April 2016 - North Quabbin Community Coalition
April 2016 - North Quabbin Community Coalition
The Common Thread A North Quabbin Community Coalition Publication Heather’s Highlights Dear Readers, It is officially Spring! Please continue to check out all the cool things happening in North Quabbin on our comprehensive calendar at www.nqcc.org/events.html! Spring means loads to do, and many are FREE and family friendly! The River Rat Race is around the corner and we are pleased to once again have a presence of marchers in the parade to support healthy choices and prevent substance abuse in the North Quabbin. So far we have 20 volunteers and our fingers are crossed for great weather. Look for us on race day, and feel free to throw on purple and march with us! The NQCC is again sponsoring Priscilla Reinertsen and Cheyenn Voudren’s canoe (right) in the race. They placed last year and we’ll be cheering them on this year! Our March forum was a presentation by the North Quabbin System of Care subcommittee focused on Trauma Informed Care. This group is made up of Jennifer Desjardins (Heywood Healthcare CHART), Sandi Walters (Clinical and Support Options), and Jeff Ferranti (ARRSD). These presenters were wonderful in engaging the crowd and starting to set the stage for true culture change in our area regarding trauma competency. There were some great takeaways from the presentation and an open invitation was given to anyone interested in being part of these discussions by joining the NQ System of Care. Please contact me at 978-249-3703 or Sandi Walters at Clinical and Support Options at 413-774-1000 to learn more! If you have the time, please pay our location a visit and check out our new signage! Thank you Lyman Signs! Heather Bialecki-Canning, Executive Director April 2016 ~ Volume 32, Issue 9 Next Coalition Forum: April 15, 2016 9:00 -10:30 am Children’s Advocacy Center Presentation Athol-Orange Elks Club 92 New Athol Road Orange, MA (Driving directions at www.nqcc.org) Next newsletter submission deadline is April 20, 2016. Email details to [email protected] Visit our comprehensive North Quabbin Community Calendar at nqcc.org/events.html Like us on Facebook for regular updates! NQCC 251 Exchange Street Athol, MA 01331 978-249-3703 www.nqcc.org [email protected] Our FY16 Donors Board of Directors Chief Tim Anderson, President Athol Police Department Sharon Tracy, Vice President Quabbin Mediation Steve Raymond, Treasurer Athol Select Board Lucinda Brown Franklin County Trial Court John Bruinsma Community Representative Lt. Michael Buzzard Salvation Army Chief R. Dana Cooley, Jr. Petersham Police Department Glenn Eaton Montachusett Regional Planning Commission Lynne Feldman Franklin County Home Care Corp. Michael Grimmer Heywood Healthcare Pat Moore Community Representative Jeanette Robichaud Athol Area YMCA Sandi Walters Clinical Support Options Charlie Winters Community Representative Staff Heather Bialecki-Canning Executive Director Katrina Burton Project Assistant 251 Exchange Street, Athol, MA 01331 978-249-3703 ~ [email protected] Platinum Plus Sponsors Anonymous in Orange Athol-Orange Rotary Club Baldwinville Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Supporting Sponsors Community Action Clinical Support Options (CSO) Karl Bittenbender Lucinda Brown LUK, Inc. Community Health Center of Franklin County Platinum Sponsors Mary Kenney Athol Savings Bank Kimball-Cooke Insurance MBA Mortgage – Team Patricia Larson Hunton Philip Rabinowitz Stephen Raymond Seeds of Solidarity Education Rebecca & Dave Bialecki Center, Inc. Sharon Tracy Gold Sponsors Town of Athol Individual Sponsors Hometown Bank Barbara Corey Hometown Realtors Greenfield Community College LifePath Foundation David Runyan Joseph Hawkins TrueNorth Transit Group LLC/ Roberta Meehan MAX Bus Mount Grace Land Valuing Our Children Conservation Trust, Inc. Rep. Susannah Whipps Lee Diane Nassif Witty's Funeral Homes Vicente Sanabria Silver Sponsors Ben Feldman GAAMHA Inc. GVNA HealthCare, Inc. Quabbin Mediation Bronze Sponsors Bethany Lutheran Mr. & Mrs. Winfield Brown Lynne Feldman Diane Lincoln Montachusett Regional Planning Commission North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy (NQCA) Susan Paju & Heidi Strickland Quabbin Valley Healthcare Sen. Stan Rosenberg TD Bank Charles O. Winters Sandi Walters Other Support Timothy Anderson John Bruinsma Bill & Aiden Burton Athol Credit Union Athol-Orange Elks Fisher Hill School Sue Frankewicz Mahar Key Club McDonalds Pioneer Jr. Women’s Club WJDF 97.3FM Donations can be made via PayPal with the link on the cover of this publication, at www.nqcc.org, or by check to the address at left. Need a job? Want to get off assistance? Career Connections can help! Career Connections is a free program from Corporation for Public Management (CPM). The program helps parents find and keep work and teaches interviewing, cover letters, how to spot a scam ad, how to keep a job, financial literacy, and more. Those who need HiSET (formerly the GED) or literacy classes can do so through a partnership with the Literacy Project. There are also field trips and guest speakers to help familiarize participants with the many resources available in the North Quabbin area. Eligible participants must be receiving TAFDC and enrollment in the program is through referral by DTA. However, anyone interested in the program can call Crystal Parent at 978-544-3033 for more information. The full-time program meets ESP work requirements and a full-time daycare voucher through DTA is available. You may also be able to get up to $80 per month for transportation reimbursement. Career Connections is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Corporation for Public Management (CPM), 7L East Main Street, Orange, MA. Children’s Advocacy Center Happenings To celebrate Child Abuse Awareness Month in April, the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) of Franklin County and North Quabbin and the Greenfield Domestic Violence Task Force are co-sponsoring a flag raising event to honor our children on April 4 at 12:00 noon on the Greenfield Common in Greenfield. There will be a flag raising, proclamation read by Mayor Bill Martin, and children from the Federal Street School will sing with guest speakers that include District Attorney David E Sullivan. For more information, visit their Facebook page here. On April 29, CAC will be holding an Open House from 3:00 to 6:00 pm at 56 Wisdom Street in Greenfield. Community members are invited to stop in to meet the staff and take a tour of their new house. Save the date of June 3 from 7:30 to 9:00 am for CAC’s 3rd Annual Healing & Hope Breakfast at Terrazza Restaurant at Greenfield Country Club, 224 Country Club Road in Greenfield. Learn how the newly opened Advocacy Center transforms lives of children they serve and why they need your support. There is no cost to attend the breakfast, but you will be asked to make a donation to support the Center. If you are interested in attending or becoming a sponsor, please contact Irene Woods at 508-843-7306 or [email protected]. For more information, visit their website at cacfranklinnq.org. Parent Connection: SNAP Benefits Learn about how to use SNAP Benefits to receive a box of healthy produce every week at a low price at Valuing Our Children, 217 Walnut Street, Athol, on April 8 from 10:15 to 11:45 am. Childcare is available. Call Charlene at 978-249-8467 to RSVP. Big Brothers Big Sisters Fundraisers Big Brothers Big Sisters serves all 26 towns in Franklin County as well as the towns of Athol, Phillipston, Royalston and Petersham in the North Quabbin. They will be holding their Annual Bowlathon, “Bowl for Kids’ Sake” on April 16 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm at the French King Bowling Alley, 55 French King Highway, Erving . This year’s theme is Alice in Wonderland! Visit http://bbbs-fc.org/fundraisingevents/bowl-for-kids-sake Big Brothers Big Sisters is one of several beneficiaries of the Future Begins Here Gala at the Holyoke Mall, 50 Holyoke Street, Holyoke, on May 1 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Franklin County area items will be featured in their silent and live auction. For more information, visit http://futurebeginshere.org. Erving Police Participating in the Massachusetts DPH-Funded Sharps Box Program The Erving Police Department has announced that a secure sharps (needle or lancet) disposal box is now available in the Erving Police Department lobby at 71 French King Highway, Erving . The prescription drug drop off box is also available in the lobby for your medications. Please do not put needles or lancets in the green box. This box is for dry medications only (no liquid.) Proper disposal of medication and sharps (needles and lancets) is an important part of keeping our community safe. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the station at 413-423-3310. Literacy Volunteers of Orange/Athol Meet & Greet Literacy Volunteers of Orange/Athol (LVOA) is proud to announce their grand reopening with a public Meet-and-Greet on April 19 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm in the conference room of the Athol Public Library, 568 Main Street, Athol. The event will be hosted by Catherine King, the newly hired Program Coordinator. Light refreshments will be served. After a brief hiatus in services, the agency is actively seeking potential Board Members, tutors and students, whether or not they have been involved with the program in the past. LVOA presents opportunities for one-to-one tutoring for individuals in the area. Office hours will be held at the Athol Library, 568 Main Street, on Tuesdays from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00 pm and on Thursdays from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, or by appointment. For more information, call 978-249-5381 or email Ms. King at [email protected]. Opioid Task Force Events Spirituality and Addiction Workshop A workshop for faith-based leaders, treatment providers and professionals who work with the addiction and recovery community will take place on April 15 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Second Congregational Church, 16 Court Square, Greenfield. This workshop will include discussions about what addiction is, how to recognize it, and how faith can inform the way we interact with those suffering with addiction; presentations from featured speaker Rev. Janice Ford, RN, MS, CNS; information from local service providers about resources available in Franklin County and the surrounding area and much more. For more information or to register, please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1706972822917955. Section 35: What You Need to Know The Franklin County Bar Association, with support from the Opioid Task Force, is hosting an informational session for the community about Section 35 on April 20 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at Greenfield Community College Downtown, 270 Main Street, Greenfield. This event is free and open to the public. Healthcare and treatment providers, family members, law enforcement officials, school staff and community members are encouraged to attend. Click here to RSVP. The United Arc Presents Two Free Workshops Creating Effective Parent-School Partnerships Workshop A free workshop for parents and professionals will be held on April 7 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at The United Arc/GAAAFSN, 294 Avenue A, Turners Falls. Guest Presenter, Laurel Peltier, a parent and educator, will discuss how to create effective parentschool partnerships. Come learn what parents, educators and advocates can do. Educating children requires a partnership—friends, family members, professionals, and support persons are encouraged to attend. For more information or to register, contact Melissa Davis at 413-774-5558 x1042, email [email protected], or register on the web at www.unitedarc.org. An IEP for My Child Workshop A free workshop for parents and professionals will be held on April 28 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at The United Arc/GAAAFSN, 361 Main Street, Athol, MA. The Federation for Children with Special Needs is presenting this workshop to educate parents step by step on how to develop an IEP and articulate a vision. Friends, family members, professionals, and support persons are encouraged to attend. For more information or to register, contact Melissa Davis at 413-774-5558 x1042, email [email protected] or register on the web at www.unitedarc.org. Seeds of Solidarity’s April Offerings April 16 : Wendell Full Moon Coffeehouse, in Wendell Town Hall, 6 Center Street, Wendell, will present a performance by Slik Picker and the Green Sisters at 7:30 pm to benefit Seeds of Solidarity’s youth and community programs! The band offers folk, blue grass, farm-raised acoustics and great harmonies. The famous dessert-o-rama will also be available! For more information, visit www.wendellfullmoon.org. April 30: Seeds of Solidarity founder and 3-decade farmer Ricky Baruc will teach several ways of building soil and nourishing soil life for low maintenance, highly productive gardens in a No-Till Gardening for Life workshop from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at Seeds of Solidarity Education Center, 165 Chestnut Hill Road, Orange. Treating the soil as sacred results in the most nourishing food, ways of growing that mitigate the impacts of climate change, and promotes a deeper relationship with that which sustains us. Baruc is one of eleven farmers across the nation sharing their techniques with Cornell University to advance research and practice in sustainable no-till farming methods. Sliding scale of $35-$50. Pre-registration requested by emailing [email protected]. Athol Bird & Nature Club Events Literacy Volunteers of Orange/Athol Grand Reopening Meet & Greet Unless otherwise noted, programs are free and open to all and meet at the Millers River Environmental Center, 100 Main Street, Athol. Full information at http://atholbirdclub.org/abnc-events. After a brief hiatus in services, Literacy Volunteers of Athol/Orange (LVOA) is reopening with a Meet & Greet on April 19 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at the Athol Public Library Conference Room, 568 Main Street, Athol. Catherine King, the newly hired Program Coordinator will host and light refreshments will be served. Accessible Birding with Joe—April 12 @ 10am Diabase Rock: CT River Valley and ABNC Monthly Meeting—April 13 @ 7pm “Early Bird” Birding w/Jeff—April 15 @ 7am “Early Bird” Birding w/Jeff—April 22 @ 7am “Early Bird” Birding w/Ernie—April 24 @ 7am “Early Bird” Birding w/Jeff—April 29 @ 7am Early Dragonflies & More—April 30 @ 9am “Early Bird” Birding w/Ernie—May 1 @ 7am “Early Bird” Birding w/Jeff—May 6 @ 7am Accessible Birding with Joe—May 10 @ 10am American Turtle Observatory—May 11 @ 7pm “Early Bird” Birding w/Jeff—May 13 @ 7am Montague Plains for Nighthars—May 14 @ 7am “Early Bird” Birding w/Jeff—May 20 @ 7am Quabbin for Birds—May 21 @ 7am LVOA is actively seeking potential Board Members, tutors and students, whether they have been involved with the program in the past or are interested in developing a new relationship with the program. Office hours will be held at the Athol Library, 568 Main Street, on Tuesdays (4:00 – 7:00 pm), Wednesdays (3:00 – 5:00 pm and on Thursdays (11:00 am – 4:00 pm, or by appointment. For more information, call 978- 249-5381 or email Ms. King at [email protected]. Barbara Corey Award Nominations Sought The 19th Annual Barbara Corey Award will be presented at the North Quabbin Community Coalition Annual Luncheon on June 17, 2016 and we are asking for nominations for this important award. The award is named for Barbara Corey, the first coordinator of the Coalition from 1984 until her retirement in 1997. Barbara embodies the spirit of the Coalition because of her passion, her values, her commitment to humanity and her love of the North Quabbin region. The award is presented to someone in the North Quabbin Community who has gone above and beyond in their commitment to improving the quality of life for those living and working in the region. To nominate someone, send us your name and contact information, their name and a description of why you nominate them to: [email protected] (please put Barbara Corey Nomination in the Subject line), NQCC, Barbara Corey Award, 251 Exchange Street, Athol, MA 01331, or fax to 978-575-0474. Visit www.nqcc.org/pdfs/corey.pdf for an online form. North Quabbin Community Coalition 251 Exchange Street, Athol MA 01331 www.nqcc.org Mission Statement: The North Quabbin Community Coalition is a community-wide alliance committed to improving the quality of life for all those living and working in the North Quabbin since 1984. How You Can Help the Coalition! Become a Member! Visit www.nqcc.org. Add our website address to your website. Our site is full of beneficial resources and it would help people find us and them. Send your events and job listings to us at [email protected] to be added to our comprehensive North Quabbin Community Calendar or Employment Opportunity pages. Contribute stories, announcements and events to our newsletter. Our readership grows each week and you will reach many. Like us on Facebook. Open an account at TD Bank and ask to join their Affinity Membership Program. It costs you nothing and TD Bank will make an annual contribution to the NQCC based on members’ balances. t s o C Noo You! t
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