CONEXÕES ENTRE SISTEMAS DINÂMICOS NÃO LINEARES E ENTROPIA QUANDO O MAXIMO EXPOENTE DE LYAPUNOV É ZERO >=BC1=C9=>*B1;;9B 5=CA>A1B9;59A>45&5B@D9B1BNB931B 1=4$1C9>=1;=BC9CDC5>6)395=351=4*538=>;>7H6>A><?;5G)HBC5<B (9>45 1=59A> 1=4 )1=C15=BC9CDC5$5F#5G93>+) +( #1C5<MC931 D=8> *(#%/$#) ,")%,'+*%$ %"*0#$$!$*'+*%$ N →∞ A1D=1=45??C85>A5< !/((/ %!!(&"$!'+*%$ "$,$'+*%$ #)*('+*%$ )**)*"#$) "%+,""'+*%$ ,%$$+#$$'+*%$ $(/ $*(%&/+$*%$" #$)3;1BB931;@D1=CD<A5;1C9E9BC93 *%(/%&(%"*) Enrico FERMI Thermodynamics (Dover, 1936) The entropy of a system composed of several parts is very often equal to the sum of the entropies of all the parts. This is true if the energy of the system is the sum of the energies of all the parts and if the work performed by the system during a transformation is equal to the sum of the amounts of work performed by all the parts. Notice that these conditions are not quite obvious and that in some cases they may not be fulfilled. Thus, for example, in the case of a system composed of two homogeneous substances, it will be possible to express the energy as the sum of the energies of the two substances only if we can neglect the surface energy of the two substances where they are in contact. The surface energy can generally be neglected only if the two substances are not very finely subdivided; otherwise, it can play a considerable role. $*(%&%(#) &%)*+"*%(*$*(%&+$*%$" additive 5=CA>?H >=31E5 GC5=B9E5 "5B385BC12;5 =CA>?H 9=9C55=CA>?H?A>4D3C9>= ?5AD=9CC9<5 &5B9=;9:5945=C9CHF9C8 ;1A75BC5=CA>?H?A>4D3C9>= ><?>B12;5 *>?B>5613C>A9I12;5 nonadditive (if q ≠ 1) DEFINITIONS : q − logarithm : q − exponential : x1−q − 1 ln q x ≡ 1− q ( x > 0; ln1 x = ln x ) 1 1− q x eq ≡ [1 + (1 − q) x ] ( e1x = e x ) Hence, the entropies can be rewritten : equal probabilities generic probabilities W BG entropy ( q = 1) k ln W k ∑ pi ln i=1 W entropy Sq (q ∈ R) k ln q W 1 pi 1 k ∑ pi ln q pi i=1 TYPICAL SIMPLE SYSTEMS: Short-range space-time correlations e.g., W ( N ) ∝ µ N ( µ > 1) Markovian processes (short memory), Additive noise Strong chaos (positive maximal Lyapunov exponent), Ergodic, Euclidean geometry Short-range many-body interactions, weakly quantum-entangled subsystems Linear and homogeneous Fokker-Planck equations, Gausssians ! Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy (additive) ! Exponential dependences (Boltzmann-Gibbs weight, ...) TYPICAL COMPLEX SYSTEMS: e.g., W ( N ) ∝ N ρ ( ρ > 0) Long-range space-time correlations Non-Markovian processes (long memory), Additive and multiplicative noises Weak chaos (zero maximal Lyapunov exponent), Nonergodic, Multifractal geometry Long-range many-body interactions, strongly quantum-entangled sybsystems Nonlinear and/or inhomogeneous Fokker-Planck equations, q-Gaussians ! Entropy Sq (nonadditive) ! q-exponential dependences (asymptotic power-laws) - Additive versus Extensive - Nonlinear dynamical systems - Central Limit Theorem - Predictions, verifications, applications *,*/ %&5=A>B5 &5A71<>=%G6>A4 ?175 An entropy is additive if, for any two probabilistically independent systems A and B, S ( A + B) = S ( A) + S ( B) Therefore, since Sq ( A + B) = Sq ( A) + Sq ( B) + (1 − q) Sq ( A) S q ( B) , S BG and SqRenyi (∀q) are additive, and Sq (∀q ≠ 1) is nonadditive . .*$),*/ Consider a system Σ ≡ A1 + A2 + ... + AN made of N (not necessarily independent) identical elements or subsystems A1 and A2 , ..., A N . An entropy is extensive if S(N ) 0 < lim < ∞ , i.e., S ( N ) ∝ N ( N → ∞) N →∞ N TYPICAL SIMPLE SYSTEMS (equal probabilities): W ( N ) ∝ µ N ( N → ∞ ; µ > 1) ⇒ S BG ( N ) = k B ln W ( N ) ∝ N ( EXTENSIVE !) TYPICAL COMPLEX SYSTEMS (equal probabilities): W ( N ) ∝ N ρ ( N → ∞ ; ρ > 0) << µ N 1− q ⇒ Sq ( N ) = k B ln q W ( N ) = k B ∝N ρ (1− q ) [W ( N )] −1 1− q 1 if q = 1 − ρ ∝ N ( EXTENSIVE !) HYBRID PASCAL - LEIBNITZ TRIANGLE 1× (N=0) 1× (N=1) 1× (N=2) (N=3) 1× (N=4) (N=5) 1× 1 6 1 5 5× 1 2 1× 1 3 1 1× 4 1 1 2× 1 6 1× 1 3× 12 4× 1 30 1 20 10 × 1 2 1 3 1 3× 12 6× 1 60 1 30 10 × 1 1× 4 4× 1 20 1 60 5× 1 5 1 30 N ∑ rN ,n n=0 n N ;19B5&1B31; >CC6A954-9;85;<"592=9CI 1=95;5A=>D;;9 1× 1× 1 6 = 1 (∀ N ) q = 1 SYSTEMS ! i.e., such that S1 ( N ) ∝ N ( N → ∞) A=BC#138 1=D1AH ,95==1 Leibnitz triangle 1 = p N ,0 1 + N N independent coins pN ,0 = p N with p = 1/ 2 ;;C8A555G1<?;5BBCA93C;HB1C9B6HC85"592=9CIAD;5 Stretched exponential α pN .0 = p N with p = α = 1/ 2 *#5;;#1==1=4/)1C>&A>3$1C;314)3+) BH<?C>C931;;HB31;59=E1A91=C4 4 C1BH<?C>C931;;HB1C9B695BC85"592=9CIAD;5 *#5;;#1==1=4/)1C>&A>3$1C;314)3+) q ≠ 1 SYSTEMS i.e., such that Sq ( N ) ∝ N ( N → ∞) 1 q = 1− d ;;C8A555G1<?;5B1BH<?C>C931;;HB1C9B6HC85"592=9CIAD;5 *#5;;#1==1=4/)1C>&A>3$1C;314)3+) Continental Airlines )&$L./((%#$*-**($),()#$*" | γ |= 1 → Ising ferromagnet 0 < |γ | <1 γ =0 → anisotropic XY ferromagnet → isotropic XY ferromagnet λ ≡ transverse magnetic field L ≡ length of a block within a N → ∞ chain 1ADB>1=4*&8HB(5E 1ADB>1=4*&8HB(5E Using a Quantum Field Theory result in P. Calabrese and J . Cardy , JSTAT P 06002 (2004) we obtain, at the critical transverse magnetic field , 9 + c2 − 3 qent = c with c ≡ central charge in conformal field theory Hence Ising and anisotropic XY ferromagnets ⇒ c = 1 ⇒ qent = 37 − 6 ≈ 0.0828 2 and Isotropic XY ferromagnet ⇒ c = 1 ⇒ qent = 10 − 3 ≈ 0.1623 1ADB>1=4*&8HB(5E (d = 1; T = 0) BG (pure magnet with critical transverse field) 9 + c2 − 3 q= c 1.67 1.67 q = 1− = 1− c ln (2 S + 1) (random magnet with no field) A Saguia and MS Sarandy, Phys Lett A 374, 3384 (2010) Summarizing, for a wide class of quantum systems or subsystems with N elements, we know that S BG ( N ) ∝ ln L ∝ ln N ≠N for d = 1 quantum chains ∝ L ∝ N ≠N for d = 2 bosonic systems ∝ L2 ∝ N 2/3 ≠N for d = 3 black hole ∝ Ld −1 ∝ N ( d −1)/ d ≠ N for d -dimensional bosonic systems (d > 1; area law) Ld −1 − 1 ∝ ≡ ln 2−d L ≠ Ld ∝ N d −1 (d ≥ 1) (NONEXTENSIVE!) For the same class of quantum systems, we expect S q ( N ) ∝ Ld ∝ N ent (d ≥ 1; qent ≠ 1) (EXTENSIVE!) (analytically and/or computationally shown for d = 1, 2) 1ADB>1=4*&8HB(5E SYSTEMS Short-range interactions, weakly entangled blocks, etc ENTROPY SBG (additive) ENTROPY Sq (q<1) (nonadditive) EXTENSIVE NONEXTENSIVE Long-range interactions (QSS), NONEXTENSIVE strongly entangled blocks, etc quarks-gluons, plasma, curved space ...? EXTENSIVE - Additive versus Extensive - Nonlinear dynamical systems - Central Limit Theorem - Predictions, verifications, applications xt +1 = 1 − axt2 edge of chaos (0 ≤ a ≤ 2) fully developed chaos LOGISTIC MAP: xt +1 = 1 − a xt 2 (0 ≤ a ≤ 2; −1 ≤ xt ≤ 1; t = 0,1, 2,...) (strong chaos, i.e., positive Lyapunov exponent) (a=2) V. Latora, M. Baranger, A. Rapisarda and C. T., Phys. Lett. A 273, 97 (2000) We verify K1 = λ1 ( Pesin − like identity ) where K1 ≡ limt →∞ S1 (t ) t and ∆ x(t ) λ ξ (t ) ≡ lim ∆ x (0)→0 =e ∆ x(0) 1 t (weak chaos, i.e., zero Lyapunov exponent) C. T. , A.R. Plastino and W.-M. Zheng, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 8, 885 (1997) M.L. Lyra and C. 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(1018 meaningful digits) Kqentropy production = λqsensitivity − γ qescape xt +1 = 1 − a xtz ( z ≥ 1; 0 ≤ a ≤ 2; − 1 ≤ xt ≤ 1) 1 ! 1 t qescape −1 M.A. Fuentes, Y. Sato and C. T., Phys Lett A (2011), in press SENSITIVITY TO INITIAL CONDITIONS, ENTROPY AND ESCAPE RATE AT THE ONSET OF CHAOS M.A. Fuentes, Y. Sato and C. T., Phys Lett A (2011), in press (λqsensitivity − γ qescape )t Kqentropy production t LOGISTIC MAP: EDGE OF CHAOS odd 2n q=1.63 beta=6.2 even 2n q=1.70 beta=6.2 U. Tirnakli, C. Beck and C. T. Phys Rev E 75, 040106(R) (2007) U. Tirnakli, C. T. and C. Beck Phys Rev E 79, 056209 (2009) EDGE OF CHAOS OF THE LOGISTIC MAP: qsensitivity = qentropy = 0.244487701341282066198... q - triplet qrelaxation = 2.249784109... = 1.65 ± 0.05 qstationary state In order to have ( qsensitivity , qrelaxation ,qstationary state ) ≠ (1,1,1) it seems that we need maximal Lyapunov exponent = 0 What else do we need? What relations may exist between these three q-indices? CONSERVATIVE MC MILLAN MAP: xn +1 = yn yn + ε yn +1 = − xn + 2 µ y n 2 1 + yn µ ≠ 0 ⇔ nonlinear dynamics G. Ruiz, T. Bountis and C. T. Int J Bifurcat Chaos (2011), in press ( µ , ε ) = (1.6,1.2) ( N = 29 ) 18 (N = 2 ) ( N = 213 ) (218 ≤ N ≤ 219 ) (λmax ≈ 0.05) ( N = 216 ) (219 ≤ N ≤ 220 ) G. Ruiz, T. Bountis and C. T. Int J Bifurcat Chaos (2011), in press − β ( z σ )2 q p∝e with ( q, β ) = (1.6, 4.5) G. Ruiz, T. Bountis and C. T. Int J Bifurcat Chaos (2011), in press KURAMOTO MODEL: (N nonlinearly coupled oscillators) (N=20000; K=2.53) (N=20000; K=0.6) G. Miritello, A. Pluchino and A. Rapisarda, Physica A 388, 4818 (2009) M. Leo, R.A. Leo and P. Tempesta, J Stat Mech P04021 (2010) q=1.463 M. Leo, R.A. Leo and P. 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( x) when summing N → ∞ q - independent identical random variables 1+ q with symmetric distribution f ( x) with σ Q ≡ ∫ dx x 2 [ f ( x)]Q / ∫ dx [ f ( x)]Q Q ≡ 2q − 1, q1 = 3− q q =1 [independent ] q ≠ 1 (i.e., Q ≡ 2q − 1 ≠ 1) [globally correlated ] ! ( x) = Gq ( x) ≡ G(3 q 1−1) / (1+ q 1 ) ( x), with same σ Q of f ( x) σQ < ∞ ! ( x) = Gaussian G ( x ), with same σ 1 of f ( x) (α = 2) Classic CLT G ( x) Gq ( x) ∼ 2/( q −1) f ( x) ∼ Cq / | x | with lim q → 1 xc (q, 2) = ∞ if | x |<< xc (q, 2) if | x |>> xc (q, 2) S. Umarov, C. T. and S. Steinberg, Milan J Math 76, 307 (2008) ! ( x ) = Levy distribution Lα ( x ), with same | x | → ∞ behavior σQ → ∞ (0 < α G ( x ) < 2) Lα ( x ) ∼ if | x |<< xc (1, α ) 1+α f ( x ) ∼ Cα / | x | if | x |>> xc (1, α ) with limα → 2 xc (1, α ) = ∞ Levy-Gnedenko CLT ! ( x ) = Lq,α , with same | x |→ ∞ asymptotic behavior 2(1− q )−α (3− q ) * G 2(1− q )−α (1+ q ) ( x ) ∼ C q ,α / | x | 2(1− q ) 2(1− q )−α (3− q ) , α (intermediate regime) Lq,α ~ (1+α )/(1+α q−α ) L G 2α q −α +3 ( x ) ∼ C q ,α / | x | , 2 α +1 ( distant regime) S. Umarov, C. T., M. Gell-Mann and S. Steinberg J Math Phys 51, 033502 (2010) Hilhorst function: 1/( q −1) C | x | q f A ( x) = 0 [H.J. Hilhorst, JSTAT P 10023 (2010)] ( q − 2)/( q −1) | x | { − A 1/( q − 2) 1 + ( q − 1) | x |( q −2)/( q −1) − A 2( q −1)/( q − 2) } 1/( q −1) if 0 ≤ A <| x |( q −2)/( q −1) if 0 ≤| x |( q −2)/( q −1) ≤ A with ∫ ∞ −∞ dx f A ( x ) = 1 Particular case: A = 0 1 f0 ( x) = Cq [1 + ( q − 1) x 2 ]1/( q−1) q-GENERALIZED INVERSE FOURIER TRANSFORM: 1/(2 − q ) +∞ 2 − q f ( y) = Fq [ f ( x + y )](ξ , y ) d ξ ∫ 2π −∞ (1 ≤ q < 2) Particular case q = 1: 1 f ( y) = 2π +∞ 1 ∫−∞ F [ f ( x + y )](ξ , y ) dξ = 2π +∞ ∫ F [ f ( x )](ξ ) e−iξ y d ξ −∞ M. Jauregui and C. 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T., J Stat Mech (2008) P09006 R. Hanel, S. Thurner and C. T., Eur Phys J B 72, 263 (2009) 4) N-binary-discretized q-Gaussians (asymptotically scale-invariant) A. Rodriguez, V. Schwammle and C. T., J Stat Mech (2008) P09006 q-independence ⇒ scale-invariance ? i.e., ∫ dx N hN ( x1 , x2 ,..., xN ) = hN −1 ( x1 , x2 ,..., xN −1 ) ? - Additive versus Extensive - Nonlinear dynamical systems - Central Limit Theorem - Predictions, verifications, applications %"*%#)$))&*,%&*""**) 9*8549BCA92DC9>=>61C><93E5;>39C95B9B11DBB91= 44 ER 99q = 1 + U0 where ER ≡ recoil energy U 0 ≡ potential depth !"#$%&'$()*+,*(-,./'#0)*)&/(*+,,1$%&2&.*)&/(3 45,67,8/09+*3:,;7,<$%9*'&(& *(-,=7,>$(?/(&:,6@53,>$1,A$)) BC:,DDECED,FGEECH ( R 2 ! 0.9985) ( R 2 ! 0.995) q ! 1" 44 ER U0 FI/'#0)*)&/(*+,,1$%&2&.*)&/(J K0*()0',L/()$,I*%+/,3&'0+*)&/(3H,,,,,,,,,,,F!"#$%&'$()*+,1$%&2&.*)&/(J,I3,*)/'3H "))""%$($$*(*$#$/%/#"*%$$)/)*#) ! A V (r ) ∼ − α r (r → ∞) ( A > 0, α ≥ 0) integrable if α / d >1 non-integrable if 0 ≤ α / d ≤ 1 (short-ranged ) (long-ranged ) 5 EXTENSIVE SYSTEMS α 4 dipole-dipole 3 α -XY model NONEXTENSIVE SYSTEMS 2 Newtonian gravitation 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 d 5 # 9=5AC91;./<>45; d = 1 α − XY model L.J.L. Cirto, V.R.V. Assis and C. T. (2011) ∞ 1 Sq ↔ ς ( s) ≡ ∑ s = n =1 n 1 ∏ −s p prime 1 − p 1 1 1 1 1 = · · · · ! −s −s −s −s −s 1 − 2 1 − 3 1 − 5 1 − 7 1 − 11 ""1A7514A>=>;;945A #)><?13C#D>=)>;5=>9445C53C>A JB395=C9BCB5=79=55AB6A>< 9=BC9CDC9>=B>63>D=CA95B q=1.15 T=0.145 PHENIX @ RHIC q ≈ 1.10 q-PLANE WAVES: 1) New representation of Dirac delta: 2−q ∞ − ikx δ ( x) = dk e (1 ≤ q < 2) q ∫ 2π −∞ i.e., ∫ ∞ −∞ dx δ ( x − x0 ) f ( x ) = f ( x0 ) Question: For what class of functions f ( x ) is this so? M. Jauregui and C. T., J Math Phys 51, 063304 (2010) 2) New representation of π : Archimedes (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) M. Jauregui and C. T., J Math Phys 51, 063304 (2010) standard Dirac delta λ f ( x) ! 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