

Bulletin no. 179
O RC /hC a T uz la
M onthl y b ul let in Ap r i l 20 1 4.
Dear Friends
In front of you is the April edition of monthly
informative bulletin of Youth Resource Centre
(ORC) Tuzla and Youth Network of Bosnia and
Herzegovina which today has 174 organizations
and 111 individuals from 72 cities in B&H.
Bulletin is published in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian
and English language. It contains information
about the activities of Youth Resource Centre
(ORC) Tuzla and Youth Network of Bosnia and
activities of youth organizations and groupsmember groups of this network, their plans for
the coming period, and other useful information
(about donors, scholarships, grants, invitations for attending seminars and conferences, etc..).
If you want to be on the mailing list for the next editions of the monthly informative bulletin or if you
have questions or suggestions, contact us. You can find the monthly informative bulletin and archive
of former editions on the web site of Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth Network:
Enjoy your reading!!
Activities in April 2014
Plans for May 2014.
Member activities
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Partnership in the training organization „DiscriminACTion & Media“
ORC Tuzla has participated in partnership project training „DiscriminACTion & Media”, held on
mountain Jastrebac beside Krusevac – Serbia, from 8th till 16th April 2014. Main organization in the
project, supported by the European Youth Foundation Council of Europe, was educative center
Beside ORC Tuzla partners in the organizing training were Beyond Barries Albania and CVS
Bulgaria. At the training participated 30 young people from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Monte Negro, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. Miralem
Tursinovic – director of the Youth Resource Center Tuzla was one of the trainers at the training.
This was opportunity for young people to exchange experiences from their countries, but also to learn
to fight stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. This was one in many activities as part of longterm and fruitful cooperation of our organization and Educative center Krusevac.
More on project can be found at: http://ec.org.rs/
ORC Tuzla Youth Group
During April, youth group had two meetings and team representatives have made intern meetings
with their members.
During April members of the Youth Group has send two project proposals: creative workshops and
sport activation of young people. Both project proposals have been directed to address of the Tuzla
foundation which has appointed certain amount of grants for youth projects from Tuzla region.
Youth group since this month is stronger for two members Adnan Mujanovic and Eldar Imamovic.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
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Training „DiscriminACTion & Media"
At the mountain Jastrebac (Serbia) near Krusevac was
training „DiscriminACTion & Media“ was organized. Bosnia
and Herzegovina along with two other participants was
represented by the member of our Youth group Slobodan
Blagovcanin. At the training were present young people from
seven states (Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Hungary,
Bulgaria and Monte Negro). Organizer of the training was
organization from Serbia, Educative center Krusevac. During
eight days participants were working on topics: Human rights,
discrimination prevention, internet bulling, right way of using
social networks and gained experience how to use resources
for NGOs offered by the Council of Europe and similar
European institutions
„I would different in B&H”
Youth group has contributed to project
realization “I would different in B&H”. Project is
realized by 15 young people from Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and it is supported by “Humanity
in Action”.
Aim of the project is to show that there are
young people in B&H which want different B&H
and to emphasize that all citizens of Bosnia and
Herzegovina are the same and share same
problems and misfortunes.
All young people from B&H can participate in
the project making a photo with the slogan “All
the same” and “I would different in B&H” and send it to the organizer.
During the May photos are going to be shown at the exhibitions in Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla.
Creative workshop
On 1st April 2014 members of the ORC Tuzla Youth
Group in Tuzla, Ermina Hadzikadunic and Semir
Kusturica have participated on creative workshop.
Workshop took place in the department for education
and upbringing of persons with difficulties in
psychologically and physical development, in the
department for documentation and innovative
education. Leader of the workshop was Zana Delic. At
the workshop was presented one new method of
drawing on canvas which covers drawing with dough
mixture, and painting with tempera.
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Participants will acquire knowledge latter on transfer it to the participants of mentioned department.
Impressions of participants are positive, since they have learned something new; meet new people,
established new friendship and contacts.
25th April 2014 members of the team for cooperation Merita Sokoli, Zlatan Ligic and Dijana
Osmanovic together with representative of the info team Nedim Osmanovic have participated on the
workshop organized by the “Humanitarian organization Lotosice” Tuzla. Organization “Lotosice” Tuzla
in cooperation with Dr. Edina Saric have organized workshop “Development of Life potentials”.
Dr. Edina Saric has informed us about the importance of mentioned
topic, and together with us has participated in opinion exchange
regarding this topic. At the workshop we have actively participated
and discussed with other participants about life problems of us as
individuals but also about problems of our society and community.
Beside the discussion with Dr. Edina Saric we have participated in
laughter therapy, personally branded by Dr. Edina Saric. Workshop
was very interesting and filled with interactive approach. Meaning of
the workshop was to show and prove that young people with special
needs are equal as the rest of us. Beside participation at the
workshop participants had the opportunity to socialize and exchange
contacts during official lunch. As guest of honor, members of the
ORC youth groups have received book “No pity” JOSEPH P.
"Cross-border citizens’ network for peace, inter-communal reconciliation & human
security in western Balkans
As a part of project activities in this regional partnership project, supported by the European Union,
currently a research is taking place on the topic “Safety of young people in high schools in Tuzla,
Bijeljina, Orasje and Brcko District B&H aiming to gather relevant data regarding types, causes and
the frequency of different forms of peer violence. Gained results of the research will be used as base
for the creation of preventive activities for decrease of all forms of peer violence.
As a part of the research so far we have gained permission for work from education ministries from
Tuzla, Brcko and Orasje (we are still working on the permission from the education ministry RS for
work in Bijeljina schools)
Jasmin Jasarevic – researcher in the research activities of peer violence in B&H so far has organized
four focus groups in Brcko. Focus groups took place in gymnasium and agriculture-medical high
school with the students of first, third and fourth grade. Progress report and initial findings have been
presented at the research team meeting in Belgrade end of April.
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Plans for May are completing two focus groups in Orasje and four focus groups in Tuzla. At the same
time of the focus groups, meetings will be organized with the authorities and parents, as well as
certain number of students from all four towns. Permission to work in Bijeljina is expected at the
begging of May.
In next couple of days we will announce call for participation at the seminar on human security for
young people in B&H which will be organized as a part of the “Peace event 2014” Sarajevo / social
forum – peace event/, from 4th till 9th June this year.
Regular activities:
During April we have worked on maintaining and development of communication and coordination in
Youth network B&H. (www.omladina-bih.net).
Within this we have worked daily on the mailing list of the network ([email protected]), and
on other addresses in B&H and region, we have distributed information of interest to youth and youth
activism in B&H (calls for workshops, seminars, conferences, calls for project applications, jobs,
scholarships, other activities). We have maintained and updated on regular basis the information on
our web page www.omladina-bih.net. Distributed the information which we received from youth
organizations and individuals from the Network to the abroad (international organizations,
organizations in region, donors). Made correspondation with the organizations and individuals
interested in work of the network, replied on the questionnaires related to certain activities,
educations and other information related to activism of youth in B&H.
Continuation of research of peer and violence in schools, as part of the project "Crossborder citizens’ network for peace, inter-communal reconciliation & human security in
western Balkans” supported by the European Union. Research will be conducted in: Orasje
(Posavski canton FB&H), Tuzla (Tuzla canton FB&H), Bijeljina (RS) and Brcko District B&H.
Organizing mini strategic planning as a part of the same project, in Brcko in mid-May.
Preparation for starting mutual activities as a part of step 6, ALF network Bosnia and
Herzegovina / organizing partner meeting. Meeting will be organized at the end of May in
Conducting regular activities through the Youth Network B&H
Preparing and sending invitations to seminar participants on human security for young
people from B&H which will be organized as a part of “Peace event 2014” Sarajevo from 6 th till
9th June this year.
More information at our web page: www.omladina-bih.net
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
ERNADA AVDIBEGOVIC, Youth network member, individual
E-mail: [email protected]
Month of April in municipality Kladanj is bringing good news
In municipality Kladanj on 3rd April 2014 at 12:00 hours in the hall of municipality Kladanj council, was
organized first constitutive organization assembly of the organic food manufacturers. Establishing of
this organization aims to work on the improvement of the organic food production and to work on the
decrease of unemployment in the Kladanj municipality. We invite all who are dealing with similar
activities to join us.
Training for young amateur actors on Forum Theater, organized
by the CRS Sarajevo, Mozaik foundation, Caritas B&H, Forum of
Tuzla Citizens and HPG Banja Luka, training took place in
Kladanj from 7th till 12th April 2014. Beside young actors from
Kladanj at this training participated young people from Sokolac,
Vlasenica, Sekovici and Olovo. Project forum theatre in cities is
part of much bigger four year project PRO FUTURE financed by
the USAID were neighboring ethnical different municipalities are
connected and are mutually working on projects and building trust
for long term peace.
"Book is my friend"
Public library Kladanj in cooperation with the highs school student
association – local team Kladanj has organized at the plateau in
front of the culture house Kladanj an event named: “Book is my
friend”. The occasion for this event is world day of books 23 rd April
2014. Manifestation “Book is my friend ”has drawn different kind
of visitors, and on our great pleasure a lot of children as well as
young people from educational institutions in municipality Kladanj.
Everybody who has visited manifestation has received and paper
hart with quotes of one of world’s famous writers.
"Along came the spring"
Bosniacs culture community “Preporod” Kladanj has organized concert on 27 th April at 18:00 hours at
the plateau in front of the culture house Kladanj named: “Along came the spring”. “Preporod” has
been organizing numerous cultural activities for young people, as part of it there is a section of
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folklore with many members. Folklore section “Preporod” has with its work enriched cultural life of our
Youth council municipality Kladanj has organized in highs school center in Kladanj promotion of big
peace manifestation Sarajevo Peace Event 2014 on 15 th and 16th April 2014. Participants learned
about activities offered by this manifestation and possibility of registration at international youth camp
Ilidza. Young people from Kladanj have shown great interest for this manifestation, 50 persons apply
for this event. President of the youth council Kladanj Ernada Avdibegovic was a guest at radio
Kladanj and has presented to the audience this big international event which will take place in our
capital in June 2014.
Municipality Kladanj in cooperation with public company Komunalac and veterinarian station Kladanj
supported by youth organization Youth Circle Kladanj and Civitas has signed cooperation protocol
regarding vaccination and castration of stray dogs. Youth organization has taken the responsibility to
educate children and young people regarding this problem. Last year this has proven to be very
useful since this year we have a lot less stray dogs.
"April month of cleanliness"
Public company “Karaula” along with municipality Kladanj has
organized action "April month of cleanliness" were they have invited
citizens to take active role in cleaning their environment.
Time schedule of the actions:
- 10th April clean our yard
- 17th April – clean our picnic areas
- 27th “Let’s do it”
Action “Let’s do it” is a part of the large global action “Clean the earth in one day”. Organizers have
invited volunteers – citizens to join the action and contribute. We hope that after this project we will
enjoy in prettier and cleaner environment.
Cycling club Kladanj has participated on cycling tour “Panonika
MTB Cup 2014” ON 20TH April 2014. At this competition was
around 100 participants and representative of cycling club Amel
Sarac has taken second place and won silver medal. This proves
that cycling club Kladanj gathers hardworking young people and
talents and thus deserves support from the municipality. Beside
this activity cycling club Kladanj has participated along with other
organizations from B&H at the manifestation “Earth day” Priboj
2014 in occasion of the Earth day on 26th and 27th April 2014.
The rout was Lopare-Priboj. Tour had ecological recreational character, participants joined tour from
their cities and places along the route, and group got bigger when it had arrived in Priboj. In Priboj
participants have planted couple of trees in the “Tolerance Park”. This manifestation was part of the
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project “MTP CUPS” and it is being organized second year in a row, and we are hoping it will become
a tradition.
It is especially important to say that these activities are connecting two countries and developing
trans-border projects. Donor of this project is US embassy.
Letka b.b., 80 240 Tomislavgrad
Tel.: 034 356 440, fax: 034 356 444
E-mail: [email protected]
In the movie theatre in Tomislavgrad on 3rd April was
organized public tribune, topic was prevention of
smoking, alcoholism, drugs and other addictions, tribune
was organized
by youth
council municipality
Alcohol and young people are unfortunately very wellknown topic. At the tribune were Dr. Diana Mamic from
the department for public health of Hercegbosnian
Canton, representatives of internal ministry of HB canton,
Andja Beslic and Daniel Curic, representatives of the
Tomislavgrad municipality, representatives of the focused
high school and gymnasium Marko Mrulic, together with
principles, pedagogues and professors of mentioned
institutions, many students from both schools and some parents.
Tribune was led by project coordinator Nermina Zahirovic, she welcomed guests and clarified aims
and guidelines of the project. Dr. Diana Mamic, specialist epidemiologist said few words about
addictions, especially from her expert point of view regarding alcoholism and drug abuse.
She explained history of addiction, types of addiction, and ways on how to become an addict,
characteristics of addiction, basic terms, risk factors, development of alcoholism, types of alcoholism
and drugs, therapies and prevention. After the introduction of the dr. Mamic visitors started asking
questions directed to the lecturer and to the representatives of internal affairs. We can conclude that
this topic is extremely interesting to students and professors and that this way of implementation and
program presentation of drug abuse and other addictions would carry on with intensity.
We wish to thank Youth Network B&H, Radio Tomislavgrad and Duvanjski web portals for informing
the public about this tribune, to Cultural informative center for the premises and technical assistant,
principles, pedagogues and students of both high schools. Audio record from the tribune is available
at our web page www.vijecemladih-tg.com.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
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On 4th April in the building of the Tomislavgrad municipality
agreement was signed between the initiative “Young people
following policies for young people” made of Institute for youth
development KULT Sarajevo, Democratic youth movement from
Velika Kladusa, Perpetum mobile from Banja Luka, Youth council
municipality Tomislavgrad and Youth council Vlasenica with the
support of European Union. Beside municipality Tomislavgrad
agreement will be signed with nine institutions at all levels of
authority: Ministry of civil affairs B&H, Ministry of family and youth
RS, Federal ministry of culture and sport, Ministry of culture and
sport Unsko Sanski Canton, Ministry of culture and sport Sarajevo Canton, Municipality Novi Grad
Sarajevo, municipality Gradacac, municipality Tomislav grad and municipality Vlasenica. Content of
the agreement we are reveling in full.
Cooperation agreement
Between the initiative “Young people following policies for young people” and municipality
- Initiative “Young people following policies for young people” is represented by the youth council
- Duration: from 45th April till 20th December
In Bosnia and Herzegovina there is noticeable lack of skills
and cooperation of NGOs and youth organizations and it was
taken as base for the initiative “Young people following
policies toward young people” (in further text initiative), which
is working on establishing effective cooperation between youth
councils and youth organizations. Although entity laws for
young people are obligatory on an adoption and conducting
strategies and policies toward young people, authorities at all
levels are not conducting these regulations, financial funds for
young people are being spent for everything but young people
and this process is mostly not transparent.
There is no mechanism for advocacy and lobbying for the implementation of strategies and policies
for youth as well as following implementation procedures. Initiative “Young people following policies
for youth” has been formed aiming to provide cooperation, knowledge exchange and experiences
between youth councils as well as organizations working with young people, in order to become
stronger partners in the dialogue with authorities in creating, implementing and monitoring of the
youth policies. Initiative will work on establishing sustainable mechanisms of cooperation between
government and NGOs as well as systems for monitoring, evaluation, analysis and advocacy of
policies for young people at all levels.
Establish sustainable institutional mechanism for dialogue between authorities and young people in
order to influence mutual preparations, tracking and implementation of policies for youth in B&H.
Content of the cooperation agreement
Cooperation between Initiative and municipality Tomislavgrad is reflected in the creation of the
environment which will be directed toward implementation of youth policies and including young
people in decision making process. This way young people are included in creation of better future in
their community, as well on higher level of authority. In order to fulfill this mutual goal, parties are
willing to contribute:
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
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a) Initiative contribution
- Situation analysis of policies for youth with recommendations of experts;
- Public campaign aiming to raise awareness about youth policies;
- Counseling on ways of involving recommendations in their strategic documents;
b) Contribution of the municipality Tomislavgrad
- Supporting person in charge for the work with young people in the institution to take active role in
conducting activities;
- Willingness for improvement and establishing mechanisms regarding youth policies;
Willingness for the implementation of the recommendations regarding youth policies, made based on
- Close cooperation and coordination of activities with Initiative members;
- Participation at the conference on which will be presented reports and recommendations (analysis
and recommendations will be made for nine institutions)
E-MAIL: [email protected]
TEL.: 033 778 778; FAX: 033 778779
Signed agreement cooperation between Initiative young people following policies for
young people and Municipality Tomislavgrad, Gradacac and Vlasenica
Agreement on cooperation was signed between the Initiative
young people following policies for young people and
municipalities Tomislavgrad, Gradacac and Vlasenica. With
the cooperation agreement Initiative is obligated to make and
situation analysis of youth policies with the recommendations
for their improvement in these local communities, conduct a
public campaigns aiming to raise awareness about youth
policies and provide counseling on how to implement
recommendations in strategic documents of
communities. Cooperation reflects in creation of the
environment which is directed in implementation of youth
policies as well as including young people in decision making process. This way young people are
included in creation of better future in their community, and at high levels of authority.
Signed cooperation agreement between Federal ministry of culture and sport and the
Cooperation agreement between Federal ministry for culture
and sport and the Institute for the development of youth
KULT is a guaranty of establishing partner dialogue aiming
to resolve problems of the youth sector and implementing
regulation defined by the youth law FB&H. With the
cooperation agreement according to both parties is ensured
sustainable development of youth sector in Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as long-term solution of
problems and position of young people which were
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established based on detail research of their position. Cooperation between Federal ministry for
culture and sport and KULT is reflected in creation of the environment which will be directed toward
establishing and improving institutional mechanisms for the wellbeing of young people in Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, this was emphasized during the signing ceremony.
International research “Youth and elections”
Institute for youth development KULT will start in following period a research on topic “Youth and
elections”. Through this research which will take place in B&H, with the cooperation’s with partners
from Serbia, Macedonia, Kirgizstan and Moldavia, opinions of young people will be examined
regarding politics and trust in politics, their opinion on young politicians, as well as expectations from
politicians. Through this research data will be gained regarding what is important for young people in
their countries when they are voting, and what is important for them in order to give their vote to some
political party. On the other hand, we will gain answers on how much are young people politically
active, how much do they now about political scene and how objectively to they see what is
happening on political scene. Data gained from this research will help us to understand relations
between young people and politics in countries were research will be conducted.
Implementation of local youth initiatives
Young people who have gone through Institute training
Young people deciding regarding young people and
elections, now have the opportunity to show their acquired
knowledge’s and skills in action, through local civil initiatives.
Aim of local civil initiatives is to include legitimate
representatives of young people in local communities to be
members of political bodies which are dealing with young
people and thus directly influence on decision making
process regarding young people. Ideas of young people for
local initiatives are many, as well as ways for
implementation. Young people participants of Institute
training come from B&H, Serbia, Macedonia, Kirgizstan and Moldavia.
They will take on active role in building society according to young people. In implementation of local
civil initiatives, beside young people will be included representatives of NGOs which will provide help
and support to young people in the realization of their aims.
Auto mechanic as a symbol of equality
Every day we repeat how we don’t have prejudices toward
other. We talk, but we never have asked ourselves what are
prejudices? However, fight against division of labor and
equality of any kind in our neighborhood is the aim of our
program strengthening institutional capacities of USAID
partners in B&H. Occasion is clear, celebrating Orange day
which aim is to promote basic aims of orange day along with
awarding campaign “Don’t be henpecked and win a tablet”.
Photos describable speak about discrimination and division of
labor during awarding campaign send by the Sanida Caja from
Sarajevo and Arsen Vukotic from Gradiska were the winners
of this campaign, validity was evaluated by the commission
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comprised by the mission of USAID and institute for youth development KULT. Orange day – day of
fighting against violence over women as well as little girls is initiative of global character conducted by
the youth network UNiTE and it is celebrated every 25 th in a month. Implementing USAID program is
KULT and it is conducting activities of the orange day.
One step away from Federal youth council, Posavina
gained main youth body
During April a founder’s assembly of the youth council Posavina
canton was organized. It is consisted from three municipality
councils: Youth council municipality Domaljevac-Samac, Youth
council municipality Odzak and youth council municipality Orasje.
At the assembly statute was adopted and managing structure was
elected. For the assembly president they have elected Matija Matic
representing youth council municipality Domaljevac-Samac. For the
president of the supervisory board was elected Dijana Brasnjic
representing youth council municipality Odzak. For the president of
managing board at the same time president of youth council was
elected Dino Imsirovic representing youth council municipality Orasje. Council members agreed on
plan and action program for year 2014, it consists of mutual cooperation, strengthening municipality
councils and realization of minimum measures from the youth law FB&H on cantonal level.
Multimedia workshop in SPAJALICA
Multimedia workshop took place in SPAJALICA on 19th and 20th
April. 18 Young people participated; they have acquired new
knowledge’s about basics of recording short movies. Workshop
was realized with the help of the expert team eFM student
radio and we wish to thank them. Accent of two day workshop
was at the stages which you have to go through in order to shot
a short movie (lasts till 1 minute). Participants have acquired
needed skills for the realization of the movie, from idea, writing
a script, making a recording book, defining scene and terrain
recording, till montage of audio and video material.
Process is very demanding since in 60 seconds you need to
place motive, action and message we want to send with the movie. Participants were pleased and
have expressed the desire to participate again on a similar activity. We are very pleased to have
participants from technical high school of graphic technologies ten of them. Students were delighted
with the workshop since they have gained concrete experiences and skills, which is lacking in their
practical work in school.
Preparations of school teams Red Cross Ilidza
In mid-April in SPAJALICA were organized preparations for Cantonal
competition in providing first aid, competition will take next weekend on
26th April 2014 in Usivku (Hadzici). Red Cross Ilidza will be
represented by winning teams from the municipality competition; team
is made of students of 9th elementary school Rakovica and 4th
gymnasium Ilidza. Preparations were organized and lead by volunteers
and activists of the Red Cross Ilidza.
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Open door days in Spajalica
Last week in Spajalica (3rd and 4th April) was filled with
laughter and nose of hundreds of little ones; they came
from Ilidza elementary schools. Spajalica team is proud
to welcomed this many schools and students, especially
to see honest smiles and happy faces of pupils who have
participated in all kind of activities made up by Spajalica
team specially for this occasion.
Activities were divided in to four different theme groups:
spring, ecology, sport and health and music.
Children enjoyed being included in all mentioned
activities, simply because we tried through fun way include learning component, through different
approach and through maximal interaction.
Jusufa Campare bb, 76 100 Brcko District
Tel./Fax: 049 211 032
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.svitac.org
FB: www.facebook.com/omladinska.svitac
Creative workshops
Creative workshops “Green fingers” continued in April with great
success and interest of young participants.
Going to meet spring, participants continued with a series of making
flowers from plastic bottles, cartons and foil, which were latter on
decorated with water colors, then different figures from carton and toilet
paper roles, which were decorated by collage paper (cartoon characters
from series “Simpsons” , little monsters and favorite super heroes from
Primary idea and mission of these workshops is development of
children’s creativity, abut also awareness about preservation of the
environment. Workshops start with interactive games for younger
participants, on topic nature and preservation of nature.
At the workshop in April was 12 participants, workshops took place in Youth center every Tuesday
from 17:30 till 18:30.
Book eaters club
Workshop “Book eaters club” continued in April in city library Brcko District organized by youth
organization Svitac. After read novels “Zlatni kompas” and “Vrijeme cuda”, and short texts about
consummation of sugar and dog Rintintin, workshop participants will have the opportunity to get
together and talk about these novels and pick out next literature. Workshop is coordinated by the EVS
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volunteer from Latvia Linda Ulane. Number of participants varies, and it depends on their school
obligations, all young people interested in reading are welcomed.
Workshop „Act 4 change“
Workshop is held each Tuesday from 19:00 – 20:30 hours in Youth center Brcko District. Currently
there are 9 participants. Aim of the workshop is to gather young people, and through creative,
interactive games, and some drama lessons learn about themselves, their environment and their
social background. Also it is about adapting in the community and solving all kinds of conflicts.
Coordinator of the workshop is EVS volunteer from Great Britain Ayesha Bhatti.
Yoga workshops
Yoga workshops are held each Wednesday from 19:30 – 20:30 in youth center Brcko District. They
are open for all ages and interested in learning in breathing exercises, maintaining condition and
relaxation. Currently there are 15 participants. Coordinator of the workshop is EVS volunteer from
Great Britain Ayesha Bhatti.
Music workshops
In April members of percussive workshop and members
of samba group “Sambas” have worked on editing
recorded audio material and recognizing and adopting
different ways and possible approaches of playing and
using given instruments. During regular workshops,
beside rehearsing and improving known and prepared
compositions, one part of the time was devoted to the
Idea is that with un conventional approach to music
initiate creativity within participants as well as creation of
new and unique rhythmic patterns and if possible
English and German courses continued during February. 30 students are currently attending these
courses and are divided in to three groups (beginners 1, beginners 2 for children and adults and
middle 1 for children),
Each group has two classes per week, duration is one hour and a half, and classes take place in
premises of the Youth group Svitac and Youth Center Brcko district. Age of the students is from 8 till
35 years.
Workshop “ Herzlich willkommen”
Workshops continued in April with the accent on dialogues in
everyday language in interactive and creative way. Methods are
applicable for work in pairs or group
Workshops are taking place in youth center on Tuesday and
Thursday from 19:00-20:30 hours.
Coordinator of the workshop is Welwarts volunteer from
Germany, Charlotte Pienitz. Currently there is seven
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Workshop „First Aid in English”
“First Aid in English” is interactive workshop for high school students. Coordinator of the group is still
working on providing help with English language, doing homework, practicing non formal
conversation on English and grammar basics. One of the new methods this month is watching certain
video clips, after which group has a discussion on given topic, also through different creative and
interactive games and reading some simple texts, which are adopted for knowledge levels of
participants. Workshop coordinator is EVS volunteer from Latvia Linda Ulane. Workshop is taking
place in youth center Brcko District each Monday from 19:00 - 20:30. Currently there is ten
For May we are planning continuation of all regular workshops of the Youth Organization Svitac and
organizing FutureShorts festival.
Humanitarian Organization „PARTNER“ BANJA LUKA
Srdje Zlopogledje 55, 78 000 Banjaluka
Tel./fax: 051 250 731
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.ho-partner.rs.sr
Policies in are of disability in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Humanitarian organization “Partner” has conducted a research named “Application of policies in area
of disability in Bosnia and Herzegovina – analysis and recommendations”, supported by the center for
development of NGOs and Balkan Civil society development network.
Project team has made analysis about recommendations referring to application of policies in area of
disability in B&H, which was adopted on 8th May 2008 by the B&H ministry council B&H (official
herald B&H, no. 76/08 from 22nd September 2008), in the meantime there was no measurement of its
influence on changes happening in our environment.
Research was focused on following areas: health, social protection, education, employment, family
and organizations of persons with disability.
Presentation of the analysis application of policies in area of disability in B&H 2008-2013
humanitarian organization “Partner” has organized on 2 nd April 2014 in premises of Social-educative
center Banja Luka. At the presentation were ministry representatives from the RS government (health
and social protection, education and culture, family-youth and sport), representatives of the
organizations for disabled persons from the region and media.
During the discussion, after the presentation, assistant of the minister for health and social protection
Dr. Ljubo Lepir has stated that in following period a revision of the strategy for the improvement of
social position of persons with disability in RS 2010-2015 is planned, as well that analysis of policies
in area of disability in B&H will be one of starting documents in achieved progress.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Information about organized analysis promotion, as well as their results were presented to written and
electronic media. Complete analysis, along with questionaries’ used in the analysis can be found at
the web page of the humanitarian organization “Partner”:
Solun bb, 71340 Olovo
Tel/Fax: 032/827-212
E-mail: [email protected]
Needs of children in community – “Stop waiting on the street – Student club”
At the workshops organized at the beginning of the
school year 2013/2014 on the topics “Needs of
children in community” and “Ideas for future projects”
children from the elementary school “Hasan Kikic”
Solun have stated some of their biggest problems:
exposure to violence, exposure to the negative
effects of alcohol, Tabaco and drugs, lack of
information, bad and poor inter personal relations
between peers and lack of time for study caused be
the fact that they live in remote communities and that
they are spending a lot of time traveling from school
to home or helping their parents in doing chores in
the household.
Considering specificity of the community from which these children are coming from, you can say that
one of the causes for mentioned problems is lying in the fact that 46% of the pupils in this school lives
in surrounding villages, which in average are 8 km from the school. Mentioned pupils are using school
transportation which is not adequately resolved, daily they spend around two hours waiting
transportation after classes. Currently pupils are spending this waiting period on bad and not
structured way, in the school yard or in the school corridor. As a result there are often breeches in
the: school discipline order is broken and there is a lot of noise which is disrupting other classes;
pupils are exposed to the street and all negativity; pupils don’t have enough time to do their
homework and to learn, which is contributing to their bad grades.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Besides that, decrees in quality and meaningful outer school socialization leads to the consequences
of alienation among children, leading to loneliness and increasing violence among children. In the
effort to solve mentioned problems, pupils of this school are emphasizing the need to introduce pupils
club in their school which would help young people of this school to spend their time while they wait
for the transportation and use it in useful way through socialization and participation in educative,
sport and fun activities. Using contents of the pupil’s club young people are empowering themselves
and are learning new skills, spending their time in a quality way, communicating with each other,
helping each other in studying and are encouraged to spend their time usefully.
General aim of the project is to contribute to razing the quality of children’s life through improvement
of their school success, quality of peer relations and protection of children from negative social
influences. Purpose of the project or specific aim is to increase supply and quality of outer school
activities through opening of pupils club and provide to the children of Solun community opportunity to
use their free time in a quality way while they are waiting for transportation.
Concrete results planned to achieve through this project are: to ensure technical work conditions and
equipped pupils club; established organizational structure and formed project team with the leader of
pupils club; ensure quality and structural free time spending and developing life skills of pupils
through participation in educative, creative, fun and sport activities; decrease in disciplinary violations
and violations of the house order; promoting values of solidarity and helping among pupils.
Part of the funds we are planning to provide through foundation Mozaik, and second part with the
fund raising campaign in local community. Organization “Kriva Rijeka” Solun, Olovo is contributing in
the creation of better and quality life conditions of all its citizens in municipality area, especially young
people through the improvement of sports, cultural and educational life.
We wish to establish a classroom in which our students will spend their free time, play chees,
table tennis and other educative game, while they wait for transportation from school to home!
CALL FOR DONATION: If you wish to help realization of the project “Pupils club” in Solun your
humble contribution in money can be paid to our bank account: Organization “Kriva Rijeka”
3384302222571721 UniCredit Bank, Mostar, for the project “Stop waiting on the streets – Pupils
Regards and we will see you on the opening of the “Pupils club”, at the end of May 2014
Zarka Zgonjanina 19, 79 101 Prijedor
Tel: 065 019 499
E-mail: [email protected]
“I am the change – I am connecting”
In the long anticipated project continuation Mostar was our next stop. Along with Kozarac, Gornji
Vakuf-Uskoplje and Mostar, some youngsters have participated on the second part of the project “I
am the change – I am connecting” from 23rd till 25th April 2014.
Aim of the project is fighting to reconcile and equality regardless on religion, national and other
differences in our local community and in the region.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Next month organization “Cisto Srce” will in cooperation with the organization from Kozarac “Optimisti
2004” host youngsters from Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje and Mostar.
H.O. Muslim charity organization – MERHAMET DOBOJ
Kralja Aleksandra 17, 74 000 Doboj
Tel./fax: 053 226 886
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.ngo.ba; www.facebook.com/Merhamet-Doboj
o H.O. “Merhamet” Doboj has made its members happy, socially endangered categories with the
distribution of humanitarian aid and wardrobe
o “Merhamet” Doboj president Avdic Faketa participated on public discussion “Health – priorities
in the prevention against corruption, with the special review on the RULE BOOK ON
organized by the anti-corruption network B&H – ACCOUNT in Doboj on 5th April 2014
o On Saturday 12th April 2014 gathering of women members of “MRV” Doboj in Majlis of the
mosque “Trnjak” were opinions were exchanged, ideas and creativities for future work.
Welcoming speech was given by the head imam Mr. Barjo ef. Dzafic and Faketa Avdic
president of the “Merhamet” Doboj and carrier of these activities.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
o “Merhamet” Doboj volunteer Mirnesa Becirodobasic has participated on training MODUL 4
“Promotion of Voluntarism” organized by Youth communicative center/OKC Banja Luka in
cooperation with the ministry of family, youth and sport and Youth Council RS / OSRS
o “Merhamet” Doboj president Avdic Faketa visited oldest members of “Merhamet”
o “Merhamet” Doboj volunteers Amra Misic and Zumra Hadzic participated on public debate
“Judiciary – reporting and corruption monitoring in employment in public sector”, with special
review on implementation of normative frames for confronting corruption and discrimination in
employment” on state, entity and lower levels of authorities organized by the anti-coruption
network B&H – ACCOUNT on 24th April 2014
o Members of “Interreligious council Doboj” visited Mostar and Sarajevo. For the occasion they
have visited all religious places.
o “Merhamet” Doboj volunteers have participated in the action “Let’s do it – clean the earth in
one day” at the well spring “Marijino Vrelo”
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Everyday activities of “Merhamet” Doboj during April were: membership
 distribution of humanitarian aid
 tracking project calls
 providing information and instructions to the socially endangered and old persons;
 helping those living alone;
 ambulance work
Civilnih zrtava rata 3, 88400 Konjic
Tel.: 061 610 127
E-mail: [email protected]
Web : www.vipk.info
FB: www.facebook.com/groups/220690771277915/
On 3rd April FACE TV team visited Konjic were they
made a TV show about mural of Zuke Dzumhur and
about Belmin Kozic. Show can be seen at:
TV crew filmed at the location grave yard and birth
House of Zuke Dzumhur, mural in the mall Konzum,
mosaic at Partisan cemetery at the banks of Neretva,
and in new and old apartment of Fatima and Belmin
Kozic, show can be seen at:
Host for the FACE TV crew were president of the organization volunteers and friend of Konjic region
Adis Muhibic and teacher of Belmin Kozic, Muamer Lavic.
Management of the organization “Roma people of
municipality Konjic” and organization “volunteers and friends
of Konjic” on 8th April World day of Roma people have
organized work meeting.
Representatives of two organizations have informed each
other about their work, about problems they are facing, and
about future mutual cooperation regarding solution of Roma
problems in Konjic. Organization “volunteers and friend of
Konjic region” was represented by Adis Muhibic, Nadja
Poplata, Zoran Hadziosmanovic and Mirsad Cukle. Activists
have accepted warm invitation from the president Ahmetovic
and on 8th April have participated on official ceremony of
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
celebrating world day of Roma people, traditionally held in elementary school “Celebici”.
For the occasion of celebrating day of the municipality Konjic 16th June, municipality has announced a
call for suggesting candidates for the award of public acknowledgments for the year 2014. Having in
mind last year heroic act of saving lives we have decided to nominate Muamer Bajrovic for the award
“Tribute with golden crest of the municipality Konjic”.
On the 17th June 2013 around 15:00 hour’s brave twenty two year old young man Muamer Bajrovic
from Celebici has saved from drowning unfamiliar older women from Sarajevo, she had swim away
some 15 meters from the bank of Jablanica lake by the bridge Lisicice. She suddenly realize that she
can’t swim no more and she begun to sink, and in panic was calling for help. At that moment, along
with his younger brother Mumar was there by accident and without any hesitation jumped right in to
the lake and pull the women a shore. As we now ambulance or police didn’t come at the scene
because there was no need. This humble young man said that he does not know that women, but he
does no that she is older and from Sarajevo, and that she owns a week end house at the Jablanica
Municipality department in charge for veterans, invalids, refugees and displaced persons and social
protection will in next period deliver to the organization of shaheed families and killed fighters all
documentation regarding making and posthumously awarding “Chart with golden crest of the
municipality Konjic” from 2006, this was conclusion from the meeting that took place on 21 st April
2014. Beside Jasmin Tukic, at the meeting were Enes Halebic Rena (president of the organization of
shaheed families and killed fighters), Midhat Mitko Pikiric (war commander oaf ARB&H), Mustafa
Kurtic (member of managing board VIPK), Ramiza Tabak and Aziz Cajic (plenum of Konjic citizens)
and Edin Mujak (mayor assistant).
At the initiative of our organization, and with the support of plenum meeting was organized in order to
support members of the Tukic family on 18 th April in Wooden hall, numerous number of our citizens
had participated. First steps are completed, regarding further outcome of this objection expressed
through media by the parents of killed fighters – member of the ARB&H Jasmina Tukic, she gave her
life in the defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina during a combat mission in Konjic region (1974-1992),
public will be informed.
TV Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51BRtCn79Qs
Media center Sarajevo and Center for social research
“Analitika” have organized seminar “Transparency of public
records – experiences and possibilities for the organization
of civil society in B&H”, on 22nd and 23rd April 20014 with the
support of MATRA program, Embassy of the Kingdom of
Netherlands B&H. At the seminar were many
representatives of NGOs from our country. Beside the fact
that Bosnia and Herzegovina has one of the best laws on
free access to the information in the region, its application in
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
practice is very bad. From the CIN experiences it can be concluded that B&H institutions are doing
their best so citizens couldn’t access information on which they have legal right to access.
Almedina Kasic member of the organization “volunteers and friends of Konjic region” said: “We have
learned how to properly write a request to the institution from which we are asking certain information.
Part of the training was how to make a complaint to the negative response of the institutions and what
are legal procedures in a case we don’t receive information after the complaint. Formally, ZOSPI is
very good, but freedom is won. If we are not fighting with institutions and we do not demand our rights
we are not going to be better, with passivity we are approving their inactivity”.
Address: Mehmedagica 24, 76 100 Brcko District
Tel.: 065 908 457, fax: 049 217 695
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.uazgenderbrcko.tk
Training communication and leadership
GENDER president participated at the training communication and leadership, organized for the
members of the work group for gender equality government of Brcko District B&H, Commission for
gender equality Brcko District B&H assembly and NGO sector in Banja Luka from 4 th till 6th April
2014, training was organized by the organization “United women” Banja Luka.
This training is yet another opportunity to exchange ideas, opinions and discussions about possibility
of future cooperation between newly founded mechanisms of gender equality and NGO sector in
Brcko District B&H.
We wish to express our gratitude to organization “united women” for the cooperation and organized
Participation at “Easter reception”
GENDER president Tatjana Ristic participated on
official ceremony in Hotel “Jelena” 22nd April 2014
for the occasion of the biggest holiday in orthodox
and catholic religion.
At the ceremony organized by Serbian and
Croatian representatives of legislative, executive
and juridical authority, in cooperation with Orthodox
and Catholic Church, were many persons from
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
political, religious, cultural, business, sport and public life from Brcko District B&H.
Beside mayor of Brcko District B&H Dr. Ante Tomic and Djordje Kojic president of Brcko District B&H
assembly guest were greeted by religious officials who have congratulated to all this big holiday.
Mehmedagica 24, 76 100 Brcko district B&H
Tel./Fax: 00 387 49 217 695
E-mail: [email protected]
In Belgrade from 16th till 23rd April 2014 was organized training “Urban hacker: from idea to work”.
Thirty participants participated on this training from ten countries (France, Albania, Italy, Northern
Ireland, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Monte Negro). Among
them were representatives of PRONI Brcko, three young persons from Brcko District, Harun
Sabanovic, Goran Vucic and Azra Fazlic.
Aim of the training was to connect web designers, programmers, graphic designers and activists from
NGO sector in order to develop skills for creation of mobile applications and internet platforms for civil
First three days of training were reserved for presentation of topics, participants had opportunity to
meet each other, and to meet mentors which will direct them on how to use modern technologies for
social organizing. On a fourth day they were divide in to groups according to topics, and each group
got their own mentor. Topics were designed by participants and those topics during next three days
were to be transformed in to mobile application or internet platform. After three days of constant work
each group managed to complete their assignment, and they have presented their work to other
participants accompanied with a great presence of media.
Training was very productively designed since participants could express their ideas, and IT experts
could conduct the in to action. Most importantly is that they were all young people, with a positive
view of the world, and who are trying with their work and knowledge to change their position. Through
work participants have developed different ideas on which PRONI will continue to work with its
“QCut!” which helps citizens to locate a post office with least crowd in it, based on information citizens
themselves are sharing. Long term this application can help better management of public services.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
“SPOT”, mobile application is meant for tourists and those who wish to learn about their cities from
the intimate view of its citizens. It is interactive walk through the city which operates with the help of
maps, geo location and video presentation. Application “SEX UP” is also interesting, it is interactive
web platform which is explain sex to teenagers in modern and educative way, aiming to promote
healthy sexual habits and culture of sexual education with in youth.
“PROJECT UP” is web platform which links individuals from cultural sector and provides them with
possibility to establish cooperation on new projects which they together design.
“RUNnNGO” is the name of directory of NGOs which is easy to use, and will enable users to evaluate
work of the organizations, which will contribute to transparency, cooperation and better management.
Idea is that volunteers and activists find easier organizations of their interests.
And finally, “LOCAL GOODS” is web platform for goods exchange between local agricultural
manufacturers which don’t want to offer their goods or part of their goods at the market, but they
would like to exchange it with other manufacturers.
PRONI Center for youth development, in cooperation with Youth communicative center and
International Center Olof Palme has opened in April Local Volunteering service Brcko District B&H.
Support to the development of local volunteering services is taking place as a part of the project
“Volunteers make a difference” realized from 2012 till the end of 2014. Aim of this project is to provide
support for establishing twelve local volunteering services in B&H during three years. This way
PRONI is working with volunteers through two volunteering services, Brcko and Bijeljina, and is
supporting other volunteering initiatives.
Local volunteering services (LVS) are structures which are developing volunteerism in their local
communities in accordance with basic principles of volunteering management. They are specialized
for registering interested persons for volunteering and their referral to organizations or institutions
who have the need for certain profile of volunteer.
Organizations of civil society which have in their ranks local volunteering services, developing these
structures are strengthening their own capacities to work with volunteers; they are enriching their
program activities and at the same time with volunteerism are contributing to the development of their
local community.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
1. Conference “Role of universities in peace building”
Regional conference “Role of universities in peace building” took place on 20 th March 2014 in
Sarajevo, organized by the Norwegian Helsinki committee along with partners. At very successful
conference on which was adopted Sarajevo declaration about the role of universities and civil society
in peace building, was around 90 participants from Western Balkan region. Declaration will be our
valuable and work frame in our effort for active participation of universities in peace building and their
cooperation with civil society. Based on declaration we will make this year action strategy for the next
three years (2015. – 2018.).
This conference was realized as a part of the regional program “Let’s build bridges not walls: Role of
universities in peace building” organized by the Helsinki committee third year in a row in cooperation
with partner universities and NGOs in B&H, Serbia and Kosovo.
More information:
Contact persons: Enver Djuliman, head of the department for education, Helsinki committee for
human right Norway, e-mail: [email protected]
Naida Huskanovic, regional program coordinator “Let’s build bridges not walls: Role of universities in
peace building”, e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.nhc.no; https://www.facebook.com/Build.Bridges.Not.Walls
The Swedish Institute’s Creative Force program has opened its second call for applications of 2014
and welcomes applications for the seed funding projects that aim to promote openness and
democratic structures in the fields of culture, media and related sectors.
Countries in five geographic regions are included in the program: Africa, Eastern Europe, Western
Balkans and Turkey, Middle East and North Africa and Russia. Individual countries included are listed
on the website. The program is open to seed funding between organizations in Sweden and in one or
more of these regions and countries.
Application deadline is: 15th May 2014.
For more information: www.si.se/creativeforce
For detail information contact:
Judith Black, program manager for Eastern Europe
Lejla Hastor, program manager for Western Balkan and Turkey
Michael Skoglund, program manager for Middle East and North Africa, and temporary manager for
After a very successful first year, we are happy to announce that applications for second term of
Peace Projects Grant Program are open again.
Acknowledging the critical importance of supporting peace building and conflict resolution initiatives,
JWF is soliciting creative and innovative projects that aim to prevent and constructively respond to
conflicts around the world.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Financing your projects: Peace Projects will provide funds for projects up to US $50,000
Who can apply?
Non-profit organizations and individuals (including but not limited to academicians, activists, artists,
community organizers, educators, filmmakers, journalists, scholars, social workers, and students)
from all nationalities are eligible to apply.
Which Projects are Eligible?
Peace Projects will award projects from a broad range of disciplines, skills and approaches promoting
peaceful coexistence and peacebuilding. Some of the possible themes include:
Inter-communal and inter-state dialogue/cooperation
Peace education
Pluralism and multiculturalism
Youth, conflict and peace building
Early warning and conflict prevention
Mediation and negotiation
Post-conflict reconciliation
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
Good governance, rule of law and transitional justice
Poverty reduction, development and peace building
Gender equality and empowerment.
Exhibition of Completed Projects
Posters of completed projects will be exhibited and evaluated by a jury at the Award Ceremony. The
most successfully implemented projects will receive additional rewards of up to US$30,000.
Application deadline is 30th September 2014.
More information at:
The Open Society Documentary Photography Project is soliciting calls for the 2014 Audience
Engagement Grant Program. Since the program’s inception in 2004, we have funded 54
photographers who have gone beyond documenting a human rights or social justice issue to enacting
change. Beginning this year, we will offer two tracks of support for individuals at different phases of
their Audience Engagement projects.
Project Development
Grantees will receive funding to attend an Open Society–organized retreat in December of 2014. This
event will be designed in collaboration with Creative Capital’s Professional Development Program,
whose nationally recognized workshops provide participants with essential practical tools and
strategies to help them move their project and career goals forward.
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
Project Implementation: Grantees will receive funding to execute (or continue executing) their
projects as well as attend December’s retreat.
 Documentary photographers, photo-based artists, and socially engaged practitioners who
use their work to move target audiences beyond the act of looking, to directly participate in
activities or processes that lead to change around an issue.
 Individuals who establish meaningful partnerships with others committed to realizing
change and who bring a complementary set of skills and expertise.
 Projects that use photography or photo-based art creatively and innovatively to reach a
project’s unique audience.
 Projects with goals that are ambitious, yet realistic and achievable.
Application deadline is Thursday, 8th July 2014 by 17:00 hours
Send your application to: osf.submittable.com/submit
More information at:
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is organizing a two-day
Youth Forum on 16-17 June 2014 in Warsaw. The Youth Forum will bring together 35 youth leaders,
age between 25-35, from South-East Europe as well as Central and Western Europe, Canada and
the USA to discuss challenges to youth political participation in the 21st century and ways to
overcome these. The final outcome of the Youth Forum will be a number of recommendations on how
the OSCE and its institutions can better assist participating States to meet their commitments and
obligations on the inclusion of youth in democratic processes.
The Youth Forum will involve three categories of young leaders – representing the following
Voice: This relates to informal forms of political participation and focuses on online activism.
Ideal candidates include representatives of social media groups and bloggers.
Influence: This relates to semi-formal forms of political participation and focuses on civil society
organizations active in advocating and lobbying for changes to policies. We are looking for leaders
who want to influence politics but do not want to do so through formal structures.
Governance: This relates to formal mechanisms of political participation such as political
parties and governance institutions. Ideal candidates are leaders such as young politicians and
members of parliaments, government representatives, city councilors, policy and political
Accommodation and travel costs for the event will be covered by the OSCE/ODIHR.
Please apply through http://www.osce.org/node/117105
Application deadline is 12th May 2014; send your applications [email protected]
Monthl y bulletin – April 2014.
no. 179
More information at:
We invite you at great event in Tuzla which will take place on SATURDAY 10th May. CEO
conference represents yearly connecting young people with successful people who are with positive
examples inspiring them to proactive approach in entrepreneurship and development of career by
braking myths about success and adopting new knowledge and skills. Mission is to gather young
people and most successful individuals from B&H and region, which are sharing their life and
business experiences, ups and falls, ideas and knowledge In the context of different disciplines:
career development, entrepreneurship, technologies and motivation.
This activity is a part of cooperation of five cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, among which is Tuzla.
This conference is happening for the first time in our town. At the CEO conference will be best
managers, young people who in their careers had ups and downs.
Please be free to contact us for all eventual questions
More about the conference can be found at: www.ceokonferencija.ba
Dear friends,
If you are interested in posting: your invitations for common activities and cooperation; information about the activities; tenders
for jobs; appeals for help or support; public announcements and all other non-commercial advertisements; in the monthly bulletin
of Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth Network and Youth Resource Centre (ORC) Tuzla, you can contact us at one of the addresses
The deadline for sending your information for the next edition is the 30th of that month
Network WEB page:
sCh design
Emir Delalic-Zeko - Tuzla
[email protected]
web: www.omladina-bih.net
Network mailing list:
[email protected]
Addresses for sending your information for monthly bulletin :
[email protected]; [email protected]
fax: 035 258 077
Youth Resource Center Tuzla
Hadzi Bakirbega Tuzlica 1,
75000 Tuzla
phone / fax: 035 258 077
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Monthly bulletin is edited by the Youth Resource center – ORC Tuzla

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