Oxford - Gateway Drive Development Site
Oxford - Gateway Drive Development Site
GATEWAY DRIVE DEVELOPMENT SITE Oxford, Michigan, 48371 FOR SALE This 4.85-acre site is north of the Village of Oxford (downtown). The site is located at the end of Gateway Drive, which is a private office drive currently developed with a Flagstar Bank branch office, Goddard School and an office building. The development site is directly behind McLaren Urgent Care/Outpatient Hospital and borders the newer Waterstone resid ential development that also contains a senior housing development. McDonalds, Tim Hortons, Coldstone, Chase Bank, and Meijer are nearby national tenants. ERIC EBELING 801 S. Adams Road, Suite 108 Birmingham, Michigan, 48009 248.258.6400 Associate [email protected] 248.420.7100 WWW.INDIGOCENTERS.COM AERIAL PROPERTY INFORMATION PARCEL ID: PROPERTY SIZE: BUILDABLE AREA: FRONTAGE : ZONING: SALE PRICE: 04-22-301-017 4.85 Acres 3.7-acres (300’ x 500’) 66’ on Lapeer Road C2 $499,000 DEMOGRAPHICS 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES EST. POPULATION: 5,554 19,649 43,575 EST. HOUSEHOLDS: 2,172 7,400 16,456 $80,168 $88,611 $91,249 321 731 1,545 2,211 5,478 11,454 AVERAGE HH INCOME: TOTAL BUSINESSES: TOTAL # OF EMPLOYEES: The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed reli able. While we do not doubt its accurac y, we have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. It is your responsibility to independently confirm its accuracy and completeness. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates are used for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. The value of this transaction to you depend s on tax and other factors which should be evaluated b y your tax, financial and legal advi sors. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent inve stigat ion of the property to determine to your satisfaction, the suitability of the property for your needs. CONTACT: 801 S. Adams Road, Suite 108 Birmingham, Michigan, 48009 248.258.6400 ERIC EBELING [email protected] 248.420.7100 WWW.INDIGOCENTERS.COM