En los locales donde se realizan medidas de señales muy débiles (del orden de mV o inferiores), se forra el habitáculo con material conductivo, formando una jaula de Faraday. El edificio dispone de una red de puesta a tierra compuesta: una de seguridad para la instalación de M.T., otra para protección de las personas en la distribución en B.T. y una tercera para protección de los equipos informáticos, aunque esta última se une en un determinado punto con la anterior. Instalación contraincendios Esta instalación se compone de un sistema de detección y alarma de incendios, y sistemas de extinción. El primero está formado por una central analógica de última generación, que permite direccionar cada detector e incluso adaptar los umbrales de sensibilidad a cada zona específica. Esto facilita la localización del incendio en su fase inicial y evita falsas Quirófano 189 190 HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE Detalle de la torre Sur alarmas en locales con cierta contaminación ambiental. Se complementa con un circuito cerrado de TV que permite controlar los movimientos de las personas en lugares estratégicos del edificio y en sus accesos. Para la evacuación dispone de alarmas óptico-acústicas y megafonía. El sistema de extinción está formado por un grupo de presión equipado con una electrobomba de 100 m3/h a 100 m.c.a., y una bomba de servicio para mantener en sobrepresión la red a 70 m.c.a. El sistema se abastece de la red general exterior del HUC, procedente de los aljibes de abastecimiento, con capacidad para una reserva de agua contraincendios de 1.000 m3. Existen dos redes de extinción: una de rociadores y otra de BIEs, complementadas con extintores portátiles de polvo polivalente y de CO2 en locales con riesgo de fuego de origen eléctrico. La central de detección de incendios está integrada en el sistema de seguridad general del hospital. Instalación de climatización La instalación de climatización es centralizada y se compone de 3 plantas de 1.037 kW de potencia frigorífica y unidades de tratamiento de aire que distribuyen el aire frío en las distintas zonas del edificio, existiendo regulación local en cada dependencia. La producción calorífica, tanto de A.C.S. como de calefacción y post-calentamiento, se obtiene principalmente de la recuperación de dos de las plantas enfriadoras, con una potencia disponible máxima de 657 kW, y una caldera de apoyo para el caso de escasa recuperación que garantice la producción a 50 °C y el tratamiento antilegionela. Todo el aire que entra en el edificio se trata en las unidades, y en todos los casos es distribuido mediante conductos de chapa de acero galvanizado embridados y calorifugados, con caudal de aire variable en función de la demanda térmica. Las unidades de tratamiento de aire disponen de entrada de aire limpio del exterior, con salida alejada de la toma. Para ahorro energético, todas ellas disponen de free-cooling. Existen locales con funcionamiento específico (informática, SAI, seguridad y control de acceso) para los cuales se han instalado equipos autónomos, permitiendo parar el sistema central en horas de cierre al público. Para la gestión simple y eficiente del edificio se ha dispuesto un sistema de control integrado con el existente en el resto del hospital, basado en un puesto central y una red de controladores distribuidos, con autonomía propia. Estos controladores son los que leen las sondas y actúan sobre el equipo de campo para mantener los parámetros de confort. En el sistema central se configuran los horarios de funcionamiento y los puntos de consigna que serán instalados en cada controlador, de tal forma que aunque se pierda la comunicación con el puesto central sigan regulando de forma autónoma. La calidad del aire se controla mediante sonda ubicada en los retornos. HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO DE CANARIAS. TENERIFE Instalación de fontanería Se ha instalado un grupo de presión que garantice la presión del agua en todo el edificio, dividiéndolo en 3 niveles de presión, para compensar las diferencias de altura según las plantas. Se dispone de agua sanitaria en todos los locales, y de A.C.S. sólo en vestuarios con duchas y lavabos de médicos en zonas de atención a pacientes. El abastecimiento se realiza mediante una red exterior incluida en la urbanización, desde la sala de máquinas del aljibe general. Para las unidades de diálisis se dispone de una red, dividida en 4 zonas, con tubería de poliamida y con recirculación. El abastecimiento de esta red proviene de la producción central del hospital. Instalación de gases medicinales Se disponen redes con sectorización por plantas para los distintos gases medicinales: oxígeno y vacío de manera general, aire medicinal o motriz en zonas concretas y protóxido de nitrógeno en zonas quirúrgicas. La acometida de estos suministros se obtie- ne del suministro general existente del hospital, excepto el vacío, que se produce por medio de una central exclusiva instalada en la sala de máquinas del sótano 2. En cualquier caso, en dicho sótano se ha reservado espacio para una instalación redundante de oxígeno y otra de protóxido de nitrógeno, mediante rampas de botellas, así como para la instalación de 2 grupos compresores productores de aire medicinal. Instalación de telecomunicaciones Debido al carácter público del edificio, donde se requiere combinar complejas instalaciones de comunicación con la movilidad de los puestos de trabajo, se dispone una instalación de cableado estructurado compuesta por una red vertical, que arranca del repartidor principal de voz y datos ubicado en un local anexo a Informática, y una red horizontal por planta que arranca desde el repartidor secundario de planta. En el mismo local del repartidor principal se instala con su equipamiento la central telefónica digital, de la que parten los pares telefónicos interiores, y a la que llegan las líneas exteriores de la red pública de telefonía. Vista general 191 HOSPITAL MARQUÉS DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER HOSPITAL MARQUÉS DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER PROPIEDAD: Servicio Cántabro de Salud (SCS) Gobierno de Cantabria 193 Reforma y ampliación del Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander Descripción del complejo hospitalario CENTRO: Delegación Norte El actual hospital universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (HUMV) es un complejo hospitalario vinculado académicamente a la Universidad de Cantabria, y está formado por un total de 25 edificios, distribuidos en 3 conjuntos principales: ARQUITECTOS: D. Fernando Cruz D. Juan Casariego D. José Manuel Baquerizo D. Genaro Alas D. Víctor Gorostegui Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla • Hospital (ó Residencia) General (1973) • 9 Pabellones de la antigua Casa de Salud Valdecilla (1929) JEFE DE DEPARTAMENTO: D. Alejandro Solares • Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería • Edificio 2 de Noviembre (antiguo edificio de Traumatología) (2003) JEFE DE OBRA: D. Silvino Antonio Arias • Edificio Valdecilla Sur, que alberga las Consultas Externas (2008) INSTALACIONES: D. Juan Carlos Calvo Este hospital, que proviene de la Casa Salud Valdecilla, todavía conserva pabellones de la época, además de un nuevo edificio principal en forma de H que alberga en sus extremos al edificio 2 de Noviembre (12 plantas) y al Hospital General, comunicados a través de las plantas 2 y 3. El Hospital General lo forman 2 bloques en V de 10 plantas sobre rasante más 2 bajo el nivel de calle. El edificio 2 de Noviembre posee 12 plantas más 2 bajo rasante. En su azotea se encuentra el helipuerto. Vista general 194 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER El bloque de comunicación entre ambos consta de 5 plantas, 3 sobre nivel (Servicios de Urgencias y Radiodiagnóstico, quirófanos, oficinas y Hemodinámica) y 2 bajo rasante (centros de transformación, instalaciones de calefacción, esterilización y otros servicios generales). La actual Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería fue construida por la Universidad de Cantabria en base a un acuerdo de cesión durante 99 años. Otros edificios del conjunto albergan la lavandería, Anatomía Patológica y Mortuorio; grupos de presión, la planta descalcificadora y la planta de agua; la central térmica, el servicio de mantenimiento y la capilla. La parcela en la que se asienta el conjunto es amplia y cubre una extensión no construida de 111.000 m2, que es utilizada para zonas verdes, circulación interna de vehículos, aparcamiento regulado para personal del hospital (700 plazas) y para público en general. Hospital Cantabria A unos 500 m del anterior y construido en 1969, está formado por un edificio principal de hospitalización (casi 700 camas), con 12 plantas sobre rasante y una planta sótano, y 3 edificios auxiliares. Actualmente acoge el Hospital Materno-Infantil y diversos ServiVista general cios, tanto médicos como quirúrgicos. En sus dependencias se ubican, desde 1994, la Dirección Territorial del Insalud y la Dirección de Atención Primaria de su área sanitaria, ocupando entre ambas aproximadamente un 20% de su superficie habitable. En la planta 12 del edificio se albergan las instalaciones del 061 (Urgencias). Centro de Especialidades Vargas Data de 1973 y se encuentra a 1,5 km del hospital Valdecilla. Se trata de un edificio único de 7 plantas más 2 de servicios, en el que se atienden Consultas Externas del hospital; a excepción de las 2 primeras plantas, que están cedidas para Atención primaria y fueron remodeladas en 1995. No dispone de parcela libre a su alrededor, configurándose como un típico inmueble urbano. Historia La Diputación de Santander cumplía su obligación de asistencia gratuita a las personas sin recursos de la provincia en el Hospital de San Rafael, un sólido edificio de finales del siglo XVIII, cuyas 350 camas, inicialmente muchas, habían quedado insuficientes más de un siglo después. La creación de un hospital nuevo y mayor fue asumida por Ramón Pelayo de la Torriente, marqués de Valdecilla, cuya prodigalidad ya era conocida en otros ámbitos. Y a ese nuevo hospital, inaugurado en 1929, se le llamó Casa de Salud Valdecilla (CSV). Ya desde sus inicios el marqués le dio una nueva orientación: por una parte el hospital atendería a todo tipo de pacientes, sin distinción; y por otra, destacaría por la alta calidad técnica y científica de su asistencia, lo que sería germen de una auténtica escuela de medicina y cirugía. Sus primeros Jefes de Servicio fueron nombrados por un comité de expertos en el que se encontraban Ramón y Cajal y Gregorio Marañón, entre otros. Su estructura componía un macro-hospital construido en superficie por pabellones, a fin de separar las especialidades y controlar mejor ciertas enfermedades contagiosas. HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER 195 Residencia Cantabria Medio siglo mas tarde esta arquitectura se denominaría ciudad sanitaria. Con el tiempo la gestión del hospital pasó a la Diputación Provincial. Y mientras tanto la Seguridad Social inauguró su propia Residencia sanitaria, la Cantabria, en 1969. Esta era un edificio de 12 plantas que traía como novedad de tipo social la desaparición de las salas de enfermos colectivas, pues disponía de habitaciones dobles con un servicio higiénico para cada una de ellas. Entre 1970 y 1973 se desarrollaron 3 iniciativas fundamentales: renovar funcional y arquitectónicamente la CSV, incluida la escuela de enfermeras; convertir el hospital renovado en asiento de los cursos clínicos de la Facultad de Medicina recién creada en Santander, y establecer un acuerdo con la Seguridad Social para unificar la actuación hospitalaria que prestaban la CSV y la Residencia Cantabria; el resultado de esta fusión fue el Centro Médico Nacional Marqués de Valdecilla, al que se dotó de nuevos Departamentos y Servicios, así como de más personal y medios materiales y económicos. Para ello se demolieron los pabellones que ocupaban la parte anterior del recinto hospitalario, edificando en el solar el denominado nuevo bloque médico-quirúrgico, hoy conocido como Hospital General, que fue inaugurado en 1973. En ese mismo año la Seguridad Social construyó un gran edificio monobloque de 14 alturas, con helipuerto en su terraza superior, denominado Centro de Traumatología y Ortopedia, donde se ubicaron también los servicios generales de Cirugía y Nefrología, con su Unidad de Diálisis. Como consecuencia de la nueva situación derivada del acuerdo suscrito, y de las características de las nuevas instalaciones puestas en funcionamiento, se decide la transformación de la Residencia Sanitaria Cantabria en Maternidad y Hospital Infantil. En 1981 se aprueba un Proyecto de reforma y modernización de los primitivos pabellones de Valdecilla, incluyendo la realización de accesos, la reconstrucción total de la galería de unión y la puesta al día de la galería subterránea. El citado Proyecto fue reformado en 1984 y concluido en 1988. En 1999, y a raíz de un hecho luctuoso, se lleva a cabo la construcción del edificio 2 de Noviembre (el antiguo Centro de Traumatología, del cual se desprendió toda una fachada), a la vez que se aceleran los trámites para poner en marcha la ejecución de las reformas generales del Hospital Valdecilla, que entonces se revelan como urgentes. A 196 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER finales de ese mismo mes salen a concurso público el Plan Director y la Fase I de la Ampliación y reforma del Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. En 2003 se inaugura el nuevo edificio 2 de Noviembre y la 1ª fase del Servicio de Urgencias. En 2005 finaliza el grueso de la fase I y comienza la fase II, terminando ambas en 2007, dando paso a la fase III. A principios de 2009, se encuentra en ejecución la 3ª y última fase del Plan Director, que tiene prevista su finalización en 2010. Con todo ello, el HUMV se ha transformado en un hospital de elevada especialización y tecnología, incluido entre los grandes hospitales docentes e investigadores de nuestro país. Asiste a la población del área I (300.000 hab.), y es referencia para las áreas II, III y IV, así como para el ámbito extrarregional. El Plan Director de ampliación y reforma (1999) Antecedentes Centro de Especialidades Vargas En 1999 el recinto hospitalario Marqués de Valdecilla presentaba una variedad de edificios con distintas funciones, construidos a lo largo de su historia, y ejecutados según iban apareciendo nuevas necesidades siguiendo las diferentes estrategias políticosanitarias. Estos edificios se comunicaban entre sí mediante un sistema viario en superficie y otro de galerías subterráneas, trazados también como respuesta inmediata a requerimientos concretos y no a una ordenación general premeditada. El resultado final consistía, pues, en un conjunto espacialmente muy complejo, con estructuras físicamente deterioradas y dificultades funcionales en muchas áreas, en contraste con el gran desarrollo de la función médica y la importancia que poseía el hospital dentro de la comunidad. La parcela, con un desnivel de 14 m, estaba incluida en la remodelación de las vías urbanas prevista en el Plan General, de modo que, ejecutado éste, el solar quedaba accesible en todo su perímetro a través de vías públicas, mejorando notablemente las condiciones de accesibilidad originales. Tanto los edificios como la parcela eran suficientes en tamaño, ubicación y accesibilidad geográfica para los pacientes de Santander y del resto de Cantabria. Asimismo el hospital estaba bien posicionado y comunicado para el acceso de pacientes provenientes de otras C.C.A.A. El complejo hospitalario, como consecuencia de su origen (fusión de 3 instituciones: Casa Salud Valdecilla, el Hospital General de posterior construcción y la Residencia Sanitaria Cantabria) mostraba una gran dispersión de instalaciones, así como la duplicidad de algunas de ellas. Asimismo, existía una falta de coordinación asistencial entre los Servicios que residían en los 2 hospitales (Materno-Infantil y Ginecología en el Hospital Cantabria, y el resto de las especialidades médicas y quirúrgicas en el Hospital General). La fusión de ambos requería una profunda remodelación en el edificio sobre la parcela de este último, manteniendo en todo caso la utilización de HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER la totalidad de los edificios actuales sobre un reparto funcional de espacios radicalmente distinto. El estudio de resistencia y estabilidad que se efectuó en el conjunto (entre 1996 y 1997) demostró que el edificio principal (Hospital General) respondía y mantenía los parámetros del diseño inicial. El área de hospitalización disponía de habitaciones amplias, luminosas y con un porcentaje mínimamente adecuado de camas en habitaciones individuales (11,2 %). Pero el principal problema radicaba en el estado de conservación y funcionalidad de sus edificios, y principalmente del Hospital General, que es el que albergaba la mayoría de las instalaciones asistenciales. Desde su construcción a principios de los años 70 no se había realizado ninguna inversión significativa para su remodelación y adaptación a las nuevas necesidades asistenciales y organizativas, ni se había dispuesto de un plan funcional que racionalizara la disposición y utilización de los espacios en los edificios y en las parcelas. En consecuencia, su configuración había ido sufriendo una política de progresivos y múltiples parches que buscaban de forma posibilista la solución urgente de las necesidades de funcionamiento; lo cual, finalmente, había originado un edificio poco confortable para los pacientes, visitantes y trabajadores, así como funcionalmente ineficiente, y de difícil y costosa conservación en lo que respectaba a su mantenimiento reparador y preventivo. La labor de reformarlo no era fácil, teniendo en cuenta que no sólo se quería mantener viva la idea inicial del marqués sino también la organización arquitectónica del hospital. Esto obligaba a mantener los pabellones originales, o al menos a realizar una fiel reproducción de los mismos, con el consiguiente esfuerzo de construcción. Se trataba de llegar a un cambio conceptual importante, manteniendo el mismo modelo arquitectónico. En la construcción de la CSV se había seguido un sistema horizontal de pabellones, más de 20, con 3 plantas cada uno, unidos entre sí por una galería y un túnel subterráneo, y con capacidad para 700 camas. Su modelo organizativo y su diseño funcional, realmente novedosos para su tiempo, habían permitido el desarrollo de una cuádruple función propia de un hospital contemporáneo: asistencia, docencia, investigación y acción preventiva en la comunidad a la que sirve. Planteamiento Más de 3/4 de siglo después de sus orígenes, el nuevo HUMV se concebía con la misma filosofía que inspiró su creación: ofrecer servicios asistenciales especializados para una atención médica de alta calidad, aunando investigación y docencia para este cometido. Y es que el actual centro hospitalario mantenía aquellos rasgos que caracterizaron la inicial Casa de Salud Valdecilla, determinados por una organización médica compleja, de carácter progresista y técnicamente revolucionaria. Trasladar este planteamiento de modelo de pabellones a la realidad arquitectónica y sanitaria de comienzos del siglo XXI, dominada por un nuevo concepto de hospital abierto a la sociedad, obligaba a modificaciones internas en los distintos pabellones y a un reciclaje de la arquitectura, con el fin de adaptar las nuevas instalaciones a las necesidades del momento. Contemplando las premisas constructivas para un hospital donde el respeto al medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad se configura- Antigua Casa de Salud Valdecilla 197 198 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Construcción de los pabellones ban como una de las bases fundamentales de su diseño, se exigía la minimización del impacto ambiental, el uso de tecnologías apropiadas para reducir el consumo de energía, y la construcción de edificios en armonía con su entorno y de bajos costes operacionales. En el Plan Director se plasmaron las directrices de las intervenciones que habían de llevarse a cabo en el recinto para conseguir la completa reforma de las instalaciones hospitalarias. Para alcanzar este objetivo la Obra contaría con 3 fases, mas una inicial de urgencia para rehabilitar el edificio destruido. Los objetivos del Plan Director se centraron en: • reorganizar funcionalmente el conjunto del hospital y sus edificios, manteniendo el patrimonio histórico • mejorar la coordinación y comunicación entre los distintos departamentos • facilitar el acceso y la circulación, separan- do los tránsitos de pacientes, visitantes y Servicios • diseñar áreas más adecuadas a las nuevas modalidades asistenciales • aumentar el confort e intimidad de los pacientes, familiares y profesionales • crear nuevos espacios para actividades docentes Esquema del Plan Director • Fase 0 (ya realizada): rehabilitación del edificio de Traumatología (el del siniestro en 1999, que después se llamará 2 de Noviembre); el incidente hizo notorio el deterioro que venía sufriendo el hospital con el paso de los años. Su uso sería de hospitalización • Fase 1 (ya realizada): demolición y reconstrucción de la zona de antiguos pabellones. Consta de aprox. 60.000 m2 con las siguientes áreas: - radiología y radioterapia HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER cias, el abastecimiento de suministros, la atención ambulatoria y el acceso del público a la hospitalización. Se disponían conexiones entre los diferentes edificios, tanto en superficie como en galería, que se estudiaron cuidadosamente para aportar seguridad y evitar interferencias entre tránsitos de distinto carácter, viéndose favorecidas por la nueva ubicación de los Servicios. Fase I - Urgencias, UCI, bloque quirúrgico y esterilización servicios administrativos, de mantenimiento y de formación • Fase 2 (ya realizada): área de Consultas Externas; aprox. 20.000 m2 • Fase 3 (en ejecución): área de hospitalización La Fase I, desarrollada de acuerdo y simultáneamente al Plan Director, comprendía la totalidad de los servicios centrales del hospital. La idea principal de la propuesta consistía en la rehabilitación integral de todos los pabellones sobre una gran superficie de nueva planta que se crearía bajo y entre ellos, capaz de albergar todos los Servicios generales (Urgencias, UCIs, bloque quirúrgico, radiología, radioterapia y medicina nuclear, etc.). El Plan Director se completaba con la propuesta de las áreas de hospitalización y servicios hosteleros en la zona Norte, y la creación de un edificio de servicios ambulatorios y hospitales de día al Sur. De este modo se aprovechaba la posición centrada de los Servicios generales, idónea para su accesibilidad desde el resto del hospital, lo que conllevaría a una gran eficacia funcional. Se situaban, por tanto, 2 zonas de aparcamiento al Sur y al Norte, además de otra en la entrada de Urgencias, con las adecuadas reservas de carga y descarga en los accesos de pacientes y rehabilitación. Se utilizaban las vías públicas construidas por el Plan General para segregar los tráficos de Urgen- Esta fase se realizó entre enero de 2002 y abril de 2007. Su ejecución es destacable por la complejidad del proceso, consecuencia por un lado de la necesidad de intervenir en el hospital en funcionamiento, y por otro de la propia naturaleza de la obra. Objetivos Esta fase comprendía los siguientes objetivos: • Cambio de imagen del hospital, para paliar la confusión existente • Mantenimiento de todos los pabellones centrales, en beneficio de la composición arquitectónica y de la historia • Creación de una gran superficie para albergar los Servicios generales: en una sola planta, dando lugar a una cubierta ajardinada que recuperaría valores estéticos perdidos. Su funcionalidad, Esquema del Plan Director 199 200 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER PABELLÓN 13 PABELLÓN 12 PABELLÓN 19 PABELLÓN 17 PABELLÓN 15 PABELLÓN 20 PABELLÓN 16 +33.36 E.S.L. y canecillo I I F F F F F F F F F F F C 16 C 16 C 16 C 16 F F F E 16 D16 D16 H16 G16 D16 H16 G16 H16 ~2.70 3.80 2.95 0.05 F F F 3.75 .60 .87 2.20 .48 .96 .50 2.20 0.08 I I F F F F F F F F 26.20 I I F F F F F F F F 23.94 K 16 I F F F F F F F F 24.50 F F F F ALZADO B F 22.19 19.60 ALZADO B 19.60 N3 19.60 19.40 19.60 N3 18.90 18.53 18.03 18.03 17.23 16.63 15.30 PABELLÓN 15 PABELLÓN 17 PABELLÓN 13 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO CANALÓN +31.98 28.94 0.05 HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA 0.05 0.05 0.05 28.94 N5 2.70 2.70 0.05 31.64 HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA 28.94 3.10 3.80 3.10 3.80 PABELLÓN 14 25.16 N4 25.16 DESPACHO CANALÓN +31.98 HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA 28.94 0.05 0.08 25.16 31.64 0.05 31.64 29.35 N5 FONDO BIBLIOGRÁFICO 0.05 29.35 3.10 24.50 2.70 0.05 29.35 3.10 3.80 ASEO SALA DE REUNIONES ASEO 24.50 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO 19.69 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO ASEO 24.50 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO 19.69 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO ASEO 24.50 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO 19.69 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO LIMPIEZA ASEO 15.43 SALA DE YESOS 23.10 ASEO .91 .50 15.40 2.70 15.30 SALA DE YESOS 2.70 3.66 3.07 2.00 11.29 N1 2.70 2.70 2.70 11.29 N1 15.43 N2 15.43 N2 .53 15.43 N2 0.08 .80 SALA DE YESOS 1.20 SALA DE YESOS 2.70 15.43 0.08 15.43 N2 SECCIÓN PORCHE DE URGENCIAS PEDIÁTRICAS Ver plano Db.03 3.52 0.05 18.13 .60 .97 0.05 .60 .97 .60 .80 1.20 SALA DE YESOS 2.70 SALA DE YESOS 0.08 .90 15.43 19.69 N3 19.69 N3 ASEO .74 19.40 0.08 2.00 3.10 3.75 3.75 3.10 0.08 19.60 N3 ASEO 24.50 N4 23.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 3.75 3.10 0.05 .97 18.13 .96 .48 .20 1.00 1.20 TRABAJO PROFESIONAL VASCULAR .48 DECANSO MEDICOS 1.40 15.43 N2 2.70 0.08 .90 2.40 1.40 1.20 .20 1.00 .48 BOX 19.60 N3 ASEO .50 .97 SALA DE REUNIONES .50 .97 19.69 .96 .96 HALL 16.56 .48 .20 2.70 15.43 ASEO 0.08 15.33 .48 15.43 N2 13.99 P16-1 .97 ASEO .50 .90 2.70 BOX 0.08 15.43 ASEO 19.69 N3 20.29 SECCIÓN DE PATIO TIPO 2 Ver plano Db.01 0.08 ASEO 0.05 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 0.08 4.00 0.05 0.05 3.10 19.69 0.05 0.05 .97 0.05 ALMACENAMIENTO EMBALAJE .90 15.43 2.70 LAVADO DE CARROS .48 LABORATORIO 1.20 15.43 N2 0.08 .50 18.13 .60 19.69 N3 ASEO 0.08 SECCIÓN DE PATIO TIPO 1 Ver plano Db.01 0.08 ASEO .60 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 3.75 0.05 0.05 19.69 .97 ESPERA 1.20 SUCIO EN PROYECCIÓN, DE ACCESO .96 19.69 SECRETARÍA 0.08 VESTUARIO 0.08 VESTUARIO 3.10 3.75 0.05 0.05 3.10 SECRETARÍA DE SERVICIO 0.08 JEFE DE SERVICIO .60 0.08 19.69 N3 3.10 0.05 0.05 ASEO 0.08 LIMPIEZA 0.08 3.80 3.10 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 0.08 0.08 0.08 3.10 3.80 0.08 24.50 ACCESO A LA SALA DE LECTURA 2.50 0.05 2.70 0.08 2.50 HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA 0.05 0.05 28.94 0.05 2.70 0.08 2.50 HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA HABITACIÓN RESIDENCIA 0.05 0.05 0.05 28.94 PABELLÓN 18 SUCIO PABELLÓN 12 PABELLÓN 16 0.05 0.05 0.08 2.50 2.70 ÁREA DE IDENTIFICACIONES JEFE DE SERVICIO 24.50 0.05 PABELLÓN 19 CANALÓN +31.98 28.94 24.50 N4 3.10 PABELLÓN 20 28.94 N5 0.05 15.40 18.03 17.53 3.80 15.30 SECCIÓN PORCHE DE URGENCIAS Ver plano Db.02 SECCIÓN B PABELLÓN 20 21.69 19.60 N3 SECCIÓN B .50 0.05 2.70 0.05 2.70 2.70 0.05 2.70 11.29 N1 28.94 E 16 D16 G16 H16 F 15.43 N2 PABELLÓN 19 PABELLÓN 18 H16 G16 K 16 F C 16 I F F F 11.36 PABELLÓN 17 I F F F 15.43 11.36 11.29 N1 PABELLÓN 16 F F F 2.65 2.70 15.43 N2 .48 15.43 13.99 0.08 I F F F 19.69 N3 .69 0.05 2.70 15.43 N2 .96 ALMACEN MATERIAL GENERAL SERVICIO 11.29 N1 2.70 2.70 I F F ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO .87 .60 .50 .48 .20 1.00 ALMACEN MATERIAL MODULO .96 ALMACEN APARATOS SERVICIO PABELLÓN 14 23.10 28.94 N5 F 19.69 18.13 .90 15.43 N2 2.70 0.08 .48 .20 TALLER MANTENIMIENTO ALMACEN .96 ALMACEN PABELLÓN 15 F 19.69 N3 18.13 .97 0.05 0.05 ALMACEN ANGIOGRAFO I F 24.50 3.75 19.69 19.60 N3 SEMINARIO 0.08 PABELLÓN 13 F .92 0.05 4.00 .97 2.40 16.56 C 16 I CONTROL .60 SEMINARIO 11.36 11.29 N1 0.08 PABELLÓN 12 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.05 3.75 0.08 19.69 0.05 3.66 11.36 11.29 N1 2.70 2.70 2.70 11.83 N1 2.70 2.00 .96 0.05 .96 .53 15.43 .48 15.43 N2 13.99 I 28.94 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 24.50 N4 0.05 2.95 .92 .69 .97 .97 .97 .60 .50 .90 2.00 15.43 .48 .20 1.00 15.43 N2 15.40 .48 15.30 .60 0.05 2.70 2.00 15.43 3.07 11.83 N1 19.69 .60 .97 .60 0.05 2.70 15.43 N2 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 19.69 N3 20.29 19.69 N3 18.13 VESTÍBULO RESIDENCIA 24.50 23.29 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 2.65 3.75 3.75 2.00 .69 3.52 15.43 N2 ~2.70 0.08 3.10 3.80 0.05 0.05 0.05 3.80 0.05 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 19.69 19.60 N3 18.13 1 PIE L.M. 31.64 PABELLÓN 18 24.50 .50 .91 0.05 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 19.69 +33.36 E.S.L. y canecillo 28.94 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO AULA (96 ALUMN.) 24.50 23.29 19.69 N3 AULA (96 ALUMN.) 1 PIE L.M. CANALÓN +31.98 VESTÍBULO RESIDENCIA 28.94 25.16 N4 25.1625.16 23.10 19.69 N3 TELEDOCUMENTACIÓN Y PROCESAMIENTO DEL FONDO PRÉSTAMO INFORMACIÓN 1 PIE L.M. 31.64 29.35 N5 29.3529.35 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO PABELLÓN 14 1 PIE L.M. CANALÓN +31.98 VESTÍBULO RESIDENCIA ~2.70 ~2.70 ~2.70 31.64 28.94 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 3.80 0.05 +33.36 E.S.L. y canecillo 1 PIE L.M. 1 PIE L.M. CANALÓN +31.98 VESTÍBULO RESIDENCIA 24.50 2.70 31.64 28.94 ATENCIÓN AL PÚBLICO 24.50 3.80 1 PIE L.M. 1 PIE L.M. CANALÓN +31.98 VESTÍBULO RESIDENCIA 0.05 +33.36 E.S.L. y canecillo 1 PIE L.M. 31.64 28.94 24.50 N4 23.10 3.95 +33.36 E.S.L. y canecillo 1 PIE L.M. CANALÓN +31.98 28.94 N5 11.83 N1 SECCIÓN A SECCIÓN A 11.83 N1 11.29 N1 11.29 N1 10.68 10.68 PABELLÓN 16 PABELLÓN 19 PABELLÓN 20 PABELLÓN 17 PABELLÓN 15 M16 I I I F Yp F F Yp F I I F Yp F F Yp F N16 N16 S 16 P2 16 P2 16 R 16 F16 F16 I F Yp F F Yp F P116 M16 M16 M16 Q 16 Q 16 B 16 B 16 PABELLÓN 13 M16 P116 N16 N16 P216 P216 S 16 F 16 F 16 R 16 I I I F Yp F F Yp F PABELLÓN 18 D D F D PABELLÓN 14 A16 Q 16 PABELLÓN 12 A16 26.20 I I F Yp F F Yp F 19.69 N3 18.03 17.10 17.23 15.43 N2 3.15 2.60 11.19 11.29 N1 13.39 13.39 13.39 13.39 13.39 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 2.74 Plano de alzados y secciones Yp F F Yp S 14.80 18.03 17.10 15.25 F ALZADO A 19.60 18.53 1.80 2.10 m2 1.20 16.35 15.25 13.39 12.49 2.25 S 0.70 S 2.10 m2 16.10 15.31 17.00 1.80 S 1.20 2.00 17.53 16.63 19.40 18.03 17.23 3.12 17.53 16.63 0.70 17.53 16.63 2.00 17.53 16.63 3.12 S 19.40 19.69 2.25 S I F 23.94 19.60 N3 19.69 N3 14.80 15.35 ALZADO A 15.35 14.90 14.80 11.29 N1 11.29 N1 realizada utilizando los sótanos de los pabellones, resolvía satisfactoriamente la relación de proximidad de los diferentes Servicios generales, con una gran terraza tranquilizante en el interior de la zona hospitalaria referente a legislación técnica; si bien carecían de medidas suficientes frente a catástrofes: inexistencia de puertas cortafuegos, puertas antipánico y escaleras de emergencia practicables y adecuadamente señalizadas en todos los edificios. • Adaptación al terreno: la dificultad de un terreno de gran pendiente se aprovechó para diversificar y jerarquizar los accesos, escalonando la edificación y consiguiendo suavizar su impacto en el entorno urbano En lo referente al mantenimiento de éstos, se realizaba la renovación de una o dos plantas de hospitalización por año, un quirófano y una sala de Cuidados Intensivos, además de pequeñas reformas de adecuación y saneamiento. En las zonas reformadas y cuando eran modificaciones que lo permitían por su extensión, se implementaban las medidas de seguridad de acuerdo con la normativa del momento. • Claridad de las circulaciones generales: se planteó un entramado de circulaciones en los diferentes niveles para - servicios internos: camas, carros de comida, suministros y personal - servicios externos: visitas y pacientes ambulatorios Estado inicial de los edificios El complejo hospitalario estaba construido conforme a los proyectos correspondientes, que en su momento cumplían las normas de obligado cumplimiento. Dado que la normativa técnica de edificios, instalaciones y seguridad se redacta con la precaución de ser preceptiva a partir del momento de la entrada en vigor de la misma y no tiene efectos retroactivos, se podía decir que de forma general el hospital, sus edificios e instalaciones, cumplían la normativa en lo En cualquier caso, las labores de mantenimiento preventivo y reparador efectuadas eran insuficientes para lograr que el hospital se adaptara, modernizara y adecuara sus condiciones físicas a las exigencias actuales para el confort de los usuarios y trabajadores. Respecto a los pabellones, respondían a dos criterios distintos: aquellos que habían sido rehabilitados en algún momento y estaban en una situación correcta de uso, necesitando un mantenimiento sin grandes inversiones, y aquellos que necesitaban de una gran remodelación. En el resto del hospital, la parte correspondiente a columnas, vigas, arriostramientos y muros de estabilidad estaba en buenas condiciones. HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER En los años 1996 - 97 se había efectuado un estudio de resistencia y estabilidad cuya conclusión fue que los edificios cumplían con los parámetros de diseño. El suelo respondía de manera adecuada a las solicitaciones, aunque se detectaron puntos donde había cedido, generando grietas en los tabiques, si bien fue en zonas sometidas a sobrecargas y estaban ya en su mayoría corregidas y reparadas con el sistema de parteluz. Los paramentos verticales, tabiques, eran preferentemente de construcción de ladrillo, aunque existían zonas amamparadas y algunas divisiones realizadas con madera. Estas últimas se eliminarían y sustituirían por tabiques o mamparas con perfiles de aluminio. El cerramiento exterior con ventana de aluminio y cristal simple tenía dificultades de estanquidad por deficiencias en la ventana, por envejecimiento del soporte de madera inferior y por desplome de las losas superiores, siendo insuficiente una labor de mantenimiento rutinaria de estos elementos. 201 Trabajos previos Previo a la ejecución propiamente dicha de las obras hubo que realizar una serie de trabajos complementarios no incluidos en el proyecto, pero necesarios para realojar servicios existentes en la zona de obras, adecuándolos en un nuevo emplazamiento hasta su posterior reubicación en la zona acabada. Estos fueron los siguientes: • nuevos despachos para personal de mantenimiento y sindicatos • creación de nuevas zonas de aparcamiento provisional, para compensar el número de plazas perdidas en la zona de obras • ejecución de edificio provisional de 120 m2 en hormigón armado para realojo provisional de la cámara hiperbárica y de la maquinaria asociada • reorganización de circulaciones de vehículos dentro del hospital, para que cada una de ellas (ambulancias, pacientes externos, vehículos particulares de médicos, etc.) Ejecución de las obras 202 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Antiguo despacho del Marqués de Valdecilla tuviera claramente definidas sus entradas y salidas sin bloquear la zona de obras Servicios afectados • Líneas eléctricas de 12 kV que cruzaban la parcela en varios puntos y que interferían con las obras a ejecutar, sobre todo en la fase inicial, pues hasta su retirada por desvío o sustitución no podían comenzar los trabajos de excavación en su entorno • Servicios de gas que alimentaban a las cocinas y a la central térmica • Saneamiento, existiendo un colector municipal (ovoide de 1,6 x 0,8 m) que cruzaba la parcela de Norte a Sur y que recogía aguas de toda la zona Norte de Valdecilla • Tubería de agua potable de suministro al Hospital General y a Quirófanos Descripción de las obras La conservación de los pabellones, incluidos en el Catálogo Municipal de edificios protegidos, era una de las ideas básicas de la propuesta; de entrada se intentaron mantener y renovar las estructuras originales (en principio estaba previsto demoler solamente 2 pabellones, reconstruyendo uno de ellos a continuación). No obstante, el profundo estudio geotécnico realizado, más el minucioso análisis de las patologías existentes en los edificios, revelaron la inviabilidad de esta opción: la cimentación de los pabellones no era como se suponía, las fachadas eran un completo desorden de zonas macizadas, los forjados no apoyaban debidamente en las fachadas, etc. Asimismo se hacía peligrosa la demolición manual, y las fachadas eran inarriostrables. Por lo que finalmente se decidió, para evitar cualquier tipo de accidente laboral, derribar completamente todos los pabellones y volver a reconstruirlos con una fachada análoga a la existente, que respetara íntegramente en sus formas y proporciones todos HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER los elementos constructivos y decorativos exteriores, realizados originariamente con materiales menos resistentes a la acción del tiempo que los que ahora se utilizarían. Para ello hubo que reflejar en planos y croquis los diferentes detalles de los pabellones, así como todas las piezas especiales: molduras, barandillas, vierteaguas, columnas, canecillos de cubierta, etc. Se fabricaron moldes de los elementos compositivos de ejecución artesanal, para lograr formas idénticas a las primitivas. Asimismo, se mantuvo la ordenación de las carpinterías de los huecos existentes, para lograr una exacta reproducción de los pabellones originales. Todas las piezas prefabricadas se fijaron mediante dispositivos de anclaje comunes a la fachada de fábrica, revistiendo ésta después con un mortero monocapa con dibujos formando sillares de piedra (igual que los originales), y pintando los elementos prefabricados. En algunos de éstos se conjugó su función estética con la estructural. Esta solución se mostró como la más segura, y también la más aconsejable desde el punto de vista económico y de plazos de obra. La diferencia fundamental entre los pabellones anteriores y los nuevos, nula a primera vista, es la mayor durabilidad de los segundos, no afectándoles la humedad ni otros efectos climatológicos, a diferencia de los primitivos. Por todo ello se realizó un nuevo proyecto de estructura, consistente en 2 pórticos de hormigón armado en las fachadas Este y Oeste de cada pabellón, sobre los que apoyarían losas pretensadas de hormigón de grandes luces (12 m) para salvar la distancia entre fachadas, sin pilares intermedios. Posteriomente se realizaría la cubierta de teja y el cierre exterior del pabellón con termoarcilla y revestimiento final. Esta estructura, de rápida ejecución, permitiría un mayor aprovechamiento de la superficie de los pabellones. Las zonas exteriores, así como los patios, se resolvieron con muros semiestructurales de hormigón con cara vista, ejecutada con encofrado de tabla. 203 La necesidad de realizar un proyecto de estructura trajo aparejada la ejecución de una cimentación también nueva, que hubo que ajustar a las difíciles condiciones del subsuelo existente, que venían siendo el origen de ciertas patologías de los pabellones. El proyecto inicial constaba de un estudio geotécnico en el cual, con los sondeos y penetrómetros realizados, aparentemente no había roca. Con ello se dibujó un perfil del terreno y se analizaron las cotas de cimentación de los diferentes edificios. Del análisis de dicho perfil se dedujo que podía caber la aparición de roca en la zona de cimentación correspondiente a Medicina Nuclear. Ante esos datos contradictorios se decidió realizar una campaña adicional compuesta por penetrómetros y completada con unos sondeos que demostraran la compacidad de la roca, descartando la existencia de cuevas típicas de un terreno kárstico como el de Cantabria (concretamente, en la zona donde está situado el hospital Valdecilla hay constancia histórica de la existencia y explotación de minas de blenda por parte de los romanos, por lo cual podía haber galerías no conocidas y que habría que descartar con los sondeos). Con todo ello se vio que una parte importante de la obra se cimentaba sobre roca, y muy dura, a juzgar por los resultados de los ensayos a compresión simple de los testigos extraídos. Y además extraordinariamente compacta. Construcción de los pabellones 204 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Inicialmente, la cimentación prevista era a base de pilotes in situ por extracción con hélice, con un empotramiento de entre 0,6 y 1 m. Dada la extraordinaria dureza de la roca, así como la posibilidad de existencia de las llamadas muelas de roca caliza, características de los terrenos kársticos y reflejadas en los penetrómetros realizados, se desaconsejaba la utilización de este tipo de cimentación debido a dos razones: • dificultad de encontrar maquinaria capaz de garantizar en el terreno existente un empotramiento como el exigido • posibilidad de que, al encontrar una punta caliza, el pilote quedara empotrado en una dirección pero no en la perpendicular, con la gran posibilidad de desvío que esto provoca Esta estructura, centro neurálgico del hospital, se percibe solo a través de su cubierta ajardinada, que reproduce los jardines pabellonarios originales, tan atractivos; y se dota de abundante luz natural a través de patios, abiertos como perforaciones en este jardín, capaces de iluminar la parte construida manteniendo la privacidad deseable de vistas en estas áreas internas. En los pabellones se alojan diversos usos complementarios, centrados sobre todo en el uso médico más interno (unidades administrativas de los servicios, despachos médicos, residencia de médicos, biblioteca y aulas de docencia, etc.) consiguiéndose un buen aprovechamiento de las antiguas estructuras que para otras funciones eran obsoletas. Reducción del plazo Por ello se decidió que el sistema idóneo era la ejecución de toda la cimentación profunda mediante micropilotes de 180 mm, y la cimentación en roca de tipo superficial mediante zapata aislada. Estado inicial de los edificios Además de rehabilitar los pabellones antiguos, restaurándolos a su situación inicial conceptual y de traza en el terreno, se creó a la vez la gran plataforma ajardinada que realzaba la estética histórica que perdura en el tiempo del primer Valdecilla. Una vez en marcha la fase I, el Gobierno de Cantabria solicitó la reducción al máximo de los plazos de la obra, con el fin de acortar en 2 años el plazo de ejecución completa del Plan Director; lo que suponía rebajar en 1 año el plazo de la fase I (inicialmente eran 4 años, y si bien terminó 5 años después, la gran mayoría se ejecutó en los 3 primeros años, con lo que se pudo adelantar el comienzo de la 2ª fase). Esto requirió el consiguiente aumento de equipos de trabajo en todos los oficios, llegando en determinados momentos punta a 400 operarios trabajando a la vez en el complejo, en muchas zonas pero muy cercanas, con las consiguientes dificultades de gestión que ello acarreaba. Salvando las actividades críticas del inicio, predecesoras del resto, como fueron la retirada de los servicios afectados de líneas de alta tensión y el derribo de 2 pabellones, para cumplir con esa exigencia de plazo se realizó lo siguiente: Pie de foto • se acabó el pabellón correspondiente a instalaciones de calefacción, climatización, servicios y mantenimiento en abril de 2003, pues sin él no podía ponerse en marcha el resto de la nueva zona HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER 205 Construcción de los pabellones • se finalizó el área de Urgencias en abril de 2003, descongestionando con ello las dependencias de Urgencias del hospital • se terminó la zona correspondiente a Medicina Nuclear, así como sus áreas asociadas (planta superior correspondiente a una parte de los quirófanos) en mayo de 2004, de forma que los nuevos aparatos de última generación (ciclotrón y P.E.T.) pudieran instalarse en su ubicación definitiva Se concluyó la casi totalidad de la fase I en mayo de 2005, ganando así 1 año de plazo, que representaba un 25 % del total previsto para la obra completa. Fase II Con la fase I prácticamente acabada comenzó la fase II, que acabaría en 2007. En ella se construyó la zona de servicios ambulatorios, de nueva creación, bajo la hilera de los pabellones tradicionales. Comprendía un edificio (denominado Valdecilla Sur) en forma de bloque rectangular para Consultas Externas y Hospitales de Día Psiquiátrico, Quirúrgico (26 quirófanos) y Médico, en régimen ambulatorio. Además, una cafetería en el ático y el nuevo aparcamiento subterráneo (520 plazas), que se extiende hasta el límite Sur de la finca. Este nuevo edificio acoge el sector con mayor movilidad de pacientes y la mayor dotación tecnológica y técnica del hospital. Entró en funcionamiento el 21 de enero de 2008, lo que permitió abrir al Sur la entrada del hospital, a la par que permitía la interconexión entre todas las zonas del hospital. La distribución de todas sus áreas está concebida de tal manera que, por un lado, se facilita al máximo el acceso de los pacientes y sus familiares y, por otro, los servicios y asistencias interrelacionados se sitúan en los entornos más próximos, con el fin de conseguir una mayor eficacia y rapidez en cada uno de los procesos y consultas que se atiendan. El edificio está distribuido en 3 plantas, con amplias cristaleras. El Hospital de Día Quirúrgico, en la 1ª planta, se encuentra conectado con el bloque quirúrgico, UCI, Urgencias y Radiología de los pabellones de la Fase I del Plan Direc- 206 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Ejecución de las obras tor, para facilitar el acceso ambulatorio y la adaptación al medio de la Cirugía Mayor Ambulatoria (CMA). Cuenta con un área de pacientes y otra de observación. En la 2ª planta está situado el Hospital de Día Médico, que engloba la hospitalización a domicilio y su área administrativa, y que cuenta con un área de pacientes, un área de tratamiento para quimioterapia corta, sala de inhalaciones y sala de exploraciones, además de diversas Consultas Externas. El Hospital de Día Psiquiátrico, en la planta Baja, se divide en 2 áreas de acceso único pero separadas funcionalmente: una de adultos y otra infanto-juvenil, dedicada a la anorexia; ambas dotadas de salas de terapia grupal y laborterapia, además de las Consultas de Psiquiatría. La cafetería de público para pacientes, familiares y visitantes ocupa la planta ático del edificio y cuenta con una amplia terraza desde donde se puede contemplar, al Norte, los pabellones del centro; y al Sur, la zona portuaria y la bahía de Santander. La superficie construida de todas las áreas de asistencia y administrativas es de 18.651 m2, mientras que el aparcamiento subterráneo ocupa 15.448 m2. Esta fase incluye también unas obras complementarias, como la construcción de un colector circular, la urbanización de los alrededores de la Escuela de Enfermería y la capilla, la demolición de instalaciones ya sustituidas, la retirada de depósitos y tierras contaminadas, el saneamiento de uno de los pabellones y del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica y un nuevo centro de transformación para la implantación de la subestación eléctrica del hospital. Fase III Esta fase final del Plan Director tiene como objetivo fundamental demoler el edificio del Hospital General y su anexo de Consultas externas, así como la zona comercial existente, sustituyéndolo por 3 edificios de 5 plantas y creando la entrada principal definitiva del hospital, que dará acceso a las unidades de hospitalización, Bloque Obstétrico, Laboratorios (centralizados y robotizados), despachos clínicos, Anatomía Patológica, Servicio de Farmacia, subdirecciones médicas, hostelería, etc. HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Esos 3 nuevos edificios, a los que se accederá a través de una plaza pública, quedarán comunicados entre sí por medio de un corredor central que los atraviesa en dos niveles distintos, para facilitar la circulación interna de pacientes y personal sanitario y conectar con el edificio 2 de Noviembre. Los 3 nuevos bloques albergarán 15 ud. de hospitalización con un total de 332 habitaciones, que en uso doble serán 664 camas, donde se prima la luz y la ventilación natural, como lo demuestra el hecho de que las 2 camas de cada habitación miren hacia la ventana. Para la entrada principal del nuevo Valdecilla está previsto un gran espacio acristalado que contará con sistemas móviles para tamizar la luz y será decorado con obras de arte. Asimismo, una calle-vestíbulo distribuirá en el interior la circulación de personas a las distintas zonas del hospital. En esta calle se ubican el bloque de admisión, información, cafetería, tiendas y locales comerciales. Unas 120 de estas habitaciones estarán destinadas a cuidados intermedios. En total, 8 de las 15 ud. se destinarán a la hospitalización general médico-quirúrgica, 2 serán para Obstetricia, 2 para Oncohematología, 1 para Pediatría, otra para Neonatología y otra para Psiquiatría. En el caso de esta última, se contará con un patio interior para que los pacientes que tengan que estar una temporada ingresados puedan pasear. Bajo el suelo quedará una planta destinada a área técnica (mantenimiento y climatización), y un segundo nivel de corredores subterráneos que enlazará los 3 bloques nuevos con el edificio 2 de Noviembre, el área de Urgencias y los pabellones. Por debajo de este nivel se situarán las 2 plantas que permanecerán en reserva como zona de expansión. El control de enfermería está situado en el centro, para acceder a toda el área con facilidad. Cuando finalice la ejecución del Plan Director, el nuevo Hospital Valdecilla contará con alrededor de 1.000 camas de hospitalización convencional. En el exterior, los 3 bloques de hospitalización disponen de una fachada ventila- Estado final de los pabellones 207 208 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Derribo del hospital general da con planchas de cobre envejecido, con gran resistencia a la climatología adversa. Se ha previsto además la incorporación de paneles fotovoltaicos para la producción de energía eléctrica, mediante la colocación de células en el acristalamiento. De esta manera se permite el paso de la luz y la captación de energía eléctrica. Aparte de primar la atención al medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad, otro criterio tenido en cuenta es que sea un hospital flexible y con posibilidad de crecer en el futuro. manera controlada, reduciendo la emisión de polvo y ruidos). La 3ª fase se abordó durante el último trimestre de 2007, con la puesta en marcha de nuevos quirófanos, el Hospital de Día y el edificio de Consultas Externas (Valdecilla Sur). Para el derribo se utilizó una máquina con una pinza demoledora, que no vibraba ni producía ruidos. La apertura y cierre de sus mandíbulas de acero permitía la demolición de las edificaciones y la trituración de las estructuras en una primera fase, para posibilitar la separación posterior del hormigón y el acero. El Hospital General quedó desalojado por completo en febrero de 2008, trasladándose las Consultas y el resto de servicios asistenciales a los edificios Valdecilla Sur y 2 de Noviembre. Quirófano Desde marzo de 2008 se llevaron a cabo trabajos de clasificación del escombro y valoración del equipamiento existente para su posible reutilización. Al mismo tiempo, se procedió al corte de suministros energéticos y al derribo del tabicado interior para facilitar la posterior demolición del edificio (de Esta 3ª fase, que acaba en 2010, supone el cierre de todo el proyecto y por ello resuelve aspectos de unificación y centralización, como el control eléctrico o el sistema de alarmas. Finaliza igualmente la urbanización de todo el complejo hospitalario, ampliando la dotación actual de plazas de aparcamiento. Algunas novedades del hospital “Hospital sin paredes” El proyecto “Hospital sin paredes”, que supuso la informatización del servicio de hospitalización a domicilio del HUMV, comenzó a funcionar a finales de 2007. En sí, no supone una mejora asistencial importante, pero permite una actitud innovadora y una mayor agilización en los procesos médicos, tanto en aquellos que solicitan pruebas como en los que esperan resultados, logrando una mayor eficiencia en el uso de los recursos. Así, los pacientes han visto cómo se acortaban los tiempos de recepción de los resultados de sus pruebas diagnósticas, cómo se evitaban repeticiones y cómo se les recordaba las citas de sus consultas por SMS y/o co- HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER rreo electrónico. Respecto a estas consultas, con un novedoso sistema de identificación por radiofrecuencia, que permite orientar a los pacientes hasta la sala. El sistema de imagen digital ha permitido la digitalización y archivo de imágenes médicas, así como su extensión a los servicios de Radiología. Hospedería hospitalaria La hospedería es un nuevo recurso hospitalario que surge en 2007 para completar aspectos de humanización relacionados con la necesidad de alojamiento de los usuarios que, sin necesitar cuidados de ingreso hospitalario y sin poder acudir diariamente a sus domicilios, han de estar en contacto con el hospital por su patología, de forma temporal. El tiempo máximo de estancia dependerá de la situación médica de cada paciente. Consta de 18 habitaciones, 8 dobles y 10 individuales, con una superficie total de 600 m2. Cada habitación dispone de mobiliario completo y, como zonas comunes, cuenta con 2 amplias salas de estar. Es un sistema pionero en España para que el paciente “sienta que accede a un hotel más que a un recinto hospitalario”, ya que no habrá asistencia médica alguna. La iniciativa de Valdecilla responde al empeño por cubrir las necesidades de numerosos usuarios desplazados desde sus respectivos lugares de origen hasta Santander, y que acuden por la condición de centro de referencia en algunas especialidades. Los requisitos para hospedarse estarán en función de criterios de necesidad, también por motivos de distancia, y con especial atención a las madres lactantes con bebés ingresados. Radiología 209 210 HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER I+D+i El hospital incorpora la tecnología más avanzada, como por ejemplo la resonancia magnética de alto campo (Teslas); 4 angiógrafos digitales: uno biplano para Neuroradiología intervencionista, otro monoplano para Vascular periférico y otros 2 para Hemodinámica y Electrofisiología cardíaca; un completo sistema de monitorización para las UCIs, que incorpora un procedimiento de información que permite trabajar sin soporte en papel; Quirófanos inteligentes; y un equipo de Cromatografía líquida de alto rendimiento (DHPLC), que permite el análisis molecular de mutaciones genéticas, muy importante para la detección de casos de cáncer de mama, ovario, o poliposis en colon que tengan un componente familiar. Los quirófanos integrados cuentan con diversos monitores de gran calidad de imagen, una pantalla táctil que permite controlar todo el quirófano, conexión audiovisual con otros operadores ubicados en diversas zonas del hospital, videoconferencia y posibilidad de intercambio de información médica en tiempo real. Medicina Nuclear Se compone de los siguientes elementos: • Ciclotrón: elemento que fabrica isótopos radiactivos de corta vida (< 3 h) que, bien mediante vía intravenosa, bien mediante inhalaciones (gases), sirve para la detección precoz de cánceres • P.E.T.: aparato de tomografía por emisión de positrones; sirve para diagnosticar cánceres • Laboratorio de síntesis: se manipulan los isótopos extraídos del ciclotrón y se preparan para su traslado dentro del hospital o a otros hospitales cercanos • Búnkeres de radiología: elementos donde se irradia al paciente con partículas de alta energía, para tratamientos de cáncer • Braquiterapia: tratamiento de cánceres de tipo ginecológico, con la fuente radiológica insertada en la paciente Los recintos donde se encuentran el ciclotrón, el laboratorio de síntesis y los búnkeres de radioterapia están formados por muros de hormigón de distintos espesores: 30 cm para el laboratorio de síntesis y la braquiterapia, y 150 - 180 cm para el ciclotrón y los búnkeres de radiología. Estos últimos tienen además unas zonas ejecutadas con hormigón de barita (hormigón con densidad de 3,3 t/m3), necesario para absorber las radiaciones de alta energía. En las zonas donde el espesor no es suficiente (forjado) se ha dispuesto adicionalmente un material de alta densidad, para suplir la falta de espesor (chapas de acero de 18 cm de espesor, puesto que el acero es unas 3 veces más denso que el hormigón). La producción de radiofármacos no es la misión básica de la Unidad de Medicina Nuclear del hospital, porque es la parte del proceso que no afecta a la asistencia, la docencia o la investigación. La propia tecnología de producción y distribución de radiofármacos obliga a realizar esta actividad en horario nocturno, debido a que los radiofármacos que produce el ciclotrón son de vida corta y han de ser empleados de inmediato, con lo que han de estar disponibles en el servicio de Medicina Nuclear a diario y a primera hora. Así, la instalación está disponible para la actividad investigadora el resto del día. HOSPITAL MARQUES DE VALDECILLA. SANTANDER Imagen a toda página o anuncio Pie de foto 211 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS 213 Reina Sofía University Hospital, Córdoba Rafael Méndez Hospital in Lorca, Murcia Reina Sofía Hospital, Murcia San Carlos Clinical Hospital, Madrid Southeast Hospital in Arganda, Madrid New Mataró Hospital, Barcelona Guttmann Clinic in Badalona, Barcelona Ciudad Real General Hospital San Agustín Hospital, Phase 2, Avilés, Asturias Son Llàtzer General Hospital, Palma de Mallorca Palmaplanas Clinic, Palma de Mallorca Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria Hospital, Tenerife Canary Island University Hospital, Tenerife Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital, Santander HOSPITALS 1995 - 2009 214 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS INDEX 218 Reina Sofía University Hospital, Córdoba 221 Rafael Méndez Hospital in Lorca, Murcia 224 Reina Sofía Hospital, Murcia 227 San Carlos Clinical Hospital, Madrid 232 Southeast Hospital in Arganda, Madrid 237 New Mataró Hospital, Barcelona 238 Guttmann Institute in Badalona, Barcelona 241 Ciudad Real General Hospital 246 San Agustín Hospital, Phase 2, Avilés, Asturias 251 Son Llàtzer General Hospital, Palma de Mallorca 254 Palmaplanas Clinic, Palma de Mallorca 259 Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria Hospital, Tenerife 265 Canary Island University Hospital, Tenerife 270 Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital, Santander 215 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS INTRODUCTION In this issue of Técnicas Constructivas, FCC has included some of the numerous hospital construction, alteration and enlargement projects our firm completed in the 1995-2009 period. While major hospitals are building projects, they also have an industrial facet that makes them especially complex to deal with; they require the teams who design the project and the builders who implement it to be highly specialized. That is why we decided to publish this monographic issue, whose slant is more informative than technical. It looks at a selection of our projects in various Spanish cities, endeavouring to instil in the reader an idea of the momentum going into investment on the part of Spain’s autonomous communities. These regional government institutions are heir to the former National Health Institute (INSALUD) and have been our necessary partners in social progress and in the technological development of our construction firms. FCC has maintained a significant market share in hospital infrastructure over these last few years. Its specialization has enabled FCC to run in the vanguard of this sector and garner recognition in the form of contracts for major projects such as the recently opened Southeast Hospital (in Arganda, Madrid), Torrejón de Ardoz Hospital (in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid) and Enniskillen Hospital (in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland). These three public hospitals will be financed and managed under a concession arrangement by FCC. Yet another show of trust from our clients, which enables us to stay up to date, and a new way of managing major complements of health equipment. 217 218 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Alterations to and expansion of Reina Sofía Hospital, Córdoba Background Córdoba’s Reina Sofía University Hospital, which had 1,511 beds in 1995, is situated in the city of Córdoba, capital of the province of the same name, and it serves the population in the Central Córdoba Hospital Area (481,942 inhabitants) plus the populations of the South and North areas of the province (274,992 inhabitants). Because it is highly qualified to perform certain diagnostic and treatment procedures (such as organ transplants), it attracts patients from outside the bounds set for it on the official hospital map, drawing in people from other areas of Andalusia. This hospital, which is conceived as a third-level healthcare centre (i.e., a general hospital), can also be classified as a university hospital, because it provides training for the students of the University of Córdoba Schools of Medicine and Nursing. In recent years it has also conducted some important research work promoted by the Reina Sofía Hospital Caja Sur Foundation. The General Hospital caught on fire in June 1996 and was forced to close for two months. Consequently, priority was given to altering certain areas of the General Hospital, under what was termed “Phase 0” of the Steering Plan. The project at hand is Phase 1, which includes the following parts: New general emergency area, larger than the current general emergency area and with practically twice the resources. Construction of a building linking the General Hospital and the Maternity and Children’s Hospital. In the resulting complex, hospitalization services and the diagnosis and treatment services for the different medical and surgical specializations (which are currently twinned, since each building has its own facilities) are consolidated under a single roof. Construction of a new building for the Outpatient Clinic, teaching and training areas (seminar rooms, auditorium, library), offices and rooms for clinical meetings and a public cafeteria. and a new one was created. A sizeable area of special examination rooms: For heart, lung, digestive, urological and neurological examinations, plus examinations for outpatient treatment. Special features of the project Alterations to and expansion of the Radiodiagnosis Department. Accordingly, an overall approach had to be taken, one that enabled an answer to be found not only to the facility’s current shortcomings, but also to possible future demands, while impinging on the hospital’s normal ongoing activity as little as possible and furnishing a short-term response to its current problems. General description of work done The work consisted in the construction of the new annex to the General Hospital and the Maternity and Children’s Hospital and alterations in parts of both hospitals. The ground plan shows three zones differentiated by height and by placement with respect to the existing construction. One zone, which is the building for the new Emergency Department, is adjacent to the Maternity and Children’s Hospital; another, for the new Radiology Department, Admissions Office, Functional Examinations Unit and the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), stands between the General Hospital and the Maternity and Children’s Hospital; and lastly, there is a new sixstorey building holding the new Outpatient Clinic and an underground tunnel. The central zone (inner street) and the existing building have only one storey (the ground floor) and are roofed with a metal skylight. The work to be done in the General Hospital building consisted primarily in the creation of a new lobby, the relocation of the telephone switchboard, a new haemodialysis area and a new staff cafeteria on floor 0. On floor +1 the new cardiology and neurology areas were built, in areas formerly occupied by the auditorium and the chapel. A new Haematology Unit was also built. The work on installed systems included a new service tunnel built to connect the old power plant, the new cisterns and the medicinal gas supply room with the Outpatient Clinic building. The design calls for five cores of lifts and one core of escalators, plus two auxiliary stations for treating legionellosis. The old transformer substation was remodelled, In the background of the approach to this project lay Phase 0, the “emergency” phase, which set the pattern for the implementation of the design of Phase 1, with the condition of not compromising the future of subsequent phases. What made executing this project difficult were the fact that the General Hospital and the Maternity and Children’s Hospital overlapped and the fact that a new service tunnel had to be created to connect all the installed systems. Connections between buildings as well as connections between technical premises and the power plant had to be included. The work plan forged to deal with this difficulty can be summarized as: • Demolition and clean-up • Repetition of technical studies of systems and civil works in the light of unforeseen contingencies • Repetition of structural calculations • Execution of civil works, masonry work and new installed systems • Connection and new hook-ups with existing utilities Since the building was in use, the basic idea was to keep all services running so that the hospital could continue normal operations. Accordingly, the personnel assigned to the site were gradually sensitized to the circumstances, and close cooperation was instituted with the hospital’s technical area, especially the hospital maintenance service. Thus, the many different processes were completed satisfactorily and without hitches. Foremost among the procedures to be done were the following: Commissioning of the general hospital’s new transformer substation. The new transformer substation was mounted and installed. The new main coupling and distribution panel was installed in the same place as the old one, since the power output lines were the same. The new substation was then commissioned, and a reliable power supply was ensured by the existing generator sets. TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS No interruptions could be brooked in this job, and any incidents had to be handled at once. Last of all, the old transformer substation and panel were dismantled. New gas and vacuum room. A single area was built to house the emergency gas manifolds for both hospitals and the Outpatient Clinic expansion. The changeover and manifold alternating panels were installed, as were the remotemonitoring alarm panels. In an adjacent area, the new vacuum station was built, where the new pumps and five tanks were installed. In both cases, systems were installed jointly to run through the new service tunnel to the new collector substations. Connections were run between the new facilities and the existing facility, to facilitate manoeuvring. Once the new cryogenic tanks had been put in place and tested by third parties, the shut-downs and manoeuvres required to make the switch were scheduled with the hospital. During this period there were two coexisting sets of cryogenic tanks (primary source), the tanks scheduled to be dismantled and the new ones. The same procedure was used with the vacuum facilities. Service was ensured with the existing equipment, and once the new system was firmly in place, the four old pumps were dismantled and coupled to the new system, which therefore works with ten pumps of the same specifications, with a new alternating and rotating panel. HVAC facilities. Connection. The power plant was remodelled by the Andalusian Health Service in 1998. The water supply used to be run through the old tunnel, where the fire had its origin, at 6 ºC for chilled water and 130 ºC for the overheated water used in the sanitary hot water system and the HVAC system. First, two pump substations completed, to provide: were • cold-water pumping for air treatment units (ATUs) (7 ºC) • cold-water pumping for the fan-coil (10 ºC) • heat exchanging to produce HVAC hot water from overheated water • heat exchanging to product hot sanitary water from overheated water • hot-water pumping for HVAC • sanitary hot-water accumulation and a pasteurization circuit to combat legionellosis All the systems for distribution to the HVAC consumption points were equipped with four variable-flow pipes, and all the pumping facilities were fitted with trimmers, to adapt to demand. Five differential pressure sensors were installed at different points of the water’s path to provide information on the management program and send the correct orders to the pumping systems. Next, new overheated-water and chilledwater systems were installed in the newly built tunnel (390 metres), closing the system into a ring. 219 New radiodiagnosis department The new Radiodiagnosis Department was placed on floor -1, in the area between the two hospitals, with access to both hospitals, the Outpatient Clinic and the new lobby and an outdoor entrance for gurneys. The department has the following rooms: • Five conventional X-ray rooms • One chest imaging room • One CAT (computerized axial tomography) room • Three multiple diagnosis rooms • Three vascular and haemodynamics rooms • One remote control room • Six ultrasound rooms To close the ring, connections were made with the existing system in the old tunnel. Shutdowns were scheduled to avoid affecting service, and the work was done by night. Afterwards, the new facilities were hooked up to the collectors and/or pipes of the power plant, and the circuits were equipped with flow meters, shut-off and control valves and equalizing valves. Lastly, a 5,000-litre expansion tank using mechanical compression was installed at the power plant, to address the plant’s previous lack of any such resources. Low-voltage facilities. The design covered not only the construction of new areas, but also the incorporation of new systems for those medical departments that were newly set up in already-existing areas, after each department was relocated and its old premises were dismantled. Haemodialysis was moved into part of the old Emergency Unit, and the new Haematology Hospitalization Unit was moved into the old Haemodialysis Unit’s place. All the power supply lines in these areas were hooked up to their assigned panels, but the panels had already undergone alterations (in Phase 0) and therefore were already on hand. This meant power shutdowns had to be scheduled with Maintenance, to enable the appropriate circuit breakers to be installed in the panels. • One orthopantomograph In coordination with the Physics Department partnered with the hospital, the radiological protection and overlapping at critical points were mapped out, and the proper tests and room fitness certification trials were conducted to make sure there was no leakage. Each room required a different type of protection, depending on the unique features of the equipment housed within. Lead thickness and location varied. In the areas where the structure was new, it was unnecessary to line the ceiling with lead, as the structure itself was afforded enough protection. On the other hand, in those areas where the ceiling belonged to the pre-existing building, the affected areas had to be lead lined. The wall areas that were lined with lead were built with lead partitions bolted with lead-coated pins and packed between metal frames and profiles and Pladur panels. The lead-lined floor areas had two millimetres of lead laid on the floor structure, sandwiched between two sheet of geotextile. The ceiling was leaded using a framework that featured a metal structure suspended from the building structure and wooden panels coated with two millimetres of lead. The greatest difficulty was posed by the uncertainty about which particular pieces of equipment the Andalusian Health Service was going to install; the wiring and HVAC facilities would depend on 220 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS that knowledge. Forecasts and reservations were made, and so work was able to continue. Each item of equipment required its own study of power and heat-dissipation needs, in coordination with the suppliers and on the basis of each machine’s specific requirements. The vascular radiology rooms were quite special. They demanded technical requirements close to operating-theatre standards, since vascular radiology actually involves minor surgery. The three rooms were outfitted with: • Five-kVA insulation panelling • An uninterrupted power supply • A full complement of gases (oxygen, compressed air, including nitrous oxide) and vacuum equipment, four sets with their four outlets • Equipotential connection of all accessible metal components • HVAC, all outdoor air (Air is not recirculated) with filtration in the patient preparation room and the vascular radiology room itself, with the typical air extraction features of an operating theatre, both overhead and lower • A specific HVAC system for heat dissipation in the adjoining room, which holds the equipment’s generator • A scrub sink with a thermostatic mixing valve and a long-lever tap Haematology hospitalization department This department is very delicate, as its patients are classified as immunosuppressed and thus have very low natural defences. Haematology hospitalization areas must be clean. Both the hospital rooms and the nurses’ area must have high-quality air filtration, because the fundamental risks of infection are due to air that has been through the HVAC system and health personnel’s handcleaning regime. This second point is addressed by installing wash basins outside the rooms and taking great care with hygiene habits. ment units provide a minimum filtration of grade F9 (UNE_EN 779/2003), and all air is drawn in from outdoors. The ductwork is a medium-pressure installation. In rooms: • An airlock outside each room, with plywood and glass doors, as airtight as possible, through which patients can be observed from the hallway • Minimum number of air changes: 25 to 30 per hour • The room itself is overpressurized, with air extractors in the room, allowing only the controlled leakage of air through the regulating damper in the toilet room and minimizing uncontrolled air leakage • Leakage controlled by sealing mechanism boxes, electrical outlets, etc.–in short, by making the premises airtight, with a fixed ceiling and no non-airtight light fixtures • Ceiling air diffusion through a filter casing and a rotating diffuser, and extraction points set at only 30 or 40 centimetres from the floor whenever possible • H-13 absolute HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters (UNE_EN 1822(1)/1999), with certificates of the manufacturer’s in-situ air tightness tests • Battery-powered terminal overheating units • Differential pressure gauges to compare pressure levels between the room and the hallway and to visualize the relative overpressure of any room, and a dirty filter alert • Generator set to power the plenum fans and exhaust fans of the ATU, to maintain constant overpressure At nurses’ stations: Technical control room At the outset of the project, the various systems (such as technical management, fire alarms, gas alarms and lifts) were being run in a scattered, localized fashion. There was seen to be a need to create a central control zone governing all the system-managing units. First of all, the buses and local networks were readied to connect the different equipment belonging to the different locally managed systems. Special mention ought to be made of the centralized technical management system: In Phase 0 the local controllers for the remodelled areas were installed. Eventually the following systems (which could not be integrated due to the fact that the building was altered, had just been altered again and would be altered further while in use) were brought together in the control room: • Local area network in the control room itself • An uninterrupted power system • The centralized technical management system: • 100% execution of the new areas up to the field elements • Integration of the processors existing in Phase 0 • Central control station • Two additional stations joined by fibre optics: the power plant and the technical area of the hospital • Central fire management station, with incident-monitoring capabilities • One-way soft information communication with the fire safety system and the centralized technical management system • Expansion box for low-speed work • Lift and escalator maintenance and monitoring computer • Battery-powered terminal overheating unit • Gas and vacuum alarm panels • Since all air comes from the same system, all air is outdoor air • Proper study of staff clean/dirty circuits HVAC system • Exhaust by dirty zones, for a good sweep A single HVAC system was set up for the entire hospitalization area. It covers rooms as well as nurses’ stations. The air treat- • Avoidance of uncontrolled air circulation from other areas of the hospital through false ceilings Auditorium The hospital’s facet as a university training ground, its scientific standing, its application of pioneering techniques and its organ transplant program are just some of the factors that make the auditorium very important. The hospital auditorium had to perform in two capacities: first, as a classic auditorium, to host medical TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS conferences and sundry acts; and second, as the venue for disseminating the many types of work being done at the hospital, but in real time. For these reasons, the auditorium was fitted with fixed audio, video, videoconferencing, simultaneous translation and lighting facilities regulated by multimedia systems with touch screens. A 4x4-metre retractable projection screen was also installed. Audio and video systems were designed for local use in the hospital’s operating theatres, in the endoscopy rooms of the Digestive System Department and in the bronchoscopes in the Neurology Department. They are connected by fibre optics with the auditorium systems so that the work and operations performed in these areas can be projected and the healthcare staff performing them can communicate with the people in the auditorium. Alterations to and expansion of Rafael Méndez Hospital in Lorca, Murcia Background On 19 January 2001, work began on the alterations to and expansion of Rafael Méndez Hospital in Lorca, Murcia. Although the hospital was only opened in the early 90’s, due to the widespread growth of the area and particularly the booming growth of the city of Lorca itself, expanding the hospital became necessary, as did a series of technological and facility alterations to place Rafael Méndez Hospital in a competitive position to respond to the needs of its target population. Here is what needed to be done: • Construction of a 12-station medical and surgical outpatient hospital service • Construction of an outpatient clinic building containing 31 examination rooms with appropriate support and waiting areas, plus an area of doctors’ offices • A new clinical history file big enough to accommodate 150,000 individual files • Expansion of the Haemodialysis Unit to 22 stations • Expansion of the Pathological Anatomy Unit • Expansion of the hospitalization area with a new 33-bed unit • Construction of a 14-room dormitory for healthcare staff • Expansion of the psychiatric hospitalization facilities, equipping them with support areas (dining hall, lounge, therapy room, etc.) • Expansion of the administration and management area 221 • To differentiate clearly between outpatient traffic and entrances and hospitalization traffic and entrances • To take advantage of the land’s slope • To enable the enlargement of hospital’s undersized car park; the new space was to be organized clearly and with an eye to function • To complete the work in strictly differentiated phases designed to enable the hospital to continue its usual activity without disruption • Construction of a library and a classroom The anticipated work was to increase the floor area by 16,618 square metres, broken down into 5,162 square metres of alterations and 11,456 square metres of enlargement. • Construction of a storehouse for waste and chemical products Here is a description of some of the main jobs. • Retrofitting of the building to comply with basic building standard “Fire Protection Conditions in NBE-CPI-96 Buildings” (as regards compartmentalization) Outpatient Clinic • Expansion of the Emergency Department • Introduction of centralized management for the existing building systems • Replacement of existing lines, general electrical service panels and HVAC panels that were not up to code • Installation of two generator sets capable of supplying the entire hospital with power • Replacement of the existing cooling towers by three air-to-air cooling units, thus averting problems of legionellosis General description of work done The hospital was initially laid out in two parallel shafts that acted as traffic corridors from which all services flowed. The layout could be described as a double comb or a ladder. In the solution, the old layout was maintained, and the different departments were either slotted in between the two shafts or “thrown out” from one of the shafts. So, the Outpatient Clinic block was attached to the end of the two existing traffic corridors. With this proposal, the following objectives were achieved: • To integrate the expansion smoothly into the existing building, in terms of both form and function, while maintaining the internal traffic paths. The Outpatient Clinic is housed in a block separate from the hospital but most conveniently connected with it through the two existing traffic corridors. It has its own direct entrances from the car park and thus does not interfere with the hospital’s internal traffic. This building has direct access to the major same-day surgery area. The 18 existing examination rooms have now been expanded to 31. On the access floor (the semi-basement) are the control area and the administrative and appointment areas. There is a dumbwaiter for bringing up files from the clinical history file, which is also located in the semi-basement. On the ground floor and the first floor are the examination rooms, and on the second floor are the doctors’ offices. The basement houses a huge, new-built clinical history file, with the capacity for 150,000 files, and the file support area. Outpatient Hospital Service An outpatient medical and surgical hospital service with 12 independent stations was built on the second floor, in vertical alignment with the Dialysis Department. It has two clearly differentiated entrances, one for outpatients coming from the Outpatient Clinic block, and the other for patients wheeled in on beds from the hospital proper. It also has a direct connection with the ICU and the surgical block. It has a broad central area enabling all stations and the movement of the healthcare staff and medical equipment to be kept under constant visual surveillance. 222 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Pathological Anatomy Unit Special Examination Area The original unit was entirely too small and was therefore enlarged. The original space was left as a necropsy area, and the rest of the unit was designed to go on the second floor, next to the surgical block, the ICU and the outpatient hospital service. The two parts of the unit are connected vertically by a dumbwaiter. This area was fitted in between the Outpatient Clinic pavilion and the hospitalization area. It therefore has two entrances, one for ambulatory patients and another for patients in beds. New Hospitalization Unit This is placed where the initial hospitalization units were, in the southern wing of the building. Their distribution is the same as the original distribution, to facilitate the activities of the healthcare staff. It has 33 beds in 13 double rooms and seven single rooms. Staff Dormitory The healthcare staff bedrooms are centralized on the second floor, next to the surgical and obstetrics block and in vertical alignment with the Emergency Department, so they are well connected with the hospital’s two traffic corridors. Haemodialysis Unit Since the original number of stations became too small and the original support areas were minimal, logically the unit could not be enlarged without disrupting its activity. It was therefore decided to build an entirely new unit. The new unit is situated on the first floor, with possibilities of direct access from the Outpatient Clinic building for ambulatory patients and another entrance for healthcare personnel and hospitalized patients. Furthermore, it lies next to the Laboratory and Radiology Departments, which it uses frequently. Emergency Area This was enlarged by a total of 1,100 square metres. It was equipped with a basement changing room and a resuscitation room next to the unit’s entrance. The observation room was doubled in size without losing its outdoor light. Psychiatric Unit An entire support area was created for this unit, which had no support area before. An existing porch next to the Psychiatric Unit, occupying the roof of the ground floor, was converted to house the support area, and the rest of the roof was put to good use as an outdoor patient relaxation area. Surgery Block The surgery block is situated between the Intensive Care Unit and sterilization. The five existing operating theatres were kept, and a new one was added. Support Storehouse A support storehouse (for waste containment) was built, connected to the hospital by the utility and service corridor in the semi-basement. Advantage was taken of the original slope of the land to build a small ramp in the corridor to provide passage through a tunnel beneath the existing road. Structural stiffening In November 2001, the firm in charge of project quality control issued a report (requested by the INSALUD health institute) on the current state of the hospital’s structure. The report stated that, with the addition of an extra storey and on the basis of the seismic study performed after work began, the existing structure was inadmissible. It displayed excessive deformations incompatible with the existing building envelope and partitions and incompatible with the arrangement and dimensions of the structural expansion joints the building had at that time. In order to reinstate building safety conditions in compliance with the standards in force, all columns and footings required systematic, significant reinforcement (not required for floor structures) to reduce the deformability of the whole and to increase its capacity to resist deformation. To minimize the impact of the necessary work on the use of the hospital’s different modules, the structure reinforcement option chosen was to install four stiffening cores that would absorb all horizontal loads, significantly reducing the building’s deformability and thus enabling the existing columns and footings to be retrofitted to handle the stress. In accordance with this plan, four external stiffening cores were built on the new second storey (referred to as “the traumatology floor”) to brace all the floor structures underneath the traumatology floor. In this fashion, the potential seismic loads to which the structure may be subjected were successfully counteracted, and the footings in that area did not have to be reinforced, which would have forced the hospital to call a halt to activities and evacuate. For the same reasons, a similar structural reinforcement was installed for the staff housing area, in the area adjoining the street leading to the support storehouse, with the difference that this reinforcement’s foundations were laid in the hospital auditorium. These reinforcements were constructed by uncovering the existing footing and reinforcing it with another footing a minimum of 6.5 metres long by 6.5 metres wide and 1.5 metres thick, covering the original footing. The two footings were joined by drilling into the old concrete and anchoring it to the new concrete’s reinforcing members with corrugated bars. Next, a vertical box of reinforced concrete was made, with 30-centimetre-thick walls, up to the height of the original firstfloor structure. Except in the case of the courtyard, they were packed with earth up to the height of the first-floor structure, where a slab was installed to weld the two vertical faces together. This joining procedure was applied to all the floor structures affected by the addition of the new storey. The last joining structure was the structure of the former roof, which is now the floor of the new, added storey. In the courtyard, the opposing floor structures were braced by slabs, with a central structure in the form of a footbridge. In this case, the underlying ground was excavated until firm terrain was hit, and the hole was subsequently filled in with cyclopean concrete. Installed systems Wiring The foremost expansions were: the expansion of the transformer substation, the replacement of the existing generator set by two higher-capacity sets and the new wiring for the enlargement for the emergency area and part of the radiology area. As alterations, because of the expansions mentioned above, it was necessary to modify the main low-voltage panel, enlarge or replace power supply lines for new cooling units and a 1,000-kVA transformer and the circuit-breaker panel for TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS the machines in the cooling station. cially for them. The added generator set is comprised of two identical machines, coupled to run in parallel, which together put out 2 × 775 = 1,550 kVA at a constant rate and 2 × 850 = 1,700 kVA at their emergency rate. The set has automatic starting, switching and shutdown capabilities, triggered by the failure or resumption of the normal mains power supply. Complementary installed systems HVAC The increase in the area to be treated logically demanded a higher consumption of heat and cold output. While the increase in heating output could be handled by the existing boilers, the same could not be said of the necessary increase in the cooling output, so the system’s power had to be increased. Furthermore, because of the widespread awareness of the failings of cooling systems that use cooling towers due to the health problems they may cause (mainly the proliferation and spreading of the bacteria legionella), it was decided to replace the cooling equipment (which used cooling towers) with new air condensation equipment, thus completely eliminating the use of cooling towers. So, the cooling units that had been in service since the hospital was first opened, which were at the end of their useful life anyway and used a non-ecological refrigerant that would soon be taken off the market, were eliminated. The new air-cooling station is made up of three air-condensed water chillers having 1,040 kW of chilling power apiece. They are situated outdoors, at the eastern end of the hospital complex. Lastly, it was regarded as vital to tackle the technical changes necessary in the production of hot sanitary water, so that the regulation heat treatments could be applied to avoid the proliferation and spreading of legionella through the plumbing. These changes consisted basically in the removal of pipes, valves, heat exchangers and electric circulation pump sets belonging to the hot sanitary water production system in the heating station, and their replacement by others made of materials that met the necessary water pasteurization conditions. The ATUs and building extractors were situated on the roof, in sheds built espe- A centralized technical management system was applied to the new HVAC, central cooling and hot sanitary water production systems. Their different components were structured into three levels: Level 1: This level is made up of the systems’ field components (sensors and actuators), which gather the measurements and digital inputs to be sent to the second level; at the second level, the systems take direct action according to orders received from the top level. Level 2: This level is made up of “freely programmable” distributed-control processors, which are assigned the functions of regulation, command and control involved in building control. They can work independently from the rest of the controllers joined to the same communications bus and independently from the central station, while at the same time they receive information from and send information to the system’s control centre through the bus. These controllers manage the hospital’s HVAC and wiring systems. Level 3: This is made up of the building’s control centre. It has the mission of coordinating and supervising the facilities of its host building by acting on the components of the lower levels. It possesses a user interface that facilitates controlling installed systems independently from the other levels. All system users can connect to it, with different access codes and categories. This system supervises the status of all installed systems. Synoptic diagrams of each installation are displayed, with changes in the colour of the symbols representing each unit according to its status. Any alarms that go off are received here. Equipment starting and stopping can be automated. The evolution of an installed system’s signals can be recorded graphically and numerically. Alarms events in the different installed systems and user command events can also be recorded chronologically. Access to the system can be controlled by means of a system of code words configured by the administrator. The administrator can define each user’s level of access to each installation. 223 All the information displayed on screen can be printed out or saved electronically. Alarm and event reports can be generated, and the user parameters of the automation systems that manage the remote buildings from the general control centre can be modified without anyone’s having to travel to the buildings in question. Pneumatic transport Clothing The hospital’s pneumatic transport system for soiled clothing was given a general overhaul, altered and updated. Originally, there was a single network for soiled clothing and rubbish. In order to avoid contamination problems due to user error and the frequent splitting of bags while in transit, the specific equipment for rubbish loading and unloading had been rendered inoperative, and the network was being used only for soiled clothing. Samples A system was installed for microprocessorcontrolled pneumatic transport of bags of blood, samples, analyses, medicinal products and most of the small objects and documents that can be transported between the various departments of a hospital. With this system, each such shipment takes just a few seconds to reach its destination. The pneumatic tube system was designed especially for hospitals and can carry blood and samples without harming them in any way. The shipment carrier component is a capsule whose useful inner diameter is 76 or 86 millimetres, depending on the item to be transported. More than 500 shipments can be made daily. Shipment priority is entered on the programming keyboard built into the central computer panel. Transport speed inside the tube (controlled by air-flow regulation) is three metres/ second for blood and “slow-moving” samples and eight metres/second for documents and miscellaneous objects. Haemodialysis water treatment plant The Haemodialysis Department had 14 permanent stations, two for the acutely ill and one for peritoneal dialysis, using water provided by the Lorca municipal water system. The facilities were enlarged to 22 stations. In compliance with the strict requirements 224 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS binding hospital facilities that operate artificial kidneys, a water treatment plan was needed that could run continuously, with low operating costs and low maintenance, to subject the water to an intense disinfecting shock treatment, remove all solids in suspension and then demineralise the water to the correct content. In other words, a two-stage reverse osmosis plant was required. The installation work consisted of the following phases: First of all, taking account of the water’s intended use and hardness, the treatment plant includes a decalcifier. Decalcifier use substantially lengthens the working life of reverse osmosis membranes, and furthermore decalcifiers are the accredited solution for hospital facilities. This particular decalcifier consists of a dual-column automatic decalcifying set with cation resins for ion exchange in the sodium cycle. It softens water by eliminating calcium and magnesium (and other polyvalent cations). The softened water then receives shock chlorination (using liquid sodium hypochlorite) to ensure sufficient microbiological disinfection and oxidation of possible metals, organic matter, etc. Afterwards the water travels through a flint/anthracite filter that eliminates the larger TSS (total suspended solids), followed by a dechlorinating/clarifying active charcoal filter, which eliminates the residual chlorine and any organics that may have slipped through. This disinfected water free of calcium, magnesium and all metals susceptible to oxidation precipitation is microfiltered with a threshold of five µ and flows to a reverse osmosis unit, where the highpressure set forces the water through semipermeable polyamide membranes that reduce its dissolved load by more than 95%. Of course, the membranes also retain 100% of any TSS that have slipped through the pretreatments. The permeated water from the osmosis process is stored in three sealed, opaque accumulator tanks having a capacity of 5,000 litres apiece (4,000 litres of water storage and 1,000 of air space). From there the water is impelled into the “loop” by a hydropneumatic set of two horizontal centrifugal pumps in parallel (one in reserve), with the appropriate boiler. Since this loop is closed, the impeller set also acts in the capacity of a continuous recirculator for the storage and distribution system’s water. As a final health guarantee, and to avoid recontamination, which so disastrously effects patients, a continuous UV-ray water sterilization unit is included inside the loop. The water thus treated, which meets the specifications for artificial kidney water (UNE 111.301/90) and the requirements stated by the hospital’s kidney unit, is distributed to the room through a closed loop designed to the specific standards for sanitary water. Between each of the stages mentioned above and the other stages, there are pressure gauges to control load loss and sampling valves for quality analysis. Reina Sofía General University Hospital, Murcia General description of work done On 29 August 2000 an administrative contract for the work on this new hospital was signed by the Murcian Health Service and a joint venture featuring FCC Construcción. The document certifying works commencement was signed a month later, on 29 September. The hospital lies on a 24,765.95-squaremetre urban lot, surrounded by streets and constrained by two constructions in the northern zone that had to be respected. To the south it borders on the road that runs parallel to the river. The total floor area is 63,428.18 square metres. The main building housing the hospital proper occupies 58,834 square metres of that, and the block containing the hospital systems and workshops accounts for the remaining 4,594.18 square metres. There is also a basement car park with an area of 31,072.56 square metres; this plus the area cited above makes a total of 94,500.74 square metres of floor area. Reina Sofía has 290 standard hospital beds, of which 248 are medical/surgical, 30 are psychiatric and 12 are intensive care. Its maximum capacity (two patients in each single room) is 340 beds. The hospital possesses an additional 58 admissions beds (emergency/examination and medical/surgical outpatient hospital service), making a total of 348 beds (398 at maximum capacity). It has 88 Outpatient Clinic examining rooms and 10 operating theatres, with 16 resuscitation beds. The design called for the construction of the following buildings: • Hospitalization building (south block) having a ground floor and seven upper storeys, plus another three floors underground for the car park and other installed services. The building has a rooftop heliport. • Outpatient Clinic building (middle block), with a ground floor and three upper storeys. This building is connected to the south block by walkways. • Emergency building (north block), with a ground floor and two upper storeys. • Maintenance and service building and DUCC (Drug User Care Centre), having a ground floor and two upper storeys, plus a basement (also two-storey) attached to the main building underneath the existing street. Description of the hospital by blocks Emergency building (north block) Floor 0 Floor 0 is where the Emergency Room proper is located. The Emergency Room is divided into six areas: patients, family, healthcare, support, administrative and staff. A large parking area sits under one corner of the building, mostly shielded by the upper storeys. It is large enough to accommodate nine ambulances or mobile ICUs and 30 vehicles belonging to the companions of Emergency Room patients. Inside the healthcare area, very close to Patient Admissions, is the CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Emergency Room. It is connected directly to the Emergency Room’s classification station and antiinflammatory station. Next is a large space designed to hold 12 examination cubicles and a central control station. There is an entrance to the Emergency Room from the health area hallway. There are also a soiled-material station with a dumbwaiter to lower carts to the waste area in the first basement, a clean wound treatment room, an equipment storeroom, a staff lounge and an assisted bath. Lastly, the healthcare area includes an TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS observation area, where there are 15 observation cubicles plus a cubicle for patients who require isolation and a cubicle for agitated patients. In the centre of the observation room there are two nurses’ stations, each fully equipped with support systems. The Emergency Department is connected by a hallway to the middle block. A vertical connection core runs right through the basic floors (B1, G, 1, 2, 3) of the middle block, providing easy connections between the Emergency Department and the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), operating theatres, surgical outpatient hospital services and functional examination rooms. Floor 1 Floor 1 contains the sterilization facilities and the laboratories, plus the Pathological Anatomy Institute and the Legal Medicine Department. Sterilization is situated beneath the surgical block and is connected to the top-floor auxiliary sterilization station by two dumbwaiters, one for clean carts and one for dirty carts. Adjoining the classification and washing zone, there are an unpacking area and a cold sterilizer, plus the area where the dumbwaiter arrives with dirty carts from the operating theatres. The laboratories are divided into several clearly differentiated areas: sample reception, special blood work, automated work (CORE laboratory), special biochemistry work and microbiology work. Floor 2 Operating theatres, an auxiliary sterilization station and resuscitation. The accesses to the surgical block have been meticulously designed to control infection. To reinforce the anti-infection criterion, the general structure is laid out according to the need for three types of hallways, sterile, clean and dirty. There are two entrances: One connects the surgical area with the general hallway leading to the core of bed lifts, and the other connects this area of operating theatres with the ICU. Next to the first entrance there is a control station that monitors the entrance to the patient area and the staff entrance to the changing rooms. Across from the emergency operating theatre, there is a special entrance for fast, easy access to the emergency operat- 225 ing theatre. facilities and the supply zone. From the clean hallway there is direct access to the patient preparation and anaesthesia area, the surgical scrub area (where medical staff disinfect their hands, arms and face before donning gloves and mask) and the dirty area. The waste management unit works according to a plan for the separation of common urban-type waste (recyclable and non-recyclable) from biological waste. In the waste management area asepsis is guaranteed, leachate dumping is avoided and the proper temperature is maintained. From the surgical scrub zone, there is direct access to the operating theatres and a view of the patient preparation area. Each of the ten operating theatres has the following features: • Automatic, air-tight entrance and exit doors • An anaesthetic machine with two intakes for oxygen, one for nitrous oxide, vacuum, medical air, nitrogen and an EGA (emitted gas analyzer) • A medical gas machine with two intakes for vacuum, one for medicinal air and one for nitrogen • A lamp anchor • Power plugs and computer jacks; four jacks for closed-circuit television • A data box and six power plugs for each wall • Protection from electrical risks, Voltabloc battery • 1,000-lux ambient lighting and 25,000lux lighting over the operating table At one end of the row of operating rooms stands the auxiliary sterilization station. It has two direct connections with the surgical block, one through the sterile hallway and one through what is termed “the clean hallway”. It consists basically of three large areas, which are the sterile storeroom, the clean/sterilization preparation area and the dirty material pick-up and washing area. Once patients have been moved from the operating table to their bed, they are wheeled into one of the two resuscitation rooms. In the zone closest to the entrance, there is also an emergency cubicle used basically in the resuscitation of patients who have suffered cardiac arrest. Roof The roof holds the HVAC facilities for the surgical block. Basement 1 Basement 1 contains the kitchens, the central bed station, the waste elimination Waste arrives from every storey of the block through the dirty dumbwaiter. It is taken from there to an area for waste reception and sorting. Adjoining this area is a specially designed cart-washing area equipped with water, a drain and an antislip floor. The solid waste area is the largest of all. There the urban-like waste is gathered. Infectious waste is stored in a different zone and managed by a company specialized in handling infectious waste. All these premises are directly or indirectly connected to the loading courtyard designed to accommodate the vehicles in charge of hauling away all of the hospital complex’s waste. Outpatient clinic building (middle block) This block has two parallel hallways, one for internal traffic (staff and patients in beds) and the other for what is termed “external traffic”, meaning ambulatory patients and their companions. Floor 0 This floor contains the outpatient hospital services and the Rehabilitation and Image Diagnostics Departments. A porch provides roofed access for vehicles carrying patients of this department and the medical outpatient hospital services. There are three rehabilitation rooms. In front of them a zone is laid out for speech defect therapy and electrotherapy, respiratory therapy and occupational therapy. The kinesitherapy, hydrotherapy and heat therapy rooms have their patient entrances on the external hallway. The image diagnosis service consists of the following rooms: • Two CAT (computerized axial tomography) examination rooms • Two digital radiology rooms • One mammography room • One dental orthopantomography room 226 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS • One comprehensive diagnosis examination room Floor 3 • Three ultrasound rooms The Outpatient Clinic, which rounds out the services on floors 1 and 2. • One chest examination room Basement 1 • One digital angiography room Basement 1 holds the pharmacy, the clinical documentation area (which has the capacity for 100,000 records), the linen room (split into “dirty”, “clean” and “support” sub-areas) and another parking zone. It also houses the exhaust facilities for the car parks on the floors below and the equipment for the hydrotherapy pool. • One magnetic resonance imaging room • One extra room for future technologies Floor 1 This floor contains the Outpatient Clinic’s services and functional examination rooms, which include the specializations of ENT (ear, nose and throat), urology, respiratory medicine, digestive medicine, cardiology and ophthalmology. Hospitalization building (south block) Floor 0 These departments are located on floor 0: ENT has a hearing-test room, three examination rooms and a control desk. Urology has an ultrasound room, a urodynamics room and a cytoscopy room. In the cardiology zone, there are three examination rooms, a lounge, a vascular testing room and an informed-consent office, plus a pharmacy storeroom. • Blood Extraction, with a sample classification zone, a recovery or special extraction area and an FNPA (fine needle puncture/aspiration) room with its own built-in laboratory The ophthalmology module is practically an independent ophthalmologic clinic. It has a reception desk and six examination rooms: retina, refractive surgery, cornea and anterior segment, strabismus and plastic surgery, glaucoma, and retina and vitreous humour. It also has a special methods unit and a laser unit. • Outpatient Clinic Administration Area It possesses a surgical block as well, with two operating rooms separated by a clean zone, two staff preparation areas and a patient preparation and recovery area complete with support zone. Floor 2 ICU, surgical outpatient hospital services and the Outpatient Clinic. The ICU is contiguous to the surgical block. It has three accesses: an access from the operating rooms, an access for relatives and an access for medical staff. In the centre of the ICU, there is a technical area that provides coverage for all the cubicles (three isolation cubicles, two coronary patient cubicles, six cubicles for patients with other pathologies and one special procedure cubicle). The Surgical Outpatient Hospital or Major Same-Day Surgery Hospital occupies a position quite close to the surgical area. It has separate areas for patients, patient preparation, administrative work and environmental readjustment. • Teaching and Research, which has four classrooms and a computer room • Civil Safety • Admissions, with a waiting room and plenty of counter space for appointments, hospital admissions and reception/information • Customer service, which includes a patient library, a customer service office and an information/parcel check desk Floor 1 Floor 1 contains the library, the staff and public cafeterias, the upper space of the lobby (a great trapezoidal opening above the ground floor), the hairdresser, a retail space and the worship unit. Floor 2 On this floor are the hospital management offices, the Administrative Management Unit, the social workers’ premises and the staff meeting room, the preventive medicine area and the occupational health area. Floor 3 This floor houses the health staff dormitory, the neurophysiology examination area (with electromyography and electroencephalography rooms), the sleep study area, the eating-disorder area and the Psychiatric Therapy and Hospitalization Unit (which has isolation, psychotherapy and electro-compulsive therapy rooms and a large outdoor balcony for patients to rest and relax on). Floors 4, 5 and 6 Floors 4 and 5 hold the surgical hospitalization units, and floor 6 holds the medical hospitalization units, supplemented by the unit on floor 7. The general layout of floor organization is repeated throughout the hospitalization floors. Rooms are arrayed along the outer perimeter, while the support services and nurses’ stations are arranged along the edge that faces in on the hospital complex. Floor 7 Floor 7 is very like the other floors in terms of the number of beds it holds. It differs in that this floor holds the Quality Unit. Roof The primary air HVAC equipment is installed on the roof: two soundproofed outdoor generator units with a total of 1,200 kVA and a 900-square-metre field of solar panels to supply hot sanitary water and support the low-temperature HVAC circuit. The heliport is on the roof and can be reached by two stairways and a gurney platform. Basement 1 Here is where the auditorium (with seating for 239 and simultaneous translation booths), the general changing rooms and the room holding the computer servers for the whole hospital are located. The computer server room is autonomous and properly insulated, without any wet systems in the ceiling, and it has a raised access floor. Basements 2 and 3 (shared by the north, middle and south blocks) Basement 2 Basement 2 is entirely devoted to staff parking and public parking. It has restrooms and vertical traffic cores leading straight into the hospital and other traffic cores leading outside. Three of the cores have lifts suitable for handicapped use. The power substations for the hospitalization zones and outpatient hospital services are located in this basement, together with the car park exhaust facilities, transformer substations and HVAC facilities. A tunnel connects this basement to the TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS service building’s basement. Basement 3 • Dialysis water treatment equipment, made up of a preliminary decalcifier and reverse osmosis 227 Lifts • Passenger lifts, gurney lifts and cart dumbwaiters, a total of 31 units Like basement 2, basement 3 is devoted to parking. In it lie the hydraulic substations for hospitalization, Outpatient Clinic and emergency services. • Treatment of osmotic deionised water for laboratories and sterilization Medical Gases Wiring • Vacuum and medicinal air supply room Maintenance and service building • Double mains supply under remote control at medium voltage from the power company • Auxiliary stations for oxygen, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide The building consists of two blocks in the shape of a V. The larger building contains the stations and the DUCC, while the smaller one houses the maintenance shops and technical offices. Between the two stand the medical gas tanks and gasoil tanks. Basement 2 contains the cisterns, the pump room, a vertical traffic core made up of a stairway and a goods lift and the connection with the hospital building’s service tunnel. Basement 1 holds a service tunnel and a tunnel running to basement 1 of the hospital. It houses a funeral service and a car park for staff and funeral vehicles, in addition to a portion of the DUCC (which extends to the second floor). On the ground floor are the shops (mechanic’s shop, gardening shed and masonry shop) and the storerooms, plus the HVAC equipment, the decalcifying plant, a generator set and the transformer substation. On the first floor are the carpentry, plumbing, paint, medical electricity, electricity, HVAC and TV shops. On the second and last floor are the cooling units, in a large space roofed by a concrete slab. They are fitted with the necessary mufflers at their air intakes and blowers to comply with acoustics regulations. Installed systems Plumbing • Preliminary treatment of mains water in a duplex column for decalcification, continuous chlorination and pH control • Motorization of the main thermal magnetic circuit breakers for priority in case of power failure • Medium-voltage distribution ring with five transformer substations and a total installed power rating of 7,880 kVA • Cold, hot and return water system using PVC pressure pipe for cold water and CPVC for hot and return water • Heated hydrotherapy pool with raisable floor • Hanging consoles, columns, wallmounted consoles and gas outlets even in waiting areas Fire Protection • Generator sets distributed throughout the buildings, providing a total of 3,000 kVA • Multi-criteria carbon monoxide early detection system with eight distributed stations under microprocessor control • Triple busbar in the electrical switchboards, with network, network/group and UPS (uninterrupted power supply) • Manual extinction by means of FHCs and hydrant system • Halogen-free ducts and wiring • Automatic extinction with early-acting sprinkler system with dry and pressurized facilities • Lamps equipped preheating with ballast and HVAC • Cooling production with four aircondensed, very-low-noise screw chillers with a total power rating of 4,340,000 frigorie/hour, and heating production with three multi-fuel boilers with a total power rating of 5,400,000 kcal/hour • Two 80,000-litre underground gas-oil tanks • Water distribution from the heating/ cooling plant to four substations for distribution to the different fan-coil and HVAC circuits • Building HVAC treatment by means of independent circuits, according to exposure, for energy savings • Support for low-temperature circuits (fan-coils) from the solar power facility (on the roof of the hospitalization building) Pneumatic Transport • Distribution by a pressure pump fitted with speed selectors • Alarm and zoning panels built into a centralized technical management system • For samples and documents, with stations at the different departments and transfer equipment locations • Soiled-clothing transport, with collection hopper at each floor of the different buildings, equipped with a blower and unloading hopper • Automatic extinction by means of FE-13 fire suppression agent in storerooms, library and server rooms Communications • Structured cable network with connections in a ring topology using fibre optics and multi-pair cable between the different distributors • This system is designed to provide digital image transmission and telephone service, plus traditional voice and data transmission service. Rooftop Heliport • Platform with signal beacons, fire extinguishers with foam nozzles and centralized management control Remodelling of San Carlos Clinical Hospital, Madrid Background Since its creation in 1787, Madrid’s San Carlos Clinical Hospital has pursued, among other objectives, the improvement of health care, teaching and research. The hospital covers a population of around 650,000, it is staffed with more than 228 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS 5,000 professionals and it is the main training hospital for the Complutensian University of Madrid. It has 1,193 beds and possesses 214 outpatient examination rooms, 30 operating theatres and latest-generation diagnostic equipment. It is regarded as a domestic and international pacesetter due the quality of its facilities and staff. Rebuilt in the 60’s at its current site, the hospital has undergone major transformations endeavouring to adapt to the arising needs of different times. The hospital as a whole has been the object of alteration after alteration, generally to incorporate advantageous new services rendered available by scientific and technical advances. But these additions and alterations have not always been orderly, nor have they been based on any kind of thorough planning of the hospital as a whole. Although it is true that they have generally solved the problems they were meant to address, they have created new problems in their wake: problems of physical relationships between departments, problems of internal traffic, communication problems and so on. In addition, when we entered the scene there were still some old zones with sixbed rooms, deficient facilities and badly aging means of communication and transport. Altogether, as an architectural whole, the hospital was awkward, and its awkwardness was reducing performance to a very low level that was hampering daily medical work and causing a great deal of discomfort for its users and staff. The building was constructed as a single 175,000-square-metre block, and its structures have been changed under the hospital’s Works Steering Plan (full hospital remodelling approved in 1991). At the present time, Phase I (the phase in which we have an interest, awarded to FCC Construcción in March 1996) is completed. The Steering Plan was based on a painstaking study of the existing building, its structure and its installed systems. The plan put forth a consistent proposal for updating the hospital to handle contemporary needs by thoroughly transforming its infrastructure and the building’s own functional structure (based on the wellconceived old building, which still provides a valid framework for the incorporation of new technologies and equipment) and making the hospital more comfortable for patients and their relatives. Before the culmination of the Steering Plan, while the Steering Plan was still being implemented, what was called “Phase 0” was started. Phase 0, approved in 1989 and completed in 1994, covered those unpostponable tasks that were already considered clearly necessary in order for the hospital to remain in operation. Phase 0 also contained a series of remodelling jobs that would free up enough space to enable subsequent work to be done much more quickly. The most important part of this preliminary phase was the renovation of the general circuits of the main building systems, establishing a series of rings in the basement that made it possible to cope with the following phases of work and creating the necessary stations for the installed systems. Phase I involved 40% of all work. Basically, it encompassed the remodelling of the entire south wing and practically all the ground and semi-basement floors of the entire complex. It affected the Hospitalization, ICU, Haemodynamics, Endoscopy, Radiodiagnosis, Digestive Medicine, Pharmacy, Major Same-Day Surgery, Pathological Anatomy, Nuclear Medicine, Haematology and Sterilization Units plus storage and workshop zones, and it all had to be done without hampering any of the hospital’s healthcare, research or teaching work. Since the hospital is catalogued as a level-2 protected architectural heritage building and monument, restructuring work is allowed, on the condition that the original building envelope not be altered according to urban-planning rules. And although the floor area was increased by approximately 1,964 square metres, the area of the building remains practically the same, since the increase is in services and parking areas, which have nothing to do with the building’s external lines. Later, in August 2001, a complementary design was approved to remodel the power plant and retool it to fill new needs, and to build a newly designed pavilion (the San Carlos Pavilion) to hold classrooms, a gallery, a hospital staff cafeteria and an auditorium. This pavilion lies at one corner of the building, and its design takes advantage of the incoming natural light. Glass is generously used to separate spaces, so as to maintain the luminosity. Description of previous condition The structure is made of reinforced concrete. In the previous phase (already completed), the condition of columns, beams and floor structures was ascertained. Corners were found that had been laid completely bare by the effects of impacts during the Spanish Civil War, with seriously rusty reinforcing members standing visible to the naked eye. These defects had to be addressed, and in some cases weak spots had to be reinforced. The outer walls of the entire building were made of double hollow face brick on the outside, followed by an air space, insulation and thick partitioning, and the interior walls were plastered or tiled. It had been seen that in some cases there was no insulation inside the air spaces; in other spots, the fibreglass blanket had come loose; and in yet other cases the air spaces contained an abundance of rubble from previous work. It was therefore decided to tear down the partitioning blocking off the air space so the rubble and old fibreglass could be removed and the thermal properties of the walls could be improved by applying a parge coat to the back of the brick façade and insulating with five-centimetre-thick panels of expanded polystyrene before closing the wall up again with double hollow face brick. In one study, it was ascertained too that the outer walls were not resting on the floor structures, but were standing on the set-back ledges formed by the holes for the heating radiators. When the radiator system’s holes were eliminated, it became necessary to anchor the façade walls to the structure with angle irons and stiffeners. Weathered bricks were examined as well. The roofs styles on the building varied widely, ranging from fibre cement to flat roofs of various types (Catalan-style, with a ventilated air space sandwiched between the top and the bottom; covered with roofing felt; covered with resin; made of aluminium; covered with gravel) and even inverted roofs. Due to the poor condition of most roofs, which were liberally covered with patches, a full roof renovation was deemed necessary. The dropped ceilings were largely made of smooth plaster, and they were in very bad shape due to water leakage, especially on the top floors of the buildings, because of TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS the leaky roofs. Everything had to be renovated to make way for the new systems to be installed. The installed systems, which had been maintained as they were in the original construction, had become completely obsolete and unequal to modern demands. Some systems that may be regarded as fundamental today, such as HVAC and centralized medical gases, were nonexistent. Others, such as the high-voltage wiring and emergency generator sets, had some very serious defects. And different systems, such as the fire protection and detection system, displayed radical shortcomings. The systems designed in this phase therefore basically had to start from scratch. A double system of each type was maintained: The old systems were replaced in the remodelled zones only when no other kind of action was viable until the Steering Plan had been fully completed. The solution Phase I called for the remodelling of a major series of hospitalization units with two basic design objectives: to enhance the performance of the resources available to the nursing staff and services by rationalizing and unifying the content of work being done by the different units; and to reach certain standards of comfort for patients and their relatives in line with the country’s general comfort level, by eliminating the serious problems hampering the hospital in this field. Concentration of the resources of general services, including healthcare services, hotel services and installed systems, was set as a fundamental goal. As regards function, the objective was to unify, concentrate and reinforce the hospital’s central services areas by providing them with the equipment and installed systems required (according to the quantity of other resources–basically staff and space– available). As regards installed and other systems, the objective was to design the most suitable systems and make them compatible with the hospital’s existing culture or consider changing the hospital’s culture. The internal traffic paths of the hospital were untangled for a radical improvement of the connections between the different healthcare and general areas. The different types of hospital traffic were separated as much as possible. Work in hospitalization areas The hospitalization units presented some very serious drawbacks in terms of organization and comfort, with six-bed rooms having no toilet and a very small proportional amount of space for each patient. There was thus an undesirable level of crowding, further exacerbated by the fact that the common toilet rooms were under-equipped and inconveniently located. Moreover, the nurses’ stations were very poorly organized, hampered by the restraints imposed by their physical structure and very small spaces that were utterly unsuited for modern forms of work. Remodelling work was therefore aimed at creating modular, multi-purpose hospitalization units with the greatest possible number of beds. The six-bed rooms were replaced with one- and two-bed rooms with a full toilet room built into each, and spacious, uncluttered nurses’ desks were designed to enable better patient supervision and care. The nursing staff was provided with the necessary offices, meeting rooms, storage, changing rooms and so on. These changes involved basically all the hospitalization areas of the south wing plus the Paediatrics, ICU and Resuscitation Units, which were to share the intermediate support areas, staff areas and service areas with the hospitalization areas. Work in central healthcare service areas This work was done under the criteria of unification and proper equipment explained above. Basically, it covered two major areas. The first was healthcare services, comprising the ground floor and first floor. A unified image was created here, for the area including the Radiodiagnosis, Endoscopy, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Physics Departments; and an area was created to contain traumatology examination rooms, a geriatric evaluation unit, a pharmacy, pathological anatomy services, a haematology laboratory and a blood bank. The second area was in what is called “the east block”, which is the fundamental hub for surgical treatments and intensive hospitalization units. In this zone, which already contained the Emergency Department, it was decided to place the 22-bed ICU and the 28-bed surgical resuscitation unit. 229 Work in general services and infrastructure The most important general service and infrastructure work included in this phase was the conclusion of what was done in Phase 0 in the central space. A roofed general service entrance was built to shield hospital loading and unloading operations (materials for the general storerooms, the pharmacy, the kitchens, maintenance, systems in general and rubbish) from outside eyes; and a set of general storerooms sized appropriately for the hospital, a textile and support sterilization station, the pharmacy storeroom, a roofed service parking facility, general changing rooms, a new nursery, an auditorium and a new chapel were constructed. General approach to works execution The idea was to disrupt the hospital’s healthcare activity as little as possible, under an orderly general plan that enabled all the hospital units to keep up their normal level of operations without having to schedule shutdowns or sharp reductions. One point that bears stressing is that, since the whole hospital occupies a single building, construction had a much more overall repercussion and affected the hospital’s operation more widely. It was very necessary to adhere to a carefully plotted work schedule and to cooperate very closely with the hospital’s departments, especially the Maintenance Department. A works tracking committee was therefore created, made up of FCC technicians and hospital healthcare and managerial personnel. The committee’s main job was to ensure the quality and quantity of hospital care being provided at all times. All demolition work was done with the utmost care, inside buildings as well as in the outer walls, inner courtyard, service tunnel entrances and pathological anatomy services. Thorough safety measures were taken, and the proper machinery was used to advance as quickly as possible with the least noise and inconvenience for the normal operation of the hospital. Any hospital areas or components that might be affected were always isolated from the rest of the areas with screens and temporary partitions. Work sites were sprinkled to keep down the dust. Signage was used to keep unauthorized personnel out. 230 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS atric outpatient hospital services and the Pharmacy Department. Centralized HVAC system This was the system whose installation accounted for the lion’s share of the remodelling work, because it was totally new to the building. The following air treatment systems were used: • Induction Units: The chosen system has four-pipe induction units, with individual apparatuses for each room in the dropped ceiling, allowing the temperature of each room to be controlled separately. Air is drawn out through each room’s toilet room and through the “dirty” zones, so there is a slight depression in the rooms with respect to the hallways and in each toilet room with respect to its adjoining room, thus avoiding the risk of cross contamination. • Expansion Tanks with Reheating Battery: A half-speed, single-duct system was designed, with reheating at the end, for the hallways where there are nurses’ stations. The vents are housed in the dropped ceiling and are individually controlled through electronic probes actuating a regulator and three-way valves installed in the hot water circuits. All the treated air is drawn entirely from the outdoors and distributed at low speed. • Half Speed: In places where the required level of ventilation is always greater than the sensible heat needs. To avoid high energy expenditure, cold air needs to be mixed with untreated outdoor air or return air, depending on the zone (air-mixing boxes). In some zones, there are air/water heat recovery systems for the exhaust air. These systems are made up of a heating/cooling unit and heat exchangers, attached to each other by a system of pipes, closedcircuit recirculating pumps and safety and shut-off devices. The cooling unit chosen for the hospital is a centrifugal unit using HFC 134a (1) as its refrigerant. For the condensation system, a cooling tower was installed on the building’s roof. A service tunnel used to run out from the cooling unit. The vertical pipes that rise to the floors where the HVAC system was installed were connected to the pipes in the old service tunnel. The ring was completely closed up to the point of its return to the cooling unit. The circuit was completed with shut-off and control • Heater Units: The zones covered by heater units are the maintenance storerooms and workshops. Water is distributed individually on a room-by-room basis. The units are wall mounted and provide independent temperature control in each room. GAS • Low Speed • Sterile areas: In the sterilization zone and the “isolation” zone, the HVAC units’ heating batteries are supplemented with an electric battery, so that in the summer these highly critical areas will not have to depend on the central hot water system for what heat they might need. All air blown in is drawn from outdoors and returned to the outdoors through exhaust fans or heat exchangers. • All outdoor air: For the zones of the hospital that require a high volume of ventilation (“dirty” sterilization, the pharmacy storeroom, the general storeroom and changing rooms). • Return air: In pathological anatomy, ICU support, “isolation” hallways, classrooms, radiodiagnosis waiting rooms, customer service, traumatology, geri- of all HVAC equipment plus the rest of the automatic control functions. The entire system can be governed equally well from the centralized control and command system or from local control panels. Medical gases This system provides the hospital with a continuous supply of each gas, together with the controls that enable operators to ascertain the system’s status at all times. The gases supplied are: • Oxygen • Nitrous oxide (more commonly known as “laughing gas”) • Vacuum • Breathable air • Nitrogen (as a carrier gas) Since the hospital was already built and running, the first thing was to redesign and relocate the medical gas supply rooms. This made for improved service centralization and stronger safety measures and brought the system up to standards. Thus the hospital now has the necessary equipment for the main and backup gas supplies, which may be summarized as: MAIN SOURCE BACKUP SOURCE Oxygen 30,000-litre cryogenic tank Two automatic double manifolds holding 2 x 12 bottles Nitrous Oxide 4,000-litre cryogenic tank One automatic double manifold holding 2 x 8 bottles Medical Air Mixer Two automatic double manifolds holding 2 x 12 bottles valves installed in the general distribution systems, technical rooms and air treatment units. The synthetic air mixer is supplied with gas from the oxygen tank and the other preremodelling tank, which holds nitrogen. Through communication between the fire switchboard and the central management computer, the HVAC system can help the fire-extinguishing systems by keeping non-burning zones relatively smoke free as long as possible and trying to establish air flow in the most advantageous direction. Between the two sources of supply (main and emergency), there are automatic “source” selection panels, through which the supply is connected to the hospital’s general systems. Automatic control of the facility is entrusted to the centralized technical management system, which is designed to handle the starting, signalling and control 1 Hydrofluorocarbon For suction, there were initially two vacuum stations located in the basement. • One of them held a compact 2 x 192 m3/hour unit with an accumulator tank, double filtration and a waste separation chain. Because it was in good condition, this TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS station was left as is and was connected to the surgical block’s gas supply system. • The other held three electric pumps, two of which were in poor condition due to age. Moreover, the accumulator tank was undersized and had no filtration or waste separation. This station was replaced by a new modular station, which was connected to the general systems that supply the rest of the hospital’s departments and also to the first station, so a backup reserve would be available. Mention should also be made of three small vacuum units that were kept on the hospital floors for use by specific departments. They were all in poor condition and were scheduled to be replaced by the new units described above. Centralized technical management The system is designed to provide centralized control and monitoring for all the building’s installed systems. The substations for local equipment control incorporate DDC(2) technology and can be run independently if communications with the central station fail. The substations feature multitask, multi-user, real-time, microprocessorcommanded controllers with an associated series of functional modules connected by a process bus. The system’s overall capacity permits operators to communicate from the central station with any substation and to display and/or modify any set point. This system’s programming affords: To supply the different zones of the hospital with gas, a ring has been installed in the basement and connected to the existing ascending pipes, so that if any of the pipes has to be shut off due to a problem or alterations, the supply to the rest of the zones is ensured. • System access protection by means of tiered passwords At the gas outlets on each floor, zoning panels are installed that include shut-off valves for each gas. There are even ceilingmounted shut-off cocks for the services where greater responsibility is at stake, such as the operating theatres, so they can be rendered independent of the rest of the system. • Incident summary, trend display and follow-up protocols The new gas supply room, which runs completely automatically, holds five 250 m3/hour pumps, three 2,000-litre buffer tanks, two bactericidal filters and two waste separators. The pumps start up cyclically, the first one entering being the last to be connected, to avoid premature wear in any one pump. From the collectors, the distribution system carries gas to the different zones. It travels horizontally through the dropped ceilings and vertically through specially prepared spaces. In the central control unit, the status of each zone is verified and the gas consumption information transmitted by the different control panels is added up to find the hospital’s total gas consumption figures. The levels and pressures of the cryogenic tanks where the gases are stored are also supervised. • Scheduled handling • Interactive real-time graphics • Alarm treatment, with immediate alert triggering and alarm logging • Processing of data that is collected locally and transmitted regularly and automatically to the central station • Image editing Pneumatic transport Soiled clothing This system has to pick up, move and discharge soiled clothing fully automatically. It can perform at a rate of more than 2,000 kilograms of soiled clothing per hour. The bags containing soiled clothing are picked up from automatic hoppers installed along four vertical paths in the service zones of the nursing wings. The system allows bags to be held at the different floors, so the hospital can organize shipments continuously or on a fixed schedule. Bags are transported pneumatically by suction, through galvanized steel pipes 400 millimetres in diameter. The blower that creates the transport vacuum inside the pipes is situated at the very end of 2 Direct digital control 231 the pipes’ horizontal circuit, in a closed, acoustically insulated area, in the courtyard next to the laundry. There an automatic pneumatic discharge collector installed. It is commanded and controlled from the central computer. It is equipped with highly sensitive photoelectric eyes to detect bag arrival. With this transport system, the waiting time between floors and laundry is shortened. Also, it is no longer necessary to run laundry carts through the halls, and soiled clothing is moved in hidden, airtight pipes. Lastly, fewer personnel are required, so there is less handling of soiled clothing and consequently a lower risk of infection. Rubbish The rubbish system is entirely identical to the soiled clothing system, except that the rubbish bags are for a single use only and, unlike the laundry bags, cannot be salvaged. In addition, they are resistant to friction. Samples, blood and small objects This is a microprocessor-commanded system whose carrier is a capsule 10.5 centimetres in diameter and 24 to 35 centimetres long, with a threadless revolving lid attached to the capsule. Two lines have been installed. They run independently but are connected to one another by a central exchange device, which is also microprocessor controlled and enables capsules to be switched from one line to another with no waiting time. The two lines and this transfer device are modular and can be added to to make new lines in later remodellings. The exchange device can hold up to a maximum of ten capsules per line, to keep the pipes available even at times when shipment demand is at its heaviest. Line 1 is primarily for samples, blood and analyses, while line 2 is reserved for medicinal products, documents and communications with the nurses’ station. Fifty-six automatic capsule reception and sending stations have been installed. Each is bifurcated. All stations are easy to use, with no hatches in front or moving parts that can be manipulated from the outside. Some of them are intermediate stations, and others are terminal stations. The stations are joined by PVC pipe 11 centimetres in diameter, with curves having a radius of 80 centimetres. Adjacent pipe sections are connected by 232 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS sleeves welded on the outside. The transport speed inside the pipe is three metres/second for blood and samples (slow) and can be set at three or eight metres/second for all other items. Deceleration on arrival is provided by an air cushion created by a control servovalve and an air compression module. Throughout the trajectory, capsule speed and position are controlled by sensors, which emit signals to the computer that regulates the “traffic” on that particular line, which in turn “talks” to the exchanger. They may all have shipment priorities established in advance. This transportation system is very accurate and silent, because the two compressor sets, which perform the double job of blowing out and in, have silencers on both outlets and sit on insulating beds to prevent transmitting vibration. Due to the speed and independence of this means of transport (seconds, as opposed to the minutes a conventional system would take), the response time is faster, patient care is better and staff do not have to act as couriers. Fire protection The work included the installation, alteration and enlargement of the fire protection system for the hospital zones included in this project. This covered fire extinction devices (manual and automatic), fire detection devices and fire alarms. The extinction system is made up of a network of FHCs and automatic water sprinklers distributed in four independent zones, each with its own control station. Water is supplied by a network of pipes over five kilometres long, with diameters ranging between one and six inches, and a pump unit. In the transformer substation, the pharmacy storeroom, the room containing the generator set and the main low-voltage panel room, five automatic extinguisher systems using the gaseous agent FC-13 have also been installed, with pipes to bring in the agent from outside and sprayer nozzles for its deployment. Manual fire extinguishers of the following types have been mounted: portable chemical, CO2 and water extinguishers and multi-purpose dry chemical extinguisher carts. The system is completed by a dry riser system in the building’s stairwells, with 24 floor outlets for use by the fire department, and four four-inch riser hydrants with their corresponding water system. The fire detection and alarm system is made up of a central station, three independent autonomous switchboards, two linear light-beam smoke detectors and an endless number of optical smoke detectors, rate-of-rise detectors, duct smoke detectors, alarm buttons, alarm bells, remote action indicators, alarm repeaters at nurses’ stations, power packs and automatic doors with closing selectors and electromagnetic auxiliary contacts showing ON/OFF status. The system includes all necessary wiring (33,535 metres of structural wiring in rigid PVC or metal pipes, depending on the wiring path). Southeast Hospital, Arganda, Madrid Background Southeast Hospital in Arganda del Rey is a new hospital belonging to the Community of Madrid. The public authorities chose a company (of which FCC forms a part) to receive an administrative concession to build the hospital (between 2005 and 2007) and later to manage the services supporting the hospital’s healthcare activity and businesses. This includes maintenance (preventive, corrective and spare parts), cleaning, urban and hospital waste collection, internal/external transport, orderlies, administrative staff, reception, information and switchboard operation, surveillance and security, sterilization, laundry, restaurant/catering service, disinfection and vermin extermination, storage and distribution management, street and garden upkeep, parking, cafeteria service, retail shops, vending machines and management of telephones and TVs in rooms. The concession to operate this hospital is good for 30 years. The hospital serves a population of 140,000 inhabitants belonging to the city of Arganda itself and another 20 cities and towns in Arganda’s area of influence. The 41,700-square-metre lot lies south of the city’s urban nucleus in an area just now being developed. The floor area is 45,000 square metres, and there are 687 parking spaces. The hospital has been outfitted with an initial complement of 110 hospitaliza- tion beds, which can be increased to 148 in 2017. The hospitalization rooms have two beds apiece and are generally used as single rooms but may be used for double occupancy under certain exceptional circumstances. Description of the hospital Organizational outline The general organizational outline that was proposed to provide a response to the prerequisites was based on the hospital’s variability, adaptability and expandability conditions. None of these conditions were to be compromised in future by the initial solution (except by the lot’s own physical limits). The outline was to permit functional areas and possible future expansions of functional areas to switch places with one another at any time. To achieve this, a solution was put forward envisioning the building as a vast container made up in turn by a series of standardized containers clustered to form basic cross-shaped modules. The elementary basic module or cell is a 4.65-metre-tall space whose floor measures 14.4 by 14.4 metres. This module is constructed with trusses having a span of 14.4 metres, resting on columns to form porticos parallel to the façades and separated by 3.6/4.5/5.4 metres, so as to leave an entirely clear space. The truss edges are used to create service spaces through which all the hospital’s general installed systems run. In this location all systems can be inspected and accessed from maintenance walkways erected expressly for that purpose. This arrangement completely frees the interior space for hospital use, allowing maximum flexibility in use and minimum interference from the standpoint of building maintenance and subsequent operation as well as from the standpoint of subsequent modifications or adjustments of the building’s use. These modules are clustered in turn around two main traffic corridors: • External traffic corridor • Internal traffic corridor The external traffic corridor is dedicated to outside patients and visitors, while the internal traffic corridor is dedicated to staff, supplies and hospitalized patients who must be moved in beds or on gurneys to the central diagnosis or treatment services. TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS The proposed outline enables the building to be expanded in three dimensions (lengthwise, breadthwise and heightwise), restricted only by the conditions inherent in the lot. comfortable environment in the hospital than would be created if the windows looked directly out of the building’s façade, since the urban surroundings are not the most restful. For this reason, the areas that have a greater number of conditioning factors, are more difficult to move and have higher costs are arranged in the central zones, albeit without ever losing sight of the necessary proximity requirements of different areas. Thus, the hospital can expand in future according to its own needs, and the central areas in turn can grow, taking over the space of other nearby areas that can more easily be moved into the zones enlarged in future. Distribution by floors There are mainly two reasons behind the geometry of the containers in each of the areas: • Length of the paths staff have to travel • Flexibility in the use of spaces The paradigm of the first reason is the hospitalization units, where nursing and auxiliary staff must be on the job 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It is therefore of the utmost importance to keep the paths they have to travel as short as can be. One example of the second factor is how the clinic rooms, special examination rooms and physician’s offices are grouped. With the planned concentration (grouped two by two) and the uninterrupted physical arrangement adopted, this grouping affords a great deal of flexibility when assigning locations to the different specializations and makes it easy to convert spaces from one use to another. This situation is also facilitated by the existence of the service space. The required spaces have been arranged so that they share common traffic points and supporting zones, with the goal of optimizing internal traffic and the circulation coefficient in the common areas (restrooms, storerooms, changing rooms). The building has been constructed to enable this to be achieved optimally. Without sacrificing direct light or natural ventilation (i.e., situating the habitable premises along the façade), a more compact solution has been attained than with other alternatives. In addition, there is no reduction in the quality of spaces, due to the size of the courtyards (10.8 by 14.4 metres) and their landscaping; these private gardens create a quieter, more The functional programme was dealt with by creating nine floors, from floor -2 to floor +6. Floors -2 and -1 are devoted exclusively to parking, and floor +6, which is built in one zone only, is devoted to installed systems and space reserved for a future main sterilization station. Floor 0 houses the lobby and the areas for admissions, rehabilitation, the cafeteria, blood extraction, the laboratory, the pharmacy and the clinical history files. On floor +1 lie the Emergency Department (entered from the side at ground level), the Image Diagnostics Department and the dialysis unit. Due to the slope of the terrain, the building grows higher, housing the general supporting services and the mortuary, all of which are entered directly from the service drive. On floor +2 lie the Outpatient Clinic, the special exploration rooms, the outpatient hospital services and some of the physician’s offices. The rear portion of the floor houses the teaching and research areas, the nursery and the citizen participation area. Floor +3 houses the psychiatric, paediatric, newborn and obstetrics hospitalization wards, in addition to the administrative areas belonging to management, the Computer Department, the chapel and the patient library. On floor +4 lie three conventional hospitalization units, the rest of the physician’s offices and the rooms of the physicians on duty. Floor +5 houses the Surgery Block, the Obstetrics Block, the ICU, MAS and the Anaesthesia Department. Lot development and access The lot is completely enclosed, with an access control booth at the entrance to the hospital grounds. For smooth internal traffic circulation, a drive has been built all the way around the lot’s perimeter, with turns into the different groundlevel and underground parking areas, the Emergency Department entrance and the service drive. From the drive around the perimeter, 233 there is direct, completely impedimentfree access to the hospital’s two public entrances. Furthermore, from the underground car park, access to the main lobby or directly to the outdoors can be gained by means of the lift clusters. Ambulances and other emergency vehicles have a direct drive from the main entrance to the Emergency Department entrance. Next to the Emergency Department door lies the emergency vehicle car park. All service vehicles (victuals, pharmaceuticals, general stores, maintenance) turn from the perimeter drive onto the service drive. The service drive is a restrictedaccess entry point controlled by barriers and CCTV so that only authorized vehicles can gain admittance. This arrangement heightens the premises’ security and enables this entire area to be kept under tighter control. The two arms remaining on the sides of the lot are regarded as unfit for anything but landscaping, given their narrowness, the water company’s easements and the extremely steep slope. Part of the smaller arm is used for above-ground parking. The inner courtyards are treated as recreational space that may be used by staff or patients. Future enlargement The hospital’s execution envisaged building the structure so that it can accommodate the expansion of the hospitalization facilities in 2017 and the necessary space can be reserved for laboratory facilities, the Image Diagnostics Department, the main sterilization station and the nursery. Likewise, the rest of the spaces called for in the functional programme have been constructed with all their installed systems, although the systems are not complete or on line. These spaces basically pertain to different hospitalization units, Outpatient Clinic rooms, special examination rooms, the outpatient hospital services’ complement of treatment booths, dialysis facilities and the ICU. HVAC Thermal demand study The thermal demand of the zones to be treated was calculated by selecting several parameters, such as outdoor and indoor conditions, thermal characteristics of the wall materials, occupancy levels and lighting loads, ventilation and air changes, etc. 234 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS To calculate the building’s cooling load, it was necessary to find the anticipated occupancy levels of the different premises and the thermal loads to be offset due to electrical loads, essentially the loads created by artificial lighting. HVAC and ventilation units Air conditioning reaches all sections of the hospital. Given the characteristics of the diverse zones, their breadth and the type of service they render, the option taken was to include basically all-outside-air air treatment units. And the units were to be centralized, so the thermal demand on each unit could be offset. As a special solution in the room and office zone, additional treatment units were installed at points located by virtue of the variability of the loads existing in these rooms and their users’ different requirements. Indoor atmosphere composition is controlled by drawing in outside air for ventilation and for offsetting thermal loads when needed. • Rooms, Examination Rooms and Offices In each room or other area along the façade, a four-pipe induction unit was installed that had been selected to offset the load that internal sources and sunlight place on the room or area in question. Primary-air HVAC units were installed on a zone-by-zone basis. Through a high-speed duct system, they provide ventilation air and forced automatic induction. • Operating Theatres and Delivery Rooms One HVAC unit was set up for each operating theatre or delivery room. The treatment is all-outside air with 20 air changes per hour and three levels of filtration: prefiltration, high-efficacy filtration and absolute filtration. Absolute filtration occurs in terminal ducts fitted with rotating air diffusers that are highly appropriate for these areas. Exhaust is drawn out at two levels: near the floor and close to the ceiling. Each HVAC unit is equipped with a fan trimmer and a flow meter to ensure the unvarying nature of air changes regardless of the filter silting level. The exhaust fan also has a trimmer controlled by the differential pressure between the operating room and the hallway. • Resuscitation, ICU, MAS, the Emergency Department and Clean and Dirty Halls These zones were fitted with HVAC units similar to the ones described above, e.g., all outside air, with trimmers in HVAC units and exhaust fans, and three filtration levels. In the remaining halls of the Surgery Block and in the laboratories, only the first and second filtration stages are implemented. • Image Diagnostics and Dialysis In these zones, which contain numerous spaces with different requirements, variable-flow mixing systems were installed with variable volume regulators in the inlet and return/exhaust branches of the different rooms or premises. climate conditions will be uniform at each and every point in the zone. • Grilles and Diffusers Generally, all the inlet ducts are made of galvanized steel sheet metal sheathed with insulation, and all the diffusers and grilles are plenum-mounted. Their sound level is less than 30 dBA. In critical zones (such as operating theatres and resuscitation), the connections to the diffusion plenums are made of rigid ductwork. An all-outside-air system was set up, with terminal reheating batteries for local adjustment of the inlet temperature in different places. The inlet air ducts are insulated over their entire length and are fitted with cleaning ports every ten meters. The return air ducts have been built without insulation except where they run outdoors or through unheated areas, in which case they match the same characteristics as the inlet ducts. None of the exhaust ducts are insulated. • Halls, Lobbies and Auditorium • Fire Protection Free-cooling HVAC units were installed, provided with air prefiltration and a second stage of high-efficacy filtration. Fire dampers have been installed in ducts wherever there is a change in fire sectors. All fire dampers are duly indicated, and measures have been taken to make them accessible from the outside. • Rehabilitation Air diffusion • General Features Air distribution is performed according to the fundamental maxim to adhere to in all air-conditioning systems for large, multizone premises: The five basic air conditions (temperature, relative humidity, speed, purity and change) will be identical at each of the points in the zone. In winter and summer alike, the indoor temperature is linked to the outdoor temperature. The temperature must be uniform throughout the zone, and simultaneous differences of more than 1 ºC are not allowed. The air blown into the building must be filtered. It must contain no particles larger than six microns and a quantity of less than six milligrams of particles per cubic metre. The air speed will not be in excess of 0.25 metres per second at a height of less than two metres from the floor. The air from zones that may produce strong odours or thin air, such as restrooms, is vented directly outdoors, and such zones are kept under lower air pressure than contiguous zones. The design and distribution of the treatedair diffusers and air intakes are such that Hot sanitary water (HSW) According to calculations, for a water inlet temperature of 12 ºC and preparation at 60 ºC, the building needed an accumulation capacity of 15,040 litres and 650 kW of HSW production power. Three stainless steel tanks holding 5,000 litres apiece were therefore provided. In the choice of the HSW heater, the principle followed was that, even if there were a specific furnace dedicated to HSW production, the same furnace would also have to serve to heat the building, and the heating furnaces would have to contribute likewise to the production of HSW. At low-demand times in the winter, the energy left over from a big heating furnace could be used to product HSW, or else the HSW furnace might be sufficient to satisfy the building’s energy and HSW production demand, especially when the two demands do not occur simultaneously. In the choice of water heaters, the HSW heater that satisfied the furnace power modulation conditions for the building jointly with a suitable power output for HSW was a 690-kW furnace. Two redundant heat exchangers were TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS estimated to be needed for HSW production. Both the heat exchangers and the HSW heater itself have been designed to enable the temperature to be raised to above 70 ºC. Heat production The furnaces have been fitted with heating-oil burners. A storage facility for that type of fuel was therefore furnished also; there are two underground double-walled (steel/steel) tanks holding 50,000 litres of heating oil apiece. Steam production On floor 6 a boiler room was installed to produce steam for use in HVAC unit humidification. Because the steam needs were estimated to be 445 kilograms/hour and because it must be possible to build enlargements in future, a steam boiler producing 603 kilograms per hour was selected, although two identical boilers were eventually set up for enhanced system reliability. The steam distribution system is made of stainless steel, from the boiler room to the terminal units. Distribution of pipes The distribution network starts at the main service facilities and runs through dropped ceilings and utility shafts to the terminal units. For the HVAC units, there is a four-pipe distribution system with a constant flow rate. The system uses four circuits: • One circuit for floor 5 (Surgery Block) • One circuit for floor 1 (Emergency Department, Image Diagnostics Department, etc.) • Two circuits for the remaining HVAC units, distributed according to building exposures The feed lines to the fan-coils and induction units also use four pipes with a constant flow rate. They follow two circuits distributed according to building exposures. exchangers, pumps, etc.) and for the pipes themselves. In the hidden or inaccessible portions, the insulation is rigid fibreglass pipe insulation bonded with heat-hardening resin and jacketed with aluminium kraft paper. In pipes mounted outdoors, in the boiler and chiller room, tunnels, accessible utility shafts and in HVAC rooms, the insulation is rockwool or fibreglass, depending on the diameter of the pipe. The finish of the latter is 0.6-millimetre-thick aluminium foil. Thermal bridges and vibration transmission are avoided at all pipe supports. Pipes are held in place by isophonic clamps and galvanized HILTI frames or a similar system. Forced ventilation in the car park This ventilation was envisaged from the standpoint of reducing the concentration of the pollutant gases vehicles produce in combustion to the levels permitted by safety and hygiene conditions. Although floor -1 has the same area as floor -2, there is in floor -1 a zone where direct natural ventilation to the outside is available. Therefore, floor -1 was regarded as a smaller area for purposes of forcedventilation calculations. • Description of the Solution The mechanical ventilation system works by blowing air out. Air enters through the natural ventilation holes set in the basements. The system’s characteristics are the following: • The system is activated by automatic detectors • It is outfitted with independent switches for each floor that enable the fans to be started up; the fans are situated in easily accessed, duly indicated spots • It guarantees the operation of all its components for 90 minutes at a temperature of 400 °C 235 six air changes per hour and the system must be activated by automatic detectors. Nevertheless, Arganda’s municipal code is more stringent, as it requires a minimum capacity of seven air changes per hour. The system is directly connected to a carbon monoxide (CO) detection system designed so that nowhere on the premises can a CO concentration of more than 50 ppm be reached, and so no point on the premises can lie at a distance of more than 12 metres from a suction grille. Each floor is in addition served by two independent ventilation units. • Systems Installed Four exhaust zones per floor were mapped out. Each is equipped with two fans for 50% of the necessary air flow. • CO Detection For CO detection, a system of detectors was installed, laid out in a proportion of one detector per 300 square metres at the most. If the CO concentration reaches the critical value of 50 ppm, the switchboard sends an optical and acoustic alarm signal. Furthermore, should the main fire station detect a fire, it will send a signal to the main CO detection station, which will then order the fans to start up. Wiring A main low-voltage HVAC panel was installed to cover the electricity needs of the different components of the HVAC system. The panel is powered by three transformers, each having a power output of 1,250 kVA. From this panel run the power lines to the chillers, the distribution panels of each floor and the end panels in the boiler and pump rooms. The distribution panels on each floor contain the circuit breakers for the power circuits of the other panels on their floor and the circuit breakers for the terminal units in their area of influence. From the HVAC panels, power is supplied to HVAC units, pumps, furnaces and boilers, fan-coils and air curtains. The pipes are made of weldless drawn steel. Before they were laid, the pipes were sandblasted where necessary, and a double coat of anti-rust primer was applied. After welding, the welds were gone over again with primer. • It is powered directly from the main panel • Design Flows The outputs from the panel to the secondary panels and the connections between panels and all the wiring to end points of consumption are made out of halogenfree copper cable. All outputs from this panel have a differential relay whose sensitivity and time are adjustable. There is insulation for all the components installed in the pipes (valves, filters, heat For forced ventilation, standard NBECPI/96 establishes that there must be The power lines from the exhaust panel to the garage exhaust fans are made of • No point is situated more than 25 metres from a hole or fume exhaust point 236 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS 90-minute fire-rated halogen-free copper cable. To house these lines, covered metal trays made of sheet metal were installed along the wires’ path in the dropped ceilings and utility shafts. The following criteria were taken into account when dimensioning the lines: • Voltage drops < 5% from the starting point of the wiring (transformer substation) • The power lines running to motors have to be able to withstand an intensity of 125% of the motor’s rated current. • Trays have to be sized so as to respect a reserved space of more than 30% The secondary panels have been installed endeavouring to cover functional areas and at the same time split the terminal distribution network into sectors. They are provided with pilot lights showing their operating status in addition to manual/ stop/automatic switches for commanding the same machines. Centralized technical management Managing the systems installed in the hospital in a centralized scheme means keeping them all under the guidance of one system that can provide the supervision, automation and control specific to each installed system and enable the sharing of all kinds of information and operations among installed systems, always taking advantage of the control system’s own existing communications infrastructure. System topology The system employed at this hospital is divided into three levels: the management level, the automation level and the field level. Thanks to distributed artificial intelligence(3), each of these levels functions both autonomously and in networked coordination with the others. • The automation system, for control, operation and monitoring of the primary plant • The environmental automation system, for control of the comfort conditions in individual environments and for the operation of lighting and handling of window blinds • A component that integrates a wide variety of equipment at all levels of the system One of the main characteristics of this system is the possibility of enlarging gradually from the smaller systems to the larger, more distributed systems. The communication networks employed are designed specifically for building services. They enable all users (if duly authorized) to gain access to all data and functions of the connected devices. The system employs the two most widely standardized communications protocols in the world. Management level The ease of use of the management level reduces the operating costs and the necessary training time while at the same time achieving great reliability. The management level possesses the following applications. • Tool bar: This provides general information about the system and enables any of the user applications to be launched • Floor display: This shows some complete graphics of the installed systems that enable the system to be quickly monitored and operated • Schedule manager: This permits centralized programming of all the functions of the building’s time-controlled services The system’s main components are: • Alarm display: This provides a detailed view of the alarms for fast location and failure elimination • The management station, for highlevel operation and monitoring, graphic displays of processes, automatic alarm distribution and a wide range of different data analysis functions • Alarm router: This manages the transmission of alarms to printers, fax machines, mobile telephones and e-mail in a highly flexible fashion 3 More appropriately referred to as “distributed cognition”, this is the set of the bodies of knowledge that are present in different units of the installed systems (via sensors, data readings, etc.) and that, when shared, become appropriated by the group • Trend display: This makes it possible to adjust the plant on the basis of analyses of the historical data logged in the system • Object display: An efficient tool that enables browsing through a tree structure where all the points of the system are organized by hierarchy; the values of these points can be read and modified depending on the users’ access rights • Access display: This enables viewing of the log of alarms, system error messages and user activities; the information is saved chronologically and can be filtered and organized in order to perform an evaluation at any time • System configurator: This is used to create the general configuration of the management station and associated applications • Graphics editor: A powerful tool for the efficient creation of graphics of the building’s installed services Automation level The heating, ventilation, air-conditioning systems and other services of the buildings can be controlled and monitored through the system. The system’s main characteristics are its modularity, with its different freely programmable controllers, its wide variety of operator terminals and its integration possibilities, since it is an open system. Installed systems to be controlled • Primary Installed Systems. Cold and Heat Production • Heating/cooling plant: From the control panel situated in the machine room, an operator can adjust the cooling machines, the primary and secondary cooling and heating circuits, the startup and shut-down sequences for cold and heat production, the furnaces, the boilers, etc. • HSW production • Air treatment units (ATUs): Primary-air HVAC units, operating theatre units, units to treat all outside air with heat exchange capabilities, with free cooling; start-up and shut-down sequences... • Secondary Installed Systems These are the terminal units whose objective is to set the flow and/or temperature conditions for the air blown and treated by the primary systems in response to the thermal load variations detected in the zones they cover. • VAV (variable air volume) TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS • Four-pipe induction system • Four-pipe fan-coil system The helicopter landing platform (heliport) lies on the roof of the main building. • Transformer substation The hospital is designed so that it can be enlarged, upward as well as lengthwise, to meet future healthcare requirements. • Generator set Distribution by function • Plumbing Hospital block • Fire protection • Ground Floor - Entrances and Customer Service • Electrical and Electromechanical Systems New Mataró Hospital Background The Catalonian Health Service held a tender to design and build the New Mataró Hospital and an attached underground parking building on the basis of a basic design prepared by the Catalonian Health Service’s own technical services. FCC Construcción was awarded the contract to build the hospital, build the parking facility and operate it under a concession and generally develop the hospital grounds. This new healthcare building is the official main hospital for the El Maresme district and more directly for the city of Mataró and its neighbouring towns, so the New Mataró Hospital provides service for more than 250,000 inhabitants. It belongs to the network of hospitals and healthcare services for public use run by the regional government of Catalonia, and it is managed by the El Maresme Health Consortium. The hospital stands on a lot ceded to the Catalonian Health Service by the city of Mataró, and it is strategically located next to motorway C-32 for ease of access from all points of the district. Description of the hospital The lot has an area of 50,188 square metres, and on it 43,733 square metres of hospital building and 8,500 square metres of attached underground parking building have been constructed. The edifice is conceived in longitudinal terms, as moulding to the terrain and taking advantage of the natural slope for easier access by foot. The building’s layout on the lot is split into two clearly differentiated areas, one for public use, with public entrances, underground parking, above-ground parking and a landscaped area, and the other for restricted use, devoted to the emergency entrance and deliveries. The block formed by the first tiered body of the building has, on the ground floor, the admissions and customer service area, the administration area, the management area, the library, the auditorium, the chapel, the public coffee shop, the Outpatient Clinic (45 examination rooms) and retail space. • Hospitalization Floors On floors 1 and 2 lie the hospitalization units. There are 330 adult beds and 24 newborn beds. Structural preparations are made for a 150-bed enlargement. • Medical Floor The healthcare departments are in semibasement 1. They are the Emergency Department (with 20 examination booths and 12 observation booths), the surgical block (with 10 operating theatres), the obstetrics block (with two delivery rooms and one operating theatre), the area housing image diagnostics (10 examination rooms) and complementary examinations (24 rooms), the intensive wound-dressing unit (14 beds), the outpatient hospital services (12 beds) and the rehabilitation area. • Medical Service Floor 237 Building procedure The hospital was built with the idea always in mind that the building had to be completed as soon as possible. Therefore both traditional procedures and prefabricated components were used. Structure construction was begun with reinforced concrete columns and waffle slab floors in general, while a combined structure of columns and metal crosspieces was being prepared in the workshop for the central core of the building. The façades were built using prefabricated walls between frames, but the underground car park was prefabricated in its entirety: columns, floor structures, inner and outer walls. The materials were chosen to provide comfort and ease of maintenance at the same time, and the systems installed incorporated the most advanced technology available at the time. Earthmoving For a building, the hospital required a great deal of earthmoving; 240,000 cubic metres of earth were moved, in work to excavate through decomposed granite gravel and hard rock (granite), the formation of earth platforms underneath the semi-basement floors and backfill for walls. Roofs In general, the roofs of the non-hospitalization floors are landscaped, since they can be seen from the hospitalization wards. Before the roofs were filled with topsoil and landscaped with different species of plants, they were waterproofed with root-resistant textiles and drainage systems to carry off rainwater. In semi-basement 2 are the blood banks, the pharmacy, sterilization, laboratories, clinical healthcare information, the mortuary, dressing rooms, rooms for the physicians on duty, the staff coffee shop, storerooms and the janitorial area. The upper roof, next to the helicopter landing platform, is an inverted roof. Industrial Building and General Services The underground car park is waterproofed as well, since it was stated in the design that the earth fill might be planted with not only plants and garden shrubs, but also trees. In addition to the hospital building proper, there is a second construction, a twostorey industrial building that contains the laundry, the kitchen, the maintenance area and the room housing the building systems equipment. This building is connected to the main building by a service tunnel. The industrial building is roofed with lacquered sheet metal and sandwich insulation panels. Façades The outer walls were most important, because –the need to build quickly due to the deadline issue aside– a building’s façade says a lot about the building and 238 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS gives it its architectural character. For that reason, what was sought was not only a suitable system of construction, but also the simplicity and functionality the building’s use required. It is therefore a highly focused facility that forms part of the system of hospitals for public use and thus operates under an arrangement with the Catalonian Health Service. The result was that prefabricated modules were used between columns and windows. This required large components that could live up to all applicable standards and yet not fail to provide the required geometry, levelling and linearity on installation. Description of the building To make these components, moulds were crafted in specialized workshops, and the components were cast using specific binders and stainless steel reinforcement framework. The insulation called for in the design was incorporated at the site, and the interior walls were built according to the needs of each case. Guttmann Institute Background The Guttmann Institute Foundation, a notfor-profit organization chartered in 1962 in Barcelona, created in 1965 the first Spanish hospital specializing in the treatment and rehabilitation of paraplegic and quadriplegic patients. Since then it has been a pioneer in bringing to Spain the most advanced techniques, procedures and technologies in the realm of neurorehabilitation from all over the world, to improve the quality of life of people who have neurological physical disabilities. With time the need for a new building became pressing, to replace the original building and moreover furnish larger facilities for a greater healthcare capacity. Thus, under an agreement signed in 1995 by the Catalonian regional government, the ONCE Foundation and the Amigos del Instituto Guttmann initiative, such a building was erected on some land near Germans Trías y Pujol Hospital in Badalona, with which the new Guttmann Institute reached a cooperation agreement concerning shared functions. The Guttmann Institute is the main hospital in Catalonia for the medical and surgical treatment and comprehensive rehabilitation of persons with medullary lesions, cranioencephalic trauma, non-traumatic cerebral injuries, progressive degenerative diseases and other physical disabilities of a neurological origin and for the neurological rehabilitation of children. The new location for the hospital, an excellent site with a view of Barcelona and its coastal environment, has room for spacious gardens, parking, a heliport, spaces for families to spend time together, indoor and outdoor rehabilitation zones, a multi-purpose athletic facility for competitions, rehabilitation pools, a multi-purpose room, a hairdresser, a patient laundry, a chapel, a nursery, a shopping area, kitchens, dining halls, a coffee shop and all the facilities the hospital’s own administration needs. On a 35,200-square-metre lot, the total floor area is 17,200 square metres. The five-storey-tall building is adapted to the slope of the land. Floor 0 or the access floor, where the lobby, the customer service offices, the Outpatient Clinic and the athletic pavilion’s tiers of seating are located, along with two hospitalization wings, with common areas and general restrooms. Floor +1, where the administrative and management spaces are located, with common areas and general restrooms plus a classroom seating 80. Level -1, where there are another two hospital units, a multi-purpose athletic pavilion and therapeutic pools with shared changing rooms, an image diagnostics area, a bar, a dining hall, neuropsychology, a functional rehabilitation area, a surgical block, sterilization, radiology and a chapel, with common areas and general restrooms. Level -2, with outdoor access to the loading dock, where the kitchen areas, storerooms, the staff dining hall, water tanks, staff changing rooms, the laundry, linens, the mortuary service, the pharmacy and the general system and building maintenance rooms have been placed. Level -3, comprising the spaces intended for vehicle parking and the spaces for rubbish and waste. • Medullary lesions: paraplegia, highlevel quadriplegia with respirator dependence and problems involving the cauda equina(4), whether of traumatic origin or medical or congenital origin (as in spina bifida (5)). • Cerebral damage: of traumatic or nontraumatic origin (tumours, encephalopathies, cerebral vascular accidents, hypoxia) with serious functional and cognitive consequences, and those cases where only the higher functions are affected. • Progressive illnesses: multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Friedreich’s ataxia, muscular dystrophy, and so on. • Other disabling complaints: persons having a serious physical disability as a consequence of the sequelae of polio, other polyneuropathies, adult cerebral paralysis, major amputations, and so on. • Children’s rehabilitation unit: for children up to age 16 with major physical disabilities of neurological origin (medullary lesions, cranioencephalic trauma, non-traumatic brain damage, progressive illnesses, etc.) Building procedures Earthmoving, foundations and structure Special machinery was used to excavate 41,920 cubic metres through hard rock to reduce the elevation of the site; and 41,862 cubic metres of earth excavated from the site were used in filling, terracing and compacting work. The foundations are shallow, with strip footings for walls and isolated footing for columns, with two-way bracing. The building’s structure is mainly waffle slabs for floors and concrete columns. Retaining walls and foundation walls around staircase and lift cores. The pool roof is a 30-centimetre concrete slab, with 50-by-108-centimetre girders and a 15-metre span between columns. Metal structures were used for the multi-purpose athletic facility and the lobby. 4 A complex of symptoms and signs consisting in lower back pain, unilateral or bilateral sciatica, motor deficit in the lower limbs, sensory disorders, sphincter disorders (urinary and/or anorectal) and disorders in the sexual sphere 5 Birth defect of the neural tube wherein one or more posterior vertebral arches have not fused correctly during gestation, leaving the spinal cord unprotected by bone Distribution by function At present, the Guttmann Institute conducts its healthcare activity through five clinical units: TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Outer Walls and Roofs The outer walls combine a white singlecoat mortar finish with exposed-frame curtain walls containing transparent glass with white butyral(6) or tempered, acid-etched glass, and aluminium frames for windows and closing walls between storeys. The roofs are flat, inverted and covered with round gravel. Roofs at the multipurpose athletic pavilion are made of a sandwich of ribbed sheet aluminium, and roofs in the outdoor rehabilitation zone are made of pavement with artificial stone supported by PVC. Interior finishes Floors are generally paved with terrazzo tiles, although at the surgical block the flooring is anti-static conductive PVC; at radiology, it is anti-static PVC; at the swimming pool, restrooms and changing rooms, it is anti-slip PVC; in the multipurpose athletic pavilion, it is PVC athletic flooring with an elastic component underneath; and the parking facility and service room floors are trowelled, painted concrete. The interior dividing walls are made of brick, on which a mortar coat and a plaster coat have been sprayed and smoothed. The wall finish in the halls and public areas of the entire building is decorative HPL(7) up to door level, with stainless steel trim. In the surgical zone, the finish is HPL all the way up the walls. On the walls of hospitalization wings, public restrooms, changing rooms, swimming pools, the Radiology Department, the pharmacy and the administration and management offices, it is Tarkett-type vinyl; and in the multi-purpose room, the chapel and the athletic pavilion, it is wood all the way up the wall. Polyurethane paint is used in the basements, and plastic paint is used along the top of the walls in the public areas. The dropped ceilings contain plasterboard tiles with a vinyl finish. The system 6 7 is removable, made of cold-rolled, whitelacquered box profiles, with self-levelling suspension and a threaded bar as the general base. Sound-absorbing flat ceiling in the athletic pavilion. False ceilings made of plaster in the surgical zone, the multipurpose room, the kitchen and the lobby. Significant units Pools There are two hydrotherapy pools. One is large, 13 by 6 metres, ranging in depth from one to 1.8 metres. It has two side ladders and a side wheelchair ramp, in addition to a mechanical lift for patients of reduced mobility. Water is pumped in through nozzles on the vertical walls of the pool and returned through skimmers(8) placed around the pool’s edge. There is also a grate skirting the entire the pool to collect water splashed out of the basin. There is another, smaller pool measuring 8.5 by 2.5 metres and a maximum of one metre high. It is raised above the floor, and it is accessed by using a crane that swings both in and out. This swimming pool is split into two zones. One has three tiered levels, and the other descends to the maximum depth. Both have support rails for patients to grip. Multi-purpose athletic pavilion The athletic pavilion measures 32 by 23 metres on the ground and has a clear height of seven metres. There is a rail-andcurtain arrangement for separating the pavilion into two spaces for different uses. The pavilion is set up in two levels. At the bottom level lie the athletic court and the attached changing rooms (also used for the pools). This level can be reached directly from the rehabilitation zone and the general hallway on the ground floor. The top level holds tiered seating and doors providing access for people who have come in through the front door. It also holds the floor’s general restrooms. PVB or polyvinyl butyral is a resin that is regularly used in laminated safety glass. It is very good for adhering panes of glass to each other, because it transmits stress between panes, although the PVB itself has no mechanical resistance. It also prevents fragments of glass from coming loose if the pane is broken. The roof is sheet metal over a sawtooth metal structure with skylights and maintenance catwalks. Sound-absorbing finishing panels are installed in the ceiling. High-pressure laminate. Several transparent layers are pressed together with decorative paper, forming a single unit that can resist an extreme load. This unit is then placed on a foundation board and pressed to adhere to it. The result provides maximum resistance to blows and high indices of resistance to wear due to rubbing. The rehabilitation area has different zones, depending on the exercise patients must take and their progress toward recovery. Rehabilitation area 8 Also called a “protein skimmer.” This is a device that sucks in surface water, collecting any floating debris. 239 First, there is an exhaustive rehabilitation area, with articulated beds that help patients assume different positions, metal accessories such as grab bars and auxiliary devices (pulleys, braces, ropes, etc.). Other spaces are devoted to physical therapy work and manual work, where there are computers to help develop coordination of movement. Another area has a guide rail from which a patient can be suspended, to hold up his or her body while the patient “learns” to walk. Yet another area is devoted to the activities of daily life. It has a kitchen and a toilet, for practicing common household tasks. The outdoor area is used to practice negotiating stairs and ramps and manoeuvring an automobile. Surgical area There are two operating theatres fitted out identically, although one is larger than the other. Each has an anaesthesia cart, a surgical cart, a two-armed lamp, an operating table, electrically actuated automatic doors and a recessed control panel in the wall. All the medical items in the operating theatre are connected to the room’s equipotential grounding network. Likewise, the floor has an equipotential underlayer made of copper mesh. Hospitalization area There are 64 double rooms in the hospitalization area. Each has three differentiated spaces, a bed area, a toilet area and an entrance with a clothes cupboard and medical sink. One of the beds has a bed crane. The toilet room is fully adapted for patients with disabilities. Installed systems Plumbing The plumbing system includes the mains pipes, which run in from outside to water storage tanks, the water treatment system and the internal system carrying water to points of use. There is a single water main from which the hospital draws four separate water systems, to wit: cold sanitary water, hot sanitary water (55 ºC), mixed water (35 ºC) and decalcified water. Hot sanitary water is produced by heat 240 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS exchangers. Water is stored in three concrete tanks having a useful capacity of 100 cubic metres apiece. Two of the tanks cover the hospital’s water needs, and the third is used for irrigation, with a backup safety level for fire protection. The sanitary water storage facilities have a magnetic anti-lime treatment and include a pump for recirculation to the tank. Cold water is drawn off by a set of four pressure pumps, one of which has a speed regulator. Its flow rate is 108 cubic metres per hour at a pressure of 30 mWC. General plumbing uses hot-dip galvanized pipes running through the dropped ceilings of the hallways to the distribution cabinets, which are one to every two rooms. The secondary plumbing uses polypropylene pipes from these cabinets to the points of consumption. The 35 ºC mixed sanitary water is needed for consumption in hospital zones, toilet rooms and changing rooms, since some patients have low sensitivity to temperature changes. Mixing is handled by thermostatic valves situated close to the consumption areas. Temperature is guaranteed through a water-recirculating pump with temperature, pressure and flow control. The pool water is treated using sand filters 900 millimetres in diameter for the small therapeutic pool and two units 2,000 millimetres in diameter for the large pool. Pool water is heated by sheet heat exchangers. HVAC Different zones of the hospital are defined for significant treatment: • Kitchens: The general smoke extraction area, the food preparation area and the food-serving areas have separate units (heat pumps). • Pools: Pool air is drawn into a pipe for dehumidifying and returned through grilles with double regulators. • General storerooms: HVAC facilities consist basically in a pre-treated air supply vented directly outdoors. • Changing rooms, offices: Treated air is blown in by ceiling fan-coils. Outside air is mixed straight into the return air to guarantee quantity and freshness. • Rooms: The same as above, but blown in by a rotating diffuser in the centre of the room and returned through an exhaust grille in the dropped ceiling above the door to the room. • Dining hall and rehabilitation zone: Because of their orientation and the existing staff load, these areas have an independent air treatment unit. Air is distributed through metal ductwork to rotating diffusers built into the dropped ceilings and returned through ceiling grilles. • Operating theatres: Air treatment on a par with white room standards(9). Absolute filters with temperature, humidity and air pressure control; one humidifier per operating room, using water vapour; 100% outside air, blown in by rotating diffusers and drawn out at floor level by return grilles set in the corners of the room. • Multi-purpose athletic pavilion: There is a separate air treatment unit for the pavilion, which blows air through metal ductwork built into the top of the wall along one side of the pavilion. Air return is underneath the tiers of seats, three metres above the surface of the playing court, through return grilles. A good air sweep is guaranteed by the fact that air is blown out from the wall and returns to a spot lower in the same wall, underneath the seating. The cooling plant sits on the roof. It has two 421.4-kW water-chilling units. The heating plant is located in basement -2. The room has an entire wall made of metal grille for direct outdoor ventilation. There are three natural gas-burning furnaces rated for a 407-kW output apiece. The heating/cooling distribution system has four pipes running through the dropped ceiling of the general hallways and air wells running vertically through the different storeys of the hospital. The system allows different areas of the hospital to be heated or cooled separately at the same time, to adjust to zone parameters and exposure conditions. In basement -2 and in the general hallway, this distribution system is used as a general cold water propulsion and return manifold. It is equipped with a dilation 9 A “white room” or “clean room” is a room especially designed for low levels of contamination; it therefore must meet very strict contamination, temperature, humidity and pressure control conditions system for hot water and cold water alike. It has a manual and automatic air purge system to ensure smooth operation and facilitate starting up the system. It is fitted with a pipe-emptying device at a low point in the system. A manual surrounding system has been fitted at the hot sanitary water accumulator tanks, to raise the internal tank temperature to 70 ºC to avoid the existence of legionella. Medical gases The different medical gases in the system are oxygen, nitrous oxide, vacuum, compressed medical air at a pressure of four bar and air at a pressure of seven bar for supporting medical equipment. These are independent systems running through the dropped ceilings of the general hallways and rising through vertical shafts provided for that purpose, from the production centres located in basement -2 to the different points of consumption. The oxygen, compressed medical air and vacuum systems run through all the hospital wings and the hospital in general (operating theatres, rehabilitation, doctors’ offices, pools and the Radiology Department). The nitrous oxide and seven-bar air systems are only available in the operating theatres, dental examination rooms and sterilization rooms. They use copper pipes welded solidly together. Silver rod is used as the fill material. The oxygen supply room holds two manifolds with eight 50-litre bottles apiece, with an automatic changeover system to guarantee supply. The compressed-air production room holds a double compressor unit, with oil lubrication and subsequent filtration and air cooling. The output air pressure can be regulated to four or seven bar. The nitrous oxide production room holds two manifolds with two 50-litre bottles apiece and a pressure-reducing station with the capacity to process 70 cubic metres per hour. In addition to benefiting from the filters and purge valves their respective production supply rooms have, the air system and the vacuum system have been built with the appropriate slope to facilitate TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS the removal of any water condensate that forms inside the air system and any secretions/deposits that form in the vacuum system. There is a system of easily reached purge valves and collection reservoirs installed at strategic spots. The hospital is divided into eight zones, and each of these zones has a medicinal gas alarm station containing general shutoff valves, a pressure gauge for each type of gas, a vacuum meter and visual and acoustic alarm signals. At the head of each bed in the rooms are an oxygen outlet, a four-bar air outlet and a vacuum outlet. The operating theatres have all the medical gases: oxygen, nitrous oxide, vacuum and air at four and seven bars of pressure. Wiring The wiring is medium voltage (25,000 V). The transformer substation contains two silicon three-phase power transformers with a power output of 1,000 kVA apiece. The low-voltage wiring runs through two main panels located in basement -2. One of them is near the transformer substation, and the other sits at the geometric centre of the hospital. One powers the machine rooms and the kitchen, and the other, the hospital wings and the rest of the different sections. The wiring goes through cable trays that run along the dropped ceilings of the general hallways and rise through air shafts intended for that purpose. From the subpanels on each floor, the cables travel through flexible, two-layer corrugated pipes to the points of consumption or the circuit breaker panels of each room. The light fixtures in the general storerooms and the garage are surface-mounted and watertight. In the suspended ceilings in offices and storerooms, they are recessed fluorescent screens with V-shaped diffusers. The fixtures for the general hallways are strip lighting recessed in the dropped ceiling, with louvers. In the rooms, the lights are built into the head of each bed. In addition, there is a recessed nightlight in the wall, and there are energy-saving downlights recessed in the ceiling at the entrance to each room. In the operating theatres, the wiring was prepared for the installation of shadowfree ceiling lamps to be provided by the hospital. Ambient light is provided by recessed lamps with prismatic diffusers, equipped with an anti-dust seal for sterile environments meeting white room standards. The operating theatres are also equipped with a 7.5-kVA isolating transformer. Outdoor lighting is provided by mercury vapour lamps using metal halides. The lampposts are four metres tall. The hospital has an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) furnished by two five-kVA units having 15 minutes’ autonomy and another two one-kVA units having 60 minutes’ autonomy. It also has a 360-kVAr battery of capacitors to correct the reactive voltage produced by the fluorescent lamps. Other installed systems • Fire safety system: With a pressure pump for the fixed fire-fighting equipment (FHCs) and portable fire-fighting equipment (CO2 and multi-purpose dry chemical extinguishers); smoke detection systems • Security: Outdoor CCTV(10) monitoring equipment and centralized, encoded security locks • TV/FM signal reception and internal distribution • Internal distribution of cable TV signal • Internal telephone wiring (voice/data network) • Internal PA system and mood music • Patient/nurse call system between each room and the nursing centre, with call forwarding between nursing centres Ciudad Real General Hospital Background Ciudad Real General Hospital (CRGH) went into construction on 28 May 1998 on a 162,263-square-metre lot in southern Ciudad Real owned and ceded by the city. It replaces the two hospitals the city used to have, Alarcos Hospital and El Carmen Hospital. When work began, the owner was the Spanish health institute, INSALUD, but, after the transfer of health-related authority from national to regional governments, the owner is now SESCAM, the Castilla-La Mancha Health Service. 10 Closed-circuit television 241 The lot’s potential floor area is much greater than the actual floor area built, so there is room for future alterations or expansions as required. Geometric description of the building The structure is in fact made up of 42 independent buildings connected by their expansion joints. The buildings are grouped into four big blocks dubbed C, E, W and S (Central, East, West and South). C Block is located in the centre of the complex, and in it are the hospitalization units. There are five floors devoted to hospitalization, plus a ventilated crawl space (on floor -1). The HVAC equipment for these buildings is on the roof. Floors 2, 3 and 4 are the same. On floor 2 there are hallways separating the patient and family traffic from the hospital staff traffic. These floors contain 386 hospitalization rooms, each prepared to house two patients. There is also a penitentiary module, with six special rooms for housing convicts. In the last building in C Block, which is only four storeys high, are the offices of the medical personnel, the computer zone and the Data-Processing Centre (DPC). The two-storey W Block also has a ventilated crawl space and systems machinery sheds on the roof. In addition, it contains the hospital’s support services and clinical treatment services: the pharmacy, the Sterilization Department, the laboratories, the Nuclear Medicine Department, the files, the Radiotherapy Department, the Outpatient Clinic, the operating theatres, the Emergency Room, etc. Block E encompasses the admissions, administration and teaching areas. These are one-storey buildings with no ventilated crawl space or rooftop machinery sheds. They hold the chapel, the auditorium, the library, classrooms, the admissions desk, the hospital management and the hospital administration. Connected to the hospital by two underground tunnels is the service building (S1), the centralized location for the storerooms, heating and cooling units and generator sets. Floor -1 is for the internal traffic related with kitchen services and storerooms and other occasional traffic. It also holds the mortuary service, the waste service and 242 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS rooms for installed systems. The rest of the floor consists of service tunnels. The water, gas and power systems run from their supply rooms or control stations through the service tunnels, and the rainwater and sewage plumbing runs through them as well. There are also areas for the treatment of special RIA (radioimmune analysis) waste and hospitalized cancer patient waste, and the general water storage cistern and its pumping and treatment station. The hospital is fitted with a total of eight bed lifts (two in each lift/stairway core), 23 passenger lifts, two escalators for the Outpatient Clinic, two cargo lifts in the service building, three instrument dumbwaiters in the Sterilization Department and metabolic treatment rooms and a casket lift in the Pathological Anatomy Department. The complex has spacious landscaped areas and a total of 1,180 above-ground parking spaces. Drives run only around the outside of the complex, to and from the different parking areas, although there are direct routes to the main entrance, the emergency area, the service and delivery areas and the mortuary service. Description of the hospital by functions CRGH has latest-generation technology and a modern structure that separates the healthcare areas from the areas frequented by outsiders. It features open spaces full of light, specific premises designed for teaching and training future healthcare professionals and an involvement among the different departments that makes healthcare procedures run more smoothly. The hospital is structured into different analysis areas. These include the medical services, surgical services, common or central services, patient management support services and non-healthcare support services. The types of services have been greatly increased with the incorporation of new units and technology; these enable the hospital to offer a higher quality of healthcare for its target population as well as to avoid having to move patients to other hospitals inside or outside the region. The departments created only recently are Geriatrics, Maxillofacial Surgery, Neuro- surgery, Radiotherapy, Haemodynamics, Childcare, Radiological Protection and the Pain Clinic. On the organizational side, as many processes as possible have been reconfigured on a “same-day” basis; more outpatient hospital services have been made available; the supplementary testing area has been streamlined for speed; the areas used for diagnoses have been clustered together; and the availability of emerging therapies such as radiotherapy and pain therapy has been increased. Lastly, the resulting hospital is safer throughout its entire concept. It is a closed, monitored area equipped with smart systems managed from a single point of control, and it has plenty of parking space. The psychiatric hospitalization ward is set up as a separate block from the rest of the hospital services. That block also holds the Outpatient Clinic, the hospitalization area, the Detox Unit and the outpatient hospital services. There is a centralized Sterilization Department for the entire hospital. All material from the other hospital services is deposited there. To handle the load, the service is equipped with two instrument dumbwaiters that connect the unit with the surgical block immediately above it. There are three sectors for material reception and distribution: dirty, non-sterile and sterile. Each has its own supply and staff areas. There is an area of special testing rooms, obeying the philosophy embodied in the building’s architectural design. That philosophy calls for common and multipurpose areas centralized by product, and thus a fragmentation of the “department” as traditionally conceived. The area includes 11 rooms for special heart, digestive medicine, urological and lung examinations. The Image Diagnostics or Radiodiagnosis Department is outstanding, not only for its latest-generation technological equipment, but also for its introduction of digital radiography. The goal is to digitalize medical imaging services and do away with the use of X-ray film very soon. The clinical laboratories are designed according to a comprehensive, all-encompassing concept that includes different areas of knowledge: blood extraction, sample reception, result reporting, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, allergy, isotopes, emergency work, molecular biology, genetics, haematology, a blood bank, the Regional Transfusion Centre and pathological anatomy. One of the most interesting features of these laboratories is the fact that their preanalysis, analysis and reporting phases are automated. The Nuclear Medicine Department is organized into an unprotected zone envisioned for the medical areas and patients who have not been infiltrated and a protected zone holding the infiltrated patients and the medical techniques that require special access. Radiotherapy is a new department. It adds two innovative techniques to conventional radiotherapy via electronemitting linear accelerator: radiosurgery and brachytherapy(11) for the treatment of cancer. This unit includes a radiosurgery operating room or brachytherapy operating room. It also has a CT simulator for running simulations of the treatments scheduled to be administered. The virtual simulation and three-dimensional planning techniques have hugely favoured the precision of radiation treatments. Then there is the issue of waste disposal. The different types of waste the hospital creates are sorted into four clearly differentiated blocks: • general solid waste, from the pick-up carts • iodine-treated liquid waste, from hospitalized patients’ rooms • radioactive waste, from the Nuclear Medicine Department • infectious waste The latter is bagged, and each bag is identified as containing infectious waste and stored in the general waste area, to be burned or disposed of later. Pick-up is daily, to avoid the decomposition of organic matter. Next to the Emergency Room entrance a raised heliport has been built, connected to the Emergency Room by a walkway. No hospital in Ciudad Real has ever had a 11 Radiotherapy treatment consisting in the placement of encapsulated radioactive sources within or near a tumour (“short” distance between the volume to be treated and the radioactive source) TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS heliport before, but, taking into account all the medical specializations Ciudad Real General Hospital covers, at any time there may arise the urgent need to bring patients to the hospital from faraway points of the province or even from anywhere in the region. Furthermore, the province is a very large one. Its population density is low, and its inhabitants are very widely scattered. This limits their access to the health system in general and makes it difficult to handle emergency episodes, particularly medical emergencies. Ciudad Real General Hospital is moreover a transplant organ extraction centre, and urgent transport is in many cases required for that reason. The heliport structure consists in a concrete platform raised six metres above the ground, far enough to clear the surrounding obstacles and prevent their becoming potential hazards. Foundations and structure Because of the irregularity of the terrain, different foundation solutions were used. There are single footings, strip footings, floating foundations and reinforced concrete slabs. A total of 21,000 cubic metres of concrete were used at the site. Earth containment in the basement area was achieved by combining 30-centimetre-thick reinforced concrete wall with precast wall made of hollow-core slabs measuring 1.2 by 3.5 metres, which required a special footing to rest on, plus mortising of the ribs along the edge of the ground-floor floor structure. Different systems were combined in the structure as well: • One-way joists and hollow-core slabs for floorings, on low supporting walls made of reinforced concrete of a thickness ranging between 20 and 30 centimetres in the areas of the ground floor that have no basement (E block) • Thirty-centimetre-thick inclined slabs of reinforced concrete on the roofs of the hospital service buildings, whose geometry made it necessary to assemble approximately 75,000 square metres of formwork • Metal roof in the service building, made up of ten 38.1-metre-long frames, each made of vertical HEB profiles on concrete columns, with 6.3-metre spans, and inclined IPE profiles; side timbers were also IPE profiles; total steel use: 123 tonnes • Metal roof in the Emergency Room and ICU courtyard, made of eight 52-metrelong frames with IPE steel profiles and side timbers; the two central frames rest on six box girders with a span of 10.3 metres, trapezoidal geometry, measuring 2.2 metres along the edge, built using 20-millimetre-thick sheet metal (200 tonnes of steel) The vertical structure was built using reinforced concrete columns of different geometries and sizes and 20- and 30-centimetre-thick retaining walls. The 42 independent buildings that make up the hospital are separated from each other by three-centimetre expansion joints. The solution used in most locations was a double column, with stainless steel Titan pins supporting the expansion joint where necessary. Outer and inner walls C Block has two types of outer walls. The main façade (where the hospitalization rooms are located) is made of enamelled red brick laid in a stretcher bond, with insulation sprayed onto the wall’s internal face, backed by double hollow brick. The two walls are held together by stainless steel anchors (five per square metre), and the brickwork is also anchored to the façade columns. Murfor-type reinforcement was used in the panels that are subjected to greater stress. • Waffle slabs of reinforced concrete in temporary 80-by-80-centimetre pan forms and a 12-centimetre-thick rib in the rest of the ground floor The rear wall of C block is made of a prefabricated galvanized steel panel with insulation on the internal face, anchored to the concrete structure by an auxiliary structure of galvanized steel; the backing wall on this is solid brick laid in a stretcher bond, with a water-repellent rendering coat on the outside. • Thirty-centimetre-thick reinforced concrete slabs in the rest of the floors of the building structure Block W, whose buildings lie to the rear of C Block, has red or white clinker brick façades. 243 The Outpatient Clinic façade (which faces north) is ventilated and made of Roman travertine marble. The building’s internal partition walls are made of drywall. Ground-floor walls are two 19-millimetre drywall boards in a 90-millimetre structure, and the rest of the floors have a 70-millimetre structure, because the ground floor is taller. The sound and heat insulation required between sections is provided by rock wool installed between the drywall layers. In the more humid zones, humidity-resistant drywall was used. The partition walls between sectors are built with solid brick laid in a stretcher bond. Interior finishes The building’s floors are prefabricated 40-by-40-centimetre terrazzo tiles in the hospitalization areas; terrazzo cast in situ in the Outpatient Clinic, the main hallway, the nurses’ desks and lift lobbies; conductive PVC in operating theatres; anti-slip flooring in room bathrooms; wood flooring in classrooms, the library and the auditorium; and granite at the main entrance. The suspended ceilings have aluminium louver panels in hallways and installed system zones and plasterboard tiles in the rest. The ceilings of the auditorium, the classrooms and the library are wooden. Indoor window and door frames and trim are wood in rooms and the Outpatient Clinic (the baseboards in the Clinic are stainless steel) and all stainless steel in hospitalization support zones. There are screens made of stainless steel, of glass and of glass brick. The exterior window and door frames and trim are aluminium. Roofs The roofs of C Block are flat with coloured gravel. They are comprised of 300-gram geotextile sheeting where slopes form, 1.2-millimetre fibreglass-reinforced PVC sheeting, 300-gram geotextile sheeting, four-centimetre extruded polystyrene insulation, 150-gram geotextile and a 12-centimetre layer of coloured gravel. The roofs on the W, E and S blocks are sloping, and they have mostly been made of zinc, although in some sectors of E block they are copper. Inside these roofs lie three centimetres of polystyrene insulation, 19-millimetre water-repellent boards, 244 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS a Delta-Drain-type vapour shield(12) and 0.6-millimetre pre-weathered zinc sheets with a raised seam (Belgian-type anchoring using treated pine laths). Installed systems Wiring The building’s great length (450 metres from end to end) is the reason why medium-voltage wiring (15 kV) was installed. There are four transformer substations (8,000 kVA) arranged in the basement, next to each vertical general panel. There is another transformer substation (3,000 kVA) for the HVAC equipment. The 15-kV system is laid out in two loops or closed rings, with the aim of ensuring service in case of line failure and therefore power failure. In case there is a failure in the mains power, there are two generator sets held in reserve, capable of producing 1,500 kVA apiece, synchronized to operate in parallel and powered at 400/230 V. The lighting system uses fluorescent, incandescent and discharge lamps and is distributed with a mind to which type of lamp is used, such that in rooms or sections where the general public may be present, a loss of power can never affect more than one third. HVAC The object of this system is to create the ventilation and air heat/humidity conditions demanded for the different sections comprising the hospital. It is also in charge of keeping air pressure low in restroom and storeroom areas, to prevent odours from leaking into adjacent spaces. As this is a hospital, it has certain HVAC needs. There are zones that require more ventilation than the standard HVAC code demands. But there are also other zones where there must be no air recirculation, to improve ventilation and avoid the risks of cross contamination. For nursing zones and hospitalization rooms, two-pipe fan-coils are used, with individual units in each room/area. They are usually located in the dropped ceiling, and they provide temperature control on an independent, room-by-room basis. The operating theatres each have independent single-zone HVAC units. Their 12 Draining geocomposite with double nodules and built-in geotextile, designed for wall drainage and transpiration exhaust system is independent as well. For those spots that require little zone division by temperature but good ventilation, a low-speed system is used. For the Outpatient Clinic and the outpatient hospital services, a high- or mediumspeed system with a single duct is used. For the kitchens, there are units to draw in pre-treated outside air and an exhaust system to vent exhaust air through sheet metal ducts with attached grilles. The machine room where water is chilled and heated is located in the service building. The rooms holding the HVAC units and other equipment are scattered over various spots on the roof of floor +1 and in rooms on floor +6. The hospital has different energy recovery systems for different zones; there are air/ water, enthalpic and free-cooling systems. All the water circuits have differential pressure controls for flow regulation, with the resulting energy savings, since the controls can adjust the pump output to the building’s heat needs at all times, in addition to keeping the main fluids at their design temperatures (6 and 85 ºC). Fire protection system The fire protection system is mainly to defend the building’s occupants from the risks of all sorts posed by fire and secondarily to safeguard the hospital’s physical assets, including the building itself. The hospital is a new edifice, with fireproof concrete floor structures and lateral enclosures built of masonry. Since it occupies an independent lot, all hospital accesses can be used as evacuation routes and/or fire vehicle posts. Given the building’s characteristics, early evacuation is vital. For that, any possible fire must be detected from the very beginning. Moreover, due to the variety of materials in the hospital, the types of fire that can break out are many. For these reasons, the option chosen was a pointto-point analogue detection system using OTI (optical, temperature and ion) multisensors. This way the undesired alarm rate is practically zero and the reliability of fire detection is enhanced. Fire shutter triggering is controlled from the control station. If a detector gives a fire alarm and that alarm is confirmed by another detector in the alarm state in the same fire sector, the control station gives the order for the shutters for that zone to close. If an alarm button is pressed by hand, the shutters in that sector are actuated directly, blocking off the sector and sounding the sirens. Voice and data system This system, embodied in a structured system of wiring, provides support for the hospital’s telecommunications systems. It is designed so that each connection can be used for voice service or data service; the necessary function is assigned in the distribution cabinet. This makes it an adaptable, flexible system where no a-priori distinction is made between stations dedicated to voice service and stations dedicated to data service. The system is distributed via single-mode optic fibre, and it has voice and data jacks in almost every room of the hospital. It is directed from the main administration subsystem, or DPC. The vertical subsystem takes care of connecting the DPC in a star array with each of the floor-wide distribution cabinets. These provide coverage for the work stations currently required and any future enlargements, such that none of the computer system jacks lie outside the 100-metre distance set in the pertinent codes. The horizontal subsystem includes the cables between the distribution cabinet for each floor and the work stations on that floor. A cable is installed for each network connection, running free of breaks or splices anywhere in its layout. Comprehensive management installed systems of This system comprehensively governs the following general types of installed systems, using the building’s communications services and networks to do so: • Central heating, ventilation and airconditioning subsystems • Individual air-conditioning subsystems • Electrical power subsystems • Electrical lighting subsystems • Plumbing subsystems It can also accommodate third-party systems. For this, it has standard connections making it possible for the end user to plug in subsystems and equipment made by different manufacturers. TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS The system’s communications network has been designed on three platforms: • The first is based on standard communications protocols for local networks, and it facilitates communications among the central supervision stations • The second encompasses the primary floor-wide processors and the zonewide managers (which serve as the link to the environment processors), and it is a point-to-point or P2P communications system • The third encompasses the environment processors Comprehensively managing the various systems installed in the building means keeping them all under the directorship of a single system that permits specific supervision, automation and control over each system, while making it possible for them to exchange all kinds of information and actions, always taking advantage of the management system’s own communications infrastructure. The distributed processors are connected to a data bus where the point-to-point communications protocol (especially designed for real-time processes) ensures that data transmission is highly reliable and that all the processors connected to the data bus have the same right to and opportunity of data transmission. All the data from all the distributed processors are routed to a common database, where they are processed and their output is prepared for the outside world. This database is manipulated from a work station at the service of the system’s operators. At the work station reside a number of operator/system liaison programs, which are in charge of making it transparent, comfortable and simple to request and analyze the kinds of data and reports the system can facilitate (from all the integrated subsystems). The system monitors and automatically controls the different equipment in the various systems installed in the building, as well as the electromechanical processes that must be run, be they central (the cooling/heating plants, HVAC units, transformer substations, power-distributing boards) or individual (fan-coils, lighting). The duly grouped information from the hundreds of terminal units serves to establish strategies for readjusting the cool- ing power, heating power and electrical power to be produced or used at all times. Each of the environments where terminal units are installed is the object of monitoring, automation (adaptation to schedules) and control, from the system operator’s consoles. The system operator also manages power consumption and utilizes the resources of the various distributed processors and subsystems, reacting to the extent and in the combinations necessary each time. The system facilitates knowledge-based fuzzy logic control(13) to apply in certain control loops, creating stable control with self-learning in critical applications, obtaining additional energy savings. Information may refer to the current time, but it may also be historical information, referring to a selected time period, if what is desired is to see what happened in a given time interval. Point alarms can be classified at the user’s request as critical or non-critical, and the alarms pending acknowledgement can be displayed as well. When a device or piece of equipment has passed the limit placed on its working hours, the appropriate type of maintenance action is indicated as well. All these actions take place in coordination, that is, ensuring that the authorized acknowledgement of an alarm at an operator’s station is sent over the network to the rest of the operators’ stations. The only exception to this latter rule is the points from the fire panels, which are acknowledged at a certain station termed “the main fire station”. Any alarm that arrives is treated by fuzzy logic applications, which are explained above. In this view, the alarm function must not only show on/off status, but also report on the alarm’s course, that is, whether the alarm is getting worse or better. An alarm given some time earlier, which in turn triggers a device to address the situation, may already be in the process of being handled when the operator notices it. In that case no further action on the operator’s part will be needed. Medical gases This installed system is for the centralized supply of gases for medical use (oxygen, nitrous oxide), compressed medical air at two air pressures (five and eight bar) 13 The idea of fuzzy logic is to permit a certain variation in the observed parameters before applying an actuator to modify them, thus avoiding infinite loops due to infinitesimal differences 245 and vacuum for suction. This supply is continuous and of high quality, and it is adequately controlled. Special attention has been paid to safety aspects, since these are vital supplies. The working pressure is five kilograms per square centimetre for oxygen, nitrous oxide and compressed medical air. For the compressed industrial air (used in pneumatic tools in the operating theatres), the working pressure is eight kilograms per square centimetre. The vacuum system works at -0.6 bar. The pressurized gas supply rooms have the appropriate filtration equipment to ensure a supply of gas free of impurities. The rooms where the gas equipment is housed and the zones adjoining them have direct ventilation top and bottom to the outdoors, enabling air to circulate and preventing any leaked gases from entering the building’s air-conditioning system or the compressor units’ air intakes. They are also equipped with a drain trap connected to the waste plumbing system and a flameproof, airtight lighting system. In the particular case of the compressedair and vacuum production room, the room’s temperature is never allowed to rise to over 40 ºC. All areas of the hospital are equipped with specific medical gas outlets for mounting in the wall, in panels at the head of a patient’s bed, etc. There are also special installed systems, such as the anaesthetic gas exhaust system installed in operating theatres, which carries anaesthetic gas outside the building through the HVAC return air ducts. Pneumatic transport There is a pneumatic transport system for blood samples and documents that connects all points in the building to each other. For this system, there are 72 sending stations in a basically horizontal layout. The services that use the system the most heavily are the Emergency Room laboratory and the hospital pharmacy. The operating theatres are not great users of the system, but they are very special users, because they need speed in both sending and reception. The Outpatient Clinic moves mostly documents (clinical histories). All the standard pneumatic transport systems on the market allow a single 246 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS capsule to run per shipment in each facility (or zone), so supposedly a system’s traffic capacity is given by the duration of the shipments it handles. And duration is a function of speed and distance, and since the speed has to be restricted for blood shipments (two to three metres per second), the system may be busy for a long time for each shipment. A long busy time limits the system’s capacity greatly. If the speed is limited and the distances are what the hospital’s layout requires, the only physical way of increasing the traffic capacity is to allow different shipments to run simultaneously. This can be done by distributing the system as a whole into several autonomous zones, with the possibility of transferring shipments between zones. To avoid interference with the general pneumatic network, but above all to afford immediate full availability, the following services have been equipped with direct, exclusive connections: • The Emergency Room with the Emergency Room laboratory transport system was therefore installed, with self-driven carts on ceiling rails. The approximate distance is 140 metres, so, considering a shipment every five minutes, three carts are needed in order to have one cart always available in the extraction zone. Nuclear medicine This zone includes the following rooms: • Radiopharmacy • Radioisotope storeroom or gamma source library • Dose preparation • Lock • Waste storeroom • Lounges and restrooms for injected patients • Examination rooms • Gamma chambers • Functional studies • Laboratory • The blood bank with the operating theatres • Staff changing rooms (including decontamination room) Mechanical transport Because of the special hazardous conditions of this area, the Nuclear Medicine Department’s walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows, etc., need structural protection from radiation (usually three- to fivecentimetre-thick lead sheeting embedded in structural elements, and five-centimetre leaded glass where glass is required). In hospitals, pneumatic transport systems solve a high percentage of the interdepartmental transport needs, but they do have the drawback of being able to handle only a very small volume in each shipment. To make up for this drawback, electromechanical systems have been developed that boast a large transport capacity (eight to ten kilograms per shipment). Such systems are very good for addressing highly specific problems, such as the distribution of clinical histories from the files to the different examining rooms. They do have the drawback, however, of occupying a great deal of space, so it is hard to find room to install them. Such equipment is usually quite noiseless. It runs at an average speed of 0.5 metres per second. All kinds of horizontal and vertical paths can be installed, as long as floor change radii and horizontal inflections are respected. Because the extraction zone has regular (though not continuous), heavy loads of samples to deal with, it was deemed unfeasible to apply pneumatic transport to move the samples to the sample reception zone. A point-to-point mechanical Heavy or high-density concrete (using barite aggregate) was also used to build the premises. The rooms for storing radioactive sources (radioisotopes and waste) are heavily shielded against radiation and in addition possess the appropriate storage and handling devices. The hospitalization rooms for these patients are shielded too. They have closed-circuit TV for monitoring patients without the need to expose medical personnel. For this same reason, there is an automatic urine collection mechanism; patients’ urine is not handled by staff save when there is a breakdown. The toilets in these rooms are special. Made of polyester and stainless steel, they have a system for separating solid excretions (faeces) from liquid excretions (urine). The solids are pushed along into the general sewer, while the liquids are dumped directly into the storage and treatment tanks located in the general radioactive waste room. There are radiation detectors with alarms and contamination detectors all throughout the zone. The evacuation system is different from the evacuation systems of the rest of the building, too. In all the sections referred to above, the air (which specific air-conditioning equipment renders independent from the rest of the hospital) must not be recycled, so before it is vented outdoors it is run through active charcoal filters. In brachytherapy treatment, no radioactive waste is generated (although there is a risk of irradiation); but in the metabolic treatments with radioactive iodine, the radioactive source is not encapsulated, and it is practically all eliminated in the urine, so it generates a highly active liquid radioactive waste that creates a contamination and irradiation risk for the hospital staff and the public. Solid radioactive waste may also be generated if patients contaminate their clothing, bed linens or dishes. Clearly, none of this waste can be directly disposed of as is. The centralized waste storeroom lies in the basement. The liquid waste from the metabolic treatment rooms (on floor 1) therefore is pulled straight down by gravity. The waste storeroom actually has two separate sections, one for solid waste, with 11 shielded, airtight tanks inside concrete vessels, and one for liquid waste, with four 2,500-litre tanks. The tanks for liquids are made of stainless steel shielded with lead, and they are lined on the inside with a plastic material that urine cannot corrode (polyurethane elastomer), without any seals or overlapping seams. Alterations to and enlargement of San Agustín Hospital, Phase 2, Avilés Background San Agustín Hospital in Avilés dates back to 1976, when it was called “the San TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Agustín Health Home”. With the passage of time, it has gradually become modernized and acquired new equipment, while at the same time its target population has increased to its current size of 150,000 citizens. Apart from its healthcare function, like all modern hospitals, San Agustín Hospital must engage in teaching and research and include outpatient clinic services (which used to be located elsewhere). The hospital required an enlargement and some alterations. These were done in two phases. Phase 1 was concluded in 2004. Phase 2 covered the comprehensive alteration of the hospitalization wings, the construction of a new Outpatient Clinic building and an underground car park and miscellaneous outdoor development work. Phase 2 was awarded in a public tender to FCC Construcción on 27 June 2000. Work began on 20 November of that same year. During the course of the work, it became necessary to make various functional changes, install new facilities requested by the hospital management and bring the HVAC and plumbing systems up to the new legionellosis prevention standards. After that, work had to be done to apply structural reinforcement to the floor structures and columns in the hospitalization wings that were scheduled to be altered in the original design. The total area involved in Phase 2 of the project was 48,269 square metres, which can be broken down into 32,074 square metres of enlargement and 16,195 square metres of alterations (façades, installed systems, lifts, patios, accesses, etc.). A total of 242 beds was involved. That plus the 166 beds already affected by previous alterations made for an increase of 48 beds over the initial count. To improve hospital staff working conditions, a seventh floor was built on the east wing of the building, to be used by the physicians on duty. Furthermore, a new Medical Outpatient Hospital was created, equipped with 24 stations for onco-haematological and AIDS treatment, and the ten-bed Surgical Outpatient Hospital was thoroughly altered. The Radiodiagnosis Department underwent alterations; its facilities were redis- 247 tributed within the same original area to ensure proper separation of same-day and hospitalized patients. In the high-tech zone, the space devoted to the helical CT unit, the three ultrasound machines, the two remote control rooms, the three conventional X-ray rooms and the mammography room was enlarged. the number of hospital beds, albeit on the basis of single rooms for better patient isolation. When seasonal increases in demand are great enough, the single rooms can be converted into double rooms, and the previous solution to winter upswings (putting three beds in double rooms) can now be avoided. In addition, the original parking capacity was increased to a minimum of 900 spaces (with an underground car park that includes storerooms and shops); the lot was fenced in, and a heliport was built. In the Outpatient Clinic, the hospital was equipped with a blood extraction unit in an area with its own outdoor entrance, to keep patients out of the hospital’s internal areas. The existing medium-voltage mains power line to the hospital was run underground. To support the different departments, the hospital was given new administrative spaces, offices for supervisors, rooms for physicians on duty, X-ray-viewing and reporting rooms, storerooms on each floor, waiting rooms, lounges, support spaces for patient education (on issues of interest for the recovery of hospitalized or same-day patients), restrooms, etc. All the jobs belonging to Phase 2 had to be done while the hospital remained in operation, in an attempt to interfere with the hospital’s daily activity as little as possible. A large share of the alterations and even the civil engineering work were for that reason done in evening, night, weekend and holiday shifts. Geometric description of the building The lot has an irregular shape, a jumble of geometrical forms rather like a huge trapezoid with one side leaning against the road from Avilés to Heros, where the hospital driveway is located, and other trapezoid- and triangle-like shapes added to the west. The lot’s perimeter measures approximately 1,220 metres, and the lot’s area is 54,701 square metres. The lie of the land is irregular too, with a steep upward southwestern slope. The difference in elevation between the drives turning off the Avilés road and the ground floor of the hospital is about 13 metres. Because the anticipated enlargements were so very big, quite a lot of land development work was involved. The most significant work was to change vehicular paths inside the lot, motivated by the interference of existing paths with the new construction and the need to furnish the underground car park and the storage and maintenance areas with the appropriate access drives. Plans also called for modifying the grade of the road leading to the main entrance to bring it level with the elevation of the ground floor and thus eliminate the architectural barriers to access. Alteration work Healthcare needs made it vital to increase In terms of structural needs and installed system needs, the following had to be done, either because these particular tasks were not taken on in Phase 1 or because they remained incomplete after Phase 1: • Alterations to the façade to blend in with the façade of the enlargement built in Phase 1 • Complete HVAC system installation throughout the area scheduled for alterations • Installation of wiring (voice, data and sometimes picture) in all units scheduled for alterations, thus completing the hospital-wide network • Construction of an evacuation ramp for patients confined to their beds, this ramp to be vertically aligned for use by the surgical area and the ICU also • Improvement of access to the Outpatient Clinic and internal connection in that area between floors 1 and 2 • Installation of a lift block with two cabs for the linen service and the kitchen, located across from the entirely insufficient lift previously used for that purpose • Replacement of all original lifts (four two-cab blocks) • Improvement of old verandas • Construction of a direct connection between the main building and the annex, where the teaching zone (library, classrooms, auditorium) was to go 248 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS • Properly developed enlargement of the parking area to handle a demand of 1,000 spaces at peak hours tors. The first three escalators run directly to the hospital services situated on each floor. • Enlargement and improvement of the public cafeteria The floor structures are separated from the façade and leave spaces that penetrate inward, to provide vertical continuity for the use of the space and for the outer enclosure, rather like a skin braced by the structure. • Improvement of the main entrance, reception/information, newspaper stall, etc. • Relocation of the central communications room from right next to the main entrance to deeper inside the building • Construction of a heliport • Improvement of handicapped access inside and outside the building and thorough adaptation to legislation on handicapped access • Improvement of drives outside the hospital for straighter access to the Emergency Room area, eliminating the original 90° curves • Replacement of facilities in the highvoltage room and relocation outside the main building • Increase in the reserve water tank’s capacity • Unification of fire detection stations • Improvement of funeral facilities • Improvement of all staircases (main and evacuation) • Improvement of the entire general sewer system • Installation of fencing around the lot holding the hospital and all its sections • Adaptation of all sections of the hospital to the applicable safety and prevention standards • Creation of a space to hold the hospital’s passive administrative file • Creation of a space where patients admitted to the Mental Health Ward can stroll Justification of form To house the space the Outpatient Clinic was going to need, the idea was to erect a new building wall-to-wall with the existing hospital, actually an expansion that would extend the hospital’s original volume. This building was designed to have a front body with four storeys (ground, 1, 2 and 3) featuring accesses, lobbies on each floor and space for rooms. The floors are connected by passenger lifts and escala- From this main rectangular body there spring three more rectangular bodies, perpendicularly, like the teeth of a comb, to house the clinic’s examination rooms. They are separated by two courtyards, which are in turn closed off by an interior itinerary holding two staircases, one in each courtyard. This pathway is for staff traffic and potentially for evacuating the building. In front of this there is an outdoor car park (on top of the underground car park), inside the curve of the drive to the Outpatient Clinic building. The main staircases leading to the underground car park lead down from the outdoor car park. The underground car park lies crosswise to the Outpatient Clinic building, occupying three basements of the Outpatient Clinic building and running perpendicular to it. The drive around the perimeter of the complex leads to the main entrance, the entrance to the underground car park and, through the outdoor car park, to the entrance to the Outpatient Clinic building, all at an elevation of 0 with respect to the building. The drive then descends parallel to the car park to an elevation of -3.4, where the storerooms and necropsy facilities are, and then to -6.8, which is the car park exit. The drive subsequently connects to the already-existing street, which runs to the Avilés road. The main access has been addressed by creating a single space at an elevation of 0 to unify the previously separate accesses (one to the hospital, one to the auditorium, one to the rest of the building). Vehicular traffic travels through a roundabout beneath a triangular canopy. The outdoor treatments have been matched to the treatments in Phase 1 of the project, to achieve aesthetic and conceptual uniformity throughout the building. In the indoor finishes the same criterion has been followed, standardizing what has been done in the hospital so that there are no disparities of criteria between the way different areas have been handled. Demolition The very nature of the alterations entailed the performance of demolition work affecting the entire area at issue in the alterations. Apart from the complete alteration of the original nursing wings, spot demolition was also performed in the new wing, to enlarge and modify the nurses’ desks. Another kind of demolition work was effected at specific points of the different floors, for purposes such as adapting stairs to current legislation and equipping certain departments with cart lifts. In the areas scheduled for a full interior alteration, all the finishes, linings (including panelling and tiling), floors and indoor trim and frames had to be demolished, and all the installed systems, which were scheduled for new equipment, had to be stripped. The ashlar work on the façade was kept in general, but partial demolition did prove necessary on the ashlar dressings around window frames, to adapt to the dimensions of the new windows, which were planned to coincide with the architectural modulation of the windows already installed in Phase 1. Foundations This section refers to the enlargement work done because of the new building, which has three basement storeys. The building’s foundations were laid by driving foundation walls around the perimeter, proceeding subsequently to empty the space floor by floor, bracing the wall with provisional anchors to the earth. Structure Starting with the structural setup of the pre-existing building, the limitations on height between storeys and the standard modulation of the original building’s frames, the enlargement building was designed to maintain the height of 3.4 metres between storeys and the modulation of one of its clusters of columns. Two different types of structures were implemented, depending on whether the building in question lay outside the original hospital or constituted an enlargement to the existing building proper. In the first case, structures were cast of reinforced concrete and were made up of columns and continuous solid slabs of various thicknesses. TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS In the second, structures were built of columns, beams and metal side timbers, with a floor structure that combined corrugated sheet metal left as permanent formwork and a concrete slab poured in situ, in which the necessary flexural reinforcement had been housed. Installed systems HVAC systems applied • Bedrooms for Physicians on Duty (Seventh Floor) and Attached Offices On the basis of four-pipe fan-coil units, one for each room, to be ceiling mounted with filter, cooling and heating batteries and a blower fan, with a three-speed switch and an environmental thermostat. The supply air is drawn in by an outside air treatment unit with a manually operated damper, a filter, cooling and heating batteries and a blower fan. The air is driven to the fan-coil units through metal ductwork. At each outlet a butterfly-type flow regulator is installed. Toilet room air is extracted by a ventilation unit with a centrifugal fan. • Hospitalization on the Third to Sixth Floors One hundred percent outside air supply, with two-zone HVAC units for proper treatment of the two façades, which have clearly differentiated exposure conditions (northern and southern). The air is distributed through insulated metal ducts, venting outdoors through adjustable double deflection grille vents with flow regulators selected for their low venting speed and low noise level. Air is extracted by means of adjustable circular intakes in restrooms and flowregulated extraction grilles in rooms and hallways, leading through ducts to the extractor fan. Temperature control is performed on a façade-by-façade basis, with a temperature sensor and controllers that command the actuation of the three-way valves installed in the HVAC units’ batteries. • Central Zone Examination Offices, Third to Sixth Floors The system enables the temperature to be controlled in each of the individual offices to be treated, by means of a combined system of constant air flow on the façades and variable air flow elsewhere, with individual regulators and temperature sensor 249 control in the environments to be treated. • Radiology Zone The constant flow system blows air in the façade zone to combat the heat load transmitted inward from the outdoor ambient temperature. The temperature of the blown air varies with the variations in the outdoor ambient temperature. Given the special characteristics of the premises to be treated and the equipment located on those premises, what was installed was air treatment units customized for each set of premises, four-pipe fan-coils of the correct power rating for each room, with ventilation air supplied by a unit with a centrifugal fan and distributed through galvanized metal ducts provided with manually operated butterfly flow regulators for each set of equipment. The variable flow system blows air at a constant temperature. The variable flow regulator allows the necessary volume of air to pass into each room or area according to the thermal load conditions of consumption, to achieve the set temperature established at each environmental sensor. The air is blown in the constant flow system by linear diffusers with a galvanized sheet metal plenum with a mouth for flexible connection, while in the variable flow system rotating diffusers are used to achieve a high level of blown/ ambient air induction. For the restrooms, there is a shared air extraction facility from the third floor to the sixth floor. The extraction unit is situated on the roof level on the seventh floor. Air is extracted through adjustable circular exhaust intakes, and through galvanized metal ducts it is blown outside thanks to a ventilation unit with a centrifugal fan that is treated to be mounted facing the outdoors. • Examination Modules - Enlargement, Ground to Third Floors In this zone, a facility similar to those described above has been installed for each vertical module, with a variable flow system provided with a regulator for each examination room and a constant flow perimeter system that incorporates an independent constant flow HVAC unit for each vertical module. The lobby zone has been divided under the same criteria as the previous modules, and it is climate-conditioned by three constant flow HVAC units with a return fan and free-cooling capability to take advantage of the energy from the outside air. Outside air is blown into this zone by means of galvanized metal ducts, through high-induction rotating diffusers, as in the cases described previously. Air return is handled through the dropped ceiling. The return air enters through a slot of the appropriate dimensions situated on the perimeter of the glassed-in zone along the length of each storey. The fan-coil units are equipped with an air filter, heating and cooling batteries and a low-noise fan, with air blown in by means of rotating diffusers and returned through flow-regulating grilles. • Operating Theatres Customized air treatment units are installed, which blow the air through galvanized metal ducts and vent the air outside through rotating diffusers with built-in high-efficiency (99.99%) filters. For customized temperature control, heating batteries are installed with a threeway valve controlled by an environmental sensor and a regulator. In the air intake and return circuits, high-precision air flow control valves are installed for accurately controlling overpressurization and air flow from the clean zones to the dirty zones, hallways, etc. • Car Parks in Basements -1 to -3 For the parking zone, forced ventilation systems are installed with centrifugal fans capable of withstanding 400 °C for two hours. Air is extracted through galvanized metal ducts with flow-regulating extraction grilles. The fans can be started up by the CO detection station, which receives the signals from the CO detectors placed regularly at the proportion of at least one detector for every 300 square metres. • Water Circuits Cold and hot water to supply the air treatment units is drawn from the existing heating and chilling plants. The results of the attempt to balance the chilling and heating power of the existing facilities and the new facilities showed that it was necessary to install two new condensation chiller sets with the corresponding cooling towers and the corre- 250 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS sponding pumps for cold and condensation water, which are connected to the existing cold water system. It was also necessary to incorporate a new gas-burning furnace into the existing hot water system, to supplement the furnace already in operation. The new cold and hot water distribution system runs through the service tunnel to the secondary pump rooms situated in basements -1 and -2. The secondary pumps impel the necessary hot and cold water up the hot and cold risers to the air treatment units located in the installed systems rooms. • Compliance with Regulations and Standards In the systems where it is necessary to use nothing but outside air, heat exchangers have been installed. And in the units where return air is possible, free-cooling systems have been installed to take advantage of the energy of the outside air. The cold water production units have at least ten fractionation stages. The hot water furnace is equipped with a continuously adjusted modulating natural gas burner that is regulated to stay in step with the system’s demand. In the ductwork, fire shutters have been fitted or fireproof coating has been applied wherever a duct crosses fire sectors. • Control A direct digital control system is installed. Digital control is centralized at a station in the Control Room, and from there the different temperatures and the operation and status of all the main components of the installed HVAC systems are controlled. Pneumatic transport. Samples and documents Twenty-four receiving and sending points have been prepared, at each of which an automatic station has been installed with pushbutton command and control devices and digital readouts. The pneumatic transport system begins in basement -2, where the motor, the command station and the two-line transfer station are located. The entire command, manoeuvring and control system operates at 24 V DC. Each line operates independently, although they are connected to one another through the transfer station, which sends the capsule along as soon as the line to its final destination is free. Stations are joined by PVC pipe 11 centimetres in diameter, which runs through the dropped ceilings. Curves have a minimum radius of 80 centimetres. Pipe sections are joined by glued sleeves. Changes between branches of the transport network are made automatically by means of one-input/three-output bifurcations controlled by the central computer. These bifurcations are also installed in the dropped ceilings, with removable inspection panels. The device carried by the system is a capsule with a threadless revolving lid, a diameter of 85 millimetres and a useful length of 237 millimetres. It is fitted with a bag with compartments for sending analysis tubes, urine tubes, etc. Transport speed inside the pipeline is eight metres/second for blood and samples, with the option of changing to three metres/second (slow run) by operating the flow control valve. Initial acceleration is gradual, by the action of a three-way valve near the pressure pump. Deceleration at capsule arrival is effected thanks to an air cushion created by the aforesaid three-way valve and an aircompressing module that works by opening and closing check valves. Capsule passage is monitored throughout the entire trajectory by photoelectric eyes that transmit signals to the computer, for correct receipt at the capsule’s destination. The receiving and sending stations are automatic. When a user wishes to send a capsule from one station to any other station, the user calls up the destination service on the front-mounted keyboard. The destination service appears on the screen, and the transport capsule is placed in the loading store inside the station, where it is protected from manipulation by a safety lock. If the circuit is available, the capsule enters the main pipeline and immediately begins to travel. Arrival at the destination station is at a controlled speed, as is the final deceleration, and the capsule falls into a pick-up basket. The sending source is reflected on screen. Even when there is a capsule in circula- tion, shipment requests may be put in from any station. The requested capsule remains in the waiting chamber until the computer program shows that the circuit is available. Samples are sent in bags with special flaps, which fit inside the capsule and have holes for holding plugged test tubes and small vials, keeping them safe from any vibration or internal movement during transport. When the destination number is called, the screen and the acoustic indicator show in an instant if that destination can be reached or, if not, why: station in operation, station out of order, station down, etc. The number that is called is included on a list of telephone numbers, which enables the user to ensure that the correct department number has been called. The screen moreover indicates the source of the last shipment. This proves highly practical in cases where a wrong number is dialled, since it allows the shipment to be returned to its station of origin. The system permits users to program reception and sending priorities, the “follow me” function and fixed programming for sending and/or receiving at slow speed. Automatic fire detection The fire detection facility is made up of rate-of-rise (temperature gradient), ionization and optical analogue sensors connected to two stations. The optical detectors are placed in the vast majority of areas, leaving the ionization detectors for the spots where people are not usually present (such as machine rooms) and the rate-of-rise detectors for the kitchens. Optical indicators are installed outside rooms to enable any kindling fires to be located quickly. In general, when the first alarm sounds, a local warning (light and sound) is given. The guard or person in charge has a certain time available in which to verify the origin of the alarm. After that time, if the station has not been reset, a general alarm is set off, in which instructions are given orally or automatically over a PA system. TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Son Llàtzer General Hospital, Palma de Mallorca Background This hospital, inaugurated in December 2001, is situated on the road that connects Palma de Mallorca with Manacor. Its design is conceptually functional, advocating a model of innovative healthcare. In a management framework that is increasing looking toward the foundation as an operating formula, this hospital, which is meant to provide healthcare for 225,000 inhabitants of the eastern zone of Palma de Mallorca, signifies an improvement in both the quality and the quantity of specialized healthcare in the Balearic Islands. As other Spanish hospitals have already done, this new health facility takes a step further into what has been termed “the management autonomy” of public centres. The Son Llàtzer Hospital Foundation was created, and on its board of trustees are the Directorate-General of the National Health Institute, the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands and the Palma de Mallorca City Council, which will take charge of managing the hospital. With this formula, the public nature of the facility is fully maintained, thus preserving the principles of universality, fairness and solidarity that the national health system is bound to uphold and using new management tools to face the demands for efficiency and societal profitability in public resources. The hospital bases its management model on a threefold commitment: autonomy of management within the framework of the Balearic Island Health Service, with the involvement of head clinicians in management functions; orientation toward quickly handled activities that involve no hospitalization; and comprehensive computerization of all clinical and management processes. Description of the building The building is moulded to the configuration of the terrain where it stands. It is structured into three large blocks housing three differentiated health areas connected to one another through two hallways between them. Its facilities and the lists of services it offers have been designed to the particular specifications of a general hospital for the acutely ill. The first of the blocks, the Healthcare Block, situated on the western side, fundamentally holds the Emergency Department and the Outpatient Clinic. Parallel to that block, to the east, stretches a semipublic outdoor corridor or hallway that connects the Healthcare Block to a central complex of buildings set around courtyards and devoted to the diagnostic and medical/surgical treatment areas. Adjacent to this infrastructure lies the indoor hallway, a restricted-access corridor that provides the connection to the last hospital infrastructure complex, which consists of two differentiated blocks devoted to the hospitalization wards. According the structure just described, the building’s design allows enlargement if its future growth should so demand. Under this functional conception, the hospital (which is Palma de Mallorca’s second general hospital) has two access points: two separate entrances located opposite one another. The objective of this layout is to prevent the people who go to the hospital for healthcare from mingling with the people who go to visit hospitalized patients. This makes for greater efficiency and speed in the services the hospital renders. Moreover, there is an internal service drive in the middle, designed to facilitate delivery of all those materials the hospital requires to operate. The main power generation and distribution rooms are located at that point as well. Equipment One of the objectives taken into account right from the design stage was to furnish the hospital with all the latest technology to enable comprehensive management of the hospital’s internal systems. Accordingly, the health centre is equipped with a room from which all the information from the different systems’ sensors and equipment is centrally controlled, so that all systems, from temperature to fire protection systems, lifts, lights, etc., in each sector of the building can be controlled from that one station. To ensure the electricity supply to the complex, two autonomous generator sets (1,100 and 1,300 kVA) are installed. Moreover the hospital has two transformer substations furnished with seven 251 1,250-kVA transformers. The HVAC requirements are dealt with by three 1,869-kW oil-burning furnaces to produce hot water and four 1,020kW chillers to produce cold water, which is distributed by 100 air treatment units distributed by floors. For water treatment, a 324-cubic-metre initial cistern has been provided to hold untreated water, and two 486-cubicmetre cisterns have been provided for treated water. Water is collected by means of separate systems and delivered to the city water system. The drinkingwater system provides specific treatments against legionella, aspergillus and pipe corrosion. As regards elevation and transport resources, the hospital boasts 24 passenger lifts, two service lifts for samples and two escalators. A pneumatic transport system has also been installed to pick up samples, rubbish and dirty clothes. An overall voice and data system has been set up to enable data sharing and access to the hospital’s computer system; this enables patient data and records to be checked from anywhere in the building. In terms of complements and hospital capacity, Son Llàtzer General Hospital has a total of 564 beds and 13 operating theatres, plus radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and angiography units, among other medical and surgical facilities. Within the hospital accommodations, the ICU has space for 16 patients in open compartments and four patients in isolation. A dialysis treatment unit has also been installed, with the capacity to accommodate 28 patients simultaneously. The hospital has approximately 1,000 parking spaces above ground and 300 in the basement. As a supplementary measure, trees have been planted between the spaces for cars in the above-ground car parks, with a precast concrete circle to protect each specimen. An artificial barrier of landscaped earth has been included in the treatment of the lot. Aspects of construction Structure On a 160,510-square-metre lot, the hospital has an above-ground floor area of 75,018 square metres, in addition to a 252 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS 15,804-square-metre basement devoted to parking and supplementary storage. Most of the building has four storeys above the ground storey, although it rises to five storeys in the hospitalization wards and in the parking zone mentioned previously. The foundation was built using an 80-centimetre-thick, 14,957-squaremetre solid slab of reinforced concrete, with another slab, 70 centimetres thick and occupying 7,637 square metres, placed in conjunction with the first to form a terrace. Seven thousand, six hundred cubic metres of concrete were poured to form retaining walls. The columns and floor structures were made of reinforced concrete, and 94,760 square metres of two-way concrete joists with an edge of 30+5 centimetres were cast using removable waffle pans. There are 22,817 square metres of flat inverted roof not suitable for deck use and 2,068 square metres of roof garden. Interiors For interior flooring, terrazzo tiles are mainly used, although there are certain zones laid with conductive flexible floorings, white Carrara marble (6,500 square metres in public entranceways) or woodsupported oak floorboards (in the auditorium). For the interior partitions, drywall on a metal structure is used almost exclusively, and the same material is also used to make the continuous false ceilings. The dropped ceilings contain removable plaster tiles, and other dropped ceilings have been installed with metal slats. In the teaching area a dropped ceiling is used also, with acoustically absorbent wood veneer tiles. Exteriors Lacquered aluminium is installed around exterior windows and doors, with double glazing using a sheet of green coolite glass on the outer side. The windows of the hospitalization units, a total of 1,812 square metres, are structural glazing(14). The façades are practically entirely covered with ventilated cladding made of a calcareous stone from the Levante area known as fossil yellow. A cladding thickness of three centimetres is generally used, but four-centimetre cladding was applied in 14 This consists in eliminating the infill-holding element (usually an aluminium profile) from the outside of the façade to avoid creating lines, thus creating an all-glass surface the higher areas of the building and on the corners, to strengthen wind resistance. The modulation standard for the stone is 40 x 80 centimetres, although the standard has been adjusted façade by façade to yield an equal number of stones in the different panels by adjusting the measurements slightly. The vertical seam is interlaced. Between the stone and the wall a four-centimetre-thick air pocket is formed that substantially improves the heat insulation and moisture resistance conditions, considerably improving the comfort level of the rooms near the façade. The stones are held to the façade by 140-millimetre-long, 30-millimetre wide, two-millimetre-thick stainless steel strips. These strips have an opening at one end for better adherence when embedded in the wall, and at the other end they have a drill hole to accommodate a rod made of the same material, which is the element that really holds the centre of the stone in place. Each stone is grasped by two anchors along the bottom and another two along the top, shared by the adjacent stones. There are more than 19,000 square metres of cladding-covered area. To clean and maintain the façades, there are five rooftop-mounted platforms with travelling rails and direction-changing capability. Technological aspects “Paper-free” hospital Son Llàtzer is a pioneer in the generation and use of hospital information systems based on the most advanced technologies, thanks to intensive automation right from the hospital’s origin in 2001. Automation is extended to all the hospital’s processes, from the most basic system for managing patients, clinical histories and departmental applications to administrative applications, economic management and human resources. The hospital’s Information Technology Unit has the primary mission of providing and maintaining the necessary technological tools for the rest of the hospital’s clinical and administrative units, so that they can carry out their own tasks more quickly, efficiently and tidily. The unit is oriented toward internal users belonging to the hospital and their stated needs, yet it always keeps the big picture uppermost, where the real end user is the patient. For this purpose, a data centre was intro- duced as a tool for handling the clinical and management information, with a view to optimizing all the hospital processes at Son Llàtzer. In technological terms, the hospital is committed to seeking these fundamental objectives: • To improve flows and healthcare processes in which technology furnishes added value • Fully to implement access to a patient’s clinical information at any time from anywhere in the hospital • To guarantee fast, automated communication between departments • To establish a single appointment desk with the philosophy of the “one-stop window” for the patient All the objectives are aimed at better intrahospital communication, which implies better patient service. The computerization project is focussed not on acquiring technology for technology’s sake, but on evaluating the advantages that computerizing processes can offer and, if worthwhile, seizing those advantages. So, the objectives of the Information Technology Unit are always aligned with the hospital’s strategic objectives. The hospital information system is the foundation on which all the information generated in the hospital rests. The method that has been introduced allows all written documents, requests for medical tests, result reception and images (digital X-rays, endoscopy images, digital electrocardiograms) to be managed through the computer system and released into an electronic clinical history (ECH). This project has made Son Llàtzer Hospital one of Europe’s most innovative health centres. Thanks to this tool, all the documentation and information generated about a patient is fully digitalized: nursing data (temperatures, the patient’s vital signs, comments on the patient’s development while hospitalized, nutrition), information about tests, diagnoses, request systems, laboratory results, appointments, prescriptions, etc. One of the most outstanding parts of the ECH is digital imaging. Instead of using traditional X-ray film, Son Llàtzer has an X-ray image-filing system that instantaneously attaches images to the clinical history of the patient at issue in the report. So, the X-rays can be displayed on TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS any computer in the system. Use of this computer tool is a complete revolution with respect to work in a traditional hospital, where health staff use basically paper and the classic established pathways. At Son Llàtzer, there are no plastic X-rays to clasp under an arm, no laboratory print-outs, no printed endoscopy images, none of the traditional EKG strips. At present 95% of the hospital’s processes are conducted through computer tools without the need to use a single scrap of paper. Wireless (wi-fi) network and mobile devices In March 2002 the centre’s own medical personnel suggested to the chiefs of the technological area at Son Llàtzer that all the information from the ECH be moved to mobile devices. That would make mobility even greater: Staff could consult the ECH anywhere at any time. It was the medical staff’s own demand. They regarded such a step as basic for improving their work and not losing touch with their natural working environment, which is in the midst of patients and the rest of the health personnel. With the requested mobile terminals, any medical data entered inside the hospital, such as a change in a prescription, would be available to any professional in real time. This would bring the information closer to the medical staff and would also bring the medical staff closer to their patients. To cope with this request, the technological chiefs designed a mobility project that consisted in issuing the physicians with PDAs(15) and issuing the nursing staff with tablet PCs(16). Moreover, a wireless network was to be deployed with Wi-Fi (wireless network) technology to enable these apparatuses to go on line. This would allow staff to consult each patient’s ECH anywhere at any time. At the present time, the hospital has a total of 16 tablet PCs, which are used by the members of the nursing staff every time they accompany a physician on patient rounds. On the touchscreens of these digital notebooks, nurses take note of all the information dictated by the physician (prescription changes, test requests, nutrition). At the same time, they can facilitate all the information the physician asks for 15 Personal digital assistant 16 Computer halfway between a laptop and a PDA, with a touchscreen that can be written on from the patient’s clinical history. At Son Llàtzer, everything is computerized; there are computer applications for each of the tasks and procedures involved in all the functions of the health staff. Access to clinical information from anywhere means communications between different areas of the hospital are speedy and automated, which makes it possible, for example, to share test results or check the results of an analysis. The main benefit of computerization here is better patient service. The integrated network enables patients’ daily routine to be transmitted throughout the network, enables several doctors to hold parallel consultations, enables X-ray and endoscopy images to be transported, enables tests to be requested and enables controlled access by Internet to the development of all cases. Reports are signed electronically. The advantages of this entire system result in greater speed of information transmission, greater data security, process automation, a considerable improvement in physicians’ knowledge of request status and intra-hospital use of images. All these elements, plus the guarantee of secure patient data protection, make Son Llàtzer a standard setter in the development of the ECH. Hospital patients and users can hook up to the Wi-Fi network through their laptop computers, mobile telephones or PDAs completely free of charge. The public Internet access system was introduced gradually, first in the ward specializing in cancer treatment and long-term patients, and afterwards it was extended to the rest of the units, including the lobby and cafeterias. Previously, patients could go on the Internet from their hospital rooms (subject to authorization). The hospital also has a new communication service made up of six information panels, which furnish centre users constantly with up-to-the-minute Outpatient Clinic information. Propagation of the system outside the hospital This technology is not just the hospital’s tool alone; it is also intended to be made available to all centres that can take advantage of the instrument’s progress. With the next step in its technological evolution, Son Llàtzer made it possible to send information about its patients electronically to the primary health centres 253 with which it is partnered. This includes the results of tests such as electrocardiograms and scanner images. All these technologies allow doctors and nurses to spend more time with their patient, who receives a higher quality of health care, while hospital administration time is saved. As mentioned previously, almost all processes are performed paper-free on PCs, PDAs and tablet PCs over a wireless internal network, with the possibility of text messaging external patients, doctors at the health centres in partner neighbourhoods and emergency ambulance units. Thanks to the network, long-distance travel is avoided. Also, patients can see part of their own records over the Internet or by mobile telephone. Welcome to “E-hospitalization” Through the wireless network, the hospital’s medical team can gain access to all the clinical patient information the computer system holds. In December 2005 this way of getting the most out of Son Llàtzer’s technological platform was transferred to at-home hospitalization, utilizing the principles of mobility beyond the borders of the building by means of the application of 3G technologies(17) and complementary security solutions. The unit of professionals that initially participated in this program comprised specialists in internal medicine, nurses, social workers and administrative personnel. When medical staff make house calls with their tablet PCs, they can connect to the hospital network through a VPN(18) IPSec(19) basic Internet connection, which permits the VPN connection to be controlled directly and allows the type of desired authentication to be defined. With this arrangement, the working protocol clinical staff use in the home environment has been made more agile. Tasks do not have to be done twice, and there are no gaps in the information obtained. Staff can also give prescriptions and place orders on line. 17 Third-generation mobile telephony, with the possibility of transferring voice, data and non-voice data (downloading programs, e-mail and instant messaging) 18 Virtual private network 19 Internet protocol security 254 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Some special departments Surgery area The hospital has operating theatres equipped with the most modern technical facilities (full computerization, completely automated tables, highly effective lighting technology, latest-generation electric scalpels, classic instruments and laparoscopy instruments of tested quality, highly reliable anaesthesia equipment), with special attention paid to active and passive safety. The laparoscopic technology provides high resolution with the possibility of capturing images for the computer system to save. The surgery area has a YAG laser, an argon green laser, an argon red laser, a posterior vitrectomy suction cutter with an endophotocoagulation feature, digital angiography, corneal topography, an ultrasonic scalpel, a system for sealing blood vessels and tissues, a choledocoscope, a sentinel node detection system, surgical ultrasound equipment, etc. Musculoskeletal system The Musculoskeletal System Area takes care of preventing and treating (through the application of medical or surgical treatment) lesions and pathologies related with the bones, joints and muscles involved in movement. computerized management of its digital image file through the RIS/PACS (Radiology Information System/Picture Archiving and Communication System), which are integrated with one another and at the same time with the ECH. Requests come in via computer to the RIS and are then sent to and archived at workstations so the radiology specialists can prepare the requested reports. Hospital physicians as well as the primary health physicians whose centres are connected to the network can consult the radiology images and patient reports. There are ten workstations (nine of which have twin monitors) featuring maximum resolution for the greatest possible reliability. The “star” of the Radiology Department is a latest-generation apparatus, a 64-slice multidetector CT scanner that allows high-resolution studies to be performed very quickly. The CT scanner is a non-invasive method of diagnosis that uses ionizing radiation (X-rays), although study protocols are set to give patients the minimum dosage of radiation. Radiology specialists and the hospital’s specialized technicians ensure that the apparatus is used correctly, to avoid unnecessary testing and radiation. Traditionally, the study and treatment of such complaints used to be divided among the different departments taking care of medical treatment (the Rheumatology Department) or surgical treatment (the Traumatology Department and the Orthopaedic Surgery Department), with Rehabilitation as a separate department. In this hospital, these services have been integrated into a single functional area, so the study of a patient with musculoskeletal impairment is more fluid. The fact that the professionals share their knowledge in daily clinical meetings of the three departments also bolsters the advantages. When a scan is performed, the patient is placed inside an apparatus (The experience is not claustrophobic) which has a tube that spins at great speed with multiple detectors around its circumference. The table on which the patient lies moves gradually forward while radiation is applied. Relationships with the family physicians who belong to the primary health system in the zone the hospital covers are also regarded as highly important. Therefore update courses and programmes are run, visits to health centres are encouraged and action protocols are mapped out. All these activities are coordinated with the primary health centres. This apparatus, which began to be used at Son Llàtzer in the summer of 2008, helps in the diagnosis of patients with all kinds of pathologies, primarily coronary, neurological, vascular or digestive pathologies. Radiology The Radiology Department is equipped with the most modern technology and has This system of diagnosis has been used since the early 80s to study all parts of the body, but the method’s technological revolution came about with 64-slice CT scanners, which enable diseases to be diagnosed in a very early phase. Where surgery is called for, a CT study offers so much information that, with the reconstructed image on hand, the operation can be carried out with a highly precise knowledge of the location and dimensions of the pathology. This CT scanner has a very high negative prediction value for coronary diseases, which means that it almost never gives false negatives: When the diagnosis concludes that there is no lesion, this assertion is true in 95% of all cases. For some subjects, studies made with this CT scanner require close cooperation with physicians from different specializations. For that reason, there is a working group in which radiologists and cardiologists participate to analyze cases and decide, for example, what patients with atypical chest pain ought to be subjected to catheterization, or whether the 64-slice CT scanner ought to be used as the first option to study patients. Use of this technology is also quite advantageous for unstable patients, generally from the Emergency Department and the ICU, because they spend less time in the room than when tests are performed with a conventional CT scanner. In addition, a 64-slice study is a full-body affair, rendering it unnecessary to X-ray patients piecemeal. So, with a single test, the location of serious lesions can quickly be ascertained. Blood donation This is a service aimed at hospital staff and the relatives and friends of patients who are due to receive a blood transfusion, who are the people most aware about donation –health professionals, because they suffer scarcity of blood reserves daily, and a patient’s loved ones, precisely because they love the patient. To provide enough blood for the hospitals of the Balearic Islands and cover the blood reserves needed for surgery, cancer treatments, accidents and other daily hospital emergencies, more than 150 blood donations are needed each day. As a curiosity, the hospital has an autotransfusion programme for all patients who have to go through surgery and may need blood. Autotransfusion consists in drawing blood from the patient him- or herself a few days before the operation, so the patient’s own blood can be administered to the patient when needed. Palmaplanas Clinic, Palma de Mallorca Background The territory of the Balearic Islands is of high strategic interest due to its welldeveloped tourist industry and its attrac- TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS tive health market. It is the leading health market in Spain, a market where private industry holds a share of over 20%, when the Spanish average is 15%. Furthermore, it is one of the highest percapita income territories of the country, with a population growth rate of 16% as opposed to the Spanish average of 6.2% (between 1999 and 2003). The Balearic Islands welcome ten million tourists a year, and to that figure must be added the sizeable collective of retirees who make their main home or second home in the area (some 62,000 foreign residents). Palmaplanas Clinic has behind it more than 80 years’ history. The first Planas Clinic, founded by a prestigious family of doctors who gave it its name, was opened in November 1927 to an activity that only grew as the years went by. Soon the clinic outgrew its quarters, and a second clinic was opened in 1936. The third, named “The New Planas Clinic”, appeared in 1967. The fourth, the Palmaplanas Clinic, was opened on 1 October 2003. As the facilities are privately owned, both centres could not be kept open and in operation at the same time, so the owners were forced to concentrate the move into a few hours of a single day. A great moving operation was carried out, with an ambulance programme that had to function without the slightest hitch. The first patient moved was the only hospitalized patient in the ICU that day. He was followed by the other 33 hospitalized patients, all in ambulances. A total of seven medical vehicles were mobilized, in each of which there rode a member of the medical staff. This latest clinic, which is managed under a concession, incorporates departments that its predecessors did not, such as the Nuclear Medicine Department and the Rehabilitation Department, experiencing a 34.3% increase in 2005. The clinic has 167 rooms: 150 single rooms, 10 double rooms, five suites and two grand suites. Each floor has two nurses’ desks that monitor the condition of each patient and a spacious waiting room for relatives and friends. It also possesses eight operating theatres plus a C-section operating theatre, four delivery rooms and an ICU with ten individual compartments. It is outfitted with a large emergency area, another area of 7,200 square metres for the Outpatient Clinic with 28 doctors’ offices, and an advanced image diagnostics area with a Nuclear Medicine Department, in addition to a laboratory, an endoscopy unit and a full list of medical and surgical services and specializations. To give an idea of the extent to which this clinic sets the pace in high-level healthcare, suffice it to say that in May 2007 4,000 surgeons from all over the world hooked up to the clinic as one of the activities of a medical conference held in the United Kingdom, to observe and comment on an operation performed in one of the Palmaplanas Clinic’s smart operating rooms. General description Conceptual vision In the design of the architectural outline of the building, it was found that the majority of the hospital areas (such as operating theatres, the Emergency Department, hospital wards, laboratories, the Outpatient Clinic, administration offices, the pharmacy, kitchens, supply rooms, the laundry, waste facilities, staff rooms, installed systems) followed highly interdependent structures of operation, such that it would be necessary to intermesh them all as much as possible in the minimum space. Achieving this would facilitate the efficacy and speed of activities while reducing their costs. Furthermore, of all the areas mentioned, only the hospital wards would require a centralized architectural outline, since their units (which were to be the most numerous units in the building) would be the scene of activities that would require similar types of care. It was therefore considered that this area, which occupies the three top floors, would require a cross-shaped distribution, the cross being formed by the hallways lined with rooms. For one thing, such a layout would give a long visual distance from each window with respect to the building itself, and for another thing the distances for gaining access to the units from the centre of the cross, where the nurses’ desks and stair/ lift clusters were to be installed, would be reasonable. The value pinned on the building’s functional aspect and economic rationality (as is only to be expected in a private initiative) did not restrict the attention paid to other, less specific aspects, such as natural ventilation and light for almost all rooms and overhead light in most of the hallways linking the different areas of the ground floor. 255 This has been achieved by finding empty spaces among the building’s component parts, in the obvious places on the upper floors as well as in spots of the quadrants of the ground floor. This focus on natural light, which is a good feature for any building but is especially calming in a clinic, is clearly accentuated at the main entrance, where natural light is made into the decreasing protagonist for the full height of the space. Physical location The clinic has a total floor area of 31,648 square metres (with an additional 4,000 square metres of reserve construction capacity), broken down into a basement, a ground floor and three hospitalization ward floors. The project also included a 2,100-square-metre service building and 41,388 square metres of lot development work. The building forms part of a larger health complex (87,000 square metres in all), together with two office buildings and a geriatric care centre, plus an aboveground car park designed to accommodate a vehicle influx of the volume that a pole of attraction of this type can create. Its accessibility is excellent. All the most sensitive areas –the main entrance, the Emergency Department, the Outpatient Clinic and the outpatient hospital services– can be reached from the clinic’s own 750-space car park. The clinic stands out for its environmental friendliness, as it consumes a minimum amount of energy and features wellcared-for green zones, and it stands out too for the high level of comfort achieved on the basis of natural light, low sound levels and warm materials. These points are significant, because a patient’s mood is of vital importance in his or her recovery. The clinic’s location is as important as the clinic’s environment. The entire design and construction of the building were studied in minute detail: the accesses, the entrances, the traffic and even the panoramic views. The clinic is strategically sited off the side of a main road (the urban motorway encircling Palma) between two major exits to the city, with direct exits from the motorway and from the Valldemossa road; this is very close to the Manacor road (the most heavily travelled road on the island) and in a very important area of urban growth. The location, between the two most 256 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS important industrial parks in Palma, about 12 kilometres from Son Sant Joan International Airport and about eight kilometres from the commercial port, means good supply routes for construction materials when they were needed, and now for hospital consumables. Distribution by floors Basement The basement has an area of 10,486 square metres. In it are located a good portion of the general services and clinic maintenance services. It holds transformer rooms, emergency generator sets, vacuum compressor pumps, HVAC facilities and pressure pumps. It also houses the clinic kitchens and computer rooms, as well as a 75-space indoor car park. Likewise, it encloses a zone of the Outpatient Clinic, a zone of the Nuclear Medicine Department, a zone of the Rehabilitation Department and, lastly, a special zone to be used by a risk prevention company as offices and training rooms. Furthermore, there is still space scheduled for future enlargements of the operating theatres and other possible services. The garage is a dual-use zone: It is used as a vehicle-parking facility, and it also houses the installed systems of this zone (exhaust, HVAC, etc.) and pipes and services running to adjacent zones. The vehicle doors are motorized, with remote control opening and a chain drive. This motorization system is recommended for large doors or doors with highly demanding open/close cycles. Service Rooms The plumbing pump room is found in the basement. All components related with water in the clinic are centralized in this room: the osmosis unit, the decalcifier, the impeller pumps (for drinking water and irrigation water), the fire pump set and the hot water accumulator tanks (four tanks holding 5,000 litres apiece). This room has been built to be lower than the rest of the basement. It is adjacent to the clinic’s existing cisterns: a hard water cistern, a decalcified water cistern, a fire protection water cistern and an irrigation cistern. Other rooms include those holding the vacuum pumps and medicinal gases. The emergency supplies of the main gases are concentrated there, with their manifolds and cylinders. Outside the clinic stands the medicinal gas shed, which contains the main tanks of these fluids. There is also a series of sections scattered about the entire basement belonging to the building HVAC system. Most of the HVAC units are clustered there (the units for the Outpatient Clinic, operating theatres and a good part of the ground floor), although there is other equipment located on the service floor. The HVAC units for the hospitalization floors, however, are housed on the roof. The emergency generator set room and the main control panel room are also to be found in the basement. The emergency set has the capacity to generate 1,450 kVA, enough to power all the sensitive zones of the clinic (operating theatres, ICU, He compressor for the NMR machine, etc.) and a good part of the rest of the power needs (part of the lighting, electrical outlets, etc.). It goes into operation in less than eight seconds, so it has built-in heaters to enable it to start up immediately. Ground floor There are 11,909 square metres of floor space on the ground floor, where most of the common rooms necessary to provide public service are to be found: the cafeteria, the Radiology Department, the ICU, the Emergency Department, operating theatres, laboratories, administration, etc. The ground floor bears the shape of a Latin cross whose sides are joined by squares with special uses (the Surgery Block, the laboratories, the Outpatient Clinic and the entrance). This floor contains almost all the things that make the building unique: the main entrance, built with a semi-pyramidal glass roof borne up by a structure combining metal beams and concrete columns; the skylights in the ward hallways; the emergency exits, made of aluminium frames and glass or with red Alucobond(20) panels and glass windows with structural silicone glazing. All these features endow the building with a great deal of natural light and a character of its own. One characteristic of the cafeterias (like most of the rooms in the building) is the 20 Two sheets of aluminium with a central core of polyethylene in between, which combines lightness with high breaking strength, so it is very easy to handle; ideal for light ventilated outer walls great luminosity provided by the two wide glass window walls, in the public cafeteria as well as the clinic staff cafeteria. Main entrance and main lobby Half of the sloped roof lies on the outside of the building and is used as a porch and porte-cochere; the other half lies inside the building, forming part of the lobby. Access to this lobby is gained through two automatic doors that open onto a closed intermediate space (antechamber), a metal and glass cube from which another two automatic doors provide passage to the lobby. Once inside the lobby, the first thing that draws one’s attention is the pyramidal cupola stretching across the top of the lobby. This pyramid, measuring 4.5 by 4.5 metres at its base, is made of laminated glass with a chamber in the middle, held together just by silicone, without any frames; for safety reasons and due to the breadth of the thing, it was decided to install aluminium frames along the protruding edges. Also worth stressing in this zone are the corner trim that peeks into the lobby from the hospitalization wards, the granite staircase with their stainless steel and glass handrail, the cluster of lifts and, of course, the information desks. Outpatient clinic The Outpatient Clinic is formed of seven tablets separated by outdoor zones decorated with planters and joined by hallways with skylight roofs. This arrangement allows the hallways to offer natural overhead lighting and the offices to offer views, yet without wasting a great deal of space. In addition, the planter-lined hallways can be used as evacuation paths. Another characteristic of these zones is the use of aluminium frames and glass to separate one zone from another, and the use of round columns as a decorative element. The medical suites for the non-staff physicians whose services are used by the Psychology Department , Internal Medicine, Urology, etc., are located in this part of the clinic. There is a total of 67 suites, each equipped with a doctor’s office, an examination room and a washroom. And there is even space for another eight- to ten-suite enlargement in future. • Dentistry: This is made up of 17 compartments with dentist’s chairs, TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS waiting rooms and space for enlargement or for a dental laboratory. sions when that was possible thanks to the great size of the building. • Ophthalmology: This zone includes a LASIK(21) room, waiting rooms, examination rooms and doctor’s offices. The LASIK room is regarded almost as an operating room, so it is equipped with a technical panel, medical gas outlets (vacuum, medicinal air, nitrous oxide...), HVAC units with absolute filters, a presurgery area with surgical scrub sinks, etc. Job correlation hinged in the enlargement of several zones. For example, in the initial design, there was no outpatient clinic (on the ground floor or in the basement), yet an outpatient clinic was contracted later, when the rest of the work was already quite advanced. Hospitalization wards Hospitalization is divided into three storeys, each of which is made up of two wings and a central body. Each storey has a floor area of 3,084 square metres, so the total floor area of the hospitalization wards is 9,252 square metres. The general shape of the storeys is the same. There are some minor differences between the first and second storeys (which are identical) and the third, consisting in the existence of a neonatal cot zone, a number of double rooms and a number of suites on the third storey. On the first and second storeys, there are 55 rooms (apiece), plus a lobby and common areas (dirty, clean, storerooms, etc.). The central lobby of each floor contains the information desks and the lift cluster and provides access to the main stairway as well as the service, maintenance and common rooms (chair storeroom, janitorial zones, mattress storeroom, dirty, clean, doctor’s office, etc.). On the third storey, each of the sittingroom suites is actually two rooms that can be separated by sliding doors. The sliding doors and the systems installed in both rooms (headboards, etc.) make it possible to use these rooms as separate single rooms or as sitting-room suites. The neonatal cot zone was built as a roomy zone with separations formed by screens of aluminium, glass and phenolic board. Aspects of construction Works execution Works began in July 2001 and were completed in a record 26 months. The job schedule was traditionally structured in line with the main tasks, overlapping some jobs with others on the occa21 Laser eye surgery 257 with special conductive glues and connected to the operating theatre’s equipotential earthing system. 3) The PVC top flooring; this too had to be laid using conductive glues so that its contact with the copper mesh would have the low resistance dictated by regulations. Vinyl Wall Coverings When the terrain was cut, it presented good cohesion, so no timbering work was necessary. Due to the definition of the foundations (with different zones with footings of widely varying thicknesses and dimensions), the decision was made to excavate the entire clinic area right to the bottom, except for the area of the Outpatient Clinic, where advantage was taken of the consistency of the terrain, the standard thickness of the footings (60 centimetres) and the separation between footings to dig shafts and ditches for the footings and braces. A good part of the clinic’s walls were covered with a vinyl wall covering comprising an underlying layer of cotton coated with a vinyl layer printed with water-based dyes. This wall covering is durable, immune to bumps and scratches, washable, fireproof and bacteria resistant. The structure was built in a reticular distribution with concrete columns and caissons, and slabs joined by pins to create structural joints with the possibility of movement. The installation process was to screw or rivet strips of wood to the wall and adhere the finishing boards to the wooden strips with two-sided adhesive tape. Almost all the public zones of the clinic were finished in granite (main entrance, main lobby and Radiology Department lobby, ground-floor halls). Some materials used A clinic, as a building intended for special uses, calls for the use of materials that meet stringent demands. So, some materials have been employed that may be considered normal, because they are used in almost all building work (concrete, brick, mortar, etc.); and some special materials have been used, “special” in that either they are designed for extraordinary application in hospitals or they provide a most un-ordinary finish. Conductive Flooring The special characteristics of operating theatres, the high-tech zone and the ICU mandate the use of a special type of flooring that meets the electrical conductivity specifications set by codes. In the Palmaplanas Clinic, a conductive flooring was used that featured rolls of a vinyl material (two millimetres thick), built up in several layers: 1) An underlayer of terrazzo, to provide the required flatness and strength 2) Copper mesh adhered to the terrazzo Phenolic Board Zones that might be damaged by passing gurneys or other wheeled objects were clad with a material that stands out for its hardness: phenolic board. Mineral Resin A special material made of a matrix of resin and materials was used for the sinks (normal and scrub) and showers. This material is solid, with no pores or perceptible seams; thermoformable; resistant to most chemical products, heat and impact; approved for contact with foods; antibacterial; and requires no special care. It can be attacked only by strong concentrated acids (such as concentrated sulphuric acid), ketones, chlorinated solvents and paint-stripping products that are a mixture of strong solvents. One of the advantages of this material is its maintenance, as it is easy to care for. The only thing it needs for daily cleaning is soap and water or a cleaning solution containing ammonia. Also, scratches, burns and minor stains can be repaired easily with a scouring pad. Magnetic Shielding The NMR (nuclear magnetic resonancing) room had to be shielded against magnetic charges, that is, converted into a Faraday cage, by means of copper sheeting on all walls. In addition, no ferromagnetic material of any sort could be used inside the room. 258 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Barite Block Walls Operating Theatres To achieve the proper radiological protection in the zones where such protection is required (CT, NMR, RX, etc.), a special type of building block made of barite was used. Barite is a mineral with a high X-ray absorption capacity. Each operating theatre is equipped with a patient preparation room, a medical team preparation room, a storeroom and the operating theatre proper. The six-centimetre-thick barite facing wall has an X-ray attenuation factor (for X-rays at voltages of between 100 and 150 kV) equivalent to that of a 3.7-millimetre-thick lead sheet. This special brick is rabbetted on all four sides for building walls with mortar or glue, the traditional way, with all vertical and horizontal seams overlapping. Facing walls constructed with this kind of brick can later be plastered or rendered. The brick weighs about 170 kilograms per square metre and is in addition nonflammable. A single facing wall of this brick can form the walls of a radiological unit, without the need to line the walls later with lead sheeting and cover the whole assembly with drywall for an attractive finish. Additionally, the barite block wall’s acoustic insulation against airborne noise is good to 48 dBA(22), the same as is obtained with a 15-centimetre-thick wall of solid bricks. Some specializations Surgery block The Surgery Block has an area of 1,860 square metres and has room for: • Eight operating theatres for major surgery plus one for C-sections • Four delivery rooms • One operating theatre for same-day surgery • Two endoscopy rooms This was the most special zone of the clinic to build, as the cleanliness and sterilization specifications required in the Surgery Block made a different kind of construction necessary. Air filtration all throughout the surgical zone is provided by pre-filters (90% efficacy), intermediate filters (95% efficacy) and end absolute filters (99.99% efficacy), save in common zones where absolute filtration is not used. 22 Decibels with A-scale weighting: units of loudness adapted to the sensitivity of the human ear, because they are filtered, removing part of the low frequencies and the very high frequencies The medical team preparation room has a surgical scrub sink provided with radar taps, so team members can scrub their forearms without having to close the taps by hand. Behind this zone lies the operating theatre. The room is fitted out very specially: • Conductive Flooring (already explained) • Technical Panel (in operating theatres, delivery rooms and LASIK rooms): It must be possible to control the humidity, temperature and pressurization conditions of the operating room from a central point that also controls lighting and has built-in instruments such as an analogue clock, a chronometer, an X-ray film viewer, a hygrometer, a thermometer, a gas alarm, pushbuttons for perimeter lighting, voice and data jacks and an intercom unit • Lamps and Surgical Carts: These are special lamps and carts bearing all the implements necessary for C-sections or other operations; they feature gas outlets, control over the environmental conditions of the operating rooms, a computerized communication system with digital X-rays (TFT monitor), etc. • Doors: The doors to the operating theatre must be airtight enough to ensure that the room can be overpressurized; the doors are motorized, opened by an elbow, and can be manually opened • HVAC system: The humidity and temperature must be very strictly controlled, and the air must be changed at least 15 times per hour Sterilization The sterilization room is situated in the Surgery Block, and it is equipped with two steam sterilizers, one formaldehyde sterilizer and two ultrasonic washers. Dirty materials are brought in through one door and sterile materials are extracted from the other (which opens onto the clean zone). Resuscitation This room has eight stations, each outfitted with medicinal gases; it also possesses a control and cleaning zone (with a bedpan sterilizer). Delivery Rooms This zone, adjacent to the operating theatre zone, is made up of normal delivery rooms and one room for delivery by C-section, a control desk and cots and incubators. The delivery rooms are sterile zones, but they are less solicited than the operating theatres; the C-section room, for example, has a technical panel and conductive flooring, but it does not have individual preparation rooms. Intensive care unit General ICU The General ICU is divided into ten individual compartments and a central control section. The compartments are separated from one another by aluminium screens with glazed doors to enable monitoring and high-pressure laminate in the separations between compartments to afford a certain amount of privacy. Each compartment has its own toilet room. NICU (Newborns) In November 2004 a new unit was opened for the first time to cover an important gap in Balearic Island healthcare, for up until that time only one hospital had a newborn ICU. That facility was overcrowded, sometimes forcing sick babies to be moved to similar units on the mainland. This unit, part of the clinic’s Paediatrics Department, was created with the objective of rendering assistance in high-risk births, for newborns in general and for sick babies, in addition to providing intensive monitoring for high-risk newborns. Because it is so highly specialized, the NICU can care for newborns with serious pathologies, providing high-frequency ventilation (one air change every eight hours) for babies with less than 28 weeks’ gestation and weighing less than one kilogram, apart from offering services such as haemodialysis, haemofiltration and heart surgery. It has a range of infrastructure, the foremost features of which are the baby isolation facilities, medicinal gas outlets and the air change rate mentioned above. The NICU is equipped with five incubators, four cots and two radiant-warmed cots. The medical staff is specialized in paediatrics, and the nurses are experts in newborn care. The unit has a portable TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS basic radiology laboratory, newborn ultrasound facilities and a blood bank with preservation capability. As medical equipment, it also possesses a transport incubator, pulse oximeters, EKG (electrocardiogram) heart frequency monitors, respirators, intravenous infusion pumps, a crash trolley and intubation equipment. Emergency room and outpatient hospital services In an area of 786 square metres there is a total of seven general and six paediatric emergency compartments, fourteen outpatient hospital rooms, a plaster room and a suture room. The emergency compartments are equipped with medicinal gas and space for the physician to examine the patient (gurney), in addition to a zone for the physician’s use, with data facilities connected to the rest of the clinic. The outpatient hospital rooms all have headboard gas facilities and their own toilet rooms. Nearly all the outpatient hospital rooms and emergency compartments have natural light. The inner zones are left primarily for the service rooms (dirty, clean, maintenance and installed systems). The paediatric emergency zone has a waiting room designed especially to make children’s stay more pleasant. There is a play area with video games, slides and drawings. In addition, the physicians and nurses wear bright uniforms of different colours (Some children are terrified by the sight of a classic white-coated doctor, making a thorough, relaxed examination difficult). Other specializations Radiodiagnosis In addition to the regular functions available at all image diagnostics departments, this department specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of vascular, medullary and cerebral lesions and diseases of the lacrimal bone. Oncology This unit allows cancer patients to be seen immediately without having to travel to reach the different specialists they need, eliminating unnecessary delays and appointment systems or waiting lists at the different offices. The same also occurs during hospitalization, since the patient can be tracked simultaneously by different specialists without ever losing the advantage of a single integrated report of proceedings and a single integrated tracking process. Aesthetic Medicine This department’s usual activities have to do with elective plastic surgery. In most cases this involves non-surgical treatments and thus requires no anaesthesia. In addition, the department takes care of reconstructing deformities and correcting functional deficiencies by means of transforming the patient’s body; there the goal is for a person who was born with a congenital defect or who has suffered an accident involving loss of the function of a certain limb to attain normalcy in both limb appearance and limb function. The departments’ members cooperate closely with the rest of the departments to address their specific reconstructive needs, such as wound repair, oncological skin surgery, burn treatment, reparatory microsurgery and the reconstruction of diverse zones of the body. Customer Service for Foreign Patients The clinic has a specific department providing customer service for foreign patients. The department is manned by a team of people thoroughly experienced in hospital care for tourists, and they take care of such patients as soon as they enter the clinic, handling all the arrangements and translating between patients and clinic staff. This team is conceived as a nexus between the patient, the hotel and the patient’s travel agency. Alterations to and enlargement of Nuestra Señora de Candelaria Hospital, Tenerife Background Nuestra Señora de Candelaria Hospital (NSCH) is situated inside the municipal limits of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and it was opened in 1966. Together with the nearby Ofra Hospital (for long-term hospitalization) some 900 metres away, the two institutions make up what is known as the Nuestra Señora de Candelaria University Hospital (NSCUH), a level-three public hospital of general scope. 259 Well connected to Tenerife’s North and South Motorways, the hospital complex is oriented toward providing medical care for the southern zone of the island, and it is the lead hospital for the islands of La Gomera and El Hierro. In terms of specialized out-of-hospital care, however, it covers the entire island. In addition to the populations assigned to the hospital, each year 3.5 million foreign tourists rush to Tenerife. This means (on average) some 100,000 additional people on the island each day, not counting other tourists from the rest of Spain. The enlargement and alteration steering plan NSCH is a hospital complex whose component pavilions were built at different points in time and have felt the effects of continual transformations. The need to renovate the complex’s structure convinced the Spanish Health Institute back in 1986 to draft a Construction Steering Plan. However, the plan only addressed the wear and tear on the buildings without promoting the functional renovation the hospital needed in order to deal with twenty-first-century healthcare. After powers in health-related matters were transferred from the national authorities to regional authorities, the Canary Island Health Service decided that the Steering Plan ought to be thoroughly analyzed to determine whether it would enable the institution to implement all the tasks entrusted to it and, moreover, whether a future hospital could feasibly be constructed on top of the pre-existing structures. All throughout 1995 a multidisciplinary professional team studied the healthcare needs of the population residing in the geographical areas whose healthcare coverage was assigned to NSCH. On the basis of the estimate of those needs and the hospital’s other functions (teaching and research), a Functional Plan was drafted, which was approved in 1996. The old Steering Plan draft was unable to satisfy the needs thrown into stark relief by the new Functional Plan. The challenge was to find a design that could satisfy the healthcare requirements and at the same time be applied without interrupting hospital services or diminishing the hospital’s capabilities; plus, it had to reduce as much as possible the nega- 260 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS tive environmental impact on users and hospital staff. A number of basic objectives were accordingly set up, and achievement of those objectives guided the process of drafting the new Steering Plan. Said objectives were: • To concentrate activities into large areas devoted to the care of patients of similar needs, providing the hospitalization areas with greater privacy and making the areas of technical healthcare activity efficiently functional • To reduce unnecessary patient travel • To shorten the length of the healthcare cycle as much as possible • To boost efficiency through the physical structure of the building • To favour the work of multidisciplinary teams to improve the quality of the healthcare given, at the same time fostering teams’ professional development • To generate a comfortable framework for the interaction between hospital users and the professionals who attend them • To adjust the installed systems to guarantee safety, energy savings and environmental friendliness The new Steering Plan eliminated the way the hospital was initially conceived (based on pavilions organized by specializations), giving way to a structure that placed the priority on clustering similar activities in differentiated structures. Thus, NSCH (i.e., not including Ofra Hospital) surged from the 739 beds it used to have to 853 hospital beds, but a great deal of the growth focused on units that were seeking to mend shortcomings in specific areas: the ICU, affecting the patients in the most serious condition; single rooms for the selective isolation of infectious and/or immunosuppressed patients; and patients with acute psychiatric pathologies, thus covering a healthcare need not yet addressed by this hospital. NSCH also gained 138 beds devoted to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed on an outpatient basis. This makes it possible to care for a great number of patients without hospitalization. Some especially important action in outpatient services is being done in the field of same-day surgery, which enables the patients of nearly 4,000 operations a year to return home on the same day as their operation. tional images to be obtained. Fifty more rooms were opened for the Outpatient Clinic (there used to be 87) and for the application of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures by specialized clinicians. Because of this increase, organizational measures and the outpatient hospital services cited above, more and more patients can receive these forms of healthcare without being cut off from their normal environment. Conducting a full transformation such as the one described without interrupting the healthcare process necessarily meant a phase strategy had to be applied, to enable the necessary moves to be made so that the action in each sector of the hospital could be tackled gradually. Lastly, the central services were considerably increased in all areas, with the implementation of newly built units providing the following: • Two surgical areas for hospitalized patients and one for same-day surgery with 23 operating theatres, as opposed to the 16 formerly available • One Emergency Department with 28 emergency care compartments • One radiotherapy unit capable of applying brachytherapy and external radiation therapy techniques with three linear accelerators, and space set aside for another • One Image Diagnostics Department with 21 rooms (a notable increase in capacity), including areas for interventional vascular radiology with two rooms, and high-tech areas with two scanner units and one nuclear magnetic resonancing unit Phase strategy Altogether, the changes were to increase the hospital’s area to 120,188 square metres (51,303 square metres of new construction and 66,792 square metres of alterations). Phase 0 Phase 0 consisted in a number of preliminary operations oriented toward creating the right infrastructure and safety conditions for a risk-free start on the main work. The operations involved the laundry, the kitchen and the Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy Departments. They covered an area of 6,800 square metres, of which 2,600 were newly constructed and 4,200 were alterations. Phase 1A • Remodelled area: 15,654 square metres • New-built area: 12,288 square metres • Starting date: 29/11/94 • One haemodynamics and catheterization laboratory with one room and the possibility of adding a second if healthcare needs give grounds for expansion • Completion date: 30/4/99 • One Clinical Neurophysiology Department with seven rooms • Alterations to the former School of Nursing, fully remodelling the extremely shabby outer walls and making the building over for a different purpose; it was to be used mainly as an outpatient clinic, save for level 5, which would continue to be a school of nursing These structures were rounded out with supporting areas, such as the areas devoted to radioactive waste holding and treatment, and communications nodes. Some of the new services made landmarks in the medical history of the Canary Islands, because they included in their structures some absolutely new special equipment. For example, in the summer of 2007, NSCH installed the Canary Islands’ first PET(23) unit, a device that also featured combined CT (computerized tomography) technology enabling highquality combined morphological/func23 Positron emission tomography In this phase several activities were performed: • Alterations to the Maternity and Children’s Pavilion, tearing down and replacing the two side components (the North Tower and South Tower), in addition to altering the interior to hold two new nursing units • Alterations to the left wing of the General Pavilion, for medical support services TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS • Building of a new energy station, a research laboratory, a haemodynamics unit, a blood bank, an eleven-storey block adjacent to the General Pavilion with four panoramic lifts, a small lobby and two restrooms • Demolition of the old laundry and power plant and creation of a new main access to the hospital • Construction of two car parks, with 600 and 200 spaces, respectively With the creation of the North and South Towers, the hospital switched from having its rooms scattered around the different buildings to having them centralized in the eleven storeys of the towers and the Maternity and Children’s Pavilion, creating a U-shaped block that is covered by two nurses’ desks. Phase 1B • Remodelled area: 30,000 square metres • New-built area: 27,500 square metres • Starting date: 1/10/98 • Completion date: 31/11/01 The following things were done: • Construction of the north wing of the Maternity and Children’s Pavilion • Five-storey enlargement of the Medical Support bridging unit • Construction of the diagnostic, clinical and treatment support buildings (Surgery Block, Obstetrics Block and Radiology Department) • Remodelling of the old General Home to include Radiation Therapy, adult ICU, paediatric ICU and NICU (newborns) • Interior alterations to five storeys of the Nursing School to adapt them for Outpatient Clinic use • Enlargement of the Emergency building • Construction of three sets of premises (bunkers) for linear accelerators Concentrating the hospitalization units in the new building enabled the necessary space to be freed up in the former General Home to implement the new central services, the surgery units and intensive care units and the units performing diagnostic and treatment procedures, by specializations. It was in this stage where the most important technological additions were made to the hospital’s systems and permanent (non-mobile) equipment. Furthermore, the Outpatient Clinic services were gathered together to enable easy access from the outside and at the same time to create a two-way indoor connection with the central services most highly in demand: radiodiagnosis, centralized sample extraction and the central file of clinical histories. Phase 1C • Remodelled area: 4,873 square metres • New-built area: 6,131 square metres • Starting date: 12/7/99 • Completion date: 12/9/02 Phase 1C was basically a supplement to Phase 1B. It encompassed new-built zones intended for laboratories, delivery rooms and technical areas but was mainly oriented toward completing the aspects of Phase 1B having to do with special systems, items of permanent equipment and communications technology (generator sets, laboratory furniture, sterilization machinery, surgical booms, surgical lamps, ICU headboards, wheeled cabinets and a heliport). Phase 1D The last stage of work, termed “Phase 1D” and scheduled to last until 2010, concerns the things to be done in the peripheral buildings of the complex: • Traumatology and Rehabilitation, where the teaching and research structures, auditorium, major same-day surgery, rehabilitation and the complex’s administrative spaces are located • The Emergency Room • The School of Nursing, which is being gradually altered into an Outpatient Clinic as new locations are readied for its current occupants Description of the new hospital The initial hospital consisted of one central building and large blocks around it devoted to hospitalization, the Emergency Room, the Outpatient Clinic and other specializations. The new hospital increases the height of some of those blocks and fills in spaces in between with new blocks, in addition to completely altering the buildings inside, both structurally and functionally. Hospitalization (maternity and 261 children, north and south towers) These are 11 storeys having some 1,800 square metres apiece. • Basement: The Maternity Emergency Room is located here, with its delivery rooms, high-risk operating theatre, examination rooms, monitoring rooms, admissions desk, storerooms and other supporting facilities • Ground Floor: Concentrated on the ground floor are paediatric hospitalization and paediatric surgery, a laundry storeroom and dispensing station, a telephone switchboard and a small kindergarten • Floors 1 to 9: The hospitalized patients of the different specializations are situated on all these floors, in L- or U-shaped wings. All floors have two nurses’ desks, two dirty rooms, two clean rooms, two preparation rooms, two small sitting rooms, two assisted bathrooms and two patient lounges, in addition to a men’s changing room and a women’s changing room, two restrooms, two supervisor’s offices and one conference room. The rooms are double, with a window, so they are filled with light. They are all equipped with oxygen and vacuum outlets and have air conditioning. The total number of beds is 790, 50 more than before the alterations. The North Tower Enlargement is a ninestorey building situated on top of a portico structure, wall-to-wall with the northern units of the hospitalization wards whose control stations it shares. On each of its floors, six rooms have been laid out (all single save in the unit for patients held in custody). The creation of the North Tower not only signifies new growth for the centre’s hospitalization capacity, but also enables some patients to be isolated when necessary and provides support for specific activities that require special security conditions. The total area of this building is 3,320 square metres. Medical support • Basement: The basement contains the pharmacy with its storerooms, offices and sterile zone for the preparation of cytostatic drugs (24) • Ground Floor: Lobby and main entrance • Floors 1 to 4: Medical support offices In Phase 1C, the building finished and 24 Cancer treatment drugs used in chemical therapy 262 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS reinforced for additional storeys in Phase 1A was enlarged upwards by three full storeys and two half storeys to house more offices. The building now has eleven storeys. There is also a unit on the roof of the fifth storey to serve as a balcony for the Psychiatry Department. Surgery block • Basement: This 1,119-square-metre floor is devoted to compact files of clinical histories as well as file offices. • Semi-Basement: The semi-basement contains part of the main lobby, the cafeteria, the rubbish storeroom and the building’s rubbish pick-up point. • Ground Floor: With a floor area of 859 square metres, the ground floor encompasses the Paediatrics Department and the paediatric outpatient hospital services. It possesses a school, offices, clean and dirty zones, storerooms, a wound treatment room, restrooms, changing rooms and a projection room. • Floor 1: On this floor lie the 444-squaremetre Urology Department and the 342-square-metre Neurophysiology Department. The interesting points of the Urology Department are the spaces devoted to urodynamic testing and especially the lithiasis area (where there is a device that employs a laser to destroy kidney stones). This department also has examination rooms, offices, reporting rooms, dirty rooms, clean rooms, storerooms, changing rooms, rooms for special technology and waiting rooms. The Neurophysiology Department contains the sleep treatment zone and the electroencephalography and electromyography rooms, which have the unique feature of boasting chicken wire embedded in ceilings, floors and wall cores to form a Faraday cage, with independent earthing connections to avoid interference with the machinery. The rest of the unit is composed of facilities for testing evoked potentials(25), offices, storerooms, waiting rooms, clean rooms, dirty rooms, restrooms and changing rooms. • Floor 2: The Sterilization Department is located on floor 2, connected directly to floors 3 and 4 (operating theatres) by a lift and a staircase. Floor 2 has a floor area of 859 square metres divided into 25 Neurophysiological devices that record the brain’s provoked responses to sensory stimuli that may be visual, auditory or electrical tactile three major zones, washing, packaging and storage, separated by two sanitary barriers. The washing zone contains a huge cart washer, a large tunnel washer and a small washing machine. The interesting thing about the tunnel washer and the small washing machine is that they sit at the first sanitary barrier; that is, the washed instruments pass into the second (sterile) zone, where they are packaged to go into the sterilizers (five steam sterilizers and one ethylene oxide sterilizer, which sterilizes at a higher temperature to eliminate certain bacteria). After travelling through these two-door sterilizers, instruments move into the completely sterile storage area, and there they sit, ready to be transported by lift to the clean halls on floors 3 and 4, where the operating theatres are. From there they will be delivered through a delivery hatch or stored in one of the two-door instrument cabinets each operating theatre has. The rest of the department has a disinfection area, cleaning-product storerooms, a textile storeroom, restrooms, changing rooms, an ironing zone, a packaging zone, a staff lounge, offices and a steam header room. • Floors 3 and 4: Each of these 925-square-metre floors possesses six operating theatres. The model applied to the surgery ward calls for a clean hall, an operating theatre and a dirty hall. An operating suite is made up of the operating theatre proper, the patient preparation zone, the medical preparation zone and a shared dirty zone for every two operating theatres. The rest of the floor is made up of rubbish-holding facilities with two cargo lifts for rubbish, a general storage zone, a dirty storeroom, support, coordination, dictating, an office, supervision, a restroom, a traffic hall, a clean hall, a sterile hall, an access control station, bed waiting, a clean transfer zone, personnel locks, a personnel lounge, a clothing lock, outside bed waiting, same-day patient waiting, a contact office and a family waiting room. • Floor 5: One part of the floor has been outfitted to hold air-conditioning machines for the operating theatres and the chillers, and the other part of the floor houses the anatomical pathology laboratory offices. • Floor 6: This has the anatomical pathology laboratory, and on the adjacent roofs are air-conditioning units for the operating theatres. • Floor 7: Computer unit. • Floor 8: On this 478-square-metre floor are located the Psychiatry Department’s offices, as well as changing rooms, restrooms, therapy rooms, waiting and visiting rooms, etc. Surgery support Up to Phase 1C, work in this building focussed on the area from the ground floor to the fourth storey. In the end, in Phase 1D, alterations were made to the basement that had been built in Phase 0. • Ground Floor: Offices for the admissions desk, photocopiers and customer service; the rest is lobby. • Floor 1: Offices and special rooms belonging to the Pulmonology Department. • Floor 2: On this floor, 841 square metres were built for dialysis facilities, encroaching on part of the Surgery Block for the dialysis room. The unit is made up of the control station, patient waiting area, plasmapheresis, the CAPD(26) plasmapheresis control station, a restroom/changing room, a dirty zone, infectious patient PD, functional tests, clean technologies, a chronic patient room, an acute patient compartment, preparation and weighing, restroom/ changing rooms for infectious patients, an equipment repair and storage room and the osmosis treatment room. • Floors 3 and 4: On the 225 square metres of each floor, two post-operative resuscitation units have been prepared: one for simple operations where the patient stays only a few hours, and another for more complicated operations where the patient may even remain for days. Offices for supervisors, physicians on duty, the department head, a conference room, a lounge and a storeroom are also found here. Alterations to the school of nursing These alterations consisted in the complete interior demolition of the building, leaving the structure and foundations standing, and improving the building by creating semi-wings for the Outpatient Clinic, with a control station in the middle of the two semi-wings. 26 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Enlargement of the emergency building The structure was built for two twostorey buildings having approximately 300 square metres apiece, to flank the already existing Emergency building. This included the walls of one building and the finish work on the ground floor of the other, where three generator sets, a transformer substation for the Emergency Room and an electrical panel room were located. The system consists in filling the drill hole through these sleeves at a pressure and with a quantity determined and preset in advance, until the sleeve cannot open any more. That will indicate that the terrain has been improved in that pressure-grouted area, whereupon operations move on to the next sleeve. built with a 30+5-centimetre waffle slab, and the Obstetrics/Radiology Block was built with a slab measuring 30 centimetres along the edge, due to the change in fire regulations and the weight of the apparatuses to be installed (magnetic resonancing unit, scanners, X-ray machines, gamma chambers, etc.). The floor structures between storeys were 30+5-centimetre reinforced concrete waffle slabs with seven-metre spans. Linear accelerators Obstetrics and radiology block Maternity and children’s building In order to begin the construction of this building between the old General Home and the North Tower of the hospitalization wards, the old Surgery Block had to be demolished first. This building has a metal structure, with beam-and-block flooring measuring 18+5 centimetres along the edge. It presented a special feature; when the demolition work was completed and the site’s condition was checked, recalculations were found to be necessary. As a result, the columns had to be strengthened with welded flats, and some had to be braced with diagonal struts; and the beams had to be reinforced with halved HEB beams welded onto the bottom. This new block gradually went into operation starting in June 2006. It has 12 floors (basement, semi-basement, ground floor and nine above-ground floors) and 20,260 square metres, and it houses the radiation therapy unit, the nuclear medicine unit, the radiodiagnosis unit, the gastroenterology procedure area, laboratories, haematology and the blood bank, the obstetrics block and physicians’ bedrooms, as well as most of the new ICU and NICU (newborns). The hospital heliport is situated at the top. This heliport can be used by 14-metre helicopters, which are the ones most often flown to transport the sick and injured, so the platform that has been provided is 28 metres in diameter. The landing surface has been strengthened considerably to withstand the impact of one of these aircraft if it falls. Structure and foundation North and south towers After an exhaustive study of the terrain, it was decided that the foundation for these buildings would be a concrete slab with micropiles, the slab edge to be 90 centimetres and the micropile length, 12 metres for the North Tower and 16 metres for the South Tower, because in the latter case there was a larger quantity of slag. The type of micropile used is what is known today as “Ropress”, the trade name for what was initially called “Tubfix”(27). This micropile has the special feature of being made of grout injected under pressure through sleeves set every metre in the steel tube (This operation is called “pressure grouting”). 27 Micropiles ending in a pressure-grouted bulb 263 Medical support building When the interior and façades of this five-storey building were demolished, the structure was analyzed, and in view of the results it was decided to apply an anticarbonation treatment to the concrete in the columns and hanging beams. Furthermore, given that in Phase 1B this building had to have five storeys added to its height, the structure was reinforced. This consisted, first, in strengthening the foundation with a slab with micropiling, but leaving the slab separated from the existing footings; and, second, reinforcing the footings by increasing their depth of edge and installing micropiles. These micropiles were hindered by the storey’s three-metre clearance, so they had to be driven with a special micropiling machine. To reinforce columns and beams, a reinforced concrete casing was cast. The concrete was poured through four drill holes in the floor structure, where the column reinforcements were inserted. Surgery block and obstetrics/ radiology block In these newly designed buildings, a slab was cast with micropiles, like in the previous buildings, with the sole variation of the micropiles’ using a system filling them with mortar instead of grout. As for the structure, the Surgery Block was This zone stands out from the rest in terms of foundation and structure, due to the thickness of its walls and ceiling slabs, but above all due to the use of concrete containing barite. The barite aggregate density, between 3.8 and 4.2 tonnes per cubic metre, yields concretes with a density of between 3 and 3.2 tonnes per cubic metre. These concretes are extremely heavy and therefore extremely difficult to cast in formwork and impossible to pump. Furthermore, concrete lorries cannot carry more than 2.5 or 3 cubic metres, so works progress slows down considerably. Concrete of this sort is rather simple to prepare, but special care must be taken with the proportions, especially the proportions of barite aggregate and water. Therefore it is fundamental to weigh samples from each lorry and check their density. Façades The outward face the hospital shows has a compact appearance of great volume, arranged into steps as necessary to avoid creating an oppressive sensation. This is aided by the creation of courtyards, which improve the amount of light inside. The façade is ventilated, with Trespa phenolic board cladding(28). In crosssection, the façade is made up of a wall of vibrated concrete blocks measuring 50 by 25 by 20 centimetres, with waterproofed rendering on the outside, over which is placed an aluminium auxiliary structure every 90 centimetres, attached to the block and to the floor structure with stainless steel bolts and special plugs. This type of phenolic board (There are many types on the market) was chosen due mainly to the fact that it was the only one tested successfully for 6,000 hours’ sunlight in a climate similar to that of the Canary Islands without showing the effects. 28 Made up of a core of cellulose fibre impregnated with phenolic resins and an outer (decorative) surface, also impregnated and pressed at a high temperature (150°) and high pressure (90 kg/cm²) 264 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS At the cluster of panoramic lifts, a curtain wall was erected with safety glass set with silicone vertically and aluminium transoms, held by metal frames to the edge of 11-storey-high free-standing reinforcedconcrete walls. Installed systems Wiring The demolition of the previous industrial building, which housed one of the transformer substations and through which ran part of the 6,000-V lines, forced a thorough remodelling of the medium-voltage wiring. A transformer station was built with two 800-kVA transformers and one 1,600-kVA transformer for the 6,000-V air conditioning, with the possibility of upgrading to 20,000 V when the hospital input was changed. An 800-kVA generator set was installed as well. The wiring alterations to be done went hand-in-hand with the work to improve the new hospital spaces, because each change involved new low-voltage wiring. Each of the existing transformer substations was powered at 6,000 V, which simplified the new layout and maintenance of the hospital’s wiring but complicated the operation of the generator sets, since there was no way of separating the loads that ought to be connected to the emergency power system. The switchgear is of the type housed in prefabricated metal booths, while the transformers are housed in masonry cells for easier access. Once the ground plans of the buildings had been studied, taking account of the departments the buildings were to house, the buildings were divided into ward subpanel sectors for each department. Each of the sub-panels is divided into two cabinets: one mains/group cabinet and one UPS cabinet(29). From the sub-panel electricity is carried to the different sections through mesh cable trays in the hallways, branching into the rooms in corrugated pipe after transition in a junction box. The low-voltage wiring is organized into five vertical lines autonomous from one another. In each line there are in turn three types of power lines: • Uninterrupted supply, connected to a UPS unit, such that, if the power supply 29 Uninterrupted power supply ever fails, there is not even a microblackout; these lines are preferably used for powering computers, and they run all over the hospital • Normal mains/generator supply (constituting the bulk of the hospital’s power consumption); if the power fails, the generator units take up the slack in 20 seconds the main drains without passing through any grilles. One special system that ought to be underlined is a dialysis water treatment (reverse osmosis) plant utilizing in-line units and resin tanks and salt tanks for the sterilization machine supply water. Air conditioning • Non-essential supply; in the event of a power failure, the generator sets do not automatically take over (This will be done later, manually, for overload prevention and selective actuation); they are devoted exclusively to the air conditioning and a new pair of bed lifts in the Maternity and Children’s building. The air-conditioning system consists of five cooling units, two of them with heat exchangers, situated on the roofs of the buildings and connected to one another. The heat exchangers produce part of the necessary hot sanitary water, and the rest is produced by two parallel back-up furnaces. The wiring in rooms and other areas runs through partition walls made of Pladur panels and dropped ceilings. The cable used is halogen-free. In the wards, there are two-zone HVAC units and low-silhouette fan-coils to handle the ventilation and return air for each room. At the spot where these apparatuses meet, outside air is added, which is mixed with the return air from the rooms. Furthermore, there is an independent exhaust system for toilet rooms that travels vertically through utility shafts. The entire air-conditioning system is computer managed. In the storey containing the operating theatres, insulation panels were especially used to shield against electrical risks, and there is one battery per operating theatre. Inside the operating theatres a technical panel was installed with a built-in clock/ chronometer, speaker, PA, voice and data station, negatoscope(30), gas outlets and a display for controlling pressure, humidity and temperature. The indoor luminaires are airtight screens for a sterile environment and halogen downlights whose intensity can be adjusted at the technical panel. This system of insulation panels was also introduced in the Dialysis Department and in PACUs(31). Plumbing Cold water and hot sanitary water pipes are clustered into accessible utility shafts, one per four rooms. The pipes used in Phase 1A were galvanized for risers and copper for horizontal lines, although this was changed in Phase 1C to Fusiotherm(32) pipe for hot water and PVC pressure pipes for cold water. Rainwater and sewage are collected separately, so there are two independent systems. The sewage flows through a grille before it is sent to the main drain, and the rainwater system goes straight to 30 Light screen on which X-ray film is placed in order to see the transparent images on the film 31 Post-anaesthesia care unit 32 PVC-free polypropylene pipe that requires no adhesives; ideal for fluids up to a working pressure of 20 bar and a temperature of 95º In the Surgery Block, the PACU and the dialysis zones, an air-conditioning system has been installed with two-pipe chillers and wall-mounted console fan-coils, with a primary air unit on the roof from which ducts lead to the different floors or departments. In the operating theatres, an air system was installed that sweeps from the sterile zone toward the clean zone. The system consists in an HVAC unit to which an automatic variable flow regulator is connected in series with a box containing a cooling battery, a heating battery, a humidifier section and absolute filter; air is distributed from this box at the humidity and temperature requested by the operating theatre, through stainless steel ducts. The control system enables the operating theatre air-conditioning system to be run at less than maximum efficiency (i.e., outside its regular operating mode); thanks to its speed variators, it can also be left in maintenance or cleaning mode. Medical gases An auxiliary supply station with nitrous oxide and oxygen, a vacuum supply station with pumps and tanks and a compressedair supply station with two air compressors and medical air were provided. TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS In operating theatres, surgical carts and anaesthesia carts were installed. The latter carry built-in gas outlets, electrical outlets, voice and data jacks, monitor stands and a motor that blows the anaesthetic gas outside through a dedicated system of pipes. In the ICUs and PACUs, anaesthesia carts like the ones described above but including a nurse call button were also installed. Pneumatic transport A pneumatic transport system was implemented and coupled to the system already in place in the hospital, reaching the laboratories, the Emergency Department, the operating theatres, PACUs and the dialysis unit. Twenty transit stations and two terminal stations were installed. Each nurses’ desk has a station. Fire detection Initially, ion detectors were installed in each room or section, as well as in the hallways. They are fully controlled by a computer running a specific program. In the rooms of the south hospitalization wing, as well as in the enlargement of Medical Support, the same system was followed; however, in the Surgery Block the system was changed from ion detectors to optical heat detectors, so a new control system had to be assembled to cover all detectors, taking account of their different operating characteristics. Alterations to and enlargement of Canary Island University Hospital, Tenerife Background Canary Island University Hospital (CIUH) is a level-three public hospital of general scope, and it dates back to 1971. It is one of the two main hospitals of Tenerife and is located inside the municipal limits of La Laguna, near the North Motorway. It is responsible for the health area termed “Tenerife North”, which encompasses 11 cities and towns in the north of the island (342,000 inhabitants) and provides support for patients on the island of La Palma (86,000 inhabitants) when La Palma General Hospital is overwhelmed. Apart from its healthcare commitment, the hospital has been engaging in tasks in the research field for more than a decade, together with the La Laguna University School of Medicine, with whom the hospital has created a Joint Research Unit. Its top-priority activities include: molecular pathology of rare diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, genome instability and cancer, epidemiology of colorectal cancer, inflammatory response in rheumatic diseases, nosocomial infections(33) and community infections, and physiopathology and prevention of complications in kidney transplants. The hospital is an accredited national lead hospital for pancreas and kidney transplants, and this fact endorses it as one of the three centres in Spain for training specialists in transplants of this sort. In response to the aging of its systems and the lack of space for new departments and technologies, CIUH faced the dilemma common to many hospitals: to move to a new building or to tackle a complicated process of internal renovations. Being conveniently positioned next to the island’s main motorway and physically connected to the School of Medicine, the hospital opted for renovation. The enlargement and alteration steering plan Accordingly, many years ago the CIUH Works Steering Plan was begun, an ambitious process of phases of work aimed at defining what the new hospital was to be. The phases and their current state of completion are as follows: • Phase 1 (completed): NEA building (operating theatres, the Emergency Department, the ICU and sterilization) and two evacuation towers 265 • Outpatient and <24-hour hospital beds, from 52 to 142 • Sanitary area per bed, from 76 to 170 square metres • Outpatient Clinic rooms and areas for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, from 110 to 214 • Emergency healthcare stations, from 9 to 23 • Operating theatres, from 14 to 21 • Image diagnostics rooms, from 16 to 23 • Linear accelerators, from one to three, with an extra reserve unit anticipated Phase 1. NEA building and evacuation towers The CIUH renovation programme began with the construction of a large area termed “the NEA Building”, which contains the Emergency Department, the ICU, operating theatres and the Sterilization Department, in addition to two evacuation towers, one at each end of the hospitalization building, and a heliport on the last floor of one of the towers. This is Phase 1 of the Steering Plan, and it is already completed and in operation. It was in turn tackled in two stages: • Stage 1: Annexe for new departments Operating theatres, the Emergency Department and the ICU Ground-floor hospitalization ward • Stage 2: Evacuation towers Changing rooms Sterilization Heliport Equipment Lift apparatuses Soiled clothing and rubbish transport NEA building • Phase 2 (coming to an end): SameDay Activity Building • Surgery Block • Phase 3 (designed): Enlargement and remodelling of CIUH, currently in the technical supervision process The new block consists of 14 operating theatres, pre- and post-anaesthesia areas, a unit control desk, changing rooms, storerooms, staff lounge areas, etc. The change, in different figures, means: • The floor area will have increased from 71,000 square metres to over 135,000 square metres • Total beds, from 603 to 809 33 Infections contracted in hospital The operating theatres are divided into: Ten multi-purpose theatres for scheduled surgery, one for urgent surgical activity and three for specific surgical activities (heart, traumatological and ophthalmic surgery). This block displays a clear division between 266 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS clean zones and dirty zones. The patient transfer station contributes decisively to the barrier. The station was conceived as a double-lock system. Patients are wheeled into it in beds, and, through the transfer station, they are transferred to a wheeled operating table before they can gain access to the clean+ zone. The Sterilization Department is connected to the surgery block by two goods lifts. • One surgical cart • An anaesthetic gas aspiration system • A computer connection • A telephone connection The Surgery Block has the following entrance and exit circuits: In the resuscitation room, each of the beds has two compressed-air outlets, three oxygen outlets, three vacuum outlets, one monitoring outlet and six electrical outlets. The reception desk is wired for computers, telephones and PA. Entrances: • Emergency Department • One for the hospitalized patient, through the transfer station The Emergency Department is arranged into an adult emergency area and a paediatric emergency area, with different patient traffic paths. Obstetrical emergencies are handled separately. The layout of the compartments in the adult zone enables patients with medical pathologies to be set apart from patients requiring surgery. • One for staff, through the changing room • One for clean or sterile material • One for Area reception and internal/ external communication Exits: • One for the hospitalized patient, from the operating theatres to the postanaesthesia resuscitation room • One from the resuscitation room to outside the Area • One for staff, to the changing room • One for clothing and dirty material Dirty material must leave the Surgery Block without crossing clean zones. To reduce patient handling to a minimum, patients are wheeled in their beds to the patient reception zone. A patient enters the block through the transfer station and is placed in the pre-surgery waiting zone. Once the patient has been moved to the wheeled operating table, his or her bed is moved immediately to the post-surgery resuscitation rooms, where it will await the patient. This unit’s control station is centralized, such that the same healthcare team can reach all patients. Each operating theatre has the following complement of equipment: • One anaesthesia gas cart (CO2, oxygen, compressed air, nitrous oxide, vacuum and carbogen(34), the latter only in the heart surgery theatre) 34 Gas yielded when oxygen is mixed with 5-10% CO2; it stimulates the respiratory system and is used in general anaesthesia, collapse following anaesthetics and intoxication with depressants (barbiturates, opium, etc.) The organizational system is a blend in which a typical Emergency Room medical structure coexists with a structure the hospital’s regular departments use to render services, although reception is shared by both. All conventional radiology work generated by this unit is done right inside the unit. On the basis of current demand, and in view of the difficulty of successfully obtaining a system for communication with the Central Radiodiagnosis Department, another scanner room and an ultrasound room were considered necessary in the Emergency area. The two respond to the demands of the Emergency Department and the ICU, respectively. All urgent surgery generated in this unit is performed in the emergency operating theatre, located in the Surgery Block. The department has a patient observation unit with individual monitored compartments, physically in close proximity to and functionally dependent on the department. Patients are not supposed to remain in this zone for more than 24 hours, provided that the possibility of drainage exists. There is also a result waiting room with armchair seating for six to eight people and an open observation zone with four or five beds, for patients being attended to in the patient classification and distribution room. there is a specific space in the Emergency Department devoted to exitus or fatal outcome(35). This space is shared with the ICU, and its location lies in a zone separated from the healthcare area. Analytical testing can be done in the Emergency Department’s laboratory, situated in the central laboratory area, to which the department is linked by pneumatic transport and by computer. • ICU This is an oval room with a naturally lit central courtyard and a central zone with a nurses’ desk from which the 24 individual, independent cubicles are supervised through a monitoring system. It provides care for critical patients with medical and surgical pathologies and is easily reached from the Emergency Department and the Surgery Block. It also has a mechanized system for transporting blood samples and laboratory results. The ICU compartments are good for multiple uses. They can be closed and can be viewed directly from the outside and from other compartments. Each compartment has three oxygen outlets, three compressed-air outlets and three vacuum outlets. Each compartment is lit by a modular ceiling lighting system and a direct and indirect headboard lighting system. It moreover possesses a connection for at least six electrical plugs, all earthed, and has a tap for staff to wash their hands. There is a system of sound and visual alarms that can be triggered from each of the compartments and detected from any zone (conference room, on-duty physicians’ rooms, lounges, etc.) within the same area. This mechanism is used only in emergency situations, such as if a patient undergoes cardiopulmonary arrest. The ICU compartments also have drainage facilities and deionised water facilities appropriate for use in dialysis treatments. • NEA Systems The garden situated across from the Emergency Department entrance was excavated to enlarge the building for machinery and maintenance. This makes maintenance and sterilization rooms run by the corresponding departments available to the Surgery Block as a whole. 35 To prevent the patient compartments from becoming temporarily blocked, Exitus or, more correctly, exitus letalis, is a Latin expression used in medicine to indicate that the disease has progressed toward or led to death TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Above these rooms sit the block’s HVAC machines, which are supplied by the chillers located on the roof of the Sterilization Department. The system uses all outside air, supplied by zones from the different HVAC units. The exhaust flows are channelled directly outside by two vertical ducts, one situated next to the goods lift for shipments to Sterilization, and the other next to the cafeteria service lift. Water, gas and wiring systems run alongside the air ducts in the cavity above the dropped ceiling. Ducts generally run through the hallways, preferably the dirty or service hallways. Operating theatres are always kept clear of any systems they do not themselves require that may have to be opened for servicing. Evacuation towers To comply with fire protection standards, two evacuation towers were designed for the Hospitalization Block. The South Tower is cylindrical in design, 52 metres tall, with an outer radius of 9.2 metres. It is a reinforced concrete structure clad with aluminium. At the top it is crowned by a circular slab of concrete that holds a heliport 27.6 metres in diameter, which can withstand 24 tonnes of dead weight and an additional 19 tonnes of supporting structure, which is made entirely of aluminium. Inside this tower there is a spiral ramp that ensures the possibility of evacuating patients in their beds even should the bed lift fail or prove insufficient to meet demands. In addition to the ramp, the heliport surface is equipped with a secondary escape route at the end opposite the ramp, in the event of a fuel spill followed by a fire. For this escape route, there is a two-flight fire escape designed so that there is a platform between flights that can be reached from the landing, where one of the fire protection equipment units is located. This fire escape leads from the heliport surface to the machine room situated below the heliport. The evacuation path travels through this floor to another staircase situated at the opposite end, which leads to the main rooftop level. From that level to the safe outdoor space there is not only the exit through the South Evacuation Tower itself, but also two alternative fire escapes in the centre of the Hospital Block. The outdoor path to the closest is 30 metres long. For fire extinguishing, there are duplicate units spraying foam activated by a water jet. Each unit is situated at the start of one of the evacuation routes, the fire escape and the ramp. The water pressure is from seven to eight kilograms per cubic centimetre, and the minimum flow rate is 250 litres per minute. There is also a 45-kilogram dry powder extinguisher at the top of the ramp. As further means of fire prevention, the heliport surface is split crosswise into four leaves with a 1% outward and downward grade toward an gutter completely ringing the heliport to catch any liquid spillage. This gutter is set with four drainage points leading to an oil/water separator tank situated on the machinery mezzanine floor. This tank has a 125-millimetre discharge line that is carried vertically along one of the tower’s utility shafts to the subfloor of the storey where the tower touches earth, and from there it is shunted to the drains. Phase 2. Same-day activity building This building includes the units devoted preferably to same-day care, backing up the areas that render diagnostic and therapeutic services, and especially those units that avoid hospitalization by enabling the patient to return immediately to his or her regular social environment. In response to the growing demand for radiation therapy services for pathologies that require treatment so urgently as to render waiting lists out of the question, and given the previous insufficiency of physical resources at CIUH to deal with said demand, the decision was taken to include the Radiation Therapy Department in this phase. Likewise, the need to speed up the care involved in surgical processes and to reduce surgery waiting lists made it equally advisable to push the Major SameDay Surgery Area up to this phase of construction. These two departments could be included in the new building because an additional storey was constructed. Thus the new departments were smoothly integrated into the traffic of same-day and hospitalized patients, without having to wait for the third phase of the Steering Plan. 267 Therefore, the Same-Day Activity Building contains: • Outpatient Clinic and diagnostic and therapeutic areas belonging to the different clinical specializations • Outpatient hospital services • Central services bearing a high same-day load • Radiation Therapy Department • Major same-day surgery The building consists of 13 storeys and is made up of two geometrical bodies: a rectangular body whose full height is equivalent to that of the existing hospitalization building, with which it stands wallto-wall; and a shorter but broader sixstorey body laid out around a courtyard and slightly trapezoidal in shape. There are 35,000 square metres of floor area. With the taller block attached to the hospitalization block, the connections to the rest of the hospital are ensured. However, because the height between storeys in the existing hospital block was three metres (not enough for the installed systems’ horizontal run) and the new one has fourmetre-tall floors, their floors connect at the same height only once every 12 metres (every four floors in the old building). All other floors are connected by stairs. Each floor is compartmentalized into at least two fire sectors. The sectors are less than 1,500 square metres if they are not fitted with an automatic sprinkler system and less than 3,000 square metres if they are. The evacuation route in each sector is less than 50 metres long (except for the basement 2 file room, which is rated as a high-risk zone and has an evacuation route less than 25 metres long). All floors have at least two exits to an especially protected staircase, and all stairs are 1.5 metres wide. All the exit doors to the evacuation facilities are swinging doors mounted on pivots, and they incorporate a round glass window 40 centimetres in diameter. The fire stability of the building’s entire structure is 180 minutes. Where the floor structures meet the outer walls, there is a one-metre-high strip of reinforced concrete, and if the wall in question marks the limit between two fire sectors, the strip is 1.3 metres high. The points where the wiring utility shafts cross floors are sealed with bags of an intu- 268 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS mescent material, to avoid weak points in the compartmentalization scheme. Phase 3. Enlargement and remodelling of CIUH Because the hospital had to fulfil its healthcare missions as a local hospital and as a lead hospital without neglecting its role as a teaching and research facility and its hand-in-hand work with the university, the dimensions and the functional and structural characteristics of the hospital had to be adapted accordingly. On that basis, work was begun to prepare the design for the construction of the new CIUH. That design is now prepared and in the technical supervision stage. The design will imbue the hospital with structural conditions similar to those of any of the other big hospitals in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, giving CIUH a place among Spain’s most avant-garde specialized healthcare centres. Description of the construction work The first phase of the construction work began in December 1996. Some important problems arose to complicate matters: • Interference with hospital activity in diverse zones, which greatly hampered job planning • Need for complete evacuation of sections in use in the ground-floor hospitalization ward • Very demanding standards for finishing work, making exhaustive checking of works performance necessary • Simultaneous action on many fronts, which meant focus was scattered all over the site • Relations with international suppliers and industrialists (especially from Germany), giving rise to rather complex negotiations In general, all the floors encountered the same problem with the installed systems, especially as regards connections with the part of the hospital that remained in operation. As a result, many jobs were rescheduled to be done outside normal working hours. In the operating theatre zone, there was in addition the extra difficulty posed by the huge quantity of systems running through the dropped ceiling and inside the operating theatres. In the second stage, the two evacuation towers were built. First came the erection of the cylindrical tower, for which special formwork had to be made. This tower was clad with aluminium, and a curtain wall was installed in one lateral area. In addition a wing wall was added as a windbreaker. The heliport at the top was made of a sturdy but light material (aluminium) so as not to overburden the tower structure. In Phase 2, the construction of the SameDay Activity Building took place. This building covers all the same-day services rendered by CIUH except Outpatient Clinic services. Its construction involved an enlargement of the hospital that could only be built after widening the existing lot. Work necessarily had to commence with lot development. This had to be done in several phases, in order to keep the accesses to the hospital clear at all times. Work started in November 2003, when a new drive was built to the Emergency Department so the previous street could be eliminated. At the same time, the new distribution station for the medium-voltage line was built to replace the previous station, located inside the lot. All the systems crossing the lot (medium voltage, low voltage, telecommunications, telephone, sewage and other utilities) were diverted simultaneously. There was one difficulty, stemming from the need to make this construction compatible with the construction of the parking building, and that was the need to respect the number of parking spaces available at the time. This lack of space was a very important hindrance, since it complicated all the logistics for storing building materials and positioning the cranes and construction sheds. Some 120,000 cubic metres of basaltic rock had to be cleared for the building. When the clearing work was well advanced, the architectural supervision team suggested building an additional basement. This meant the structure and foundations would have to be recalculated. But in addition two important problems arose: • The increase in the excavation depth posed a real risk in the vicinity of the lot, since there was a twelve-storey block nearby. To prevent layers underneath the block’s foundations from shifting, it was decided to install a micropile foundation wall temporarily anchored to the terrain at an approximate distance of some 14 metres from the block, and the building’s basements were redesigned to lie 14 metres away from the block. Later the structure itself would brace the micropile foundation wall, and the temporary anchors would cease to perform their function. • The height of the perimeter retaining walls grew by five metres (an additional basement) to 16 metres, and after the foundations were recalculated, it was decided to place four 14-metre-deep micropiles for every metre of wall, as foundations. The foundation system chosen for the building uses pile caps to transfer the load to the ground through micropiles. The façade was built with a curtain wall containing permanent infills and a small quantity of modules that can be opened (16,000 square metres in all). On the façades exposed to the sun, protection is provided by a double façade formed by glass that filters out ultraviolet and infrared radiation; this wall is ventilated and separate from the inner wall, which is glazed with transparent glass silkscreened with a pattern to prevent those outside from seeing in. On the walls not exposed to the sun, the façades have but a single wall, also with silkscreened glass. In all cases the glazing is double with an air chamber to prevent radiated heat gains or losses. Same-day activity building. Installed systems Wiring The building is equipped with its own transformer substation, connected to the existing ring that powers the current hospital building. Three power transformers were installed, two 1,000-kVA transformers and one 1,600-kVA transformer, with a transformation ratio of 20,000/400-240 V, located in basement 2 in their own enclosure. For emergencies, there are two 400-V generator sets producing 1,250 kVA apiece, also located in their own enclosure in basement 2. At the building’s centre of gravity in basement 2 sits the main electrical panel, from which power is distributed to the secondary panels distributed vertically and by TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS floors throughout the building. For special power supply needs, there is an uninterrupted 100-kVA power supply system located next to the main panel but in a separate room. Power is supplied through an isolating transformer in the premises where operations are performed and in hospital beds containing anaesthetized patients. In premises where extremely weak signals (on the order of millivolts or less) are measured, the compartment is lined with conductive material to form a Faraday cage. The building is equipped with a combined earthing system: one system to make the medium-voltage wiring safe, another in the low-voltage wiring to protect people and a third to protect data-processing equipment, although the third is joined to the second at a point. Fire protection system This installed system is composed of a fire detection and alarm system and fire-extinguishing systems. The first is made up of a latest-generation analogue station that can aim each fire detector and can even tailor thresholds to each specific zone. This facilitates locating a fire in its initial phase and avoids false alarms in premises that contain a certain amount of environmental pollution. The system is supplemented by closedcircuit TV for monitoring the movements of people in strategic spots of the building and at the building’s entrances. For evacuation, it is equipped with optical/acoustic alarms and PA facilities. The fire-extinguishing system is made up of a pump set equipped with an electrical pump with an output of 100 cubic metres per hour at 100 mWC and a service pump to keep the system overpressurized at 70 mWC. The system is supplied by CIUH’s outside mains, drawing on two supply cisterns capable of holding 1,000 cubic metres of reserve fire water. There are two extinguishing systems: a sprinkler system and an FHC system, supplemented by portable multi-purpose powder and CO2 extinguishers on premises where there may be a risk of electrical fire. The fire detection station is integrated into the hospital’s general security system. HVAC system The HVAC system is centralized and is composed of three cooling plants having 1,037 kW of cooling power and air treatment units that distribute the cold air throughout the different zones of the building. Each room or area can be regulated locally. Heat production, for hot sanitary water as well as building heating and post-heating, is obtained primarily by heat recovery at two of the cooling plants, with a maximum available power of 657 kW, and a back-up furnace in case heat recovery is too low, to guarantee that hot water is produced at 50 °C and treated against legionellosis. All air entering the building is treated in the units, and it is always distributed through ducts made of sheets of galvanized steel, bonded and heat insulated, with a variable air flow depending on the demand for heat. The air treatment units have an intake for clean outside air, with an exhaust vent far from the intake. For energy efficiency, all air treatment units have free cooling. There are premises dedicated to a specific function (computers, UPS, security and access control) for which autonomous units have been installed so that the central system can be shut down when the hospital is closed to the public. For simple, efficient building management, a control system has been brought in and integrated with the control system already existing in the rest of the hospital. It is based on a central station and a network of autonomous distributed controllers. These controllers are what read the sensors and act on the field equipment to stay within comfort parameters. The operating times and set points are configured in the central system and installed in each controller so that, even if communications with the central station break down, the controllers will continue to regulate conditions autonomously. Air quality is checked by a sensor set in the return passageways. Plumbing A pump set has been installed that guarantees water pressure all over the building. The building is divided by floors into three pressure levels to compensate for the height differences. There is sanitary water available on all premises, and hot 269 sanitary water only in changing rooms with showers and staff sinks in patient service zones. The water supply comes from a connection with the outside water mains that was included in the lot development work, and it is drawn from the general cistern machine room. For the dialysis units, there is a system divided into four zones, with polyamide pipes and recirculation. The water supply for this system comes from the hospital’s central production facilities. Medicinal gas system Networks, divided into sectors by floors, are set up for the different medicinal gases: oxygen and vacuum for all areas, medical air or carrier gas in specific zones and nitrous oxide in surgery zones. The supply of these gases is drawn from the hospital’s general supplies of medicinal gases, except for the vacuum, which is produced by an exclusive station installed in the basement 2 machine room. At all events, space has been reserved in the same basement for a redundant system of oxygen and another redundant system of nitrous oxide, using manifolds, as well as for the installation of two compressor sets to produce medical air. Communications system Due to the public nature of the building, where complex communication systems have to be combined with workstation mobility, a structured cable layout has been installed composed of a vertical network, which starts at the main voice and data distributor located on premises adjacent to the Data-Processing Department, and a horizontal network for each floor, which starts at the secondary distributor on each floor. The digital telephone switchboard is installed on the same premises as the main distributor, with its equipment. The internal twisted pairs for telephone service run from the switchboard, and the outside lines from the public telephone system run to the switchboard 270 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Alterations to and enlargement of Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Santander Description of the hospital complex What is now Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (MVUH) is a hospital complex with academic ties to Cantabria University, and it comprises a total of 25 buildings clustered in three main groups: Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital, Cantabria Hospital and the Vargas Specialization Centre. Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital • The General Hospital (or Home) (1973) • Nine pavilions belonging to the former Valdecilla Health House (1929) • The University School of Nursing • The Second of November Building (formerly the Traumatology Building) (2003) • The Valdecilla South Building, which houses the Outpatient Clinic (2008) This hospital, which descends from the Valdecilla Health House, still has its period pavilions. In addition, it counts among its assets a new H-shaped main building whose ends house the 12-storey Second of November Building and the General Hospital, connected through floors 2 and 3. The General Hospital (currently in the process of being demolished) is formed of two blocks set in a V shape. Each has ten above-ground storeys and two belowground storeys. The Second of November Building possesses 12 storeys plus two underground storeys. On its roof is a heliport. The communicating block between the General Hospital and the Second of November Building consists of five floors, three above ground (Emergency Department and Radiodiagnosis Department, operating theatres, offices and Haemodynamics Department) and two below ground (transformer substations, heating systems, sterilization facilities and other general services). What is now the University School of Nursing was built by Cantabria University under a 99-year cession agreement. Other buildings in the group house the laundry, the Pathological Anatomy Department and the mortuary; pump sets, the decalcification plant and the water plant; the power plant, the maintenance service and the chapel. The lot on which the complex rests is large and contains 111,000 square metres of building-free space used for green zones, drives and regulated parking facilities for hospital personnel (700 spaces) and for the general public. Cantabria Hospital About 500 metres away from Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital stands the Cantabria Hospital, built in 1969. This hospital is made up of one main building for patient hospitalization (nearly 700 beds), with 12 above-ground storeys and one basement, and three auxiliary buildings. It currently holds the Maternity and Children’s Hospital and diverse medical and surgery departments. Since 1994 the Territorial Directorate of the Spanish Health Institute and the Primary Healthcare Directorate for the local health area have been located on this hospital’s premises. Between them, the two occupy approximately 20% of the hospital’s habitable area. The facilities of the “061” call-in emergency line are housed on the twelfth floor of the building. Vargas Specialization Centre This building dates back to 1973 and stands 1.5 kilometres from Valdecilla Hospital. It is a single building with seven floors plus two service floors. The hospital’s Outpatient Clinic occupies this building, with the exception of the first two floors of the building, which are ceded for primary healthcare and were remodelled in 1995. There are no available grounds around the centre, which is a typical urban building and thus occupies the entire lot. History Long ago, the Santander Regional Council used to fulfil its obligation to provide free healthcare for the distressed of the province at San Rafael Hospital, a solid, late-eighteenth-century building with 350 beds. Over the course of more than a century, this initially plentiful capacity was gradually overwhelmed. The task of creating a new, bigger hospital was shouldered by Ramón Pelayo de la Torriente, Marquis of Valdecilla, who was already known for his open-handedness in other realms. The new hospital, opened in 1929, was called the Valdecilla Health House (VHH). From the very beginning, the marquis steered the institution in a new direction: First, the hospital would care for all kinds of patients without distinctions; and, second, it would stand out for the high technical and scientific quality of its care, which would become the seed for a genuine school of medicine and surgery. The first department heads of the Valdecilla Health House were named by a committee of experts whose members included Ramón y Cajal and Gregorio Marañón. The building’s structure was designed as a huge sprawl of hospital pavilions in order to separate the fields of specialization and keep a better check on certain contagious diseases. Half a century later, the term “health village” was coined for this kind of architecture. Over time the task of managing the hospital was shifted to the Provincial Council. And in the meantime, the Social Security Institute opened its own health home, the Cantabria Home, in 1969. This was a 12-storey building that brought with it the social novelty of eliminating collective patient wards. The Cantabria Home had instead double rooms with a hygienic toilet room for each room. Between 1970 and 1973, three fundamental initiatives were implemented: to renovate the VHH functionally and architectonically, including the School of Nursing; to convert the renovated hospital into the seat for the clinical classes of the School of Medicine recently created in Santander; and to reach an agreement with the Social Security Institute to unify the hospital activities run by the VHH and the Cantabria Home. The result of this merger was the Marqués de Valdecilla National Medical Centre, which was outfitted with new departments and services, more staff and greater physical and economic resources. Accordingly, the pavilions occupying the front of the hospital grounds were demolished, and on the lot was raised what was called the “new Medical/Surgery Block”, known today as the General Hospital, which was opened in 1973. In that same year, the Social Security Institute constructed a huge 14-storey block with a heliport on its rooftop terrace. This was the Traumatology and Orthopaedics TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS Centre, and it also contained the general services of the Surgery Department and the Nephrology Department, including the department’s dialysis unit. As a consequence of the new situation brought about under the agreement and the characteristics of the new facilities brought into operation, it was decided to remake the Cantabria Health Home into a maternity department and children’s hospital. In 1981 a design was approved to alter and modernize the original Valdecilla pavilions, including building drives, a full reconstruction of the connecting gallery and an updating of the service tunnel. The design was altered in 1984 and concluded in 1988. In 1999, one entire façade of the Traumatology Centre collapsed. Because of this sorrowful event, the Second of November Building was erected on the spot, while arrangements were sped up for the launching of the general alterations to Valdecilla Hospital, by then revealed to be urgent. At the end of that same month, the public tender for the Steering Plan and Phase I of the project to enlarge and alter Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital was opened. In 2003 the new Second of November Building and the first phase of the Emergency Department were opened. In 2005 the bulk of Phase I was finalized and Phase II was commenced. Both ended in 2007, giving the green light to Phase III. By early 2009, execution of the third and final phase of the Steering Plan was in progress; its completion is anticipated for 2010. All in all, the MVUH has been transformed into a highly specialized, high-tech hospital and brought into the ranks of the great teaching and research hospitals of our country. The MVUH covers the population of Area I (300,000 inhabitants) and is the lead hospital for Areas II, III and IV and the extra-regional sphere. The enlargement and alteration steering plan (1999) Background In 1999 the grounds of Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital hosted a variety of buildings with different functions, constructed over the course of the complex’s history and created in accordance with the appearance of new needs according to the different health policy strategies active at the time. These buildings were connected to one another by a system of drives and a system of tunnels, which were also laid out in immediate response to specific needs instead of any premeditated general plan. The final result, then, was a complex that was highly complex in spatial terms, with physically run-down structures and functional difficulties in many areas. This contrasted with the high degree of development of the complex’s medical function and the importance of the hospital within the community. The lot, whose elevation varies by 14 metres from the highest point to the lowest, was included in the remodelling of city streets called for in the General Plan. So, by the time the General Plan was completed, public streets rendered the lot accessible right around its perimeter. This was a considerable improvement on the original accessibility conditions. Both the buildings and the lot were sufficient in terms of size, location and geographical accessibility for patients from Santander and the rest of Cantabria. The hospital was moreover handily positioned and connected for access by patients from other autonomous communities. The hospital’s facilities were widely scattered and some were duplicated as a result of the origin of the hospital complex as a merger of three institutions (the Valdecilla Health House, the subsequently constructed General Hospital and the Cantabria Health Home). Moreover, there was a lack of healthcare coordination among the departments residing in the two hospitals (the Maternity and Children’s Department and the Gynaecology Department at Cantabria Hospital, and the rest of the medical and surgical specializations at the General Hospital). The merger of Cantabria Hospital and the General Hospital required a thorough remodelling of the building on the Cantabria Hospital’s lot, maintaining at all events the use of all current buildings on the basis of a radically different functional distribution of spaces. A 1996-1997 study of the complex’s strength and stability proved that the main building (the General Hospital) still met and upheld its original design parameters. The hospitalization area contained spacious, light-filled rooms and a mini- 271 mally suitable percentage of beds in single rooms (11.2%). The main problem, however, lay in the upkeep condition and functionality of the complex’s buildings, primarily the General Hospital, which is where most of the healthcare systems were housed. Since the building’s construction in the early 70s, no significant investments had been made to remodel it and adapt it to new health and organizational needs, nor had any functional plan ever been drawn up to rationalize the placement and use of spaces in the buildings and on the lots. As a consequence, the configuration of the complex had undergone a policy of accumulating patch on top of patch, to address urgent operating needs in a catch-as-catch-can way. The end result was a building that was uncomfortable for patients, visitors and employees, functionally inefficient, and difficult and costly to keep up as far as reparative and preventive maintenance were concerned. Approach Over three quarters of a century after its origin, the new MVUH was reconceived under the same philosophy that inspired its creation: to offer specialized services for high-quality healthcare, and to ally research and teaching for this task. And, at the outset of the project, the hospital centre actually still did maintain those traits that characterized the original Valdecilla Health House, dictated by a complex medical organization with a progressive outlook espousing revolutionary techniques. The task of improving the complex was not easy. Not only the marquis’ original idea, but also the hospital’s architectonic organization was to be kept alive. This made it mandatory to maintain the original pavilions, or at least to reproduce them faithfully, with the resulting effort that would require in construction. The idea was to instil an important conceptual change while maintaining the same architectonic model. In the original construction of the 700-bed VHH, a horizontal system of more than 20 three-storey pavilions had been designed, joined to one another by a gallery and a tunnel. The pavilion’s organizational model and functional design, which were truly novel for their time, had enabled the VHH to perform a fourfold function highly characteristic of a contemporary hospital: healthcare, teaching, research and 272 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS preventive community action. To shift this pavilion-based approach to accommodate the architectonic and health reality of the early twenty-first century, dominated by a new concept where hospitals are open to society, it was mandatory to effect internal modifications in the different pavilions and recycle the architecture to adapt the new facilities to the needs of the times. What was envisioned was to build a hospital where environmental friendliness and sustainability are set up as one of the fundamental bases of the hospital’s design. That required minimizing environmental impact, using the appropriate technologies to reduce energy consumption and constructing buildings that would be in harmony with their surroundings and cost little to run. The Steering Plan embodied the guidelines of what had to be done in the complex for a full alteration of the hospital facilities. To reach the objective of full alteration, the project would feature three phases, plus a preliminary emergency phase to refurbish the building that had been destroyed. The objectives of the Steering Plan focussed on: • Functionally reorganizing the hospital and its buildings as a whole, preserving them as part of the historic heritage • Improving coordination and communications among the different departments • Facilitating access and traffic flow by separating patient, visitor and service itineraries • Designing areas better suited to new modes of healthcare • Enhancing the comfort and privacy of patients, relatives and professionals • Creating new spaces for teaching activities Steering Plan Outline • Phase 0 (completed): Refurbishment of the Traumatology Building (the building involved in the 1999 accident, which was later renamed the Second of November Building); the incident drew the public eye to the wear inflicted on the hospital with the passage of the years. The building was refurbished for use as hospitalization wards. • Phase 1 (completed): Demolition and rebuilding of the old pavilion zone. It contains approximately 60,000 square metres, with the following areas: - Radiology and Radiation Therapy - Emergency, ICU, the Surgery Block and Sterilization - Administrative, maintenance and training services • Phase 2 (completed): Outpatient Clinic area, approximately 20,000 square metres • Phase 3 (in progress): Hospitalization area Phase I, implemented in accordance and simultaneously with the Steering Plan, encompassed all the hospital’s central services. The main thrust of the proposal consisted in the comprehensive refurbishment of all the pavilions within a huge, newly designed area that would be created underneath and between the pavilions, capable of housing all the general departments (Emergency, ICUs, the Surgery Block, Radiology, Radiation Therapy and Nuclear Medicine, etc.). The Steering Plan was rounded out with the proposed hospitalization and hospitality service areas in the northern zone and the creation of a same-day service and outpatient hospital service building in the south. Thus, the central position of the general departments, ideal because so accessible from the rest of the hospital, was used to its full advantage for high functional efficacy. Therefore two parking zones were situated in the south and north respectively, in addition to a third parking zone at the Emergency Department entrance, with the appropriate loading and unloading spaces at the patient and rehabilitation entrances. The public streets built under the General Plan were used to split up the traffic heading for the Emergency Department, supply deliveries, same-day patient care and the public entrance to the hospitalization wards. Connections were laid among the different buildings, above ground as well as below. These paths were carefully studied to be safe and to keep different types of traffic from interfering with each other. The relocation of the departments favoured the new connections. Phase I This phase was performed between January 2002 and April 2007. The execution process was quite complex as a consequence of the need to act while the hospital remained in operation and as a result of the very nature of the project itself. Objectives This phase encompassed the following objectives: • Changing the hospital’s image to palliate the confusion • Maintaining all the central pavilions for the good of the architectonic composition and history • Creating a large area to house the general departments: This singlestorey area would underlie a rooftop garden that would redeem lost aesthetic values. The underground area would be functionally built using the basements of the pavilions, and that functional quality would provide a satisfactory solution to the proximity of the different general departments to one another. The large rooftop park would be a calming influence inside the hospital zone. • Adapting the terrain: The difficulty of steeply sloping terrain was turned into an advantage to diversify and prioritize accesses. Stepped construction to applied to soften the impact on the urban environment. • Clarity of general traffic circulation: A fabric of traffic paths was woven on the different levels for - Internal services: Beds, food trolleys, supplies and personnel - External services: Visitors and sameday patients Initial condition of the buildings The hospital complex was originally constructed pursuant to designs that complied with all rules and standards mandatory at that time. Because technical standards for buildings, installed systems and safety are drawn up with the precaution of becoming obligatory as of their entry in force and are not retroactive, it may be said that generally the hospital and its buildings and installed systems complied with the terms of technical legislation, although they did not have sufficient measures for dealing with catastrophic situations (no fire doors; no doors TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS fitted with panic bars; not all buildings equipped with easily negotiated, wellindicated emergency stairs). sites until the facilities could return to the finished zone. The jobs were the following: Regular maintenance involved the renovation of one or two hospitalization ward floors, an operating theatre and an Intensive Care room each year, in addition to minor improvements and sanitation alterations. Any safety measures dictated by newly approved legislation were implemented in the altered zones and were extended to modifications when the modifications were extensive enough to so permit. • New offices for maintenance staff and trade unions At all events, the preventive and reparative maintenance work done was insufficient to enable the hospital to adapt, modernize and adjust its physical conditions to current demands for user and employee comfort. • Reorganization of vehicle traffic within the hospital grounds so that each type of traffic (ambulances, outpatients, physicians’ private vehicles, etc.) would have clearly defined entrances and exits without blocking the works zone The pavilions fit into two categories: those that had been improved at some point and were fit for use, needing maintenance without major investments, and those that needed major remodelling. In the remainder of the hospital, columns, beams, bracing and stabilizing walls were in good condition. In 1996 to 1997, a strength and stability study was conducted. Its conclusion was that the buildings met their design parameters. The soil responded adequately to the stresses placed on it, although some points were detected where the soil had shifted, creating cracks in partition walls. This was in overstressed zones, however, and most of the cracks had been corrected and repaired with mullions. Vertical surfaces (partition walls) were preferably built of brick, although there were some zones with mere screens and some partitions made of wood. The latter were to be eliminated and replaced by partition walls or screens with aluminium frames. The external wall (aluminium and single glazing) had water and air tightness problems due to flaws created as the wooden frames underneath windows aged and the slabs above sagged. Routine maintenance work was not sufficient to address these items. Preliminary jobs Before actual works execution, a series of complementary jobs had to be performed that were not included in the design but were necessary in order to rehouse facilities located inside the works zone at new • Creation of new temporary parking zones to compensate for the number of spaces lost inside the works zone • Erection of a temporary 120-squaremetre reinforced-concrete building to rehouse the hyperbaric chamber and its associated machinery on a temporary basis Affected services • Twelve-kilovolt electricity lines that crossed the lot at several points and interfered with the scheduled work; they posed a special hindrance in the initial phase, because the excavation work in their vicinity could not be got underway until the lines were rerouted elsewhere or replaced by other lines • Gas lines to the kitchens and the power plant • Sewer lines; there was a municipal drain (a 1.6-by-0.8-metre ovoid) traversing the lot from north to south, collecting water from all over the northern Valdecilla zone • Drinking-water pipes to the General Hospital and operating theatres Description of works One of the proposal’s basic ideas was to preserve the pavilions, which are listed in the municipal catalogue of protected buildings. From the start the attempt was made to maintain and renovate their original structures. Originally the plan was to demolish only two pavilions and to rebuild one of them afterwards. However, the thorough geotechnical engineering study plus the painstaking analysis of the buildings’ pathologies revealed just how unfeasible that option was. For example, the foundations of the pavilions were not as they were assumed to be, and the façades were an utter hodgepodge of solid concrete patches and did not rest properly on the floor structures. 273 Moreover, demolition by hand would be dangerous, and the façades could not be braced. So, it was eventually decided to raze all the pavilions to the ground, to avert any occupational accidents of any kind, and rebuild the pavilions with façades to match the originals in complete respect for the shapes and proportions of all external building components and decorative elements, which were originally made with materials less resistant to the action of time than the kinds of materials now in use. To do so, plans and sketches had to be made showing the different details of the pavilions and all special components such as mouldings, handrails, flashing boards, columns and roof bolsters. Moulds were made of the hand-crafted components so that shapes identical to the originals could be cast. Moreover, the organization of the frames around doors and windows was maintained, so an exact reproduction of the original pavilions could be procured. All the precast parts were fixed to the masonry façades with common anchoring devices. The façades were then rendered with a layer of single-coat mortar applied to resemble dressed stone (just like the original façades), and the precast components were painted. In some of the precast parts, aesthetic function was combined with structural function. This solution stood as the safest and also the most advisable from the economic and works deadline standpoint. The fundamental difference between the previous pavilions and the new ones –none at all to the naked eye– is that the new ones are more durable. They are unaffected by the wet or other effects of the weather, unlike the original pavilions. Accordingly, a new structure was designed, consisting in two reinforcedconcrete porticos on the east and west façades of each pavilion, on which longspan (12-metre) prestressed concrete slabs were to rest to bridge the distance between façades, without any columns standing in between. The tile roof was then built, and the pavilion’s outer envelope was constructed with Termoarcilla blocks and a final outer coating. This quickly built structure would enable more use to be got out of the pavilion area. The outdoor zones and the courtyards were addressed with semistructural walls made of concrete poured into timber formwork and faced with concrete. 274 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS The need to prepare a structural design entailed the execution of new foundations also, which had to be adjusted to suit the difficult conditions of the subsoil. These poor conditions were the origin of certain pathologies in the old buildings. The initial design consisted of a geotechnical engineering study in which drilling and penetrometer readings showed that there was apparently no rock. With these results, a profile of the terrain was mapped out and the foundation depths for the different buildings were analyzed. From the analysis of the terrain profile, it was deduced that rock might appear in the foundation zone underneath the Nuclear Medicine Department. In view of these contradictory data, it was decided to perform one additional penetrometer campaign rounded off with drilling to demonstrate the compactness of the rock and rule out the existence of the kinds of caves typical of karst terrain. Cantabria is karst, and in the particular zone where Valdecilla Hospital is situated there is a historical record of sphalerite mines worked by the Romans, so there could have been unknown tunnels. This possibility had to be ruled out by drilling. The last campaign showed that a major part of the site rested on rock foundations, and very hard rock foundations too, judging by the results of the simple compression tests to which the sample cores were subjected. And in addition, the rock was extraordinarily compact. Initially, the planned foundation was to be built on the basis of auger-cast piles, with an embedded length of between 0.6 and one metre. Given the extraordinary hardness of the rock and the possibility (reflected by the penetrometers) that there could be limestone strata typical of karst terrain, using this kind of foundation was inadvisable, for two reasons: • The difficulty of finding machinery capable of guaranteeing an embedded length of the dimensions required in the existing terrain • The possibility that, if a limestone spike were encountered, the pile might become embedded in a non-perpendicular direction, with the ensuing high possibility of deviation It was therefore decided that the ideal system would be to build all deep foundations of 180-millimetre micropiles and to build shallow foundations on top of surface-type rock using single footings. In addition to refurbishing the old pavilions and restoring them to their initial conceptual situation and lie on the terrain, at the same time a great landscaped platform was created to heighten the timeless historic aesthetics of the first Valdecilla complex. This structure, the hospital’s nerve centre, can be seen only through its roof garden, which reproduces the highly attractive original pavilion gardens. It is endowed with abundant natural light through courtyards opening onto the garden like pierced work, capable of illuminating the constructed portion while maintaining the desirable privacy of views in these internal areas. The pavilions house diverse complementary uses, focussing above all on more internal medical uses (departments’ administrative units, physicians’ offices, physicians’ housing, library and classrooms, etc.), thus putting the old structures, now obsolete for other functions, to good use. Reduction of the completion period When Phase I was under way, the Cantabrian government asked for the completion periods to be reduced as much as possible in order to shorten the overall completion period of the Steering Plan by two years. That would have meant shaving one year off the period for Phase I (initially four years, and, though Phase I eventually ended five years later, the vast majority of the phase was finished in the first three years, so it was possible to bring forward the start of Phase II). The work teams in all trades consequently required more hands. At some times there were as many as 400 operators working on the complex at once, in many zones but very close to one another, with the management difficulties that involved. With the exception of the critical starting activities preceding all the rest of the work (such as moving the services affected by high-voltage lines and knocking down two pavilions), the following was done in order to comply with the demands for a shorter deadline: • The heating, HVAC, service and maintenance pavilion was finished in April 2003, because without it the rest of the new zone could not be brought on line • The Emergency area was finalized in April 2003, decongesting the Emergency premises of the hospital • The zone for Nuclear Medicine and associated areas (top floor of part of the operating theatres) was completed in May 2004, so the new latest-generation apparatuses (cyclotron and PET unit) could be installed at their definitive sites Nearly all of Phase I was concluded in May 2005, thus cutting the completion period down by one year, which accounted for 25% of the total time the entire project was scheduled to take. Phase II With Phase I practically finished, a start was made on Phase II, which eventually ended in 2007. In Phase II the newly created outpatient hospital services zone was constructed beneath the row of traditional pavilions. Phase II encompassed one rectangular block-shaped building (the Valdecilla South Building) for the Outpatient Clinic and the psychiatric, surgical and medical same-day hospital services (26 operating rooms). In addition, there is a rooftop cafeteria and a new underground car park (520 spaces) stretching to the southern edge of the property. This new building holds the sector with the greatest patient mobility and the greatest technological and technical complement in the entire hospital. It went into operation on 21 January 2008, enabling the southern hospital entrance to be opened, and that in turn enabled all the zones of the hospital to be connected to one another. The layout of all areas is conceived so that, first, access is facilitated as much as possible for patients and their relatives and, second, the departments and care services that are interrelated are situated in the closest proximity to one another, with the goal of achieving greater efficacy and speed in each of the processes and appointments handled. The three-storey windows. building has large The surgical outpatient hospital services, on the first floor, are connected with the Surgery Block, the ICU, the Emergency Department and the Radiology Department in the pavilions built in Phase I of the Steering Plan, to facilitate same-day access and adaptation to the environment of major same-day surgery. There is a patient area and an observation area. The medical outpatient hospital services TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS are situated on the second floor. These services encompass home hospitalization and its administrative area, and they have a patient area, a short chemotherapy treatment area, an inhalation room, an examination room and diverse Outpatient Clinic examining rooms. The psychiatric outpatient services on the ground floor are divided into two areas that share an access but address separate functions: the adult area and the children’s/teen area, devoted to anorexia. Both are equipped with group therapy and work therapy rooms, in addition to psychiatric offices. The public cafeteria for patients, relatives and visitors occupies the roof of the building. It has a large patio from which one can see the centre’s pavilions to the north and the harbour area and Santander Bay to the south. The floor area of all the healthcare and administrative areas is 18,651 square metres, while the underground car park occupies 15,448 square metres. This phase also included some supplementary work, such as the construction of a circular drain, development of the lot around the School of Nursing and the chapel, demolition of installed services that have already been replaced, removal of tanks and contaminated earth, sewer lines in one of the pavilions and the Pathological Anatomy Department and a new transformer substation for the introduction of the hospital’s electrical substation. Phase III This, the final phase of the Steering Plan, has the fundamental objective of demolishing the General Hospital Building, its Outpatient Clinic annexe and the retail zone, replacing them with three fivestorey buildings and creating the hospital’s definitive main entrance, which will provide access to the hospitalization wards, the Obstetrics Block, the laboratories (centralized and roboticized), clinical offices, the Pathological Anatomy Department, the pharmacy, medical deputy directorates, hospitality services, etc. The three new buildings, which will be reached across a public square, will be connected to one another by means of a central corridor running through them at two different levels, to facilitate internal patient and staff traffic and to connect to the Second of November Building. For the main entrance to the new Valdecilla complex, plans call for a huge glassed-in space that will have mobile light-screening systems and will be decorated with works of art. Moreover, a streetlike lobby inside will direct pedestrian flow to the different zones of the hospital. The admissions block, the information desk, the cafeteria, shops and retail space will line this street. Underneath the floor will lie a service floor (maintenance and HVAC) and a second level of underground corridors that will link the three new blocks with the Second of November Building, the Emergency area and the pavilions. Underneath this level will lie the two floors that will be held in reserve for future expansions. The three new blocks will house 15 hospitalization wards with a total of 332 rooms, which will hold 664 beds in double use. Light and natural ventilation will take priority in these rooms, as shown by the fact that both beds in each room will face the window. About 120 of these rooms will be devoted to intermediate care. Altogether, eight of the 15 wards will be devoted to general medical/surgical hospitalization, two will be for Obstetrics, two for Oncohaematology, one for Paediatrics, one for Newborns and one for Psychiatry. In the psychiatric ward, there will be an indoor courtyard so patients who must spend some time in hospitalization have a place to stretch their legs. The nurses’ desk is situated in the centre, so it can access the entire area easily. When the execution of the Steering Plan is complete, the new Valdecilla Hospital will have around 1,000 conventional hospitalization beds. Outside, the three hospitalization blocks boast a ventilated façade clad with aged copper sheets, which are highly resistant to adverse weather conditions. It has also been planned to incorporate photovoltaic panels for electricity production. Cells will be placed in the glazing to allow light to pass while electricity is being stored. Apart from environmental friendliness and sustainability, another criterion held foremost in mind is to make this a flexible hospital where growth is possible in future. The third phase was tackled during the last quarter of 2007, with the opening of new operating theatres, the outpatient hospital services and the Outpatient Clinic Building (Valdecilla South). 275 The General Hospital was completely evacuated in February 2008. The examination rooms and the rest of the healthcare services were moved to the Valdecilla South and Second of November buildings. Work began in March 2008 to classify the rubble and assess the existing equipment for possible reuse. At the same time, the electricity was cut off and the interior partition walls were knocked down to facilitate the subsequent demolition of the building (controlled demolition to reduce dust and noise emissions). A non-vibrating, noiseless machine with shears was used to raze the building. The opening and closing of the shears’ steel jaws tore down the buildings and cut up the building structures so the concrete and steel could later be separated. This third phase, which ends in 2010, marks the closure of the entire project and therefore addresses aspects of unification and centralization, such as the electrical control system and the alarm system. The development of the entire hospital complex is likewise finalized, with an increase over the complement of parking spaces available previously. Some new features of the hospital “Wall-less hospital” The “Wall-Less Hospital” project, which involved computerizing the MVUH’s home hospitalization service, started functioning in late 2007. In itself, it does not involve any great improvements in care, but it does enable an innovative attitude and greater speed in medical processes (requesting tests as well as waiting for results), and it makes more efficient use of resources. Under this project, patients have seen how the time they have to wait to receive their diagnostic test results has shortened, how repetitions are avoided and how the hospital reminds them of their appointments by text messaging and/or e-mail. And there is a novel system of radiofrequency identification that steers patients to the appropriate examination rooms. The digital imaging system has made it possible to digitalize and file medical images. This has been extended to the Radiology Department’s services. Hospital hospitality Hospitality is a new resource that arose 276 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS in 2007 to complete some aspects of humanizing the hospital. There are users who do not require hospitalization but must nevertheless remain in contact with the hospital for the time being due to their pathology. Some such users cannot travel back and forth from their home to the hospital every day. The hospitality service is for these patients. The maximum time of stay will depend on each patient’s medical situation. The hospitality area consists of 18 rooms, eight doubles and ten singles, with a total area of 600 square metres. Each room is fully furnished, and there are two roomy public lounges. This is a pioneering system in Spain. The experience “feels more like checking into a hotel than a hospital”, as there is no medical care involved at all. The Valdecilla initiative is part of the hospital’s determination to cover the needs of numerous users who must travel from their respective places of origin to the centre in Santander in its capacity as the lead hospital in some specializations. The requirements for using these facilities depend on the criteria of necessity and distance. Breastfeeding mothers whose babies are hospitalized are given special attention. RDI The hospital incorporates the most advanced technology, for instance, highfield (teslas) MRI machines; four digital angiography units: one biplane unit for Interventional Neuroradiology, a singleplane unit for Peripheral Vascular Disease and two for Haemodynamics and Cardiac Electrophysiology; a full monitoring system for the ICUs, which incorporates an information procedure for paper-free work; smart operating theatres; and a high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) unit that enables genetic mutations to be analyzed at the molecular level, very important for detecting breast cancer, ovarian cancer and polyposis of the colon with a familial component. The integrated operating theatres have diverse high-image-quality monitors, a touchscreen for controlling the entire operating theatre, audiovisual connections with other operators located in diverse zones of the hospital, videoconferencing capability and the possibility of real-time medical information sharing. Nuclear Medicine The nuclear medicine equipment is made up of the following components: • Cyclotron: A device that manufactures short-lived (< 3 hours) radioactive isotopes that can be used intravenously or by inhalation (gases) for early cancer detection • PET: Positron emission tomography apparatus; it is used to diagnose cancer • Synthesis laboratory: Here the isotopes extracted from the cyclotron are handled and prepared so they can be moved inside the hospital or to other nearby hospitals • Radiology bunkers: Locations where a patient is bombarded with high-energy particles, for cancer treatments • Brachytherapy: Treatment for gynaecological cancers, with the radiological source inserted in the patient The premises where the cyclotron, the synthesis laboratory and the radiation therapy bunkers lie are surrounded by concrete walls of different thicknesses: 30 centimetres for the synthesis laboratory and the brachytherapy facilities, and 150 to 180 centimetres for the cyclotron and the radiology bunkers. The bunkers also have some areas that have been built out of barium concrete (concrete with a density of 3.3 tonnes per cubic metre), which is needed to absorb the high-energy radiation. In the zones where the thickness is not sufficient (floor structure), an additional highdensity material (18-centimetre-thick steel plates, since steel is about three times denser than concrete) has been installed to compensate. Producing radiopharmaceuticals is not the basic mission of the hospital’s Nuclear Medicine Department, because it is the part of the process that does not affect health care, teaching or research. The very technology involved in producing and distributing radiopharmaceuticals makes it necessary to perform this activity at night; because the radiopharmaceuticals the cyclotron produces have a short life and must be used immediately, they have to be available at the Nuclear Medicine Department first thing every morning. Thus, the facilities are available for research activity the rest of the day. número 2009 TÉCNICAS CONSTRUCTIVAS número 4 2009 4 Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba Hospital Rafael Méndez. Lorca. Murcia Hospital Reina Sofía. Murcia Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Madrid Hospital del Sureste. Arganda. Madrid Nuevo Hospital de Mataró. Barcelona Instituto Guttmann. Badalona. Barcelona Hospital General de Ciudad Real Hospital San Agustín. Avilés. Asturias Hospital General Son Llátzer. Palma de Mallorca Clínica Palmaplanas. Palma de Mallorca Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria. Tenerife Hospital Universitario de Canarias. La Laguna. Tenerife Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander HOSPITALES 1995 - 2009 General Perón 36, 28020 Madrid Balmes 36, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 91 514 10 00 Tel. +34 93 496 49 00 Fax +34 91 514 10 12 Fax +34 93 487 97 92 • [email protected]