SUMMERWOOD HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 30, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER John Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. Board members participating were John Fitzgerald, John Hedderich, Alan Cohen (via teleconference) and Anne Del Villano. Bert Del Villano of the ACC was also present. Representing Basic Property Management were Gary Nicholds and Eric Nicholds. Erika Krainz of Summit Management Resources was recording secretary. Attorney Danny Teodoru joined the meeting at 10:04 a.m. II. ENERGY USAGE REVIEW John Fitzgerald said water usage was up. There could be a leak related to the pool. The Board will address this issue in the spring. III. APPROVE PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Alan Cohen made a motion to approve the October 27, 2014 Board Meeting minutes as presented. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. IV. OWNER COMMENTS There were no owner comments. V. REVIEW ACTION ITEMS Anne Del Villano reviewed the Action Items: 1. Install three more security cameras – Eric Nicholds said three cameras had been installed. They are operable but are not yet recording. One more will be added in the parking lot aimed at the dumpster. The contractor has not been paid. An extra cable line was installed to the workout room because the television was not working. 2. Placement of new trees – Open. Eric is having some issues working with the landscaping contractor. Further action was tabled until spring. 3. Replacement of the map – Eric replaced the map but someone tore it off and threw it in the ditch last night. He will reattach it using heavy duty velcro. 4. Repair the pool trim – Open. Further action was tabled until spring. 5. Redo curbs by mail room – Open. Further action was tabled until spring. 6. Repair tennis court cracks – Open. Further action was tabled until June. 7. Pool leak – Open. Eric will try to find a contractor to investigate the source. 8. Racquetball drainage – A sump pump was installed after the last meeting. Eric would like to figure out a way to install a usage meter to indicate when the pump turns on and off. Bert Del Villano suggested using an electrical meter. 9. Get recommendation from RKR regarding reinstallation of the racquetball floor – Open. Further action was tabled until spring. 10. Bids for gutters – Remove from list. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 1/30/15 Page 2 of 5 11. 12. Signs in the Clubhouse – Open. Anne Del Villano will work with Eric on signage this week. They will develop wording for signage for the security cameras. Investigate hot tub cover replacement – Open. Further action was tabled. VI. ACC REPORT Bert Del Villano said there was not much activity. The ACC issued approvals for a number of window changes. The Hawking’s painted the Tyvek brown. After the snow melts, Eric and Susan Nicholds should tour the property and develop a list of maintenance issues for the individual houses. VII. MANAGER’S REPORT A. Year-End Financial Report as of December 31, 2014 John Hedderich reviewed the significant variances. 1. Annual Meeting – 116% of budget. 2. Repair & Maintenance – 97% of budget. Clubhouse Pool and Spa was over budget. 3. Electric – 80% of budget. 4. Gas – 104% of budget. 5. Vehicle Expense – 115% of budget. 6. Total Operating Expenses – 102% of budget. The Reserve Fund balance was about $700,000. Anne Del Villano made a motion to accept the receipt of the financial report. Alan Cohen seconded and the motion carried. B. Approve Check Register Anne Del Villano made a motion to approve the check register. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. C. Audit Firm Selection John Hedderich recommended having a full audit since the last one was done at least ten years ago. Anne Del Villano made a motion to have a full audit performed. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. Gary Nicholds will obtain bids from Brad Stuhr and Eide Bailey and John Hedderich will select the firm. D. Investment of Portion of Reserves The Declarations allow investment of the Association funds in CD’s. John Hedderich will contact Merle Klocke at Alpine Bank to discuss options. E. Resident Manager’s Report 1. Water Handling/Drainage Status – discussed during the Action Item review. 2. Trim Around Pool Opening - discussed during the Action Item review. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 1/30/15 Page 3 of 5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. F. Racquetball Court Floor Re-Installation - discussed during the Action Item review. Bonus - Eric Nicholds thanked the Board for the bonus. Vacation - Eric will be taking vacation in early April. Roof Leak – A roof leak in the breezeway was repaired by Turner Morris. Plow Truck – The plow on the white truck was repaired. Snow Removal - Eric used the loader twice this winter to clean up some areas. He used the skid loader yesterday and it is working well. Front Lights - Last year the lights went out at the front entrance. An electrician repaired the line. He indicated that it was likely the line would eventually fail again and suggested replacement of it. John Fitzgerald recommended waiting to take action until a decision is made about moving the mailroom. BPM Report Gary Nicholds did not provide a report. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Validate Inter-Meeting Decisions Anne Del Villano made a motion to ratify the decision made by email to award bonuses for Eric and Susan Nicholds. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. B. Footprint Lot Expansion Process/PUD Considerations Danny Teodoru provided a summary of the options for restricting the use of the easement at the front of Summerwood and for addressing the footprint lot expansion. Easement in Front of Summerwood: 1. There is a 200’ easement along the highway frontage. 2. He would like to determine how the easement was dedicated, if there are any restrictions on its use and what the rationale was for the dedication. 3. The means of dedication will address the levels of protection for limiting allowed uses and insuring maximum protection from liability for any event. There should be a written document addressing liability. 4. One option might be to deed the property to the Town with a conservation easement that specifies allowable uses and outlines maintenance responsibility. 5. There is no provision for a mailroom in the permitted uses in the PUD. The mailroom is located within the 200’ easement. It might be possible to move the mailboxes under the porte cochere in front of the Clubhouse. Anne Del Villano made a motion to authorize Danny Teodoru to work with the County to resolve the allowable uses for the 200’ easement, to clarify liability and indemnification and to have the Board explore the possibility of moving the mailroom with the Post Office. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. Footprint Lot Expansion: 1. Danny would like to identify a way to allow expansions without requiring a plat amendment or PUD modification. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 1/30/15 Page 4 of 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The PUD specifies that 46% of the entire property shall be reserved as a common element, which is quite rare. Aerial photography is now being done to determine how much of the total area is footprint and how much is open space to confirm that the Association is conforming to the 46% open space requirement. This work should be completed sometime next week. A written policy should be developed for owners desiring to expand their lot size. Steps would include providing a plan for approval to the ACC, approval by the Board, deeding the requested square footage at a set price and obtaining a permit from the County. Guidelines would need to be established for the required amount of space between homes, the maximum amount of property that could be deeded to each owner and the price per square foot. The amount of property per owner could be based on a percentage of the owner’s original lot, with an allowance for the Board to approve exceptions on a case-by-case basis. If there will be a 5’ perimeter, it could be classified as a setback area. Bert Del Villano suggested a tiered pricing structure, with one rate for the 5’ perimeter square footage and another for the square footage that will actually be developed. This proposal should be presented to the owners at the Annual Meeting and the owners should be given an opportunity to vote on it. Bert Del Villano anticipated that some owners of actual lots might object to the Association selling portions of the common element. Danny Teodoru did not anticipate that a PUD modification would be required for the footprint expansion, but in the event that a modification is required for the 200’ easement, it would be an ideal time to clean up some other areas of the PUD for clarification. IX. C. Strategic Plan Action Steps (Homeowner Survey) John Fitzgerald said he was still trying to find someone willing to organize an owner survey. Anne Del Villano volunteered to draft some questions. D. Information Booklet/Operating Manual Recording Update The Information Booklet and Operating Manual are now two separate documents but they have not yet been recorded individually. The revised Articles and Declarations will be recorded along with another document stating that other Rules are available from the management company. Danny Teodoru will be asked to review all the documents to make sure everything is in order before they are recorded. NEW BUSINESS A. Discuss Collaboration with Summit Bikers RE: Shelter/Rest Area There is a possibility that Summerwood can collaborate with the Summit Biker’s Club and the County Open Space and Trails to construct a Recreation Path Shelter away from the Summerwood entrance to improve the safety of the intersection. Meetings will be scheduled. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 1/30/15 Page 5 of 5 B. Torrey Lane Rental Issue There have been issues at a house that is rented on Torrey Lane with numerous cars parked in the driveway and on the street. Eric Nicholds said general rental issues include trailers, RV’s and parking on the street. C. Review Operating Manual Schedule for Upcoming Months The Operating Manual schedule was not reviewed. D. Review and Assign New Action Items Anne Del Villano will draft a list of new Action Items and distribute it to the Board. X. SET NEXT MEETING DATE The next Board Meeting was scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. The Annual Meeting was scheduled for Saturday, July 25, 2015. XI. ADJOURNMENT John Hedderich made a motion to adjourn at 12:02 a.m. Alan Cohen seconded and the motion carried. Approved By: ______________________________________ Board Member Signature Date: ___________________ SUMMERWOOD HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING April 23, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER John Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m. Board members participating were John Fitzgerald, John Hedderich, Peter Raich and Anne Del Villano (via teleconference). Bert Del Villano of the ARC also participated (via teleconference). Representing Basic Property Management were Gary Nicholds and Eric Nicholds. Erika Krainz of Summit Management Resources was recording secretary. II. ENERGY USAGE REVIEW John Fitzgerald said water usage was up compared to the past two years. There may be a leak in the pool. It has been losing up to 500 gallons per day. Eric Nicholds has a leak detection company coming tomorrow to try to identify the source. Gas usage was up due to heating the driveway and switching the Clubhouse to gas. III. APPROVE PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Peter Raich made a motion to approve the January 30, 2015 Board Meeting minutes as presented. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. IV. OWNER COMMENTS There were no owner comments. V. REVIEW ACTION ITEMS Review of Action Items was tabled until the end of the meeting. VI. ACC REPORT Bert Del Villano said he received a request from the Knight’s and issued conditional approval. They have been asked to provide a landscaping plan. They were told to make it clear that the wall and supporting structures are on their land or that they will get an easement from the owner of the property. They acknowledged this requirement and will provide this information prior to start of construction. Eric Nicholds was asked to send a list of houses that need to be painted with photos so Bert can forward this information to the affected property owners. VII. MANAGER’S REPORT A. Year-End Financial Report as of March 31, 2015 John Hedderich reviewed the significant variances. 1. Repair & Maintenance – 98% of budget. 2. Utilities 95% of budget. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 4/23/15 Page 2 of 5 3. 4. 5. Gas 115% of budget. Vehicle Expense 94% of budget. Total Operating Expenses 1.6% over budget. The Board agreed to raise dues $5/month from $270 to $275 in the next budget. John Hedderich will provide a draft budget for Board review by June. Anne Del Villano made a motion to raise dues $5/month in the next budget. Peter Raich seconded and the motion carried. B. Approve Check Register John Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the check register. Peter Raich seconded and the motion carried. C. Audit Firm Selection The Board selected Stuhr & Associates to perform an audit. The cost will be $4,500 – 5,000 and the auditor plans to start reviewing the financial data around June 15th. D. Investment of Portion of Reserves John Hedderich contacted Alpine Bank. Their current yield for one-year CD’s is 0.1%, and 1.5% for 2.5 year CD’s. The Board agreed that some of the funds should be moved to another bank since the current balance is over the $250,000 FDIC-insured limit. Gary Nicholds confirmed that separate accounts within one bank would not be individually insured. Another option would be laddered CDAR’s, which could be purchased through Alpine Bank and would all be FDIC-insured. Gary will talk to Alpine Bank about moving the Association funds into CDAR’s and provide the information to John Hedderich. Gary recommended having multiple signers on the accounts. The Board agreed the signers should be John Hedderich, John Fitzgerald, Peter Raich and Gary Nicholds. E. Resident Manager’s Report 1. Water Handling/Drainage Status – Eric Nicholds reported that the drywell that was constructed last October is doing the job. He has been monitoring the amount of water being pumped out. The pump runs four to five times daily and moves about 25 gallons each time. The pump under the Clubhouse is running frequently right now due to spring runoff. He plans to dig a hole by the west wall of the racquetball court to try to find the perimeter drain so it can be cleaned out. 2. Racquetball Court Floor Reinstallation – The Board agreed to wait to reinstall the floor until the hole has been dug by the west wall to determine if there is water coming in from that side. The bids for reinstalling the floor were $17,000 from a local company, $15,000 from a Denver company and $12,221 from Colorado Custom Floors. The Board approved the Colorado Custom Floors bid. Eric will call them to confirm the bid is still valid and if so, order the wood so it can be delivered and allowed to acclimate before installation. 3. House Checks – Checks are being done every other week. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 4/23/15 Page 3 of 5 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. F. Trucks – There was one issue with the white truck not starting easily this winter. Snow was moved with the loader a couple of times this winter. Summer Projects – Projects include vegetation, weed spraying and crack sealing. Fire Mitigation – Eric said it might be possible to obtain some grant money for the Denver Water Board land but there is only about $5,000 of work remaining. Eric and Peter Raich will decide if they should submit a grant. Tennis Courts – Crack sealing will be done in June. Peter Raich suggested painting one of the courts for pickleball the next time the court is resurfaced or repainted. This will be discussed at the Annual Meeting to determine the level of owner interest. Window Washing – The Clubhouse and mail room windows will be washed. Mail Room – Eric and John Fitzgerald will check the hardware and locks on the doors of the mailboxes. BPM Report Gary Nicholds will be working on spring clean-up projects. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Validate Inter-Meeting Decisions Peter Raich made a motion to approve addition of the Preamble to the Declaration of Covenants/Articles and to record the entire document. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. Gary Nicholds will have the documents recorded next week. B. Strategic Plan Action Steps (Homeowner Survey) Anne Del Villano created a draft of a Homeowner Survey. John Fitzgerald has a few recommended modifications. He will make the changes and send it back to Anne. C. Footprint Lot Expansion Process/PUD Considerations John Fitzgerald reviewed the PUD language related to the easements. Danny Teodoru did a search but could not find any record of an easement dedication to the County. As a result, Summerwood may own the bike path and could be liable for any incidents. Danny would like to propose dedicating the land from the highway to the inside of the bike path plus 10 – 15’ past the bike path for maintenance (about 100’ total) to the County so the County would have ownership and liability. Danny would include the necessary easements for maintenance, landscaping, the entry and the fence. Peter Raich asked if this would complicate future erection of a noise fence. John said this could be part of negotiation. The County would like the mail room to be removed but this would not be required. The County does not have any issue with the lot expansion process and it should be easy to resolve. Danny recommended working with the planning staff to make a minor modification to the PUD. He did not recommend a major modification due to the complicated process and significant expense. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 4/23/15 Page 4 of 5 Anne Del Villano made a motion to authorize Danny Teodoru to approach the County with a proposal to dedicate a portion of Summerwood land on which the bike path sits with the appropriate easements and restrictions on use (and a list of permitted uses) and to include a discussion about a minor modification to the PUD to clean up outstanding issues. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. D. Discuss Collaboration RE: Bike Shelter/Rest Area/Mail Facility Eric Nicholds said he and John Fitzgerald had a discussion with Brian Lorch of Open Space and Trails about building a bike shelter by the open space parking area. Brian was in favor but indicated he did not have any funding. Norm Stoller of the Summit Bike Club was not willing to provide any funding unless the mail room structure is removed. Eric talked to representatives from the Town of Dillon about this idea and they were interested. They indicated they would be willing to take responsibility for maintenance and would also consider installation of a pit toilet. Eric obtained a bid of $54,000 to take down the mail room and guard shack. The Board agreed that at this cost, it would not be financially feasible to remove the structures. Eric will get another bid. Eric was directed to continue to work with the Town of Dillon to determine the cost to get a shelter built by the public parking lot. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Annual Meeting Preparation 1. Election – Alan Cohen will not be running for reelection. John Fitzgerald will nominate Chris Durkin for the vacant seat. John Hedderich and Anne Del Villano will be running again. Peter Raich has agreed to serve as Secretary to facilitate signing of official documents. The other Officers will stay the same. 2. Budget Approval – This was discussed during the Financial Review. 3. Annual Meeting Packet to Homeowners Schedule – The packet will be sent out about one month prior to the meeting. B. Review Operating Manual Schedule for Upcoming Months John Fitzgerald reviewed the Operating Manual schedule. C. Review and Assign New Action Items Anne Del Villano reviewed Action Items. 1. Additional Security Cameras – Scheduled for installation next week. 2. Pool Trim Repair – Eric will have a handyman look at this project and a number of other punchlist-type items. 3. Replace Curbs by Mailroom – Tabled. 4. Policy/Process to Permit Footprint Lots to Expand – In progress. 5. Repair Tennis Court Cracks – Scheduled for this summer. 6. Pool Leak – Contractor scheduled for tomorrow. 7. Racquetball Drainage – Eric will dig a test hole on the west side. He will order the wood from the low bidder and have delivered so it can cure. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 4/23/15 Page 5 of 5 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Signs in Clubhouse – Anne will meet with Eric. Signage should be installed warning of the surveillance system and they will make sure all other signage is consistent. Hot Tub Cover Replacement – John Fitzgerald will discuss the validity of our plans for the future clubhouse master plan with Jack Rouse, a retired owner of a major design firm, before we commit to significant investments in the existing infrastructure. Clubhouse Windows – Tabled until the racquetball court is resolved. Summerwood Audit – Stuhr and Associates will be doing the audit. Summerwood Investments – Gary Nicholds and John Hedderich will work on investment of the Association Reserves in CDAR’s at Alpine Bank. Check with PO about Mail Room Relocation – Anne Del Villano will get written permission from the Town to move the mail room in case the Board decides to pursue this option sometime in the future. Draft Homeowner Survey – Completed. House Painting – Eric Nicholds will tour the property and create a list of houses needing paint. X. SET NEXT MEETING DATE The next Board Meeting was scheduled for July 24, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. The Annual Meeting was scheduled for Saturday, July 25, 2015. XI. ADJOURNMENT John Hedderich made a motion to adjourn at 11:54 a.m. Approved By: ______________________________________ Board Member Signature Date: ___________________ SUMMERWOOD HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING July 24, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER John Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Board members participating were John Fitzgerald, John Hedderich, Peter Raich and Anne Del Villano. Bert Del Villano of the ARC also participated. Owner Chris Durkin was a guest at the meeting. Representing Basic Property Management were Gary Nicholds and Eric Nicholds. Erika Krainz of Summit Management Resources transcribed the minutes from recording. II. APPROVE PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Anne Del Villano made a motion to approve the April 23, 2015 Board Meeting minutes as presented. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. III. OWNER COMMENTS There were no owner comments. IV. REVIEW ACTION ITEMS Review of Action Items was tabled until the end of the meeting. V. ACC REPORT Bert Del Villano reviewed the following: 1. Proposal to accept a color chip for stucco repairs – John Fitzgerald made a motion to accept the proposal. Anne Del Villano seconded and the motion carried. 2. Lex Hawkins needs to paint his garage doors. The ACC approved a set of steps to a patio above the garage area. 3. There has been a request from Jim Knight for a 4,000 sq.ft. easement to brace up the driveway. Bert would like to defer further discussion until the builder is present. The ACC initially gave provisional approval based on a final survey and landscaping details but when the next set of plans was submitted, there was a different survey with a mammoth structure and a request for the 4,000 sq.ft. easement for the retaining wall on Summerwood common area. The owner would have to apply and pay for it. The ACC feels that the acceptable solution would be to redesign the house so the retaining wall is on the owner’s property. The current design could be flipped to a mirror image, or the house could be made narrower. The builder, Peter Campbell joined the meeting in progress at 10:10 a.m. Bert Del Villano provided a summary of the issues. 1. The retaining wall easement request is for 4,000 sq.ft., which is about the size of each of the lots in Summerwood. 2. The ARC would like to see the house, driveway and wall all fit on the lot. 3. Options would be to flip the house or to make the house longer and narrower. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 7/24/15 Page 2 of 5 4. The Board is not inclined to grant the 4,000 sq.ft. easement. Pete Campbell thought the easement could probably be reduced to around 2,000 sq.ft. Jim Knight was called. He explained that the engineer drew a straight line for the easement but the size could be reduced by following the line of the retaining wall. Bert said it might be possible to work out a land swap. The Board will confer with the attorney to determine what their authority is and get back to Jim next week. VI. MANAGER’S REPORT A. Investment of Reserves John Hedderich explained the CDAR’s investment plan. Alpine Bank will invest in CD’s in various institutions to provide FDIC coverage for the entire balance. The return is about 0.2%. Margarita Sherman has also contacted another bank on the east coast that is offering a 2% interest rate. The Board agreed that security and transparency were the key issues. The Board authorized John Hedderich to invest the funds in a no risk vehicle. B. Audit Schedule The audit is underway. A preliminary report should be provided to John Hedderich today and he will forward it to the Board for review. Gary Nicholds said there was an issue with how the proceeds for the sale of the green truck and purchase of the red truck were handled in 2013 and 2014. The tax return will be amended and there will be a tax liability of a few thousand dollars. C. Approve Check Register John Fitzgerald made a motion to accept the check register. Peter Raich seconded and the motion carried. D. Year-End Financial Report as of June 30, 2015 John Hedderich reviewed the significant variances. 1. Total Administration – 79% of budget. 2. Repair & Maintenance – 109% of budget. 3. Utilities – 85% of budget. 4. Gas – 99% of budget. 5. Vehicle Expense – 49% of budget. 6. Total Operating Expenses – 1.2% over budget. E. Resident Manager’s Report 1. Crack sealing has been completed. 2. A Cut Above placed packets on the spruce trees, sprayed for scale and trimmed. 3. Weed spraying has been done. 4. The drainage pump for the crawlspace under the racquetball court is working well. 5. The racquetball court flooring is acclimated and is ready to be installed. The Board authorized starting the installation. It should take about two weeks once started. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 7/24/15 Page 3 of 5 6. F. The existing street number signs require a lot of maintenance and some of them are in poor condition. John Fitzgerald felt the signs should be simplified. Eric Nicholds was asked to try to get a sample replacement sign for the Annual Meeting. John will explain to the owners that Association will be replacing the signs to reduce maintenance and to assist emergency services with property identification. BPM Report Gary Nicholds reviewed the following: 1. Investment of Association funds in CDAR’s was discussed during the Financial Review. 2. The audit is coming along. 3. Cleaning is in progress around the Clubhouse in preparation for the Annual Meeting. Gary Nicholds thanked the Board and said he appreciated working with them. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Validate Inter-Meeting Decisions There were no inter-meeting decisions. B. Strategic Plan Action Steps (Homeowner Survey) Anne Del Villano said there were a total of ten responses. She summarized the results, which were mostly positive. John Fitzgerald will announce at the Annual Meeting that based on the survey results, the Board will be looking at improvements in the weight room. He will also mention that the Clubhouse hours are 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. C. Footprint Lot Expansion Process/PUD Considerations John Fitzgerald said this project was on hold. Danny Theodoru does not believe it will be difficult. D. Discuss Collaboration RE: Bike Shelter/Rest Area/Mail Facility This agenda item was discussed off the record. E. Approval of Rules/Bylaws Documents & Ops Manual UpdateThe Declarations and Articles of Incorporation have been recorded. The other documents have been updated but do not need to be recorded. The updated documents should be sent to all owners and posted on the website. Bert Del Villano noted that the stucco color chip information should be added to the Ops Manual. Anne Del Villano made a motion to approve the updated documents. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 7/24/15 Page 4 of 5 F. Resolution John Fitzgerald submitted a proposed Resolution recognizing Alan Cohen’s more than eleven years of service on the Board: Whereas Alan Cohen has served on the Board of the Summerwood Homeowners’ Association for more than 11 years; and whereas the sale of his Summerwood home precludes his continuing as a Director of the Association; and whereas his wisdom, advice and work have been of great benefit to the Association; be it resolved that the Board of Directors expresses unbound gratitude to Alan and wish him a happy and full life as he moves on from Summerwood. John Hedderich made a motion to approve the Resolution as presented. Peter Raich seconded and the motion carried. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Annual Meeting Preparation John Fitzgerald will include a discussion of moving the mailroom on the agenda. Chris Durkin has been nominated to run for the vacant Board seat. John Hedderich and Anne Del Villano indicated they would be running again. B. Thorson 12 Spare Feet John Fitzgerald reviewed the map and determined the 12 feet between Summerwood and Tract 8/9 was not part of Summerwood. John Fitzgerald made a motion to inform the Thorsons that the Board appreciates the offer but there is no apparent benefit for the Association. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. C. Review and Assign New Action Items Anne Del Villano reviewed Action Items. 1. Additional Security Cameras – completed. Anne commented that there was a problem with unauthorized trash disposal in the dumpster. 2. Pool Trim Repair – completed. 3. Cost to Demolish Mailroom - Eric Nicholds received two bids. One of the bids was about $22,000 – 24,000. 4. Replace Curbs by Mailroom – on hold. 5. Policy/Process to Permit Footprint Lots to Expand – in progress. 6. Repair Tennis Court Cracks – Eric Nicholds sent in a signed contract but it got lost in transit and the contractor is now booked for the whole summer. Eric will do a temporary fill of the cracks and tie down the windscreens. 7. Pool Leak – ongoing. 8. Racquetball Drainage – completed. 9. Status of Paint/Condition of Homes – in progress. Eric Nicholds was asked to provide a list of houses needing paint to Bert Del Villano. 10. Signs in Clubhouse – completed. Signage will be added on several doors and in the hot tub room about the surveillance cameras. The wording should indicate that the cameras are not monitored. Bert Del Villano will provide wording. 11. Moving Hot Tub – completed. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 7/24/15 Page 5 of 5 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. IX. X. Clubhouse Windows – ongoing. Eric Nicholds will have a contractor inspect the windows. Summerwood Investments – completed. Check with PO about Mail Room Relocation – Anne Del Villano will get something in writing from the Post Office. Edit Survey – completed. Clubhouse Exercise Equipment – Eric Nicholds. Follow up with Knight – Bert Del Villano. Letter to Owners Regarding Deadline for Trimming Grass by 8/15/15 – Eric Nicholds. Noise Mitigation – Chris Durkin. C. Review Operating Manual Schedule for Upcoming Months John Fitzgerald reviewed the Operating Manual schedule. E. Noise Mitigation Chris Durkin volunteered to take on highway noise mitigation. He will approach it from the safety standpoint and request a reduction of the speed limit. F. Tenderfoot Motorcycling Peter Raich said the service road was recently closed down for rehabilitation. There are plans to repair the stream crossings and maintain the trails. SET NEXT MEETING DATE The next Board Meeting will be held immediately following the Annual Meeting to elect Officers. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 25, 2015. The next regular Board Meeting was scheduled for Friday, October 2, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. ADJOURNMENT John Fitzgerald made a motion to adjourn at 12:24 p.m. Approved By: ______________________________________ Board Member Signature Date: ___________________ FINAL SUMMERWOOD HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING July 25, 2015 I. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER The Summerwood Homeowner Association Annual Meeting was called to order by John Fitzgerald at 9:10 a.m. in the Summerwood Clubhouse. Board members present were: John Fitzgerald, President John Hedderich, Treasurer Anne Del Villano, Vice President Peter Raich, Secretary Owners present were: May Trojak Marjorie Mandlin Erich & Jeannie Schoennagel Susan Greely Ron & Sue Kutsche Barbara Campbell Chuck Costakos Bert Del Villano Chris Durkin Ronald & Kathleen Wahler Raymond Skowyra Stephen & Mary Ann Foss Peter Heckman Eric Becker Jim & Karen Coffin George Curtis Mary Diblasi Lex Hawkins Representing Basic Property Management were Gary Nicholds and Eric Nicholds. Margot Mayer of Summit Management Resources was recording secretary. II. PROOF OF NOTICE/QUORUM With properties represented in person or by proxy a quorum was confirmed. III. VERIFICATION OF NOTICE Notice of the meeting was sent in accordance with the Bylaws. IV. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES Chris Durkin made a motion to accept the July 26, 2014 Annual Meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and carried. V. PRESIDENT’S REPORT A. Board and Staff Introductions John Fitzgerald said there will be three Board seats up for election this year. The terms of Alan Cohen, Anne Del Villano and John Hedderich expired. Alan Cohen is in the process of selling his property. Anne and John were willing to serve additional terms. He thanked the Board for their service. Summerwood Condominium Association Annual Homeowner Meeting 7/25/15 Page 2 of 6 The Architectural Control Committee members are Bert Del Villano, Chairman, Mark Novak, Mary Beth Diblasi, Chris Metzger and Linda Boyd. He thanked the committee for their work and the homeowners for their cooperation. Eric Nicholds is the Property Manager and Susan and Gary Nicholds are the on-site Assistant Managers. The management team was recognized for their service to the Association. B. Strategic Plan – John Fitzgerald 1. Mission – Summerwood should be the community of choice with a sustainable future to enhance the value of the community. 2. Vision – The Board will take the lead in sound fiscal management, with a strong trusting relationship with homeowners and as an environmentally conscious, responsible, aware and participating citizen of our mountain community. 3. Core Values – The core values include transparency, integrity, mutual respect, fiscal responsibility and helpfulness. 4. Objectives – Objectives include to maintain financial soundness, to assure succession and capability of Association governance, to facilitate and encourage upgrading/replacing of homes, to monitor and engage in the neighboring community, to develop proactive plans to address change and to ensure appropriate communication with the homeowners. C. How Owners Can Help 1. Owners can volunteer to monitor SRPC, BOCC, OSAC and other government organizations for issues that could impact Summerwood. 2. Owners can volunteer to participate as a member of any of these and other operating and advisory organizations. 3. Owners can volunteer to develop a plan (with County input) to mitigate the bicycle/entrance safety concerns. 4. Owners can volunteer to develop a plan to mitigate highway noise. D. Architectural Control Committee 1. Repaint/Restain Policy – Owners should paint a patch (2’ x 2’) with the paint even if it is the same color for ACC approval. 2. Outside Changes including Remodel, Repair, Trees and Landscaping – Owners should contact the ACC about any planned work. A road use fee may apply. Fees are posted on the website. 3. Fire Mitigation – The basic principle is to keep fuel away from the house. Owners should store firewood away from the structure, keep trees pruned and limbed and cut the grass. Owners will be notified if their grass needs to be cut and the Association can provide this service for a nominal fee for non-resident owners. Grass should be cut at least 10’ out from the structures. 4. Closings as of July 2015 – There were nine closings in the past year, which is up five closings from the year before. 5. Approvals 2013/2014 – Four owners had major projects approved: Hawkins, Able, Knight (provisional, under review} and Katzman. Cohen is currently under review. Summerwood Condominium Association Annual Homeowner Meeting 7/25/15 Page 3 of 6 E. Current/Future Projects 1. Address Signs – John Fitzgerald showed an example a sign (4” x 4” post with a hook for a real estate sign) that was recommended by the Colorado Wildfire Council and Summit Count Commissioners for installation throughout the community so First Responders have an easier time locating properties. The signs are funded by a grant and will cost $15 each for a total cost of about $1,500. The old signs will be removed. Eric Nicholds said the Fire Department wants to be involved when new signs are installed. 2. Possible Mail Room/Entrance Changes – The PUD has a 200’ strip along the highway dedicated for public use. This strip was marked as a potential location for affordable housing in Summit County. John Fitzgerald said he was told that the County would not build on this strip but he was concerned. After consulting with legal counsel and doing further research, no documentation of such a dedication could be found. The Association is currently liable for this strip. He will be working with the lawyer on the execution of an agreement for the County to take on the liability and negotiate use of this area. There is also consideration being given to changing or upgrading the mailroom, circle and surrounding area to improve safety. There was lengthy discussion that the mailroom was not part of the PUD, a building permit does not exist and that the mailroom could be moved or demolished at any time. Suggestions included changing the intersection, removing the guard shack, making landscaping natural, moving the mailroom outside of the Clubhouse, adding a stop sign and/or blinking light and rumble strips. There have been problems with bikers using the circle and mailbox room as a gathering area. It would cost appropriately $25,000 to demolish the mailroom and $13,000 to build a new one. Bert Del Villano presented an option of moving the bike path to make a loop where the current guard shack is. This would force bikers to slow down and create a better visual for drivers into the community. Eric Nicholds mentioned that the Town of Dillon may build a shelter but the local bike club will not invest any money unless the mailroom is removed. John Fitzgerald will communicate with the membership regarding the outcome. 3. Capital improvement plan (with input from survey/realtors). 4. Fire mitigation. 5. Xeriscaping where appropriate. 6. Implementation of the Strategic Plan. 7. Continued Reserve planning based on the Gillan Engineering Study. F. Annual Activities 1. Fill road cracks 2. Vegetation management 3. Forest management, including removal of standing dead and beetle trees, installation of pheromone packs, selective thinning and pruning and tree replanting. G. Completed Projects (almost) 1. Racquetball court water intrusion. Summerwood Condominium Association Annual Homeowner Meeting 7/25/15 Page 4 of 6 2. 3. 4. H. VI. Sump pump installed in closet. Sump pump installed in outside well. Plan to reinstall flooring as soon as possible. Survey Summary John Fitzgerald said the majority of the survey responses were positive. He reviewed some of the questions that were asked and their results: 1. Q 1: Why Summerwood – Answers included: Open space, close to town, pool, hot tub, skiing, b-ball and tennis. 2. Q13: Clubhouse Amenities/Improvements – The pool is mainly used for swimming with the grandkids, racquetball/b-ball court reopened. 3. Q14: How to improve the Clubhouse – update exercise equipment, free weights, better elliptical machine, better bike, free motion machine and extended hours. HOMEOWNER EDUCATION John Fitzgerald reviewed important issues for owners: 1. Wildfire Mitigation – Owners were asked to contact the Board if they feel there are fire mitigation needs in the common areas around their homes. Information is available on the website and alerts are available on the website Owners should have an evacuation plan and kit. 2. Selected Rules – All pets must be kept on a leash when off private property. In the Sports Complex, children under 14 must be supervised by an adult and no glass is allowed in the pool/spa area. There is video surveillance in the Sports Complex. Owners are responsible for their renters and renters are not permitted to have pets. Unlicensed off-road vehicles cannot be driven on the roads. Owners must provide tenant information to the Board if the lease term is more than 30 days. 3. Safety Reminders – Owners were reminded to walk the roads defensively, to respect non-motorized users when driving and to use caution at the bike crossing at the entrance. 4. Association Website - The password-protected section of the website,, has all Association information including the President’s Corner letters, Board meeting schedules, agendas and minutes, Board and Architectural Control Committee member lists, a summary of the Association insurance policy and a vendor disclaimer. Documents posted in the public section include the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, Association Declarations, the Rules, the Operating Manual, a list of facilities and photos. Owners were asked to not share log-in information with realtors. 5. Board Meetings – The Board meets about once quarterly. The meeting schedule is on the website and is published in the latest President’s Corner. The agenda is posted on the website about one week prior to each meeting. Owners are welcome to participate. Draft minutes are usually posted on the website within three weeks of the meeting. The next Board meeting is scheduled for October 2, 2015. 6. Recycling - Summit County does not allow co-mingled glass recycling. Glass may be recycled at the City Hall. Owners need to communicate this information to renters and outside management companies. Gary Nicholds provided a flyer that lists what can be recycled at no charge at the landfill. Cardboard boxes should be broken down. An Summerwood Condominium Association Annual Homeowner Meeting 7/25/15 Page 5 of 6 7. 8. VII. owner suggested adding one bid for glass that could be emptied a couple of times monthly. The Board will research options. CCIOA – Gary Nicholds informed owners that new Colorado law requires licensing of Property Managers. The process includes a number of courses and passing a test. He has almost completed the process. Eric Nicholds, in his capacity, is not required to be licensed but will get certified. Property Management Embezzlement – There has been a recent case of property management embezzlement. Gary Nicholds assured homeowners that the Board is doing exactly what they are supposed to do. The financial records were audited and no red flags were raised. MANAGER’S REPORT Eric Nicholds provided this report. 1. Crack sealing will be done. 2. Forest management was completed and trees were sprayed. An owner asked if the open space is being monitored. Eric Nicholds said the open space is not monitored. A Cut Above does the pruning and spaying for Summerwood. Owners who may want their trees sprayed at the same time should contact A Cut Above early in the year so it can be coordinated. VIII. TREASURER’S REPORT John Hedderich thanked Property Management for their support with the financial reports. He reviewed the proposed 2016 Budget. The budget as written includes a 1.9% dues increase, from $270 to $275, to keep pace with inflation. The current Reserve balance is $740,000. Future major capital expenditures include resurfacing one section of the road at an estimated cost of $200,000 in 2021. This will be a three-phase project. Looking ahead to 2050, the Reserve Fund balance will never go below zero and scheduled capital expenditures can be covered without Special Assessments. Ray Skowyra made a motion to approve the 2016 Budget as presented. Lex Hawkins seconded and the motion carried. IX. ELECTION OF MANAGERS The terms of John Hedderich, Alan Cohen and Anne Del Villano expired this year. John and Anne indicated their willingness to run again but Alan is retiring since he is in the process of selling his property. A nomination was received for Chris Durkin. There were no additional nominations from the floor. Lex Hawkins made a motion to elect John Hedderich, Ann Del Villano and Chris Durkin by acclamation. Ray Skowyra seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Bert Del Villano and the membership thanked the Board for their service to the Association. X. NEW BUSINESS A. Contact Information Summerwood Condominium Association Annual Homeowner Meeting 7/25/15 Page 6 of 6 Gary Nicholds will communicate with the membership via email and USPS to ask owners to update their contact information. XI. B. Clubhouse Usage An owner asked if Clubhouse usage was being tracked. Eric Nicholds said it was not. C. Shuttle Bus Stop An owner asked if it might be possible to have a Summit Stage stop at Summerwood. Anne Del Villano will check with the County. D. Extended Recreational Center Hours An owner asked if hours could be extended until 10:00 p.m. Eric Nicholds said this subject was discussed at the Board Meeting and will continue to be discussed. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:14 a.m. Approved By: _________________________________ Board Member Signature Date: ___________________ SUMMERWOOD HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING July 25, 2015 Dillon, Colorado Board members present were: Anne Del Villano Peter Raich John Fitzgerald John Hedderich Chris Durkin ******** I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. II. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Officer positions were elected as follows: John Fitzgerald – President Anne DelVillano – Vice President John Hedderich – Treasurer Peter Raich – Secretary IV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. Approved By: ____________________________________ Board Member Signature Date: _____________ SUMMERWOOD HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 2, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER John Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. Board members participating were John Fitzgerald, John Hedderich, Peter Raich, Chris Durkin and Anne Del Villano (via teleconference). Bert Del Villano of the ACC also participated (via teleconference). Representing Basic Property Management were Gary Nicholds and Eric Nicholds. Erika Krainz of Summit Management Resources was recording secretary. II. APPROVE PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES John Hedderich made a motion to approve the July 24, 2015 and July 25, 2015 Board Meeting minutes as presented. Chris Durkin seconded and the motion carried. III. OWNER COMMENTS There were no owner comments. IV. ACC REPORT Bert Del Villano said there were a number of approvals, three policies were revised and the Knights were invoiced $7,000 for the road use fee. V. MANAGER’S REPORT A. Year-End Financial Report as of August 31, 2015 John Hedderich reviewed the significant variances. 1. Administrative – 78% of budget. Professional Fees was over budget due to the $5,000 unbudgeted audit and PUD legal work. 2. Repair & Maintenance – 135% of budget due to Clubhouse Pool & Spa maintenance items and planting 18 trees at a cost of $9,000. 3. Utilities – 90% of budget. Electric was 82% of budget, Gas was 95% of budget and Water was 115% of budget. There was a water leak near the entrance. 4. Vehicle Expense – 45% of budget. 5. Total Operating Expenses – 6% over budget. B. Audit Results The audit was clean and the auditor recommended only a few minor adjustments. Margarita Sherman is working on a solution for addressing depreciation. The audit will be posted on the website. C. CDARs Margarita Sherman identified a higher interest bearing option, but it is with an internet bank and John Hedderich was reluctant to go that route. In addition, the Declarations require that the Association funds be held in a brick and mortar establishment rather than an internet bank. Alpine Bank has replaced their CDARs investment option with Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 10/2/15 Page 2 of 4 ICSs, which have no time limit and are very liquid. The main focus should be to have FDIC coverage for all balances. D. Approve Check Register Chris Durkin made a motion to approve the check register. Peter Raich seconded and the motion carried. Peter Raich made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Chris Durkin seconded and the motion carried. E. F. Resident Manager’s Report 1. Water Handling/Drainage Status – The drainage system is working well. Eric Nicholds is looking for a sensor with an alarm that will provide notification if the pump fails and the vault fills with water. 2. Racquetball Court Floor Reinstallation – The floor reinstallation was completed last week. The court is now operational. The carpet has not yet been replaced and Eric Nicholds will try to schedule recarpeting in the next month. 3. Street Number Sign Option – John Fitzgerald provided photos of options for numbered signs that would be two-sided, reflective and less maintenance than the existing wooden signs. The board recalled that there was some negative reaction to this idea at the annual meeting and it was suggested that painting the numbers on the existing signs with reflective paint might help. Eric Nicholds will straighten and level the existing signs. He will also purchase two sample signs with single-sided and double-sided numbers to be presented at the next Board Meeting. John Fitzgerald will include a write-up in the next owner newsletter. 4. Winterization – The irrigation system was blown out and the pool has been closed. It appears that there is a leak around the light. Kaupas will be asked to seal off the hole for the light since it is never used. 5. Computer – Eric Nicholds may need to purchase a new computer. 6. Holiday Tree Lighting – A professional company will be hired to light the large tree at the entrance this year. BPM Report 1. Email blast delivery status – Gary Nicholds sent an email with a return receipt requested to confirm owner email addresses. Out of the total 108 owners, email addresses were confirmed for 86 (80%) of them. There are five new owners with no information. Gary will follow up with them. He called 16 owners for confirmation and is waiting to hear back. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 10/2/15 Page 3 of 4 VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Validate Inter-Meeting Decisions 1. Knight Lot Line Adjustment – Due to the geography of this lot a substantial retaining wall intruding on common land would be necessary to provide adequate ingress/egress to his home. Consequently this meets the Declaration criteria for adjusting the lot lines so that his lot remains the same square footage, but is moved to the east to resolve this issue. The Board has given Association approval, but Mr. Knight must have the adjustment approved by the County prior to construction. 2. Ops Manual Tree Policy Modification – The policy allows owners to plant trees on common land rather than on their property to reduce fire danger and tree density. Anne Del Villano made a motion to validate both intermeeting decisions. John Hedderich seconded and the motion carried. VII. B. PUD Modification Suggestions Danny Teodoru provided marked up copies of the PUD with suggestions for revisions. Some items could be modified to provide more flexibility in the future. C. Recreation Path Easement Status John Fitzgerald is waiting to hear back from Danny Teodoru regarding the status of the easement. D. Footprint Lot Expansion Process Work will continue on this item over the winter. E. Discuss Collaboration RE: Bike Shelter/Rest Area/Mail Facility There has been some pushback from some owners who like the mail room. Eric Nicholds said the Town is planning to put in a shelter and possibly two near the parking area at the top of the hill. There will also be a sign erected on the highway identifying the public parking lot. It was suggested that the mail facility issue be tabled until we see what impact the Dillon bike shelter has on our entrance. NEW BUSINESS A. Review and Assign New Action Items Anne Del Villano reviewed Action Items. 1. Mailroom – Tabled. 2. Replace Curbs by Mailroom – Tabled. Eric Nicholds will research options for next summer. 3. Policy/Process to Permit Footprint Lots to Expand – In progress. 4. Repair Tennis Court Cracks – Will be scheduled next summer. One wind screen needs to be secured. 5. Pool Leak – In progress. 6. Racquetball Drainage – Completed. 7. Paint Condition on Homes – A couple of homes were painted this summer. Eric Nicholds will communicate with Bert Del Villano about this issue. Summerwood Homeowner Association Board of Directors Meeting 10/2/15 Page 4 of 4 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. B. Signs in Clubhouse – Anne Del Villano sent notice to the Board with four options. The Board agreed on the wording “Notice: Video cameras in use”. Clubhouse Windows – There are no urgent problems. This will be a project for next summer. Exercise Equipment – John Fitzgerald will compile the owner comments from the survey and send them to Eric Nicholds. Eric will try to find someone to inspect the equipment. Legal Position on Use of Easement – Completed. Highway 6 Noise – Chris Durkin will approach the County about reducing the speed limit from 55 to 45 mph in front of Summerwood. The Board was not in favor of adding a stoplight at the entrance. Grass Cutting by Homeowners – Completed. Review Operating Manual Schedule for Upcoming Months The Operating Manual schedule was not reviewed. VIII. SET NEXT MEETING DATE The next Board Meeting was scheduled for Monday, January 11, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. IX. ADJOURNMENT John Fitzgerald made a motion to adjourn at 11:16 a.m. Approved By: ______________________________________ Board Member Signature Date: ___________________