The Frozen Mukluk
The Frozen Mukluk
The Frozen Mukluk Local Monthly News from Faro, Yukon Vol. 4 Issue 6 JUNE 2012 In This Issue; Faro Volunteer Fire Department News Wildlife Viewing Faro Library Town of Faro Health Centre Small Business Employment Interest Groups Classifieds Announcements Blasts from the Past Faro RCMP My Yukon Life Magundy Cartoon Sylvains Aviation Services Lots More!! Safety-dog takes the Sheep cabin shuttle!!! USELESS FACTS * There are more donut shops in Canada per capita than any other country. * 0.3% of all road accidents in Canada involve a Moose * Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors * Cuba is the only island in the Caribbean to have a railroad * JUNE 2011 WEATHER: The new playground is almost ready!! Quote of the Month; Max Temp: +25.0 C Max Temp. Date: JUNE 24th 2011 Min. Temp: -0.5 C Min Temp Date: JUNE 3rd 2011 "Flowers are beautiful hieroglyphics of nature, with which she indicates how much she loves us." Wolfgang von Geothe (28 Aug. 1749–22 Mar. 1832) German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath Precipitation: 65.8 mm Need a Reason to Celebrate in JUNE? June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6th June 8 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 17 June 18 June 20 June 21 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 30 Aboriginal day Repeat Day Old Maid's Day, Cheese Day, 1st Ford made World Environment Day Teacher’s Day World Ocean Day National Yo-yo Day National Hug Holiday World against Child Labour Day National Juggling Day Flag Day Fly A Kite Day, Family History Day Father’s Day, Disneyland opened (1955) International Picnic Day Refugee Day, Summer Solstice Day Aboriginal Day St Jean Batiste day (Quebec) Log Cabin Day Toothbrush invented (1948) Superman’s birthday, Meteor Day JUNE is…. Carnival and Circus Month National Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Month Dairy Month Iced Tea Month Hugs Week (3rd week) Student Safety Month HEALTH CENTRE NEWS Only EMERGENCY needs will be seen after regular hours. Call 994-4444 OR 811 WALK-IN SICK CLINIC: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 11:30 am & 3:00 to 4:00 pm PUBLIC HEALTH HOURS (Please make appointment) Monday to Friday 1:00 to 3:00 pm DOCTOR SERVICES: Dr. Bousquet – June 5th , 7th 8th , 19th, 21st , 22nd . Call 994-4444 to book appointments. Please bring your Health Care Card. From the Folks Who Help You to Be Healthy. Whitehorse Pharmacies Pharmacies will send other items by mail, besides prescriptions. Medicine Chest Pharmacy 1-800-661-0404 Shoppers Drug Mart – Main St. 1-800-661-0506 Shoppers Drug Mart – Mall 1-800-661-0413 Wal-Mart Pharmacy 1-866-806-9056 Drugstore Pharmacy @ Superstore Non-Toll free 1-867-456-6635 ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING DOCTOR CLINICS** ***NOTE: People who have an appointment will be expected to bring ALL of their current medications with them when they see the doctor. If you arrive for your appointment with the doctor without your medications you will be sent home to get them. *** The doctors here in Faro work at seeing clients on time. While delays do happen that cannot be predicted, getting to your appointment on time is important. If you are more than 5 minutes late for your doctor’s appointment, you may be asked to rebook your appointment at the next clinic. Thank you for your help in these areas so we can all have a successful doctor clinic. When managing your medications, please renew your prescription in plenty of time so that you DO NOT RUN OUT!!!! Regulations have changed and only seeing a doctor will get your prescription renewed. It takes time because doctors’ clinics only happen every 2 weeks, are frequently fully booked, and takes 1 week to come from Whitehorse by mail. Cool website of the month: Dome shelters in a kit! Made in Alaska, with a Yukon distributor. Reasonable prices, different sizes, easy set up, and many uses. Just plain “cool” actually! DID YOU KNOW? The March 2012 estimated population of Yukon was 35,944, the highest in Yukon's recent history. The Whitehorse population of 27,322 was an increase of 530, or 2.0%, over the March 2011 population, and also represented 87.5% of the population growth across Yukon. From Lena Brule.... Lena is open to suggestions & comments regarding her embroidery, and also offers custom embroidery. If you are interested Call 994-3219 Search: faroyukon JUNE MAIL OUT SPONSOR: This issue’s mail out was sponsored by: Helen Wagantall SORRY WE MISSED YOU.... Visit www.yukonadventure Yukon Housing Yukon Nevada Gold Yukon Energy Yukon College Dept. Of Environment New podcasts every Monday evening Thanks Helen!!!! If you would like to sponsor an issue, send us an email: [email protected] * And anyone else that may have liked to submit......we’d love to hear from you for the JULY issue!! thefrozenmukluk@gmai Special Guests Include: Dog mushers Musicians Artists Adventurers Bush pilots Trappers Miners Historians Outfitters…and other Yukoners to read about amazing and inspiring stories of Yukon adventures. We are always looking for stories (and often running contests!) so if you’d like to submit something, contact us at admin@yukonadventure We’d love to hear from some more Faro residents! BIZARRE ORIGINS OF TODAY’S SAYINGS The Saying: TOUCH WOOD In Celtic time’s people believed that benevolent spirits lived in trees. When in trouble people knocked on the tree and asked the spirits for help. The Saying: TRUE BLUE This phrase was originally true as Coventry blue as the dyers in Coventry used a blue dye that lasted and did not wash out easily. However the phrase became shortened. The Saying: TURN THE OTHER CHEEK Jesus told his followers not to retaliate against violence. In Luke 6:29 he told them that if somebody strikes you on one cheek turn the other cheek to him as well. EDITORS NOTES..... A “GREENER” MUKLUK.... Would you prefer to “go Green & read the Mukluk electronically? The Frozen Mukluk is also now available on the Town of Faro Website in PDF Format Many thanks to Kara Went, Erica Ward & Heather Grantham for some great photos !! BIG apology to Sandy Ruether for goofing her ad last month. I’ll try not to fall asleep at the wheel this time! There was no shortage of things to do around here last month, that’s for sure – holy cow! So many great folks making and having so much fun – Our town is AWESOME! What a month we had! The Crane & Sheep Festival, Mothers Day, and the long Victoria day week-end just to name a few. Now on to Grad Day, Fathers day, Aboriginal day, & the longest day of 2012. Many thanks again this month to Town of Faro for use of the copier again – hopefully the new Mukluk one will be able to print more than 5 pages at a time someday soon! Once again, a huge thank you to all contributors, readers and supporters. None of this is possible without you! Happy Father’s Day Dad! H REIKI Reiki is a healing technique used for relaxation, stress reduction and for balance of the chakras in the body. It is a non-invasive procedure that has been compared to a relaxing massage. The healing takes place when the practitioner uses “life force energy” in a concentrated manner and directs it into the patient’s body. It does not involve any pain, and in most cases, removes any existing pain from the body. If you’ve been dealing with any physical or emotional pain and would like some respite from it, please contact medical intuitive and certified Reiki practitioner, Barb, at 867-332-9073 to set up an appointment. DVG ENVIRO CLUB The Del Van Gorder Enviro Club's Earth Day Bottle drive was a great success and raised just over $300! A special thank you to all those who volunteered their time ( Dean, Flo, Maliki and Taylor Shorty; Cindy and Dayna Bekk; and Peter Kazda) Also, a special thank you to the people of Faro for all their donations. With the money we raised we were able to support "adoptions" of endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund and also donated towards the preservation of the Beaufort Sea and the fresh waters of the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence region. Together we can make change possible. By supporting these initiatives, the Enviro club is helping to protect wildlife, conserve habitats and build a sustainable future locally, nationally and globally. Together, we can find long-term conservation solutions that benefit both people and nature :) Stay tuned for the Fall when the Enviro Club will rejoin to promote environmental awareness throughout the year. Thanks again everyone and have a wonderful summer. Keep on recycling! Sincerely, Kathleen Evans, Enviro Club Leader, Del Van Gorder School THE FIREFIGHTER JUNE 2012 Calling the Fire Department is one of those things that nobody thinks about until there’s an emergency. That’s when the panicking starts. Now all of a sudden there are so many things to remember. What was that phone number? What street is this? What’s the number on that house? 994-2222 That’s our Fire Department’s emergency phone number. If you need to speak to the Fire Chief or have questions that are not of an emergency nature please call the town shop. This allows our emergency line to stay available at all times. Let’s try a practice run. Your house is on fire, what should you do? 1. Get out! In general our homes are filled with products that make life easier, until they catch fire that is. Then the toxins that are released as smoke become instantly deadly. Breathing these toxins will kill you long before the fire reaches you. 2. Phone 994-2222! Your phone will ring several times because your call is being transferred to a radio which someone with the Fire Department is carrying at all times. 3. Answer all questions! In the heat of the moment this will seem like a stupid waste of time but it really isn’t. The more information we have ahead of time the better we can plan. All of our firefighters carry pagers that allow us to hear your entire conversation. 4. Stay near the phone if possible! If you are still in the burning building remember rule number one. Get out! If you are safe, staying near the phone will allow us to call you back if we need more information. Here is how your call might be answered. “Faro Fire Department, this is the Fire Chief. Do you have an emergency?” This is an important question because if you do not, we need to free up the line quickly. Here are some questions you might be asked. “Are you still in the building?” “Are any people still inside?” “Do you see smoke?” “Do you see fire?” “How big is the fire?” “What is the address?” “Where are you now?” While you are giving information we will be making plans and most of us will already be on our way to the Fire Hall by the time the sirens begin to wail. But most importantly, with a lot of planning and a little luck we will never meet under such circumstances. In future issues I hope to discuss smoke detectors, escape plans, safe storage and the many other things that go into living a long and fire free life. Training Officer BB(Brian)Bekk FARO RCMP DETACHMENT Summer has finally arrived!! Congratulations to our Van Gorder School graduating Class!! Great job and good luck with all your future endeavors!! CAMPBELL REGION INTERPRETIVE CENTRE Thank you to those who enjoyed a hot coffee or cold drink with us at the Kettle Café during Police Week. It was great to see all the youth and Faro residents out enjoying the great work the students are doing with the Café. Special thanks to the Kettle Café staff for preparing all the great drinks for everyone who made it out. We are back for another season at the Interpretive Center and what a start we had. It was great to see so many people coming for the Crane & Sheep Festival. We counted 305 visitors at the BBQ. Also the first tourists from Overseas arrived! Have you lost your bike? A Faro resident located a women’s bicycle in a gravel pit near Faro. The bike is in fairly good shape and is waiting for its owner to pick it up at the detachment. Faro RCMP have received no complaints of stolen bikes leaving us with no one to return the bike to. If you have lost your bike, stop in and let us know. Last month we talked a little about off road vehicles being driven on the road. Since then those using off road vehicles have done a great job staying on the trails and have asked some good questions about legislation and ways to ride safely. Keep up the great work With “off roading” in mind, please be aware that not everyone shares your joy and enthusiasm for the noise associated to some of the machines. When you have to ride a trail near houses please ride with you neighbors enjoyment of their property and space in mind. Some folks live in isolated areas for peace and quiet while others live here for great outdoor recreation. With a little thought and consideration we can all enjoy what Faro has to offer together. While traveling this summer keep the posted speed limits in mind. With the nice weather and good road conditions we have noticed speeds are increasing on the Robert Campbell Highway and within the Town of Faro. Plan ahead and leave yourself enough time to enjoy your drive and get where you’re going safely without exceeding the posted speed limits. Have a great June!! To contact Faro RCMP in an emergency, call 994-5555 or 1-867-667-5555. These calls will be answered by Whitehorse OCC who will have officers respond to the call. For general inquiries in the community, call 994-2677. If there is no answer, please phone 994-5555 and an officer will be contacted. ************************************************* Faro Detachment would like to remind members of the community about our Emergency Phone located at the front entrance to the Detachment. This phone line is connected directly to Whitehorse RCMP dispatch. The caller only has to hold the phone to their ear and someone from Whitehorse Dispatch will answer. This will ensure a quicker response from Faro RCMP members. We want to say a “Big Thank You” to: Faro Arts & Recreation Association for the great Chili Dinner Friday evening! Tom Lie Lucy Moreira Michel Dupont Dave Rogerson Betty Murphy Diana Rogerson Mc Millan Outfitters Kel Sax & Bernie & Tessie Grant for all the work you put in before and during the BBQ. “Thank you” to all the artists, who did demonstrations and workshops during the Festival! Events for the month of June: Sunday, June 10th: Flea Market from 11 am to 2 pm (Please reserve a table!) Thursday, June 28th: 1st Fire Side Chat & Bocce Tournament. Starts at 5:30 pm! Our opening hours for June will be 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Have a great summer! Sabine and Sharon A Message from the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre & Girls Night Out............................ Faro Golf Club It is great to see so many people already using the golf course this season. Thanks to the community for supporting us. Kudos to those wonderful volunteers who are actively working out on the course, planning the golf tournament, donating items etc. Many people have already purchased memberships already this season. Please see postings for our upcoming 15th annual golf tournament on July 20 & 21. To sign up or for any questions, contact our Tournament Coordinator Helen Wagantall. May was Sexual Assault Prevention Month. This year, Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre, along with a brilliant crew of women’s groups, borrowed the slogan “Men Can Stop Rape.” > We held a panel, made up entirely of men, speaking to the ways they work to end sexual assault. Instead of our old, standard, women’s self-defence classes, we’re holding a sex-positive workshop on consent, safer sex and condom negotiation. We’ve published the controversial Top 10 Tips To End Rape posters and handbills. > The 10 Tips are things like “Don’t put drugs in women’s drinks” and “Carry a rape whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone ‘by accident,’ you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can call for help.” Finally it says, “Don’t rape.” > The 10 Tips have really stirred up some controversy. We’re not shy of controversy - it means people are communicating about the topic of rape - but there are some points we’d like to clarify. > Our intent is to replace this current rape culture - the one that communicates its complicity through its silence - with a culture in which men call out other men, with a culture that joyously celebrates consensual expressions of sexuality - in which there is no room for sexualized violence. > Women have been told for eons that stopping rape is up to us. We’re bombarded with tips for keeping ourselves safe. But the thing is this: The Driving Range shack is now open for business. For the driving range we will do our best to accommodate special events or groups of at least 3 people or more. The hours are flexible, but please call in advance. For golf car rentals, please call in advance if possible, as well. Golf cars will only be rented to responsible vehicle license holders. See posters (at Golf Shack, Interpretive Centre etc.) for contact information. If anyone has a request of the Golf Club or is looking for information please contact us at: PO Box 96, Faro YT, Y0B 1K0 or [email protected] or Michelle Vainio @ 994-3466 (for information or for items for our meeting agenda). (You can also reach the Faro Golf Club President, Gary Jones through these contacts – information will be relayed to him promptly.) Happy Golfing! > Women’s self-defence classes can’t stop rape. > Women dressing conservatively can’t stop rape. > Women arming themselves can’t stop rape. > Women staying indoors after dark can’t stop rape. > Women can protect themselves, and be afraid, dress conservatively, and stay indoors. > And we will still be raped. > And when we are, all these lessons communicate that somehow - that victim of rape is to blame for being assaulted. She has failed to protect herself. > When really, in order to stop rape: Rapists need to stop raping. > We need education around the definition of rape. > Young people need to systematically learn about communication and consent. > We all need to break the silence around sexualized assault and interrupt cycles of violence. > We need to recognize that rape is not incidental or uncontrollable, but a deliberate act. > We need to ensure that a woman’s dignity is respected when she reports rape - that she is heard, believed, understood and respected. The judicial system needs to believe women, to represent women victims of sexualized assault more effectively, and to treat us with dignity. > Police need to do the same. So do our friends. And our families and communities need to hear us, believe us, understand and respect us. > Because until men step up en masse - until the few men who do this work are joined by a majority of men - calling out rape jokes and sexism amongst their friends, actively working for equality, being consistently loving, respectful role models, and working alongside women’s groups - we will still be raped. > Men can stop rape. It’s time to step up and do it. Julianna Scramstad, Program Coordinator Victoria Faulkner Women's Centre 503 Hanson St. Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1Y9 phone: 667-2693 fax: 667-7004 Girls News Girls Night Out is selling raffle tickets!! The raffle is a fundraiser for our upcoming events, including our Vancouver trip, a photography camp and a retreat on violence prevention. There are only 250 tickets, they cost $20 each and there are 3 great prizes up for grabs! Please buy a ticket and support our group! 1st prize: Travel Certificate for Air North for a return trip to Vancouver, Edmonton or Calgary Value $750 2nd prize: Faro Getaway, 2 nights at Far O Way Guest House (thanks Cyndy and Brian!!), Unlimited Golf (thanks Faro Golf Club!!), 1/2 hour massage (thanks Michele Lynch!!), Gift Certificates to the Kettle and to Studio Restaurant (Thanks Phyliss!) Value $370 3rd prize: Evening at Home Basket, Movie Rentals, Popcorn and Snacks, Massage Oils, Soaps and Lotions (thanks Glennys!), Gift Certificate to M&M Meats. Value $100 Draw will be held at the Canada Celebration on July 1st. GNO is heading to Vancouver from June 17-24. We are so excited about this trip and have planned some great activities! We are touring university campuses, going to Wildplay Nanaimo for zip lining, screaming our heads off at Playland, going on a Dinner Cruise, going to Tofino to the beach, going to a Shakespeare Play at Bard on the Beach and staying at a condo right on the beach complete with hot tub! Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraisers, we raised over $5000 for this trip. Thanks to Kara for coming out to show us all how to make moose sausages and to Glennys who came to make soap with us. Also thanks to Judy for coming out to host a Spa/Health night. We love to involve women from our community to teach workshops and share their talents with us like this!! Its lots of fun and it creates great mentoring relationships between girls and women in our community! If you would like to share a talent with our girls, from making the perfect brownie to any type of craft to talks and learning about any subject, please call Heather at 994-2006 or Kirsten at 994-3441 to jjoin us for a meeting! GNO meets every Wednesday night at the Bible Chapel. May 30, 2012 The CBC has announced that on July 31, 2012, it will shut off free over-the-air TV service everywhere in the Yukon. The CBC currently has transmission sites in Whitehorse, Dawson, Elsa, Faro, Mayo and Watson Lake. All these sites will be shut down. This will not affect residents that watch TV using a cable or satellite service. Anyone that watches TV using ‘bunny ears’ or a rooftop antenna, however, will lose service. The CBC is taking this measure in response to recent budget cuts made by the federal government and has no plans to renew free over-the-air service in the future. I am writing to let you know that your community (if it is among those listed above) has options. The Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations (CACTUS) is a non-profit association that promotes the value of community media and assists communities in establishing community media centres. SHORT-TERM SOLUTIONS In the short term, residents who rely on over-the-air CBC/Radio-Canada have two options: Subscribe to a cable or satellite service to continue to access the CBC (Shaw has offered to provide Canadians who experience service losses with a free satellite dish and a basic free package of channels including the CBC at no charge) The municipality can contact the CBC to acquire its transmitter and/or broadcasting tower, and keep the CBC available free to air indefinitely. It varies community by community whether: a) The CBC is decommissioning (getting rid of) the entire site, transmitter and all. b) Just the transmitter, but is keeping the tower to transmit CBC radio. c) Just the transmitter, which is installed on a tower belonging to a third party (e.g. in Whitehorse, Mayo and Elsa) Each municipality will have to clarify the situation with respect to its local tower by contacting the CBC at: Steven Guiton (613) 288-6188 [email protected] In all three cases, municipalities can request that the CBC donate its analog transmitter, which has no commercial value to anyone else. If a tower is being decommissioned as well, municipalities should also request the tower. If the tower belongs to a third party, the municipality would have to take over the lease of the space on the tower from the CBC; the CBC can provide the name of the tower owner. Generally speaking, the maintenance of an analog transmitter and tower costs between nothing and at worst a few thousand dollars per year... a fraction of what it would cost for the whole community (or even a substantial part) to subscribe to cable or satellite. THE LONGER TERM OPPORTUNITY In urban areas such as Yellowknife, broadcasters have upgraded their over-the-air transmitters to digital. One of the advantages of digital transmitters is that you can “multiplex” together several services using one ‘box’. If your community decides to upgrade the CBC/Radio-Canada’s analog transmitters to digital, they could be used to: Offer a basic package of 6-8 remote TV signals free to air such as the CBC, Global, TSN or other specialty services—or a local community TV or radio channel Wireless highspeed Internet You could even offer a community mobile or cellular phone service using the tower if such service is unavailable from commercial providers. For more information about community rebroadcasting options, we have prepared a package of information entitled The Transition to Digital Over-the-Air Television: New Opportunities, on our web site at: The CRTC is also asking for public comment about what will happen to the CBC’s transmitters until June 18th. We encourage you to participate in this process so that the impact on your community is understood by the CBC and the CRTC. For more information or for help remitting comments to the CRTC, call us or see Catherine Edwards Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations (CACTUS) (819) 772-2862 Ottawa BLAST FROM THE PAST LOOKING DOWN THE HILL ON DAWSON DRIVE, SUMMER, 1975 Do you remember milestones in Faro’s history? Have old pictures of Faro you would like to share? [email protected] If you were at the Carne & Sheep BBQ last month, you may have heard Harold & Connie do a new song....... A CRANE & SHEEP song, written by Harold for the festival! (I say we make this the official festival song, only WITH cranes next time ) NO CRANES TODAY by Harold Boehm D I SEARCHED IN VAIN FOR A SANDHILL CRANE I SEARCHED AND SEARCHED AGIN BUT THEY DIDNT APPEAR, THEY WERE NO WHERE NEAR THERE WS NOT A CRANE TO BE SEEN SO I LOOKED INSTEAD FOR A BIG RAM’S HEAD AND I COULDN’T BELIEVE MY EYES26 SHEEP ON A HILL SO STEEP WHAT A HELL-U-VA BIG SURPRISE!!! LOCAL Services Home Care Program Health and Social Services Please visit for up to date information on all activities relating to the Faro Mine Complex. Subscribe to the RSS feed at the website. When news items are posted on the site, they are automatically be sent to your email address. The Faro Branch of the Yukon Home Care Program provides health services to individuals who cannot easily access health care in the community, or who need assistance in performing daily activities. The program aims to improve peoples quality of life and supports them to live independently in their own homes. Eligibility To be eligible for services offered by the Yukon Home Care Program, a person must have a valid Yukon Health Care Insurance number. Types of Service The Yukon Home Care Program provides long term, acute, palliative and respite care to Yukoners of all ages. Supplier’s Directory Golden Predator is creating a directory of Yukon Suppliers. If you are interested and able to provide a variety of services, register your business here. If you have questions or require further assistance with our directory, please e-mail or call our Communications Coordinator. Jane Bell [email protected] C: (867) 335-7643 O: (867) 633-4653 Referral Process You may refer yourself to the Yukon Home Care Program or have someone call on your behalf. Please call Brittany Weber @ 867-332-1146 You may also speak with the Health Center staff to pass a referral on. THE SHED - FOLD AND CODE Hours: MONDAY – FRIDAY 8:30 – 5:30 SATURDAY 8:30 – 12:30 Passport Applications Available The Shed is available 24/7 for anyone who wants to leave and/or take good used clothing. Please do not smoke in the shed; the odour penetrates the clothes and smoking can be a fire hazard. Thanks to those who have taken time to fold and code clothes from the box. It’s a great help. A big thank you to whoever has been helping to keep The Shed neat and tidy. It is greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to take some items to the Salvation Army on a trip to Whitehorse, please contact the Bakers at 9942442. About once a month we remove some of the items that have been there for a while. Thanks. RECYCLING CENTRE Friendship Feasts is a made in Faro program, it is not affiliated with Social Services, the Faro Health Centre, or any government program. If you are able to make a meal for a family once in a while, please get yourself on the Friendship Feast list. You may get called once in 6 months. Faro Bottle Depot Recycling Centre Summer Hours Tuesday 5-7 Wednesday 5-8 Thursday 5-7 Friday 5-7 To receive meals, you just need to nominate yourself or someone who you know needs meals. Generally, Friendship Feasts provides meals when there has been a death or other hardship in the family, when someone is recovering from an operation or sickness, or when a family brings home a new baby. Getting involved in Friendship Feasts is a great way to get involved in our community and to meet people in town in a meaningful way. If you have any questions, please call Peter at 994-3022. If you are not on the list, please call KARA WENT at 994-3114 to sign yourself up! We are always looking for new folks who are able to provide a meal. If you would appreciate meals or you would like to nominate someone for meals, please call KARA to set it up. Faro Airport Stats April 2012 Faro Airport Stats May 2012 Average High temperature__________ 8.4c Average High temperature__________ 12.3c Recorded Highest Temperature______11.3c Recorded Highest Temperature_______21.2c Average Low Temperature__________-4.3c Average Low Temperature__________1.0c Recorded lowest Temperature______ -12.7c Recorded lowest Temperature________-4.5c Total Rainfall____________________3.6cm Total Snowfall___________________3.6cm Total Rainfall____________________9.4cm Total Aircraft Movements __________22 Total Snowfall__________________16.0cm Total Aircraft Movements _________154 There is a blond on the plane A blonde gets an opportunity to fly to a nearby country. She has never been on an airplane anywhere and was very excited and tense. As soon as she boarded the plane, a Boeing747, she started jumping in excitement, running over seat to seat and starts shouting, "BOEING! BOEING!! BOEING!!! BO....." She sort of forgets where she is, even the pilot in the cock-pit hears the noise. Annoyed by the goings on, the Pilot comes out and shouts "Be silent!" There was pin-drop silence everywhere and everybody is looking at the blonde and the angry Pilot. She stared at the pilot in silence for a moment, concentrated really hard, and all of a sudden started shouting, "OEING! OEING! OEING! OE...." FARO COMMUNITY LIBRARY 994-2684 Librarians: Michelle Vainio & Julia Salo Hours Tuesday 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (These hours may change due to unforeseen circumstances; times will be posted on the Library door.) Thank you The Faro Library Board and Librarians would like to thank all those who helped out with the Flea Market held on May 5th. Thank you to the Town of Faro for allowing us use of the Rec Centre gym and kitchen area. Special thanks to all who helped out by setting up, working at, cleaning up, and donating items. It was wonderful to see so many people come out, especially our neighbours from Ross River. Non Fiction Backcountry Ski Book Allen O’Bannon Getting Naked Again Judith Sills, PhD The Looneyspoons Collection 350 best salads & dressings George Geary Celiac Disease a Hidden Epidemic Peter HR Green, MD Wheat Belly William Davis, MD Back to Baking Anna Olson I Got This: How I Changed My Ways & Lost What Weighted Me Down Jennifer Hudson Beginner’s Guide to Edible Herbs The public library now has wireless internet access. Patrons may sign up for 30 minutes to 2 hours at a time during our regular opening hours. Charles W.G. Smith Fifty Plants that changed the Course of History Bill Laws Sew step by step Alison Smith Rustic Furniture Basics Doug Stowe Thanks to My Hockey Coach Dreamer’s Diary Wireless Internet Access Janet & Greta Podleski 501 Most Devastating Disasters Flyers Minor Atom A Team Garuda Emma Hill (editor) Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die Jon Katz Reference Yukon Archives If you are interested in history, we received several copies of For the Record: Yukon Archives 1972-2012. You may pick up a copy at the library. Latest books to check out 2012 The Milepost The Northern Collection The Ice Pilots For the Record Michael Vlessides Yukon Archives 1972-2012 Fiction Fallen Lone Wolf Karin Slaughter Jodi Picoult Business COMMUNITY 524 Maynard Crescent 5 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms Living Room / Entertainment Room / Dining Room Games Room / Workout Room / Den / Office Full kitchen facilities Self-serve breakfast foods included 1-867-332-9011 “Faro Vacation Rental” Whether you are looking for housing for staff or your on vacation – we have a FULLY FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, townhouse with FULL KITCHEN, and WD. INCOME TAX PREPARATION The house is fully equipped with everything to make your stay comfortable – large flat screen TV, all appliances, dishes, pots and pans and SO MUCH MORE! Rates start at $200/night **Some May dates still available** Call 867-332-2402 or check out PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS NEED THAT CASH REFUND BACK QUICKLY? TAX RETURN ELECTRONICALLY PREPARED WITH UP-TODATE RECOGNIZED SOFTWARE INTERNET TRANSMISSION TO OTTAWA INSTANTLY SECURE * CONFIDENTIAL * EFFICIENT Jim McLachlan 994-2568 P.F.P. (Personal Financial Planner) Certified by CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) for E-file. DISCOVERY STORE 994-2470 SPRING HOURS NORTH OF 60 MASSAGE THERAPY Therapeutic & relaxation massage Located at 507 Douglas Drive Now taking appointments Phone 994-2226 Cost: $70.00/hr $40.00/30 min Covered by most extended Health Care Plans Michelle Lynch Registered Massage Therapist [email protected] Pilgrim's Landscaping & Snow Removal BOBCAT RENTAL AVAILABLE FOR: SNOW REMOVAL $ 30.00 TO $ 50.00 PER DRIVEWAY (depending on size of driveway) LANDSCAPING, POST HOLE AUGER CALL FOR MORE INFO KEITH OR DEB 994-3101 Monday to Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays & Holidays: 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Truck Arrivals: Wednesday Order Day: Friday by 4:00 Pick up Day: Thursday Please! *Phone Cards *Building Products * Lotto **NEW PHONE BOOKS AVAILABLE** CALL US FOR SPECIAL ORDERS AND CASELOTS @ 994-2470 PLEASE BE PATIENT ON FREIGHT DAY AND LET US UNLOAD For a catalogue or info on hosting a party call Tracy Sawicki 867 332 5502/867 994 2444 STUDIO HOTEL RESTAURANT & BAR LOUNGE HOURS: Monday – Saturday 4 – 8 pm (based on demand after 8 pm) (Closed Sunday) * Phone Cards THANK YOU TO ALL BUSINESS CONTRIBUTORS! * Bank Machine AVON BONNIE BOWNESS Helen Wagantall 994-3277 994-2429 “ The First in Synthetics” Chris Wilkinson HELEN WAGANTALL 994-3289 994-3277 Went North Creations Ph: 994-2080 Cell: (867) 332-1530 Fax: 994-2060 Email: [email protected] General Delivery Faro YT Y0B1K0 Went North Creations has a large selection of leather and fur mittens, mukluks, hats, hair accessories and key chains. NOW MAKING FUR EARMUFFS! CALL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER A PAIR! Stop in at 530 Douglass Drive (the red house) to see what is for sale. Call Kara 994-3114 WILD FUR FOR SALE CALL MAD MIKE @ 867-969-2800 OR [email protected] WIDE VARIETY FAIR PRICES AURORA HONEY & BERRIES - 100 % NATURAL, unpasteurized honey – Clover & Alfalfa blend. Taking reserves for 6.7 and 10 pound food grade pails. Wild Mountain Cranberries & Bueberries. Contact [email protected] or Call 867-393-1992 TD Canada Trust Faro Agency Monday to Friday 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm MILLION DOLLAR BOOK INVENTORY. visit Town of faro Town of Faro would like to remind people that the “cut off” for Council agenda items is 4:30 pm on the Thursday preceding the Council meeting. *Council Meets th Tuesday, June 5 2012 @ 7:00 pm Agenda Items must be received by: Thursday, May 31st* REMINDER FISHEYE LAKE IS A DAY USE AREA ONLY THIS LOT IS A LEASE FROM *Councilth Meets THE YUKON GOVERNMENT Agenda Items must be threceived by: Thursday, June 14 2012* TO THE TOWN OF FARO. Tuesday, June 19 2012 @ 7:00 pm PLEASE, DON’T CAMP OVERNIGHT! If anyone wishes to hear more of the CAO Report, future Ops Manager’s reports, or the Mayors Report you can read them online at: Or come to Council. We have Coffee on! REMINDER The 2012 Dog Licenses are now available at the Town Office $10 for a neutered Dog & $25 for an un-neutered dog Faro has a bylaw that states all dogs should be licensed. Only ½ of all dogs in faro are licensed for 2012. Every license issued in 2012 gives you a chance to win a prize pack for your dog(s)! Come to the town office anytime during office hours FOUND The Town of Faro has been receiving complaints about the amount of “doggie-doo” on our streets, paths & trails. Please be considerate of others when you walk your dog & remember to “scoop yer poop”! Public Notice J JU US ST TA AR RE EM MIIN ND DE ER R It is now safe to turn Water Bleeders Off If you have any questions please contact Public Works at 994-2758. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this important matter DO YOU HAVE A RENTAL PROPERTY HERE IN FARO THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO RENT TO SOMEONE? THE TOWN OF FARO HAS BEEN RECEVING CALLS FROM PERSONS WISHING TO RENT HOUSES HERE IN FARO. IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY TO BE MENTIONED, PLEASE LET US KNOW! 994-2728 PHONE OR EMAIL CAO-FARO @FAROYUKON.CA OR [email protected] employment Yukon Zinc Corporation is a mining, exploration and development company that has taken the Wolverine Mine from exploration through development into operation. Wolverine Mine is a fly-in/fly-out underground mine operation located approximately 250 km southeast of Faro. We operate a “dry” camp, and provide flights from Whitehorse, Watson Lake and Ross River based on a 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off rotation. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment and to a zero-incident safety culture in which all employees participate. We offer competitive salaries and exposure to a new mine environment. With an estimated 10 year mine life, we are encouraging career growth with our company growth. Current Wolverine Mine Careers: Journeyman Millwrights (mill and surface) Journeyman Electrician Mill Maintenance Planner Heavy Duty Mechanics Warehouse Site Buyer Senior Metallurgist If you are interested in becoming a member of the Yukon Zinc team, please send your resume by email to: [email protected] or by fax: 604-682-5404. For more information visit: Career Opportunity Observer/Communicator Employment Opportunity Faro Airport Summer Student Positions We are currently accepting applications for the positions of Observer Communicator at our station. Town of Faro is seeking applications for Summer Student positions available in the following department: The Observer/Communicator provides essential aviation support services at Community Aerodrome Radio Stations (CARS). These services take the form of emergency response, air/ground communication, flight planning and aviation weather observation. This involves the operation and maintenance of communication equipment, Navigational aids and Visual Aids, as well as, airport/facility/equipment status reporting and a supplementary requirements reporting. Public Works Gardening Department - (3 positions) Please submit resumes along with covering letter by 4:00 pm on Thursday June 7th, 2012 at the Town Office at the following address: Attn: Town of Faro Box 580 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0 Or fax: (867) 994-3154 e-mail: [email protected] Questions may be directed to Town Office at (867) 994-2728 A 9 or 12 week training program will be provided to untrained applicants, at no cost, at Aurora College in Fort Smith, NWT. This is a year round position, 32 hrs. per week minimum, on compressed work schedule. Education: High School completion, read and write English, must have own reliable transportation. Work conditions and physical capabilities: A combination of sitting, standing and walking. Janitorial duties and ground maintenance involved. Essential skills: Reading text, Writing, Oral communication, Decision making, Computer use Drop off resume at Faro Airport from 6am to 6pm NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE This position is subject to the Tender Posted May 28th 2012 being awarded. TOWN OF FARO EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Employment Opportunity Casual On-Call Part Time Recreation Labourer The Town of Faro is seeking applications for Casual On-Call Recreation Labourer The successful candidate will be responsible for the following duties: Assist in the promotion, development, and delivery of special events and recreation programs Assist in the maintenance and operation of recreation facility equipment, skating arena ice, and pool operations Responsible for attending after hour room rentals Assist with general office duties Responsible for providing relief during periods of sickness and vacation leave Perform other related duties as assigned by the Recreation Manager including recreational supervision and janitorial work Applicants must be willing to work evenings, weekends and on-call Other related duties as required Qualifications Experience in event and program planning Working knowledge of computer programs (Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher) Effective oral and written communication skills Valid First Aid and CPR C certification is required or willingness to attend training when it is offered in the community Incumbent must pass a security check Wage: $21.45 Please submit resumes along with covering letter by 4:00 pm on Friday, June 9th, 2012 at the Town Office or to the following address: Town of Faro Attn: Tina Freake, Recreation Manager Box 580 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0Fax: (867) 994-3154 E-mail: [email protected] Questions may be directed to the Recreation Centre at (867) 994-2375 Posted May 25TH , 2012 Summer Student Position – Recreation Centre (Posting #1) The Town of Faro is seeking applications for a Summer Student position at the Faro Recreation Centre for 35 hours per week for 10 weeks. This position will commence on Tuesday, June 19th and will run until Saturday, August 25th, 2012. This position is funded by Yukon Summer Career Placement Program. Duties include: Assisting with recreational programs that cater to the needs of the community Working with other employees and various community groups to organize special events and activities Assisting with the supervision of staff, facility, and its operations Performing basic office procedures including filing, answering telephones and using computers (MS Office, Excel, Publisher, etc.) Completing light custodial duties as required Qualifications: Must be a secondary student, 14 years of age or older, and plan to return to school again in the fall, due to guidelines set by the Yukon Summer Career Placement Program Knowledge and experience in recreational programming an asset Must be a “People Person” who enjoys working and relating to children and youth as well as adults Proven leadership, communication, and organizational skills Candidates must be hardworking, responsible and able to work independently Ability to exercise courtesy and tact when dealing with the public Standard First Aid and Level C CPR Wage: $11.37 per hour, increasing to 11.48 on July 1st, 2012. Please submit resumes along with a cover letter by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, June 11th, 2012 at the Town Office at the following address: Attn: Tina Freake, Recreation Manager Town of Faro Box 580 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0 Or fax: (867) 994-3041 e-mail: [email protected] Questions may be directed to the Recreation Centre at (867) 994-2375 Posted May 29th, 2012 Employment Opportunity TOWN OF FARO EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Summer Student Position – Recreation Centre (Posting #2) Junior Lifeguard (2 positions) Town of Faro Recreation Department is seeking applications for two (2) Junior Lifeguard positions available at the Faro Pool. This position is based on a 40 hour work week, with a minimum of 8 weeks per position. Duties include: Provides instruction, supervision and ensures safety for swimming and other aquatic programs, including basic lifeguarding duties Monitors and records pool conditions when necessary Performs weekly and special maintenance duties and maintains good housekeeping in all areas of the pool Performs other related duties as required Qualifications: Standard First Aid and CPR Level C with AED Bronze Cross (or willing to obtain this season) NLS would be an asset Working knowledge of computer programs (Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher) Effective oral and written communication skills A satisfactory Criminal Record Check These positions are partially funded under the Canada Summer Jobs Program; applicants must be a secondary student Wage: $12.64, increasing to $12.77 effective July 1, 2012 Please submit resumes along with covering letter by 4:00 pm on Friday, June 8th, 2012 at the Town Office or to the following address. Please include copies of your valid aquatics certificates and qualifications: Town of Faro Attn: Tina Freake, Recreation Manager Box 580 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0 Fax: (867) 994-3154 E-mail: [email protected] Questions may be directed to the Recreation Centre at (867) 9942375 The Town of Faro is seeking applications for a Summer Student position at the Faro Recreation Centre for 35 hours per week for 10 weeks. This position will commence on Tuesday, June 19th and will run until Saturday, August 25th, 2012. This position is funded by Youth Investment Fund, Youth Directorate and the Town of Faro. Duties include: Assisting in the promotion, development, and delivery of special events and recreation programs Working with other employees and various community to organize special events and activities Assisting with the supervision of staff, facility, and its operations Performing basic office procedures including filing, answering telephones and using computers (MS Office, Excel, Publisher, etc.) Completing light custodial duties as required Qualifications: Must be a secondary student and plan to return to school again in the fall Knowledge and experience in recreational programming an asset Proven leadership, communication, and organizational skills Candidates must be hardworking, responsible and able to work independently Ability to exercise courtesy and tact when dealing with the public Standard First Aid and Level C CPR Wage: $11.37 per hour, increasing to 11.48 on July 1st, 2012. Please submit resumes along with a cover letter by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, June 11th, 2012 at the Town Office at the following address: Attn: Tina Freake, Recreation Manager Town of Faro Box 580 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0 Or fax: (867) 994-3041 e-mail: [email protected] Questions may be directed to the Recreation Centre at (867) 994-2375 Posted May 25th, 2012 Posted May 29th , 2012 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 606 Yates Crescent 4 Bedrooms, 2 ½ Baths, Rec Room Please call 994-3222 HOUSE FOR SALE 4 bedroom, 1 ½ Bath, 2800 SQ FT open concept home had a NEW roof added in 2010. Lot 11 Tintina Subdivision, Faro - $185,000 5 acres of paradise surrounded by wilderness just outside of the beautiful community of Faro. This well kept & updated log home has a newer tin roof, new appliances in 2008, recently installed oil/wood RSF 85 heating system & 1000 gal water holding tank with updated plumbing. The open concept features hardwood floors, double Jacuzzi tub & separate shower & double sinks in a bathroom lined with cedar, wood/coal cook stove in kitchen, spiral staircase leading to master bedroom and a covered porch for those warm summer nights. This property comes with many out buildings, internet & satellite system. With too many features to list, this property needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. CONTACT: Keith and Debbie Carreau Box 610, Faro, Yukon Y0B 1K0 Telephone 867-994-3101 The Home has just had a complete Make Over with both Baths & Kitchen having NEW flooring, NEW counter tops, & NEW Sinks & Faucets, & NEW flooring in entry way as well. The Home has been completely repainted upstairs & down. The lower level has a 13ft X 34ft HUGE Workout Room, Game Room area or you decide. This home offers Great Views, a Quiet street, & a HUGE Private Fenced back yard. $95,000 Call 867-994-2079 for more info or inquiries FOR SALE 622 Yates Crescent For more information contact Mark Griffis Email: [email protected] Office Phone: 867-667-2514 ext 23 Cell: 867-334-8313 Home Phone: 867-668-6300 Fax: 867-667-7132 $134,000 Call For More Details. 867-994-2401 Real Estate listings There have been a number of inquiries to the Town Office about properties for sale in Faro. We hope to compile a list of available properties to keep in the office and on the website. If you have a property for sale and would like to add it to the list, please contact [email protected] or at the Town Office with information on the property (pictures are good, too.) ** If you want to be on the list, but not appear on the website, please let me know that, too**. HOUSE FOR RENT Looking to rent a great house with spectacular views???? House for Sale – Tintina Subdivision Lot #1 House is situated on five acres and includes a cabin, large shed, and basic horse paddock. This open plan home, with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, is approximately 2200 square feet, with an open plan kitchen, large terrace, brand new gas boiler for water, and a large, very effective woodstove in the main room. Call for viewing and further information: The purchase price is $125,000. Keith or Debbie Carreau The house is also available for rent (minimum of 2-year rental) for $500/month, with terms to be worked out by mutual consent of owner and interested party. In case of rental, the cabin on the property would not be included. The successful tenants would be responsible for supplying their own furnishings. References, first and last month’s rent, and a security deposit would be required. Home phone 994-3101 Cell phone 250-279-3102 For more information on the house, contact Stefan at [email protected]. Classifieds Place your Ad anytime for the JULY Edition; *Buy *Swap *Sell *Rent *Rides *Babysit *Pets *Wanted *Yard sales *Volunteers IT’S FREE!!! [email protected] Breathe Nature Photography Gift Cards and Postcards for sale Call Derek at 994-2108 WANTED I am looking for glass measuring 27 x 37 inches...I need 4 pieces.... Please call Tina or Ray at 994~2103 (and please leave a message if no one’s there.)... FOR SALE Lots & lots of VINTAGE NANCY DREW HARDCOVER MYSTERY NOVELS $4 each or a “deal” for all of them! Call Sandy @ 994-2012 FOR SALE -Queen size blow up bed with frame. No pump. $50. Call 994-3114 FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 Old Navy gift cards – one for $100, one for $75 – and I’m selling them for $95 and $70 – Lovable Squeezable Sock Monkeys!! call Erica 994-3201 Call for yours today! 994-3441 FOUND LG Cellphone Battery @ the tent on August 24th. Call the Town Office to claim ; 994-2728 WANTED Queen size box spring Call 994-2341 FOR SALE Fold up Treadmill $300 OBO 994-2778 - Lv message FOR SALE 1997 Northland Camper North/South Queen Bed Great Condition $5500.00 994-2006 LOST Camera Chip during Fireweed Festival weekend between Catholic Church and Recreation Centre. If found, please contact Jean Ceaser @ 994-3222. TUPPERWARE!!!!! WANDA WIEBE@ MYTUPPERWARE.CA - AND ALSO ON FACEBOOK ! Classifieds page 2 WANTED TO RENT space for a 16 foot boat – total length 20 feet with motor and trailer. Space can be covered or uncovered. Secure would be nice – Tom – 994-2728 FOR SALE 2011 Brand new Yamaha Big Bear 400 cc ATV 4x4 Manual Transm. Foot shift “0” mileage & “0” Hours Dark Blue color Look at this price! $ 7,800.00 994-2233 FOR SALE 100 ft 14 gauge fence wire, 72" high, 2" x 4" squares, $125. Solid walnut queen-size 4poster bed frame. $100 Both 994-2442 WANTED Looking for someone to take care of my lawn. Lawn mower and tools provided. Please call 867-335-8964" FOR SALE Coleman Portable Generator Pulse 1700 Asking $175.00 FOR SALE 100 lb. propane tank (half full) $50.00 A variety of knitted items for sale Afghans: all sizes, patterns & colours. Duvet cover with 2 shams Brand new from Ikea Burnt orange $50.00 Call Pauline @ 994-2662 Call 994-2112 for viewing *Custom items also available FOUND Please remember to “scoop yer poop” FOR SALE Assorted cards... some with animals, some with flowers.... most blank inside $4.00 each or 3 for $10.00 or 6 for $20.00 3120 Husqvarna saw and "Wood Bug" style mill...$1000.00 Please call Tina or Ray at 994~2103 (and please leave a message if no one’s there.)... Wolf Willow Botanicals Handcrafted face and body creams, lip balms, facial sprays and more for sale. Call Raven at 994-2108 FOR SALE 2006 Adventurer Truck Camper Like new, only used 3 years. Model 9-0FWS Large fridge, furnace, Queen size bed, Winter package, Basement Model $13,500 Phone 867-332-0091 FOR SALE Chev. Cavalier 1997, 220000 km, needs Power Steering Pump and a Muffler. It runs well, or use for parts. best offer Harald 994 2010 FOR SALE 2007 Toyota Tundra Regular Cab 4x4 Auto & Manual Trans. 168,000 kms Silver Color Looks and drives like new $ 16,500 994-2233 FOR SALE mid 90's 15 HP 2 Stroke Mariner outboard motor with long leg. Runs great and comes with new upgraded plastic gas tank. Serviced regularly by Joe's Small Engine Repair in Whitehorse. $700 obo FOR SALE Fold up Treadmill$300 OBO Call Lena @ 994-3219 WANTED Looking for Light Colored Pine Coffee Table Please call Erika Heinz @ 994-2450 *NOTICE* 7`Biege canvas patio umbrella Used 1 month I also have a nice little 1032 Lowe Jon Boat for sale comes with all you need to fish, too many extras to list. Also has an electric motor, charger and 2 batteries. Great little 1 man car topper. $850 obo $25 994-2599 The "Shed" will no longer be accepting computer peripherals (monitors, towers, printers, etc.) as they are not in demand, and it costs us to have someone in Whitehorse take them off our hands. Call 994-2722 Faro Bible Chapel FOR SALE What’s goin’ on? Del Van Gorder School Box 160 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0 Telephone: (867)994-2760 Fax: (867)994-2236 INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF A FARO COMMUNITY CHOIR? There will be no school on June 14th. School will be closed for an Admin Day. CONTACT: CONNIE 332-5154 (CELL PHONE) Awards Ceremony at 10:00 on Friday morning, June 15th in school gym. Tai Chi In The Park Grad ceremony begins at 2:00 on Friday afternoon. Our grads this year are: Tyrone Etzel, Caitlin Irvine, Jolene Pitts, Wyatt Raymond, & Camille Unrau Beginner’s Yang Everyone welcome! Style Every Wed. and Thursday morning starting June 6 Time: 9 – 10 a.m. Place: park beside Interpretive Centre Admission: Free For more information call Lucy 994-2112 or email: [email protected] TOY LENDING LIBRARY Toy lending library is available for all parents of kids 0-6. Come to Faro Library and check out the selection of almost 60 toys! Del Van Gorder School Council FARO BIBLE CHAPEL 11:00 am Sunday Services All are welcome. Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442 Prayer: Wireless access to God with no roaming fees. School Council will meet June 4th at 7:00 in the Library. All are welcome GARAGE SALE THE POOL IS OPEN! THE POOL IS OPEN! Swim team is poised for the first big splash of the year and we want you to join us. This season, our team is expanding to include Faro’s “Novice” swimmers and you “Masters” too. Regular practises are being scheduled to accommodate all ages and levels of ability. JUNE 9 – SATURDAY – 10AM “TRY IT” During our “Try It” day everyone age 6 and up are welcome to come to the pool and try a practise workout. All swimmers must be able to swim a minimum of 1 length of the pool. The coaches will evaluate your skill level and begin to tailor practises to improve fitness levels and swimming technique by age group. REGISTRATION & COST An information table with registration forms, schedules and additional information will be set up at “Try It”. Swim team registration costs are $20/person, maximum $50 for 3 or more family members (adults included). All swim team members must also have purchased a full season pool pass. For additional information please call Cyndy @ 9942211. 510 Douglass Drive, Saturday June 23rd 12am-5pm. Have some fishing stuff, some camping stuff. Some furniture and lots of books. Plenty of odds and ends that are not occurring to me right now as well. Contact (867) 994-2722 with any questions or E-mail me at [email protected]. Name the Playground Contest! Faro’s newest playground needs a name! Fill out the ballot form at the end of this writeup and drop it off at the Town Office or Recreation Centre. Entries will be accepted until Friday, June 15th. Submissions will then be published so that community members may vote for their favorite name. The new name will be announced at the playground’s Grand Opening – watch for posters for further details! Name the Playground Contest! Name: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ New Playground Name: ___________________________________________________________ Why did you pick this name? What does this name represent? ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ~ 18 Holes – Best Ball Format ~ The Municipal Act governs the way municipalities operate within Yukon. The Government of Yukon and the Association of Yukon Communities will be reviewing this Act over a two year period starting now. The review will look at how changes to the Act can better support vibrant, healthy and sustainable Yukon communities. $55.00 per golfer/4 per team Includes a fabulous BBQ dinner (for non-golfers dinner is only $20, $10 for seniors and 10 years and under – if possible, please purchase your tickets early) Everyone who golfs wins a prize Hole-in-one prize – new car from Mic Mac Toyota! Golfers receive a free draw ticket for a chance to win a 50” big screen TV with Surround Sound! For further information and to register Contact: Tournament Coordinator, Helen Wagantall (867) 994-3277 or (867) 334-4582 (Cell) or Email: [email protected] (This is a great opportunity to golf at Faro’s beautiful community course - get your registration in early for best tee times and for golf cart rentals! Registration should be made by July 18th.) miscellaneous GOT ANTS? Look up! June 4 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 11:12 UTC. June 4 - Partial Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the Americas. (NASA Map and Eclipse Information) June 5, 6 - Transit of Venus Across the Sun. This extremely rare event will be entirely visible throughout most of eastern Asia, eastern Australia, and Alaska. A partial transit can be seen in progress at sunrise throughout Europe, western Asia, and eastern Africa. A partial transit can be seen in progress at sunset throughout most of North America, Central America, and western South America. The next transit will not take place until the year 2117. (NASA Transit Information | NASA Transit Map) June 19 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 15:02 UTC. June 20 - June Solstice. The June solstice occurs at 23:09 UTC. The North Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its northernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. This is the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the northern hemisphere and the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the southern hemisphere. CHARLIES’ FISHIN’ CALENDAR Jun 01, 2012 * BEST Morning Jun 02, 2012 * BEST Morning Jun 03, 2012 * BEST Morning Jun 04, 2012 FAIR Evening Jun 05, 2012 FAIR Evening Jun 06, 2012 GOOD Evening Jun 07, 2012 GOOD Evening Jun 08, 2012 FAIR Evening Jun 09, 2012 GOOD Evening Jun 10, 2012 GOOD Evening Jun 11, 2012 * BEST Morning Jun 12, 2012 * BEST Morning Jun 13, 2012 * BEST Morning Jun 14, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 15, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 16, 2012 FAIR Morning Jun 17, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 18, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 19, 2012 POOR Evening Jun 20, 2012 GOOD Evening Jun 21, 2012 GOOD Evening Jun 22, 2012 POOR Evening Jun 23, 2012 POOR Evening Jun 24, 2012 FAIR Evening Jun 25, 2012 FAIR Evening Jun 26, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 27, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 28, 2012 POOR Morning Jun 29, 2012 GOOD Morning BEST Morning Jun 30, 2012 * Search online for "ways to get rid of ants", and you're likely to turn up page after page of results, but which ones work and which ones don't? It's not so easy to decide. Save yourself the hassle of sifting through the lore, and give these cheap, natural and science-based ant remedies a try: Vinegar Wipe down your countertops, cupboards and any other places where you've spotted ants with a 50-50 mixture of white vinegar and water. Repeat throughout the day to maintain the efficacy. Why This Works: Two reasons, really: ants hate the smell of vinegar, and it removes the scent trails that they use to get around Chalk/ Baby Powder Draw a line of chalk or sprinkle baby powder across the spot where the ants are entering your home. Why This Works: Talcum powder, an ingredient in both chalk and baby powder, is a natural ant repellent. Just be careful if you decide to use it: some studies have linked talc to cancer. Borax Mix together equal parts Borax and either syrup or jelly. Then, place where the ants will find it. Why This Works: Once consumed, Borax damages both the ants' digestive systems and their outer skeletons, resulting in death. Herbs/Spices Spinkle cinnamon, mint, chili pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves or garlic – whichever one you happen to have – in the area where you've seen ants and along your home's foundation. Bay leaves can also be placed in cabinets, drawers and containers to further deter those pesky critters. Why This Works: Many plants – including the ones listed – give off a strong scent to repel ants and other insects in the wild, and it works just as well in your home. Coffee Grounds Sprinkle your used coffee grounds in the garden and around the outside of your house. Why This Works: Ants are repelled by the scent given off by the grounds; and incidentally, so are cats. Cucumber/Citrus Peels Leave the peelings in areas of known ant activity. Why This Works: Cucumber and citrus peels are toxic to the types of fungi that ants feed on, and therefore avoided by the ants. ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements Noah! Please submit your announcements by the 28th of each Month to; Happy Birthday Gemini May 21st – June 20th [email protected] If possible, limit your announcements to 20 words or less. BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHS Happy 5th Birthday Hunter! Love Mommy, Daddy and Cavan (June 25th) June 28 Happy Birthday to Peter Kazda. Love from Lenka and Monica Happy Birthday Cancer June 21st – July 22nd Jeanne Clarke (June 21st) (June 26th ) Happy 30th Birthday Adam!! Love, John & Jody (June 7th ) Camille Unrau th (June 10 ) Happy Birthday Delphine! From Kara, Matt, Hunter and Cavan (June 29th) Murray Hampton (June 28th) BABY SHOWERS MEMORIALS Mark & Michelle Vainio th GET WELL Daryl Fulton (June 15th) (June 29 ) THANK YOU Doug Hannah June 18th WELCOME HOME Jim & Deb Cheaterth GRADUATION (June 24 ) [email protected] Happy 31st Anniversary Dad & Mom!! Love your girls, Krista & Jody xoxo (June 13th ) Helen & Kerry Wagantall th (June 12 ) IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS IN JUNE: You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around. You love to make new friends and be outgoing. You are a great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner. a wicked hottie. It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection. You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!! Doris Unruh (June 25th) JUNE CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS June 1st 1926 Marilyn Monroe June 2ndth 1941 Charlie Watts June 4th 1928 Dr. Ruth Westheimer June 6th 1956 Bjorn Borg June 9 th1963 Johnny Depp June 10th 1921 HRH Prince Philip June 11 1939 Sir Jackie Stewart 1910 Jacques Cousteau 1934 Gene Wilder June 12thth 1924 George Bush 1929 Anne Frank June 14th 1928 Che Guevara 1946 Donald Trump June 17th 1946 Barry Manilow 1980 Venus Williams June 19st 1947 Salman Rushdie 1962 Paula Abdul June 21 nd1694 Jean Francois Voltaire June 22th 1936 Kris Kristofferson 1949 Meryl Streep June 25th 1903 George Orwell June 27th 1921 Muriel Pavlov June 28th 1491 King Henry VIII 1902 John Dillinger June 29 th 1728 Captain James Cook June 30 1966 Mike Tyson Happy 30th Birthday Adam! Love you lots, from Tina and Taylor! XOXO Thanks to Eileen and Strawman for making over 100 breakfasts Phyllis Shaw (June 27th) Mike & Melissa Wilson (June 11th ) Thanks so much to Tina Freake for all your hard work making the Rec Centre such a fun place to be. You are doing a fabulous job!!! Happy Anniversary Lester & Marilyn th Boyle June 19 . Congratulations Kirsten Ryan on your nomination for a Yukon Excellence in Education Award! Thank you to Porter Creek Super A for donating all the bread for our GNO concession fundraiser! And thank you to TJ Grantham and Greg Anderson for getting our bread home at the last minute to Faro when it was forgotten in Whitehorse!! Thanks to everyone who submitted this month! to support our GNO fundraiser at Sheep and Crane! You guys rock!!! Another successful Crane & Sheep Festival! With MANY thanks to.... Happy FATHER’S DAY to all the Dad’s from The Frozen Mukluk To all Our Town of Faro Administrative & operations management & staff who have gone beyond the call of duty, especially our festival coordinator Erica Ward. Erica, this could not have been possible without you! To our Rec manager Tina Freake & all the Rec Centre staff who worked tirelessly to get ready for this week-end. To all 17 volunteers who came out in the rain & the hail on Town Clean up day April 28 th (and beforehand). Faro looks wonderful! To the great volunteers & cooks from the Faro Arts & Rec association for providing everyone with the chili dinner. To everyone that donated towards the potluck feast! Special thanks to McMillan River Outfitters for donating the moose, and to Mike and Sabine Heigl for helping Erica prepare the meat for transport to Yukon Meat and Sausage. Thanks to all the people who made soup for the GNO concession fundraiser! Beth Rogers, Kara Went, Cyndy Bekk, Jackie Irvine, Caitlin Irvine, and Frank Ruether, everyone sure loved the soup!! And your buns were delish, Michele Lynch!!! To our Sheep cabin Shuttle drivers Faro Operations Manager Jim McLachlan and the Bekk family. To the girls and leaders of Girls Night Out, the kids at the Kettle Cafe, & the 2012 Grads for doing such a great job doing the breakfast and running the concession! To everyone that helped to bring everything together including , Judy Freake, for organizing the Breast Cancer Walk To Sabine Heigl, and Sharon Johnson for their care and great work at our Interpretive centre To our speakers & Guides in order of appearance: Bruce Bennett from the Conservation Data Centre, Matt Clarke & Ryan Drummond our regional biologists from Watson Lake, Chris Wilkinson from Yukon Wildlife Preserve, Carrie McClelland & Kelcy Tousignant from Wildlife Viewing, Tombstone Interpreters Cathie Finlay-Brooks, Olivia Masters, Alex Brouchard, Georgette MacLeod, and Cynthia Dube-Viau, Kathleen McDade from Environmental & Youth Programs our keynote presenter Dave Mossop, local guide Yasmine Djabri, and Mary Whitley from the Yukon Bird Club. To our musicians – Dena Zagi from Ross River last night, and One Way Track from Faro. To our Art demonstrators - Jackie Irvine, Peter Kazda, & Lucy Moriera To our Special Guests –all the Experiential Science students and their teachers from Porter Creek School WE hope you had a GREAT time.. see you next year for the 10th anniversary Crane & Sheep Festival!! JUNEactivities Sunday On JUNE 30th 182 days will have passed & 184 Days are left of the year 3 Monday 7:00-9:00 pm Wednesday Thursday *Rec Centre Friday 2 BBV (basketball, badminton, volleyball) 3-5pm Information is subject to AN EVENT FOR THE change. Please call for more info: Youth Sports Night (7:00 – 9:00 pm) 994-2375 Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant JULY Girl Guides (4-5pm) (6-7pm) 5 DR. BOUSQUET@ FHC Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) 6 7 Tai Chi in the park 9-10am Music (4-5pm) Youth Group Planning Meeting @ 4pm MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00pm) Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) DR. BOUSQUET@ FHC 8 DR. BOUSQUET@ FHC Tai Chi in the park 910am Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Youth Sports Night (7:00 – 9:00 pm) 10 11 ToF Plant Girl Guides (4-5pm) Sale 10am (6-7pm) -5pm 12 13 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant MMA 16+ (6:30-8pm) 14 Tai Chi in the park 9-10am CRIC Flea Market 15 Tai Chi in the park 910am laygroup (10:30 – Noon) Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) Music (4-5pm) Council Meets 7 pm MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00) Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) Junior Rangers 7:00-9:00 pm 18 Girl Guides (4-5pm) (6-7pm) Junior Rangers 7:00-9:00 pm 19 DR. BOUSQUET@ FHC Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) PUBLIC ONSULATTION ON Yukon Municipal Act 12-2pm @ Sportsman’s lounge 20 SUMMER SOLSTICE ABORIGINAL DAY DR. BOUSQUET@ FHC Music (4-5pm) Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00pm) GRADUATION @ DVG SCHOOL @ 2PM Youth Sports Night (7:00 – 9:00 pm) Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 21 Tai Chi in the park 9-10am 9 ToF Planting Day 10am @ Town Shop “TRY-IT” SWIMMING MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00) Council meets @ 7pm HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! Youth Sports Night 7-9pm CALENDAR? School Council 7pm @ Library 17 Saturday 1 DO YOU HAVE 4 Junior Rangers Tuesday Tai Chi in the park 910am BBV 3-5pm Youth Sports Night 7-9pm 16 BBV (basketball, badminton, volleyball) 3-5pm Youth Sports Night 7-9pm 22 23 DR. BOUSQUET@ FHC BBV (basketball, badminton, volleyball) 3-5pm Youth Sports Night (7:00 – 9:00 pm) Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant Youth Sports Night 7-9pm Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00) Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) Council meets @ 7pm 24 Junior Rangers 7:00-9:00 pm 25 Girl Guides (4-5pm) (6-7pm) 26 Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) 27 28 Tai Chi in the park 9-10am MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00pm) Badminton (7:30 – 9:00 pm) Music (4-5pm) Adult Floor Hockey (7:30 – 9:00) 29 Tai Chi in the park 910am Playgroup (10:30 – Noon) MMA 16+ (6:30-8:00) Fireside Chat + Bocce @CRIC Youth Sports Night (7:00 – 9:00 pm) Pizza Night@ Studio Restaurant 30 BBV (basketball, badminton, volleyball) 3-5pm Youth Sports Night 7-9pm
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