naše ptice - EuroNatur


naše ptice - EuroNatur
mr Dražen Kotrošan,
Ornithological Society “Naše ptice”
Registration, activities and office
• Ornithological society „Naše ptice“ was established at
the Assembly held in Sarajevo on 25.12.2002.
• Officially registered at the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia
and Herzegovina on 25.04.2003.
Registration, activities and office
• Althougt it was registered in Federation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, the Society acts in the entire territory of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. The members are also from all
parts of the country.
• The technical office of the Society is located in Sarajevo
• Untill 01.09.2013., the membership application form
for the was signed by 92 members.
• The members-volunteers are mostly involved in the
data-collecting actions (IWC and similar projects)
and organization of educationally-promotional
programs (eg. Spring Alive, EuroBirdwatch).
• The activities of the Society are defined
through three strategic programs:
– research-conservational,
– educational-promotional
– publishing program
Research-conservational program
• In the past 10 years, the following
activities of this program were realized:
– IBA (Important Bird Areas)
– International Waterfowl Census (IWC)
– Species monitoring
Research-conservational program
IBA (Important Bird Areas)
• Until 2013., one new area (Livanjsko polje) was listed as IBA,
and the study with 40 potential IBAs was created.
• In 2012 the Society has started the initiative to include the
identification of IBAs as the areas important for NATURA 2000
in “Proposal of the nature law of Federation of Bosnia and
Research-conservational program
International Waterfowl Census (IWC)
• IWC in Bosnia and Herzegovina was first conducted in 1998,
and since 2006., the counting is performed regularly at
several locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
• The program is improving every year and more and more data
are being collected.
• The annual reports are regularly submitted to Wetlands
Research-conservational program
Species monitoring
• By 2013. the more systematic research, in
addition to regular winter waterfowl counts, have
been conducted for the following species:
– White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) nesting
– Cornclake (Crex crex) population estimates in karst
– Winter populations of Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)
– Nesting and wintering of Great Cormorant
(Phalacrocorax carbo) and Pygmy Cormorant
(Phalacrocorax pygmaeus)
– Crane (Grus grus) migration
Educational-promotional program
• Promotion of ornithology, birdwatching, bird
protection and education has been one of the
main tasks of the Society during the 10-year
• Educational programs cover all age
groups, from pre-school children to
• Special attention is devoted to
educating pupils and students
Educational-promotional program
• International programs „Spring Alive“ and
Educational-promotional program
• So far, six exhibitions were organized in
seven cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
and one city in Croatia.
Educational-promotional program
• Ornithofestival - an international event, organized in
cooperation of Ornithological Society “Naše ptice” and local
• The first Ornithofestival was held in Kakanj and Kraljeva
Sutjeska in 2012, the second in Gradiška in 2013, and next
year it is planned to be held in Tomislavgrad.
Educational-promotional program
Educational-promotional program
Educational-promotional program
Publishing program
The publishing program of Ornithological
Society „Naše ptice“ includes the
professional journal, studies and
elaborations, books, handbooks, leaflets,
calendars and posters
Publishing program
• Bulletin of Network
of Birdwatchers in
Bosnia and
Partnership and cooperation
Since 2005, the intensive and successful
cooperation with EuroNatur nas been
developed. The cooperation was realized
through two joint projects, in which the
capacities of the Society were significantly
strengthened in terms of equipment, opening
of the technical office and funding the
• In addition to EuroNatur and BirdLife
International, it is also important to mention
the cooperation with Wetlands
International, with which the Society
cooperates in the International Waterfowl
Census (IWC).
Partnership and cooperation
• Cooperation with organizations which
were involved in the „Wings Across
Balkans“ project (DOPPS from Slovenia,
BIOM and HOD from Croatia, DPPZV
and LOA from Serbia, CZIP from
Montenegro and MES from Macedonia).
• Within the “Balkan Action Plan for
Vultures” the cooperation with BVCF
from Spain and “Fund for Raptors” from
Serbia was established. Within the
“ORNIBA” project, the cooperation was
established with the representatives of
Oxfam Italia in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Partnership and cooperation
• In Bosnia and Herzegovina the cooperation with
organizations “Youth Center Livno” from Livno, “Our
Heritage” from Tomislavgrad, “New Wave” from Blagaj
and “Southern Blue Sky” from Trebinje was
• The particularly important cooperation with
organizations from Banja Luka (“Society for Research
and Protection of Biodiversity” and “Center for
Environment”) and Sarajevo (EKOTIM) was
established during different campaigns in 2012. and
• The Society has also cooperated with other
organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina (eg. Vidra
from Visoko, Society for Inventarisation and Protection
of Animals from Ilijaš, Center for Karst from Sarajevo,
Lijepa Naša from Čapljina).