S p 2 r 0 in 1 1 g Q UA RT E R LY N E W S L E T T E R GREENER PASTURES Spring 2 0 1 1 No-Kill Animal Rescue PUPS H A P P Y , L Ot oVnE, LY & Spencer Maggie, Wins Tirelessly rescuing neglected and abused animals, of all sizes, in the four state area since 2000. O nce, again a very long, cold winter has come to an end. Due to the shorter days, there are never enough hours to get things done at ‘the farm’. Occasionally, one simply has to go out for errands, have a light dinner with friends, or drop in on one of our supporters to say hello and thank you. However, it seemed like every chance I could do so this winter, it was either too snowy, too cold, or I was too dog tired to do anything outside of the farm. Have no fear, all was not lost! It afforded me many hours to sit by the fire and reflect on what 12 years at Greener Pastures has meant to me and so many others. First and foremost, we have been blessed with the most loyal supporters any rescue could pray for. We have faced many obstacles and challenges over the years - animal rescue is not for the faint of heart. It is sad, dirty, political, and exhausting. But every so often you will experience its rewards. As I look down at the 15 or so cats and dogs lying at my feet, I see in their eyes love, gratitude, and a great sense of peace. Sadly, I think of those who never made it to Greener Pastures. I cry everyday, worrying about the torture, bondage, neglect, and helplessness of those less fortunate. No matter how tough things get around here, there has never been a day when I’ve regretted dedicating my life to making a difference in an animals life. To follow your heart, never falter, and doing the best we can do is all we have at the end of ones journey here on Earth, and is what we will ultimately be judged on. Spring 2011 s t n e v E Recent December On December 31st, Greener Pastures launched our new website! It now features galleries of recent photographs, as well as updates of what’s happening at the farm. Check out the new website at: January On January 17th, Greener Pastures was featured on WAYZ, live from Kyners Auto Sales. Many friends came and joined in on the fun. There were games, prizes, animals, and most importantly the opportunity to help the animals that we care for! February Greener Pastures hosted our first ever spay and neuter clinic on February, 24th. There is a special write-up about this on page three of this season’s newsletter! A Legacy of Compassion For Animals Please remember “Greener Pastures NoKill Animal Rescue” when giving a memorial donation in lieu of flowers or through a provision in your will. Please consider an enduring gift on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves! For more information, call us at our telephone number: (717) - 375 - 2980. (Continued "om "ont) When you help the animals at Greener Pastures you are doing just that. Remember, it’s not how heavy the load is, but how you carry it! And finally as longer, warmer days beckon life’s rich pageant of beautiful colors and new life, it gives us all the opportunity to say farewell to one of the harshest winters in decades and to say hello to the magic of spring... (sigh)... I simply cannot wait! Meet ‘Cookie’ ! ookie is a beautiful 15 year old double registered ‘Paint’. She joined our family in Sept. 2010 . We were her last chance - she was slated to be picked up that afternoon to be sold at the infamous New Holland Livestock Auction. The vast majority of animals sold at this venue are used for meat; New Holland being one of the largest auctions in the U.S that deals in ‘Horse Flesh’. ‘Cookie’ spent twelve of her fifteen years kept in bondage as a brood mare and as a Hormone Replacement Therapy donor. Those unfamiliar with HRT this is where a horse is kept continually pregnant and the hormones in her C Cookie is a loving animal, who enjoys spending time in our horse pasture with her best friends Pete and Gabrielle. urine and placenta is used in drugs such as ‘Prempro’. Come on ladies, we all want to age gracefully and look fabulous, but this tortuous practice is barbaric and unacceptable. Is mere beauty worth the price of an animal’s life? ‘Cookie’ is very shy and wary of human beings from lack of socialization. However with the help of some Greener Pastures volunteers that have a lot of experiences with horses, ‘Cookie’ has amazingly learned to trust again and will live out the rest of her life with dignity and love, in the company of her new pasture mates Pete & Gabrielle. Thrift Stores Vs. Yard Sales People ask us all the time “Why doesn’t Greener Pastures have a thrift store like everyone else? My answer is that most thrift stores generate little revenue. And with the large overhead of renting or leasing a store, they just are simply not cost effective enough - especially for a small organization like ourselves. We have six to eight giant yard sales here at the farm, from May to September. They profit better than any store could do on a monthly basis, and they also get our friends to come on out and visit the property and our wonderful animals. With that being said, we are now looking for quality, interesting items for these events. Such as: knick-knacks, furniture, electronics, heirlooms, etc. So start packing and get your stuff to Greener Pastures! If it is more convenient, we can pick them up from you! For more info and dates, call us or check our website for these must attend events! Spring 2011 Recent Pictures of Our “Residents” The Cats, Dogs, Goats, Sheep, Ducks, and Horses at ‘The Farm’ Below: Dangie showing us her ‘begging’ face. She loves all the treats that visitors to Greener Pastures give her! But she knows that treats are a ‘sometimes’ food, just like the cookie monster knows that cookies are a ‘sometimes’ food too! Above:! Two years ago Poppy was thrown out alongside a road like yesterdays trash! He was near death, but look at him now! Le": Two of Greener Pasture’s famous geese at the side of our creek. Don’t they make such a cute couple? Above: Loneliness is a distant memory as new friends bond at Greener Pastures! Le": Three tired kittens lounge after a full day of play. Remember: It’s kitten season, remember to spay and neuter your pets! Greener Pastures No Ki# Animal Rescue - PO Box 278 - Marion, PA 17235 Spring 2011 A Sp e c i al An n o u n c e m e nt ! We are proud to announce that in conjunction with Dr. Carlson of the Fulton County Animal Hospital, Greener Pastures hosted the first ever spay/neuter clinic for cats in Fulton County! Our first event was on February 24, 2011. We were able to accommodate over 32 cats! Our next event will be on Thursday, April 28, 2011, at the Allegheny Veterinary Hospital in Mount Union, PA. Many more clinics will be scheduled throughout the year and throughout the area. This is yet another great reason to support Greener Pastures. We stop at nothing in order to help an animal because we know how to lobby for those who cannot speak for themselves. For more information regarding the events, email us, call us, or visit our website! In closing, I want to thank everyone once again for your support. elp H n a ou C How Y We are in perpetual need of help from our loving friends and supporters. All donations are accepted. Volunteers At Greener Pastures we are in constant need of volunteers. Every hour counts when it comes to saving the lives of these poor animals. Interested in volunteering? Visit our website and download the ‘Volunteer Form’ under the volunteers section! Donations Past, present, and future. As for myself and our volunteers, we just do Hay is for Horses! what we do, 24/ 7/ 365, to help the ‘Residents’ here at the farm. We We are still in need of hay for our animals. Evergreen Haven Farms graciously drops off our hay that is donated. Call (717) - 729 7936 to buy hay and have it dropped off at our facility. don’t know any other way, because it is in our blood. However, the most important work comes from your gifts to Greener Pastures. As you know, there seems to be little end to the unstable economic future we are all facing. Please, continue to support our mission. We need you now more than ever! With the simple stroke of a pen, you can make a huge difference in an animal’s life! Thank you, and God bless. Peace, Samantha Frey - Founder Veterinary Credits Needed! The Mount Rock & Shippensburg Animal Hospitals allow our friends to pay for veterinary credits for our use. Please call: (717) 532-8599 or (717) 532 - 5413. Contact Us! Greener Pastures No Kill Animal Rescue PO Box 278 Marion, PA 17235 (717) - 375 - 2980 [email protected] PayPal Spring 2011
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