release november 2013 - CCI Centro Congressi Internazionale
release november 2013 - CCI Centro Congressi Internazionale
RELEASE NOVEMBER 2013 OUR NUMBERS 50Years in Business 25 Years of technical and scientific conferences Over 2000 events from 100 to 7000 participants Our core business is focused on the global congress organization and on association management. Through the offices in Turin, Pisa and Rome, we are able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding international clientele for the management of scientific conference in Italy and abroad. Over the past 25 years we have organized international conferences in Italy and abroad, ministerial meetings, large companies conventions and technical-scientific fairs, hosting up to 7000 participants. The Italian and international stakeholders in the scientific field have entrusted the management of our secretariat. For them we perform educational and e-learning activities accredited CME (Continuing Medical Education) and spread scientific knowledge throughout editorial activities. ALL OUR ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES ARE CONTROLLED UNDER UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 OUR WORK For Sciencies and Culture A.A.R.O.I. Associazione Anestesisti Rianimatori Ospedalieri Italiani A.C.O.I Associazione Chirurghi Ospedalieri Italiani A.E.G.S. Association of European Geological Societies A.I.D.A. Associazione Italiana Dermatologi Ambulatoriali A.I.I.C. Associazione Italiana Ingegneri Clinici A.I.S.L.e C. Associazione Infermieristica per lo Studio delle Lesioni Cutanee A.I.U.C. Associazione Italiana Ulcere Cutanee A.I.U.R.O. Associazione Italiana Infermieri in Urologia A.M.D. Associazione Medici Diabetologi A.N.D.I. Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani A.N.I.E. Associazione Nazionale Infermieri di Endocrinologia A.S.L. Association for Symbolic Logic A.T.I.G. Associazione Italiana Tecnica Gas A.U.P. Associazione Urologi Piemontesi e Valdostani E.A.R.A. European Association for Research on Adolescence E.C.C.T.D. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design E.C.T.A. Eurasian Colorectal Technologies Association E.F.E.S. European Federation of Endocrinology Society E.S.S. European Societies of Surgery E.S.V.C.P. European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology EU.CHE.M.S European Association for Chemical & Molecular Sciences F.I.D.A.S. Federazione Italiana Donatori di Sangue F.I.M.U.P.S. Federazione Italiana Medicina Urgenza e Pronto Soccorso G.H.R.S. - I.G.F.R.S. Growth Hormone Research Society and the Insulin-like Growth Factor Research Society I.A.H.A. Association for Human Auxology I.A.L.P. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics I.A.S.L.C. Interational Association for Study of Lung Cancer I.C.P.M. International Psychosomatic Association I.G.F. Italian Group of Fracture I.P.S. International Primatological Society I.S.P.E.W. International Societies for Pediatric Wound Care L.I.C.A.G.E. Liver Intensive Care Group of Europe METREX European Conference of Metropolitan Cities S.I.A. Società Italiana di Andrologia S.I.A.A.R.T.I. Società Italiana Anestesia Analgesia Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva S.I.C. Società Italiana di Chirurgia S.I.C.E.Società Italiana di Chirurgia Endoscopica e Miniinvasiva S.I.C.Ge.M. Società Italiana Chirurgia Genitale Maschile S.I.C.G. Società Italiana di Chirurgia Geriatria S.I.C.O. Società Italiana Chirurgia Oncologica S.I.C.P.R.E. Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica S.I.D. Società Italiana di Diabetologia S.I.D.I. Società Italiana per il Diritto Internazionale S.I.E. Società Italiana di Endodonzia S.I.E. Società Italiana di Endocrinologia S.I.E.C. Società Italiana di Endocrinochirurgia S.I.E.D.P. Società Italiana di Endocrinologia e Diabetologia Pediatrica S.I.E.O.G. Società Italiana di Ecografia Ostetrica - Ginecologia e Metodologie Biofisiche S.I.G.O. Società Italiana di Ginecologia e Ostetricia S.I.L. International Societies of Limnology S.I.N. Società Italiana di Neurologia S.I.P. Società Italiana di Pediatria S.I.P.Co. Società Italiana di Psicologia di Comunità S.I.Po. Società Italiana di Podologia S.I.P.U. Società Italiana di Podologia Universitaria S.I.R.O.M. Società Italiana di Radiologia Odontostomatologica e Maxillo Facciale S.I.R.Tes. Scuola Internazionale di Riparazione Tessutale W.S.P.C. World Society of Pain Clinicians W.U.W.H.S. World Union of Wound Healing Societies OUR WORK For Institutions and Industry A.I.P.C.R. - P.I.A.R.C. International Association of Winter Road – World Road Association A.T.I.G. Associazione Tecnica Italiana Gas Alenia Spazio ASL 1,2,3,4 della Città di Torino ASTM Autostrada Torino Milano Astrazeneca CEI Central European Iniziative Città di Torino Commissione Europea Compagnia di San Paolo Comunità di Sant’Egidio Consiglio Nazionale Dottori Commercialisti Consiglio Nazionale Ragionieri Commercialisti E.F.I.M. EASM European Association Sport Management Ecoefficiency Editrice La Stampa Eli Lilly ERTICO ESA F.I.A.I.P. Federazione Italiana Agenti Immobiliari Professionali Federgeometri Ferrari Auto FIAT Auto FIDH Fédération International des Droits de l’homme Fondazione Accorsi Fondazione CRT Fondazione Ferrero Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri GBTP Groupement Europeen du Batiment et Travaux Publics Glaxo Smith Kline ICE Istituto per il Commercio Estero International Astronautical Federation International Suzuki Association Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino Istituto Nazionale per il Risorgimento Italiano ISVOR Fiat ITALGAS IVECO Luigi Lavazza Ministero Affari Esteri Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti Ministero Pubblica Istruzione Patriarcato di Genova Patriarcato di Venezia Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Provincia di Torino Regione Emilia Romagna Regione Lazio Regione Piemonte Regione Toscana Roche Schwarz Pharma SITGAS Slow Food SNAM Società Acqua Marcia Stato Città del Vaticano Suzuki Method Italia The International Associations of Lions Club Multidistretto 108 Italia UEN Unione Europea delle Nazioni, Parlamento Europeo Unione Nazionale Giovani Dottori Commercialisti Università degli Studi di Genova Università degli Studi di Torino OUR WORK In Italy Abroad Barcelona (E) Berlin (D) Brussels (B) Budapest (H) Cape Kennedy (USA) Glasgow (GB) Honolulu (USA) Kobe (J) Lugano (CH) Marseilles (F) Miami (USA) Montecarlo (MC) New York (USA) Palma de Mallorca (E) Paris (F) Rio de Janeiro (B) San Diego (USA) San Francisco (USA) Seville (E) Tokio (J) Tunis (T) Yokohama (J) MAJOR EVENTS Some of our major events XIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE A.M.D. Associazione Medici Diabetologi Turin, 2500 partecipants IX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AUXOLOGY Organized by: IAHA - Association for Human Auxology Turin, 1500 partecipants 5th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ENDOCRINOLOGY European Federation of Endocrine Societies Turin, 1700 partecipants SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI CHIRURGIA PLASTICA RICOSTRUTTIVA ED ESTETICA Turin, 2000 partecipants 7th WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS Turin, 7000 partecipants 14th SUZUKI METHOD WORLD CONVENTION Turin, 3000 partecipants WSPC - WORLD SOCIETY OF PAIN CLINICIANS 12TH WORLD CONGRESS Turin, 2000 partecipants 8° EUROPERAN IUHPE CONFERENCE International Union for Health Promotion and Education Turin, 1000 partecipnati II EUCHEMS CHEMISTRY CONGRESS European Chemistry Society “Chemistry: the global science” Turin, 2000 partecipants 11ST EUROPEAN EARA CONFERENCE European Association for Research on Adolescence Turin, 800 partecipants 24° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIE Società Italiana di Endodonzia Turin, 1500 partecipants LXXXIV CONGRESSO SIGO Società Italiana di Ginecologia Ostetricia e 49° CONGRESSO AOGOI Associazione Ostetrici Ginecologi Ospedalieri Italiani Turin, 2500 partecipants 20th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY Turin, 2000 partecipants 20th WORLD CONGRESS ON PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE Turin, 2000 partecipants 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE Turin, 1800 partecipants XLII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIN SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI NEUROLOGIA Turin, 2500 partecipants CONFERENZA INTERNAZIONALE ASSOCIAZIONE SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICHE EUROPEE Turin, 1100 partecipants AIPCR – PIARC International Winter Road Congress Turin/Sestriere, 2500 partecipants 65° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIAARTI Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva Turin, 2500 partecipants MAJOR EVENTS Some of our major events XIII CONVEGNO NAZIONALE ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA INGEGNERI CLINICI Medical Devices e Information Technology Naples, 1000 partecipants WTC 2013 5th WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGRESS Turin, 1500 partecipants XII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE AIUC Ulcere cutanee: luci e ombre. Dall’esperienza all’evidenza Milan, 1000 partecipants 15° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI CHIRURGIA Turin, 2000 partecipants XIX CONGRESSO NAZIONALE - SIEDP Bari, 800 partecipants In Progress Congresses 5th CONGRESS of WUWHS World Union Wound Healing Societies Congress President: M. Romanelli Università degli Studi di Pisa Florence, september 25-29, 2016 4500 expected delegates XXXIII Congress of SIL – International Society of Limnology Turin July/august 2016 1300 expected delegates CASE HISTORY ERTICO EFES Intelligent Tranport System 7th world congress “From Vision to Reality” European Federation Endocrinological Society Role of Organizing Secretariat: Registrations, budget organisation, cash flow management, printed materials, staff, equipment, offices, press, catering, hotels, transport, social events, exhibition management. ERTICO is a public/private organisation which was founded in 1991 by large European industrial groups, national governments, and the European Commission to promote and co-ordinate all the initiatives and activities associated with the creation of intelligent transport systems (ITS) and the development of innovative mobility projects in Europe. N° registered delegates: 7000 N° hotel rooms reserved: 3275 N° hostesses/stewards employed: 85 N° shuttle buses: 40 N° congress halls: 17 N° congress halls equipped as exhibition areas: 6 N° suppliers managed: 35 N° congress days: 4 N° square meters of exhibition space: 20.000 N° years of preparation: 2 Role of Organizing Secretariat: Registrations, budget organisation, cash flow management, printed materials, staff, equipment, offices, press, catering, hotels, transport, social events, sponsoring, exhibition management, abstract communications management, document management, management of speaker travel arrangements. EFES is the largest convention for endocrinologists in the world; the European Board prepared the scientific programme using our secretarial services over a threeyear period; this included managing the entire abstract communications process (more than 3,000), which were collected, rendered anonymous, sent to referees, reassembled, put into order and published. N° registered delegates: 3251 N° speakers: 300 N° hotel rooms reserved: 2875 N° hostesses/stewards employed: 45 N° shuttle buses: 30 N° congress halls: 11 N° congress days: 5 N° square meters of exhibition space: 2000 N° years of preparation: 3 N° sponsor: 28 CASE HISTORY 14th SUZUKI METHOD WORLD CONVENTION World Meeting of music schools adopting the Suzuki teaching method Role of Organizing Secretariat: budget organization , production of informative and web site for registration, selection of 17 locations for laboratories and concerts for 3000 participants, finding low cost housing, provision of technical services for concerts audio support, cash flow management, equipment, printed, staff, catering, hotels, special transport, social events, preparing of a security plan in cooperation with security force. Powered by Suzuki Italy, from the cost that exceeded the million Euros, 3,000 children under 14 years of age from all around the world , 2000 carers, 17 seats concerts, the final concert with the largest orchestra in the world: in fact it has been one of the most complex organization operation we have ever faced, both for the difficulty arising from the participants’ minor age (from 3 to 14 years), both for the need to move to new places several times a day. The parallel transport of the participants and of the great tools, safety and risks of damage to high value objects, involved: excellent programming skills, great elasticity, an operational structure of great efficiency and experience. N° of participants: 3000 N° of escorts: 2000 N° of hotel rooms reserved: 1800 N° hostess / steward employees: 60 N° congress halls: 17 N° congress days: 6 N° square meters of the secretariat: 2000 N° years of preparation: 1 N° scores for 50 songs: 3000 N° cellos stored and transported in the 17 concert venues: 350 N° harps stored and transported: 90 CASE HISTORY SIAARTI Italian Society Anestesia , rianimation an intesive care unit: three editions of the national congress Role of Organizing Secretariat: budget management, cash flow management, printed material, mailing list, on line management of scientific works and its referees, faculty management, graphic layout, catering, building up, IT, web site, social network, transports, social events, expo area, hotel reservation, sponsoring, CME accreditation, press office. SIAARTI organizes annually the most important national congress on Anestesia. It is a very structured event that rounds on a plenary room of 2000 seats and 10 parallel halls for three days. The expo area is always a very difficult space to be organized and the economic importance arises 1 million of Euro; last generation IT system. N. registered delegates: between 1800 and 2500 N. speakers: from 320 to 360 N. hostesses/stewards employed: from 35 to 45 N. shuttle buses: from 20 to 30 N. congress halls: 11 N. day of the congress: 3 N. square meters in the expo area: from 1000 to 1800 N. sponsors: from 65 to 85 N. years of preparation for each event: 1 CASE HISTORY AIUC Italian Wound Care Association Role of the organizing secretariat and Association’s national secretariat: technical management, budget and cash flow management, printed material, communication and business plan, scientific abstract management, faculty management, graphic layout, catering, building up, IT, web site, transports, social events, expo area, hotel reservation, sponsoring, CME accreditation. President secretariat, Board of director secretariat, Regional offices secretariat, members data management, association annual balance, newsletter management, electronic communications, CME provider secretariat, treasury support, privacy and data management. AIUC is a scientific Society born in 1999: CCI gets its National secretariat leading it from 20 to 2000 members. Nowadays it is the most powerful association in the Italian wound care field. Its national Congresses are always very structured operations both for speakers involved and expo area; the association management involves CCI both in the technical management activities and CME Provider, and for the associative marketing aspects. N. association members: 2100 N. organized congresses: 12 N. presidents supported: 7 N. regional offices: 20 N. annual scientific courses: 14 N. registered delegates in each congress: 1200 CASE HISTORY WTC WORLD TRIBOLOGY CONGRESS Turin, September 8-13, 2013 Role of Organizing Secretariat: scientific program composition, scientific communication management, online referees, registrations, budget management, cash flow management, printed material, personnel, building up, catering, hotels, transports, social events, expo area. The congress has been organized by an Organizing Committee based at the Politecnico di Torino (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer). In the Committee there are professors of the Politecnico and main companies representatives. The 5th World Tribology Congress is the most important worldwide event in the tribology field; to this congress, that in the past years has been attended by 1000 delegates, it is associated an high level expo area of about 5000 sms. The past congresses have been held in London (1997), Wien (2001), Washington (2005) and Kyoto (2009). The 5th World Congress’ main themes were friction, lubrication and usury, fields that are commonly grouped under the name “Tribology”. In the expo area we find Formula 1 cars, prototypes of Hybrid cars with two or four wheels. The most numerous delegation: China! N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. registered delegates:1400 hostesses/stewards employed: 23 Congress Halls: 11 day of the congress: 5 square meters in the expo area: 2.700 years of preparation: 3 exhibitors. 18 country represented: 72 scientific communication: 1154 E-LEARNING E-LEARNING In the last years CCI provides FAD (e-learning) courses on behalf of its customers. Its competence allows to obtain, as Education Provider, the accreditation from the National Agency for the Health Services. The CCI’s e-learning platform is powerful and leading: it allows to supply high level educational activities, with or without tutoring, through customized formative projects. With low management costs and high number of potential users, the CCI’s e-learning platform is able to mark and follow the educational path of the single user: a relevant tool for technical and scientific marketing and important for an effective educational activity. Very big private Hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical and medical companies, scientific associations, doctors and nurses choose CCI for the development of their online educational courses. SOCIAL NETWORKING CCI has a complete skill level in planning events, but also in making your company stronger and more visible on the web. As a support of the standard communication on the traditional channels (media, mailing list, specific journals, web sites and so on), the social medias, as Facebook or Twitter, can become the main tool for every session, every speaker and every topic. The Network can become a very important tool to give life to the event before, during and after, to group members’ feedbacks, to give continuity to the debate and to the personal relationships, in order to encourage the users to share their suggestions, opinions and advices. Share individual comments means broadening people interest on the event. L’ORGANIZZAZIONE Our flow chart underlines a human-based company. The entire structure, such as administration office, human resources, quality office and general management, represents the fundamentals that lead the organization. General Management Administration Human Resources Quality Services General Management Security (D.L. 81/08) Quality/Privacy (ISO 9001:2008) (D.L. 198/2003) IT Accounting Department, General Affairs Sales Management OTHERS SERVICES CME Provider HRC Grandi Allotment Administrative office General Secretariat General Purchase Service Human resources Graphic Design Studio Project team 1 Project team 2 Project team 3 TURIN Staff PISA Staff ROME Staff OUR SERVICES GLOBAL CONGRESS ORGANIZATION Most of the CCI’s experience comes from the activities of Organizing Secretariat, dedicated to the conference organization in the “all included” form that includes the full management of all related services, pre and post conference, as well as the logistic and economic aspects. BIDDING Thanks to the long-time international experience, CCI works with organizations and committees who wish to propose themselves as ambassador in the bidding for international events. CCI is able to manage the acquisition of all data required by the bid guidelines, organize the bid book and the tentative budget. It can also provide the economical coverage for the costs of the bid organization until its formal presentation, supporting it with promotional booth and materials, gadgets, movies or presentations. One of our last successful experience: in Yokohama, in September 2012 the CCI staff followed Prof. Marco Romanelli, University of Pisa, in the application for the management of 5th Congress of WUWHS World Union of Wound Healing Societies. We won the bid and the congress will be held in Florence in 2016. (In Yokohama there were 3500 wound care specialists, in Florence we will expect over 4500). OUR SERVICES ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT International foundations, associations and scientific societies commit to our society the operative management: treasurer’s office, members’ database, president’s secretariat, board members secretariat. We have a specific software, coming from operating systems/ platforms used also for e-learning, which allows an easy accounting management and allows us to inform our members, that are more than 5.000 nowadays. Our operating system becomes the basic tool for the associative management, making easier the communication with the public, between members, and allows very fast relationship between members and board of directors. TECHNICAL EXHIBITION 25,000 square meters a year for industrial, technical and scientific exhibitions; financial performances with the highest added value in support of congress events; a specifically formed commercial structure market packages prepared for potential exhibitors, while an adequate technical structure monitors problems concerning design, layout, assembly and dismantling operations, special or modular fittings, authorisations, etc. POOMDESIGN.IT We will be proud of working with you Centro Congressi Internazionale srl HQ Via San Francesco da Paola, 37 - 10123 Torino (Italy) Ph. +39 011 2446911 - Fax +39 011 2449650 [email protected] - Branch Office Pisa - Roma
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