The Common Thread - North Quabbin Community Coalition
The Common Thread - North Quabbin Community Coalition
The Common Thread The Common Thread A publication of the North Quabbin Community Coalition Page 1 April 2015 ~ Volume 31, Issue 9 Heather’s Highlights Next Coalition Forum: April 17, 2015 9-10:30 am Dave Small from the Athol Bird & Nature Club and Millers River Environmental Center Athol-Orange Elks Club 92 New Athol Road Orange, MA (Driving directions at ~ 978-249-3703 [email protected] 251 Exchange Street Athol, MA 01331 Next newsletter submission deadline is April 21! Email details to [email protected] It is officially SPRING!!! This month’s forum was very full including a three part agenda. Congressman McGovern joined us to share his passion for healthy food access for all, and to ask for this region to please reach out to his offices when support is needed ( Deb Habib from Seeds of Solidarity (below) then shared wonderful hands on approaches to beginning a garden and “growing food everywhere!” I myself will be borrowing her techniques on Tupperware gardening and seeds labelled nonGMO. Those ideas and more are all available on Lastly, our forum had a presentation by Julie Robinson from Quabbin Harvest. They are NOW OPEN and looking for the community to really utilize what they have to offer, and when appropriate, own shares. Their community market site is at 12 North Main Street in Orange and products are sourced from within the area whenever possible, including 50 producers within 35 miles! All are welcome to shop there. Visit for more info. Our electric survey is still available at, so please consider taking it and sharing it with the masses. We hope to see you on April 17! Thank you for all that you do, Heather Bialecki-Canning Executive Director Page 2 The Common Thread The United Arc Hosting Workshops on theTransition to Adulthood The United Arc will host two separate workshops on the “Transition to Adulthood: Where is your child on the Transition Timeline?” for family members and young people with disabilities who are ready to plan for adulthood. The first workshop will be held on April 21 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at The United Arc, 294 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA. The workshop will be repeated on April 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at The United Arc/GAAAFSN office, 361 Main Street, Athol, MA. This workshop is particularly relevant to students or young people with developmental disabilities, their families and advocates or support persons. Participants will learn about the transition process of entering adulthood, including the roles of schools, parents, and DDS. The workshop facilitators will be Stephanie Baldwin and Doreen Boyer from the Department of Developmental Services. One-on-one advice from qualified professionals will be available, as time permits, so make sure to register early. Contact Melissa Davis at [email protected] or call 413-774-5558 x1042 for questions or to register . Anyone in the North Quabbin area may call Jennifer Lemoine at 978-249-4052. You can also register on the web at Like us on Facebook for regular updates on NQCC happenings Free Cer tificate Course Offered to Community Health Workers The Outreach Worker Training Institute (OWTI) is offering a free 80-Hour certificate training course for community health workers in Worcester County funded by the Fairlawn Foundation. The training location is at the Central MA AHEC, 35 Harvard Street, Suite 300, Worcester. On-line registration is required and is open until the end of March, 2015. For questions, please contact: Tatyana Gorodetsky, M.Ed. (eq.), Program Director of the Outreach Worker Training Institute, CM AHEC, Inc., at 508-5561332 or [email protected]. Visit for registration info and schedule. The Common Thread Page 3 Greater Athol Area Advocates for Special Needs (GAAAFSN) Scholarship Available The Greater Athol Area Advocates for Families with Special Needs (GAAAFSN), in affiliation with The United Arc, announces the establishment of its new scholarship fund. There will be up to four educational awards given in amounts up to $800 per award to cover tuition, books or other student fees. Eligible applicants may apply in their senior or final year of public, collaborative or technical high school or during their freshman and sophomore years of college or post-secondary school. Priority will be given to students from communities in the North Quabbin area. Potential grant recipients would include: 1. Individuals with disabilities pursing educational opportunities beyond high school, 2. Siblings of individuals with disabilities, 3. Individuals who have a parent or parents with disabilities, 4. Individuals planning a career that would support people with disabilities, such as careers in education, human services, health care or technology and research with a disability focus Applicants are asked to complete a short application form to be submitted along with one reference and current transcript to the GAAAFSN Scholarship Committee postmarked no later than April 6. For application materials, contact GAAAFSN/The United Arc at 361 Main Street, Athol, MA 01331 978-249-4052 or 413-774-5558 x 1023 or email [email protected]. Award recipients will be announced @ the GAAAFSN Annual Meeting on May 15. Awardees will receive $100 towards books and miscellaneous educational expenses and an additional amount up to $700 to be paid directly to the school based on a letter of acceptance and current bill. SCOPE of Pain Free Seminar Safe and Competent Opioid Prescribing Education A SCOPE of Pain seminar is being offered at Baystate Wing Hospital, 40 Wright Street, Palmer, on April 13 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. This is a free seminar designed for physicians, residents, nurse practitioners and physician assistants to help you learn to safely and effectively manage patients with pain, when appropriate, with opioid analgesics. The seminar includes essential clinical content on opioid prescribing as well as state-specific information. Contact Joanne Judd, Baystate Wing Medical Staff & CME Coordinator, to register at [email protected] or 413-284-5210. Page 4 The Common Thread Visit often for our comprehensive Calendar of Events!! The Farm School Adult Scholarships Available for Learn to Farm Program Scholarships are now available for Massachusetts’ first and only licensed private occupational school for agriculture. The Farm School in Athol, is proud to announce a new program to provide access to whole-farm training to all qualified adult students, regardless of means, for the 2015-2016 academic year. Privately funded grants are now available to candidates who are eligible for federal Pell Grants or Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards. Since its founding in 2001, more than 100 student farmers have graduated from The Farm School’s year-long Learn to Farm program for adults. The creation of this program blazed a new trail for farmer training, filling a void previously occupied by family farms. In the Learn To Farm program, student farmers are instructed in operating a diverse farm for a full year, and in the process gain a working knowledge of commercial organic vegetable production, animal husbandry, forestry, carpentry, mechanics, business planning and marketing. The Farm School reviews applications for its Learn to Farm program from prospective students ages 18 and older on a rolling basis until the program is full. Applications are currently being reviewed for the 2015-2016 year, which starts on October 1, 2015. Once accepted, each student’s financial aid will be determined. Visit for more info. Free 1/2 Day Fall Preschool Openings for Families Living in Orange Community Action’s Parent-Child Development Center is offering free half day preschool to families living in Orange, at 168 Athol Road in North Orange beginning in the fall. Free, limited transportation is available and breakfast and lunch are provided. Community Action also offers subsidized full day child care and free home visiting programs for pregnancy to five years old. For more information, call 413-475-1405. The Common Thread Page 5 Athol Royalston Regional School District Kindergar ten Registration The Athol-Royalston Regional School District will be holding Kindergarten registration from April 6 through April 10. Pick up registration forms from any elementary school or online at You will need an original birth certificate, certificate of immunizations, a copy of your child’s most recent physical exam, and proof of residency (tax bill, utility bill, cable bill, or lease agreement.) At school, during registration, schedule a time for kindergarten screening on April 29 and 30. The child must be five years of age before September 1, 2015. Pre-school students enrolled in the district must also register! Please note: Kindergarten students will be assigned to one of the elementary schools as soon as possible. There is no guarantee that a child will go to a neighborhood school or school of choice. Placement will be based on enrollment and class sizes. It is not necessary to bring children to registration. If there are additional questions about registration, please call Sanders Street School at 978-249-2410. Page 6 Join the Free TD Bank Affinity Membership Program Help raise money for the NQCC by opening an account at TD Bank, or, if you already have an account with them, letting them know you want to join. TD Bank will make an annual contribution to NQCC based on the average balance in all NQCC members’ accounts. Eligible accounts include: Checking Money Market Savings Certificate of Deposit IRA Your accounts are not affected in any way by this contribution. For more info, visit The Common Thread Recent Spotlight Awards! The North Quabbin Community Coalition recognized several individuals in the area for their work to improve the quality of life for those living in the North Quabbin region! Photos from top to bottom: Jeanine and Paul Quader (with NQCC Board member, Frances Graziano and NQCC’s Executive Director, Heather Bialecki-Canning); Michelle Gallien; Geneva Lawson (with NQCC’s Matt Attesi); McDonald’s Crew; and John Bruinsma (2nd from left with NQCC Board members Lt. Elliot Higgins and Steven Raymond.) To nominate someone for the NQCC Spotlight Award, email [email protected] with Spotlight Award in the Subject line. The Common Thread Page 7 Barbara Corey Award Nominations Sought The 18th Annual Barbara Corey Award will be presented at the NQCC’s annual luncheon to be held on June 19, 2015. We are asking for nominations for this important award. The award is named for Barbara Corey, the first coordinator of the Coalition from 1984 until her retirement in 1997. Barbara embodies the spirit of the Coalition because of her passion, her values, her commitment to humanity and her love of the North Quabbin region. The award is presented to someone in the North Quabbin Community who has gone above and beyond in their commitment to improving the quality of life for those living and working in the region. To nominate someone, send us your name and contact information, their name and a description of why you nominate them to: [email protected] (please put Barbara Corey Nomination in the Subject line), or NQCC B. Corey Award, 251 Exchange Street, Athol, MA 01331, or fax to 978-575-0474. Visit for an online form. The award will be given at the NQCC Annual Luncheon. Page 8 Spring Training for Ombudsman Volunteers Are you concerned about the status of elders and people with disabilities in our community? Do you consider yourself to be an advocate, or have the desire to develop advocacy skills? Do you have a few hours a week to devote to visiting residents living in local nursing and rest homes and help them to resolve issues affecting quality of care and quality of life? Franklin County Home Care Corporation is offering a free LongTerm Care Ombudsman Spring Training for Volunteers on April 15 through April 17 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at WestMass ElderCare, 4 Valley Mill Road in Holyoke. Attend this free training and develop the skills necessary to serve as a volunteer advocate for residents living in nursing and rest homes in Franklin County and the North Quabbin region. Volunteers are particularly needed for facilities in Shelburne Falls, Greenfield, and Sunderland. Interested parties must complete the application process before attending the training. Download the volunteer application and CORI form (include a copy of driver's license or other government issued photographic identification), complete, and return to: Trevor Boeding, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, Franklin County Home Care Corporation, 330 Montague City Road, Suite 1, Turners Falls, MA 01376. For more information, contact Trevor at 413-773-5555 x2241, 978-544-2259 x2241 0r [email protected]. Visit for more info. The Common Thread Music & Dancing to Benefit Cour t Service Center and Seeds of Solidarity Probate & Family Cour t Enjoy some family Assistance Available friendly, alcohol-free fun after the River Rat Race on April 11 at 7:30 pm at Wendell's famous Full Moon Coffee House, Wendell Town Hall, 6 Center Street. Proceeds benefit Seeds of Solidarity's youth and community, 'Grow Food Everywhere' programs in the North Quabbin. Enjoy great dancing to The Gaslight Tinkers as well as the famous dessert-o-rama! Learn more at If you are interested in contributing to the bakesale table, contact [email protected]. Athol Bird & Nature Club All events take place at the Millers River Environmental Center, 100 Main Street, Athol, unless otherwise noted. More information is available at Scott Surner Recounts the "Big Chicken Run" & ABNC Monthly Meeting April 8 @ 7:00 pm. “Early Bird” Birding with Jeff April 12, 19, and 26 @ 7:00 am. Severe weather cancels. Info: Jeff Johnstone, 978-249-9052. Accessible Birding with Joe April 14 from 8:00 to 10:00 am. open to birders of all abilities. Call ahead for wheelchair van access, 978-248-9491. Quabbin Garden Club: Ferns and Mosses April 16 @ 7:00 pm. The Court Service Center (CSC) and Probate & Family Court will be available at the Orange District Court, One Court Square, Orange, on April 15, May 20 and June 17 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The CSC provides legal information not advice in the following areas: Probate and Family Court: Divorce and custody-supportvisitation; child support and child support modifications (litigants whom have experienced a substantial change in circumstances should come in for assistance with this as child support cannot be modified going back); guardianship of a minor; grandparent visitation; and contempt. Housing Court: general information; community resources; transfers to housing court, and motions/answers. District Court: Section 35. Nor th Quabbin Chamber of Commerce Presents: The Common Thread Page 9 State Government Task Force Meetings (for the North Quabbin Region) Governor Charlie Baker 617-725-4005 or 888-870-7770 (in state) Office of the Governor Massachusetts State House, Room 280 Boston, MA 02133 Email: [email protected] Senator Anne Gobi 617-722-1540 Athol, Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, and Warwick Massachusetts State House, Room 410 Boston, MA 02133 Email: [email protected] Senator Stanley Rosenberg 617-722-1532 Erving, New Salem, Royalston, Wendell Massachusetts State House, Room 320 Boston, MA 02133 Email: [email protected] Representative Susannah Whipps Lee 978-895-9606 Athol, Erving, New Salem, Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, Royalston, Warwick, and Wendell 352 Main Street Athol, MA 01331 Email: [email protected] U.S. Congressman James McGovern 508-831-7356 34 Mechanic Street Worcester, MA 01608 Website: U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren 617-565-3170 2400 JFK Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 Website: U.S. Senator Ed Markey 617-565-8519 15 New Sudbury Street Boston, MA 02203 Website: Substance Abuse Prevention: May 5 @ 10-11:30 am NQ System of Care: June 15 @ 10-11:30 am Childrens Health & Wellness: April 28 @ 10:00 am Economic Development: April 22 @ 4:00 pm NQCC Board of Directors Chief Tim Anderson, President - Athol Police Department Brian Gordon, Vice President - Mental Health Representative Marc Ostberg, Treasurer - Hometown Bank Chief R. Dana Cooley, Jr. - Petersham Police Department Glenn Eaton - Montachusett Regional Planning Commission Lynne Feldman - Franklin County Home Care Corp. Frances Graziano - Community Representative Michael Grimmer - Athol Memorial Hospital Lt. Elliot Higgins - Salvation Army Pat Moore - Community Representative Steve Raymond - Athol Selectboard Sharon Tracy - Quabbin Mediation Jeanette Robichaud - Athol Area YMCA Charles Winters - Community Representative Coalition Membership Membership in the Coalition is open to all agencies, religious communities, business and industry, government officials, civic groups and other interested individuals and organizations. The Coalition holds monthly meetings (the third Friday of every month except July & August) on relevant topics, facilitates monthly task forces on critical local issues, publishes a monthly newsletter, provides resource materials, networking services and advocacy efforts on behalf of Coalition issues. The North Quabbin Community Coalition is an affiliate of Valuing Our Children. The Coalition is funded in part by the generous contributions of members and its funders: Massachusetts Department of Public Health; the Department of Children & Families’ Community Connections; F/H REB School to Careers Partnership, Town of Athol—North Quabbin Loan Fund; Clinical & Support Options System of Care, and New England Rural Health Roundtable. North Quabbin Community Coalition 251 Exchange Street Athol MA 01331 Mission Statement: The North Quabbin Community Coalition is a community-wide alliance committed to improving the quality of life for all those living and working in the North Quabbin since 1984.
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