May 2013 - Synagogue Emanu-El
May 2013 - Synagogue Emanu-El
1 Synagogue Emanu-El Scroll May 1-31, 2013 21 Iyar-22 Sivan 5773 Shavuot at Emanu-El Shabbat Schedule Shabbat BeHar-Behukotai Friday, May 3rd Candle-Lighting: 7:45PM “Family Shabbat” services: 5:15PM Saturday, May 4th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Chase) Shabbat Ends: 8:48PM Shabbat B’midbar Friday, May 10th Candle-Lighting: 7:50PM Tour d’Emanu-El: 7:30PM, at the home of Joshua Fox, 236 Horseshoe Drive, Goose Creek Saturday, May 11th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Anniversary Shabbat, Shabbat Ends: 8:53PM Shabbat Naso Friday, May 17th Candle-Lighting: 7:55PM Friday Night Live: 6:00PM Saturday, May 18th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM (Tot Shabbat, Adult B’not Mitzvah of Janet Masonberg, Janet Mendola & Julie Malka Shoemaker) Shabbat Ends: 8:58PM Shabbat BeHa’alotkha Friday, May 24th Candle-Lighting: 8:00PM “Late Night” & Oneg Shabbat: 8:15PM Saturday, May 25th Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM Shabbat Ends: 9:03PM Shabbat Sh’lakh Lekha Friday, May 31st Candle-Lighting: 8:04PM “Late Night” & Oneg Shabbat: 8:15PM Saturday, June 1st Danish & D’rash: 9:00AM Services: 9:30AM Shabbat Ends: 9:08PM Shavuot celebrates the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai. During this time, we come together to engage in the activity which alone is the essence of our Jewish being: the study of Torah. Tuesday, May 14th Tikun Leil Shavu’ot with YAD and KKBE 7:00PM (at KKBE, see page 7) Wednesday, May 15th Services: 9:30AM Minha/Ma’ariv: 5:30PM Thursday, May 16th Services: 9:30AM (INCLUDING YIZKOR) Minha ONLY: 5:30PM Mazel Tov Hannah Chase and family on her upcoming Bat Mitzvah May 4, 2013 You are cordially invited to the Adult B’not Mitzvah of Janet Masonberg, Janet Mendola and Julie Malka Shoemaker Join the congregation in celebrating as they are called to the Torah. Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:30AM services Kiddush Luncheon to follow 2 F R O M T H E D E S K O F R A B B I R O S E N BAU M I have no idea whether the following letter is apocryphal; regardless, it is remarkable: 5 Windsor Drive Charleston, SC 29407 Phone (843) 571-3264 Fax: (843) 402-0844 Email: [email protected] Website: Rabbi Adam J. Rosenbaum Religious School Principal & Ritual Assistant Daphne Hubara Office Administrator Maya Hirsch Kupchik President Stanley Chepenik President Elect Jacobo Mintzer 1st Vice President Laura Zucker Treasurer Michael Schwartz Financial Secretary Suzanne Lynch Recording Secretary Linda Krawcheck Corresponding Secretary Roxann Spandorfer Parliamentarian Lydia Mandel Past President Ellen S. Steinberg Board of Trustees Sharyn Bluestein Alex Fox Marsha Gewirtzman Elisheva Holub Rachel Landis Scott LeRoy Norm Levine Cynthia Nirenblatt Scott Sternfeld Sisterhood President Roxann Spandorfer Herbert A. Millington Chair - Search Committee 412A Clarkson Hall, Whitson University College Hill, MA 34109 Dear Professor Millington, Thank you for your letter of March 16. After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your refusal to offer me an assistant professor position in your department. This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters. With such a varied and promising field of candidates, it is impossible for me to accept all refusals. Despite Whitson's outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants, I find that your rejection does not meet my needs at this time. Therefore, I will assume the position of assistant professor in your department this August. I look forward to seeing you then. Best of luck in rejecting future applicants. Sincerely, Chris L. Jensen Again, I have no idea whether this was an actual letter, or, if it was, what happened to Dr. Jensen if he indeed showed up at Whitson University that August with the intention of teaching. But you have to admit that Jensen’s chutzpah is not only original, but also instructive. Teddy Kollek, a long-time mayor of Jerusalem, once suggested that the 11th commandment should be “thou shalt not be patient.” Kollek was not necessarily encouraging rudeness or abruptness. Rather, he insisted that we not settle for an unjust world. In many ways, the continual survival of the state of Israel is due to its residents taking this “11th commandment” seriously, and not being satisfied with an insufficient status quo. As we look back at a month that was heartbreaking for so many, we can take to heart the spirit of Kollek and even Chris Jensen. The tremendous example of the Women of the Wall — the women who have continued to pray at the Western Wall and have now forced the Knesset to seriously consider allowing egalitarian prayer at this holiest of sites — shows that a little bit of chutzpah goes a long way. Let us seek out ways to replicate these examples with the issues that we face. Whether the topic is the continuing epidemic of gun violence, the constant fear of terrorism, or the threats faced by Jews around the world, we ought not be patient. We shouldn’t always ignore reality the way that Jensen did, but sometimes when we do, we create a new, and better, reality. 3 P R E S I D E N T – S TA N L E Y C H E P E N I K I want to thank you for electing me President. I truly appreciate the confidence you’ve shown in me as I take the lead of this wonderful organization, Synagogue Emanu-El. As I said at the Congregational Meeting on April 14th, I promise you that I’ll work hard, listen to your concerns and suggestions, and support the wonderful board and trustees you elected. My goal is to continue the great work that Ellen Steinberg started. You elected six new board members who bring great enthusiasm and insight to the governing body of the Synagogue. The officers you elected have experience on the board and are ready to dig into the job of leading Synagogue Emanu-El. Please understand that we represent you and your interests and will all work hard for our Synagogue. Mickey Fischbein and Michael Schwartz highlighted that the synagogue is in much better financial shape than in the past. It’s because of you, the congregation, that this is so. Your participation in events, plus your generous contributions in support of those events went a long way to putting us in such good financial shape. We are planning a number of fun events for the coming year including the BBQ (Jews, Brews, and Q’s) as well as Dancing with the Stars of David and others. Remember, just about everything we do at the Synagogue requires volunteers. Many of you are already involved and graciously volunteer your time, whether it is for minyan, Shabbat services, cooking, visiting the sick, or the 1001 other things that go on. If you haven’t yet, find something that interests you and volunteer. One initiative for the coming year is to revive our membership committee. If we’re going to grow our congregation we’ll have to become active in finding new members. We need a membership chair as well as committee members. If you’re interested contact me or the office. Another is the Jewish Community Relations Committee at the Federation. We need a member to represent Synagogue Emanu-El. This is a very important committee for the community and is well worth the time. Besides attending meetings and reporting to the board (or perhaps even a short Scroll article) it’s an opportunity to shape opinion on issues of importance to the entire Jewish community of Charleston. Again, if you’re interested contact me or the office. Would you SHAVE YOUR HEAD for $25,000? See what Stanley’s first act as President is– page 6! Thank You! Ellen Steinberg President 2011-2013 for all your hard work and the good you brought us! Thank You to our Outgoing 2012-2013 Board Members Welcome 2013-2014 New Board Members Natalie Bluestein Nicky Bluestein Jessica Solomon Mike Engel Owen Meislin Mickey Fischbein Sharyn Bluestein Marsha Gewirtzman Rachel Landis Scott LeRoy Scott Sternfeld Cynthia Nirenblatt Thank you for all your work! Thank you for your commitment! Good Luck! Happy Birthday: Sanford Solomon Pearl Baker Randy Goer Sandra Perlitz Sharyn Bluestein Andrew Kraft Benjamin Landis Rebecca Ellison Marvin Scherr Alex Shulmanovitch Michael Ullian Jonathan Zucker Debra Engel Richard Fishman Scott Sternfeld Allan Rosenberg Roger Warner Daniel Goldstein Ivy Kalik Shani Browdy David Cohen Ben Gilbert Lynn Gorod Brian Hawkins Gabriella Zucker Sheila Edelson Herbert Rephan Joseph Shapiro Jonathan Stein Adrienne Goldstein Olga Mintzer Dora Rovick Nowell Lesser Nanci Kestenbaum Neda Nussbaum Ed Weiss Gregory Veyber Michael Engel Leah Greenberg Jasper Hawkins Faye Rones Dorothy Weiner Willy Adler Nadia Fox Tsivia Browdy Mindy Hawkins Judy Kaiser Philippa Brock 4 S I S T E R H O O D — R OX A N N S PA N D O R F E R Shalom, Sisterhood has had a wonderful start to Spring. I want to thank Patti Bagg, Irene Gilbert and all those who helped in running our fabulous Ladies Night Out. Also, thanks to the Men's Club for helping out and being such wonderful waiters. We will have Sisterhood Installation and Education Day on May 19th. See below for details. The Sisterhood Judaic Shop has wonderful items for all life-cycle events. Can’t find it? We even have catalogs with beautiful items that can be ordered. Please call Gloria Adelson at 556-2965 or Gail Silverman at 556-1529 for all your Judaic gift needs. Elisheva Holub, Irene Gilbert and the nominating committee have worked very hard putting together a wonderful board and I want to thank them for all their efforts, time and commitment. We have a wonderful slate of officers who were elected on April 11th and have put together a calendar of great events for this coming year. The members of the board and committee chairs will be busy reaching out and searching for other Sisterhood members to join committees thus creating longer branches on our tree of volunteers. Our Sisterhood continues to grow and blossom as do the beautiful spring flowers. As always feel free to call or email with questions or suggestions. You can reach me at 708-5765 or [email protected]. With Love, Faith, and Sisterhood, Roxann INSTALLATION of the 2013/2014 SISTERHOOD BOARD PLUS NEW DATE FOR MOVIE EVENT Date: Sunday, May 19th Venue: Home of Patti and Micky Bagg, 1612 Seignious Drive, Ashley Harbor Time: 9:00AM Installation; movie at 10:05 Potluck Brunch: Please bring a small plate (milk/pareve) to share RSVP: [email protected] or 556-5499 Movie: Refusing to be Enemies-The Zeitouna Story (58 minutes). About the Movie: This documentary profiles a self-formed group of twelve ordinary women calling themselves "Zeitouna," the Arab word for "olive tree", over a two-year period in Michigan. These six Arab women and six Jewish women struggle to overcome their prejudices, fears and anger through dialogue. Over time, they find that their diverse backgrounds have more in common than they originally believed. The film does not attempt to answer questions of right and wrong, or how to break the deadlock of the Middle Ease conflict. Instead, it offers living proof of how the journey of personal transformation may pave the way to socio-political transformation and peace through dialogue. MEN’S CLUB Men’s Club Stag Dinner and Raffle Tuesday, May 7th, 6:30PM Drinks and Hors d'Oeuvres, Dinner and Raffle Contact Chet Fischbein at 763-4209 for more details. 5 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL-DAPHNE HUBARA Our journey to Eretz Yisrael will come to an end this month. On Sunday, May 5th, our religious school students will play a final game of Israel Monopoly to recap all of the highlights from our Israel Tour – and then we will board the plane back home for summer vacation! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Religious School teachers who bring so much to our school in enthusiasm and love of Hebrew, Israel and Torah. We are so lucky to have them. Todah Rabah to Sarah Steinberg, Alli Debrow, Tsivia Browdy, Riki Netanel, Shlomi Netanel, Lara LeRoy and Rabbi Rosenbaum, as well as our teen teachers Sierra Debrow and Nick Hoffman. Thank you also to Patti Bagg and Debbie Toporek for their commitment to library time with our kids. Thanks for a great year! Daphne Hubara A huge thank-you to Dalia Friedland, who performed her show “Bubblegum Seeds” for our Religious School last month. Along with accompanist Katya Pekar, and Dalia’s MAGIC HAT, we traveled to Israel to visit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and a kibbutz. We were thoroughly entertained through songs and poems. We even learned a new word ... in many languages: In English the word is Peace. In Hebrew, the word is Shalom. In Arabic the word is Salam. In Spanish, the word is Paz. In Russian, the word is Mir. In Chinese, the word is Pingan. In French, the word is Paix. In Japanese, the word is Heiwa. Right: Dalia Friedland performing. Below left: Alon Kupchik and his mom enjoying the show. Below right: David Sherman, Katie Krawcheck, Cayden Molnar, Alexis Veyber, Shoshana Rosenbaum and Jacob Kestenbaum reading a poem praying for peace in Israel. Happy Anniversary to: Joseph & Rhetta Mendelsohn Michael & Ellen Mintz Genrich & Ida Polyachenko Greg & Marian Yarus Philip & Shannon Berlinsky Paul & Lisa Baron Sandy & Vera Semel Sanford & Shelley Solomon Mitch & Irene Gilbert Brett & Bess Bluestein Eric & Peggy Krawcheck Please join us for Anniversary Shabbat Saturday, May 11th 6 The Dares 2013 Our fearless leaders are willing to take some dares — at the right price! Let’s make it happen!!! We are committed to finishing this fiscal year in decent financial shape. Our leaders will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens... THEY NEED YOUR HELP! We will collect donations and pledges to “The Dares 2013” campaign, from now until June 21st, in hopes of reaching our goal of $25,000. Once we reach that goal, our leaders will perform their dares in front of your very eyes! RABBI ROSENBAUM will lead Saturday morning services on June 22nd dressed up in a NEW YORK YANKEES UNIFORM! Now, wouldn’t you pay good money to see that?? DAPHNE HUBARA will step up to the challenge of DANCING WITH THE STARS OF DAVID, coming up in February 2014! That’s going to be spectacular! And our new President, STAN CHEPENIK, will SHAVE HIS HEAD (!!!) on June 23rd, during our Early 4th of July Picnic MAKE A PLEDGE, MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN! All this beautiful hair– shaved! Make him do it! Call the office and tell us what your pledge is! Contact the Office with any questions at 843-571-3264 or [email protected] Please make checks payable to Synagogue Emanu-El, and specify it is for “The Dares 2013” Stan Chepenik BEFORE The Dare, what will he look like AFTER? 7 C O M I N G U P AT E M A N U - E L Get the BEST parking spot for the High Holy Days! 3 spots, right next to the Rabbi’s parking space will be raffled of on Sunday, June 23rd! Winner will get their name on the spot for all the High holy Days this coming fall! Tickets are now available for purchase: $36 a ticket, $100 for three tickets YOUR NAME HERE Dinner With The… Mintzers! Jacobo and Olga Mintzer will cook SAVE the DATE a fabulous Shabbat dinner for a party of six. Enter the raffle to win a lovely evening, enjoy delicious food, good company and the great ocean view. Sunday, June 23, 2013 Steinbergs! Ellen and Robert Steinberg will cook Join us for a 4th of July themed picnic on our lawn a fabulous Shabbat dinner for a party of six. Enter the raffle to win a lovely evening, enjoy delicious food and good company in Charleston’s historic district. Raffle Tickets now available at the office- $100 each Raffle will take place at our Early 4th of July Picnic (June 23rd) * Dinner date will be decided upon with the winners * You may also opt for taking the food “to go” More details soon…. 8 Y A H R Z E I T S & C A L L T O M I N YA N May 4-24 Iyar Anna Hyman Frieda Tessler Karl S. Feis May 5-25 Iyar Abraham Pintchcuk Ida Tesler May 6-26 Iyar Stanley Stark May 7-27 Iyar Rubie Kottelman Renee Kluger Moran Sandra Mitzman May 8-28 Iyar Jack Oser Bella Berlinsky Fay Dinnerstein Minnie Ruth Sherman Milton Pack May 10-1 Sivan Louis Baker Rebecca Baker Jonathan Grossman Elsie Rubin Reva Kalinsky May 11-2 Sivan Elizabeth Pender Saul Linder Morris Silver Florette Wile May 12-3 Sivan Alice Miller Sinai Brownstein May 13-4 Sivan Jennie Levkoff Helen Cohen Irene Zryb May 14-5 Sivan Isadore Ginsberg Toba Pearlman Ethel Kremer Shep Yelman May 15-6 Sivan Goldie Goldberg Emanuel Mills May 16-7 Sivan Rose Lieberman Nathan Goldberg Milton Schwartz May 17-8 Sivan Henry Koslow Shirley Peckar May 18-9 Sivan Cele Berebitsky May 19-10 Sivan Retha Sharnoff Harry Braunfeld Minnie Kalinsky Henrietta Gorod May 20-11 Sivan Harry Marks Alfred Marks Isadore Feinstein Max Traub Eve Coleman May 21-12 Sivan Harry Mandel Sam Banov Bernard Boskowitz May 22-13 Sivan Henrietta Rich Moshe Silberstein May 23-14 Sivan Harry Engel Sarah Golod Robert Covin May 24-15 Sivan Mary Scherr Pearl Maier Pearl Lurey Dorothea Dumas Joseph Chell Mildred Deich May 25-16 Sivan Bernard Miller Samuel Pinosky Tessie Cohen Murray Urowsky Annie Bukatman Arthur Saul Levine May 27-18 Sivan George Goldberg May 28-19 Sivan Hattie Shapiro May 29-20 Sivan Bertha Abel David Katz Florence Shorago Dora Lauper Bessie Rosenberg Ernest Goer May 30-21 Sivan Jacob Epstein May 31-22 Sivan Florence Tanenbaum Joseph Fischbein CALL TO MINYAN May 4-10 Warren Hyman Stuart Tessler Janet Masonberg Sidney Stark Rita Busman Marsha Golod Eric Oser Danny Berlinsky Naomi Simon Harold Sherman Howard Sherman Mitchell Sherman Arlene Rovick Pearl Baker Barry Baker Ruth Silverman Colby Grossman Fran Grossman Joan Loeb Robert Steinberg Marshall Kalinsky May 11-17 Herbert Rovick Rhonda Nossokoff Shara Star Marshall Miller Sharyn Bluestein Joe Engel Betty Pearlman Sybil Kalinsky Barry Kalinsky Brenda Lederman Ben Goldberg Michael Mills Allan Lieberman Sandra Lipton Sheila Freedman Harriet Warshaw Seymour Baron May 18-24 Marsha Golod Sally Fischbein Norman Nirenblatt Bradley Nirenblatt Sybil Kalinsky Barry Kalinsky Herbert Gorod Charlot Karesh Belinda Feinstein Alan Coleman Florence Horowitz Lloyd Mandel Martin Lazarus Rhetta Mendelsohn Shirley Mills Michael Engel William Golod Sandi Archambault Marvin Scherr Herb Maier Renee Frisch Seymour Baron Sunny Steinberg May 25-31 Marshall Miller Aaron Pinosky Manny Cohen Eric Urowsky Norm Levine Charles Goldberg Joseph Shapiro Phyllis Shorago Harriet Goldberg Ira Rosenberg Randy Goer Mimi Goer Helen Lipsky Mickey Fischbein Chet Fischbein We Need You At Minyan! Sunday: 9:00AM Monday-Friday: 7:15AM Monday-Thursday: 5:30PM 9 Food and Toiletries are always collected at Synagogue Emanu-El. THANK YOU! Monthly Minyanaire Mishpucha! Take the Challenge! Come to morning minyan (7:15am Mon-Fri, 9am Sun) once a month for 12 consecutive months on your “birthday.” (For example, if your birthday is July 2nd, you should come on the 2nd of each month or any other morning that works for you.) You will be eligible for a prize and special recognition at Yom Kippur services. SPECIAL for 2013: You only need to attend a monthly minyan for SEVEN months to get a prize and recognition. Join this Mishpucha!! Thank you to the following Congregants who are Scheduled to participate in services in May: Hannah Chase, Rachel Hunsinger, Abby LeRoy, Sam Chase, Richard Price, Alan Isaacson, Dan Greenstein, Ari Levine, Misha Pekar, Mitch Gilbert, Mike Engel, Janet Masonberg, Janet Mendola, Julie Shoemaker, Laura Zucker, Jonathan Zucker, Jasmine Hubara, Sandy Jaffee, Adrian Reuben, Ben Chase. If you are interested in leading a Shabbat service, reading Torah or Haftarah, please contact Daphne Hubara at [email protected] or 843-442-6086. K I D S A N D Y O U T H A C T I V I T I E S C O M I N G U P AT E M A N U - E L Saturday, May 18th 11:00AM RAKEVET AND KADIMNA END OF YEAR CELEBRATION at the Meet us in the Double Classroom for Shabbat fun, then join the Congregation for Kiddush following services. Tot Shabbat is held once a month. Thursday, June 6th More details coming soon! may 2nd, 6:30pm-8pm This teen talk is open to 8th-11th graders Meet daphne at east bay deli in west Ashley Come with all of your ideas and requests for next year! 10 F R I D AY N I G H T S A T E M A N U - E L We offer a changing program of Friday night services to cater to different needs and different people. We invite you to choose your favorite or try them all! "Family Shabbat" May 3rd, 5:15PM Services for all ages! “Tour d'Emanu-El” May 10th, 7:30PM, Visiting Goose Creek! At the home of Joshua Fox 236 Horseshoe Dr., Goose Creek D’ Emanu-El Friday Night LIVE May 17th, 6:00PM Services will be uplifting Program will be fun Food will be exquisite Stay tuned for more details! “Late Night Shabbat” May 24th and 31st, 8:15PM Services followed by a potluck dessert reception. Please bring a Parve or Dairy dessert to share! Would you like to see more innovative and creative programs at Emanu-El? LOST AND FOUND Does this bracelet belong to you? Help us return it to its rightful owner. Call the office at 571-3264 Welcome our newest Synagogue Member Charles Melvin Do you have ideas you’d like to share? Then join the Programming Committee! To volunteer or for more information call 571-3264 or email us at [email protected] 11 AROUND TOWN 12 A D U LT E D U C AT I O N O P P O R T U N I T I E S HAZAK LUNCH & LEARN When: Tuesday, May 14th Where: Zucker Social Hall Time: 12 Noon PROMPTLY Cost: $3.00 RSVP BY FRIDAY, MAY 10TH TO THE OFFICE, 571-3264 Check Out These Classes offered at Synagogue Emanu-El No Pre-Registration Or Fees “SIX DAYS THAT TRANSFORMED A HALF-CENTURY” Pscintillating Psalms in Pservices: Thursdays, 9:30-10:15AM: Traditional Jewish services are filled with selections from the book of Psalms. What do these selections mean, and how do they speak to our souls today? Taught by Rabbi Rosenbaum. Concluding May 23rd. Nearly 50 years have passed since Israel’s shocking and definitive victory over Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. The Six-Day War reunited Jerusalem, greatly increased Israel’s land holdings, bolstered the international Jewish community’s self-image, and signaled to the world that the Jewish state was here to stay. Conversational Hebrew: Wednesdays, Noon-1:00PM: A chance to brush up on your Hebrew in a friendly atmosphere. Join Maya Hirsch-Kupchik at the Synagogue. Basic Hebrew conversational skills required. Rabbi Rosenbaum will review the details of the 1967 conflict and raise questions about its impact on the political and social issues that Israel grapples with to this day. Danish & Drash: Saturdays, 9:00-9:30AM: A sneak peak at the week’s Torah portion prior to Saturday morning services. Complete with coffee and treats! Led by Rabbi Rosenbaum. AIPAC Policy Conference 2014 March 2-4, 2014 Washington, DC, Walter E. Washington Convention Center Price: $599 - Currently discounted to: $499 The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community's preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 12,000 community and student activists from all 50 states, and more than half of the Senate, a third of the House of Representatives and countless Israeli and American policymakers and thought leaders. Over three jam-packed days, Policy Conference participants choose from hundreds of informative sessions and participate in the pro-Israel community's largest and most important advocacy day. For more information, visit Are You Interested in Traveling to Israel with Emanu-El Next Year? We are considering organizing a congregational trip that would take place in June 2014. Please contact Rabbi Rosenbaum if you would consider taking part in such a trip, or if you might like to help plan it. 13 C E L E B R AT E A N D S U P P O R T E M A N U - E L HaGafen for Shabbat To honor a special Simcha, consider sponsoring the grape juice and wine (only $36.00!) and have the honoree’s name(s) and occasion and your name appear in the weekly bulletin. Contact Ruth Oser to sponsor the wine (843) 556-4740 [email protected] To honor a special simcha, consider sponsoring A kiddush on Shabbat The Kiddush is prepared for up to 65 people and the cost is $236. Your name will be listed in our weekend handout. Items included: Coffee, Soft Drinks, Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, Green Salad, Bagels, Cream Cheese, Fruit, Chips & Salsa, Gefilte Fish, Herring, Crackers, Horseradish, 2 Dessert Cakes, and all paper goods! Are you aware of this? Our dues structure features a special young adults category: Families and couples under 35 only have to pay $360 a year for their dues! Singles under 35 only have to pay $180 a year for their dues! This change in dues structure has been made to assure finances will not be a barrier preventing young families to join us. With all the great events and programs we offer, this is a great deal! Thank you for helping us spread the word! HONOR SOMEONE YOU LOVE Purchase a Chai Leaf for the Tree of Life for $136, a memory that will last a life time! Contact Leah at the Synagogue, 571-3264, or [email protected] Help build Synagogue Emanu-El’s Path to the Future! Celebrate the 65th Anniversary of Synagogue Emanu-El by paving the way to the future of our Jewish identity Each brick will be permanently inscribed with your personalized message. Purchase a brick as a gift for you, your family and friends. A brick is only $99! Certificates of Recognition are also available for $5 each. ORDER YOUR BRICKS ON-LINE AT: or contact the office at 571-3264 Now is the time to BUY BRICKS before the price goes up!!! Did you receive a confirmation email for the bricks you ordered? Please review your order as sent to you, and be sure to let us know if there are any changes. 14 D O N AT I O N S - WE THANK EVERYONE FOR THE GENEROUS DONATIONS Biblical Garden & Landscape Fund In memory of Dana Ashley Rovick, by Cathy, Alan, Lauren, Abby, Daniel & Ethan Rovick Israel & Rebecca Geldbart Fund In honor of The birth of Liam Solomon, by Ruth Silverman Freda & Melvin Bluestein Fund for Religious School Scholarships In memory of Ashley Kobre, father of Rhonda Richards, by the Hubara family Joel Cohen, by the Hubara family General Fund In memory of Dorothy Kipnis, by Linda Soller In honor of The birth of Noah Benjamin Cohen, grandson of Lisa & Alan Isaacson, by Mike & Shirley Mills Ellen Steinberg in appreciation for her two years as president, by Margie Lynch Shara, Richard, Samantha and Jillian Star, by Dean & Karen Spiegel Judy & Myron Lutz’s 50th Anniversary, by Raina & Phil Rubin Jessica & Jason Solomon, on the birth of their son, Liam, by Lisa & Alan Isaacson Speedy recovery of Ed Baron, by Martin & Adel Lazarus Morey Lipton, by Martin & Adel Lazarus Sally Fischbein, by Martin & Adel Lazarus L’Dor V’ Dor Sculpture Maintenance Fund In memory of Tony Craig, by Joe & Sheila Edelson & family Marvin H. Wolper Building Fund Speedy recovery of Eva Oxler, by Betsy Wolper Memorial Fund In memory of Joel Cohen, father of Shari Allen, by Martin & Adel Lazarus Ashley Kobre, father of Rhonda Richards, by Martin & Adel Lazarus, Marilyn & Ed Barron Elia Chalfy, mother of Marsha Miller, by Martin & Adel Lazarus, Marilyn & Ed Barron Lillie Rubenstein, by Margie Lynch Dorothy Kipnis, by Margie Lynch, Peggy & Eric Krawcheck Abraham Rukhman, by Bronislava Chernomordik Celia Lipson, sister of Aaron Pinosky, by Marilyn & Ed Barron, Pearl & Warren Hyman, Blanche & Ronald Cohen Prayer Book Fund In memory of Ida Lipsky, by Irving & Helen Lipsky Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund In honor of Jason & Jessica Solomon on the birth of Liam Solomon, by Martin & Adel Lazarus Fred & Jan Solomon becoming grandparents, by Martin & Adel Lazarus Ray & Leah Greenberg Education & Endowment Fund In memory of Ruth Boacher, sister of Jean Rudich, by Edward & Shelly Pinsky Celia Lipson, sister of Aaron Pinosky, by Theresa & Bernard Solomon In honor of Harriet Goldberg’s birthday, by Marilyn Hoffman Joseph & Slava Tsveer’s birthdays, by Marilyn Hoffman Joan Loeb’s birthday, by Marilyn Hoffman Speedy recovery of Edmund Barron, by Ruth Silverman Joe Engel Holocaust Education Fund In memory of Morris Kalinsky, by Barry & Mona Kalinsky and family Ethel Isaacson, by Lisa & Alan Isaacson My father, Bert Perwin, by Lisa & Alan Isaacson Bernard Nirenblatt, by Bradley Nirenblatt and family Rose & Ted Levin Children’s Library Fund In memory of Celia Chalfy, mother of Marcia Miller, by Carol & Sid Seltzer 15 D O N AT I O N S - WE THANK EVERYONE FOR THE GENEROUS DONATIONS In honor of The birth of Noah Benjamin Cohen, grandson of Lisa & Alan Isaason, Neil & Marsha Gewirtzman Alexis Kate Steinberg, by Stuart & Elaine Tessler Jane Mendelsohn’s birthday, by Marilyn Hoffman Karen Stark’s birthday, by Marilyn Hoffman Marsha Golod’s birthday, by Marilyn Hoffman Rose & Henry Koslow Minyan Fund In memory of Ashley Kobre, father of Rhonda Richards, by Charles & Judy Kaiser Barbara Backers parents, Dr. Leon Feldman & Ruth J. Feldman, by Barbara & Don Backer Charles Richards’ aunt, by Barbara & Don Backer My husband, Jery Warshaw, by Harriet Warshaw Aaron Herman, by Allan & Jeanne Lieberman Hilda Aareneau, by Allan & Jeanne Lieberman Steinberg Chapel & Torah Fund In memory of Anita Steinberg, by Paula Steinberg Farbman In honor of Lisa & Alan Isaacson on the birth of their new grandson, by Libby Soffar Happy 95th birthday Joan Loeb, by Libby Soffar Speedy recovery of Frances Feinberg, by Susie & Bernard Steinberg Sisterhood Emanu-El Kitchen Fund In memory of Celia Chalfy, mother of Marsha Miller, by Janet & Carl Masonberg, Linda & David Cohen Ashley Kobre, father of Rhonda Richards, by Linda & David Cohen Eva Rand, by Dorothy & Howard Weiner Rita K. Feldman, by Joan & Fred Feldman Morris Feldman, by Fred Feldman Bennie Deich, by Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Anita Steinberg, by Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Celia Lipson, sister of Aaron Pinosky, by Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Irene Henin, by Carl Masonberg In honor of All of our friends for their good wishes for our anniversary, by Bonnie & Ed Silverberg Joan Halushka’s birthday, by Becky Fisher Theresa & Bernard Solomon on the birth of their great grandson, by Linda & David Cohen All my birthday wishes, by Ruth Silverman Speedy recovery of Morey Lipton, by Linda & David Cohen Sally Fischbein, by Sunny & Samuel Steinberg Zucker Kiddush & Oneg Fund In memory of Jerry Zucker, by Martin & Adel Lazarus Dr. Jerome Edelson, by Joe & Sheila Edelson Synagogue Emanu-El appreciates all contributions. Donations of $10.00 and above will be listed in “The Scroll” and an acknowledgement will be sent to the recipient from the office. Please make checks payable to Synagogue Emanu-El with a notation to which fund you are contributing. 2010 Endowment Fund The Banov Book Fund Biblical Garden/Landscape Fund Cantor’s Jewish Music Fund Ethel & Jacob Cohen High Holiday Prayer Book Fund Israel & Rebecca Geldbart Fund General Fund Lenora & Nathan Goldberg Cultural Fund Samuel Golembe Memorial Fund Men’s Club Ray & Leah Greenberg Education & Endowment Fund Bethe Rittenberg Homeless Shelter & Social Action Fund Rose & Henry Koslow Minyan Fund Memorial Fund, Pearlman Family Floral Fund Prayer Book Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Steinberg Chapel & Torah Fund Religious School Programs Marvin H. Wolper Building Fund Youth Fund Zucker Kiddush & Oneg Fund USY/Kadima Programs Freda & Melvin Bluestein Fund for Religious School Scholarships Grush Shabbatone Fund L’Dor V’ Dor Maintenance Fund Cemetery Fund Rose & Ted Levin Children’s Library Fund Joe Engel Holocaust Fund Sisterhood Funds: Oneg Fund, Bereavement Fund, Kitchen Fund Todas Rabah! 16 May 2013 — Calendar Subject to Change Morning Minyan Schedule: Mon-Fri 7:15AM Sundays 9:00AM; Rosh Hodesh & Hol HaMoed 7:00AM Afternoon Minyan Schedule: Mon-Thurs 5:30PM Friday Night Services: See below for different times Saturday Morning Service: 9:30AM Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Hebrew Group 2 Psalms Class Religious School 5 COZY Café Fundraiser 6 Last Day of Religious School 12 7 Men’s Club Stag Dinner Emanu-El University 13 14 HAZAK Sat 3 4 Family Shabbat Danish & D’rash 5:15PM Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Chase 8 Hebrew Group 9 Psalms Class 10 Rosh Hodesh 11 Danish & D’rash LGBT program @ JCC Board Meeting 7AM Minyan Anniversary Shabbat 15 Shavuot Day 1 16 Shavuot Day 2 Ma’ariv 9:30AM Services WITH YIZKOR Finance Committee meeting 9:30AM Services 5:30PM Minha/ Erev Shavuot Shavuot services & Tikkun Leyl Shavuot at KKBE, 7:00-9:30PM Fri Office Closed Tour d’EmanuEl, 7:30PM, at 236 Horseshoe Dr., Goose Creek 17 Friday Night Live, 6:00PM 5:30PM Minha ONLY Office Closed 19 Sisterhood Installation & Sisterhood Education Day 20 21 Final Day of Emanu-El University 22 Hebrew Group 23 Final Psalms Class 24 Late Night Shabbat with Oneg, 8:15PM 26 27 Memorial Day Office Closed 28 29 Hebrew Group 30 31 Late Night Shabbat with Oneg, 8:15PM 18 Danish & D’rash Tot Shabbat Adult B’not Mitzvah of Janet Masonberg, Janet Mendola & Julie Malka Shoemaker 25 Danish & D’rash FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! “Like” the Synagogue Emanu-El Page on Facebook and make sure you add it to your “list of interests” to keep getting our updates! Follow us on Twitter @SynagogueEE
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