The Frozen Mukluk Vol. 4 Issue 03 March 2012
The Frozen Mukluk Vol. 4 Issue 03 March 2012
The Frozen Mukluk Local Monthly News from Faro, Yukon Vol. 4 Issue 3 MARCH 2012 In This Issue; Household Remedies DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Wildlife Viewing Library BEGINS AT TownofFaro 2:00 AM HealthCentre MARCH 11TH 2012 SmallBusiness Employment Beautiful sunny day on the Dena Cho Trail Interest Groups Classifieds Announcements USELESS FACTS The average person laughs 13 times a day Blastsfrom thePast * FaroRCMP Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women MyYukonLife ArcticEdge SkatingClub Sylvains AviationServices LotsMore!! * Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed * The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven * A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court * MARCH2011WEATHER: MaxTemp:+8.3C MaxTemp.Date: March28th2011 Min.Temp:-38.3C MinTempDate: March1st2011 Precipitation:00.0mm Here’stolosinganhours’ worthofsleepona Sunday……… Quote of the Month; “May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, the foresight to know where you're going, and the insight to know when you're going too far”. - Irish Blessing Need A Reason to Celebrate in MARCH? March2thnd–Dr.Suess’Birthday(Bornin1904) March6th–OreoCookieDay(Since1912) MARCH is…. March8th–InternationalWomen’sDay Purim March9 th–AshWednesday Peanut Month March10th –FirstPapermoneyissued(1862) RedCrossMonth March11 -DaylightSavingsTimebegins NoodleMonth March1th–Canberraday(Australia) March17thth–St.Patrick’sDay,QuiltingDay Irish-American HeritageMonth March18 th–FirstSpaceWalk(1965) March20st -VernalEquinox March21 nd–WorldPoetryday March22TH –WorldWaterDay,GoofOffDay March25 –J.RRTolkienReadingDay March26thth–EarthHourDay March30 –AlaskapurchasedfromRussia(1867) HEALTH CENTRE NEWS WALK-IN SICK CLINIC: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 11:30 am 3:00 to 4:00 pm PUBLIC HEALTH HOURS (Please make appointment) Monday to Friday 1:00 to 3:00 pm Only EMERGENCY needs will be seen after regular hours. Call 994-4444 OR 811 DOCTOR SERVICES: Dr. Bousquet – March 1st, 2nd, 6th, 8th, 9th 20th, 22nd, & 23rd Call 994-4444 to book appointments. Please bring your Health Care Card and ALL of your current medications with you when you come to see the doctor. From the Folks Who Help You to Be Healthy. WhitehorsePharmacies Pharmacieswillsendother itemsbymail,besides prescriptions. MedicineChestPharmacy 1-800-661-0404 ShoppersDrugMart–MainSt. 1-800-661-0506 ShoppersDrugMart–Mall 1-800-661-0413 Wal-MartPharmacy 1-866-806-9056 DrugstorePharmacy@ Superstore Non-Tollfree 1-867-456-6635 MARCHMAILOUTSPONSOR: Thisissue’smailout wassponsoredby: SCOOPSSNOWREMOVAL ThanksCharlie&Katy!!!! **Ifyouwouldliketosponsoranissue,sendusanemail: [email protected] From Lena Brule.... Lena is open to suggestions & comments regarding her embroidery, and also offers custom embroidery. If you are interested Call 994-3219 A “GREENER” MUKLUK.... Wouldyoupreferto“goGreen&readthe Muklukelectronically? TheFrozenMuklukisalsonowavailableonthe TownofFaroWebsiteinPDFFormat Cool website of the month: THE list of Yukon farm products & services! From our new Town of Faro CAO, Mr. Tom Lie, I would like to thank the Mayor and council of the Town of Faro for giving me the opportunity to become the Chief Administrative Officer. My wife Janet and I look forward to moving to the community permanently in the very near future. Janet and I moved from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to Salmon, British Columbia in 1992. We went to the Western Arctic in 2001 and lived in Tuktoyaktuk and Inuvik, NWT for a total of six and a half years. I was the Senior Administrative Officer for the Town of Inuvik for two years. We moved to Whitehorse, YT in 2007. Since moving to the Yukon I have been the business manager for the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun, Director of Aboriginal Relations with Northwestel and Senior Business Adviser for the Faro Mine Reclamation Project. Janet and I very much enjoy being out on the land where we snowmobile, quad, boat, hike and enjoy picking berries in the fall. We have a Labrador Retriever that loves to come with us. We are very much looking forward to living in the community. We look forward to meeting many of you in the near future. Tom & Janet Thanks to all who have made this year so fun for me at the rink!!! These Faro kids are awesome and we have had fun learning and skating! As we wind down skating this March we have a few changes in the schedule which lead us up to a very fun end of year Ice Show April 1 at 3:30pm. Please note all the ice times for extra skating. This is special ice so we can prepare for the Ice Show April 1st. March March March March March March March March March 7 SKATING CANCELLED 14 regular skating hours 16 EXTRA ICE 5:30-6:30 for FIGURE SKATING 18 EXTRA ICE 3-3:30 CANSKATE AND PRESCHOOL SKATE 18 EXTRA ICE 3:30-4:00 FIGURE SKATING 21 regular skating hours 25 EXTRA ICE 3-4:00 for FIGURE SKATING 25 EXTRA ICE 4-4:30 CANSKATE and PRESCHOOL SKATE 28 Dress Rehearsal for ICE SHOW everyone at the rink at 4pm I will be needing volunteers to help with costume preparation, pamphlet making, door admission, door prize gathering, lights and sound. Please feel free to tell me what role you could help with at the rink during CanSkate hours!! I will be having a formal meeting for ICE Show Preparation March 18th at 4pm at the RINK! Arctic Edge Skating club is sad to say good bye to our skater friends Tomas and Maija Autio as they move back to Ontario!! Thanks guys for being such great skaters and having fun every day at the rink!!! We hope you go to Ontario and show them all you learned!! Thanks Michelle Lynch Arctic Edge Skating Club BIZARRE ORIGINS OF TODAY’S SAYINGS SAYINGS DID YOU KNOW? Rural Yukon Households questionnaire 2010; SNOW CLEARING OPERATIONS Duringoursnowclearing operationsonFaro streetsthiswinter,it wouldbeverymuch appreciated,wherever possible,ifvehiclescould beparkedinyourown driveways,orperhaps theoneacrossthestreet. Itmakesourjobsomuch easierfortheefficient removalofsnowifthis taskisnotimpededby parkedvehicles. Thankyou! CALL BEFORE YOU CLEAR Anyoneusing mechanizedequipment forsnowclearing operationsondriveways, sidewalksorstreetcurbs isadvisedtocheckwith thePublicWorks departmentat994-2758 forthepresenceof valves,curbstopsorfire hydrants. Theycouldbeseriously compromisedifstruckby machinery.Damageto thecontrolsfortheTown ofFaro’swatersystem canbetimeconsuming, disruptivefortenantsand homeownersandvery costlytorectify. The Saying: “Do you have cable or satellite television?” YES.......................2,428 (90.6%) NO......................252 ( 9.4%) TheSaying: REPORTING A FIRE IN FARO BY TELEPHONE START FROM SCRATCH This phrase comes from the days when a line was scratched in the ground for a race. The racers would start from the scratch. SORRY WE MISSED YOU.... Yukon Housing Yukon Nevada Gold 994994-2222 Yukon Energy Yukon College 1.Givethetelephone Dept. Of numberfromwhich the Environment callwasmade. *Andanyoneelse 2.Statethenatureof thatmayhaveliked theemergency. tosubmit......we’d lovetohearfrom 3.Stateyourname youfortheAPRIL andlocation issue!! 4.Stayonthelineif requestedtodosoby thefrozenmukluk@gm thetelecommunicator STRAIGHT LACED This phrase was originally STRAIT laces. The old English word strait meant tight or narrow. In Tudor times buttons were mostly for decoration. Laces were used to hold clothes together. If a woman was STRAIT laced she was prim and proper. TheSaying: THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW This comes from Matthew 7:14. In the King James version of the Bible, published in 1611, he says: 'Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth to life'. The old English word strait meant tight or narrow but when it went out of use the phrase changed to 'STRAIGHT and narrow'. TheSaying: SWAN SONG This comes from an old belief that swans, who are usually silent, burst into beautiful song when they are dying YOUCANNOW FOLLOWFAROON TWITTER!!! Search: faroyukon New podcasts every Monday evening Visit to read about amazing and inspiring stories of Yukon adventures. Special Guests Include: Dog mushers Musicians Artists Adventurers Bush pilots Trappers Miners Historians Outfitters …and other Yukoners We are always looking for stories (and often running contests!) so if you’d like to submit something, contact us at [email protected] We’d love to hear from some more Faro residents! MARCH 20TH 2012 HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!! Household Remedies I’m going to veer off vinegar this month and talk about Tea Tree Oil. As well as being used a disinfectant (see Jan. 2012 issue of this paper) its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties make it a useful addition to the medicine chest. History: Tea Tree Oil, also known as Melaleuca, was used as a general antiseptic by the Australian aboriginal tribes for thousands of years. It was used as a medicinal agent for cuts, burns, bites and many skin ailments. Famous British explorer Captain Cook is held as the man responsible for the name 'tea tree'. In 1770 when he and his men landed at Botany Bay, Cook, learning of it’s healing agents from the local aboriginal tribe was said to have brewed the leaves of the tree for his men to drink to prevent scurvy. As early as 1923, clinical trials in Australia began to provide scientific evidence for tea tree's antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Its importance made it standard issue for the soldiers in the Australian Army during World War II. Some Common Uses (taken from Molly’s Herbals): • • • • • • • • • • • Add 2 teaspoons of 100% pure tea tree oil to washing machine for a fragrant, fresh wash. Remove scuff marks from a vinyl/linoleum floor by rubbing with a damp cloth to which pure oil has been added. Room Spray: 5 drops of tea tree oil to 2½ cups water. Spray around room to refresh. Refrigerator gaskets stay fresh and clean if you wipe them over occasionally with a tea tree oil/water solution. Shower doors stay cleaner if you wipe them over with a tea tree oil/water solution. Helps prevent soap scum build-up. After washing down walls and removing grime and mildew, wipe over again with a tea tree oil/water solution to prevent mildew regrowth. To remove chewing gum from hair, apply pure oil. Diaper Cleanser: Add 20 drops tea tree oil to approximately 1 gallon of water, stir, then soak diapers overnight. Fungus Nails: Apply straight Tea Tree Oil to infected area daily Dandruff: Add 10 drops to an 8 oz. bottle of shampoo. Pimples: Apply full strength with a cotton swab 2 to 4 times a day. Is all Tea Tree Oil created equal? Apparently not. Very often you get what you pay for. You want to look at the percentage of Cineole and Terpinen-4-o1. Cineole: the lower the number the better (between 3-5%) Terpinen-4-o1: the higher the better (between 37-35%) I invite others to share their tried and true concoctions. Email me at [email protected] EDITORS NOTES..... WheredidFebruarygo?Timesureisflyingnowwithsomuchmoredaylightthesedays! Asyoumightknow,theTownofFarogenerouslydonatesuseofthetownphotocopier,ink,& papereachmonthtohelpmakeTheFrozenMuklukhappen.Ithasalwaysbeensincerely appreciated,butIhavehopedtobeabletobemoreindependent“someday”intermsofnot needingtousethisresource. InDecember,IfoundaphotocopieronthefacebookYukonBuy&Sell,whichwasnolonger neededbyMADD,WhitehorseChapter.Aftermanyemailsandlotsoforganising,TheFrozen Mukluknowhasit’sownphotocopier!!!ManymanythankstoTownofFaroOperations managerJimMcLaughlin,whopickeditupinWhitehorseononeofhistripsin,toTalitha BaillieofMADDWhitehorseChapterwhoheldthecopierandwassohelpfultome,toPat McCracken,JimNewhookandCareyWagantallwhohelpedunload,andtoourYukonPremier DarylPazloskiwhohelpedtowrestlethecopierfromtheMADDofficeandintotheFarovan. ThecopierisstoredattheTownoffice,until“Springcleaning”hereatmyhomeoffice,where itwillenjoyanewpermanenthome!Thiseditionisthefirsttobeprintedwiththenew copier.......I’msoexcited! HappyMarcheveryone☺ Heather FARO RCMP DETACHMENT Faro RCMP would like caution residents about the possibility of internet, mail and phone scams. We are currently investigating occurrences in our community where people have been contacted regarding required work for their home computer as well as incidents related to family deaths and estate inheritance. Be cautious of any solicitation for any personal information or money. If it is too good to be true it probably is. If you have any questions about suspicious contacts give us a call or contact your financial institution. Thin ice!! Toward the end of March the weather hopefully will warm up. Faro RCMP have observed and shared the snowmobile trails on the river and the lakes in our area. Please be careful when panning your activities and avoid any unnecessary risks especially around any moving water. The Faro community is very fortunate to have so many trails and open areas for snowmobiling and outdoor fun. As you chose your route to get in and out of town please attempt to avoid unnecessary snowmobile pressure on the Faro Golf Course. Significant damage can be done, inadvertently, by disturbing the grass while riding on the course. The greens are extremely sensitive. Please be respectful of the hard work your friends, neighbors and town staff put into the golf course. We are very fortunate to have a golf course and we can all help to keep in great condition. Also, the cross country skiers in Faro have groomed 3.2 km of trail around the outside of the course. Grab your skis and give it a try. Pelly River Hockey Camp!! Faro Minor Hockey, Faro Recreation Department along with the Faro and Ross River RCMP have teamed up to create a hockey experience for players ages 8 to 15 from Watson Lake to Pelly Crossing. From March 23rd to March 25th players from our neighboring communities will come to Faro for a weekend of fun at the Faro Arena and Recreation Centre. A quick reminder about your K-9 family members. Dog tags cost $10.00 at the Town Hall if your dog is fixed or $25.00 if not. Please take a minute to stop in and tag your dog so we know where to return your pet if it happens to get out of your fenced yard or off it’s leash or chain. Please be sure to secure your dog in some manner if left unattended. Have a great March and enjoy what’s left of the winter!! To contact Faro RCMP in an emergency, call 994-5555 or 1-867-667-5555. These calls will be answered by Whitehorse OCC who will have officers respond to the call. For general inquiries in the community, call 994-2677. If there is no answer, please phone 994-5555 and an officer will be contacted. *************************************************************FaroDetachmentwouldliketoremindmembers ofthecommunityaboutourEmergencyPhonelocatedatthefrontentrancetotheDetachment.Thisphonelineisconnected directlytoWhitehorseRCMPdispatch.ThecalleronlyhastoholdthephonetotheirearandsomeonefromWhitehorseDispatch willanswer.Thiswillensureaquickerresponsefrom FaroRCMPmembers. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Military Vehicle Preservation Association Announces 2012 Alaska Highway Convoy In 1942, 27,000 soldiers and civilians punched a military road through the untamed wilderness of Canada and Alaska. In August, 97 historic military vehicles will celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the building of the Alaska Highway by convoying 4,100 miles in 27 days through Canada and Alaska. Over 250 members of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association will stay overnight in Ross River on August 8. Military Vehicle Preservation Association, 800-365-5798 or 816- 833-6872 Email: [email protected] & find us on Facebook “MVPA 2012 Alaska Highway Convoy” For More Information Wendy Rowsam, Convoy Public Relations Volunteer, [email protected], 920863-8656 The MVPA ( ) is an organization with its mission “To provide an international organization for military vehicle enthusiasts, historians, preservationists and collectors interested in the acquisition, restoration, preservation, safe operation and public education of historic military transport”. We have over 9,000 members globally and over 35 years as an organization. The MVPA is a registered US 501(c) (10) organization. Parent Action Committee Update! In February the PAC was very busy! On Valentine's Day we hosted a spaghetti luncheon for students, parents, teachers and other guests (62 people in total!) with a healthy heart theme. Thank you to Student Nurse Gen for the presentation on healthy living and Messy Molly for leading games in the gym. Watch out for our next lunch that will be hosted later in the spring! On Family Literacy Night we held a bake sale and raised over $200. Thank you for the support; we hope you enjoyed the tasty treats! We had a blast at the literacy night and want to give a huge thank you to the teachers and support staff at the school who made it possible. Please watch for posters for our next PAC meeting coming up after the spring break. PAC is all about parents supporting other parents and being actively involved in our school. All parents/guardians are welcome! GMO-Free Yukon is dedicated to keeping the Yukon genetically-modified organism free. This means free from the importation of GM seeds for the purpose of planting or growing crops, and free from the importation of GM animals. To achieve this we have initiated a petition which asks the Yukon Legislative Assembly to request the Yukon Government to ban the importation of GM seed or animals. We are a non-partisan, non-political group whose common denominator is a shared concern in keeping the Yukon GMO-free for this and future generations. Definition of 'GMO' (genetically modified organism): An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques of genetic engineering. We are working to achieve a goal of 10,000 signatures on our online petition by the fall sitting of the Legislature, 2012. You can also print off the petition and gather signatures physically. GMO-Free Yukon Town of Faro Recreation Centre Ski-A-Palooza: On Monday February 6th, Penny Sheardown with Cross Country Yukon came out and did a waxing session and a skiing session with children and youth of Faro. A big Thank You to Penny for coming out and showing us some fun games! Thank you to Del Van Gorder for making the school skis available to the Recreation Center. Faro Youth Group: A big Thank You to the Community for coming out and supporting the Faro Youth Group at the Concession on February 2nd. Youth Group raised over $300.00 that went towards the Faro Youth Group Trip on February 17- 19th. A fabulous time was had by all! Thank you to everyone who generously made soups, stews, buns, and baking – the food was yummy and enjoyed by all! A fabulous time was had by all! Health Fair: Thank you to the following organizations that set-up displays and had fun and educational booths at the Health Fair: Faro Ambulance, Faro Health Centre, the Recreation and Parks Association, Faro Home Care, and Judy Freake with Usana Health Sciences. The event started with an Active – Healthy Kids Family Toolkit and Workshop with Adrienne Marsh, Active Living Consultant with RPAY. She provided a fun and informative session for parents and sent everyone home with a toolkit to encourage physical literacy and support an environment for active play in the home setting. The next session was an Introduction to Diabetes Workshop with Shannon Duke, RN, CDE. Shannon was an excellent facilitator and provided a very informative workshop; very positive comments were received from participants! The open Health Fair was a lot of fun, participants got to check out booths from all the different organizations as well as participate in the fitness contest. Lots of awesome door prizes were handed out and healthy snacks for everyone that attended. A big thank you to Ted Baker for all your help organizing this event for the community of Faro! Youth Group Trip to Whitehorse: The Faro Youth Group departed on a trip to Whitehorse on Friday, February 17th, funded by Youth Investment Fund and Youth Group fundraising. Everyone had so much fun! This trip helped to build relationships among youth in Faro as well as provide them with an opportunity to go skiing/ snowboarding at Mt. Sima, explore Whitehorse and check out things they would not have to opportunity to do so otherwise. Events included: a visit to Skookum Jim Friendship Centre to check out their facility and the services they provide, a movie at the Theatre, skiing and snowboarding at Mt. Sima, swimming at the Canada Games Centre, a workout session with Ashten and Jess at Yukon Boxing, and a little shopping and free time! Everyone was very well behaved and Faro should be very proud if its youth! BLAST FROM THE PAST DO YOU REMEMBER MILESTONES IN FARO’S HISTORY? HAVE OLD PICTURES OF FARO YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? [email protected] LOCAL Services Home Care Program Health and Social Services Pleasevisitwww.faromine.caforuptodateinformationonallactivitiesrelatingto theFaroMineComplex.SubscribetotheRSSfeedatthe website.Whennewsitems arepostedonthesite,theyareautomaticallybesenttoyouremailaddress. TheFaroBranchoftheYukonHome CareProgramprovideshealthservices toindividualswhocannoteasilyaccess healthcareinthecommunity,orwho needassistanceinperformingdaily activities.Theprogramaimstoimprove peoplesqualityoflifeandsupports themtoliveindependentlyintheirown homes. December 2011 Eligibility Tobeeligibleforservicesofferedby theYukonHomeCareProgram,a personmusthaveavalidYukonHealth CareInsurancenumber. TypesofService TheYukonHomeCareProgram provideslongterm,acute,palliativeand respitecaretoYukonersofallages. ReferralProcess YoumayreferyourselftotheYukon HomeCareProgramorhavesomeone callonyourbehalf.PleasecallLinda McConnellat867-667-5774or1-800-6610408ext.5774. Total Aircraft movements Average high temperature Recorded highest temperature Average low temperature Recorded lowest temperature Total rainfall Total snowfall January 2012 Total Aircraft movements Average high temperature Recorded highest temperature Average low temperature Recorded lowest temperature Total snowfall Faro Bottle Depot Winter Schedule RecycleCentrewillbe“on-call” PleasecallPeterat 994-3022 ifyouhaveanyquestions. 38 -16.9c 0.2c -25.9c -44.0c 28.2cm THE SHED - FOLD AND CODE YoumayalsospeakwiththeHealth Centerstafftopassareferralon. RECYCLING CENTRE 95 -8.1c 1.8c -17.0c -27.4c 1.2mm 42.8cm Hours: MONDAY–FRIDAY 8:30–5:30 SATURDAY 8:30–12:30 Passport Applications Available The Shed is available 24/7 for anyone who wants to leave and/or take good used clothing. Please do not smoke in the shed; the odour penetrates the clothes and smoking can be a fire hazard. Thanks to those who have taken time to fold and code clothes from the box. It’s a great help. A big thank you to whoever has been helping to keep The Shed neat and tidy. It is greatly appreciated. If anyone is willing to take some items to the Salvation Army on a trip to Whitehorse, please contact the Bakers at 9942442. About once a month we remove some of the items that have been there for a while. Thanks. EmploymentOpportunitiesatFaroMinesite TlichoEngineeringandEnvironmentalServicesLtd.hasbeencontractedto providecare&maintenanceservicesonsiteattheFaroMineComplexasof April1st,2012. Asaresult,TEESisrecruitingforthefollowingpositions: Chemist JourneyPerson–Millwright JourneyPerson–Electrician JourneyPerson-HeavyDutyMechanic JourneyPerson-LightDutyMechanic PleasenotethatthedeadlineforsubmittingapplicationsisFriday,March2, 2012. PleasesendapplicationsdirectlytoHumanResourcesforTlichoEngineering andEnvironmentalServicesLtd.PleaseseeadvertisementsintheMuklukor visitwww.faromine.caforapplicationinformation. Pleasevisitwww.faromine.caforuptodateinformationonallactivities relatingtotheFaroMineComplex.SubscribetotheRSSfeedatthewebsite. Whennewsitemsarepostedonthesite,theyareautomaticallybesentto youremailaddress. FriendshipFeastsisamadeinFaroprogram,itis notaffiliatedwithSocialServices,theFaroHealth Centre,oranygovernmentprogram.Ifyouareable tomakeamealforafamilyonceinawhile,please getyourselfontheFriendshipFeastlist.Youmay getcalledoncein6months. Toreceivemeals,youjustneedtonominate yourselforsomeonewhoyouknowneedsmeals. Generally,FriendshipFeastsprovidesmealswhen therehasbeenadeathorotherhardshipinthe family,whensomeoneisrecoveringfroman operationorsickness,orwhenafamilybrings homeanewbaby.GettinginvolvedinFriendship Feastsisagreatwaytogetinvolvedinour communityandtomeetpeopleintownina meaningfulway. Ifyouarenotonthelist,pleasecallKARAWENTat 994-3114tosignyourselfup!Wearealwayslooking fornewfolkswhoareableto provideameal. Ifyouwouldappreciatemealsoryouwouldliketo nominatesomeoneformeals,pleasecallKARAto setitup. FARO COMMUNITY LIBRARY 994-2684 Librarians: Michelle Vainio & Julia Salo • Hours The Book of (Even More) Awesome Neil Pasricha Tuesday 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (These hours may change due to unforeseen circumstances; times will be posted on the Library door.) • The Terror Conspiracy: Deception, 9/11 and the Loss of Liberty Jim Marrs • Bear-ology: Fascinating Bear Facts, Tales & Trivia Sylvia Dolson • Me & Lee: How I came to love, know and lose Lee Harvey Oswald Judyth Vary Baker • D. Mary’s Monkey Edward T. Haslam (Foreword by Jim Marrs) Canada Reads 2012 We have the following three of the finalist’s books from the 2012 Canada Reads annual battle of the books: th • The 12 Planet Zecharia Sitchin • Small Dog, Big Dog Barbara Karant The Northern Collection The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival (A gripping tale of man and nature in collision that leads to a final showdown in a clearing deep in the Siberian forest and a deadly encounter between men and a vicious tiger.) John Vaillant The Game (A behind-the-scenes look at what it is to be a hockey player in the NHL. Take a journey to the heart and soul of the game.) Ken Dryden Prisoner of Tehran – A Memoir (An extraordinary tale of faith and survival; a testament to the power of love in the face of evil and injustice.) Marina Nemat Come in and check out some of our other new books……. Non Fiction • The Wealthy Barber Returns The Floor of Heaven: A True Tale of the Last Frontier and the Yukon Gold Rush Howard Blum Fiction • • Cat Telling Tales • Murder on Sisters’ Row Victoria Thompson • The Drop Michael Connelly • The Weight of Silence • Three-Day Town Margaret Maron • Silver Sparrow Tayari Jones • The Sentry Robert Crais • I’ll Walk Alone Mary Higgins Clark • Busy Body M.C. Beaton • When God Was a Rabbit Sarah Winman • A Killer’s Christmas in Wales Elizabeth J. Duncan • The Infernals John Connolly • Shout at the Devil Wilbur Smith Shirley Rousseau Murphy Heather Gudenkauf Children’s Books David Chilton • Kitten’s Summer Eugenie Fernandes Business COMMUNITY The Faro Kettle Café At the DVG School, next to the Library Wednesdays & Fridays 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Sundays 11:00 pm - 3:00 pm. NEWFOUND SPORTS & GAMES OPENING APRIL 1ST Location: Bell Avenue Solar Complex Registration# 23796 Business License # 2212 Business Hours are 11am to 2 pm Pool table – TV’s Table games & Darts Phone 336-2025 524 Maynard Crescent 5 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms Living Room / Entertainment Room / Dining Room Games Room / Workout Room / Den / Office Full kitchen facilities Self-serve breakfast foods included 1-867-332-9011 Ph:994-2080 Fax:994-2060 Cell:(867)332-1530 Email:[email protected] GeneralDeliveryFaroYTY0B1K0 For a catalogue or info on hosting a party call Tracy Sawicki 867 332 5502/867 994 2444 INCOME TAX PREPARATION DISCOVERY STORE 994-2470 PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS WINTER HOURS MondaytoSaturday 10:00amto6:00pm Sundays&Holidays 12:00amto5:00pm NEED THAT CASH REFUND BACK QUICKLY? TAX RETURN ELECTRONICALLY PREPARED WITH UP-TO-DATE RECOGNIZED SOFTWARE INTERNET TRANSMISSION TO OTTAWA INSTANTLY SECURE CONFIDENTIAL EFFICIENT Jim McLachlan 994-2568 P.F.P. (Personal Financial Planner) Certified by CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) for E-file. NORTH OF 60 MASSAGE THERAPY Therapeutic & relaxation massage Located at 507 Douglas Drive Now taking appointments Phone 994-2226 Cost: $70.00/hr $40.00/30 min Covered by most extended Health Care Plans Michelle Lynch Registered Massage Therapist [email protected] TruckArrivals:Wednesday OrderDay:Fridayby4:00 PickupDay:ThursdayPlease! *PhoneCards *Lotto SPECIALORDERS&CASELOTSAVAILABLE PleaseorderbyFridayat4:00pm Pickupthefollowingweek PLEASE BE PATIENT ON FREIGHT DAY AND LET US UNLOAD STUDIO HOTEL RESTAURANT & BAR LOUNGE HOURS: Monday–Saturday4–8pm (basedondemandafter8pm) (ClosedSunday) THANK YOU TO ALL BUSINESS CONTRIBUTORS! *PhoneCards*BankMachine AVON HelenWagantall 994-3083 “ The First in Synthetics” BONNIEBOWNESS 994-2429 HELEN WAGANTALL ChrisWilkinson 994-3289 994-3277 TD Canada Trust Faro Agency Pilgrim's Landscaping & Snow Removal BOBCAT RENTAL AVAILABLE FOR: Monday to Friday 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm SNOW REMOVAL $ 30.00 TO $ 50.00 PER DRIVEWAY (depending on size of driveway) LANDSCAPING, POST HOLE AUGER CALL FOR MORE INFO KEITH OR DEB 994-3101 Went North Creations WILDFURFORSALE CALLMADMIKE@867-969-2800 OR [email protected] WIDEVARIETYFAIRPRICES Went North Creations has a large selection of leather and fur mittens, mukluks, hats, hair accessories and key chains. NOW MAKING FUR EARMUFFS! CALL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ORDER A PAIR! Stop in at 530 Douglass Drive (the red house) to see what is for sale. Call Kara 994-3114 AURORA HONEY & BERRIES - 100 % NATURAL, unpasteurized honey – Clover & Alfalfa blend. Taking reserves for 6.7 and 10 pound food grade pails. Wild Mountain Cranberries & Bueberries. Contact [email protected] or Call 867-393-1992 What’s goin’ on? SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER Is your Standard First Aid up to date? In order to qualify for most summer employment, your SFA certificate needs to be current. A course is tentatively planned for March 22 -23, IF we have sufficient numbers to hold the course. Don't wait until your certificate expires; renew it beforehand. Call Yukon College (994-8800) or Ted Baker (994-2442) to sign up. Kids In Action Thrift Store Room 10 Del Van Gorder School Thursdays from 2:15-3:15 CANADA DAY POSTER CHALLENGE TheTransCanadaTrailisaproudsponsoroftheCanada DayPosterChallenge,acompetitionheldeveryyearfor studentsaged5to18.Participantsareinvitedtodesigna posterthatillustratestheirprideinCanadaandinbeing Canadian.Thisyear'stheme-1812:TheFightforCanada- marksthe200thanniversaryofadefiningconflictinour country'shistory. Therearegreatprizestobewon,includingalaptop computerfortheNationalwinnerandthe2ndand3rd placefinalists.Thedeadlineforsubmittingyourposter, alongwithanentryform,isMarch9,2012.Thisisagreat classroom,library,oryouthclubactivity!Findinformation aboutthecontestthemeandobtainlearningresources, games,andtheall-importantruleshere.Submissionsmust beaccompaniedbyanentryform.Goodluck! Clothing, art, books, housewares, and much much more. Donations always welcome. Please support students in their work to help others around the world. Every $25.00 raised goes to a different charity. Del Van Gorder School Council FARO BIBLE CHAPEL 11:00 am Sunday Services All are welcome. Pastor Ted Baker 994-2442 "Try our Sundays, they're better than Baskin-Robbins" invites the public to attend any of its meetings. They are held at the school the first Monday of each month, at 7:00 pm. Town of Faro Recreation Centre – March, 2012 UpComingMarchEvents: SpringBreakHoursofOperationattheRecCentre:ThisyearSpringBreakrunsfromMarch5thtoMarch16th.TheRecreationwill offerextendedhoursduringSpringBreak,effectiveMarch6thto17thandareasfollows:Tuesday1:00-9:00pm,Wednesday1:00-6:00 pm,Thursday1:00-6:00pm,Friday1:00-9:00pm,Saturday2:00-9:00pm. FaroYouthGroup:Thursday,March15that5:00pm.Ameetingtodiscussfundraisers,summertrips,futuremeetingtopicsanddates, summeremploymentopportunities,workshops,andmore! IceWormSquirmPlanningMeeting:IceWormSquirmisfastapproaching!TheFaroRecreationCenterislookingfor communityinputforthisevent.ThisisyourchancetotelluswhatyouenvisionforIceWormSquirm2012.Asalwaysvolunteersare needed.IfyouareinterestedpleaseattendthePlanningMeetingonThursday,March8th,at7:00pmattheFaroRecCentre BreakdancingwithJosh:B-boying,oftencalled"breakdancing",isapopularstyleofstreetdancethatwascreatedanddevelopedas partofhip-hopcultureamongyouthinNewYorkCity.Thedanceconsistsoffourprimaryelements:toprock,downrock,power moves,andfreezes.Itisdancedtobothhip-hopandothergenresofmusicthatareoftenremixedtoprolongthemusicalbreaks. JoinJoshforall-agesbreakdancingsessionsattheFaroRecCentrefrom5:00–6:00pmduringthefollowingdates:Thursday,February 8th;Friday,Feb9th;Thursday,Feb.15thandFriday,Feb.16th. GymnasticsCamp:RegisterattheRecreationCentertodayforafunactionpackedGymnasticsCampTuesday,March13thto Thursday,March15th!PreschoolSession:11:00am–12:00pm,Grade1-6Session:1:00pm–2:15pm,andGrade7-12:Session2:30-4:00 pm.*Schedulesubjecttochange–watchforpostersandflyersforfurtherdetails. AntiqueAcrylicPaintingClasswithJackieIrvine:Thursday,March22nd&Friday,March23rd.Thispaintingclasswillhaveafireweed theme;eachparticipantwillgettobringhometheirfinishedmasterpieceonan8x10canvas.OnThursdaytheclasswillrunfrom3:30 to5:30pm,participantswillpreparethecanvaswithdrawingandmoldingpaste(thecanvaswillneed24hoursdryingtime).OnFriday theclasswillrunfrom3:30untilapproximately8:00pmorwhenfinishedandwillincludelayingcolorsandglazing.Dinnerwillbe providedforregisteredparticipants.Ages:10andup.Only6spotsavailablecalltheRecCentretosignup! PellyRiverHockeySkillsCamp:ThiseventwillbetakingplaceattheFaroArenafromFriday,March23rduntilSunday,March 25 .WatchforpostersforfurtherinformationorcontactTimLynchat994-2226. th IceWormSquirm:OnMarch30th&March31stcomeonoutandshakeoffthelastofyourwinterblues!Thisactionpackedeventwill haveyourevelinginthecomingspring.Getinthelastskateoftheseason,andcompetetoseeifyouarethebestbushman/woman around!Don’tforgettoattendtheplanningmeetingonThursday,March8th!Watchforpostersmoreinformation,acompletescheduleof eventswillbeinyourmailboxesmid-March! ArenaShutdown:TheArenawillbeshuttingdownfortheseasonattheendofMarch.Watchforpostersforfurther informationonafunlastskateoftheyeareventforthewholecommunitytoenjoy! Monday Tuesday Playgroup 10:30–Noon Wednesday Thursday Playgroup 10:30–Noon Friday Saturday Sunday SeniorsCarpet Bowling 1:00–3:00pm SeniorsCarpet Bowling 1:00–3:00pm PublicSkate 1:00–3:00pm PublicSkate 1:00–3:00pm MinorHockey 4:00–5:30pm GirlGuides 4:00–5:00pm 6:00–7:00pm PublicSkate 3:30–5:30pm Catch 4:00–5:00pm Archery 5:00–6:00pm Badminton 7:30–9:00pm Can-SkateLearnto Skate 3:30–5:30pm FigureSkate 5:15–6:00pm MinorHockey 4:00–5:30pm PublicSkate 3:30–5:30pm MinorHockey Scrimmage 4:00–5:30pm FloorHockey 7:30–9:00pm AdultHockey 7:30–9:30pm Archery 6:00–7:00pm YouthSportsNight 7:00–9:00pm AdultHockey 7:30–9:30pm *Schedule is subject to change. Contact the Rec Centre for further details. Classifieds FOR SALE - one studded winter tire - brand new, never used 195/60R15. Mastercraft Glacier Grip – Asking $100 994-2442 Breathe Nature Photography GiftCardsand Postcards forsale CallDerekat 994-2108 FOR SALE Avarietyofknitted itemsforsale Afghans:allsizes, patterns&colours. CallPauline @994-2662 forviewing *Customitems alsoavailable *NOTICE* The "Shed" will no longer be accepting computer peripherals (monitors, towers, printers, etc.) as they are not in demand, and it costs us to have someone in Whitehorse take them off our hands. WANTED LARGE DOG HOUSE CHEAP OR FREE ERICA @ 994 3201 WANTED TO RENT – space for a 16 foot boat – total length 20 feet with motor and trailer. Space can be covered or uncovered. Secure would be nice – FOR SALE 2007Toyota TundraRegular Cab4x4Auto& ManualTrans. 168,000kms SilverColor Looksanddrives likenew $16,500 994-2233 FOR SALE 2011Brandnew YamahaBigBear 400ccATV 4x4ManualTransm. Footshift “0”mileage&“0” Hours DarkBluecolor Lookatthisprice! $7,800.00 994-2233 FOR SALE Tire, never used. Firestone Steeltex Tubeless Radial A/T, 245/75 R16, Load Range E, M/S $130 obo 994 3311 FOUND LG Cellphone Battery @ the tent on August 24th. Call the Town Office to claim ; 994-2728 Call for yours today! 994-3441 Tom – 994-2728 FOR SALE 1.}Ihavetwolargestockpotsfor sale...$20.00each 2.}Twosectional(6sectionseach) vegetabletrayswithlids...$10.00each 3.}10icecubetrays...$2.00 4.}Assortedunmatchedpillow cases...8for$2.00or$0.50each 5.}Assorted(approximatesize50x60) variouscolors...smallthrows...$3.00 each 6.}Assortedcards...somewith animals,somewithflowers....most blankinside-$4.00eachor3for $10.00or6for$20.00 7.}THREEFROZENBanana breads...$5.00each 8.}Frozenhomemadebread...$4.00 each 9.}3120Husqvarnasawand"Wood Bug"stylemill...$1000.00 10.}DeltaWoodBandSaw...$30.00 PleasecallTinaorRayat994~2103 (andpleaseleaveamessageifno one’sthere.)... Wolf Willow Botanicals Handcrafted face and body creams, lip balms, facial sprays and more for sale. Call Raven at 994-2108 FOR SALE - 1997 Northland Camper TUPPERWARE!!!!! WANDA WIEBE@ MYTUPPERWARE.CA - AND ALSO ON FACEBOOK ! Lovable Squeezable Sock Monkeys!! North/South Queen Bed Great Condition $5500.00 994-2006 WANTED I am looking for glass measuring 27 x 37 inches... I need 4 pieces.... Please call Tina or Ray at 994~2103 (and please leave a message if no one’s there.)... Place your Ad anytime for the APRIL Edition; *Buy *Sell *Rides *Pets *Yard sales *Swap *Rent *Babysit *Wanted *Volunteers IT’S FREE!!! [email protected] LOST CameraChipduring FireweedFestival weekendbetween CatholicChurchand RecreationCentre. Iffound,pleasecontact JeanCeaser@994-3222. FOR SALE Double euro-style platform bed with Foam mattress $200 (Rarely used!) 994-2599 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE Lot11TintinaSubdivision, Faro-$185,000 5acresofparadisesurroundedby wildernessjustoutsideofthe beautifulcommunityofFaro. Thiswellkept&updatedlog homehasanewertinroof,new appliancesin2008,recently installedoil/woodRSF85heating system&1000galwaterholding tankwithupdatedplumbing.The openconceptfeatureshardwood floors,doubleJacuzzitub& separateshower&doublesinks inabathroomlinedwithcedar, wood/coalcookstoveinkitchen, spiralstaircaseleadingtomaster bedroomandacoveredporchfor thosewarmsummernights.This propertycomeswithmanyout buildings,internet&satellite system.Withtoomanyfeatures tolist,this propertyneedstobe seentobefullyappreciated. CONTACT: Keith and Debbie Carreau Box 610, Faro, Yukon Y0B 1K0 Telephone 867-994-3101 HouseforSale– TintinaSubdivisionLot#1 FARO INDUSTRIAL LOT # 423 Houseissituatedonfiveacresandincludesa cabin,largeshed, andbasichorsepaddock. Thisopenplanhome,with3bedroomsand2 baths,isapproximately2200squarefeet,with anopenplankitchen,largeterrace,brandnew gasboilerforwater,andalarge,very effectivewoodstoveinthemainroom. Thepurchasepriceis$125,000. Thehouseisalsoavailableforrent(minimum of2-yearrental)for$500/month,withterms tobeworkedoutbymutualconsentofowner andinterestedparty.Incaseofrental,the cabinonthepropertywouldnotbeincluded. Thesuccessfultenantswould beresponsible forsupplyingtheirownfurnishings. References,firstandlastmonth’srent,anda securitydepositwouldberequired. Formoreinformationonthehouse,contact [email protected]. $16,000.00 FOR SALE 622 Yates Crescent Formoreinformationcontact MarkGriffis Email:[email protected] OfficePhone:867-667-2514ext23 Cell:867-334-8313 HomePhone:867-668-6300 Fax:867-667-7132 HOUSE FOR SALE Contact: Cindy Rusnak A/Senior Lands Officer Government of Yukon 867-667-5357 *3 yr A/S & building Covenant applies FARO VACATION RENTAL Whether you are looking for housing for staff or your on vacation – we have a FULLY FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, townhouse with FULL KITCHEN, and WD. The house is fully equipped with everything to make your stay comfortable – large flat screen TV, all appliances, dishes, pots and pans and SO MUCH MORE! Rates start at $200/night – or mention SUMMER SPECIAL and get the rate of $150/night plus tax. Call 867-332-2402 or check out A FRIENDLY REMINDER….. $95,000 Call 867-994-2079 for more info or inquiries Ifyouhaveold,oroutofdaterealestate adsontheTownofFarowebsite,please letusknowsowecandeletethemprior tolaunchingthenewsite. Town of faro Town of Faro would like to remind people that the “cut off” for Council agenda items is 4:30 pm on the Thursday preceding the Council meeting. PUBLIC NOTICE *CouncilMeets th In accordance with Town of Faro Bylaw 92-30 (Water and Sewer Bylaw), section 905: Tuesday,March6 2012@7:00pm AgendaItemsmustbereceivedby: Thursday,March1st* *CouncilMeets Tuesday,March20th2012@7:00pm AgendaItemsmustbereceivedby: Thursday,March15th2012* IfanyonewishestohearmoreoftheCAOReport,futureOps Manager’sreports,ortheMayorsReportyoucanreadthem onlineat:www.faroyukon.caOrcometoCouncil. WehaveCoffeeon! ‘All charges for water and sewer services which remain unpaid in a water and sewer account for a period exceeding sixty (60) days from the due date shall be subject to a penalty charge of ten percent (10%) of the current unpaid amount’. Beginning March 1, 2012, a 10% penalty charge will be applied to water and sewer accounts that are more than 60 days overdue. DOYOUHAVEARENTALPROPERTYHEREINFAROTHATYOUWOULDLIKE TORENTTOSOMEONE? THETOWNOFFAROHASBEENRECEVINGCALLSFROMPERSONSWISHING TORENTHOUSESHEREINFARO. IFYOUWOULDLIKEYOURPROPERTYTOBEMENTIONED,PLEASELETUSKNOW! 70 THANKS! 994-2728PHONEOREMAIL days until Crane & Sheep Festival!! [email protected]@FAROYUKON.CA Would you like to volunteer? REMINDER to all FARO BUSINESS OWNERS Call Erica 994-2728 FOUND TheTownofFarohasbeenreceivingcomplaints abouttheamountof“doggie-doo”onourstreets, paths&trails. Pleasebeconsiderateofotherswhenyouwalkyour dog&rememberto“scoopyerpoop”! Did you Renew your Business License? Drop in to the Town Office during regular Business Hours or call 994-2728 REMINDER The 2012 Dog Licenses are now available at the Town Office employment HELP WANTED Part -time work Requirements: *must have bookkeeping experience *must know "Quick Books" For more information please call Mel at 994-2470 RESUMEWRITINGTIPS 1.Knowthepurposeofyourresume Somepeoplewritearesumeasifthepurpose ofthedocumentwastolandajob.Asaresult theyendupwithareallylongandboringpiece thatmakesthemlooklikedesperatejob hunters.Theobjectiveofyourresumeistoland aninterview,andtheinterviewwilllandyouthe job(hopefully!). 2.Backupyourqualitiesandstrengths Insteadofcreatingalong(andboring)listwith allyourqualities(e.g.,disciplined,creative, problemsolver)trytoconnectthemwithreal lifeandworkexperiences.Inotherwords,you needtobackthesequalitiesandstrengthsup, elseitwillappearthatyouarejusttryingto inflatethings. 3.Makesuretousetherightkeywords Mostcompanies(evensmallerones)arealready usingdigitaldatabasestosearchforcandidates. ThismeansthattheHRdepartmentwillrun searchqueriesbasedonspecifickeywords. Guesswhat,ifyourresumedoesn’thavethe keywordsrelatedtothejobyouareapplyingfor, youwillbeoutevenbeforethegamestarts. Thesekeywordswillusuallybenouns.Check thejobdescriptionandrelatedjobadsforaclue onwhattheemployermightbelookingfor. 4.Useeffectivetitles Likeitornot,employerswillusuallymakea judgmentaboutyourresumein5seconds. Underthistimeframethemostimportant aspectwillbethetitlesthatyoulistedonthe resume,somakesuretheygrabtheattention. Trytobeasdescriptiveaspossible,givingthe employeragoodideaaboutthenatureofyour pastworkexperiences.Forexample: Badtitle:Accounting Goodtitle:ManagementofA/RandA/Pand Recordkeeping Wolverine Mine YukonZincCorporationisamining,explorationanddevelopmentcompanythathas takentheWolverineMinefromexplorationthroughdevelopmentintooperation. WolverineMineisafly-in/fly-outundergroundmineoperationlocatedapproximately 250kmsoutheastofFaro.Weoperatea“dry”camp,andprovideflightsfrom Whitehorse,WatsonLakeandRossRiverbasedona2weeksonand2weeksoff rotation. Wearecommittedtoprovidingasafeandhealthyworkingenvironmentandtoazeroincidentsafetycultureinwhichallemployeesparticipate.Weoffercompetitive salariesandexposuretoanewmineenvironment.Withanestimated10yearmine life,weareencouragingcareergrowthwithourcompanygrowth. CurrentWolverineMineCareers: JourneymanMillwrights(millandsurface) JourneymanElectrician ElectricianandInstrumentationSupervisor MaintenancePlanner HeavyDutyMechanics WasteWaterTreatment/EquipmentOperator WarehouseSupervisor/SiteBuyer CampMaintenanceWorker AdministrativeAssistant ITAdministrator IfyouareinterestedinbecomingamemberoftheYukonZincteam,pleasesendyour resumebyemailto:[email protected]:604-682-5404.Formore 5.Proofreadittwice Itwouldbedifficulttoemphasizethe importanceofproofreadingyourresume.One smalltypoandyourchancesofgettinghired couldslip.Proofreadingitonceisnotenough,so doittwice,threetimesorasmanyas necessary. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Tlicho Engineering & Environmental Services Ltd. (TEES) has a number of challenging career opportunities as part of the care and maintenance operations for the Faro Mine Remediation Project. We are searching for the right people to fill key roles in our dynamic fast-paced work teams. We invite you to join our team in providing care and maintenance services at the abandoned Faro Mine site in Faro, Yukon. Journey person - Millwright Journey person - Electrician Journey person - Heavy Duty Mechanic Journey person - Light Duty Mechanic These positions will be required to work up to 12 hours a day on a 4 day on 3 day off rotation. Some positions may require day and night shifts. Candidates must be physically able to respond to all types of emergencies. Previous experience in mine site settings considered an asset. TEES is committed to developing capacity of local peoples, improving employment opportunities for local impacted communities, providing to local business and preserving lands for future generations. TEES works in the most remote locations and extreme environments in the world, where we continually complete projects on schedule and under budget with over 85% employment to local impacted people. TEES is contracted by the Faro Mine Remediation Project to provide care and maintenance services at the Faro Mine Complex as of April 1, 2012. For more information on the Faro Mine Remediation Project, please visit APPLICATION PROCESS & FOR MORE INFORMATION Please email, fax or mail your resume, in confidence, by Friday, March 02, 2012 to the attention of: Tlicho Engineering & Environmental Services Ltd. - Human Resource Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N1 Ph: (867) 669-9481 • Fx: (867) 669-9482 • E-mail: [email protected] EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Tlicho Engineering & Environmental Services Ltd. (TEES) has a number of challenging career opportunities as part of the care and maintenance operations for the Faro Mine Remediation Project. We are searching for the right people to fill key roles in our dynamic fast-paced work teams. We invite you to join our team providing care and maintenance services at the abandoned Faro Mine site in Faro, Yukon. Chemists TEES has opportunities for chemists to join a dynamic environmental monitoring team. Candidates will have experience working in an analytical laboratory and be familiar with methods to test water for metals using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and Atomic Absorption (AA), in addition to testing for other analytes using colourimetry, gravimetric methods, titrations and using ion selective electrodes. Ideally the candidate will have a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry or Geochemistry, along with lab experience and environmental monitoring. Final year Bachelor of Science candidates with working experience will also be considered. TEES is committed to developing capacity of local peoples, improving employment opportunities for local impacted communities, providing to local business and preserving lands for future generations. TEES works in the most remote locations and extreme environments in the world, where we continually complete projects on schedule and under budget with over 85% employment to local impacted people. TEES is contracted by the Faro Mine Remediation Project to provide care and maintenance services at the Faro Mine Complex as of April 1, 2012. For more information on the Faro Mine Remediation Project, please visit APPLICATION PROCESS & FOR MORE INFORMATION Please email, fax or mail your resume, in confidence, by Friday, March 02, 2012 to the attention of: Tlicho Engineering & Environmental Services Ltd. - Human Resource Mailing Address: P.O. Box 133, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N1 Ph: (867) 669-9481 • Fx: (867) 669-9482 • E-mail: [email protected] miscellaneous VernalEquinoxQuestionsandAnswers Question:Whydoesn’tthevernalequinox(equalnight) onMarch20havethesamenumberofhoursfordayand night? Look up! March 3 - Mars at Opposition. The red planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. This is the best time to view and photograph Mars. March 8 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 09:39 UTC. March 14 - Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. The two brightest planets in the sky will be within 3 degrees of each other in the evening sky. On March 25 and 25, the crescent Moon will be near the two planets, creating a dazzling evening spectacle. March 20 - March Equinox. The March equinox occurs at 05:14 UTC. The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the northern hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the southern hemisphere. March 22 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 14:37 UTC. Answer:Ourformerastronomer,GeorgeGreenstein,had thistosay:"Therearetworeasons.First,lightraysfrom theSunarebentbytheEarth'satmosphere.(Thisiswhy theSunappearssquashedwhenitsets.)Theyarebentin suchawaythatweareactuallyabletoseetheSun beforeitrisesandafteritsets.Thesecondreasonisthat daytimebeginsthemomentanypartoftheSunisover thehorizon,anditisnotoveruntilthelastpartoftheSun hasset.IftheSunweretoshrinktoastarlikepointand welivedinaworldwithoutair,thespringandfall equinoxeswouldtrulyhave‘equalnights.’” Question:Accordingtofolklore,youcanstandarawegg onitsendontheequinox.Isthistrue? Answer:Onespring,afewminutesbeforethevernal equinox,severalAlmanaceditorstriedthistrick.Forafull workday,17outof24eggsstoodstanding.Threedays later,wetriedthistrickagainandfoundsimilarresults. Perhaps3daysaftertheequinoxwasstilltoonear.Try thisyourselfandletusknowwhathappens! Lemon-Irish Whiskey Cake Recipe Ingredients : Ideally this recipe should be started the day before baking. 1 lemon, zest of, cut into julienne 3/4 cup superfine sugar (regular sugar can be processed in a blender of food processor) 3 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup Irish whiskey 3/4 cup butter, at room temperature 2 cups flour 3/4 cup almonds, ground 1 pinch salt Preparation : Beware the ides of march ? TheIdesofMarchfallonthe15thcalendardayofMarch, althoughthedatehasalsobecomeintimatelyassociated withtheassassinationofJuliusCaesar,whowas murderedintheRomanSenateon15March,44BC. BecausethedeathofCaesarmarkedaradicalchangein Romansociety,theconceptoftheIdesofMarchisfamiliar tomostscholarsofWesternhistory,alongwithfansof Shakespeare,whoremembertheline“BewaretheIdesof March,”fromhisplayJuliusCaesar.Inmoderndays,the IdesofMarchcarriesasenseofmenaceanddoom, becauseofthisassociation. However,originally,theIdesofMarchcarriednospecial meaning;itwasmerelypartoftheRomancalendar. Thedaysofeachmonthusedtobecountedin relationshiptoKalends,thefirstdayofthemonth,Nones, theseventhday,andIdes,whichfellinthemiddleofthe month—somewherebetweenthe13thandthe15th, dependingonthemonth.Usually,Idesfellduringthefull moon,andit wasactuallyanauspiciousdayinRoman society.ThismayexplainwhyCaesardidnotheedthe warningofananonymoussoothsayer.ThetermsKalends, Ides,andNoneswereusedinvariouspartsofEurope throughtheRenaissancebeforebeingabandoned,and Shakespeare'soriginalaudienceprobablywouldnothave foundthe phrasethe“IdesofMarch”atallremarkable. Place julienned lemon zest in a small bowl. Let it soak in whiskey overnight. The next day, preheat oven to 350°F . Grease a 9 inch cake pan. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy and then whisk in the eggs. Sift the flour and add to the butter mixture together with the salt. Stir to blend. Fold in the ground almonds. Strain the whiskey, discarding the zest, and stir the whiskey into the batter. Pour into the prepared pan, and bake for about one hour, until golden brown, and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. 10 servings ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements Please submit your announcements by the 28th of each Month to; Luc Lefebvre (March 8th) [email protected] If possible, limit your announcements to 20 words or less. BobRogers(March st Happy Birthday Charlene McCool March 24 Love& hugs from, Gerald Elenita Unrau (March 12th ) Diana Rogerson (March 23 rd ) Kerry Wagantall (March 6th) ANNIVERSARIES Michael Heigl From Nina & Jurgen (March 16th ) DanBakke Fromyour friends Gerald& Charlene March 28th HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kieth Austin (March 4th ) GET WELL Happy Birthday GlendaPower ! th March17 March 17 : Special Birthday Greetings to my good friend, Glenda Power Love your little buddy, Taylor Minder xoxo THANK YOU HAPPYBIRTHDAY GRADUATION H-1 (MARCH21ST) FROMH-2 [email protected] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday Charlene McCool March 24 Kisses from ivan Jeff Irvine (March 4th) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rachelle Levesque, love Mom and Ralph (March 8th) March 10 Happy 3rd Birthday To Monica Kazda Love Mommy and Daddy th March 28 : Happy Birthday, Auntie Jody! Love your little niece, Taylor xoxo Happy Birthday Pisces February 19 -March0 Happy Birthday Aries March21– April20 Happy Birthday Happy 50th Birthday to Michael Heigl Love Sabine John Shaw (March 24th ) Your loving wife, Phyllis Happy 28th Birthday Jody Power Have a great day! Lots of Love, Dad, Mom, Krista & John xoxoxoxo th WELCOME HOME HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM WHINCUP (March2nd) BIRTHS MEMORIALS Ralph Anderson (March 5th ) Love Sharie BIRTHDAYS BABY SHOWERS HAPPYBIRTHDAY March 1st Happy 30th Birthday Krista Power Have a wonderful birthday with all your friends! Lots of Love, Dad, Mom, Jody & John xoxoxoxo MARCH CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS Mar01st1810FredericChopin Mar2rdnd1962JonBonJovi Mar3 1847AlexanderGrahamBell Mar.6thth1475Michelangelo Mar.7 1960IvanLendl Mar.9thth1918MickeySpillane Mar.10 1940ChuckNorris Mar.12thth1948JamesTaylor Mar.14 1879AlbertEinstein Mar.19thrd1848WyattEarp Mar.23nd1929SirRogerBannister Mar.22 1931WilliamShatner Mar.24thth1910ClydeBarrow Mar.25th 1942ArethaFranklin Mar.27 th1963QuentinTarantino Mar.30 1937WarrenBeatty DENISON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES The senior management of Denison Environmental Services (DES) wish to thank the people and businesses of Faro and the Town of Faro staff with whom we have worked during the past 3 years of Faro Mine Site Care and Maintenance operations. Thank you for your help and cooperation, and for welcoming DES into your community. It has been our pleasure to know you, and we look forward to working with you again in the future. Unfortunately, with the loss of the Faro Mine Care and Maintenance contract, many of our management and supervisory staff either have, or will soon, depart the Town of Faro. However, DES is committed to maintaining a presence in the Yukon. Our Whitehorse office remains open and we have recently been awarded a contract to provide Care and Maintenance services at the Mount Nansen site near Carmacks. Thank you again for the past 3 years. We wish you all the best for the coming years and we expect our paths will once again cross. Sincerely, Ian Ludgate – DES Manager Jon Bronson – DES Project Manager Roy Morrell – DES Project Manager Autio – DES Superintendent Kristian WHITEHORSE OFFICE: HEAD OFFICE: th 4109 4 Avenue, Suite 207 1 Horne Walk, Suite 200 Whitehorse, YT Elliot Lake, ON, Y1A 1H6 P5A 2A5 Tel: (867) 393-4800 Tel: (705) 848-9191 393-4803 Fax: (867) Fax: (705) 848-5814 March 12th, 2012 Happy 3rd Birthday, Taylor! “The Faro Grads of 2012 would like to thank everyone who donated cakes and supported us at the Valentine’s Cake Walk!” Congratulations Aydyn on earning enough recycling points to get this stereo! Love Grandma & Grandpa Special Specialbirthday birthday greetingstooursweet greetingsto littlegranddaughter, MandyFreake Taylor!Celebratingher celebrating her 3rdBirthdayonMarch bdayonMarch 12th.Lotsoflove,from 13th.Love, Gramma& Mom & Granpa...xoxoxo Dad..xoxo March4 March4 HappyBirthday HappyBirthday RudyCouture(Dad) RudyCouture(Dad) LoveBill,Glenda, LoveBill,Glenda, Krista,Jody&John Krista,Jody&John xoxo xoxo Thanks to everyone who submitted this month! Thank you to Sarah and Tina for hosting a special Valentine's Day craft session at the Rec Centre! It was a blast! We love you so much! Lots of love, hugs and kisses from Mommy and Daddy! xoxo Happy 3rd Birthday Monica love from Hunter and Cavan (March 10th ) Happy 3rd Birthday Taylor love from Hunter and Cavan (March 12th ) toeveryonethat cameoutforthe “Ol’Fashioned MovieNight”! $49was collectedand wenttotheFaro 2012Grads Staytunedfor thenext“Ol’ FashionedMovie Night”! Hunter and Cavan wish the best of luck to their friends Tomas and Maija on their big move back to Ontario. We will miss you all so much! st HAPPY BIRTHDAYCST. JEANLUC BEDARD (March13th) March 1 : Happy 30th Birthday, Auntie Krista! Love you and miss you lots, from Taylor xoxo March 12th: Happy Birthday, Auntie Mandy! Miss you and love you lots from your little niece, Taylor xoxo MARCH activities Sunday Monday Wednesday Tuesday OnFeb29th *Rec Centre DO YOU HAVE 91 Information APRIL CALENDAR? is subject to change. Please call for more info: 994-2375 AN EVENT FOR THE dayswillhave passed& 275 Daysareleft oftheyear 4 5March 6DR.BOUSQUET@FHC 7 PublicSkate Breakstarts Playgroup (10:30–Noon) SeniorsCarpetBowling (1:00–3:00pm) PublicSkate(3:30–5:30pm) CATCH(4:00–5:00pm) Archery(5:00–6:00pm) YouthGroup (7:00–9:00pm,Bi-weekly) Badminton(6:30–9:00pm) CouncilMeets7pm (1:00–3:00pm) DVGSchool Council7pm MinorHockey (4:00–5:30pm) MinorHockey (4:00–5:30pm) Junior GirlGuides Rangers 7:00-9:00pm (3:30–6:00pm) AdultHockey (7:30–9:30pm) StorytimeGroup @Library10:30 am Thursday SeniorsCarpetBowling (1:00–3:00pm) MinorHockey (4:00-5:30pm) AdultHockey (7:30–9:30pm) Archery(6:00–7:00pm) 8DR.BOUSQUET@FHC 7:30-8:30 18 19 PublicSkate SPRINGSTARTS! 22 DR.BOUSQUET@FHC Playgroup(10:30–Noon) SeniorsCarpetBowling SeniorsCarpetBowling (1:00–3:00pm) (1:00–3:00pm) Can-SkateLearn PaintingClass3:30toSkate EXTRAICE PublicSkate(3:30–5:30pm) AdultHockey 5:30pm (3:30–5:30pm) TIMES(7:30–9:30pm) CATCH(4:00–5:00pm) CANSKATE+PRES Archery(5:00–6:00pm) MinorHockey FloorHockey CHOOL=FIGURE YouthGroup TaiChi@ (4:00-5:30pm) (7:30–9:00) SKATING YouthLounge (7:00–9:00pm,Bi-weekly) AdultHockey Badminton(6:30–9:00pm) (7:30–9:30pm) 7:30-8:30 JuniorRangers 7:00-9:00pm CouncilMeets7pm Archery(6:00–7:00pm) 25PellyRiver 26 27 28 29 HockeyCamp MinorHockey Playgroup(10:30–Noon) StorytimeGroup Playgroup(10:30–Noon) @Library10:30 PublicSkate (4:00–5:30pm) SeniorsCarpetBowling am (1:00–3:00pm) SeniorsCarpetBowling (1:00–3:00pm) GirlGuides (1:00–3:00pm) MinorHockey (4:00–5:30pm) (3:30–6:00pm) PublicSkate(3:30–5:30pm) Can-SkateLearn PaintingClass3:30CATCH(4:00–5:00pm) toSkate JuniorRangers AdultHockey 5:30pm (3:30–5:30pm) Archery(5:00–6:00pm) 7:00-9:00pm (7:30–9:30pm) MinorHockey (4:00-5:30pm) FloorHockey YouthGroup AdultHockey EXTRAICETIMESTaiChi@Youth (7:00–9:00pm,Bi-weekly) (7:30–9:00) CANSKATE+ (7:30–9:30pm) Lounge PRESCHOOL= Badminton(6:30–9:00pm) DRESSREHEARSAL Archery(6:00–7:00pm 7:30-8:30 FIGURESKATING MinorHockey (1:00–3:00pm) (4:00–5:30pm) MinorHockey GirlGuides (4:00–5:30pm) (3:30–6:00pm) PizzaNight@Studio Restaurant 9 PublicSkate (3:30–5:30pm) YouthSportsNight (7:00–9:00pm) 10 PublicSkate (1:00–3:00pm) PizzaNight@Studio Restaurant 16 17 PublicSkate (3:30–5:30pm) YouthSportsNight (7:00–9:00pm) EXTRAICETIMES FIGURESKATING HappySt. Patrick’sDay! PublicSkate (1:00–3:00pm) PizzaNight@Studio Restaurant YouthGroupTrip 20DR.BOUSQUET@FHC 21 Saturday 3 PublicSkate (1:00–3:00pm) (3:30–5:30pm) YouthSportsNight FaronianHillbillies @StudioLounge (7:00–9:00pm) 8pm DR.BOUSQUET@FHC Playgroup(10:30–Noon) SeniorsCarpetBowling (1:00–3:00pm) FloorHockey (7:30–9:00) MinorHockey (4:00-5:30pm) AdultHockey (7:30–9:30pm) Archery(6:00–7:00pm) TaiChi@ YouthLounge IceWormSquirmPlanning 7:30-8:30 meet@7pm 11 12 13 14 15 Playgroup(10:30–Noon) Playgroup(10:30–Noon) Daylight StorytimeGroup SeniorsCarpetBowling savingstime MinorHockey @Library10:30 (1:00–3:00pm) SeniorsCarpetBowling (4:00–5:30pm) begins am (1:00–3:00pm) PublicSkate(3:30–5:30pm) MinorHockey GirlGuides PublicSkate (3:30–6:00pm) CATCH(4:00–5:00pm) Can-SkateLearn (4:00-5:30pm) (1:00–3:00pm) toSkate Archery(5:00–6:00pm) AdultHockey AdultHockey (3:30–5:30pm) (7:30–9:30pm) MinorHockey (7:30–9:30pm) YouthGroup Archery(6:00–7:00pm) (4:00–5:30pm) FloorHockey (7:00–9:00pm,Bi-weekly) TaiChi@ (7:30–9:00) YouthGroupMeeting@ Badminton(6:30–9:00pm) Junior YouthLounge 7pm Rangers 7:00-9:00pm Friday 1DR.BOUSQUET@FHC 2 DR.BOUSQUET@FHC Playgroup(10:30–Noon) PublicSkate Playgroup(10:30–Noon) StorytimeGroup @Library10:30 am @RINK@4PM 23 DR.BOUSQUET@FHC PublicSkate (3:30–5:30pm) YouthSportsNight (7:00–9:00pm) PaintingClass3:305:30pm 24 PublicSkate (1:00–3:00pm) PellyRiver HockeyCamp@ rink PellyRiverHockey Camp@rink PizzaNight@Studio Restaurant 30 31 PublicSkate (3:30–5:30pm) PublicSkate YouthSportsNight (1:00–3:00pm (7:00–9:00pm) ICEWORM SQUIRM! PizzaNight@Studio Restaurant ICEWORM SQUIRM!
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